Booij 2005 Compounding and Derivation

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Compounding and derivation: evidence for Construction Morphology

Geert Booij

1. Introduction

The proper classification and demarcation of morphological phenomena is an important issue in

handbooks and textbooks of morphology. This issue is not only a matter of terminological and didactic
clarity. The primary purpose of a good classification is to enable the linguist to make the best
generalizations possible about linguistic phenomena. By assigning a specific class of linguistic
constructs to the realm of (one of the subdomains of) morphology on the basis of a specific property of
those constructs, we endeavour to predict other aspects of their grammatical behaviour, on the basis of
a well-articulated theory of the relevant subdomain.
Two kinds of demarcation play a prominent role in the morphological literature: the
demarcation of compounds and syntactic constructs, and the demarcation of inflection and derivation.
The demarcation issue in morphology that I will focus on in this paper is a third one, that between
compounding and derivation. Although this demarcation issue may be less prominent in the
morphological literature than the two other mentioned above, it has received some attention, for
instance in Bauer (1983: 36-38), Tuggy (1992), and ten Hacken (2000).
The traditional criterion of demarcation between compounding and derivation is the following:

(1) Compounding consists of the combination of two or more lexemes, whereas derivation is
characterized by the addition of an affix, that is, a bound morpheme, to a lexeme.

In Item-and-Arrangement Morphology, the difference between compounding and derivation reduces to

one property of certain morphemes, namely that they are bound. In this approach to morphology,
affixes can be represented as lexical items, and will then be subcategorized as only appearing in
combination with a stem. These bound morphemes are like lexical morphemes in that they may belong
to a syntactic category such as N, V or A. The syntactic category label of these affixes can be
percolated to the node that dominates the complex word which they form part of. In English and
related languages, this percolation is executed in accordance with the Right-hand Head Rule. This is
the line taken in Lieber (1980, 1992), Selkirk (1982), and Emonds (2002). This type of analysis
stresses the similarities between compounding and derivation. Yet, this does not mean that the
demarcation issue is solved by unifying these two types of word formation. We still have to establish
criteria for determining if a particular morpheme is to be considered a bound or a free morpheme, as

we will see below. Furthermore, we want to know whether the difference between being unbound or
bound correlates with other differences, such as semantic and phonological ones, and how these
differences are accounted for.
The Item-and-Arrangement approach can be contrasted with one in which the morphological
mechanisms of compounding and derivation are considered as radically different in nature. This is the
line taken in Anderson (1992), a study that defends an Item-and-Process view of both inflectional and
derivational morphology (see Stump 2001: Chapter 1 for a more detailed and sophisticated
classification of morphological theories). Derivation is seen as a set of operations on lexemes that
derive other lexemes. Each of these operations is a Word Formation Rule with a phonological aspect
(the addition of a phonological string or some other phonological operation), a semantic aspect (the
change of meaning), and a syntactic aspect (the syntactic (sub)category of the new lexeme) (see Beard
1995 for a similar view). Compounding, on the other hand, is accounted for by a set of Word Structure
Rules which form part of syntax, and combine lexical stems into compounds.
Anderson’s view of the difference between compounding and derivation relates to his process
view of morphology. In the realm of inflection, the relation between morpho-syntactic features and
their phonological spell out can be so complex that this is taken to justify the view that the
phonological changes are to be seen as the spell out of morpho-syntactic features. That is, Anderson
defends a realizational view of inflection (see Stump 2001: Chapter 1 for extensive motivation of this
view), and extends this view of morphological rules to derivational morphology (Anderson 1992:
Chapter 7). The basic advantage of this approach is that it unifies derivation by means of affixation
with other kinds of word formation, performed by formal operations such as conversion, vowel
alternation, and reduplication, which are not straightforwardly concatenative. However, it completely
separates compounding from affixal derivation. Therefore, it is essential for the validity of this
hypothesis that there is a sharp empirical distinction between compounding and affixal derivation.
In Anderson’s view, this difference between compounding and derivation also implies that
derived words do not have an internal morphological structure once they have been derived (the
hypothesis of A-morphous Morphology). Compounds, which are created by different kind of rules, do
have an internal structure that is accessible to other rules of grammar. For instance, there are rules for
introducing linking elements into German compounds that must have access to the internal structure of
such complex words (Anderson 1992: 297). The hypothesis of A-morphous morphology is logically
independent from the analysis of derivation as a set of Word Formation Rules. In a realizational
framework, one could also sustain a theory of derivational rules that do assign morphological structure
to complex words. Anderson’s radical claim, however, is that the assumption of morphological
structure is superfluous. When a new word is formed by a derivational rule, its new phonological,
syntactic, and semantic properties are specified by that rule, and the grammar need not have access to
the morphological structure of a word once it has been derived.

In this paper I will argue that compounding and affixational derivation cannot be demarcated
in the way proposed by Anderson. In section 2, I will show that there is no sharp boundary between
compounding and affixal derivation, since there are many borderline cases. Section 3 will show that
morphological and phonological rules need to have access to the internal morphological structure of
derived words. In that respect, they appear to be like compounds. In section 4 I will argue that these
commonalities of compounding and derivation can be accounted for in the theory of Construction
Morphology that makes use of constructional schemas of varying degrees of abstractness for the
description of word formation patterns.

2. Borderline cases

In this section I will present some observations that imply that there is no sharp boundary between
compounding and derivation.

2.1. Prefixation or compounding?

The demarcation of prefixation and compounding is a notoriously difficult task in the morphological
analysis of Romance languages. In French, for instance, some morphemes appear both as preposition,
and as the first part of complex words. Are these complex words cases of compounding, or of
prefixation (examples from Amiot 2004)?

