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Energy & Environment

Role of greenhouse gases in 0(0) 1–10
! The Author(s) 2017

climate change Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0958305X17706177
Martin Hertzberg,1 Alan Siddons2 and
Hans Schreuder3

This study examines the concept of ‘greenhouse gases’ and various definitions of the phenomenon
known as the ‘Atmospheric Radiative Greenhouse Effect’. The six most quoted descriptions are
as follows: (a) radiation trapped between the Earth’s surface and its atmosphere; (b) the insulating
blanket of the atmosphere that keeps the Earth warm; (c) back radiation from the atmosphere to
the Earth’s surface; (d) Infra Red absorbing gases that hinder radiative cooling and keep the
surface warmer than it would otherwise be – known as ‘otherwise radiation’; (e) differences
between actual surface temperatures of the Earth (as also observed on Venus) and those based on
calculations; (f) any gas that absorbs infrared radiation emitted from the Earth’s surface towards
free space. It is shown that none of the above descriptions can withstand the rigours of scientific
scrutiny when the fundamental laws of physics and thermodynamics are applied to them.

Anthropogenic climate change, greenhouse effect, meteorology, radiation, thermodynamics

Draconian measures on ‘carbon control’ were recently introduced by the Unites States
Government. The perceived need for the controls is predicated on three assumptions:
. recent measured increases in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) are
attributable to human emissions of the gas from combustion of fossil fuels such as coal,
oil and natural gas.
. such increases are causing, or will be responsible for, dangerous global warming and
climate change.
. CO2 is a ‘greenhouse gas’ and is the cause of this warming and climate change by way of a
‘greenhouse effect’.

Pittsburgh, USA
Boston, USA
Ipswich, UK
Corresponding author:
Hans Schreuder, Flat 3, 336 Norwich Road, Ipswich IP1 4HD, UK.
2 Energy & Environment 0(0)

It is said that continuing increases in CO2 emissions will inevitably lead to dire conse-
quences – the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory advocated by the UN’s Inter-
Governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). Governments, scientific societies, journal
editors, newspapers editors, TV media journalists, environmental activists and many
corporations, accept the IPCC theory/paradigm. Accordingly, a concerted effort is required
to reduce human emissions, tax such emissions and replace fossil fuel combustion with
alternative energy sources.
The totality of the data contradicting the first two of the above assumptions has been
dealt with by Hertzberg and Schreuder1 and others.2–8 However, even among the scientists
who challenge the validity of the overall IPCC paradigm and its conclusion that CO2 is an
existential threat to a future habitable earth, some do support the concept that CO2 is a
‘greenhouse gas’ that impacts climate.
The Non-Governmental Independent Panel for Climate Change (NIPCC) in a recent
report stated: ‘Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is a mild greenhouse gas . . .’9 The statement
is taken as given and neither the definition of the term ‘greenhouse gas’ nor a description of
the physical processes by which the CO2 presence in the atmosphere engenders global warm-
ing and climate change appears in the report.
A book entitled ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’
attempts to address the matter.10 Alan Siddons compiled 19 definitions/descriptions of the
‘greenhouse effect’ presented by various Government Agencies, Universities, Scientific
Institutes and others and prefaced the compilation with the caveat: ‘Please note: none of
what is described below actually occurs in reality’.11 Gerlich and Tscheuschner, in their
article, ‘Falsification of the Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within the Frame of
Physics’, conveyed a similar observation based on the fundamental laws of Physics.12
This study examines the various definitions of the greenhouse effect for compatibility with
the laws of physics.

