Crain Accesories
Crain Accesories
Crain Accesories
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In 1950 Hermann Pfeifer, aged 22, took over the small rope business. His
wealth of ideas, vision and openness enabled Hermann Pfeifer to succeed in
turning what used to be a small business into a globally active industrial enter-
prise with over 650 employees.
With Gerhard Pfeifer, the twelfth generation of the family leads the PFEIFER
group of companies with outstanding performance in the fields of ropes,
lifting and construction equipment.
In the field of building technology, the PFEIFER Thread System product range
is the best example of the company’s user-oriented innovation. High quality
and competent technical advice have made PFEIFER into a reliable partner in
the field of construction.
Through the partnership with JORDAHL and H-BAU in the J&P Sales
Company, PFEIFER customers now have one of the largest selections of
technical components for the building industry. The joint sales team that offers
superb coverage and subsidiaries with warehouses provide you with intensive,
professional service. This is reinforced by our direct application advice in the
development and service centres.
Thread System
General Installation Instruction for PFEIFER Thread System page 4-9
General Instructions for Installation
On this page you will find general advice for all
of the PFEIFER Thread System items of the PFEIFER Thread Systems. The ins-
tallation instructions for the particular items and
identifying data of the individual product data
pages in this catalogue should be observed. The
conditions of stress and the appropriate choice
of the correct anchor are described in the “Gene-
ral Technical Introduction to the PFEIFER Lifting
Anchor Systems.”
Figure 1 Figure 2
4 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Figure 3 – Possible Combinations of
PFEIFER Accessories
for PFEIFER Thread System
Fixing Bolt
Data Clip
Lifting Anchor
steel small
Button Head
Fixing Bolt
Data Clip
Lifting Anchor
[more information on pages S. 59 – 60]
Button Head
Fixing Bolt Recess Disc
Data Clip
Lifting Anchor
Fixing Screw Cap
Data Clip
Lifting Anchor
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 5
Every possible combination is illustrated in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 also shows the 4.2. Parallel Shear Pull and Transversal Pull
necessary lifting device as well as the External Caps available.
The PFEIFER Thread System offers the user the possibility of tilting horizon-
The lifting anchors in the PFEIFER Thread System are fixed to the formwork – tally cast, thin walled concrete panels. In this case a stress component occurs
as shown in Fig. 3. Should the form not be used frequently, the Lifting anchor perpendicular to the axis of the lifting anchor – jutting out from the plane of
of the Thread System can be fixed to the form with hexagon bolts which go
right through the form. The danger here is that on using the formwork at a Figure 7 Transversal pull
later time concrete slurry bleeds from the unsealed hole.
When multiple reuseage of the formwork is desired, it is advisable to fix the
lifting anchor with the Fixing Bolt and Fixing Screw.
On using the Fixing Bolt the right angle is assured when assembling. In addi-
tion the drilling in the formwork which is necessary to secure the PFEIFER
Fixing Bolt with the PFEIFER Fixing Screw is far smaller than without these.
Example for the necessary boring with anchor size Rd 52:
Transversal pull Plane of the precast
Ø 53 mm Ø 17 mm
while tilting up concrete unit
for hexagon bolts for PFEIFER Fixing Bolts
a lying panel Anchor axis
(Fig. 4) and Fixing Screws (Fig. 5)
the panel. This stress is called transversal pull. When setting up concrete
Figure 4 Figure 5
panels, transversal pull of below 90° occurs (Fig. 7). This necessitates a
transversal pull reinforcement according to our installation instructions.
Another kind of stress occurs through a vertical setting up of an upright pre-
cast concrete panel with slings. Here, too, a component perpendicular to the
axis of the anchor occurs – but this time in the plane of the concrete unit. The
resulting force which influences the anchor occurs below an angle of application
force β slanting to the axis of the anchor – which is why this stress is called
Figure 8
When lifting anchors are to be installed in the open upper side of a precast
element, a plank should be fixed to the top of the form. Only in this way it is
possible to secure a correct position. “Floating installation” or “planting” wit-
hout fixing is not advisable but sometimes practical. Force components
On steel forms the Lifting Anchor can be secured with the Magnetic Fixing.
r pu
The magnet is strong enough to prevent loosening of the lifting anchor
through vibration. Nevertheless, we recommend in addition to this fixing of Plane of the
lel s
the lifting anchor on to the reinforcement. See also product data page for precast concrete
Magnetic Fixing. Para
Figure 9
Concentrated Controlled
load transfer load transfer
Tilting table
6 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Up to an angle of inclination γ or β of 45°, the PFEIFER Lifting Loop – which For this reason the lifting anchors of the PFEIFER Thread System are so con-
has been tested by a material testing institution – is a low-priced lifting device ceived, that under transversal pull they hold half the load capacity compared
for lifting anchors in the PFEIFER Thread System. The safe utilisation when lif- to lifting from a vertical position.
ting with a two-legged sling under parallel shear pull or by the final lifting of a Should parallel shear pull also occur when setting up horizontally cast panels,
concrete panel on a tilting table at an angle of inclination < 45° is guaranteed this need not be especially considered, when the lifting anchors used can lift
(Fig. 10). the panel vertically (Fig. 11). The inserted transversal pull reinforcement also
covers the additional parallel shear pull.
Figure 10 (Explanation: Even when setting up, the parallel shear pull forces increases
PFEIFER Swivel Eye in the same way as with vertical setting up, but stress and load capacity are
only half as much (Fig. 11).
Figure 11
Plane perpen-
dicular to the
precast concrete
The advantage is obvious: transport and assembly of castings is particu-
larly economical. The precast concrete unit is always ready for lifting. The
adm. FQ =
Lifting Loops are always upright and the crane hook can be hooked in at
1/2 adm. FZ
any time.
In order to be sure that the lifting loop is returned to the casting yard, it has
proved to be of advantage to charge the assembly firms or the building owner
for the lifting loops when the precast unit is delivered, and to reimburse them
when the lifting loops are returned.
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 7
4.5 Protection against corrosion
Figure 15
As a standard production the sockets are furnished with a metal coating
(galvanised, chromed, gold coloured) as a temporary protection. This
protection prevents rusting during storage of the lifting anchors in the
casting yard and during the process of lifting, transport and assembly
of the concrete units.
A recessed installation with Recess Disc – these recesses are closed with
cement or artificial mortar afterwards – results in an additional protection Front:
against corrosion in the building component. Maximum working
Should the anchor have to remain in the concrete units, which are to load
be part of damp rooms or will be subjected to outdoor weather, we then Type and year of
recommend the use of stainless steel sockets. The transversal pull rein- manufacturing
forcement or the parallel shear pull reinforcement should be made of
stainless steel reinforcement bars. In the case of falling short of the con-
crete covering according to DIN 1045 for particularly thin concrete building
components, we recommend stainless reinforcement steel. Back:
5. Identification of the PFEIFER Thread System PFEIFER
All components of the PFEIFER Thread System are clearly marked according
to the regulations of the “Safety Regulations” of the liability insurance. The
marking is in script and colour. Each of the ten thread sizes of different load
capacity of the PFEIFER Thread System has its own colour. The colour code
is shown on the next page. In this way lifting anchors, lifting devices and
accessories are clearly defined and always without danger of confusion.
The lifting anchors of the PFEIFER Thread System are roll-embossed
on the exterior of the threaded socket and have a Data Clip (optional)
Figure 16
attached with type of anchor (thread size) and manufacturer according to the
demands of the Safety Regulations (Fig.13). The and coloured Data Clip Integrated
on the Thread Socket can be clearly read after being cast in concrete screwdriver
(Fig. 14).
The lifting devices also have an appropriate marking in the form of an identifi-
cation tag or imprint, which clearly facilitates the selection of the correct lifting Manufacturer
anchor size (Fig. 15 and Fig. 16). The colour code is also observed. PFEIFER
Year of manu-
Figure 13 facturing
Size Maximum
= Type working load
Maximum working
Thread size
= Type Internal cap with
The following page “Safety with Colour” shows the colour code in the
PFEIFER Thread System.
