Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
4 http://www.i-jac.org
followed in this study to specify the main elements to be Policies of the organization. And all of this will be
examined. achieved by considering QME as a self developing
According to [10] and [11], Quality Assurance (QA) system.
can be defined as "the planned and systematic production
processes that provide confidence in a product's suitability III. KASIT CRITERIA
for its intended purpose". It is a set of activities intended After reviewing the overall aspects provided in the offi-
to ensure that system components satisfy the intended cial website of JU [8], these aspects are provided in terms
requirements in a systematic, reliable way. QA principles of the university, KASIT, and its three departments
can be applied in wide variety of fields such as; manufac- policies respectively. When referring to QA procedures
turing, civil engineering, mass products, software devel- whose characteristics are summarized in an electronic
opment, and finally company quality. It appears that QA portfolio of learning obtained from learning atmosphere
approach is therefore not limited to the manufacturing [1], KASIT criteria was built by the specialized QA
only but can be extended to any business or non-business committees at three levels: department, faculty, and
activity. For example: Design work, Administrative University. KASIT criteria can be summarized as follows:
services, Consulting, Banking, Insurance, Computer 1. CDCO: is concerned with the curriculum structure
software development, and Education. This paper focuses with the course description and the usefulness of the
on the last activity, which is Education. The Quality curriculum. This aspect focuses on: Curriculum map,
Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) was syllabuses, KASIT over plan, Curriculum for B.Sc. in
established in 1997 to provide an integrated quality all departments in KASIT which is developed every
assurance service for United Kingdom higher education five years. Also supervisory plan is given to each
[7]. first-year student in the department. Feedback from
Therefore, the purpose of Quality Assurance is to im- the local private and public sectors companies helps
prove and maintain the quality of education. According to to draw the main lines of the newly developed study
KASIT, a subject review method was used in which there plan. Graduation projects and master thesis have con-
are various aspects impact on the standard and quality of tributed to the solutions of many problems in the local
education that is related to operations and functions [7]. and global societies. Evaluation of both instructors
These aspects can be listed as: Curriculum Design, Con- and taught topics, meeting with students, and ETS
tent and Organization (CDCO), Teaching / Learning and and GET Exams all give a feedback about the devel-
Assessment (TLA), Students' Admission and Progression opment of the learning and teaching process in all de-
(SAP), Student Support and Guidance (SSG), Learning partments in KASIT.
Resources (LR), finally Quality Management and En- 2. TLA: is concerned with the process of assessing the
hancement (QME). These aspects were formulated after teaching of staff and learning of students. It consists
revising the Institutional audit that was operated in Eng- of the following criteria aspects: staff list, building
land and Northern Ireland in 2011 [3]. These aspects can map, computer labs, blackboard site, special needs
be summarized as follows: evidences, hardware, software & resources, work-
1. CDCO: The concern of this aspect is the curriculum shops, training, graduation project and ILO's forms
structure with the course description and the useful- listed in the main page of KASIT website in [8].
ness of the curriculum. 3. SAP: it focuses on acceptance and registration rules
2. TLA: is concerned with the process of assessing the for citizens & foreign students, special needs stu-
teaching of staff and learning of students. dents, graduation students, university e-mails, and
3. SAP: this aspect focuses on acceptance and registra- students' affairs.
tion rules for citizens & foreign students. 4. SSG: it is a systematic mechanism to offer support
4. SSG: it is a systematic mechanism to offer support and advice for students at each academic year,
and advice for students at each academic year. In ad- through the existence of registration advisor. This ad-
dition, to easy the communication between students visor, who is an academic staff, is specified for each
through making graduation projects to gain work ex- student when he first registers in his department. In
perience and enhance their employability. Also, to in- addition, to ease the communication between students
troduce facilitation of the movement for disabled stu- working in groups is required in the graduation pro-
dents, and finally, to employ qualified persons to help jects. In addition, an electronic Plasma Board is used
disabled students. to announce any important information for students,
like: exams' schedule, list of forbidden student, im-
5. LR: it includes libraries, Journals, E-Libraries,
portant dates for students, etc… Also, to introduce fa-
professional tools or activities, teaching rooms, labs,
cilitation of the movement for disabled students. Fi-
and some elements of students support. The objective
nally, to employ qualified persons to help disabled
here is to enhance and promote the high quality in
teaching and learning process.
