Form 3

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[See rule 54 (12)]

Details of Family

1. Name of the Government servant

2. Designation
3. Date of birth
4. Details of the members of family as on-----------------------:

S. Names of the Date of Relationship Marital Remarks Dated

No members of family birth with the status signature
officer of Head
of Office
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I hereby undertake to keep the above particulars up-to-date by notifying to the Head of the
Office any addition or alteration.

Signature of Government servant

Place : Date :
Note 1. – The original Form submitted by the Government. servant is to be retained. All
additions/alterations are to be recorded in this Form under the signature of Head of Office in Col
7. No new Form will substitute the original Form. However, the retiring Government. servant
should submit the details of family afresh along with Form 5.
Note 2. – The details of spouse, all children and parents (whether eligible for family pension or
not) and disabled siblings (brothers and sisters) may be given.
Note 3. – The Head of Office shall indicate the date of receipt of communication regarding addition
or alteration in the family in the ‘Remarks’ column. The fact regarding disability or change of
marital status of a family member should also be indicated in the ‘Remarks’ column.
Note 4. - Wife and husband shall include judicially separated wife and husband.

Details of dependent family members whose name are noted on under Rule 54(12) of
CCS(Pension) Rule’81’ i.e. not shown in Form-1 comes as family member in term of Rule-4(d)
of CCS(LTC) Rules’88’.
Name of the Govt. servant :-

Designation & A/C NO. :-

Date of appointment :-

Details of the members of my family as on:-

Sl. Name of the members Date of Relationship with Initial remarks of Occupation
No. of family Birth the officer the Head of office






I hereby undertake to keep the above particulars up to date by notifying to the Audit
Officer /Head of the office may addition or alteration.
I also hereby undertake that the family members whose names are mentioned above
are wholly dependent upon me and income of each member from all sources Rs, 3500/-per

Place: -

Date: - Signature of Govt. Servant

Note: - Family for the purpose of LTC means (Excluding the name of family members shown is

i) Unmarried children or step children of age 25 years and above and wholly dependent on the
Govt. Servant.

ii) Married daughters who have been divorced, abundant or separated from their husbands and
are residing with the Govt. Servant and are wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant.

iii) Parents and/ or step mother residing with and wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant.

iv) Unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried, divorced, abandoned separated from their
husbands or widowed sister residing with and wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant, provided
their parents and either not alive or one themselves wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant.

When the individual has family and wishes to nominate more than one member there of

I , A/C No._________________ Rank ______________ Name______________________________ hereby

nominate the persons mentioned below who are member of my family and confer on them the right to the extent
specified below , the gratuity , that may be sanctioned by Govt. in the death while in service which have become
admissible to me on retirement may remain unpaid at my death.

Name & address of Relationship Age Amount of Contingencies Name , address and Amount
nominee with the Share of of happening relationship of of share of
individual Gratuity of which the persons if any , to gratuity
payable to nomination whom the right payable to
each shall become conferred on each
invalid nominee shall pass
in the event of the
predeceasing the
individual or the
nominee dying
after the death of
the individual but
before receiving
payment of gratuity

This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier on , which stands cancelled.
Date :-
Signature of individual
Witness to Signature:-


Note:- To be completed in the event of charge of nomination only.

1. The individual should draw lines across the blank space the entry to prevent insertion on any name after
he has signed.
2. Fourth column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount of gratuity.
3. The amount /share of gratuity shown in last column should cover the whole amount /share payable to the
original nominee.
Group Insurance Form No.-07

Nomination for benefits under the Central Govt. employee Group Insurance Scheme-1980.
(When the Govt. servant has no family and wishes to nominee one person or more than one person).

I, having no family hereby nominate the person/persons mentioned below & confer on him /them
the right to receive to the extent specified below any amount that may be sanctioned by the Central
Govt. under the Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme,1980, in the event of my death while
in service or which having become payable on my attainment the age of superannuation may remain
unpaid at my death.

Sl. Name & address of Relationship Age Amount of share to be Contingencies Name ,address and
No. nominee/nominees with Govt. paid to each on the relationship of the
Servant happening of person, if an any , to
which the whom the right of
nomination the nominee shall
shall become pass in the event of
invalid his predeceasing the
Govt. Servant.




Dated:-This……………… of………………………………………………… .
Two witeness to signature :-



Signature of the Govt. Servant.


N.B.:- The Govt. Servant should draw line across the space below his last entry to prevent the insertion
of any names after he has signed.

This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount that may be payable under the
Insurance Scheme.

Where a Govt. Servant who has no family makes a nomination he shall specify in this column
that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring a family.
Group Insurance Form No.-08

Nomination for benefits under the Central Govt. employee Group Insurance Scheme-1980.
(When the Govt. servant has a family and wishes to nominate one member and more than one member
I hereby nominate the person/persons mentioned below ,who is/are member(s) of my family and
confer on him /them the right to receive to the extent specified below any amount that may be
sanctioned by the Central Govt. under the Central Govt. Employees Group Insurance Scheme,1980, in
the event of my death while in service or which having become payable on my attaining the age of
superannuation may remain unpaid at my death.

Sl. Name & address of Relationship Age Amount of share to be Contingencies Name ,address and
No. nominee/nominees with Govt. paid to eacPh on the relationship of the
Servant happening of person, if an any , to
which the whom the right of
nomination the nominee shall
shall become pass in the event of
invalid his predeceasing the
Govt. Servant.




Dated:-This……………… of………………………………………………… .

Two witeness to signature :-



Signature of the Govt. Servant.


N.B.:- The Govt. Servant should draw line across the space below his last entry to prevent the insertion
of any names after he has signed.

This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount that may be payable under the
Insurance Scheme.

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