All lifting devices are marked as follows:
– manufacturer (PFEIFER)
– type (Rd 16)
– maximum working load (1.2 t)
– year of construction (2004)
Figure 14
Flushed installation Recessed installation
Maximum working
Type, Size
8 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER has the unique colour code for your safety
Size Rd 30 green
Maximum working load 4 t RAL 6001
Size Rd 42 silver-grey
Maximum working load 8 t RAL 7001
Size RD 52 yellow
Maximum working load 12.5 t RAL 1016
Lifting device
PFEIFER Swivel Eye
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 9
PFEIFER Lifting Anchors:
Th e o r i g in al for th in
p r ec as t panels!
The PFEIFER Lifting System becomes the market leader due to the high safety and the eco-
nomic solutions. PFEIFER Lifting Systems are designed for all kind of precast units especially
for very thin precast concrete elements.
An extensive product range for all lifting requirements.
Substantial contributions
to your Success!
• 40 years of experience in engi-
neering, production and service
guarantee a maximum of safety.
• Secure force transmission into
very thin precast panels.
• Maximum working loads from
500 up to 20.000 kg.
• Large product range for all kinds
of applications.
• Special anchors for specific appli-
cations are manufactured accor-
ding to the individual customer
Thread System
Lifting Anchors
Lifting Anchors
and transport of columns, beams, wall panels and
other precast units
The Original Wave
• The wave underlines PFEIFER’s leading technical position
• Optimised force transmission into thin precast panels
• Correct length of the rebar in combination with a discreet socket handle the
panel with care
• Controlled force transmission at the whole length of the anchor without any
tension or force peaks
• Maximum safety against pull-out
• Special designed wave shape for maximum force transmission without sur-
face cracks
• Highest reserves with the load capacity enable a General German Technical
Approval for the PFEIFER Waved Anchor DB 682.
PFEIFER Waved Anchor – long
Item-No. 05.017
Pfeifer Waved Anchors have been
approved by the German Institut
for Civil Engineering in Berlin “Deut-
sches Institut für Bautechnik, Berlin” Thread System
to carry permanent loads by appro- Lifting Anchors
val no. Z-21.4-682.
Please see the related data sheet
for “Waved Anchor DB 682” in
PFEIFER Waved Anchors long are
our brochure Fixing Systems.
manufactured completely with ancho-
rage reinforcement for installation into
precast concrete units of all sizes.
The long waved anchor is ideal for
Lifting Anchors
installation into thin panels. The wave
of the anchor guarantees a safe trans-
mission of forces into the concrete.
Sockets high grade precision
steel tube, zinc-plated
or stainless steel swaged to
waved bar BSt 500 S black
Ref. No. Ref. No. MWL adm. FZ adm. FQ Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
zinc-plated stainless steel t kN kN Rd D b dS e h Pieces kg/Packing Unit
05.017.123 05.017.124 0,5 5 2,5 Rd 12 x 1,75 15 15 8 22 137 200 15,00
05.017.143 05.017.144 0,8 8 4 Rd 14 x 2,0 18 20 10 25 170 100 14,00
05.017.163 05.017.164 1,2 12 6 Rd 16 x 2,0 21 21 12 27 216 100 24,80
05.017.183 05.017.184 1,6 16 8 Rd 18 x 2,5 24 25 14 34 235 50 19,50
05.017.203 05.017.204 2,0 20 10 Rd 20 x 2,5 27,2 25 16 35 257 50 26,50
05.017.243 05.017.244 2,5 25 12,5 Rd 24 x 3,0 31 30 16 43 360 25 18,30
05.017.303 05.017.304 4,0 40 20 Rd 30 x 3,5 39,5 40 20 56 450 1 1,45
05.017.363 05.017.364 6,3 63 31,5 Rd 36 x 4,0 47 50 25 67 570 1 2,80
05.017.423 05.017.424 8,0 80 40 Rd 42 x 4,5 54 50 28 80 620 1 3,90
05.017.523 05.017.524 12,5 125 62,5 Rd 52 x 5,0 67 70 32 97 880 1 7,65
05.017.563 15,0* 150 – Rd 56 x 5,5 70 80 36 80 1200 1 11,00
05.017.603 20,0** 200 – Rd 60 x 5,5 76 80 40 85 1410 1 15,00
(Note: 10 kN = 10 Kilonewton = mass of 1 ton or 1.000 kg) * orange colour coding inside the socket
adm. FZ: admissible straight force ** red coulour coding inside the socket
adm. FQ: admissible transversal shear force
MWL: Maximum working load
Sample order: 1000 Waved Anchors, long, zinc-plated, MWL 0,8 t
1000 Waved Anchors, ref. no. 05.017.143
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 13
Installation Instructions of The following instructions pertain just to the above
PFEIFER Waved Anchors – long article and are important. The additional General
Installation Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System and the General Technical Introduction
concerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor System
must also be observed.
The PFEIFER Waved Anchor is a component of the
PFEIFER Thread System which has been tested
and is in accordance with the “Safety Regulations
for Lifting Anchors and Systems for Prefabricated
Concrete Parts”.
force or Stainless steel
Figure 3
14 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
4. Transversal force reinforcement The transversal pull reinforcement is attached to the anchor by the Data Clip
so that there is close contact to the socket of the Waved Anchor.
PFEIFER Waved Anchors are made so that they can fit into the face of very
thin concrete panels. They can be used when lifting concrete panels from the 5. Maximum working load of the anchor at transversal pull,
horizontal in order to lift these in a vertical position. Only half the panel load is
parallel shear pull and combination of both.
involved when lifting as compared to that of vertical transport.
By simultaneous transversal and parallel shear pulls, for instance when erec-
ting panels (Fig. 8), it is necessary to install only the transversal reinforcement
as this also takes care of the parallel shear pull.
Figure 5
The transversal pull reinforcement is not necessary at an angle of inclination γ
< 15°. This occurs, for instance, when lifting from a tilting table which is not
Figure 7
Lifting Anchors
During lifting, transversal pull (perpendicular to the surface of the panel) Tilting table
occurs at an angle of inclination of γ = 90°. The transversal force results in
transversal pull reinforcement (a specially bent rebar with cross bar, giving
lateral support) which have to be added to the concrete panel (Fig. 5). The
transversal pull reinforcement is then fixed with the Data Clip (see Fig. 6 and quite vertical (see Fig. 7). Should an additional parallel shear pull (two-legged
Table 4). sling set) be encountered, it would be necessary to install the usual parallel
shear reinforcement.
Table 4 – Transversal pull reinforcement
Where transversal forces are concerned, the lifting anchors have half the load
Size dS1 L h H dBr α B dS2 capacity as the straight pull:
mm mm mm mm mm angle mm mm
adm. FQ = 0,5 · adm. FZ
Rd 12 6 270 23 35 24 15 280 8
Rd 14 6 350 30 42 24 15 350 12 There are no anchor capacity limitations necessary as only half the weight
Rd 16 8 420 33 49 32 15 400 12 must be lifted when lifting precast concrete units. If the lifting anchors have
been dimensioned in order to lift the panel vertically, then they can also be
Rd 18 8 460 39 55 32 15 450 12
used to tilt it. This is the same with or without parallel shear pull (Fig. 8).
Rd 20 10 490 44 64 40 15 490 14
It must be observed that with parallel shear pull with increasing angle of inc-
Rd 24 12 520 51 75 48 15 550 14
lination β, – although the weight of the precast concrete element remains the
Rd 30 12 570 68 92 48 15 580 16 same – the force affecting the anchor increases. See in this connection point
Rd 36 14 690 90 118 56 15 700 16 4.2 of the “General Installation Directions” concerning the PFEIFER Thread
Rd 42 16 830 111 143 64 15 850 20 System.
