Anatomy of The Muscular System BW (Ch-10)

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Anatomy of the

Muscular System


Skeletal Muscle Structure, 2 Muscles of the Back, 365 agonist (AG-ah-nist) [agon struggle]
Connective Tissue Components, 2 Muscles of the Pelvic Floor, 369 anal triangle [anal pertaining to the anus]
Size, Shape, and Fiber Arrangement, 2 Upper Limb Muscles, 369 antagonist (an-TAG-oh-nist) [ant- against, -agon-
Attachment of Muscles, 4 struggle]
Muscles Acting on the Shoulder Girdle, 369
Muscle Actions, 5 aponeurosis (ap-oh-nyoo-ROH-sis) [apo- from,
Muscles That Move the Upper Arm, 370
Lever Systems, 6 -neur- sinew, -osis condition of]
Muscles That Move the Forearm, 372
First-Class Levers, 6 belly
Muscles That Move the Wrist, Hand, and
Second-Class Levers, 6 buccinator muscle (BYOOK-si-NAY-tor) [bucci
Fingers, 372
Third-Class Levers, 6 cheek]
Lower Limb Muscles, 374
How Muscles Are Named, 6 Muscles That Move the Thigh and Lower Leg,
bulbospongiosus muscle (bul-boh-spun-jee-OH-
ses MUSS-el)
Hints on How To Deduce Muscle Actions, 357 374 calcaneal tendon (kal-KAH-nee-al) [calcane- heel,
Important Skeletal Muscles, 358 Muscles That Move the Ankle and Foot, 383 -al pertaining to]
Muscles of Facial Expression, 358 Posture, 386 circular muscles
Muscles of Mastication, 358 coccygeus muscle (kohk-SIJ-ee-us MUSS-el) [coccyg
How Posture Is Maintained, 386
Muscles That Move the Head, 362 coccyx]
Cycle of Life, 389
Trunk Muscles, 363 convergent muscles (kon-VER-jent)
Muscles of the Thorax, 363 The Big Picture, 389 corrugator supercilii muscle (COR-eh-gay-tor
Muscles of the Abdominal Wall, 363 Case Study, 391 soo-per-SIL-ee-eye) [corrugare to wrinkle, super-
above, -cillium eyelash]
deltoid (DEL-toyd) [delta- triangle, -oid resembling]
diaphragm (DYE-ah-fram) [dia- two, -phragm septum]
endomysium (en-doh-MEE-see-um) [endo- within,
-mys muscle]
epimysium (ep-i-MIS-ee-um) [epi- upon, -mys
erector spinae muscle (eh-REK-tor SPINE-ee)
[erigere to erect, spina spine]
extensor digitorum longus muscle (ek-STEN-ser
dij-i-TOH-rum) [extendere to stretch, digit finger or
toe, longus long]
external anal sphincter muscle (eks-TER-nal AY-
nal SFINGK-ter MUSS-el) [externa outward, anal
pertaining to the anus, sphingein to bind]
external intercostal muscle (eks-TER-nal in-ter-
KOS-tal) [externa outward, costa rib]
external oblique muscle (eks-TER-nal oh-BLEEK)
[externa outward, obliquus slanted]
extrinsic foot muscles (eks-TRIN-sik foot)
[extrinsecus on the outside]
extrinsic muscles (eks-TRIN-sik) [extrinsecus on the
Modification done by : Prodosh Kr. Chattopadhyaya,
Student, Excel Mediskill, (Sodepur Campus) Cont’d on p. 390


urvival depends on the ability to maintain a relatively con- connective tissue found under the skin and surrounding many
stant internal environment. Such stability often requires deeper organs, including skeletal muscles and bones. Fascia just
movement of the body. Whereas many different systems of under the skin (the hypodermis) is sometimes called superficial
the body have some role in accomplishing movement, it is the fascia, and the fascia around muscles and bones is sometimes
skeletal and muscular systems acting together that actually pro- called deep fascia.
duce most body movements. We have investigated the architec- Tube-shaped structures of fibrous connective tissue called ten-
tural plan of the skeleton and have seen how its firm supports and don sheaths enclose certain tendons, notably those of the wrist
joint structures make movement possible. However, bones and and ankle. Like bursae, tendon sheaths have a lining of synovial
joints cannot move themselves. They must be moved by some- membrane. Its moist, smooth surface enables the tendon to move
thing. Our subject for now, then, is the large mass of skeletal mus- easily, almost without friction, in the tendon sheath.
cle that moves the framework of the body: the muscular system.
Movement is one of the most distinctive and easily observed Size, Shape, and Fiber Arrangement
“characteristics of life.” When we walk, talk, run, breathe, or en- The structures called skeletal muscles are organs. They consist
gage in a multitude of other physical activities that are under the mainly of skeletal muscle tissue plus important connective and
“willed” control of the individual, we do so by contraction of nervous tissue components. Skeletal muscles vary considerably in
skeletal muscle. size, shape, and arrangement of fibers. They range from ex-
There are more than 600 skeletal muscles in the body. Col- tremely small strands, such as the stapedius muscle of the middle
lectively, they constitute 40% to 50% of our body weight. And, to- ear, to large masses, such as the muscles of the thigh. Some skele-
gether with the scaffolding provided by the skeleton, muscles also tal muscles are broad in shape and some are narrow. Some are
determine the form and contours of our body. long and tapering and some are short and blunt. Some are trian-
Contraction of individual muscle cells is ultimately responsi- gular, some quadrilateral, and some irregular. Some form flat
ble for purposeful movement. In Chapter 11 the physiology of sheets and others form bulky masses.
muscular contraction is discussed. In this preliminary chapter, The strength and type of movement produced by the shorten-
however, we will learn how contractile units are grouped into ing of a muscle is related to the orientation of its fibers and over-
unique functioning organs—or muscles. The manner in which all shape, as well as its attachments to bone and involvement in
muscles are grouped, the relationship of muscles to joints, and joints. This is yet another example of the relationship between
how muscles attach to the skeleton determine purposeful body structure and function. Six muscle shapes are often used to de-
movement. A discussion of muscle shape and how muscles attach scribe and categorize skeletal muscles (Figure 10-2).
to and move bones is followed by information on specific muscles
and muscle groups. The chapter ends with a review of the con- 1. Parallel muscles can vary in length, but long straplike muscles
cept of posture. with parallel fascicles are perhaps most typical. The sartorius
muscle of the leg is a good example. The rectus abdominis
S K E L E TA L M U S C L E S T R U C T U R E muscles, which run the length of the anterior abdominal wall,
have parallel muscle fascicles that are “interrupted” by trans-
Connective Tissue Components verse intersections.
The highly specialized skeletal muscle cells, or muscle fibers, 2. Convergent muscles have fascicles that radiate out from a
are covered by a delicate connective tissue membrane called the small to a wider point of attachment, much like the blades in
endomysium (Figure 10-1). Groups of skeletal muscle fibers, a fan. The pectoralis major muscle is a good example.
called fascicles, are then bound together by a tougher connec- 3. Pennate muscles are said to be “feather-like” in appearance.
tive tissue envelope called the perimysium. The muscle as a Three categories of these muscles have uniquely different
whole is covered by a coarse sheath called the epimysium. Be- types of fascicle attachments that in some ways resemble the
cause all three of these structures are continuous with the fi- feathers in an old-fashioned plume pen. Unipenate muscles,
brous structures that attach muscles to bones or other structures, such as the soleus, have fascicles that anchor to only one side
muscles are firmly harnessed to the structures they pull on dur- of the connective tissue shaft. Bipennate muscles, such as the
ing contraction. The epimysium, perimysium, and endomy- rectus femoris in the thigh, have a type of double-feathered at-
sium of a muscle, for example, may be continuous with fibrous tachment of fascicles. In multipennate muscles, such as the
tissue that extends from the muscle as a tendon, a strong tough deltoid, the numerous interconnecting quill-like fascicles con-
cord continuous at its other end with the fibrous periosteum verge on a common point of attachment.
covering a bone. Alternatively, the fibrous wrapping of a muscle 4. Fusiform muscles have fascicles that may be close to paral-
may extend as a broad, flat sheet of connective tissue called an lel in the center, or “belly,” of the muscle but converge to a
aponeurosis, which usually merges with the fibrous wrappings tendon at one or both ends. The brachioradialis is a good
of another muscle. So tough and strong are tendons and example.
aponeuroses that they are not often torn, even by injuries force- 5. Spiral muscles, such as the latissimus dorsi, have fibers that
ful enough to break bones or tear muscles. They are, however, twist between their points of attachment.
occasionally pulled away from bones. Fibrous connective tissue 6. Circular muscles, sometimes called sphincters, often circle
surrounding the muscle organ and outside the epimysium and body tubes or openings. The orbicularis oris around the mouth
tendon is called fascia. Fascia is a general term for the fibrous is a good example.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 3

Superficial fascia
(adipose tissue)



Deep fascia



Perimysium B
Endomysium S

Blood vessel
Axon of motor neuron

Muscle fiber (muscle cell)

Thick filaments
Thin filaments

Fascicle Sarcolemma
A Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Figure 10-1 Structure of a muscle organ. A, Note that the connective tissue coverings, the epimysium,
perimysium, and endomysium, are continuous with each other and with the tendon. Note also that muscle
fibers are held together by the perimysium in groups called fascicles. B, Diagram showing the arm in cross
section. Note the relationships of superficial and deep fascia to individual muscles and other structures in the
plane of section.
4 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

A Parallel B Convergent C Pennate

Long Long with tendonous Unipennate Bipennate Multipennate



Pectoralis major

Sartorius Rectis abdominis

Flexor pollicis Rectus femoris


D Fusiform E Spiral F Circular

Orbicularis oris

Brachioradialis Latissimus dorsi

Figure 10-2 Muscle shape and fiber arrangement. A, Parallel. B, Convergent. C, Pennate: unipennate,
bipennate, multipennate. D, Fusiform. E, Spiral. F, Circular.

QUICK CHECK Attachment of Muscles

Most of our muscles span at least one joint and attach to both ar-
1. Identify the connective tissue membrane that (a) covers indi- ticulating bones. When contraction occurs, one bone usually re-
vidual muscle fibers, (b) surrounds groups of skeletal muscle mains fixed and the other moves. The points of attachment are
fibers (fascicles), and (c) covers the muscle as a whole. called the origin and insertion. The origin is the point of attach-
2. Name the tough connective tissue cord that serves to attach ment that does not move when the muscle contracts. Therefore,
a muscle to a bone. the origin bone is the more stationary of the two bones at a joint
3. Name three types of fiber arrangements seen in skeletal when contraction occurs. The insertion is the point of attach-
muscle. ment that moves when the muscle contracts (Figure 10-3). The
insertion bone therefore moves toward the origin bone when the
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 5

Origins from scapula



Muscle body

Insertion on radius


Figure 10-3 Attachments of a skeletal muscle. A, Origin and insertion of a skeletal muscle. A muscle origi-
nates at a relatively stable part of the skeleton (origin) and inserts at the skeletal part that is moved when
the muscle contracts (insertion). B, Movement of the forearm during weightlifting. Muscle contraction moves
bones, which serve as levers, and by acting on joints, which serve as fulcrums for those levers. See the text
for discussion and review Figure 10-4, which illustrates types of levers.

muscle shortens. In case you are wondering why both bones do discussed in the following paragraphs. Each term suggests an im-
not move because both are pulled on by the contracting muscle, portant concept that is essential to understanding such functional
one of them is normally stabilized by isometric contractions of muscle patterns as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and
other muscles or by certain features of its own that make it less other movements discussed in Chapter 9. The term prime mover
mobile. or agonist is used to describe a muscle or group of muscles that
The terms origin and insertion provide us with useful points of directly performs a specific movement. The movement produced
reference. Many muscles have multiple points of origin or inser- by a muscle acting as a prime mover is described as the “action”
tion. Understanding the functional relationship of these attach- or “function” of that muscle. For example, the biceps brachii
ment points during muscle contraction helps in deducing muscle shown in Figure 10-3 is acting as a prime mover during flexion of
actions. The attachment points of the biceps brachii shown in the forearm.
Figure 10-3 help provide functional information. Distal insertion Antagonists are muscles that when contracting, directly op-
on the radius in the lower part of the arm causes flexion to occur pose prime movers (agonists). They are relaxed while the prime
at the elbow when contraction occurs. It should be realized, how- mover is contracting to produce movement. Simultaneous con-
ever, that origin and insertion are points that may change under traction of a prime mover and its antagonist muscle results in
certain circumstances. For example, not only can you grasp an rigidity and lack of motion. The term antagonist is perhaps un-
object above your head and pull it down, but you can also pull fortunate because muscles cooperate, rather than oppose, in nor-
yourself up to the object. Although origin and insertion are con- mal movement patterns. Antagonists are important in providing
venient terms, they do not always provide the necessary informa- precision and control during contraction of prime movers.
tion to understand the full functional potential of muscle action. Synergists are muscles that contract at the same time as the
prime mover. They facilitate or complement prime mover actions
Muscle Actions so that the prime mover produces a more effective movement.
Skeletal muscles almost always act in groups rather than singly. As Fixator muscles generally function as joint stabilizers. They
a result, most movements are produced by the coordinated action frequently serve to maintain posture or balance during contrac-
of several muscles. Some of the muscles in the group contract tion of prime movers acting on joints in the arms and legs.
while others relax. The result is a movement pattern that allows Movement patterns are complex, and most muscles function
for the functional classification of muscles or muscle groups. Sev- not only as prime movers but also at times as antagonists, syner-
eral terms are used to describe muscle action during any special- gists, or fixators. A prime mover in a particular movement pattern,
ized movement pattern. The terms prime mover (agonist), antag- such as flexion, may be an antagonist during extension or a syn-
onist, synergist, and fixator are especially important and are ergist or fixator in other types of movement.
6 UNIT 2 Support and Movement


