Family Health Center Kenichira, Poothadi: A Mini Project Report
Family Health Center Kenichira, Poothadi: A Mini Project Report
Family Health Center Kenichira, Poothadi: A Mini Project Report
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Submitted by
Submitted by
“FAVAS V P” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the DIPLOMA IN
fide record of the work carried out under my guidance and supervision at Government
“HIJAS K T” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the DIPLOMA IN
fide record of the work carried out under my guidance and supervision at Government
“JISHNU K B” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the DIPLOMA IN
fide record of the work carried out under my guidance and supervision at Government
ENGINEERING” is a bona fide record of the work carried out under my guidance and
Dispensary, Ambalavayal”.
“MELBIN SAJI” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the DIPLOMA
bona fide record of the work carried out under my guidance and supervision at Government
work carried out under my guidance and supervision at Government Polytechnic College,
I extremely grate to our guide Mr. RIJIL V R Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering for valuable guidance and S4 Class Tutor, suggestion and inspirations throughout
the mini project.
Above all I thank God Almighty for providing me with right atmosphere and mental strength
to work and for helping me to make my project a successful one.
The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of this mini project would not be
possible without the mention of the people who made it possible, without whose constant
guidance and encouragement would have made efforts go in vain. We consider ourselves
privileged to express gratitude and respect towards all those who guided us through the
completion of this project.
We extremely grate to our guide Mr. RIJIL V R Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering for valuable guidance and S4 Class Tutor, suggestion and inspirations throughout
the mini project.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Mrs. PARVATHI BHASKAR, Principal,
Government polytechnic college, for providing us congenial environment to work.
Above all we thank God Almighty for providing us with right atmosphere and mental
strength to work and for helping us to make our project a successful one.
Electrical maintenance covers all aspects of testing, monitoring, fixing, and
replacing elements of an electrical system. Usually performed by a licensed
professional with a complete knowledge of the National Electric Code and local
• Abstract
• Introduction
• What is 5s
• Why do we implement 5s
• How to implement 5s
• Work at glance
• Conclusion
• Title page
• Certificates
• Acknowledgement
• Abstract
• Contents
• List of figures
• List of tables
• Conclusion
5S is the name of a workshop organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri,
seiso, selketsu, and shitsuke..The list describes how to organize a work space for science and
electiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and
sustaining the new order. The decision making process usually comes from a dialogue about
standardization, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.
Japanese to English terms:
• Seiri (sort)
• Selton (Set in order)
• Seiso shine (cleanliness)
• Seiketsu (Standardization)
• Shitsuke (sustain)
5S is amongst the first and fundamental steps implemented by an enterprise towards the path
of implementing Total Quality Management and continuous improvement at the operation
level. 5S is a process designed to organize the workplace, keep it clean, maintain effective and
standard conditions. It instils the discipline required to enable each individual to achieve and
maintain a world-class environment.
The use of this tool was started in 1972 by Henry Ford in the United States as the CANDO
programme: Cleaning up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline and Ongoing improvement. The
technique was popularized as ‘Japanese 5S’ in 1980 by Hiroyuki Hirano.
Many enterprises have practiced the 5S and derived significant benefits from it. In particular,
this technique has been widely practiced in Japan. Most Japanese 5Spractitioners consider 5S
useful not just for improving their physical environment, but also for improving their thinking
processes too. In Japan it is also called ‘workplace management’.
5S will be needed if the workplace is messy and unorganized. It will also be needed if
employees spend extra time in searching tools, papers, information, etc.
5S is the acronym for five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke and they
represent the five steps for a systematic technique for good housekeeping as indicated in the
table below:
Seiton(Set in order) Enforce the dictum ‘a place for everything and everything
in its place’.
Seiso(Shine) Clean up the workplace and look for ways to keep it clean.
Shitsuke(Sustain) Follow the rule to keep the workplace 5S-right. Hold the
The general concept of the 5S is that they are intended to eliminate waste (Osada, 1993).
Working in disorder is neither productive, nor safe. 5S is a simple and practical method to instil
a quality culture at the work place. It is relatively easy to undertake, and requires minimal
additional resources. The first and small
Investment made in time and effort pays off in a much bigger manner when the results are
realized and maintained.
the workplace becomes cleaner, safer, well-organized and more pleasant
floor space utilization is improved
workflow becomes smoother and more systematic and non-value added activities
are reduced;
time for searching tools, materials and document is minimized;
machine breakdowns are reduced since clean and well-maintained equipment breaks
down less frequently and it also becomes easier to diagnose and repair before
breakdowns occur, therefore extending equipment life;
errors are minimized leading to making defect-free products;
consumables and material wastage are minimized;
the morale and satisfaction of employees improves; and
the productivity of the organization improves together with the quality of products
and service
Figure 2.2. Disorder is neither productive nor safe
The meaning, methods of implementing and benefits of each of the 5S are given below.