5. LR: In KASIT, the human resources are shared by
6. QME: it is the system built to supervise and improve
the three departments of the School. Each department
the quality of services delivered by the organization
in KASIT has his own faculty members, both PhD
leading to Quality Assurance (QA) notations. and MSc holders, teaching assistants, and a number
The objective here is to guarantee for the stakeholders of Part-time staff members. KASIT also provides the
of such organization that it will provide a-certain following Learning Resources: KASIT Computer
level of quality. It is meant here the quality of its ser- Labs, The Computer Centre, Software Packages and
vices, which must be high and consistent in according Manuals, Online Courses, Blackboard facility,
to a set of realistic references. It also aims to fulfill KASIT Library, The Main Library of JU, E-Library,
the Vision, Mission, Aims, Objectives and Quality
2. Choosing students whose 2. Small number of academic according to the regulations of the Ministry of Higher
have ability and good staff. Education in Jordan; No student with an average less than
mentality. 3. Competing priorities of time
3. Using new technologies. according to students.
70% in the General High School Exams will be allowed to
4. School diversity. 4. Rivalry demands on aca- apply in Public Universities. However, JU records showed
5. Specialized academic staff. demic staff' time. that the vast majority of the accepted students in KASIT
6. Availability of specialized 5. Delay of constructing departments were close to the average 90%. Special needs
library. specialized library. students are taken into consideration.
Opportunities Threats 3. Using new technologies: Learning resources that are
used for the benefit of the CS, CIS, and BIS depart-
1. Improving quality. 1. Population growth. ments are part of the overall KASIT resources. These
2. Changeable education 2. Rapid technological change. resources are available to all KASIT students. KASIT
environments. 3. Complex processes for intended to use new technologies, and administrative
3. Using scholarship for approvals on new programs. staff who are capable to use these technologies, in or-
assisting recruitments. 4. Uncertainty conditions.
4. Competitive advantage. 5. Regulation and legislations
der to improve the quality of learning outcome.
5. Going up the collection of of country.
- According to LR:
programs to face market- all KASIT departments are using various resources
such as: KASIT Computer Labs, Computer Labs in other
faculties, Special Internet Labs, The Computer Centre,
6 http://www.i-jac.org
8 http://www.i-jac.org
be failed to achieve the goals of education and learning for The above threat will affect on number of accepted
all. registered students not only in the CS department but in
- LR all departments in all universities in Jordan.
The above threat will affect on the budgets of the gov- V. SUMMARY
ernment to support the universities needs for research,
enhancing the available learning resources, and follow the This paper has applied SWOT analysis technique on the
financial plans for developing the learning-teaching CS Department at KASIT in University of Jordan. SWOT
process. analysis was performed according to the criteria for
Quality Assurance Procedures in higher education and
2. Rapid technological change:
training. As the study shows in the above discussion,
- According to QME many SWOT attributes interact with QA procedures
Advancing technology threats the stability and competi- regarding CS department.
tiveness of organization. These threats may be unpredict- More precisely, Strengths SWOT attribute can be
able and unavoidable. So the countries must put plans to evaluated according to CDCO, LR, TLA, SSG, SAP, and
deal with it. For example: Jordan has made radical QME procedures of QA. While, Weaknesses attribute is
changed in there infrastructure. evaluated according to TLA, LR, SAP, and QME proce-
LR: The University of Jordan takes in to account the dures. And, Opportunities attribute can be evaluated
power of IT to support learning and attracts an increasing according to TLA, LR, and QME procedures. Finally,
number of students with its mixture of high quality teach- Threats attribute can be evaluated according to LR, SAP,
ing besides learning resources. In addition, University of and QME procedures.
Jordan aimed to and worked on employing academic staff As observed above, the most common interacted
with different specializations. QA procedure was LR in all SWOT attributes. This shows
6. Complex processes for approvals on new pro- that Learning Resources (LR) attribute has a great role in
grams: enhancing and evaluating any education system in univer-
- According to QME sities. If reader reviews the Threats attribute, he/she will
The improving and developing new programs is hard find that the most repeated procedure was QME. This
to undertake, because this program must shape the means that the greatest dangerous threats come from
criteria's of higher education besides the priorities of keeping up the level of Quality to satisfy the needed
academic departments. To achieve this step, we need to conditions. Also, it can be noted that the Strengths attrib-
collaboration and organization many items, such as: staff, ute has the largest number of QA procedures; it interacts
committees, procedures and systems contained by Uni- with them all. This means that the CS Department system
versity. On the other hand, innovative program need to has satisfied all the required QA procedures for the
endorsement from the commission of the ministry of Strengths attribute.
Higher Education, this process need to year or two years REFERENCES
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