Gap Analysis Program Component Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? Gaps

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Program Component Where are we now? Where are we going? GAPS

Curriculum K- integrated I - Collaborate K- Grade I and II Lack of communication. Lack of

II - Fragmented trainings for teachers

Teaching ang Learnig Delivery K- more on the small group activities. K-introduce letters and letter sound. K- cannot recognize letters/
Grade I and II Bridge the gap sounds.
integration of ICT between K, Grade I and II in terms of Formal training in grade I and II
learning process

Learning Resources Grade I and II uses books K-hands on Provide reading materials using the Lack of time.
activities bloom application. Limited sapace

Assessment Hands on activity. Use Provide different assessment for K, grade Teacher made assessment/test.
of activity sheets I-II Unavailability of
Research No research made Plan to conduct a research. No background in doing a

Monitoring and Evaluation Reading readiness monitored by the Target of 100% non-reader at the end of Lack of follow -up at home.
teacher. the school year. Readin readiness of every pupil.

Advocacy ang Partnership Program for reading has been stopped. Lack of time.
Limited space.

Performance (Enrolment/Test K- 147 100% enrolment/passers and test takers.

Takers/Passers Grade I - 146
Grade II -

Prepared by:

Kinder, Grade 1 and Grade 2 Teachers

Noted by:

Marvin H. Suarez
GVES Principal

How do we get there?

Meeting of K, Grade I and II

teachers during PLC/SLAC/TOC

Meet the parents and involve

them in the learning of their
children. Follow-up at home.

Train parents on how to teach

their children in beginning

Meeting of K, grade I and II

teachers for the assessment to
be made.
Meeting of K, grade I and II
Discuss of what will be the
propose research.

Do regular updates of the

pupils reading status.
Enhancedschool reading
Train parents who can in the
reading program

Pedagogical Enhancement in Reading in the Mother Tongue and Bridging Process in Kinder, Grade I, Grade II

Curriculum Brainstorming/Sharing Slac/PLC/TQC inset Inform the grades 1, II Principal, Master 1-3 days training Kinder, Grades I
during PLC/SLAC/TQC and kinder teacher to T., K, grades I and I and II teachers.
bridge the gap. I teachers.

Learning Resources Adapt some stategies from Use of primer Familiarize Kinder, Kinder Third to fourth grading Big books
grade II. Expose booklet. grades I and II to reading Grade I Story books
kinder pupils to printed Other reading materials Grade II pupils Primer booklet
materials materials.

Assessment/Results Activity sheets Give assessment after Measure the reading Kinder June - March Activity sheets and
Teacher made test. every lesson. readiness of Kinder, Grade I test materials
grades I and II pupils Grade II teachers

Teaching ang Learning Delivery Create more learning Collaborate with kinder, Kinder, Grades I June -March
materials. grades I and II teachers. and II teachers,
Collaboration of Kinder, Principal and MT's.
grades I and II

Research Effectiveness of Reading Enhanced school Develop reading Kinder, Grades I June to March
Ability for early grades with reading program comprehension and II teachers,
collaborative effort from K- suited for k-2
2 teachers

Monitoring and Evaluation

Prepared by
Kinder, Grade 1 and Grade 2 GVES
Noted by:

Marvin H. Suarez
GVES Principal

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