08 2-4 04-07-2024 Ok

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English Level 3

Lesson 2
Activity 2.4

Actividad de practica 2. 4:Making Suggestions :Let's

Suggestions are used when we are deciding to do something with other people, or
giving them advice on different situations/Las sugerencias se
usancuandodecidimoshaceralgo con otras personas o para

Let's is one of the mostly used suggestion forms/ Let'ses la

expresiónmásusada para hacersugerencias

How to use/ comousarlo:

Situation: A friend says he is very bored.

Your suggestion: Let's go out and drink coffee.

Situation: Your wife says your children are not happy today.
Your suggestion: Let's take them to cinema.

Positive form: Let's + verb1 Negativeform: Let's + not+ verb1

 Let'splaytennis.  Let'snotplaytennis.

 Let's go on a picnic.  Let's not go on a picnic.


 A: What are we doing now?/quehacemosahora?

B:Let’sgo home/ Vamos a casa

 Let'stake the children to the park/ llevemos a los niños al parque

 Let'sgo to the cinema afterwork, okay?/ vamos al cine después de trabajar

 Let'splay a game./ Juguemos un juego

 Why wait? Let's leave now./Porque esperar? Vamos ya!

 Let'sstay in tonight and watch a video/ Vamos a quedarnos y vemos un

Making Suggestions : / sugerenciasusandoWhat about ..? / How about ..?

We can sometimes use "What about ..?" and "How about ..?" to make suggestions
to people around. These structures are commonly used in spoken English/
Algunasvecespodemosusar"What about ..?" y "How
about ..?"parahacersugerencias a la gentequenosrodea. Estasestructuras son
comúnmenteusadasen ingles oral.

"What about ..?" and "How about ..?" have the same meaning/
ambasexpresionestienen el mismosignificado.

We can use them with a gerund (verb + ing)

How to use/ comousarlas:

Situation: Your friend says he feels very bored today.

Your suggestion: How aboutgoing to the movies tonight? or, What aboutgoing to
the movies tonight?

Situation: You and your wife cannot decide what to do next week.
Your suggestion: What abouthaving a picnic near a lake next week? or, How
about having a picnic near a lake next week?

 How about having a nice drink?

 What about drinkingsome more coffee?

 What about walking around the park?

Practice, A: ExampleSentences:Completa las expresiones usando cualquiera de
las expresiones para sugerir: Whatabout ..?" o "Howabout ..?" Ve el ejemplo

1. I have a headache.(sugerencia… What about taking an aspirin?Tengo

dolor de cabeza…. Y si tomas una aspirina?

2. She has some problems with her friend…What about……. calling her?

3. She is very tired.…………..…How about………..a rest?

4. He has a toothache…………What about………..going to a dentist?

5. We need a vacation. …… How about ……coming to Paris with me?,

6. It´s cold outside. ………… What about ………………….a cup of hot tea?

7. We are so thirsty! ………How about………………. some water?

8. I´m so hungry! ……What about…………….going to a restaurant?

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