Rd 52 20 930 134 174 140 15 1000 20
Figure 6 Figure 8
panel plane
can be
replaced, plane perpendi-
if existing cular
reinforcement to the precast
is equivalent panel plane
adm. FQ =
1/2 adm. FZ
BSt 500 S
stainless steel reinforcement bar
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 15
PFEIFER Lifting Anchors:
• The original as standard for quality and a maximum of safety.
PFEIFER Waved Anchor – short
Item-No. 05.018
Lifting Anchors
The wave of the anchor guarantees a
safe transmission of forces into the
Sockets high grade precision
steel tube, zinc-plated
or stainless steel
swaged to waved
bar BSt 500 S black
Ref. No. Ref. No. MWL adm. FZ Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
zinc-plated stainless steel t kN Rd D b dS e h Pieces kg/Packing Unit
05.018.123 05.018.124 0,5 5 Rd 12 x 1,75 15 15 8 22 108 200 13
05.018.143 05.018.144 0,8 8 Rd 14 x 2,0 18 20 10 25 130 100 12
05.018.163 05.018.164 1,2 12 Rd 16 x 2,0 21 21 12 27 172 100 20,5
05.018.183 05.018.184 1,6 16 Rd 18 x 2,5 24 25 14 34 175 50 14,5
05.018.203 05.018.204 2,0 20 Rd 20 x 2,5 27,2 25 16 35 192 50 20
05.018.243 05.018.244 2,5 25 Rd 24 x 3,0 31 30 16 43 250 25 15
05.018.303 05.018.304 4,0 40 Rd 30 x 3,5 39,5 40 20 56 300 1 1,1
05.018.363 05.018.364 6,3 63 Rd 36 x 4,0 47 50 25 67 382 1 2,1
05.018.423 05.018.424 8,0 80 Rd 42 x 4,5 54 50 28 80 450 1 3,0
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 17
Installation Instructions for The following instructions pertain just to the above
PFEIFER Waved Anchor – short article. Additional General Instructions for the
PFEIFER Thread System as well as the “General
Technical Introduction concerning the PFEIFER Lif-
ting Anchor Systems” must also be observed.
The PFEIFER Waved Anchor is a component of the
PFEIFER Thread System which has been tested
and is in accordance with the “Safety Regulations
for Lifting Anchors and Systems for Prefabricated
Concrete Parts”.
the maximum angle of inclination (Section 3) is not exceeded. The swaged on (Fig. 2) must be adopted by the pre-
waved rebar itself then transmits the local forces into the concrete. The user is cast unit. Therefore, at an angle of
then responsible for transmitting the forces within the precast concrete unit. inclination β > 12,5° it is necessary
to employ a rebar (shear force rein-
Table 1 – Surface reinforcement Data Clip Horizontal forcement) in the opposite direction of
force the horizontal component of the force
Size Surface* Size Surface*
on the anchor (see Table 3).
reinforcement [mm2/m] reinforcement [mm2/m]
This reinforcement must be fixed to
Rd 12 ≥ 131 Rd 24 ≥ 188 the Waved Anchor with the Data Clip;
Rd 14 ≥ 131 Rd 30 ≥ 188 close contact is imperative.
Rd 16 ≥ 131 Rd 36 ≥ 188
Rd 18 ≥ 188 Rd 42 ≥ 188
Rd 20 ≥ 188 Figure 4
* The required amount of reinforcement has to be installed in both directions.
Figure 1
The minimum panel thickness was determined by taking the concrete cover to d
20 mm to section. For other uses and environmental conditions, the concrete
cover c corresponding to section 6.3 of DIN 1045-1 must be increased so
enlarging the panel thickness (Fig. 2.). When making a recessed installation
with the PFEIFER Recess Disc or the Magnetic Fixing, the minimum panel cnom
thickness must be increased by the depth of the recess.
18 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Item-No. 05.000
Thread System
Lifting Anchors
Lifting Anchors
etc. For transmission of the forces to
the concrete a bent reinforcement bar
has to be inserted through the cross
Sockets high grade precision
steel tube or
stainless steel plastic caps inside
colour coded
Ref. No. Ref. No. MWL adm. FZ adm. FQ Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
zinc-plated stainless steel t kN kN Rd D a e h Pieces kg/Packing Unit
05.000.123 05.000.124 0,5 5 2,5 Rd 12 x 1,75 15 8 22 40 100 6
05.000.143 05.000.144 0,8 8 4 Rd 14 x 2,0 18 10,5 25 47 100 4
05.000.163 05.000.164 1,2 12 6 Rd 16 x 2,0 21 13 27 54 100 6
05.000.183 05.000.184 1,6 16 8 Rd 18 x 2,5 24 13 34 65 100 10,5
05.000.203 05.000.204 2,0 20 10 Rd 20 x 2,5 27,2 15,5 35 69 100 14,5
05.000.243 05.000.244 2,5 25 12,5 Rd 24 x 3,0 31 18 43 78 100 19,0
05.000.303 05.000.304 4,0 40 20 Rd 30 x 3,5 39,5 22,5 56 103 50 21
05.000.363 05.000.364 6,3 63 31,5 Rd 36 x 4,0 47 27,5 67 125 25 18
05.000.423 05.000.424 8,0 80 40 Rd 42 x 4,5 54 32 80 145 20 21
05.000.523 05.000.524 12,5 125 62,5 Rd 52 x 5,0 67,2 40 97 195 10 23,5
(Note: 10 kN = 10 Kilonewton = mass of 1 ton or 1.000 kg)
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 19
Installation Instructions for
On this page there are only article specific inst-
PFEIFER Sockets ructions. The General Installation Instructions for
the PFEIFER Lifting Anchors should be observed.
The PFEIFER Socket is a component of the Thread
System, has been tested and is according to the
“Safety Regulations for Lifting Anchors and Sys-
tems of Precast Concrete Parts”.
1. Reinforcement Fixing Bolt must be completely screwed in. Only when the reinforcement bar is
In order to distribute the forces into the concrete, a bent reinforcement bar of tightly pressed are the Sockets and bars tied positively and compounded right
BSt 500 S must be inserted through the cross hole of PFEIFER Sockets. The from the beginning. Should this not be the case (Fig. 2), the first stress could
reinforcement bar can be spread (Fig. 3) or have parallel sides (Fig. 4). damage the reinforcement bar and the concrete around the socket.
See Table 1. It is imperative that the reinforcement bar is gripped firmly in the
cross hole by means of the plastic cap (Fig. 1). This means that the PFEIFER
Plastic Plastic
Cap Cap
spread parallel
Size adm. FZ adm. FQ dS dBr LS Cutting Length LS Cutting Length
kN kN mm mm mm mm mm mm
Rd 12 5 2,5 6 24 220 450 190 400
Rd 14 8 4 8 32 260 530 230 480
Rd 16 12 6 10 40 310 630 280 590
Rd 18 16 8 10 40 420 850 360 750
Rd 20 20 10 12 48 430 870 380 790
Rd 24 25 12,5 14 56 470 950 410 860
Rd 30 40 20 16 64 650 1320 570 1180
Rd 36 63 31,5 20 140 820 1670 720 1520
Rd 42 80 40 25 175 840 1710 730 1560
Rd 52 125 62,5 28 196 1190 2420 1020 2140
force must be absorbed by the panel. There- load compared to vertical lifting is to be expected, as the concrete panel
fore as from a parallel shear pull angle is still inclined to one side and rests with half its weight on the formwork.
β of more than 12,5°, a parallel shear
Horizontal pull reinforcement according to Table
Data Clip Figure 9
4 is necessary, running in the opposite
force direction to the angle of the forces to
the socket (Fig. 8).
The parallel shear pull reinforcement
must be fixed to the socket with the
Data Clip. Close contact is important!
Figure 7
Lifting Anchors
During lifting, transversal pull occurs (at right angles to the surface of the
panel) at an angle of inclination γ = 90°.
