Qrs Sharp Practice Uk

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Types of Troops (P.

Type Sub type

Line Troops Elite, Regulars, Conscripts & Volunteers,


Skirmish Troops Light Infantry, Skirmishers, Irregular

Mass Troops Clans, Tribes, Wallahs. Player Aids 1.5 Bertgk 05/2019

Cavalry Troops Scouting Cavalry, Impact Cavalry,

Dragoons, Irregular Cavalry. Commands Cards (P.26-27)
Artillery N/A At the End of a Turn. Each Command Card still in play may activate any
Groups or Formations which have not yet been activated during the Turn.
The side with the most Command Cards active first. If Draw : Higher Force
Deployment and Deployment Point (P.25) + Morale, if that is equal, roll a D6.
Troops From DP Any number of Command Card may be used by a Leader to
+ increase his Command Initiative. For each Command Card
Artillery, Carts & Wagons In Contact used, the Leader may add one point of Command Initiative.
Line Infantry 6” Any number of Command Card may be used by a Leader to
Light Infantry & Impact Cavalry 9” + direct the fire of a Group or Formation to which he is
attached. For each Command Card used add 1D6.
Skirmish Troops, Mass Troops, & Dragoons 12”
Any number of Command Card may be used by a Leader to
Unaccompanied Leader, Scouting or 18” + encourage a Unit he is attached to in Fisticuffs.
Irregular Cavalry For each Command Card used add 1D6.
Out of Line of Sight of enemy & DP Bonus +6” 2 Command Cards allow one Group or Formation not yet activated to
Defender Player (per scenario note) Bonus +6” take its activation. Can interrupt the enemy’s activation .
2 Commands Cards may be used to activate Characteristics :
Moveable Deployment Point 24"(Friend.) / 30"(Enemy) Sharp Practice (Fire Immediately), Tactical (Ambuscade),
No troops may deploy within 12” of any enemy troops. Tally Ho (1D6Mvt, 2D6 Fisticuffs) , Thin Red Line (Fire +3 Mvt Action)
1 - 3 Commands Cards may be used to activate Capabilities (Roster)
Command & Initiative 1-3 Crashing Volley (Shock x2) , Step Out (1D6 Mvt), Drill (1D6 Mvt if Chg. Form.)
(P. 22)
3 Command Cards allow one Leader not yet activated to take
his activation. Can interrupt the enemy’s activation.
Status Initiative Range
3 Command Cards allow one Leader not yet deployed to
I 1 4” launch an Ambuscade from a Deployment Point when the
Leader’s card is dealt. Cannot interrupt the enemy’s activation.
II 2 6”
4 Command Cards allow one Leader to activate immediately even if
III 3 9” they have already been activated in this Turn. If the Leader has not
yet been activated in this Turn, they may be activated again during
IV 4 12” the remainder of the Turn. Can interrupt the enemy’s activation .

Leader Activation (P.22) Unit Activation (P.22)

