Refinery Sludge Disposal

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Vol. 12(47), pp.

6544-6567, 20 November, 2013

DOI: 10.5897/AJB11.1139
ISSN 1684-5315 2013 Academic Journals

African Journal of Biotechnology


Biological degradation of oil sludge: A review of the

current state of development
Ubani, O.1*, Atagana, H. I.2 and Thantsha, M. S.3

Department of Environmental Sciences, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.

Institute for Science and Technology Education, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Accepted 10 October, 2013

Oil sludge is a thick viscous mixture of sediments, water, oil and hydrocarbons, encountered during
crude oil refining, cleaning of oil storage vessels and waste treatment. Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are components of crude oil sludge, constitute serious environmental
concerns, as many of them are cytotoxic, mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic. Improper
management and disposal of oil sludge causes environmental pollution. The adverse effects of oil
sludge on soil ecology and fertility have been of growing interest among environmental scientist and an
important consideration in the development of efficient technologies for remediation of contaminated
land, with a view to making such land available for further use. Oil sludge can be treated by several
methods such as physical, chemical and biological processes. The biological processes are mostly
cost effective and environmentally friendly, as they are easy to design and implement, as such they are
more acceptable to the public. Compost, the product of biological breakdown of organic matter is a rich
source of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms
can degrade the oil sludge to less toxic compounds such as carbon dioxide, water and salts. Compost
bioremediation, the application of composting in remediation of contaminated environment, is
beginning to gain popularity among remediation scientists. The success or failure of compost
bioremediation depends on a number of factors such as nutrients, pH, moisture, aeration and
temperature within the compost pile. The bioavailability and biodegradability of the substrate to the
degrading microorganisms also contributes to the success of the bioremediation process. This is a
review on the biological remediation technologies employed in the treatment oil sludge. It further
assesses the feasibility of using compost technology for the treatment of oil sludge, as a better, faster
and more cost effective option.
Key words: Biodegradation, bioremediation, composting, oil sludge, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Oil sludge is a thick, viscous mixture of sediments, water,
oil and high hydrocarbon concentration, encountered
during crude oil refining, cleaning of oil storage vessels
and refinery-wastewater treatment. The chemical

composition of oil sludge is complex and depends on the

source. Oil sludge is mainly composed of alkanes,
aromatics, asphaltenes and resin (Diallo et al., 2000). It
has high content of aromatic hydrocarbons in the range

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: +27 78 419 2899. Fax: 086 2245 824.
Abbreviations: PAHs, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; VOCs, volatile organic carbons; SVOCs, semivolatile organic carbons;
CNS, central nervous system; PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls; TPHs, total petroleum hydrocarbons.

Ubani et al.

of 1 - 40 carbon atoms (US EPA, 1997).The two major

sources of oil sludge are oil storage tanks and refinerywastewater treatment plants (Shie et al., 2004; Wang et
al., 2010). Oil sludge found in crude oil storage tanks is
typically made up of sulphides, phenols, heavy metals,
aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of
4, 5, 6 and more rings, in over 10-20 fold concentration
(Li et al., 1995). More than 90% of oil sludge material is
composed of paraffin, asphaltenes and aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures. Paraffins are saturated hydrocarbon
(alkanes) that have the general formula CnH2n+2 and can
either be straight chains (n-paraffins) or branched chains
(isoparaffins). Asphaltenes are polycyclic aromatic
clusters, substituted with varying alkyl side chain.
Aromatics hydrocarbons are unsaturated ring type
(complex polycyclic of three or more fused aromatic
rings) compounds, which reacts readily because they
have carbon atoms that are deficient in hydrogen. All
aromatics hydrocarbons have at least one benzene ring
as part of their molecular structure. These components
are highly recalcitrant under normal conditions. Such
characteristics are attributed to their strong molecular
bonds, high molecular weights, hydrophobicity and
relative low solubility in water.
Oil sludge has been classified by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) as a
hazardous organic complex (US EPA, 1997; Liu et al.,
2010). This contaminant enters the environment as a
result of human activities, which includes deliberate
dumping, improper treatments and management,
storage, transportation and landfill disposal. This calls for
concern because many of the oil sludge components
have been found to be cytotoxic, mutagenic and
potentially carcinogenic (Bojes and Pope, 2007).
The environmental impact of oil sludge contamination
includes physical and chemical alteration of natural
habitats, lethal and sub-lethal toxic effects on aquatics
and terrestrial ecosystem. Oil sludge contains volatile
organic carbons (VOCs) and semivolatile organic
carbons (SVOCs) (for example, PAHs) which over the
years have been reported as being genotoxic (Mishra et
al., 2001; Bach et al., 2005; Bojes and Pope, 2007). They
have cumulative effect on the central nervous system
(CNS) leading to dizziness, tiredness loss of memory and
headache, and the effect depends on duration of
In severe cases, PAH metabolism in human body
produces epoxide compounds with mutagenic and
carcinogenic properties that affects the skin, blood,
immune system, liver, spleen, kidney, lungs, developing
foetus, it also causes weight loss (TERA, 2008; API,
2008; Sidney, 2008; Bayoumi, 2009). However, environmental regulations in many parts of the world have
stressed on the necessity to decrease emission of volatile
organic compounds as well as PAHs, and have placed
more restriction on land disposal of oil sludge (Mahmoud,



Some important PAHs of environmental concern present
in oil sludge include Naphthalene, 1-methyl naphthalene,
2-methyl naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene,
fluorene, anthracene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene,
benzo[a]pyrene and
indenol(1,2,3-cd)pyrene. These
PAHs which may be acute or chronic hazardous organic
compounds are present in substantial quantities in oil
sludge and are susceptible to microbial degradation
(Gibson and Subramanian, 1984; Mueller et al., 1991;
Field et al., 1992; Sutherland et al., 1995). Below are the
catabolic pathways by aerobic bacteria for some of the
It is an aromatic hydrocarbon, with molecular formula
C10H8 and the structure of two fused benzene rings.
Biodegradation of naphthalene involves the microbial
utilization of naphthalene as described by Gibson and
Subramanian (1984) and documented in a catabolic
pathway as shown in Figure 1 (Ri-He et al., 2008). The
initial reaction in the bacterial oxidation of naphthalene
involves the formation of dihydrodiol intermediates.
Bacteria oxidised naphthalene to D-trans-1, 2-dihydroxy1, 2-dihydronaphthalene (Gibson and Subramanian,
1984). Bacteria utilises a dioxygenase reaction to initiate
the degradation of naphthalene, a reaction which is
further catalysed by dehydrogenase to give 1, 2dihydroxynaphthalene (Gibson and Subramanian, 1984;
Sutherland et al., 1995).
Phenanthrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
composed of three fused benzene rings. Many species of
bacteria found in soil are capable of utilising
phenanthrene as a growth substrate. The degradation of
this compound by bacteria follows an oxidative pathway
(Gibson and Subramanian, 1984; Sutherland et al.,
1995). Bacteria can oxidise phenanthrene to cis-1, 2dihydroxy-1,2-dihydrophenanthrene, which forms 1,2dihydrophenanthrene when it undergoes enzymatic
dehydrogenation. The compounds can be oxidised
further to 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, 2-carboxybenzaldehyde, o-phthalic acid, protocatechuic acid as shown
in Figure 2 (Ri-He et al., 2008).
Pyrene is a PAH consisting of four fused benzene rings.
It is the smallest peri-fused PAH (the rings are fused


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Figure 1. Proposed catabolic pathways of naphthalene by aerobic bacteria. The compounds are 1, Naphthalene; 2, cis-1,2dihydroxy-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (cis-naphthalene dihydrodiol); 3, 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene; 4, 2-hydroxy-2H-chromene-2carboxylic acid; 5, trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvic acid; 6, salicylaldehyde; 7, salicylic acid; 8, gentisic acid; 9, maleylpyruvic
acid; 10, fumarylpyruvic acid; 11, pyruvic acid; 12, fumaric acid; 13, catechol; 14, cis,cis-muconic acid; 15, -ketoadipic acid; 16,
-ketoadipyl-CoA; 17, succiny-CoA; 18, acetyl-CoA; 19, 2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde; 20, 2- hydroxymuconic acid; 21, 4oxalocrotonic acid; 22, 2-oxo-4-pentenoic acid; 23, 4-hydroxy-2-oxovaleric acid; 24, acetaldehyde. The enzymes involved in
each reaction step are naphthalene dioxygenase (NahAaAbAcAd) (step A1), cis-naphthalene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase
(NahB) (A2), 1,2-dihydronaphthalene dioxygenase (NahC) (A3), 2-hydroxy-2H-chromene-2-carboxylate isomerise (NahD) (A4),
trans-o-hydroxybenzylidenepyruvic hydratase-aldolase (NahE) (A5), salicylaldehyde dehydrogenase (NahF) (A6), salicylate 5hydroxylase (NagGHAaAb) (A7), gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (Nahl) (A8), maleylpyruvate isomerise (NagL) (A9), fumarylpyruvate
hydrolase (NagK) (A10), salicylylate hydroxylase (NahG) (A11), catechol1,2-dioxygenase (A12), -ketoadipate:succinyl-CoA
transferase (A13), -ketoadipyl-CoA thiolase (A14), catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (NahH) (A15), hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde
dehydrogenase (Nahl) (A16), 4-oxalocrotonate isermerase (NahJ) (A17), 4-oxalocrotonate decarboxylase (NahK) (A18),
hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde hydrolase (NahN) (A19), 2-oxo-4-pentenoate hydratase (NahL) (A20), 2-oxo-4hydroxypentennoate aldolase (NahM) (A21) and acetaldehyde hydrogenase (NahO) (22) (Ri-He et al., 2008).

