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Subject Date/Day Time Class No. of Pupils PUPILS LEVEL Mixed Abilities Theme Topic Focused Skill

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SUBJECT English Language

DATE/DAY 18 June 2019 (Tuesday)

TIME 12.20p.m. – 1.20p.m.



PUPILS LEVEL Mixed abilities

THEME World of Knowledge

TOPIC Unit 8: Amazing Sabah and Sarawak


2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in
CONTENT the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
STANDARD construct meaning.
2.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to read
independently for information and enjoyment.
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from:
LEARNING (a) linear text and non-linear texts
STANDARD 2.3.1 Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance:
(a) fiction and non-fiction

Pupils have come across places in Sabah and Sarawak in the previous lesson.

By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

SPECIFIC 1. In pairs, answer at least 7 out of 8 True and False questions on the LCD
OBJECTIVES correctly.
2. Individually, answer at least 5 out of 6 comprehension questions in the
worksheet correctly.
Video, PowerPoint slides, reading passage, True/False cards, worksheets

regatta, diving, snorkeling, adorned, boat races, lepa tug-of-war and duck

CCTS Making predictions

EDUCATIONAL Information and Communication Technology Skills (ICT), constructivism,

EMPHASES contextual learning

Striving for accuracy



To capture pupils’ 1. Teacher shows a video Rationale:

interest on the topic entitled “The Regatta
Set Induction Lepa” on the screen. To set the mood and
2. Teacher asks pupils to mentally prepare
(+5 minutes) pupils for the lesson.
Example: guess the adventure
sport in the video. Teaching Aids:
What adventure sport 3. Teacher reintroduces
is this? the topic of the day. ● Video entitled
“The Regatta
(App. 1)


● Making

To introduce some 1. Teacher introduces Rationale:

difficult words some difficult words
Presentation using PowerPoint slides. To prepare pupils for
 regatta 2. Teacher asks some the reading activity.
(+15 minutes)
questions based on the
 diving Teaching Aids:
contents of the slides.
 snorkeling 3. Pupils respond ● PowerPoint slides
accordingly. (App. 2)
 adorned
 boat races Emphases:

 lepa tug-of-war ● Information and

Technology Skills

Pair work Activity 1. Teacher distributes the Rationale:

reading passage entitled
(Read and answer ● To improve their
Practice True/False questions) “The Regatta Lepa in reading skills.
Semporna” to the pupils
(+15 minutes) ● Teacher have to and reads it aloud.
project the 2. Pupils repeat after the Teaching Aids:
True/False teacher.
questions on the ● Reading passage
3. Teacher selects a few ● True/False cards
screen. pupils to read aloud to
● Pupils will answer (App. 3)
check their enunciation
the questions on 4. Teacher hands out
the screen using True/False cards to the Educational
the True/False pupils. Emphases:
cards in pairs. 5. Teacher explains the
● Green card is for activity to the pupils. ● Constructivism
‘True’ whereas Red 6. Teacher discusses the
card is for ‘False’. answers with the pupils.

Individual Work 1. Teacher distributes a Rationale:

worksheet to each pupil.
Production (Read and answer) 2. Pupils will read the linear ● To test pupils’
text again and answer understanding on
(+20 minutes) the topic.
questions by selecting
the right answer.
3. Teacher discusses Teaching Aids:
answers with the pupils.
4. Pupils hand in their ● Worksheet
work. (App. 4)


● Contextual


● Striving for
Closure Summary of lesson 1. Teacher plays hangman Rationale:
with the pupils to recap
(+5 minutes) what they have learnt. ● To reinforce the
2. Pupils read aloud the content
words together. knowledge learnt

Moral Value:

● Adventurous
App. 1 (video)

App. 2 (PowerPoint slides)

App. 3
● Reading passage

● True/False cards

App. 4 (worksheet)
The Regatta Lepa in Semporna
Semporna is located in the Tawau Division in Sabah. It is at the tip of Semporna Peninsular
around Lahad Datu. The majority of people living here are Bajaus. Many of them live in
villages built on stilts over the water in the outskirts of town. Semporna is usually only visited
as a base for diving and snorkeling day trips to Pulau Sipadan or Pulau Mabul. Off the coast is
a marine park called Tun Sakaran Marine Park which is also known as Semporna Island Park.

The town is on a pretty bay and comes alive in April when the Regatta Lepa traditional boat
races take place. “Lepa” means “boat” in the Bajau dialect. The regatta was first held in 1994
to celebrate the Bajau tradition of building beautiful boats. In 2003, the regatta became a
national water festival.

The boats are judged based on decoration, sails, flags and local ethnic music and dances
which are performed on board. These beautifully adorned boats are lined up along the
waterfront and judging begins. Visitors are also entertained by the dancers and musicians
dressed in colourful traditional attire. Other activities during the regatta include various types
of boat races, lepa tug-of-war and duck- catching competition. Later in the night, a colourful
cultural performance takes place.

The Regatta Lepa in Semporna

Semporna is located in the Tawau Division in Sabah. It is at the tip of Semporna Peninsular
around Lahad Datu. The majority of people living here are Bajaus. Many of them live in
villages built on stilts over the water in the outskirts of town. Semporna is usually only visited
as a base for diving and snorkeling day trips to Pulau Sipadan or Pulau Mabul. Off the coast is
a marine park called Tun Sakaran Marine Park which is also known as Semporna Island Park.

The town is on a pretty bay and comes alive in April when the Regatta Lepa traditional boat
races take place. “Lepa” means “boat” in the Bajau dialect. The regatta was first held in 1994
to celebrate the Bajau tradition of building beautiful boats. In 2003, the regatta became a
national water festival.

The boats are judged based on decoration, sails, flags and local ethnic music and dances
which are performed on board. These beautifully adorned boats are lined up along the
waterfront and judging begins. Visitors are also entertained by the dancers and musicians
dressed in colourful traditional attire. Other activities during the regatta include various types
of boat races, lepa tug-of-war and duck- catching competition. Later in the night, a colourful
cultural performance takes place.

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