Yo: Take A Look at This: David Mackenzie

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David MacKenzie



take a look at this


David m.:

Thank you, all very interesting information. The 1st and 2nd editions are indeed somewhat

That method on the Yahoo groups is interesting, but slow. My username at Nick's site is
cocojambo, you can see all the information I've posted. One run of the GW1 path takes no
longer than 46 days, so it is fairly rapid.

I have set my sights on getting Nick's GW1 path to work. I know for sure it works, and I'm
going to keep at it until I succeed. I have confirmation it works. I got some small quantity
of red glaze but it leaked out of my crucible.



tell me how to make step by step process of GW1 path please? I can send new information
to make the stone and Nick , please, ok?
Nick says that when drinking the elixir can see spirits. I do not think that's very nice, there
is a way to avoid see spirits?, drinking a few drops per day so there is no impact on the
brain so that the brain does not see spirits, can it work?
I found new information, please go to amazon : http://www.amazon.com/The-Elixir-

see the discussion between Nick and Robert E cox


It's really very easy. Just collect 1 gallon of urine in a clean 1 gallon jug. Leave it outside to
rot for 45 days. You'll see white stuff appear at the bottom. Then after that it'll grow darker
and kind of reddish. That's how you know it's putrefying properly. If it does't happen, leave
it out for longer. Then pour this bit by bit into a tall stew pot and boil away all the moisture
and you'll have some physical phlegm left. Then take the phlegm, calcine @800f in a kiln
until there's no more smoke. Then boil this black crumbly matter in water. Filter and
decant. Boil that down and you're done. You should have a white salt left. Combine with
powdered gold (if you don't have powdered just hammer out gold into sheets and cut it up,
it'll work fine). and melt. Nick says to use 2000f but it doesn't need to go that high. As long
as the gold is molten it'll work. I tried 1980 last time with no problems. Going to try 1960

Yes, the spirits only appear if you consume it constantly over a long period. A few days it
won't happen. Personally I'm looking forward to it.

Yeah, I've see that discussion before. Supposedly people ended up trying Cox's process and
it didn't work so Nick was right.

Are you just trying to make a stone right now? I would highly recommend GW1 because it


thanks, but I have that book in PDF, you have the first edition?
I want to make the stone but I have to buy the materials and instruments.
What did you mean when you said: "Personally I'm looking forward to it." ?
but if you drink small amounts of elixir can rejuvenate? or you need to take much elixir to

you got this : "It's really very easy. Just collect 1 gallon of urine in a clean 1 gallon jug. Leave it outside to rot for 45 days. You'll see white
stuff appear at the bottom. Then after that it'll grow darker and kind of reddish. That's how you know it's putrefying properly. If it does't happen,

leave it out for longer. Then pour this bit by bit into a tall stew pot and boil away all the moisture and you'll have some physical phlegm left. Then

take the phlegm, calcine @800f in a kiln until there's no more smoke. Then boil this black crumbly matter in water. Filter and decant. Boil that

down and you're done. You should have a white salt left. Combine with powdered gold (if you don't have powdered just hammer out gold into

sheets and cut it up, it'll work fine). and melt. Nick says to use 2000f but it doesn't need to go that high. As long as the gold is molten it'll work. I
tried 1980 last time with no problems. Going to try 1960 today." from the book Covenant of S? or are details of
your experience?
Have More recommendations??
how are you sure that this method works?
but you have some other method that is not in the book?
Some people say that Nick is the author of Book of Aquarius, What do you think that?


Sorry, I don't have the first edition.

Yes, the details I provided are from my experience. It's much easier than it's made out to be.
All you're doing is boiling down 45 day old urine that's been left in an open container in the
sun like a gallon jug. Wait longer if there's no white precipitate or if it doesn't darken.
That's when you know it's good. Pour it all into a big stew pot (no need for labware). The
stew pot's huge opening will let you boil it all down within a day. I would recommend
against wet path because it is slow slow slow. Months, maybe years. So the spirit can be
just boiled away. You can still collect it if you'd like though. Then calcine it at 800F. First
there will be a dark, yellowish/brownish smoke. After that you'll get a whitish smoke. Then
it will stop to smoke altogether. That's when you know it's done. Boil this in water for like
1 hour. 1 liter of water will down. Then filter it with a 2 ply paper towel folded into a 1/4
square. Then filter with several layers of coffee filter. Boil this clear water down. If it's not
clear your temperature for calcination was too low. The white stuff you have left is the salt.
Mix with equal parts gold and melt. That's it.
What country are you in? I know it works because I've gotten it working partially
myself.... I've seen another person's photo too but I can't show you that.
Metallic gold -> microscopic gold clusters -> crumbly yellow -> green/pinegreen powder -
> red glaze.
These are the changes I've noticed depending on what "stage" I get to.
I don't have any other methods. RAMS maybe worth looking at.

