Structural Design Manual

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The document outlines standards and guidance for designing highway and railway structures in Hong Kong.

The manual sets out standards and provides guidance for the design of highway and railway structures in Hong Kong.

The manual covers topics such as loads, temperature effects, earthquake forces, collision loads, parapet loading, live loading, and more.


for Highways and Railways

Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region

© Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

First edition, August 1993.
Second edition, November 1997.

Prepared by :

Structures Division,
Highways Department,
4th Floor, Ho Man Tin Government Offices,
88 Chung Hau Street,
Homantin, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.

This publication is available from:

Government Publications Centre,

General Post Office Building,
Ground Floor,
Connaught Place,
Hong Kong.

Overseas orders should be placed with:

Publications (Sales) Office,

Information Services Department,
28th Floor Siu On Centre,
188 Lockhart Road,
Hong Kong.

Price in Hong Kong : HK$ 56.00

Price overseas : US$ 9.50 (including surface postage)

Cheques, bank drafts or money orders must be made payable to

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


The Structures Design Manual for Highways and Railways sets out standards and provides
guidance for the design of highway and railway structures in Hong Kong. The Manual was first
published in August 1993, and has since been widely used as a reference for highway and railway
structural works in the territory.

The second edition incorporates some minor revisions as a result of new research
information, refinements in design methods and feedbacks from the use of the previous edition.

Practitioners are encouraged to comment at any time to the Structures Division of this
Department on the contents of this Manual, so that further improvements can be made to future

( K.S. Leung )
Director of Highways












2. LOADS 17

2.1 GENERAL 17
2.1.1 Carriageway 17
2.1.2 Notional Lanes 17


2.3 WIND LOAD 18

2.3.1 Bridges with Spans Less than 100 m 19
2.3.2 Bridges with Any Span Greater than 100 m 19
2.3.3 Covered Footbridges 21


2.4.1 General 23
2.4.2 Effective Bridge Temperatures 23
2.4.3 Temperature Difference 24
2.4.4 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 25





2.7.1 Bridge Superstructures 26
2.7.2 Highway Overbridges 27
2.7.3 Railway Overbridges 28
2.7.4 Bridges over Navigation Channels 28





2.10.1 Nominal Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) 29
2.10.2 HA Lane Factors 30
2.10.3 Types HA and HB Loading Combined 30



2.12.1 Aerodynamic Effects 31
2.12.2 Highway Bridges 31
2.12.3 Footbridges 31



3.1 GENERAL 33








4.1 GENERAL 35
4.1.1 Design Standards 35
4.1.2 Cracking 35
4.1.3 Concrete Cover to Reinforcement 35


4.2.1 Differences between British and Hong Kong Concretes 35
4.2.2 Elastic Modulus of Concrete 36
4.2.3 Strength of Concrete 36
4.2.4 Shrinkage of Concrete 36
4.2.5 Creep of Concrete 38
4.2.6 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete 39
4.2.7 Strength of Steel Reinforcement 39


4.4.1 Grade of Concrete for Prestressing Work 42
4.4.2 Post-tensioning Systems 42
4.4.3 Specialist Prestressing Contractors 43
4.4.4 Secondary Moments and Shear 43









9.1 GENERAL 53




9.5 TESTING 54





10. FATIGUE 57


11.1 GENERAL 59
11.1.1 Movements 59
11.1.2 Selection of Joint Type 59







11.6.1 Requirements 62
11.6.2 Specification 63







12.1 GENERAL 65

12.2 COVERS 65


12.4 RAMPS 66

12.5 LANDINGS 67




12.9 DRAINAGE 68

12.10 LIGHTING 69

12.11.1 Provision of Escalators 69
12.11.2 General Requirements 70
12.11.3 External Applications 70
12.11.4 Inspection and Surveillance 71

12.12 FINISHES 71

12.13.1 Covers for Footbridges, Covered Walkways 72
and Pedestrian Subways
12.13.2 Pedestrian and Bicycle Subway Barrels 72




13.1 GENERAL 75





13.5.1 Effects to Be Considered 76
13.5.2 Backwater Effects 77
13.5.3 Effects of Waterborne Traffic 77

13.6 RUN-ON-SLABS 77










15.1 GENERAL 81





15.4.1 Materials 81
15.4.2 Projections and Depressions 82
15.4.3 Structures Not Exclusively Used by Highway Vehicles 82


15.5.1 Design Requirements 82
15.5.2 Corrosion 83
15.5.3 Plinth 84
15.5.4 Bedding 84


15.6.1 Design Requirements 84
15.6.2 Longitudinal Effects 85

15.7 P.1 AND P.2 PARAPETS 85

15.8 P.3 PARAPETS 85

. 15.9 P.4 PARAPETS 85

15.10 P.5 PARAPETS 86




15.13.1 High Containment Parapets 87
15.13.2 Overbridge Parapets 87
15.13.3 Underbridge Walkways and Parapets 87


16.1 GENERAL 89


16.2.1 Minimum Diameter 89
16.2.2 Material 89
16.2.3 Layout 90



16.4 INTAKES 91

16.5 OUTLETS 91


17.1 GENERAL 93


17.3 FORM 94


17.5 HARMONY 95

17.6 SCALE 96




17.10 ILLUSION 98


17.12 TEXTURE 99

17.13 COLOUR 100






18.1.1 Access for Inspection and Maintenance 103
18.1.2 Maintenance Accommodation 103
18.1.3 Spare Parts 104






























A highway structure is a structure intended to carry highway vehicles, and/or bicycles and
pedestrians over, under or through a physical obstruction or hazard, and may be a bridge (which
may be in the form of a culvert exceeding 2 m in diameter or span), a flyover, a viaduct, an
underpass, a subway or a covered walkway.

A covered walkway is an at-grade structure in the form of a roof cover intended to provide
shade and shelter from the sun and rain for pedestrians.

A railway bridge may be an underbridge or an overbridge. A railway underbridge is a

structure intended to carry railway track and the locomotives and rolling stock using it over or
through a physical obstruction or hazard.

A railway overbridge is a structure intended to carry vehicles, pedestrians or services over

one or more railway tracks. A railway overbridge may be a highway structure if its primary intention
is not for carrying service installations.

A culvert is a drainage structure designed as a closed conduit for conveying stormwater

from one side of a highway or railway track to the other. A culvert exceeding 2 m in span or
diameter corresponds to a small bridge, and shall be treated as a highway structure or railway
bridge. A drainage conduit or nullah forming part of a more extensive drainage system which
incidentally passes under a highway or railway track at a point or points along its route is a drainage
structure, and for the purposes of this document is regarded as neither a highway structure nor a
railway bridge.

A wall designed to hold soil or rock in position is an earth-retaining structure. A wall

designed to act as an abutment to a highway structure or railway bridge, or to support an approach
to a highway structure or railway bridge, although in itself an earth-retaining structure, shall be treated
as part of a highway structure or railway bridge.


Highway structures and railway bridges shall be designed on the basis of the limit state
philosophy contained in BS 5400 - Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges. The two limit states to
be adopted are the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit state as defined in Clause 3 of
BS 5400 : Part 1.

All undated references to BS 5400 refer to the current edition except BS 5400 : Part 2
which shall be as published in Appendix A to the United Kingdom Department of Transport
Departmental Standard BD 37/88.

However the provisions of some parts of BS 5400 are not relevant to Hong Kong
conditions, and for these, the recommendations of this document, or other appropriate criteria
approved for adoption by the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures, shall be substituted.

Before the design of any highway structure crossing a railway track, or of any railway
underbridge, is commenced, the requirements of the appropriate railway authority shall be
ascertained. Preliminary and detailed drawings, with calculations if required, shall be referred to the
appropriate railway authority for comments. The approval of the appropriate railway authority shall
be obtained before any work is undertaken.

In the absence of specific comment, the contents of this document shall be deemed to apply
to railway overbridges and railway underbridges as well as to highway structures.



Main contractors engaged on projects involving the supply of special materials or specialist
works on highway structures shall either themselves be registered as approved suppliers or specialist
contractors in the appropriate category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist
Contractors for Public Works, or shall be required to engage one of the approved suppliers or
specialist contractors registered in the category to supply the special materials or to carry out the
specialist works on highway structures.



Highway and railway structures shall be designed for the loads and forces, and
combinations of loads and forces, specified in BS 5400 : Part 2, published as Appendix A to the
United Kingdom Department of Transport Departmental Standard BD 37/88, except where
modified by this document.

For superimposed dead load, the following values of γfL shall be substituted for the values
recommended in BS 5400 : Part 2 Clause 5.2.2 :


deck surfacing 1.75 1.20

other loads 1.50 1.00

The value of γfL for dead load imposed by deck surfacing may be reduced to 1.5 for the
ULS if it is absolutely certain that the thickness (and hence the weight) of the surfacing will not be
increased during the life of the bridge, e.g. where open texture friction course is always milled off
before re-treatment. Further reduction of these values will not be permitted.

The recommendations of BS 5400 : Part 2 Clauses and shall be replaced
by the following Clauses 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 respectively to suit carriageways in Hong Kong.

2.1.1 Carriageway

For the purposes of this document, a carriageway is that part of the running surface which
includes all traffic lanes, hard shoulders and marginal strips. The carriageway width is the width
between raised kerbs. In the absence of raised kerbs, it is the width between concrete barriers
and/or metal parapets, less the amount of set-back required for these barriers. This set-back
measured from the traffic face (at running surface level) of each barrier shall be taken as 0.5 m on the
off-side fast lane. On the near-side slow lane, the set back shall be taken as 0.5 m or the width of
the marginal strip whichever is the greater subject to a maximum set-back of 1.0 m. The
carriageway width shall be measured in a direction at right angles to the line of the raised kerbs, lane
marks and edge markings (e.g. for a typical dual 3 lane Urban trunk road with median barriers
having a traffic lane width of 11.0 m, 1.0 m marginal strip on near-side and 0.5 m marginal strip on
off-side, the carriageway width for the purpose of Clause 3.2.9 of BS 5400 : Part 2 will be 11.0 m
(11.0 + 1.0 + 0.5 - 1.0 - 0.5), assuming no raised kerbs).

2.1.2 Notional Lanes

For carriageway widths of 5.00 m or more, the width of notional lanes shall be taken to be
not less than 2.50 m. Where the number of notional lanes exceeds two, their individual widths shall

be not more than 3.67 m. The carriageway shall be divided into an integral number of notional lanes
having equal widths as follows :

Number of
Carriageway Width Notional Lanes

5.00m up to and including 7.50m 2

above 7.50m up to and including 11.01m 3
above 11.01m up to and including 14.68m 4
above 14.68m up to and including 18.35m 5
above 18.35m up to and including 22.02m 6


The combination of forces specified in BS 5400 : Part 2 shall be considered.

To allow for the possibility of earthquakes, an additional combination shall also be

considered comprising the permanent loads, the seismic force described in Clause 2.6 and the live
load utilised in deriving the seismic force. The partial load factors of combination 2 shall be used for
the permanent loads and the live load. The partial load factors given in Clause 2.6 shall be used for
seismic force.


The provisions for wind load in BS 5400 : Part 2 are based on wind gust speeds derived
from British records. The recommendations of Clause 5.3.2 of BS 5400 : Part 2 regarding wind
gust speeds consequently cannot be used, and must be replaced by the following which are based on
Hong Kong conditions.

Table 1 gives details supplied by the Hong Kong Observatory of maximum hourly wind
and gust velocities for Waglan Island, which is exposed to south-easterly winds with a long fetch
over open sea, and for the Hong Kong Observatory itself. The Hong Kong Observatory figures are
for the period before the surrounding area became built-up, and are representative of an exposed
urban location.

The maximum gust velocity is related to the dynamic pressure head by the expression

q = 613 x 10-6vc²

where q = dynamic pressure head (kN/m²)

vc = maximum gust velocity (m/s).


By interpolating from the values for Waglan Island in Table 1, the above expression gives a
value of 3.8 kN/m² for the dynamic pressure head corresponding to the maximum gust velocity of
79 m/s for a 120-year return period at an exposed location.
For bridges with any spans greater than 100 m the provisions of Clause 2.3.2 shall be
followed. In all other cases the simpler requirements of Clause 2.3.1 are deemed adequate. A
designer experiencing difficulty in deciding on an appropriate degree of exposure for a particular site
shall consult the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures for advice.

2.3.1 Bridges with Spans Less than 100 m

Table 2 gives values of dynamic pressure head to be used for design purposes in Hong
Kong for bridges with maximum span less than 100 m. As the probability of much traffic being
present on a bridge at gust velocities exceeding 44 m/s is low, the corresponding dynamic pressure
head of 1.2 kN/m² may be used for the loaded state at all locations.

The values of dynamic pressure head to be used for the unloaded state at locations of
intermediate exposure are to be interpolated, by the use of engineering judgement, between the
extremes given for sheltered and exposed locations in Table 2. To aid designers in choosing suitable
values, descriptions and examples of typical locations are given in Table 3.

Values of dynamic pressure head derived from Table 2 shall be used to determine the
nominal transverse, longitudinal and vertical wind loads described in Clauses 5.3.3, 5.3.4 and 5.3.5
of BS 5400 : Part 2.

In all other respects, the provisions of Section 5.3 of BS 5400 : Part 2 regarding wind load
shall be followed for structures with spans of 100 m and less.

2.3.2 Bridges with Any Span Greater than 100 m

For bridges with spans exceeding 100 m due account shall be taken of the loaded length
under consideration and the height of the structure above ground. Due to the likelihood of wind
loading governing the design of certain components higher load factors γfL are required to account for
the wind climate of Hong Kong.

(1) Maximum Dynamic Pressure q for Sites in Exposed Terrain. For bridges with
spans exceeding 100 m in exposed terrain the dynamic pressure head, q, shall be obtained from
Table 4.

(2) Minimum Dynamic Pressure q' on Relieving Areas of Bridges without Live
Load. Where wind on any part of a bridge or element gives relief to the member under
consideration, the effective coexistent value of minimum dynamic pressure on the parts affording
relief shall be taken from Table 4 as the appropriate hourly wind speed dynamic pressure q'.

(3) Maximum Dynamic Pressure q on Bridges with Live Load. The maximum
dynamic pressure, q, on those parts of the bridge or its elements on which the application of wind
loading increases the effect being considered shall be taken as :

(a) For highway and foot/cycle track bridges,

q = 1.2 x qL/q20 kN/m² but not less than q'

where qL is the dynamic pressure obtained form Table 4 appropriate to the height of the
bridge and the loaded length under consideration.

q20 is the dynamic pressure obtained from Table 4 appropriate to the height of the
bridge and a loaded length of 20 m.

q' is given in Table 4 appropriate to the height of the bridge.

(b) For railway bridges, q is the dynamic pressure obtained from Table 4 appropriate
to the height of the bridge and the loaded length under consideration.

(4) Minimum Dynamic Pressure q' on Relieving Areas of Bridges with Live Load.
Where wind on any part of a bridge or element gives relief to the member under consideration, the
effective coexistent value of dynamic pressure q' on the parts affording relief shall be taken as

1.2 x q'/q kN/m²

where q' and q are obtained from Table 4 appropriate to the height of the bridge and the loaded
length under consideration.

(5) Nominal Transverse Wind Load. The nominal transverse wind load Pt (in N) shall
be taken as acting at the centroids of the appropriate areas and horizontally unless local conditions
change the direction of the wind, and shall be derived from

Pt = q A1 CD

where q is the dynamic pressure head obtained from Sub-clauses (1) to (4) above.

A1 is the area defined in BS 5400 : Part 2 Clause

CD is the drag coefficient defined in BS 5400 : Part 2 Clauses to

(6) Nominal Longitudinal Wind Load. The nominal longitudinal wind load PL (in N)
shall be derived in accordance with BS 5400 : Part 2 Clause 5.3.4 using the appropriate value of q
for superstructures with or without live load being adopted as obtained from Sub-clause (1) or (3)

(7) Nominal Vertical Wind Load. The nominal vertical wind load PV (in N) shall be
derived in accordance with BS 5400 : Part 2 Clause 5.3.5 using the appropriate value of q for

superstructures with or without live load being adopted as obtained from Sub-clause (1) or (3)
(8) Load Combinations. The load combinations specified in BS 5400 : Part 2
Clause 5.3.6 shall be considered.

(9) Design Loads. For design loads the factor γfL shall be taken as follows :

Ultimate Serviceability
Wind Considered with Limit State Limit State

erection 1.2 1.0

dead load plus superimposed dead load only, 1.9 1.1

and for members primarily resisting wind loads

appropriate combination 2 loads 1.2 1.0

relieving effects of wind 1.0 1.0

(10) Overturning Effects. Where overturning effects are being investigated the wind
load shall also be considered in combination with vertical traffic live load. Where the vertical traffic
live load has a relieving effect, this load shall be limited to one notional lane or to one track only, and
shall have the following value :

(a) on highway bridges, not more than 6 kN/m of bridge;

(b) on railway bridges, not more than 12 kN/m of bridge.

(11) Load Factor for Relieving Vertical Live Load. For live load producing a relieving
effect, γfL for both ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state shall be taken as 1.0.

(12) Aerodynamic Effects. Consideration shall be given to wind excited oscillations and
the guidance provided in the Draft British Design Rules shall be followed.