Assessing Muscle Strength
Physical therapists, certified athletic trainers, and other health
4. Identify the point of attachment of a muscle to a bone that
care providers are often required to assess muscle strength. A ba-
(a) does not move when the muscle contracts and (b) moves
sic principle of muscle action in a lever system is called the opti-
when the muscle contracts.
mum angle of pull. An understanding of this principle is required
5. What name is used to describe a muscle that directly per- for correct assessment of muscle strength.
forms a specific movement?
6. What type of muscles helps maintain posture or balance Generally, the optimum angle of pull for any muscle is a right an-
during contraction of muscles acting on joints in the arms gle to the long axis of the bone to which it is attached. When the
and legs? angle of pull departs from a right angle and becomes more paral-
7. Name the type of muscles that generally function as joint lel to the long axis, the strength of contraction decreases dra-
stabilizers. matically. Contraction of the brachialis muscle demonstrates this
principle very well. The brachialis crosses the elbow from the
humerus to the ulna. In the anatomical position the elbow is ex-
tended and the angle of pull of the brachialis is parallel to the
Lever Systems long axis of the ulna (see Figure 10-21, D). Contraction of the
When a muscle shortens, the central body portion, called the brachialis at this angle is very inefficient. As the elbow is flexed
belly, contracts. The type and extent of movement are deter- and the angle of pull approaches a right angle, the contraction
mined by the load or resistance that is moved, the attachment of strength of the muscle is greatly increased. Therefore, to test
the tendinous extremities of the muscle to bone (origin and in- brachialis muscle strength correctly, the forearm should be flexed
sertion), and the particular type of joint involved. In almost every at the elbow. Understanding the optimum angle of pull for any
given muscle makes a rational approach to correct assessment of
instance, muscles that move a part do not lie over that part. In-
functional strength in that muscle possible.
stead, the muscle belly lies proximal to the part moved. Thus,
muscles that move the lower part of the arm lie proximal to it, that
is, in the upper part of the arm.
Knowledge of lever systems is important in understanding
muscle action. By definition, a lever is any rigid bar free to turn body is a controversial issue. Some authorities interpret the rais-
about a fixed point called its fulcrum. Bones serve as levers, and ing of the body on the toes as an example of this type of lever
joints serve as fulcrums of these levers. A contracting muscle ap- (Figure 10-4, B). In this example the point of contact between the
plies a pulling force on a bone lever at the point of the muscle’s toes and the ground is the fulcrum, the load is located at the an-
attachment to the bone. This force causes the insertion bone to kle, and pull is exerted by the gastrocnemius muscle through the
move about its joint fulcrum. Achilles tendon. Opening the mouth against resistance (depres-
A lever system is a simple mechanical device that makes the sion of the mandible) is also considered to be an example of a
work of moving a weight or other load easier. Levers are composed second-class lever.
of four component parts: (1) a rigid rod or bar (bone); (2) a fixed
pivot, or fulcrum (F), around which the rod moves (joint); (3) a Third-Class Levers
load (L), or resistance, that is moved; and (4) a force, or pull (P), In a third-class lever the pull is exerted between the fulcrum and
which produces movement (muscle contraction). Figure 10-4 the resistance or load to be moved. Flexing of the forearm at
shows the three different types of lever arrangements. All three the elbow joint is a frequently used example of this type of lever
types are found in the human body. (Figure 10-4, C). Third-class levers permit rapid and extensive
movement and are the most common type found in the body. They
First-Class Levers allow insertion of a muscle very close to the joint that it moves.
As you can see in Figure 10-4, A, the fulcrum in a first-class lever
lies between the effort, or pull (P), and the resistance, or load (W),
as in a set of scales, a pair of scissors, or a child’s seesaw. In the HOW MUSCLES ARE NAMED
body the head being raised or tipped backward on the atlas is an The first thing you may notice as you start studying the muscles
example of a first-class lever in action. The facial portion of the of the body is that many of the names seem difficult and foreign.
skull is the load, the joint between the skull and atlas is the ful- The terms are less difficult if you keep in mind that many have
crum, and the muscles of the back produce the pull. In the hu- Latin roots. Latin-based muscle names are easier to learn if you
man body first-class levers are not abundant. They generally serve gain an appreciation for the Latin roots even if a particular name
as levers of stability. is given in Latin-based English. Although we have strived to use
only English names in this edition, some Latin terms still remain
Second-Class Levers in common use. This is especially true in the health-related dis-
In second-class levers the load lies between the fulcrum and the ciplines. For example, in some texts the deltoid muscle is called
joint at which the pull is exerted. The wheelbarrow is often used the deltoideus (Latin) and in others the deltoid (Latin-based Eng-
as an example. The presence of second-class levers in the human lish). To minimize confusion, if both Latin and English terms are
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 7








Figure 10-4 Lever classes. A, Class I: fulcrum (F) between the load (L) and force or pull (P); B, Class II:
load (L) between the fulcrum (F) and force or pull (P); C, Class III: force or pull (P) between the fulcrum
(F) and the load (L). The lever rod is yellow in each.

used to identify a particular muscle in the chapter, the terms used • Function. The function of a muscle is frequently a part of its
will be from the Terminologia Anatomica (see Chapter 1). name. The adductor muscles of the thigh adduct, or move, the
Regardless of the muscle name used, when one understands leg toward the midline of the body. Table 10-2 lists selected
the reasons for the term used, it will seem more logical and eas- muscles grouped according to function.
ier to learn and understand. Many of the muscles of the body • Shape. Shape is a descriptive feature used for naming many
shown in Figures 10-5 and 10-6 or listed in Tables 10-1 through muscles. The deltoid (triangular) muscle covering the shoulder
10-5 are named in accordance with one or more of the following is deltoid, or triangular, in shape (see Table 10-3).
features: • Direction of fibers. Muscles may be named according to the
orientation of their fibers. The term rectus means straight. The
• Location. Many muscles are named as a result of location. fibers of the rectus abdominis muscle run straight up and down
The brachialis (arm) muscle and gluteus (buttock) muscles are and are parallel to each other (see Table 10-4).
examples. Table 10-1 is a listing of some major muscles • Number of heads or divisions. The number of divisions or
grouped by location. heads (points of origin) may be used to name a muscle. The
Text continues on p. 357
8 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Facial muscles



Pectoralis major

Serratus anterior
Biceps brachii
Rectus abdominis
Linea alba
Flexors of wrist
Extensors of wrist and fingers
and fingers
External abdominal oblique

of thigh Tensor fasciae latae


Vastus lateralis
Rectus femoris

Vastus medialis

Patellar tendon
Tibialis anterior

Extensor digitorum
Gastrocnemius longus
Peroneus longus

Soleus Peroneus brevis

Superior extensor
R L retinaculum

Figure 10-5 General overview of the body’s musculature. Anterior view.

Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 9

Sternocleidomastoid Splenius capitis

Seventh cervical vertebra Trapezius

Teres minor
Teres major

Triceps brachii

Latissimus dorsi

External abdominal
of the wrist
and fingers
Gluteus maximus

Adductor magnus
Hamstring Biceps femoris
group Gracilis

Iliotibial tract


Calcaneal tendon
(Achilles tendon)
Peroneus longus Soleus

Peroneus brevis S

Figure 10-6 General overview of the body’s musculature. Posterior view.

10 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Table 10-1 Selected Muscles Grouped According to Location

Neck Sternocleidomastoid Thigh
Back Trapezius Anterior surface Quadriceps femoris group
Chest Latissimus dorsi Rectus femoris
Pectoralis major Vastus lateralis
Serratus anterior Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Abdominal wall External oblique
Medial surface Gracilis
Shoulder Deltoid
Adductor group (brevis, longus, magnus)
Upper part of arm Biceps brachii
Posterior surface Hamstring group
Triceps brachii
Biceps femoris
Forearm Brachioradialis Semimembranosus
Pronator teres
Buttocks Gluteus maximus
Anterior surface Tibialis anterior
Gluteus minimus
Gluteus medius Posterior surface Gastrocnemius
Tensor fascia latae Soleus
Pelvic floor Levator ani

Table 10-2 Selected Muscles Grouped According to Function

Head Sternocleidomastoid Semispinalis capitis
Upper part of arm Pectoralis major Trapezius Deltoid Pectoralis major with latis-
Latissimus dorsi simus dorsi
Forearm With forearm supinated: Triceps brachii
biceps brachii
With forearm pronated:
With semisupination or
semipronation: brachio-
Hand Flexor carpi radialis and Extensor carpi radialis, Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris
ulnaris longus, and brevis
Palmaris longus Extensor carpi ulnaris
Thigh Iliopsoas Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius and minimus Adductor group
Rectus femoris (of quadri-
ceps femoris group)
Leg Hamstrings Quadriceps femoris group
Foot Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius Evertors Invertor
Soleus Peroneus longus Tibialis anterior
Peroneus brevis
Trunk Iliopsoas Erector spinae
Rectus abdominis
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 11

Table 10-3 Selected Muscles Grouped Table 10-5 Selected Muscles Grouped
According to Shape According to Size
Deltoid Triangular Deltoid Major Large Pectoralis major
Gracilis Slender Gracilis Maximus Largest Gluteus maximus
Trapezius Trapezoid Trapezius Minor Small Pectoralis minor
Serratus Notched Serratus anterior Minimus Smallest Gluteus minimus
Teres Round Pronator teres Longus Long Adductor longus
Rhomboid Rhomboidal Rhomboideus major Brevis Short Extensor pollicis brevis
Orbicularis Round or circular Orbicularis oris Latissimus Very wide Latissimus dorsi
Pectinate Comblike Pectineus Longissimus Very long Longissimus
Piriformis Wedge-shaped Piriformis Magnus Very large Adductor magnus
Platys Flat Platysma Vastus Vast or huge Vastus medialis
Quadratus Square Quadratus femoris
Lumbrical Wormlike Lumbricals

Table 10-4 Selected Muscles Grouped 8. Name the four major components of any lever system.
According to Number of Heads 9. Identify the three types of lever systems found in the
and Direction of Fiber human body and give one example of each.
10. What type of lever system permits rapid and extensive
NAME MEANING EXAMPLE movement and is the most common type found in the body?
A. Number of Heads 11. List six criteria that may determine a muscle’s name, and
Biceps Two heads Biceps brachii give an example of a specific muscle named according to
each criterion.
Triceps Three heads Triceps brachii
Quadriceps Four heads Quadriceps
Digastric Two bellies Digastric Hints on How to Deduce Muscle Actions
B. Direction of Fibers To understand muscle actions, you first need to know certain
Oblique Diagonal External oblique rectus anatomical facts, such as which bones muscles attach to and
which joints they pull across. Then, if you relate these structural
Rectus Straight Rectus abdominis
features to functional principles, you may find your study of mus-
Transverse Transverse Transversus abdominis
cles more interesting and less difficult than you anticipate. Some
Circular Around Orbicularis oris specific suggestions for deducing muscle actions follow.
Spiral Oblique Supinator
1. Start by making yourself familiar with the names, shapes, and
general locations of the larger muscles by using Table 10-1 as
a guide.
word part -cep means head. Biceps (two), triceps (three), and 2. Try to deduce which bones the two ends of a muscle attach to
quadriceps (four) refer to multiple heads, or points of origin. from your knowledge of the shape and general location of the
The biceps brachii is a muscle having two heads located in the muscle. For example, look carefully at the deltoid muscle as il-
arm (see Table 10-4). lustrated in Figures 10-5 and 10-17. To which bones does it
• Points of attachment. Origin and insertion points may be seem to attach? Check your answer with Table 10-13, p. 372.
used to name a muscle. For example, the sternocleidomastoid 3. Next, determine which bone moves when the muscle short-
has its origin on the sternum and clavicle and inserts on the ens. (The bone moved by a muscle’s contraction is its insertion
mastoid process of the temporal bone. bone; the bone that remains relatively stationary is its origin
• Size of muscle. The relative size of a muscle can be used to bone.) In many cases you can tell which is the insertion bone
name a muscle, especially if it is compared to the size of nearby by trying to move one bone and then another. In some cases
muscles (see Table 10-5). For example, the gluteus maximus is either bone may function as the insertion bone. Although not
the largest muscle of the gluteal (Greek glautos, meaning “but- all muscle attachments can be deduced as readily as those of
tock”) region. Nearby, there is a small gluteal muscle, the glu- the deltoid, they can all be learned more easily by using this
teus minimus, and a midsize gluteal muscle, the gluteus medius. deduction method than by relying on rote memory alone.
12 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