through more than one face). Many microorganisms have

shown the capability of utilising four ringed aromatic
hydrocarbons such as pyrene (Heitkamp et al., 1988b;

Meyer and Steinhart, 2001). Bacteria such as

Rhodococcus sp. strain UW1 are capable of growing on
pyrene as sole carbon source (Walter et al., 1991). This

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Figure 2. Proposed catabolic pathways of phenanthrene by aerobic bacteria. The compounds are 1, Phenanthrene; 2, cis -1,2-dihydroxy1,2-dihydrophenanthrene; 3, 1,2-dihydroxyphenanthrene; 4, 2-[(E)-2-carboxyvinyl]-1-naphthoic acid; 5, trans-4-(2-hydroxynaph-1-yl)-2oxobut-3-enoic acid; 6, 5,6-benzocoumarin; 7, 2-hydroxy-1-naphthoic acid; 8, naphthalene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid; 9, cis-3,4-dihydroxy-3,4dihydrophenanthrene; 10, 3,4-dihydroxyphenanthrene; 11, 1-[(E)-2-carboxyvinyl]-2-naphthoic acid; 12, trans-4-(1-hydroxynaph-2-yl)-2oxobut-3-enoic acid; 13, 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid; 14, 7,8-benzocoumarin; 15, 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene; 16, 2-hydroxy-2H-chromene2-carboxylic acid; 17; trans-o-hydroxybenzalpyruvic acid; 18, salicylaldehyde; 19, salyclic acid; 20, trans-2-carboxybenzalpyruvic acid;
21, 2-carboxybenzaldehyde; 22, o-phthalic acid; 23, protocatechuic acid; 24, cis-9,10-dihydroxy-1,2-dihydrophenanthrene; 25, 2,2/diphenic acid (Ri-He et al., 2008).

organism was found to mineralize up to 72% of pyrene to

CO2 within two weeks. Three percent of the labelled
carbon was found in the organic phase and 25% was
present as water-soluble metabolites in the aqueous

phase. Pyrene-4, 5-dihydrodiol was identified as the initial

ring oxidation product and 4-phenanthroic acid as the
major metabolite of the degradation of pyrene by a
Mycobacterium spp (Heitkamp et al., 1988b). Also, a


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Figure 3. Proposed catabolic pathways of pyrene by aerobic bacteria. The compounds are 1, Pyrene; 2, cis-1,2-dihydroxy-1,2dihydropyrene; 3, 1,2-dihydroxypyrene; 4, 4-hydroxyperinaphthenone; 5, 1,2-dimethoxypyrene; 6, cis-4,5-dihydroxy-4,5dihydropyrene; 7, P2,4,5-dihydroxypyrene; 8, phenanthrene-4,5-dicarboxylate; 9, phenanthrene-4-dicarboxylate; 10, cis-3,4dihydroxyphenanthrene-4-carboxylate;
trans-2/carboxybenzalpyruvate; 14, phthalate; 15, 1,2-dihydroxynaphtharene; 16, cinnamic acid; 17, trans-4,5-dihydroxy-4,5-dihydropyrene;
18, 6,6/-dihydroxy-2,2/-biphenyl dicarboxylic acid; 19, pyrene-4,5-dione (Ri-He et al., 2008).

proposed catabolic pathway of pyrene by aerobic

bacteria has been suggested as shown in Figure 3 (Vila
et al., 2001; Liang et al., 2006; Ri-He et al., 2008).

Fluorene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and has

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Figure 4. Proposed catabolic pathways of fluorene by aerobic bacteria. The compounds are 1, Fluorine; 2, cis-1,2-dihydroxy-1,2dihydrofluorene; 3, 1,2-dihydroxy fluorine; 4, 2-indanone; 5, 3-isochromanone; 6, cis-3,4-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydrofluorene; 7, 3,4dihydroxyfluorene; 8, 1-indanone; 9, 3,4-dihydrocoumarin; 10, 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid; 11, salicylic acid; 12, 9-fluorenol; 13,
9-fluorenone; 14, 1,1a-dihydroxy-1-hydro-9-fluorenone; 15, 2/-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl; 16, phthalic acid; 17, 4,5dihydroxyphthalate; 18, protocatechuic acid; 19, 1,2-dihydro-1,2dihydroxy-9-fluorenone; 20, 8-hydrixy-3,4-benzocoumarin (Ri-He et al.,

been found to be susceptible to microbial degradation to

varying extents. (Gibson and Subramanian, 1984;
Mueller et al., 1991; Field et al., 1992; Sutherland et al.,
The initial attack on fluorene is catalysed by dioxy-

genase to yield 9-fluorenol and 1, 1a-dihydroxy-1-hydro9-fluorenone. The catabolic pathway for fluorene degradation has been proposed as shown in Figure 4 (Kasuga
et al., 2001; Wattiau et al., 2001; Habe et al., 2004; Ri-He
et al., 2008).


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Figure 5. Proposed catabolic pathways of fluoranthene by aerobic bacteria. The compounds are 1, Fluoranthene; 2,
7,8-dihydroxy fluoranthene; 3, 7-methoxy-8-hydroxy-fluoranthene; 4, (2Z,4Z)-2-hydroxy-4-(2-oxoacenaphthylen-1(2H)ylidene) but-2-enoic acid; 5, 1-acenaphthenone-2-carboxylic acid; 6, acenaphthylene-1(2H)- one; 7,1H,3H-benzo[de]
isochromen-1-one; 8, acenaphthylen-1-ol; 9, acenaphthylen-1,2-diol; 10, naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylic acid; 11, 2(hydroxymethy)-acenaphthylene-1-carboxylic acid; 12, 2-formylacenaphthylene-1-carboxylic acid; 13, 1,2dihydroacenaphthylene-1,2-diol; 14, 2,3-dihydroxy fluoranthene; 15, 1,2-dihydroxy fluoranthene; 16,
(9E)-9(carboxymethylene)-9H-fluorene-1-carboxylic acid; 17, 9-fluorenone-1-carboxylic acid; 18, 9-hydroxy-9H-fluorene-1carboxylic acid; 19, 9-fluorenone; 20, 9-hydroxyfluorene; 21, 1,2,3-benzene-tricarboxylic acid; 22,
monohydroxyfluoranthene; 23, phthalic acid (Ri-He et al., 2008).

This is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of
naphthalene and it is a four fused benzene ring. Many
microorganisms showed the capability of utilising

fluoranthene (Heitkamp et al., 1988a; Meyer and

Steinhart, 2001). The catabolic pathway describing the
biodegradation of fluoranthene by M. vanbaalenii PYR-1,
initiated by mono-and deoxygenated reactions has been
discovered recently, Figure 5 (Ri-He et al., 2008).

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Figure 6. Proposed catabolic pathway of benzo[a]pyrene by aerobic bacteria. the compounds are 1, Benzo[a]pyrene; 2,
benzo[a]pyrene-11,12-epoxide; 3, trans-benzo[a]pyrene-11,12-dihydrodiol; 4, cis-benzo[a]pyrene-11,12-dihydrodiol; 5,
11,12-dihydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene; 6, hydroxymethoxybenzo[a]pyrene; 7, dimethoxybenzo[a]pyrene; 8, cisbenzo[a]pyrene-4,5-dihydrodiol; 9, 4,.5-dihydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene; 10, 4-formylchrysene-5-carboxylic acid; 11, 4,5chrysene-dicarboxylic acid; 12, chrysene-4(5)-carboxylic acid; 13, cis-benzo[a]pyrene-9,10-dihydrodiol; 14, 9,10dihydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene; 15, cis-4-(8-hydroxypyrene-7-yl)-2oxobut-3-enoic acid; 16, pyrene-8-hydroxy-7-aldehyde; 17,
pyrene-8-hydroxy-7-carboxylic acid; 18, cis-benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol; 19, 7,8-dihydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene; 20, cis-4(7-hydroxypyrene-8-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoic acid; 21, pyrene-7-hydroxy-8-aldehyde; 22, pyrene-7-hydroxy-8-carboxylic acid
(Ri-He et al., 2008).