(13) Topographic Effects. To account for topographic effects factor S1 shall be

determined in accordance with the provisions of CP3 Chapter V Part 2 Appendix D
(1986 Amendment).

2.3.3 Covered Footbridges

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government policy requires footbridges either
to be covered, or to be designed so that covers can be added subsequently. The provisions for wind
loading in BS 5400 : Part 2, are only applicable to uncovered bridges. The following
recommendations shall therefore be followed for covered footbridge.

Wind tunnel tests have been carried out on sections of decks and roofs commonly adopted
for covered footbridges in Hong Kong as shown in Figure 1 to determine suitable wind load
coefficients for design purposes.

Details of the test designs, and results of the tests, are given in the reports entitled
"Aerodynamic Loads on Covered Footbridges" by British Maritime Technology. The reports
include values of drag and lift coefficients for decks with roof and for roof only, covering the full
range of designs at angles of wind inclination (α) varying between ±20° to the horizontal.

Footbridges resembling the test designs as shown in Figure 1 shall be designed to resist
wind loads derived from values of drag and lift coefficients taken from Tables 5 and 6. The
coefficients given in the tables are the most unfavourable values between wind inclination of ±5°
because normal turbulence will cause wind inclination to vary between these angles. Where sidelong
ground is concerned, the coefficients for angles of inclination corresponding to the fall of the ground
shall be taken from Tables 7 and 8, and used as design values if greater than the coefficients for wind
inclination varying between ±5°.

For footbridges with shapes differing widely from the test designs, advice should be sought
from aerodynamic specialists.

A stairway model was also included among the wind tunnel tests. The stairway model test
results indicate that the wind forces acting on a stairway may be greater than those acting on the
adjacent main span. Values of

CD = 1.2 x main span value given in Tables 5 to 8,

and CL = +1.7 or -1.1

shall accordingly be used for the design of stairways. The longitudinal wind load is also significant for
stairways and shall be allowed for using a value of

PL = q x Cs x A1,

where PL = Nominal longitudinal wind load acting horizontally,

Cs = Coefficient of longitudinal load acting horizontally on stairway or ramp.

= 2.35, and

the definitions of q, CD, CL, and A1 are given in BS 5400 : Part 2.

Ramps will similarly experience wind forces greater than those acting on the adjacent main
span. The values recommended above for stairways shall also be used for ramps.

For stairways and ramps, the area A3 as defined in Clause 5.3.5 of BS 5400 : Part 2 to
obtain the vertical wind load shall be the inclined area of the deck, and not the projected area of the
deck in plan.


While the general recommendations of Section 5.4 of BS 5400 : Part 2 are valid for all
highway structures and railway bridges, those recommendations which relate to particular
environmental effects and material properties are specific to United Kingdom conditions.
Recommendations given in Clauses 5.4.1 to 5.4.6 of BS 5400 : Part 2 including Figure 9,
Tables 10, 11 & 12 and Appendix C consequently cannot be used and shall be replaced by the
following recommendations formulated for Hong Kong conditions.

2.4.1 General

Daily and seasonal fluctuations in shade air temperature, solar radiation, re-radiation, etc.
cause the following :

(a) Changes in the effective temperature of a bridge superstructure which, in turn,

govern its movement.

The effective temperature is a theoretical temperature calculated by weighting and

adding temperatures measured at various levels within the superstructure. The
weighting is in the ratio of the area of cross-section at the various levels to the total
area of cross-section of the superstructure. Over a period of time, there will be a
minimum, a maximum, and a range of effective bridge temperature, resulting in loads
and/or load effects within the superstructure due to :

(i) restraint of associated expansion or contraction by the form of construction

(e.g. portal frame, arch, flexible pier, elastomeric bearings) referred to as
temperature restraint; and

(ii) friction at roller or sliding bearings where the form of the structure permits
associated expansion and contraction, referred to as frictional bearing restraint.

(b) Differences in temperature between the top surface and other levels in the
superstructure. These are referred to as temperature differences and they result in
loads and/or load effects within the superstructure.

2.4.2 Effective Bridge Temperatures

Values of basic effective bridge temperatures shall be obtained from Table 9 for
superstructure Groups 1 to 4. Basic effective temperatures appropriate to a return period of
120 years shall be used except for the cases given below.

Basic effective bridge temperatures appropriate to a return period of 50 years may be used
for :

(a) foot/cycle track bridges,


(b) carriageway joints and similar equipment likely to be replaced during the life of the

(c) erection loading.

(1) Adjustment of Effective Bridge Temperature for Thickness of Surfacing. The

effective bridge temperatures are dependent on the depth of surfacing on the bridge deck, and the
values given in Table 9 assume surfacing depths of 40 mm for Groups 1 and 2 and 100 mm for
Groups 3 and 4. Where the depth of surfacing differs from these values, the minimum and maximum
effective bridge temperatures shall be adjusted by the amounts given in Table 10.

(2) Adjustment for Height above Mean Sea Level. The values of effective
temperature given in Table 9 shall be adjusted for height above mean sea level by subtracting 0.5°C
per 100 m height for minimum effective temperatures and 1.0°C per 100 m height for maximum
effective temperatures.

(3) Range of Effective Bridge Temperature. In determining load effects due to

temperature restraint, the effective bridge temperature at the time the structure is effectively
restrained upon completion of construction shall be taken as the datum effective bridge temperature.
The load effects shall be calculated for expansion up to the maximum effective bridge temperature
and contraction down to the minimum effective bridge temperature from this datum temperature. For
design purpose, this datum effective bridge temperature shall be assumed to be in the range of 10°C
to 30°C.

2.4.3 Temperature Difference

Effects of temperature differences within the superstructure shall be derived from the data
given in Figure 2.

Positive temperature differences occur when conditions are such that solar radiation and
other effects cause a gain in heat through the top surface of the superstructure. Conversely, reverse
temperature differences occur when conditions are such that heat is lost from the top surface of the
bridge deck as a result of re-radiation and other effects.

(1) Application of Effective Bridge Temperatures. Maximum positive temperature

differences shall be considered to coexist with effective bridge temperatures at above 25°C for
Groups 1 and 2 and 15°C for Groups 3 and 4. Maximum reverse temperature differences shall be
considered to coexist with effective bridge temperatures up to 8°C below the maximum for
Groups 1 and 2, up to 4°C below the maximum for Group 3, and up to 2°C below the maximum for
Group 4.

(2) Adjustment of Temperature Difference for Thickness of Surfacing.

Temperature differences are sensitive to the thickness of surfacing, and the data given in Figure 2
assume depths of 40 mm for Groups 1 and 2 and 100 mm for Groups 3 and 4. For other depths of
surfacing, the values given in Tables 11, 12, and 13 may be used as appropriate.

2.4.4 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

For the purpose of calculating temperature effects, the coefficients of thermal expansion
shall be taken as 12x10-6/°C for structural steel and 9x10-6/°C for concrete.


Section 5.5 of BS 5400 : Part 2 refers to the need to take into account the effects of
shrinkage or creep in concrete, and similar sources of strain.

The recommendations of BS 5400 in respect of shrinkage and creep in concrete are not
suitable for use in Hong Kong. Reference shall be made to Clauses 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 for amplification
with regard to Hong Kong conditions.


Although the risk of a major earthquake occurring close to Hong Kong is small, seismicity
records for southern Guangdong show a recurrence period of about 400 years for an earthquake of
magnitude 6 or above. The possibility of such an earthquake occurring must accordingly be
considered. The Guangdong records indicate that structures built in Hong Kong to withstand ground
accelerations of 0.07 g would probably have survived all the earthquakes recorded in Guangdong
since 288 A.D. Highway structures and railway bridges shall be designed to withstand seismic forces
corresponding to accelerations of this magnitude.

Allowance for seismic effects shall be made by means of the equation

V = CW

where V = nominal seismic force;

C = seismic coefficient assumed to be 0.05; and

W = total vertical load comprising :

(a) the permanent vertical loads; and

(b) either :

(i) for highway structures, 1/3 type HA loading on one notional lane
in each direction; or

(ii) for railway bridges, type RU loading on one railway track.

The nominal seismic force shall be multiplied by partial load factors of 1.00 for the
serviceability limit state and 1.40 for the ultimate limit state to obtain the design seismic forces. The

design seismic force for the ultimate limit state will thus correspond with the figure suggested by the
Guangdong records. The ultimate limit state has more relevance to earthquakes than has the
serviceability limit state.

The design seismic force shall be applied successively longitudinally and transversely at
footing level and to the superstructure, making four loading conditions to be considered in all.

Statical treatment of seismic effects is adequate for short span structures, but may result in
uneconomically large loadings for long span structures. Dynamic seismic analysis shall accordingly
be considered for structures of more than 100 m span.

Seismic forces occurring during major earthquakes often cause the superstructures of
bridges to slip sideways off their supporting substructures. Consideration shall be given to this
possibility, and if necessary physical restraints shall be provided to prevent any such sideways


2.7.1 Bridge Superstructures

The overall structural integrity of the bridge shall be maintained following an impact due to
collision of heavy goods vehicles with bridge superstructures, but local damage to a part of the
bridge deck can be accepted.

In applying these requirements checks shall be made for overall stability, local effects and
progressive failure after removing elements whose load bearing capacity would be directly impaired
as appropriate such that :

(a) The bridge deck must not lift or slide off its bearings.

(b) In the case of bridge decks with a number of carrying members e.g. beam and slab
type decks, the structure as a whole must not collapse with any one of the carrying
members being assumed to have failed; alternatively individual members can be
checked for failure as at (c).

(c) In the case of bridge decks with a single carrying member e.g. spine beams, local
failure or damage of elements (e.g. webs or flanges) or of joints between elements
may be allowed but the structure as a whole must not collapse.

For bridge decks with a small number of beams or girders, the designer may choose to
include the reduced contribution of an individual damaged beam rather than assume it to be
ineffective. This is also applicable to parts of voided slabs.

All design checks are to be carried out at the ultimate limit state only and checks at the
serviceability limit state are not necessary.

The applicability of the various checks to different types of bridge decks is described in
Table 14.
2.7.2 Highway Overbridges

Supports exposed to possible vehicle collisions shall be protected by metal or concrete

barrier fences.

Gantry supports shall be designed to resist a nominal load of 50 kN acting in the worst
possible direction and at the worst height up to 3000 mm above the adjacent carriageway.

(1) Nominal Load on Supports (Replaces Clause 6.8.1 of BS 5400 : Part 2). The
nominal loads are given in Table 15 together with their direction and height of application, and shall
be considered as acting horizontally on bridge supports. Supports shall be capable of resisting the
main and residual load components acting simultaneously. Loads normal to the carriageway shall be
considered separately from loads parallel to the carriageway.

(2) Nominal Load on Superstructures (Replaces Clause 6.8.2 of BS 5400 : Part 2).
The nominal loads are given in Table 16 together with their direction of application. The load normal
to the carriageway shall be considered separately from the load parallel to the carriageway. The
loads shall be considered to act as point loads on the bridge superstructure in any direction between
the horizontal and vertical. The load shall be applied to the bridge soffit, thus precluding a
downward vertical application. Given that the plane of the soffit may follow a superelevated or non-
planar form, the load can have an outward or inward application. For the design of lightweight
structures, such as footbridges, the reduced nominal loads shown within brackets in Table 16 shall
be used.

(3) Associated Nominal Primary Live Load (Replaces Clause 6.8.3 of

BS 5400 : Part 2). No primary live load is required to be considered on the bridge.

(4) Load Combination (Replaces Clause 6.8.4 of BS 5400 : Part 2). Vehicle
collision loads on supports and on superstructures shall be considered separately, in combination 4
only, and need not be taken as coexistent with other secondary live loads.

(5) Design Load (Replaces Clause 6.8.5 of BS 5400 : Part 2). For all elements
excepting elastomeric bearings, the effects due to vehicle collision loads on supports and on
superstructures need only be considered at the ultimate limit state. The γfL to be applied to the
nominal loads shall have a value of 1.50.

The design loads shall be applicable for global effects only i.e. local effects at the point of
impact are to be ignored.

For the design of lightweight structures, such as footbridges, the supports shall be designed
to the reduced main load and residual load components shown within brackets in Table 15.

For elastomeric bearings, the effects due to vehicle collision loads on supports and on
superstructures shall be only considered at the serviceability limit state. The γfL to be applied to the
nominal loads shall have a value of 1.0.

(6) Vehicle Collision Loads for Foot/Cycle Track Bridge Supports and
Superstructures (Replaces Clause 7.2 of BS 5400 : Part 2). The vehicle collision loads specified
in Clause 6.8 of BS 5400 : Part 2 shall be considered in the design of foot/cycle track bridges.

2.7.3 Railway Overbridges

The potential collision loading on a bridge over a railway track is many times any of the
loadings given in Clause 2.7.2. Effective protection of supports against derailment collisions is
accordingly difficult. Clause 13.4 contains recommendations concerning not only the collision
loadings for which allowance shall be made but also other means by which the severity of collision
effects may be ameliorated.

2.7.4 Bridges Over Navigation Channels

Bridge piers situated in navigation channels may be subjected to ship collision loadings.
The magnitude and form of such collision loadings depend so much on the location of the bridge and
the nature of the shipping using the navigation channel that specific guidance cannot be given, but the
possibility of ship collisions shall always be considered at the design stage and appropriate protection
provided. Clauses 13.5.5 and 18.2 also deal with ship collisions.


Loads transmitted by vehicle collisions with parapets to structural elements supporting

parapets shall be dealt with as described in Section 6.7 of BS 5400 : Part 2.

Parapets shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of and to resist the loads
described in Chapter 15 of this Manual.



A bridge crossing a railway track may be required to carry overhead electrical supply
equipment. Reference should be made to the appropriate railway authority for the extra loading to
be carried.


Highway structures and their elements shall be designed to resist type HA loading, or type
HA loading combined with type HB loading, whichever is more severe in its effects. Generally 45
units of type HB loading shall be used, but for the serviceability limit state, 25 units of type HB

loading may be used when calculating crack widths in reinforced concrete, and when investigating
limitations on flexural tensile stresses in prestressed concrete under load combination 1.

Highway structures spanning less than 15 m situated on rural roads other than trunk or main
roads shall be designed for type HA loading only.

Where special considerations indicate that a lesser live load would be appropriate, the
agreement of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures to its use must first be obtained.

Traffic flows, representative of those predicted to use heavily trafficked commercial routes
in Hong Kong at around the year 2011, have been mathematically simulated and statistically analysed
in order to determine characteristic (1 in 2400 chance of being exceeded in a year) live load effects
which can arise on bridge structures.

It has been found that it is justifiable to use BS 5400 : Part 2, published as Appendix A to
the United Kingdom Department of Transport Departmental Standard BD 37/88 as the basis for
Hong Kong bridge loading, with amendments to suit Hong Kong traffic types as necessary.

The recommendations of BS 5400 : Part 2 Clause 6.2.1 including Table 13 and Figure 10
regarding nominal Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) of the type HA loading and
Clauses, 6.4.2 including Table 14 and Figure 13, regarding the application of type HA
loading shall be replaced by the following requirements which are based on Hong Kong conditions.

2.10.1 Nominal Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)

(Replaces Clause 6.2.1 of BS 5400 : Part 2)

For loaded lengths up to and including 70 m, the UDL, expressed in kN per linear metre of
notional lane, shall be derived from the equation

W = 400 x (1/L)0.67

and for loaded lengths in excess of 70 m but less than 1400 m the UDL shall be derived from the

W = 44 x (1/L)0.15

where L is the loaded length (in m) and W is the load per metre of notional lane (in kN).

For loaded lengths above 1400 m, the UDL shall be 14.85 kN/m.

Values of the load per linear metre of notional lane are given in Table 17 (replaces
Table 13 of BS 5400 : Part 2) and the loading curve illustrated in Figure 3 (replaces Figure 10 of
BS 5400 : Part 2).

2.10.2 HA Lane Factors

(Replaces Clause of BS 5400 : Part 2)

The HA UDL and KEL shall be multiplied by the appropriate factors from Table 18
(replaces Table 14 of BS 5400 : Part 2) before being applied to the notional lanes indicated.

Where the carriageway has a single notional lane as specified in Clause of
BS 5400 : Part 2, the HA UDL and KEL shall be applied to a lane width of 2.5 m. The loading of
the remainder of the carriageway width shall be taken as 5 kN/m².

2.10.3 Types HA and HB Loading Combined

(Replaces Clause 6.4.2 of BS 5400 : Part 2)

Types HA and HB loading shall be combined and applied as follows :

(a) Type HA loading shall be applied to the notional lanes of the carriageway in
accordance with Clause 6.4.1 of BS 5400 : Part 2 modified as given in (b) below.

(b) Type HB loading shall occupy any transverse position on the carriageway, either
wholly within one notional lane or straddling two or more notional lanes.

Where the HB vehicle lies wholly within the notional lane (e.g. Figure 4(1)) or where the
HB vehicle lies partially within a notional lane and the remaining width of the lane, measured from the
side of the HB vehicle to the edge of the notional lane, is less than 2.5 m (e.g. Figure 4(2)(a)), type
HB loading is assumed to displace part of the HA loading in the lane or straddled lanes it occupies.
No other live loading shall be considered for 25 m in front of the leading axle to 25 m behind the rear
axle of the HB vehicle. The remainder of the loaded length of the lane or lanes thus occupied by the
HB vehicle shall be loaded with HA UDL only; HA KEL shall be omitted. The intensity of the HA
UDL in these lanes shall be appropriate to the loaded length that includes the total length displaced
by the type HB loading with the front and rear 25 m clear spaces.

