8.petroleum Sludge, Its Treatment and

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Int. J. Chem. Sci.

: 13(4), 2015, 1584-1602

ISSN 0972-768X



Faculty of Pharmacy, Omar Al-Mukhtar University, TOBRUK, LIBYA

Petroleum sludge is a complex mixture containing different quantities of waste oil, waste water,
sand, and mineral matter. Petroleum industries are responsible for the generation of large quantities of
sludge, which is a major source of environmental pollution. Oily sludges are hazardous wastes according
to Environment Protection Act and Hazardous Wastes Handling Rules. These sludges cannot be disposed
off as landfill, even if they are de-oiled unless they are totally remediated. Sludges generated by petroleum
industries accumulate in crude oil tanks, refinery products tanks, desalters, and elsewhere during oil
production and processing. The sludges containing recoverable oil less than 40% are considered as low oil
content sludges. These sludges have to be treated and made harmless before disposal. Bioremediation
process can be used for this purpose.

Generally, the refinery sludges contain oil content more than 40% and several methods are used
to separate the oil, water and solids. The recovered oil is pumped back into the refinery process, while the
solids and water are supposed to be treated before disposal. Several methods are available for processing
and disposing of slop oil such as thermal, mechanical, biological, and chemical. Each method of
processing has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is a common practice to utilize a combination of
the four methods to maximize the output of usable oil from sludge.

The first step in the process of disposing of the sludge is reclamation. In order to extract as much
oil from the sludge as possible, a combination of chemicals and deemulsifiers is used. Topmost layers of
oil are collected by the use of pumps and barges. The separation of the sludge is done with a centrifuge.
The oil recovered is then delivered to a refinery or sold in the market. Hard particles, from which oil
cannot be recovered, must then be disposed of. Hard particles are disposed of by the following ways:

Incinerating unusable sludge (hard hydrocarbons-based substances mixed with water and
emulsions) and harnessing heat and gases. Dehydration of sludge – the cleaned water is returned to the
environment, and the hard particles are buried. Use of consolidating solutions for turning the sludge into a
solid state. The solids can then be used in building projects. Use of Sludge as heat source. Biological
remediation. The use of surfactants and emulsifiers will break up the old sludge and allow it to be removed
Author for correspondence; E-mail: badr51in@yahoo.co.in
Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 13(4), 2015 1585

from the container. Rhamnolipids, as a natural surfactant are useful in extracting these oil sludges and
recovering them for use. These recovered sludges containing the rhamnolipid surfactants have most of the
main properties of the original oil except for less viscosity.

Key words: Petroleum, Sludge, Disposal, Treatment.


Crude oil is the raw oil that is obtained from the oil wells directly and petroleum is
purified form of crude oil ready to get distilled fractionally to give out the petroleum
products. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists as a liquid in natural
underground reservoirs and remains liquid, when brought to the surface. Petroleum products
are produced from the processing of crude oil at petroleum refineries and the extraction of
liquid hydrocarbons at natural gas processing plants. Petroleum is the broad category that
includes both; crude oil and petroleum products. The terms "oil" and "petroleum" are
sometimes used interchangeably.

Petroleum or crude oil is a naturally occurring flammable liquid consisting of a

complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other liquid organic
compounds, that are found in geologic formations beneath the Earth's surface. Most
petroleum is a fossil fuel. A fossil fuel is formed, when large quantities of dead organisms,
usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and undergo intense
heat and pressure. Technically, the term petroleum only refers to crude oil, but sometimes it
is applied to describe any solid, liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons.

Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling. This comes after the studies of
structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir
characterization (mainly in terms of porosity and permeable structures). It is refined and
separated, most easily by boiling point, into a large number of consumer products, from
petrol (or gasoline) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to make plastics and
pharmaceuticals. Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials, and it is
estimated that the world consumes about 88 million barrels each day.

