Status MV Network 18 02 2020

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POS. AREA / SYSTEM ITEM General Notes Category Action by Completion date Signature

Utku will check and get

Critical activities to be done before back with info.
All 10KV cables within MV network manholes should be inspector inspection. PZ to organize
5 MV NETWORK Major Nastasi / Jugoslav 10/2/2020
properly labelled with a quality/long lasting markings with Siemens. Required plastic labels
will be done until 31-01.

Cubicles K101 and K111- voltage transformers that are

installed are not ok. Voltage transformers are not connected
primarily to their own belonging cells. Naponski transformatori nisu
#REF! MV NETWORK povezani. Potrebno označiti iste Major Nastasi Done
Naponski transformatori su ugrađeni van ormana. Prikazani (obilježiti po fazama i po
su u sklopu GP.Ovi naponski transformatori pripadajućim ćelijama).
nisu primarno povezani na svoje
pripadajuće ćelije.

All earthing conductors in manholes have to be properly Additional earthing conductor to

MV NETWORK connected placed in marina according to CAU, Major Nastasi / Jugoslav 2/15/2020
RARE instruction needed.

Nastasi/ Jugoslav
All manholes on the MV network to be clean, without water
and covered/protected properly and all cables labelled. Cleaninig of the pits is done, labeling
Terrain around manholes reasonably leveled and prepared will be done until 31-01.
for the inspection
Rade / Giovanni

All cables not used will be removed,

but cables that currently used for
temporary power supply will remain.
#VALUE! MV NETWORK All cables that do not belong within 10kV manholes have to Major Nastasi/ Jugoslav Done
be removed (temporary 0.4kV, permantent 0.4kV, etc.) U postrojenje je doveden kabal koji
nije predviđen projektom
srednjenaponske mreže. Isti treba
ukloniti iz prostorije

Installing of the cable between Technical building and Main Nedostaju oznake trase. Uređenje
TS 35/10 "Kumbor", with cable heads. Backfilling and cable trase nije završeno
#VALUE! MV NETWORK protection on the end in front of "Kumbor" TS35/10 Labelling of 10kV route is not Major Nastasi/ Jugoslav Done
included completed.

Landscape preparation on whole line of MV network.

Manholes to be closed, landscape to be clear of
#REF! MV NETWORK Major Rade 10/2/2020
trash/rubbish, leveled reasonably and prepared to be clean
and suitable for inspector visit

Dijelom otklonjeno. Nedostaje

Single pole scheme of MV switchgear with correct names of generatorski dio postrojenja. Milena
#REF! MV NETWORK Postavljena je samo šema za mrežni Major Done
the input and output cells is not present within the room Nastasi/ Jugoslav
dio. Partially resolved. Generator SG
single pole scheme to be added.

Within the MV switchgear a cable, which is not a part of MV

network design, is placed. Subject cable needs to be
removed Temporary 10kV cables powering (Only the minimum
#REF! MV NETWORK plant room needed, RARE to advise if Major RARE/AZMONT necessary temporary
U postrojenje je doveden kabal koji nije predviđen need to be removed cable are inside)
projektom srednjenaponske mreže. Isti treba ukloniti iz
Labeling of MV SG cables needs to be re- executed. Existing
labels are not adequate. New labeling shall be executed with
plastic material, fixed to cables with plastic wired
connections Siemens to provide labeling
#REF! MV NETWORK according to standard practice Major Nastasi/ Jugoslav 10/2/2020
Izvršiti ponovno označavanje svih kablova.postojeće oznake
nisu adekvatne. Nove oznake izraditi od čvrstog plastičnog
materijala pričvršćene za kablove plastičnim vezicama.

Ugrađene obujmice nisu po propisu, potrebno je ugraditi

MV NETWORK neforomagnetne obujmice koje neće izazivati trafo efekat, Major
dodatno grijanje i oštećenje kablova

#REF! MV NETWORK Grounding of the frames on manhole covers to be executed. RARE to send instruction to perform Major RARE 15-02-2020
("L" channel) this works. PZ

Temporary sistem of MV network and SG manipulations has

to be organised and fixed from clients side. Entrance
#REF! MV NETWORK procedure, specialized personell entering TS, nomination of Major RARE Noted
responsible persons. Etc. (Can be discussed separately for
more details)


1 MV NETWORK Technical report about reley protections for Portonovi This document has to be fully in line RARE
approved from CEDIS side with the installed equipment on site.
2 MV NETWORK Nomination of Technical acceptance comitee
3 MV NETWORK Manual for system operation
4 MV NETWORK Design update
5 MV NETWORK Design revision
6 MV NETWORK Construction logbook signed
7 MV NETWORK Inspection book
8 MV NETWORK Design of steel structure for equipment support
Issue with contract. Approved offer Pizzaroti ce danas
9 MV NETWORK Contract Siemens - Montenergo exists, but not contract. Da probamo kontsaktirati siemens
kod neke pravne instance, da li se ponovo, da vidimo moze
ovo moze prihvatiti li se premostiti ugovor.
10 MV NETWORK Contract Pizzaroti - Kon
11 MV NETWORK Contract Kon - Desk Yapi
12 MV NETWORK Insurance policies for all involved companies
13 MV NETWORK Statement from Emil Dojcev
14 MV NETWORK Statement from Slobodan Krivokapic
15 MV NETWORK Statement from Dusan Vujovic
16 MV NETWORK Main 10 kV cable from CEDIS attest
3rd party testings
17 MV NETWORK Air exchange testing

18 MV NETWORK Technical report - Grounding and metall masses

connections. For whole building and for MV Switchgear
Testing about reley protections for 10 kV cables (right side of
the room) and functional testings
CEDIS part

20 MV NETWORK Protocol about testing of protective powering units for

Portonovi complex within TS 35/10 "Kumbor"
Test report - Grounding and metal masses conections for TS
21 MV NETWORK 35/10 "Kumbor"

22 MV NETWORK Power limits from CEDIS and written approval for the RARE
required power (a document about power consumption)

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