Forbidden Secret
Forbidden Secret
Forbidden Secret
Jonathan Gray
Suppose you discovered that the hidden power brokers behind the
New World Order have sinister plans for you and your family?
What is the forbidden life-extension information they don’t want
you to know? Why do they want to keep it secret from you?
In Search of Lost Cities
Into the Unknown
In a Coffin in Egypt
The Magic of the Golden Proportion
4 Major Discoveries
Curse of the Pharaohs
Solomon’s Riches
Lost Races: The Big Dating Shock
Men in Embarrassing Places
Just Sitchin Fiction?
Prologue A: Kidnapped…………….………………… 9
31 The sacrifice
BLOOD AND WATER…………………….……….. 404
32 The sacrifice
WHY THE NEED FOR THE CROSS?................... 412
33 The Rescuer accepted
Epilogue…………………………………………………… 607
Appendix………………………………………………….. 613
Index……………………………………………………….. 614
Eleven year old Jaycee Lee Dugard was snatched at a bus stop.
For the next 18 years, she was held in captivity, but apparently
did not try to escape and, over time, developed a close
relationship with her kidnapper. Her stepfather said that she “has
strong feelings with this guy” and “feels it's almost like a
marriage.” (Laura Fitzpatrick, "A Brief History of Stockholm Syndrome," Time,
Aug. 31, 2009)
We acquiesce to………………………………………
our controllers
Uncommon? No. In a broader sense, most of us without protest
agree with those who have come to dominate our culture.
Most are not aware that our world has been taken captive.
Forces hostile to us have taken over our planet – our courts, our
governments, science, education, the media, the entertainment
industry, the medical industry, the legal and illegal drug trade,
and they have infiltrated mainstream religion as well.
Strange, but true! Our whole world has been held captive for
thousands of years – and we have come to identify with our
captors. And they, in turn, are controlled by others …unseen.
It is they who are plunging our world into its current financial
crisis. They need to collapse every nation’s economy, so they
can replace it with their One World Government. A Conspiracy
Theorist statement? No, it is a statement of fact.
“A helicopter flew low over our home,” said Peter, “and lodged
these bullet holes in our kitchen window. Then a sniper team
from that tree on the hill fired into this same window. Police
later said they knew in advance – but were ordered not to
Peter explained: “The physical fact was this: I had stumbled into
New World Order plans for a major war in the Middle East –
and the elimination of untold millions of innocent people. This
was to be triggered by, firstly, an international baiting campaign
to stir the Muslim world into a fury, then, secondly, a series of
carefully engineered ‘false flag’ terrorist attacks, such as the
Bali bombing, for which Muslims were to be blamed.
Are lying to us
On May 14, 2004, Dr Eugene Mallove was killed. The local
police ruled his death a homicide. This occurred just as a
discovery he had made was about to be vindicated.
Destroying evidence
The “Big E”
inspired Communism
Just like so many people in the media. It has been observed that
“most journalists are so brain-dead themselves, so lacking in
understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of
the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not
even know exists.” (Uncensored magazine, September-December 2009)
Why am I writing this? Because I hate to think that you and I are
being cheated out of what a former editor of the Los Angeles
Times called “a world scoop”. Glimpsing its importance, he
asked in astonishment, “Why are you sitting on this? The world
needs to know it!”
That’s why I have called this the Forbidden Secret. If you didn’t
know, it is so explosive that, when common people discover it,
they become ignited, invincible and unafraid.
Someone was appointed to sit out in the graveyard all night (the
graveyard shift), to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be,
“saved by the bell” or was considered a “dead ringer”.
I don’t need to tell you. Of all things you possess, life is the
most precious, right?
“My daughter is only 15,” cried Moira. “She has a rare brain
tumor that cannot be operated on. I don’t want to lose her. What
can I do?”
Yet even better, what if you learned that there are some people
now alive who will live to be 200, 300, 600 years old… no,
more than that… some who will live on… and on… in glorious
quality of life… without dying at all. Yes, you are right, it’s
hard to imagine. But there is a good chance that you could
qualify to become one of them. …….
Glad you asked. This is about evidence. Here are the facts.
(References relate to this current book, unless otherwise stated):
Facts at a glance
Did life appear spontaneously then evolution take over?
Documented and observable scientific evidence from
DNA, biology and fossils, says no. (Chapters 1-5)……………….
Did mankind originate by seeding from outer space?
Physical and experimental evidence says no. (Chapters 6-7)
Observable scientific evidence indicates that an effect is
not greater than its cause. It always takes a greater source
of information to produce information. The intricate
design of human life, intelligence and personality requires
a cause which possesses life, intelligence and personality
outside the creation itself. (See Chapters 8-9)
This Superior Intelligence has demonstrated ability to
communicate messages to mankind and has sealed the
authorship of certain messages in at least two ways that no
human being can replicate:……………………………….
(a) a 3500 year track record in prophecy - cold, hard,
incontrovertible PROOF of accurate foreknowledge of
consecutive world history (Chapters 11-12)
(b).a unique, DNA-style mathematical code within the
structure of the written messages. (Chapters.13,43-46) Since
the content of these messages is exactly consistent
with observed fact, then the most reasonable deduction
from the evidence is that the messages are trustworthy.
There is demonstrable evidence that our world is held
captive by forces hostile to the human race. (Chapters 14-18)
Messages claiming to be from the Superior Intelligence
reveal that a spiritual battle between the powers of good
and evil is being waged for the future of each person on
earth. One side uses force; the other does not. (Chapters 14-18)
According to the evidence:
(a) We are alienated from our Source of life.
(b).Cut off from this Source, our existence is fragile. We die.
(c).Death is not an inevitable, natural, essential part of our
existence, but an intrusion, that need not be. (Chapter 16)
FACT: The ancient nations universally claimed that the
first great father was informed of a coming rescue program,
which will result in abolishing death, and in the restoring of
this world to its original perfect state. (Chapter 19)
FACT: (a) The annual Hebrew Passover event (14th to 15th day
of the month Nisan) centered around a lamb sacrifice. This
symbolized a substitute death in the place of man, to free him
from the penalty of his wrongs. (Exodus chapter 12; Jewish Encyclopedia)
(b).Jewish scholars expected the coming Messiah to
bring redemption at that same time of the year – Passover.
(Cabal- istae apud Fagium; Abrabanal, The Wells of Salvation; Ex.12:1-6,11; Lev.
23:4,5; (The Jewish Encyclopedia, art., “Atonement, Day of”)
FACT: (a) The one with the predicted name said he had come
to fulfill the Passover symbolism, to sacrifice his life and free
men from the penalty of sin. (Matthew 26:1-2,17-28; 1 Corinthians 5:7)
(b) Jewish leaders, charging that the “named one” “led
astray Israel”, condemned him to be executed on precisely the
same day as the Passover lamb was sacrificed. (Babylonian
Sanhedrin 43a,.95-110 AD)…….. …………….
FACT: Those who acted on the “named one’s” prophecy did not
die. They escaped. (Encyclopedia Judaica) Their acceptance of the
“named one” saved them.
In 586 BC, the First Temple was burned by Babylonian armies
on the 10th day of the month Ab.
Around the same time (130 AD), Rabbi Akiva, “the father of
the Mishnah”, promoted a translation of the Tanakh which
ripped out key words in certain messianic texts that were being
linked with the “named one”. (Chapter 27)
Rabbis Akiva and Ben Halafta also slashed out 160 years from
the Persian/ Jewish calendar to nullify the “named one’s”
fulfillment of Daniel’s 490-year prophecy. (Chapter 41) That’s
right, 160 years of real time was ripped out and thrown away!
Inbuilt into each of us is the capacity for free choice
concerning our destiny. (Chapter 15)
3. FORBIDDEN NEWS:.............................................................
The hijackers of our planet have admitted they will do
whatever it takes to eliminate, suppress, or discredit the news
of the rescue plan and the documents which alert us to it – so
that you and I, deprived of its benefits, can be brought under
their Luciferian New Age control.
The best part of our topic will be this: You will be presented
with actionable benefits in real life. (Chapters 47-49)
Of course, there are laws of health that can enhance your quality
I’m not always right. But with evidence like you’re now about
to see, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.
If you just want to surface-scan this report and say ‘I know all
that’, then stop right here. But if you’re willing to drill into the
facts and accept their challenge, then you are in for some mind-
blowing evidence that can change everything for you – for the
DNA: artefact of intelligence? -
And packed into an area so tiny. All inside a simple cell. What
simpleton made up that phrase… “simple cell”?
Think of all the shops in your town. Shelves stacked with goods,
display windows, check out counters, carpets, light fittings,
telephones, and so on.
Amazing fact: Did you know that each cell in your body has the
electrical potential of 1.7 volts. (And with up to 100 trillion
cells, what is the electrical potential of your body?… you work
it out!)
These genes
(a) programme all inherited characteristics, such as height and
personality type.
(b)guide all growth processes, such as when and how baby
teeth are pushed out by adult teeth.
(c) direct all structural and system details for every body
You and I each came from a single fertilised cell. In the nucleus
of that little dot, the master computer (DNA) contained the
programming for every aspect of the yet-undeveloped person.
Every organ, every nerve, every hair, skin colour, hair colour,
behavioural patterns… are programmed in those amazing tiny
Were you aware that each and every cell in your body contains
ALL the genetic coding for each of the other cells of your body?
And this DNA message is played back every time a new life is
created, because its instructions are obeyed to the last letter.
The truth is, this DNA code needed someone who knew the
translation and then made a machine to translate it. That
translation machine is included into every cell of your body, as
well. ………………………………
Now think about this. Somehow, although each cell has such a
vast encyclopedia of “blueprints”, yet each cell “knows” its own
special job and keeps it. For example, a cell on your skin at the
end of your ear has the genetic information to produce a toenail
cell… but it doesn’t! Aren’t you glad?
The density of
sub-microscopic information
In an interview with Benjamin Wiker, Dr Dean Kenyon,
Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University, said:
Then the RNA rushes to the edge of the city. And there it
transfers its code in rapid-fire succession to one enzyme after
So, can you answer me this: From where and how did the first
protein originate, to facilitate the DNA code structure in each
Then what about this: DNA has to be totally 100 percent intact
with all its interlocking, working parts, before one living cell
can even exist. Not only do you need the information in the
individual genes. You also need the information that enables
them to work together. Such masses of information do not
emerge from chance random processes.
You might be too polite to say, but I can guess what you’d be
It began when one of his students asked, “How could the first
proteins have been assembled without the help of genetic
instructions?” (Proteins were the necessary information to build
the first cell.)
What he now had to address was this: What was the source of
the biological information in DNA?
Observable evidence
of a Master Designer
Music in genes
Oh, and something else. Did you know this? It was recently
discovered that DNA is linked to music!
If you like music, but think that you can’t carry a tune, you may
be wrong. Respected geneticist, Susumo Ono, believes he’s
discovered music in genes – particularly human genes, fish
genes and rabbit genes. Susumo is a researcher in DNA.
Using the same formula for converting DNA into music, Dr Ono
worked backwards and translated Chopin's funeral march into
chemical symbols. It came out cancer!
That’s so. But the bottom line is this: Whichever way you look
at it, the PATTERNS of single notes testify to intelligence as
the source of DNA. Certainly it is not from a blind, accidental
force in nature.
There is one of
those 3-billion-letter
messages inside
each cell in your
Each nucleotide
base (or letter) on
one DNA strand
interlocks with a
specific partner on
the other strand.
Three pairs of
letters form a code
for one amino acid.
Genetic information
is contained in the
combinations of
pairs throughout the
length of the DNA
A gene is a
particular sequence
of letters which
codes for a specific
He adds:
Impossible odds -
But just take a look at these odds below! If they don’t propel
you into outer space, I don’t know what will.
I will tell you the answer to that one, yet it only presents a
bigger question: Another protein (often a constructor) moves
over to the transporter, touches him momentarily, and the
The messenger goes to the edge of the cell and tells the
gatekeeper (another protein) to bring them in, which he does.
I ask you, how can this be done, when different proteins which
never meet each other take part in the different steps? As you
know, none of the proteins lives very long. And none of them
teaches the new proteins they construct how to do the work they
are going to do! There are no classroom teachers in the cell, for
all the students have no brains, yet they know exactly what to
And now consider this: Even if, just one time, evolution could
produce one correct protein – how on earth could it keep
repeating the fluke again and again, which it would have to do
in order to replicate that correct protein in making millions more
of it?
By then the organism will have long died, if it even had been
alive! It’s becoming embarrassing… The sheer amount of
speculation… the myriad “blind chances” needed to support the
evolution thesis… I need a glass of water!
Outmoded theory
Kenyon: The standard account has many flaws – not the least of
which is the fact that there is no geochemical evidence for the
existence of a prebiotic soup!
But less well known is the fact that the dominant trend of the
chemistry occurring in these experiments is toward non-
biological material – that is, amber gunk which coats the inside
of the apparatus.
And there are many more difficulties. For example, the energy
used to initiate the chemical reactions in these simulation
experiments – electric sparks, ultraviolet and other types of
radiation, heat – would actually have destroyed the more
complex products they presume were created.
These are just some of the reasons why I think the empirical
case against a chemical evolutionary origin of life is
But couldn’t life be created in the lab? After all, scientists have
created some building blocks of life – amino acids.
Wiker: I’m taking it that it has not always been this way – that
you were not always so skeptical about the claims of
evolutionary theory. You were co-author of the best-selling,
advanced textbook on chemical evolution in the 1970s.
How did information evolve? -
Well, you know the answer to that. If you pull up on your boot
straps for ten trillion years you still won’t lift yourself off the
ground. The law of gravity stops you.
2. Secondly, would the rock get wet (for no reason), and then
give birth to an amoeba?
Origin of life
But that’s not all. What about the odds of life happening?
Mathematically, it was simply impossible. When you consider
the hundreds of factors required to produce life or even a planet
capable of sustaining life as we know it – factors as diverse as
the decay rates of elements and the distance of a planet’s orbit to
its sun – and multiply them by the scientific and mathematical
odds of those factors being right, it just doesn’t work. We
shouldn’t be here.
That brings to mind something that Sir Fred Hoyle said. That
honoured British astronomer calculated that the odds of only
one factor necessary for life coming together by chance – the
enzymes needed to perform the chemical functions needed to
produce the most simple living creature – were one in 1040,000.
That’s mathematical shorthand for 10 followed by 40,000 zeros,
enough to fill 20 pages of this book…000000000000 and so on.
What were the odds of the first simple cell forming? Just ask a
Even the simplest cell you can conceive of would require no less
than 100,000 DNA base pairs and a minimum of about 10,000
amino acids, to form the essential protein chain. Not to mention
the other things that would also be necessary for the first cell.
Bear in mind that every single base pair in the DNA chain has to
have the same molecular orientation (“left-hand” or “right
hand”)? As well as that, virtually all the amino acids must have
the opposite orientation. And every one must be without error.
Every single one of the ten thousand.
And that’s only for the first, simplest cell. You still have the
problem of the developing of more than 1.7 million highly
complex species…. With even greater odds against it happening.
As a statistician will assure you, random evolution is utterly
Fascinating, you might say. But just wait till its implications hit
Thirdly, the DNA molecule which tells every part of the cell
Could this just happen? Could mere chemicals just on their own
change into living systems? Not a snowflake’s chance.
Does that make your head spin? If all the DNA in just your body
Okay, then, what is the probability of just one – just one – just
one – of those DNA molecules forming by chance? The late
astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle put it this way:
Oh, something else. The DNA code for information storage and
translation, contains the ideal number of genetic letters.
And this is exactly what has been found in the genes of every
living thing on earth – a four-letter digital code. “The coding
system used for living human beings is optimal from an
engineering standpoint. This suggests it is a case of purposeful
design rather than a [lucky] chance.” (Dr Werner Gitt, In the Beginning
Was Information, p. 95. Emphasis mine)
Sorry, skeptics. That leaves you and me with only one rational
alternative… that the first life must have been designed, then
So, after life was created, did evolution follow? Did an original
living organism evolve upward into the many varieties we have
Let’s investigate…
Mutations, natural selection, and variations -
Jack’s business was selling raincoats. He bought them for $69,
then sold them for $62.50.………………………………………
The thought arises, perhaps DNA was created, but then after that
evolution took over?
Yes, it’s true. They examined the offspring of two mutant plants
which had a malfunctioning gene. And they found that 10
percent of their offspring don’t have this malformation, but
rather are like the normal (non-mutant) grandparents. As New
York Times science reporter Nicholas Wade announced:
I can tell you this. One will be hard pressed to explain how such
a mechanism could have been created in a Darwinian step-by-
step fashion – and inherited not from parents, but from
grandparents or distant ancestors!
If half developed:
no survival value
When you think about it, there’s nothing really simple. Even the
simple mousetrap is a combination of several different things – a
block of wood, the spring latch and the hammer. If one is
missing, the mousetrap is useless.
Have you ever studied the human eye? It’s not simple like that
mousetrap. The eye is made up of millions of parts – the pupil,
lens, muscles, optic nerve, and millions of rods and cones. All
parts were needed at once. So how did that come about? Could
evolution answer this? Yeah. And pigs will fly.
You mean experiments have not been able to show any means
by which evolutionary jumps can occur? Not one.
Hopefully this helps the theory? Oh, bother! Even with the
mutation process speeded up a million times, the AIDS virus
only ‘evolved’ into another form of AIDS virus and nothing
else. (Ibid.)
Darn it! The first spiders mutated and selected into the forms
they have today. They remain spiders. And the same with
everything else.
But let facts get in the way? Never. This evolution theory has
become an institution. (And some say that’s where it belongs.)
For one creature to change into the other (for example, a reptile
into a winged bird) is not a modification, it is a cancelling of
one perfect design and starting with another. And if only part of
the new design system is complete, then the total organism will
fail to function. In that single lifetime it would become extinct.
Inter-dependence of every part – we cannot shrug this away.
Quick summary
Okay then. But what about fossils? Don’t we hear so often that
they prove evolution?
Fossils and evolution -
The story goes that after the first simple cell, more complex life
forms evolved... amoeba… trilobites… coal 280 million years
ago… dinosaurs 135- to 65 million years ago … and man more
recently, say 5- to 1 million years ago.
There you are. Evolution did occur. And that’s the sequence.
Just believe the chart!
So evolution theory is secure. Fold your arms, lie back and all is
It is not just physical finds such as these that scream out against
evolution. Here are summarised for you eight major fossil facts
that, quite frankly, are alarming.
3. Fossils in the “wrong” order. All over the world, what the
evolution theory classifies as “older” and “younger” are
found mixed in any sequence – no evolutionary
Indeed, you might well ask, Was there ever a Stone Age? The
answer is NO! Have there been stone cultures? Yes. (Please study
the evidence in my book Dead Men’s Secrets, Chapters 5 to 7.)
But did you know that plant cells are more complicated than
animals’ cells?
So what has since been found? The sad fact was admitted by
Niles Eldridge, curator of New York’s Natural History Museum:
“The fossil record we were told to find in the past 120 years
[since Darwin] does not exist.” (New York Times, November 4, 1980).
The cover up
Others know about the latest discoveries but are playing dumb –
fearful of bucking the establishment! Scoundrels – all of them!
Sure, many mean well. But they still hide the facts. Reputations,
Thousands of scientists
abandoning evolution
From outer space? -
Von Danicken, like others, assumed that early man struggled for
endless millions of years as a primitive dumb and stupid
creature, unable to accomplish anything on his own.
Then we find man quite suddenly (in the last few thousand
years) nurturing a technology so intricate, so sophisticated, that
it suggests intellectual maturity from the start.
Oh, and something else. The orbit of Nibiru (which some label
Planet X) brings it into our solar system every 3,600 years. It
will return to Planet Earth very soon.
Mr S: “It’s on the
Sumerian tablets”
results bother me
Bother! The problem was not just one, but a growing procession
of non-fitting pieces.
That’s when it struck me that the problem might be not with the
inconsistencies, but with Mr S’ story.
What better than to ask the man who gave us the pieces? So I sat
down and wrote to Zecharia Sitchin, asking him to help me
clarify these matters.
So are you ready for this? Examination shows that there is not
one Sumerian text that says those things. Not one anywhere. In
my book Just Sitchin Fiction? I show you how to check for
yourself all the Sumerian texts online. The truth is that in the
entire cuneiform record there is not one single text that says any
of these things Mr Sitchin was claiming they did. These texts do
not exist. They are all made up!
From outer space? -
So, could that have happened? Could life somehow have already
existed, and then got here from outer space?
Some keen minds have been asking whether life might have first
appeared on some other planet, then drifted from planet to
planet as naked bacterial spores, eventually ending up on this
Also there are other forms of radiation that would kill off any
microscopic spores. The big problem would be the accumulated
dosages over an extended time period.
