1st - Q Linggo 4
1st - Q Linggo 4
1st - Q Linggo 4
Trainee Manual
Project Base
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member
States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
The ASEAN Secretariat is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
General Information on ASEAN appears online at the ASEAN Website: www.asean.org.
All text is produced by William Angliss Institute of TAFE for the ASEAN Project on “Toolbox
Development for Front Office, Food and Beverage Services and Food Production Divisions”.
This publication is supported by the Australian Government’s aid program through the ASEAN-
Australia Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II).
Copyright: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2013.
All rights reserved.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication is free from errors or omissions. However,
you should conduct your own enquiries and seek professional advice before relying on any fact,
statement or matter contained in this book. The ASEAN Secretariat and William Angliss Institute of
TAFE are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage as a result of material included or omitted
from this course. Information in this module is current at the time of publication. Time of publication is
indicated in the date stamp at the bottom of each page.
Some images appearing in this resource have been purchased from stock photography suppliers
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Additional images have been sourced from Flickr and SKC and are used under Creative Commons
licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
Unit descriptor................................................................................................................... 3
Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 7
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events ..... 27
Recommended reading................................................................................................... 61
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Introduction to trainee manual
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 1
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Introduction to trainee manual
Front Office
Travel Agencies
Tour Operations.
All of these competency standards are available for you to look at. In fact you will find a
summary of each one at the beginning of each Trainee Manual under the heading ‘Unit
Descriptor’. The unit descriptor describes the content of the unit you will be studying in the
Trainee Manual and provides a table of contents which are divided up into ‘Elements’ and
‘Performance Criteria”. An element is a description of one aspect of what has to be
achieved in the workplace. The ‘Performance Criteria’ below each element details the
level of performance that needs to be demonstrated to be declared competent.
There are other components of the competency standard:
Unit Title: statement about what is to be done in the workplace
Unit Number: unique number identifying the particular competency
Nominal hours: number of classroom or practical hours usually needed to complete
the competency. We call them ‘nominal’ hours because they can vary e.g. sometimes
it will take an individual less time to complete a unit of competency because he/she
has prior knowledge or work experience in that area.
The final heading you will see before you start reading the Trainee Manual is the
‘Assessment Matrix’. Competency based assessment requires trainees to be assessed in
at least 2 – 3 different ways, one of which must be practical. This section outlines three
ways assessment can be carried out and includes work projects, written questions and
oral questions. The matrix is designed to show you which performance criteria will be
assessed and how they will be assessed. Your trainer and/or assessor may also use
other assessment methods including ‘Observation Checklist’ and ‘Third Party Statement’.
An observation checklist is a way of recording how you perform at work and a third party
statement is a statement by a supervisor or employer about the degree of competence
they believe you have achieved. This can be based on observing your workplace
performance, inspecting your work or gaining feedback from fellow workers.
Your trainer and/or assessor may use other methods to assess you such as:
Oral presentations
Role plays
Log books
Group projects
Practical demonstrations.
Remember your trainer is there to help you succeed and become competent. Please feel
free to ask him or her for more explanation of what you have just read and of what is
expected from you and best wishes for your future studies and future career in tourism
and hospitality.
© ASEAN 2013
2 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Unit descriptor
Unit descriptor
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Read and interpret basic
instructions, directions and/or diagrams in a range of settings within the hotel and travel
industries workplace context.
Unit Code:
Nominal Hours:
60 hours
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 3
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Unit descriptor
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4 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Assessment matrix
Assessment matrix
Showing mapping of Performance Criteria against Work Projects, Written
Questions and Oral Questions
The Assessment Matrix indicates three of the most common assessment activities your
Assessor may use to assess your understanding of the content of this manual and your
performance - Work Projects, Written Questions and Oral Questions. It also indicates
where you can find the subject content related to these assessment activities in the
Trainee Manual (i.e. under which element or performance criteria). As explained in the
Introduction, however, the assessors are free to choose which assessment activities are
most suitable to best capture evidence of competency as they deem appropriate for
individual students.