Composition of petroleum

In its strictest sense, petroleum includes only crude oil, but in common usage, it
includes all liquid, gaseous, and solid (e.g., paraffin) hydrocarbons. Under surface pressure
and temperature conditions, lighter hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane and butane occur
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as gases, while pentane and heavier ones are in the form of liquids or solids. However, in an
underground oil reservoir the proportions of gas, liquid, and solid depend on subsurface

An oil well produces predominantly crude oil, with some natural gas dissolved in it.
Because the pressure is lower at the surface than underground, some of the gas will come out
of solution and recovered (or burned) as associated gas or solution gas. A gas well produces
predominantly natural gas. However, because the underground temperature and pressure are
higher than at the surface, the gas may contain heavier hydrocarbons such
as pentane, hexane, and heptane in the gaseous state. At surface conditions, these will
condense out of the gas to form natural gas condensate, often shortened to condensate.
Condensate resembles petrol in appearance and is similar in composition to some volatile
light crude oils.

The proportion of light hydrocarbons in the petroleum mixture varies greatly among
different oil fields, ranging from as much as 97 per cent by weight in the lighter oils to as
little as 50 per cent in the heavier oils and bitumens.

The hydrocarbons in crude oil are mostly alkanes, cycloalkanes and various aromatic
hydrocarbons while the other organic compounds contain nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, and
trace amounts of metals such as iron, nickel, copper and vanadium. The exact molecular
composition varies widely from formation to formation.

The composition of oily sludge is very complex. It comprises of oil in water, water
in oil emulsion and suspended solids1. Oily sludge contains toxic substances like aromatic
hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons2 and high total hydrocarbons content3. Oily
sludge is difficult to be hydrated due to its high viscosity. Oily sludge is a hazardous solid
waste. Oily sludge basically comprises of about 55.13% of water, 9.246% of sediments,
1.9173% of asphaltenes, 10.514% of wax and 23.19% of light hydrocarbons and also a high
concentration of heavy metals for instance vanadium is 204 ppm, Fe is 0.6% and nickel is
506 ppm4, which makes the oily sludge harmful for the environment and organisms, which
need to be dealt with, for environmental protection4.

Petroleum is used mostly, by volume, for producing fuel oil and petrol, both
important "primary energy" sources. 84 per cent by volume of the hydrocarbons present in
petroleum is converted into energy-rich fuels (petroleum-based fuels), including petrol,
diesel, jet, heating, and other fuel oils, and liquefied petroleum gas. Due to its high energy
density, easy transportability and relative abundance, oil has become the world's most
important source of energy since the mid-1950s. Petroleum is also the raw material for
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many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, and

Chemistry of petroleum

Petroleum is a mixture of a very large number of different hydrocarbons; the most

commonly found molecules are alkanes (linear or branched), cycloalkanes, aromatic
hydrocarbons, or more complicated chemicals like asphaltenes. Each petroleum variety has a
unique mix of molecules, which define its physical and chemical properties, like color
and viscosity.

The alkanes, also known as paraffins, are saturated hydrocarbons with straight or
branched chains, which contain only carbon and hydrogen and have the general formula
CnH2n+2. They generally have 5 to 40 carbon atoms per molecule, although trace amounts of
shorter or longer molecules may be present in the mixture.

The alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are refined into petrol, and from
nonane (C9H20) to hexadecane (C16H34) into diesel fuel, kerosene and jet fuel. Alkanes with
more than 16 carbon atoms can be refined into fuel oil and lubricating oil. At the heavier end
of the range, paraffin wax is an alkane with approximately 25 carbon atoms, while asphalt
has 35 and up, although these are usually cracked by modern refineries into more valuable
products. The shortest molecules, those with four or fewer carbon atoms, are in a gaseous
state at room temperature. They are the petroleum gases. Depending on demand and the cost
of recovery, these gases are either flared off, sold as liquified petroleum gas under pressure,
or used to power the refinery's own burners. During the winter, butane (C4H10), is blended
into the petrol pool at high rates, because its high vapor pressure assists with cold starts.
Liquified under pressure slightly above atmospheric, it is best known for powering cigarette
lighters, but it is also a main fuel source for many developing countries. Propane can be
liquified under modest pressure, and is consumed for just about every application relying on
petroleum for energy, from cooking to heating to transportation.

