Constructing A Hypothesis

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Constructing a Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a proposed theory or explanation for an observation, phenomenon or problem; which can
be tested through further study and/or experimentation. An effective hypothesis should be a clearly stated
and testable prediction of an outcome.

State Your Problem

Once your team has selected and saved its Mission Challenge, you are ready to start constructing a
hypothesis statement. To begin, state the problem you are trying to solve; this is known as the problem

Example: One of the highest costs for our school district is energy bills and purchasing new light bulbs.

Form Your Hypothesis

The next step is to use your problem statement to form your hypothesis. As a team, brainstorm ideas for
the explanation or solution to the problem statement.

Teams are encouraged to research possible solutions to their problem statement and develop a workable
hypothesis that can be tested through experimentation. Classroom discussion, and the eCYBERMISSION
Discussion Forums and Team Talk are great places to discuss your findings and achieve consensus on
possible solutions to the problem identified.

If your team is stuck, encourage the students to chat with a CyberGuide on the Discussion Forums. Your
team may also contact Mission Control to request a Private Chat Room with a CyberGuide for a more
detailed discussion.

Hypothesis Statement Checklist

An effective hypothesis statement should be:

 Clear, Simple & Direct

Hypothesis statements should be easy to read, short and understandable. They should be written in
simple English and should be framed as if you are explaining the problem to other students, teachers
or community members. This is not the place for technical jargon or high level analysis. A good
guideline for a clear and direct hypothesis statement is to aim to keep the hypothesis to 20 words or

 Testable Through Experimentation

An effective hypothesis is one that can be tested. In other words, students need to ensure that the
hypothesis includes information on what they plan to do and how they plan to make it happen.

After the preliminary research is complete, construct a hypothesis, or an educated guess, on the
outcome of the experiment(s). The hypothesis must be worded so that it can be tested in the
experiment(s) and it must include both independent and dependent variables.

 An independent variable is the variable that is varied or manipulated during an experiment to

affect change in the dependent variable.

 A dependent variable is the variable that is studied. Changes in the dependent variable
depend on changes in the independent variable.
Example: Raising the temperature of a cup of coffee will increase the amount of sugar that dissolves.

 The temperature is the independent variable.

 The amount of sugar is the dependent variable.

 An “ If -Then” Statement

Finally, reword the hypothesis as an “if-then” statement, using the independent and dependent
variables, and make sure it states the prediction and not the question.

“If [I do this] , then [this] _ will happen.”

Example: If we implement the use of Compact Florescent Light bulbs (CFL) throughout the schools
then we will save energy and money.

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