You can work this out for yourself. ETs from another planet also
needed a beginning. They needed to be programmed with their
DNA from somewhere - before they could even exist! And then,
if you expect similar results time and again on numerous
planets… the odds against that ever happening by chance
become so exponentially remote as to be impossible.
Just as for us on this earth, the odds for ETs to exist on some
other planet would be as if they had won a million-dollar lottery
a million times in a row.
So, it all gets back to the question, who, then, was responsible
for life?
A Superior Designer
No need for ET help. Civilization did not suddenly drop into the
Middle East from some star.
6 other things
worth remembering
Are aliens visiting this earth? No, aliens are not visiting this
Few have studied this question better than J. Allen Hynek who
founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) along with the
now noted UFO researcher Jacques Vallee.
UFOs can
• make 90 degree turns at impossible speeds
• make other maneuvers impossible in the physical realm.
• change shape before our eyes
• melt away into nothing in front of us
• apparently ‘materialize’
• Two distinctly different UFOs hovering in a clear sky
will converge and eventually merge into one object.
Belief in someone
you cannot see?
QUESTION: Is it reasonable to
believe in a Being I cannot see?
Yet you ask Australian atheist Philip Adams, and he may tell
you that any who believe in a Creator “have bats in their
belfry”. They are “gullible”, “a growing multitude of dimwits”
in need of “psychiatric help,” and that it’s a “looney
proposition.” (Adelaide Weekend Review)
“I’m an atheist”
The joke is on us
But where did “God” come from? Have you ever asked that? I
That little ant moved around beneath the turf, the blades of grass
overhead, the soil beneath, and the tinier life forms all around.
That’s the world the ant understands.
Come to think of it, are we not like that little ant, when it comes
to understanding the Supreme One? Indeed, if I could fully
understand God, I should either be a god myself, or God
Himself would cease to be God. Just because I live in my reality
is no reason to dismiss another reality of existence.
A personal, caring Creator? -
For quite a while now, Ken Gaub’s time had been spent giving a
boost to others… helping those who were hurting… trying to
influence their lives in a positive way.
With this in mind, he and his family had travelled, both across
the United States and overseas. He had also established a
counselling service on radio and television.
But that day in the 1970s as Ken, his wife Barbara and their
children drove their two buses down 1-75 just south of Dayton,
Ohio, Ken was feeling drained and discouraged.
Ken turned off at Route 741. There was sign after sign, offering
fast food.
As Ken’s family poured out, and across to the pizza parlor, Ken
announced, “I’m not really hungry. I’ll just stretch my legs.”
The operator’s voice came through. “Long distance call for Ken
The operator simply asked again, “Is Ken Gaub there? I have a
long distance call for Ken Gaub.”
He looked toward the pizza house. The family was still inside.
They were at this restaurant only on a whim. It was randomly
selected. And no one knew they were here. No one.
“I have a long distance call for Ken Gaub, sir.” The operator
sounded quite insistent now. “Is Mr Gaub there or isn’t he?”
“Are you sure?” asked the operator. Then suddenly there was
another woman’s voice on the phone.
“How can I help you?” And Ken heard the operator hang up.
The woman at the other end was weeping now. Ken patiently
waited. Finally, she gained control. “I’m at the end of my rope. I
was about to kill myself. I started to write a suicide note. Then I
began to tell God I really didn’t want to do this.”
But that was impossible. There was no place she knew, to reach
him. Millie spoke a little more calmly now. “So I began to finish
the note. And then some numbers came into my mind, and I
wrote them down.” Millie was weeping again.
Even more puzzled was Ken. “Millie, it was you who made the
call. Don’t you know?”
“No, I have no idea what area this is,” said Millie. “I just dialled
the long-distance operator. I gave the numbers to her, and made
it a person-to-person call.”
Daub advised Millie what to do. And it was to take her into a
successful new life.
“Barb,” enthused Ken as his family climbed back into the bus,
“you won’t believe this! God knows where I am!”
Some questions
Why does a mother love her baby? She can give no reason,
except that it belongs to her. The chemicals comprising its body
are worth only a few dollars. It weighs perhaps eight pounds of
flesh. That tiny baby causes trouble, disrupts the family routine
and deprives her of sleep. But he belongs to her and she loves
Suppose you have five children. Did you love your first baby?
Naturally you did. Did you love the second child only half as
much? Of course not. So what about the third? You loved it just
as much as the other two. What if you had twenty children? You
would love each child just as much as the others.
Think now. If you and I, limited as we are, could have hearts big
enough to love all our children, why would a limitless God find
it difficult to love all of his children on this planet?
“Not testable”
A guy called DL heard another guy Mark Harwood mention
God – and was he upset! “The god proposition does not appear
reasonable,” said DL. It’s both untestable and founded upon
lack of knowledge. How can one rationally be expected to
believe (have faith in) in untestable propositions.”
“So, you have faith that the designer and builder have existed,
because the building exists and your faith is based on
knowledge. But the existence of the designer and builder is not
MARK: “The answer is clearly ‘No’. But the problem is you are
asking the wrong question. Perhaps you could ask:
“Clearly, there are very real things that are not accessible via
scientific experiments. Most importantly, past events can only
be determined by historical records as they are not available for
observation and are therefore not accessible by science.”
Communication -
Of course you do! And who implanted that ability and desire
into your heart?
Would not our Maker possess the same ability to think, speak
and communicate, that he has given us? The Intelligence that
made the ear, can he not hear? Whoever designed the eye, can
he not see?
Archaeology’s verdict: –
The desert pushed right down to the water’s edge. And as Sayid,
our Egyptian friend, packed the sleeping gear on to the roof rack
of our expedition vehicle, Paul watched the sun climb over the
But this whole saga began much, much earlier… in that land of
romance and mystery, ancient Egypt.
Some 3,500 years ago, in the most glorious era of her history,
Egypt was the granary of the world. She was eminent in
science, the arts, luxury and magnificence. Egypt was, in a
sense, the super power of that day.
Because of his relation to the throne, Moses had all the might
and wealth of Egypt at his fingertips. He became a great
statesman and general. Yet he had learned that the thousands of
slaves working in the brick-pits were his people, and that his
destiny was linked with theirs.
The biblical book of Exodus tells us that the Hebrew slaves, led
by Moses, escaped from Egypt, but they were pursued by the
pharaoh’s army. When they found themselves trapped at the Red
Sea, a strong wind blew from the east, opening up a passage for
them to escape across a dry sea bed, with a frozen wall of water
on either side. But, as the Egyptian army pursued, the sea
collapsed upon the army and every man in it was drowned.
Well, at the alleged site, the Gulf of Aqaba arm of the Red Sea,
we have had at least 30 international divers scouring the sea
floor. Most of our dives have been on the Egyptian side.
For many today, the study of history is incorporated with ideas
that there is no God, miracles are not possible, we live in a
closed system and there is no supernatural.
With these presuppositions they begin their ‘critical, open and
honest’ investigation of history.
When they study, for example, the story of Moses and the
crossing of the Red Sea, they conclude it was not a miracle or
even a real event, because we know (not historically, but
philosophically) that there is no spiritual dimension. Therefore,
these things cannot be. They rule out the Exodus of the Israelites
even before they start an historical investigation of the Exodus.
These suppositions are not so much scientific biases, but rather,
philosophical prejudice. Instead of beginning with the scientific
and historical data, they preclude it by prior speculation. ……
One might as well admit it. The real truth concerning our topic
will never be found in the opinions of the present world system.
The best it can offer is the convenience of thousands of
people blundering in and out of theories, as through a revolving
It is also a fact that if you do not start with the right premise,
there is no way you can come up with the right answer.
Stopping the river flow for the Israelites to cross over was really
a miracle of timing. Could not the Creator control of the laws of
nature He created?
More and more we’ve been discovering that the biblical record
stands up remarkably well to the missiles shot at it by critics.
After the river crossing, Jericho was the first outpost standing in
the way of the Hebrew tribes occupying the Promised Land of
Canaan (Palestine). The Bible says that the Hebrews, led by
The fallen walls of Jericho seen today are precisely those that
came tumbling down in the face of Joshua’s army.
Unlike the ruins of other ancient Middle Eastern cities, all of the
city of Joshua’s time (and parts of even earlier levels) was
eroded away. This is not surprising, since the crumbling mud-
brick structures were not preserved by being built upon by later
inhabitants, because the city was unoccupied for centuries after
Joshua’s time. (Joshua 6:21) Pottery finds in the tombs outside the
city, indicate that Jericho was inhabited in the 14th century, just
as the Bible states.
While some critical scholars have been fond of saying there was
no Hebrew (Israelite) Exodus, there have been others who did
accept such an event, but rejected the biblical dating of 1400
BC. They preferred to place the Hebrew Exodus and the
subsequent conquest of Canaan, as late as 1200 BC.
The Bible speaks of three young Hebrew men being thrown into
a fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon (Daniel ch. 3)
The biblical book of Daniel also records that the Hebrew captive
Daniel was tossed into a den of lions. (Daniel chapter 6)
That such ‘lion’s den’ punishment was in keeping with the times
is now proven by the discovery of that same inscription of
Ashurbanipal that we just mentioned. It continues thus:
The rest of the people who had rebelled they threw alive
among bulls and lions, as Sennacherib my grandfather used
to do. Lo, again following his footsteps, those men I threw
into the midst of them.
Nebuchadnezzar was
Babylon’s great builder
I have made Babylon, the holy city, the glory of the great
gods, more prominent than ever before, and have promoted
its rebuilding.
This was a severe blow to critics who claimed the biblical book
of Daniel to be a product of the 2nd century BC, and not a 6th
century eyewitness report. (Babylonian Historical Texts. London, 1924, p.
88; Latest trans. By Oppenheim in Ancient Near Eastern Texts, ed. By Pritchard.
Princeton, 1950, p. 313)
Professor R.H. Pfeiffer was typical of those who did not accept
the book of Daniel as genuinely written in the 6th century BC,
but claimed it to be a 2nd century BC forgery.
Therefore he wrote:
Kings of Israel
Well, I took a good look. And here is one statement that jumped
off a page:
King David
It is true that until fairly recently, there was no evidence outside
the Bible for the existence of King David.
King Solomon
You can’t take the Bible literally? Here is some more evidence:
After the Deluge (Global Flood) All mankind has stemmed from
the human race divided into 3 one origin, in 3 main branches.
families. (Genesis 9:19) (Royal Anthropological Institute Journal)
Five Jordan plain cities were Five Jordan plain cities were (in
Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, the same order) Sodom, Gomorrah,
Zeboiim, Bela (Zoar). And the Admah, Zeboiim, Bela (Zoar). And
king of Gomorrah was Birsha. the king of Gomorrah was Birsha.
(c. 2000 BC) (Genesis 14:2) (Ebla Tablet no. 1860)
Burning sulfur balls from the Five sites turned totally to ash and
sky turned 5 Jordan plain cities peppered with sulfur balls have
to ashes (1893 BC). been discovered on the Jordan plain.
(Genesis chapter 19) (The Weapon the Globalists Fear, ch.14)
Predictably, it wasn’t long before the Bible was placed under the
microscope – and found to be ‘inaccurate’, ‘mythical’ or
‘allegorical’. Some critics deemed the Bible writers totally
uninformed, foolishly imagining things that did not exist.
Now we have evidence that the people, places and events they
wrote about were indeed real.
“Oh, Sir, I am reading how God made the waters of the Red Sea
stand up and let all the Israelites cross on dry land, and then
when the 600 Egyptian soldiers in their horses and chariots tried
to follow them, God let the waters go back to normal and
drowned them all.”
“Oh come now, son,” said the man pontifically, “the Bible is
mistaken, it wasn't the Red Sea, but the Reed Sea and it’s only 6
inches deep. When it says they walked on dry land, that means
the water was only ankle deep.” And having set the boy straight,
he continued on his way, only to hear “WOW! That's
So he turned back and asked the boy, “What are you carrying on
about now?”
“Isn't God great,” answered the boy, “He managed to drown all
600 soldiers and their horses and chariots in only 6 inches of
Now we come to the acid test. If you want to discredit the Bible,
I’ll now show you now precisely how to do it. ………………….
Prophecy’s verdict: –
Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong
reasons… Declare to us what shall happen: declare you…
things to come. (Isaiah 41:21-23)
But if world history has been declared accurately and clearly for
thousands of years in advance… what then?
I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the END from
the BEGINNING, and from ancient times things that are
NOT YET DONE. (Isaiah 46:9-10)
The challenge:
proof of a Supreme Being?
Does not this make the Bible unique? No other book on Planet
Earth has the audacity to place its veracity on its record of
fulfilled prophecies. Not the Koran of Islam, the Veda or the
Bhagadgita of the Hindus, nor the Book of Mormon, claim such.
The Bible claims that the Eternal One selected men of integrity
and revealed messages to them – and that, as they wrote, they
were under His direction. Did you know that expressions such
as “God said”, “the Lord commanded”, and “the word of the
Lord” occur in the Bible more than 3,800 times?
Are its predictions vague? Not on your life! They are specific.
And in some cases they pinpoint precise dates far into the future
– even to naming names.
An unlikely prophecy
About 590 BC, while Tyre was at the height of her glory and
power, when it seemed she must stand for ever, along came the
prophet Ezekiel, and said:
They shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her
towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her
like the top of a rock. It shall be a place for the spreading
of nets in the midst of the sea: …thou shalt be built no
more. (Ezekiel 26:4-14)
Yes, Nebuchadnezzar left the old city in ruins. But the prophecy
declared that the timbers and rocks and even the very dust were
to be cast into the sea, leaving a bare rock.
Two and a half centuries passed, and still the ruins stood, a
challenge to the accuracy of prophecy. Then in 332 BC
Alexander the Great marched down the coast toward old Tyre.
He saw its ruins. But the people had moved onto an island. Half
a mile of water surged between him and the island.
And so the site of Tyre became like the top of a rock – just as
the prophecy foretold.
I have been there. With my own eyes I have seen the fulfillment
of this prophecy. From out of the sea, beside Alexander’s
Yet it’s a habitable site: ten million gallons of water daily gush
from the springs, and fertile fields stretch clear to the distant
mountains. Since there are millions of determined doubters who
write numberless books to disprove the Bible, how did any
prophet have the breath-taking daring to utter such a defiant
The prophecy says “it shall be a place for the spreading of nets
in the midst of the sea.”
Fisherman’s nets drying on the causeway in the midst of the sea (sketch from a photo)
Every year, every day, every minute that mainland Tyre has
continued in utter ruin it has disproved the assertion of skeptics
that Bible predictions are vague.
And here’s why. Ezekiel turned his attention to Tyre's still more
ancient sister city only 30 miles distant. While Tyre was still
glorying in the splendour of its heyday, Sidon had for centuries
been declining in power.
The word of Yahweh came unto me, saying, Son of man, set
thy face toward Sidon, and prophesy against it, and say,
Thus saith the Lord Yahweh: Behold, 1 am against thee, 0
Sidon.... For I will send pestilence into her, and blood into
her streets; and the wounded shall fall in the midst of her,
with the sword upon her on every side. (Ezekiel 28:20-23)
And do you know that no other city on earth, with the possible
exception of Jerusalem, has had so much suffering and been so
often destroyed and rebuilt. Yet Sidon has survived
continuously right to this day.
Now, suppose Ezekiel had said that both Tyre and Sidon were to
be destroyed and would be built no more, then every one of the
thousands of inhabitants of Sidon would be a living proof of the
falsity of the prophecy.
How did it happen that the prophet was exactly right in both
cases? How is it that the city that never has been rebuilt is the
city of which this fact was foretold, and that the city which has
Sidon, like many other ancient cities, might have sunk into
insignificance, so that in its utter defencelessness it could have
offered no resistance to even a feeble enemy, and would have
tempted no invaders.
In their day, 600 BC, Egypt was eminent in science, in the arts,
in luxury and magnificence. Egypt was a leader of civilization.
For many centuries those artificial mountains, the famed
pyramids, had stood as proud sentinels of a mighty super power.
Like its monuments, Egypt seemed to defy the tooth of time.
She had the unity, repose, and calm majesty of conscious power,
the grandeur of great age. There was not the faintest cloud on
the horizon to threaten the peace and power of Egypt.
Long after that prophecy was given – for the past 2,500 years -
Egypt has been ruled by strangers - Persians, Greeks, Romans,
Byzantine Greeks, Saracens, Turks, French, British and Arabs -
strangers, just as the prophecy predicted.
Even today, Egypt has had a longer line of kings than any other
country. Yet, since 400 BC - that’s for 2,400 years! - none of
Egypt’s kings have been Egyptians!
Wherever the Jews have set foot, they have felt the cruel stroke
of persecution. On several occasions, atrocious massacres have
almost secured their complete extermination. Their history has
been one long, bloody commentary on the uncanny accuracy of
this prophecy. The Nazi holocaust still makes one’s flesh creep.
Will be wanderers
They shall be wanderers among the nations. (Hosea 9:17)
But the inspired biblical prophets foresaw it. And their enemies
fulfill the prophecy even as you read this.
Prophecies –
Were you aware that the story of the decline and fall of the
Roman Empire was first written, not by Edward Gibbon in the
18th century of our era, but by the Bible prophet Daniel in the
6th century BC?
The heavy artillery of the critics has been directed against the
book of Daniel simply because the accuracy of Daniel’s
descriptions cannot be denied.
However, for our purpose we shall accept the skeptic’s date, and
will care not who wrote it.
All who have read Daniel – skeptics or not – admit that the book
teaches this: that beginning with Babylon there shall be just
four great world powers in succession - four and no more –
and then the sequence will be broken. (Daniel 7:23-27; 2:39-45)
Aware that he could not take the city by force, the Persian king
Cyrus decided on a clever plan. He would turn away the water
from its channel through the city. So at a given time, he diverted
the river upstream into a lake.
The river below soon became shallow enough to ford and his
soldiers followed the river bed under the gate, into the heart of
the city of Babylon. (Herodotus, i.190,191; Xenophon, Cyropaedia, vii.5.1-36)
The prophecy was amazingly fulfilled.
Medo-Persian armies enter Babylon on dry river bed under the gates
which, when closed and guarded, debarred all entrance from the
river bed to any of the streets that crossed the river.
Had the gates been closed at this time, the invaders might have
marched in vain along the riverbed between the walls and out
again. But, feeling secure, the Babylonians had that very night
put on a great feast. In their abandoned carelessness, these
internal river gates were left open so that the citizens could cross
the river at will. Another fulfillment of prophecy.
Now, I ask you, how did the Bible prophet know the Arabian
would continue to exist after Babylon had become dust?
For that matter, how did Isaiah know that the Arabs would
continue to live near Babylon? Yet the prophecy clearly implies
this. Since they were a wandering race, it would be logical to
suppose that in time they would either leave the vicinity of such
a desolate place as it is now, or would themselves become
extinct. But how did Isaiah know they would remain about
Babylon's ruins? That they would be there today? Imagine the
jeering sarcasm of skeptics if there were not an Arab within a
thousand miles of Babylon! And what a field day skeptics would
have if all Arabs had become as extinct as the dodo, before
Babylon sank into oblivion!
Oh, and something else. How did Isaiah know that Arabs would
continue to live in tents? And how did he know that the Arabs
would not make use of the ruins of Babylon for shelter?
The Bible prophet Isaiah actually stated the name of the coming
conqueror of Babylon. He would be a man named Cyrus. (Isaiah
Daniel’s prophecies stated that the next great empire – the one
that would overthrow the Medo-Persian Empire – would be
Greece (then relatively weak). (Daniel 8:3-7,20-21) This was
accurately fulfilled by Alexander the Great in BC 331.
Well aware of the danger, the high priest Jaddua and the other
priests went out of the city to a carefully chosen place to meet
the king. Alexander approached the high priest and members of
the procession and greeted them.
I ask you, how did Daniel know, 200 years earlier, that one of
the Greeks should destroy the empire of the Persians? (Daniel 8:4-
7,20-21) Who imparted these “impressions”?
Daniel was also told to write that this “first king” of the Grecian
empire (Alexander) would have a sudden end, dying while in his
prime. (Daniel 8:8,21) And Alexander did die suddenly at age 33.
If Daniel lived in 600 BC, then he foretold the rise and fall of
the three empires beyond his day who were to follow Babylon.
That’s a marvellous series of predictions.
Let’s grant the skeptic his date for Daniel as168 BC.
IF WRITTEN 168 BC: But does this help his case? Sorry, if
Daniel was written in Roman times (168 BC), so that it comes
after the events predicted, then the skeptic faces Problem No. 1.