This is a five ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
(C20H12) whose metabolites are mutagenic and highly
carcinogenic (Le Marchand et al., 2002). Benzo[a]pyrene
can be oxidised by different microorganisms to various

metabolites, which include: trans-7, 8-dihydroxy-7, 8dihydrobenzo[a]pyrene, 3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene and 9hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene,

benzo[a]pyrene-3,6-quinone Figure 6 (Gibson and
Subramanian, 1984; Cerniglia et al., 1992; Ri-He et al.,


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Figure 7. Proposed catabolic pathways of anthracene by aerobic bacteria. the compounds are 1, Anthracene; 2,
anthracene-9,10-dihydrodiol; 3, 9,10-dihydroxyanthracene; 4, 9,10-anthraquinone; 5,
cis-1,2-dihydroxy-1,2dihydroanthracene; 6, 1,2-dihydroxyanthracene; 7, cis-4-(2-hydroxynaphth-3-yl)-2-oxobut-3-enoic acid; 8, 2-hydroxy3-naphthoic acid; 9, 6,7-benzocoumarin; 10, o-phthalic acid; 11, protocatechuic acid; 12, 1-methoxy-2hydroxyanthracene; 13, and 3-(-2carboxyvinyl)-napthalene-2-carboxylic acid (Ri-He et al., 2008).


This is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of
three fused benzene rings. It is also component of coal
tar (Iglesias et al., 2010). The initial reactions in the
bacterial degradation of anthracene involve the formation
of trans-1, 2-dihydroxyanthracene prior to ring fission
(Gibson and Subramanian, 1984).
Additional studies showed that Pseudomonas putida
strain 199 and Beijerinckia sp. strain B-836 oxidised

anthracene to (+)-cis-1, 2-dihydroxy-1, 2-dihydroxyanthracene. Bacteria grown in a medium of naphthalene

are shown to oxidise anthracene, 1, 2-dihydroxyanthracene to 2-hydroxy-3-naphthaldehyde (Gibson and
Subramanian, 1984; Sutherland et al., 1995). Also, the
reactions in the degradation of anthracene are catalyzed
by multicomponent dioxygenases to produce cis-1, 2dihydrodiols.
The proposed catabolic pathway involves the orthocleavage of 1, 2-dihydroxyanthracene into 3-(2carboxyvinyl)
Mycobacterium sp. PYR-1 and Rhodococcus sp. Figure 7
(Dean-Ross et al., 2001; Moody et al., 2001).

Ubani et al.

Other PAHs
The other PAHs are classified as acute/chronic toxic
hazardous organic compounds. They include compounds
such as benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[k]fluoranthene with
five fused benzene rings and indenol (1, 2, 3-cd) pyrene
with six fused benzene rings. They are present in
substantial quantities in oil sludge and can also be
susceptible to microbial degradation (Gibson and
Subramanian, 1984; Mueller et al., 1991; Field et al.,
1992; Sutherland et al., 1995).


It is generally recognised that land as a component of the
environment deserves the same attention and protection
as water and air (Okieimen and Okieimen, 2005). This
recognition has perhaps risen because of increased
incidents of land pollution, the scarcity of land, awareness
and concern about long-term effects of land pollution on
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The adverse effects
of oil sludge on soil ecology and fertility have been pivotal
in the development of efficient technologies for the
degradation of these contaminants in the environment
(Okieimen and Okieimen, 2005). As oil sludge is dumped
into the environment, lighter compounds volatilize and
heavier ones remain. Most oil sludge components have
high affinity for soil material and particulate matter.
Overtime, they accumulate to the extent that they
become difficult to eliminate because they reside in fine
pores. Then, they become protected from attack by biota
in the soil; hence they are not bio-available. Their fate
and behaviour are controlled by factors such as soil type
and their physico-chemical properties (Reid et al., 2000).
Such properties include their concentration, structures of
the components and their solubility, environmental
conditions (temperatures, pH, moisture content and
wind), and the available microorganisms (physiology and
genetics). Their solubility is the key factor of their fate in
the environment. The solubility of oil sludge components
differs from one compound to another, some are infinitely
soluble polar compounds, and others are of low solubility
for example, the PAHs (Mahmoud, 2004). As the contact
time with the environment increases, chemical and
biological availability of the compounds decreases, a
process termed ageing, which has attracted considerable attention in recent years.
Oil sludge can be biodegraded by microorganisms such
as bacteria and fungi. A large number of bacteria species
have the ability to degrade majority of natural
hydrocarbon components from oil sludge especially lowmolecular-weight contaminants (Ward et al., 2003).
Microbial biodegradation is an effective and inexpensive
approach to the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons
from oil sludge. This is possible as long as a large
population of degrading microorganisms is present and


the conditions encouraged the microbial growth and

activities (Philips et al., 2000).


Oil sludge exhibits some biodegradable properties in the
environments such as transformation, conversion or
mineralisation, specific adhesion mechanisms and
production of extracellular emulsifying agent by microorganisms (Leahy and Colwell 1990; Research triangle
institute, 1999; Laskova et al., 2007; Paulauskiene et al.,
2009). To successfully exploit the microbial degradation
of oil sludge, it is imperative to understand and master
the mechanism needed in order to manipulate the
microbial activities.
For oil sludge containing large quantities of
hydrocarbons, microorganisms must be able to use
hydrocarbons as substrates (Tabuchi et al., 1998). They
must be able to synthesize enzymes that can catalyse
the reaction in which these contaminants are degraded to
simpler, lower molecular chains and less toxic compounds (CO2 and H2O), through obtaining the nutrients
and energy necessary for their survival in the process
(Johnson and Scow, 1999). The initial step in this
mechanism is the catabolism of oil sludge by bacteria
and fungi, which involves the oxidation of the substrate
by oxygenases, in which molecular oxygen is required.
Aerobic conditions are necessary for this route of
microbial oxidation of hydrocarbons to take place (Marin
Millan, 2004). Microbial bioremediation of oil sludge is
dependent on a number factor which includes:
characteristics of the oil sludge, microbial population
present and other physic-chemical factors such as
temperature, pH and moisture. However, the
characteristics and fate of oil sludge depends on its
molecular size and topology or stoichiometry (Kanaly and
Harayama, 2000). The removal of low molecular weight
petroleum hydrocarbons (4-ring or less), is first done
through evaporation. As the molecular sizes increases,
biodegradation rates become slower.
Oil sludge, albeit very slow, is susceptible to
degradation by naturally occurring microflora, but this
process reduces nutrient and oxygen level in soil which in
turn impedes other environmental processes such as
transformation or mineralisation. In order to enhance the
oil sludge biodegradation processes and make it
economically realistic and fast, it is necessary that the
bioavailability of hydrocarbons present in the oil sludge
matrix be increased. This may be done by biostimulation,
which is simply the addition of nutrients to stimulate the
growth and degradative capabilities of the indigenous
microorganisms present (Piskonen and Itvaara, 2004).
Many microbial strains are capable of degrading only
specific components of oil sludge. However, oil sludge is
a complex mixture of different petroleum hydrocarbon
(Mac Naughton et al., 1999). Single bacterial species


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have limited capacities to degrade all the fractions of

hydrocarbons presents (Loser et al., 1998). Hence, a
mixture of different bacterial species that can degrade a
broad range of the hydrocarbon constituents such as
present in oil sludge would show more potential. Steps
should be taken to ensure that the original indigenous
bacterial communities be part of the regiment. Mishra et
al. (2001) suggested that indigenous microorganisms
isolated from a contaminated site will assist in overcoming this problem, as the microorganisms can degrade
the components and have a higher tolerance to toxicity
that may wipe off other introduced species.

compost will enhance metabolism of organic contaminants because they provide extra nutrients, additional
carbon source and assist in retaining moisture contents
of the pile (Namkoog et al., 2002).

Effect of pH

There are many factors, including physical, chemical and

biological that may ultimately determine the effectiveness
of strategies for microbial bioremediation of oil sludge
(van Hamme et al., 2003). These include: Biosurfactants,
effect of pH, nutrients, salinity, oxygen, temperature and
water activity/ moisture contents, according to Micky
(2006) and discussed below.

Most oil degrading heterotrophic bacteria and fungi

perform at their optimum when pH is neutral. However,
fungi are known to be tolerant of acidic conditions (AlDaher et al., 1998). The mineralization of hydrocarbon
components in the environment is generally optimal at pH
7 to 7.8, thus overall biodegradation process is enhanced
(van Hamme et al., 2003). The metabolic pathways for
degradation differ in both fungi and bacteria (Cerniglia et
al., 1979).
According to report by Sutherland (1992), fungal
decomposition of PAHs may produce mutagenic
intermediates (Frick et al., 1999). In such instance, liming
may be used to increase the pH from acidic to alkaline
state so that bacterial growth may be favoured than
fungal growth.



