CH 4 CH 5 Review Materials Solutions From Book
CH 4 CH 5 Review Materials Solutions From Book
CH 4 CH 5 Review Materials Solutions From Book
1. false
Section 4-3 Quiz
1.. All forces are the result of the interaction
2. true
between objects, specifically an agent and a
3, true
4, false
2. Tension is the specific name for the force
5. true
exerted by a string or a rope.
6. false
3.. Normal force is the support force resulting
7, true
from the contact of two objects. It is per
8. true
pendicular to the plane of contact between
9, true
two objects.
10, true
4 From the interaction pair, the force the safe
11, false
exerts on Earth is the same as what Earth
12. true
exerts on the safe, namely its weight.
F = mg = (15,000 kg)(9.80 m/s ) =
Section 4-1 Quiz 150,000 N
1. Force is a vector quantity, made up of both
— F — 150,000 N
magnitude and direction. —
avIty — Fdrag I
ward motion because the force of tension is
greater than the force of friction,
Applying Physics Knowledge
Fnormai 1. F ma (6.0 kg)(2.() m/s
2 12 N
2. m 3.06 kg
Ftrcton ‘ T g 9.80 m/s
3. 1
F g and Fg
T mg
Fgravity T> Ffrjctjon = mg = (4.2 kg)(9.80 m/s)
2 41 N
4. A force of —125 N acting in the opposite
direction will produce equilibrium.
5. F
. F
1 11 + Pg
= ma + mg nz(a + g)
= (1.10X i0
3 kg)(0.45 m/s 2 + 9.80 m/s
= l.1x10
4 N
6. a. in =
= 2.OX io N
= 2.OX 106 kg
Physics Lab
g 9.80 rn/s
The Coefficient of Friction
thmst — N
Sample Data
Ii. a= 2
m — 2.OXlO
6 g —
16. 430
north of east, 641 m/s 19. 2
NORTH 20. 4
21. 1
22. 3
10O.O rn/s
641.0 mIs
Section 5.2
1. c
2. b
3. c
4. c
EAST 5. b.
Ffricition Fwjflch
= 40N
R = V(2.0 N)
2 + (—3.0 N)
2 = 3.6 N 8,, a= =0.04 rn/s
m 1000kg
sinO sinx
Section 5.3
sinO =
—0 83 Force and Motion in
0 = —56° Two Dimensions
2.0 N in the x-direction, —3.0 N in the 1. c
y-direction, resultant force is 3.6 N acting at 2. c
an angle of —56 3. b
sinO sin
2N A 4si4z 4.1 N
r’”—-— X srn9O
56 -
= (4.IN)
2. First, a
1 and a
2 are decomposed into com
ponents. Second, the vertical components of
10 10 m
1 and a
a 2 are added. Then the horizontal
components of a 1 and a2 are added together.
Third, the sum of the horizontal compo
nents and the sum of the vertical compo
nents are added to find the resultant vector.
3. a
2 is negative because it points to the left.
2 + B
A 2 2
R 4. a
2 has a larger vertical component.
0=cos 1
2AB 5. a
1 has a larger horizontal component.
1= a
6. a 1 cos 10° 1 = sin 10°
2(10.0 m)(l0.0 m) 7. a = a 2 cos 120° y=a
a 2 sin 120°
= 97.2° )
0= 8. anet = V(a x
+ 0 =
tan( X
9. a = (x+ety)
2(10.0 m)(15,0 m)
= V(7.8 2 + (9.0 km)
km) 2
3. T=Tsin48.6° =0.750T = 12km
9.0 km’
= Tcos 48.6° = 0.661T
0=tan -11I
4, 2(0,6614T) = 5,00X N \ 7.8 km
5. = 0.750T = (0,750)(5.00X N) 12 km at 49°
= 3750 N
Transparency Worksheet 5-2
6. OON
2 wires Surfaces and Friction
7. To provide a horizontal force component
1.(9.80 m/s
)(2 kg)(0.50) = 10 N
that prevents the sculpture from oscillating
2. (9.80 m/s
)(2 kg)(0.20) = 4 N
like a pendulum.
3. Yes, the force of static friction is 40 N X
8. Yes, but this would require a recalculation of
0.90 = 36 N 40 N, less than the horizon
the equilibrium forces and the tension in
tal force.
each wire. As long as the wires could handle
4. The roughness of the surfaces makes than
the maximum tension, a symmetrical sus
hard to slide past each other.
pension is not required.
5. The surface of the paper is not perfectly
9. No; the wire making the smaller angle with
smooth, but it also does not have sharp pro
the perpendicular would have the greater
jections that would give it a high coefficient
of friction.
10. Yes; the procedure is the same but with two 6. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction
different equilibrium conditions, one for
would be relatively high because of the
each wire. The symmetrical suspension
roughness of the surface of the sandpaper.
merely simplifies the calculations.
Ff kinetic (0,20)(343 N)
= 69 N