It means that the writer of Daniel had knowledge of the fact that
in just four centuries (538 BC to 168 BC) four empires
(Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome) had ruled in
What daring to suggest that right at this point after the fourth
empire, the past pattern of history would end! This is what no
philosopher, using past history to judge the future, would ever
dream of doing.
No, said Daniel. Precisely after the fourth empire, the pattern
will change. The fourth world empire will not be conquered by
a fifth.
I ask you, did the writer of Daniel have some other source of
information not accessible to anyone else?
But this is not all. We have already noted that there would be
only four world powers in direct succession, one conquering the
And then that fourth power (the Roman Empire) would be split
up into ten nations or groups of nations, and these would
remain divided until the end of time. (Daniel 7:23,24; 2:42-44)
Prophecy of intermarriage
When the call to war was sounded, cousin fought cousin. The
bonds of international marriage, forged in the attempt to
consolidate Europe, snapped apart in the face of war.
7 powerful words
that stopped dictators
A recurring theme of the past 1,500 years has been the repeated
attempts to unify Europe.
Napoleon’s attempt
Believe it! The prophecy of Daniel was stronger than all the
might of Napoleon.
Subsequently, the German army swept all before it into the heart
of Belgium and France, and on toward the English Channel,
prompting Kaiser William to declare, “I will have Christmas
dinner in Buckingham Palace.”
The British people realised that only divine help could save
them, and the nation humbly knelt in prayer.
On April 22, 1915, Germany launched her first gas attack. The
wind direction was supposed to be settled for the next 36 hours,
but it suddenly reversed and the gas was blown back to the
German lines with disastrous results. (The Bible speaks of
God’s dealing with the wind, 116 times.)
A day of National Prayer was proclaimed for May 26, 1940, led
by King George VI, prime minister Winston Churchill and
members of the British Cabinet, in Westminster Abbey. Also,
throughout the Commonwealth, millions committed the cause in
this dark hour to the Almighty One.
Hitler now attacked England from the air. After two months of
this, both the Luftwaffe and the RAF (England’s Royal Air
Force) were at the point of exhaustion. However, unbeknown to
Back in England, the troops who had escaped from Dunkirk re-
grouped, were re-armed and helped to overthrow Hitler and
bring deliverance to Europe.
Communism’s attempt
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin
Wall, I personally addressed audiences on “Why Russia Cannot
Win”. Again, Daniel’s seven words “they shall not cleave one
to another”, stopped Communism’s nefarious ambitions cold.
Here was prophecy in action – actionable proof in real life.
The prophecy says they will be integrated – but only for a brief
moment. Based on this, you can count on the emergence of a
short-lived and crumbly union – yet powerful, possessing the
strength of iron. While Europe will unite, its bonds will be weak
and short-lived, like clay and iron, which cannot mix.
And of this you can be sure. Upon those same seven fateful
words that defeated previous attempts, the European Union will
collapse also. The emerging New World Order will likewise be
short lived. Just wait and see. Bible prophecy has spoken.
And, as in the case of Ken Laub and Millie (see Chapter 8), He
knows each of us personally, and works through his influence in
our daily activities. Here is a providence that we often don’t
recognise. But it is operating all the time.
The author’s signature -
I love people like Dean – not just for their probable sincerity,
but because I love watching the wonder in their eyes when they
suddenly catch onto what you’re about to see.
Good. Then were you also aware that the human body seems to
be stamped with the number SEVEN?
Just think about it. Your body consists of 7 main parts – head,
neck, trunk and four limbs – 7 in all. Did you know that the
development of the human embryo is in exact periods of 7s,
such as 28 days (4 x 7)? Ask your doctor to explain. You’ll be
amazed at the accuracy of this law.
Are you familiar with the fact that this same number or its
multiples marks the period of gestation and incubation of many
birds and animals?
The common hen sits on its eggs 21 days (3 x 7); the pigeon,
having laid its eggs, sits on them for 14 days (2 x 7). The duck
takes 28 days to hatch its eggs (4 x 7); the goose 35 days (5 x 7);
the swan 42 days (6 x 7); hundreds of varieties of small birds
have been checked at 14 days (2 x 7); larger birds, such as the
emperor penguin, ostrich or emu 49, 56 or 63 days (7 x 7…8 x 7
…or 9 x 7). If the hen leaves her eggs on the 20th day, there’ll be
no chicks.
The seal calves on the rocks and suckles its young for 14 days (2
x 7). The ova of salmon are hatched in 140 days (20 x 7). The
gestation period of the mouse is 21 days (3 x 7); the rabbit 28
days (4 x 7); the cat 56 days (8 x 7); the dog 63 days (9 x 7); the
lion 14 x 7; the sheep 21 x 7; the cow 40 x 7; the elephant 90 x
7. And so on. The ova of the glow worm occupy 42 days (6 x 7),
and of the mole cricket 28 days in hatching (4 x 7). The period
of the bee in the larva is 7 days. In moths it is 42 days (6 x 7).
The “watermark”
But, more to the point, did you know that this very same 7s
design has been found embedded both on and beneath the
surface of the Bible?
I wouldn’t blame you for being a little skeptical. After all, we’re
breaking new ground here. But you’re about to discover this for
yourself. It seems that both the Bible and nature bear similar
identification marks – just as surely as various papers from the
same mill bear beneath their surface the watermark of that mill
Thus every letter, word and sentence has a numeric value, the
sum total of each letter value.
That’s right. Except that in Latin only some letters are numbers.
In Hebrew (and also in Greek) it is every letter. So when you
read a word or sentence, you are simultaneously looking at a
string of numbers. And that brings us to a discovery made by a
Russian scientist, Ivan Panin.
Dr Ivan Panin was one of the ten top mathematicians of his day
in the United States. He taught in universities and knew up to 14
languages. He loved playing with numbers.
Suddenly his excitement began to well up. His trained mind was
seeing a mathematical pattern! He kept experimenting. And
after a few hours he was totally amazed. The passages he had
studied revealed unmistakable evidence of an elaborate
numerical pattern. This was far beyond random chance, nor
human ability to construct.
Take, as an example, the very first sentence in the Bible: “In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
So much for the first sentence in the Bible. What about the first
book as a whole? Yes, the entire book of Genesis is signatured
in every conceivable way with the number 7.
Would you just look at that once more… carefully. Can you
imagine a sevens design more perfect?
But just get this, will you? Every paragraph, passage and book
in the Bible is constructed in the same astonishing way.
Amazingly, there is not a single paragraph out of the thousands
in the Bible that is not constructed on exactly the same plan.
Impossible to replicate
And that does raise this interesting question: Might it then just
hold the key to events shaping up right now on our planet?
From another dimension? -
Whilst Blue Book listed 12,618 reports (of which 701 could not
be explained) it concluded that UFOs did not pose a threat to
national security. Without saying what they were, the
government by this means got itself “off the hook”. The later
Condon Report announced the same conclusion.
Hynek and Vallee considered that where there was smoke there
was fire.
The conclusion I’ve come to after all these years is that first
of all, the subject is much more complex than any of us
imagined. It has paranormal aspects but certainly it has
very real physical aspects, too. The attitude we’re taking in
the Center for UFO Studies is that since we’re going to have
scientists involved, we will push the physical approach as
hard and far as we can – instrumentation, physical evidence,
photographs, radar records. If we are finally forced by the
evidence itself to go into the paranormal, then we will.
(J.Allen Hynek, Fate, June 1976, cited in Ronald D. Story, editor, The
Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters. London:
Constable & Robinson, 2002, pp. 304-305. Emphasis mine)
Did you get that? Here are scientists admitting that UFOs
apparently materialize and dematerialize. That indicates
another dimension.
But there’s more, much more. Hynek reveals that “There are
quite a few reported instances where two distinctly different
UFOs hovering in a clear sky will converge and eventually
merge into one object. These are the types of psychic
phenomena that are confronting us in the UFO mystery.” (J. Allen
Hynek, interview in UFO Report Magazine, p. 61, August 1976)
You are familiar with that word psychic. It means spiritual (or
spirit). Beyond doubt, so-called “alien” encounters do have a
spiritual nature - and abductions have a spiritual effect!
That was before the space program sent out probes to that
So what is the truth? Is it that they did not have to fly here?
are intelligent and able to communicate with us. But they are
liars and con artists. You could never trust them.
The original “star wars” -
Go Back!
If you started reading this book only five minutes ago and you
are already here, I want you to go straight back to Chapter 1. If
you do not first read carefully the preceding chapters, you may
neither understand nor accept the truth of what follows. And in
that case you will not be qualified to make a rational judgment
concerning this vital information.
Okay, are you ready for this? Here comes the BIG news.
Did you know that our earliest civilizations - your ancestors and
mine – believed that a rebellion had occurred “out there”? And
that the banished rebels had hijacked this infant planet?
Our planet is just a speck near the edge of our Milky Way
galaxy. But there is good reason to believe that all the galaxies
revolve around a central axis. This grand central region – the
crown jewel of the universe, and the governing center – is
frequently given the name “heaven”. Get out of your mind the
notion that this is some “pie in the sky” fantasy. It is a real
location in our universe.
“The Supreme One does not care for His subjects,” he asserted.
“His laws are not in our interest.” You see, Lucifer’s desire to
get came into conflict with the Creator's law of love, a law of
The result was spiritual mutiny. “And there was war in heaven:
Michael [the Prince of God] and his angels fought against
[Lucifer]; and [Lucifer] fought and his angels.” (Revelation 12:7)
This was not a war fought with physical weapons, but a battle
for the mind – for the loyalty – of each member of the heavenly
The young man replied, “In fact, sir, cold does not exist.
According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is, in
reality, just the absence of heat. We can only study something
when it has energy or transmits energy. We cannot study cold.
Absolute zero (-460 degrees Fahrenheit) is the total absence of
heat. All matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that
temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to
describe how we feel if we have no heat.”
The student looked at him. “Once again you are wrong, sir.
Darkness does not exist, either. Darkness is, in reality, the
absence of light. We can study light, but not darkness. In fact,
we can use Newton’s prism to break white light into many
colors and study the various wave lengths of each color. You
cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a
world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how
dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light
present. Isn’t this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to
describe what happens when there is no light present.”
Finally, the young man asked the professor, “Sir, does evil
man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not
create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love, that exist just as do
light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does
not have God’s love present in his heart. It’s like the cold that
comes when there is no heat, or the darkness that comes when
there is no light.”
The professor sat down, stunned. The young student’s name was
– Albert Einstein.
Have you ever wondered, did God create a devil? The answer is,
NO. Lucifer, by choosing open rebellion – by choosing to sever
his connection with God – turned himself into a devil.
So Lucifer had rebelled. What would God do now? Not only had
His government been challenged, but His very character had
been called into question. His reputation for truthfulness and for
concern about His subjects was at stake.
Here was a conflict involving not a single world, but the entire
universe. The fate of all who were loyal to the Creator was at
The stain
Those who were loyal must have had problems. After all, such
an accusation as Lucifer had made would inevitably leave a
stain that could only be erased by a long and careful
demonstration of integrity, concern and wisdom.
Would the Creator respond with His superior power? Would He
snuff out opposition with one great mushroom cloud?
Yes, why didn’t God do just that – snuff out rebellion before it
got worse? It might have saved us all, in the future, a lot of pain,
The truth is, God was wiser than that. You see, when the
rebellion began, it seemed incredible that “sin” could be as
dangerous as the Eternal One said it was.
Planet Earth hijacked -
And even if we don’t get carried off suddenly, the time comes
when the hair begins to grey, the wrinkles appear, the teeth start
falling out, and the back becomes stooped
Although the main stage of the war now shifted to earth, the
target of Lucifer’s rage was still the One who threw him out, the
Prince of God.
But Lucifer, his heart bitter for revenge against God, was
determined to wreck this state of happiness. And he soon
planted in their minds his own attitude of “Get”. “Go it alone,”
he urged. “Be independent. You don’t need God.”
And for that matter, why did God Himself create the tree they
were forbidden to touch? Didn’t He thus create the temptation
that was the cause of the ultimate curse?
The truth is, God surrounded them with evidences of His love.
He warned them concerning Lucifer, and then drew what we
might call a line in the sand. He gave them an instruction by
which they could confirm their allegiance.
Okay, think now. Just suppose you had a fourteen year old
daughter, Would you let her ski?
Sure. You’d tell her to be careful. You’d give her some good
advice. Then you would tell her to go off and ski.
Would you run behind her and molly coddle her? What if she
fell and skinned her face?
And it makes sense that if God loves what He has created, then
He’ll also want us to experience the greatest happiness possible,
Spiritual laws are likewise experienced (so that if you sow joy
to others you will reap joy from them, or if you treat others
violently, you will bring ultimate suffering upon yourself).
Racial memory of it
The tragedy had begun with our first parents. Up to that time,
they had lived in innocence. They were able to commune direct
with their Maker. He had surrounded them with evidences of
His love.
Yet they had listened to the enemy’s slander – and doubted their
Creator’s integrity. They had failed Him. Their wrong-doing
marred the harmony and biased them against the divine law.
From now on they and the entire human race would no longer
enjoy that luxury of direct contact.
The Creator’s glory would then have no ill effect on the two.
But now this cover of glory faded, revealing to their startled
eyes their now naked bodies.
But there was also another dreadful result of this loss of their
glorious covering. Their bodies would no longer be protected
from the effects of external forces and the entrance of disease.
They had lost the immunity provided by their ‘glory’ covering.
In other words, they had now commenced to die.
Yes, life should have continued joyously, on and on. But now,
separated from the Life-Giver, the natural consequence would
be death. There you have the reason why we die. And so, from
that day, the process of dying commenced within their bodies,
cell by cell. This process would be passed on to all their
Because God could not use trickery, Lucifer had won the first
round. Man was now in his grasp, alienated from his Creator.
Two things.
Firstly, limit the human life span. They were now subject to the
curse of death.
women with brief life spans – up to the day they die. If we were
to live forever, this world might well have been destroyed by us
long ago.
It was an act of mercy for the Creator to bar them from endless
life. If He had not done so, and they had continued to live
endlessly, they would gradually have become more and more ill
as time passed. Then no matter how agonising their illness
became, they would have still lived on with no possibility of any
release from their suffering. Death, then, became an act of
mercy on the part of our Designer – to place a limitation on the
pain that was about to come… pain resulting from mankind’s
choice to sever himself from God.
“That may be true,” said my friend. “but have you ever wished
someone bad? Have you ever told a ‘white lie’? Ever been
impatient with your spouse? Have you ever wanted to have your
neighbour’s house or car? You have broken the spiritual laws.”
Our first parents were appointed custodians over this planet. But
they gave in to Lucifer – and he took over the world. That
makes him the defacto prince of this world, even its pseudo-god.
(John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2; 6:12; Revelation 12:9)
Lucifer and his gang can materialise and interact with our
dimension. They are as real as you and I. They have
consciousness and personality, just as we do.
And this earth has become the theatre of a drawn out, incessant
battle with those hijackers. These are your so-called aliens.
This cut off all contact between our planet and other galaxies –
until the earth would be restored.
This meant that rebellion could not be allowed to infect the rest
of the universe. The Intelligence Report infers that outside of
Planet Earth, the “sin” thing does not exist. No other planet in
the universe has been contaminated by the rebellion of Lucifer.
Compare this with what the so-called ETs look like, say and do,
and it becomes clear that ETs ARE NOT, cannot be from other
planets as claimed.
But listen, if your dog bit you, would you kick your wife? Of
course not. Then, why don’t you and I stop blaming God for the
world’s problems? Let’s be fair. Place the blame where it
ETs and the occult -
In séances, these evil agents play the ultimate cruel trick, posing
as departed loved ones to the bereaved who grope for comfort.
This gives them a direct line to the soul. Then it is but a short
step to CONTROL.
“Killed in Vietnam”
At the meeting, her friend was proved “right” when the “dead
son” appeared before his emotional and happy mother.
They hugged and kissed, and told each how much they loved
one another. Then the “son” said, “I must return to heaven.”
The mother went home that night the happiest mother in the
whole of North America. Some time later, she answered a knock
on the door. When she opened the door, there was her son,
dressed in his military uniform.
What a shock!
Her son explained how his group had been cut off by the Viet
Cong and captured. The United States Army had reported them
dead. But now they had been found, rescued and given an
immediate pass for home leave.
“But who was it?” she gasped. “Who was it that I hugged and
kissed down at the local charismatic church?”
For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know
not anything…. Also their love, and their hatred, and their
envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion
for ever in any thing that is done under the sun….
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for
there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in
the grave, whither thou goest. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10) He that
goeth down to the grave shall come up no more. He shall
return no more to his house, neither shall his place know
him any more. (Job 7:9,10)
The spirits involved can speak. They can send messages through
spirit mediums. They can slam doors, move furniture, and toss
things through the air, hurl objects across a room, press hands
around your neck to choke you and leave finger mark bruises as
evidence. These are not imagination. They are definitely REAL!
The noted spiritist, Thomson Jay Hudson, in his book The Law
of Psychic Phenomena, correctly states: “The man who denies
the phenomena of spiritism today is not entitled to be called a
skeptic, he is simply ignorant.”
An important question
ETs and the occult -
John Wayne Gacy lured his victims into handcuffs in the pretext
of showing them a pair of trick handcuffs he used in his clown
act. He’d then dare the youth to free themselves. Once the boys
were handcuffed, he would use either a rope or a board across
their throats to kill them while he raped them.
You and I shall now be detectives. We shall fit into place some
patterns of behavior that will enable us to identify the UFO
aliens beyond any reasonable doubt.
The links:
ET encounters - and séances
Now this may surprise you. Are you sitting down?
Of this you can be certain. These entities do not have the ability
to create something from nothing. But they can materialize
existing matter. They can manufacture UFOs and juggle genes.
This is true both with regard to UFO occupants and with the
appearances at spiritistic séances.
The spirit being can use an apparent human form to hide his true
nature. There are numerous encounters in which the spirit or
alien has later changed his appearance. Some people who have
been abducted by ETs have recalled how their abductors at first
looked quite human, but then changed to look like humanoid
reptiles. Changing from one shape to another is true both with
regard to UFO occupants and with the entities at spiritistic
encounters. The term for this is “shape-shifting”.
This is true both with regard to UFO occupants and with the
appearances at spiritistic séances.
Same messages:
both ETs and séance spirits
Now let’s compare briefly what they are saying. The messages
reported by numerous people from séance sessions and from
UFOs are often of the same nature.
“ETs” pretend to be the good guys. They say they are here to
help us. That’s precisely what Lucifer did when he hijacked this
planet. He cast doubt on the Creator’s integrity, then told Eve
that he was there to help her achieve something better.
Other prophecies were given, with New York City to slide into
the ocean on July 2… the pope to visit Turkey and be
assassinated, and so on.
Both UFO aliens and séance spirits are defeated by the same
identical phrase. That is, the same three words that can stop
spirit possession can also stop alien abduction – the very same
three words. This is a powerful clue to their common identity.
(We shall investigate this later in the book.)
Identical features
Coldness of heart
The Bible speaks very plainly against them and warns us not to
dabble in their affairs. (Deuteronomy 18:10; Ezekiel 13:6) Why?
Because flirting with the occult opens the door to immense
Divine response
But did our Creator just ABANDON rebellious man and leave
us to suffer the consequences?
Sacrifice of love –
But within a few days the infant begins to cry day and night
with a severe case of colic.
But not once do they consider giving the child away or leaving
her to suffer alone.
They love that helpless little child they’ve produced all the more
…because of the pain and suffering she has to endure.
As the Intelligence Report keeps telling us: “The Lord God [is]
merciful and gracious, abounding in love and faithfulness,
maintaining love to thousands, forgiving wickedness and
rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished.”
(Exodus 34:6,7)
This gift is so priceless that you and I could never earn it. No
good works of our own will get us out of our mess. We are
totally dependent upon our Creator’s LOVE, FAVOR and
GENEROSITY - which are FREE!
The promise
Yes, God could have wiped out our first parents, there and then -
and started over again. But He loved the man and woman He
had created. And that was when God’s rescue plan clicked into
That spiritual law which had been violated could not be altered
to save the rebels. Since it is the standard on which harmony
throughout the universe rests, it must remain.
But the Creator had a solution. He told them that someone called
“the Seed” would come, stand in for man, endure the same
struggles that each person faces, and in his own life defeat the
Legion of Lucifer. (Genesis 3:15) Then this Prince of God, his
blamelessness still intact, would secure pardon for each person
by taking upon himself the penalty of that violated law.
Thus the law would stand unshaken, even though it cost the life
of the Deliverer.
