Week 14 - Reading and Writing

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Subject and Level: Reading and Writing 11 Quarter: Second

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship of a written text and the context in
which it was developed.
Performance The learners will be able to write a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its
Standard: claim/s, context, and properties as a written material.
Values Formation The learners will become reflective and critical thinkers, eloquent and efficient communicators,
Standard: purposeful and decisive, ethical, and morally upright, globally competitive and locally active
individuals who continuously develop his/her knowledge, skills, and personality to understand
the people and the world around us.
Learning The learners
Competency  explain critical reading as a form of reasoning (DepEd-MELC, EN11/12RWS-IVac-8)
 formulate evaluative statements about a text read:
a. assertions about the content and properties of a text read; and,
b. counterclaims in response to claims made in a text read (DepEd-MELC, EN11/12RWS-
 determine textual evidence to validate assertions and counterclaims made about a text
read (DepEd-MELCI, EN11/12RWS-IVac-10)
Learning K Determine the characteristic sound reasoning
S Formulate evaluative statements (assertion and counterclaims about the given statements

A Appreciate the value of sound reasoning in any context or situation

Reference: Reading and Writing Skills (Second Ed.); DICES Module 12

Specific Date: Day 1: _________________________________

Daily Routine Opening Prayer, Attendance

Motivation  Recall of the previous lesson about claims.
 Agreeing/Disagreeing
oStudents will state their reactions whether they will agree or disagree on the given claims.
The students will also be asked to also state their reason.

oGuide Question/s: What is your initial reaction on the following statements? Where did you
usually get your reasons?

Discussion and Discuss to the students the topic about:

activity Critical Reading as Reasoning: Assertions, Counterclaims and Evaluative Statements

 Discussion about Assertions and its four types (Fact, Convention, Opinion, and Preference).
 Discuss counterclaims.

Activity: Formulating Counterclaims

 The students will formulate counterclaims based on the assertions given. The students will
share their answer in class.

Essential 1. What is the importance of providing reasons and evidence of the claim you assert?
Questions for
Generalization, 2. As a student, how will you employ critical reading into different context of reasoning?
Application, and
Values 3. What is the significance of sound reasoning in any context or situation?

Home Answer the post assessment in Aralinks.

Learning Activity


Submitted by: Ms. Lyka A. Bactong Checked by: Ms. Rose May E. Pacumio
Date Submitted: ______________________________ Date Checked: _________________________________

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