Initiative = Number of Commands Activated Unit = 2 Actions

(May use both for the same thing, such as two Actions of movement)
To influence a unit, a Leader must be attached (2") to
the Group, or be within his Command Range.
• Deploy
Commands (Wich are Activations) • Moving
• Activate a Unit (Group or Formation) • Loading
• Direct the fire of a Formation or Group he is attached (2") • Present
• Attach one Group (4") to another to form a single Formation.
• Firing
• Add one Group (4") to an existing Formation.
• Detach one or more men to form a new Group. - Troops deploying onto the table may not move but
they may use two Actions for other purposes.
Commands (Which are not Activations) - Individual Groups and Skirmish Troops can fire at any
target. A Formation divides its hits between all Units in its
• Rally (Remove 1 Shock) arc of fire (Exc : Leader directs the Formation’s fire).
• Form Up two Groups within 1" of each other
• Dress the ranks. Combine two adjacent Groups
• Act independently, or undertaking a Task on his own
• Call forth a man who has a specialist skill
These are the only commands which a subordinate
Leader can use if a higher Status Leader is attached (2").
Firing Group (p.46) Firing Formation (p.46)
The Master Arsenal (P.44)
Light Weapons Range
Weapons Dice Reload 0-12” 12-24” 24-36” 36-48”
Single Shot Pistol 1 1 Effective to 6"
Repeating Pistol 1 0 Effective to 6"
Smooth bore Carbine 1 1 Effective Long
Fowling Pieces 1 1 Effective Long
Musket 1 1 Close Long
Rifle 1 2* Close Effective Long
Rifled Carbine (Minie) 1 1 Close Effective Long
Rifled Musket (Minie) 1 1 Close Effective Long Long
Breech Loading Carbine 1 0 Close Effective Long
Breech Loading Rifle 1 0 Close Effective Long Long
Marksman 1 2 Close Close Effective Effective
Artillery Range
Weapons Dice Reload** Canister 0-60” 60” and over
Light gun (4 pdr) 10 2 0-18” Effective Long
Medium gun (6-9 pdr) 12 2 0-24” Effective Long
Heavy gun (12 pdr) 16 2 0-30” Effective Long
Light Rocket 8 2 - - -
Heavy Rocket 12 2 - - -
*Tap Reload (p. 43) - Reload more quickly, using just 1 Action to reload and another to fire. Must fire at "Musket" on Arsenal table.
**Artillery reduced to 2 men spend 3 Actions to Reload.

Firing Dice (P.45) Firing Adjustments (P.45)

Each Figure To Hit
in Group/Formation First Fire bonus +1
Range D6
Attached Leader controlling fire +1D6 / Status Level Controlled Volley, controlled Artillery fire +1
Close 4-6
Canister fire (Art.) +1
Each Command Card used +1D6 Effective 5-6
to enhance fire Firing at a Closed Column, Attack Column or Square +1
Long 6
Each 2 points of Shock -1D6 Light Infantry Skirmishers firing +1
Good Shots (Charac.) +1D6 / Group Skirmishers at Effective or Long range +1
Poor Shots (Charac.) - 1D6 / Group Irregular Skirmishers firing from cover at
Effective or Long range +1

Hit Effects (P.47)

Miss Shock Kill
In Open 1-2 3-5 6
In Light Cover 1-3 4-5 6
In Hard Cover 1-4 5 6
- Skirmish Troops and artillery crew count as one level of cover better.
- Artillery firing ball reduces cover by one level.
- Light Infantry in hard cover ignore the first kill in any round of fire.
- Firing on Flank/Rear, Artillery with Canister, Crashing Volley = Shock X2
Attached Leader Casualties : D6 < Men Killed (D6 <= Fire From Skirmish Troops)
Uncontrolled Troops (P.49)
A is within 4” of B
Troop Type Follow Orders Remain Uncontrolled and therefore counts
as a target. D is
Elite 2-6 1 out of the Blue
Regulars 3-6 1-2 Formation’s arc of
fire, but as part of
Conscripts & Volunteers 4-6 1-3 a Formation with C
they share any hits
Militia 5-6 1-4 between them.

Add +1 to the roll if a musician is present

Leader Casualties (P.48)
D6 Effect
1 Dead (Replacement)
Knocked out by minor wound. Roll
2-3 1D6 on subsequent activations or at
the end of the Chapter. The Leader
will recover on a roll of 5 or 6.
4-6 Light wound. Reduce status by one level
F : Fight S : Support X : NA

Leader Replacement (P.48)

Troop Types in Fisticuffs (P.54)
Type de troupe D6
Group Type Over 50% 50% or less
Elite, Artillery, Clan 4-6
Regular, Light Infantry, All Cavalry, Tribes, 5-6 Line Troops, Skirmish Troops, Wallahs
Conscripts & Volunteers, Skirmishers 6 D6 3 D6
and Cavalry at the Walk or Halt
Militia, Irregular Skirmishers, Wallahs 6
When the dead Leader’s card is next dealt, Clan 10 D6 5 D6
ignore it. In subsequent Turns roll a D6
Tribe 8 D6 4 D6