Where the HB vehicle lies partially within a notional lane and the remaining width of the
lane, measured from the side of the HB vehicle to the far edge of the notional lane, is greater than or
equal to 2.5 m (e.g. Figure 4(2)(b)), the HA UDL loading in the lane shall remain, the HA KEL shall
be omitted.

Only one HB vehicle shall be considered on any one superstructure or on any substructure
supporting two or more superstructures.

Figure 4 (replaces Figure 13 of BS 5400 : Part 2) illustrates typical configurations of type

HA loading in combination with type HB loading.


Covers shall be designed to withstand all the appropriate permanent, temporary and
transient loads described in BS 5400 : Part 2. In addition, covers shall be designed to resist a live
load of 0.5 kN/m2, which shall be considered as a secondary live load in conjunction with the other
loads and partial load factors appropriate to combination 4. No other primary or secondary live
loads need be considered.


2.12.1 Aerodynamic Effects

The possibility of wind-excited oscillations occurring shall be considered, and due

allowance made for their effects. If necessary, aerodynamic effects shall be investigated by testing.
Flexible structures such as suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges and sign gantries are particularly

2.12.2 Highway Bridges

Dynamic effects on highway bridges are usually deemed to be covered by the allowance
for impact included in live loadings. However, although such considerations may be sufficient
structurally, the possibility of highway users being adversely affected shall also be considered.
Complaints about the liveliness of highway structures have been made in Hong Kong as a result of
the occupants of traffic stalled in one lane of a structure being subjected to oscillations caused by
traffic moving in a neighbouring lane. Similar situations could recur at any time under the conditions
prevailing in Hong Kong.

Highway structures oscillate in sympathy with passing vehicles oscillating on their

suspensions as a result of road surface irregularities. The worst oscillations occur when the natural
frequency of a structure lies within the range of forcing frequencies imposed by passing traffic.

Such forcing frequencies generally range between 2 Hz and 5 Hz. Highway structures shall
accordingly be designed so that as far as possible their natural frequencies lie outside this range.

2.12.3 Footbridges

Pedestrians can be adversely affected by the dynamic behaviour of footbridges. To avoid

unpleasant vibrations, the natural frequencies of footbridge superstructures and columns shall be not
less than 5 Hz.

If the natural frequency of a footbridge superstructure or column is less than 5 Hz, the
maximum acceleration shall be limited to an acceptable value. The natural frequencies of footbridge
columns shall in all cases exceed 2 Hz transversely and 1 Hz longitudinally. Appendix A gives

guidance on the calculation of natural frequencies and accelerations, and quotes acceptable values
for accelerations.

The possibility of a group of pedestrians deliberately causing a footbridge to oscillate

resonantly shall be borne in mind. Footbridge bearings shall be designed to allow for this possibility,
and prestressed concrete beams shall be provided with sufficient untensioned reinforcement to resist
a reversal of 10% of the static live load bending moment. Guides shall be provided where necessary
to prevent any tendency for a superstructure to bounce off its bearings.


In assessing dead load, the weight of concrete shall be taken as not less than 24.5 kN/m3.
If the structural concrete of the deck of a structure is to be used as the running surface, the
assessment of dead load shall include allowance for a minimum extra thickness of 25 mm of

If the running surface is to consist of asphalt, the assessment of superimposed dead load
shall include allowance for a minimum thickness of 100 mm of asphaltic surfacing material.

The values of dead load and superimposed dead load assumed for preliminary design
purposes shall be carefully checked against the final values, when known, and if necessary, the
calculations shall be appropriately amended.



Steel highway structures and railway bridges shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements of BS 5400 : Part 3 : Code of Practice for Design of Steel Bridges in so far as its
recommendations are applicable to Hong Kong conditions. For conditions peculiar to Hong Kong,
the recommendations of this manual shall be followed.


Hot formed hollow sections with steel properties in accordance with BS 4360 and section
sizes conforming to BS 4848 : Part 2 shall be used for all structural steelworks.

Designers shall check that the sections proposed will be available in the quantities required
before finalising the design. The use of cold formed sections as an alternative shall not be permitted.


Structural steelwork shall be fabricated and erected by specialist contractors in the

"Structural Steelwork" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist
Contractors for Public Works.

All structural steelworks shall be detailed so that they can be hot dip galvanized after
fabrication, and so that they can be erected without damaging the galvanizing and without on site
welding. For long span trusses and structures too large for hot dip galvanizing after fabrication,
consideration shall be given to the application of sprayed metal coating after fabrication. Where this
is not possible, the agreement of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures to the use of any proposed
welding after the application of metal coatings must first be obtained. If non-ferrous components are
used with steel fixings, insulation must be provided to prevent galvanic corrosion.

Hot rolled steel sections shall be blast cleaned and protected with blast primers before
fabrication and welding. This prevents the development of rust, which would be difficult to remove
after fabrication. The use of steel that has rusted heavily during storage shall not be allowed for the
same reason.

When welding metal coated or zinc dust painted steel, the coating near the weld area shall
first be removed, or the weld area be masked off before coating. After welding, scale and heat
damaged coatings shall be removed by local blast cleaning and the areas renovated by re-applying
the original coating. Damaged galvanized or metal sprayed surfaces shall be made good by :

(a) metal spraying on site;

(b) application of zinc rich paints to reinstate the original dry film thickness; or

(c) application of low melting point zinc alloy heated by torch to a pasty condition with
the fluxes contained therein removed.

The site welds on painted structures shall be blast cleaned before protection and repainting.


Blast cleaning of steelworks shall be carried out by specialist contractors in the "Class V :
Hot dip galvanizing" of the "Specialized Operations for Highway Structure" category of the List of
Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works.


All structurally important welds of structural steelwork shall be subject to non-destructive

testing in the form of radiographic or ultrasonic inspection and interpretation by specialist contractors
in the "Class IV : Non-destructive testing of welds" of the "Specialized Operations for Highway
Structure" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for
Public Works. The extent of testing is given in BS 5400 : Part 6, Clause 5.5.2. The designer shall
specify the welds to be tested above this requirement.


All steel components shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with BS 729 after
fabrication by specialist contractors in the "Class V : Hot dip galvanizing" of the "Specialized
Operations for Highway Structure" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and
Specialist Contractors for Public Works. Steel hollow sections shall be sealed wherever this can be
done without affecting the galvanizing process. If venting is necessary, the vents shall be carefully
detailed and positioned so as to be inconspicuous, or be effectively sealed immediately after



4.1.1 Design Standards

Concrete highway structures and railway bridges shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements of BS 5400 : Part 4 : Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Bridges in so far as
these are applicable to Hong Kong. For conditions peculiar to Hong Kong, the recommendations of
this manual shall be followed.

4.1.2 Cracking

For the serviceability limit state of cracking :

(a) reinforced concrete structures or structural elements shall be designed so that design
crack widths do not exceed the values given in Table 20; and

(b) for the flexural tensile stress limitations in prestressed concrete as described in
BS 5400 : Part 4 Clause 4.2.2(b), only Class 2 category will be permitted for load
combinations 2 to 5.

4.1.3 Concrete Cover to Reinforcement

Concrete cover to reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with Table 20 for the
envisaged conditions of exposure.

In choosing the nominal cover for a structure, the possibility of the specified cover not being
provided in practice shall be borne in mind. The reinforcement of Hong Kong bridges has on several
occasions apparently suffered corrosion because of insufficient cover. In Britain, a survey found
inadequate cover on a number of bridges; walls were found to have suffered more than soffits, with
standard deviations of cover averaging 15.1 mm for the former and 6.4 mm for the latter. Allowance
shall accordingly be made for imperfections of similar magnitudes in choosing values of nominal


4.2.1 Differences between British and Hong Kong Concretes

The properties of concrete in Hong Kong differ from the properties given in
BS 5400 : Part 4 for concrete in United Kingdom, probably because of the qualities of the local
aggregate and the properties of the locally available cement.

Suitable values for concrete properties in Hong Kong are recommended later in this
section. Other concrete properties mentioned in BS 5400 : Part 4 may also have different values in
Hong Kong, and the possibility shall be borne in mind during design.

The shape of the stress-strain curve given in Figure 1 of BS 5400 : Part 4 is

generally applicable to Hong Kong, but the slope of the initial tangent shall be adjusted to 5.0 x √ (
fcu / γm ) to allow for the difference in elastic modulus.

4.2.2 Elastic Modulus of Concrete

Values for the modulus of elasticity of concrete are significantly lower in Hong Kong than in
Britain. The values used for design purposes shall be taken from Table 21 to replace the values for
the short term elastic modulus given in BS 5400. The modulus of elasticity referred to in Table 21 is
the static modulus described in BS 1881.

4.2.3 Strength of Concrete

Concrete gains strength at early ages more rapidly in Hong Kong than in Britain. After
28 days, the rate of gain of strength is lower in Hong Kong than in Britain.

Table 5 of BS 5400 : Part 4 shall accordingly not be used in Hong Kong. Figure 5, giving (
fn / f28 ) (the ratio of strength at any time "n" to 28-day strength) against time, shall be used instead.
The rate of strength gain indicated in the figure applies to OPC concrete only and not to concrete
containing PFA or retarding/accelerating admixtures.

Concrete for the carriageway and superstructures including concrete parapets shall be of
Grade 40 or stronger.

4.2.4 Shrinkage of Concrete

Shrinkage is the decrease in size that occurs over a long period as the water in concrete
dries out.

Dimensional changes in concrete members resulting from shrinkage not only affect the
stresses in statically indeterminate structures, but also contribute to loss of prestress in prestressed
concrete structures. The design of such structures shall make allowance for the effects of shrinkage.

Shrinkage has irreversible and reversible components. Irreversible shrinkage is caused by

the concrete setting and drying out. Reversible volume changes occur when the moisture content of
the concrete varies with the ambient relative humidity.

Shrinkage is also affected by the composition of the concrete, the size of the member under
consideration and the amount of longitudinal reinforcement in the member.

Details of the various factors affecting shrinkage are given in Appendix C of

BS 5400 : Part 4.

Experience has shown that the amount of shrinkage to be anticipated in Hong Kong is
greater than the amount likely to occur in Britain, so the recommendation of BS 5400 shall be
modified for Hong Kong use as follows :

Appendix C of BS 5400 : Part 4 states that the shrinkage strain at any instant is given by

∆cs = KL Kc Ke Kj in microstrains,

where allowance is made by KL for relative humidity,

Kc for concrete composition,

Ke for effective thickness, and

Kj for time.

Experiments by Chai (1980) conducted on 100 x 100 x 500 mm prisms of Grade 45

concrete at relative humidity of 70% to 100% indicated that, using the same expression for Hong
Kong conditions, shrinkage shall be estimated from

∆cs = Cs KL Kc Ke Kj in microstrains,

where Cs = 4.0, and KL, Kc, Ke and Kj are as defined in Appendix C of

BS 5400 : Part 4.

The shrinkage to be expected over an interval of time shall be taken as the difference
between the shrinkages calculated for the beginning and the end of the interval. This is particularly
important for prestressing applications, since prestress can only be transferred after some shrinkage
has occurred.

Shrinkage is greatly reduced by the presence of reinforcement. The values derived from
the foregoing expressions, which are for plain concrete, shall be multiplied by the reinforcement
coefficient "K s" to obtain the corresponding values for reinforced concrete.

The reinforcement coefficient is given by

Ks = 1
1 + ρα e

where ρ = steel ratio

= As / Ac

αe = modular ratio

= Es / Ec

Figure 6 gives values of "K s" in graphical form for various concrete grades and steel ratios.

Experience has shown that the allowance made for shrinkage in British codes was
insufficient for Hong Kong conditions. Experiments were therefore carried out, in conjunction with
creep testing, to determine suitable values of shrinkage strain for concrete in Hong Kong. These
experiments have been reported by Chai (1980) and the extracts from the results are shown in
Figure 7.

Figure 7 indicates that the gross shrinkage strain to be anticipated in Hong Kong is about
four times the gross shrinkage strain obtained using the recommendations given in Appendix C of
BS 5400 : Part 4.

4.2.5 Creep of Concrete

Concrete under sustained loading deforms with time. The deformation which occurs is
known as creep. Such deformations not only affect the stresses in statically indeterminate structures
but also contribute to the loss of prestress in prestressed concrete structures. In addition, the
horizontal movement of prestressed concrete members as a result of creep can significantly affect the
design of bearings and joints. Allowance shall accordingly be made for the effects of creep.

Details of the various factors affecting creep are given in Appendix C of BS 5400 : Part 4
and recommendations for the allowance to be made for creep deformation are given in
BS 5400 : Part 4. These vary significantly from each other. Creep tests on Hong Kong concrete by
Chai (1980) have shown that the recommendations given in Appendix C of BS 5400 : Part 4 are
appropriate to Hong Kong conditions and shall be followed .

The final creep deformation to be anticipated according to the theory of linear creep is
given by the expression

∆cc = fc . Θ

where fc = constant concrete stress,

E28 = 28 day value of concrete secant modulus,

Θ = creep factor.

The value of the creep factor is given by the expression

Θ = KL Km Kc Ke Kj

where the "K" coefficients are as defined in Appendix C of BS 5400 : Part 4.

Creep is reduced by the presence of reinforcement in the same way as shrinkage.

The values derived for ∆cc from the foregoing are for plain concrete, and shall be multiplied by the
reinforcement coefficient "K s" described in Clause 4.2.4 and Figure 6 to obtain the corresponding
values for reinforced concrete.

Creep tests were carried out to determine whether creep occurring in Hong Kong differed
significantly from the recommendations of British codes and, if so, to recommend suitable values for
use in Hong Kong.

The tests have been reported by Chai (1980). Details of the specimens tested are given in
Table 22, and extracts from the results are shown in Figures 8 to 10.

Figures 8 to 10 indicate that the creep factor varies widely between concrete from different
sources. Factors not described in BS 5400 such as the use of additives and the initial curing also
significantly influence creep deformation. Nevertheless, the recommendations of Appendix C of
BS 5400 : Part 4 give reasonable estimates of the creep deformation and prestress losses to be
anticipated for Hong Kong concrete.

4.2.6 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Concrete

Values of the coefficient of thermal expansion are given in BS 5400 : Part 2 and Part 4 for
concrete made from different aggregates.

Tests have shown that a value of 9 x 10-6 per °C is appropriate for use in Hong Kong and
this value shall be used instead of the values given in BS 5400.

4.2.7 Strength of Steel Reinforcement

BS 5400 : Part 4 requires that only steel complying with relevant British Standards shall be
used. In Hong Kong, Construction Standard CS2 specifies requirements for hot rolled steel bars for
reinforcement of concrete. It covers plain round steel bars in grade 250 and deformed high yield
steel bars in grade 460. Accordingly, designs shall be based on a characteristic strength of 250
N/mm2 for plain round steel bars and 460 N/mm2 for high yield steel bars. Welding of hot rolled high
yield steel bars shall not be permitted.


Immature concrete expands as a result of the heat released during hydration. Cracking can
occur if any part of the immature concrete is restrained from moving when the heat of hydration
dissipates, and cooling and contraction take place. Reinforcement shall be provided to control such

The minimum amount of reinforcement to be provided is given by

ρ = fct / fy

where ρ = steel ratio

= As / Ac

fct = tensile strength of immature concrete

= (fcu / 20)2/3 N/mm² approximately

fy = characteristic strength of reinforcement

As = area of reinforcement

Ac = gross area of concrete

The surface of immature concrete cools and contracts before the core. The proportion of
reinforcement required shall accordingly be calculated using an "effective surface zone", assumed to
be 250 mm thick, on each face for the area of concrete "A c". There are thus two cases to be
considered :

(a) members less than 500 mm thick, and

(b) members equal to or more than 500 mm thick.

For members less than 500 mm thick, the steel ratio "ρ" shall be applied to the whole
cross-sectional area to obtain the amount of steel required. This amount shall be provided equally
divided between the two faces and shall be provided in each of the two directions.

Considerations of crack widths and spacing generally mean that more reinforcement is
required to control cracking than the minimum amount given by the above formula.

The likely maximum spacing of cracks is given by

s = ( fct / fb ) x ( φ / 2ρ )

where s = maximum crack spacing

fct / fb = ratio of tensile strength of immature concrete to average bond strength,

which may be taken as

= 1 for plain round bars

= 2/3 for deformed bars


φ = bar size.

For design purposes, the above relation may be more conveniently expressed as

nφ ≥ ( fct / fb ) x ( 2bh / πs )

where n = number of bars in section

b = width of section

h = depth of number.

The maximum crack width which occurs during cooling from peak hydration temperature to
ambient temperature may be taken as

wmax = s . at .T1 / 2

where at = coefficient of thermal contraction of mature concrete

T1 = fall in temperature between hydration peak and ambient

The permissible crack width "w" shall be that which is appropriate for the environmental
conditions given in Table 20 less the crack width resulting from flexure.

The effective thermal coefficient of immature concrete is taken as half the mature value
given at Clause 4.2.6.