The cycloalkanes, also known as naphthenes, are saturated hydrocarbons, which

have one or more carbon rings, to which hydrogen atoms are attached according to the
formula CnH2n. Cycloalkanes have similar properties to alkanes but have higher boiling

The aromatic hydrocarbons have one or more planar six-carbon rings called benzene
rings, to which hydrogen atoms are attached with the formula CnHn. They tend to burn with
a sooty flame, and many have a sweet aroma. Some are carcinogenic.
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These different molecules are separated by fractional distillation at an oil refinery to

produce petrol, jet fuel, kerosene, and other hydrocarbons. For example, 2,2,4-
trimethylpentane (isooctane), widely used in petrol, has a chemical formula of C8H18 and it
reacts with oxygen exothermically5.

2 C8H18(l) + 25 O2(g) → 16 CO2(g) + 18 H2O(g) (ΔH = −10.86 MJ/mol of octane)

Incomplete combustion of petroleum or petrol results in production of toxic by

products. Too little oxygen results in carbon monoxide. Due to the high temperatures and
high pressures involved, exhaust gases from petrol combustion in car engines usually
include nitrogen oxides, which are responsible for creation of photochemical smog.

Crude oil is an important energy source as well as feed stock of oil refineries.

During the processing of crude oil, various kinds of waste are generated; of this, oily
sludge and chemical sludge, biosludge are of special environmental concern because many
of the constituents of this sludge are of hazardous nature. Hazardous waste is generated in
significant amounts in petroleum refineries worldwide. In India, oil refineries generate
approximately 20,000 tonnes of oily sludge per annum. One of the major problems faced by
oil refineries is the safe disposal of this oily sludge.

Uncontrolled handling of these sludges often leads to environmental pollution and

also affects the aesthetic quality. Recycling of sludges in an environment friendly manner is
one of the appropriate solutions of sludge management problem. The treatment technologies
developed can be grouped as physical remediation, chemical remediation and biological

Petroleum sludge is classified as hazardous waste (usually due to the oil content) and
in most cases, it is also classified as a liquid, which means that it cannot be disposed of
directly to a landfill.

The two attributes that make oil sludge such a problem are that it is classified as
hazardous waste (usually due to the oil content) and in most cases, it is also classified as a
liquid, which means, it cannot be disposed of directly to a landfill.

All of the more traditional methods for waste disposal and treatment don’t really
work on oil sludge:

Typically, oil sludge can’t be incinerated because it contains too much oil and water,
making it almost impossible to incinerate.
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In most of the cases, it is not cost effective to apply thermal treatment because the
waste contains too much oil and water.

The oil sludge can’t be filtered because the solids content is too high, and attempts at
filtering will just clog the filtration systems.

The oil sludge can’t be pumped to a waste water treatment facility because of the
high oil and solid content, and the waste has too high COD/BOD. Because it is a liquid, the
oil sludge can’t be disposed of, in traditional hazardous waste landfills, only solids can go to
landfills. Due to the fact that there simply haven’t been many good options for dealing with
this type of waste, it has been accumulating at an alarming rate. To date, there is an
estimated 9 billion tonnes of oil sludge waste on the planet, and this volume is growing
every minute.

There have been many attempts at providing a viable long term solution for the
industry to treat oil sludge. So far, the industry has only made small advances. In reality, this
is not due to a lack of possible solutions or resources, but it’s more down to a lack of will
and desire by the industry to tackle this issue head on. The petroleum industry in its
production, refining, transport and storage processes, generate oily residues, which have
been stored in pits, marshes or open earth pools for many years, causing a high degree of
contamination, not only in the storage areas but also in nearby areas.

The appropriate treatment and correct disposal of this type of wastes prevents the
contamination of superficial and ground water, the contamination of the surrounding air; and
reduces the risk of fires, explosions, poisoning of the food chain and destruction of green

Due to the continuous treatment and the processes implemented, no significant areas
for temporary storage are needed. The risk for potential contamination of air and water
resources is significantly decreased.

