Hybrid MMC PDF
Hybrid MMC PDF
Hybrid MMC PDF
ABSTRACT: The construction industry continues to face the challenge of meeting up with
performance targets such as time and cost based on clients’ requirements. Hybrid concrete
construction (i.e. the combination of precast and in-situ concrete and other materials) offers
the construction industry stakeholders a wide range of benefits. Depending on the appropriate
selection of structural materials, the method enshrines an efficient cost and time saving regime
in the implementation of construction projects. However, the need to assess these performance
benefits prior to (and as a basis for planning) the construction phase of the project is
paramount. A methodology of demonstrating performance through the virtual simulation of
the key performance indicators of time and cost as a basis for adopting hybrid construction is
hereby presented. A typical steel-frame construction project was used as a case study in
which the salient aspects of the design, programme/ construction method and progress were
captured on–site. Data collated were used to simulate the development in real-time using the
prototype of the VR model virtual reality model. Future work entails the generation of
alternative hybrid construction schemes and comparing the performance of these against the
steel frame alternative.
Time, budget and quality restraints continue to trouble the construction industry in recent
years. To this effect, many concepts have been proposed to increase the level of performance
management (Savicky et al., 2003).
The concept of hybrid concrete construction (HCC) – i.e. the combination of insitu
concrete with precast concrete, steel work or other materials - emerged recently as a means
of enhancing performance (Mert, 2001). Hence, the term ‘hybrid concrete structures’ are
derived from structures developed based on a hybrid concrete construction methodology.
HCC provides simple, buildable and competitive high-quality structures that offer
consistent performance (Goodchild, 2001). Three distinct categories of the forms of HCC are:
precast and insitu concrete; concrete and steel work; and concrete and other materials (Xia,
2000). The choice of specific combinations depends on several factors such as type of
structure, desired speed and flexibility of construction to name but a few.
The use of HCC has been considered advantageous to the building construction process
over the years. The procedure had previously proved advantageous over traditional insitu
concrete construction - with enhancements to speed and quality being the most important
advantages (Lee et al, 1997).
HCC offers its clients the flexibility of choice of elements that may be precast or insitu.
Building elements such as floors; beams; columns; walls and cladding; and other units can be
incorporated as insitu or precast in any combination that allows optimal construction
performance (Glass and Baiche, 2001; Mert, 2001).
A case study approach is used in this paper to demonstrate the potential of HCC
performance through virtual simulation. The performance criteria considered are first
enumerated and then the aim of the study, its objectives, and methodology are also discussed.
1.1 Performance
HCC Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were divided into two major categories. These are
‘hard’ and ‘soft’ performance indicators considered as the high leverage (Oloke et al., 2003a;
Soetanto et al., 2004). They include:
• Hard performance indicators: Speed and Cost
• Soft (evaluative) indicators: Added value.
The ‘hard’ indicators are currently being evaluated under this research through an
iterative analysis of the effects of contributory productivity factors to construction speed and
lifecycle costs. Other soft (evaluative) indicators are also being investigated (Soetanto et al.,
The aim of this paper is to present a methodology developed for demonstrating HCC
performance through the virtual simulation of the KPIs of time and cost using a virtual
prototyping tool named HyCon. It is envisaged that results from HyCon simulations will
assist decision makers in selecting the most appropriate form of HCC that meets specific
performance objectives. The following objectives are thus realised:
• Demonstration of the HyCon system architecture
• Description of the case study and performance criteria database development process
• Presentation of the investigative methodology adopted and a synopsis of the performance
analysis results
The integrated system architecture for HyCon was developed by Xiaonan et al (2004). Figure
1 illustrates the conceptual model upon which the HyCon system architecture was
formulated. The system considers the contributions from various users such as clients,
designers, construction managers and other stakeholders. Requirements from each user are
fed into HyCon in the form of queries (based on the ‘what-if’ analyses technique) through the
graphical user interface (GUI). The system subsequently analyses these requirements by
testing the proposed construction alternatives against pre-defined performance criteria
(targets). Real-time visualisations of the outputs are then prepared to aid decision-making.
Figure 1. Proposed Conceptual Model of a VR Prototyping System
(Source: Zhang et al, 2004)
In developing the HyCon performance criteria database, the contributory productivity factors
and life-cycle parameters that relate to the speed and cost of various hybrid alternatives were
evaluated (Oloke et al, 2003b). An overview of the evaluation is as follows.
2.1.1 Speed
Erection methods and rates for precast concrete frames and slabs were used in the case of
precast elements (Figure 2). In addition to the time allowed for unloading erection, lining and
levelling of frames and grouting of precast concrete slabs, the system is designed to also
allow users specify a time for the ‘delivery of materials’ to site as this variable was observed
to vary from site-to-site and project to project. The ‘delivery of materials’ time will include
time for manufacture and/or supply and transportation.
