Qrs Sharp Practice Uk
Qrs Sharp Practice Uk
Qrs Sharp Practice Uk
Type Sub type
Open or Closed
Add one additional 1D6 if ALL of a Unit’s
Column movement in this Turn is on a road. Bad Things Happen (P.57)
Light Infantry & Can add 1 additional movement Action Setback NE -1 Pt -2 Pts -3 Pts
Skirmishers in all Turns if desired. (Cannot Run)
Group obliged to withdraw 1-3 4-6
Cavalry Walk As per D6. Can move with 1 or 2 Actions Group breaks (Shock = 2X Men) 1-4 5-6
Must use both Actions for movement Group wiped out 1-3 4-6
Cavalry Canter and add +3 pips per movement dice.
Formation broken by fire or Fisticuffs 1 2-4 5-6
Must use both Actions for movement Status I Leader wounded 1-2 3-6
Cavalry Gallop and add D6 +3 pips per movement dice.
Status I Leader killed 1 2-5 6
Move Cavalry walk speed. Can canter
Foot artillery if enemy are within 12". Status I Leader Routs from table 1-4 5-6
Status II Leader wounded 1 2-5 6
Horse artillery Move Cavalry Walk or Canter speed.
Status II Leader killed 1-4 5-6
Unlimbered guns must use both of their Status II Leader Routs from table 1-3 4-6
Unlimbered Actions to move. Light or Medium guns Status III or IV Leader wounded 1-4 5-6
artillery (3+ crews) discard the lower D6 rolled, Heavy guns
discard the higher D6 rolled. Status III or IV Leader killed 1-4 5-6
Infantry Line, As per D6 Status III or IV Leader Routs from table 1-3 4-6
Wagon, mule
Loss of Support Group 1-3 4-6
Shock & Movement (P.50) Loss of Primary Deployment point 1-3 4-6
Groups reduce their movement per 1” per Shock Loss of Face 1- 5 6
Unless moving directly away from the nearest enemy
( ignore this penalty) Cowardly Act 1-2 3-6
Open Ground
This is a solid surface with no real
impediment to movement. There is no
penalty to movement over Open Ground.
Crossing Takes 2 Actions, with troops rolling their normal movement dice and discarding the higher, or highest, dice
rolled. Groups cannot Run. Conscripts & Volunteers suffer 1 point of Shock/Group, Militia and Cavalry suffer 2
Major Obstacle points/Group . Cavalry can only cross at Canter or Gallop :Pulling Up test. Wheeled vehicles, artillery : NA
Cross these by beginning their Turn adjacent to the obstacle and spending Turn crossing it, ending Turn
High or Wide adjacent to it on the opposite side. Formation is broken. Cavalry can never cross High obstacles. Cavalry cross
Obstacle streams in the same way, but if moving faster than the Walk : Pulling up Test. Artillery and vehicles : NA
Moving Through In open terrain, Groups can voluntarily pass through each other, with no penalty. Formation move
through other troops, or are themselves moved through, those Groups will be will be broken off from the
Troops Formation. Formations can move through Skirmish Troops without penalty. Quality troops & Shock see p.37