Ading: Are Module For Grade 8 - English

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Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province


In Partial fulfilment
of the requirement for the
Subject English 511


Grade 8 - ENGLISH

Reading a passage makes an individual develop his

writing skills with

Ample interest and willingness of

Mind to absorb the knowledge and
Experience the happiness within the expression of
Life and with the simple lessons of it.
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In this module, students will develop their ability to read and understand complex

text as they consider the challenges of fictional and real refugees.

The term remedial refers to correcting or improving deficient skills in a specific

subject. Thus, remedial reading is a change in instruction that helps remedy a

weakness in the area of reading.

Each student is different in terms of learning ability, academic standards,

classroom learning and academic performance and each has his own in learning. The

aim of this module is to provide learning supports to students who lag far behind their

counterparts in school performance. By adapting school curricula and teaching

strategies, teachers can provide learning activities and practical experiences to students

according to their abilities and needs. They can also they can also design individualized

educational programmes with intensive remedial support to help students consolidate

their basic knowledge in different subjects, master the learning methods, strengthen

their confidence and enhance the effectiveness of learning.

Lesson 1

Reading Competency: Noting Details

Objective: At the end of this module, you should be able to:
a. identify details in a reading text
b. illustrate a scene from the details
c. use graphic organizer in presenting the details


Noting details is a reading comprehension skill that involves picking out minute
information from a piece of text; identifying particular piece or pieces of
information achieve a given purpose such as answering a particular question in a
test. Details tell about the main idea. They answer the questions: “Who, What, When, Where,
Why, and How?”The details can be found in the paragraph or passage.

Details are clearly stated information in the paragraph or passage, which are bases of the
main idea. Knowing about them enables the reader to infer, conclude and make something new
out of the reading materials.
There are important purposes of noting details such as:
1. To get the main idea of the reading selection
2. To develop a birds-eye view of the selection
3. To prepare for the examination
4. To write a particular data/important information
5. To take note of the background of the story / selection
6. To facilitate understanding of the difficult issues
Some techniques in noting details:
1. Be clear about your focus in taking down notes
2. Underline or highlight important information
3. You can write notes including the page number of the reading material in a separate
notebook for future reference.

Task 1: LET’S SING

Instruction: Read the following lyrics of the song for five minutes. Remember the important
details. After the time allotted for reading, answer the process questions below.
(Taken from the song “You” by the Carpenter, revival by Martin Nievera)
1. You are the one who makes me happy 10. Sorry if sometimes I look past you
2. When everything else turn to gray 11. There’s no one beyond the eyes
3. Yours is the voice that makes 12. Inside my head wheels are turning
my mornings,
4. And sends me out in through the day 13. But sometimes I’m not so wise.
Refrain: Chorus:
5. You are the crowd that sits quiet 14. You are my heart and my soul,
listening to me my inspiration
6. From all the mad sense that I make 15. Just like the old love song goes
7. You are the one of the few things 16. You are one of the few things
worth remembering worth remembering
8. And since it is true 17. And since it is true
9. How can anyone mean more 18. How can anyone mean more
to me than you to me than you

1. Who are the characters in the song? 5. In what line you see this?

2. What is the message of the song? 6. Why did the author/ singer feel sorry?

3. In what particular line can you see the 7. Why is the object of love is being compared
message? to “an old love song”?

4. To what is the object of the love being 8. In what line can you see this?

Task 2: Search out the WH- QUESTIONS

A. Instruction: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

It was my first day in a Chinese school. I was nervous. My mouth was dry and my Knees
were shaking. I walked into the classroom. It looked as big as an airplane hangar. Fifty kids
stoop up. They were all wearing brown jackets buttoned to the top. I felt self-conscious in my
green sneakers and sweatshirt. The teacher smiled. He had bushy eyebrows and a million smile
lines that made me smile, too. He gave a long speech in Chinese. It had a musical sound and
ended with the name Hugo. I figured that was my cue. I took a deep breath and said, “Yo! I’m
Hugo, from Chicago”.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Which detail tells you Hugo was Nervous?

