Power Electronics

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INTRODUCTION: applications, such as lamp dimming, power regulators

and motor control.

The speed of motor plays important role in industrial
life as well as daily life for small machine purposes.
By combination of speed control circuit and SCR
makes the motor to protect from excessive current
passing through SCR and protect the circuit as well as
run continuously.
AND gate can be designed by using two simple
diodes. The circuit driving voltage V is applied to the
parallel connected diodes and the output is collected as
the voltage drop at the diodes. In logic gates, the terms
high voltage level means +5V and low logic level
means 0 V or ground. When one of the inputs of the
AND gate is connected to logic high and other is
connected to logic low then the diodes are at reverse A capacitor is a two-terminal, electrical component.
bias condition and no voltage drop at the output. So Along with resistors and inductors, they are one of the
the output is measured as low. If the two inputs are most fundamental passive components we use. What
connected to low level input, then also the diodes will makes capacitors special is their ability to store
turn to reverse biased condition and allows no current. energy; it like fully charged electric battery. Caps, as
So again the output is measured as 0. But when the two we usually refer to them, have all sorts of critical
inputs two diodes are connected to a high voltage applications in circuits. Common applications include
level, then the two diodes are in forward biased local energy storage [2].
condition diodes switches are ON, so the output of the The circuit diagram of the project is given below:
AND gate is high [1].

A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical SCR DC motor speed control circuit using IC-4081.
component that implements electrical resistance as a
This can use for DC motor and SCR1. The SCR need
circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are
to uses DC to A-K lead. Which it uses just the pulsed
used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to
divide voltages. DC only. we use one NAND gate IC CD4081. It
requests a stable power supply to pin 14.
The most common function of a diode is to allow an
The D2 gets the pulsed DC to filter to smooth DC
electric current to pass in one direction called the
current with capacitor 220uF. The pin 1 gets the pulsed
diode forward direction while blocking it in the
opposite direction the reverse direction. DC directly. And the other into pin 2. The VR1
potentiometer, C1 capacitor, and R1 resistor are the
SCR are mainly used in devices where the control of phase shift circuit to delay the pulse DC to slow down.
high power, possibly coupled with high voltage, is
demanded. Their operation makes them suitable for
use in medium- to high-voltage AC power control
makes to protect the circuit from reverse control flow
as well as stops high current passing through scr. The
motor speed can be control by varying the
potentiometer and the 220volts supply to the
transformer and steps down to 12volts applied to the
circuit.to provide the constant smooth pulses to the


 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgur
If pulsed DC has “high” state more than “low” state. 4081_Pinout.svg.png&imgrefurl=https%
It makes more current to the DC motor, it rotates very
fast. But in the opposite way, the “high” less than
“low” state. It rotates too slow. Because by adjusting FPractical_Electronics%2FIC%2F4081&d
the potentiometer, we can only have output of NAND ocid=paJeoDEptvN92M&tbnid=J-
thyristor gate signal as high or low. cCcCi8Z2hrQM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjQv
After that, the pulsed DC from pin 3 to triggers the gate wAA..i&w=220&h=220&bih=667&biw=
of SCR1 turns on. The working of SCR like switches 1366&q=ic%204081&ved=0ahUKEwjQv
on-off the pulsed DC to the motor, makes it rotate. The cqGqpviAhUK4aQKHf2iCNcQMwg9KAA
Speed of the motor can adjust by VR1 potentiometer. wAA&iact=mrc&uact=8
The D1 prevents the noise from the motor. The D3 is  https://electronicspost.com/draw-and-
a reverse-voltage protection of motors. This can cause explain-the-v-i-characteristics-of-an-scr/
circuit damages. If the circuit uses to the high power  https://www.brighthubengineering.co
motor. You need to install a large heat sink to bridge m/diy-electronics-devices/121484-
diodes, D1 diodes, and SCR. Because they are very simple-thyristor-circuits-explained/
hot, may damage [3].  https://www.electronicshub.org/digital-
logic-and-gate/ [1]
 https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ca
pacitors/all [2]
 https://www.eleccircuit.com/dc-motor-
ic/ [3]


The purpose of this project is to control the speed of

the motor using scr. The purpose of choosing the topic
because it plays important role in industrial life foe
manufacturing and other purposes. However, the SCR

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