The transversal force component must be introduced into the concrete panel
with a special transversal force reinforcement (Fig 9). The transversal force
reinforcement must be fixed with the Data Clip. This special transversal pull
reinforcement is shown in Fig.10 and in Table 5.
can be
if existing
is equivalent
BSt 500 S
or stainless steel
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 21
5. Admissible anchor force with transversal pull, parallel Because only half the weight has to be lifted when erecting from the horizon-
shear pull and combined stress tal plane, this is not a reduction of the safe working load. When the lifting
anchors are dimensioned to lift the precast units vertically, the panel can also
By simultaneous parallel and shear force, e.g. when tilting panels (without be erected. This is the case, with and without parallel shear pull (Fig. 12).
tilting table) (Fig. 12), only the transversal reinforcement must be used as this
It must be taken into account that with parallel shear pull with a rising angle of
also controls the parallel shear pull.
inclination β, the active forces on the anchor increase in spite of the precast
The transversal reinforcement can be omitted up to an angle of inclination concrete weight remaining constant. See point 4.2 of the “General Installation
γ = 15°. This occurs for example when lifting from a tilting table which is not Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread System.”
completely vertical (Fig. 11). Should additional parallel shear pull (two-legged
sling) occur then the usual parallel shear reinforcement should be installed.
Figure 12
Figure 11
Precast unit
to the precast
unit plane
Tilting adm. FQ =
table 1/2 adm. FZ
With parallel shear pull in the plane of the precast concrete panel, the same
force adm Fz is allowed for all angles of application forces β (β< 45°); the
safe working load is the same in all parallel shear pull directions (Fig. 12).
With transversal stress the lifting anchors have half the load capacity of
straight pull:
22 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Bar Anchor
Item-No. 05.019
Thread System
Lifting Anchors
Lifting Anchors
concrete panels. Anchorage in the
concrete is guaranteed by the bond
between the ribbed reinforcement bar
and the concrete.
Sockets high grade precision
steel tube, zinc-plated
or stainless steel swaged to bar
BST 500 S black
Ref. No. Ref. No. MWL adm. FZ adm. FQ Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
zinc-plated stainless steel Load t kN kN Rd D dS e h Pieces kg/Packing Unit
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 23
Installation Instructions for The following instructions pertain just to the above
PFEIFER Bar Anchor article and are important, but the additional Gene-
ral Installation Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System and the General Technical Introduction
concerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor Systems
must also be observed.
The PFEIFER Bar Anchor belongs to the PFEIFER
Thread System which has been tested and is in
accordance with the “Safety Regulations for Lifting
Anchors and Systems for Precast Concrete Parts”.
must be taken by the concrete. This
force and transversal stress, see section 3, 4 and 5.) The swaged on rebars Straight
themselves transfer the forces into the concrete. Care is to be taken if there force means that as from a parallel shear
is the possibility of cracks in the total tension zone. In this case a Waved pull angle β of more than 12,5° a
parallel shear pull reinforcement
Anchor would be more suitable. The user is responsible for the transmission
of forces within the precast concrete panel itself. Data Clip Horizontal (according to Table 3) which runs in
the opposite direction of the forces, at
Table 1 – Surface reinforcement force right angles to the Bar Anchor, must
be used (Fig. 4). This reinforcement is
Size Surface* Size Surface* then fixed to the Bolt Anchor with the
reinforcement [mm2/m] reinforcement [mm2/m] Data Clip. Close contact is important!
Rd 12 131 Rd 24 188
Rd 14 131 Rd 30 188 Figure 3
Rd 16 131 Rd 36 188
Rd 18 188 Rd 42 188
Rd 20 188 Rd 50 188
* The required amount of reinforcement has to be installed in both directions.
24 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
4. Transversal pull reinforcement The apex of the transversal pull reinforcement which is held by the Data Clip
must have close contact with the Socket. This is most important!
The PFEIFER Bar Anchors are made so that they can be installed in the head
end side of thin concrete panels. They can be used to lift the horizontal pre- 5. Admissible anchor force with transversal pull,
cast unit from a horizontal position into a vertical position (tilting) and there-
parallel shear pull and combined stress
after for transporting in an upright position. When tilting there is only half the
load which occurs at vertical transport. With simultaneous parallel and transversal pulls, for instance when tilting
panels (Fig. 8), only the transversal reinforcement must be installed which
Figure 5 also controls the parallel shear pull.
Figure 7
Lifting Anchors
During tilting transversal pull occurs below an angle of inclination γ = 90°.
The transversal pull component with transversal pull reinforcement, a special
reinforcement with cross bar, must be added into the concrete unit (Fig. 5).
The transversal reinforcement should be fixed with the data clip. In Fig. 6 and Up to an angle of inclination γ =15° the transversal reinforcement is not
Table 4 the transversal reinforcement with cross bar – is shown. necessary. This happens, for instance, when lifting from a tilting table which
is not completely vertical (Fig. 7). Should additional parallel shear pull (two-
Table 4 – Transversal reinforcement legged sling set) occur then the usual parallel shear reinforcement must be
Size dS1 L h H dBr α B dS2 With only parallel shear pull in the surface plane of the precast concrete unit
mm mm mm mm mm angle mm mm the same force adm. Fz is admissible for all directions of inclination β
Rd 12 6 270 23 35 24 15 280 8 (β ≤ 45°) the maximum working load is the same in all directions of shear pull
Rd 14 6 350 30 42 24 15 350 12 (Fig. 8). With transversal forces the lifting anchors have half the safe working
Rd 16 8 420 33 49 32 15 400 12 load compared to straight pull:
Rd 18 8 460 39 55 32 15 450 12 adm. FQ = 0,5 · adm. FZ
Rd 20 10 490 44 64 40 15 490 14
Rd 24 12 520 51 75 48 15 550 14 Because only half the weight of precast units have to be lifted, this is not a
Rd 30 12 570 68 92 48 15 580 16 reduction of anchor capacity. If the lifting anchors are dimensioned to lift the
Rd 36 14 690 90 118 56 15 700 16 precast unit vertically, then it is possible to erect the panel. This is possible
Rd 42 16 830 111 143 64 15 850 20 with and without parallel shear pull (Fig. 8).
Rd 52 20 930 134 174 140 15 1000 20 It must be observed that parallel shear pull with an increasing angle of incli-
nation β – the active forces on the anchor increase in spite of the precast
concrete weight remaining the same. See point 4.2 of the “General Installation
Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread System.”
Figure 6 Figure 8
Precast unit
can be
replaced, plane
if existing perpendicular
reinforcement to the
is equivalent precast
unit plane
adm. FQ =
1/2 adm. FZ
BSt 500 S
or stainless steel
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 25
PFEIFER Round Thread
• Exceptionally robust thread even no chance for hammer blows
• Not sensitive against dirt enables safe usage of dragged sockets
• Metric round thread allows easy combination with any metric ISO thread
• High load capacities up to 20 ton
PFEIFER Flat steel Anchor
Item-No. 05.002
Thread System
Lifting Anchors
Lifting Anchors
reinforcement bars directly on the flat
steel. Thus a safe transmission of
forces into the concrete via the rein-
forcement is guaranteed.