Any further fall in temperature T2 due to seasonal variations will also contribute to cracking.
Various factors due to ageing seem again to reduce the effect of thermal contraction by about half, so
that the combined maximum crack width is

wmax = s . at . ( T1 + T2 ) / 2

For members less than 15 m long, or with movement joints at 15 m centres or less, the
effect of T2 may be neglected. T2 may also be neglected if the restraint is being provided by a
section subject to the same climatic exposure as that being restrained.

The formulae given above may be used to determine the amount of reinforcement required
to control cracking. Alternatively the amount of reinforcement to be provided may be taken from
Figure 11, which has been prepared assuming values of 35°C and 30°C respectively for T1 and T2
as being representative of Hong Kong conditions.

Reinforcement that is present in the section for other purposes may be included as part of
the area of reinforcement necessary to satisfy the requirements for the control of early thermal


4.4.1 Grade of Concrete for Prestressing Work

In Hong Kong, the production of concrete with a strength consistently exceeding 50

N/mm2 may be difficult. Therefore, unless strict control can be relied upon, the strength of concrete
for prestressed structures shall accordingly be limited to Grade 50. Strength of concrete for
prestressing work shall not be less than Grade 45.

4.4.2 Post-tensioning Systems

Various proprietary post-tensioning systems are available in Hong Kong. To avoid any
suggestion that the choice of a proprietary post-tensioning system might be influenced by other than
engineering considerations, trade names shall not be included in specifications or drawings. Instead,
general prestressing requirements shall be given in the contract documents, and the main contractor
shall be required to submit detailed proposals to the Engineer for approval showing how one of the
acceptable proprietary post-tensioning systems may be used to apply the required prestressing

Such general requirements may include, as appropriate, any or all of the following :

(a) number, location and profile of prestressing tendons;

(b) number of wires, strands or bars per tendon;

(c) size and type of wire, strand or bar (standard, high-strength, compacted; normal or
low relaxation);

(d) anchorage type (dead-end, coupling or stressing-end);

(e) order of applying prestressing force to tendons;

(f) prestressing force; and

(g) ducting and grouting requirements.

The contract documents shall make clear whether the value of prestressing force includes
losses due to :

(a) relaxation of steel;

(b) elastic deformation of concrete;

(c) shrinkage and creep of concrete;

(d) friction and wobble;


(e) draw-in,
where appropriate giving details of any assumption made, and also making clear whether allowance
shall be made for anchorage and jack losses.

Consideration must be given at the design stage to the practicability of fitting one or other of
the acceptable proprietary post-tensioning systems into the work being designed, so that the post-
tensioning specialists are not set an impossible task. End-block reinforcement depends on the type
of anchorage used, and so shall not be detailed, but, again, consideration shall be given at the design
stage to likely requirements. The proposals submitted by the main contractor must accordingly
include end-block reinforcement details, which shall be designed in accordance with the requirements
of BS 5400 : Part 4.

4.4.3 Specialist Prestressing Contractors

All prestressed concrete works for highway structures shall be carried out by specialist
contractors in the Prestressed Concrete for Highway Structures Category of the List of Approved
Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works.

The Prestressed Concrete for Highway Structures Category consists of two classes :-

Class I - Supply and Installation of Prestressing Systems; and

Class II- Supply of Prestressed Concrete Units.

The supply and installation of on-site prestressing work shall be carried out by a contractor
in Class I. Precast prestressed units manufactured off-site shall be supplied by a contractor in Class

4.4.4 Secondary Moments and Shear

The redistribution of elastically derived moments for ultimate limit state analysis is permitted
within certain limits by BS 5400 : Part 4.

Secondary or parasitic moments in indeterminate structures, which are not lost under
conditions of partial redistribution, shall be included in any such analysis with a partial load factor of

Secondary moments in indeterminate structures induce reactions at intermediate supports

which are additional to those generated by dead and live loads. These reactions give rise to shear
forces which must be taken into account when determining the total shear force at any point in such a


Composite highway structures shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of

BS 5400 : Part 5 : Code of Practice for Design of Composite Bridges.

Where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the requirements or conditions
described in BS 5400, adjustments appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.

In view of the large shrinkage of local concrete, due consideration shall be given to the
effects of concrete shrinkage on composite structures early in the design stage.



Structural steelwork shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of

BS 5400 : Part 6 : Specification for Materials and Workmanship, Steel in so far as its
recommendations are appropriate to Hong Kong conditions.

Where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the requirements or conditions
described in BS 5400, adjustments appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.



BS 5400 : Part 7 : Specification for Materials and Workmanship, Concrete, Reinforcement

and Prestressing Tendons shall be followed in so far as they are applicable to Hong Kong.

Where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the requirements or conditions
described in BS 5400, adjustments appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.



BS 5400 : Part 8 : Recommendations for Materials and Workmanship, Concrete,

Reinforcement and Prestressing Tendons shall be followed in so far as they are applicable to Hong

Where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the requirements or conditions
described in BS 5400, adjustments appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.



Highway structures and railway bridges flex, expand and contract. Bearings shall be
provided at appropriate locations to enable such movements to take place freely and without
damage to the structures. They shall be positioned to minimize the out of balance forces.

The design and installation of bearings shall follow the recommendations of

BS 5400 : Part 9 : Section 9.1 : Code of Practice for Design of Bridge Bearings and
BS 5400 : Part 9 : Section 9.2 : Specification for Materials, Manufacture and Installation of Bridge
Bearings respectively in so far as these recommendations are appropriate to Hong Kong conditions.
Alternatively, the recommendations of other national standards may be followed subject to the prior
approval of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures.

Bridge bearings shall not be subjected to uplift forces under any load combinations unless
with the prior approval of Chief Highway Engineer/Structures.


Many proprietary brands of bearing are available commercially. However, trade names for
proprietary bearings shall not be included in specifications or drawings to avoid any suggestion that
the choice might be influenced by other than engineering considerations. Bearing requirements shall
be given in general terms, using the classification given in Table 23 as an aid to specifying.


A schedule of bearings shall be prepared for all contracts covering highway structures and
railway bridges for which bearings are required. Such a schedule shall detail the number and
performance requirements for each class of bearing required for the contract. Concurrent vertical
and horizontal loads shall be defined in the bridge bearing schedule. A specimen schedule is given in
Table 24. If the maximum transverse and longitudinal loads are considered as acting with maximum
vertical load, overdesign is likely in the majority of cases and the design is therefore not economical.
Therefore, the designers shall specify different load combinations in the bridge bearing schedule.


The bearings shall be supplied and installed by specialist contractors in the "Bearings for
Highway Structures" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist
Contractors for Public Works. As such only those proprietary bearings already approved for supply
and installation by these specialist contractors shall be used.


The scope of testing and the test loads shall be specified in the Specification. The number
and type of bearing tests must also be clearly stated in the Specification and itemized in the Bills of
Quantities. Bearings designed and manufactured in accordance with the provisions of
BS 5400 : Part 9 : Sections 9.1 and 9.2 will not normally require ultimate limit state testing.



BS 5400 : Part 9 : Section 9.1 adopts the expression "5GS 2" to evaluate the compressive
stiffness of elastomeric laminated bearings. Apparently, the width to length ratio of the rectangular
bearing is not taken into consideration in this expression. It has been pointed out in the "Malaysian
Rubber Products Association, 1981, Code of Practice" (MRPA) that the coefficient of "5" is only
sufficiently correct for a "long thin bearing with a width to length ratio of 0.25 but is more accurate
for a ratio of 0.20 or less" (Reference - P.B. Lindley, Small-strain compression and rotation moduli
of bonded rubber blocks, Plastics and Rubber Processing and Applications 1 (1981)).

Since the width to length ratio and the compressive stiffness curve is not linear for
rectangular bearings, the "MRPA" has recommended "CGS2" instead of "5GS2", and

C = 4 + be ( 6 - 3.3 be )
le le

where be = effective bearing width )

) be < le
le = effective bearing length )

It has been found that test results generally agree with the calculated values by using this
"C" value, whereas the BS 5400 : Part 9 : Section 9.1 prediction is usually too soft. Hence the
MRPA's recommendation shall be followed.


Except for elastomeric bearings, bridge bearings, including bearings which are not required
to provide horizontal restraint, shall be fixed to the superstructure and substructure with mechanical
fixings fabricated from austenitic stainless steel. Materials used shall comply with the following :

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80


The friction between the bearing and the superstructure or substructure may be used to
resist part of the horizontal forces provided that a factor of safety of at least 2 is applied to the
proven coefficient of friction and that the worst combination of vertical load and horizontal load is

At ultimate load under earthquake conditions, friction shall only be considered if the vertical
reaction can be reasonably predicted.


The possibility that bearings may need to be replaced during the design lifetime of a bridge
must be recognised. Provision shall therefore be made in the design for the removal and replacement
of bearings should this become necessary. The jacking force and the jacking position for bearing
replacement shall be indicated on the drawings. Where special procedures need to be followed for
the replacement of bearings, a method statement shall be indicated on the drawings. Alternatively,
such a statement shall be submitted to the maintenance authority at the time of handover of the
completed structure.

Where access to bearings would otherwise be difficult or impossible, special arrangements

shall be included in the design to enable access to be obtained. Sufficient space shall be provided for
bearings to be properly inspected and maintained.

Bearings shall be detailed so that dirt and rubbish do not accumulate around them, and that
they can easily be cleaned. They shall be detailed so that moisture cannot stand in their vicinity but
will instead drain away elsewhere. In this connection, reference shall be made to Clause 11.5.


The recommendations of BS 5400 : Part 10 : Code of Practice for Fatigue shall be

followed in so far as they are appropriate to Hong Kong conditions.

Where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the requirements or conditions
described in BS 5400, adjustments appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.

The fatigue loading spectrum of BS 5400 : Part 10 is onerous and full compliance with it
may under some circumstances be uneconomical. In such cases, the Chief Highway
Engineer/Structures shall be consulted regarding relaxation of the full requirements.



11.1.1 Movements

Highway structures undergo dimensional changes as a result of temperature changes,

shrinkage, creep and the application of the prestress. Live loads cause bearings to deflect and
rotate, and bearings can also produce movements if carriageways are inclined. The resulting
movements, which are illustrated in Figure 12, shall be determined at the design stage, and provision
shall be made for such movements to take place without damage to the structures.

Movement joints shall accordingly be included in the design of highway structures to

accommodate anticipated movements. However, as movement joints are very difficult to repair or
replace once the structures are opened to traffic, no more than the minimum number shall be
provided, even if a continuous or otherwise redundant structure has to be chosen for this reason.

Transverse movement of the decks of curved or skew bridges can occur, causing damage
to movement joints. Joints which can accommodate the transverse movement shall be used.
Otherwise, guided bearings shall be provided to prevent any transverse movement.

Longitudinal movement joints shall not be used unless unavoidable since such joints
adversely affect the riding comfort and safety of vehicular traffic.

11.1.2 Selection of Joint Type

Selection of the type of joint to be provided is mainly determined by the total movement to
be expected.

Where movements up to ±5 mm are expected, gap, filled or buried joints shall normally be
used. Gap joints are, of course, the simplest and easiest, but are only suitable for motor traffic.
They shall not be used where pedestrians or cycles are expected.

Filled joints may consist of a gap filled with a compressible filler and sealed with a suitable
sealant, or the top of the gap may be filled with a proprietary rubber or neoprene sealing strip
inserted under compression and supported by rebates. Careful detailing of such joints is necessary
to ensure that the filler does not fall out, leaving the sealant unsupported, when the joint opens; or
that the compressive forces holding the sealing strip in place do not decrease when the joint opens
enough for the sealing strip to jump out. The maximum gap width for such joints is 25 mm. Filled
joints transmit a proportion of a horizontal force in the deck on one side of the joint to the adjacent
deck, and this shall be borne in mind at the design stage.

Buried joints may be used on structures with asphaltic surfacing. In such joints, the
asphaltic surfacing is separated from the gap by means of cover plates or other devices designed to
spread out the movement over the length of the plates or devices across the joints, which shall be
fabricated from corrosion resistant material, or a special flexible surfacing is used over the gap. Such
joints must be designed and constructed with great care, as cracks tend to reflect up from the gap,
causing the surfacing to deteriorate rapidly. The maximum gap width shall not exceed 20 mm. This
kind of joint is not suitable for bridge decks sloping more than 1 in 30.

Proprietary movement joints shall be used on all structures that carry vehicular traffic.

The maximum size of continuous open gap which can be tolerated for motor vehicles is
65 mm. Where pedestrians and cyclists have access, all gaps shall be sealed and covered with non-
slip cover plates fabricated from corrosion resistant material. If the gap is sealed with anything other
than a hard, load bearing rubber, then so far as the riding quality is concerned, the joint shall be
considered as an open gap.


A large variety of proprietary movement joints is now available. Care shall be taken to
ensure that :

(a) a movement joint inherently suitable for the required location is chosen;

(b) the design of the structure is capable of accommodating the movement joint selected
(there will be no conflict between joint fixings and prestress anchorages/bursting
steel or steel reinforcement etc.); and

(c) the installation is carried out so that the properties of the selected movement joint
are fully exploited.

Experience has shown that correct installation of proprietary movement joints is essential
for satisfactory performance.

Overestimation of shrinkage and creep movements can result in the joint being constantly
under compression and bowing upwards after installation thereby generating excessive noise during
the passage of vehicular traffic. The movement to be expected shall accordingly be estimated with
the greatest possible accuracy; in this particular application, over-estimation is not on the safe side.
A slight downward tilt of the mountings, so that the joint sags under compression rather than hogs,
may reduce this particular problem.


Movement joints shall be able to carry the same vehicular loads as the structures of which
they are parts. For structures designed to carry the vehicular loads described in BS 5400 : Part 2,

movement joints and their holding down bolts shall be capable of withstanding the following loads,
either separately or in combination :

(a) vertically : two 112.5 kN wheel loads, 1000 mm apart, each spread over a contact
area giving an average pressure of 1 N/mm², applied so as to give the worst
possible effect;

(b) horizontally : a traction force of 75 kN per linear metre of movement joint acting at
road level, combined with any forces that may result from straining the joint filler or

The minimum diameter of holding down bolts shall be 16 mm. Holding down bolts and the
component parts shall be fabricated from austenitic stainless steel.

For prestressed holding down and fixing arrangements, the size of bolts could be reduced
provided they have sufficient elastic working capacity.


As movement joints open and close under the influence of temperature changes, shrinkage,
creep and loadings, the proprietary components of such joints may be strained, depending on their
design, and forces may be transmitted to the supporting structures.

Allowance shall be made at the design stage of the structures for such forces. The force
that a joint may exert on the supporting structure shall not be more than 5 kN/m, but for design
purposes of the supporting structures a value of at least 20 kN/m shall be assumed.


Unsealed movement joints enable stormwater to penetrate onto the bearings, piers and
abutments of highway structures and railway bridges. Such penetration is undesirable as it can cause
corrosion of ferrous bearing components, staining of exposed surfaces and produces an undesirable

Stormwater penetration through movement joints may be dealt with in three ways :

(a) a proprietary movement joint designed so that the completed installation is watertight
may be chosen (although in practice such joints are always liable to leakage and
some means of drainage shall accordingly always be provided);

(b) a proprietary movement joint which allows the passage of stormwater may be used
in conjunction with a drainage layer or channel added to catch stormwater and
divert it to the drainage system; or

(c) the structure may be designed so that stormwater can pass freely through the
movement joint to be collected on the piers and abutments and diverted to the
drainage system without accumulating around bearings or staining exposed surfaces
but such drainage system must be capable of being easily inspected and maintained.
This is the most reliable method for structure with large movement joints.

A conscious decision shall be made at the design stage as to which of these alternatives is
to be followed.

Stormwater draining through track ballast onto a railway underbridge must be collected and
led away. Not only shall joints be carefully sealed, but in addition a substantial heavy duty
waterproofing membrane shall be applied to the bridge deck. The waterproofing membrane shall be
continued across the deck ends and taken down behind the ballast walls, with drains to collect and
remove water running down the membrane. The membrane shall be suitably protected against
damage by track ballast.



11.6.1 Requirements

Proprietary movement joints selected for use on highway structures and railway bridges
shall satisfy the following requirements :

(a) it shall withstand traffic loads and accommodate movements of the bridge and shall
not give rise to unacceptable stresses in the joint or other parts of the structure;

(b) it shall be easy to inspect and maintain, and parts liable to wear shall be easily

(c) large metal surfaces exposed at road level shall have skid resistant surface

(d) it shall have good riding quality and shall not cause inconvenience to any road user
(including cyclists and pedestrians where they have access);

(e) the joint shall not generate excessive noise or vibration during the passage of traffic;

(f) it shall either be sealed or have provision for carrying away water, silt and grit;

(g) joints with exposed rubber running surfaces shall not be used for new vehicular

(h) the holding down and fixing arrangements for the joints shall be effectively concealed
at the carriageway level.

11.6.2 Specification

In addition to specifying the requirements listed in Clause 11.6.1, the specifications for
movement joints shall include :

(a) the maximum allowable gap opening;

(b) the limiting force that the joint may exert on the structure;

(c) the minimum size of holding down bolt to be provided; and

(d) a schedule of joints detailing the number and performance requirements to be

provided. A specimen schedule is given in Table 25.