Non-Impact Cavalry at Canter 7 D6 3 D6

Troop Quality in Fisticuffs
Non-Impact Cavalry at Gallop 8 D6 4 D6
Elite, Impact Cavalry, Clan
Regular, Light Infantry, Dragoons, Lancers, Tribes Impact Cavalry at Canter 9 D6 4 D6
Conscripts & Volunteers, Skirmishers, Scouting Cavalry
Impact Cavalry at Gallop 12 D6 6 D6
Militia, Irregular Skirmishers, Wallahs, Artillery crew

Hit Effects (P.55)

Adjustments in Fisticuffs (P.55)
D6 Result
Each Leader attached to a Group fighting +1D6 per Status Level
1-4 Miss
Any Command Cards being used +1D6 per card
Each Quality Level higher +2D6 per Group 5 Kill

Aggressive Troops (Charac.) +2D6 per Group 6 Kill + 1 Shock

Weedy Coves (Charac.) -1D6 per Group Attached Leader Casualties : D6 <= Men killed

Fighting without bayonets (Charac.) -2D6 per Group

Meeting attack unloaded -2D6 per Group
Meeting attack presented and loaded +2D6 per Group
For each 2 points of Shocks on any Groups -1D6
Involuntary Withdrawal
Each supporting Group with more than 50% strength +3D6 (P.50,51) Shock > Men
Attacking a minor obstacle Remove 1/4, Round Up Elite, Clan 1 - 4”
Attacking a Major or High and Wide Obstacle Remove 1/2, Round Up Regular, Light Infantry, All Cavalry, Tribes 1”
Defending a High or Wide Obstacle +1D6 for each 2D6 so far Conscripts & Volunteers, Skirmishers 2”
Attacked in the flank or rear Remove 1/2, Round Up Militia, Irregular Skirmishers, Wallahs 3”
Cavalry against Infantry Square Remove 1/2, Round Up Withdrawing Distance for each excess point of
Infantry Square against Cavalry +1D6 for each 2D6 so far Shock. Broken Group will immediately run 2D6 + 6”
directly away.

Comparing Losses Results of Fisticuffs (P.55)

Draw Fight again unless one side breaks contact due to Shock. Max 3 Rounds, after which both sides retire 4” away.
Defeated by 1 Thrown back 6” Facing the enemy. Stubborn troops ignore a defeat by 1 and fight again immediately.
Defeated by 2 Thrown back 9” Facing the enemy. Add 2 points of Shock to each Group fighting or supporting on the losing side.
Defeated by 3 Thrown back 12” Facing away from the enemy. Add 3 points of Shock on each Group fighting or supporting on the losing side.
Thrown back 18” Facing away from the enemy. Add 4 points of Shock on each Group fighting or supporting on the
Defeated by 4+ losing side. No escape = surrender. Winner assigns guards at 1:5 ratio.
Movement (P.32) Force Morale Modifiers (p.20) Force Morale Effect
More than half are Militia -2
Leader As per D6. Can run +1 D6. Morale Effect
If mounted move as Cavalry More than half are Regular or Tribe +1
More than half are Elite or Clan +2 5+ No Effect
As per D6. Can run with one additional
Single Foot D6 but will take 1 point of Shock. 4 -1 Command Card
Group in Formation ordered to run, must
Group dice for movement separately and the Force Morale 3 -2 Command Card
Formation will be broken.
0- 8 2 -3 Command Card
Foot troops move in any direction,
turning to face that direction at the 1-2 9 1 -4 Command Card
Change Facing start of their movement. Units changing
their facing when stationary, or at the 3-4 10 0 Rout or Surrender
end of their movement, will use one
Action to do so. 5+ 11