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
2.3 Ask questions from appropriate people to gain 2.3 17, 18, 19 12, 13
additional information and/or to clarify
2.4 Read and interpret relevant details from 2.4 20, 21, 22 14, 15
instructions, directions and/or diagrams for
application to particular jobs
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Trainee Manual 5
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Assessment matrix
3.2 Question and confirm assignment instructions 3.2 25, 26, 27 17, 18
and/or directions if necessary
3.3 Comply with directions and or instructions within 3.3 28, 29, 30 19, 20
designated timelines
3.4 Obtain feedback after instructions and/or 3.4 31, 32, 33 21, 22
directions have been complied with
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6 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Term Explanation
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Trainee Manual 7
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Term Explanation
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8 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Element 1:
Prepare for work
1.1 Read and interpret job specifications from
internal and external customers
A successful operation in the hospitality industry
requires efficient management of personnel and
cooperation between many different skilled
professionals. Working in this type of international
setting can seem like a puzzle. To make it work,
you must not only be familiar with the job
specifications for your colleagues, but you must
also be very familiar with your suppliers and
A job specification describes the knowledge, skills,
education, abilities and experience that are essential to a particular job. In short, a job
specification describes the exact person that a company requires for a particular role. A
job specification is not identical to a job description. A job description defines the duties
and requirements of an employee’s job in detail, however most job specifications will
include an overview of the duties included in the position.
Speaking activity
As a class, brainstorm some jobs that are involved in hospitality. They should include
jobs at the resort as well as others that work with the resort, such as suppliers.
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Trainee Manual 9
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Writing activity
1. Experience
2. Education
Speaking activity
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10 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Writing activity
As in Writing Activity 1, label each of the following desired attributes with one of the four
components of a job specification:
Can you guess what kind of job this specification was written for?
Analytical Activity
Look at the job specification above in Writing Activity 2. Are there any other jobs, within
the hospitality industry, that the skills listed would be useful for? Would this candidate be
eligible for any other position? What position/s would they be? Explain why.
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Trainee Manual 11
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Writing activity
Write down four of the jobs you thought of in the first brainstorming activity and two job
specifications that usually go along with that position.
Job A:
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
Job B:
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
Job C:
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
Job D:
1. __________________________________________________________________________
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12 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Reading activity
Read the procedures below. Does your workplace have something similiar?
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Trainee Manual 13
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Writing activity
7. What is the first step the supervisor of the injured person should take?
3. Complete Part 1 of the Confidential Incident Report Form and fax it to Head
4. Assist their supervisor in the investigation and reporting on the incident or
3. Complete Part 2 of the Confidential Incident Report Form and ensure that it
reaches the Head Office within five (5) working days.
4. Notify and liaise with the local Safety and Health Representative and line
management in relation to the incident. A Confidential Incident / Injury / Near Miss
report form should be completed for every incident and faxed to Head Office.
5. Ensure that all serious injuries are reported to Safety and Health immediately by
phone on + 55 555 5555 or Security + 55 444 5555 for after hours assistance.
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14 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Group activity
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Trainee Manual 15
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
2. Judy is sitting at Reception when a fire alarm goes off. She does everything
according to procedure. What do you think she does? Write a list of Judy’s actions.
a) __________________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________________
3. Two employees in your workplace are constantly arguing over work-related issues,
and nobody knows who to blame, or who is wrong. They need to resolve their
issues. What simple procedure would you write to resolve their conflict?
a) __________________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________________
4. How should one lift a heavy box? Draw a diagram with simple instructions.
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16 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Speaking activity
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Trainee Manual 17
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Analytical activity
© ASEAN 2013
18 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
4. In the space below, draw three more pictures with directions for the viewer. They
can take place before, after or during the two existing pictures.
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Trainee Manual 19
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Writing activity
a) __________________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________________
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20 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
a) __________________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________________
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Trainee Manual 21
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Group activity
With a partner, read the following scenarios. From the box, select the correct work
instructions that each person requires.
1. Casey has never worked in a restaurant before, and she is worried about how
customers will perceive her.
2. Bob is working at a construction site and is concerned about his safety around the
dangerous machines.