Trade names for proprietary movement joints shall not be included in specifications and
drawings to avoid any suggestion that the choice might be influenced by other than engineering


The movement joints shall be supplied and installed by specialist contractors in the
"Expansion Joints for Highway Structures" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials
and Specialist Contractors for Public Works. As such only those proprietary movement joints
already approved for supply and installation by these specialist contractors shall be used.

Other proprietary movement joints complying with the specifications and drawings in all
respects may also be acceptable. However the specialist firm dealing with the supply and installation
of these movement joints must first be included for such in the "Expansion Joints for Highway
Structures" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for
Public Works.

The main contractor engaged on projects involving the supply and the installation of
movement joints shall be required to submit to the Engineer for approval full details of the proprietary
movement joints he proposes to use. The details provided shall fully describe and illustrate the
proposed method of installation of the movement joints.

The Chief Highway Engineer/Structures shall be consulted in case of doubt about the
performance or suitability of any particular brand/type of movement joint.


Installation of proprietary movement joints consists mainly of the following

operations :

(a) preparation of seating;


(b) installation of holding down systems;

(c) provision of bedding;

(d) fixing of joint;

(e) provision of nosing and backing.

Execution of most of these operations can be made more effective if careful consideration is
given at the design stage to accessibility, working space and so on. Movement joints are usually
installed at the ends of concrete members, where simplicity of formwork produces better results than
more complex arrangements. Hooks and bends in reinforcement tend to be concentrated at such
points, more from lack of thought by the designers than necessity. The possibility of bond and
anchorage consideration permitting reinforcement to be stopped off well away shall be investigated,
because many movement joint failures have arisen through holding down bolts not being properly
accommodated among unnecessarily congested underlying reinforcement. The joints between the
recesses in concrete decks for elastomeric movement joints and the concrete in the adjacent
concrete decks shall be formed by saw cutting to a depth of 25 mm.


Where modular type movement joints are proposed, provision shall be made for access to
the underside of the joints for inspection and repair / replacement of parts liable to wear and tear.



A footbridge or subway scheme is not likely to be successful unless it meets the basic
directional movements of the potential users and a study shall be made of existing and future
movements of pedestrians before deciding on the best practical layout of the footbridge or subway.
Access to footbridges and pedestrian subways shall be as short and direct as possible avoiding long
detours when using ramps or stairs. Ancillary fittings such as pillar box for pump house, lighting and
other electrical and mechanical installations shall be of minimum size, unobstructive and be
incorporated into abutments or walls wherever possible.

The provision of access for the disabled is a mandatory requirement. Access for the
disabled shall therefore be included in highway crossing facilities where alternative access is

The planning and layout design of pedestrian crossing facilities are normally carried out by
the Transport Department. Close liaison with the traffic engineers at detailed design stage will ensure
that consistent standards of provision are maintained.


All new permanent footbridges, elevated walkways, pedestrian subways and their
associated ramps and stairways in the urban area shall be covered. In rural areas, the provision of
covers depends on the circumstances of the particular location. Detailed guidelines for the provision
of covers are given in the TPDM issued by the Transport Department. Applications for permission
to omit covers where normally they would be provided should be made to DS(TM), Transport
Bureau. Such applications shall contain appropriate justification, including background and reason
for the request, and an account of the extent and result of any consultations with local interests,
including the local District Officer. However, provision shall be made in the design such that covers
can be added subsequently.


Stairs to permanent footbridges, elevated walkways and pedestrian subways shall have
solid risers. Steps shall be levelled front and back.

Risers shall be not more than 150 mm high. This dimension may be increased to 165 mm
high only in very exceptional circumstances where space is limited and where an alternative safe and
convenient route for the disabled in the vicinity is available.

Treads shall be not less than 280 mm wide, but this dimension may be reduced to 250 mm
if space is limited.

Values for riser height "R" and tread width "T" shall satisfy the relationships :

580 ≤ (2R + T) ≤ 600

42000 ≤ ( T x R) ≤ 45000

The tread width "T" is the net tread width or "going". Riser faces may be inclined, but the
extra tread width gained shall not be included in the value of "T".

The number of risers in a flight shall not exceed 12, but may be increased to 16 if space is

12.4 RAMPS

In general, at all pedestrian structures, ramps shall be provided in addition to stairways.

However ramps may be omitted in the vicinity of an at grade crossing or another adequately ramped
crossing and such omission shall always be based on sound economic, structural or aesthetic

If the provision of ramps to a footbridge or subway appears to be inappropriate for any

reason, permission for not providing them shall be obtained from the Secretary of Transport as early
as possible. Application for permission to omit ramps shall contain appropriate justification, including
background and reasons for the request, and an account of the extent and results of any consultation
with local interests, including the local District Officers.

The gradient of pedestrian ramps shall be not greater than 8.3% as such is the steepest
gradient negotiable by a person in a wheelchair without assistance. Steeper gradient of up to 10%
may be used where space is limited. Stepped ramps shall not be used even where space is limited
without the approval of AC for T, Transport Department.

The gradient of the centre line of circular ramps shall not exceed 10%. Ramps shall be
provided with landings at vertical intervals of not more than 3500 mm wherever space and other
considerations permit.

The gradient of cycle ramps shall not be steeper than 4%, but may be increased to 8% if
space is limited.

Experience indicates that the provision of traction strips is not preferred even on steep
ramps, and the use of a non-slip surface will provide better skid resistance. Where traction strips
have to be used, these shall be depressed. Embossed traction strips shall be avoided.


A user should be able to traverse a stairway landing in two comfortable strides. A stairway
landing length of between 1500 - 1800 mm will enable most people to do this. Stairway landings
may be reduced to a minimum of 1000 mm if space is limited.

The length of ramp landings shall be not less than 2000 mm but may be reduced to
1500 mm where space is limited.

The width of all landings shall be not less than that of the widest approach stair or ramp.


The corner formed by a change in direction shall be splayed or curved to the largest radius
that is practical. Pedestrian conflicts will thereby be reduced and feelings of insecurity eased. The
latter is particularly important in subways, where pedestrians tend to feel vulnerable.


Headroom shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 14.

The minimum clear width of walkway surface on footbridges, elevated walkways, and their
associated ramps and stairways shall be 2000 mm, except on stairs to tram or similar platforms
where a lesser width is necessary because of limited space. This width shall be not less than 3000
mm for subways and their associated ramps and stairways.

To avoid impeding pedestrian movement, the clear distance between obstructions such as
roof columns, parapets and handrails on footbridges, elevated walkways, subways, and their
associated ramps and stairways shall not be less than 2000 mm.


Parapets shall be designed in accordance with the requirement of Section 15.

Solid parapets shall be used around subway ramps and stairways wherever the possibility
exists of passing traffic splashing stormwater through parapet railings into the subway. However
solid parapets should be used with discretion as they can produce an unpleasant sensation of
confinement, particularly with narrow ramps and stairways.

Parapets shall be at least 1100 mm high measured from the surface of the adjoining

Central handrails shall be provided on stairways 4000 mm wide or more.


Handrails must be provided on both sides of all ramps and stairways at a height of 850 mm
above the nose of a step, as at greater height than this the elderly as well as the disabled have great
difficulty in reaching the rail. At landings, handrails shall be set at a height between 850 mm to
1000 mm above floor and extend horizontally not less than 300 mm beyond the first and last nosings
of every flight of steps or beyond the ends of a ramp. In cross section, handrail shall provide a
proper grip of 40 mm to 50 mm diameter.

Handrails shall be fabricated from austenitic stainless steel with a minimum of 2.5%
molybdenum composition, or non-ferrous material such as aluminium alloy. If non-ferrous
components are used with steel fixings, insulation must be provided to prevent galvanic corrosion.
Materials used shall comply with the following :

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel tubes : BS 6323 Part 1 and BS 6323 Part 8,

designation LW 23 GZF(S)

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80


Subway floors shall be cambered to fall to each side at not less than 2.5% and shall be
provided with longitudinal fall of not less than 0.67%. Gullies and slotted channels shall be provided
at appropriate points to catch stormwater entering subways, and convey it to the nearby stormwater
drainage system, if necessary via a pump house provided for the purpose. To minimise the risk of
blockage, an inspection pit with sump shall be provided at all changes in the direction of drain pipes
in a subway.

Footbridge roofs and decks shall be cambered to fall to each side and be provided with a
longitudinal fall of not less than 0.67% unless otherwise approved by Chief Highway

All pipe runs shall be capable of being rodded. An accessible rodding eye must be
provided at each turning point in the drain pipe run. Rodding plug shall be fabricated of UPVC to
facilitate maintenance. To facilitate rodding, stormwater drainage pipes for footbridges and subways
shall not be smaller than 100 mm in diameter. Metal grating to surface channels, where provided,
shall be of the easily replaceable hinged type and fabricated from cast iron or stainless steel.

To avoid blockage of drain pipes, a corrosion resistant dome shaped grating or grille shall
be provided at all inlets on roof covers. A recess or basin shall be provided around the grating for
the water to flow in smoothly. The surface drainage system on covers adjacent to residential
buildings shall be designed to minimize the chance of blockage by litter and be easily cleared.

Structural steel and bare concrete components shall not be used as a drainage channel even
for draining away occasionally seeping water. In hollow box beam decks, void drains shall be
provided through the soffit at the lower end of the span. All parapet upstands shall be effectively
sealed to prevent leakage. To reduce the chance of water staining the concrete surfaces, drip
grooves shall be provided under the edges of the covers, decks, stairways, ramps and at transverse

The head of all stairways and ramps of subways shall be raised 150 mm above surrounding
ground level to prevent the entry of stormwater. For stairways, an additional equal riser shall be
incorporated. This shall contribute towards the total number of risers allowable in a flight. The
additional step shall be sloped to the ground by means of a ramp having a gradient of not more than
10%. Ramps shall be extended to a level at least 150 mm above surrounding ground level and
sloped down to the footpath at ground level. For low lying areas prone to serious flooding,
consideration shall be given to raise the head of all stairways and ramps of subways even higher than
the aforementioned as appropriate.

Slope within a pedestrian subway catchment area must be properly protected and drained
so as to avoid the possibility of a washout of silt. Sand traps and grilles shall be provided wherever
water is discharged into the surface channels of paved areas or into stormwater pipes to avoid
flooding caused by blockage of the subway pumping system. Planting within a pedestrian subway
catchment area shall be of the evergreen type to reduce the amount of fallen leaves which can easily
block drains and cause flooding. Catchpits shall have desilting sumps not less than 250 mm deep.
They shall be covered and grilles shall also be provided to all pipe inlets to prevent large pieces of
rubbish from entering and causing blockage of the subway drainage system.


Lighting schemes for pedestrian structures shall comply with the requirements of the Public
Lighting Design Manual and shall be approved by the Lighting Division of Highways Department.
The maintenance authority i.e. the Lighting Division and/or the Electrical and Mechanical Services
Department shall be consulted in preliminary design stage.

Light fittings shall be as inaccessible to pedestrian as far as possible and compatible with
maintenance requirements. If non-standard lighting fittings are envisaged for architectural or aesthetic
reasons, the Lighting Division shall be consulted at the earliest possible time. Lighting conduits and
junction boxes shall not be surface-mounted except for steel structures.


12.11.1 Provision of Escalators

An up escalator 1 m wide ascending 6 m vertically needs at least 15400 users per day to
provide time savings equivalent in value to its cost. Similarly, about 60000 users per day are
necessary to justify a down escalator.

If a footbridge has an estimated 3000 users per hour in both directions for at least one hour
on a weekday, up and down escalators shall be provided.

As well as anticipated user demand, other reasons for providing escalators include:

(a) inability to construct ramps because of site constraints;

(b) continuation of facilities such as lifts or escalators in adjacent buildings connected to

a footbridge; and

(c) the need to encourage pedestrians to use a footbridge in preference to dangerous at

grade jay walking; although it should be remembered that whilst escalators will make
a footbridge more attractive to pedestrians, the best footbridge is one that is sited on
an obvious desire line.

The agreement of the Secretary for Transport shall be obtained to the provision of
escalators not complying with the foregoing criteria.

12.11.2 General Requirements

As the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department is responsible for the maintenance
of the electrical and mechanical parts of the escalators, the agreement of Director of Electrical and
Mechanical Services shall be obtained at an early stage in the design of the escalators with respect to
the details and requirements of the proposed escalators.

Where escalators are provided, the level of the plinth at the foot of the escalator, protecting
the mechanism, shall not be more than one step high, and shall be ramped down to ground level.
This is because escalators are not particularly easy for the disabled to use, and this is made much
more difficult when three or four steps have to be negotiated before reaching the escalator.

12.11.3 External Applications

Escalators which are installed externally and are not fully sheltered by structures need more
careful planning than escalators for internal use.

Additional features required for external use include :

(a) deeper anodising of aluminium components;

(b) watertight floor pans and well drained external escalator pits;

(c) air heaters on trusses;

(d) wrought stainless steel complying with BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33;

(e) flat rolled stainless steel complying with BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33;
(f) stainless steel washers complying with BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33;

(g) stainless steel fasteners complying with BS 6105, grade A4-80;

(h) cabinet for controller;

(i) double varnish impregnation of electrical windings; and

(j) neoprene covered multicore cables for electrical connections.

12.11.4 Inspection and Surveillance

Escalator installations need to be inspected frequently if lengthy interruptions of service are

to be avoided. Rapid maintenance attention shall be available where escalators are provided at
pedestrian grade separations, and the installation of special surveillance measures such as CCTV or
remote fault indicators should be given due consideration.


Subway walls shall be tiled, to provide good light reflection and to discourage vandalism.
Mosaic tiles shall not be used. Tiled surfaces shall stop at least 75 mm above floors and from
external arrises, with the tile edges protected with a suitable hard material. Movement joints shall be
provided for large tiles at 4.5 m intervals and at all construction joints in the structure.

Ceilings and the pedestrian faces of parapet walls or beams shall be treated with washable
and durable proprietary finishes. The pedestrian faces of parapet walls or beams may be tiled.

Floor finishes shall be chosen to give adequate slip resistance. Particular attention shall be
paid to the slip resistance of ramps; steep ramps shall be provided with non-slip surfaces.

Stair treads shall be provided with non-slip nosings or special nosing tiles. Nosings shall be
made conspicuous by the use of contrasting colours, or other means, so as to be clearly visible,
particularly at night. Carborundum nosing strips are not recommended.

Acrylic and polycarbonate sheetings shall be ultra-violet light resistant and have impact
strength as Class A material complying with BS 6206.

Components and fittings shall be fabricated from durable, corrosion-resistant material.

Spare tiles of about 2% - 5% shall be reserved for maintenance.

If glass or fibre reinforced plastic units are used, the supply and installation of such shall be
carried out by specialist contractors in the "Supply and Installation of Glass (or Fibre) Reinforced
Plastic Units" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for
Public Works.


Although good quality concrete is to all intents and purposes impervious, the construction
joints and movement joints are always potential sources of leakage and thus shall be avoided as far
as possible. Areas which are susceptible to water leakage shall always be waterproofed. Special
attention shall be given to the design and detailing of the treatment at gussets, pipe flashings,
upstands, movement joints and other awkward situations. The surfaces to be waterproofed shall be
effectively drained to prevent ponding of surface run-off.

Waterproofing shall be carried out by specialist contractors in the "Class II : Waterproofing

of concrete surfaces" of the "Specialized Operations for Highway Structure" category of the List of
Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works.

The main contractor engaged on projects involving the waterproofing of concrete surfaces
shall be required to submit to the Engineer for approval full details of the waterproofing system he
proposes to use. The details provided shall fully describe and illustrate installation of the proposed
waterproofing system in the structure, and shall include details on substrate requirements, substrate
ventilation if the waterproofing membrane is not vapour permeable, and treatment at gussets, pipe
flashings, upstands, movement joints and other awkward situations.

12.13.1 Covers for Footbridges, Covered Walkways and Pedestrian Subways

Concrete covers shall be waterproofed. The waterproofing system shall have good
adhesion to the substrate and be durable, colour fastness, UV resistance, easily repairable and
capable of withstanding the impacts of regular maintenance and cleaning operations.

12.13.2 Pedestrian and Bicycle Subway Barrels

Subway barrels, ramps and staircases below the ground surface shall be surrounded with
an impervious membrane to ensure watertightness. Proprietary bituminous based membranes or
similar shall be of heavy duty type and shall be installed in two layers to provide a total thickness of
not less than 3.2 mm. A protective layer shall be provided to the waterproofing membrane to
protect it from damage. Membranes on horizontal surfaces shall be protected with 50 mm of
cement/sand mortar laid as soon as each section of membrane is installed. Membranes to vertical
surfaces shall be protected with a 115 mm thick layer of brick or similar.

Special attention shall be given to the design and detailing of the joint at the base of the wall
as the reinforcement is normally congested at this location. The clear distance between inner layers
of reinforcement shall not be less than 250 mm to facilitate concrete compaction. Reinforcement
detailing shall be as simple as possible and due consideration shall be given to the positions of
waterstops and construction joints.

Continuous waterstops shall be provided at all construction and movement joints.



Acrylic and polycarbonate sheetings shall be ultra-violet light resistant and have impact
strength as Class A complying with BS 6206.

If glass or fibre reinforced plastic units are used, the supply and installation of such shall be
carried out by specialist contractors in the "Supply and Installation of Glass (or Fibre) Reinforced
Plastic Units" category of the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for
Public Works."



The contents of Section 9.1 of BS 5400 : Part 1 concerning the applicability of limit state
design to foundations shall be noted.


