Green Building Specification-1
Green Building Specification-1
Green Building Specification-1
Related terms:
13.1 Introduction
Working drawings and specifications are the primary documents used by a contrac-
tor to bid and execute a project. Specifications are precisely written documents that
go with the construction documents and describe materials as well as installation
methods. They describe the project to be constructed, supplementing drawings and
forming part of the contract, and describe qualities of materials, their methods of
manufacture and their installation, and workmanship and mode of construction.
They also provide other information not shown in the drawings, including a de-
scription of the final result. Many designers have considerable difficulty preparing
a competent set of standard building specifications, partly because it demands that
they shift gears, using a different medium to express design content: written instead
of drawn. They also propel the designer into the technical realm of materials not
normally dealt with on a daily basis and which the designer may not be up to speed
1. Perform laboratory mix trials to estimate the binder type and quantity prior to
mobilizing to site. The tests also provided a trend for strength gain with time.
2. Perform field trials to confirm binder types and quantity along with mixing
parameters that optimize construction.
3. Perform production tests to confirm quality has been achieved. Production
tests were often performed at 7 days and were extrapolated to 28 days us-
ing the trend line developed in the laboratory trials. Production testing was
initially specified as three columns with pull out resistance tests (PORT) and
three columns sampled by triple tube coring and the samples subjected to
unconfined compressive strength (UCS) testing.
the strength of the columns had to exceed a target minimum strength criteria
of 150 kPa beneath the crest of the embankment and 100 kPa in the interlock-
ing panels beneath the batters; but
2. to allow for variations inevitably associated with DSM, the acceptance criteria
for DSM allowed for 10% of the test results falling below the target minimum
strength criteria provided these test results were equal to or greater than 75%
of the target strength.
In practice, the effect of the acceptance criteria was to increase the mean column
strength required in construction above the design column strength to account for
the inherent variability in the strength of DSM columns. Reinstallation of noncon-
forming columns was a cost and time risk to the contractor, so the constructed mean
column strength was usually made much higher than implied by the philosophy of
the acceptance criteria to minimize rework.
Being legal documents, the specification language must be written in a clear precise
and unambiguous manner in order to communicate the intended concept. In this
respect, a convention has developed over the years as to what specific information
should be shown on the drawings and what should more appropriately be included
in the specifications. Drawings should depict information that can be most aptly
and effectively expressed graphically by means of drawings and diagrams. This
would include relevant information such as dimensions, sizes, proportions, gauges,
arrangements, locations, and interrelationships. Additionally, drawings are used to
express quantity, whereas specifications normally describe quality. Also, drawings
would denote type (e.g., wood), whereas specifications will clarify the species (e.g.,
oak). Well-written specifications on the other hand are essentially based on a number
of broad general principles as outlined below:
• Specifications should only transmit information that lends itself to the written
word, such as standards, descriptions, procedures, guarantees, and names.
• Specifications should be clear, concise, and technically correct.
• Specifications should avoid the use of ambiguous words that could lead to
Specifications should be written using simple words in short, easy-to-under-
stand sentences.
• Specifications should use technically correct terms, and avoid slang or “field”
• Specifications should avoid fielding conflicting requirements.
Confusion may result in some cases when there are exceptions to these under-
standings. For example, building departments of the majority of municipalities will
only accept drawings with applications for building permits, and refuse to accept
a project manual with specifications. Additionally, all data demonstrating building
code compliance must be indicated on the drawings. However, the repetition of
identical data on both the specifications and the drawings exposes the documents
to potential errors and inconsistency. To achieve better communication, the specifier
• Avoid specifying standards that cannot be measured or phrases that are subject
to wide interpretation.
• Avoid specifications that are impossible for the contractor to execute.
• Use clear, simple, direct statements, concise use of terms, and attention to
grammar and punctuation. Avoid use of words or phrases that are ambiguous
and imply a choice that may not be intended.
• Be impartial in designating responsibility. Avoid exculpatory clauses such as,
“the General Contractor shall be totally responsible for all…,”which try to shift
• Describe only one important idea per paragraph to make reading easier while
facilitating comprehension, editing and modifying at a later date. Specificat-
ions to be kept as short and concise as possible, omitting words like all, the,
an, and a.
• Capitalize the following: (1) the contract documents, such as Specifications,
Working Drawings, Contract, Clause, Section, Supplementary Conditions; (2)
major parties to the contract, such as Contractor, Client, Owner, Architect; (3)
specific rooms within the building, such as Living Room, Kitchen, Office; (4)
grade of materials, such as No. 1 Douglas Fir, FAS White Oak; and, of course,
(5) all proper names.
• Avoid underlining anything in a specification, as this implies that the remain-
ing material can be ignored.