Upon request PFEIFER Flat Steel
anchors can be supplied with longer
Socket high grade precision
steel tube, welded onto flat steel
black or zinc-plated
Ref. No. Ref. No. Ref. No. MWL adm. FZ adm. FQ Dimensions mm Weight approx.
plain zinc-plated stainless steel t kN kN Rd D a x b x t e h kg/100 pieces
05.002.122 05.002.123 05.002.124 0,5 5 5 Rd 12 x 1,75 15,0 35 x 25 x 3 22 30 4,0
05.002.142 05.002.143 05.002.144 0,8 8 8 Rd 14 x 2,00 18,0 35 x 35 x 3 25 33 6,0
05.002.162 05.002.163 05.002.164 1,2 12 12 Rd 16 x 2,00 21,0 50 x 35 x 3 27 35 9,0
05.002.182 05.002.183 05.002.184 1,6 16 16 Rd 18 x 2,50 24,0 60 x 45 x 5 34 44 18,5
05.002.202 05.002.203 05.002.204 2,0 20 20 Rd 20 x 2,50 27,0 60 x 60 x 5 35 47 24,5
05.002.242 05.002.243 05.002.244 2,5 25 25 Rd 24 x 3,00 31,0 80 x 60 x 5 43 54 33,0
05.002.302 05.002.303 05.002.304 4,0 40 40 Rd 30 x 3,50 39,5 100 x 80 x 6 56 72 67,0
05.002.362 05.002.363 05.002.364 6,3 63 63 Rd 36 x 4,00 47,0 130 x 100 x 6 67 84 107,0
05.002.422 05.002.423 05.002.424 8,0 80 80 Rd 42 x 4,50 54,0 130 x 130 x 8 80 98 174,0
05.002.522 05.002.523 05.002.524 12,5 125 125 Rd 52 x 5,00 67,2 150 x 130 x 8 97 117 254,0
Sample order: 500 PFEIFER Flat Steel Anchors, zinc-plated, MWL 6,3 t
500 PFEIFER Flat Steel Anchors, ref. no. 05.002.363
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 27
Installation Instructions
The following instructions pertain just to the
for PFEIFER Flat Steel Anchor above article and are important, but the additional
General Installation Instructions for the
PFEIFER Thread System and the General Technical
Introduction concerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor
Systems must also be observed.
28 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
3. Parallel pull reinforcement 4. Transversal force
Figure 5
If Flat Steel Anchors are stressed When the Flat Steel Anchor is stressed by transversal pull, the ensuing
through inclined forces – see Fig. 5 Straight forces must be transmitted into the panel with a suitable reinforcement. This
and 6 – the ensuing horizontal force force demands the positioning of the parallel shear reinforcement (Table 4) and the
components must be taken by the special reinforcement (Table 2) according to Fig. 8.
concrete itself. Therefore as from a
The special reinforcement (Table 2) must be positioned in the direction of the
parallel shear pull angle β of more Data Clip Horizontal forces when using sizes Rd 12 to Rd 20. For sizes R 24 to Rd 52 a special
than 12,5°, a parallel shear pull rein- force reinforcement (Table 2) inserted cross wise is absolutely necessary to trans-
forcement is necessary, running at mit the full load.
right angles to the Flat Steel Anchor,
Other conditions are the same as when installing with straight pull.
according to Table 4 (see Fig. 7). This
parallel shear reinforcement is fixed
to the Flat Steel Anchor with the Data
Clip (Fig. 5). Close contact is important! The parallel shear pull reinforcement
must be installed in the opposite direction to the horizontal force components.
Lifting Anchors
Figure 6 Figure 8
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 29
PFEIFER Engineering Services
• Installation proposals even for the most difficult situations
• Anchoring under boundary conditions, not covered by the regular installati-
on instructions
• Technical consulting you can rely on in every situation
• Our comprehensive knowledge base contains solutions based on the results
of continuous R&D work and regular tests
• Always providing the most economical solution for precast construction
PFEIFER bolt anchor
Item-No. 05.016
Thread System
Lifting Anchors
Lifting Anchors
PFEIFER Waved Anchor, short and the
PFEIFER Flat Steel Anchor. The forces
are concentratet at the bolt head and
transferred deeply into the concrete.
Sockets high grade precision
steel tube, zinc-plated
or stainless steel,
steel bolt, black
Ref. No. Ref. No. MWL adm. FZ Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
zinc-plated stainless steel t kN Rd D b d e h Pieces kg/Packing Unit
05.016.123 05.016.124 0,5 5 Rd 12 x 1,75 15 13 8 22 70 200 4,8
05.016.143 05.016.144 0,8 8 Rd 14 x 2,0 18 17 10 25 70 100 4,2
05.016.163 05.016.164 1,2 12 Rd 16 x 2,0 21 19 12 27 80 100 7,0
05.016.183 05.016.184 1,6 16 Rd 18 x 2,5 24 22 14 34 100 50 5,7
05.016.203 05.016.204 2,0 20 Rd 20 x 2,5 27,2 24 16 35 127 50 8,0
05.016.243 05.016.244 2,5 25 Rd 24 x 3,0 31 30 20 43 140 50 10,6
05.016.303 05.016.304 4,0 40 Rd 30 x 3,5 39,5 30 20 56 170 1 7,2
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 31
Installation Instructions for The following instructions pertain just to the above
PFEIFER Bolt Anchor article and are important, the additional General
Installation Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System and the General Technical Introduction con-
cerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor Systems must
also be observed.
The PFEIFER Bolt Anchor is a component of the
PFEIFER Thread System which has been tested and
is in accordance with the “Safety Regulations for
Lifting Anchors and Systems for Precast Concrete
maximum angle of inclination (see 3.) is not exceeded. The swaged on Straight
must be taken by the concrete. There-
threaded bolt itself takes over the transmission of forces into the concrete. force
fore, as from a parallel shear pull angle
The user is responsible for the transmission of forces in the precast con- β of more than 12,5°, a parallel shear
crete unit itself. reinforcement is necessary, running at
Data Clip Horizontal right angles to the Bolt Anchor according
Table 1 – Surface reinforcement to Table 3 (Fig. 5). This parallel shear
reinforcement must be fixed to the Bolt
Size Surface* Size Surface*
Anchor with the Data Clip (Fig 3). Close
reinforcement [mm2/m] reinforcement [mm2/m]
contact is important! The parallel shear
Rd 12 131 Rd 18 188 reinforcement must be installed in the
Rd 14 131 Rd 20 188 opposite direction to the horizontal com-
Rd 16 131 Rd 24 188 ponent of the shear force.
Rd 30 188
* The required amount of reinforcement has to be installed in both directions. Figure 4
Figure 1
The PFEIFER repair kit system con- We recommend the PFEIFER repair
sists of the PFEIFER injection grout kit only for applications that do not
KM 5 and the PFEIFER bolt anchors require a general approval from the
and/or bar anchors in the sizes Rd16, building inspection authority.
Rd20, and Rd30. This system can
Lifting Anchors
be used for installing forgotten or
damaged transport anchors later. The
anchor is simply glued into a drilled
hole. The element can safely be trans-
ported after the injection grout has
Bushing made from precision steel D D
pipe in special quality, galvanized, or Rd Rd B
from stainless steel 1.4571
Crimped with bolt or rebar steel, black
Steel washer and bolt, galvanized SW
Bonding grout
e e
ds h
Ref. No. Ref. No. Bearing perm. F Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
galvanized stainless steel capacity t kN Rd D e h B SW Pieces kg/Packing Unit
Bolt anchor for installation in ceilings 1,2 12 16 21,0 26 80 28 24 2 bolt anchors/2 bolts with washers* 0,80 2,0 20 20 27,2 35 127 37 30 2 bolt anchors/2 bolts with washers* 1,13
05.011.303.016 05.011.304.016 4,0 40 30 39,5 56 170 56 46 1 bolt anchor/1 bolt with washer* 2,32
Bar anchor for installation in walls 1,2 12 16 21,0 26 120 28 24 2 bar anchors/2 bolts with washers* 0,90 2,0 20 20 27,2 35 180 37 30 2 bar anchors/2 bolts with washers* 1,25
05.011.303.019 05.011.304.019 4,0 40 30 39,5 56 250 56 46 1 bar anchor/1 bolt with washer* 2,45
* incl. sufficient quantity of bonding grout
05.604.017 Cleaning brush, diameter 17 mm Cleaning brush diameter Commercially available guns for silicone cartrid-
05.604.021 Cleaning brush, diameter 21 mm ges can be used. Due to the grout consistency, a rugged version makes
05.604.026 Cleaning brush, diameter 26 mm squeezing easier.
05.604.031 Cleaning brush, diameter 31 mm PFEIFER gun
05.604.046 Cleaning brush, diameter 46 mm for one-time use: Ref. No. 05.601.002
05.605.001 Brush retainer L = 185 mm (essential) in workman quality: Ref. No. 05.601.001
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 33
Installation instructions for Please note:
PFEIFER repair kit Here you can find only part-related information.