(2) a. avant ‘before’ b. avant-guerre ‘prewar period’

après ‘after’ après-ski ‘id.’
contre ‘against’ contre-coeur ‘id.’
en ‘in’ en-lever ‘to raise’
entre ‘between’ entre-preneur ‘id.’
sur ‘on’ sur-exposition ‘overexposure’

The first parts of the complex words in (2b) are sometimes considered prefixes, probably because they
do not correspond to content words, but to grammatical words (prepositions), whereas prototypical
compounds are combinations of content words. Yet, grammatical words are also lexemes, and
therefore, the words in (2b) might be classified as compounds since they are combinations of two
Similarly, Dutch features a number of words used as preposition, adjective, or adverb for
which corresponding forms are found as parts of complex words. They are usually called prefixes
(Booij 2002a: 116). They do not carry the main stress of the word, just like undisputed Dutch prefixes

such as EH and YHU that do not form lexemes by themselves. If these complex words were
compounds, we would expect main stress on the first constituent, as is the rule for Dutch compounds.


aan ‘at’ bid ‘to pray’ aan-bid ‘to worship’
achter ‘after’ haal ‘to fetch’ achter-haal ‘to find out’
door ‘through’ snijd ‘to cut’ door-snijd ‘to cut through’
spek ‘pork’ door-spek ‘to interlard with’
mis ‘wrong’ vorm ‘to form’ mis-vorm ‘to deform’
om ‘around’ sluit ‘to close’ om-sluit ‘to enclose’
cirkel ‘circle’ om-cirkel ‘to encircle’
onder ‘under’ breek ‘to break’ onder-breek ‘to interrupt’
titel ‘title’ onder-titel ‘to subtitle’
over ‘over’ win ‘to win’ over-win ‘to defeat’
brug ‘bridge' over-brug ‘to bridge’
vol ‘full’ maak ‘to make’ vol-maak ‘to bring to perfection’
voor ‘before’ kom ‘to come’ voor-kom ‘to prevent’
weer ‘again’ schijn ‘to shine’ weer-schijn ‘to reflect’

This suggests that even when each constituent of a complex word corresponds to a lexeme, this is not
sufficient for classifying that complex word as a compound.
The prefixal analysis of the words in (2) and (3) implies that a lexeme may have an affixal
counterpart. Obviously, we must have good reasons for this kind of proliferation. Above, I mentioned
phonological evidence in the case of Dutch: these prefixes pattern with undisputed prefixes in not
carrying the main stress of the complex word. Other evidence is semantic in nature. Sometimes, there
is a recurring semantic difference between the word and the corresponding affix: the affix has a
different meaning, or a more restricted range of meanings than the corresponding lexeme. Consider the
Dutch morpheme ZHHU. As an independent lexeme, it has the meaning ‘again, back’ , as part of a
complex word it has the meanings ‘in opposition’ and ‘in inverse direction’ :

(4) opposition: ZHHUVSUHNHQ‘to counter-argue’ , ZHHUVWDDQ ‘to resist’

inverse direction: ZHHUNDDWVHQ‘to reflect’ , ZHHUNOLQNHQ ‘to resound’

A third property that such bound morphemes with a lexemic counterpart may share with
undisputed prefixes is their ability to determine the category of the complex word they create. Most
prefixes in Germanic languages tend not to affect the syntactic category of the complex word they are
part of, in conformity with the Right-hand Head Rule. Thus, from that point of view it does not matter

if such words are considered compounds or prefixed words. Some undisputed verbal prefixes of Dutch
such as EH and YHU can be used to derive verbs from nouns, that is, they have category-changing
power. The same seems to apply to some of the initial constituents of the verbs in (3), as shown in (5):


title ‘title’ onder-titel ‘to subtitle’
brug ‘bridge’ over-brug ‘to bridge’

The verbs WLWHOHQ and EUXJJHQ do not exist in Dutch, which means that the verbs in (5) seem to be
derived from nominal bases. This then speaks in favour of classifying such morphemes as prefixes,
with the implication that we distinguish between the lexeme RQGHU and the prefix RQGHU, and between
the lexeme RYHU and the prefix RYHU-.
Another borderline case from Dutch is formed by complex nouns that begin with the
constituents OLQNHU ‘left’ or UHFKWHU ‘right’ . These constituents are used productively in noun
formation, as in:

(6) linker-been ‘left leg’ , linker-arm ‘left arm’ , rechter-kant, ‘right side’ , rechter-raam ‘right

These constituents are related to the adjectives OLQNV ‘left’ and UHFKWV ‘right’ , but do not occur as
lexemes, and would therefore qualify as prefixes. Yet, due to their specific lexical meaning, and their
relationship with these adjectives, an interpretation as bound stems seems to be more natural. They
look similar to the affixoids to be discussed in the next subsection.