Biosurfactants are important agents that enhance the

effective uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons by bacteria
and fungi (Leahy and Colwell, 1990; Cort and Bielefeldt
2000a; b; Shiohara et al., 2001). Bacteria are known to
produce biosurfactants, which they use to form emulsions
of oil substrates (Calvo et al., 2004; Bayoumi, 2009; Liu
et al., 2011; Plaza et al., 2011). Most bacterial strains can
efficiently produce biosurfactant on petroleum hydrocarbon medium and in soil. The biosurfactants they
produce can emulsify petroleum hydrocarbon in oil
sludge so that they can be bioavailable to bacteria for
biodegradation in the system. They do this by increasing
the surface area of the substrates therefore, increased
their solubility (Ahimou et al., 2000; Ron and Rosenberg,
2001; Maier, 2003; Mukherjee and Das, 2005).
Biosurfactant production by bacteria comes with the
advantage of being natural, non-toxic, biodegradable and
a cost effective approach that can help in solubilisation of
oil sludge hydrocarbons during biodegradation (Sim et
al., 1997; Calvo et al., 2004; Bayoumi, 2009; Liu et al.,
2011; Plaza et al., 2011).
These biosurfactants secreted by bacteria are more
effective than chemical surfactants in enhancing the
solubility and biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons
(Cybulski et al., 2003; Wong et al., 2004). The production
of biosurfactant is proportional to the usage of
hydrophobic PAHs substrates by the bacteria present in
the system. Hydrocarbon catabolism in the environment
can be enhanced by the production of biosurfactants and
supplementary application of additives and bulking
agents (Ward et al., 2003). Bulking agents such as com-

The growth of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi depends

on a number of nutrient elements, an electron acceptor
and organic compound that serves as the source of
carbon and energy (Adriano et al., 1999; Boettcher et al.,
2001). For aerobic microorganisms, the electron acceptor
is oxygen. Some microorganisms can utilise some inorganic compounds such as nitrates, sulphates, carbon
dioxide, ferric iron and some organic compounds, as
electron acceptors for electrons released by the oxidation
of the substrate carbon source. Some bacteria and fungi
also require low concentrations of some amino acids,
vitamins or other organic molecules as growth factors.
The absence of any of these essential elements from the
environment may prevent growth and metabolism of
microorganisms (Atagana, 2003). Microorganisms that
degrade oil sludge are dependent on fixed forms of
nitrogen (NH3, NO3-, NO2- and organic nitrogen) to meet
their nitrogen requirements.
These forms of nitrogen are frequently limiting for
microbial populations in soil, ground water and surface
water (Atlas, 1991). Microbial synthesis of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), nucleic acids and cell membranes
require phosphorus.
For nitrogen to be available to soil microorganisms it
must be, in most cases, present in inorganic form such as
ammonium or nitrate (Swindell et al., 1988; Tate, 1995)
while phosphorus is available in the form of
orthophosphate (Alexander, 1999). According to report
by van Hamme et al. (2003), nitrogen and phosphorus
contents have great effects on microbial degradation of
oil sludge.

Factors affecting the biodegradation mechanisms

Ubani et al.

Studies have shown that there are generally positive
correlations between salinity and rates of mineralization
of PAHs such as phenanthrene and naphthalene (Leahy
and Colwell, 1990). However, it has been noted that
hypersalinity will result in the decrease in microbial
metabolic rates (Micky, 2006).

Aerobic biodegradation is the most effective pathway for
bioremediation. This means that, the presence and
concentration of oxygen is important in such process.
Also, lack of aeration, in the system may be a ratelimiting parameter in the biodegradation and catabolism
of hydrocarbons by bacteria and fungi (van Hamme et al.,
The breakdown of oil sludge components may possibly
involve the utilization of oxygenase, in which molecular
oxygen is required. Great efficiency of natural microbial
hydrocarbon degradation occurs mostly when oxygen is
available (Ward et al., 2003). Although anaerobic
degradation of PAHs by microorganisms has been shown
to occur, the rates are somewhat negligible and limited to
halogenated aromatics compounds such as the
halobenzoates, chlorophenols and alkyl-substituted
aromatic (Suflita et al., 1982; Boyd and Shelton, 1984;
Angelidaki et al., 2000).

Temperature is another important variable that has effect
on oil sludge biodegradation. Microorganisms can grow
at temperatures below 0 to above 100C with good water
supply (Atlas and Barther, 1987). Optimum temperature
dictates the rate of oil sludge metabolism by microorganisms and also the pattern of the microbial community. Temperature has direct effect on the physical
nature and chemical composition of the PAHs constituents (Atlas, 1981). Increases in temperature have
been reported to be proportional to the solubility of
contaminants and induces higher metabolic activity in a
compost system (Gibb et al., 2001). When temperatures
are low, PAHs tend to be more viscous and their water
solubility is greatly reduced (Leahy and Colwell, 1990).
Low temperature also affects microbial growth, propagation and subsequently results in decrease in the rate
of degradation (Gibb et al., 2001). Low temperature also
results in a decrease in enzymatic activities, which is
essential for degradation of the oil components. The
optimum temperature for hydrocarbon degradation has
reported to be in the range of 30 to 40C. At temperatures above this range, enzymatic activities are
inhibited as proteins denature at higher temperature


(Leahy and Colwell, 1990).

Water activity/ moisture content

According to Vinas et al. (2005), the rates at which PAHs
are degraded are also determined by moisture level. The
reason is that water is needed for microbial growth and
enzymatic/biochemical activities (Leahy and Colwell,
1990). Elemental uptake by microorganisms is by
absorption and transportation of solubilised molecules
across the cell membrane. The availability of target
molecules to the microorganisms depends on the amount
of water present in the treatment matrix.
Optimal activity occurs when the soil moisture and
water content for aerobic bioremediation treatment matrix
is usually between 50 and 80% of saturation (moisture
holding capacity) (Kosaric, 2001). When the moisture
content falls below 10% bioactivity becomes marginal
(Kosaric, 2001). However, if the soil water holding
capacity is high above the optimal ranges, biodegradation
rates are usually small because of possible waterlogging. The water-logging may promote anoxic
conditions, thereby reducing aerobic bioremediation


Safe disposal and treatment of huge quantity of oil sludge
generated during the processing of crude oil are some of
the major challenges faced by oil refineries and
petrochemical industries (Srinivasarao et al., 2011). In
recent years, most refineries treat oil sludge using
conventional methods which includes; physical treatment
(storage, landfilling, combustion and incineration in a
rotary kiln, lime stabilization, stabilization and
solidification) (Wright and Noordhius, 1991; Karamalidis
and Voudrias, 2001; Bhattacharyy and Shekdar, 2003;
Radetski et al., 2006; Beech et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2010),
chemical treatment (oxidative thermal treatment,
treatment with fly-ash, pyrolysis treatment and solvent
extraction) (Bonnier et al., 1980; Atlas, 1984; Taiwo and
Otolorin, 2009) and biological treatment (landfarming,
bio-reactor treatment and composting) (Pereira-Neta,
1987; Piotrowski, 1991; Lees, 1996; Singh et al., 2001;
Hejazi et al., 2003; Mahmoud, 2004; De-qing et al., 2007;
Srinivasarao et al., 2011; Udotong et al., 2011;
Besalatpour et al., 2011). Most of the physical and
chemical methods require expensive equipments and
high energy to treat the oil sludge. Some of these
methods convert oil sludge into lighter products and
reduce the quantity before disposal. Some of the
methods may generate by-products that may need to be
treated using other methods before disposal to a landfill
(Liu et al., 2010), making them more expensive. Exam-


Afr. J. Biotechnol.

ples of the conventional methods used are discussed


Incineration is a technology commonly used in large
refineries. The common types are rotary kiln and fluidized
bed incinerators. In rotary kiln incinerator, the combustion
temperature is from 980 to 1200C and the residence
time is about 30 min. While in fluidized bed incinerators,
the combustion temperature is from 732 to 760C, and
the residence time may be in order of days. The
incineration process requires sophisticated equipments
and experienced operators to achieve adequate
combustion of oil sludge. Usually the incineration of oil
sludge using fluidized bed technique produces ash
scrubber sludge, with low contents of heavy metals.
These products are usually disposed of in a landfill (Liu et
al., 2010). Incineration is an expensive technique and oil
sludge contains high concentration of hazardous compounds including those that are resistant to incineration.
Incineration is not only expensive but generates toxic
residues such as ash, scrubber water, scrubber sludges,
sulphur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide, carbon monoxide
and some organic compounds (Srinivasarao et al., 2011).
Some of these residues such as ash containing metals
need to be treated before being disposed of. During the
incineration process, waste feed rates, oxygen: air ratio,
residence time, combustion temperature and gas
emission are critical parameters that needs to be
controlled (Mahmoud, 2004).