3. Louis has not operated the brand new series of tractors that the new farm has
purchased. He’s a licensed tractor driver but not sure about the new features of the
new tractors.
4. Suzy feels she is being unfairly treated by another co-worker and wishes to inform
her manager.
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22 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
5. Casey has been informed that she should learn and memorise all the dishes the
restaurant has to offer.
7. Shawn has hurt his back lifting heavy boxes. The trouble is his job is to lift boxes all
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 23
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Work Projects
It is a requirement of this Unit that you complete Work Projects as advised by your
Trainer. You must submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of
completion of the project to your Trainer by the agreed date.
1.1 In your local newspaper or online, find four job specifications that interest you. Check
the education/experience and duties you have already accomplished/feel you can
perform. Which job is more suitable for you?
1.2. In your workplace, find a company procedure. Read it and write it in your own words,
in point form. Be as simple and direct as you can.
1.3. On a blank sheet of paper, think about as many directive signs as you can that use
pictures or diagrams. These can be traffic symbols, signage in hospitals etc. Draw
them to the best of your memory and explain their meaning in a short sentence
1.4. You are the boss of a lemonade stand. Write the standard procedures for:
Making lemonade
Selling lemonade
Cleaning up afterwards.
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24 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
Prepare for work
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Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 1: Prepare for work
© ASEAN 2013
26 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Element 2:
Read and interpret information about
routine tasks, processes or events
2.1 Identify relevant sources of
information/documentation so that job can be
performed in accordance with the
organisation’s requirements
When you undertake a new job, it takes time to familiarise
yourself with it. There are many components to consider: new
co-workers, the management, the facilities, the locations, your
duties, the paperwork it requires, the equipment you must use.
The list is endless. In this element, you will learn how to identity
sources of information in your job that will help you perform
your tasks within the organisation’s requirements. These
sources can be many things: from work instructions and
manuals, to lists of merchandise codes, and legislation. These
sources vary from workplace to workplace, and it is important to
learn how to identify them.
Writing activity
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
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Trainee Manual 27
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________
Matching activity
a) 1. safety procedures
b) 2. bar code
c) 3. manufacturer’s instructions
© ASEAN 2013
28 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
d) 4. quality control
Writing activity
Read the following scenarios and identify the relevant source of information required in
each circumstance.
1. Sandra is a new employee in the kitchen of a large hotel. There are a lot of
dangerous items of equipment in the kitchen that Sandra is not familiar with. What
source of information should she look for?
2. Win is a receptionist and is getting the bill ready for some clients who are about to
check out. Her notes mention that the clients had several massages and room
service during their stay. She needs to add this to the bill, but is unsure how to
enter it into the computer.
3. Mary works at the gift shop at a hotel. It’s around Christmas and the shop is busy.
She tries to scan a particular item in the store, but it doesn’t work. What does she
4. Julia is a new bartender. Her responsibilities are not only to serve drinks, but to
open and close the bar every night. There are so many things to do during that
time that she can’t always remember. What does she need?
5. Allan is the gardener at a top resort and is always busy keeping the grounds tidy.
His old lawnmower broke down, so the resort purchased a new one. The problem
is, Allan has no idea how it works!
6. Lily works at an upmarket hotel as a receptionist. Some wealthy tourists have just
arrived and they inform Lily that they belong to an elite members club using only
the best hotels. They ask Lily whether her hotel is up to the same standards. How
can Lily prove this?
Speaking activity
Go around the room and ask your fellow students what kinds of information sources they
have found in their workplace. Share information.
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 29
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Speaking activity
Choose one of the two signs. After preparing, relate to the rest of the class the reason for
the sign. Be sure to include:
© ASEAN 2013
30 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Writing activity
In the chart below, interpret the instructions mentioned and complete the chart.
Purpose Effect Commonly found
A stop sign To get all cars to It affects all drivers In busy intersections
stop at the of any kind of with no traffic lights,
intersection, vehicle all over the world
An exit sign
Directions on how to
use a microwave
A Caution: slippery
when wet sign
A job specification
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 31
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Analysis activity
Read the following information and answer the questions for each scenario:
Who? __________________________________________________________________________
What? __________________________________________________________________________
When? __________________________________________________________________________
Where? __________________________________________________________________________
Why? __________________________________________________________________________
How? __________________________________________________________________________
Dear Customers,
Please put your tissue in the bins provided to avoid clogging the drains!