I don't think Nick is the author of BoA. That book is far too polished. If you haven't
noticed, Nick is very moody and has generally low attention to detail at least when he
writes. I think BoA is some sort of NSA/CIA psyop. The method is stupidly slow. In fact
they're probably reading this email right now :) Hi spooks.

Yeah, I'm not going to work with any reguluses, metals or whatever. Just GW.

Hello, I understand you, dear David ..

I believe that The BoA works, but details of the success of the stone are in the private group
forum BoA, I have a friend who claims to have been successful and a few months ago he
shared me much of his method
you are going to work with GW. but, you are going to work with dew and rain water also?
I am in south america, this place is more difficult to get the materials but not impossible
You have the dvd RAMS?
I might buy that dvd, I will send you the information you need about it.
There are some parts of the beginning of the book Covenant of S. my google translator does
not translate well, you could help me to clarify what is meant of these texts?

I think I shared with you a page that Nick showed quartz geode formula to create gold but
he doubted at the time whether the process will work, the only time I talked to him, he said
that this process only produces silver sulfide, but Patrol said Nick's forum had success with
this process, what do you think that? the formula works?


Thank you for your concern.

Doesn't the BoA method take almost a year? That seems very slow to me. Nick's GW path
takes less than 2 months per run.

A faster guaranteed method is to take regular sea salt, grind it up, seal it hermetically in a
round bottom flask and heat at 215f-250f. After 2-3 months it will all turn to liquid and it
can be consumed in 1 drop doses every other day and it will heal the body like the stone,
because it is the universal solvent alkahest and will dissolve gold. This is what I have
learned, I have not tried it yet.

I might work with dew soon. It's almost the full moon, which is prime collection time. I'm
not going to work with rain, just dew.

What materials are you having difficulty getting? Like I said, for GW1 path, all you need
- tall stew pot
- smaller calcining pot that can fit inside a kiln
- funnels
- paper towels/coffee filters
- distilled water
- kiln
- graphite crucibles

Yes of course I can translate for you. Just let me know what passage.

I spoke with Patrol and he never mentioned Nick's forum having success. Are you referring
to Nick's old private forum or his newer illuminated-alchemists / lost academy? I know the
method works, but I've not gotten it working personally.



but the sea salt that you say should be combined with the stone? when, in what process and
what effect that salt in the body?


By the way.... with Nick's GW method I was able to get some red glaze most times. The
problem I'm having right now is that the temperature controls are probably a little off... so I
end up with a pellet of gold at the bottom, and some of the red glaze escapes.

I'm not very sure about the salt. The info I have is very vague. 215f-250f. Ground sea salt.
Hermetically sealed round bottom flask. Wait 2-3 months. It'll all turn to liquid. That's all I


You don't really need lab experience. It's pretty easy once you try it a few times.

I recommend the GW1 path.


They're not my instructions... they're Nick's... and they're based on Hollandus's.

But I strongly believe it works, and I am experimenting based on faith as well.


The method I described to you is the same as Nick's GW1 method, but simplified.
Well like I said I got some color changes and I'm finessing the temperatures and I got some
red stuff.

If you want an easier method just take ground sea salt in a sealed ground bottom flask, heat
at 215-250f for 2-3 months and you can eat the liquid salt in 1 drop at a time to heal
yourself, or dissolve metals to make stones.


I found it:
put some pulverized rocksalt or seasalt , raw unrefined, 1/4 full. seal in round boiling flask, heat at
215f-250f for 2-3 months and the dry salt will liquify and revert itself back to the first universal
matter. take 25 drops a day in water or wine and you will get your pre fall of man glorified body
back. or dissolve gold in it and make the red stone, then dissolve and coagulate it to multiply its
power. these are no ones instructions. no one has ever dared to write them in any book plainly. so
be very careful who you reveal it to. this is the elixir that keeps you alive indefinitely. after a month
of taking it, you lo longer feel the urge to eat or drink, as the drossy earth clogs up your new
glorified body and reduces your superhuman and supernatural powers.

