Professional Review Guidance Mar 2019

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Professional Review


Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

1 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Initial application ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Sponsors ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Unspent convictions .................................................................................................................................. 6
Submitting your application ...................................................................................................................... 6
Professional Review day details ............................................................................................................... 6
Conflict of interest ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Professional Review submission ................................................................................................................. 7
The report ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Writing your report ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Progressive route report ............................................................................................................................ 8
CV ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Appendices ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Continuing professional development (CPD) records............................................................................ 8
Submitting your review documents ..................................................................................................... 9
Admission Procedure 3.............................................................................................................................. 9
The Professional Review day ...................................................................................................................... 10
Presentation .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Interview .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Written exercise ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Results........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Appeals ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Re-sitting the Professional Review ......................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A – IEng/CEng MICE attributes.................................................................................................. 13
Appendix B – Professional Review checklist ......................................................................................... 16
Sponsors ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix C – Individual requirements ....................................................................................................... 18
Disability or sensory impairment ............................................................................................................ 18
Appendix D – The written exercise ............................................................................................................. 19
Assessment ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Discussion groups ................................................................................................................................... 20
Use of laptop computers.......................................................................................................................... 20
Plagiarism .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Collusion ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Example subjects for Professional Review written exercise questions ............................................. 22
Appendix E – Remote Professional Review .............................................................................................. 24

Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

2 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019

The Professional Review is the final step in becoming an ICE Member (MICE) – at Incorporated
(IEng) or Chartered Engineer (CEng) level.

To sit a Professional Review, you must hold the appropriate qualifications (educational base), and
have completed your initial professional development (IPD).

The Professional Review is an opportunity to demonstrate you have the level of ability, experience,
knowledge and personal development that is required to become a member of ICE.

You’ll be assessed by your peer reviewers against the attributes that apply to the grade of
membership you’ve applied for. The attributes are listed in Appendix A.

The Professional Review process comprises the following steps:

▪ Application
▪ Professional Review submission
▪ Professional Review day –
o Presentation
o Interview
o Written exercise
This document provides detailed guidance for all steps of the process.

If you have any queries about the process, please contact the Professional Reviews team on +44
(0)207 665 2344.

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3 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
Initial application

You can specify where you would like your Professional Review to take place on your application
form – please see the key dates page on our website for review centre locations and application
deadlines. While ICE will do its best to accommodate your first option, in some instances this may
not be possible due to over demand for one centre, and you will be allocated your second centre
option. We ask that you do not book any travel or accommodation until you have received your
notification letter.

While face to face Professional Reviews remain the preferred approach, ICE can now offer remote
Professional Reviews, via video conference, for international candidates:

▪ Who are unable to travel to one of the Professional Review locations, or

▪ Whose specialism does not match any of the available reviewers at that location

To find out more, please see Appendix E.

Your initial application should include:

▪ An application form
▪ Review fee (non-refundable)
▪ Sponsor questionnaires (sent separately by the sponsors – see below for more details)
▪ Evidence that you have the required qualifications – if not a current member
▪ Evidence of initial professional development (IPD) completion at the grade for which you are
applying, which can be –
o ICE Training Agreement completion certificate
o ICE mentor-supported training completion certificate
o Career Appraisal or Member Assessment decision letter confirming you can proceed
to Professional Review
o Training Scheme A completion certificate in the civil discipline or in the geotechnical
discipline with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), followed by 12 months
post completion experience, for those who commence a HKIE scheme A after 1st
January 2017.