4. Deduce a muscle’s actions by applying the principle that its in- those for which it is a prime mover. Remember, however, that a
sertion moves toward its origin. Check your conclusions with single muscle acting alone rarely accomplishes a given action. In-
the text. Here, as in steps 2 and 3, the method of deduction is stead, muscles act in groups as prime movers, synergists, antago-
intended merely as a guide and is not adequate by itself for de- nists, and fixators to bring about movements.
termining muscle actions.
5. To deduce which muscle produces a given action (instead of Muscles of Facial Expression
which action a given muscle produces, as in step 4), start by in- The muscles of facial expression (Table 10-6 and Figures 10-7 and
ferring the insertion bone (bone that moves during the action). 10-8) are unique in that at least one of their points of attachment
The body and origin of the muscle will lie on one or more of the is to the deep layers of the skin over the face or neck. Contraction
bones toward which the insertion moves—often a bone, or of these muscles produces a variety of facial expressions.
bones, proximal to the insertion bone. Couple these conclusions The occipitofrontalis (ok-sip-i-toh-fron-TAL-is), or epicranius,
about origin and insertion with your knowledge of muscle names is in reality two muscles. One portion lies over the forehead
and locations to deduce the muscle that produces the action. (frontal bone); the other covers the occipital bone in back of the
head. The two muscular parts, or bellies, are joined by a connec-
For example, if you wish to determine the prime mover for the tive tissue aponeurosis that covers the top of the skull. The frontal
action of raising the upper parts of the arms straight out to the portion of the occipitofrontalis raises the eyebrows (surprise) and
sides, you infer that the muscle inserts on the humerus because wrinkles the skin of the forehead horizontally. The corrugator su-
this is the bone that moves. It moves toward the shoulder—that is, percilii (COR-uh-gay-tor su-per-SIL-ee-eye) draws the eyebrows
the clavicle and scapula—so the muscle probably has its origin on together and produces vertical wrinkles above the nose (frown-
these bones. Because you know that the deltoid muscle fulfills ing). The orbicularis oculi (or-bik-u-LAIR-is OK-yoo-lye) encir-
these conditions, you conclude, and rightly so, that it is the mus- cles and closes the eye (blinking), whereas the orbicularis oris
cle that raises the upper parts of the arms sideways. (OR-is) and buccinator (BUK-si-NA-tor) pucker the mouth (kiss-
ing) and press the lips and cheeks against the teeth. The zygo-
maticus (zye-goh-MAT-ik-us) major draws the corner of the
I M P O R TA N T S K E L E TA L M U S C L E S mouth upward (laughing).
The major skeletal muscles of the body are listed, grouped, and il-
lustrated in the tables and figures that follow. Begin your study Muscles of Mastication
with an overview of important superficial muscles, shown in Fig- The muscles of mastication (mass-tih-KAY-shun) shown in Fig-
ures 10-5 and 10-6. The remaining figures in this chapter illus- ure 10-9 are responsible for chewing movements. These powerful
trate individual muscles or important muscle groups. muscles (see Table 10-6) either elevate and retract the mandible
Basic information about many muscles is given in Tables 10-6 (masseter, mass-EET-er, and temporalis, tem-poh-RAL-is) or
to 10-18. Each table has a description of a group of muscles that open and protrude it while causing sideways movement (ptery-
move one part of the body. The actions listed for each muscle are goids, TER-i-goids). The pull of gravity helps open the mandible

Table 10-6 Muscles of Facial Expression and Mastication

Muscles of Facial Expression
Occipitofrontalis Occipital bone Tissues of eyebrows Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead Cranial nerve VII
(epicranius) horizontally
Corrugator supercilii Frontal bone Skin of eyebrow Wrinkles forehead vertically Cranial nerve VII
Orbicularis oculi Encircles eyelid Closes eye Cranial nerve VII
Zygomaticus major Zygomatic bone Angle of mouth Laughing (elevates angle of mouth) Cranial nerve VII
Orbicularis oris Encircles mouth Draws lips together Cranial nerve VII
Buccinator Maxillae Skin of sides of mouth Permits smiling Cranial nerve VII
Blowing, as in playing a trumpet
Muscles of Mastication
Masseter Zygomatic arch Mandible (external surface) Closes jaw Cranial nerve V
Temporalis Temporal bone Mandible Closes jaw Cranial nerve V
Pterygoids (lateral Undersurface of skull Mandible (medial surface) Grates teeth Cranial nerve V
and medial)
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 13


oculi Epicranial


Zygomaticus major
anguli Parotid gland

oris Risorius

labii Depressor
S inferioris anguli oris
I Mentalis

Figure 10-7 Muscles of facial expression. The skin and subcutaneous fat have been removed.
14 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

(frontal portion)

Corrugator supercilii
Orbicularis oculi
(occipital portion)

Orbicularis oris



(frontal portion)

Orbicularis oculi Supercilii

B Orbicularis oculi
(palpebral portion) Masseter


S Orbicularis oris

Figure 10-8 Muscles of facial expression and mastication. A, Lateral view. B, Anterior view.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 15


Styloid process

Mastoid process

Posterior belly of digastric (cut)


Superior pharyngeal constrictor

Inferior longitudinal
muscle of tongue

Middle pharyngeal constrictor

Posterior belly of digastric (cut)

Mylohyoid (cut) Intermediate tendon of digastric (cut)

Hyoid bone
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor



Lateral pterygoid plate

Lateral pterygoid muscle

Medial pterygoid plate

Medial pterygoid muscle
Interior of oral cavity
Masseter (cut)
B Buccinator I C I D I

Figure 10-9 Muscles of mastication. A, Muscles of the tongue and pharynx. B, Right lateral dissection view
showing the insertion of the temporalis muscle on the mandible—the masseter muscle is cut and part of the
zygomatic arch has been removed. C, Lateral and medial pterygoid muscles viewed from the right side after
removal of the zygomatic arch. D, View of the pterygoids in a posterior dissection view.
16 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

during mastication, and the buccinator muscles play an impor- When both sternocleidomastoid (STERN-oh-KLYE-doh-MAS-
tant function by holding food between the teeth as the mandible toyd) muscles (see Figure 10-8) contract at the same time, the
moves up and down and from side to side. head is flexed on the thorax—hence the name “prayer muscle.” If
only one muscle contracts, the head and face are turned to the op-
Muscles That Move the Head posite side. The broad semispinalis capitis (sem-ee-spi-NAL-is
Paired muscles on either side of the neck are responsible for head KAP-i-tis) is an extensor of the head and helps bend it laterally.
movements (Figure 10-10). Note the points of attachment and Acting together, the splenius capitis (SPLE-ne-us KAP-i-tis) mus-
functions of important muscles in this group listed in Table 10-7. cles serve as strong extensors that return the head to the upright po-


Splenius capitis
Sternocleidomastoid nuchae

Figure 10-10 Muscles that move the head. Posterior view of muscles of the
neck and the back.


Table 10-7 Muscles That Move the Head

Sternocleidomastoid Sternum Temporal bone (mastoid Flexes head (prayer muscle) Accessory nerve
Clavicle One muscle alone, rotates head
toward opposite side; spasm
of this muscle alone or asso-
ciated with trapezius called
torticollis, or wryneck
Semispinalis capitis Vertebrae (transverse Occipital bone Extends head; bends it laterally First five cervical nerves
processes of upper six (between superior
thoracic, articular and inferior nuchal
processes of lower four lines)
Splenius capitis Ligamentum nuchae Temporal bone (mastoid Extends head Second, third, and fourth
process) cervical nerves
Vertebrae (spinous Occipital bone Bends and rotates head toward
processes of upper three same side as contracting
or four thoracic) muscle
Longissimus capitis Vertebrae (transverse Temporal bone (mastoid Extends head Multiple innervation
processes of upper six process) Bends and rotates head toward
thoracic, articular contracting side
processes of lower four
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 363

sition after flexion. When either muscle acts alone, contraction re- TRUNK MUSCLES
sults in rotation and tilting toward that side. The bandlike longis-
simus capitis (lon-JIS-i-mus KAP-i-tis) muscles are covered and not Muscles of the Thorax
visible in Figure 10-10. They run from the neck vertebrae to the The muscles of the thorax are of critical importance in respiration
mastoid process of the temporal bone on either side and cause ex- (discussed in Chapter 24). Note in Figure 10-11 and Table 10-8
tension of the head when acting together. One contracting muscle that the internal and external intercostal (IN-ter-KOS-tal) mus-
will bend and rotate the head toward the contracting side. cles attach to the ribs at different places and their fibers are ori-
ented in different directions. As a result, contraction of the exter-
QUICK CHECK nal intercostals elevates and contraction of the internal
intercostals depresses the ribs—important in the breathing
process. During inspiration the dome-shaped diaphragm (DYE-
12. What is meant by the terms origin and insertion? ah-fram) flattens, thus increasing the size and volume of the tho-
13. Which muscle of facial expression has two parts, one lying racic cavity. As a result, air enters the lungs.
over the forehead and the other covering the back of the
skull? Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
14. What group of muscles provides chewing movements? The muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall (Figures 10-12
15. What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle? and 10-13; Table 10-9) are arranged in three layers, with the fibers in
each layer running in different directions much like the layers of wood



Figure 10-11 Muscles of the thorax. Anterior
view. Note the relationship of the internal and
6 S external intercostal muscles and placement of the
R L diaphragm.
7 I

Diaphragm 8
Central tendon
9 of diaphragm


Table 10-8 Muscles of the Thorax

External intercostals Rib (lower border; forward Rib (upper border of rib below Elevate ribs Intercostal nerves
fibers) origin)
Internal intercostals Rib (inner surface, lower Rib (upper border of rib below Depress ribs Intercostal nerves
border; backward fibers) origin)
Diaphragm Lower circumference of thorax Central tendon of diaphragm Enlarges thorax, thereby Phrenic nerves
(of rib cage) causing inspiration
17 UNIT 2 Support and Movement


I Sternum

Second rib
Pectoralis major

Serratus anterior
Latissimus dorsi

Serratus anterior
Linea alba

Rectus abdominis
Rectus abdominis
(covered by anterior Tendinous intersections
layer of rectus sheath)

Transverse abdominis
External oblique

Aponeurosis of external oblique

Anterior superior iliac spine
Internal oblique

Inguinal ligament

Aponeurosis of: Muscles:

Transverse abdominis Transverse abdominis
Internal oblique
B Internal oblique
External oblique

External oblique

Rectus abdominis
Subcutaneous fat Rectus sheath
Skin Linea alba

Figure 10-12 Muscles of the trunk and abdominal wall. A, Superficial view. B, Deep view. Note that a
number of superficial structures have been cut or partially removed. See text for details. C, Transverse section
of the anterior wall above the umbilicus. See text for details.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 18

