Gutierrez Kristie-Cspassignment
Gutierrez Kristie-Cspassignment
Gutierrez Kristie-Cspassignment
Role: You are on the cusp of becoming a teacher leader within the fields of science and/or mathematics.
You are becoming an expert lesson plan writer. Through this class, you will be able to further enhance your
pedagogical and writing skills as a leader in the field of STEM education.
Audience: In-service and pre-service STEM educators throughout the country.
Format: Practitioner’s journal within your field (e.g., science—NSTA Science Scope (6-8) or NSTA Science
Teacher (9-12); Mathematics (e.g., Mathematics Teacher Educator or Mathematics Teacher (8-14).
Task: You will prepare, present, and revise an original 5E lesson plan through the lens of culturally
sustaining pedagogy (CSP). The lesson should include content relevant to national standards and address
the importance of CSP. It should also focus on social justice issues within your discipline, if possible. Talk
with your clinical faculty/cooperating teacher and determine what topic(s) you should focus on for your
lesson. Note, you will be asked to teach, and be observed during your lesson as part of your practicum
experience. Your final lesson plan and manuscript will be scaffolded using several writing assignments
throughout the semester. Additionally, this lesson plan will be used to generate an article that you WILL
SUBMIT to a practitioner’s journal within your field.
Assignment Objectives:
Reflect on your practicum experience through a lens of culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP)
Create a science or mathematics lesson plan with emphasis on CSP that can be implemented in your
practicum experience this semester
Teach your created lesson plan and reflect on the successes and challenges of the lesson
Revise lesson as needed
Modify your lesson into a practitioner’s journal article for your field
Generate and receive constructive criticism from your peers and instructor on your work
Write and submit your practitioner’s manuscript to your journal for peer review
TLED 595: Science and Mathematics Methods-Spring 2019
Assignment Schedule: Plan of attack to go from idea to article submission in one semester…
1. (ASAP) Complete an "interview" with your cooperating teacher to outline possible content
areas that they will be expected to teach during the semester. Together you will complete the
following sections: lesson objective(s), standards to meet, type of activities you might consider,
approximate date this lesson/series of lessons might be taught, interest of teacher to be a co-
author on article/outline responsibilities for cooperating teacher in this project.
2. (All semester) Through you observation and interactions during the practicum experience,
consider the following questions. Use your responses to guide your lesson/ article. You will
respond to these questions formally throughout the semester through an Edublog.
What are you learning about youth culture? Which youth cultural practices might be
critiqued? For example, are there practices that might marginalize others? Reproduce
How does the social context of schools affect learning/teaching? Are diverse students
(e.g., ethnic/racial, special needs, language minoritized students, poor) given
opportunities to use their funds of knowledge to learn content?
What specific ways are students’ languages, histories, and cultures were
What strategies did you see that worked especially well? Based on your practicum
experience, describe and reflect on the advantages of diverse teaching strategies you
have observed. Explain which one(s) seemed to be the most effective one(s) and why?
What have you learned about teaching diverse (e.g., racial, ethnic, linguistic…) students?
How did teachers make the exploration of the experiences of marginalized people
central to the curriculum?
What do you believe is the purpose of schooling and how do racial, ethnic, linguistically
diverse students fit into that purpose?
3. (Weeks 3-4) Choose 2 of the articles in the shared Google Drive (
drive/folders/1f-8Swdryswl_YD4nQdOnyi_cLU4949Kq?usp=sharing). Also, find and analyze
at least 3 additional resources that outline culturally sustaining pedagogy in
science/mathematics or content within your discipline that will align easily with CSP. Develop
an annotated bibliography for each of these resources. Each bibliography entry must include
two paragraphs summarizing the content of the source and explaining its importance.
(Instructor will provide guidance for acceptable resources and how to site resources in APA
format prior to this step.)
4. (Weeks 4-5) Find and reflect on at least 10 lesson plans or specific activities that may be
integrated into your lesson plans. The entire class will generate a class repository of
lessons/activities in the form of a Google Drive Spreadsheet (generated by your instructor)
that are specifically related to their CSP lesson (these ideas may be used by others in the class
at a later date, if desired).
5. (Weeks 5-6) Draft your CSP Lesson Plan. You will follow the provided template to follow and
rubric for how your lesson will be graded.
6. (Week 6) Peer Review your CSP Lesson Plan. You will briefly (10 minutes) present your
lesson plan to your cohort in TLED 595 during class on the day it is due. You should provide
copies of your lesson plan draft for your peers on the review day. Your peers and the
instructor will give you guided feedback that you may/may not choose to incorporate into
your lessons before turning in the FINAL lesson plans.
7. (Week 7) Submit your Final Lesson plan with revisions identified through track changes and a
one- page justification for changes made/not made.
TLED 595: Science and Mathematics Methods-Spring 2019
8. (Week 7) Review the aim and scope, and author guidelines for the practitioner’s journal you
are going to submit your article to. Find 3 articles you find interesting in your chosen journal
and reflect on how your lesson will need to be adapted and changed to fit the design of the
journal using the guiding template provided.
9. (Weeks 6-8) Implement your lesson in your student teaching experience. Immediately
following the implementation, reflect on the successes and changes you would make to your
lesson using guiding questions provided.
10. (Week 8-10) Begin writing your lesson into a journal article draft that may eventually be read
by teaching professionals nationwide.
11. (Week 10) Peer Review your Practitioner’s Journal Article. Your peers and the instructor will
give you guided feedback that you may/may not choose to incorporate into your lessons
before turning in the FINAL lesson plans.
12. (Week 10) Share your article with your cooperating teacher, receive feedback, and make
13. (Week 11) Write cover letter in preparation for submission using provided examples.
14. (Weeks 12-13) Submit Practitioner’s Article to instructor AND for review to selected journal.
*Note: You will be provided necessary instructions, rubrics, and scaffolds to build up to your final product of
a Practitioner’s Article throughout the semester.
Submission Guidelines: You will submit all assignments into Blackboard following specific instructions
for each assignment listed above. You will also be expected to bring 5 printed copies of your Lesson Plan
Draft and your Practitioner’s Article Draft on the scheduled peer/instructor review days.
Additionally, you will need to reference the “Author Guidelines” section of your selected journal to ensure
you are meeting all the criteria necessary for manuscript submission. The criteria and formatting vary
from journal to journal; thus, it is important that you use your selected journal’s guidelines as you
develop your manuscript.
Getting Help:
Be sure you use previously published articles from your selected journals as your guide as you
create your practitioner’s article.
Have expert critical friends, family members, or classmates read your manuscript and give you
feedback for content, clarity, and grammar/spelling.
Use your peer and instructor feedback wisely. Ask targeted questions of your reviewers to help
develop your manuscript.
Make use of the ODU librarians. They can help provide you with support as you begin gathering
If needed, make an appointment with the ODU Writing Center
( to talk with a writing tutor to help you with
any stage of the writing process.
TLED 595: Science and Mathematics Methods-Spring 2019