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4 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
o Proof of registration in the civil discipline or in the geotechnical discipline with the
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
o Proof of CEng or IEng registration through any Engineering Council licensed
institution (listed on the Engineering Council website)
o Proof of registration and membership in the civil discipline with Engineers Ireland,
Engineers Australia, IPENZ or Engineering Council of South Africa
▪ A one-page précis of your Professional Review report – signed by your lead sponsor
▪ Evidence of any special requirements you would like taken into account at your Professional
Review – for example, if you have a hearing impairment or if there are restrictions on what
you can discuss about a particular project you’ve worked on. You can find out more in
Appendix C

Your application must have three sponsors, who can confirm your suitability for membership. To do
so, they must fill out a sponsor questionnaire and return it to us before you send your initial

It’s important you also read the questionnaire as it provides guidance on who is eligible to sponsor
your application and what they are required to demonstrate.

You need to select one sponsor to be your lead sponsor. This person has additional responsibilities
and plays a particularly important role in the success of your application.

Your lead sponsor:

▪ Must be an ICE Member and registered with the Engineering Council at the same grade or
higher than the one you are applying for
▪ Has a duty to act as a mentor during the Professional Review submission process
▪ Should be familiar with the current ICE Professional Review process and the standards you
are required to meet
Your lead sponsor could, for example, provide constructive criticism of your report, advice on the
presentation and arrange practice interviews. We recommend that your lead sponsor is someone
who was involved in your IPD process – your supervising civil engineer (SCE), for example.

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Unspent convictions

No person with an unspent conviction relating to a Serious Criminal Offence* will be admitted to any
grade of membership unless there are special circumstances that show beyond reasonable doubt
that the person is a fit and proper person to be admitted to membership of the Institution.

If you have an unspent conviction relating to a serious criminal offence, please complete the
criminal convictions form which must also be signed by your sponsors, and submitted with your
application, a member of staff will contact you directly and in confidence.

*“Serious Criminal Offence” means an offence involving dishonesty or deception or any offence
punishable by a Court of competent jurisdiction by a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more
(whether or not any custodial sentence is in fact imposed).

Submitting your application

All documents (except the sponsor questionnaires) should be included – in the order noted above –
within a single PDF file of no more than 5mb and emailed to You
will receive an automated acknowledgement email from ICE, if you do not please call us on +44 (0)
207 665 2344.

After submitting your initial application, ICE will check it for completeness and contact you to
acknowledge receipt and, if necessary, request any missing documents.

Professional Review day details

You will be emailed the names of your reviewers, as well as full details of the time, date and venue
of your Professional Review approximately four weeks before the Review. Under no
circumstances should you contact your reviewers directly.

Conflict of interest

Your reviewers should not be connected to either you or your employer. If you know one of your
reviewers or feel there may be a conflict of interest, you should let us know immediately on +44 (0)
207 665 2344 or at

Your reviewers will also have been given the opportunity to identify any conflicts prior to you being
notified of who they are.

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Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
Professional Review submission

This step of the process involves sending your detailed submission to ICE.

The Professional Review submission must include:

▪ A cover page/contents
▪ The Professional Review report, including –
o A two-page CV
o Appendices
▪ CPD records
You can find details on how to format and send us these documents at the end of this section.

You should send your submission to at least 15 full working days
before your Professional Review date. If you miss the deadline or your submission is incomplete
your Professional Review may be deferred.

The report

Writing your report

Your report is a vehicle for you to demonstrate how you’ve achieved the relevant attributes, set out
in Appendix A. However, you shouldn’t try to address them in sequence.

For the direct route to Member Professional Review (MPR) or Chartered Professional Review
(CPR), your report should be up to 5,000 words long. It should be your own work and presented in
an ordered manner.

It’s essential that you emphasise your responsibilities and experience for each attribute. You should
expand on decisions you made, problems you met, and occasions when you gained unusual or
extensive experience and learned valuable lessons.

The report should put particular emphasis on one or two projects in which you played a major part. If
you’re applying for membership at Chartered Engineer (CEng) level, you should also describe how
you took a lead in some or all of the elements of the project/s.

You must clearly indicate your role in any relevant aspects of the projects you have worked on by
giving the background to the important decisions you were responsible for, or made a significant

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contribution to. You must show where you’ve exercised independent judgement as an engineer and
a practising professional.