Treatment with fly-ash

This is the treatments of oil sludge with aqueous slurry of
fly-ash and a small amount of polymers. This process
mixes light sludge in a small tank equipped with a mixer
before thickening. Sludge with high oil and solids
contents are de-watered in a centrifuge before being
treated with ash slurry in a screw mixer. The settled
products from the thickener and mixer are transported in
closed truck containers directly to a landfill, which must
be well drained to minimize leaching. During the dry
season the deposit quickly become hard enough to be
used for roadbeds. Sludge treated in this way may be
covered with a layer of soil and the deposit area can be
used to grow grass and trees (Atlas, 1984; Mahmoud,
2004). This method may be expensive, since
equipments, energy and operating persons are needed
for this process.

Lime stabilization
Stabilization involves mixing a solid additive material to
the oil sludge in order to produce a matrix within which the

oil and metal are fixed and will not leach out. The use of
lime for this purpose has being established in the
literature, the addition of lime produces physical and
chemical changes in the oil sludge which facilitates
hydrocarbon adsorption and immobilization of metals as
insoluble salts (Wright and Noordhius, 1991; Mahmoud,
The high pH provided by adding the lime is essential in
this process, some additives can be added to produce
hydrophobic matrix to prevent contaminants from
becoming acidic due to rainfall percolation in the landfill
(Mahmoud, 2004).
This technique may also generate residual products
that may need to be treated by using other methods
before disposal in a landfill which will make the techniques expensive.

Solvent extraction
In this method, the oil sludge is extracted with a solvent
to remove oil and other organics, the solvent is recovered
and recycled. Many refineries believe that recycling is the
most desirable environmental option for handling oil
sludge, due to the possibility of recovering valuable oil for
reprocessing, reformulating and energy recovery
(Bonnier et al., 1980; Taiwo and Otolorin, 2009). During
recycling, the condensed solvent and water are continuously separated in a trap. The condensed liquid
contains water and hydrocarbon.
The hydrocarbons in condensed liquid may amount to
73.24% of the sludge, and they are both volatile and nonvolatile hydrocarbons. The solvent extraction technique
has a tendency to greatly reduce sludge contaminants
from 100 to 30% water and solid wastes. The method
may possibly reduce the pollution effects of oil sludge on
the environment with the recovery of recyclable
hydrocarbons. If the optimum conditions are carefully
selected, solvent extraction approach can significantly
mitigate the non-compliance to standard limit of industrial
discharge into the environ-ments and the permissible
allowances for oil sludge.
Evaluation of the extent of sludge treatment before
disposal can be done and can make significant impact on
refinery and petrochemical industries. The advantage of
solvent extraction techniques is that the recovery
approach to oil sludge treatment explored can serve as a
precursor to in-situ treatment and cleaning of oil storage
facilities (Taiwo and Otolorin, 2009). It will also reduce
economic losses and out of operation period, since there
will be a reduction in time requirements for treatments,
also the oil, water and mud can be effectively used and
extraction solvents can be recycled. The limitation is the
adaptation of selected solvent to the sludge treatment.
Solvent extraction may not remove heavy metals such as
arsenic, lead and selenium; these residues must be
treated using other methods before disposal (Mahmoud,
2004; Taiwo and Otolorin, 2009).

Ubani et al.

Stabilization and solidification method

This technology is used to minimize potential environmental impact of oil sludge by enhancing the nonleachable properties of the treated oil sludge. The treatment uses advanced chemical oxidation (Fentons reagents) followed by stabilization and solidification with
lime-clay and Portland cement-lime to yield oil sludge
degradation and immobilization. In this process, PAHs
and BTEX compounds are reduced after stabilization and
solidification process (Beech et al., 2009). The reduction
of these compounds may be due to the dilution which
occurred by the addition of clay and lime, and by
immobilization promoted by the lime and cement
(Radetski et al., 2006). The stabilization and solidification
process is cheap compared to many other technologies
for treating and disposing oil sludge. This technique
reduces the mobility of hazardous substance and contaminants in the environments through physical and
chemical means, and can be applied ex-situ and in-situ
(Karamalidis and Voudrias, 2001). If the ecotoxicity
potential of oil sludge is considered, the initial waste has
high toxicity in PAHs and high concentration of phenolic
compounds before treatment while after treatment the
final products would be less toxic, and can be reused as
concrete road bed blocks (Karamalidis and Voudrias,
2001). Despite the fact that the process enables the
change of the initial dangerous waste to non-dangerous
waste, the mass and volume ratio of residual product
increases after the treatment (3 kg of waste yield 20 kg of
commercial concrete block). In some cases, potential of
oil sludge components leaching in long-term is possible.
This calls for evaluation by a temporal series of leaching
test to ensure environmental protection, in terms of public
health and ecotoxicological perturbation of terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems (Karamalidis and Voudrias, 2001).

Oxidative thermal treatment

In this process, the oil sludge is not combusted but
heated to remove organics and water from solids, the
water is converted to steam to help strip off high boiling
point semivolatile compounds, which can be condensed
for recovery and disposal. The treatment is carried out
using different concentration of oxygen at a constant
heating temperature. This minimized waste and oil is
recovered while producing a solid residue that meets
environmental standards that are directly disposed into
landfill. The flaw with this process is its high energy
consumption and complex operation (Shie et al., 2004).

Pyrolysis treatment
It is a technique for recovering oil and organic liquid gas
by breaking down large molecules into smaller ones. The


treated sediments that met the standard land disposal

restriction level are directly discharged. In pyrolysis
treatment of oil sludge, the initial step produces CO2,
hydrocarbons (volatile organics), water, CO, char and tar.
The next stage, char and tar are combusted to release
heat which is needed for the endothermic pyrolysis
reaction. The hydrocarbons consist mainly of low molecular weights paraffins and olefins (C1-C2). The advantage of this process is that about 70 - 84% of the oil could
be separated from the solids. The disadvantage of
pyrolysis is that a significant amount of vacuum residue is
produced during the process. The energy required in
pyrolysis of oil sludge is very high because it is close to
energy required to distillate diesel from crude oil.
Oxidative pyrolysis of oil sludge performed with insufficient oxygen produces alkyl and alkene compounds
rather than being oxidized to produce CO2, CO and H2O.
Therefore, oxygen is important in this technique to yield a
better result (Liu et al., 2010).
After considering the limitations of physical and
chemical processes in treating and disposing oil sludge, it
becomes imperative to consider biological process, which
have lauded as cost effective and environmentally
friendly for treating contaminated environment. Biological
treatment methods have numerous applications, which
include the clean-up of ground water, soil, surface water
and treatment of effluent from industrial process waste
streams. Most biological techniques are developed as a
result of simple emulation of nature and how nature does
bioremediation (Okieimen and Okieimen 2005). Biological methods have been proposed as a possible remedy
for oil sludge treatments. However, most biological
methods are economically unsound, prone to prolonged
treatment times and they are not permanent solutions
(Ward et al., 2003). The observed time lag in biological
treatment may be attributed to the stability of the
compounds, their complex molecular structures and the
ability of oil sludge components to adsorb onto sediments
(Bach et al., 2005). Despite the complications, the
biological methods are still considered as potential
technologies for the treatment of oil sludge (Leung,

Bioremediation is defined as the use of living organisms
to reduce or eliminate environmental hazards resulting
from accumulations of toxic chemicals or other hazardous
waste (Gibson and Sayler, 1992). Bacteria are generally
used for bioremediation, but fungi, algae and plants could
also be used. Bioremediation is not a new technology
however; perspectives on the use of bioremedial
technologies to treat contaminants vary. There are three
classifications of bioremediation. The first defines biotransformation as the alteration of contaminant molecules
into less or non-hazardous molecules; the second defines


Afr. J. Biotechnol.

biodegradation as the breakdown of organic substances

into smaller organic or inorganic molecules while the third
definition defines bioremediation as mineralization which
is the complete biodegradation of organic materials into
inorganic constituents such as CO2 or H2O (Leung,
2004). These three classifications of bioremediation can
occur either in situ (at the site of contamination) or ex situ
(contaminant taken out of the site of contamination and
treated elsewhere) (Das and Mukherjee, 2007). There
are advantages and disadvantages to both in situ and ex
situ strategies. Ex situ strategies also known as pump
and treat, removes the contaminants and places them in
a contained environment. It involves excavation and
transportation (relocation) from the natural or original
contaminated site to elsewhere. This allows for easier
monitoring and maintaining of conditions and progress,
thus making the actual bioremediation process faster.
However, the removal of the contaminant from the
contaminated site is time consuming, costly and
potentially dangerous.
By moving contaminants, the workers and the general
public have increased exposure to the toxic material. In
contrast, the in situ strategy does not require removal of
the contaminant from the contaminated site. In-situ
bioremediation method involves the treatment of
contaminants at the natural or original contaminated sites
without relocation. The in-situ methods include biostimulation and bioaugmentation and are usually cost effective
because there is no need for excavation and transporttation, however, it is less controllable and time consuming. A major advantage of biological techniques is that
the product is reusable.
Bioremediation is a promising strategy for the treatment
of oil sludge. The technologies employed are naturecompatible, reliable, cheaper and easy to adopt
compared to physical and chemical methods (MachinRamirez et al., 2008). The end products are usually
harmless and include carbon dioxide, water and fatty
acids. Bioremediation is often less disruptive and
eliminates waste permanently. It reduces long term
liability, and has greater public acceptance and regulatory
encouragement. It can also be coupled with other physical or chemical methods (Idris and Ahmed, 2003). Bioremediation has its limitations; some chemicals are not
amenable to bioremediation, for instance, heavy metals,
radionuclides and some chlorinated compounds. In some
cases, microbial metabolism of contaminants may
produce toxic metabolites. Bioremediation therefore is a
scientifically intensive procedure, which must be tailored
to the site-specific conditions. There are different number
of ex-situ and in-situ methods which include
biostimulation, bioaugmentation, landfilling, landfarming,
bioreactors, and composting.