The Management Team
Who? __________________________________________________________________________
What? __________________________________________________________________________
When? __________________________________________________________________________
Where? __________________________________________________________________________
Why? __________________________________________________________________________
How? __________________________________________________________________________
© ASEAN 2013
32 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Who? __________________________________________________________________________
What? __________________________________________________________________________
When? __________________________________________________________________________
Where? __________________________________________________________________________
Why? __________________________________________________________________________
How? __________________________________________________________________________
Who? __________________________________________________________________________
What? __________________________________________________________________________
When? __________________________________________________________________________
Where? __________________________________________________________________________
Why? __________________________________________________________________________
How? __________________________________________________________________________
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 33
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Writing activity
Before the right people are discussed, let us discuss the right question. Read each
scenario and write down the right question for each.
1. Carlos is a new waiter and doesn’t know where to find the forks.
2. Bob has run out of chlorine for the pool. He knows where to buy it, but is unsure if
the resort already has a supplier.
3. Claire can’t remember whether the customer wanted her steak with mushroom
sauce or pepper gravy.
4. George isn’t sure whether the customers in hotel room 205 had two packets of nuts
from the mini bar or not, and it’s time to pay their bill.
5. Maria has worked at the hotel for five days now, but is unsure about payment. She
is on trial for five days, and she doesn’t know if she will be paid for the trial.
6. Sarah has been sent to pick up some tomatoes for the hotel kitchen. She’s not
familiar with this part of town, and lost the directions to the market.
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34 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Appropriate People
There are five different kinds of appropriate people that you may direct any question to.
These include:
Supervisors and managers
Human resource personnel
Members of the Public
It is important to realize which people are appropriate to a certain kind of question, and
which are not. Just because someone has the ability to answer or respond to a question
does not mean they are the correct person to ask. Sometimes, asking a question to an
inappropriate person will cause the person to question you and your professionalism.
Sometimes it is a waste of time – yours and the person you have asked. But asking the
right question to the right person is a situation where everybody wins.
Read through the following scenarios. Why were these people inappropriate people to
1. Carlos is a new waiter and doesn’t know where the find the forks. He calls up the
Human Resources Company where he got the job, and asks to speak to Mrs.
Smith, who hired him. “Do you know where the forks are?” he asked her. Mrs.
Smith is very annoyed, because she doesn’t know where the forks are in the hotel,
and she is in the middle of a meeting.
2. Bob has run out of chlorine for the pool. He knows where to buy it, but is unsure if
the resort already has a supplier. He decides to ask Pepe, the groundsman if he
knows. But Pepe doesn’t know, and continues mowing the grass.
3. Claire can’t remember whether the customer wanted her steak with mushroom
sauce or pepper gravy. She really wants to know, because they are getting
impatient for their dinner. “Do you remember what sauces they wanted?” she asks
her manager desperately. Her manager shakes his head and wonders why they
ever hired Claire.
4. George isn’t sure whether the customers in hotel room 205 had two packets of nuts
from the mini bar or not, and it’s time to pay their bill. He goes down to the pool to
see Carlos, because Carlos had mentioned earlier that the customers liked to eat
nuts in the pool area. “Did they have two packets of nuts or two?” asks George.
“How should I know?” replies Carlos. “That’s not my job.”
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 35
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
5. Maria has worked at the hotel for five days now, but is unsure about payment. She
is on trial for five days, and she doesn’t know if she will be paid for the trial. She
finds the hotel manager on her break. Although she hasn’t met the hotel manager
yet, only her direct supervisor, Maria isn’t shy. “Excuse me, Sir,” she says,
approaching the manager, “but do I get paid for these last five days or not?” The
hotel manager frowns at her, and thinks she is very rude and also very greedy.
6. Sarah has been sent to pick up some tomatoes for the hotel kitchen. She’s not
familiar with this part of town, and lost the directions to the market. She gets out her
mobile phone and calls her boss. Her boss gives her the directions again, but
begins to think that Sarah is too flighty and forgetful.