Progressive route report

If you’re following the progressive route to CEng membership – the Chartered Professional Review
Progressive (CPRP) – your report should be up to 2,000 words long. It should concentrate on
significant work that you have carried out since your success at the Member Professional Review
(MPR). You should use this to demonstrate how the additional professional attributes required at
CPR have been achieved. It must also include a two-page CV (amended to include experience
since your MPR), which will not be included within the 2,000-word limit.

Your report should include a brief, two-page CV, which gives an indication of the size and financial
value of projects undertaken and your role and responsibilities in each project. This will not be
included within the 5,000 word limit.

Numerical analyses, cost data, drawings or other relevant additional documentation should be
included as appendices to support the content of your report. They are not included in the word

Your appendices should include no more than:

▪ Three A3 drawings
▪ Twelve A4 sides of additional information, including any relevant calculations
Exceeding this may result in your reviewers declining your submission.

Continuing professional development (CPD) records

You need to submit:

▪ A development action plan (DAP) which details your objectives for the current/forthcoming

▪ Your personal development record (PDR) going back a minimum of three years from the
current date (with a minimum of 30 hours of effective learning per year)

Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

8 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
These records must include current formal training related to health safety and welfare (attribute
group 6 in Appendix A).

If making an application for MPR you are required to complete a minimum of 90 hours effective
learning before applying. For CPR and CPRP you are required to complete a minimum of 180
hours before applying. If applying for CPRP your CPD records may include those you included in
your MPR submission. For more information, please read our CPD guidance.

Submitting your review documents

Your submission must be sent in the following format:

▪ The overall document must be –

o One self-contained PDF file
o A4-sized (A3 is suitable for drawings if required)
o No larger than 15mb
▪ The filename must include your ICE member number*, initials, surname and review date –
for example, 62200093_J.B.BLOGGS_10.10.15
* Your membership no is the same number that we gave you when you completed your Training Agreement, Mentor-

Supported Training or Career Appraisal. If you don’t have a membership please register with MyICE to obtain one

▪ The submission cover page must include –

o A recent photo of you, as a JPEG file
o Your signature and membership number
o The lead sponsor’s signature and membership number
▪ Include hyperlinks to link data in the appendices with the relevant text in your report
▪ Use colour where necessary – for example, images and drawings
▪ Where possible, convert individual documents to PDF electronically, rather than scan them
▪ Ensure file is printable in the correct format – and can be read in black and white
▪ Use an appropriate font and text size

Admission Procedure 3

Your name will be published on the ICE website for a minimum of 28 days in accordance with
Admission Procedure 3.

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9 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
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The Professional Review day

The Professional Review day comprises:

▪ A presentation
▪ An interview
▪ A written exercise
Your Professional Review interview will begin with a 15-minute presentation to your reviewers based
on a topic, or topics, covered in your Professional Review report. You should provide an in-depth
description of what you have done, that expands on your report and highlights your involvement.

You are encouraged to use visual aids to illustrate your presentation, but they should be no larger
than A3. You are permitted to use a laptop computer, but external power supplies will not be

You will then be interviewed by your reviewers, who will seek to confirm you have achieved the
required level of competence, as stated in your report. The presentation and interview will last a
maximum of one hour for MPR/CPRP and 75 minutes for CPR.

If you haven’t demonstrated sufficient evidence of a particular attribute in your report, your reviewers
will pose specific questions to try to draw out your knowledge and experience in that area.

All mobile devices must be switched off prior to the start of the interview. The recording of the
interview is prohibited.

Written exercise
You will be set two questions by your reviewers and you must answer one in the allotted two hours.
Questions will be based on subjects that relate to your experience, but you will still need to prepare
for the written exercise by studying and gaining industry-related knowledge.