Seiso places emphasis on cleaning so that things are clean; in other words carrying out
cleaning as a form of inspection i.e. getting rid of waste, and foreign matter. It is important
to note that depending on the circumstance, with higher quality, higher precision and finer
processing technologies, even the minute details may have the greatest ramifications, hence
the importance to carry out cleaning as a form of inspection (Osada, 1993).
This aspect of the 5S focuses on standardization, making the first three S’s, Seiri, Seiton, and
Seiso a constant routine. The emphasis here is on visual management, an important aspect to
attain and maintain standardized conditions to enable the individuals always act quickly
(Osada, 1993).
− OK or hold marks on
Shitsuke places emphasis on being able to forge a workplace with good habits and discipline.
Demonstrating to others what needs to be done and encouraging practice amongst them. This
is mainly a management responsibility.
• Provide management
support by providing
resources and leadership.
It is important to note that the implementation of 5S concerns and benefits everyone in the
organisation. Like any other initiative, management has the important role to facilitate and
support the process by:
Acknowledging the importance of 5S for the organization;
Allowing employees time for 5S;
Providing resources and infrastructure for 5S implementation;
Personal involvement in implementation of 5S;
Creating tangible and intangible rewards and recognition for improvements and
Promoting ongoing 5S efforts.
Figure 2.9. Before and after 5S
The methods of implementing each of the 5S have been indicated in the tables above. An ITC
diagnostic tool is included in Annex I to enable you to assess and score the implementation of
your 5S. It would be advisable to start the implementation with one selected area in the
organisation and then after getting positive results to extend gradually to other areas.
However for effective implementation, it would be important to:
Sensitize management and all employees concerned about the importance and benefits
of 5S and get their commitment;
Conduct a status audit with photographs ‘as is state’. The diagnostic tool given in
the appendix may be used;
Measure throughput, time in materials handling, floor space, flow distance, rack
storage, engineering cycle times, annual physical inventory time, and defect ratios
before and after the 5S implementation;
Develop an implementation plan, with clear responsibilities and deadlines, in
consultation with management and all employees concerned;
Implement the 5 S plan;
Take photographs after the implementation and assess the difference;
Share the experience and extend the implementation to other areas;
Conduct periodic 5S Internal Audits with ratings to monitor progress. Several
companies have introduced annual 5S awards where efforts of work teams are
recognized and rewarded;
The 5S methodology is a well recognized methodology used by the Japanese for improving
the work environment. The 5S process provides a frame work by which to accomplish a more
efficient work area. It was found to be a key to quality and productivity. By following the 5S
protocol implementing it throughout the company in section and empowering the employees
to make suggestion and take action, the 5S has been a success. The 5S practice helps everyone
in the organization to live a better life.
The report has been returned as a requirement to complete mini project. The topic of the mini
project is Electrical Maintenance at Govt. Ayurvedic Dispensary Ambalavayal. This mini
project aims on replacing, fitting and repairing electrical conduits in the dispensary.
Wiring is a network to connect electricity to the load. It contains controlling devices such as
main switch, distribution board etc.., safety devices such as fuses, breakers etc., such elements
would damage any time.
While doing this mini project we followed the “5s” methodology (SORT, SET IN ORDER,
Checked the continuity of electrical supply.
Checked the functioning of electrical equipments.
Extended the wiring to the new block of the building.
Replaced the main switch with a new one.
Added a plug point and added a point for tube light. Also MCB is provided for better
protection of devices.
Checked the working of protective devices.
Continuity testing measures the resistance between two points in ohms. Low resistance means
that the circuit is closed and there is electrical continuity. High resistance means that the circuit
is open and continuity is lacking .Continuity testing can also help determine if two points are
connected that should not be. Infield applications, hand held multi meters with dual probes are
Must test:
All equipment that’s designed to be plugged into the low voltage power supply
Portable outlet devices or power boards
Flexible cords that are connected to equipment in high-risk environments, like laboratories
Portable transformers
Battery chargers
Portable heavy-duty tools
Residual current devices
We need equipment to do a thorough test. Portable appliance testers are ideal for this and they
can be purchased or hired. The simpler versions work by plugging the appliance into the tester,
and green or red light shows if it passes or fails.
It include the addition of plug points, lamps etc to an existing wiring system, for this work
extra conduit is needed .The wire is connected to the equipments and supply. The all
wiring installation must obey the rule of IEE.
The main switch at the workplace was old one and defective one that means the fuse units
in the main switch were broken and are not useful for further applications. So we decided to
change it. We brought a new main switch unit and replaced the old one.
Protection systems play a key role for the safe and reliable operation of today’s electricity
power systems. Properly working protection devices help to maintain the safety of the system
and to safeguard assets from damage. In order to ensure reliable operation, protective relays as
well as recloser controls must be tested throughout their life-cycle, from their initial
development through production and commissioning to periodical maintenance during
Our test equipment is ideal for each of these life-cycle phases and for any environment. As a
reliable long-term partner, we offer state-of-the-art testing solutions which are continuously
being developed and maintained to help you to keep pace with the increasingly complex
requirements of your systems.
