1000 Synonyms Antonyms PDF
1000 Synonyms Antonyms PDF
1000 Synonyms Antonyms PDF
The Vedic literature was composed in Sanskrit. To begin with, the Vedas were recited and
not written. They were taught orally. Hence they were called as Sruti (heard) and Smriti
(memorized). But later on, they were reduced to writing after the invention of scripts.
The major literary and religious works of the Vedic Period are the four Vedas and the
Upanishads. These works still continue to hold immense authority in the sphere of
spiritual and religious literature. The idea and principles of Karma (action) and Moksha
(spiritual liberation) are widely accepted by the people belonging to the Hindu faith.
Four Vedas
Ramayana: It is said to have been composed by the sage, Valmiki. The incident related
in it precedes the Mahabharata by about a hundred and fifty years. The story of Ramayana
is of indigenous origin and had existed in ballad form in Prakrit, in more than one version.
It was rewritten in Sanskrit and augmented with many 'Shlokas'. The epic was given a
Brahmanical character which was not visible in the original work. It is also known as Adi
Kavya. Evidence places the oldest part of the Ramayana to before 350 BC. The reference
in the epic to the mingled hoards of Yavanas and Shakas suggests that it received
accretions in the Graeco-Scythian period and may have acquired its final shape by about
AD 250.
Mahabharata: The Mahabharata is the bulkiest epic consisting of 100,000 verses and is
divided into 18 paravas (books). This book is usually assigned to Rishi Ved Vyas, but
scholars have expressed doubts if such a great work could have been accomplished by
one single person. The story itself occupies only about one-fourth of the poem. It is a tale
about the conflict between Aryans-Kaurava and Pandava.
The rest is episodical comprising Cosmology, Theogony, statecraft, the science of war,
ethics, legendary history, mythology, fairy tales and several digressional and
philosophical interludes, of which the best known is the Bhagavad Gita.
• The Aryans were semi-nomadic pastoral people and originated from the area
around the Caspian Sea in Central Asia(Many historians have given various theories
regarding their original place). The Central Asian theory is given by Max Muller.
• Entered India probably through the Khyber Pass(Hindukush mountain) around
1500 BC.