2.2. Affixoids

In section 2.1, we noted that morphemes as parts of complex words may differ in meaning from the
same morpheme when used as an independent lexeme. The terms ‘affixoid’ and ‘semi-affix’ have been
introduced to denote morphemes which look like parts of compounds, and do occur as lexemes, but
have a specific and more restricted meaning when used as part of a compound.
Marchand (1969: 326) used the term ‘semi-suffix’ to denote “such elements as stand midway
between full words and suffixes. Some of them are used only as second words of compounds, though
their word character is still recognizable” (the words in 7b):

(7) a. -like (godlike), -way (someway), -wise (clockwise), -worthy (praiseworthy), -ware
(hardware, software);
b. -monger (whoremonger, moneymonger, scandalmonger), -wright (playwright, shipwright)

In my opinion, -PRQJHU and -ZULJKW in (7b) should be classified as bound lexical stems, in line with
Marchand’ s observation, and because the set of words ending in PRQJHU etc. cannot be extended. The
relevant morphemes in (7a), which also occur as independent words, function similar to suffixes, since
the set of words ending in OLNH, ZRUWK\, and ZDUH can be extended. Therefore, we may indeed classify
them as semi-suffixes or suffixoids (cf. Dalton-Puffer and Plag 2001) since they are morphemes that
function as suffixes and have corresponding lexemes. The notion ‘suffixoid’ , or more generally
‘affixoid’ should, however, not be seen as a theoretical notion, only as a provisional classificatory
term, as we will see below.
The term ‘affixoid’ is sometimes also applied to suffixes like German -VFKDIW ‘-ship’ and
Dutch EDDU ‘-able’ , and -KHLG‘-ity’ . These suffixes derive historically from lexemes. This is reflected
in their phonological behaviour: they are non-cohering suffixes that behave as prosodic words of their
own. For instance, they carry secondary stress. Synchronically there are no corresponding lexemes,
and therefore there is conclusive evidence for these morphemes being suffixes. Hence they should not
be classified as suffixoids. Instead, we classify them as non-cohering suffixes (cf. Booij 2002c).
The following Dutch words may be considered to contain suffixoids:

echt ‘real’ kleur-echt ‘lit. colour-real, colourfast’
vrij ‘free’ stof-vrij ‘lit. dust-free, without dust’
arm ‘poor’ zout-arm ‘lit. salt-poor, low on salt’
rijk ‘rich’ vezel-rijk ‘lit. fibre-rich, fibrous’

boer ‘farmer’ groente-boer ‘lit. vegetables-farmer, greengrocer’
kolen-boer ‘lit. coal-farmer, coal trader’
les-boer ‘lit. lesson-farmer, teacher’
melk-boer ‘lit. milk-farmer, milkman’
patat-boer ‘lit. chips-farmer, chips seller’
sigaren-boer ‘lit. cigar-farmer, cigar seller’
vis-boer ‘fishmonger, fish dealer’

man ‘man’ bladen-man ‘lit. magazines-man, magazine seller’

kranten-man ‘lit. newspapers-man, newspaper seller’
ijsco-man ‘lit. ice cream-man, ice cream seller’
melk-man ‘milk man, milk seller’

More examples from Dutch can be found in Meesters (2002). The reason why morphologists tend to
consider the heads of these complex words as suffix-like is that they have a specific meaning when
used in that context. For instance, whereas the lexeme YULM has a range of meanings, it only has the
meaning ‘without’ when part of a complex word. Similarly, DUP has the restricted meaning ‘with only
a small amount of’ in complex words such as ]RXWDUP. The morpheme ERHU ‘farmer’ (etymologically
related to the English morpheme ERXU in QHLJKERXU), when part of a complex word, has the meaning
‘trader in’ , and no longer means ‘farmer’ . Crucially for a classification as semi-affix, the ‘bound’ use
of these morphemes is productive (cf. Schmidt 1987, Becker 1994), as is illustrated here for ERHU. This
morpheme is used in combination with nouns that do not denote agricultural products, and words with
this morpheme form a series of words with a shared meaning component. A similar observation can be
used for the lexeme PDQ ‘man’ when used in compounds
The observation of morphemes having specific meanings and being used productively with
that specific meaning also applies to the class of Dutch prefixoids:

kanker ‘cancer’ kanker-school ‘bloody school’
kut ‘cunt’ kut-ding ‘worthless thing’
kloot ‘testicle’ klote-houding ‘bad attitude’

meester ‘master’ meesterwerk ‘very good piece of work’
meester-zet ‘masterly trick’
wereld ‘world’ wereld-vrouw ‘fantastic woman’
wereld-vent ‘fantastic guy’

steen ‘stone’ steen-koud ‘very cold’ , steen-goed ‘very good’ , steen-rijk ‘very rich’
beer ‘bear’ bere-sterk ‘very strong’ , bere-koud ‘very cold’ , bere-leuk ‘very nice’

The prefix EHUH, for instance, derives from the noun EHHU ‘bear’ , followed by the linking phoneme H.
Hence, the phonological form of this prefixoid is [be:rs]. Attachment of EHUH to an adjective has
become a very productive means for the expression of intensification of meaning, of having the
property to a very high degree. Some examples (data from a Google search) are:

(10) bere-goed ‘very good’ , bere-interessant ‘very interesting’ , bere-moeilijk ‘very difficult’ ,
bere-sterk ‘very strong’ , bere-tof ‘very good’ , bere-veel ‘very much’ , bere-zalig ‘very

