RWS Context of Text Development-Intertext Hypertext
RWS Context of Text Development-Intertext Hypertext
RWS Context of Text Development-Intertext Hypertext
Context of Text Development
Is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and
other related circumstances that surround the text and
Form that terms from which it can be better understood and
Knowledge of the text’s context helps in appreciating the
text’s message more deeply.
Questions you may ask to discover the reading context:
When was the work written?
What were the circumstances that produced it?
What issues does it deal with?
Techniques in analyzing the context
Intertextuality (intertext)
JK Rowling’s "Harry Potter Series" and
JRR Tolkien’s "Lord of the Rings Trilogy."
Both texts use wise wizards as the
protagonist’s mentor (Gandalf in LOTR
and Dumbledore in Harry Potter), this
is an example of intertextuality.
Intertextuality (intertext)