A considerable amount of oily sludge can be generated from the petroleum industry
during its crude oil exploration, production, transportation, storage, and refining processes6,7.
In particular, the sludge generated during the petroleum refining process has received
increasing attention in recent years. It contains a high concentration of petroleum
hydrocarbons (PHCs) and other recalcitrant components. As being recognized as a
hazardous waste in many countries, the improper disposal or insufficient treatment of oily
sludge can pose serious threats to the environment and human health6-10. The major sludge
generated by the petroleum refineries are oily sludge, bio-sludge and chemical sludge11.
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Most of the crude oils have a property to separate into the heavier and lighter hydrocarbons
during their storage and transportation. In refineries, hydrocarbon sludge is usually
generated during cleaning up of crude oil storage tanks, maintenance of associated facilities
and pre-export processing i.e. tank farms, desalter failure, oil draining from tanks and
operation units, pipeline ruptures and processing of oil12. The composition of oily sludge
varies due to the large diversity in the quality of crude oils, differences in the processes used
for oil-water separation, leakages during industrial processes and also mixing with the
existing oily sludge. The effective remediation of oily sludge has become a worldwide
problem due to its hazardous nature and increasing production quantity around the world.
Because of the hazardous nature of oily sludge, disposal of excess sludge will be forbidden
in the near future; thus, increased attention has been turned to look into potential technology
for sludge treatment. Oil production companies and the refiners are looking for the
technologies, which are aimed to extract the hydrocarbons from the sludge to the maximum
extent and thus to minimize the final treated sludge quantity, which can be disposed in a
much economical, fast and eco-friendly ways. During the past years, a variety of oily sludge
treatment methods have been developed, such as landfarming, incineration,
solidification/stabilization, solvent extraction, ultrasonic treatment, pyrolysis, photocatalysis,
chemical treatment, and biodegradation6,8-14. By employing these technologies, the contents
of hazardous constituents can be reduced or eliminated, and its deleterious environmental
and health impacts can thus be mitigated.
Classification of refinery sludge

Based on source and chemical composition the waste generated in refineries can be
broadly classified as follows:

Hydrocarbon Wastes: It includes API separator sludge, dissolved air floatation

float, slop oil emission solids, tank bottoms, FFU sludge, desalter bottoms and waste

Spent Catalysts: It includes fluid cracking catalyst, hydro-processing catalyst and

other spent inorganic clays.

Chemical/Inorganic Wastes: It includes spent caustic, spent acids and waste amines.

Contaminated Soils and Solids: It includes heat exchanger bundle cleaning sludge,
waste coke/carbon/charcoal, waste sulphur and miscellaneous contaminated soils.

Aqueous Waste: It includes biomass, oil contaminated water (not wastewater),

high/low pH water and spent sulphide solutions.
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Oily sludge source

Both the upstream and downstream operations in petroleum industry can generate a
large amount of oily wastes. The upstream operation includes the processes of extracting,
transporting, and storing crude oil, while the downstream operation refers to crude oil
refining processes. In the upstream operation, the related oily sludge sources include slop oil
at oil wells, crude oil tank bottom sediments, and drilling mud residues15. A variety of oily
sludge sources exist in downstream operation, including (a) slop oil emulsion solids; (b) heat
exchange bundle cleaning sludge; (c) residues from oil/water separator, such as the
American Petroleum Institute (API) separator, parallel plate interceptor, and corrugated plate
interceptor (CPI); (d) sediments at the bottom of rail, truck, or storage tanks; (e) sludge from
flocculation-flotation unit (FFU), dissolved air flotation (DAF), or induced air flotation (IAF)
units, and (f) excess activated sludge from on-site wastewater biological treatment plant16.
Prior to being refined to petroleum products, crude oil is temporarily housed in storage tanks,
where it has a propensity to separate into heavier and lighter petroleum hydrocarbons
(PHCs). The heavier PHCs often settle along with solid particles and water17. This mixture
of oil, solids, and water deposited at the storage tank bottom is known as oily sludge18. It is
removed during tank cleaning operations and sent for further treatment or disposal19.

The sludge quantity generated from petroleum refining processes depends on several
factors such as crude oil properties (e.g., density and viscosity), refinery processing scheme,
oil storage method, and most importantly, the refining capacity. Generally, a higher refining
capacity is associated with a larger amount of oily sludge production. It has been estimated
that one ton of oily sludge waste is generated for every 500 tons of crude oil processed16. It
is estimated that more than 60 million tons of oily sludge can be produced every year and
more than 1 billion tons of oily sludge has been accumulated worldwide20-22. It is also
expected that the total oily sludge production amount is still increasing as a result of the
ascending demand on refined petroleum products worldwide21-23.
The formation of crude oil sludge

Most of the oils have a property to separate into the heavier and lighter hydrocarbons
during their storage and transportation. The heavy ends of crude oil are deposited on the
bottom of storage tank.