Judging from the orthography of a number of examples from my Google search with a space between
EHUH and the next word, some users of Dutch have even reinterpreted EHUH as an adverb with the
meaning ‘very’ . The same applies to the compound constituent UHX]H- (a combination of UHXV ‘giant’
and a linking element H) which can also be used as the independent word UHX]H with the meaning
‘fantastic, great’ : HHQUHX]HYHQW ‘a fantastic guy’ , 'LWLVUHX]H ‘This is great’ .
The rise of affixoids is a typical case of grammaticalization, content words becoming
grammatical morphemes. As is well known from grammaticalization studies, semantic change
precedes formal change. In the case of affixoids semantic change has already taken place, but there is
no formal change yet: formally they are just like (real compounds), there is usually no phonological
weakening involved. We also observe the layering that is characteristic of grammaticalization: besides
the bound use of these words, their use as independent lexemes, with a greater range of meanings, is
still possible.
The theoretical problem that there is no sharp boundary between compounding and affixal
derivation is not solved, however by postulating a category of semi-affixes or affixoids; it is just a
convenient description of the fact that the boundary between compounding and derivation is blurred,
but does not in itself provide an explanation of why this is the case. What we need is a model of
morphological knowledge that will enable us to explain these facts. In section 4 this issue will be taken
up again.
These grammaticalization facts show that compounding and derivation cannot be seen as two
completely different morphological mechanisms, the position defended in Anderson (1992). For the
same reason, Haspelmath (1992) concluded that it makes sense to define suffixes as heads of complex
words, just like the right constituents of compounds.
The inverse development, bound constituents becoming words also takes place. This is an
example of degrammaticalization. An example from both English and Dutch is the use of H[ with the
meaning ‘former partner’ ; German also has the noun ([ with the same meaning. In Dutch, bound
stems or prefixes such as PDNUR ‘macro-, at a higher level’ and DQWL ‘anti-, against’ have developed
into independent lexemes (Booij 2002a). The possibility of degrammaticalization of, in particular non-
cohering, affixes into lexemes once more blurs the boundary between compounding and affixal

3. Access to morphological structure

The strong similarity between compounding and derivation leads to the conclusion that derivational
affixes do exist as constituents in the morphological structure of words, just like the constituents of
compounds. Derivational morphemes function as building blocks in morphological structure. This

goes against the theory of A-morphous Morphology. The following quotation from Anderson (1992)
will serve to clarify this issue (cf. Bauer 1999 for relevant comments):

“No one would contest the claim that [a constituent analysis] corresponds to something which
is ‘true’ of the word GLVFRQWHQWHGQHVV, but it does not follow from this that the decomposition
of the word is an aspect of its structure, any more than its etymology is. To see that there is an
issue here, we can contrast such views, based on morphemes, with a picture of morphology as
based on a system of rules, which map words (or stems) onto other words […]. On this
picture, the structure of GLVFRQWHQWHGQHVV is given by a derivation:

Rdis Red Rness

N [content] o N [discontent] o A[discontented] o N [discontentedness]

Each step of such a derivation maps the phonology, the semantics, and the syntax of its inputs
onto the (corresponding) properties of its outputs. It expresses the same facts as the
[constituent structure tree], such as the observation that some of the subparts of the word are
themselves words, the relative scope of morphological operations, etc., but without imposing a
distinct structure on derived words to represent their morphological analysis as an aspect of
their form.” Anderson (1992: 260)

Let us therefore see if there is evidence for rules of grammar that need access to the morphological
constituent structure of derived words. Recall that Anderson pointed out that we do need access to the
constituent structure of compounds in order to specify the location of linking elements in German
compounds. Dutch also has such linking elements (-V or -H) at the internal boundary of compounds.
However, the linking element -H- not only appears within compounds, but also before a number of
suffixes, in particular after stems ending in an obstruent (Booij 2002a):

(11) -lijk heer-lijk ‘delicious’ drag-e-lijk ‘bearable’

-ling twee-ling ‘twins’ vreemd-e-ling ‘stranger’
-loos zin-loos ‘senseless’ nod-e-loos ‘without necessity’
-nis vuil-nis ‘garbage’ begraf-e-nis ‘burial’

Therefore, if rules for the distribution of such linking elements need access to the internal structure of
compounds, they need likewise access to the internal structure of derived words.
An important argument in favour of access to morphological structure is the phenomenon of
base-driven restrictions discussed in detail in work by Plag (Plag 1999; Hay and Plag 2004). For
example, English verbs ending in one of the suffixes -LI\L]H, or -DWH require (one of the allomorphs

of) the suffix DWLRQ for being nominalized. Use of one of the other English nominalizing suffixes such
as DJHDODQFHRUPHQW is thereby excluded:

(12) steer steerage

betray betrayal
annoy annoyance
contain containment

magnify magnification, *magnify-age, *magnify-al, *magnify-ance, *magnify-ment

verbalize verbalization, *verbaliz-age, *verbaliz-al, *verbaliz-ance, *verbalize-ment
concentrate concentration, *concentrate-age, *concentrate-al, *concentrate-ance,
*concentrate-ment (Hay and Plag 2004)

An example of a base-driven restriction from Dutch is that the choice of a specific female
suffix is determined by the last suffix of the base word. For instance, the female suffix -VWHU, can only
be added to nouns ending in HUDDUor LHU. The following table illustrates these base-driven

(13) The formation of female personal nouns (Booij 2002a: 102)


-e ---- fotograaf ‘photographer’ fotograf-e
es -- voogd '
guardian' voogd-es
-aar zond-aar '
sinner' zondar-es
-er zang-er ‘singer’ zanger-es
esse -aris secret-aris ‘secretary’ secretar-esse
euse -eur mass-eur ‘massagist’ mass-euse
ica -icus historic-us ‘historian’ historic-a
ière -ier cabaret-ier ‘id.’ cabaret-ière
in ---- leeuw ‘lion’ leeuw-in
ix -or rect-or ‘id.’ rect-rix
rice -eur ambassad-eur ‘ambassador’ ambassad-rice
ster -aar wandel-aar ‘walker’ wandelaar-ster
-ier winkel-ier ‘shopkeeper’ winkelier-ster
-er VVD-er '
member of VVD' VVD-ster

As the last example of (13) already illustrates, the suffix -HU of a base noun is replaced with -VWHU, a
case of paradigmatic word formation:

(14) betwet-er ’lit. better knower, pedant’ betweet-ster ’female pedant’

oproerkraai-er ’lit. revolution crower, ring leader’ oproerkraai-ster ’female ring leader’
padvind-er ’lit path finder, boy scout’ padvind-ster ’girl scout’
strooplikk-er ’lit. syrup licker, toady’ strooplik-ster ’female toady’
rederijk-er ’rhetorician’ rederijk-ster ’female rhetorician’
reizig-er ’traveler’ reizig-ster ’female traveler’
aanvoer-der ’captain’ aanvoerd-ster ’female captain’
bestuur-der ’driver’ bestuurd-ster ’female driver’
woordvoer-der ’spokesman’ woordvoerd-ster ’spokeswoman’
(Booij 2002a: 6-7)

In the last three examples, the base nouns end in an allomorph of HU, the suffix -GHU. This allomorph
has to be used after stems ending in [r]. The fact that this [d] also appears in female nouns such as
DDQYRHUGVWHU (where we would expect DDQYRHUVWHU if the suffix VWHU were attached to the verbal stem
DDQYRHU) shows that this is a case of suffix replacement, with HU being replaced with -VWHU.
Paradigmatic word formation is the case par excellence for the accessibility of the internal
structure of derived words. A related phenomenon is that of truncation (Aronoff 1976): the deletion of
the last suffix of the stem before the newly added suffix, as in QRPLQHH derived fromQRPLQDWH, a
notion also used by Corbin (1987) in her analysis of French word formation. As Maiden (2001: 42-43)
points out, such truncation operations cannot be interpreted as phonological operations, unlike what
Anderson (1992: 280ff) suggests. The pieces that are deleted or replaced are not just strings of
segments, but morphological units. Hence, truncation (or suffix substitution) requires access to the
internal morphological structure of derived words.
Affix substitution also occurs as a diachronic process. Maiden (2001) provides some cases
from Romanian and Spanish in which the final suffix of derived words has been replaced with another
one. For instance, Maiden observed the following pattern of suffix replacement for Romanian words
with diminutive suffixes:

[…] “in all nouns and adjectives with suffixal -HOHLHDHOH [..] the feminine adverbal
singular -HD is subject to replacement by the etymologically unrelated diminutive suffix -LF . “
(Maiden 2001: 32)

Maiden’ s explanation for this replacement is that the suffix -HD had become ambiguous, and was
therefore replaced by another, unambiguous one. This process requires that the relevant words can be
segmented into a stem followed by a derivational suffix (Maiden 2001: 36).
A by now classical case of the sensitivity of morphology to the morphological structure of
words is the formation of the past participle in Dutch. For regular simplex verbs, a prefix JH- and a
suffix WG (regular verbs) or -HQ (irregular verbs) are added to the stem. If the stem begins with an
unstressed prefix, however, the prefix JH- must be omitted:

(15) loop ‘to walk’ ge-lop-en

ver-lóop ‘to pass’ ver-lop-en, *ge-ver-lop-en
verbaliséer ‘to fine’ ge-verbaliseer-d, *verbaliseer-d

In the last example, the first syllable YHU- has no prefix status, and hence, the prefix JH cannot be
omitted. Therefore, the morphological structure of prefixed verbs must be accessible to morphology.
This point is also made in Carstairs-McCarthy (1993), a general critical discussion of the claims of A-
morphous Morphology.
The morphological structure of a word may also play a role in the computation of its prosodic
structure. A specification of the phonological string of segments of an affix does not suffice for
computing the prosodic structure of morphologically complex words, because word-internal
morphological boundaries may play a role in the division of the phonological string into syllables, feet
and prosodic words. For instance, the right edge of prefixes may have to coincide with a syllable
boundary even when this violates the universal constraint of syllabification referred to as No Empty
Onset. Suffixes may create a prosodic word of their own. Put generally, there are constraints on the
alignment of prosodic boundaries with word-internal morphological boundaries (McCarthy and Prince
1994). Such effects on the prosodic structure of words cannot be specified as part of the phonological
operation performed by a Word Formation Rule, because this would imply that the creation of the
prosodic structure of a complex word is part of that phonological operation. That cannot be correct
since the principles of prosodification are not affix-specific. They follow the general principles for
assigning prosodic structure to words. For instance, Dutch derived words ending in the suffix DFKWLJ
‘-ish’ receive their prosodic structure just as other words. Thus, the suffix -DFKWLJ is syllabified as
DFKWLJ. The only affix-specific property concerns the alignment of its left boundary with a prosodic
word boundary. Hence, a word like URRGDFKWLJ ‘reddish’ will receive the following prosodic structure
and phonetic representation (the dots indicate syllable boundaries, VWDQGVIRUµSURVRGLFZRUG¶ 

(16) [[rood]Aachtig]A (ro:t) ( x.tsx)

This example shows that morphological constituent structure must be accessible for the computation
of the prosodic structure of a word. Similar observations can be made for prefixed words. As pointed
out in section 2, the right edge of some prefixes always coincides with a syllable boundary, even when
this means that the first syllable of the stem will be onsetless. Again, morphological structure must be
accessible. This is illustrated by the Dutch prefixed verb YHUDV ‘to cremate’ , with the syllable structure
YHUDV, with an onsetless second syllable (at the phonetic level the onset may be filled by a glottal
In conclusion, the assignment of morphological constituent structure to words derived by
means of affixal derivation appears to be well motivated, and make such derived words structurally
similar to compounds. Morphological and phonological rules require information about the internal
structure of derived words for their proper application.

