CH 4 CH 5 Review Materials Solutions From Book

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Answer Key 4con

Section 4-3 2.. Terminal velocity is when the drag force on

Interaction Forces a falling object is equal to the gravitational
force on that object.
Table 1 3. Objects that are in free fall are considered
Force Magnitude Direction weightless.
= 12,000.0 N —12,010.0 N = —10.0 N,
Fbook 1 on book 2 40 N down or 10.0 N acting to the South
Fbook 2 on book 1 40 N F 550N
5. a.. m=—= 56’cg
g 9.80 rn/s
Fbook2 on desktop 50 N down
F 590N
50 N UP
=1.OX1O 1 rn/s
Fdesktop onbook2 m 56kg
Fbooksland2 on desktop 90 N down F 510N
m 56kg
1esktopon books 1 and 2 90 N up

1. false
Section 4-3 Quiz
1.. All forces are the result of the interaction
2. true
between objects, specifically an agent and a
3, true
4, false
2. Tension is the specific name for the force
5. true
exerted by a string or a rope.
6. false
3.. Normal force is the support force resulting
7, true
from the contact of two objects. It is per
8. true
pendicular to the plane of contact between
9, true
two objects.
10, true
4 From the interaction pair, the force the safe
11, false
exerts on Earth is the same as what Earth
12. true
exerts on the safe, namely its weight.
F = mg = (15,000 kg)(9.80 m/s ) =
Section 4-1 Quiz 150,000 N
1. Force is a vector quantity, made up of both
— F — 150,000 N
magnitude and direction. —

2. fhe forces acting on an object must be com

2.5X10 rn/s
20 2
bined using vector addition to find the net
5. T = mg + ma (200.0 kg) (9.80 m/s
) +
force on the object
(200.0 kg)(1.2 m/s
) = 2200 N
3. Lquilibrium is when an object has no net
forces acting upon it,
Chapter 4 Reinforcement
F 270N
4. a-—=——----=7.7m/s 1. The fruit moved down to the base of the
m 35kg
tines on the fork.
5. Ffl 240 N + 120 N 360 N East
2.. The fruit and the fork moved together
F 970N
because of a downward force exerted by the
6. m=—= —=220kg
a 44m/s
right arm. The left fist then exerted an
upward force that stopped the motion of the
Section 4-2 Quiz hand and the fork. However, no such force
1. The weight of an object depends on the
was stopping the motion of the fruit, so the
mass of the object and the acceleration due
fruit continued moving down the tines. This
to gravity.
situation is an example of Newton’s first law,

204 Chapters 1—5 Resources Physics: Principles and Problems

Chapter4 continued

The motion of the fruit was stopped when Results

the fork exerted a force that stopped the
1. The drag force (reading on the spring scale)
fruit. The fruit was moving downward, and
was higher at higher speeds. The hypothesis
the force of the fork was in an upward direc
was supported.
tion. This upward unbalanced force caused
2. The drag force (reading on the spring scale)
an upward acceleration of the fruit, stopping
was higher for the irregularly shaped object.
its downward motion. This situation is an
The hypothesis was supported.
example of Newton’s second law.
3. The object may hit the bottom of the basin,
3 The fruit flew off the fork into the sink.
adding drag. It is difficult to pull the scale at
4. The explanation is the same as before, with
a constant speed and to read the scale while
one exception. In the first exercise, the fork
it is moving. Attaching the string at different
exerted a force on the fruit, stopping its
points on the object may result in different
motion. In the second exercise, the fork did
not exert a force on the fruit, so the fruit
4. Measure the drag force using very cold water.
kept moving until it struck the sink.
Then do the same experiment except with
very hot water. (If students do this experi
Chapter 4 Enrichment
ment they will probably not see significant
differences. They should not use excessively
1. The faster an object moves through the hot water because of the danger of burns.)
water, the higher the drag force will be. 5. Flot water is less dense than cold water, so
2. Attach a length of string to a small object there should be less resistance. The differ
and attach the other end to a small spring ence in density is very small, so any differ
scale. Fill the basin with water. Submerge the ences in the drag force may not be measur
object at one end of the basin. Hold the oth able with this experiment.
er end of the scale at the far end of the
basin. Pull the scale steadily away from the Transparency Worksheet 44
basin a distance of 30 cm in 4 s. Observe the
spring scale as you do this and record the Combining Forces on an Object
force, Repeat several times. Then repeat sev 1. a. FA represents the friction between the
eral times using a time of 2 s. ground and the sled.
3. An irregularly shaped object will create a b. F 8 represents the pull of the person on
higher drag force than a streamlined one. the sled.
4. Attach a length of string to a small irregular c. F represents the pull of the rope on the
object. Attach the other end to a small sled.
spring scale, Fill the basin with water. Sub d. D represents the pull of the rope on the
merge the object at one end of the basin, person.
Flold the other end of the scale at the far e. FE represents the pull of the sled on the
end of the basin. Pull the scale steadily away person.
from the basin a distance of 30 cm in 4 s. f. FE represents the friction between the
Observe the spring scale as you do this and person and the ground.
record the force, Repeat several times. Then 2. sled on ground, ground on sled; rope on
repeat several times with a streamlined sled, sled on rope; rope on person, person on
object using the same distance and time. rope; person on ground, ground on person
3. The net force that moves the sled is the force
the person exerts on the ground minus the
friction between the sled and the ground.