On the other hand, lifting and placement rates were used as the productivity factors for in-situ
concrete for speed performance. Data obtained from the UK Reinforced Concrete Council
(RCC) – CONCEPT programme also facilitated the performance criteria database
development. These data are presented in Figure 3.
Information from RCC Rates (per gang) Information from other Literature
• No. of Columns/day = 4
• Formwork erection (Plain) – 10 m2/hr • Pour concrete into skip (mins.)
• Formwork erection (Ribbed) – 8 m2/hr • Lift skip into required location (mins.)
• Formwork erection (Waffle) – 6 m2/hr • Pour concrete into shutter (mins.)
• Fix Rebar (Slab) – 0.25 Tonnes/ hr • Return skip (mins.)
• Fix Rebar (Ribbed) – 0.25 Tonnes/ hr
• Fix Rebar (Waffle) – 0.15 Tonnes/ hr
• Fix Rebar (Beam) – 0.25 Tonnes/ hr
• Strip Forms – 7 m2/hr
• Time lapse for striping forms – 50 hr
• Working Day – 10 hrs
• Placing Concrete Time – 8 m3/hr
• Make 2 phases for building lengths >
• Minimum Pours = 3 bays
Previous research by Emsley and Harris (1993) generated production data for precast erection
and steel work using work measurement techniques as shown in the flowchart in Figure 4.
Basic operation times for a given operation were established from: the determination of
basic element times for each element of the operation; the determination of basic operation
times for contingency work; and the assembly of the basic element time and operation
contingency allowance to give the basic operation time.
In deriving the productivity data, the methodology entailed a consideration of precast
concrete production data, in-situ concrete production data and steel erection rates. A
generalised model was also used to calculate basic times for the work performed in
concreting operations (ibid). Separating the basic times for the site transportation of
concreting operations into four facilitates the computation of realistic output rates for
concrete operations. The four operations are usually cyclical and included time for; (i)
pouring concrete into skip; (ii) lifting full skip to the required location; (iii) pouring concrete
into shutters; and (iv) returning empty skip. These observations were used to establish precast
and in-situ concrete production as well as steel productivity rates.
Established from Literature for beams, columns and roof
WLCC was considered as a combination of initial costs and “other costs”. Initial costs (also
known as first costs) refer to the construction cost estimate, including material, labour,
contingencies, supervision and administration (Prasad, 2000).
Initial costs were established from RCC’s Concept Programme and Price Books
(RCC-CONCEPT, 2003; Landon and Everest, 2001). Such information. Such information
includes cost information on concrete, reinforcement, formwork, cladding, etc. A breakdown
of the initial cost structure used for the performance criteria database is shown in Figure 5.
• Concrete - £90/m3
• Reinforcement - £600/Tonne
• Horizontal Formwork – Plain - £28/m2
• Horizontal Formwork – Ribbed - £39/m2
• Horizontal Formwork – Waffle - £48/m2
• Vertical Formwork - £31/m2
• Cladding - £250/m2
• Ground floor slab - £30/m2
• Excavation & C/A - £50/m2
• Site Rental - £600/m2/year
• Floor Rental - £250/m2/year
• Variable Preliminaries – 10%
• Finishes & Walls – 21%
• Mechanical & Electrical – 43%
• Cost of time - £0.62/m2/day on gross area
• Foundations - £1.16/kN
• Steel Column Costs (range) – £430 - £480/ Tonne
• Steel Beam Costs (range) - £365 -£435/Tonne
The WLCC was, therefore, treated all the costs - in monetary terms – of the design, building
and facility management (O & M, support and replacement) of a building throughout its
entire service life including disposal costs. To this effect, lifecycle costs were based on
recommendations of the GB Tool (2000) in which building costs comprised: predicted total
energy costs; annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs; and other similar costs as
illustrated in Figure 6. Similarly, O&M and other financial costs are estimated as a
percentage of capital costs throughout the lifecycle of the structure.
Basic Assumptions
• Gross Floor Area
• Design Life of Building
• Inflation Rate
• Discount Rate
Building Costs
• Total Construction Cost
• Predicted Total Energy Costs
• Predicted Annual Maintenance Costs
• Predicted Other Operating Cost
• Current Capital Cost
• Predicted Total Energy Cost/m2
• Predicted Annual O&M Cost
• Predicted Annual O&M Cost/m2
• Current Capital Cost/m2
Financial Calculations
• Present Value O&M
• Capital Cost
• Total Present Value
• Total Present Value/m2
• Difference
• Difference as percent
Figure 6. Flowchart for Estimating Lifecycle Costs Based on the GBTool 2000
The case study project is the School of Health building at the University of Wolverhampton
main site. The project was designed and constructed by Interserve Plc (one of the industrial
collaborators on this project). The project is a three-storey containing a: 200-seater lecture
theatre, offices, classrooms, reception area and other associated utility spaces. The structure
of the building comprised the following elements:
• Pile foundation
• Precast ground beams and slabs (+ in-situ concrete infill)
• Steel frame (column and beams)
• Metal decking with in-situ concrete infill on floors
• Steel Roof.