This involves the management of the natural environment

to optimise the growth and activity of the natural microbial

population (Crivelaro et al., 2010). The growth and
activity of existing microorganisms are accelerated which
may be inhibited under normal conditions in water and
soil. According to Crivelaro et al. (2010), the low
biodegradation efficiency observed in the treatments of
oil sludge mixed with soil (landfarming, biopile and
composting) are as a result of the imbalanced nutritional
amendments. However, biostimulation is one of the
possibilities to tackle this kind of problem since oil sludge
has limited amounts of nitrogen as well as phosphates.
This may be because in oil sludge, most of the nitrogen is
not available since it is part of complex structures
relatively inaccessible to the degrading microbial
population (Crivelaro et al., 2010). In their study,
Crivelaro et al. (2010), evaluated the potentials of
biostimulation process using vinasse a byproduct from
processed sugarcane which contains adequate nutrients
such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (Cortez and
Brossard Perez, 1997; Carmen Baez-Smith, 2006), as
the microbial stimulating nutrient agent for biodegradation
of oil sludge.
The application of vinasse stimulated the activities and
growth of microbial population greater in treatments with
vinasse than the controls without vinasse. Furthermore,
vinasse helped the microbial population to overcome the
toxicity effects of oil sludge. Although, an increase in the
soil microbial population was obtained with vinasse, it
was not adequate to enhance the bioremediation
efficiency of the oil sludge at the mineralisation level
(Crivelaro et al., 2010). However, biostimulation process
can enhance the activities and growth of microbial
population capable of degrading oil sludge to
mineralisation level. Therefore, biostimulation of
indigenous degrading bacteria as a tool in bioremediation
process should be encourage, because the process
relies on the degrading bacteria that have already
adapted to the sites conditions (Dzantor, 1999; Ausma et
al., 2002; Singh and Lin, 2010). The constraints in this
technique are time and limited knowledge of microbial
process, since if compared with other technologies,
bioremediation is a slow process. Also, favourable
conditions such as temperature, pH, nutrients and
additives such as surfactants must be optimised to
stimulate the microbial growth and activities during
bioremediation (Atlas and Bartha, 1972; Kim et al., 2004;
Mahmoud, 2004).

This technique refers to the introduction of specialized or
genetically engineered microorganisms that target
specific chemical compounds. These organisms have
been developed to biodegrade most common organic
contaminants ranging from polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), organic solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons
(Mehrashi et al., 2003; Atlas and Philip, 2005). The identi-

Ubani et al.

fication of the key microorganisms that play a major role

in pollutant degradation processes is relevant to the
development of optimal in-situ bioremediation strategies
(Abed et al., 2002; Watanabe, 2002). The use of such
specialised formulations of microorganisms is often
dictated whereby the indigenous bacteria cannot metabolize the contaminants concerned. It could be used if the
contaminants are toxic to the naturally occurring bacteria.
Introduction of specialized bacteria also may be used to
increase the biological activity (Van Veen et al., 1997).
The dynamic growth of a bacterial consortium on PAHs
has been studied. The results showed varied individual
ability of the bacterial strains to grow on PAHs. The
growth was further improved by mixing the PAHs with
non-ionic surfactant and optimising favourable conditions
such as temperature and nutrients (fertilizer). The rates in
reduction of petroleum hydrocarbon varied from 16.75 to
95% (Lazar et al., 1999; van Hamme et al., 2003; Mishra
et al., 2001). This means that some bacterial strains have
the ability to degrade PAHs present in oil sludge. The
results have shown that the performance of the microbial
cultures is dependent on several factors including the
composition of the sludge that varies depending on the
type of crude oil and the source of the sludge inside the
refinery (Mahmoud, 2004).
However, very little information is available about the
use of microbial cultures that can be used to treat oil
sludge on pilot scale and full scale studies. The limitation
to successful bioaugmentation has always been attributed to poor survival of the introduced strains. The use
of readily degradable substrate has been found as a
limitation, due to low concentration and non biodegradability of targeted pollutants (Alexander, 1994). Again, if
the soil (or the media that contains the contaminant) is
heterogenous, there will be uneven flow of liquid or gas
containing the nutrients or microbes, so different areas
will undergo different rates of remediation.
DelArco and de Franca (2001) observed that various
efforts have been attempted to improve the success of
bioaugmentation process. Strategies that were employed
to improve bioaugmentation process for the effective
degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons include the use
of adapted strains or the field application vector (Lajoie et
al., 1994). Bioaugmentation of oil sludge may be a slow
process if compared to landfarming and composting.
Hence, more research needs to be conducted to
stimulate the growth of microorganisms on oil sludge and
improve the performance of the bioaugmentation

Landfilling is a deliberate dumping of oil sludge into land
(pit) without formal treatment. It has been the most
common form of sludge disposal. This process has
limitations as it requires a large land area and volatile


organic compounds are emitted if the oil sludge is not

treated before disposal. Most times, the locations of
landfill sites for oil sludge disposal have been selected
according to availability of land and convenience rather
than consideration of the hydro geological features of the
sites. This calls for more strict legislative restrictions on
landfilling (Bhattacharyya and Shekdar, 2003).

Landfarming involves the controlled application of the oil
sludge on the land surface. This method requires tilling of
the topsoil (for easy mixture with oil sludge), addition of
water and addition of desired nutrient such as organic
fertilizers and manures. Tilling in this process is important
as it aids aeration, proper mixture of sludge and nutrient,
thereby making the sludge bio-available for microbial
degradation. Proper landfarming practice has minimal
impact on the environment (good site appearance,
absence of odour, relatively low-cost compliance with
sound industrial practices and government regulation,
minimal residue disposal problems and compatibility of
the method with the climate, location and type of sludge
Landfarming gained popularity over incineration and
landfilling following its advantages such as low energy
consumption, low risk of pollution of the surface and
groundwater due to the immobility of hydrocarbons and
metals through the soil (Hejazi et al., 2003; Besalatpour
et al., 2011). Landfarming technique only lost its popularity when the USA Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA), issued the land disposal restriction conservation and recovery act (RCRA), establishing treatment
standards under the land disposal restriction program
(USEPA, 1997). The restriction prohibited the land
disposal of untreated oil sludge. This led to treating the oil
sludge to meet EPA treatment standards and making
sure that there was no migration of hazardous
constituents from the injection zone (Hejazi et al., 2003).
However, landfarming was an acceptable disposal
method as long as it is within EPA guideline that aims to
minimize the possibility of wash out and groundwater
contamination. Simplicity and cost-effectiveness are
some of the major advantages of the technology (Hejazi
et al., 2003). It is simple in that, typical equipments which
are used for landfarming is used widely in the farming
community and is therefore readily available.
Although, landfilling is reported as the most cost
effective oil sludge treatment method, landfarming gained
popularity among refineries following restrictions on
landfilling oil sludge (Mahmoud, 2004). The challenges of
landfarming include the release of hydrocarbon
compounds (VOCs) during the application and
degradation of oil sludge (greenhouse structure can help
minimise emission), and its requirement of a large land
area for treatment (just as in landfilling). There is also risk


Afr. J. Biotechnol.

of residues such as the branched n-alkanes not

degrading. There are also health related concerns as the
sludge poses serious carcinogenic risks to workers
during the early sludge application period (Hejazi et al.,

