Title Written in Bold and Capital Letters, Less Than 20 Words (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Bold)
Title Written in Bold and Capital Letters, Less Than 20 Words (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Bold)
Title Written in Bold and Capital Letters, Less Than 20 Words (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Bold)
1, month year
Author Name1*, Author Name2, Author Name3 (font : Times New Roman, size : 12, Bold)
*Corresponding authors' affiliation, with address, phone number
Corresponding authors' affiliation, with address
Corresponding authors' affiliation, with address
Corresponding author email address : author_mail@address.com
ABSTRACT (English) (font : Times New Roman, size : 12, Bold, maximum: 200 words)
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 (font : Times New Roman, size 12, italic)
ABSTRAK (Indonesia) (font : Times New Roman, size : 12, Bold, italic)
In Indonesian, Abstract consists of Latar belakang. Metode. Hasil. Kesimpulan. (font : Times New
Roman, size 12, line spacing : single, italic). In Indonesian, Abstract consists of Latar belakang.
Metode. Hasil. Kesimpulan. (font : Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing : single, italic). In
Indonesian, Abstract consists of Latar belakang. Metode. Hasil. Kesimpulan. (font :Times New
Roman, size 12, line spacing : single, italic). In Indonesian, Abstract consists of Latar belakang.
Metode. Hasil. Kesimpulan. (font : Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing : single, italic)
Kata kunci: Kata kunci 1, kata kunci 2, kata kunci 3 (font : Times New Roman, size 12, italic)
design, observed variables and data analysis Contains the main subject of the research that
methods, with sufficient reference support. has been done to answer the research
The "less common" method is written in detail objectives.
with its reference to avoid any bias in the
understanding of the method used.analysis REFERENCES
methods, with sufficient reference support. References format by APA (American
The "less common" method is written in detail Psychological Association)
with its reference to avoid any bias in the
understanding of the method used. NMJI strongly recommends using citation
tools such as Mendeley, Zotero, etc
RESULT (font : Times New Roman, size :
12, Bold) Reference is written with Times New Roman
Content (font : Times New Roman, size 12, font size 12 pt, single space, the distance
line spacing : single, alignment : justified, between the references one enter. The
indentation : first line by 0.5) references use the hanging, which is on the
second line indented as much as 0.25", right
To refer to a table, please write "(Table 1)" at justified. The references only contain articles
the end of the sentence. At the beginning of that have been published, and selected the
the sentence, write " Table 1 shows …....". To most relevant to the manuscript. It prefers
refer to a picture, please write "(Figure 1)" at primary references. The references format
the end of the sentence, or write "Figure 1 follows the "name-years" citation style (APA
shows...." style 6th edition). All sources in the reference
must be referenced in the manuscript and
Results should reveal and explain the results what was in the manuscript should be in this
of research that has been done in the form of reference. The author should write the
tables or pictures obtained. family/last name of sources author and year of
publication in parentheses use, for example
DISCUSSION (Potter & Perry, 2006) or Potter and Perry
Content (font : Times New Roman, size 12, (2006). Write the first author's name and "et
line spacing : single, alignment : justified, al", if there are more than six authors.
indentation : first line by 0.5) Examples:
(page number)
Nursing and Midwifery Journal of Indonesia, Volume No, No. 1, month year
If not pubished
Last-name, A. A. (year). Dissertation/thesis
title. (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation/master thesis). Institution Name,
(page number)
Nursing and Midwifery Journal of Indonesia, Volume No, No. 1, month year
The table could be submitted as a supplementary file when submitting onto the NMJI
website and if the table included in the article could kindly be put in the text box for easy
editing. Every table must have a description below the table.
Table 1. Title (font : Times New Roman, size 12, bold, position justify)
(page number)