Piling works shall be carried out by specialist contractors in the "Land Piling" category of
the List of Approved Suppliers of Materials and Specialist Contractors for Public Works or by the
main contractor himself.

In the latter case, the piling works may be carried out by the main contractor himself
provided that at tender stage he can establish that he has or will have readily available, the capacity
and resources, the experience and expertise, and the plants and equipment required to carry out the
work satisfactorily.

Some piling contractors use specialised methods or designs, with features particularly suited
to certain sites. Project engineers shall include their own piling designs in the tender documents.
However to take advantage of specialised methods or designs, they shall also include details of the
forces and moments to be resisted by the piles and allow alternative designs to be submitted.
Tenderers submitting alternative designs shall be asked to price for both the conforming and
alternative designs so that any financial benefits are easily recognisable.


In Hong Kong, where reclamations often overlay compressible marine mud, the
phenomenon of "downdrag" or "negative skin friction" may occur, when the weight of the surrounding
soil is transferred to the piles as consolidation taken place. Allowance shall be made for the extra
loads on piles arising from this effect.


The potential loading from a derailed train colliding with the substructure of a bridge
crossing a railway track is very large. To design a support capable of successfully withstanding such
a loading may be very difficult. Nevertheless, because of the potentially disastrous consequences,
consideration shall always be given to ways of alleviating the effects of such a collision.

The best defence is to site the supports of highway and pedestrian overbridges well away
from the railway track, preferably at least 5 m from the centre line of the nearest track.

If space limitations make remote siting of supports impossible, the following precautions
shall be observed :

(a) Supports shall not be pin-jointed at both top and bottom.

(b) A solid plinth shall be provided around individual columns to a height of 1000 mm
above adjacent rail level, with "cut-water" shaped ends to deflect derailed trains.

(c) In the absence of solid plinth, the bottom part of the support shall be of "cut- water"
shape to deflect derailed trains.

(d) In case a support is formed by a group of individual columns, the support shall be
designed such that the removal of one column in that group will not lead to the failure
of the support under the permanent loads and appropriate primary loads of the
combination 1 of Table 1 of BS 5400 : Part 2.

To ensure reasonable robustness, supports shall be designed to withstand, without

collapse, a nominal point load of 1000 kN in case of highway bridges, and 500 kN in case of
footbridges, acting horizontally in any direction at a height of 1200 mm above the adjacent rail level
in conjunction with permanent loads and partial load factors specified in combination 4 of Table 1 of
BS 5400 : Part 2.

Railway underbridges shall be provided with ballast wall at approaches, high enough and
long enough to prevent ballast from falling on to abutments and wing walls. The ends of wing walls
will normally adjoin the boundary of the railway, when they shall be at least 2 m high above the
adjoining pavement level.


13.5.1 Effects to be Considered

Consideration shall be given to the effects of :

(a) pressure due to currents;

(b) hydrostatic pressure;

(c) scour;

(d) backwater; and

(e) waterborne traffic.

If a structure is exposed to the sea, the effects of wave action shall also be considered.

13.5.2 Backwater Effects

For a bridge crossing a river or stream, consideration shall be given to the backwater
effects produced by the highway or railway crossing restricting the flow of water. Backwater can
cause flooding upstream of the crossing and, in addition, the increased velocity of the stream, and its
turbulence, can cause scour sufficient to endanger the bridge structure.

13.5.3 Effects of Waterborne Traffic

The design of piers for bridges over navigation channels shall include consideration of
protection against ship collision.

In general, such protection is costly, and the risk involved shall be carefully analysed and
weighed against the possibility of protecting the lives of bridge users by means such as those
described in Clause 18.2.


Run-on-slabs shall not be provided where bituminous carriageway is adopted. It is

considered more economical to rely on proper compaction of backfill behind abutments and to make
up the carriageway surface as settlement occurs. In the case of a concrete carriageway, the
carriageway slab adjacent to the abutment may be designed as a run-on-slab supported off the
ballast wall of the abutment. However, it should be noted that proper compaction of the fill behind
the abutment is vital for the satisfactory performance of the run-on/carriageway slab without creating
maintenance problems in service.



Headroom shall be provided in accordance with Table 26.

The headroom to be provided is the effective headroom after compensation for vertical
curvature and deflection as described in Clauses 14.3 and 14.4.

The headroom specified for new construction includes an allowance of 100 mm for
subsequent resurfacing. Maintained headroom in Table 26 includes no such allowance, and must be
preserved at all times thereafter.

The specified headroom shall be provided over the widths prescribed for horizontal
clearance in Table 27, as well as over carriageways and hard strips or shoulders.

During construction of overhead structures across carriageways, maintained headroom

clearance may be reduced to 4700 mm with adequate signing.


Headroom shall in general be measured vertically. In cases where the combined crossfall
and longitudinal gradient of the road passing under a structure exceeds 4%, headroom shall be
measured at right angle to the road surface at the point of minimum clearance.

Headroom shall be measured from the lowest point of the overhead structure. The lowest
point shall be taken as the lowest lighting fixture, sign, signal or similar protrusion rather than the
lowest part of the overhead structure itself.


Where the vertical alignment of a road passing under a structure results in a sag curve
beneath the structure, the headroom shall be increased in accordance with Table 28. The sag radius
is the mean radius of vertical curvature over a 25 m chord length measured along the carriageway.


Allowance shall be made for the effect of dead load deflection on headroom design. In
addition, the headroom provided shall be increased to allow for the maximum deflection that can
occur at mid-span due to live load.


At locations where signals, lighting and other equipment related to operational service are
to be installed, suitable allowance shall be made in the headroom design. Such installations shall
never be permitted to intrude into the headroom provided.


Although Table 26 gives a value of 5600 mm for the headroom to be provided over tram
tracks, this figure, which refers to the Hong Kong Tramways Company's double-deck trams, is given
for general guidance only. A figure of 6200 mm has been quoted as suitable headroom for LRT
tracks, but this again shall only be used for general guidance and it may be possible to achieve a
lower headroom. The appropriate authority shall always be consulted as to the precise headroom to
be provided under a highway structure crossing a tramway or a LRT track.


Wherever a highway structure crosses a railway track, the appropriate railway authority
shall be consulted as to the precise horizontal and vertical clearances to be provided.

All pedestrian and vehicular overbridges across the KCR shall be designed to give a
minimum of 7 m clearance above highest rail level so as to avoid any interference with the overhead
energy supply equipment.



A parapet is a structural component installed along the edge of a bridge or similar structure.
Parapets are basically of three categories :

(a) vehicle parapets, designed to contain vehicles only on a structure;

(b) pedestrian parapets, designed to safeguard pedestrians but not to contain vehicles;

(c) bicycle parapets, designed to safeguard cyclists but not to contain vehicles.

Besides containing vehicles and safeguarding pedestrians and cyclists on a structure,

parapets may have other purposes such as :

(a) to shield something below from view;

(b) to reduce noise pollution; and

(c) to prevent splash, from stormwater, or other missiles reaching the area below.


Parapets are classified for design purposes into five groups as given in Table 29.


Height of parapet shall not be less than the dimensions given in Table 30. Height shall be
measured from the adjoining paved surface to the top of the parapet. The "adjoining paved surface"
is the paved area on the traffic side of a parapet, adjacent to the plinth or base of a parapet.
Parapets higher than the dimensions given in Table 30 shall be provided wherever special
circumstances require a greater height.


15.4.1 Materials

Parapets may be constructed of steel, aluminium alloy, reinforced concrete or combinations

of these materials.

15.4.2 Projections and Depressions

Vehicle parapet shall have traffic face free of projections and depressions, except at joints
in longitudinal members but all such projections or depressions shall not exceed 20 mm. Longitudinal
rails shall be placed on the traffic side of their supporting posts, and present a smooth face to traffic
free from sharp edges. The front faces of the longitudinal rails shall be in the plane of the traffic faces
and, in no case, may depart from it by more than 25 mm.

15.4.3 Structures Not Exclusively Used by Highway Vehicles

For structures not exclusively used by highway vehicles, vehicle parapets shall be
positioned adjacent to the carriageway on the structure with pedestrian or bicycle parapets at the
back of the footways or cycle tracks as appropriate.

If space is limited and the traffic flow is light and slow, the vehicle parapets may be installed
along the edges of the structure with the prior agreement of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures.
In such case, only reinforced concrete vehicle parapets with minimum 800 mm high concrete plinth
and single metal top rail minimum 1100 mm high above the adjoining paved surface may be used.
The reinforced concrete vehicle parapets shall not be set back farther than 3500 mm from the edge
of the carriageway in order to avoid the possibility of high angle impacts developing, the
consequence of which can be particularly dangerous.


15.5.1 Design Requirements

Metal vehicle parapets shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the
requirements of BS 6779 Part 1 - Specification for Vehicle Containment Parapets of Metal
Construction in so far as its recommendations are appropriate to Hong Kong conditions.

Combined metal and concrete vehicle parapet shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements of BS 6779 Part 3 - Specification for Vehicle Containment Parapets of Combined
Metal and Concrete Construction in so far as its recommendations are appropriate to Hong Kong

Metal pedestrian parapets shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the
requirements of BS 3049 - Specification for Pedestrian Guard Rails (Metal) in so far as its
recommendations are appropriate to Hong Kong conditions.

Metal bicycle parapets shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the same
requirements of metal pedestrian parapets in so far as they are applicable to metal bicycle parapets.

Where Hong Kong specifications or conditions differ from the requirements or conditions
described in the British Standards, adjustments appropriate to Hong Kong shall be made.

The holding down and fixing arrangements of the parapets shall be fabricated from
austenitic stainless steel and be of the base plate mounting type. Materials used shall comply with the
following :

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80

15.5.2 Corrosion

Steel parapets and top rails shall be detailed so that they can be hot dip galvanized properly
after fabrication, and so that they can be erected without damaging the galvanizing and without on
site welding. Special attention shall be given to details at joints to prevent water being trapped there.

All steel components shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with BS 729 to a minimum
average mass coating of 600 g/m2 after fabrication. Accidentally damaged galvanizing shall be made
good by :

(a) metal spraying on site;

(b) application of zinc rich paints to reinstate the original dry film thickness; or

(c) application of low melting point zinc alloy heated by torch to a pasty condition with
the fluxes contained therein removed.

Steel hollow sections shall be sealed wherever this can be done without affecting the
galvanizing process. If venting is necessary, the vents shall be carefully detailed and positioned so as
to be inconspicuous, or be effectively sealed immediately after galvanizing.

Non-ferrous components, particularly of aluminium alloy, do not normally corrode. If non-

ferrous components are used with steel fixings, additional protective measures such as insulation must
be provided to prevent bimetallic corrosion.

To ensure a reasonable resistance to corrosion, the minimum section thickness of metal

members for pedestrian and bicycle parapets shall be :


sealed steel hollow sections 4mm

unsealed steel sections 5mm


non-ferrous sections 3mm

15.5.3 Plinth

A reinforced concrete plinth, whose height at the traffic face shall be at least 50 mm but not
more than 100 mm higher than the adjoining paved surface at any point on the cross section, shall
always be provided under a metal parapet where the main structure is of concrete. The plinth shall
be sufficiently strong to withstand moments and shears developed at post fixings.

The bottom edge of a plinth shall lie in the plane of the traffic face. The front face shall be
in this plane but may be inclined at up to 1 in 12 away from the traffic up to a maximum of 25 mm.
The top of the plinth shall fall toward the traffic face to avoid staining the outside face of the structure.
The plinth shall be effectively sealed at the movement joints to prevent water leakage.

15.5.4 Bedding

The bedding used between the base plates of the parapets and the plinth, or between the
base plates of the top rails and the concrete parapet shall be capable of permanently transmitting the
loads involved, safely and without undue deformation. The finished bedding shall not contain voids
and shall be resistant to penetration by water. It shall have a minimum thickness of 10 mm and a
maximum thickness of 30 mm plus allowance for falls on the top of the plinth or concrete parapet.
The edge of the bedding shall be not less than 20 mm from the edge of the chamfer or corner of the
outside face of the plinth or concrete parapet.


15.6.1 Design Requirements

Design requirements for reinforced concrete parapets are given below and in Table 31.
The parapet shall include end sections extending 3 m from the ends of the parapet, or on each side of
an unconnected vertical joint, and intermediate sections extending between the end sections. The top
of the parapet shall as far as possible fall toward the traffic face to avoid staining the outside face of
the structure. The parapet shall be effectively sealed at the movement joints to prevent water
leakage. The cover plates assembly over the movement joints on the traffic faces shall be fabricated
from austenitic stainless steel with a minimum 2.5% molybdenum composition. Materials used shall
comply with the following :

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80


Concrete shall be of Grade 40 or stronger depending on conditions of exposure.

Distribution steel amounting to 50% of the main reinforcement shall be provided in both traffic and
outer faces. The minimum ultimate moment of resistance against vertical bending at base for end
sections shall be 33% greater than the values for intermediate sections given in the Table 31.

15.6.2 Longitudinal Effects

Reinforced concrete parapets shall normally be designed from considerations of transverse

resistance only. A parapet shall not be considered as a longitudinal structural member for stiffening
the edge of the structure. Joints shall accordingly be provided to prevent longitudinal structural


The parapets shall be designed to the containment standards given in Table 29 and to the
strength requirements of Table 31 in the case of reinforced concrete parapets. The limiting
dimensions for Groups P.1 and P.2 parapets are given in Table 32 and Figures 13 and 14.

Combined metal and concrete parapets shall correspond in shape to the profiled concrete
barrier as illustrated in Figure 14 with no kerb provided between the parapet and carriageway.


Pedestrian parapets in Group P.3 shall be designed to resist the loading given in Table 33.
The limiting dimensions for Group P.3 parapets are given in Table 34 and Figure 15. There shall be
no footholds or projections on the traffic face where pedestrians have access. The infilling shall
normally be of vertical bars spanning between effective longitudinal members but may be inclined at
an angle of not more than 45° to the vertical.


Group P.4 high containment parapets shall consist of reinforced concrete walls designed to
the containment standard given in Table 29 and to the strength requirements of Table 31. The
limiting dimensions for Group P.4 parapets are given in Figure 16.

The top of the parapet shall be shaped to prevent anybody from walking on the top of the
high containment parapets located on general purpose roads. On limited access roads, different top
shapes or metal top rails may be used.

15.10 P.5 PARAPETS

Bicycle parapets in Group P.5 shall be designed to resist the loading given in Table 33.
The limiting dimensions for Group P.5 parapets are given in Table 35 and Figure 17. There shall be
no footholds or projections on the traffic face where pedestrians have access. The infilling shall
normally be of vertical bars spanning between effective longitudinal members but may be inclined at
an angle of not more than 45° to the vertical.

The rubrail shall be designed to resist the uniformly distributed load given in Table 33 when
applied separately in the horizontal and vertical directions and shall be fabricated from austenitic
stainless steel with a minimum 2.5% molybdenum composition, or non-ferrous material such as
aluminium alloy. If non-ferrous components are used with steel fixings, insulation must be provided
to prevent galvanic corrosion. Materials used shall comply with the following :

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel tubes : BS 6323 Part 1 and BS 6323 Part 8,

designation LW 23 GZF(S)

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80

The traffic face of the rubrail shall present a smooth surface, free from sharp edges.
Projections or depressions not exceeding 20 mm shall only be permitted at joints.


In order to minimize the maintenance problems arising from the proliferation of parapet
designs, parapets shall as far as possible be of the standard designs having due regard to the
appearance and functions of the structure. The outer, non-traffic, profile of standard concrete
parapets may however be altered to suit the bridge architecture. The Chief Highway
Engineer/Structures shall be consulted at an early stage in the design of the structure for advice on the
updated list of standard parapet designs. If special considerations suggest that the use of standard
parapet designs appears to be inappropriate for any reason in a particular structure, the prior
agreement of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures must be obtained for adopting non-standard


Sight distances are measured for design purposes from a point 1050 mm above the
carriageway. A possibility therefore exists that the provision of shorter sight distances could
sometimes be justified on the grounds that motorists can see through certain types of parapets.
However, visibility through a parapet is liable to be obscured and distorted, and thus cannot be relied
upon. A parapet of any kind shall accordingly always be treated as opaque for purposes of sight
distance design.



15.13.1 High Containment Parapets

Railway vehicular overbridges shall be provided with high containment parapets. Normally
Group P.4 parapets are acceptable, but at certain locations, especially where vehicles can impinge
on parapets with large angles of incidence, higher standards may be necessary. The design
procedure given in Appendix B shall be followed in such cases.

15.13.2 Overbridge Parapets

Overbridge parapets shall have a minimum height of 1500 mm measured from the adjoining
paved surface, and be of concrete construction with solid elevation and without applied finishes on
the external faces of the parapets. They shall extend to a point not less than 8 m from the centre line
of the nearest track, measured at right angles to the track.

Parapet copings shall be shaped so that persons cannot walk along them. Inner and outer
parapet faces shall be smooth and free from projections or depressions that can be used as
handholds or footholds.

15.13.3 Underbridge Walkways and Parapets

Railway underbridges shall be provided on each side with a concrete plinth at least 300 mm
above rail level in height. Underbridges carrying two or more railway tracks shall be provided with 1
m wide walkways on both sides. Underbridges carrying only one railway track shall be provided
with only one such walkway.