This is the use of a bioreactor process as a fermentation
technology to degrade oil sludge into non-hazardous
effluents with very low level of hydrocarbon (Daubaras
and Chakrabarty, 1992; Oolman et al., 1996; Singh et al.,
2001; Soriano and Pereira, 2002). These methods uses a
naturally selected and acclimated indigenous bacterial
culture supplemented with a carefully designed blend of
nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphate, essential minerals
and a surfactant for degradation. The design and process
operating conditions of the technique promoted the
growth of highly active microbial population, which rapidly
converted the oil sludge components to carbon dioxide
and water (Soriano and Pereira, 2002).
It was further reported that the bacteria involved are
known oil-degrading bacteria such as Pseudomonas,
Acinetobacter, Rhodococcus and Alcaligenes (Singh et
al., 2001). In Singh et al. (2001) study, more than 90% of
the total petroleum hydrocarbons contained in the oil
sludge were degraded. After a successful treatment, 80%
of the processed materials were disposed of and the
reactor were reloaded with another batch of oil sludge
using the remaining 20% left in the reactor to serve as
inoculums for the next run (Singh et al., 2001; Soriano
and Pereira, 2002). The analysis of the total petroleum
hydrocarbons obtained from the treatment process
indicated that oil sludge was treatable to non-hazardous
levels (Daubaras and Chakrabarty, 1992; Oolman et al.,
1996; Singh et al., 2001; Soriano and Pereira, 2002).
However, the effects of the oxygen supply on the
biodegradation of PAHs was more important as increase
in PAHs degradation was observed in one of the
experiment by Soriano and Pereira (2002), from 1.7 to
10.2% per day with high oxygen availability and the result
obtained after 21 days was very promising (Field, 1991;
Salameh and Kabrick, 1992; Hahn and Loehr, 1992;
Huesemann et al., 1993).
The aqueous low total
petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) can be sent to the
wastewater system, solid residues can be disposed of in
a landfarm, to a non-hazardous landfill, dewatered and
reused in other industrial purposes (Singh et al., 2001).
This technique can be used in the process recovery of
recyclable oil, biodegradation of oil sludge and disposal
of treated oil sludge. It also eliminates the need to spray
high concentration oil sludge on large areas of land.
Bioreactor processes has high rates and extent of
degradation than landfarming process due the minimization of mass-transfer limitation, high organic matter
biodegradation and progressive reduction in the total

operational time (Soriano and Pereira, 2002). This

technique controls the environmental and nutritional
factors such as pH, temperature, moisture, bioavailability
of nutrients and oxygen promotes microbial growth and
activity for the rapid degradation of oil sludge. The
limitations faced by this technique are that it is an ex-situ
process therefore, substantial cost can be incurred during
excavation and transportation of oil sludge. The reactor
mixer consumes energy and availability of well trained
personnel is required for this method. It involves the risk
of pollutant exposure and the unravelling limiting factors
during bioremediation (Piotrowski, 1991; Lees, 1996).
Despite their potentials, the use of bioreactors is limited
and most studies have focused on synthetic residues
(Field, 1991; Salameh and Kabrick, 1992; Hahn and
Loehr, 1992; Huesemann et al., 1993). Also, oxygen
limitation affects the contaminants consumption rates
(Soriano and Pereira, 2002).

Despite decades of research, successful biological
remediation of oil sludge in the environment remains a
challenge. It is noticed that, there are physical, chemical
and biological aspects of landfilling, landfarming and
bioreactor treatments that can hamper the degradation
processes of oil sludge, making them partially effective
and sometimes prohibitively expensive. It is necessary to
search for cheaper and environmentally friendly options
that can enhance bioremediation of oil sludge. Such
options should be able to take care of the limitations of
the previous methods while improving oil sludge
bioremediation. Therefore, composting process which
involves the careful control and addition of nutrients,
watering, tilling, addition of suitable microbial flora and
bulking agents (wood-chips or hay) were considered an
alternative option to improve the bioremediation of oil
sludge (De-qing et al., 2007). The process leads to the
production of carbon dioxide, water, minerals and
stabilized organic matter (Pereira-Neta, 1987).
Composting is a controlled biological process of a
mixture of substrates carried out by successive microbial
populations combining both mesophilic and thermophilic
activities. It is applied to solid and semi-solid organic
waste such as nightsoil, sludge, animal manures,
agricultural residues and municipal refuse, whose solid
content are usually higher than five percent. The process
can be classified into mechanical and non-mechanical
processes (aerobic and anaerobic composting system);
using technology as the key (the classification is divided
into static pile or windrow, and mechanical or enclosed
composting). Compost systems can be on three general
bases: oxygen usage, technological approach and
temperature. Oxygen usage is divided into aerobic and
anaerobic. Aerobic composting involves the activity of
aerobic microbes, and hence the provision of oxygen

Ubani et al.

during the composting process. Aerobic composting

generally is characterized by high temperatures, the
absence of foul odours, and is more rapid than anaerobic
composting. The addition of oxygen promotes bacterial
and fungal growth within the compost pile. The organisms
that grow in aerobic compost piles produce less methane
and sulphur-based gases than in anaerobic composting,
resulting in less odour. This method requires much higher
maintenance, regular turning and mixing to incorporate
air into the material than in anaerobic composting.
Moisture loss is more likely in aerobic composting and
frequent watering of the material is required. Anaerobic
composting is characterized by low temperatures, the
production of odorous intermediate products, and generally proceeds at a slower rate than aerobic composting.
In anaerobic composting, the material stacks in layers to
form an environment completely free of air within the
layers. Bacteria, fungi and a higher form of bacteria, such
as actinomycetes, that thrive in this environment begin to
grow to breaking down the material. Anaerobic
composting requires little maintenance, as there is no
need to turn the material within the compost pile. The
bacteria, however, produce more methane and sulphurbased gases as by-products, which can produce a strong
odour. The odour indicates the composting process is
Composting could be divided with respect to the modes
of operations such as batch operation and continuous or
semi-continuous operation. When temperature is the
basis, composting can be divided into mesophilic
composting (25 - 40C) and thermophilic composting (50
- 65C). The main advantage of composting is waste
stabilization. The biological reactions occurring during
composting will convert organic wastes into stable,
mainly inorganic forms. These stable inorganic forms
may cause little pollution effects if discharged onto land
or into a water course. The degradation of organic matter
in aerobic composting system depends on the presence
of oxygen. Oxygen serves two functions in the metabolic
reaction; the terminal electron acceptor in aerobic
respiration and as a substrate required for the operation
of the class of enzymes called oxygenase (Finstein et al.,
1980). Briefly, essential factors are those features of the
physical, chemical, and biological background that are
necessary to the establishment and proliferation of the
microorganisms specific to the desired process. Five
essential factors that have become key design features in
recent compost technology are suitable microbial
populations, aeration (oxygen availability), temperature,
moisture content, and carbon availability.
Compost bioremediation relies on the mixing of primary
ingredients of compost with the contaminants and oil
sludge is compostable which is enhanced when bulking
agents are added to the treatment process (Milne et al.,
1998). As the compost matures, the pollutants are
degraded by the active microflora within the mixture. It is
called tailored compost (designed compost), in the sense


that, it is specially made to treat specific contaminants at

specific sites (US EPA, 1997). In most cases,
temperature, pH and nutrients are the important factors.
An increase in temperature in the compost pile increases
solubility of contaminants and induces higher metabolic
activity of the compost (Gibb et al., 2001). Oil sludge
degrading bacteria and fungi performance are affected by
pH level; while on the other hand, nutrients like nitrogen
and phosphorus have great effect on microbial
degradation of oil sludge constituents (van Hamme et al.,
Jose et al. (2006) attempted to ascertain the efficacy of
composting technology in the reduction of hydrocarbon
contents of oil sludge with large total hydrocarbon content
(250-300g kg-1) in semiarid conditions. They designed
three composting systems with open air piles, which were
turned periodically over a period of 3 months. This
system proved to be inexpensive and reliable. Jose et al.
(2006) also studied the effect of bulking agent (wood
shavings) addition on the oil sludge biodegradation and
inoculation of the composting pile with pig slurry (a liquid
organic fertilizer which adds nutrients and microbial
biomass to the pile). The most effective treatment was
composting pile with the bulking agent. Initially,
hydrocarbon content was reduced by 60% in 3 months. It
seems that the bulking agent encourages the diffusion of
oxygen inside the pile. It also facilitates microbial
developments and raising the temperature quicker. The
temperature increase in the composting process may be
due to the differing capacity of microorganisms to
degrade the hydrocarbons. Since oil sludge contains
highly degradable materials, these microorganisms
accept the hydrocarbons as substrates, which enhance
their activities, leading to the higher increase in
temperature (Bengtsson et al., 1998; Jose et al., 2006).
The reduction of petroleum hydrocarbon achieved in the
compost bioremediation was 85-90% over a period of 11
months. The composting pile without a bulking agent was
reduced by 32% in 3 months. The introduction of the
organic fertilizer did not significantly improve the
hydrocarbon degradation because it only degraded 56%
of the hydrocarbon content.
Oxygen content is known to be a key factor in
composting. In pile containing bulking agent, the oxygen
content measured was always high after turning (1014%). However, in piles without a bulking agent, oxygen
content remained at 2-9% (Zhou and Crawford, 1995).
This result demonstrates the effectiveness of a bulking
agent for fostering microbial activity during the
composting process (Zhou and Crawford, 1995). The
humidity of the pile maintained at 40-60% encouraged
microbial activities and the biodegradation of the
hydrocarbons. Low moisture level and low oxygen
content explain the low temperature reached in piles
without bulking agent. As time progressed, the moisture
level of the piles decline and water had to be added. This
proved to be difficult because the material may not


Afr. J. Biotechnol.