“De lorentsmful , el decia en youtube constantemente que el pudo hacer oro con el proceso
cuarzo Philip schenider

hi danny,
i've since moved on to better and easier ways to make what i want. i'm sure you are familiar with
glaubers' works and how much he talks about rocksalt or seasalt and its uses in alchemy, or
archemy in his case, since he never made the philosophers stone, but did manage to make many
other solvents and medicines from those solvents. salt is the universal key to all three kingdoms.

2mensaje de lorentsmful
just take rocksalt or seasalt, set it in digestion until it liquifies itself. done. now you have health and
wealth in abundance.
your welcome


put some pulverized rocksalt or seasalt , raw unrefined, 1/4 full. seal in round boiling flask, heat at
215f-250f for 2-3 months and the dry salt will liquify and revert itself back to the first universal
matter. take 25 drops a day in water or wine and you will get your pre fall of man glorified body
back. or dissolve gold in it and make the red stone, then dissolve and coagulate it to multiply its
power. these are no ones instructions. no one has ever dared to write them in any book plainly. so
be very careful who you reveal it to. this is the elixir that keeps you alive indefinitely. after a
month of taking it, you lo longer feel the urge to eat or drink, as the drossy earth clogs up your
new glorified body.

just make it. you will be fine. it wont kill you no matter if you eat a spooonful or 25 drops. very safe. ”


Holy shit, where did you see this?!


….the message says that combine with gold to make the stone, how to make that?


I will do, but user seasalt has shared the recipe in its entirety already online at Nick's forum.
Thank you for sharing this passage. But what book or document did you find this in? Surely
there's more to it. I'm not sure how to combine with gold... do I add it with the salt before
heating, or afterwards? I have no idea. I'm still searching for more information on this.

Well let me clarify... I know the salt should become the solvent, you add the gold which will be
dissolved by the newly formed liquid salt. It will go through the classic black/peacock/white/red
color changes. Hwoever, I don't know if the gold needs to be with the salt from the start, or if you
add it in afterwards, which is why if you have a source for the full passage you posted I might be
able to dig up some more clues.

I'm always interested in Nick's stuff. I recommend the GW1 path. Many people have gotten the
red stuff easily. The main problem is getting it to stay in the crucible.

Yo puse :

1. The elixir revealed.htm 2. Receta abovetopsecret 3. How to make the true Elixir of life
ehow.com 4.How to make the Philosophers Stone -ehow.com


The documents you posted are well known. The first method is just the Actum Leyden process.
The others are just a bunch of descriptions of the stone... Nick calls almost everything the stone,
he constantly changes his mind... just work the GW1 process, salt, or Actum Leyden. That is my
recommendation. Don't distract yourself with all these other processes.

YouTube user "lorentsmful" is not a member of Nick's forum. The user "seasalt" from Nick's forum
is here http://www.illuminated-alchemists.com/spa/seasalt

You can see his posts where he has published the exact temperature range of 215-250f, which is
what your source says. If your source is not "seasalt" then this temperature range is impossibly
coincidental and he obviously read it somewhere. The best thing to ask your YouTube source is
where he read it.

I will gladly help you with Nick's processes. They're really quite easy. I sent you the PDF
of Nick's Covenant of Silence right? It's the first first process with golden water (urine). I
refer to it as GW1, or Golden Water 1. It's very very straightforward.
It really is very simple. Start collecting your urine now 1 gallon at a time in translucent or
clear containers. Once you have a gallon roughly, uncap the containers and set them outside
to putrefy for 45 days. Once you have collected your first gallon of urine, don't stop
collecting. Start with a new jug. Your collection needs to be continuous to save time in case
your salt doesn't work on the first go.Once you have your first batch of 45 day old urine,
just email me again if you need help. What you need to do at that point is to just get a pot.
Any pot. And boil away all the moisture until you have a black mass like tar. Then heat this
tar until the smoke decreases. Then scrape it out and bake the black stuff at 700f for 3
hours, or until no more smoke appears. Then take this remaining crumbly black material
and boil it in water for 1 hour. Then let it settle.

