API RP 1102 Spreadsheet

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API RP 1102 Uncased Road Crossing Assessment

Client Pembina
Project Saturn
LSD 12-36-57-23 W5M

Pipeline 6" LACT

Material Z245.1 Grade 359 Cat II

API RP 1102 ref

Input Data

Outside diameter D 168.3 mm

Corrosion allowance CA 0 mm
Wall thickness tw 4 mm
Corroded wall thickness 4 mm
Internal diameter Di 160.3 mm
Operating pressure p 9930 kPa
Steel grade SMYS 359 MPa
Design factor F 0.8 -
Longitudinal joint factor E 1 -
Temperature de-rating factor T 1 -
Installation temperature T1 11 °C
T2 40 °C
Coefficient of thermal expansion α 0.0000117 °C-1 Table A-3
Modulus of elasticity Es 207000 Table A-3
Poisson ratio ν 0.3 - Table A-3
Bored diameter 168.3 mm
Soil type A
Modulus of soil reaction E' 3.4 MPa Table A-1
Resilient modulus Er 34 MPa Table A-2
Soil unit weight γ 1950 kgfm-3
Pavement type
Poisson ratio ν 0.3
Singel axle load SAL 106800 N
Tandem axle load TAL 177900 N
Wheel load WLS 53400 N
Wheel load WLT 44475 N
Area load acting ALA 0.093 m2

Burial depth H 1.2 m

Fatigue (cyclic) stress endurance limits

Circumferential weld fatigue endurance limit SFG 82.74 MPa Table 3

Longitudinal weld fatigue endurance limit SFL 82.74 MPa Table 3

Check allowable hoop stress

Hoop stress SHi 204.058 MPa

Allowable maximum hoop stress ASHi 287.200 MPa


Circumferential stress due to soil load

tw/D 0.024
Stiffness factor Khe 1200 Figure 3
H/Bd 0.007
Be 1.35 Figure 4
Bd/D 1
Ee 0.83 Figure 5

Circumferential stress SHe 4.413 MPa

Cyclic stress from wheel loads

Impact factor Fi 1.5 Figure 7

Critical axle configuration tandem
Applied design surface pressure w 0.478 MPa

Cyclic circumferential stress

Highway stiffnes factor KHh 14 Figure 14

Highway geometry factor GHh 1 Figure 15
Highway pavement type factor R 1.1 Table 2
Highway axle configuration L 1

Cyclic circumferential stress ΔSHh 11.047 MPa

Cyclic longitudinal stress

Highway stiffnes factor KLh 12.5 Figure 16

Highway geometry factor GLh 1.4 Figure 17
Highway pavement type factor R 1.1 Table 2
Highway axle configuration L 1

Cyclic longitiudinal stress ΔSLh 13.809 MPa

Allowable stress

Principal and effective stress

Maximum circumferential stress S1 219.518 MPa
Maximum longitudinal stress S2 6.115 MPa
Maximum radial stress S3 -9.930 MPa

Total effective stress Seff 221.861 MPa

Design stress factor Fy 0.9
Allowable effective stress 323.100 MPa


Fatigue (cyclic) stresses

Circumferential weld

SFh 82.74 MPa

ΔSLh 11.047 MPa


Longitudinal weld

SFl 82.74 MPa

ΔSLh 13.809 MPa

From API RP 1102 Tables and Figures


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