Open or Closed
Add one additional 1D6 if ALL of a Unit’s
Column movement in this Turn is on a road. Bad Things Happen (P.57)
Light Infantry & Can add 1 additional movement Action Setback NE -1 Pt -2 Pts -3 Pts
Skirmishers in all Turns if desired. (Cannot Run)
Group obliged to withdraw 1-3 4-6
Cavalry Walk As per D6. Can move with 1 or 2 Actions Group breaks (Shock = 2X Men) 1-4 5-6
Must use both Actions for movement Group wiped out 1-3 4-6
Cavalry Canter and add +3 pips per movement dice.
Formation broken by fire or Fisticuffs 1 2-4 5-6
Must use both Actions for movement Status I Leader wounded 1-2 3-6
Cavalry Gallop and add D6 +3 pips per movement dice.
Status I Leader killed 1 2-5 6
Move Cavalry walk speed. Can canter
Foot artillery if enemy are within 12". Status I Leader Routs from table 1-4 5-6
Status II Leader wounded 1 2-5 6
Horse artillery Move Cavalry Walk or Canter speed.
Status II Leader killed 1-4 5-6
Unlimbered guns must use both of their Status II Leader Routs from table 1-3 4-6
Unlimbered Actions to move. Light or Medium guns Status III or IV Leader wounded 1-4 5-6
artillery (3+ crews) discard the lower D6 rolled, Heavy guns
discard the higher D6 rolled. Status III or IV Leader killed 1-4 5-6
Infantry Line, As per D6 Status III or IV Leader Routs from table 1-3 4-6
Wagon, mule
Loss of Support Group 1-3 4-6
Shock & Movement (P.50) Loss of Primary Deployment point 1-3 4-6
Groups reduce their movement per 1” per Shock Loss of Face 1- 5 6
Unless moving directly away from the nearest enemy
( ignore this penalty) Cowardly Act 1-2 3-6

Open Ground
This is a solid surface with no real
impediment to movement. There is no
penalty to movement over Open Ground.

Terrain and Movement (P. 35-37)

Roads Open or Closed Column : Add one additional 1D6 if ALL of a Unit’s movement in this Turn is on a road.
Groups may not run. Formations remain intact, but their movement is reduced by one pip per dice.
Broken Cavalry may not Gallop. Wheeled vehicles see their movement reduced by 1 pip per dice . If a double is
Ground rolled they bog in and cannot move in the next Turn. If they roll a double when they next move they have lost
a wheel and are immobile until the Task of replacing the wheel is completed.
Groups may not run. All infantry movement is reduced by 1 pip per dice. Troops can stand in Formation in
Heavy Going this terrain, but any movement will break the Formation. Cavalry can only Walk. Wheeled vehicles : NA
Really All infantry is reduced by 2 pips per dice with no running. All Formations are broken. Formations cannot be formed
Heavy Going (even when stationary). Cavalry and Wheeled vehicles : NA
Crossing Takes 2 Actions, with troops rolling their normal movement dice and discarding the lower, or lowest, dice
rolled. Infantry Group may Run. Cavalry and Militia in Formation will suffer 1 point of Shock/Group .
Minor Obstacle Cavalry must be moving at the Canter or faster. Wheeled vehicles and artillery : NA

Crossing Takes 2 Actions, with troops rolling their normal movement dice and discarding the higher, or highest, dice
rolled. Groups cannot Run. Conscripts & Volunteers suffer 1 point of Shock/Group, Militia and Cavalry suffer 2
Major Obstacle points/Group . Cavalry can only cross at Canter or Gallop :Pulling Up test. Wheeled vehicles, artillery : NA
Cross these by beginning their Turn adjacent to the obstacle and spending Turn crossing it, ending Turn
High or Wide adjacent to it on the opposite side. Formation is broken. Cavalry can never cross High obstacles. Cavalry cross
Obstacle streams in the same way, but if moving faster than the Walk : Pulling up Test. Artillery and vehicles : NA
Moving Through In open terrain, Groups can voluntarily pass through each other, with no penalty. Formation move
through other troops, or are themselves moved through, those Groups will be will be broken off from the
Troops Formation. Formations can move through Skirmish Troops without penalty. Quality troops & Shock see p.37

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