Also remember. If you want to work the GW path, get a clear or translucent container and
start collecting now! 1 run takes 45 days at least because you need to let the urin putrefy
outdoors in a spot with both sun and shade. After you get a continuous production going,
you can do many runs often, but until then, get to work peeing! Don't use too much of the
light colored urine from excess water drinking or it won't be concentrated enough. Use the
medium shade to dark shades. Mix in a little of the light urine, but not too much. Until I can
figure out what it is, I figure it's best to mix in a little of everything.

It does work, I can get red glassy stuff. The main problem I'm working to overcome is
containing the stuff inside the crucible because it will leak out. I will keep you 100%
updated on what I find.

Right now there are only two things I am seeking alchemy wise...
1. Simple way to make au
#1 will help fund #2
2. Production of the stone and alkahest and other general alchemy research

About to produce Au, quartz geode formula says using electricity, electricity produce heat, I
remember Joe Champion said for to make gold is necessary to use the temperature of the gold, I
think is 107 degrees Celsius, not sure, I must review files, can be helpful to use that temperature
for that experiment of the geode.

Joe Champion is completely unrelated to the geode. His was silver at 109f, but it takes
months. Crap method.

The quartz geode does work, but I haven't gotten it working. You can probably get it
working simply by heating a copper rod and some lead in a geode at various temperatures.
you mean that sometimes you must change the temperature of the electrodes of the quartz

The reaction of the geode is based on temperature and heat from the electrodes.

but Aleilius recipe: http://forum.alchemyforums.com/showthread.php?147-The-Red-Stone-

and the pdf of RAMS:

How to make the Philosophers Stone from Urine Dry Path

these use urine. and process-GW1 also uses urine, what is the difference?

Well that path requires a long circulation of several months... it's Nick's GW2 path if I remember
correctly. The one I recommend is similar... instead of circulating to extract the salt we simply
calcine and leach the calcined phlegm. In theory it is quicker.

That's why I say do GW1. Have you finished reading Nick's Covenant of Silence? Specificaly the GW


what device do I use to heat the flask with sea salt?


You'll probably need an oven or a sand bath.

I found this a while back but I don't know what it works... it claims with just salt (NaCl) and
Mercury (Hg) and Au we can make more Au... : archive -Polygraphice-receta oro en p521

Also I would recommend starting on the rock/sea salt digestion method asap... as I will be.
I originally recommended an oven, but if you don't have that, a slow cooker pot filled with
sand and a temperature controller might work just as well. Possibly cheaper on electricity


I'm guessing lorentsmful is reluctant to share any more information if he has not yet responded...
that's how he is when I ask him things. At least he gives you honest information. He gave me a
temperature <200f, which will surely take maybe even a year.


The two methods on Champion's site you show me are very itneresting. I've not seen them.

One involves sodium metal and lead Pb. Seems easy but sodium is hard to obtain and
The other is very toxic as it involves cyanide. But.... I think we might be able to substitute
NaCN for simply NaOH. In fact I think anything containing simply Na ions would work...
the Na seems to be the key. I might try this soon. I have all the supplies needed.


I think the best bet would be trying the Hg to au procedure, but substitution NaOH for
NaCN, which is toxic. NaOH is commonly used in HHO cells and releases no toxic


What is the process of Dr Joe Champion is necessary to use the temperature 109.7 F?.
The process called phonon-resonace produces gold on the exterior surface of silver?


The process using 109.7f is with silver. Phonon resonance. Basically you heat or cool certain metals
at certain temperatures to transmute them to other elements. His temperature for conversion of
silver to gold was 109.7f. Apparently yield was low but your mileage may differ. The tempreatures
are based on certain isotopes only, so it only converts a particular isotope to another isotope I


I started the NaOH + Hg method a few hours ago, just to let you know. I will let you know what I


by NaCl, but it is likely far too slow... not practical. So really it's just 1.


I did not use NaCl for the Joe Champion process. If you pass current through NaCl, it just turns into
NaOH, and Cl gas is released in the process, which is not good. I just used regular NaOH. I didn't
see much happen.

I'm going to get what is necessary to the process of lorentsful


I think this is the best route. Are you able to obtain a small toaster oven in Colombia? That's what
I'll be using.


I can buy that oven.

what features need the oven?
how much should cost the oven we need?