This, the world’s oldest prophecy, given to our first parents, was
to be handed down to all their descendants - the prophecy of a
He would lay down his life once for all, but rise to life again and
ultimately bring a new world.
On the day that the Eternal One reveals this rescue promise to
our first parents, He then does something seemingly bizarre. He
instructs the man to lay his hands on an animal (probably a
lamb) and take its life.
The man does as instructed, and the first blood ever shed spurts
out upon the ground.
It was spelled out clearly that the Eternal One is not a distant,
aloof sovereign. He is not only aware of suffering. He feels it.
A teaching device
First lesson
Can you see the man shuddering as he gazes upon the lifeless
form of that animal, realizing that his own act has just caused
the death of an innocent creature?
Second lesson
A second reason for the sacrifices was that mankind needed
HOPE. He must be reminded that his wrong-doing would one
day cost the life of the innocent “Lamb of God”. The
slaughtered animal represented the DEATH of the Coming One.
Of course the sacrifice itself could not rescue a person any more
than staring at a picture of a salad could fill an empty stomach.
But the Deliverer would do more than just pay the penalty. He
would also provide power for individuals to achieve the
standard of right living, so we would not mess up again, when
all is restored.
In summary
• The global extent of the sacrificial rite is a proof of its
common origin.
• The institution of sacrifice is as old as the days of the
original great father.
• The various nations testify to this position. So do the
Hebrew Scriptures.
• The ceremony was designed to impress a horror of the
results of wrong-doing.
• The ceremony was a teaching device, that the Creator
would forgive one who genuinely turns from his wrongs.
• Each sacrifice foreshadowed the future sacrifice of the
• The ancient races looked forward to ultimate resurrection
from death through him and the restoration of all that was
In their seething hatred for the human race and for the Prince of
God, the Lucifer mob were filled with fury over the rescue plan.
And, to get revenge for what happened in heaven, they
determined to do all within their power to either thwart or
discredit the plan.
This was set into motion very early in world history. It would be
accomplished in several ways, two of which were:
2. For the many others who would not fall for the religious
approach, the solution is simple: Just put out the idea that
God has nothing to do with affairs on earth. Man simply
got here by accident or by alien cross-breeding. And
we’ve evolved upward since then. There is no need to
consider God in our thinking. No divine laws to live by.
We can do whatever we feel like doing without moral
restriction. We have not fallen from an original perfect
state. Death is an essential part of life. So there is nothing
from which to be rescued. (This development was predicted in 2
Peter 3:3-7)
Either way, Lucifer would get his revenge, subvert the rescue
plan, and protect his tyrannic rule over the planet.
The inhabitants of this world are his captives. And, like those
who fall victim to the kidnapper syndrome, they unknowingly
identify with their kidnapper more than their Creator –
preferring to believe his lies and even adopting his cunning,
subtle and deceitful ways. Lucifer's attitudes permeate the
world, and those who are deceived, of course, do not know they
are deceived—or they wouldn't be deceived.
The prophecy -
Most unlikely, you would say. And you would be right. But it
has happened just once in history – a man’s life story written
before he was born. And this we shall now prove beyond
reasonable doubt.
The most common theme of the entire Bible is this Coming One
called the Messiah. If you didn’t know, he is the key that
unlocks all mysteries found within the Bible.
This, along with three similar prophecies (Genesis 49:10; Haggai 2:9;
Daniel 9:25-27), required that the Messiah come while the Second
Jewish Temple was still standing. The time factor was clearly
spelt out. This is of great significance when we understand that
the Second Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Romans in AD
First, Messiah is cut off (dies). After that, the city (Jerusalem)
and sanctuary (temple) is destroyed.
If you think that is sticking out one’s neck, then what about
You will notice that two signs were to occur soon after the
arrival of the Messiah:
Did you notice? Once the judicial power was suppressed, the
scepter was removed and Judah lost its royal or legal power.
And the Jews knew it themselves!
The ancient prophecy said this would occur only after the
Deliverer had arrived! Had the Messiah already come, and they
didn’t know it?
“He came unto his own,” says one contemporary writer, “and
his own received him not.” (John 1:11). If true – if the long awaited
rescue plan was now being activated - this blindness of mind by
his own people is about the saddest story in thousands of years
of history!
Taken by surprise
So, if we are to credit the prophecies, the Deliverer must have
come, covering his divinity in human flesh. But it took them all
by surprise. Very, very few had the slightest idea that their long-
awaited Messiah would come to them in such humble guise.
(You don’t have to tell me. Just make a pact with yourself about
Mathematical proof 1 -
How good are you at maths? Oh, that doesn’t really matter.
You’ll probably find this quite easy – and fun, as well.
For starters, how many days are there in a week? Seven, you
say. How many days in 70 weeks? 7 x 70 = 490, that’s easy.
Now just do a little figuring here. Think about that and you will
see that we are dealing with a period of time that has to be
longer than just 490 days.
When did this take place? The Bible itself tells us: it was in the
seventh year of the reign of the Persian king Artaxerxes (Ezra
7:1,7,8), when he issued his first “decree” (vv. 11-26) to rebuild the
ruined city of Jerusalem.
It was this third decree which the prophecy had in mind when it
spoke of a decree to “restore and rebuild Jerusalem”. (Daniel 9:25)
After Ezra arrived in Palestine in the 5th month of the 7th year
of Artaxerxes’s reign (Ezra 7:8), he implemented the decree.
Since, in old Jerusalem, the Jewish months were numbered from
spring to spring, the 5th month fell between mid-July and mid-
September on our calendar (depending on the timing of the
Jewish New Year’s day in a given year). The 5th month of the
7th year of Artaxerxes fell in late summer or early autumn of
457 BC. The decree was implemented soon afterward.
Ezra notes that both the “street” (Ezra 10:9), that is, the broad
empty space where the houses were formerly built, and the
“wall” enclosing the city (Ezra 9:9), were rebuilt. Nevertheless, the
builders were hindered and their plans thwarted by the
opposition of the Samaritans, who hired counselors to frustrate
them. At the Persian capital, Shushan (Susa), Nehemiah
received a report that his fellow Jews were in “great affliction
| 49 YEARS |
| "7 weeks" |
Mathematical proof 2 –
“What’s wrong?”
You remember how the wealthy King Croesus went to visit the
oracle at Delphi? He wanted to know whether he should fight
the Persians. According to the historian Herodotus, the “wise
oracle told him that ‘by crossing Halys, Croesus will destroy a
mighty power.’”
You will see that 434 years after 408 BC reaches to the year 27
Do you see how clear that is? The eternal God in His
Intelligence Report has given you a tremendously solid platform
on which to base your confidence.
As the time drew near, those who knew Daniel’s time prophecy
were expecting the appearance of the Messiah. Luke records
that “the people were IN EXPECTATION”. (Luke 3:15)
Poor girls!
In the land of Judea, the Herodian group knew that the time for
the appearance of Messiah was at hand. In their worldly
perception of the event, they regarded King Herod as the
Messiah. (Epiphanius, Ilanarian, “The Drugchest, a Refutation of all Heresies,”
Tertullian, De praescriptione haereticorum) From Daniel’s prophecy, they
correctly found that the period of 490 years was approaching its
completion in the time of Herod.
The Dead Sea Scrolls have yielded text confirming the Jewish
expectation of a personal, individual Messiah who would die
and rise from the dead. A fragment called "A Genesis
Florilegorium" (4Q252) reflects belief in an individual
Messiah who would be a descendant of David: "Column 5 (1)
(the) Government shall not pass from the tribe of Judah.
During Israel’s dominion, (2) a Davidic descendant on the
throne shall [not c]ease … until the Messiah of Righteousness,
the Branch of (4) David comes." (Robert H. Eisenman and Michael Wise,
The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered. New York: Barnes & Nobel, 1992, p. 89)
Clearly, the general expectation of the Jews was that the time
for the Deliverer’s appearance had arrived.
This is why the Jews sent priests and Levites to John the Baptist,
to ask him if he was the Messiah. Although he confessed, “I am
not the Messiah” (John 1:19,20), there were still many who
speculated that John was “that prophet that should come into the
world”. (John 6:14; 7:40)
The first was John’s announcement upon seeing the young man
approaching, whose name was Yeshua: “Here is the Lamb of
God, who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29) As
symbolized by the ancient sacrificial system, this young man
would ultimately go “as a lamb to the slaughter” (Isaiah 53:7) for
claiming to be “the Son of God”. (John 19:7)
Thus, one of the crowd who had been to the Jordan reported
back to his brother, the fisherman Peter, “We have found the
MESSIAS... the Christ.” (John 1:41) The term Christ is the English
equivalent of the Greek Christos, “ANOINTED ONE”, and of
the Hebrew Mashiach, (MESSIAH).
Yes, you can trust Luke’s testimony. Luke gives you six
historical facts, in order to pinpoint a date. You can check and
Emperor Tiberius
Reign 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Tiberius The
begins Jewish New Year – September-October Messiah
to reign appears
August 19,
AD 14
The chart above shows the first fifteen years of Tiberius’ reign.
Tiberius’ fifteenth year began in September or October, 27 AD.
and the arrival of the following autumn New Year’s Day. Jewish
clerks and those of some other eastern Mediterranean countries
began to date documents by a new emperor’s “first year” as
soon as they heard the news that he had begun to reign.
Mathematical proof 3 –
Daniel wrote, “He shall confirm the COVENANT with many for
one week.” (Daniel 9:27) This “week” is the final one of the seventy weeks
allotted in a special sense to the Jews.
Then, just before his death, he lifted a cup of wine and said to
his disciples, “This is my blood of THE COVENANT, which is
poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28)
Fifty days after the crucifixion, on the day of Pentecost, the Jew
Peter called his countrymen to turn around and accept
forgiveness. “For the promise is to you and to your children,”
he said. (Acts 2:38,39)
7 weeks 62 weeks
(49 years) (434 years) 70th week
Artaxerxes Messiah End..of..the
Decree to Appear Jewish Period
Can you see? In a very real sense, the ministry of the disciples
was a continuation of the ministry of Yeshua himself.
To play that part was the last thing Yeshua desired. Any
suggestion that he might do so was a hindrance to his cause. So
he told his followers not to say that he was the Messiah, not in
public. (Matthew 16:20)
Then, abruptly, he “began to teach them that the Son of man had
to undergo great sufferings and to be rejected,” that his role was
to be essentially that of the innocent sufferer. (Matthew 16:21)
prophecy of Isaiah chapter 53. He knew what lay ahead and was
doing his best to prepare his disciples for it. Rather, he preferred
to call himself “the Son of man”. That was his favorite title; it
identified him with mankind.
A violent death
70th week
69 weeks
cut off"
Our rabbis with one voice accept and affirm the opinion that
the prophet [In Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12] is speaking of King
Messiah. (Ibid., p.90)
The eminent commentator David Baron wrote that:
Did Jewish sages of old know all this concerning the Messiah
when they wrote the prayer books? The answer is obvious. They
must have known! They are citing Isaiah chapter 53.
“… and shall have nothing.” (Daniel 9:26 RSV; also expressed thus in the
marginal reading of the King James Version.) — no people, no place, no
recognition, no kingdom, no adherents. He shall be deprived of
“After 3½ years”
“In the midst of the week [of the 7 years]he shall cause the
sacrifice and the oblation to cease.”
Irrefutable evidences
Other Old Testament prophecies not only identified the year, but
the month, the day and the hour in history when that event
would occur.
The year: AD 31
The hour: 3 pm
On the same day, the fifteenth of Nisan [the day after Passover],
Israel is to be redeemed, in the days of the Messiah, as they were
redeemed on that day, as it is said, ‘according to the days’.
(Cabalistae apud Fagium in loc. cf. Micah 7.15)
Would any honest, thinking person still want to tell us that there
was nothing above and beyond mere human power and
calculation here? That there was no potent presence of that Mind
that knows the end of all things from the beginning?
You will recall that for millennia there were men and women
who anxiously awaited the coming Deliverer, and meanwhile
the sacrifices of animals illustrated this belief.
Another coincidence
or divine design?
What was the reason for these strange events? Why was this
God-given sign of forgiveness removed? Was the Levitical
system of atoning for sins through animal sacrifice no longer
recognized by God?
Condescended to be one of us
Here comes the only one in all history who claimed that he
actually chose to be born into this world. Because this is beyond
our own limited experience, it is a great mystery that the Creator
himself would come to join his creatures. But he tells us it is so.
Rescue mission
Hearing the cries of His suffering people, the Prince of God was
stirred with pity. Nothing was to be desired while man was an
outcast, without hope.
So He planned to lay off His royal majesty and step down from
His high command over the galaxies, to take upon Himself
feeble human flesh.
Might this explain why this document, more than any other on
Planet Earth, has become the focus of such fierce attacks?
Especially is this so with the book of Genesis, the section which
reports on the Creation and the Fall. (You see, if there has been
no Fall, then there is no need of rescue. Our enemy gets us
thinking that way, and he has won against us. We are lost.)
The Rescuer’s name -
Alexander the Great once learned that in the ranks of his army
was a soldier also named Alexander. But this man was a coward
in battle and a thief among his companions.
“Yes, sir.”
“You go from here,” ordered the king, “and amend your ways,
or change your name.”
Thus the baby was given the Hebrew name YESHUA. The
meaning of this name was important – because it indicated his
predicted role.
One spring day in St. Louis, he met a fellow Jew in the home of
a mutual friend. The conversation gravitated to the subject of
Yeshua (Jesus).
And the other Jewish man flung at Arthur Glass this challenge:
“Rubbish. I’m a Hebrew Scholar. And I tell you, you can’t find
the name of Yeshua in the Old Testament.”
“No, I did not trick you,” was the reply. “I just had you read the
Word of God for yourself. Can’t you see that here
SALVATION is a Person and not a thing or an event? HE
comes, HIS reward is with HIM, and HIS work before HIM.”
The other man rushed to open his own Old Testament. He was
talking frantically as he did so. “I’m sure mine is different from
The divine choice of Yeshua as the name for the Messiah has
an ironclad logic. After all,
And the record adds that salvation is found in no one else apart
from God’s appointed Messiah. “There is no other name under
heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
the very word — the very NAME — that the angel Gabriel used
when he told Mary about the Son she was to have. (Luke 1:31)
Here you have it!... for the Deliverer who shall wound the head
of the house of Satan… This refers back to the first messianic
prophecy ever given, concerning the Coming One who will
wound Satan’s head. (Genesis 3:15)
Here you see the very same NAME that is given in the New
Testament – Yeshua thy Messiah!
Yeshua in the
Jewish prayer book
As a matter of fact, even in the Jewish Prayer Book it is written:
May it be Thy will that the sounds of the Shofar [ram’s
horn] which we have sounded today be woven into Thy
tapestry Yeshua, the Prince of Thy presence and Prince of
might. So mayest Thou receive our pleas and extend to us
Thy compassion. (Prayer Book for the New Year. Translated by Dr
A. Th. Phillips, revised and enlarged, p. 100. Hebrew Publishing
Huh? In the Jewish Prayer Book? How did the sages who wrote
the Prayer Book know that the name of the MESSIAH was
Yeshua (Jesus), as quoted in the Mahsor for the New Year? The
answer is that they understood what the Bible teaches
concerning the Messiah.
who were not so honest. "May he appear the second time." That
some did know the prophecies is evident. Though they wrote
honestly knowing that the MESSIAH had to come during the
time of the Second Temple, yet, because of prevalent prejudice,
they may not have known the true identity of the MESSIAH.
Hear O Israel, the Lord our God. The Lord is one. He is our
God, He is our Father, He is our King, He is our Redeemer.
And in His mercy we will hear from Him twice before the
presence of all living beings, and He will be our God. (Rabbi
Morris Silverman, Editor, Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book, p.139.
USA:The Rabbinical Assembly of America and the United Synagogue
of America - Conservative Judaism - Jan. 1980)
The Rescuer’s name -
Is it possible that the name Yeshua appears not only in the plain
surface text of the Old Testament, but is also encoded below the
Let me say up front, however, that our case is rock solid without
what follows in this chapter. In other words, what I shall now
share with you is not offered as proof – but you might call it the
icing on the cake.
Now, just try to get your head around this: The chances of that
expression, Yeshua is my Name, being encoded beneath the
surface of that particular verse, by accident, is one in a billion.
That’s only one tiny chance in 1,000,000,000!
Some critic will point out that “even if Yeshua is hidden in the
text of Isaiah 53, that does not mean it is referring to the person
known as Jesus. Yeshua is quite a common name.”
The odds of these 43 people and phrases linked to the life and
death of Yeshua all appearing clustered here by chance in this
brief messianic prophecy are in the octillions! (Well beyond
googleplex). In other words, it is not an accident! This prophecy
is definitely and deliberately referring to Jesus Christ – and
written 700 years before the event.
Coded in Daniel 9
Coded in all
Messianic prophecies
According to Yacov Rambsel, Yeshua is encoded in virtually
every major Messianic prophecy of the Deliverer in the Old
Testament. He has written a 264 page book on the discovery.
(Yacov Rambsel, His Name is Jesus: The Mysterious Yeshua Codes. See also, Yacov
Rambsel, Yeshua. The Name of Jesus Revealed in the Old Testament. Tulsa, USA:
Frontier Research Publications, 1996)
* Starting with the last letter of the fifth word, and reading
the last letter of each subsequent word, we find ha’rachel
(the Lamb) spelt out.
The Rescuer’s name -
Religious integrity
They looked for the coming of a “Curer of all ills”, who was
symbolised by the emblem of the misteletoe – which was
identical to the coming “Branch” of which Israel’s prophets
The Rescuer’s name -
Very early in human history, the stars were named and arranged
into groups (constellations) and drawn on sky charts as pictures
of animals, people and other objects. Significantly, the same
names and figures are consistent throughout history and
throughout the cultures of the world. And they have survived on
astronomical charts to this day.
Each stage of the yearly cycle contains its own group of stars
designated by a picture, or sign. These are the 12 signs of the
zodiac. Each sign is accompanied by 3 more adjacent signs,
called decans (pieces), which explain the main sign. This makes
a numbered and well-ordered set of 48 signs (12 groups of 4).
(Actually there are 88 constellations in all, but only 48 lie within
the band across the sky known as the zodiac.)
As you may already know, each year the stars rise and set some
50.2 seconds later. In 2,156 years they fall back 30 degrees. It
has been calculated that when the earliest zodiac sphere was
drawn, the position of the stars in relation to earth was almost 90
degrees different from now. The Southern Cross was visible in
the Northern Hemisphere from 40 degrees N. latitude; Alpha in
Draco was the North Pole Star; Taurus opened the equinoctial
year in March; and the summer solstice was in the first degree of
Did you get that? The star maps of his day – about 850 AD –
and which are in use today, have basically never been altered
since their origin thousands of years ago. They were essentially
the same as now. Not only the names, but also the figures
drawn around these groups of stars, have remained basically the
same. There are, to this rule, a few exceptions – which can be
traced. (Jonathan Gray, Sting of the Scorpion, pages 44, 45).
• “the serpent of Eve” (ancient Persian name for the Hydra constellation)
• “the coming lamb to be slain” (ancient Arabic name for the star sign
Lupus, also called Victima)
• “the enemy of the coming” (the Arabic name Arnebeth, for Lepus)
• “the sacrifice slain” (The star Al Dibah, in Capricornus)
• “bruised in the heel” (star name in Aquila)
…and so on.
So unlikely are such names for stars or groups of stars, that the
question naturally arises, Was there a deeper meaning intended?
Was there some message portrayed in the star maps?
And this same star chart story was known across the whole
ancient world.
The 48 signs (not 12) commence with Virgo and her child (the
woman’s “Seed” in the book of Genesis) and end with Leo (the
“Lion” of Revelation) – in the same sequence as the Bible. The
synchronisation between the Bible and the star charts, of both
words and symbols, is amazing. (See the step by step details in my books
Sting of the Scorpion and Modern Religious Myths About Genesis, Chapter 2.)
Here let me stress that this concept did not originate with the
religions of India, China, the Americas, Europe or Egypt. It
already existed BEFORE they emerged.
You may well ask, Why a virgin? Why not just a woman? There
is surely no reason on earth to specify that a group of stars is a
“virgin” in preference to a “woman” –unless there already
existed some deeper reason for calling this woman a virgin. And
if we ask the ancients to explain this, they will tell us they were
expecting the coming Deliverer to be the “seed” of a virgin.
A common origin
What astrologers
don’t tell you
Troy Lawrence was a New Age devotee. This motivated him to
do thorough research into the practice of astrology. He
discovered, to his surprise, that astrologers could not tell him
the origin of the signs. What he discovered blew him away.