Paraffin based crude oil sludge forms, when the molecular orbital of individual
straight chain hydrocarbons are blended by proximity, producing an induced dipole force
that resists separation. As the heavier straight chain hydrocarbons flocculate (heavier
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meaning predominantly the C20+ hydrocarbon molecules), they tend to fall out of suspension
within a static fluid, as in the case of storage tanks, where they accumulate at the bottom as
viscous gel commonly known as sludge or wax. This newly formed profile stratifies over
time as the volatile components within the sludge are expelled with changes in temperature
and pressure. The departure of such volatile components results in a concentrated heavier
fractions within the sludge, accompanying with increased in density and viscosity, and
decreased fluidity24.

Asphaltic sludge is formed due to the formation of the tendency of asphaltenes,

resins and polymeric compounds to precipitate. Neutral resins are high molecular weight
aromatic hydrocarbons. These resins are insoluble in alkalies and acids but are completely
miscible with petroleum oils, including light fractions.

Asphaltenes are similar to the neutral resins but they are insoluble in light gasoline
and petroleum ether. Asphaltenes are precipitated in presence of an excess of petroleum
ether. Asphaltenes and neutral resins are soluble in benzene, chloroform and carbon

Inorganic salts, sediments, sands, scale and dust are also present in the sludge.
Sludge treatment methods

The various technologies for oil recovery and redemption of the crude sludge include
chemical treatments, various distillation processes, cracking, hydro-treating, solvent
treatment and bioremediation. Some of the conventional methods of sludge treatment are as
Manual cleaning and incineration

Manual cleaning is the low cost method. The cleaning is done by entering in the tank.
The sludge is moved out of the tank manually or to pumps present in the tanks. This method
takes long time. It is difficult to recover the usable hydrocarbons from the sludge by using
this method.
Solvent extraction method

Various solvents are used in this method, which are able to break down complex
molecules present in the sludge into their basic constituents - water, crude oil and particulate.
This method requires mixing and agitation apparatus (Fig. 1). Sludge has waxy and non
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waxy (asphaltenes) organic components along with salt, oxides and other inorganic materials.
These may be dissolved by selecting appropriate solvent25.

Oily sludge waste is firstly mixed in the reactor column with a solvent, which
selectively dissolves the oil fraction of sludge and leaves the less soluble impurities at the
column bottom. The oil solvent solution is then transferred to a solvent distillation system
where the solvent is separated from oil. The separated oil is considered as oil recovery, while
the separated solvent vapour can be liquefied through a compressor and cooling system and
sent to a solvent recycling tank. The solvent can be used for repeating the extraction cycle.
The bottom impurities from reactor column are pumped to a second distillation system, and
the solvent contained in the impurities is separated and then sent to the solvent recycling
tank, while the waste residues after separation may need further treatment.

Solvent vapor

Recovered oil
sludge Oil and solvent
Solvent vapor

Waste residues
Bottom impurities

Fig. 1: Block flow diagram of solvent extraction method

1. Reactor column; 2. Distillation; 3. Solvent recycling tank; 4. Compressor and cooling system

Ultra high temperature gasification

In this method, thermal oxidation of sludge is carried out. The sludge is heated to a
very high temperature (1000oC) using plasma arc without oxygen. The sludge is converted
to pyrogas by this method and this can be used as fuel26.
Oil sludge separation using cyclone

By this method, oil is recovered from the oily sludge and residue is separated27
(Fig. 2).
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Fig. 2: Oily sludge separation by cyclone

Oily sludge treatment by application of thermochemistry

In this method, oily sludge is diluted by water and heated, and then certain chemicals
are added for extraction of oil from solid phase.
Microwave heating method