Physics: Principles and Problems

Chapters 1 5 Resources 205
Answer Key Chavter4 continued

Transparency Worksheet 42 ‘“bowling ball on hand acts only on the hand,

bow1ing ball on Earth acts only on Earth, and
Motion and Newton’s Second Law
hand on bowling ball and Fa on bowling ball
1. asXv/t act only on the bowling ball.
= (3.0 km/h 0.0 km/h)/(0.75 h 0.0 h)

5.. The movement of the ball is due to unba1
= (3.0 km/h)/(0.75 km/h) anced forces on it, not the balanced force of
(3000 m)/((3600 s)(2700 s)) interaction pairs that act on each object.
=3.09X10 2 m/s
0 rn/s
2 Transparency Worksheet 4-4
a Weight and Normal Force
— 3.0 km/h)/(2.5 h
(4.0 km/h — — 1.75 h)
(1 km/h)/(0.75 h) 1. Weight is the force defined by the formula
(1000 m)/((3600 5) (2700 s)) Pg = mg, where weight is a force caused by
10X10 4 m/s the acceleration due to gravity on a mass.
4 urn/s 2. The normal force is a support force resulting
5 aF/m from the contact of two objects. It is always
F ma perpendicular to the plane of contact
(3.1X1O 4 m/s
)(120,000 kg)
2 between the two objects.
37 N 3.. The weight of the box and the magnitude of
6 I ma the normal force are equal in Figure a.
)(120,000 kg)
(0 m/s
2 4.. The magnitude of the normal force is greater
=ON than the weight of the box in Figure b.
Z I ma 5. External forces other than gravity and the
(1.OX1O 2
) (120,000kg)
/s mass of the object may change the normal
12 N
force that an object exerts.
8, rn/s
2 6. The box’s apparent weight is different from
the weight caused by its mass and gravity in
Transparency Worksheet 4-3 Figures b and c.

Newton’s Third Law: Interaction Pairs Chapter 4 Assessment

1 the hand, the bowling ball, and Farth
2. hnd on bowling ball S the force that the
hand exerts upward on the bowling ball. Understanding Physics Concepts
bowling ball on hand is the force that Earth
1 1. b
exerts downward on the howling ball. 2. a
‘bowling ball on Farth is the force that the 3.. c
bowling ball exerts upward on Earth. 4.. b
Fhand on bowling ball and bowling ball on hand’ 5.. a
on bowling ball and bowling ball on Earth’
1 6.. a
‘they are interaction pairs because they are
of equal magnitude and opposite direction 8.. c
arid act on different objects. 9.. c
10.. c
11.. force
12.. magnitude
13.. away from

Physics: Principles and Problems

o __crIccy -

14. vector 4. Interaction pairs are forces that act on difft’r

15. equilibrium ent objects; they are equal in magnitude but
16. gravity opposite in direction. The drawing shows an
17. weightlessness interaction pair in the force of gravity from
18. velocity (or motion), surface area (or shape) the weight of the boat balanced by the nor-
19. interactions mal force of the boat on the ground.
20. magnitude, opposite
21. rope (or string, cable, wire, etc.)
22. normal
Thinking Critically
Farm T
1. The weight of any object is equal to the
product of the mass of the object and the
acceleration due to gravity. Mass does not
change, but weight is dependent upon the
gravitational force. The force of gravity on 5. The forces exerted by your arm muscles and
Mars is different from the force of gravity on the force exerted by the rope are acting on
Earth, so objects would have the same mass your hand.
on Mars but a different weight. 6. Have the pilot take the jump plane to a
2. As the elevator slows, your acceleration is in higher altitude.
the direction opposite to your velocity. The
direction of the acceleration of the elevator (a) Fd rag (b) Fd rag (c) Fd rag
is down. Thus the net force on you is down
ward. Your apparent weight is equal to an
upward force equal to your weight plus the
net force acting on you. In this case, the net
force is downward, so your apparent weight
would be Fg Your apparent weight Fgravty Fgravjty
would decrease.
3. No, there is no net force on the boat
because it has neither vertical nor horizontal Fgravty
acceleration. There is, however, constant for- i
Fgravty > Fdrag Fgravity < Fdrag

avIty — Fdrag I
ward motion because the force of tension is
greater than the force of friction,
Applying Physics Knowledge
Fnormai 1. F ma (6.0 kg)(2.() m/s
2 12 N