Where a walkway is provided, a pedestrian parapet corresponding to Group P.3 parapet

with demountable posts shall be fixed to the plinth with a minimum height of 1500 mm above the
adjoining walkway surface.



Drainage design shall be in accordance with Road Note 6 - Road Pavement Drainage,
Highways Department and Stormwater Drainage Manual, Drainage Services Department.

Stormwater drainage installations have often caused problems. The main reasons have
been :

(a) small diameter pipes, which have become blocked;

(b) changes of direction in pipe runs, which have become blocked;

(c) poor detailing of intakes and outlets resulting in frequent blockages;

(d) inadequate provision for clearing blockages; and

(e) thin-walled pipes broken by pressure of wet concrete, or incompletely sealed pipe
joints through which cement grout has entered during construction, so that pipes
have been blocked permanently before they have ever functioned.


16.2.1 Minimum Diameter

Stormwater drainage pipes for vehicle and pedestrian/bicycle highway structures shall not
be smaller than 150 mm and 100 mm in diameter respectively. Longitudinal carrier drains shall be
provided with rodding eyes at interval not more than 20 metres.

16.2.2 Material

Drain pipes shall be of UPVC, unless some good reason makes the use of an alternative
material desirable. UPVC drain pipes shall comply with BS 4660, JIS K-6741, or a comparable
acceptable national standard, and have dimensions similar to those given in Table 36.

Joints in UPVC drain pipes may take the form of either :

(a) elastomeric sealing ring joint assemblies, or

(b) solvent welded joint assemblies.


The holding down and fixing arrangements of the clamps and hangers for the drain pipes
onto the structure shall be fabricated from austenitic stainless steel. Materials used shall comply with
the following :

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel tubes : BS 6323 Part 1 and BS 6323 Part 8,

designation LW 23 GZF(S)

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80

Galvanized mild steel fixing arrangements may only be used for internal fixtures.

16.2.3 Layout

Drainage layouts shall be considered at the preliminary design stage so that a suitable
scheme for an inconspicuous pipe layout can be worked out and incorporated in the design from the
start. All general arrangement drawings shall include drainage proposals.

Drain pipes shall be installed with as few changes of direction as possible. Where changes
of direction are unavoidable, an inspection chamber, inspection cover, rodding eye or other means of
access shall be provided so that any blockage can be cleared easily. Rodding plug shall normally be
of UPVC, unless some good reason makes the use of an alternative material desirable.

Because UPVC pipework is light, internal pipework can become displaced or damaged
during concreting, particular care shall be taken to ensure that UPVC pipework to be cast into
concrete is firmly fixed within the formwork before concreting.

Structural steel and bare structural concrete components shall not be treated as a drainage
channel even for occasional seepage of water. In hollow box beam decks, void drains shall be
provided through the soffit at the lower end of the span. All parapet upstands shall be effectively
sealed to prevent leakage. To reduce the chance of water staining the concrete surfaces, drip
grooves shall be provided under the edges of the structure and at transverse joints.


As a general principle, pipework shall avoid movement joints or crosses them without
physical connection.

Where pipework crosses a movement joint, provision must be made for the pipe to move
in sympathy with the structure.

Vertical or near-vertical pipework crossing from a deck to a column shall be split, with the
upper pipe discharging into a hopper head at the top of the column downpipe large enough to
accommodate both the anticipated discharge and movements. Flexible connections are unlikely to
last as long as the rest of the structure and shall be avoided as far as possible, or be accessible and


All stormwater intakes on highway structures shall be provided with sumps, which can be
cleaned quickly and effectively by mechanical means.

The sumps shall be at least 250 mm deep. This depth of the sump may be greater than the
depth of the deck required from purely structural considerations, and may necessitate the provision
of a fascia or similar to screen or disguise the drainage installations.

With short structures, stormwater intakes can usually be located in the approaches, thus
avoiding the need to provide very large construction depth for sumps.

Stormwater intakes shall have a grating in the plane of the carriageway and a side inlet
overflow weir behind it, so that if the horizontal grating is blocked by rubbish the vertical inlet can still

Sags on viaducts are prone to flooding when intakes are blocked by rubbish carried to
them by stormwater. Emergency outlets shall accordingly be provided at all sags to discharge
floodwater reliably under such conditions.


Stormwater drainage system on highway structure shall discharge directly into a manhole
and then be connected to the nearby at grade stormwater drainage system.



In one way or another we are all influenced by the visual quality of our surroundings.
Bridges and similar structures are usually large highly functional artifacts with long service lives,
situated where they are regularly seen and experienced by many people. A good appearance is
therefore one of the functional requirements for such structures.

Good appearance however is not simply a matter of elegance in the structure itself. Since it
invariably forms part of a broader scene a structure only looks well if it is appropriate to its setting.
Consequently, good design aims to achieve total harmony of the structure with its setting.

In addition to being seen, structures are physically experienced when used. For instance,
drivers and passengers in vehicles "experience" the quality of carriageway surfacing and deck
configuration, the safety of parapets and distant views. Pedestrians "experience" the quality of
materials, finishes, proportions, heights, movements, sounds and colours. These experiences and
how people respond to them are called "Human Factors". Consequently, good design aims to
achieve a positive response from intended users by taking full account of the relevant human factors.

Since the introduction of a structure into a local environment invariably brings about
changes, resulting in a modified form, good design aims to ensure that any such changes are the most
fitting that can be devised in the circumstances.

Formerly, bridges were largely built of materials strong in compression but relatively weak
in tension. They tended to be very stable visually because they were perceived to be built from the
ground up. The introduction of steel and both reinforced and prestressed concrete, although greatly
increasing the opportunities for innovative design, has at the same time increased the scope for
designs that are visually unsatisfactory. The need has accordingly increased for engineers to acquaint
themselves thoroughly with the aesthetics of structures and to apply the principles involved with the
same care and diligence normally devoted to the engineering aspects of design.

To fully appreciate the appearance of a bridge or similar engineering structure, a designer

should make extensive use of visual aids such as drawings, computer graphics, models and photo-
montages to allow three - dimensional perception of the structural form and details throughout the
design process until a satisfactory appearance is confirmed.


Certain concepts and considerations are generally accepted as fundamental in assessing the
appearance of a structure such as a bridge. The inter-relationship between these concepts and
considerations is illustrated by the word-diagram given in Figure 21.

The terms used in this word-diagram represent a basic language of visual aesthetics. They
must be properly understood if the appearance of designs is to be adequately considered and

Note that FORM and PROPORTION are shown directly above each other in the
Figure 21 because they can define any basic object which, in pure isolation, need not involve
HARMONY or SCALE. These latter terms are also natural partners in that they are both
concerned with the dialogue or relationship between several things. The other items in the word-
diagram, in lower case lettering, represent some of the more important considerations which derive
from or influence the four main factors, more or less according to their proximity in the word-

Some aspects of these topics are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs with
particular reference to highway structures.

17.3 FORM

Form, which is defined in the Concise Oxford Dictionary as "..... shape, arrangement of
parts, visible aspect .....", may be considered as "broadly perceived shape." It is thus the essential
factor affecting the appearance of all structures and is of paramount importance in determining
whether a structure will grace or spoil its setting.

Traditional bridge forms include beam, arch and cable as the principal structural modes.
These are illustrated in Plate 1. There are many variations of these basic forms, such as girders,
trusses, cantilevers, towers and so on, embracing a whole range of shapes. For long structures,
horizontal and vertical curvatures add further dimensions to the total impression of form.

The choice of form is an essential prelude to any design, and shall be seen to be
appropriate to the function and situation of the structure. The form chosen will depend on whether
the structure crosses a waterway, a road or a valley, and where its supports can be economically
founded, among other factors.

Particular aspects of form are discussed in relation to expression of "function" and other
associated terms below.


Proportion may be defined as the scheme of dimensional ratios that will produce a
desirable form or assembly of associated forms.

The proportions of a structure strongly influence its character. For example, exaggerated
height, as in church architecture, can induce an air of reverence or awe. There are, however, limits
to the range of acceptable distortions, and certain dimensional ratios are widely accepted as being
more pleasing than others.

The celebrated "golden ratio" A:B = B:(A+B) (that is 1:1.618) is a rectangular ratio known
for its pleasing effect. It has been widely used to define the proportions of anything from windows to
whole buildings. Unfortunately, such simple ratios have little relevance to more complex
arrangements of shapes, and good design can never result solely from the application of mathematical
formulae without the influence of a creative imagination and a sensitive feel for what is good.

The principal proportions of a bridge are governed by the ratios of pier height to span,
width to span, and superstructure depth to span using the dimensions shown in Figure 22. In the final
analysis the designer must acquaint himself with the effect on proportion of varying these ratios by
personal observation. Constant careful observation of things that look right or wrong in the everyday
scene is the real key to good judgement in such matters.

Where there is an "assembly of associated forms", proportion is as much concerned with

appropriate relationships between them as with their individual proportions. A poorly proportioned
structure may have components which appear too light or too heavy for their apparent role, leading
to suggestions of structural deficiency, imbalance or lack of stability. Typically such errors result from
reliance upon two-dimensional drawings only. For example, a section through a typical column and
deck will give a completely different impression of proportion to the real thing, as may be seen in
Figure 23, where the great area of the underside of the bridge is more apparent as perspective
comes into play.

The total configuration of a three-dimensional object, such as a bridge, is difficult if not

impossible to appreciate from two dimensional drawings and the use of scale models to verify initial
concepts is a virtual necessity for all but the simplest of designs. Perspective effects can be imitated
with the use of simple mini-periscope devices made from cardboard tubes and mirrors if desired.


A harmonious relationship exists between a number of things when they complement each
other so that their combined effect is more pleasing than their separate contributions.

The achievement of harmony in adding a structure to a landscape or townscape would at

first sight seem to be complicated because of the interplay of diverse shapes and colours in the
surroundings, many of which are beyond the control of the bridge designer. The problem is
simplified, however, if only the more significant scenic elements are considered and if the number of
novel features is kept to a manageable minimum by repeating selected shapes, colours or textures
already present in the scene.

A structure shall present a stable, simple and elegant appearance harmonising with the
surrounding landscape or townscape. This means that there must be no discordant features and
some, at least, of the structure's attributes, such as form, rhythm and colour, shall blend in a positive
way with corresponding important characteristics in the surroundings.

Harmony is less easily illustrated than its opposite, discord. Discord is shown in Plate 2
depicting the footbridge across Queen's Road East near Wah Yan College. This footbridge was
designed to re-use steel sections from a temporary flyover, and in consequence its components are
inappropriately sized and awkwardly shaped. The surrounding area contains public buildings and
wooded slopes, in which the footbridge constitutes a very discordant element. The footbridge was
designed for cheapness, and indeed cost very much less than the original estimate, but its appearance
is not in harmony with its surroundings.

17.6 SCALE

The quality of scale has been described as one of the most potent tools in the art of
juxtaposition of scenic elements. Scale is, of course, concerned with size relationships, but in terms
of visual effect, it also has much to do with relative extravagance or exaggeration in the choice of
dimensional detail.

For example, a retaining wall with its surface subdivided into large, bold panels will suggest
a larger "scale" than a similar sized wall with a more discreet texture as shown in Plate 3; similarly,
although the size of a bridge is largely dictated by the required deck width and span limits,
considerable variations in apparent scale can be achieved by choosing solid parapets instead of open
ones, and by selecting multiple slender columns rather than single massive supports.

Where a large structure can be viewed as a whole, its successful integration will depend
very much upon its relationship with other scenic elements of similar scale, such as any adjacent
building groups, major topographical features or the road itself.

Where a large structure is likely to be viewed at close quarters, the scale and texture of its
component parts become more important, and their relationship with correspondingly smaller local
features will require greater attention.

By virtue of its large size, a bridge will invariably be a significant element in the scene and,
more often than not, it will need to be "scaled down" if it is not to dominate its setting. For this
reason it is frequently necessary to design urban bridges with as slender a profile as can reasonably
be achieved.


The whole purpose of a highway bridge is to conduct traffic over an obstacle, and this
function can best be expressed by a smooth, flowing appearance. Aspects of this function are
illustrated in Figure 24. Highway curvature is indeed one of the bridge designer's greatest allies in the
achievement of appropriate visual form, when given sympathetic structural treatment. The
unattractive appearance produced by constructing a sharply curved bridge with a series of straight
beams may be noted as an example of the opposite effect, illustrated in Plate 4.

In general, function shall be clearly expressed using minimum means, for example as shown
in Plate 5. However, to modify or even disguise purely functional details or proportions where
appearances are thereby improved is quite proper, provided this does not lead to confusion or
contradiction in the overall structural statement. Functional details such as bearings and joints can
sometimes be concealed with advantage, and dimensions derived from purely structural
considerations can be adjusted to improve line and proportion.

In principle, there shall be no contradiction between external form and internal function.
Each part of a structure shall be seen to be clearly capable of fulfilling its apparent role even if its
form is modified by other considerations. For example, a column which derives its stability entirely
by fixity at the base shall not be designed with a narrow base and excessive flare towards the top, as
this would apparently contradict its function. However, provided the column base is given
reasonably robust dimensions to express sufficient fixity at that level there would be no objection to
an increase in width towards the top, particularly where this modification is utilised for the better
positioning of bearings. Figure 25 illustrates these points.


For visual stability, particularly when viewed from a passing vehicle, a bridge requires a
sufficient measure of verticality. The apparent inclination of sloping supports may change from
different angles of view, giving the impression that decks are slipping off, or piers falling over, as the
observer travels by. Other inclined members can intensify the effect. Even when viewed from a static
viewpoint, trapezoidal supports used on a long curving bridge can give the impression of varying in
shape or tilting at different angles. This effect is illustrated in Figure 26. Inclined members are not
inherently visually unstable, but designers must be aware of the visually unpleasant possibilities
attendant on their use.

An even number of superstructure modules is often held to give rise to what is known as
unresolved duality, which is akin to visual instability in that such arrangements tend to lack
composure and unity, as illustrated in Figure 27. In a twin-arched bridge, for instance, the eye will
wobble from one centre-line to the other, so that a feeling of restlessness is produced.

Another unhappy effect is produced when a central pier coincides with the highest point of
a bridge superstructure, so that the deck seems to droop away from that point, as illustrated in
Figures 28 and Plate 6. The effect is not only of loss of unity but is also similar to placing a column
under the mid-point of an arch, which is self-supporting, and therefore associated with contradiction
of function. There is an evident need for a structure to look not only stable, but also reasonably
logical if it is to please the eye.


Rhythm is concerned with the organisation of repetitive features, which shall as far as
possible be both uniform and simple. Repetitive features shall also relate to other rhythmic details in
the vicinity. Thus the spans of a viaduct or multi-span bridge shall be equal, or follow a constant
rhythmic pattern such as a constant span-to-height ratio. If, as often happens, a road viaduct follows

a similar route to a railway viaduct, the appearance of both will be enhanced if the later structure
follows the span rhythm of the earlier.

A common arrangement, occurring locally at both Ap Lei Chau Bridge, shown in Plate 8,
and the Taipa crossing at Macau, is for a number of short approach spans to lead up to a single
longer navigation span, usually with shorter anchor spans on each side. Such an arrangement rarely
presents a satisfactory appearance because the navigation span is long enough to break the
structure's rhythm without being big enough to dominate the whole concept.

The illustration of "Rhythm" in Figure 29 represents a 19th century railway viaduct, many of
which, no doubt because of construction methods current at the time, presented a very satisfactory
rhythmic appearance. Good rhythm has also been achieved at the Island Eastern Corridor,
illustrated in Plate 8, where in spite of varying span lengths, the use of strong, skilful detailing has
resulted in a satisfying appearance.

Rhyme, or "likeness tempered with difference" requires that closely related repetitive forms
shall be compatible. The illustration of "Rhyme" in Figure 29 is an idealised Roman aqueduct, with
the arches of the higher tiers sub-dividing regularly the arch spans of the lower tiers, and thus visually
"rhyming" with them. A common fault with inexperienced designers is to overlook the need for
rhyming so that, say, the columns of a footbridge roof do not "rhyme" (that is, follow a span multiple)
with the columns of the main structure, or the posts of the parapet railings do not "rhyme" with the
roof columns.

Neglect of proper rhythm and rhyme makes an irregular, confused impression on the
observer who feels instinctively that anything so ill-organised as the structure he is observing cannot
perform effectively. Conversely the orderly appearance of a rhythmically designed structure, whose
components rhyme in disciplined fashion, conveys a comforting impression of strength and efficiency.


Illusion can interfere with visual perception and, if the designer is to avoid unexpected
distortions in the appearance of his structures, he must study these effects and plan to overcome
them. Illusion is perhaps the greatest obstacle to the formation of precise rules of proportion, and is
one of the main considerations dictating the need to examine scale models of intended structures.

The solution often lies in what may be termed "counter-illusion", which is the deliberate
distortion of form to oppose anticipated adverse effects caused by the primary illusion. For example,
a well known illusion is that long horizontal spans appear to sag, and the necessary counter-illusion is
created by giving the span a deliberate upward camber. Figures 28 and Plate 6 show another illusion
of apparent sag. Vertical walls often appear to lean outwards at the top, and they can be given a
slight batter to offset this illusion. Such measures are legitimate architectural devices : the purpose of
the entasis or swelling on classical columns is to counter the illusion of narrowing which tends to
occur near mid-height in a row of parallel sided shafts under certain lighting conditions.
On a simpler note, a subway set at a gradient and emerging through an angled headwall will
appear to have a distorted profile and the solution is to level off before the exit or use a strictly
perpendicular head-wall.