I started my quest by comparing various astrological charts
and found that other cultures do not always use the same
signs we use. The Chinese, for example, use such things as a
horse, dog, chicken, etc. The ancient Chinese signs had
been the same as our occidental version, but a long time
ago, a Chinese emperor had changed them. (Troy Lawrence,
The Secret Message of the Zodiac. Here’s Life Publishers, 1990, p. 14.
Emphasis added)
Note that East and West, the signs were originally the same!
He continues:
I also discovered, surprisingly, that the earliest charts of the
zodiac were Hebrew. The Greeks derived their knowledge of
the zodiac from the Hebrews; the Romans got their
information from the Arabs, who also had received it from the
Hebrews. (Ibid. Emphasis added)
Yes, it’s a fact! Most of the names on those ancient star charts
have stemmed from Hebrew-Arabic-Noetic roots.
In the beginning, not only was there one global language, but
the star names were identical worldwide.
Ultimately, the star sign book in the sky was forgotten by most
people. But now archaeology is able to retrieve it.
Let’s say it again. Any notion that the pagan “Christ” legends
may pre-date this prophecy of the Messiah finds no historical
support. The archaeological evidence is that, from the earliest
age, the world inherited the promise of the Coming One. This
original prophecy was already universally known. And then, as
the nations scattered out, they adapted the messianic expectation
into their respective mythologies.
Critics may point to some changes made. There are some. But
they are comparatively minor and generally can be traced.
Tracking it down
Now comes an exciting piece of detective work. Please follow
this carefully.
The space contains five stars bright enough for Ptolemy to have
recorded there. That is the precise area of the missing
You ask, What could lead to a star sign that had been on the
charts for 4,000 years, to then be suddenly rejected?
On the next page, you will notice, in the photo of the virgin and
child constellation as found in the Dendera planisphere, that the
head of the son is slightly higher than the head of his mother.
This hieroglyphically symbolises that he is to be the greater.
The Virgo woman (who gives birth to the “Seed”) and the
woman in Coma (holding up the infant) are one and the same.
And the infant in all the star signs is everywhere the same
Promised One. The focal point of Coma is the child.
So what could lead to a star sign that had been on the charts for
4,000 years, to now be suddenly rejected? Is it becoming clear?
* He has a Hebrew name.
* That name is IHESU. ………………………………..
I’ll say it again. This is long before Greek myths were written.
So the stars did not come from the myths. Rather, the myths
came from the stars. The Messiah’s name Ihesu (Yeshua, Jesus)
pre-dated the pagan myths that imitated the prophecy.
Now can you guess why this “explosive” star message had to be
blasted right out of the sky maps?...............................................
That was the moment of truth for me. That day Lucifer lost one
of his lackeys. Not that I’m anything great. Believe it!
The Rescuer rejected -
What kind of person was this man Yeshua… really?
Said H. G. Wells:
He was too great for his disciples.... Is it any wonder that
men were dazzled and blinded and cried out against
him?.... Is it any wonder that to this day this Galilean is too
much for our small hearts? (H.G. Wells, Outline of History.
Garden City: Garden City Publishing Co., 1931, pp. 535,536)
His contemporary
enemies bear witness
It had been claimed that the divine law was unreasonable and
could not be obeyed by men and women. But Yeshua kept it.
Say others:
In the very perfection of his human nature his life stands
forth as miraculous in a degree no other of the miracles of
Scripture can attain. (John Morton, Man, Science and God,
London: Collins, 1972, p.161)
Evidence of other
hostile witnesses
Often they were performed before the public for open scrutiny
and investigation by skeptics.
He loved everybody
Never would there be a man so kind as he, so generous, so
helpful, so lovely — or so loving.
Though he was not soft on sin, Yeshua had come, as he said, "to
heal the broken hearted", not to create new hurts. He was always
Becoming one of us, here with us for a time, was the best way
God could communicate with us what He was like and how He
wanted us to live.
Socrates taught for 40 years, Aristotle for 40, Plato for 50—and
Yeshua for only three; yet those three years surpass in influence
the combined 130 of these three greatest men.
Let’s face it. The life, the words, the character of this strange
Man are the enigma of history. Any naturalistic explanation
makes him a more puzzling paradox, a fathomless mystery.
"He shed more light on things human and divine than all the
philosophers and scholars combined" (Schaff).
One cannot fail "to see... that since the days of Christ, in spite of
all the progress of thought, not a single new ethical idea has
been given to the world" (Thomas).
Who is this person who places his own authority side by side
with the authority of God?
Yeshua was crucified not for his actions; the issue was his
identity. This is unique among criminal trials.
A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things
Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would
either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says
he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of
Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was,
and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something
worse. (C.S.Lewis, Mere Christianity. New York:The Macmill-
an Company, 1952, pp.40,41)
He adds:
Let us not come up with any patronising nonsense
about his being a great human teacher. He has not left
that open to us. He did not intend to. (Ibid.)
Was he a liar?
If this man’s claims were false, there were two alternatives:
1—He knew his claims were false. If this is so, then he made a
deliberate misrepresentation. He was a liar, a hypocrite, a demon
— and he was a fool, because he died for it.
If he made such claims and none were true, then he was the
most unprincipled deceiver in all history.
He told others to trust him for their eternal destiny, even to die
for his claims. If he could not back up his claims and knew it,
then he was unspeakably evil. He was a liar and a hypocrite,
because he told others to be honest, whatever the cost, while
himself teaching and living a colossal lie.
A bad man could not have taught such great truths as he taught
— truths which perform miracles of character-change on people.
And a good man could not have deceived the people for whom
he gave his life.
Yet the facts show his mind was so keen that it was more than a
match for the sharpest intellects of his day.
If his claims are true, then I, Jonathan Gray, must either accept
or reject his Lordship.
If you could…
Here is the 64 million dollar question: If, by the evidence, you
could convince yourself that Yeshua is who he claims to be,
would you follow him?..................................................................
The Rescuer rejected -
And he was.
The time has come. The stage is set… Heavenly beings are
dumbfounded because the Creator of the universe, the King of
glory, God the Son, is about to depart for a little planet eaten up
with problems, called Earth.
Sir Isaac Newton as a child, was one day out in the garden
He ran crying into the house. As his mother pulled him close
and wiped his tears, the little boy looked into her face and
sobbed, “I did not mean to kill it. I loved that little ant.”
“Mom,” said Isaac, “those ants could never know how much I
love them unless I became an ant and could speak their
You and I, like those ants – how better could we understand our
Creator’s love for us, than if He stepped down, took human
form and suffered with us?
And when He has visited us – when His divine Son, from the
brightness of the glory of the Father,
- has descended to earth
- and assumed our nature
- to reconcile us to God
- and obtain a never-ending life for us
He comes down to our level. Where our first parents had failed,
as one of us He goes over the same ground, to be tried and
tested in every way we are, and prove that one could win over
Satan’s power.
One of the prophecies said that when the Messiah should arrive
he would “bind up the brokenhearted… proclaim liberty to the
captives… comfort all that mourn… bestow on them the oil of
gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead
of a spirit of despair.” (Isaiah 61:1-3)
That’s something you and I cannot do. But that would be the
Messiah’s specialty. This is the one for whom all history had
Yes, they had the knowledge of the coming Messiah, but when
he came they didn’t want him. The question arises, Why did the
nation’s leaders reject this Person? Wasn’t there enough
evidence for them to know?
Next are two reasons why the nation in general rejected the
To accept his claims was not easy. It meant there was much
rethinking to do.
If you want to know why they rejected Jesus, you only have to
look around and see why people reject him today. It hurts our
pride to think that we are sinners in need of a Savior.
Let’s face it. If one is honest about this he will go with the
evidence… wherever it leads. And with this present book in
The rabbis had their calculations right. But they rejected the
Coming One when he arrived. So it was that "when the true
Messiah was rejected, and the time for His coming had gone
by," states Anstey, the Jews "corrupted their Chronology and
shortened the duration of the kingdom of Persia, so as to be
able to apply the prophecy to Theudas and Judas of Galilee...
and at length to Bar Cochab...” (Martin Anstey, The Romance of Bible
Chronology. London: Marshall Brothers Ltd, 1913, p.283)
Can you believe that? Just read it again. What happened was
Smooth ploy!
Despite the hatred of many Jewish leaders for Jesus Christ and
Christianity, they never question the historical reality of Jesus
Christ. His coming is part of their history – quite independently
of Christianity. And Jewish leaders still recognise this, today.
The very name ‘Jesus’ was for Jews a symbol of all that is
abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. (The
Hebrew form of the name Jesus - Yeshu - was interpreted as an
acronym for the curse “may his name and memory be wiped
out,” and which is used as an extreme form of abuse.) In fact,
anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews (such as Neturey Qarta) sometimes
refer to Herzl as ‘Herzl Jesus’ and found in religious Zionist
writings are expressions such as ‘Nasser Jesus’ and more
Some critics who kid themselves that Jesus never really existed,
argue that these Jewish references must apply to some other
And nothing else could explain the fact that the Gospels are
equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted (let
alone taught) even in modern Israeli Jewish schools.
The anguish of a
disillusioned people
It is probably safe to say that human suffering never anywhere
reached a greater degree of awfulness and intensity, as at the
siege of Jerusalem prior to its destruction in AD 70.
And this is the saddest part of the whole story. During the siege,
many Jews expected divine intervention.
But now, before their very eyes the Temple was falling. Here
was destruction — of everything! EVERYTHING! And the
Messiah hadn’t come. What had gone wrong?
Can you grasp it? — the utter anguish, the unspeakable despair,
the black hopelessness, that now fell upon "God’s chosen ones"?
The desolator predicted by Daniel’s had come. The holy city
and Temple were in ruins, the desolation accomplished.
A greater rejection,
a greater desolation
Looking back through history, we note that the Jewish Temple
was destroyed, with Jerusalem city, on two occasions. Each
time, the nation was subsequently dragged or driven into exile.
The first time, in 586 BC, was for their rejection of the prophets
and their failure to heed the word of God.
There you have the biblically stated reason for the first
desolation. It was specifically because they rejected the
prophets who were sent to help them turn back to God.
Could it be that the reason this time was for their rejection of a
greater Prophet, even the Messiah himself— and a refusal to
accept the word of God through him? Was there a connection?
Just coincidence?
And it gets more amazing.
He told them they were now left “desolate”. (Matthew 23:38) Soon
the “desolator” predicted by Daniel would be knocking on the
gates of Jerusalem. (ch.24:15; Daniel 9:26,27)
Messiah shared
in the suffering
Tears were in Jesus’ voice as he described to his hearers what
was to come upon Jerusalem. In contemplating their suffering he
You ask, How could one man’s death pay the penalty for the
sins of all mankind?
The answer is simple, when you think about it. Because “all
have sinned” (Rom.3:23), therefore “something special” is required
for every person who has been born. Only One whose life is
equal to all mankind could die for the sins of the race. Because
Yeshua was the Creator, the Author of all life, the life he laid
down was equivalent to all the lives which he had made.
the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.” (John
3:36). It could not be clearer.
We’re all this together, mate. It’s all about living on longer –
and enjoying it. Each of us has lost the most valuable gift of all
– eternal life. And only our Creator can restore it for us.
If someone said to you, “I’ll give you anything you like”, what
would you ask? I think you would say, “Give me everlasting
life.” Right? Because, without that, you eventually lose all you
The sacrifice -
He would permit them to bind him, torture him, put him on trial,
condemn him and execute him.
He was whisked from one mock trial to another all night, until a
verdict could be secured against him.
The Jews, who have crowded near in eager thirst for their
victim’s blood, edge back slowly and reluctantly before the
sharp points of the Roman lances against their chests.
First, a drink
Before they start, they offer each man a drink of wine containing
drugs. The effect will not last long, but it will just deaden the
beginning of the pain. (Matthew 27:34)
The two thieves gulp their drink thankfully. But Jesus refuses
his. He wants to keep his mind as clear as he can. His faith must
keep fast hold upon his heavenly Father. This is his only true
strength. To becloud his senses will give the powers of evil an
The first robber, upon seeing the man approach with the basket
containing the spikes and hammers, scowls fiercely upon him —
and glares defiance.
The struggles of this athletic man are so violent, that it takes six
persons to keep him held down upon the arms of the cross.
The legionnaire feels for the depression at the front of the wrist.
One of the crucifiers, with bare and brawny arms, presses one
knee upon the arm and drives a heavy, square wrought-iron nail
in through the wrist and deep into the wood, by three quick and
powerful blows with his short, heavy-headed hammer.
The prisoner gnashes his teeth as the nail enters the quivering
Quickly the soldier moves to the other side and repeats the
action. He is careful not to pull the arms too tightly. Some flex
and movement will have to be allowed.
Crucifixion nails
Then both feet are lapped together. The left foot is pressed
backward against the right foot. With both feet extended toes
down, a long, sharp spear-nail is driven through the arch of
each, into the timber, leaving the knees flexed.
He, too, wrestles in their hands. After much resistance, his arms
are thrust back and nailed to the cross.
When the centurion gives orders to bind Jesus also to the cross,
the four soldiers lay hold upon him, remove his robe and begin
to strip him of every garment.
The mother
The mother of Yeshua is there.
Her heart is still throbbing with hope that Yeshua will work
some mighty miracle and deliver himself from his murderers.
Again her heart sinks as she recalls the words in which he had
foretold the very scenes that are now taking place.
She watches him thrown onto the wood. The hammer and nails
are brought.
"Oh, don’t let me hear the crashing of the nails into your feet
and hands. My son, my son! Oh, prove to your mother that you
are a true prophet!"
"What’s all that wailing?" snaps one of the priests. "Who is that
As some disciples bear her from the scene, they can hear the
awful preparations... the rattling of the hard cord as they bind
him to the cross... and the low, eager voices of the four busy
crucifiers... then the ringing of the spikes being taken from the
basket... then a moment of silence and suspense.
A shriek bursts from the soul of the mother. It echoes far and
wide among the tombs of Skull Hill, only to be broken by the
crashing of the spikes, as they are driven through the bone and
muscle of his tender flesh.
Jesus hears his mother’s shriek and a deep sigh escapes him.
While the nails are being driven through his hands and the
sweat-drops of agony are forced from his pores, from the pale,
quivering lips of the innocent sufferer, a prayer of pardoning
love is breathed for his murderers:
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do! (Luke
His mind passes from his own suffering to the sin of his
persecutors — and the terrible retribution that will be theirs.
No curses are called down upon the soldiers who are handling
him so roughly. No vengeance is invoked upon the priests and
rulers, who are gloating over the accomplishment of their
Should they know that they were putting to torture the One who
had come to save the sinful race from eternal ruin, they would
be seized with remorse and horror.
Upon all rests the guilt of the Son of God’s death. To all,
forgiveness is freely offered. "Whosoever will" may have peace
with God... and inherit eternal life.
This causes most intense pain. The shock brings his whole
weight upon the nails in his wrists. It tears and lacerates them,
nearly dislocating his shoulders.
The first thief faints from pain at the shock caused by the setting
of his own cross. The second, cool and defiant as he has been,
utters a loud cry of agony. But Jesus makes no moan — though
his deathly pale appearance shows how inexpressible is his
The three crosses have now been fixed and raised, with the
"feature criminal", Yeshua of Nazareth, in the midst on a level
several feet higher than the others. This is the chief place of
Now the centurion pushes back the crowd so that the criminals
can be left to die.
The time will come when the arms will fatigue. Cramps will
sweep through the muscles, knotting them in deep, relentless,
throbbing pain.
He could call 10,000 angels from his Father to rescue him, but
he willingly endures the agony for each one of us.
The sun is high, now, and the heat is adding the misery of thirst
to the other torments of the crucified men.
The hours will seem long, and some of the soldiers sit down on
the ground to pass the time as best they can.
In spite of the blood and dirt that stains Yeshua’s robe, they can
see what a beautiful garment it is. It was given to Jesus; it was a
gift. They gamble for it.
The mockery
What men to lead the nation! How cruel, heartless and utterly
devoid of mercy and pity are they, gloating at the suffering of
their victim!
And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with
them derided him, saying, He saved others; Let him save
himself, if he be the Christ, the chosen of God. (Luke 23:35)
But it is because he will not save himself that you and I will
have hope of pardon and favor with God. If Jesus now saves
himself, he will forfeit the power to save others. The plan of
rescue will have been broken.
“He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have
him: for he said I am the Son of God.” (Matthew 27:43)
Yet, in their blindness, they do not see that they are fulfilling the
As he who had never sinned now took upon himself its crushing
weight, he began to experience such indescribable anguish as to
sweat blood. (Luke 22:44) The death process for our sins had
begun. After this, Jesus would have soon died even if they had
never put him on the cross. The blood-sweat of agony, when the
circulatory system breaks down under extreme mental anguish,
is a first sign of approaching death, which will follow within a
matter of hours. It was under those trees that he had begun to
taste the sufferings of death for every man and woman.
The dreadful thought was pressing upon him, "Even your Father
in heaven won’t want you now. All this guilt you have chosen to
take upon yourself has doomed you. You are finished."
Throughout his life Yeshua had been telling people the good
news of God’s mercy and pardoning love. Salvation even for the
worst of sinners, he had said. But now, Jesus, the sin-bearer, is
enduring the wrath of divine justice against sin. Now, as God
strikes sin, He strikes His own Son. The guilt of every wrong
committed on this planet presses upon his soul. In the place of
the wrongdoer, the Son of God suffers the penalty.
Alone Jesus endures this anguish to save us from it. He feels the
black despair which the lost rejector of rescue will feel on the
final judgment day... the torment of separation from one’s
Creator... the torment of the damned, when they realize that, by
their own choice, they are God-forsaken and lost forever.
How the divine Father must have suffered with His Son!
Longing to intervene, He must hold back and let the penalty be
paid. What a price was paid for your rescue and mine! The
Innocent Ones were the victims.
Now, in the darkness, it seems that even his heavenly Father has
deserted him. The hope of rising from the tomb a conqueror now
seems a distant illusion. Despair tells him that his separation
from his Father will be permanent. Now it appears that he is
going down to a grave from which there will be no resurrection.
So that we can receive the joy of life in a new world and the
company of the Father, he himself must give up life forever.
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" The Rescuer’s
heart breaks with that cry. He has borne all that even he can
bear. It was this sense of the world’s guilt, and its terrible effect,
separation from God, which made Jesus’ suffering so bitter, and
crushed out the life of the Prince of God.
The sacrifice -
Clothed in his gorgeous robes, the priest stood with lifted knife,
ready to slay the lamb for the ceremony.
Suddenly the earth shook. There was heard a loud, sharp ripping
noise, from inside the building.
The priest got such a fright, the knife dropped from his
trembling hand, and the lamb escaped.
The Most Holy Place, which was off units to everyone except
the high priest, now lay exposed to the view of all.
It was startling. The great veil had been torn not from the
bottom upward as men might have done it, but from the top to
the bottom. You could call it — if you dared — supernatural.
"It is finished"
Outside the city, at that same moment the veil was torn, Jesus
cried out “IT IS FINISHED!” (John 19:30) From now on, Temple
sacrifices would be meaningless. The symbol was meeting its
fulfillment in the death of the Lamb of God.
The Messiah had completed the work his Father had given him
to do.
contest that had been so long in progress was now decided and
Jesus was conqueror.
Jesus gave one final cry with a loud voice, “Father, I commit
my spirit into Your hands.” (Luke 23:46) As he submitted himself,
the sense of the loss of his Father’s favor was withdrawn. By
faith, Jesus was victor. He had now become conscious of
triumph and confident of his own resurrection.
Did you notice? Out flowed two copious and distinct streams,
one of blood, the other of water. This was noted by those who
stood by. It was when the semi solid dark red blood poured out,
distinct and separate from the accompanying watery serum, that
they knew Yeshua was, indeed, dead.
Here was startling evidence that Jesus’ death was not due to
physical exhaustion, nor to the pains of crucifixion, nor to the
spear thrust. His heart had literally burst. Two things — that
sudden cry, uttered "with a loud voice" at the moment of death
(Matthew 27:50), and the stream of blood and water that flowed
from his side - declared that he had died of a
broken heart. The muscles of the heart may have been actually
torn. It can happen under intense mental strain.
