9.4 Newton's Second Law - Part 2 - Student

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12 Sept 2024

9.4 Newton’s Second Law – part 2

8. A Physics teacher of mass 71.4 kg decides, just for fun, to stand on

some bathroom scales (calibrated in newtons) in a lift. The scales
provide a measure of the force with which they push up on the
teacher. When the lift is stationary, the reading on the bathroom scales
is 700 N. What will be the reading on the scales when the lift is:


a. moving upwards at a constant speed of 2.0 m s−1

reading on 700 scales = N

a. accelerating downwards at 2.0 m s−2

Fnet = ma
Weight – Fscale = a
Fscale = N

reading on 557 scales = N

b. accelerating upwards at 2.0 m s−2?

Fnet = ma
Fscale - weight = a
Fscale = N

reading on 840 scales = N

9. A ball of mass 0.50 kilograms is thrown vertically upwards.

a. What is the velocity of the ball at the top of its flight?

velocity 0 = m/s

b. What is the magnitude of the ball’s acceleration at the top of

its flight?

magnitude of ball’s acceleration at the 9.8 top =


c. What is the net force on the ball at the top of its flight?

net force at the 4.9 top = N

9.4 Exam questions

Q1) The cable holding a lift would break if the tension in it were to
exceed 25 000 N.

If the 480-kilogram lift has a load limit of 24 passengers whose

average mass is 70 kilograms, what is the maximum possible upwards
acceleration of the lift without breaking the cable?

mass of lift + 24 passengers = 2160 kg

Ftension = 25 000

Fnet =

Flift + passengers = 480 + 24(70) 

9.8 N
Fnet =

ma =

a = m.s2

maximum possible upwards 1.8 acceleration =

Q2) A block of mass 2.5 kg is being pulled along a rough benchtop by a
horizontal string exerting a pull of 6.5 N. The observed acceleration
is 2.0 m s .

Calculate the magnitude of the friction force exerted on the

benchtop by the block. (Show working)

a = 2.0

6.5 N
Ffriction 2.5 kg

Fnet = - Ffriction

= - Ffriction

Ffriction = N

magnitude of friction 1.5 force = N

Q3) In a large warehouse, a golf cart is used to pull a small trailer by
means of a horizontal connecting rod.

The masses of the cart and trailer are 150 kg and 50 kg

respectively. The retarding friction forces on the cart and trailer are 30
N and 20 N respectively. The driving force is provided by the cart. At one
time, the acceleration of the cart and trailer is 1.5 m s−2.

Determine the tension in the connecting rod at this time.

a = 1.5
Fdriving force Ftension Ftension
150 50 kg
30 20
For trailer:

Fnet = ma
Ftension = N

tension in the connecting 95 rod = N

Q4) A student applies a pulling force of 6.0 N to a block of mass 2.0 kg
on a wooden benchtop. She measures the acceleration of the block as
2.5 m s−2. The student comments that she had expected a larger
value of acceleration.

a = 2.5

6.0 N
Ffriction 2.0 kg

a. What is the force that the student has overlooked?


b. Calculate the magnitude of this force.

Fnet = - Ffriction
= – Ffriction
Ffriction =

magnitude of 1 force = N
Q5) A car, of mass 1200 kg, is pulling a trailer, of mass 600 kg, on a
straight, horizontal road using a towrope. The total retarding force
on the car is 800 N and on the trailer it is 400 N.

Calculate the tension in the towrope when the car and the trailer
are both accelerating forward at 1.5 m s−2.

a = 1.5
Fdriving force Ftension Ftension
1200 600
kg kg 400
For trailer:

Fnet = ma
Ftension =

tension in the towrope = 1300 N

Q6) An object of mass 12 kg is accelerating at 4.0 m/s 2

What is the net force on the object?

Fnet = ma
= N

net force 48 = N

Q7) An object accelerates at 12 m/s2 under the influence of a net force

of 8.4 N.
What is the mass of the object?

Fnet = ma
m = kg

mass of object = 1.4 kg

Q8) Consider an object, A, that is interacting with two other objects, B
and C.
Given mA = 3.5 kg, Fon A by B = 7N south and Fon A by C = 21 N north
Which of the following best describes the acceleration of object A?

A 4.0 m/s2 south

B 4.0 m/s2 north
C 8.0 m/s2 south
D 8.0 m/s2 north

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