External abdominis and
oblique tendinous Intercostal
(cut) intersection nerves

Figure 10-13 Dissection photo of the abdominal wall. The covering rectus
sheaths, the left oblique muscles, and part of the left rectus have been removed.
abdominis and



in a sheet of plywood. The result is a very strong “girdle” of muscle that of connective tissue called the linea alba (white line), that extends
covers and supports the abdominal cavity and its internal organs. from the xiphoid process to the pubis. Occasionally, a surgical pro-
The fibers in the three layers of muscle in the anterolateral wall cedure will permit an incision through the linea alba rather than
are arranged to provide maximum strength. In the external through abdominal musculature. Since the linea alba is essentially
oblique the muscle fascicles or fibers extend inferiorly and medi- avascular in some areas, blood loss in such procedures is generally
ally, whereas the fibers of the middle muscle layer, the internal less than what may occur in other approaches.
oblique, run almost at right angles to those of the external oblique Working as a group, the abdominal muscles not only protect
above it. The fibers of the transversus abdominis, the innermost and hold the abdominal viscera in place, they are responsible for
muscle layer, are, as the name implies, directed transversely. In ad- a number of vertebral column movements, including flexion, lat-
dition to these sheetlike muscles, the band- or strap-shaped rectus eral bending, and some rotation. These important muscles are
abdominis muscle runs down the midline of the abdomen from also involved in respiration and in helping “push” a baby through
the thorax to the pubis. Note in Figure 10-12 that its parallel run- the birth canal during delivery. They also play a role in assisting
ning fibers are “interrupted” by three tendinous intersections. in urination, defecation, and vomiting.
When a surgeon “opens” or “closes” an incision through the an-
terolateral wall, attempts are made to maintain the inherent Muscles of the Back
strength of the wall after surgery by sparing important nerves and Considering the large number of us who suffer from back pain,
blood vessels and by using suturing techniques during closure that strain, and injury either occasionally or chronically, you can
will restore the direction of fibers in the cut layers of muscle. imagine the importance of the back muscles to health and fitness.
In Figure 10-12, B, a number of superficial structures have been Statistics show that 80% of the population in most areas of the
cut or partially removed. For example, part of the internal oblique world experience backache at some time in their lives. Although
has been removed to expose the underlying transversus abdominis, symptoms may vary from mild to disabling, “back problems” con-
and the anterior (superficial) layer of the rectus sheath has been re- tinue to plague large numbers of individuals and pose significant
moved to better visualize the rectus abdominis muscle and its tendi- financial, social, and health care problems. The superficial back
nous intersections. Note also in Figure 10-12, C, that the aponeu- muscles play a major role in moving the head and limbs and are
roses of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus illustrated in Figure 10-14, A. The deep back muscles (Figure 10-
abdominis muscles form the rectus sheaths that cover the rectus ab- 14, B) not only allow us to move our vertebral column, thus help-
dominis muscles and then fuse in the midline to form a tough band ing us bend this way and that, but also stabilize our trunk so that
19 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Table 10-9 Muscles of the Abdominal Wall

External oblique Ribs (lower eight) Pelvis (iliac crest and pubis by Compresses abdomen Lower seven inter-
way of the inguinal ligament) costal nerves and
Linea alba by way of an Rotates trunk laterally
Internal oblique Pelvis (iliac crest and inguinal Ribs (lower three)
Lumbodorsal fascia Linea alba Important postural func-
tion of all abdominal
muscles is to pull the
front of the pelvis
upward, thereby flat-
tening the lumbar
curve of the spine;
when these muscles
lose their tone,
common figure faults
of protruding abdomen
and lordosis develop
Transversus Ribs (lower six) Pubic bone Same as external oblique Last three inter-
abdominis Pelvis (iliac crest, inguinal Linea alba costal nerves;
ligament) iliohypogastric
and ilioinguinal
Lumbodorsal fascia Ribs (costal cartilage of fifth, Same as external oblique Last five intercostal
sixth, and seventh ribs) nerves; iliohy-
pogastric and
Rectus abdominis Pelvis (pubic bone and symphy- Sternum (xiphoid process) Same as external oblique; Last six intercostal
sis pubis) because abdominal nerves
muscles compress the
abdominal cavity, they
aid in straining, defe-
cation, forced expira-
tion, childbirth, etc.;
abdominal muscles are
antagonists of the
diaphragm, relaxing as
it contracts and vice
Flexes trunk
Quadratus lumborum Iliolumbar ligament; iliac crest Last rib; transverse process of Flexes vertebral column Lumbar
vertebrae (L1-L4) laterally; depresses
last rib
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 20

Superficial muscles Intermediate muscles


Semispinalis capitis
Splenius capitis

Trapezius Levator scapulae

Rhomboideus minor
Rhomboideus major
Teres minor

Teres major

Serratus anterior

Latissimus dorsi
Serratus posterior inferior

External abdominal oblique

Internal abdominal oblique

External abdominal oblique
Erector spinae

Thoracolumbar fascia
Gluteus maximus,
cut and reflected

Gluteus medius

S Piriformis
Superior gemellus
I Inferior gemellus

Figure 10-14 Muscles of the back. A, Superficial (left) and intermediate (right) muscle dissection of the
back—posterior view. The illustration shows a two-stage dissection. Superficial muscles of the neck and back
are shown on the left side and an intermediate-depth dissection is shown on the right.
21 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Splenius capitis (cut)

Third cervical vertebra
Semispinalis capitis
Mulitifidus (cervical portion)
Levator scapulae
Longissimus capititis
Semispinalis cervicis
Iliocostalis cervicis

Longissimus cervicis

Spinalis thoracis Semispinalis thoracis

Longissimus thoracis
Erector spinae

Iliocostalis thoracis

Quadratus lumborum

Iliocostalis lumborum

Mulitifidus (lumbar portion)


Figure 10-14, cont’d Muscles of the back. B, Deep muscle dissection of the back—posterior view. The
superficial and intermediate muscles have been removed. The muscles in the gluteal region have been
removed to expose the pelvic insertion of the multifidus.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 22

we can maintain a stable posture. These muscles really get a male and the vagina in the female. Constriction of muscles called
workout when we lift something heavy because they have to hold the sphincter urethrae, which encircle the urethra in both sexes,
the body straight while the load is trying to bend the back. helps control urine flow. The anal triangle allows passage of the
The erector spinae group consists of a number of long, thin anal canal. The terminal portion of the canal is surrounded by the
muscles that travel all the way down our backs (Figure 10-14). external anal sphincter, which regulates defecation. The origin,
These muscles extend (straighten or pull back) the vertebral col- insertion, function, and innervation of important muscles of the
umn and also flex the back laterally and rotate it a little. Even pelvic floor are listed in Table 10-11. The coccygeus muscles lie
deeper than the erector spinae muscles are several additional back behind the levator ani and are not visible in Figure 10-15.
muscles. The interspinales and multifides groups, for example,
each connect one vertebra to the next; they also help extend the QUICK CHECK
back and neck or flex them to the side. Table 10-10 and Figure
10-14 summarize some of the important deep back muscles.
16. Name the skeletal muscles that produce respiratory movements.
Muscles of the Pelvic Floor 17. Name two functions of the rectus abdominis muscle.
Structures in the pelvic cavity are supported by a reinforced mus- 18. What is the perineum?
cular floor that guards the outlet below. The muscular pelvic floor
filling the diamond-shaped outlet is called the perineum (pair-ih-
NEE-um). Passing through the floor are the anal canal and ure-
thra in both sexes and the vagina in the female. UPPER LIMB MUSCLES
The two levator ani and coccygeus muscles form most of the The muscles of the upper limb include those acting on the shoul-
pelvic floor. They stretch across the pelvic cavity like a hammock. der or pectoral girdle and muscles located in the arm, forearm,
This diamond-shaped outlet can be divided into two triangles by and hand.
a line drawn from side to side between the ischial tuberosities.
The urogenital triangle is anterior (above) to this line and ex- Muscles Acting on the Shoulder Girdle
tends to the symphysis pubis, and the anal triangle is posterior Attachment of the upper extremity to the torso is by muscles that
(behind it) and ends at the coccyx. Note in Figure 10-15 that have an anterior location (chest) or posterior placement (back
structures in the urogenital triangle include the ischiocavernosus and neck). Six muscles (Table 10-12; Figure 10-16) that pass from
and bulbospongiosus muscles associated with the penis in the the axial skeleton to the shoulder or pectoral girdle (scapula and

Table 10-10 Muscles of the Back


Erector spinae group
Iliocostalis group Various regions of the Ribs and vertebra (superior to Extends, laterally flexes the Spinal, thoracic, or
pelvis and ribs the origin) vertebral column lumbar nerves
Longissimus group Cervical and thoracic Mastoid process, upper cervical Extends head, neck, or verte- Cervical or thoracic
vertebrae, ribs vertebrae, or upper lumbar bral column and lumber nerves
Spinalis group Lower cervical or lower Upper cervical or middle/upper Extends the neck or vertebral Cervical or thoracic
thoracic/upper thoracic vertebrae (superior column nerves
lumbar vertebrae to the origin)
Transversospinalis group
Semispinalis group Transverse processes of Spinous processes of vertebrae Extends neck or vertebral Cervical or thoracic
vertebrae (T2-T11) (C2-T4) column nerves
Multifidus group Transverse processes of Spinous processes of (next Extends, rotates vertebral Spinal nerves
vertebrae; sacrum superior) vertebrae column
and ilium
Rotatores group Transverse processes of Spinous processes of (next Extends, rotates vertebral Spinal nerves
vertebrae superior) vertebrae column
Splenius Spinous processes of Lateral occipital/mastoid or Rotates, extends neck and Cervical nerves
vertebrae (C7-T1 or transverse processes of verte- flexes neck laterally
T3-T6) brae (C1-C4)
Interspinales group Spinous processes of Spinous processes (of next Extends back and neck Spinal nerves
vertebrae superior vertebra)
23 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

triangle Vagina

Ischiocavernosus Urogenital
A triangle B

Deep transverse perinei

Levator ani
triangle Anus
Sphincter externus ani
S Anal

Figure 10-15 Muscles of the pelvic floor. A, Male, inferior view. B, Female, inferior view.

Table 10-11 Muscles of the Pelvic Floor


Levator ani Pubis and spine of the Coccyx Together with the coccygeus Pudendal nerve
ischium muscles form the floor of
the pelvic cavity and
support the pelvic organs
Ischiocavernosus Ischium Penis or clitoris Compress the base of the Perineal nerve
penis or clitoris
Male Bulb of the penis Perineum and bulb of the penis Constricts the urethra and Pudendal nerve
erects the penis
Female Perineum Base of the clitoris Erects the clitoris Pudendal nerve
Deep transverse perinei Ischium Central tendon (median raphe) Support the pelvic floor Pudendal nerve
Sphincter urethrae Pubic ramus Central tendon (median raphe) Constricts the urethra Pudendal nerve
Sphincter ani externus Coccyx Central tendon (median raphe) Closes the anal canal Pudendal and S4

clavicle) serve to not only “attach” the upper extremity to the Muscles That Move the Upper arm
body but do so in such a way that extensive movement is possible. The shoulder is a synovial joint of the ball-and-socket type. As a
The clavicle can be elevated and depressed and moved forward result, extensive movement is possible in every plane of motion.
and back. The scapula is capable of an even greater variety of Muscles that move the upper part of the arm can be grouped ac-
movements. cording to function as flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors,
The pectoralis (pek-toh-RAL-is) minor lies under the larger and medial and lateral rotators (Table 10-13; Figure 10-17). The
pectoralis major muscle on the anterior chest wall. It helps “fix” actions listed in Table 10-13 include primary actions and impor-
the scapula against the thorax and also raises the ribs during tant secondary functions.
forced inspiration. Another anterior chest wall muscle—the ser- The deltoid (DEL-toyd) is a good example of a multifunc-
ratus (ser-RAY-tus) anterior—helps hold the scapula against the tion muscle. It has three groups of fibers and may act as three
thorax to prevent “winging” and is a strong abductor that is useful separate muscles. Contraction of the anterior fibers will flex the
in pushing or punching movements. arm, whereas the lateral fibers abduct and the posterior fibers
The posterior muscles acting on the shoulder girdle include the serve as extensors. Four other muscles serve as both a structural
levator scapulae (leh-VAY-tor SCAP-yoo-lee), which elevates the and functional cap or cuff around the shoulder joint and are re-
scapula; the trapezius (trah-PEE-zee-us), which is used to “shrug” ferred to as the rotator cuff muscles (Figure 10-18). They in-
the shoulders; and the rhomboideus (rom-BOYD-ee-us) major clude the infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularis, and
and minor muscles, which serve to adduct and elevate the scapula. teres minor.
Shoulder Joint Stability
The disparity in size between the large and nearly hemispheric head Unfortunately, only a thin articular capsule surrounds the shoulder joint.
of the humerus and the much smaller and shallow glenoid cavity of It is extremely loose and does not function to keep the articulating
the scapula is of great clinical significance. Because the head of the bones of the joint in contact. This fact is obviously correlated with both
humerus is more than two times larger than the shallow glenoid con- the great range of motion (ROM) possible at this articulation and its
cavity that receives it, only about a quarter of the articular surface tendency to dislocate as a result of athletic injury or other trauma. The
of the humeral head is in contact with the fossa in any given posi- tendons of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapu-
tion of the joint. This anatomical fact helps explain the inherent in- laris muscles (called the SITS muscles) all blend with and strengthen the
stability of the shoulder—our most mobile joint. The soft tissues sur- articular capsule. The musculotendinous cuff resulting from this fusion
rounding the shoulder, such as the joint capsule, ligaments, and is called the rotator cuff (see Figure 10-18). The rotator cuff provides
adjacent muscles, provide the primary restraint against excessive mo- the necessary strength to help prevent anterior, superior, and posterior
tion and potential dislocation. displacement of the humeral head during most types of activity.