• Ensure that the terms Shall and Will are used correctly. “Shall” designates
a command: “The Contractor shall….” whereas “Will” implies choice: “The
Owner or Architect will….”
It is imperative that the specifications and construction drawings are fully coordinat-
ed as they complement each other. Moreover, they should not contain conflicting
requirements, errors, omissions, or duplications. Below is a summary of project
manual requirements for a new construction project.
Understanding Specifications
Sam Kubba Ph.D., LEED AP, in Green Construction Project Management and Cost
Oversight, 2010
Furthermore, the EPA team will reportedly assist in the development and modif-
ication of project specifications to meet LEED credit requirements. But in order to
achieve this, a clear understanding is necessary of how the specifications can best
be used as a proactive mechanism to assist in procuring materials that are environ-
mentally friendly and for collecting required LEED information from subcontractors
and suppliers (Figure 3.8).
Figure 3.8. The roots of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) can be traced back to
large healthcare projects, like the Sutter Medical Center Extension in Sacramento,
California. Photo: KMD Architects.
There are several significant modifications included in the LEED v4 edition update.
These include:
• Providing guidance for companies and project managers who need to incor-
porate demolition into their plans.
• Renaming Division 40 from “Process Equipment” to “Process Interconnec-
tions” and overhauling its content.
• Reorganizing “Process Liquid Pumps” in Division 43, as a result of input from
members of the Hydraulic Institute.
• Moving “Manufactured Planters” and “Site Seating and Tables” to Division 32
to better align with other site-based work and renaming their former Division
12 location to “Interior Public Space Furnishings” to address similar types of
furnishings used in indoor settings.
• Revising “Equipment” in Division 11 to update, simplify, and rationalize its
content and organization.
• Expanding “Agreement Forms” in Section 00 52 00 to improve alignment with
standard forms of agreement (Source: CSI).
The following is the latest GreenSpec® Guideline Specifications based on the current
CSI MasterFormat Divisions (April 2014):
For projects seeking LEED certification, or that wish to track their project’s perfor-
mance against LEED, the specifications include details on how LEED requirements
relate to the expressed requirements. Many LEED credits may not be addressed
directly in the Guideline Specifications primarily because attaining those credits are
determined by choices made in site selection or design and are not affected by
product choices or other activities governed by these sections. The responsibility lies
with the designer to ensure that any such credits have been satisfactorily addressed
in the design and construction process.
For projects pursuing LEED certification, the contractor should be provided with
a “LEED Submittal Form” for each LEED credit that the contractor is to provide
documentation. The contractor would then complete the form and attach any
additional documentation to it. Project managers sometimes link receipt of the
completed forms to payment requests from the contractor at appropriate points in
the construction process. In addition, there may be submittals required for LEED or
for the client that are not typically within the scope of the specifications document.
The following is a guidance document example that is based on the Whole Building
Design Guide – Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers. It consists of sample
specification language intended to be inserted into project specifications on this
subject as appropriate to “greening” your specifications. Certain provisions, where
indicated, are required for US federal agency projects. Sample specification language
is numbered to clearly distinguish it from advisory or discussion material. Each
sample is preceded by identification of the typical location in a specification section,
where it would appear using the SectionFormat™ of the CSI; the six-digit section
number cited is per CSI Masterformat™ 2014. For a more complete set, visit the
Whole Building Design Guide web site at:
3.4.1 Section 03 40 00 – Precast Concrete
Aggregates for use in concrete include normal sand and gravel, crushed stone,
expanded clay, expanded shale, expanded slate, pelletized or extruded fly ash, ex-
panded slag, perlite, vermiculite, expanded polystyrene beads, or processed clay,
diatomite, pumice, scoria, or tuff.
Architectural items (e.g., planters, lintels, bollards) fabricated from lightweight and
recycled content aggregates are available. The quantity and type of recycled ma-
terials vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and include cellulose, fiberglass,
polystyrene, and rubber.
A. Product data. Unless otherwise indicated, submit the following for each type of
product provided under work of this Section:SPECIFIER NOTE:Green build-
ing rating systems often include credit for materials of recycled content.
USGBC-LEED™ v3, for example, includes credit for materials with recycled
content, calculated on the basis of preconsumer and postconsumer percent-
age content, and it includes credit for use of salvaged/recovered materials.
However, in LEED v4, the credit for materials of recycled content requires ma-
terials to meet both regional and recycled content criteria to maximize points.