1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________________
Group activity
Think of a standard question you have asked/can imagine asking in a work environment.
Divide the class up, so that your group consists of you and five students each
representing a type of people: supervisors/managers, co-workers, colleagues, human
resource personnel, clients and members of the public.
Ask the question to each, and have each student answering exactly as they imagine the
type of person they represent would respond.
Who was the best person to ask?
Trade roles and ask more questions.
© ASEAN 2013
36 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Reading activity
Find a long article in either a newspaper or a magazine. Skim read it and tell the class
what you have learned about the article.
Scanning is usually used when you have a question or something specific to look for.
Scanning is what you do when you are looking for a name in a phone book or a word in
the dictionary. Scanning is to search for keywords or ideas. It’s best to use scanning when
you already know what you are looking for, because you are concentrating on finding a
certain answer already. Usually, people skim a document first, determine that it is what
they are looking for, then scan it for further specific details or information.
Usually, when we scan, we move our eyes quickly down a page looking for keywords. A
lot of information can be found beside numbers, letters, steps, or the words first, second,
etc, or next. Information is usually found where there are bold letters, italics, different font
sizes or colours
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 37
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Reading activity
Use the same article that you read in Reading Activity 1. Scan it. What different
information did you pick up from scanning than skimming?
Reading activity
Read the following email and note in bold all the relevant details.
Read through all the bold words. Notice how the words in bold contain all the relevant
details and necessary instructions for Victor.
© ASEAN 2013
38 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Reading activity
Now, read the other examples and highlight all the necessary instructions using the skim
reading or and scanning technique.
Sincerely yours
Margaret McArthur, CEO
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Trainee Manual 39
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Work Projects
It is a requirement of this Unit that you complete Work Projects as advised by your
Trainer. You must submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of
completion of the project to your Trainer by the agreed date.
2.1 In your workplace, locate as many sources of information or documentation that you
can. Have you used any to help you in your job? Are there any you have simply
overlooked? Make a list.
2.2. Think about, or locate five traffic or road signs. Think about each and answer the
questions – what is their purpose? What is their effect? Where can they be
commonly found?
2.3. Think about three questions you have previously asked, or would like to ask, within
your workplace. Who would be the most appropriate person to ask and why? Who
would be the most inappropriate person to ask the why?
2.4. Find an article you have never read before from any source:
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40 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
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Trainee Manual 41
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
© ASEAN 2013
42 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Element 3:
Receive and respond to basic
instructions and directions
3.1 Receive, clarify and assess requirements of
instructions and/or directions in accordance
with organisational policies and procedures
In many circumstances, the more seniority you have, the more responsibilities you have.
The mark of a good employee, and a good future manager, is the way they can handle
many responsibilities with little or no glitches or mistakes. It also helps to complete
assigned tasks in orderly and rapid rates.
In several circumstances, you will be given
instructions. Sometimes, these instructions will not
be specifically for you, but for a group of people.
You must be able to gather from the information:
a) Your role in the directions
b) Exactly what task you will be performing and
c) What tools you need and what preparation you
must do to complete the task.
Reading activity
Melissa is the manager of the Hotel Restaurant. Today, she received the following email
from her boss, Mrs Smith.
Good luck,
Mrs Smith (Helen@hotelmail.com)
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Trainee Manual 43
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Writing activity
Speaking activity
Look at the detailed checklist of all Melissa’s activities to do before the Italian Club
Dinner. Which responsibilities can be delegated to other staff?
Melissa’s Checklist
Call all the staff and get them to the restaurant ASAP
Set the tables with the white tableclothes
Polish the silver and lay the cutlery
Call the suppliers and ask them for the Italian Club Dinner goods to be delivered
Cook all the dishes
Prepare the desserts
Get all the decorations out of storage and decorate the restaurant
Create the menus and print them out
Get the wine out of the cellars and place in the bar
Stock the bar with Italian alcohol
Talk to the staff about how to serve the guests tonight and other details about the
Prepare the bill in advance
Get the staff into formal uniform before first guests arrive.
