Every or Everyone

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de English Grammar Today

Every is a determiner.

Every meaning ‘each member of a group’

We use every + singular noun to refer individually to all the members of a complete group of something:

There’s a photograph on the wall of every child in the school.

Try to answer every question.

When every refers to the subject of the clause, we use a singular verb:

Every player wants to be in a winning team.

Not: Every player want …

Every cook needs good knives and a chopping board.

The negative of every is normally not every:

Not every noun has a plural form.

We use singular pronouns and possessives to refer back to every + noun, especially in more formal
styles, and especially when what we refer to is not human:

Every store has a manager in charge of it.

Every area has its own park.

In less formal styles, the pronoun or possessive may be plural:

Every student gets a laptop. They have to give it back at the end of the course.

Every user has their own password.

See also:
All or every?

Each or every?

1 de 11 15/06/2019 17:48
Every gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge Uni... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/ever...

I leave the house every morning at 6 am.

Not: I leave the house every mornings at 6 am.

We use every with a number and a plural noun to refer to regular intervals of time or numbers:

There are buses into town every ten minutes.

He now works from home, travelling to Amsterdam every two weeks.

Every day or everyday ?

We write two words when every day means each day. The adjective everyday is one word. It means
‘normal’ or ‘usual’:

The boys meet up every day in the park.

Not: The boys meet up everyday in the park.

In the Soviet Union, poetry was at the centre of everyday life.

Every single

We often use single with every to emphasise each member of a complete group of people or things:

He was the only player who played in every single match last season.

I’ve got to photocopy every single page.

Every one or everyone ?

We use every one, written as two words, to refer back to a noun we have already mentioned:

I received more than a hundred letters from him while I was away and I’ve kept every one.

Everyone, written as one word, means ‘every person’:

Everyone enjoyed themselves.

We use every one of before pronouns and determiners:

There are 107 two-letter words in the dictionary and John Catto, an Aberdeen lorry driver, knows
every one of them.

When Jenkins joined the bank, one of his first acts was to make every one of the bank’s employees
reapply for their jobs.

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Every other

We use every other to mean ‘alternate’:

We worked every other Sunday. (One Sunday he worked, the next Sunday he didn’t work, the next
Sunday he worked, etc.)

He works in Germany every other week. (One week he works in Germany, the next week he
doesn’t, the next week he does, etc.)

Every: typical errors

We don’t use every on its own, without a noun or without one:

There were five rooms. Every room was decorated in a different style.

Not: Every was decorated in a different style.

We don’t use every with a plural noun:

I go swimming every day.

Not: I go swimming every days.

See also:
All or every?

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Table de contenidos

+ Adjectives and adverbs

– Easily confused words

Above or over?

Across, over or through?

Advice or advise?

Affect or effect?

All or every?

All or whole?

Allow, permit or let?

Almost or nearly?

Alone, lonely, or lonesome?

Along or alongside?

Already, still or yet?

Also, as well or too?

Alternate(ly), alternative(ly)

Although or though?

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Every gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge Uni... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/ever...

Altogether or all together

Amount of, or quantity of?

Any more or anymore?

Anyone, anybody or anything?

Apart from or except for?

Arise or rise?

Around or round?

Arouse or rouse?

As or like?

As, because or since?

As, when or while?

Been or gone?

Begin or start?

Beside or besides?

Between or among?

Born or borne?

Bring, take and fetch

Can, could or may?

Classic or classical?

Come or go?

Consider or regard?

Consist, comprise or compose?

Content or contents?

Different from, different to or different than?

Do or make?

Down, downwards or downward?

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Every gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge Uni... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/ever...


East or eastern; north or northern?

Economic or economical?

Efficient or effective?

Elder, eldest or older, oldest?

End or finish?

Especially or specially?

Every one or everyone?

Except or except for?

Expect, hope or wait?

Experience or experiment?

Fall or fall down?

Far or a long way?

Farther, farthest or further, furthest?

Fast, quick or quickly?

Fell or felt?

Female or feminine; male or masculine?

Finally, at last, lastly or in the end?

First, firstly or at first?

Fit or suit?

Following or the following?

For or since?

Forget or leave?

Full or filled?

Fun or funny?

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Every gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge Uni... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/ever...



Hear or listen (to)?

High or tall?

Historic or historical?

House or home?

How is …? or What is … like?

If or when?

If or whether?

Ill or sick?

Imply or infer?

In the way or on the way?

It’s or its?

Late or lately?

Lay or lie?

Lend or borrow?

Less or fewer?

Look at, see or watch?

Low or short?

Man, mankind or people?

Maybe or may be?

Maybe or perhaps?

Nearest or next?

Never or not … ever?

Nice or sympathetic?

No doubt or without doubt?

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Every gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge Uni... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/ever...


, these days or ?

Open or opened?

Opportunity or possibility?

Opposite or in front of?

Other, others, the other or another?

Out or out of?

Permit or permission?

Person, persons or people?

Pick or pick up?

Play or game?

Politics, political, politician or policy?

Price or prize?

Principal or principle?

Quiet or quite?

Raise or rise?

Remember or remind?

Right or rightly?

Rob or steal?

Say or tell?

So that or in order that?

Sometimes or sometime?

Sound or noise?

Speak or talk?

Such or so?

There, their or they’re?

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Every gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge Uni... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/gramatica/gramatica-britanica/ever...


Wake, wake up or awaken?

Worth or worthwhile?

+ Nouns, pronouns and determiners

+ Prepositions and particles

+ Words, sentences and clauses

+ Using English

+ Verbs

Palabra del día

a product that is extremely popular and has sold in very large numbers

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