Greenhouse effect definitions and descriptions

Definition 1
A greenhouse is a glass/plastic enclosure, warmed by sunlight, facilitating plant growth.
Several definitions argue that the effect in the atmosphere is analogous to a greenhouse.
It is stated that sunlight transmitted into an enclosure through transparent glass warms the
interior of the enclosure, increasing the Infra Red (IR) radiation. As glass is partly opaque to
IR radiation, it cannot freely pass outward through the glass and is thus retained within the
enclosure. Several definitions infer the radiation is being ‘trapped’ and it is argued that
atmospheric gases such as CO2 are analogous to the glass pane action of a greenhouse
and this serves to ‘trap’ IR radiation within the atmosphere and obstruct radiative cooling.
An early test of the ‘trapped’ radiation theory was conducted by R. W. Wood.13
He constructed two enclosures, one covered with a glass plate and the other covered with
an IR transmitting rock salt plate. When adjusted so that both were exposed to the same
solar input radiation, they both reached the same temperature of 55 C with ‘scarcely a
difference of one degree between the temperatures of the two enclosures’. His experiment
clearly showed that it was the presence of the enclosure itself that enabled the warming.
Therefore, it is the heat generated by absorbed sunlight that becomes ‘trapped’. In the
absence of an enclosure, the warmed air near the ground would rise by buoyancy and be
replaced by cooler air from the surroundings thus cooling it. This natural convective cooling
Hertzberg et al. 3

process is restricted and suppressed by the enclosure. It is the same process that generates a
cooling, afternoon sea breeze on a beach with cooler air from the ocean replacing rising
warmer air over land.
To argue that an open gaseous atmosphere confines in the way that the top and sides of a
greenhouse enclosure does is not valid. To the contrary, a gaseous atmosphere is conducive
to the convective cooling that occurs in the absence of an enclosure. It could be argued that
CO2 along with the other gaseous components of the atmosphere in fact helps to cool the
Earth’s surface.14

Definition 2
Another common theme among the various descriptions of the effect is that the ‘greenhouse
gases’ serve as a ‘blanket’ keeping the earth warm. A simple experiment to test the validity of
this argument is to appear naked outside on a cold evening and observe how long the blanket
of ‘greenhouse gases’ in the atmosphere keeps you warm. Air warmed by body heat rises by
buoyancy and is replaced by cooler air from the surroundings, causing rapid cooling down
and shivering. An actual blanket is a flexible insulating enclosure that reduces the rate at
which body heat is lost to the surroundings. Thus the atmosphere is more given to being an
agent for cooling by way of natural convection.

Definition 3
A regular description of the ‘greenhouse gas’ heating mechanism is that referred to as ‘back
radiation’. Atmospheric gases such as CO2, having a dipole moment, absorb some incoming
solar radiation and some of the IR radiation the Earth’s surface radiates toward free space.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, ‘re-radiated energy in the IR portion of
the spectrum is trapped within the atmosphere keeping the surface temperature warm’. This
‘trapping’ is assumed to occur as the surface radiates to the atmosphere and the atmosphere
radiates back to the surface.
The radiation emitted from the warmer surface absorbed by the colder atmosphere is
readily detected by orbiting satellites. However, back radiation from the colder atmosphere
to the warmer surface heating the surface further violates the Second Law of
Thermodynamics. Shown in Figure 1 is a sketch of the radiation budget of the Earth’s
atmosphere as proposed by Trenberth and Kiehl.15 It depicts an energy flow of 333 W/m2
of down-welling back radiation from the atmosphere to the surface. This flux of energy is the
amount a blackbody at the temperature of the lower regions of the atmosphere would emit
to free space or any receptive absorber.
There are two problems with that amount of down-welling radiation: the atmosphere is
not a blackbody with unit emissivity and equally, is not radiating toward a receptive absor-
ber. Yet it is depicted as radiating heat downwards to the warmer Earth’s surface in direct
violation of the Second Law.
In order to clarify this question more satisfactorily, the fundamental physics of radiative
energy transfer must be considered and applied in order to avoid an incorrect interpretation
of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation in the down-welling radiation argument.
Take two flat, parallel surfaces each with unit emissivity facing each other. One surface is
maintained at a higher temperature, T(h), while the other surface is maintained at a lower
temperature, T(c). If the hotter surface faces a complete void at 0 K, the flux of radiant
4 Energy & Environment 0(0)

energy it would emit and the void would receive and absorb is sT(h),4 where s is the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant.
Similarly, if the colder surface were facing a complete void (or surroundings at 0 K), the
flux of radiant energy it would emit and the void receive is sT(c).4 If neither of the surfaces is
facing a void but are facing each other, the effective flux of radiation in the field between
them is:
IðnetÞ ¼  TðhÞ4 TðcÞ4 ð1Þ