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44 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Reading activity
Pedro is a handyman at the hotel. This morning, a letter arrived in the staff room for all
the gardeners, handymen and outdoor workers of the hotel. The outdoor workers are
used to being their own bosses, and only report to the CEO.
Hi guys!
Today is the day of the big celebrity wedding we’ve all been waiting for! As you know, the
hotel has been so busy in every aspect getting ready for this big occasion.
Today, you must:
Make sure all the gardens are immaculate – every bush trimmed, grass cut and
Clean the pool and the poolside furniture/equipment
Inspect all outdoor furniture for damage and repair when necessary
Bring all 500 chairs from the dining room out to the lawn
Inspect every chair and repair when necessary
Check all lighting in and out of the hotel and install new light bulbs
Oil the door hinges in the lobby area
Prepare the buffet table outdoors
Dismantle the overhead pool covering
Set up the three bridal tents in the lawn.
Margaret McArthur
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Trainee Manual 45
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Writing activity
Create a checklist for Pedro including all the tasks, specific to himself, that he must
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46 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Case study
Julie is a receptionist at the hotel. She has struck up a professional relationship with Mrs.
White, who is a VIP staying in the President’s Suite. Julie sometimes runs errands for
her. This morning, she found a note at the reception desk.
Mrs. White Red gown: By 5:30 President’s Gala Ball at Give to Mrs
mended pm at the Suite the Low
(right armpit), latest Regency (seamstress)
dry cleaned Hotel at 10 am.
Deliver to dry
cleaners at
1:00 pm to
be picked up
by 4:00 pm.
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Trainee Manual 47
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Writing activity
Read the following notice and fill out the chart below in a similar fashion that you saw in
the case study.
Dear Market Research Team,
As you know, I am compiling a full report on the customer satisfaction level of our Hotel to
give to the CEO, Margaret McArthur next Monday morning. This report is the most
important thing our department turns over every year.
Your task is to collect the questionnaire forms from reception and compile all the
information into a database which needs to be on the server by this Tuesday, 7:00 pm.
Additionally, I need you to survey at least 5 current clients who are staying at the hotel.
Remember the procedure: gently ask them to participate in the survey, and record their
answers promptly. Remember to choose from various people groups.
I need those surveys collated on Mr Surgeon’s desk for him to enter into the database.
Make sure they are there at 5:00 pm Thursday night at the latest.
Let’s all work together on this!
Marketing Manager
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48 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Writing activity
Who __________________________________________________________________________
What __________________________________________________________________________
When __________________________________________________________________________
Where __________________________________________________________________________
Why __________________________________________________________________________
How __________________________________________________________________________
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Trainee Manual 49
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Writing activity
3. Compare your checklist with your classmates. Are they the same?
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50 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
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Trainee Manual 51
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Scheduling is the process by which you look at the time available to you, and plan how
you will use it to achieve the goals you have identified. By using a schedule properly, you
Understand what you can realistically achieve with your time
Plan to make the best use of the time available
Leave enough time for things you absolutely must do
Preserve contingency time to handle 'the unexpected'
Minimize stress by avoiding over-commitment to yourself and others.
Good scheduling tools include calendars and diaries marked by the hour. Even if you do
not finish something by the exact time you had scheduled, don’t be discouraged! Look at
what you have already accomplished, and schedule a time for later in the day to complete
your task.
Concentration and Focus
Not everyone loves their job. And for those that do, it’s guaranteed that you won’t love
every single element of it. In all of our jobs, there are tasks that we undertake with more
enthusiasm and concentration, because we enjoy them. And there are others, that we
procrastinate and hesitate over, because they are a chore. Learning to improve your
focus will really help to complete tasks that are less than desirable.
There are some simple steps toward this: make sure you’re comfortable in your working
environment. If you work on a computer or at a desk, be sure the furniture supports your
back. Close down all social applications and chat programs on your computer. Walk
around every 45 minutes and breathe. It also helps to keep hydrated and set small goals
e.g.: “When I finish this paper, I’ll have my favourite dish for lunch.”