(Attention should be given to the latest LEED™ requirements and recommen-
dations.)Green Globes US also provides points for reused building materials
and components and for building materials with recycled content.1.Recycled
Content:a.Indicate recycled content; indicate percentage of preconsumer and
postconsumer recycled content per unit of product.b.Indicate relative dollar
value of recycled content product to total dollar value of product included
in project.c.If recycled content product is part of an assembly, indicate the
percentage of recycled content product in the assembly by weight.d.If recycled
content product is part of an assembly, indicate relative dollar value of recycled
content product to total dollar value of assembly.SPECIFIER NOTE:Specifying
local materials may help minimize transportation impacts; however it may
not have a significant impact on reducing the overall embodied energy
of a building material because of efficiencies of scale in some modes
of transportation.Green building rating systems frequently include credit
for local materials. Transportation impacts include: fossil fuel consumption,
air pollution, and labor.USGBC-LEED™ 2009 includes credits for materials
extracted/harvested and manufactured within a 500-mile radius from the
project site. However, this OPTION within the new v4 version encourages local
sourcing. The radius from the construction site for extraction, manufacturing,
and purchasing of the product has now been reduced to within a 100-mile
radius of the construction site. Green Globes US also provides points for
materials that are locally manufactured.2.Local/Regional Materials:a.Sourcing
location(s): Indicate location of extraction, harvesting, and recovery; indicate
distance between extraction, harvesting, and recovery and the project site.b.-
Manufacturing location(s): Indicate location of manufacturing facility; indicate
distance between manufacturing facility and the project site.c.Product Value:
Indicate dollar value of product containing local/regional materials; include
materials cost only.d.Product Component(s) Value: Where product compo-
nents are sourced or manufactured in separate locations, provide location
information for each component. Indicate the percentage by weight of each
component per unit of product.
Submit environmental data in accordance with Table 1 of ASTM E2129 for
products provided under work of this Section.
C. Documentation of manufacturer’s take-back program for (units, full and partial)
(packaging) (xxxx). Include the following:1.Appropriate contact information.-
2.Overview of procedures.a.Indicate manufacturer’s commitment to reclaim
materials for recycling and/or reuse.3.Limitations and conditions, if any, ap-
plicable to the project.
Similarly, the nonferrous material list is exhaustive, and a few of them are listed here
as an example.
The sample list of Cementations, Ceramic, Concrete, and Masonry Materials in-
These lists are just examples of the subjects addressed by each group; in fact, the
actual list is exhaustive in each group. These specifications are from time to time
amended, merged, removed, or changed, so the latest updated version must be
IS/IT is a general term that describes the application of computers, communications
and electronic engineering to the specification, design and construction of informa-
tion-rich systems. To achieve agility at micro, intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise
levels and to derive the full benefits of agility along the value/supply chain, appro-
priate design, architecture, and implementation of the IS/IT are critical.
The point of interest is the enabling role of technology in gaining agility. Agility is
thought of as a synthesized use of already developed and well-known technologies
and methods of manufacturing, such as lean manufacturing, CIM, TQM, MRP II,
BPR, employee empowerment, and OPT [10], [11], [12]. When one looks at this
wide array of technologies that support agility, one can easily realize the enormous
magnitude of the role IS/IT plays in gaining agility in manufacturing. A proper and
clear understanding as well as assessment of IS/IT needs in one's road map towards
agility is essential to build up the capability of a firm to compete effectively.
The two most critical aspects of IS/IT to achieve agile manufacturing environment
would be integration and flexibility. Vonderembse et al. [4] have argued that in
post-industrial manufacturing, companies have to focus on integration issues be-
cause information exchange becomes a critical factor when flexibility is a competitive
requirement, and that integration should be given higher priority in technology
deployment than automation. Field studies of four different firms verify their no-
tion that higher level of integration among business functions and technologies
contributes for better business performance, including short lead time within wide
variety of products, than higher level of automation [4]. Further evidence of the
need to integrate enterprise-wide can be seen in Yusuf [20] where it is reported that
integrated organizations were superior to their non-integrated counterparts.
Agile manufacturing is possible only when different business functions and mem-
bers of the supply chain move together as parts of an organic whole. This requires
a high level of integration in all information flows and material flows between and
among business functions and members of the supply chain. Information systems
requirement in the agile manufacturing environment basically calls for integrated
information systems encompassing the entire value chain. Accurate, timely and
reliable provision of critical and appropriate information to all internal and external
constituents of the value/supply chain will be the ultimate goal of the information
systems in an agile environment.
However, pursuing high level of integration by all means may result in systems
characterized by lack of robustness and flexibility [22]. Popular enterprise resource
planning (ERP) systems (such as SAP) or custom-made manufacturing control sys-
tems (MCSs) can be good examples of this. Such a system may exhibit a very high
level of integration within itself, but when it comes to flexibility, i.e., reconfiguring
some or all of its components, it could become extremely difficult, if not impossible
to change [22], [23]. As such, one should be careful, in designing and implementing
IS/IT in an agile manufacturing environment, to equally emphasize integration and
As before, the following specification (Fig. 20.3) is for a guideline only as all com-
panies have certain standards and acceptable procedures in generating company
specific specifications.
Figure 20.3. Construction specifications.