Well you just need one that can hit the right temperature 235 and can run continuously
Should be less than 200 usd


but "amoodikh" says a different temperature:

I believe you meant to extract the gold coated silver if you used yeast process. But here I have used heat
(phonon resonance as is called by DRC). The method is simply you wrap your pure silver bar with Al several
times firmly. Then put it inside a furnace at constant heat at 301C to 303C for few days. Once color on the
surface changed mainly to yellow then viola. The question is if it is gold how to really extract it? I used the
wet way but still I am not really convinced what I have is gold with the right density. Check my
This was 2 yrs back. Now I got tired and stopped doing anything with DRC methods .
: http://forum.alchemyforums.com/showthread.php?2295-Alchemy-or-Alchemergy-You-Decide-Chapter-4-

What process are you talking about?


Phonon resonance is not just 1 temperature. You need to read Dr. C's work on his website
on archive.org. There are different phonon resonance temperatures.

The 303c is based on the resonance temeprature for aluminum to gold. You heat aluminum
at 303c and it's supposed to turn to gold. WHen you wrap copper with the aluminum it will
also turn to gold. That's similar to what I posted on CoP Aleiliu's site. Except I made
chromium from molybdenum. I could have made chromium from one of many metals I
believe because I used the resonance temperature of copper to chromium.


lorentsmful has kindly given us this great recipe, it is so beautifully simply and easy. It really
doesn't get easier. We should make our best efforts to try it. I will be.


A friend of mine suggested that oxygen is the key to the dew methods. It needs to be sealed or
kept cold so the dissolved oxygen doesn't escape


The urine method you mentioned (receta de transmutación que me dio JDP) is very old. There is a
discussion about it on alchemy forums. The GW1 is still the best path. I've been able to get red
every time as I mentioned. It is just a matter of quantity that is difficult.

….What I meant was, in gfcgamer's photo, there is what looks like condensation on the flask. I
thought the salt would turn into something sort of sticky like glue you know? Not something so so
so watery. I was thinking like syrup consistency you know?

I suddenly felt like I wanted to say this. Whatever happens, thank you for sharing all this
with me. If I get the salt alkahest first... I will send it to you. This is literally my "last hope"
haha. Still working on gathering supplies and I will start soon.

Maybe ask gfcgamer about the salt instead of lorentsmful. Have you started yet? Perhaps
you can use a light bulb like gfcgamer, or use more than one. It seems to work just as well.


seasalt said: Already the entire forum knows how to make the stone in one
day. http://www.illuminated-alchemists.com/spa/seasalt

What was he talking about, what is the process?

Y por qué ya no va a hacer la fórmula de patrol?


I don't want to try that dew recipe(formula de Patrol) because the dew is very hit or miss. As you
know many people tried Actum Leyden but couldn't get it working, so the dew has to be just right.
I'm not entirely sure what makes the dew you get work or not work. The salt and heat is
something reliable.

seasalt is saying you can make the stone in one day with dry path.... AFTER you've prepared your
salt properly. And that takes some time. Maybe a few months.


What is the dry path he is saying?.


Same as with GW1 I think. Just melt gold with your liquid salt.

recuerda la receta que le mostré del contacto de youtube y que usted me ha enviado fotos de
la sal de dejarla 2-3meses a cierta temperatura,
recuerda que hay una parte que dice :
.."dissolve gold in it and make the red stone, then dissolve and coagulate it to multiply its
Usted sabe cómo se hace eso?


Jorge, ahora lo sé.

Bueno, yo apuesto a que sé!

Dos cosas:
En primer lugar el mar. El mar en sí es el simbolo de muertos como ríos es simbol de la vida.
vinagre muertos, y "jugo y vino" vida.
Así que algunas piedras de mar tienen el poder de peces muertos de putrefation.
En segundo lugar:
Si disolver el oro es debido a la putrefation, probablemente en la creación de algunos "ácido
sulfúrico" y ácido cloridric de sal (Sólo hipotesis)

Pero Jorge, voy a compartir mis archivos en la actualidad. Es difícil para mí, porque yo hice
algunas maravillas.
Cada vez que tomo el oro desde el interior de la levadura, que son partículas de oro.
Cuando llevo a cabo, comienzan a verde fuera, el óxido estaba dentro de la superficie de oro.
Así que cuando me llevo dentro una vez más, se puso de oro nuevo.
Una vez más tomo exterior, y tengo más óxidos marrones, y cada vez menos verde óxidos.

"Resulta que la superficie de adentro hacia fuera y transforma cada vez y otra vez."