The case study was used for the performance analysis based on a methodology presented in
the flowchart in Figure 7.
Conceptual development of
Performance Data from
Assessment of On-site the HyCon Prototype Model
(Speed) productivity of using a generic project
CONCEPT Programme
case study project (Scheme 1)
Comparative Analysis
of ‘Actual’ vs.
‘Simulated’ progress Simulation of case study using
HyCon Model with Database
of performance criteria Uploading case study
Finalisation of Model
Satisfactory and Recommendation of
? future improvements
Figure 7. Flowchart Showing the Methodology used in the Case Study Approach
The process involved a utilisation of pre-defined performance criteria for the simulation of a
prototype model (previously used for a HCC investigation by Goodchild (2001)). The motive
behind this was to facilitate the setting-up of the generic performance criteria used to
populate the database. Sequel to this, the case study was uploaded unto the system and a
‘what-if’ simulation of speed and cost was conducted.
Simultaneously, an on-site evaluation of speed of the construction was conducted and the
results from this on-site study provided a means of comparing ‘actual’ and ‘simulated’
productivities. This was made possible as a result of a synchronisation of work methods in
both the real and virtual environments.
Using the construction materials, methods and techniques proposed for the execution of the
project, a real-time simulation of the progress of the development can be visualised.
Figures 8a and 8b show the ‘simulated’ and ‘actual’ site works progress respectively as at
week 15 of the construction work. Comparing the two developments revealed that although
the frame installation rate was accurate, the work method for the simulation needed to reflect
the installation of roof elements prior to the slabs. This modification was subsequently
effected and the simulation results became more satisfactory. Such a comparative
performance analysis (carried out during various stages of construction work) enabled a
refinement of the productivity rates as part of an iterative process.
Figure 8a. ‘Simulated’ Progress of work on the School of Health Project at Week 15 of
mobilisation to site (First Simulation) (Source: Zhang et al, 2004)
Figure 8a. ‘Actual’ Progress of work on the School of Health Project at Week 15 of
mobilisation to site
Current work involves the finalisation of the ‘cost’ simulations. This is by the simulation of
the development based on budgetary provisions for phases of work for initial costs and
projected budgetary provisions for the whole lifecycle maintenance of the project.
Similarly, the RCC - CONCEPT programme is being used to establish alternative forms
of structure/construction methods. This procedure seeks to evaluate the feasibility of a full
precast/insitu frame structure for the project. Preliminary results indicate the adoption of a
waffle flat slab (no beam) solution on precast columns as feasible option. Further work will
be required to simulate this option using the HyCon tools and compare the results with the
generic form. It is proposed that the final selection of a form of structure/construction method
should be based on the configuration with the most acceptable performance.
HCC offers the construction industry a wide range of benefits including satisfactory
achievement of performance objectives of speed (time) and cost. The procedure had
previously proved advantageous over traditional insitu concrete construction - with
enhancements to speed and quality being the most important advantages.
A methodology for demonstrating HCC performance through the virtual simulation of the
KPIs of time and cost using a virtual prototyping tool named HyCon is hereby presented. In
developing the HyCon performance criteria database, the contributory productivity factors
and life-cycle parameters that relate to the speed and cost of various hybrid alternatives were
evaluated. A case study was then used for the performance analysis. Comparing the
‘simulated’ and ‘actual’ site works progress enabled the refinement of the performance
criteria used to populate the HyCon database.
Current work involves the finalisation of the ‘cost’ simulations and the investigation of
alternative forms of structure/construction methods.
The ‘Simulating the performance of hybrid concrete structures using virtual prototyping
techniques’ project is funded by the EPSRC and this support is gratefully acknowledged.
The academic team consists of the University of Salford (project leader), Loughborough
University and the University of Wolverhampton. The eight collaborating firms are ABC
Structures, British Precast Concrete Federation, Curtins Consulting Engineers, Edmund
Nuttal, HBG Construction, Reinforced Concrete Council, Trent Precast Concrete Ltd, Whitby
Bird and Partners and Interserve Plc. Thanks are due to all members of staff involved.
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Construction Papers, the CIOB, Englemere, UK
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