The aim of the written exercise varies slightly:

▪ At MPR, the objective is to ascertain that you can produce straightforward documents
without assistance from others

Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

10 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
▪ At CPR and CPRP, the aim is to test your ability to organise your thoughts and present them
logically and clearly.
Although it is not a direct test of engineering knowledge, sufficient understanding and knowledge of
the professional subject matter is required. Factual errors or lack of knowledge could affect the
outcome, but examples of well-reasoned personal opinion will not.

You can find detailed guidance on the written exercise in Appendix D.

Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

11 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019

We will let you know when your result will be emailed to you. Providing you select the tick-box on the
application form, your name, if successful, will be published on ICE’s website five days later and will
subsequently appear on the ‘New Civil Engineer’ website.

If you are unsuccessful at your Professional Review you will be given the reasons why.

Candidates have the right to appeal where they feel there was an error in the process, and in cases
of unforeseen events. Appeals must be received within two months of the date of your result letter.

If you plan to appeal, we recommend that you read our appeals guidance and contact your contact
your Membership Recruitment Team as listed below:

▪ If you are based in the UK, please email or call +44
(0)121 237 3648 / 3649 for help.
▪ If you are based in Hong Kong, please email for help.
▪ If you are based anywhere else please email or call +44 (0) 207
665 2006 for help.

Re-sitting the Professional Review

There is no formal re-sit process. If you have previously been unsuccessful at a Professional
Review you will need to undertake the whole process again. No information regarding a previous
application will be made available to your Reviewers.

You should therefore prepare in the same way you did for your original Professional Review.

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12 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
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Appendix A – IEng/CEng MICE attributes

At any Professional Review you must have had responsible and relevant experience at a
level such that you can demonstrate the attributes shown in the table below.
The interpretation of Attributes 1 and 2 will relate to your fields of work as indicated to the
reviewers on your application form. You must demonstrate a sound understanding of core
engineering principles in those fields, particularly if you do not hold the educational
requirement necessary for Engineering Council registration. The reviewers will judge your
level of attainment of Attributes 3 to 9 with regard to their relative importance within your
fields of work.
As a prospective professional civil engineer, in order to fulfil your obligation to society and
to meet the requirements of Health, Safety and Welfare legislation, you must have a sound
knowledge and understanding of the construction process (1) together with the activities
connected to it. You must have an appreciation of, and be able to identify and manage,
risks to all those engaged and affected by the design, construction, operation, use,
maintenance and demolition of any works. For those whose experience includes the
construction process, site experience will ordinarily be required.

Attributes of CEng MICE to be demonstrated at

Chartered Professional Review (CPR)

Attribute group Additional Attributes of CEng

Attributes of MICE/IEng MICE
MICE to be demonstrated, if
to be demonstrated at Member
you are already IEng MICE, at
Professional Review (MPR)
Chartered Professional
Review Progressive (CPRP)

1. Knowledge and A Maintain and extend a sound C Maintain and extend a

understanding theoretical approach to the sound theoretical approach
of engineering application of technology in in enabling the
engineering practice. introduction and
exploitation of new and
advancing technology.
B Use a sound evidence- D Engage in the creative and
based approach to problem innovative development of
solving and be able to engineering technology and
contribute to continuous continuous improvement
improvement. systems.
2. Technical and A Identify, review and select D Conduct appropriate
practical techniques, procedures and research, relative to design
application of methods to undertake or construction and
engineering tasks. appreciate its relevance
engineering within own area of

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13 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
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B Contribute to the design and E Undertake the design and
development of engineering development of engineering
solutions. solutions and evaluate their
C Implement or construct F Implement or construct
design solutions and design solutions and
contribute to their evaluate their effectiveness.
3. Management A Plan for effective project E Plan, direct and control
and leadership implementation. tasks, people and
B Manage the planning and F Lead teams and develop
organisation of tasks, people staff to meet changing
and resources. technical and managerial
C Manage teams and develop G Demonstrate continuous
staff to meet changing improvement through
technical and managerial quality management.
D Manage quality processes.