The flow of heat is always from the hotter surface to the colder surface as required by the
Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Nowhere in the radiation field between the two surfaces is the flux of radiant energy equal
to that which either surface would emit if they were facing a complete void. Thus, the simple
use of the Stefan-Boltzmann term, sT4 to characterize the emission from a source of radi-
ation in the manner that depends only on the temperature of the source without considering
the temperature of the surroundings receiving the radiation, is a misapplication of the equa-
tion and the notion that a colder source can transfer radiant energy to a warmer object is a
misapplication of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation and a violation of the Second Law of
It would therefore be clear that the application of the Stefan-Boltzmann term to simply
characterize radiant energy being transferred from an object to its surroundings without
reference to the conditions of the surroundings in radiative contact with that object is a
misapplication of the equation.

Figure 1. Earth radiation budget, Kiehl and Trenberth.15

Hertzberg et al. 5

The situation is analogous to a problem in mechanics. A 1 kg mass is sited on a frictionless

table and subjected to a force of 10 Newtons from left to right and simultaneously subjected to
a force of 7 Newtons from right to left. Calculate what the motion would be if only the 10
Newton force acted on the mass or calculate what the motion would be if only the 7 Newton
mass operated on it. Neither of these calculations describes the real motion, which is that of a 3
Newton force acting from left to right. There is no motion to the left from the weaker force.
A definitive proof of the correctness of equation (1) is displayed in the line reversal method
for determining the temperatures of flames. In the line reversal method, one looks at the flame
emission from an excited spectral line (typically the Sodium D line that is obtained by seeding
the flame with a small amount of a sodium salt). The flame is in the foreground and a black-
body in the background. A wire filament can also be used as the background. If the blackbody
is not heated, it is not as bright as the flame and only the Sodium D emission line from the
flame is observed. When the blackbody is heated and approaches the flame temperature, the
emission line merges with the background and becomes indistinguishable from it. That is
the ‘point of reversal’ at which the flame temperature is equal to the blackbody temperature.
As the blackbody is heated to higher temperatures, the line reappears, but as a dark absorption
line. Clearly, the point of reversal corresponds to the case where the first term in equation (1) is
equal to the second term and there is no absorption or emission between the flame in the
foreground and the blackbody in the background.
In the case where the flame is hotter than the background, the flame emission is seen as a
bright line and the emission from that line is absorbed into the colder blackbody behind the
flame. In the case where the blackbody is hotter than the flame, it emits radiation to the
flame that is absorbed by the flame and the sodium D line is seen as a dark absorption line.
That line reversal is depicted below. In Figure 2 (upper), a dark absorption line is seen
when the absorbing gas in front is colder than the blackbody in the background behind it. In
Figure 2 (lower), a bright emission line is seen when the gas is hotter than the black body.
When the temperatures are equal, nothing is seen at the line’s wavelength and there is neither
absorption nor emission between them.
Thus, the radiant transfer between the flame and the blackbody depends on both tem-
peratures and is always from the high temperature source to the lower temperature sink.
Another proof would be the obvious failure of any attempt to measure the radiation from
an object using a radiometer at a higher temperature than the object. That is one reason
detectors used in the most sensitive IR telescopes are cooled with liquid helium to tempera-
tures as low as 2 K.
For a higher temperature object with emissivity e(h) emitting to a lower temperature
object with absorptivity a(c), the net transfer equation is:
IðnetÞ ¼ eðhÞ aðcÞ  TðhÞ4 TðcÞ4 ð2Þ

Figure 2. Absorption and emission lines of hydrogen.