“fluid from the pericardium and the heart will ‘flood the space
around the lung rather than ooze its way slowly across the
pierced lung’ to the wound in the chest wall.” (Erich H. Kiehl, The
Passion of our Lord. Baker Book House, 1990, p.146)
Sava believed that in Jesus’ case, blood and water would have
gathered just inside the rib cage, between the pleura lining the
chest and the pleura lining the lung. He also suggested that the
scourging (flogging) a few hours before he was crucified was
sufficient to cause an accumulation of bloody fluid inside the
That rupture of the heart was the cause of the death of Christ is
ably maintained by Dr.William Stroud; and that rupture of the
heart actually occurred I firmly believe...The importance of this
is obvious. It [shows] that the narrative in St. John xix could
never have been invented; that the facts recorded must have
been seen by an eye-witness; and that the eye-witness was so
astonished that he apparently thought the phenomenon miracul-
ous. (Frederick Charles Cook, ed.,Commentary on the Holy Bible.London:
John Murray, 1878, pp.349,350)
Jesus did not die from nail wounds or the pain of crucifixion. It
was something else. He was slain by the sin of the world that he
had chosen to bear. This was not the ordinary death we all die,
but the "final" death of separation from God. Jesus tasted that
death, to save us from it.
The sacrifice -
Jesus had said, “If I be lifted up [on the cross] I will draw men
unto me.” (John 12:32) The cross became God’s chosen means of
winning men and women to His love. (John 12:32,33)
Shame or triumph?
Sin required the Deliverer’s death. And he died because sin was
The spotless Son of God hung upon the cross, his flesh lacerated
with whip strokes; those hands that so often reached out to help
people, now nailed to wooden bars; those feet so tireless on
errands of love, spiked to the cross; that royal head pierced by a
mock crown of thorns; those quivering lips shaped to the cry of
And all that he endured: the blood drops that flowed from his
head, his hands, his feet; the agony that racked his frame; the
unutterable anguish that filled his soul for lost mankind...
What a triumph!
For thousands of years, the forces of evil had been in a tussle for
the control of the human race. (Zechariah 3:1,2; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Jude 9;
Revelation 20:7,8)
Then they saw God’s Son enter this enemy territory to save
mankind. He lived and suffered with us — showing us by his
example how to overcome.
Then he went to the cross. That showed the value God had
placed upon men and women. It was the ultimate evidence of
God’s great love.
What a triumph!
The fact that God’s own Son, the surety for man, was not
spared, testified that the divine law, which had been violated,
could not be altered to save the sinner.
No, the violation of that law must meet the penalty, death.
Therefore, the justice of God must put to death His beloved Son
who stood in the wrong-doer’s place.
Justice demands that sin be not only pardoned, but that the death
penalty must be executed The very purpose of Jesus’ death was
to secure pardon for the law-breaker, without destroying the
But infinite love and wisdom could devise no other plan, since
to abolish the law would have in immortalized sin.
The royal law must stand unshaken, even though it cost the life
of the beloved Son. The law and justice of God — all-holy —
are established. (Romans 3:31; Matthew 5:17,18; James 2:10-12)
What a triumph!
Indeed, this was the most daring rescue mission of all time.
"Having lost his own wife and child, he desired to adopt the lad.
Christian neighbors were skeptical about the wisdom of placing
the boy in an infidel home. But the applicant won his case when
he held up his hand, badly burned in the rescue of the lad, and
said, ‘I have only one argument. It is this.’
"‘Why not?’
"‘But you tell me the story of Jack the giant-killer, and you
don’t believe that.’
"So he told him the story. And Bobby said, ‘It’s like you and
me, Daddy’. And then he went on, ‘It wasn’t nice of Thomas not
to believe after the good Man had died for him. What if they had
told me how you saved me from the fire and I had said I didn’t
believe you did it?’
The Rescuer accepted -
And how did they survive it? The answer is, they had been
watching for the “sign” — and they followed the instructions of
someone they understood to be Jesus.
He told them how they could escape this coming disaster. It’s
an historical record that of those who followed his advice, not
one lost his life.
After that, he listed off seven omens that would precede that
dreadful event - signs that were to find a remarkable fulfillment.
(Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21)
And then, what strange advice about leaving the city after it was
already surrounded by armies – how ever could they leave?
Had it not been for the Jewish rebellion that year, the Romans
would have had no reason to besiege Jerusalem. But, 35 years
earlier, Jesus foretold it. “When armies surround Jerusalem,” he
said, “then flee.”
“When you see the abomination stand in the holy place,” said
As the Zealots opened the gates and set out in pursuit of the
retiring Romans, the watchful believers knew THEIR
the city
A prayer answered
Haste necessary
Jesus had predicted that the flight out of the city would require
such haste that the man on the housetop or in his garden should
not try to gather any extra clothing. (vv. 17,18)
History shows that such haste was necessary. Time was of the
essence. To postpone flight would entail great danger. As it
temporary respite was the last opportunity the Christians would
have to escape.
The moment the Zealots returned, the gates were closed and
desperate preparations were begun for the next encounter. No
Christian would have escaped then. Before long, the invading
Romans returned to the siege. Fearful scenes of famine and
bloodshed were to follow, until Jerusalem would be laid waste.
But — and note this point — history records that NOT ONE
Wake up, Jackie! The Jesus prophecy that saved the Jerusalem
Christians in AD 66 was not made up by some writer after the
event. You have just seen actionable proof – prophecy in action
in real life.
This knocks out the “late” first century, even second century
origin of the Gospels claimed by some critics.
Why don’t they give up? After all, being on the winning side is
far more satisfying.
Thought questions
For these to occur he would need to rise from the dead. We shall
now investigate this… ………………………………………….
Eyewitness documents -
And why were its proponents so willing to face death for their
It was said of the Christians that they “turned the world upside
down.” (Acts 17:6)
You and I both know it. The historicity of many other characters
from the ancient world is accepted on much less evidence than
this – often merely upon the single appearance of a name.
“No, no, no, that can’t be,” yells someone who has just opened
the book at this page. “David Icke says the New Testament was
written by a fraudulent Roman family, long after the alleged
events.” (David Icke, The Big Secret. Wildwood, MO.: Bridge of Love
Publications USA, 2001, pp.106-107)
Go back!
Now, if you started reading this book only five minutes ago and
you are already here, I want you to go straight back to Chapter
Since Paul himself makes it plain that the subject of his letter
was the same as that about which he had spoken to them when
he was with them, this really brings back the evidence to a still
earlier time. (Ernest F. Kevan, The Resurrection of Christ. London: The
Campbell Morgan Memorial Bible Lectureship, Westminster Chapel,
Buckingham Gate, S.W.I., June 14, 1961, p. 6)
The assertion that Jesus is just a myth will not bear close
And, just in case someone may not agree with that definition, I
shall ask, “Do you believe Abraham Lincoln lived and was
President of the United States?”
He could.
If, as our critic claims, the whole thing was just “made up” on a
Roman writing desk no earlier than 60 AD – and as late as 138
AD, then how can we account for the following:
1. An Egyptian witness
Jerome and Eusebius both relate that Pantaenus was sent in 180
AD by Demetrius, Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, as a missionary
to India. There, in a large Jewish colony on the far side of the
Ganges River, he discovered descendants of converts made by
the apostle Bartholomew, who, they informed him, had arrived
there earlier. And to prove it, they showed him the Gospel of
Matthew in Hebrew characters which Bartholomew had left
with them in 57 AD.
Do you see the problem this poses for Icke’s theory? If the story
of Jesus and his disciples (one of whom was Bartholomew) was
all “made up” between 60 and 138 AD, then how on earth could
a large group of Christians far away in south-east Asia be in
possession of a Gospel of Matthew brought by a fictitious
Bartholomew as early as 57 AD?
2. An Armenian witness
3. An Indian witness
So do you still believe the Jesus story was invented long after
all this – decades after Thomas came to India to give his
testimony of Jesus?
And it is recorded that Mark took the news of Jesus’ death and
resurrection to Alexandria within 15 years after the event, in 46
AD. (Ibid.)
So tell me, what does this do to our friend’s theory that a private
Roman family fabricated the Jesus story between 60 AD and
138 AD?
5. A Roman witness
If, as our friend Icke wants us to imagine, the Jesus story was
only starting to be put down on paper from the fraudulent heads
of some writers in 60 AD, and they wouldn’t finish their job
until 138 AD, come on, where did so many thousands of
Christians spring from as early as 64 AD?
And worse still for the critic (by 15 years earlier) is the
testimony of Latin non-Christian historian Suetonius (69-140
AD). He informs us that Emperor Claudius expelled Jews from
Rome in 49 AD because of trouble caused by followers of one
William Fox Albright was one the world’s foremost Middle East
archaeologists. His verdict is:
about A.D. 80, two full generations before the date between
130 and 150 given by the more radical New Testament
critics of today. (William F. Albright, Recent Discoveries in Bible
Lands. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1955, p.136)
Later, with still more evidence in, he revised the dating to even
Even so, it might be asked, in the years until they were written
down, could the facts have been remembered accurately enough
to be reliable?
Shorthand writing
The first thing he did was to organize a lavish feast in his own
house for fellow tax collectors and other outcasts from society,
to meet Jesus personally. When Jewish leaders expressed shock
that Jesus would keep such company, his reply was, “It is not
the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
Although Matthew left behind his old life, there was something
that he brought with him – his pen and his ability to write. He
could write both in his native Hebrew (or Aramaic) and Greek.
For quantity, the New Testament comes first and Homer’s Iliad
comes second with 643 surviving manuscripts.
ancient history of mankind - for none of it can pass the tests that
the New Testament passes.
Time proximity
to the originals
But what about the gap in time between the originals that no
longer exist and the oldest copies we have?
Testament are much closer to the originals than is the case with
almost any other piece of ancient literature.
Unbroken chain
Because Christianity was a missionary movement from the
beginning (Matthew 28:19-21), its scriptures were immediately
translated into the known languages of that period and scattered
across vast distances.
So why don’t we now grab this by the horns and shake out the
Resurrection? -
The following could have been an “on the spot” news account
by a reporter in Jerusalem on Nisan 16, in 31 AD:
Jesus’ “resurrection”:
a later invention?
“For starters,” said Leif, “I do not believe that Jesus Christ rose
from the dead. That story is history’s biggest fraud.”
“Oh yes?”
“That tale was inserted into the writings years later, to glorify a
dead hero.” Leif was serious.
“I see. Tell me, Leif, the people involved in this fraud, as you
call it... that sect known as Christians. When did that group of
people actually come into being? Would you agree it was during
the reign of the Roman emperor Tiberius?”
“I suppose.”
“Since this is so, Leif, then how could the resurrection of the
dead be a later invention of Christians? Rather, it was the very
beginning of their belief, the very strength and impetus of their
faith. It was the very reason for their religion and their fervent
“Oh, come off it, Jonathan, the story of Jesus was not written
down until the second, third or fourth century. Quite a long time
after the alleged event!”
“Who’s he?”
Regardless of whatever else the Dead Sea Scrolls tell us, one
thing is certain. We know now that none of the New
Testament could have been written after AD 80. (William F.
Albright, Recent Discoveries in Bible Lands. New York: Funk and
Wagnalls, 1955, p, 136. See also, Albright in an interview for
Christianity Today, 18 Jan.1963. Albright. From Stone Age to
Christianity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1946, p.23)
Leif flushed a little. “Whatever. But look, might it not have been
a face-saving device on the part of a small bunch of fanatics?”
“Jesus had said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.’ Let me ask
you, my friend, Could YOU say that?”
If Jesus had not risen from the dead, there would never have
been Christianity — nor the New Testament writings.
But let me tell you about the strange experience of Gilbert West
and Lord Lyttleton...
Resurrection? -
1. They must prove that Jesus never rose from the tomb.
2. They must prove that Saul of Tarsus, a hired assassin
and killer, and fiercely anti-christian, was never
converted to Christianity.
Now they divided the task between them, West assuming the
responsibility for the RESURRECTION, and Lyttleton and his
great mind, caring for the EXPERIENCE OF SAUL on the
Damascus road.
The men sat for a time, exchanging gossip. Then West moved
“Why not?” grinned the other man. “So what’s on your mind?”
“Well, to be frank with you, Jesus didn’t even die on the cross.”
“He took a narcotic drug that fooled the Romans. Or else he was
in a swoon when they took him off the cross and put him in the
tomb. Somehow he escaped it, and journeyed off to a far place
to live out his natural life and die of old age. That’s what
Porteur spoke. “What you say about him taking a drug to induce
unconsciousness on the cross, let me tell you something. The
fact is, that is incompatible with the very nature of crucifixion.”
“In crucifixion, the arms being spread out and the hanging body,
raises the rib cage and drops the diaphragm to the maximum.
This means the victim can breathe only by raising the body - and
this requires the use of the large muscles of the legs, if it is to be
maintained for any length of time. This is why the legs of those
crucified were broken to hasten death: death by suffocation
would follow within minutes.
“Just a minute,” retorted West. “The Bible says that after Jesus
was laid in the tomb that ‘they prepared spices and ointment’
and brought these to the tomb. If Jesus was dead, what were the
ointments for? A dead body needs no medical treatment.” (Luke
23:56; 24:1)
“... suppose there could be the remote chance that Jesus wasn’t
dead? Tell me, how could he ever, in such a horribly wounded
condition, weak and exhausted, remove a huge stone to escape
the tomb, a stone that required several Roman soldiers, in all
their youth and strength to move?
“You see, West, they made sure the stone could never even be
opened FROM THE OUTSIDE - let alone from the INSIDE, by
a mortally wounded man. The record says, ‘they went, and made
the sepulchre sure, SEALING THE STONE, and setting a
WATCH.’ (Matthew 27:63-66)
“Yet there is even stronger proof that it was more than just a
swoon from which he recovered.”
Now there was about this time Jesus... And when Pilate, at
the suggestion of the principal men among us, had
condemned him to the Cross, those that loved him at the first
did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the
third day... And the tribe of Christians, so named from him,
are not extinct to this day. (Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the
Jews, Vol. 3, Bk.18, ch.3, sect.3)
This was a fact no one disputed: three days after the crucifixion,
the tomb was empty. Romans, Jews and followers of Jesus all
checked it - and all admitted that.
Yes, that was it. Those women who came on Sunday morning
and reported the tomb was empty must have gone to the wrong
How could three or more people so soon forget the place where
they had laid a loved one? After all, they had seen exactly which
tomb the body was laid in, because they themselves had put it
there! (Mark 15:45-47)
In any case, would not Jesus’ enemies soon have found the right
tomb, and exposed those deluded women and other followers of
Jesus who said he had risen?
But more problematic for the “wrong tomb” idea was that the
Jewish chief priests and elders never questioned that the tomb
was empty.
That was it! Somebody must have moved the body to another
location. Joseph of Arimathea probably changed his mind and
removed the body of Jesus - so emptying this tomb.
But, if that were true, then WHY DID THE GUARDS NOT
SAY SO? Why guard the tomb if they knew the body had been
moved to another spot? It would have had to be shifted before
the stone was rolled over. And if it was empty, it would
obviously be seen to be empty by those who sealed the door.
Moreover, it would have been a simple story for the soldiers to
tell, if Joseph had simply moved the body earlier - a much safer
story, as far as the soldiers were concerned!
West thought not. If there had been any trickery, sooner or later
it would have been exposed.
Not likely. Military law could demand the death penalty upon
soldiers who lost their prisoner. (Josh McDowell, Evidence That Demands
a Verdict. San Bernadino, Ca.: Here’s Life Publishers, Inc., 1986, pp. 212,213)
No motive.
The Jewish leaders steal the body? No, it didn’t make sense. On
many different occasions they had tried to have Yeshua killed.
The religious leaders, that was.
So to make sure that Jesus’ body could not be snatched from the
tomb, the Jewish leaders had themselves called upon Roman
help to keep that body in the tomb. At their own suggestion and
under their supervision, the tomb was sealed. (Matthew 27:62-66)
The record said that the Jewish leaders themselves “gave large
money unto the soldiers, saying, ‘Say ye HIS DISCIPLES came
by night, and stole him away while we slept.’ And if this comes
to the governor’s ears we will persuade him, and secure you. So
they took the money, and did as they were taught, and this
saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.”
I shall throw my own bit in here: just as the fickle Italian public
dragged the body of Mussolini through the streets of Milan, to
hang it ignominiously in a public square, upside down beside
the body of his mistress, so would the Jews of Jesus’ day have
paraded Jesus’ broken body through the streets of Jerusalem and
all the other towns and villages around, and displayed it publicly
as PROOF for all the world to see. You can count on it.
Such an event would have been the most important talking point
for Jews from that day to this.
If the Jewish religious leaders had stolen his body - and KNEW
where that body was, and could produce the dead body, THEN
Gilbert West knew it! There was no way that the Jewish leaders
stole Jesus body.
Resurrection? -
Somebody must have stolen the body. West was sure of it.
Who else, then, but the disciples of Jesus? They must have come
while the guards were asleep, rolled away the stone, stolen the
body, reburied it, and covered up the affair, so as to trick people
into thinking he had risen from the dead.
However... if the disciples had stolen the body, WHY DID THE
GUARDS TO SAY SO? (Matthew 28:15)
If the guards had slept at the tomb, would not those angry
Jewish priests have been foremost in accusing them to the
governor? But instead they secured the safety of the soldiers, for
telling that story.
West was getting more uneasy the more he thought about it.
Was it that Pilate knew the guards had not been sleeping when
the body came out - but that something else had happened?
For that matter, if the body was taken while the soldiers ALL
slept on duty, then how could they be sure it was the disciples
who had done it?
Anyway, even if all those guards had been asleep, surely they
would have been awakened by the heavy noise of the rolling of
that massive stone door along the hollow pavement outside the
Could the disciples really have stolen the body? Frankly, West
was now beginning to wonder.
And how about the stone? That massive seal-stone had been
rolled into place against the door - and then sealed with the
official Roman seal, a seal no human power dared break, the
strongest seal of authority in all the world. To break the Roman
seal was punishable. So if the disciples had broken it, THEN
But think about this. If there was no settlement here in the first
century, then what would have been the point in placing this
marble slab decree here? (For actual archaeological evidence, just email me.)
More problems
West would spend weeks more on the resurrection question. He
was no longer sleeping well.
He recalled how the disciples had deserted Jesus and fled in fear
from the scene of the trial and crucifixion. Eleven timid,
terrified men. How would they dare face a guard of armed
And the size of the stone... how could eleven of them even move
a stone which, according to a fourth century manuscript, the
Codex Bezae, required twenty men to move? (This is in the
Cambridge library.)
Each was in abject fear for his own personal safety. At the trial,
Peter cringed under the taunt of a maid.
To them, the whole thing was now over. They thought it had
been ‘nice’ while it lasted, but now their leader had been
martyred. And they were about to go their own way, back to
their respective jobs and positions of earlier days, and give up
the whole thing.
These men - all cowards, timid and afraid of the Jews who had
killed Jesus - how come they were suddenly so filled with
power and conviction, that they went out enthusiastically
announcing against all opposition, even at the risk of their lives,
that Yeshua had risen?
No one ever could have believed (or would have believed) upon
the dead Jesus as the Son of God, had he not had the evidence
for the resurrection.
Gilbert West hated to admit it. But the idea that the disciples
stole the body, so defied all logic, reason, and known facts, as to
appear ludicrous. They could NOT have done it.
That much was now clear to West. But he also knew that if there
was no dead body - that if the resurrection had occurred - there
would have to be people who saw him alive. ………….…….
Resurrection? -
Only 50 days after the tomb of Jesus was burst open, the
erstwhile cowardly disciple Peter suddenly stood up before a
huge crowd and addressed them.
Peter’s logic convinced 3,000 Jews in that audience that the only
solution to the empty tomb was that Yeshua was bodily raised
from the dead.
It was significant that Peter’s first public speech was in that very
same city where the resurrection was claimed to have happened.
The Bible records the public reaction. With women and children
factored in, it appears that perhaps as many as 15,000 residents
of Jerusalem (about 15 percent of the population) became
believers within days of the event. Such a change in religious
orientation was unheard of. Especially when you realise that this
was a monotheistic culture which would have difficulty in
accepting the concept of Jesus also being God.
Gilbert West went over the evidence that he had been amassing.
He had not expected this to happen. Like Lord Lyttleton, he had
been sure it would be easy to discredit the whole thing.
Now he went over the facts again, looking for a flaw. And he
kept coming back to this: THERE WERE TOO MANY
The greater the number of soldiers placed around the tomb, the
stronger it made the testimony that the dead man had risen. A
whole guard of pagan soldiers became eyewitnesses.
Jesus had been seen alive after the “event”, not once or twice,
but at least ten times, according to records. He was seen, not by
just one individual, whose word could be doubted, but by
GROUPS of two, seven, ten, eleven, and even 500. More than
half a thousand people had seen him after his resurrection and
under many different circumstances.
During all those occasions, the favored ones spoke with him,
touched him and dined with him. And he gave the order to
spread the news to the world. (Matthew 28:5-10, 16-17; Luke 24:86-48;
John 20:19-29; 21:4-13; 1 Corinthians 15:6)
Mass hypnotism?