AHHHHHHHH. I uderstand él!

1 - El fuego lento sólo destruye fácilmente el efecto de una gota de levadura destilada en
algunas horas.
2 - La destilar pronto llegará dentro, su olor convierte y reducir de nuevo la solución de óxido
de cobre con el metal de oro.
3 - ¿Ves óxidos blandos (verde en caso de Cooper) se convierten en oro diminutas escamas
metálicas y coloides.
4 - Pronto el re-destilado destilar a causa del calor, se empieza a perder su fuerza.
5 - Comienza la oxidación. El verde se convierte ahora en cobre, el oro en marrón.
6 - Una vez que la "tierra azul" secarse, verá algún punto verde que estaba oculto en el
interior del óxido en forma no disuelta cupre
7 - Cuando venga la próxima caída, ya veras ahora mucho más oro, marrón, mucho menos

Hazlo hasta que vea no más el verde sale.

Todo lo que tienes es sólo oro.


I'm not saying that dew can't work. Dew absolutely can work. The problem is that some
people have had problems getting it to work, you know? I mean that some people's dew
works, but some people's dew doesn't work... there's some unknown variable that prevents
some people's dew from working. You can try it since the process is easy. I just don't want
you to waste any of your time, since I know you want a stone as badly as I do. The salt
method is great and it should work.

I think the trick to making dew work is oxygen... that's why in Actum Leyden it says to
keep it cool or the spirit will escape. Because oxygen has higher solubility in cold water,
but lower in hot water. So if your dew gets too warm, the oxygen escapes. I think the
oxygen dissolved is key, but I'm not sure. It's just hearsay.


I'm very interested in the geode.

Someone at the forum said that in the past it was done with just heat.

Vineet told me he actually got some small gold crystals... don't tell him I told you... But this
was without a geode.
No, the question about multiplication was to Aleilius and his alkahest. He said he actually couldn't
multiply for some reason. I think it's because he doesn't have a kiln to melt his stone in. I beleive
multiplication in that process requires a stone.


Le habia preguntado antes a él que opina del pdf by Nick: red lion


Another problem with this is that I'm not sure how it can be multiplied.

.. the question about multiplication was to Aleilius and his alkahest. He said he actually couldn't
multiply for some reason. I think it's because he doesn't have a kiln to melt his stone in. I beleive
multiplication in that process requires a stone.


what is meaning of seasalt or rocksalt?


I'm still working on reading that stuff you sent, very interesting. (archivo con mensajes de Patrol)
I just want you to find what you are looking for. To keep you motivated. Sea salt... rock
salt. I'm not sure how else to explain it. It's salt. (NaCl) (Sodium Chloride) that comes from
the earth in rocks... or the sea. Just go to the sea, grab some water, and boil it down to get
salt, or buy some. Very easy.

I don't know Aleilius's work either. Everything I said about it is speculation on my part.

I wrote the wrong thing. I mean I believe multiplication in his process requires a kiln. High
tempteratures. Aleilius does not have a kiln, surprisingly enough.


Salt should be very cheap. Are you unable to afford salt and a light bulb?


how to maintain that temperatura?


Just leave the light bulb near the sealed salt.


are you sure?

how do you know that the light bulb to keep the temperature indicated by lorentsful?


It doesn't have to be perfect. Suspend the jar of salt over the light bulb somehow (light bulbs are
very hot) and then put a thermometer inside the jar. Raise and lower the jar to adjust the

Have you started the sea salt path yet? All you need is a regular incandescent light bulb.
Like alamp. Stick it into a enclosed box. Then put your salt above this.


The sea salt is an alkahest and can make a stone though, that is why lorents says health and
wealth... and that's also why I recommend making it.


when you have the salt alkahest how you will make the stone?


I think lorents mentioned it...

the dissolved salt is not only an elixir for health, but also an alkahest. That is why I have
started on the process, and I am keen on you started as well.

Once the salt liquefies you add gold and keep heating.


the gold automatically will be mixed in the salt?


No, you have to keep heating and it slowly dissolves.

Just start the process... it's very easy. Hands free.


and when ready the red stone, how I can use that red stone to make gold?