In addition you should observe the „General
Installation Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System“ and the „General Technical Introduction
to the PFEIFER Transport Anchor Systems“.
The PFEIFER bolt anchor is a part of the PFEIFER
thread system.
1. Reinforcement F
The PFEIFER repair kit requires a minimum pressure resistance of the con- d
crete of 25 N/mm². The surface reinforcement specified in Table 1 is required
when the repair kit is installed in a ceiling element. Installing the anchors in h0
wall elements requires the minimum reinforcement specified in Table 2. h
Table 1 – Surface reinforcement for ceiling transport hmin
34 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Table 7 – Curing time of the injection grout Table 8 – Lifting volume in scale divisions
Cartridge Open time/ Temperature Curing time1) Ceiling installation Wall installation
temperature pot life in the anchorage Drilled Nominal Lifting Drilled hole Nominal Lifting
(min. + 5º C) ground hole drill volume depth drill volume
– 5° C 360 Min depth diameter in scale ho/h1 diameter in scale
+/–0° C 180 Min ho do divisions do/d1 divisions
+ 5° C 15 Min + 5° C 90 Min
+20° C 6 Min +20° C 35 Min [mm] [mm] [–] [mm] [mm] [–]
+30° C 4 Min +30° C 20 Min RD16 90 25 2 60/130 25/16 3
+40° C 2 Min +40° C 12 Min RD20 140 30 4 75/190 30/20 4
The curing times only apply for a dry anchorage ground. RD30 180 45 10 110/260 45/25 8
The times must be doubled in a humid anchorage ground.
Lifting Anchors
use a hot cartridge. Likewise, this applies to low temperatures. Here,
the cold material takes longer to cure, and the bonding grout can even
be damaged!
8 bar 9. Starting at the bottom of the drilled hole, fill the drilled hole stroke by stroke
upwards with the injection grout KM5
The filling volumes correspond to the specifications in Table 8.
10. Immediately afterwards, manually press in the bolt anchor/bar anchor with a
3. Clean the drilled hole with a steel brush as specified in Table 5 or 6. rotating movement until the washers are in contact with the concrete surface.
Here, you must screw the brushes to the brush retainer. 11. Visual inspection:
Safe clamping is not possible otherwise. Excess grout must emerge at the concrete surface.
With two-stage drilling (3b), you must ensure that both drilling diameters If grout does not emerge, you must pull out the bolt anchor immediately and
are sufficiently cleaned after each brushing. inject more grout.
4. Blow out the drilled hole with compressed air ≥ 8 bars. 12. After the curing time specified in Table 7 has been elapsed, you can put the bolt
anchor under load.
3a 3b 4 min. 2x
min. 2x min. 2x 9 10
8 bar
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 35
Special Thread Anchors available
on demand
PFEIFER Thread Anchors with spe-
cial shape are not available on stock
but produced according to your
specific request. Please consider
delivery times therefore.
Your enquiry is appreciated at any
36 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
We can
use our
of expe-
rience to
give you
in every
– Ask
Simple Product?
Do you know the technological
background to what is seemingly
such a simple product so that
you are on the safe side?
Flexible rope according to
European standards with at least
114 wires or depending on the
diameter at least 200 wires
Consistently good quality even at the Special press clamps made out of steel tubes
production stage due to our own NC with ring collapse and core impact test
controlled special automatic machines
QA protection during manuf-
Particularly sturdy metric acturing by inspection plans
round thread, insensitive with tensile tests etc.
to impact and dirt
For DB 682: Approved management
Reg. No.21.4 – 682 for permanent in our
fixings in the construction industry company.
Fo r y o u, th is S w ivel E y e t ur ns
i n t o all dir ections!
PFEIFER Lifting Devices contribute essentially to the success of the PFEIFER Thread-System.
Besides the million times proofed Swivel Eye, Lifting Loop, Distribution Basin and Special
Lifting Loop with pressure plate complement PFEIFER’s product range. The PFEIFER Colour
Coding guarantees fast assignment to the lifting anchor within the whole supply chain till
safe erection on site!
Substantial contributions
to your Success!
• Fully dovetailed lifting devices
product range from Swivel Eye,
Lifting Loops, Distribution Basins
to Special Lifting Loop with pres-
sure plate
• Lifting Loop tested for shear pull
up to 45° from all directions
• Special Lifting Loop for shear
pull angles up to 90° – perfect for
erection of precast panels
• Fully integrated colour code of all
parts for simple assignment
38 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Thread System
Lifting Devices
Lifting Devices
PFEIFER Lifting Loops, page 41-42
PFEIFER Lifting Loops made from highly flexible
galvanized steel wire rope guarantee extraordinary
flexibility in all directions, long life-span and safe
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 39
PFEIFER Thread System
• Well proven for thin precast concrete elements and wall panels
40 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Lifting Loop
PFEIFER Distribution Basin
Item-No. 05.050
Item-No. 05.056
Thread System
Lifting Devices
PFEIFER Lifting Loops are part of the recommended. It prevents the wire
PFEIFER Thread System and match rope from bending at the edge of the
perfectly to all the thread sockets. The ferrule. Compressive forces on the
reliability of the high-quality steel wire distribution basin are evenly distribut-
rope together with the swaged steel ed throughout the concrete due to the
connection provides high SWL and large support surface.
great flexibility while a long life-span
is guaranteed at the same time. The
Lifting Devices
ferrule of the loop has a durable met-
ric round external thread.
For shear pull exceeding 45° the
use of a Distribution Basin is highly
Material Lifting Loop:
Highly flexible, galvanized steel wire
Threaded end high grade steel, plain
PFEIFER Lifting Loops Ref. No. MWL adm. F Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
t kN Rd e h l Pieces kg/Packing Unit
05.050.123 0,5 5 Rd 12 x 1,75 20 155 27 50 2,75
05.050.143 0,8 8 Rd 14 x 2,00 22 155 32 50 4,00
05.050.163 1,2 12 Rd 16 x 2,00 25 155 36 50 5,75
05.050.183 1,6 16 Rd 18 x 2,50 29 190 40 25 4,50
05.050.203 2,0 20 Rd 20 x 2,50 33 215 45 25 6,38
05.050.243 2,5 25 Rd 24 x 3,00 40 255 54 25 11,00
05.050.303 4,0 40 Rd 30 x 3,50 56 300 68 10 7,30
05.050.363 6,3 63 Rd 36 x 4,00 67 340 81 10 12,80
05.050.423 8,0 80 Rd 42 x 4,50 80 425 95 10 2,14
05.050.523 12,5 125 Rd 52 x 5,00 97 480 117 10 3,62
Sample order: 100 PFEIFER Lifting Loops, MWL 4 t: 100 Lifting Loops ref. no. 05.050.303
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 41
Instructions for use of The following instructions pertain just to the above
PFEIFER Lifting Loops article and are important, the additional General
Installing Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System as the General Technical Introduction con-
cerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor Systems must
also be observed.
The PFEIFER Lifting Loop is component of the
PFEIFER Thread System which has been tested
and is in accordance with the “Safety Regulations
for Lifting Anchors and Systems for Precast Con-
crete Parts”.
1. Use
Figure 1
PFEIFER Lifting Loops are to be used as lifting device for the lifting anchors of
the PFEIFER Thread System. The PFEIFER Lifting Loops must be completely
screwed into the lifting anchor threaded sockets until impact is made. Only
a maximum of one thread rotation may be visible from the lifting anchor. If
necessary, dirty threads in the lifting anchor must be cleaned with the Thread
Cleaner so that the complete screw-in depth is available for use.