Table 10-12 Muscles Acting on the Shoulder Girdle


Trapezius Occipital bone (protu- Clavicle Raises or lowers the shoulders and shrugs Spinal accessory;
berance) them second, third, and
fourth cervical
Vertebrae (cervical and Scapula (spine and Extends the head when the occiput acts as
thoracic) acromion) the insertion
Pectoralis minor Ribs (second to fifth) Scapula (coracoid) Pulls the shoulder down and forward Medial and lateral
anterior thoracic
Serratus anterior Ribs (upper eight or Scapula (anterior surface, Pulls the shoulder down and forward; Long thoracic nerve
nine) vertebral border) abducts and rotates it upward
Levator scapulae C1-C4 (transverse Scapula (superior angle) Elevates and retracts the scapula and Dorsal scapular nerve
processes) abducts the neck
Major T1-T4 Scapula (medial border) Retracts, rotates, and fixes the scapula Dorsal scapular nerve
Minor C6-C7 Scapula (medial border) Retracts, rotates, elevates, and fixes the Dorsal scapular nerve

Levator scapulae
Trapezius Pectoralis
minor (cut)

Subscapularis Subscapularis
Teres minor
Rhomboid Latissimus
Seventh minor dorsi
cervical Teres major
Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor
major Latissimus
dorsi (cut)


Figure 10-16 Muscles acting on the shoulder girdle. A, Posterior view. The trapezius has been removed on
the right to reveal the deeper muscles. B, Anterior view. The pectoralis major has been removed on both
sides. The pectoralis minor has also been removed on the right side.
25 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Table 10-13 Muscles That Move the Upper Arm


Pectoralis major Clavicle (medial half) Humerus (greater tubercle) Flexes the upper arm Medial and lateral
Sternum Adducts the upper arm anteriorly; anterior thoracic
Costal cartilages of the draws it across the chest nerves
true ribs
Latissimus dorsi Vertebrae (spines of the Humerus (intertubercular Extends the upper arm Thoracodorsal nerve
lower thoracic, lumbar, groove) Adducts the upper arm posteriorly
and sacral)
Ilium (crest)
Lumbodorsal fascia
Deltoid Clavicle Humerus (lateral side about Abducts the upper arm Axillary nerve
Scapula (spine and half-way down—deltoid Assists in flexion and extension of
acromion) tubercle) the upper arm
Coracobrachialis Scapula (coracoid process) Humerus (middle third, Adduction; assists in flexion and Musculocutaneous
medial surface) medial rotation of the arm nerve
Supraspinatus† Scapula (supraspinous Humerus (greater tubercle) Assists in abducting the arm Suprascapular nerve
Teres minor† Scapula (axillary border) Humerus (greater tubercle) Rotates the arm outward Axillary nerve
Teres major Scapula (lower part, axil- Humerus (upper part, ante- Assists in extension, adduction, and Lower subscapular
lary border) rior surface) medial rotation of the arm nerve
Infraspinatus† Scapula (infraspinatus Humerus (greater tubercle) Rotates the arm outward Suprascapular nerve
Subscapularis† Scapula (subscapular Humerus (lesser tubercle) Medial rotation Suprascapular nerve

*Axial muscles originate on the axial skeleton. Scapular muscles originate on the scapula.

Muscles of the rotator cuff.

Muscles That Move the Forearm pull on their insertions in the wrist, hand, and fingers to move
Selected superficial and deep muscles of the upper extremity are them. The term intrinsic, meaning from within, refers to muscles
shown in Figures 10-19 and 10-20. Recall that most muscles act- that are actually within the part moved. Muscles that begin and
ing on a joint lie proximal to that joint. Muscles acting directly on end at different points within the hand can produce fine finger
the forearm, therefore, are found proximal to the elbow and at- movements, for example.
tach the bones of the forearm (ulna and radius) to the humerus Extrinsic muscles acting on the wrist, hand, and fingers
or scapula above. Table 10-14 lists the muscles acting on the are located on the anterior or the posterior surfaces of the fore-
lower part of the arm and gives the origin, insertion, function, and arm (Figure 10-22). In most instances, the muscles located on
innervation of each. Figure 10-21 shows the detail of attachment the anterior surface of the forearm are flexors and those on the
of several important muscles in this group. posterior surface are extensors of the wrist, hand, and fingers
(Table 10-15).
Muscles That Move the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers A number of intrinsic muscles are responsible for precise
Muscles that move the wrist, hand, and fingers can be extrinsic movements of the hand and fingers. Examples include the lum-
muscles or intrinsic muscles. The term extrinsic means from the brical (LUM-brik-al) and interosseous (in-ter-OSS-ee-us) mus-
outside and refers to muscles originating outside of the part of the cles, which originate from and fill the spaces between the
skeleton moved. Extrinsic muscles originating in the forearm can metacarpal bones and then insert on the phalanges of the fingers.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 26

S Levator scapulae
I Deltoideus
Rhomboideus minor
Teres minor
Deltoideus (cut)
Rhomboideus major

Teres major

Pectoralis major
Latissimus dorsi
Serratus anterior

Twelfth thoracic
A B External abdominal

Figure 10-17 Muscles that move the upper part of the arm. A, Anterior view. B, Posterior view. I

Acromion process Coracoid process

Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle

Subscapularis Figure 10-18 Rotator cuff muscles. Note the tendons of the teres minor, infra-
Teres minor spinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis muscles surrounding the head of the

(bicipital) groove



27 UNIT 2 Support and Movement


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Some epidemiologists specialize in the field of occupational health, or any other lesion in the carpal tunnel, presses on the median nerve,
the study of health matters related to work or the workplace. Many a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome may result. Because the
problems seen by occupational health experts are caused by repeti- median nerve connects to the palm and radial side (thumb side) of the
tive motions of the wrists or other joints. Word processors (typists) hand, carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by weakness, pain, and
and meat cutters, for example, are at risk for conditions caused by tingling in this part of the hand. The pain and tingling may also radi-
repetitive motion injuries. ate to the forearm and shoulder. Prolonged or severe cases of carpal
tunnel syndrome may be relieved by injection of anti-inflammatory
One common problem often caused by such repetitive motion is
agents. A permanent cure is sometimes accomplished by surgical cut-
tenosynovitis (ten-oh-sin-oh-VYE-tis)—inflammation of a tendon
ting or removal of the swollen tissue pressing on the median nerve.
sheath. Tenosynovitis can be painful, and the swelling characteristic of
this condition can limit movement in affected parts of the body. For The procedure called carpal tunnel release is the most common hand op-
example, swelling of the tendon sheath around tendons in an area of eration in the United States. First introduced in 1933 as an “open” sur-
the wrist known as the carpal tunnel can limit movement of the wrist, gical procedure, it is now performed more than 200,000 times every year.
hand, and fingers. The figure shows the relative positions of the ten- A less invasive endoscopic approach was introduced in 1989 and many
don sheath and median nerve within the carpal tunnel. If this swelling, other innovative surgical techniques and advances are now being used.

Median nerve
Tendons of flexors
of fingers


Tendon sheath Carpal bones

The carpal tunnel. The median nerve and muscles that flex the fingers pass through a concavity in the wrist
called the carpal tunnel.

As a group, the intrinsic muscles abduct and adduct the fingers LOWER LIMB MUSCLES
and aid in flexing them. Eight additional muscles serve the The musculature, bony structure, and joints of the pelvic girdle
thumb and enable it to be placed in opposition to the fingers and lower extremity function in locomotion and maintenance of
in tasks requiring grasping and manipulation. The opponens stability. Powerful muscles at the back of the hip, at the front of
pollicis (oh-POH-nenz POL-i-cis) is a particularly important the thigh, and at the back of the leg also serve to raise the full
thumb muscle. It allows the thumb to be drawn across the palm body weight from a sitting to a standing position. The muscles of
to touch the tip of any finger—a critical movement for many the lower limb include those acting on the hip or pelvic girdle, as
manipulative-type activities. Figure 10-23 shows the placement well as muscles located in the thigh, leg, and foot. Unlike the
and points of attachment for various individual extrinsic muscles highly mobile shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle is essentially
acting on the wrist, hand, and fingers. Figure 10-24 provides a de- fixed. Therefore, our study of muscles in the lower extremity be-
tailed illustration of many of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. gins with those arising from the pelvic girdle and passing to the fe-
mur; they produce their effects at the hip joint by moving the

Muscles That Move the Thigh and Lower leg

19. What are the functions of the deltoid muscle? Table 10-16 identifies muscles that move the thigh and lists the ori-
20. What is the function of the biceps brachii muscle? gin, insertion, function, and nerve supply of each (Figure 10-25).
21. Distinguish the extrinsic from the intrinsic muscles of the Refer to Figures 10-5 and 10-6 and Figures 10-25 through 10-29,
hand and wrist. which show individual muscles, as you study the information pro-
vided in the table. Muscles acting on the thigh can be divided into
Text continued on p. 383
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 28

Biceps brachii Cephalic vein

Musculocutaneous nerve Pectoralis major
Median nerve
Brachial artery Humerus
Basilic vein

Ulnar nerve Deltoid

Radial nerve
Triceps brachii (lateral head)
Triceps brachii (medial head)
A Triceps brachii (long head) M L


Biceps brachii
Cephalic vein
Median nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
Brachial artery
Radial nerve
B Basilic vein
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Ulnar nerve
Triceps brachii A

Pronator teres
Radial artery
D Flexor carpi radialis
Radial nerve
Median nerve Brachioradialis
Palmaris longus Supinator
Flexor digitorum superficialis

Ulnar artery and nerve Extensor carpi radialis longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Flexor digitorum profundus Radius
Extensor digitorum M L
Aconeus Extensor carpi ulnaris P
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longus Radial artery
Median nerve Brachioradialis
Flexor digitorum superficialis Radial nerve
P Pronator teres
Ulnar artery
M L Extensor carpi radialis longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Ulna Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Radius A
Extensor pollicis longus
Abductor pollicis M L
Extensor carpi ulnaris
longus P
Extensor digitorum and
D extensor digiti minimi

Figure 10-19 Cross sections (proximal to distal) through the upper extremity. A, Section at the junction
of the proximal and middle thirds of the humerus. B, Section just proximal to the medial epicondyle of the
humerus. C, Section at the level of the radial tuberosity. D, Section at the middle of the forearm. In each
section you are viewing the superior (proximal) aspect of the specimen.
29 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Pectoralis major
Triceps Teres major
brachii Biceps brachii
Biceps brachii
(long head)

Brachialis Triceps brachii

R L Brachioradialis Brachialis
I Radius
Pronator teres I

Figure 10-20 Muscles acting on the forearm. A, Lateral view of the right shoulder and arm. B, Anterior
view of the right shoulder and arm (deep). The deltoid and pectoralis major muscles have been removed to
reveal deeper structures.

Table 10-14 Muscles That Move the Forearm


Biceps brachii Scapula (supraglenoid Radius (tubercle at the proximal Flexes the supinated forearm Musculocutaneous
tuberosity) end) Supinates the forearm and nerve
Scapula (coracoid) hand
Brachialis Humerus (distal half, ante- Ulna (front of the coronoid Flexes the pronated forearm Musculocutaneous
rior surface) process) nerve
Brachioradialis Humerus (above the lateral Radius (styloid process) Flexes the semipronated or Radial nerve
epicondyle) semisupinated forearm;
supinates the forearm and
Triceps brachii Scapula (infraglenoid Ulna (olecranon process) Extends the lower arm Radial nerve
Humerus (posterior
surface—lateral head
above the radial groove;
medial head, below)
Pronator teres Humerus (medial epi- Radius (middle third of the Pronates and flexes the Median nerve
condyle) lateral surface) forearm
Ulna (coronoid process)
Pronator quadratus Ulna (distal fourth, anterior Radius (distal fourth, anterior Pronates the forearm Median nerve
surface) surface)
Supinator Humerus (lateral epi- Radius (proximal third) Supinates the forearm Radial nerve
Ulna (proximal fifth)
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 30

Coracoid process (O)

tuberosity (O) Coracoid process (O)


Medial surface
of humerus (I)

S Biceps brachii: S
R L Short head L R
I epicondyle of I
A Long head humerus (O) B
Pronator teres

Tubercle of Lateral
radius (I) surface of
radius (I)

Posterior surface
of humerus (O);
Infraglenoid lateral
tubercle (O) intermuscular

Triceps brachii:
Long head L R

R L (short head)
I Medial head distal half (O)

of ulna (I) Coronoid process
C of ulna (I) D

Figure 10-21 Muscles acting on the forearm. A, Biceps brachii. B, Triceps brachii. C, Coracobrachialis and
pronator teres. D, Brachialis. O, Origin; I, insertion.
31 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Medial epicondyle
of humerus
Pronator teres Brachioradialis
Flexor carpi radialis

Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum
Radius superficialis

Flexor pollicis
brevis (superficial)
Abductor digiti minimi

Opponens pollicis Flexor digiti minimi



Lateral epicondyle
Medial epicondyle Extensor digitorum
of humerus
of humerus (cut and reflected)
Radius Ulna Supinator (deep)
Extensor carpi
Supinator ulnaris (cut)
Extensor carpi
radialis longus