4. Independent A Identify the limits of personal C Identify the limits of a

judgement and knowledge and skills. team’s skill and knowledge.

responsibility B Exercise sound independent D Exercise sound holistic

engineering judgement and independent judgement
take responsibility. and take responsibility.
5. Commercial A Prepare and control budgets. C Demonstrate sound
ability judgement on statutory,
contractual and commercial
B Use sound knowledge of issues in relation to your
statutory and commercial area of responsibility
frameworks within own area
of responsibility and have
an appreciation of other
commercial arrangements.
6. Health, safety A A sound knowledge of D Leading continuous
and welfare legislation, hazards and safe improvement in health,
systems of work. safety and welfare.
B Manage risks.

C Manage health, safety and

welfare within own area of
7. Sustainable A A sound knowledge of C Leading continuous
sustainable development improvement in sustainable
development best practice. development.

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B Manage engineering
activities that contribute to
sustainable development.
8. Interpersonal A Communicate well with E Communicate new
others at all levels including concepts and ideas to
skills and effective use of English (2) technical and non-
communication orally and in writing. technical colleagues
including effective use of
B Discuss ideas and plans English (2) orally and in
competently and with writing
C Effective personal and social
D Manage diversity issues.

9. Professional A Understanding and compliance with the ICE Code of Conduct.

B Plan, carry out and record CPD and encourage others.

C Engage with ICE activities.

D Demonstration of appropriate professional standards,

recognising obligations to society, the profession and the
E Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner.

(1) The construction process is held to include the conception, design, construction,
commissioning, maintenance, decommissioning, removal, management and
procurement of civil engineering works.
(2) All Professional Reviews for Engineering Council registration will be conducted in
English, subject only to the Welsh Language Act 1993 and any regulations which may
be made in implementation of European Union Directives on free movement of labour.

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15 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
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Appendix B – Professional Review checklist

Item Professional Review preparation checklist Completed

1 Ensure that you are using the current version of this guidance document.

2 Check attributes required for the grade of membership for which you are applying and
against which you will be assessed (Appendix A).

3 Download current Professional Review application form.

4 Download current sponsor questionnaire form.

5 Obtain lead sponsor and further sponsors as required for the applicable grade of

6 Check submission dates and produce activity schedule of actions.

7 Collate report documentation, photographs, appendices etc.

8 Prepare a one-page précis of your report.

9 Prepare report.

10 Collate development action plan and professional development records

11 Review report with lead sponsor to verify achievement of attributes. Ensure report is
signed by the lead sponsor.

12 Plan mock review (presentation, interview and written exercise) with your mentor or lead

Item Professional Review application checklist Complete

1 The following documentation should be submitted in a single PDF file of no more than
5mb to the Professional Reviews office by email to
▪ Completed Professional Review application form
▪ Evidence of academic qualifications (unless already approved or not relevant to
▪ Evidence of Initial Professional Development (IPD) completion, which will be
one of the following –
o ICE Training Agreement completion certificate
o ICE mentor-supported training completion certificate
o Career Appraisal or Member Assessment decision letter confirming you can
proceed to Professional Review
o Training Scheme A completion certificate in the civil discipline or in the
geotechnical discipline with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE),
followed by 12 months post completion experience, for those who commence a
HKIE scheme A after 1 January 2017.

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o Proof of registration in the civil discipline or in the geotechnical discipline
with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
o Proof of CEng, IEng or EngTech registration through any Engineering
Council licensed institution (listed on the Engineering Council website)
o Proof of registration and membership in the civil discipline with Engineers
Ireland, Engineers Australia, Engineering New Zealand or Engineering
Council of South Africa
▪ A one-page précis of your Professional Review report – signed by your lead
▪ Details of individual requirements (if applicable)

Ensure that all your sponsors have been submitted directly to the ICE prior to submitting
your application

2 Payment of application fee (available options listed below):

▪ Online payment
▪ By phone
Please note that the payment is non-refundable.