Microwave heating has more advantages than conventional heating. This method is
used for waste management. Microwave heating technology for demulsification of sludge-
oil was first introduced by Klaila (1983) and Wolf (1986)28,29. In conventional thermal
heating, heat is transferred to the material through convection, conduction, and radiation of
heat from the surfaces of the material. Whereas microwave energy is reached directly to the
materials through molecular interaction with the electromagnetic field. In heat transfer,
energy is transferred due to thermal gradients, but microwave heating is the transfer of
electromagnetic energy to thermal energy and is energy conversion, rather than heat transfer.
This results in many advantages for using microwaves for processing of materials.
Microwaves can penetrate materials and deposit energy so heat can be generated throughout
the volume of the material. The transfer of heat energy does not rely on diffusion of heat
from the surface and it is possible to achieve rapid and uniform heating of thick materials30.
Centrifugation method

In this method, components are separated on the basis of their densities (such as
water, solids, oil and pasty mixtures in oily sludge) by generating centrifugal force. This
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method uses a special high speed rotation equipment by reducing viscosity of oily sludge by
adding organic solvents, demulsifying agents & tensioactive chemicals and the injection of
steam and direct heating12,31-33. The performance of centrifugation method is enhanced and
energy consumption is reduced. Conway31 reported that after viscosity reduction using heat
pre-treatment, the less viscous petroleum sludge could be effectively treated by a disc/bowl
centrifuge, with more than 80% of the waste volume being obtained as liquid effluent from
the first centrifugation, and residue from centrifugation was then mixed with hot water and
centrifuged again. The effluent from two centrifugations was combined and sent to refinery
for processing31. According to Cambiella et al.32, a small amount of a coagulant salt CaCl2
(0.01-0.5 M) can improve the water-oil separation process by centrifugation, with a high oil
separation efficiency of 92-96%.

Fig. 3: Schematic diagram of centrifugation method

Oily sludge is mixed with demulsifying agent or other chemical conditioners. The
mixture is then treated by hot steam in a pre-treatment tank in order to reduce the viscosity.
This less viscous petroleum is mixed with water for high speed centrifugation. The separated
water after centrifugation containing high concentration of PHCs drained for further
wastewater treatment. The separated oil containing water and solids is sent to a gravimetric
separator for further separation to obtain the recovered oil. The separated water from the
separator is sent to wastewater treatment. The sediments from centrifugation and separator
are collected as solid residue for further treatment. Centrifugation is a relatively clean and
mature technology for oily sludge treatment, and its oil separation from sludge is effective.
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Centrifugation equipment does not occupy large space20. However in this method a high
energy consumption is required to produce high centrifugal force to separate oil from
petroleum sludge. High equipment investment is responsible for the limited use of
centrifugation method. The addition of demulsifying agents and tensioactive chemicals for
pre-treatment increases the processing cost. Centrifugation process creates high noise.
Electrokinetic method

In this method, an electrode pair is used on two sides of a porous medium and a low
direct current is passed through the medium causing the electro-osmosis of liquid phase,
migration of ions and electrophoresis of charged particles in a colloidal system to the
respective electrode34, 35. The separation of water, oil, and solids from oily sludge can be
carried out by electrokinetic method and this separation is based on three mechanisms.
Colloidal aggregates in oily sludge can be broken due to electric field and this leads to the
movement of colloidal particles and solid particles of oily sludge towards the anode as a result
of electrophoresis. Water and oil move towards the cathode as a result of electro-osmosis. The
electro-coagulation of the separated solid phase occurs near the anode, this increases the
concentration of solid phase and the sediments. The separated liquid phase (water and oil,
without colloidal particles and fine solids) can form an unstable secondary oil-in-water
emulsion, which could be gradually electro-coalesced near the cathode through charging and
agglomeration of droplets; thus, forming two separated phases of water and oil36.
Ultrasonic irradiation

Ultrasonic waves generate compressions and rarefactions in the medium through,

which they are passed. The compression cycle exerts a positive pressure on the medium by
pushing molecules together. The rarefaction cycle exerts a negative pressure by pulling
molecules from each other. Microbubbles are produced in the medium and these will be grown
due to negative pressure. These microbubbles grow to unstable dimension and collapse
violently generating shock waves, which results in high pressure and temperature
immediately37. This increases the temperature of the emulsion system and decreases its
viscosity, increases the mass transfer of liquid phase, and thus leads to destabilization of W/O
emulsion38. Smaller droplets in emulsion move faster than the larger ones under the influence
of ultrasonic irradiation. This can increase their collision frequency to form aggregates and
coalescence of droplets, which then promotes the separation of water/ oil phases39,40.
Froth flotation method