The designer shall be aware of illusion, either to exploit or counteract its effects in the
interests of good design.


The proportions of edge-beams, cantilevers and parapets shall be chosen so that the
shadows thrown by them onto the structural elements below emphasize the form of the structure, and
do not cause either the structural elements or the shadows themselves to appear disjointed or mis-

The valuable contrasting effect of light and shade tends to be less pronounced in Hong
Kong than in higher latitudes where shadows are longer and there is a lower relative intensity of
reflected light. The use of white cement or different textures may sometimes be appropriate to give
equivalent emphasis.


Surface texture can have a significant effect on appearances and shall always be carefully
selected. Different textures may be used in combination on the same structure in order to modify
apparent proportions, to provide contrast and interest, or to emphasize the different roles of
structural components such as abutments and superstructure as shown in Plate 7.

Large areas of smooth, fair-faced concrete shall be avoided since such areas are not only
difficult to form without blemishes, but also tend to emphasize rather than conceal any minor defects.
Furthermore they weather badly. Such surfaces could instead be made less insipid by treating them
with grooving (strategically planned to coincide with construction joints if present), ribbing or

Broken-ribbing has the advantage of making graffiti-writing and bill-posting difficult; simple
off-the-form ribbing is cheap and relatively effective in many situations; bush-hammering is suitable
for relatively narrow surfaces, such as parapets, but is expensive and sensitive to concrete defects;
exposed aggregate textures, whether by wash-and-brush or sand-blasting techniques require careful
control of concrete quality and aggregate content for uniformity, and are best if used on precast
cladding panels rather than on large cast-in-place areas. Special mould linings in rubber or other
materials can give interesting results. The weathering of textured surfaces and the action of rain
washing dust over surfaces, or of fungi growing on damp areas, will have a great influence on long
term appearances and must be carefully considered in relation to each unique situation.

Concrete textures can rarely be forecast accurately at the drawing board, and the designer
shall always consider the need for controlled pre-construction experiments on site (not merely fixed
samples for approval) so that he can vary the precise specification to achieve the most suitable
results by trial and error, paying particular attention to techniques at joints and corners.

17.13 COLOUR

Whatever the original appearance of OPC concrete, and at early ages it can be startlingly
bright, it weathers quite quickly to a relatively unobtrusive tone. Since being unobtrusive helps to
make a bridge visually acceptable, under normal circumstances structural concrete should not be
coloured, either by painting or by the use of integral pigments. This has the added benefit of avoiding
an unnecessary maintenance commitment.

Nevertheless, the application of colours in a structural design composition is considered to

be an important tool in achieving both functional and environmental enhancement. It is particularly
useful and often essential where associated human factors need to be accommodated. For instance,
interiors need to be "inviting", "comfortable" and "safe" instead of "forbidding", "bleak" and
"vulnerable". Surfaces should be "neat", "warm" and "inspiring" instead of "messy", "cold" and

If these factors fail to be properly addressed, structures are likely to detract from, instead
of contribute to, the quality of an environment into which they are introduced.

The most difficult part of developing a functional as well as pleasing chromatic design is the
management and control of subjectivity or personal likes and dislikes in the selection of colours and
finishing materials. It is therefore essential to the success of a scheme to adopt an objective
approach in the lead-up to its design.

To this end three critical aspects of a project are identified which call for action in step with
normal design development stages as follows :

(a) The Chromatic "Mood" of a District and/or Local Environment. This "mood"
is catalogued as part of the design investigation stage by recording the chromatic
composition of the environment, bringing together all visible colours exactly as they
are perceived by observation. From this record the designer determines whether
there is something missing from the chromatic make-up of the area that should
perhaps be introduced to stimulate interest or build local character.

(b) Primary and Secondary Functions of a Structure. Primary functions include the
purposes for building it whereas secondary functions include any perceived
purposes arising from its location on a site and in a district such as pinpointing the
"genus loci", traffic route and direction of travel.

The detailed analysis of all functions determines the range of human factors to be
considered, which will be much wider for structures designed for pedestrian use than
for vehicular movement.

(c) The Design of the Structure Itself. The basic structural form represents the
solution to a number of identified engineering problems within a framework of
known site constraints. It may not in itself fulfil all the requirements imposed by its
functions. Certain elements may need to be highlighted or obscured to either
reinforce or suppress (soften) basic design features. A thorough understanding of
the structure and the role played by each of its component parts provides a ready
framework for adjusting visual quality to serve attendant functions using the
chromatic design tool.

Only after taking adequate stock of these elements is a designer equipped to develop a
practical design theme and consider a palette of colours from the natural colour spectrum which
would best serve to achieve his design objectives. See Plate 11 for some examples of chromatic

It is relevant to note here that, for chromatic design purposes, the most comprehensive
code available today is the Swedish Standard No. SS 019102, which adopts a Natural Colour
System (N.C.S.) for identification, selection and specification of the complete range of visible
colours. A comparable colour identification system in common use is the Pantone Colour System.
However, these systems fail to distinguish between finishing aspects such as matt, high gloss, metallic
or textured, making it necessary at times to refer to manufacturers' publications such as charts,
product specifications and samples to complete a scheme design.

In the final analysis, the success of a design will be contingent upon the appropriateness of
its theme, its interpretation in the overall layout and the degree to which objectives have been met in
the detailed treatment of individual elements.


Every effort shall be made to ensure that attractive structures remain so for the whole of
their useful lives. This can be achieved by using durable materials which will weather well and not
deteriorate significantly with time. Less durable materials, if used at all, shall be confined to
components which can be readily replaced.

Sensible detailing to reduce the chance of subsequent spoiling of surfaces by natural

staining, accidental damage or deliberate vandalism is essential to good long-term appearance. Near-
horizontal surfaces likely to gather dust in dry weather shall be sloped to direct wash-off away from
vulnerable faces. Joints shall be carefully designed and executed to prevent leakage, and precautions
shall be taken to limit any staining which might ensue if, despite these precautions, leakage should
occur. Plates 9 and 10 show some examples of the effect of good and bad detailing on long-term

Finally, of course, the initial and long term appearance of structures will be greatly
enhanced by, and is indeed largely dependent upon, sound, carefully supervised construction
practice and a systematic programme of regular maintenance thereafter.



The ACABAS has been set up to enquire into the visual merits, general amenity value and
related environmental factors of all proposals to construct bridges and associated structures over,
under, on or adjacent to public roads in the Territory.

The designs of all such structures shall be agreed by ACABAS before construction.
Submissions to ACABAS shall as far as possible be made at the preliminary design stage, to avoid
effort being wasted on the detailed design of an unsatisfactory concept.

Experience has shown that photo-montages are most effective for illustrating the final
appearance of a bridge in relation to its surroundings. Therefore ACABAS accepts appropriate
photo-montages as alternatives to perspective views or models required as part of design

Chromatic design submissions should contain a summary of the background details (see
17.13 - "Colour"), an outline of the design theme adopted and state the principal objectives.

When repairs or alterations are proposed that will significantly affect the appearance of an
existing bridge or associated structure, details of the proposal shall be submitted to ACABAS for
agreement prior to implementation. This includes the permanent installation of signs (Traffic signs,
advertising panels, etc.) and utility services.



18.1.1 Access for Inspection and Maintenance

Highway structures and railway bridges require regular inspection and maintenance in the
course of their service life. Consideration shall accordingly be given at the design stage to the
provision of means of access to all locations and components for inspection and maintenance. Such
means of access shall include step-irons, ladders, cat-walks and inspection openings and covers as
appropriate, and shall be designed to discourage misuse by the general public. These access
facilities shall be provided at all abutments and columns wherever practical having due regard to the
appearance and functions of the structure.

A minimum of one inspection opening not less than 600 x 600 mm or 700 mm in diameter
shall be provided for accessing into every span of cellular structures with internal vertical dimension
greater than 1200 mm. Watertight covers which do not rely solely on greasing for achieving
watertightness shall be used for inspection openings through the top surface of the structure. Hinged
type cover fabricated from corrosion resistant material and compatible with the surrounding concrete
finishes shall be used for inspection openings through the underside of the structure. Inspection
opening not less than 600 x 600 mm or 700 mm in diameter shall be provided in longitudinal webs in
multicell structures. If possible, additional access openings not less than 800 mm wide by 1000 mm
high without doors should also be provided through the internal diaphragms. Consideration should
be given to the provision of lighting inside the cells more than 60 m long.

18.1.2 Maintenance Accommodation

Maintenance is easier to carry out if workshops and stores are available close at hand.
Consideration shall therefore be given at the design stage to the provision of suitable workshop and
store accommodation. Most major structures have approaches in which the necessary
accommodation can be provided easily. The Chief Highway Engineer/Structures shall be consulted
at an early stage in the design to establish whether there is a need for such accommodation.

The workshop shall have a sink with water supply, a toilet and electricity supply for lighting
and power. The store shall have lighting and shall be separated from the workshop by a lockable
door. Access to the workshop shall be by means of a 2000 mm by 2000 mm opening with stout
galvanized steel double doors secured with bolts and padlocks. Workshops and stores shall be
suitably ventilated.

If possible, a parking bay shall be provided for use by maintenance vehicles. Precautions
shall be taken against unauthorised use of such parking bays.

18.1.3 Spare Parts

Certain components are susceptible to damage or wear during the service life of a highway
structure or railway bridge. A range of spare parts shall be provided for such components upon their
handing over to the maintenance authority.

Examples of such components are tiles, cladding panels and special parapet railings.

The Chief Highway Engineer/Structures shall be consulted at an early stage in the design of
the structures for advice on the requirements for such.


Ships often collide with bridges over navigable channels. The severity of damage caused
by such collisions depends on the design of the bridges, but fatalities can result from vehicles falling
into waterways because their drivers were unaware of collision damage.

Bridges exposed to ship collisions shall be provided with safety circuits which activate stop
lights to halt passing traffic if the bridge is seriously damaged.

Such bridges are also subjected to less severe blows from passing vessels which may not
be severe enough to cause collapse but can result in a damage that may not be readily apparent and
needs repairs. Secondary safety circuits capable of detecting and recording such blows shall be
fitted to draw attention to the need for inspection and maintenance.



To facilitate the use of the underbridge inspection vehicle for the inspection and
maintenance of the underside of the structure, no part of the structure or any projection therefrom,
except street lights, fire hydrants and emergency telephones, shall protrude beyond the limiting
envelope as defined by the shaded area in Figure 30.

The prior agreement of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures shall be obtained at an early
stage in the design of the structure for incorporating any continuous or isolated installations which
protrude beyond this limiting envelope. Nevertheless any such continuous installations shall be easily
removable and the clear distance between the isolated protruding elements which are not easily
removable shall not be less than 2000 mm.


All steelwork, including sign gantries and vehicle and pedestrian parapets, shall be either
galvanized or metal sprayed and shall in addition be painted. As in all painting work, the surface to
be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and prepared, free from grease, dirt, scale and rust.

Direct application of paint to newly galvanized steelwork will result in premature failure of
the paint system. Such failures are usually due to the formation of brittle zinc soaps at the paint/zinc
interface with the resultant loss of adhesion and deterioration in the properties of the paint film. The
pretreatment of the surface with a proprietary two pack etch primer or a self-disclosing wash primer
prior to painting would prevent the failure of the paint system. Primers shall be applied in thin coats
by continuous spraying and strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Suitable one
pack primers are also available, but care must be taken to ensure that they are formulated for use on
galvanized steel.

Weathering of galvanized surfaces until all bright zinc has changed to a dull surface by
oxidation may aid adhesion of the paint, provided any loose particles have been removed from the
surface. The deliberate use of weathering as a pretreatment for painting is not recommended as the
minimum time needed for full weathering cannot easily be assessed. It may also be difficult to
completely clean a weathered surface in preparation for painting.

After galvanized or metal sprayed structures have been painted, subsequent maintenance
will be of the paint system. The paint systems, and their required life to first maintenance of the paint
system in exterior exposed polluted coastal environment as defined in BS 5493, to be used for
painting galvanized or metal sprayed steelworks shall be :

(a) Paint System I

To be applied to : parapets, etc.

Life to first maintenance : 5 - 10 years

Pretreatment : two-pack etch primer; or British Rail "T-Wash" as specified in

BS 5493, Section 2, Clause 11.3.2

Primer : chlorinated rubber zinc phosphate primer, 70 µm minimum total

dry-film thickness

Undercoat : micaceous iron oxide chlorinated rubber undercoat, 100 µm

minimum total dry-film thickness

Finish : chlorinated rubber finish coat that is resistant to fish oil and other
animal and vegetable oils, 60 µm minimum total dry-film thickness

(b) Paint System II

To be applied to : structural steelworks

Life to first maintenance : 10 - 20 years

Pretreatment : two-pack etch primer; or British Rail "T-Wash" as specified in

BS 5493, Section 2, Clause 11.3.2

Primer : two-pack epoxy zinc phosphate primer, 70 µm minimum total dry-

film thickness

Undercoat : two-pack micaceous iron oxide epoxy undercoat, 150 µm

minimum total dry-film thickness

Finish : two-pack polyurethane finish coat, 100 µm minimum total dry-film


(c) Paint System III

To be applied to : metal sprayed surfaces

Life to first maintenance : 10 - 20 years

Pretreatment : two-pack zinc tetroxychromate polyvinyl butyral pretreatment

Sealer : two-pack epoxy sealer applied by brush until absorption is


Primer : two-pack epoxy zinc phosphate primer, 70 µm minimum total dry-

film thickness

Undercoat : two-pack micaceous iron oxide epoxy undercoat, 150 µm total

minimum dry-film thickness

Finish : two-pack polyurethane finish coat, 100 µm minimum total dry-film




In general no utility installations other than street lighting, emergency telephones and traffic
surveillance equipment will be permitted on highway structures except in cases where there is no
other viable or practical routing available. Where other arrangements for a utility line to span an
obstruction are not viable nor practical, the Highways Department may consider the accommodation
of such line in a highway structure if the proposed accommodation will not materially affect the
structure, the safe operation of traffic, the efficiency of maintenance and the overall appearance.

The prior approval of the Chief Highway Engineer/Structures shall be sought on any
proposal to accommodate utility installations other than street lighting, emergency telephones and
traffic surveillance equipment in highway structures. The need for accommodating utility installations
should be confirmed at an early stage in the design to allow the designer to make adequate and
appropriate provision having due regard to the appearance and functions of the structure. The
following guides are established for making provision for accommodation of utilities in highway
structures :

(a) The utility lines or installations shall be accommodated in a purpose built trough
accessible from the footway or verge, rather than fixed to the sides or underside of
the structure using steel brackets. Funding for any additional costs for the provision
of the trough is outside the ambit of this Manual and will be dealt with separately.

(b) Encasing utility installations inside the structural elements of the structure including
any internal voids is not permitted.

(c) No gas main shall be accommodated in a highway structure which carries a strategic
route and a sole access and if there are serious consequences in case the structure is
damaged by possible gas explosions.

(d) The covers, or covers and frames, for the troughs shall fit closely together to prevent
lateral movement or rocking of the covers under traffic. The gap between covers,
or covers and frames, shall not exceed 3 mm when assembled in continuous lengths.

(e) Where possible the space under footways and verges should be designed to permit
the installation of small utilities at a later date.


The use of noise covers or noise enclosures as noise mitigation measures shall only be
considered as a last resort due to the difficulties involved in maintaining such structures and their
inherent undesirable visual impact. Alternative noise mitigation measures such as appropriate building
design in which non-noise sensitive areas are used to shield noise sensitive areas, a perimeter wall or
other physical obstructions, double glazing, air conditioning, low noise road surfacing, lower speed
limits, and alternative alignment for new roads shall be adopted as far as possible.

The Chief Highway Engineer/Structures shall be consulted at the outset before any
proposal for the construction of a noise cover or a noise enclosure is initiated. To enable the Chief
Highway Engineer/Structures to consider the proposal, the project proponent shall submit a full
justification of the need for such a structure. The justification should clearly state the alternative noise
mitigation measures considered and the reasons for their rejection. If the Chief Highway
Engineer/Structures agrees to the proposal, the project proponent will be required to demonstrate
the maintainability of the proposed structure including how the inspection and maintenance can be
carried out without endangering the health and safety of the maintenance staff and without undue
disruption to traffic.

The designer should bear in mind that the provision of noise mitigation measures on
highway structures will have significant visual impact on the overall appearance of these structures.
Consequently any such proposed measures should also be submitted to ACABAS for agreement
prior to their construction.




The holding down and fixing arrangements of all sign gantries, noise barriers and the like,
and all other fixtures on highways structures shall be fabricated from austenitic stainless steel.
Materials used shall comply with the following:

Wrought stainless steel : BS 970 Part 1, grade 316 S 33

Flat rolled stainless steel : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel tubes : BS 6323 Part 1 and BS 6323 Part 8,

designation LW 23 GZF(S)

Stainless steel washers : BS 1449 Part 2, grade 316 S 33

Stainless steel fasteners : BS 6105, grade A4-80

Galvanized mild steel fixing arrangements may only be used for internal fixtures.

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