Be sure to focus on one task at a time – don’t juggle or multi-task, as that brings havoc to
your concentration. Pay attention to when you are most alert – is it the morning time when
you’ve just had coffee? Tackle your most difficult tasks then. Take many short breaks and
don’t stop until the task is complete.
Self Motivation
There are essentially two types of motivation:
Intrinsic motivation – This is when you are motivated by internal factors to meet your
own personal needs. Most hobbies and leisure activities are based on intrinsic
motivation. We do them because we enjoy them, not because we have to
Extrinsic motivation – This is when you are motivated by external factors that are
given or controlled by others, for example, by salary or by praise. Our jobs are usually
based on extrinsic motivation, although there will be some intrinsic motivation involved
if you enjoy aspects of what you do.
As most jobs utilize extrinsic motivation, before you begin an unpleasant task, remind
yourself of your goals. Why did you take this job? What do you love about it? Where do
you see yourself professionally in five years? Then realise that completing this very task
will help you on the way to your goals, and it won’t seem so difficult after all.
© ASEAN 2013
52 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Analytical activity
3. Is the percentage of enjoyable tasks in your job greater than the unenjoyable
tasks? If so, by how much?
4. Prioritise the eight most important things in your life right now.
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 53
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
© ASEAN 2013
54 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Customer satisfaction Reviews of a service, or your workplace coming directly from the
surveys/forms customer. This may not be an accurate opinion of your work
personally, but rather an overview of the individual’s personal
Team evaluations Review of your work as a team. This may be performed by the head
of your department, or manager of organisation. Does not directly
review your work, but your entire team as a whole.
Workplace assessment A gathering and judgement of the work processes done by your
team, usually by an outsourced company. This is necessary to
judge whether your workforce is on par with certain policies and
Informal Feedback
Informal feedback is often spoken not written and is open to interpretation. It is the most
common kind of feedback, and if you pay attention, you’ll find you receive it daily.
Critical incident reviews Usually reviews about certain behavioural or disciplinary acts within
the workplace. Although they do not give you an accurate review of
the job you perform, they give a good idea of how you stand with
your team members and superiors.
Impromptu questioning of This is where the employee asks specific, yet friendly questions
customers from the customers when engaged in conversation. Their replies of
whether they enjoyed their meal, or their stay help to encourage you
that you are doing well.
Chance discussion with This happens by chance – when you are deep in conversation with
customers a customer, or when a customer approaches you to discuss some
element of your workplace.
Coaching and mentoring Many workplaces have coaching seminars that focus on certain
skills to help you improve. Others have a mentoring service, where
an employee who is more experienced or higher up the professional
ladder than you takes you in their stride and encourages you, often
giving you helpful tips and advice.
Seeking the opinions of This is a wonderful, peer-driven way to get quick analysis of your
others performance.
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 55
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Comments from supervisors, These are frequent and should be written down for further
colleagues or clients reference. Is there an underlying theme to the comments? Are they
saying more or less the same thing?
Personal, reflective Think about the way you do your job and try to see yourself through
behaviour strategies a stranger’s eyes. Is it a positive reaction, so-so, or negative? Try
adjusting your behaviour – maybe be cheerier, or more attentive.
Maybe practice being more outgoing, or in some cases, less.
Personal reflection will help you improve a lot.
Speaking activity
9. Have you ever had to give feedback before? What did you say?
© ASEAN 2013
56 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Work Projects
It is a requirement of this Unit that you complete Work Projects as advised by your
Trainer. You must submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of
completion of the project to your Trainer by the agreed date.
3.1 Think about a difficult work task you need to accomplish. Create a checklist.
3.2. Read a newspaper article. Make notes of “Who”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why”,
and “How” Next, find an office email or a memo and do the same.
3.3. Create a list of goals for your lifetime. For every life goal, create a series of smaller
goals to help you reach that step. For example, if your goal is to be the manager of
the food industry at a hotel, your goals could look like this:
3.4. Sit down in a quiet setting. Think about your job. Then, write yourself a formal
review, as if it came from your supervisor. What things could you improve on?