3. Discarding time
As with all lifting equipment, PFEIFER Lifting Loops should be inspected at
least once each year by a competent person as to their operational dependa-
bility. Competent persons are those who are specialists with experience and
sufficient knowledge in the field of lifting equipment, regulations for prevention Figure 2
of accidents, recommendations (DIN) and generally recognised rules of tech-
nology, enabling them to make decisions as to the safe working condition of Crane hook
lifting devices.
Discard time for Lifting Loops must be determined according to the rules for
ropes DIN EN 13414.
Lifting Loops should be discarded when the following number of broken wires
are visible:
4 broken wires on a rope length of three times the rope diameter
6 broken wires on a rope length of six times the rope diameter rope
16 broken wires on a rope length of thirty times the rope diameter
Apart from this PFEIFER Lifting Loops should not be used any more when
damaged as follows:
– broken strand
– crushing along the wire rope
– crushing in the support area of the lifting loop with more than four
broken wires
– bends and kinks
– basket deformation
– deformed or damaged threaded ferrule
– heavy wear and tear
– damage due to corrosion 4. Identification
– loosening of the outer strands along the wire rope The PFEIFER Lifting Loop has an identification tag in the PFEIFER identification
Prior to inspection the Lifting Loops should be cleaned with a brush using colour code bearing information which is necessary for the identification of
penetrating oil. the lifting device:
The inspection must also include a control of the connection between rope Manufacturer PFEIFER
and swaged ferrule. Type Rd 24
Maximum working load 2,5 t
PFEIFER Lifting Loops should not come in contact with acids, caustic solu-
Year of manufacture 1992
tions and other aggressive media. PFEIFER Lifting Loops may only be hooked
Factory number The combination of type and year of manufacture
into crane hooks or lifting sling hooks, when their deflection radius corres-
counts as factory number (Rd24/92)
ponds at least with that of the rope diameter of the Lifting Loop. Sharp edged
hooks or hooks with too small a diameter lead to an early discard. (Fig. 2).
42 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Swivel Eye
Item-No. 05.051
Item-No. 05.052
Thread System
Lifting Devices
With the PFEIFER Swivel Eye, precast Being painted according to the colour
concrete units can be safely lifted coding, PFEIFER Swivel Eyes can be
also with transversal shear. Units can handled and assigned easily and safe.
easiliy and safely be lifted from the Please follow the instructions for
horizontal to the vertical, and vice ver- use on the next page.
sa. The pressure plate with its large
support surface guarantees an even
distribution of pressure on the concre-
Lifting Devices
te unit. The Swivel Eye automatically
adapts in all directions of the inclined
High strength steel, painted as per
colour coding
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 43
Installation Instructions for The following instructions pertain just to the above
PFEIFER the Swivel Eye article and are important, the additional General
Installation Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System and the General Technical Introduction
concerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor Systems
must also be observed.
The PFEIFER Swivel Eye is a component of the
PFEIFER Thread System which has been tested
and is in accordance with the “Safety Regulations
for Lifting Anchors and Systems for Precast Con-
crete Parts”.
1. Construction
Figure 1
The Swivel Eye was especially developed for forces under an angle of inclina-
tion of up to 90°, such is the case when tilting panels (Fig. 1) and under paral-
lel shear pull at more than 45°.
The Swivel Eye rotates on the base plate (except sizes Rd 56 and Rd 60).
This construction allows the oval ring to turn in all necessary pull directions
without rotating the threaded bolt.
2. Identification
PFEIFER Swivel Eyes are marked as follows (Fig. 2):
Manufacturer PFEIFER
Type Rd 24
Maximum working load 2,5 t
Year of manufacture 1992 Figure 2 Screw- Figure 3 Section of
driver Rd 12 up to
Factory number The combination of type and year of manufacture Manufacturer Rd 56
(Rd 23/92) counts as factory number Factory
According to maximum working load the PFEIFER Swivel Eyes have been pain- Year of
number manu-
ted in the respective colours of the PFEIFER Colour Code of the whole thread PFEIFER facture
Size Maximum
3. Handling and use = Type working
The PFEIFER Swivel Eye has to be screwed into the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor load
(of the PFEIFER Thread System). This is simplified by using the screw-driver
blade integrated into the oval ring. The threaded bolt must be screwed into
the precast panel so that the base plate of the Swivel Eye is touching the con-
crete. On lifting the panel the base plate is tightly held by the concrete so that Figure 4
the threaded bolt cannot bend.
The rotary plate of the Swivel Eye is determined by the diameter of the PFEI-
FER Recess Disc and Magnetic Fixing (and depending on the compressive
strength of the concrete).
Therefore the use of PFEIFER components is imperative for fixing into the
formwork of the PFEIFER Lifting Anchors, otherwise there is no guarantee that
the Swivel Eye will fit the recess.
Conditions for professional use of the Swivel Eye:
The lifting anchor’s longitudinal axis must be at right angles to the contact
surface of the base plate of the Swivel Eye. To guarantee this, the lifting
anchor should be combined with both the PFEIFER Recess Disc and PFEIFER
Fixing Bolts.
The oval ring of the Swivel Eye can be used as a screw driver when assem-
bling and disassembling. The integrated screw-driver blade on the oval ring
must be inserted into the slit of the threaded bolt. Like this it is possible to
tighten the Swivel Eye without tools (Fig. 3).
The oval ring can be turned at will against the base plate prior to reaching full
load. In any case, it is possible to achieve the necessary direction of parallel
pull without loosening of the Swivel Eye. PFEIFER Swivel Eyes Rd 56 and Rd 60
With the help of a steel bar or similar object the PFEIFER Swivel Eye Rd 56
and Rd 60 should be screwed on to the threaded bolt (according to Fig. 4)
in the threaded anchor until the pressure plate of the Swivel Eye lies on the
concrete surface. This procedure – in reverse – should be followed when
4. Maintenance
Swivel Eyes are filled with grease at the time of manufacture.
The compact construction largely prevents the penetration of dirt.
Should dirt nevertheless have collected in the interior of the rotating mecha-
nism in the course of long use, so that swivelling becomes difficult, this can
be alleviated with the use of penetrating oil.
Threaded bolts and oval rings are made from high-tensile material. Welding or
influence of extreme heat is not permitted.
44 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
5. Discard and regular control
Figure 5 Figure 8
during usage
PFEIFER Swivel Eyes are lifting
devices and have to be controlled by
an expert at least once a year, accor-
ding to UVV VBG 9a.
PFEIFER offers regular inspections in Discard as
a mobile testing laboratory. This tes- soon as
ting vehicle comes by appointment to deformation
your plant, but before this the Swivel is visible
Eyes must first be cleaned, removing
dirt and grease. The inspection covers
Figure 6 A–A
Lifting Devices
Extension of the internal Table 2 – Dimensions of the oval suspension ring
dimension by wear and
tear dK Nominal thickness of the oval ring Swivel Eye S [mm] 0,9 S [mm]
Rd 12 13,5 12,1
locating exterior defects, deformation, Rd 14 16,0 14,4
cracks and general wear and tear. The Figure 7 Rd 16 18,0 16,2
Swivel Eye must be discarded when
Rd 18 21,0 18,9
the thread pitch is either damaged or
Rd 20 22,5 20,2
has been torn out, or the threaded bolt
Rd 24 28,0 25,2
has bent. Should the oval ring be bent
and jut out above its plane, it must be Rd 30 30,0 27,0
discarded (see Fig.5). Rd 36 35,0 31,5
Where an oval ring has become 10% Rd 42 40,0 36,0
thinner at any place (Fig. 6), or show Rd 52 45,0 40,5
more than 5% elongation through Extension of the internal dimen- Rd 56 50,0 45,0
wear and tear (Fig. 7), it must be sion by overloading Rd 60 60,0 54,0
withdrawn from service immediately.