Come on now this is basic alchemy

You crush it up mix with wax and project onto molten lead


Lorents made it pretty clear so I was surprised when you were not interested

Be sure your salt is the unrefined kind so that it has color from minerals and stuff


you are using a light bulb or a furnace for experiment seasalt?




seasalt said: Already the entire forum knows how to make the stone in one
day. http://www.illuminated-alchemists.com/spa/seasalt

.. That means gold and the "salt-first universal matter" will become red stone in a day?

.. then why you say "one day"?


The one day is only AFTER you make the salt alkahest. You melt with gold and make it in one day.
But before that you need to spend months making the alkahest So it really isn't one day, but



what is the origin of this recipe?


Not sure. It's very old apparently.


in your oven, the salt is in a glass jar or plastic?


Better to use glass. Plastic may corrode or melt.


We can use many jars of salt to produce more


Well yeah. naturally.


how will we know that the red stone is ready?


well.. it'll be red lol??

Just start the process.


I can buy a microwave oven?. (en el proceso lorentsful)


Uh... a microwave won't work... It needs to be an oven with heating coils.

..Here a small portable one is like $100 or so.

Hello its me Delphinny from Cityofpyramids, Sorry it take me a

while to
send you this, please respond with your questions on Resonance
Math. Just
to let you know no Mass is being changed here, only volume of
Mass requires Magnetic realignment, Resonance only sets up an
field around the material for transformation but does not set up
magnetic alignment. This is possible I have heard by aligning
magnets at
specific degrees to the material.


Hi Mr Delphinny,
I do not know how to do the calculations of phonon resonance,
could you
give me an explanation for the math phonon resonance? there is a
method for the calculation of phonon resonance for each metal?,
I have 3 books of joe champion from: platinumcannonshipwreck.com
these books always mentioned carbon and silicon, these minerals
are used
in the phonon resonance?.

Yea its not too hard I can go over the math with you later, I
have to dig
up my archives to find it for you and I'll be sending you my
later on it. I did I think very extensive research in this
field, but some
claim to have gotten it to work using magnets, I did not know
about this
at the time because I was only focused on Joe's work.

I think the group of "joe champion" called 303 because 303
degrees is used
for creating metals.


Yep, 303 Degrees Celcius is required for creating the

transmutation of
Aluminum into Gold.

I saw a website that said if someone use graphene in the process
resonance, the process could achieve successful transmutations.
I also saw on a page that the oven must have an air inlet, the
air helps
transmutation, I think we can use an air pump, and must make a
hole to the


Yep, I tried these methods too and can vouch for them, the air
pump method
not so much (I never really got anything out of my Aluminum
tubes at 303C,
but my furnace was not calibrated before I tried it. This is
why. I later calibrated it using the boiling point of water and
it made a
nice gold color coating on any aluminum I put in the furnace
after that.)
but I used water and silver to gold (109 Farenheit) resonance
and it
worked very well.

A friend thinks that if he uses the smell of yeast (yeast
process silver =
gold), drive the putrid smell of yeast to the oven using: a
metal tube
(tube of graphene) will increase the amount of metal.


Sounds interesting, I would love to hear about the result if


What is the math for gold and platinum?


its the same math, once you learn it you can apply it to any
metal, I even
had computer graphs made that chart out every single metal.

Why "joe champion" is so successful in the phonon resonance?.
If I'm in a place where there are low magnetic radiation I can
not be verysuccessful in the process phonon resonace?.


No. Resonance Math is an electric effect not a magnetic one,

Many people
are well aware that Joe was a huckster as well as a dreamer. I'm
just sad that people fall into his trap of believing they
actually have something when they do not, and they always end up
paying him more money for more information.
you mentioned using magnets, I did not know that you need to use
must be natural magnets? , Do you think using neodymium magnets?
magnets are very powerful. The artificial magnets can lose their
more easily.
How use the magnets?
I will not talk about anything that you tell me if you want,
I'll keep it
in private Mr Delphinny.