2. m 3.06 kg
Ftrcton ‘ T g 9.80 m/s
3. 1
F g and Fg
T mg
Fgravity T> Ffrjctjon = mg = (4.2 kg)(9.80 m/s)
2 41 N
4. A force of —125 N acting in the opposite
direction will produce equilibrium.
5. F
. F
1 11 + Pg
= ma + mg nz(a + g)
= (1.10X i0
3 kg)(0.45 m/s 2 + 9.80 m/s
= l.1x10
4 N

Physics: Principles and Problems Chapters 1 —5 Resources 207

Chapter4 continued

6. a. in =
= 2.OX io N
= 2.OX 106 kg
Physics Lab
g 9.80 rn/s
The Coefficient of Friction
thmst — N
Sample Data

Ii. a= 2
m — 2.OXlO
6 g —

Object material = wood

25 N Surface material = wood
7. a. 2
m .6kg
Data Table 1
rn 4.8 kg FN (N) Static Friction Force, FN)
g = 9.80 rn/s
P 25 N Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
= 3.4 2
+ 2
m 2.6 kg + 4.8 kg 2.1 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.5

b. cord = a = (2.6 kg)(3.4 m/s

m )
2 = 8.8 N Data Table 2
8. rng = (102 kg)(9.80 m/s
FN (N) Kinetic Friction Force, F{N)
= N
(lflweIder + lflequjpment)g Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
tota1 =

(102 kg ± 14 kg) (9.80 m/s )

2 = 1100 N 2.10 0.85 0.65 0.75 0.75
Adding the torch and fuel tank to the weight
of the welder would exceed the 1100 N spec Data Table 3
ified for this stool,
FN (N) F(N) (N)

Chapter 5 2.10 1.53 0.75 0.73 0.36

Data Table 4, Angle, 0, when sliding begins on

Mini Lab an incline
What’s Your Angle?
0 tan0
Analyze and Conclude 210 0.38
2. The weight of the 500-g object is 4.9 N.
While the object is being pulled up the Analyze
incline it is less—approximately 3.5 N. The 1. Answers are in Tables 1 and 3.
measurement on the inclined plane should 2. Answers are in Tables 2 and 3.
be less because the board partially supports 3. Answer is in Table 3.
the object’s weight. 4. Answer is in Table 3.
3. = rng sin 0 = (0.5 kg)(9.80 m/s
2 450)
5, Answer is in Table 4.
3.5 N Conclude and Apply
4. Answers may vary, although the inclined 1. Students should draw on their experience
plane reading should be nearly the same as moving objects and conclude that the force
the component from question 3. necessary to start an object moving usually
is greater than the force needed to keep it
moving, so the value for ,u is larger than for
ILk. It is reasonable that >

208 Chapters 1—5 Resources Physics: Principles and Problems

r- M!crJcY
ChapterS continued

16. 430
north of east, 641 m/s 19. 2
NORTH 20. 4
21. 1
22. 3
10O.O rn/s
641.0 mIs
Section 5.2
1. c
2. b
3. c
4. c
EAST 5. b.
Ffricition Fwjflch

17. In vector addition you are transforming two

vectors into one vector. In vector resolution
you are transforming one vector into two Fgravty
I 8. Add each x and ycomponent of the vectors
to obtain the answer resultant force,
P°5.0N 4.ON+ 1.ON=2.ON Z net Fwinch friction—

F=3.0N+20N- 8.ON= 3.0N 2000 N (0.2)(9800 N) = 40 N

= 40N
R = V(2.0 N)
2 + (—3.0 N)
2 = 3.6 N 8,, a= =0.04 rn/s
m 1000kg
sinO sinx

Section 5.3
sinO =

—0 83 Force and Motion in
0 = —56° Two Dimensions
2.0 N in the x-direction, —3.0 N in the 1. c
y-direction, resultant force is 3.6 N acting at 2. c
an angle of —56 3. b
sinO sin
2N A 4si4z 4.1 N
r’”—-— X srn9O
56 -


= (4.IN)


210 Chapter 5 Resources Physics: Principles and Problems


Enrichment Transparency Worksheet 5-1

Forces in Two Dimensions Vector Components
1. Measured, approximately 97°, 41°, and 41° 1. The vectors are not perpendicular. The angle
15 m between them is 110° (120.0° 10.0°).—