4. Construction Morphology

The structural similarity between compounding and affixal derivation can be expressed by means of
word formation schemas that express generalizations about sets of existing words, and can also be
used to make new words. For instance, Dutch has right-headed compounds, suffixed nouns, and
prefixed nouns. These three morphological patterns can be represented as follows:

(17) a. compounding : [[x]X][y]Y]Y

b suffixation : [[x]X y]Y
c. prefixation : [x[y]y]Y

The variables [ and \ stand for phonological strings and the variables ; and < for lexical categories.
The schema for compounds expresses the generalization that Dutch compounds are right-headed since
the category variable for the right constituent is identical to that of the whole word. The schema for
prefixation expresses that prefixation is category-neutral, and that the syntactic category of prefixed
words is identical to that of its stem. Below I will discuss to what extent there are cases of Dutch
prefixation that do not conform to this schema. The difference between compounding and derivation is
that in derivation one of the constituents does not have a lexical label since it does not correspond to a
In the case of the compound schema (17a), it is possible to add the following semantic
specification to that schema:

(18) [[x]X[y]Y]Y ‘Y with some relation to X’

This schema is part of the lexicon, and represents the pairing of a formal structure to a semantic
The schemas (17b,c) are general schemas for suffixation and prefixation respectively that do
not mention specific affixes. In the traditional Word Formation Rule approach of Aronoff (1976),
however, there is a rule for each individual affix, for instance, one for the English deverbal suffix -HU.
The bound nature of the morpheme HU, the category-determining role, and the semantic contribution
of this suffix are expressed by its being specified in the relevant rule. Therefore, we may ask how
these general schemas and Word Formation Rules relate.
In order to answer this question, let us apply the idea of Construction Grammar (Goldberg
1995, Kay 1997) to the domain of morphology, thus developing the theory of Construction
Morphology. The basic insight of Construction Grammar is that specific instantiations of general
syntactic patterns may have started to lead a life of their own, and thus deserve a specification of their
own. A famous example is the English construction 913DZD\, as in WZLVWLQJWKHQLJKWDZD\. This is
an example of a constructional idiom, a syntactic pattern in which one position is lexically specified
(DZD\ , and that has a specific, not completely compositional meaning (Jackendoff 2002). Such idioms
with partial lexical specification are called ‘constructional idioms’ .
The morphological scheme for the Dutch and English deverbal suffix -HU can now be
interpreted as an example of a constructional idiom at the word level: deverbal nouns with HU have the
meaning ‘one who V-s’ ; this meaning is to be linked to this specific instantiation of suffixation schema

(19) [[x]V HU]N ‘one who V’ s’

The basic idea of constructional schemas is that they represent generalizations about sets of
complex words with varying degrees of abstraction. The complex words themselves are specified
individually in the lexicon to the extent that they are established, conventionalized lexemes. The
relation between the abstract scheme and the individual instantiations of that scheme can be
represented as a tree with the constructional schema as the dominating node. Individual words form
the lowest nodes of the trees, and inherit the properties of the nodes by which they are dominated. For
instance, the word EDNHU might be represented as follows in the lexicon:

(20)a [[x]X y]Y

[[x]V HU]N ‘one who V’ s’
[[EDN]V HU]N ‘one who bakes (professionally)’

Each lower node inherits the properties of its dominating node. These inherited properties count as
redundant information on the lower node. In the case of EDNHU, this word also inherits properties from
its base lexeme EDNH. Hence, it will also be linked to that lexeme:

(20)b [[x]X y]Y

[[x]V HU]N ‘one who V’ s’
[[EDN]V HU]N ‘one who bakes (professionally)

Thus, complex words must be allowed to have multiple linkings in the lexicon.
The second line in (20b) represents the schema for deverbal nouns in HU. New words can be
formed according to this schema through the formal operation of unification. This schema can be
unified with, for instance, the verb WRID[, thus leading to the deverbal noun ID[HU ‘one who faxes’ . The
relation between the hierarchical ordered lines of representation is that of instantiation. For instance,
the word EDNHUis an instantiation of the scheme for deverbal nouns in -HU.
This use of inheritance trees can be found in a number of frameworks such as Construction
Grammar, Network Morphology (cf. Corbett and Fraser 1993 and the literature mentioned there), and
in Cognitive Grammar (Taylor 2002). A fine example in the domain of derivational morphology is
Riehemann’ s analysis of German EDU-adjectives(Riehemann 1998).
Language users acquire knowledge of these abstract morphological schemes on the basis of
their knowledge of a set of words that instantiate this pattern. Once they have come across a sufficient
number of words of a certain type, they can infer an abstract scheme, and will be able to extend that
class of words. As Tomasello (2000: 238) points out, the endpoint of language acquisition is to be
defined “ in terms of linguistic constructions of varying degrees of complexity, abstraction, and
systematicity”. This also applies to the level of morphological constructions.
The existence of abstract, productive schemes for complex words does not mean that these
words are no longer stored in the lexicon. “ Instances and schemes will generally co-exist and mutually
support each other” (Taylor 2002: 307).
A crucial property of Construction Morphology is that it allows for intermediate
representations, in between the concrete words and the abstract pattern. Consider the Dutch compound
words ending in ERHU discussed above. We may represent the information concerning these words as
follows in the lexicon:

(21) [[x]X][y]Y]Y
[[x]N [y]N]N ‘Y with some relation to X’
[[x]N [ERHU]N]N ‘seller of [x]N
/ | \
‘green-grocer’ ‘cigar seller’ ‘coal merchant’