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 57
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Element 3: Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
Receive and respond to basic instructions and directions
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58 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Presentation of written work
2. Style
Students should write in a style that is simple and concise. Short sentences
and paragraphs are easier to read and understand. It helps to write a plan
and at least one draft of the written work so that the final product will be
well organized. The points presented will then follow a logical sequence
and be relevant. Students should frequently refer to the question asked, to
keep ‘on track’. Teachers recognize and are critical of work that does not
answer the question, or is ‘padded’ with irrelevant material. In summary,
remember to:
Plan ahead
Be clear and concise
Answer the question
Proofread the final draft.
All written work should be presented on A4 paper, single-sided with a left-hand margin. If
work is word-processed, one-and-a-half or double spacing should be used. Handwritten
work must be legible and should also be well spaced to allow for ease of reading. New
paragraphs should not be indented but should be separated by a space. Pages must be
numbered. If headings are also to be numbered, students should use a logical and
sequential system of numbering.
© ASEAN 2013
Trainee Manual 59
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Presentation of written work
Cover Sheet
All written work should be submitted with a cover sheet stapled to the front that contains:
The student’s name and student number
The name of the class/unit
The due date of the work
The title of the work
The teacher’s name
A signed declaration that the work does not involve plagiarism.
Keeping a Copy
Students must keep a copy of the written work in case it is lost. This rarely happens but it
can be disastrous if a copy has not been kept.
Inclusive language
This means language that includes every section of the population. For instance, if a
student were to write ‘A nurse is responsible for the patients in her care at all times’ it
would be implying that all nurses are female and would be excluding male nurses.
Examples of appropriate language are shown on the right:
Mankind Humankind
Host/hostess Host
© ASEAN 2013
60 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Recommended reading
Recommended reading
Brown, J. (2009); Self-regulatory strategies and agency in self-instructed language
learning: A situated view; Modern Language Journal 93(4), 570-583
Brown, R. (2008); Strategy matters: Comprehension instruction for older youth; In K. A.
Hinchman, H. K. Sheridan-Thomas, D. E. Alvermann, (Eds.), Best practices in literacy
instruction, (pp. 114-131). New York, N.Y. – The Guilford Press
Kern, R. & Schultz, J. M. (2005); Beyond orality: investigating literacy and the literary in
second and foreign language instruction; The Modern Language Journal, 89(3), p381-392
Krashen, S. D. (1981); Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning.
Retrieved from: http://www.sdkrashen.com/SL_Acquisition_and_Learning/index.html.
Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (2006); Explaining second language learning. In How
languages are learned; Oxford: Oxford University Press
Milner, H. R. (2010); A diversity and opportunity gaps explanatory framework. In Start
where you are, but don’t stay there: Understanding diversity, opportunity gaps, and
teaching in today’s classrooms; Cambridge: Harvard University Press
Mitchell, R., & Myles, F. (2004); Second language learning theories (2nd ed.); London:
Hodder Education
Murphy, J. (2003); Pronunciation. In D. Nunan (Ed.), Practical English language teaching
(pp. 111-128); New York: McGraw Hill
Vacca, R. T., Vacca, J. L., & Mraz, M. (2011); Content area reading: Literacy and learning
across the curriculum (10th ed.); Boston: Pearson
In addition
Carnine, Douglas 2010, Direct instruction reading, 5th ed, Merill Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, N.J.
Fisher, Douglas, 1965- 2015, 50 instructional routines to develop content literacy, Third
edition, Upper Saddle River Pearson
Moore, Kenneth D 2015, Effective instructional strategies: from theory to practice, Fourth
editon, Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications
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Trainee Manual 61
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Recommended reading
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62 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Trainee evaluation sheet
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Trainee Manual 63
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Trainee evaluation sheet
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64 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Trainee self-assessment checklist
Yes No*
Element 2: Read and interpret information about routine tasks, processes or events
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Trainee Manual 65
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams
Trainee self-assessment checklist
Statement by Trainee:
I believe I am ready to be assessed on the following as indicated above:
For all boxes where a No* is ticked, please provide details of the extra steps or work you
need to do to become ready for assessment.
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66 Trainee Manual
Read and interpret basic instructions, directions and/or diagrams