Item Professional Review submission checklist Completed

1 A copy of your Professional Review submission in the format outlined on page 8 should
be submitted to at least 15 full working days before
your Professional Review date:
▪ A cover page/contents
▪ The Professional Review report – inclusive of your CV
▪ Appendices
▪ CPD records
2 Prepare presentation and visual aids to expand on your report.

3 Plan journey time to arrive at least 30 minutes before the interview time.

4 Ensure your laptop computer is fully charged if using this option for your

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Appendix C – Individual requirements

We’re committed to making reasonable adjustments to our Professional Review process to

accommodate specific individual requirements. Individual requirements may include disabilities and
security clearance.

You need to tell us about these requirements in the space provided in your Professional Review
application form. We’ll also need to see any evidence, like certified documents or statements.

Disability or sensory impairment

In line with the Equality Act 2010, we’ll make whatever ‘reasonable adjustments’ are required for
candidates with a disability, such as dyslexia, speech impairment or sensory loss, for example. Our
Equality and Diversity Policy ensures everyone receives the same opportunities during the review

Security-mindedness and security clearance

You should consider whether information in your review submission should be omitted or reduced in
its level of detail due to security reasons. However, there’s no reason why this should detract from
the quality of your report.

If your submission is affected by security issues, you should consider the following suggestions:

▪ Make your report non-site specific – for example don’t state that the facility was on the
Sellafield site or on the Hinkley site or that the asset serves a critical function to the site
or country, or is or was vulnerable to various threats
▪ Don’t state building numbers or names – it’s sufficient to say ‘nuclear facility’ or ‘nuclear
▪ Remove site and building names from drawings or snapshots of models
▪ Don’t include photographs or other images which reveal the location of buildings and
▪ Avoid stating, or showing in drawings or extracts from models, technical details (such
as wall thickness) which may reveal security-sensitive information

If you work on a security-sensitive project, we recommend that your organisation’s information

security manager (and also the asset owner’s/client’s) reads your Professional Review submission
and approves the content before submission.

Familiarise yourself with the Engineering Council’s guidance note on Security (published May 2016).

You should also let us know if you believe your reviewers need security clearance.

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Appendix D – The written exercise

This is a two-hour test of your ability to communicate in written English. Your reviewers will draft two
questions and you must answer one.

The questions will be unique to you, based on your areas of experience, and appropriate to your
level of work-based knowledge and responsibility. However, you’ll still need an appreciation of broad
industry and society-related topics, which you should try to gain through your experience at work,
general reading, CPD study and discussions with colleagues.

Below, you’ll find a list of potential question topics within broad subject areas. However, this list is
not exhaustive and you may be given a question from a different area, relative to your experience.

You’re expected to show you can develop ideas and support them with reasoned opinion. Your
answer should follow a logical structure, either as an essay or report. It does not have to be a
polished article, but consistent with a ‘first draft’.

For Reviews taking place after 1 July 2018 the written exercise will be under closed book exam
conditions, although you will be allowed to bring in 2 sides of A4 (hard copy) as reference material.

You are advised to prepare a plan for your written exercise although this will not be marked. A plan
will help you formulate a coherent argument, and can help your reviewers to see your thought

This table shows the written exercise requirements.

Member Professional Review Chartered Professional Review

Written exercise Demonstrate an ability to Demonstrate an ability to organise

requirements produce straightforward your ideas and opinions and
documents without assistance communicate them clearly in

Time allowed 120 minutes 120 minutes

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Your written exercise will be assessed for:

▪ Knowledge and relevance

▪ Use of English (grammar, spelling, punctuation and syntax)
▪ Clarity and presentation

You’ll receive an overall assessment of satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

Discussion groups
Organised discussion groups can help develop your writing skills and encourage debates between
engineers. Your Membership Recruitment Team (in the UK and Hong Kong) or regional
representative (in other parts of the world) can give you more information about discussion groups.