Yes, I can draw up exactly how it is used, this is based off of

a mix of
Walter Russell's work and Joe's.
Thanks I appreciate that, I signed agreements not to talk about
things, I appreciate your confidentiality here. I can't work on
things here because the people here will be bothered by it, but
I can
advise you what to do, and by all means do let me know if it
works! :)



I can use a small toaster oven to make the process phonon

resonance?, Which furnace is necessary?


really the temperature must be stable, an electric furnace can

be made very cheaply and will provide for the best stability
with the right temperature controller. another strong
possibility is a cheap hotplate,
but without being able to suspend the metal for the magnets I am
not sure how well this would work, perhaps the plate could be
suspended, as long as it maintains the temperature and then the
magnets can be put around that.
to create gold, I can use a silver bar and silver bar cover
with: aluminum
foil and copper foil or copper wire?

it would be good to start with smaller peices of silver, like a
1 oz coin
or less, forget the foil and lets go for using magnets, we can
suspend the silver coin in water and heat the water up at 109 F
and this
would make the cheapest setup, but the water has to remain at
109 F and as
stable as possible. do you have an infrared temperature probe or
accurate temperature measurement equipment? can it be tested to
verify it
is calibrated using boiling water if you have a hotplate (do you
have a

the salt of lorentsmful turned

in the red stone


why the microwave oven dont work?


A microwave can't maintain a stable temperature... it depends on water for heating... your salt is
going to be dry. It needs to be heating coils.


oven with heating coils and small toaster oven are the same thing?.




I think the ingredient for the process schneider to succeed is to use shavings of lead..

lorentsmful said it in a old comment,

the next formula say the same thing:


Connect in series, four car batteries.

Place a quartz crystal in the bottom of a jar.
Sprinkle ground cinnibar without gold fleck.
Put mercury on the cinnibar.
Place lead filings on top of that. Fill with water.
Place leads from the closest battery into the water.
Put a charger on the battery furthest from the jar,
Set to low.
Plug it in.
48 hours later, the lead filings should have transmuted.


.. Toaster oven = what Americans call small portable ovens. it has the word "toaster" in it
because these small ovens often have a small slot at the top sometimes that lets you make
toast in them too... even if they don't just all just get called toaster oven. It's an American

Microwave oven = microwave. Obviouly you can't control temperature with that and it's
dependent on H2O to raise the temperature anyways.


I can use a hotplate to heat the salt?


Probably, but seasalt says it's better to heat the whole flask.


"..put some pulverized rocksalt or seasalt , raw unrefined, 1/4 full....":

you can tell me how much amount of salt he's talking about? in grams

He doesn't say. The original recipe from the book also says


Take of saltpetre powdered very small and with it fill the fourth part of a bolt
head. Close it well and let it stand in the heat of ashes or sand the space of six
weeks, and you shall see a good part of it turned into water. Continue it in the
said heat until it be all dissolved.
This is of incomparable use in fevers and against worms or any putrefaction in
the body, and is indeed a most rare secret.
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/jfren_3.html (pag posible origen de la fórmula de lorentsmful)


this is the original recipe?


I believe so, yes.


I mean using hotplate and put salt in a glass jar like gfcgamer photo


Like I said it will work, but it might be slower. I haven't really tested both yet, so I really
don't know. Maybe surround it with a sand bath and heat the sand bath on the hot plate so
the heat gets transferred evenly.

But based on what seasalt says... it will work, but heating the whole flask is better...
probably because the temperatures are more even.

then I'll use a small toaster oven-oven with heating coils as you say


1/4 fulll... in terms of volume.

You don't fill it up all the way. Just fill it up to 1/4 of its capacity...

1,000ml you fill up with 250ml

500ml you fill up with 125ml

2000ml you fill up with 500ml

etc etc...


Hotplate is better because it temperature control


It won't heat the flask evenly though, which is what you want. It only h eats the bottom unless
maybe you use like a sand bath or something. That's why a thermometer and oven is best I think.


how many months is ready lorentsmful red stone?


The salt itself takes 3-4 months (it's a worst case scenario), takes 2-3 months
The stone maybe like 3 months more I'm not sure

7 months in total !¿..

how many grams of Au you could create with your red stone-lorentsmful?

Depends on how u multiply it...
How much I've multiplied
Probably many kilos


how to multiply the stone?


Reddissolve the stone in salt and heat


.. 235f lorents recommends (casi la mitad de la temperatura que lorentsmful dice: 215f-250f)


I just found this little segment.

"Sea Salt is the Mercury of the Sages" - Paracelsus it is the
book http://books.google.com/books?id=CJFAAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA379&lpg=PA379&dq=sea+

on Google books.


My small toaster oven can stand being turned on 2-3 months at that temperature?.


should be fine. It's just barely over the boiling point of water... no big deal. Mine's been working
just fine.


I thought the oven would melt or be damaged by running in that long time.


??? Why would it melt lol it's an oven...

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