This hierarchy expresses that there is an intermediate generalization for compounds with ERHU as their
right constituent. This pattern has started a life of its own, although its instantiations still conform to
the schema for Dutch nominal compounds, with a specific semantic contribution of ERHU that is no
longer identical to that of the lexeme ERHU ‘farmer’ . The schema at the intermediate level is a
constructional idiom: a construction in which one of the two positions is occupied by a specific lexical
item. In this respect this schema is completely identical to that for deverbal nouns. The only difference
is that the phonological string ERHU may still be linked to the lexeme ERHU with the meaning ‘one who
produces and sells food’ . As long as this is the case, the formal structure of these words ending in ERHU
will be represented as compounds. If the semantic relationship between ERHU ‘farmer’ and these
complex words has become opaque for the language user, they will be disconnected, thus turning the
morpheme ERHU within these complex words into a bound morpheme.
Similar constructional schemas intermediate between completely abstract patterns and the
individual words that are instantiations of that pattern can be used to account for the behaviour of the
other affixoids mentioned above: they are lexemes with a specific meaning when embedded in a
compound structure. We may call them constructional idioms at the morphological level. Thus we get
schemas for Dutch suffixoids such as:

(22) [x]N [YULM]A]A ‘without N’

[x]N [DUP]A]A ‘low on N’
[x]N [ULMN]A]A ‘with a lot of N’

Again, these schemas are like those for affixal derivatives, except that the right constituents
correspond to lexemes that are stored independently in the lexicon. Moreover, these schemas are
dominated by a higher node with the more abstract schema [[x]N [y]A]A. Intermediate abstract
schemas such as those in (22) express that the specific meaning of a lexeme when embedded in a
compound may recur. That is, there is a series of such words, and the set can be extended.
Another illustration of the importance of intermediate degrees of abstraction in lexical trees is
the following. Dutch has N + N, V + N, and A + N compounds. Thus, in order to express this

generalization, we might want to assume a general sub-schema for [XN]N compounds in the Dutch
lexicon, in which X is a variable for the three classes of content words N, V, and A. However, these
three patterns do not have the same status. For instance, the class of A + N compounds is marginally
productive and the left A constituent cannot be a compound itself, whereas N + N compounding is
extremely productive, and the left N can itself be a nominal compound. In other words, there must be a
level of abstraction at which this differences between the different subsets of X + N compounds can be
specified. That is, at least the following three levels of abstraction are required for A + N compounds
in the lexicon of Dutch:

(23) [XN]N
[AN]N Condition: A is not a compound
| \
speciaalzaak ‘specialist shop’ grootvader ‘grandfather’

This approach to affixoids can also deal insightfully with Mithun’ s observation for Spokane
(Mithun 1999: 48-51) that suffixes with a lexemic counterpart, the so-called lexical suffixes, tend to be
semantically vaguer than their lexemic counterparts. The lexical suffix is by nature part of an abstract
schema, and hence is used in a more general fashion, just like the Dutch affixoids discussed above.
The increasing semantic vagueness (bleaching) and, in the case of Spokane, the phonological
reduction of the suffixes compared to the corresponding lexemes are characteristic effects of the
grammaticalization of lexemes into affixes.
Lexical hierarchies of this sort, with individual lexemes at the bottom of the hierarchy, and
abstract patterns at higher levels express the tight relationship between the paradigmatic axis and the
syntagmatic axis of language structure. Words can be assigned internal morphological structure and
linked to abstract construction schemas (the syntagmatic dimension) on the basis of systematic form-
meaning correspondences between existing lexemes (the paradigmatic dimension).
The same account can be used for the Dutch complex verbs listed in (3) in which the first
constituent has a lexematic correspondent. For each of these prefix-like lexemes there will be a
construction schema. For instance, the prefix GRRU- may be specified as follows as part of a
constructional scheme:

(24) [[door]P [x]V]V ‘to V through completely’

This scheme is a generalization about verbs like the following

(25) door-boren ‘to drill through’

door-breken ‘to break through’
door-denken ‘to reflect upon’
door-lopen ‘to pass through’

This pattern is an instantiation of the more general schema of right-headed Dutch compounds. The
morpheme GRRU as used in these verbs denotes the (sometimes metaphorical) path of an action,
resulting in complete affectedness of the patient of that action. Hence, the presence of GRRU induces
telic aspect. In other words, the traditional classification of this use of GRRU as a prefix means that this
word has a specific meaning when used as part of complex verbs. However, we do not have to
consider GRRU a prefix. It can keep its status of being the first constituent of a compound, because the
meaning of GRRU in this context is one of the meanings of GRRU when used as a lexeme.
In some case these ‘prefixes’ seem to have category-changing power, however, which would
be a problem for linking them to the compound schema of Dutch. This is, for instance, the case for the
examples RQGHUWLWHOHQ and RYHUEUXJJHQ in (5). These verbs cannot be linked to existing base verbs
WLWHOHQ and EUXJJHQ, and hence they look like cases of category-changing prefixation applied to
nominal bases. However, we can maintain a compound analysis by making use of the idea of
‘conflation’ . This term is used here to denote the unification of two schemas for complex words.
The basic idea is that a schema can not only be unified with individual lexemes resulting into
complex words, but also with another schema. For instance, the Dutch compound schema can be
unified with that of conversion of nouns into verbs. Thus, we get the following output of unification:

(26) [[x]P [y]V]V + [[y]N]V o [[x]P [[y]N]V]V

Through unification with [RQGHU]P and [RYHU]P, we get the following sub-schemas for verbs like
RQGHUWLWHOHQ ‘to subtitle’ and RYHUEUXJJHQ ‘to bridge’ respectively:

(27) [[RQGHU]P [[y]N]V]V ‘to put N under’

[[RYHU]P [[y]N]V]V ‘to put N across’

These schemas express that the use of these prepositions in verbal compounds can trigger the use of
the schema for conversion of nouns into verbs. Thus, such conflated schemas enable us to express the
dependency of the use of one word formation pattern on that of another one.
The analysis in (27) implies that the category-changing power of these ‘prefixes’ is only
apparent, and that they are in fact category-neutral. Thus, they are in conformity with scheme (17c). A
similar analysis is possible for undisputed prefixes such as EH and YHU-, but I will leave this issue out
of discussion here.

