436 Piping Course Description
436 Piping Course Description
436 Piping Course Description
TPC Training is accredited by IACET to offer 0.5 CEU for this program.
84 TPC
TRAINING P: 847.808.4000 • F: 847.808.4003 • www.tpctraining.com
Lesson 5: Piping Systems Maintenance
Causes of Piping Problems; Dirt and Scale in Piping; Allowing for Piping
Expansion; Support for Refrigeration Piping; Protecting Piping from
Vibration; Corrosion in Piping; Piping Leaks; Protecting Piping from
Freezing; Eliminating Liquid Hammer; Thermal Insulation for Piping;
Troubleshooting the Liquid Line; Troubleshooting Moisture Indicators;
Troubleshooting the Suction Line
• Name at least four factors that cause piping problems and can
lead to operating problems.
• Explain why cleanliness is essential when assembling
refrigeration piping.
• Name at least three ways to allow for the expansion of piping.
• Describe the various ways of supporting horizontal and vertical
pipe runs.
• Describe the damage that can be caused by vibration and tell
how to protect piping from it.
• Define corrosion and explain how it can be prevented in
refrigerant and water piping.
• Explain the importance of thermal insulation for refrigeration
system piping.
TPC 85
P: 847.808.4000 • F: 847.808.4003 • www.tpctraining.com TRAINING