08 2-4 04-07-2024 Ok
08 2-4 04-07-2024 Ok
08 2-4 04-07-2024 Ok
Lesson 2
Activity 2.4
Suggestions are used when we are deciding to do something with other people, or
giving them advice on different situations/Las sugerencias se
usancuandodecidimoshaceralgo con otras personas o para
Situation: Your wife says your children are not happy today.
Your suggestion: Let's take them to cinema.
Let'splaytennis. Let'snotplaytennis.
We can sometimes use "What about ..?" and "How about ..?" to make suggestions
to people around. These structures are commonly used in spoken English/
Algunasvecespodemosusar"What about ..?" y "How
about ..?"parahacersugerencias a la gentequenosrodea. Estasestructuras son
comúnmenteusadasen ingles oral.
"What about ..?" and "How about ..?" have the same meaning/
ambasexpresionestienen el mismosignificado.
Situation: You and your wife cannot decide what to do next week.
Your suggestion: What abouthaving a picnic near a lake next week? or, How
about having a picnic near a lake next week?
2. She has some problems with her friend…What about……. calling her?
6. It´s cold outside. ………… What about ………………….a cup of hot tea?