Flexor digitorum Extensor carpi

profundus radialis brevis
C D Abductor pollicis
quadratus Extensor pollicis
interosseus Extensor pollicis

L R R L Cut tendons
I I of extensor

Figure 10-22 Muscles of the forearm. A, Anterior view showing the right forearm (superficial). The brachio-
radialis muscle has been removed. B, Anterior view showing the right forearm (deeper than A). The pronator
teres, flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris, and palmaris longus muscles have been removed. C, Anterior view
showing the right forearm (deeper than A or B). The brachioradialis, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis and
ulnaris, palmaris longus, and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles have been removed. D, Posterior view
showing the deep muscles of the right forearm. The extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, and extensor
carpi ulnaris muscles have been cut to reveal deeper muscles.
Table 10-15 Muscles That Move the Wrist, Hand, and Fingers


Flexor carpi radialis Humerus (medial epicondyle) Second metacarpal (base of) Flexes the hand Median nerve
Flexes the forearm
Palmaris longus Humerus (medial epicondyle) Fascia of the palm Flexes the hand Median nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris Humerus (medial epicondyle) Pisiform bone Flexes the hand Ulnar nerve
Ulna (proximal two thirds) Third, fourth, and fifth Adducts the hand
Extensor carpi radialis Humerus (ridge above the Second metacarpal (base of) Extends the hand Radial nerve
longus lateral epicondyle) Abducts the hand
(moves toward the
thumb side when the
hand is supinated)
Extensor carpi radialis Humerus (lateral epicondyle) Second, third metacarpals Extends the hand Radial nerve
brevis (bases of)
Extensor carpi ulnaris Humerus (lateral epicondyle) Fifth metacarpal (base of) Extends the hand Radial nerve
Ulna (proximal three fourths) Adducts the hand
(moves toward the
little finger side when
the hand is
Flexor digitorum Ulna (anterior surface) Distal phalanges (fingers Flexes the distal inter- Median and ulnar nerves
profundus 2 to 5) phalangeal joints
Flexor digitorum Humerus (medial epicondyle) Tendons of the fingers Flexes the fingers Median nerve
superficialis Radius
Ulna (coronoid process)
Extensor digitorum Humerus (lateral epicondyle) Phalanges (fingers 2 to 5) Extends the fingers Radial nerve
Opponens pollicis Trapezium Thumb metacarpal Opposes the thumb to Median nerve
the fingers
Abductor pollicis brevis Trapezium Proximal phalanx of the Abducts the thumb Median nerve
Adductor pollicis Second and third Proximal phalanx of the Adducts the thumb Ulnar nerve
metacarpals thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis Flexor retinaculum Proximal phalanx of the Flexes the thumb Median and ulnar nerves
Abductor digiti minimi Pisiform Proximal phalanx of the fifth Abducts the fifth finger Ulnar nerve
finger (base of) Flexes the fifth finger
Flexor digiti minimi Hamate Proximal and middle phalanx Flexes the fifth finger Ulnar nerve
brevis of the fifth finger
Opponens digiti minimi Hamate Fifth metacarpal Opposes the fifth finger Ulnar nerve
Flexor retinaculum slightly
Interosseous (palmar and Metacarpals Proximal phalanges Adducts the second, Ulnar nerve
dorsal) fourth, and fifth
fingers (palmar)
Abducts the second,
third, and fourth
fingers (dorsal)
Lumbricales Tendons of the flexor digito- Phalanges (2 to 5) Flexes the proximal pha- Median nerve (phalanges
rum profundus langes (2 to 5) 2 and 3)
Extends the middle and Ulnar nerve (phalanges
distal phalanges 4 and 5)
(2 to 5)
33 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Brachio- L R Flexor
radialis digitorum
I profundus

longus Flexor Flexor
pollicis carpi
longus ulnaris Flexor
Pronator sublimis
Flexor carpi
quadratus radialis

Figure 10-23 Some muscles of the anterior aspect of the right forearm.

Flexor retinaculum
Abductor pollicis
brevis (cut)

Abductor digiti minimi

Thenar Hypothenar
eminence Flexor digiti minimi brevis eminence
Opponens pollicis
Opponens digiti minimi

Flexor pollicis brevis

Adductor pollicis

L Lumbricales
FD Flexor digitorum
superficialis tendon

Figure 10-24 Intrinsic muscles of the hand—anterior (palmar) view.

Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 34

Table 10-16 Muscles That Move the Thigh


Iliopsoas (iliacus, Ilium (iliac fossa) Femur (lesser trochanter) Flexes the thigh Femoral and second to
psoas major, and fourth lumbar nerves
psoas minor)
Vertebrae (bodies of twelfth Flexes the trunk (when the
thoracic to fifth lumbar) femur acts as the origin)
Rectus femoris Ilium (anterior, inferior spine) Tibia (by way of the patel- Flexes the thigh Femoral nerve
lar tendon) Extends the lower leg
Gluteal group
Maximus Ilium (crest and posterior Femur (gluteal tuberosity) Extends the thigh—rotates Inferior gluteal nerve
surface) outward
Sacrum and coccyx (posterior Iliotibial tract
Sacrotuberous ligament
Medius Ilium (lateral surface) Femur (greater trochanter) Abducts the thigh—rotates Superior gluteal nerve
outward; stabilizes the
pelvis on the femur
Minimus Ilium (lateral surface) Femur (greater trochanter) Abducts the thigh; stabilizes Superior gluteal nerve
the pelvis on the femur
Rotates the thigh medially
Tensor fasciae latae Ilium (anterior part of the Tibia (by way of the Abducts the thigh Superior gluteal nerve
crest) iliotibial tract) Tightens the iliotibial tract
Adductor group
Brevis Pubic bone Femur (linea aspera) Adducts the thigh Obturator nerve
Longus Pubic bone Femur (linea aspera) Adducts the thigh Obturator nerve
Magnus Pubic bone Femur (linea aspera) Adducts the thigh Obturator nerve
Gracilis Pubic bone (just below the Tibia (medial surface Adducts the thigh and flexes Obturator nerve
symphysis) behind the sartorius) and adducts the leg

Bodies of twelfth
thoracic and all Psoas major
lumbar vertebrae (O)
Psoas minor

Figure 10-25 Iliopsoas muscle (iliacus, psoas major, and psoas minor
muscles). O, Origin; I, insertion.



I Femur (l)
(lesser trochanter)
35 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Vastus lateralis

Rectus femoris
Vastus intermedius
Vastus medialis

Femoral artery and vein

Adductor longus Sciatic nerve
Adductor magnus
Gracilis Biceps femoris long head
A A Semitendonosus
Tendon of quadriceps
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis

Popliteal artery and vein

B Biceps femoris
A Tibial nerve
Gracilis Semimembranosus

Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Popliteus, lowest part
Anterior tibial artery
Flexor digitorum longus
Posterior tibial artery and nerve Superficial peroneal nerve
Great saphenous vein Fibula
Gastrocnemius medial head Flexor hallucis longus
Plantaris Gastrocnemius lateral head

Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum longus
Tibialis anterior
Anterior tibial artery
Saphenous nerve Superficial peroneal nerve
Great saphenous vein Peroneus tertius
P Tibia
Peroneus brevis
M L Tibialis posterior
Peroneus longus
A Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus
M L Posterior tibial artery Soleus
Tibial nerve Tendo calcaneus

Figure 10-26 Cross sections (proximal to distal) through the lower extremity. A, Section through the
middle of the femur. B, Section about 4 cm above the adductor tubercle of the femur. C, Section about 10 cm
distal to the knee joint. D, Section about 6 cm above the medial malleolus. In each section you are viewing
the superior (proximal) aspect of the specimen.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 36

Psoas minor

Iliacus Iliopsoas
Anterior superior
iliac spine
Psoas major
Tensor fasciae latae

Adductor longus Adductor brevis

Adductor longus
A Gracilis B

Sartorius Adductor magnus

Iliotibial tract Rectus


Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis

Insertion of
I gracilis on tibia

Figure 10-27 Muscles of the anterior aspect of the thigh. A, Anterior view of the right thigh. B, Adductor
region of the right thigh. The tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, and quadriceps muscles have been removed.

three groups: (1) muscles crossing the front of the hip, (2) the three The superficial muscles located on the posterior surface of the
gluteal (GLOO-tee-al) muscles, and the tensor fasciae latae leg form the bulging “calf.” The common tendon of the gastroc-
(TEN-sor FASH-ee LAT-tee), and (3) the thigh adductors. nemius (GAS-trok-NEE-mee-us) and soleus is called the cal-
Table 10-17 identifies muscles that move the lower part of the caneal, or Achilles, tendon. It inserts into the calcaneus, or heel
leg. Again, see Figures 10-5 and 10-6 and refer to Figures 10-30 bone. By acting together, these muscles serve as powerful flexors
and 10-31 as you study the table. (plantar flexion) of the foot.
Dorsal flexors of the foot, located on the anterior surface of
Muscles That Move the Ankle and Foot the leg, include the tibialis (tib-ee-AL-is) anterior, peroneus
The muscles listed in Table 10-18 and shown in Figure 10-32 are tertius (per-o-NEE-us TER-shus), and extensor digitorum
responsible for movements of the ankle and foot. These muscles, longus. In addition to functioning as a dorsiflexor of the foot
called extrinsic foot muscles, are located in the leg but exert their the extensor digitorum longus also everts the foot and extends
actions by pulling on tendons that insert on bones in the ankle the toes.
and foot. Extrinsic foot muscles are responsible for such move-
ments as dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion, and eversion of
the foot. Muscles located within the foot itself are called intrinsic QUICK CHECK
foot muscles (Figure 10-33). They are responsible for flexion, ex-
tension, abduction, and adduction of the toes.
The extrinsic muscles listed in Table 10-18 may be divided 22. Name the three gluteal muscles.
into four functional groups: (1) dorsal flexors, (2) plantar flexors, 23. What is the function of the gastrocnemius muscle?
(3) invertors, and (4) evertors of the foot.
37 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Pubic bone
(below symphysis) (O)
Pubic bone
(anterior surface
below origin of
adductor longus) (O)

Adductor brevis Adductor


Femur (upper
half of linea Femur (I)
aspera) (I) (middle third Gracilis
of linea aspera)



Pubic bone
(superior ramus) (O)
Tibia (I)

Pubic arch
and outer part
Pectineus of inferior surface
of ischial tuberosity (O)

Adductor Adductor
Femoral shaft magnus magnus
(below lesser Femur
trochanter) (I) (linea aspera) (I)

I I Femur I
(adductor tubercle) (I)

Figure 10-28 Muscles that adduct the thigh. O, Origin; I, insertion.

Ilium, posterior surface

of iliac crest (O)
Crest and posterior
surface of ilium,
sacrum, coccyx
and sacrotuberous Gluteal Gluteus
ligament (O) surface medius
of ilium (O)
A Gluteus

Gluteus Greater
maximus Greater
trochanter trochanter (l)
of femur (l)

Gluteal tuberosity B R L
of femur and ilio-
tibial tract (l) I

Figure 10-29 Gluteal muscles. A, Gluteus maximus. B, Gluteus minimus. C, Gluteus medius.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 38

Table 10-17 Muscles That Move the Lower Leg


Quadriceps femoris group
Rectus femoris Ilium (anterior inferior spine) Tibia (by way of patellar Flexes the thigh Femoral nerve
tendon) Extends the leg
Vastus lateralis Femur (linea aspera) Tibia (by way of the patel- Extends the leg Femoral nerve
lar tendon)
Vastus medialis Femur Tibia (by way of the patel- Extends the leg Femoral nerve
lar tendon)
Vastus intermedius Femur (anterior surface) Tibia (by way of the patel- Extends the leg Femoral nerve
lar tendon)
Sartorius Coxal (anterior superior iliac Tibia (medial surface of the Adducts and flexes the leg Femoral nerve
spines) upper end of the shaft) Permits crossing of the legs
tailor fashion
Hamstring group
Biceps femoris Ischium (tuberosity) Fibula (head of) Extends the thigh Hamstring nerve (branch
of the sciatic nerve)
Femur (linea aspera) Tibia (lateral condyle) Hamstring nerve

Semitendinosus Ischium (tuberosity) Tibia (proximal end, medial Extends the thigh Hamstring nerve
Semimembranosus Ischium (tuberosity) Tibia (medial condyle) Extends the thigh Hamstring nerve

Anterior inferior
iliac spine and
from ilium above
B acetabulum (O)

Anterior and
Rectus lateral surfaces
femoris of femur (O)


Tibia (by
Tibia (by patellar
patellar tendon) (l)
tendon) (l)

Femur from
lateral part
of linea
L R aspera (O)
Femur from
medial lip of I
linea aspera (O)

A Vastus D
Lateral border
of patella
and tibia (by
Medial border patellar tendon) (l)
of patella
and tibia (by
patellar tendon) (l)