But there was a problem with that. The disciples did not believe
he would rise. They doubted that he had risen. They called it an
“idle tale”. (Matthew 28:17; Luke 24:10,11)
They did not even WANT to believe he had risen! (Luke 24:13-31)
All the way through the gospel accounts, the writers themselves
attest to a very great reluctance on the part of his closest
disciples to believe in his resurrection.
Only one explanation made sense. All these people saw Jesus,
the same Jesus. Alive again. They were all skeptical. They DID
NOT BELIEVE his resurrection - until they simply HAD to
believe it.
For when they compared notes, it was realised that they had
both come independently to disturbing conclusions. West had
found the evidence pointed unmistakably to the fact that Jesus
did rise from the dead. Lyttleton had found, on examination, that
Saul of Tarsus did become a radically new man, through his
conversion to Christianity.
Resurrection? -
If you went into court with such evidence, how would you come
out? I wanted to be sure. Not being a lawyer myself, I went in
search of the best I could find.
I know pretty well what evidence is; and I tell you, such
evidence as that for the Resurrection has never broken down
yet. (Ibid., pp.425,584)
But more than that, such a resurrection would place a seal on his
full authority as King and universal Judge. It would make the
Judgment of all men certain. If so, then one should take
seriously the Scriptural claim that our Creator has “appointed a
day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that
Man whom he has ordained; whereof he has GIVEN
ASSURANCE unto all men, in that he has raised him from the
dead.” (Acts 17:31)
On the other hand, if it was true and I did not accept, I had
everything to lose. (1 Thessalonians 4:14,16-18)
Now, priests and rulers, where is your guard? Brave soldiers that
have never been afraid of human power, are now as captives
taken without sword or spear. The face they look upon is not the
face of mortal warrior; it is the face of the mightiest of the
messengers of God. This messenger is he who fills the position
As he exits the tomb in majesty and glory, the angel host bow in
adoration before him and welcome him with praise.
So where was this tomb that was burst open? After all this time
did anything remain? Was there anything physical left behind
that could supply archaeological evidence of such an event?
Resurrection? -
There is only one place around Jerusalem which has borne, and
still bears, the name Skull Hill. It is just outside the North Wall,
about 250 yards north-east of the Damascus Gate. A portion of
this hill bears a striking resemblance to a human skull.
One might note, in passing, that this rocky outcrop contains also
what is known as a large complex of Jewish tombs dating from
the First and Second Temple periods - and in particular, what is
known as the “Garden Tomb”, in which many believe Jesus was
buried. The quarried face is hundreds of feet long.
Excavation begins
One of the holes was elevated above the rest, cut into the shelf-
like platform behind. It appeared that this was the place where
the “featured” criminal-victim was crucified, being elevated
several feet above those crucified around him.
Stone “plugs” set into the cross-holes had the obvious use of
preventing the holes from filling up when not in use, as well as
preventing people and horses from breaking their legs.
They stopped digging. The dirt and debris piled over it was ten
feet deep. It would be several years later before its true
dimensions were to be determined by sub-surface radar from
above the ground. The diameter was found to be 13 feet 2
inches! Thirteen feet two inches. Remember that measurement
also, as we shall meet it again.
Nearby... a tomb
The New Testament describes a nearby garden which contained
the newly cut out tomb of a wealthy man, Joseph of Arimathea.
It states that the owner of this tomb, who had witnessed the
crucifixion of Jesus, was so moved that he went to the governor,
Pontius Pilate, to ask for the body of Jesus to be placed in his –
Joseph’s – own unused tomb. This request was granted.
Now in the place where he was crucified there was a
garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein
was never man yet laid. There they laid Jesus... for
the sepulchre was near at hand. (John 19:41,42)
In 1867, in the same cliff face not far from where the
crucifixion-site excavators would later work, a landowner was
digging a cistern on his property, when he discovered a tomb cut
into the cliff face. As with the crucifixion site, this tomb was
beneath the current ground level, covered in the debris of many
Of special interest
Of course the discovery of a tomb in this vicinity could hardly
be described as sensational. Many tombs had been found in this
large, ancient burial area of Jerusalem.
And just a few hundred feet away was this tomb, today known
as the Garden Tomb.
This tomb became the prime suspect for being the tomb of Jesus
Christ. However, strenuous opposition arose from adherents of
the traditional “Holy Sepulchre” tourist site inside the Old City.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre had been built by the Roman
emperor Constantine in 333 AD, on a site selected by his
mother, Helena.
Many scholars have asserted that this site of the Holy Sepulchre
church could have been outside the city wall in Jesus’ time. It is
INSIDE the wall today.
Soon this new tomb site, the “Garden Tomb”, gained some
“First century”
Very well, then, we have here today a first century tomb. But
that is a far cry from identifying it as the tomb of Joseph of
But this tomb was not used by the person or persons for whom it
had been cut out. Inside the tomb, one section carved out of the
rock to fit one man, had clearly been enlarged for somebody else
—someone who was taller than the man for whom the tomb had
been measured.
This enlarged section indicated that not the owner, but some
other person, was laid in this rich man’s tomb.
He made his grave with the wicked but with the rich in
his death. (Isaiah 53:9-11)
A “great” stone
The text goes out of its way to say “great” stone. This clue, that
it was a GREAT stone, is another evidence that the owner of the
tomb was a rich man.
Someone else was also interested in this tomb. The Jewish chief
priests and Pharisees went to Pilate, the Roman governor,
At the left end is an incline. The stone was rolled onto the
trough at this end.
In the face of the tomb were two evidences which showed that a
very, very large seal-stone was once used to seal this tomb.
pierced into the cliff face. The hole held the oxidized remains of
an iron shaft. This has since been removed, but the hole remains.
On the left hand side of the tomb face, another hole had been
pierced into the rock for the insertion of a metal shaft, to prevent
the seal-stone from being rolled to the left and the tomb being
This shows that the seal-stone was, indeed, “a very great stone”
- over twice the diameter of any other seal-stone found in Israel!
To our knowledge, the largest seal-stone previously found was 5
feet 6 inches. This and the size of the nearby buried stone were a
The record states that the stone was “sealed”. (Matthew 27:60,66)
The metal shaft on the left which held the stone in place was
about two fingers in thickness. It would be impossible to bend
this shaft, much less snap it off, simply by pushing the seal-
stone against it. To move the great stone even one inch, the shaft
must first be taken out.
However, when we examined the hole that held the metal shaft,
we found that the shaft was still in there! What was left of it,
that is. It was sheared off, level with the wall. The appearance of
the metal was consistent with its having been sheared off when
struck with a tremendous force from the right-hand side.
However, being soft and malleable, the peg might have taken
more than 60 to 80 tons’ pressure, bending first before it sheared
right off.
Someone pushed the stone aside without taking out the metal
peg... Who was it?
The evidence shows that the stone was moved with great speed,
by some colossal force WITHOUT TAKING OUT THE
Could that sheared off metal shaft still visible in the wall be
evidence of a supernatural opening of the tomb? Is this a
physical witness to the miraculous resurrection of Jesus? …….
Critics speak up
For several years after I first reported this discovery, critics
asserted, “No, no, you are mistaken – that metal spike is no
more than a stray bullet which hit the wall during the 1967 war.”
“No,” was the answer. “It might shatter a hole in the stone wall,
but it would not fix itself into it.”
Cover-up -
That’s right. In the 130s of the present era, Jewish history was
shortened to make the messianic prophecy of Daniel chapter 9
extend into the second century.
Something here just doesn’t smell right. How can this happen?
Scholarly fiddling
with prophecy texts
Finally, in the 130s, Rabbi Akiva, “the father of the Mishnah”,
attempted to answer the Nazarenes (Christians) by promoting a
new (non-Septuagint) translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into
Greek, which ripped out key words in the texts that were
especially used by the Nazarenes to demonstrate Jesus as the
Very thorough, this boy! Akiva also chopped out at least 160
years of known Persian history, so that the 490 years prophesied
by Daniel, during which Messiah must appear, would reach into
the second century.
Then, around 140 AD, Rabbi Yose Ben Halafta, one of Akiva’s
main disciples, codified this mutilated Jewish chronology in the
Seder Olam Rabbah (“Book of the Order of the World”).
The Seder Olam cuts out 60 years between Adam and the birth
of Abraham and 17 years between Solomon and the
consecration of the Second Temple in 516 BC, but a whopping
164 years is deleted from 516 BC to 70 AD.
Xerxes 21 years
Artaxerxes 40 years
The shortened history
<<< knows nothing
of these five.
Darius II Nothis 20 years
Artaxerxes II 3 years
The above chart indicates a deletion of 160 years for the Persian
period. (By an alternative reckoning, 167 years have been
deleted.) Average it, say, to a 164 year deletion.
Do you see the difference between the fake and the reality?
Absolutely unbelievable! But this is the timeline now officially
used by modern mainstream Jewry.
It may asked why cuts were made in the Persian period, rather in
the Greek Seleucid era that followed it? The answer is that
Akiva and Yose ben Halafta could not make cuts from the
Greek Seleucid era, because the chronology of that period was
still in use, was firmly fixed among the Jews, and was well
They could pull off their deception easier if they kept to the
earlier period, the Persia Empire period.
And since the prophecy of Dan. 9: 24-27 dealt with a decree that
was issued by a Persian monarch, the empire which preceded
the Greeks, this left only the Persian period of history for them
to.exploit. Thankyou, honest hackers. ………………………………...….
Did you get that? A frank admission that this was a purposeful
suppression of the truth!
Indeed, there are 483 years between the Seder Olam’s date for
the dedication of the Second Temple (355 BC) and 129 AD,
when Jewish deliberations over Emperor Hadrian were deadly
It led to all Judea being laid waste and Jews forbidden to live
within ten miles of Jerusalem. As if that were not enough, all
Jews throughout the Empire were required to pay a head tax to
support a new pagan temple in – of all places – Jerusalem.
that the year count was severely flawed, some 165 years short of
When one discusses the "Jewish" date of the world, the source
used is the book Seder Olam. In fact, this is the source where we
get to our counting of the year 2010 being the 5770 year of the
In all this, one feels the hot breath of something bigger. This is
no ordinary hoax. One can perceive behind it the intense
antagonism of the Legion of Lucifer in its long-running feud
against the Prince of God.
Approximately the same time (130 -140 AD) that rabbis were
changing the Jewish calendar to exclude Yeshua from being the
Messiah, and at the very same location which turned out to be
the heart of an anti-Christian paganisation campaign, Ptolemy’s
star chart wiped out the Ihesu (Yeshua) prophecy (as we saw in
Chapter 27). The forbidden secret: Yeshua’s rescue plan for us.
Fantasy? Not quite. In his book Dark Secrets of the New Age
(pp.68,69), Texe Marrs reveals that the New Age movement
expects the increasing earth changes to develop into utter world
chaos. Then, at the time of a great earthquake in Jerusalem, the
New Age "Christ" will appear on the Mount of Olives, and will
proceed to become king of Jerusalem.
Cover-up -
Jack and Ellen bought their 11-year old son and 9-year-old
daughter a beautiful little black German Shepherd pup. Bijou
grew up as a loved member of the family. He played with the
children, lovingly licked them, followed them everywhere.
Frequently they would go off out through the gate and into the
adjacent forest. The parents knew that whenever the children
were with Bijou they were safe. Somehow he always knew to
bring them home for dinner on time.
Ellen glanced at the clock. It was half past six. She went out to
the gate. She called out. No reply. She called again… and again.
“No,” shrugged Jack. “They should have been back half an hour
Jack strode out through the gate and into the forest.
“Johnny…are you there? Kerry… can you here me?” Silence.
As the blows tore into his flesh, the helpless dog looked up into
his master’s eyes. Jack roared and raged at him, beating the dog
harder and harder. Bijou lay still. Very weakly, he raised his
head. With one last pitiful look at his master, his head dropped.
Bijou was dead.
“The wolf came after us,” explained the children. “Bijou fought
it and killed it. Bijou saved us!”
Isn’t that what Jesus did… for you personally… and for me? So
the decent question is, what shall we do with this Jesus? Ignore
him? Condone the enemy’s slander? Or wake up to ourselves?
Ask yourself, who has the most to lose? That’s right, the Legion
of Lucifer have the biggest motive in the world… REVENGE!
Thus Teitan, or Satan, had become the one only god. And Janus
was just an incarnation of this same only god. Now the secret is
out… the real name of the supreme great god of Rome.
Worship of Satan (Lucifer) was the secret purpose of the
This secret was most jealously guarded. So much so, that when
one of the most learned of the Romans, the high-ranking
Valerius Soranus, incautiously divulged it, he was mercilously
put to death. (Hislop, The Two Babylons. p. 279)
Eventually Satan was regarded with awe and dread under the
name of Pluto, the god of the underworld, as the great god on
whom every person’s destiny depended. To him it belonged ‘to
purify souls after death.’ (Taylor’s Pausanias, vol. iii. P.321, Note)
And his other symbol, the serpent, was worshipped in all the
earth with extraordinary reverence! Therefore, to claim that one
had been born as ‘the serpent’s seed’ potentially attracted great
honor to the claimant. That’s why Olympias, the mother of
Alexander the Great, declared that her son had not sprung from
King Phillip, her husband, but from Jupiter, in the form of a
serpent! And why the Roman emperor Augustus pretended that
he had issued from Apollo in the form of a serpent.
The bottom line was this: Rome ruled the world. And Lucifer
was the unseen ruler of Rome.
The Legion of Lucifer were very well aware that if the news that
Jesus was the true and only Deliverer should triumph, then the
pagan altars and temples of Rome would disappear.
So the Legion of Lucifer, through their Roman puppets,
declared full scale war… open season on the followers of Jesus.
Police were searching for these ‘traitors’ everywhere.
But the fiercer the attacks, the bolder the Christians became.
Their love of Jesus meant more to them than their own lives. As
thousands were imprisoned and executed, more sprang up to
take their places. Instead of liquidating Christianity, persecution
made it explode. And paganism began to fall back on its heels.
Lucifer and Co. figured they had better put an end to this crisis
once and for all. They decided to change tactics – infiltrate the
movement and destroy it from within with a phony system of
Christianity. Smart and sneaky, it would work like a charm.
system. My own dear wife used to belong to it. After all, it’s the
uncensored truth you want, right? I raise this topic only because
it is essential to our understanding of the Jesus-Lucifer feud. ion
And some modern writers have fallen for the trick. They see its
80 pagan features tagged with the name of “Jesus”. So they
jump to the conclusion that Jesus himself is just another item of
“recycled paganism”. These writers may sound scholarly. But
their research is pathetically shallow. Critics, wake up! Get to
know your history!
The heads of Rome, the heads of Masonry, and the heads of the
Church of Satan are basically of the same religion worshipping
the same god, Lucifer. In acknowledgement of this, they all give
the same two-finger satanic hand signal.
The ordinary people in “the one true faith” are lulled into
submission by hearing “Jesus” words, seeing “holy” pictures,
and kissing images of saints. When they wake up and discover
what this is really all about, they will be ready to tear it to
This plan of destruction for the human race could only have
been strategized by a genius far beyond the ingenuity of man,
orchestrating and synchronizing it from behind the scenes.
The final war will be the coming showdown between the above
two religions. And it will lead to the end of man’s control of this
planet – and a new world.
the answer? Is it possible that there is not only a God who loves
you and me, but there is coming a Judgment?
Is it possible that the Bible – the most widely translated and read
book in the world – is, after all, telling us the truth about our
origins and our destiny?
I’m telling you now. You’d better believe it! According to the
evidence, the Intelligence Report (the Bible) offers the only
effective explanation (and solution) for the problems of our real
world. And the only permanent future.
Fingerprint of the author -
Thus every letter, word and sentence has a numeric value, the
sum total of each letter value. So when you read a word or
sentence, you are simultaneously looking at a string of numbers.
It turns out that this hidden design is not only in the Hebrew Old
Testament (as we found) but also in the Greek New Testament.
It contains the very same hidden design complex.
Yes, there is. Just go to the very first passage of the New
Testament - Matthew 1:1-11. This lists the human ancestry of
“Oh, surely not that long,” I hear someone protesting. “After all,
he could surely just choose his words to make the numbers add
Not so simple.
Another example
So if you came into a room and found the oranges arranged this
way, you would arrive at only one conclusion, right? That they
were purposely designed or arranged in this specific manner. If I
insisted that this occurred accidentally you would call me
Another example
Also, there are some speeches here: Herod speaks, the Magi
speak, the angel speaks. Their numeric phenomena are so
pronounced that though they are, as it were, a dozen rings within
rings, wheels within wheels, yet each is a perfect pattern of
sevens in itself… even though each forms only a part of the rest.
You want the truth? There is not a single paragraph out of the
hundreds in Matthew that is not constructed on exactly this
same plan!
Now are you ready for a bombshell? Do you know how long it
would take for any man to write that one Gospel – Matthew’s?
The truth is, Matthew didn’t have a thousand years to write the
book. So how he managed to do it in those mere 39 years
between AD 31, when Jesus Christ was crucified and AD 70,
when Jerusalem was destroyed, let any sane man explain.
“Sevens” in Mark
Now turn to the very next book, the Gospel of Mark. You will
find it shows exactly the same ‘sevens’ phenomena as
Matthew. Let’s take, for example, the first eight verses of Mark,
which report on the ministry of John the Baptist, the man who
announced the arrival of Jesus.
… and so on.
How can this be explained? Peter tells us: These writings ‘came
not by the will of man… but… by the Holy Spirit.’ (1 Peter 1:21)
That is the Bible’s own explanation of its Author. Might it, after
all, be true?
Another example
Now turn to the last twelve verses of Mark. This passage, which
critics sometimes slur as ‘a forgery’, presents (among others)
these phenomena:
A single author?
Both the Hebrew Old Testament and the New Testament give
evidence of this amazing phenomenon.
So what had Panin found? Simply this, that the New Testament,
in Greek, was like a single skilfully designed artefact… nothing
less than the product of some mathematical mastermind. Panin
had discovered a deliberate structuring that was far beyond
human possibility to invent.
You see the problem now, don’t you? We’re no longer talking
about an ordinary piece of literature. We are face to face with a
phenomenon that required an outside, above-human Intellect.
And it’s even more remarkable, when you consider that Luke is
a Greek, Mark a Roman, and Matthew a Jew. Yet they all wrote
with the same sub-surface pattern. And although each of them
wrote in his own different style, when it was all completed, the
same identical pattern under the surface emerged all the way
through each book!
Say that again? Many writers, all so different – yet one Master
Mind right through.
Fingerprint of the author -
The whole Bible is like this! Every paragraph, passage and book
is constructed in the same astonishing way.
These patterns are indeed real. They are too consistent to have
appeared by accident. They appear deliberate, yet could not
have been contrived by the authors unaided. They constitute
irrefutable evidence underscoring the integrity of the entire
“message system”. They hint at its non-human and infinite
Can you explain it? This same numeric pattern crosses from one
book to another, independent of each writer, bringing the whole
into harmony.
This chain feature forms only when all the books are brought
together. No single writer could have produced it. Neither could
all the 40 or so different writers have collaborated to produce it
– since most of them never knew each other.
So I ask you, how could each one of the 40 writers, the last
writer separated by 1,600 years from the first, insert the name
‘Moses’ just enough times to keep the numeric design in
suspense until it came to John, the last writer who used it in the
book of Revelation? He needed to use it just once to complete
the design!
Let’s face it. There are only two possible ways in which these
intricate sevens patterns could have occurred:
Matthew, uses just 140 words (20 times 7), found nowhere else
in the New Testament.
But how on earth did Matthew know that the other writers,
Mark, Luke, John, James, Peter, Jude, and Paul would not use
those same words? How did Matthew know that he should use
certain words which would not be used in any of the other 26
books of the New Testament?
That’s right - each of the other writers does exactly the same
thing – each other writer likewise uses exactly ‘x times’ 7 words
found nowhere else in the New Testament. And for this to
deliberately occur requires the impossible scenario that every
one of those different writers wrote his own book LAST.
So there you have it. Not only is each of the 27 books they
wrote constructed on the same interlocking ‘sevens’ pattern. But
each book by the same method already mentioned, can be
shown to have been written last. So we have 27 New Testament
books each written last. This incredible phenomenon is not a
theory. It is fact.
Let’s get real! The limitations of the human intellect and the
shortness of human life make it impossible. So no man or any
set of men combined could accomplish such stupendous feats.
2. A supernatural intelligence
This cross-over pattern contributes to a broader design that was
beyond the horizon of the writer himself, It evidences a
supernatural influence weaving a broader tapestry.
