Yarrunga Entry Form 2017
Yarrunga Entry Form 2017
Yarrunga Entry Form 2017
Briefing will on Friday night 10th November and will start around 8.00pm. All competition rules &
regulations, fishing areas and details will be discussed and catch forms made available.
Key tags:
Numbered key tags will be issued to each team and must be handed in at the completion of each
session. This will ensure that all competitors have returned safely to the competition venue. Any team
not handing in the key tag at the designated time will be penalised one centimetre per minute.
Fishing Times:
Saturday 11th 5.30am to 6.00pm (all competitors to be back at Bendeela by 6.30)
Sunday 12th 5.30am to 11.00am (all bass catch forms to be in by 11.30am)
Fishing is strictly by PADDLE POWER ONLY, No motors are permitted, either petrol or electric.
Worthiness of craft being used in this event is the responsibility of the competing angler and safety is of
prime importance. Contestants fishing the Lake Yarrunga Bass Challenge do so at their own volition
and risk.
Southern Bass Fishing Club Inc. will not accept any responsibility for accident, injury or loss
occasioned during this event.
Southern Bass will be providing a sausage sizzle on Friday night prior to the briefing and Sunday
lunch prior to the presentation. The catered meal on Saturday night will to be provided by Southern
Bass. The catered evening meal will consist of a main course followed by desert and coffee. This will
commence at 7pm sharp to be followed by the club raffle. Soft drinks will be available for a nominal fee
by Southern Bass. Gas BBQ Plates will be available for use by any competitor.
All money raised from this and any other Southern Bass event goes back into the water
in the form of restocking and your entry fee will provide sponsorship for these bass.
Bass catch data collected from this event is part of NSW DPIs on going bass catch monitoring.
Please return your completed entry form and payment using the
method that suits you best.
Email Address:crghoare5@gmail.com……………………………………………………………
I/We, the undersigned wish to participate in the Lake Yarrunga Bass Challenge and agree that I/we do so at our
own risk. Worthiness of craft being used in this event is the responsibility of the competing angler and must meet
NSW Maritime standards as safety is of prime importance. We agree to abide by the rules and regulations as set
down by the committee of Southern Bass Fishing Club Inc. and agree that Southern Bass Fishing Club Inc. shall
not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage to any person or property, personal injury or loss of life. We
the undersigned have read and understand and abide by the entry conditions.
X Large
Please make Cheques or Money orders payable to: Southern Bass Fishing Club. Post or email
all entries to the treasurer Dianne Ellis (0419315627) 2 Reef Ave Wombarra 2515 NSW.