6 Energy & Environment 0(0)

and is always from the hot object to the cold object regardless of the emissivities or absorp-
tivities. Therefore, it would be incorrect to talk in terms of radiation exchanging, since
transfer occurs only from warmer to cooler matter, from higher energy level to lower
energy level.

Definition 4
A proposed new definition of the greenhouse theory to overcome the objections raised
against warming by back radiation argues that IR absorbing ‘greenhouse gases’ hinder
radiative transport from the Earth’s surface upwards and aid to keep the surface warm
and warmer than it would otherwise be in the absence of those gases. The definition ignores
the fact that those gases themselves emit radiation to free space adding to radiation loss from
the system.15 Radiation loss to free space from the earth’s surface and its atmosphere is
essentially the same with or without presence of absorbing gases for the following reasons:
the cooling by radiation to free space is a one-step process; in the presence of an atmosphere,
it is a two-step process with the same loss, with or without, the absorbing and emitting
gaseous atmosphere.
When talking about radiation, it is absorbed radiation or emitted radiation that is being
considered. The above definition of a ‘greenhouse gas’ requires another form to be created –
called ‘otherwise radiation’. We analyse this as follows:
In the absence of an atmosphere, the radiation lost to space from the earth’s surface is:
E  TðEÞ4 ð3Þ

where E is the Earth’s surface emissivity, T(E) its temperature and space is essentially at 0 K
(a perfect sink).
In the presence of an atmosphere, radiation from the surface that is absorbed by the
atmosphere is given by:
E a  TðEÞ4 TðAÞ4 ð4Þ

where a is the absorptivity of the atmosphere, and T(A) its temperature.

That same atmosphere radiates to free space at the rate:
e  TðAÞ4 ð5Þ

here e is the atmosphere’s emissivity and a ¼ e (Kirchhoff’s law).

The atmosphere is partially transparent with a transmissivity of (1  a), and the loss from
the surface to space through that partially transparent atmosphere is:
ð1  aÞ E  TðEÞ4 ð6Þ

Adding equations (4), (5) and (6), one obtains the total loss to free space from both the
surface and atmosphere. The positive and negative terms of the quantity E a s T(E)4 cancel
each other to give the total loss as:
E  TðEÞ4 þ ð1  EÞ a  TðAÞ4 ð7Þ

Comparing equation (7) with equation (3) for the case when E ¼ 1 shows that they are
identical. Thus, the Earth with its atmosphere radiates as much to free space as it would
Hertzberg et al. 7

without an atmosphere. Essentially, the same result is obtained approximately for non
blackbodies with emissivities and absorptivities less than unity.
This analysis shows that if one looks at the totality of the radiative processes involved, the
concept of ‘otherwise radiation’ is not supported.

Definition 5
In many of the various definitions, attempt is made to prove that ‘greenhouse gases’ in the
atmosphere keep the Earth warm, warmer than it would otherwise be in the absence of an
atmosphere as conveyed by the following quote:17
This process (radiation trapping) makes the temperature rise in the atmosphere just as it does in
the greenhouse. This is the Earth’s natural greenhouse effect and keeps the Earth 33 C warmer
than it would (otherwise) be without an atmosphere, at an average of 15 C.
Logically that argues that if the Earth had no atmosphere, its average temperature would be
18 C rather than its current temperature of 15 C.
Such a temperature is based on calculated ones, that is ‘otherwise’ ones. The calculations
arise from several mistaken assumptions. The most obvious one diminishes the solar radi-
ation input by 37% from the Earth’s cloud albedo while simultaneously taking no account of
any lessening of the IR radiation emitted to free space by the same blocking clouds. Equally,
all IR radiating entities on the surface are assumed to be blackbodies with unit emissivity.
The calculation that yields the 18 C temperature is obviously mistaken. The question is
considered and covered in detail in the ‘Cold Earth Fallacy’.18
Further argument used to illustrate the greenhouse effect of CO2 is the atmosphere of
Venus, which is almost entirely CO2. Based upon its distance to the Sun relative to that of
the Earth, and using the Earth’s average temperature, Venus surface temperature should be
about 280 C. Yet the measured value is about 465 C. This difference is attributed to the
strong greenhouse effect of its higher CO2 concentration. The difference is more correctly
attributable to Venus’ high surface pressure and the adiabatic compression of the atmos-
phere adjacent to its surface. Venus’ surface temperature would be just as warm if its atmos-
phere consisted of any gas whose compressibility was the same as that of CO2. The
temperatures in the Mohave Desert and the Dead Sea are higher than the temperatures of
surrounding areas at sea level. That is not a greenhouse effect but is caused by adiabatic
compression of the higher pressures at their elevations below sea level.