▪ If you are based in the UK, please email or call +44
(0)121 237 3648 / 3649.
▪ If you are based in Hong Kong, please email
▪ If you are based anywhere else, please email or call +44 (0)207
665 2006.

Use of laptop computers

You may use your own laptop to complete the written exercise, unless a computer is provided for
you at your review centre. Where a computer is provided, you won’t be allowed to use or connect to
your own external media drive or device.

Guidance for using laptops in the written exercise:

▪ The use of the internet on any mobile device or computer is not permitted during the written
▪ There will be an invigilator/s present throughout the written exercise
▪ You will be asked at the start of the written exercise to put all mobile devices on silent and
place them on the table in front of you.
▪ For Reviews taking place after 1 July 2018 you will only be allowed to bring in 2 sides of A4
(hard copy) as reference material, you will not be allowed to bring any other hard copy
reference material or access any other information.
▪ We won’t be able to help if you experience technical problems with your own equipment. If
there’s a problem, you’ll be given a maximum of 60 additional minutes to complete the

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written exercise. In exceptional circumstances, you can submit work that has been partly
hand-written and partly done on computer
▪ At the end of the written exercise, the invigilator will provide you with full instructions on
saving your written exercise response. They may ask you to download your work on to a
USB or upload to a secure site, so you must ensure that your laptop allows this

Plagiarism is presenting the work of others as your own. This means using words or ideas, for
example, without the permission of the original author or authors, and without acknowledgement of
the original author. Plagiarism should be avoided in all elements of your Professional Review,
including your report, drawings, presentation and the written exercise.

Plagiarism is taken seriously by the ICE and samples of both the professional review report and the
written exercise response will be selected from each Review centre and put through the plagiarism
detection software.

In addition, should the invigilator have concerns with your behaviour during the written exercise or
your reviewers raise concerns with the content of your written exercise your response will
automatically be put through the plagiarism detection software. If this shows significant levels of
similarity with any unattributed sources you will be contacted by the ICE and asked to provide an
explanation. Your reviewers will be provided with a copy of the plagiarism report and your response.
Your reviewers may use this information in the assessment of your written exercise or other

Here are some guidelines to help avoid plagiarism:

▪ Don’t cut and paste material from others

▪ Where you have directly quoted others, or the work of others, attribute the source fully and,
where appropriate, use quotation marks. As a rule of thumb, material derived from others
should be considered a quote, unless it’s assumed to be common knowledge – for example,
standard equations that are in the public domain

In the context of the Professional Review, collusion is any agreement to conceal someone else’s
contribution to your piece of work. The guidance above equally applies to avoiding collusion.

Plagiarism and collusion may lead to a ban on applying for membership or, for existing members,
permanent expulsion as an ICE member.

If an allegation of plagiarism or collusion is made relating to your application for membership, your
result may be delayed until an investigation has taken place.

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21 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
Example subjects for Professional Review written exercise questions
Please note: This list is indicative not exhaustive.


▪ The financial implications of decisions made by civil engineers

▪ Whole-life asset management
▪ Budget management
▪ Cost control
▪ Private finance
▪ The financing of infrastructure development
▪ Operational and maintenance cost analysis
▪ Estimating/tendering
▪ Payment and compensation


▪ Re-thinking construction
▪ Quality, health, safety welfare, and environmental management systems
▪ Effective delegation
▪ Team leadership
▪ Communication during the design and construction of civil engineering works
▪ Training/development of staff
▪ Partnering/alliances
▪ Business improvement
▪ Marketing
▪ Site/project management


▪ Equality and diversity in the UK, in relation to the construction industry

▪ Sustainable development
▪ Influencing local, national and international political decisions
▪ The influence of recent international events on civil engineering
▪ The role of ICE
▪ Overseas aid
▪ ICE’s Rules for Professional Conduct
▪ Health and safety management