This method involves the capture of oil droplets or small solids by air bubbles in an
aqueous slurry followed by their levitation and collection in a froth layer41. Froth flotation
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process can be used for the treatment of oily wastewater from the refineries and oily sludge19.
In this method, water is mixed with oily sludge to form oily sludge slurry. Air is passed
through the sludge slurry, which form air bubbles in the water sludge mixture. These air
bubbles approach oil droplets in the slurry mixture. The water film between oil and air
bubble becomes very thin and then it is ruptured causing spreading of oil in the air bubbles.
The conglomerate of oil droplets with air bubbles can quickly rise to the top of water-oil
mixture, and the accumulated oil can be skimmed off and collected for further purification42.

Fig. 4: Schematic diagram of froth flotation process

Oily sludge disposal method

Oily sludge after the recovery of oil should be disposed of by a number of methods
such as incineration, stabilization/solidification, oxidation and biodegradation.

In this method, complete combustion of oily wastes is carried out in presence of

excess air and auxiliary fuels. The commonly used incinerators are rotary kiln and fluidized
bed incinerator. The combustion temperature range for rotary Kelvin is 980-1200oC and
residence time is around 30 min. In fluidized bed incinerator, the combustion temperature
can be in the range of 730-760oC and the residence time can be in the order of days43.
Fluidized bed incinerator is more effective for low quality sludge due to its fuel flexibility,
high mixing efficiency, high combustion efficiency and relatively low pollutant emissions44.

By this method, contaminants are immobilized by converting them into a less

soluble or less toxic form (stabilization). The contaminants can be encapsulated by creating
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a durable matrix (solidification)45. Inorganic wastes are easily disposed of by this method.
This method is less compatible with organic wastes.
Oxidation method

Oxidation treatment is useful method to degrade a number of organic contaminants

through chemical or other oxidation processes. Chemical oxidation is carried out by adding
reactive chemicals into oily wastes, which oxidize organic compounds to carbon dioxide and
water or transform them to other non-hazardous substances such as inorganic salts46. The
oxidation can be carried out by Fenton's reagent, hypochlorite, ozone, ultrasonic irradiation,
permanganate and persulphate, by generating a sufficient amount of radicals such as
hydroxyl radicals (OH*), which can quickly react with most organic and many inorganic

Refineries produce oil sludge as waste by the processing of crude oil. This sludge is
poorly biodegradable. One of the major problems faced by oil refinery is the safe disposal of
oily sludge in the environment. Many of the constituents of oil sludge are carcinogenic and
potent immuno-toxicant48. This technique uses living organisms (bacteria, fungi, some algae,
and plants) to reduce or eliminate toxic pollutants. These organisms may be either naturally
occurring or may be cultivated in the laboratory. They either eat up the contaminants
(organic compounds) or assimilate within them all harmful compounds (heavy metals) from
the surrounding; thereby, rendering the region contaminant free. Bioremediation can be
enhanced with the use of fertilizers, compost, bulking agents and some chemicals including
oil dispersant. Bioremediation of waste oil in soil (land farming) or also land spreading had
been carried out in different parts of the world. Dotson et al.49 and Kincannon50 published
early studies in USA. By mid 70's, other authors reported on oily sludge land farming
including Fusey51 in USA. More studies on bioremediation by land farming were reported
by a number of authors namely Grove52 in UK, Dibble and Bartha53 in South Africa in the
late 70's.

Land farming is cheaper and environmentally safe method. In land spreading, the
sludge is evenly dispersed over a plot of land, where it can be degraded by native microbial
flora over a period of months or years. The sludge is blended into the soil with tilling
equipment, and the rate of degradation in the land farming is increased with the addition of
fertilizers. The primary mechanisms involved in the disappearance of hydrocarbons in land
spreading and land farming are biodegradation, vaporization, oxidation, and to some extent,
degradation by sunlight and leaching. When the sludge has been substantially degraded, the
plot of land can be used again for further sludge treatment.
Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 13(4), 2015 1599


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Revised : 24.06.2014 Accepted : 26.06.2014

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