Figure 10-30 Quadriceps femoris group of thigh muscles. A, Rectus femoris. B, Vastus intermedius.
C, Vastus medialis. D, Vastus lateralis. O, Origin; I, insertion.
39 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Table 10-18 Muscles That Move the Foot


Tibialis anterior Tibia (lateral condyle of the Tarsal (first cuneiform) Flexes the foot Common and deep per-
upper body) oneal nerves
Metatarsal (base of first) Inverts the foot
Gastrocnemius Femur (condyles) Tarsal (calcaneus by way of Extends the foot Tibial nerve (branch of
the Achilles tendon) Flexes lower leg the sciatic nerve)
Soleus Tibia (underneath the gas- Tarsal (calcaneus by way of Extends the foot (plantar Tibial nerve
trocnemius) the Achilles tendon) flexion)
Peroneus longus Tibia (lateral condyle) First cuneiform Extends the foot (plantar Common peroneal nerve
Fibula (head and shaft) Base of the first metatarsal Everts the foot
Peroneus brevis Fibula (lower two thirds of Fifth metatarsal (tubercle, Everts the foot Superficial peroneal
the lateral surface of the dorsal surface) Flexes the foot nerve
Peroneus tertius Fibula (distal third) Fourth and fifth Flexes the foot Deep peroneal nerve
metatarsals (bases of) Everts the foot
Extensor digitorum Tibia (lateral condyle) Second and third phalanges Dorsiflexion of the foot; Deep peroneal nerve
longus Fibula (anterior surface) (four lateral toes) extension of the toes
Lumbricales Tendons of the flexor digito- Phalanges (2 to 5) Flex the proximal phalanges Lateral and medial
rum longus Extend the middle and plantar nerve
distal phalanges
Flexor digiti minimi Fifth metatarsal Proximal phalanx of the Flexes the fifth (small) toe Lateral plantar nerve
brevis fifth toe
Flexor hallucis brevis Cuboid Proximal phalanx of the Flexes the first (great) toe Medial and lateral
Medial and lateral cuneiform first (great) toe plantar nerve
Flexor digitorum brevis Calcaneus Middle phalanges of the Flexes toes 2 through 5 Medial plantar nerve
Plantar fascia toes (2 to 5)
Abductor digiti minimi Calcaneus Proximal phalanx of the Abducts the fifth (small) toe Lateral plantar nerve
fifth (small) toe Flexes the fifth toe
Abductor hallucis Calcaneus First (great) toe Abducts the first (great) toe Medial plantar nerve

POSTURE ting position varies with the position that one is trying to main-
We have already discussed the major role of muscles in move- tain. Good posture during exercise, such as riding a horse or drib-
ment and heat production. We shall now turn our attention to a bling a basketball, means moving or tensing different parts of the
third way in which muscles serve the body as a whole—that of body frequently to avoid falling.
maintaining the posture of the body. Let us consider a few aspects
of this important function. How Posture is Maintained
The term posture means simply maintaining optimal body po- Gravity pulls on the various parts of the body at all times, and be-
sition. “Good posture” means many things. It means body align- cause bones are too irregularly shaped to balance themselves on
ment that most favors function; it means the position that requires each other, the only way the body can be held in any particular po-
the least muscular work to maintain, specifically, the position that sition is for muscles to exert a continual pull on bones in the op-
places the least strain on muscles, ligaments, and bones; and of- posite direction from gravity or other forces that pull on body parts.
ten it means keeping the body’s center of gravity over its base. When the body is in a standing position, gravity tends to pull the
Good posture in the standing position, for example, means the head and trunk forward and downward; muscles (head and trunk
head and chest held high; the chin, abdomen, and buttocks extensors) must therefore pull backward and upward on them. For
pulled in; the knees bent slightly; and the feet placed firmly on instance, gravity pulls the lower jaw downward; muscles must pull
the ground about 6 inches (15 cm) apart. Good posture in a sit- upward on it. Muscles exert this pull against gravity by virtue of
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 39

Tuberosity of
ischium (long head) (O) Tuberosity Tuberosity of
of ischium (O) ischium (O)
Biceps femoris
A (long head) B C
Linea aspera
of femur Semitendinosus
(short head) (O)

Biceps femoris S Semimembranosus

(short head) R L

Lateral condyle
of tibia and Medial condyle
head of fibula (l) of tibia (l)
Medial surface of
tibia (l)

Figure 10-31 Hamstring group of thigh muscles. A, Biceps femoris. B, Semitendinosus. C, Semimembra-
nosus. O, Origin; I, insertion.

Two heads of
Soleus L R P A
Gastrocnemius S
longus R L Gastrocnemius Peroneus
longus (cut)
Tibialis I
anterior Tibialis
longus Soleus anterior
Soleus Gastrocnemius
Peroneus Extensor
brevis digitorum
Soleus longus

Peroneus Peroneus
tertius brevis

Calcaneal Tendon of Peroneus

tendon peroneus tertius
A B (Achilles longus (cut) C

Figure 10-32 Superficial muscles of the leg. A, Anterior view. B, Posterior view. C, Lateral view.

their property of tonicity. Tonicity, or muscle tone, literally means Many structures other than muscles and bones play a part
tension and refers to the continuous, low level of sustained con- in the maintenance of posture. The nervous system is responsi-
traction maintained by all skeletal muscles. Because tonicity is ab- ble for the existence of muscle tone and also regulates and co-
sent during deep sleep, muscle pull does not then counteract the ordinates the amount of pull exerted by the individual muscles.
pull of gravity. Hence, we cannot sleep standing up. Interestingly, The respiratory, digestive, circulatory, excretory, and endocrine
astronauts in the low-gravity conditions of space station missions systems all contribute something toward the ability of muscles
can sleep in a standing position, as long as they are secured inside to maintain posture. This is one of many examples of the im-
special sleeping bags on the wall of the space station. portant principle that all body functions are interdependent.
40 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

Lumbricales I

Flexor hallucis
Flexor digiti
minimi brevis

Figure 10-33 Intrinsic muscles of the foot. Inferior (plantar) view.

Flexor digitorum

Abductor hallucis

digiti minimi Plantar aponeurosis


Intramuscular Injections
Many drugs are administered by intramuscular injection. If the upper outer quadrant. Another technique of locating the proper in-
amount to be injected is 2 ml or less, the deltoid muscle is often se- jection site is to draw an imaginary diagonal line from a point of ref-
lected as the site of injection. Note that in part A of this figure the erence on the back of the bony pelvis (posterior superior iliac spine)
needle is inserted into the muscle about two fingers’ breadth below to the greater trochanter of the femur. The injection is given about
the acromion process of the scapula and lateral to the tip of the three fingers’ breadth above and one third of the way down the line.
acromion. If the amount of medication to be injected is 2 to 3 ml, It is important to avoid the sciatic nerve and the superior gluteal
the gluteal area shown in part B of the figure is often used. Injec- blood vessels during the injection. Proper technique requires knowl-
tions are made into the gluteus medius muscle near the center of the edge of the underlying anatomy.

Iliac crest Gluteus

Trapezius Posterior superior medius
of scapula iliac spine

Deltoid Superior gluteal Gluteus

artery and vein maximus

Sciatic nerve trochanter



Intramuscular injection sites. A, Deltoid injection site for small doses. B, Gluteal injection site for larger doses.
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 41

The importance of posture can perhaps be best evaluated by many pathological conditions occurring at different ages may
considering some of the effects of poor posture. Poor posture also affect the muscular system.
throws more work on muscles to counteract the pull of gravity and Because of the functional interdependence of the muscu-
therefore leads to fatigue more quickly than good posture does. loskeletal and nervous systems, life cycle changes affecting the
Poor posture puts more strain on ligaments. It puts abnormal muscles are often manifested in other components of the func-
strain on bones and may eventually produce deformities. It also tional unit. During infancy and childhood, the ability to coordi-
interferes with various functions such as respiration, heart action, nate and control the strength of muscle contraction permits a se-
and digestion. quential series of developmental steps to occur. A developing
youngster learns to hold the head up, roll over, sit up, stand alone,
and then walk and run as developmental changes permit better
Cycle of Life control and coordination of muscular contraction.
Muscular System Degenerative changes associated with advancing age often re-
Acting together, the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems sult in replacement of muscle cell volume with nonfunctional
permit us to move in a coordinated and controlled way. How- connective tissue. As a result, the strength of muscular contrac-
ever, it is the contraction, or shortening, of muscles that ulti- tion diminishes. Recent findings show that much, if not all of this
mately provides the actual movement necessary for physical ac- age-related decrease in muscle strength actually results from dis-
tivity. Dramatic changes occur in the muscular system use atrophy (see Box 11-6 in Chapter 11) and may thus be avoid-
throughout the cycle of life. Muscle cells may increase or de- able. Pathological conditions associated with specific age ranges
crease in size and in their ability to shorten most effectively at can also affect one or more components of the functional unit
different periods in life. In addition to age-related changes, that permits us to move smoothly and effortlessly.


Skeletal Muscles and the Whole Body
As you read through this chapter, what struck you most was probably Taking another step back, an even bigger picture comes into focus.
the large number of individual muscles and their many actions. Al- Other systems of the body must play a role in the actions of the skele-
though learning the names, locations, origins, insertions, and other tomuscular system. For example, the nervous system senses changes
details of the major muscles is a worthwhile endeavor, such an activ- in body position and degrees of movement—thereby permitting inte-
ity can cause you to lose sight of the “big picture.” Step back from gration of feedback loops that ultimately regulate the muscular con-
the details a moment to appreciate the fact that the muscles work as tractions that maintain posture and produce movements. The cardio-
coordinated teams of biological engines that move the various com- vascular system maintains blood flow in the muscles, and the urinary
ponents of the flexible skeleton. and respiratory systems rid the body of wastes produced in the mus-
cles. The respiratory and digestive systems bring in the oxygen and
As a matter of fact, in this chapter you learned that the fibrous wrap-
nutrients necessary for muscle function.
pings of each muscle are continuous with its tendons, which in turn
are continuous with the fibrous structure of the bone to which they The picture is still not complete, however. We will see even more
are attached. Thus, we can see that the muscular and skeletal systems when Chapter 11 continues the story of muscle function by delving
are in essence a single structure. This fact is very important in seeing into the details of how each muscle works as an engine to drive the
a “big picture” comprising many individual muscles and bones. The movement of the body.
entire skeletomuscular system, as it is often called, is actually a sin-
gle, continuous structure that provides a coordinated, dynamic frame-
work for the body.
42 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

L A N G UAG E O F S C I E N C E (Cont’d from page 347)