3.1.1. CONDUIT
PVC pipe is a tubular section, or hollow cylinder, made of plastic. It is usually, but not
necessarily, of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow—
liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. It can also be used for
structural applications; hollow pipes are far stiffer per unit weight than solid members.
An electrical conduit is a tube used to protect and route electrical wiring in a building or
structure. Electrical conduit may be made of metal, plastic, fibre, or fired clay. Most conduits
are rigid, but flexible conduit is used for some purposes.
To turn the direction of the PVC pipe bend fittings are commonly used in wiring systems .It is
also made up of PVC. Therefore it is less costly. These should never be sharp. The minimum
radius of curvature allowable is 2 times the outside diameter of conduit.
AC power plugs and sockets are devices that allow electrically operated equipment to be
connected to the primary alternating current (AC) power supply in a building. Electrical plugs
and sockets differ in voltage and current rating, shape, size and type of connectors. The types
used in each country are set by national standards, some of which are listed in the IEC technical
report TR 60083, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized
in member countries of IEC. The scope of IEC TR 60083 states:
"The report only contains systems for which standard sheets have been published in a National
Standard, which may be a National Standard of the country itself or any other IEC member
Light bulb sockets, light sockets lamp sockets or lamp holders provide electrical connections
to the lamps and support it in the lighting fixture. The use of sockets allows lamps to be safely
and conveniently replaced (re-lamping). There are many different standards for these lamp
holders, created by various standards bodies
Electrical wires are usually covered with insulating materials, such as plastic, rubber-like
polymers, or varnish. Insulating and jacketing of wires and cables is nowadays done by passing
them through an extruder. Formerly, materials used for insulation included treated cloth or
paper and various oil-based products. Since the mid-1960s, plastic and polymers exhibiting
properties similar to rubber have predominated.
Two or more wires may be wrapped concentrically, separated by insulation, to form coaxial
cable. The wire or cable may be further protected with substances like paraffin, some kind of
preservative compound, bitumen, lead, aluminium sheathing, or steel taping. Stranding or
covering machines wind material onto wire which passes through quickly. Some of the smallest
machines for cotton covering have a large drum, which grips the wire and moves it through
toothed gears; the wire passes through the centre of disks mounted above a long bed, and the
disks carry each a number of bobbins varying from six to twelve or more in different machines.
A supply of covering material is wound on each bobbin, and the end is led on to the wire, which
occupies a central position relatively to the bobbins; the latter being revolved at a suitable speed
bodily with their disks, the cotton is consequently served on to the wire, winding in spiral
fashion so as to overlap. If a large number of strands are required the disks
are duplicated, so that as many as sixty spools may be carried, the second set of strands being
laid over the firs
As per Indian Electricity Rule 50 a suitable linked switch (a switch operating simultaneously
on phase or line and neutral wires) is to be provided immediately after the meter board. This
rule also stipulates that a suitable cut out must be provided just after the linked switch to protect
the circuit against excessive current. The linked main switch and fuse unit may be provided as
one unit or as separate units.
Switch fuse is a combined unit and is known as iron clad switch, being made of iron. It may
be double pole for controlling single phase two wire circuits or triple pole for controlling three
phase, three wire circuits or triple pole with neutral link for controlling three phase, four wire
circuits. The respective switches are known as double pole iron clad (DPIC), triple pole iron
clad (TPIC), and triple pole with neutral link iron clad (TPNIC) switches.
It is a device that provides definite protection to the wiring installations and sophisticated
equipment against over currents and short circuit faults. Thermal operation (over load
protection) is achieved with a bimetallic strip, which deflects when heated by any over currents
flowing through it. In doing so, releases the latch mechanism and causes the contacts open.
Inverse time current characteristics results, that is; greater the over load or excessive current,
shorter the time required to operate the MCB. On the occurrence of a short circuit, the rising
current energises the solenoid, operating the plunger to strike the trip the level causing
immediate release of the latch mechanism. Rapidity of the magnetic solenoid operation causes
instantaneous opening of contacts
Fig.4.9. co box
Next work had proceeded on 16th February. The work was conducted in the main
hall and kitchen. At the main hall, we had replaced the old ceiling rose of fan with a new one
and also replaced the bulb holder. At the kitchen we replaced the bulb holder and then
confirmed all the electrical work carried out were perfect. We had finished all our maintenance
works within two days of work and successfully completed our mini project.
This project was a big experience to us. The 5 stars group including me had really enjoyed this
work from beginning to the end. We were very happy to complete the project successfully. The
whole team member becomes very active and engaged during the work with one mind. We
could attain this achievement may be because of our unity. Many struggles had been faced
during our work. Anyhow we become able to overcome it. Through this project we understand
more valuable information about maintenance of wiring and art of using 5S in it. The
Government Ayurvedic Dispensary employees had informed their gratitude to us for our
fabulous contribution.