readily absorb water due to the high hydrophobic nature

of oil sludge (Zhou and Crawford, 1995). This is one of
the challenges which always arise in bioremediation
process involving co-composting with oil sludge.
The initial degradation of the hydrocarbons in oil sludge
may possibly be catalysed by mono and dioxygenase
enzymes (Britton, 1984; Singer and Finnerty, 1984). The
enzymes gradually oxidise the hydrocarbons to alcohol
and aldehydes in the presences of oxygen, producing
acids that finally follow a metabolic pathway to produce
carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) (Britton, 1984;
Singer and Finnerty, 1984). This is synthesized by
aerobic microorganisms, which is clearly the benefit from
the addition of the bulking agent. Therefore, the addition
of suitable bulking agent improves aeration and the
performance of the composting process of the oil sludge.
When the total hydrocarbons present in the composting
undergo a great degree of degradation, the process
results in detoxification of the mass and the loss of their
toxic substances.
The limiting step of composting process is maintaining a
suitable level of humidity in the pile. Furthermore, the
challenges of composting bioremediation are the nature
of the oil sludge, the composting conditions, microbial
communities and time. Lack of sufficient readily
decomposable organic matter may give inadequate
substrate to stimulate microorganisms in the
decomposition of untreated disposed oil sludge (Cole et
al., 2003; Fountoulakis et al., 2009). In many cases,
during composting process, organic material degrades
along with target organic compounds and this has been
found to interfere with degradation results, therefore,
complicating understanding of the treatment efficiency
(Kriipsalu et al., 2007). Also during composting, if the
degradation rate of target compound is slower than the
biodegradable organics added as amendments; then the
relative concentration of the contaminants may be
affected by the reduction of the dry mass content,
transformed into CO2 and H2O (Kriipsalu et al., 2007).
Similar phenomenon has been described for heavy
metals remaining in composting piles meanwhile the
organic degrade (Par et al., 1999; Kriipsalu et al., 2007).
All these affect the mechanism of conversion in compost.
Composting bioremediation tends to treat oil sludge in a
cost-effective and environmental friendly way by utilizing
effectively its biological, physical and chemical process.
Many factors are considered in the design of an optimal
oil sludge treatment process. These factors include time,
nutrients, pH, moisture and microbial biodegraders; they
are also considered as attributes of composting
Amidst limitations that may hamper the composting
processes, co-composting techniques for bioremediation
of oil sludge have its advantages. It is economically
sound, natural process that destroys organic contaminants and the residues obtained are no more harmful.
The process eliminates the transfer of residue from one

from one environmental medium to another. The biological reactions occurring during composting will convert
organic wastes into stable, mainly inorganic forms. These
stable inorganic forms may cause little pollution effects if
discharged onto land or into a water course. As already
stated, composting could be ex situ or in situ process
depending on whether the oil sludge is taken out from its
source or not. It is often less expensive and disruption is
minimal. It eliminates waste permanently, eliminates long
term liability, and has greater public acceptance, with
regulatory encouragement, it can also be coupled with
other physical or chemical methods. As far as the effectiveness of the by-products is concerned, the treated
sludge is found enriched in organic matter along with
sufficient amount of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium). This technique does not only reduce the
PAHs concentrations, but tends to improve soil quality
through the addition of organic matters. Also, if compared
to landfill or landfarming and destructive treatment
methods, such as incineration, the use of composted
material and co-composting as bioremediation technique
may possibly promote soil sustainability and re-use.
It is reported in the literature that animal manure cocomposted with oil sludge can enhance the degradation
of oil sludge. Also composting and the use of compost for
the bioremediation of oil sludge have been reported to be
cost-effective and environmental friendly. Hence, this
technique has some physical, chemical and biological
limitations. Such limitations can be addressed by applying the current findings as the way forward on biodegradation and bioavailability of oil sludge constituents to
the degrading bacteria.
It also addresses the partitioning of oil sludge between
environmental media, genetic transfer of the
biodegradation knowledge to indigenous microbial
communities and impact of oil sludge constituents on soil
microbial diversity. These findings and knowledge on
biodegradation and bioavailability of oil sludge add on the
advantages that have been reported about composting
techniques. Stimulated biological process and cometabolism of recalcitrant (heavy molecular weight
PAHs) will be an added advantage of the composting
technique. Therefore, it is important to implement the
technique in such a way that takes care of all the
Amidst limitations that may hamper the composting
processes, co-composting techniques for bioremediation
of oil sludge have its advantages. The technique has not
only reduced the PAHs concentrations, but tends to
improve soil quality through the addition of organic
matters. However, if compared to landfill or landfarming
and destructive treatment methods, such as incineration,
the use of composted material and co-composting as
bioremediation technique may possibly promote soil
sustainability and re-use. The reports described in this
study, have shown that co-composting of oil sludge with
compost materials can promote degradation of oil sludge.

Ubani et al.

As the addition of mature/ripe compost or any other

nutrients constituents to the composting processes can
also enhance the biodegradation of oil sludge and can
reduce the toxicity of oil sludge. In all, there must be
precautions to bear in mind. The precautions must be
applied where there is a comparison between a laboratory, pilot and field studies. This is because the
chemical behaviour of the oil sludge constituents present
may be different in each of the studies. The study may
give false results different from the laboratory to that of
the field studies, where the conditions are not the same.
Such results may possibly lead to expectations that may
not be reached at the end of the process. However,
composting bioremediation tends to treat oil sludge in a
cost-effective and environmental friendly way, by utilizing
the removal efficiencies of its biological, physical and
chemical process. It is possibly through conversion of the
oil sludge to CO2 and H2O. However, this aim may not be
thoroughly achieved due to the limitations of the
technique or the design applied. In many cases, an
important fraction of the oil sludge and their metabolites
remain untouched by the treatment process. The amount
of oil sludge residue remaining constitutes a major
concern and source of debate in relation to risk
assessment. Therefore, it is recommended that as
composting techniques rely on the biological process to
remove or reduce the hydrocarbon content of oil sludge.
There is a need to first gather and put into considerations
all the information about the subsequent limiting factors
during bioremediation (biological, chemical and physical
limitation associated with composting), while looking for a
way forward in the biotreatability studies. The limiting
factors should help in the choice to design the process to
optimise the treatment of oil sludge even after the
removal of easily degradable constituents such as 2, 3
and 4 ringed PAHs.
These limiting factors (time, nutrients, pH, moisture
level, biodegraders, toxic metabolites), during composting
processes should be investigated, considered, adequately addressed and managed to optimise the
biodegradation of both low and high molecular weight
PAHs. Optimised biodegradation can be achieved by first
conducting the laboratory and pilot studies before
applying the technology to the full scale. Such strategy
will reveal the information about the type and metabolic
activities of the indigenous bacteria, the presence of
possible inhibitors, biodegradability of oil sludge under
optimal conditions, effects of nutrients and bioavailability
of oil sludge in the co-compost process. The pilot study
may possibly help to decide whether biostimulation,
bioaugmentation or the combination of both is the
relevant method for addressing the limiting factors that
may occur during composting bioremediation of oil
sludge. Most importantly, there is need to really understand microbial processes and environmental conditions
conducive for seeding biodegradation information to the
indigenous microbial communities.


In conclusion, it is evident that researchers and most
refineries have tried to treat oil sludge using conventional
methods which includes physical treatment (storage,
landfilling, combustion and incineration in a rotary kiln,
lime stabilization, stabilization and solidification) chemical
treatment (oxidative thermal treatment, treatment with flyash, pyrolysis treatment and solvent extraction) and
biological treatment (landfarming, bio-reactor treatment
and composting).
However, safe disposal and treatment of huge quantity
of oil sludge generated during the processing of crude oil
have been the major challenges faced by oil refineries
and petrochemical industries. This is because these
methods may require expensive equipments and high
energy to treat the oil sludge. Although, some of these
methods convert oil sludge into lighter products and
reduce the quantity before disposal but some of the
methods may generate by-products that may need to be
treated using other methods before disposal to a landfill,
making their cost significantly higher. Nevertheless, this
paper has reviewed the current position in the
composting of oil sludge, the extent of development in
methodology, the successes and the challenges
The pathways of aerobic transformation have been
reported and it is established that microorganisms
capable of degrading oil sludge could be found in the
contaminated environments. This have been of growing
interest to the potential use of microbes to degrade oil
sludge and more recent work has established that it is
possible to use microbial-based processes to remediate
contaminated environments. It is clearly evident from the
review that substantial progress has been made in the
development and application of biological techniques in
the degradation of oil and oil sludge in the environment.
However, application of these technologies to the
degradation of relatively complex organic substrates has
continued to be a challenge. In all, bioremediation of oil
sludge is feasible given the depth of our current
knowledge. Although the inherent limitations of
bioremediation of oil sludge are known, further research
is required to test these limitations and to exploit the
potential of the in-situ microbial communities to
metabolise the oil sludge.
The findings will also help to deeply understand the
microbial ecology and their activities in the degradation of
oil sludge. It was necessary for further improvement of
compost bioremediation process.

The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support
given by the South African National Research Foundation
for this project.


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