Definition 6
All atmospheric gases that are believed to be ‘greenhouse gases’ absorb IR radiation emitted
from the Earth’s surface. Their absorption spectra are well known and it is relatively easy to
calculate the radiation flux, those gases absorb from the Earth’s IR emission. The problem
arises when those radiation fluxes are translated into a resultant temperature rise while
ignoring the fact that atmospheric gas is being simultaneously cooled by radiating to the
unlimited sink of free space.

Joseph Priestley, Unitarian Minister and Scientist in whose name the American Chemical
Society’s highest award is given, identified CO2 and other gases which he named ‘airs’.
8 Energy & Environment 0(0)

He called CO2, which he collected from breweries, ‘fixed air’ and oxygen ‘dephlogisticated
air’. He, along with most 18th Century scientists, were adherents of the phlogiston theory,
which posited that combustion involved the loss of a substance they called ‘phlogiston’.
Antoine de Lavoisier, considered the father of modern Chemistry, conducted many out-
standing experiments using the most sophisticated apparatus available at the time and
demonstrated that combustion was a chemical reaction of a substance with oxygen and
phlogiston became apocryphal.
At a time when the laws of thermodynamics had not yet been established, he coined the
term ‘caloric’ to explain the heat generated by combustion and that also in time became
discarded alongside phlogiston.
Both these scientists stored and used many labelled flasks and containers of gases, liquids
and solids, but none were found labelled ‘phlogiston’ or ‘caloric’.
In one of science’s first ‘thought experiments’ Pierre Prévost (1751–1839) conjectured that
a hot body absorbed less radiation from a cold body than the reverse, and that both would
eventually reach the same temperature. Thus, the theory of radiant exchanges came into
being, a view that predated the more thorough understanding of the Laws of
Thermodynamics that came later. Yet it is noted that aspects of Prévost’s 200-year-old
theory continue to be applied in regard to ‘net flow’ of heat – a concept that radiation
flows both downhill and uphill. The latter flow is a violation of the Second Law, which
informs us that a hot body can absorb no radiation from a cold body to make it warmer
Radiative greenhouse supporters have theorized a blackbody as an all-absorbing entity,
capable of absorbing and retaining its own radiation to elevate its temperature and have
used radiant exchanges in support of their arguments.
In the absence of definitive experiments to demonstrate the reality of the ‘greenhouse
effect’, and in view of the failure of the previously enumerated definitions, the effect should
join ‘phlogiston’ and ‘caloric’ in Science’s Gallery of ancient constructs.
An added difficulty is that so far no way has been found to be able to readily transpose or
correlate experiments conducted in the contained, static, isothermal and isobaric conditions
of a laboratory to the great vastness of earth’s atmosphere.

The various stated definitions of the greenhouse effect have been subjected to the rigorous
scrutiny and application of the fundamental laws of physics and thermodynamics. They were
found to be unreal, and unless some new definition can be put forward that satisfies and
complies with those laws, it can only be concluded that the concept of a ‘greenhouse gas’ or a
‘greenhouse effect’ has not been demonstrated and is thus without merit.