2. First, a
1 and a
2 are decomposed into com
ponents. Second, the vertical components of
10 10 m
1 and a
a 2 are added. Then the horizontal
components of a 1 and a2 are added together.
Third, the sum of the horizontal compo
nents and the sum of the vertical compo
nents are added to find the resultant vector.
3. a
2 is negative because it points to the left.
2 + B
A 2 2
R 4. a
2 has a larger vertical component.
0=cos 1

2AB 5. a
1 has a larger horizontal component.
1= a
6. a 1 cos 10° 1 = sin 10°
2(10.0 m)(l0.0 m) 7. a = a 2 cos 120° y=a
a 2 sin 120°
= 97.2° )
0= 8. anet = V(a x
+ 0 =

tan( X

9. a = (x+ety)
2(10.0 m)(15,0 m)
= V(7.8 2 + (9.0 km)
km) 2
3. T=Tsin48.6° =0.750T = 12km
9.0 km’
= Tcos 48.6° = 0.661T
0=tan -11I
4, 2(0,6614T) = 5,00X N \ 7.8 km
5. = 0.750T = (0,750)(5.00X N) 12 km at 49°
= 3750 N

Transparency Worksheet 5-2
6. OON
2 wires Surfaces and Friction
7. To provide a horizontal force component
1.(9.80 m/s
)(2 kg)(0.50) = 10 N
that prevents the sculpture from oscillating
2. (9.80 m/s
)(2 kg)(0.20) = 4 N
like a pendulum.
3. Yes, the force of static friction is 40 N X
8. Yes, but this would require a recalculation of
0.90 = 36 N 40 N, less than the horizon
the equilibrium forces and the tension in
tal force.
each wire. As long as the wires could handle
4. The roughness of the surfaces makes than
the maximum tension, a symmetrical sus
hard to slide past each other.
pension is not required.
5. The surface of the paper is not perfectly
9. No; the wire making the smaller angle with
smooth, but it also does not have sharp pro
the perpendicular would have the greater
jections that would give it a high coefficient
of friction.
10. Yes; the procedure is the same but with two 6. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction
different equilibrium conditions, one for
would be relatively high because of the
each wire. The symmetrical suspension
roughness of the surface of the sandpaper.
merely simplifies the calculations.

Phsics: Principles and Problems Chapters 1—5 Resources 213


Transparency Worksheet 5-3 7.. F would decrease and F, would increase.

8. FgyZPgcoSO
Static Friction 9 FgFgSflO
1.. = Pg 10. The inclined plane exerts an upward force,
=mg on the trunk that is equal in magnitude
= (20 kg)(9.80 m/s
2 to F, and acts perpendicular to the surface
= 200 N of the inclined plane.
2. The static friction force gradually increases.
3.. The forces are equal. If they were not equal, Chapter Assessment
there would be a net force and the toboggan
Forces in Two Dimensions
would move.
4.. F static = Understanding Physics Concepts
= (0,20)(196 N) 1. c
= 39 N 2.. c
5. Yes, the pulling force is greater than the 3. c
maximum static friction force. 4.. a
6. Pf kinetic IL kEN 5. a
= (0.15)(196 N) 6.. c
= 29 N 7.b
7.. a=(P—Ff)/m 8.. c
= (50 N — 29.4 N)/20 kg 9.. b
1 rn/s
2 10.. b
8.. = (35 kg)(9.80 m/s
2 11. NORTH
= 343 N

Ff kinetic (0,20)(343 N)
= 69 N

No. The maximum static friction force

would be 68.6 N, which is greater than the
pulling force.

Transparency Worksheet 5-4

Forces on an Inclined Plane
1. The process is called vector decomposition.
2. F is a single force vector acting in a certain
direction. F is its horizontal component
and F is its vertical component. 12. A = A cos 0 (500.0 N)(cos 30.0°)
+ = p
2 = 433 N
would point to the left, F, would be the A = A sin 0 = (500.0 N)(sin 30,0°)
same, and F would lie between FX and F.Y = 2.50X 102 N
4 pV 13. A=V=
5. If the angle is increased to 400, F, would
\/(10.0 rn/s)
2 (2.00 rn/s)—2 = 9.80 rn/s
increase and F would decrease.
14. R
2 = 2 +B
A 2 —2AB cos 0
6. Earth’s gravity causes Fgi which is the weight
2 + (3.0 rn)
R = ‘s/(4.0 rn) 2 — 2(4.0 rn)(3.0 rn) cos (142) = 6.6 m
of the trunk. The vector points downward
((3.00 m)(sin 27.0k))
because gravity acts towards Earth’s center. 15. o= 1
4.00 m
= 20.0°

214 Chapters 1—5 Resources Physics: Principles and Problems

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