fascia (FAY-shah) [fasci band or bundle of fibrous masseter (mah-SEE-ter) [masseter one who chews] serratus anterior muscle (ser-AYT-us) [serra saw
tissue] mastication (mass-ti-KAY-shun) [masticare to teeth, ante  prior foremost]
fixator muscle (fik-SAY-tor) [figere to fasten] chew] soleus muscle (SOH-lee-us) [solea sole of foot]
fusiform muscles (FYOO-si-form) [fusus- spindle, - multifides group (mul-TIF-i-deez) [multi- many, sphincter urethrae muscles (SFINGK-ter yoo-
forma form] -findere to split] REE-three) [spingein to bind]
gastrocnemius muscle (GAS-trok-NEE-mee-us) muscle tone spiral muscles
[gastroknemia calf of the leg] muscular system splenius capitis (SPLEH-nee-us KAP-i-tis) [splen
gluteal muscles (GLOO-tee-al MUSS-els) [gloutos occipitofrontalis (ok-sip-i-too-fron-TAL-is) spleen, capitis head]
buttocks] sternocleidomastoid muscle (STERN-oh- KLYE-
opponens pollicis muscle (oh-POH-nenz POL-i-
infraspinatus muscle (IN-frah-spy-nah-tus) [infra- cis MUSS-el) [oppenens opposing, poli pole] doh-MAS-toyd) [sterno- sternum, -kleis- key, -masto-
occurring beneath, -spina spine] breast, -oid resembling]
orbicularis oculi muscle (or-bik-yoo-LAIR-is OK-
insertion [inserere to join to] yoo-lye MUSS-el) [orbiculus little circle, ocul subscapularis muscle (sub-SKAP-yoo-lar-is) [sub-
internal intercostal muscle (in-TER-nal in-ter- pertaining to the eye] beneath, -scapulae shoulder blades]
KOS-tal) [internus inward, costa rib] orbicularis oris muscle (or-bik-yoo-LAR-is OR-iss) supraspinatus muscle (SOO-prah-spy-nah-tus)
internal oblique muscle (in-TER-nal oh-BLEEK) [orbiculus little circle, oris mouth] [supra- above, -spina spine]
[internus inward, obliquus slanted] origin (OR-i-jin) synergist (SIN-er-jist) [syn- together, -ergein to work]
interosseous muscles (in-ter-OSS-ee-us) [inter- parallel muscles temporalis muscle (tem-poh-RAL-is) [tempo-
between, -os bone] temples, -alis pertaining to]
pectoralis minor (pek-toh-RAL-is) [pector- breast,
interspinales group (in-ter-spy-NAH-leez) [inter- -alis pertaining to] tendon [tendere to stretch]
between, -spina spine] tendon sheaths (sheeths) [tendere to stretch]
pennate muscles (PEN-ayt) [pennate having
intrinsic foot muscles (in-TRIN-sik) [intrinsecus feathers] tensor fasciae latae muscle (TEN-sor FASH-ee
inside] LAT-tee) [tendere to stretch, fasci band or bundle]
perimysium (pair-i-MEE-see-um) [peri- around,
intrinsic muscles (in-TRIN-sik) [instrinsecus inside] -mys muscle] teres minor (TER-eez) [teres rounded]
ischiocavernosus muscle (iss-kee-oh-KAV-er-no- perineum (pair-i-NEE-um) tibialis anterior muscle (tib-ee-AL-is) [tibia the
sus) [ischio- the ischium or hip, -caverna hollow tibia, ante  prior foremost]
peroneus tertius muscle (per-oh-NEE-us TER-
tee-us) [peroneo related to the fibula, tertius tonicity (toh-NIS-i-tee) [tonos stretching]
levator ani muscle (leh-VAY-tor) [levare to lift up] third] trapezius muscle (trah-PEE-zee-us) [trapezion small
levator scapulae (leh-VAY-tor SCAP-yoo-lee) [levare posture (POS-chur) table]
to lift up, scapula shoulder blade]
prime mover urogenital triangle (YOO-roh-JEN-ih-tal) [uro-
lever pterygoid muscle (TER-i-goid) [pteryx- wing, -oid urine, -genit- birth or reproduction, -al pertaining to,
lever systems resembling] triangulus three-cornered]
linea alba (LIN-ee-ah AL-bah) [linea line, albus rectus abdominis muscle (REK-tus ab-DOM-i-nus) zygomaticus major muscle (zye-goh-MAT-ik-us)
white] [rectus straight, abdominis abdomen] [zygoma bolt or bar]
longissimus capitis muscle (lon-JIS-i-mus rectus sheath (REK-tus sheeth) [rectus straight]
KAP-i-tis) [longissumus longest or very long, capit rhomboideus major/minor muscle (rom-BOYD-
ee-us) [rhombos rhombus]
lumbrical muscle (LUM-bri-kal) [lumbrical rotator cuff muscles (roh-TAY-tor) [rot turned or
resembling a worm]
to turn]

carpal tunnel syndrome (KAR-pul TUN-el SIN- intramuscular injections (in-trah-MUSS-kyoo-lar tenosynovitis (ten-oh-sin-oh-VYE-tis) [teno-
drohm) [carp wrist] in-JEK-shuns) [intra occurring within] tendon, -synovi- joint fluid, -itis inflammation]
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 43


Patricia Rider, age 42, came to the health clinic complaining of pain B. It will decrease the swelling associated with the injury.
in her right hand and fingers for the past 2 months, especially at C. It will remind Ms. Rider to avoid heavy lifting with this ex-
night. She works as a sewing machine operator at a local factory mak- tremity and thus decrease the likelihood of reinjury to the
ing men’s pants. Ms. Rider thinks of herself as being in good health. area.
She walks daily and follows a low-fat diet. Her family history is neg- D. It will decrease the repetitive motions of the wrist and pre-
ative for cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. Her physical vent continuous injury.
examination reflects a positive Tinel sign (tingling sensation radiat- 3. During the routine examination, Ms. Rider is found to have a
ing from the wrist to the hand) with gentle tapping on the inside of slight separation of muscle when she is asked to lift her head off
her right wrist with a reflex hammer. the examination table while in a supine position. Which muscle
1. After a complete physical examination, carpal tunnel syndrome is do you expect to show this separation based on the above
diagnosed. Which of the following nerves is usually involved description?
with this diagnosis? A. External oblique
A. Femoral B. Internal oblique
B. Median C. Rectus abdominis
C. Ulna D. Transversus abdominis
D. Radial 4. During the physical examination, the physician tests Ms. Rider’s
2. The physician has ordered that Ms. Rider wear a right wrist splint right brachialis muscle strength. Which one of the following
held in place by an Ace bandage. Which one of the following is correctly describes this procedure?
the BEST rationale for this treatment? A. The forearm should be flexed at the elbow.
A. It will stabilize the joint, thus reducing the pain in this area B. The forearm should be extended at the elbow.
at night, while allowing Ms. Rider to remove the splint and C. Ms. Rider is asked to extend her elbow and push against a
continue her work as a sewing machine operator during the hard surface.
day. D. Ms. Rider is asked to lift a heavy object above her head.

INTRODUCTION (FIGURES 10-5 AND 10-6) 4. Arrangement—variety of arrangements, such as parallel to
A. There are more than 600 skeletal muscles in the body a long axis, converging to a narrow attachment, oblique,
B. From 40% to 50% of our body weight is skeletal muscle pennate, bipennate, or curved; the direction of fibers is sig-
C. Muscles, along with the skeleton, determine the form and nificant because of its relationship to function
contour of our body C. Attachment of muscles (Figure 10-3)
1. Origin—point of attachment that does not move when the
A. Connective tissue components 2. Insertion—point of attachment that moves when the mus-
1. Endomysium—delicate connective tissue membrane that cle contracts
covers specialized skeletal muscle fibers D. Muscle actions
2. Perimysium—tough connective tissue binding together fas- 1. Most movements are produced by the coordinated action
cicles of several muscles; some muscles in the group contract
3. Epimysium—coarse sheath covering the muscle as a whole while others relax
4. These three fibrous components may become a tendon or a. Prime mover (agonist)—a muscle or group of muscles
an aponeurosis that directly performs a specific movement
B. Size, shape, and fiber arrangement (Figure 10-2) b. Antagonist—muscles that when contracting, directly op-
1. Skeletal muscles vary considerably in size, shape, and fiber pose prime movers; relax while the prime mover (ago-
arrangement nist) is contracting to produce movement; provide pre-
2. Size—range from extremely small to large masses cision and control during contraction of prime movers
3. Shape—variety of shapes, such as broad, narrow, long, ta- c. Synergists—muscles that contract at the same time as
pering, short, blunt, triangular, quadrilateral, irregular, flat the prime movers; they facilitate prime mover actions to
sheets, or bulky masses produce a more efficient movement
d. Fixator muscles—joint stabilizers
44 UNIT 2 Support and Movement

E. Lever systems D. Muscles of the pelvic floor—support the structures in the

1. In the human body, bones serve as levers and joints serve as pelvic cavity (Figure 10-15; Table 10-11)
fulcrums; contracting muscle applies a pulling force on a
bone lever at the point of the muscle’s attachment to the UPPER LIMB MUSCLES
bone, which causes the insertion bone to move about its A. Muscles acting on the shoulder girdle—muscles that attach
joint fulcrum the upper extremity to the torso are located anteriorly (chest)
2. Lever system—composed of four component parts (Figure or posteriorly (back and neck); these muscles also allow exten-
10-4) sive movement (Figure 10-16; Table 10-12)
a. Rigid bar (bone) B. Muscles that move the upper part of the arm—the shoulder is
b. Fulcrum (F) around which the rod moves (joint) a synovial joint allowing extensive movement in every plane of
c. Load (L) that is moved motion (Figure 10-17; Table 10-13)
d. Pull (P) that produces movement (muscle contraction) C. Muscles that move the forearm—found proximal to the elbow
3. First-class levers and attach to the ulna and radius (Figures 10-20 and 10-21;
a. Fulcrum lies between the pull and the load Table 10-14)
b. Not abundant in the human body; serve as levers of sta- D. Muscles that move the wrist, hand, and fingers—these mus-
bility cles are located on the anterior or posterior surfaces of the
4. Second-class levers forearm (Figures 10-22 through 10-24; Table 10-15)
a. Load lies between the fulcrum and the joint at which
the pull is exerted LOWER LIMB MUSCLES
b. Presence of these levers in the human body is a contro- A. The pelvic girdle and lower extremity function in locomotion
versial issue and maintenance of stability
5. Third-class levers B. Muscles that move the thigh and lower part of the leg (Figures
a. Pull is exerted between the fulcrum and load 10-5, 10-6, and 10-25 through 10-31; Tables 10-16 and 10-17)
b. Permit rapid and extensive movement C. Muscles that move the ankle and foot (Figures 10-32 and
c. Most common type of lever found in the body 10-33; Table 10-18)
1. Extrinsic foot muscles are located in the leg and exert their
HOW MUSCLES ARE NAMED actions by pulling on tendons that insert on bones in the
A. Muscle names can be in Latin or English (this book uses ankle and foot; responsible for dorsiflexion, plantar flexion,
English) inversion, and eversion
B. Muscles are named according to one or more of the following 2. Intrinsic foot muscles are located within the foot; responsi-
features: ble for flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction of the
1. Location, function, shape (Tables 10-1; 10-2; 10-3) toes
2. Direction of fibers—named according to fiber orientation
(Table 10-4) POSTURE
3. Number of heads or divisions (Table 10-4) A. Maintaining the posture of the body is one of the major roles
4. Points of attachment—origin and insertion points muscles play
5. Relative size—small, medium, or large (Table 10-5) B. “Good posture”—body alignment that most favors function;
C. Hints on how to deduce muscle actions achieved by keeping the body’s center of gravity over its base
and requires the least muscular work to maintain
IMPORTANT SKELETAL MUSCLES C. How posture is maintained
A. Muscles of facial expression—unique in that at least one point 1. Muscles exert a continual pull on bones in the opposite di-
of attachment is to the deep layers of the skin over the face or rection from gravity
neck (Figures 10-7 and 10-8; Table 10-6) 2. Structures other than muscle and bones have a role in
B. Muscles of mastication—responsible for chewing movements maintaining posture
(Figure 10-9; Table 10-6) a. Nervous system—responsible for the existence of mus-
C. Muscles that move the head—paired muscles on either side of cle tone and also for regulation and coordination of the
the neck are responsible for head movements (Figure 10-10; amount of pull exerted by individual muscles
Table 10-7) b. Respiratory, digestive, excretory, and endocrine systems
all contribute to maintain posture
A. Muscles of the thorax—critical importance in respiration CYCLE OF LIFE: MUSCULAR SYSTEM
(Figure 10-11; Table 10-8) A. Muscle cells—increase or decrease in number, size, and abil-
B. Muscles of the abdominal wall—arranged in three layers, with ity to shorten at different periods
fibers in each layer running in different directions to increase B. Pathological conditions at different periods may affect the
strength (Figure 10-12; Table 10-9) muscular system
C. Muscles of the back—bend or stabilize the back (Figure
10-14; Table 10-10)
Chapter 10 Anatomy of the Muscular System 45

C. Life cycle changes—manifested in other components of func-

tional unit:
1. Infancy and childhood—coordination and control of mus-
cle contraction permit sequential development steps 1. Identify the muscles of facial expression. What muscles permit
D. Degenerative changes of advancing age result in replacement smiling and frowning?
of muscle cells with nonfunctional connective tissue 2. How do the origin and insertion of a muscle relate to each
1. Diminished strength other in regard to actual movement?
3. When the biceps brachii contracts, the elbow flexes. When
the triceps brachii contracts, the elbow extends. Explain the
REVIEW QUESTIONS role of both muscles in terms of agonist and antagonist in both
of these movements.
1. Define the terms endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium. 4. Can you describe how posture is maintained?
2. Identify and describe the most common type of lever system 5. Describe the clinical significance regarding the difference in
found in the body. size between the large head of the humerus and the small and
3. Give an example of a muscle named by location, function, shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula.
shape, fiber direction, number of heads, points of attachment. 6. If a typist complained of weakness, pain, and tingling in the
4. Name the main muscles of the back, chest, abdomen, neck, palm and thumb side of the hand, what type of problem might
shoulder, upper part of the arm, lower part of the arm, thigh, that typist be experiencing? Explain specifically what was hap-
buttocks, leg, and pelvic floor. pening to cause this discomfort.
5. Name the main muscles that flex, extend, abduct, and adduct 7. Baseball players, particularly pitchers, often incur rotator cuff
the upper part of the arm; that raise and lower the shoulder. injuries. List the muscles that make up the rotator cuff and ex-
6. Name the main muscles that flex and extend the lower part of plain the importance of these muscles and their role in joint
the arm; that flex and extend the wrist and hand. stability.
7. Name the main muscles that flex, extend, abduct, and adduct
the thigh; that flex and extend the lower part of the leg and
thigh; that flex and extend the foot.
8. Name the main muscles that flex, extend, abduct, and adduct
the head.
9. Name the main muscles that move the abdominal wall; that
move the chest wall.

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