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Hertzberg et al. 9

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reprint/0958305X16674637v1.pdf (2016, accessed 10 April 2017).
2. Kininmonth W. Climate change: A natural hazard. Brentwood, Essex: Multiscience Publishing 7 &
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3. Rörsch, et al. The interaction of climate change and the carbon dioxide cycle. Energy &
Environment 2005; 16(2): 217–238.
4. Segalstad. (2004, accessed
10 April 2017).
5. Salby M. Atmospheric carbon, Lecture 18 July 2016, University College London,
6. Quirk T. Sources and sinks of carbon dioxide. Energy & Environment 2009; 20(1/2): 105–121.
7. Plimer I. Heaven and earth – Global warming the missing science. Taylor Trade Publishing, 2009.
8. Carter R. Climate: the counter consensus. London: Stacey International, 2010.
9. Idso D, Carter RM and Singer SF. Climate change reconsidered II – Physical Science,
NonGovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), The Heartland Institute, (2015, accessed 10 April 2017).
10. Ball T, Johnson C, Hertzberg M, et al. Slaying the sky dragon – Death of the ‘‘greenhouse gas’’
theory. Stairway Press, 2011.
11. Siddons S. (2008, accessed 10
April 2017).
12. Gerlich G and Tscheuschner RD. Falsification of the atmospheric CO2 greenhouse effects within
the frame of physics. Int J Mod Phys 2009; B23: 275–364.
13. Wood RW. Note on the theory of the greenhouse. Philos Mag 1909; 17: 219–320.
14. Pierre L.
s-climate.html (2014, accessed 10 April 2017).
15. Hertzberg M. The night time radiative transport between the earth’s surface, it’s atmosphere and
free space. Energy & Environment 2012; 23(5): 819–831.
16. Kiehl ST and Trenberth KE. Earth’s annual global mean energy budget. Bull Am Meteor Soc. (accessed March 2009).
17. (accessed 10 April 2017).
18. Hertzberg M. Earth’s radiative equilibrium in the solar irradiance. Energy & Environment 2009;
20(1): 85–95.
19. Pierre L. (2012,
accessed 10 April 2017).

Martin Hertzberg was first trained as a meteorologist at the US Naval Postgraduate School
and then served as a forecasting and research aerologist at the Fleet Weather Central in
Washington DC. He subsequently obtained a PhD in Physical Chemistry at Stanford and
later served as a Fulbright Professor. Hertzberg established and supervised the explosion
testing laboratory at the U. S. Bureau of Mines facility in Pittsburgh (now NIOSH). Test
equipment developed in that laboratory has been widely replicated and incorporated into
ASTM standards. Published test results from that laboratory are used for the hazard evalu-
ation of industrial dusts and gases. He is an internationally recognized expert on combus-
tion, flames, explosions and fire research with over 100 publications in those areas. While
with the Federal Government, he served as a consultant for several Government Agencies
10 Energy & Environment 0(0)

(MSHA, DOE and NAS) and professional groups (such as EPRI). He is the author of two
US patents: (a) Sub-micron Particulate Detectors and (b) Multi-channel Infra-red
Pyrometers. He is also a long-time climate writer and, in recent years, his interests have
returned to weather prediction and he is a well-published skeptic of anthropogenic global
warming/climate change.

Alan Siddons is formerly a radio chemist and now a leading climate researcher and science
writer. He has compiled several papers, essays and graphics commenting on errors under-
written by climate alarmists and realists alike. With clear examples, he illustrates the points
at which urgent questions need to be asked and issues addressed.

Hans Schreuder trained as an analytical chemist in The Hague and spent 15 years working in
that field, testing pharmaceutical products as well as researching the recycling of plastics and
rubber. For another 15 years, he gained extensive experience as an international technical
contractor, including writing quality control manuals whilst working in South Africa. He
was accepted as a member of MENSA after passing the relevant tests. He has long been a
staunch and studied critic of the greenhouse gas theory and is an outspoken commentator
using his two websites as a publishing hub for fellow scientists critical of that theory. He has
written many articles on the subject and in May 2009 submitted a 109-page report, sup-
ported by a 45-min spoken address, to the Northern Ireland Climate Change Committee.

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