Note that we observed in section 1 that these complex words are special in that it is the right
constituent that carries main stress, unlike what is the case for most Dutch compounds. This can be
expressed by a specific compound stress rule for words of the type [[x]P[x]V]V. Thus, their formal
status of compounds can be maintained.
The idea of ‘conflation’ may also serve to account for the co-occurrence of compounding and
derivation. The term ‘synthetic compound’ has been coined by morphologists to denote complex
words that seem to be formed by the simultaneous application of compounding and derivation. A clear
example is the Dutch complex adjective EODXZRJLJ ' . There is no existing compound EODXZ
RRJ from which this word could have been derived, nor an existing derived word RJLJ that can
function as the head of the compound EODXZRJLJ. Note, however, that although RJLJ does not exist, it
is a well-formed, possible word of Dutch. Therefore, we might say that the head of EODXZRJLJ is the
possible, but not existing adjective RJLJ ‘eyed’ . Other examples of such synthetic compounds are
given in (28):

(28) kort-adem-ig '

short of breath'
lang-ben-ig '
twee-lettergrep-ig '

The systematic co-occurrence of these two word formation patterns can be expressed by conflating the
two relevant word formation schemas into a more complex one that can be said to have started a life of
its own. This is confirmed by a specific semantic property of this class of words, the restricted
semantic scope of the adjectival modifier. For instance, the scope of EODXZ in EODXZRJLJ is not the
whole head of the word RJLJ, but only its nominal base RRJ since the word means ‘having blue eyes’ :

(29) [A [N-LJ]A]A ‘having N with property A’

In this schema, two slots, one for an adjective and one for a noun are open. This template does not
introduce a new formal type of complex words, but it expresses that it is the combination of two
independently motivated word formation processes that systematically and productively co-occur.
That is, the simultaneous use of the two schemas appears to enhance their productivity. The two
schemas that are conflated here are:

(30) [A A]A [N-ig]A

Each of these schemas is motivated independently by the existence of the relevant types of words (AA
compounds and denominal adjectives in LJ respectively). Their combination into one scheme has
gotten a life of its own, with a specific constructional meaning, in which the left A constituent has

scope over the nominal base of the adjectival head. The relevant part of the lexicon will be structured
as follows:

(31) [A A]A [N-LJ]A

\ / [relation of unification]
[A [N-LJ]A]A ‘having N with property A’
/ \ [relation of instantiation]
blauw-og-ig ‘blue-eyed’ lang-har-ig ‘long-haired’

If this analysis is correct, it is another proof of the thesis that compounding and affixal derivation
cannot be assigned to different modules of the grammar.
The Construction Morphology approach defended above has the additional advantage that the
same representational format can be used as that for constructional idioms. Jackendoff (2002)
introduced the notion of constructional idiom to denote multi-word units of which some positions are
fixed, but other variable. Good examples of constructional idioms are the different types of particle
verb in Dutch and German. They are phrasal units of which the particle position is lexically fixed, and
the verbal position is variable (Booij 2002b). Another nice illustration of the importance of this notion
is the class of Frisian genitive compounds such as NRNHQVGRDU ‘kitchen-GEN-door, the door of the
kitchen’ , which have phrase-like properties (Hoekstra 2003). As will be clear now, the notion
constructional idiom is also adequate for schemas with a specific derivational affix, and for the class of
compounds ending in ERHU The difference between a derivational suffix and the compound
constituent ERHU is that the latter is also linked to the independent lexeme ERHU ‘farmer’ . The notion
‘affixoid’ thus receives a formal interpretation in terms of linking patterns in the lexicon, and is
therefore not to be seen as a theoretical term that introduces a third class of morphemes besides lexical
morphemes and bound morphemes. An affixoid is a lexeme that occurs in a subschema for compounds
in which the other position is still a variable, that is, without a lexical specification. Such schemas are
intermediate between concrete individual compounds and fully abstract schemes for compound
structures. The specific and recurrent meaning of a lexeme in the compound structure is specified at
this intermediate level.

5. Conclusions

The boundary between compounding and affixal derivation can be crossed in the course of history of a
language. Therefore, we cannot give two completely different formal accounts of these two types of
word formation. Derivational affixes are pieces of morphological structure, just like the constituents of
compounds. This position leads us to expect that compounding and derivational affixation do not
differ in accessibility for rules of grammar. This expectation appeared to be borne out by the facts.

The strong similarity between derivation and compounding can be insightfully accounted for
in the theory of Construction Morphology. Derivational patterns and sub-patterns of compounding are
constructional idioms, schemas that are intermediate between the individual complex words in the
lexicon, and more abstract schemas of word formation. An additional advantage of this approach is
that it can be easily extended to the analysis of productive multi-word combinations that function as
lexical units such as particle verbs and phrase-like compounds.
Finally, we may ask if the relation between lower and higher nodes and that between complex
words and their base words in the lexical inheritance trees is monotonous. Monotonicity means that
information on lower nodes cannot overrule or erase information on higher nodes (cf. Riehemann
1998 for a discussion of this issue). If lexemes as parts of compounds have more restricted meanings
than when used as words by themselves, as illustrated above, this implies that we have to allow for
non-monotonicity. That is, we need the notion ‘default inheritance’ : a lower node inherits the
properties of its dominating nodes unless these are overruled by specification on that lower node.


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