a. I walked into the classroom c. The teacher smiled.
b. My mouth was dry. d. Fifty Kids stood up.
2. What detail suggests the school was big?
a. I figured that was my cue. c. Fifty Kids stoop up.
b. It looked as a big as an airplane hangar. d. He had a bushy eyebrow.
3. What does the description of the teacher suggest?
a. He was a friendly man. c. He was a strict teacher.
b. He will give a lot of homework. d. He doesn’t like to teach.
4. Which of the following does not describe the school?
a. A. many students c. Chinese
b. American c. Big
5. Where does Hugo come from?
a. China c. Chile
b. Chicago d. Czehoslavakia
B. Instruction:
1. Read the paragraph below. Remember the important details such those that answer
questions like what, who, where, when, why, and how.
2. Then answer the questions that follow the paragraph.

“I will live this day as if it were Christmas. I will be a giver of gifts and deliver to my
enemies the gift of forgiveness; my opponents, tolerance; my friends, a smile; my children, a
good example, and every gift will be wrapped with unconditional love. “Og Mandino)

1. The author of the above paragraph said that he will give his children a
2. To his____________________ he will deliver the gift of forgiveness.
3. The author will be wrapping his gifts with _____________________________.
4. To his opponents, the writer of the above passage will give
5. The author gives his friends a ________________________________________.
6. Who will receive the gift of good example from the author? _______________________
7. What are the kinds of the gifts that he will give away?
8. How will the author live this day?


1. Read the paragraph below. Illustrate it by drawing a scene based on what you understand
from the reading selection.
2. Write a dialogue in connection with your drawing. How the dialogue will run all up to
your imagination.
3. Use the space below this page for your drawing.
4. You are expected to finish the task in fifteen minutes.
5. Finally, please be ready to your work before the class. At the end of this exercise, discuss
what you learned from the activity.

The scene is a park with lots of green trees around, some are huge, and others are small. At the
middle of the park is a well-trimmed garden with freshly manicured grass. Seated on an iron bench is a
woman sporting a short hair adorn with pretty hair accessory. Standing in front of her is a man who was
talking to her.

Draw here...
Task 4: Let’s Read!
 Read the text in 15 minutes
 After reading, fill up the Story map below.

Makato and the Cowrie Shell

A story from Thailand

Once upon a time there was a boy named Makato. He was an orphan, and had no friends
or family to take care of him. Because he had to make his own living he did all kinds of odd jobs:
chopping wood, feeding pigs, clearing and cleaning. He didn't mind to work hard, and despite his
small wages he was satisfied with his life.

He was only 4 when his mother passed away, but he remembered some stories she had
told about the kind-hearted king of Sukhotai. Ever since he was small he wanted to meet this
king. One day, when helping a friend to find food for elephants, he found so many branches that
the friend offered him a job to become the assistant of the King's mahout. He worked hard
cleaning elephant’s sheds and finding food. One fine morning Makato's patience and hard work
got rewarded: he was to accompany the King's elephant an a parade. As the king mounted the
beast, in his splendid, shiny costume, he dropped a tiny cowrie shell. Makato picked it up and
held it out to the king who told him to keep it.

At the time the people of Sukhotai used cowrie shells as money, and although one little
cowrie had little value, he wanted to use it wisely. He went to the market to buy seeds, yet
quickly realized he could not even buy the smallest bag of seeds, while he noticed a lettuce seed

"Lady, if I did my finger into this pile of seeds, can I take those that stick to my finger for
one cowrie?", he asked. "Well why not", replied the sales lady, amused by his suggestion.
Makato carefully scraped the seeds from his finger and planted them, watering the tiny sprouts
daily, until the garden was covered in fresh, green lettuce. Proud as he was, he offered to king his
first produce.

"Where did you get these, my boy?" the king asked surprised, and Makato told him the
story. He king was impressed by so much intelligence and industry that he offered him a fixed
position at the palace.
A. Instruction: Fill up the story map with the significant details of the story.


1. Title of the story


2. Characters

3. Setting

4. Conflict/problem

5. Point of View

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