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22 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
▪ Aesthetical and environmental issues in civil engineering
▪ Health, safety and welfare during the design, construction, maintenance, operation and
subsequent removal of the works
▪ Environmental impact of construction projects
▪ Status of the civil engineer in society


▪ Methods of funding and procuring construction projects

▪ Forms of contract for civil engineering works
▪ Joint venture contracts
▪ Risk analysis
▪ Target cost contracts
▪ Partnering/alliances
▪ Supply-chain management


▪ Research and development

▪ Knowledge transfer
▪ The professional development of civil engineers
▪ Performance specifications
▪ National and international regulations on the control of pollution
▪ The role of an engineer as a specialist or a generalist
▪ Quality management
▪ Infrastructure maintenance

Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

23 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
Appendix E – Remote Professional Review

Eligibility for remote Professional Review (remote review)

A remote review will be considered when you (the candidate) can demonstrate that video
conference is the only option that will allow you to undertake a Professional Review.

This may be because you:

▪ Live, or are working, in a country that ICE cannot send reviewers to

▪ Cannot travel to one of ICE’s existing Professional Review locations,

▪ Have a specialist area of work which does not match the expertise of any of ICE’s local

ICE will make every effort to allow candidates to sit their Professional Review face to face and,
where possible, will send reviewers to interview candidates in person. However, in countries where
there are very small numbers of candidates wishing to sit their Professional Review, this may not be

How will remote Professional Review differ from face to face?

There is no difference in the Professional Review requirements. Your reviewers will be seeking to
confirm that the evidence of competence, which you have provided, is supported by your responses
to their questioning and meets the requirements of the Attributes.

Remote review requirements

You can access the ICE video conference via another company’s video conference room system or,
where you do not have access to such a facility, via a laptop or desktop computer.

You must make sure that you will have undisturbed use of a meeting room within a place of work for
the entire duration of the remote review.

There is no specific requirement with regard to the broadband speed; however, we ask that you sit
the remote review in a place work with access to a reliable internet connection.

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24 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
What if there is a problem?

There will be a local administrator available throughout the day to help solve any problems.

If the problem can be rectified then the interview will proceed, with additional time being given for the
downtime which occurred. If the problem cannot be rectified then alternative arrangements will be
made for you to re-take your Professional Review.

Requesting a remote review

If you wish to undertake a remote review you must email to submit
your request, stating which grade of membership you wish to apply for. You should include an
explanation of why you believe you are eligible for remote review.

Please let us know if you have access to a video conference room system or will be using a
laptop/desktop computer and provide us with the location where you intend to sit your remote
review. This must be a private room within a place of work, where you will not be interrupted for the
duration of the review.

You will receive a response from ICE to confirm whether or not you are eligible for a remote review
and, if you are, you will be given a deadline within which to submit your application. You will then be
required to follow the submission procedures outlined on page 4.

As remote reviews will often be carried out across different time zones, they will generally be held
outside of the usual Professional Review dates. The exact time and date of your remote review will
be decided after discussions between you, ICE staff, local administrators, and the reviewers.

If your request for a remote review is approved, ICE will provide more detailed instructions.

Further information
If you have any questions, please contact

Professional Review Guidance Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

25 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019
Our vision
Civil engineers at the heart of society, delivering sustainable
development through knowledge, skills and professional expertise.
Core purpose
▪ To develop and qualify professionals engaged in civil
▪ To exchange knowledge and best practice for the creation of
a sustainable and built environment
▪ To promote our contribution to society worldwide
Diversity statement
As a membership organisation and an employer, we value diversity
and inclusion - a foundation for great engineering achievement

Institution of Civil Engineers

One Great George Street
London SW1P 3AA

T: +44 (0) 20 7665 2012


Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered

Charity in England & Wales (no 210252) and
Scotland (SC038629).

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