Not only that, but it has survived the jamming and interference
of its enemies (attempts to corrupt the text) over many centuries,
Fingerprint of the author -
Suppose I do that just once more, you might grab the dice and
examine it, right? On the law of averages, I could not throw
seven sixes in a row by accident.
Now, what if you make 24 throws of the dice and they all come
up as a 6? What are the chances that this will happen 24 times in
a row, accidentally?
And if you don’t mind, I’d like to apply this same law to the
number 7. As you are aware, whatever number we use, the law
of chances works in the same way.
But here there is one chance in not only millions, but billions
and trillions, that just 70 features could occur together in a
passage accidentally.
All right, what about the skeptics? And what about other holy
books? Do they contain this code pattern?...
Fingerprint of the author -
The challenge
Did they?
No one has been able to meet the challenge. Does that speak for
That’s a good question. So are you ready for the truth? Here’s
the verdict:
For that matter, not one of the apocryphal books contains ANY
numeric pattern phenomena of any ascertainable sort!
The fact that these books do not contain even ONE of the
numerical phenomena is sufficient evidence that these books
should not be considered in the same class as the Bible.
You can’t pull out one word, without upsetting the pattern. No
wonder it is written, ‘The Scripture cannot be broken.’ (John 10:35)
This was not a facetious reply, for when the sign was brought in
as evidence, the defendant triumphantly pointed out that it read
“NO STOPING”. And stoping, he was able to prove with the
help of an unabridged dictionary (Webster’s New International
Dictionary, p. 2,485), means “extracting ore from a stope, or
loosely, underground.”
The judge decided that the defendant had lived up to the letter of
the law – the single letter – and the case was dismissed. (Maxwell
Nurnberg and Morris Rosenblum, How to Build a Better Vocabulary. New York:
Popular Library, 1961, p. 174)
And also, if any passage did not fit the numeric pattern, we
could determine precisely where any tampering had been done!
Do you see? It’s fail proof.
You now have the advantage. You have just learnt something of
which most critics are still unaware – that the Bible is composed
not of words alone, but is also an astonishing design of
interlocking 7s – like wheels within wheels – woven together in
every conceivable way, both on and below the surface.
ANSWER: If you ever hear that there are “lost books of the
Bible”, don’t fall for the trick. The books were originally
grouped so that they would eventually number 49 (7 x7).
Then why don’t we all swallow our pride and start taking its
message more seriously?
For thousands of years the Bible has been insisting that it is the
Creator’s message to man… and not man’s ideas about God. At
least 3,800 times it claims to be the spoken word of the Eternal
One set to writing.
In other words, we should accept what the writer tells us, unless
there is compelling reason to believe otherwise.
In the New Testament, there are more than 300 references to the
Messiah’s Second Coming. For every prophecy relating to his
First Coming (to offer himself as the suffering servant), there
are eight concerning his return as King of kings, to abruptly
interrupt human history.
What kind of God is this? -
Q.: With your life? Let me ask you, then, officer. Do you have a
room where you change your clothes in preparation for your
daily duties?
Q.: Now… why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow officers
with your life, you find it necessary to lock your locker in a
room you share with these same officers?...............................
A: You see, sir…we share the building with the court complex,
and sometimes lawyers have been known to walk through that
The point to be gained from this is that only when all the facts
are known do some situations make sense. Suffering is one of
these things. When we know all the factors involved, suffering
is understandable. As is also God’s goodness toward us.
“When you think it through, the fact that you and I ask such
questions shows that we have an inbuilt sense of justice. So
where do you think we got a sense of justice from, in the first
place? Are we human beings more fair and just than the One
who designed us? Tell me, Doria, who knows better – puny,
erring man – or the One who designed the DNA in your body?
1. Free will
decisions. We are not robots, but have been granted the ability
to choose, because that gives us the potential for the greatest
However, our Creator has not left us in ignorance to stumble
along, making wrong decisions blindly. Just as would a loving
parent, He also gave us physical and spiritual laws for our
guidance and protection.
You ask, how could God allow people to hurt each other?
“Dear God, why didn't you save the little girl killed
in her classroom? Sincerely, Concerned
AND THE REPLY: “Dear Concerned Student, I am
not allowed in schools. Sincerely, God.”
Might this help us understand why our world has descended into
such a mess?
When the facts are known, these entities are the REAL driving
force behind the poverty, violence and corruption.
One thing we all recognise is this… that our world has become a
great mess. And it may well be asked, If there is a Creator who
cares about His subjects, then why doesn’t He stamp out
wrong… and stop all this suffering? He could…
“It wasn’t easy,” said the ex-juryman, “the others were all for
(I can’t vouch for the truth of this story, but it does drive home
the point. We are often, but our own deviousness, responsible
for our own suffering.)
God’s response……………………………………….
to our suffering…………...…….……………………..
The Creator’s ultimate response to our suffering is dramatic,
costly and effective - and is well illustrated by this parable:
Yes, you can be sure that He cares passionately about you, that
He does listen to you and is able to intervene for your good. As
the shipwrecked agnostic and the imprisoned killer were to
The living power -
As they were tossed onto the shore, the men feared there was no
hope for them to escape a gruesome fate at the hands of the
This sailor cautiously ascended a hill to spy out the area further.
“I’ve just seen down on the other side. Our necks are safe.”
And then it struck him like a fist in his face. Just because truth
might be revealed at a single place and time, does not make it
less valid for all men.
Baggs leaned toward him. “Okay man. You, me and the whole
bang lot of us in here have the same human mould. We’ve all
got the same needs:
“And this guy Jesus fits the bill. You could call him the
universal remedy. Look, mate. What I did was downright low.
“He doesn’t dig any special nation. What he said and did was
good for people in Iran… Kurdistan… Germany… Israel… the
U.K.… and all of us in this slammer. It was good then and it’s
good for you and me now. He says he came to rescue the worst
of us. Was he a liar? Look at me. Has he hooked me? Sure has!”
A compulsion to confess
Then one day Max and an accomplice were lying back in a tent.
Max picked up a book. It was the biblical Gospel of John… and
he started browsing. Suddenly something twigged inside his
head. He felt a strong urge to confess what he’d been up to.
“Oh, come on,” said Bud. “You can’t let anyone know that.
You’ll be locked up.”
“Bud, I have to. I would rather go to the slammer and stay there
than to think that Jesus has not cleaned away my wrong.”
Half an hour later, Max was on his way to visit the farmer. And
with him went his partner.
Then Max did the unexpected. To his own surprise - and that of
his accomplice and the farmer - he dropped to his knees on that
road, before the two of them, and begged to be forgiven.
Max explained.
The judge moved his eyes from one to the other. “No,” he said,
finally, “I would rather have my right arm cut off to the
And he knew this for sure: No teacher, no guru in all history had
been able to offer complete forgiveness and an utterly new start
like that.
How radical that this Jesus could deal so neatly with Damon’s
crimes! That he was taking Damon’s filth upon himself, so that
this no-hoper, in here for life, might never have to bear it?
The Hindu idea of karma says, “You sin, you pay.” Jesus’ death
on the cross shows God saying, “You sin, I pay.” Boy, that’s out
of this world!
A power to
achieve quality life
“We’re all watching you, man. Look, when you were dumped in
here, you were an arrogant pig, vengeful and fist-smart like the
rest of us. Now you seem to have some sneaky secret. It’s in
your eyes. Suddenly you’re super cool. What’s wrong, Killer?
You got an escape plan… or what?”
And that moment Damon knew for sure. He’d put this character
Jesus Christ to the test. And now he knew it. This change was a
tangible thing… Others could see it - the written life of Jesus
had come alive in his life.
He looked at Tornado. “Tell me, what has your way done for
you? You’re as pitiful as ever! But you know what? I’ve now
got power man… real power.”
Damon had studied under Eastern gurus. But now he knew there
was only one teacher in the world who offered to change a
man’s character by taking up residence inside him… Jesus. How
different from the ethical system of any other faith!
The bug would crawl part way up the sloping tin, then slide
ludicrously down to the bottom of the trough. Often it landed
sprawling on its back. There it lay and struggled until it righted
“All the while I have been talking about doing the impossible,”
said the speaker, “a June bug has been trying to get out of this
tin trough, vainly climbing up and slipping back. The foolish
bug! It has forgotten that it has wings!”
That bug never saw it could escape from above, but persisted in
trying to find some other way out through the sides.
Sure, you see the point. That’s just like me deciding my own
rules. I can ignore the divine escape plan, but I have only myself
to blame if I eventually don’t make it.
When our Maker gave Himself through Jesus for the sin of the
world, He undertook the case for every person. He now follows
that up by promising His Spirit to empower us in overcoming
The living power -
Two categories
And here, the researchers ran into a puzzle. They found that
some Christians were abducted – and some left alone. And the
question arose – Why?
The researchers found that this group was notably exempt from
Abductions… halted???
The dogs had been agitated and several hours later they were
still barking. He turned in for the night.
Kept awake by the barking dogs, he just lay in his bed, wanting
to sleep. Suddenly he felt his body being paralysed. He couldn’t
even cry out. Nothing was visible but a whitish grey, like a fog
or mist. But he sensed that someone or something was in his
room. His wife remained asleep.
An abduction being stopped? This was the first such report these
experienced field investigators had ever heard. And here was a
man who did it by just calling on the name of Jesus!
After the Florida Today article also appeared online, the Internet
news journal CNI News took it up.
You ask, why would they suppress such findings? One reason
would be fear of damage to their credibility.
One can understand that these researchers did not want their pre-
existing belief system challenged. It should also be understood
However, it appears that other forces whom the “aliens” fear are
also busy. Many “preventions” simply go unseen, unrealised
(and unthanked). Evidently, the Creator has not washed His
hands of us and left us all to the mercy of the Lucifer Legion for
whatever they choose to do with us.
It is also apparent that the real Jesus Christ is not really on good
terms with the UFO phenomenon at all! One commentator has
related the following UFO account: “A friend of mine had a
UFO appear to him on one of their sacred mountains. It came in
over his house and he said ‘I challenge you in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ’ - and it disappeared.”
Results prove that he is not the first above others. He is the only.
Anyone who wants to dispute that had better come up with more
than an opinion. Substitute rules of your own? It won’t work!
The evidence indicates real power in this name. Surely the fact
that modern abduction attempts – as well as demonic possession
– are brought to an abrupt halt by the calling out of the name
“Jesus!” (in whatever language) proves the truth of the New
Testament claim that “there is no other name under heaven
given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) This is the
name of a Person who possesses all power. And they
But rather than controlling people against their will, the message
that Jesus taught on earth was one of liberation. The theme of
his ministry was one of love, forgiveness and acceptance. Come
to think about it, wouldn’t you like to live in a world where
these virtues rule? The truth is, most people would.
Those two UFO researchers from CE-4, Jordan and Clark did
not start out as ‘Bible pounders with a point’. In fact, quite the
opposite. One of them was a New Ager, the other not
particularly religious. Like the rest of us, they were just looking
for truth. It was the research they did and the data they found
that made believers out of them.
A fight for our loyalty -
Sunday, July 6, 1997, was a day Kerry Kressie will never forget.
On the previous evening, Kerry, her husband Brian and their
children, travelled 100 miles to attend my seminar on the Ark of
the Covenant in the Emerald Town Hall, Queensland, Australia.
Anyway, the very next night Kerry picked up that book and
opened it to read. Instantly, some unseen force flicked it out of
her hand and threw it against the wall.
Shaken, Kerry again picked up the book. She opened it. The
voice was again heard: “NOW, YOU JUST STOP THAT!” Again
the book was flicked from her hand and hurled across the room.
This time Kerry placed the book on the bench. She told her
husband what had happened, and he suggested she pray about it.
“Oh God,” she asked, “Please protect me.”
But Lucifer’s forces did not leave willingly. As she stood at the
wash basin, in the presence of her husband, she was suddenly
lifted up five or six feet, carried across the room, and then
dumped onto her back. When she tried to pray, she felt that
someone was choking her; she had to struggle for breath. A
strong force also pushed down on her stomach. It felt like
someone was sitting on her.
Then the child knew what she had to do. “In the name of Jesus,
you let my mother go!” cried the little one. And the force on
Kerry’s mouth let go.
Now Kerry and Brian are more determined than ever to launch
an assault on Lucifer’s kingdom and help rescue others.
A burning question
A great cartoon
(Even if he’s the ONLY hope I’ve got?) If I said that, you’d
think me an idiot, right?
Now imagine another doctor. You tell him you want to be cured
and he simply says, “Well, I have four or five medicines, any
one of which might work. Why don’t you pick whichever tastes
good to you, and let me know what happens”?
Here it is: Why on earth aren’t you running this Jesus guy? Is it
because he might help you out of your problems, and turn you
into a winner? Yeah – a winner! But you wouldn’t want that,
would you?
The detractors should listen to those who are living it – not the
advice of skeptics who are missing out on the amazing benefits.
I feel sorry for the skeptics because they are the losers, not those
who apply this knowledge.
• How did (a) the DNA information code, and (b) the code
to translate it, originate separately at the same time?
Yes, our world is in a real mess. Few will deny that. If it’s not
war, hatred, loneliness, or selfishness, it’s death, sickness
and.pain. And we’ve all had just about enough of that, right?.
…….. ………………
Now, here is a fellow that wants to help us. Not only that, but
he is able to. And what are we doing about it?
Hey, come on guys. Can you really believe that a deceiver could
invent such supreme truths which perform miracles of character
change on people even today?...changing wife-beating thugs
into gentle, caring husbands, and embezzlers into honest men?
Look, almost 2,000 years ago, real men with dirt under their
fingernails met a real Jesus who challenged them to follow Him.
Would numerous men be torn limb from limb, thrown to wild
beasts, sawn in two, hung upside down, burnt at the stake, for
something they knew to be a deliberate hoax?
Lying “scholars”
Why is it that some scholars can’t tell fact from fiction? They
glibly quote others who are just as misinformed. Starting from
an anti-supernatural bias, they imagine the historical Jesus to be
just a powerless piece of fiction. Let’s inject a bit of common
sense here. These scholars are centuries removed from the Jesus
they speak about. Don’t let them con you.
I have laid out evidence for you that the Bible record which
reveals this person called Jesus is
• supernatural in its origin
• supernatural in its design, and can be
• supernatural in its effect on you and your life. Other books
inform you. But the Bible transforms you.
If your life depended on it, who might you more safely trust?:
(a) biased, faulty scholars living 2,000 years later, or
(b) eyewitnesses who wrote the New Testament and bore
testimony close to the events, and whose lives were
changed for the better by what they experienced?
After all, this is testimony of those who met Jesus… ate with
him… worked with him. And the first hand testimony of a
living power that works today. Can you do better than that?
If you haven’t tasted it, George, don’t knock it.
“You fool!” retorted the other man, “How can I know? I haven’t”
“Then how do you know about the Christian life, when you
haven’t tasted it?”
There is a master plan. And the sooner you can get over not
wanting to believe it, or worrying that to believe it puts you in
the ranks of the nutters, then the sooner you have a chance to
benefit from all this.
Now let’s be fair about this. Who is the architect of the anti-
Jesus slander? None other than Lucifer, the original slanderer!
This plan of destruction for the human race has been strategized
by a genius far beyond the ingenuity of man, orchestrating and
synchronising it from behind the scenes. And they have taken
over – in politics, science, religion, education, the media and the
entertainment industry. Accordingly those in the implementation
stages proclaim:
Amongst all the global governing changes and wars that are
taking place to accommodate this New World Order many are
overlooking the most dominant aspect of it, its religious and
occultic nature.
The glorious quality of the coming new earth has already been
glimpsed through the character seen in Jesus’ earthly life. The
plan is for a new earth cleansed from all who are in disharmony
with the Creator… free from those who would mess up this
earth again. Those who don’t want the Creator’s way will not be
forced to endure it. He will just confirm each person’s choice.
His friend Joe came to the hospital and offered his own kidney
to save Keith. Joe’s generosity disabled him physically.
But would you believe, after that, Keith avoided Joe, wanting
nothing to do with him!
Yes, you CAN be certain that the Hebrew Bible text has been
transmitted accurately. (For more detailed information on this topic, see The
Weapon the Globalists Fear, Chapter 20.)
Abductions, alien 587-594
- Septuagint translated in 285
- center of pagan philosophy 521-522
- records corrupted in 29,355,521-522
Aliens 97-113,203-211,587-597 (See also Lucifer Legion)
- appear as “good” and “bad” 200,243,245
- link to spiritism 240-250
Alien abductions halted 587-594
Amino acids 58
Ants 114,432
Anunnaki 96-104
Apocrypha 553
Aratus 348
Archaeology confirms Bible 131-154
Babylon 171-176
Bible (See also Daniel, Isaiah, Luke)
- claims divine origin 153-154,539,558-559
- integrated message system 190,542
- confirmed by archaeology 131-154
- confirmed by racial traditions worldwide 212-213,
- confirmed by prophecy 153-190
- confirmed by sevens code 194-199,529-560
- confirmed by its power to change lives 584-585
- consistent with observable evidence 23-24,46,229,609-610
- as reliable as any non-biblical source 198
- dating is reliable 139-140
- New Testament written early 434-443
- attempts to alter it 29-30,447,521-522
- preserved unchanged 29,443-444,446-447,521-522
- percentage in doubt 446
- unbroken line of testimony 446-447
- time proximity of mss to originals 444-445
- Peshitta 447
- no missing books 555-556
- Old Testament accurately transmitted 555,613
- numerics 194-198,529-560
Daniel, book of
- date of 169-170,179-180
- fiery furnace 141
- lion’s den 142
- builder of Babylon 143
- Belshazzar 145-146
- prophecies of history 171-187
- prophecy of Messiah 275-310,505-513
- Messiah prophecy understood by rabbis 278,287,
Genes 37,39-40,47
- designed not to evolve 49-50
Genesis 3:15 prophecy 257,324,341-342
Genesis 49:10 prophecy 271-273,309
Geological time scale 81-85
Globalists, See New World Order
- origin of 115
- a personal Being 129
- can communicate to us 128-129
- law of 256-257,261,416-417,472
- love of 255-257,261,313-314,371-374,414-416
Golden Age 220-221
Grecia 177-178
- exodus 131-135,153-154
- conquest of Canaan 139
History of Persia compressed 378-379,505-513
Hitler, Adolf 16,185-187
Hittites 136-137
Jericho 137-139
Jerusalem, prophecies of 27,170,420-427
Jesus, name derived from Yeshua 324-325 (See also Yeshua)
Jews in prophecy 166-168
Jordan crossing 135-136
Josephus, accuracy of 180,459-460
Koran 156,371,553
- of Jews 166-168
- of Babylon 171-176
- of Medo-Persia 176-177
- of Grecia 177-178
- of Rome 178-180
- of Europe 181-187
- of Jerusalem 27,167,420-427
- messianic 25,255,267-311,339-356,374-375,438
- of end times 188-189
Proteins 42,54-56
Ptolemy 348-349,355
Punctuated equilibrium 76-77
- understood Daniel’s messianic prophecy 278,287,
- some accept Jesus as Messiah 315
- curse imposed by 30,273,315-316
- altered duration of history 378-379,505-513
Ramsay, Sir William 292-293,440
Red Sea crossing 131-135,153-154
Reptiles, see Serpent
Rescue plan for mankind 18,23-25,255-262 (See also, Salvation.)
Resurrection of Yeshua 432,448-502
- in prophecy 178-180
- center of sun worship 28,518-519
- corrupted manuscripts in 28,521-522
Temple, Second
- Messiah “will come to” 270
- ribbon remained red 309
Temples, First and Second
- destroyed same date 386-387
Thermodynamics, laws of 93
Tiberius’ reign 295-297
Tyre 154-161
- this Coming One known to all nations 333
- his name in Jewish prayer book 325-326
- his name in Old Testament (surface) 319-326
- his name in Old Testament (coded) 328-333
- his name known to Celts 334-336
- his name on star maps 337-356
- his name encoded in sevens 332
- name transliterated into English 324-325
- predicted time of his coming 270-312
- fulfilled ancient prophecies 270-312
- contemporary historical testimony 298,439-440,459-460
- Jewish testimony to his existence 380-383
- virgin birth of 341-342
- his words and life 359-370
- hatred toward 312,380-381
- rabbinic statements concerning him 308,380-383
- why rejected 371-389
- his crucifixion 390-419
- his death a self-sacrifice 390,400
- cause of his death 402-403
- his one sacrifice adequate for all 388
- his resurrection 402,448-502
- to come twice 305,325-327,559
- second coming 515,561,611
- salvation through him alone 323,388,588-589,594,600-601
- his name halts demonic attacks 31,248-249,475,587-594,
- provides life-changing power 577-586
Zodiac 337-356
(books by Jonathan Gray)