The suspension eye, which is welded on to the rotary plate, must not be worn
more than 10% in its cross section see Table 2 and Fig. 8).
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 45
The PFEIFER Circulation System
• The lifting device like the low priced PFEIFER Lifting Loop remains screwed into
the precast component from first lifting in the yard until final erection on site
• Provides high economical efficiency
46 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Special Lifting Loop
with pressure plate
Item-No. 05.053
Thread System
Lifting Devices
Lifting Devices
Steel, wire rope loop,
adm. F: admissible force * The special lifting loops typ Rd 56 and Rd 60 are
only applicable for an angle of inclination of
MWL: Maximum working load maximum 45° to the vertikal.
Sample order:
50 PFEIFER Lifting Loops with pressure plate, MWL 1,2 t
50 PFEIFER Lifting Loops ref. no. 05.053.163
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 47
Instruction for use of the The following instructions pertain just to the above
article and are important, the additional General
PFEIFER Special Lifting Loops Installation Instructions for the PFEIFER Thread
System and the General Technical Introduction
with Pressure Plate concerning the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor Systems
must also be observed.
The PFEIFER Special Lifting Loop is a component
of the thread system which has been tested and is
in accordance with the mechanical demands of the
“Safety Regulations for Lifting Anchors and Sys-
tems for Precast Concrete Parts” (ZH 1/17) and
the EU-Machinery Directive (98/97/EC).
right angles to the contact surface of the Special Lifting Loop. For this reason
Figure 1 it is absolutely necessary that either PFEIFER Accessories for installation into
the formwork of the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor are used, or that the anchor is
built in exactly at right angles to and flush with the concrete. Otherwise there
is no guarantee that the pressure plate will fit into the recess or that it lies
admissible shear evenly on the concrete surface.
forces It is essential that no part of the threaded bolt is free and visible in the reces-
sed area, while the pressure plate has direct contact (Fig. 2). Should the pres-
sure plate not have full contact with the concrete or should part of the bolt be
Full contact
visible, there would be danger of the threaded bolt breaking owing to reversed
bending stress during various methods of use (Fig. 3).
Attention should be paid to the possibility of necessary discard (see next
1. Construction page).
The Special Lifting Loop with Pressure Plate was developed for an angle of
inclination of up to 90° as is necessary when tilting precast concrete units
4. Maintenance
(Fig. 1) and for parallel shear force at more than 45°. It can also be used at The PFEIFER Special Lifting Loops do not usually require maintenance, but
straight pull. it is essential that the threaded bolts are kept free from dirt and concrete
The Special Lifting Loop eye is welded on to the base plate. The retracted remains. This is also important for the contact area of the pressure plate.
rope loop allows stress forces from all directions. Possible adhesion of cement or concrete remains must be removed.
It is easier to screw in the threaded bolt if this is lightly oiled beforehand. 5. Discard and inspection during use
Threaded bolts, suspension loops and rope are manufactured partly from high
PFEIFER Special Lifting Loops are lifting devices which must be inspected
tensile material. For this reason welding and subjection to influences of high
and tested by an expert at least once a year. The necessary inspection inclu-
temperature are not permissible.
des locating exterior defects, deformation cracks and general wear and tear.
2. Identification Experts are those who are specialists with experience and sufficient know-
ledge in the field of lifting devices, regulations for prevention of accidents,
The PFEIFER Special Lifting Loop has a safe load capacity tag in the identi- recommendations and generally recognised rules of technology, enabling
fying colour of the PFEIFER Colour Code with details of the lifting device with them to make decisions as to the safe working condition of lifting devices.
the necessary identification:
PFEIFER offers regular inspections in a mobile testing laboratory. This testing
Manufacturer PFEIFER vehicle will be available to your plant on special agreement, but before this the
Type Rd 24 Special Lifting Loops must be cleaned, removing dirt and oil.
Maximum working load 2,5 t
Year of manufacture 1992 The PFEIFER Special Lifting Loops consist of two components: the swaged in
Factory number The combination of type and year of manufacture rope loop in 8-shape and the steel part. Both parts must be inspected by an
(Rd 24/92) expert, as described above, following extraordinary stress or damage which
could influence the safe working load.
3. Handling and use Temperatures above 250°C are not permissible. Special Lifting Loops with
The PFEIFER Special Lifting Loop with Pressure Plate should be screwed Pressure Plate which were subjected to higher temperatures should be discar-
into the PFEIFER Lifting Anchor of the PFEIFER Thread Anchor System. The ded.
threaded bolt must be screwed in completely so that the pressure plate of the The respective components should be discarded if the following defects
Special Lifting Loop lies absolutely flat on the concrete. It is easy to turn the occur:
Special Lifting Loop by the suspension eye by hand.
Only when fully screwed in and lying tightly on the concrete, does the large
pressure plate support itself on the concrete, preventing the threaded bolt
from being bent and reducing the stress of the embedded socket when lifting
the precast concrete panel.
The diameter of the pressure plate of the PFEIFER Special Lifting Loop has
been designed to coordinate with the PFEIFER Recess Disc and Magnetic
Fixing. The longitudinal axis of the lifting anchor must be positioned exactly at
48 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
5.1 Discard time for steel parts
When using Special Lifting Loops with pressure plate
with bent parts, particularly threaded bolts, there is danger
of failure and crash.
The part must be discarded when
– the thread pitch is damaged or torn
– pressure plate, lifting eye or threaded bolts are bent
– any part of the cross section of the welded lifting eye has been reduced by
more than 10% because of damage or wear and tear
– there are cracks in any part, particularly welding seams
– there is heavy corrosion
Lifting Devices
– 16 broken wires in a rope length of 30 times the diameter of the rope
Apart from this, the rope slings must not be used anymore with:
– broken strand
– crushing at free length of the wire rope
– crushing in the support area of the rope with more than 4 broken wires
– bends and kinks
– basket deformation
– deformed or damaged threaded socket
– heavy wear and tear
– damage due to corrosion
– loosening of the outer strand
The ropes should be cleaned with a
Figure 6 brush using penetrating oil prior to
Crane hook The inspection must also include a
control of the connection between
rope and aluminium ferrule
PFEIFER Special Lifting Loops with
Pressure Plate should not come in
contact with acids, caustic solutions
or other aggressive media which
might cause corrosion.
The 8-shape sling of the PFEIFER
rope Special Lifting Loop may only be
hung in crane or suspension hooks.
rope with a curve radius of at least that
of the diameter of the rope. Using
sharp edged hooks or hooks having
too small a diameter causes an early
Bent thimbles with protrusive parts can cause injury and the rope is then
subjected to stronger wear and tear.
The radius of the used crane hook has to be bigger than the rope
diameter. To achieve a better durability a hook radius of 5 times of
the rope diameter is recommended.
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 49
PFEIFER accessories:
Substantial contributions
to your success!
• Wide and complete range of
accessories for every require-
• Data-Clips provide perfect
marking for lifting anchors.
• PFEIFER Colour Code System
supports safe assignment and
100% clear anchor load capacity.
50 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Thread System
PFEIFER Fixing Screws for Fixing Bolts are designed
to perpendicular dimensional accurate fastening
of PFEIFER Fixing Bolts to all types of formwork.
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 51
PFEIFER Thread System
• An economical solution even for heavy concrete pipes.
52 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
Item-No. 05.220
The PFEIFER Data Clip fulfills three Please follow the instructions for
main requirements: use on the next page.
1. Clear identification of the lifting
anchor already concreted into the
precast unit, i. e. of size, MWL and
2. Immediate identification of MWL
by Colour Code
3. Fixation of additional reinforcement
at the transport anchor.
Ref No. Colour for Lifting Dimensions mm Packing Unit Weight approx.
Anchor ∅a b ∅c ∅d e Pieces kg/Packing Unit
05.220.120 orange Rd 12 18,5 35 6,5 12,5 10,0 200 0,24
05.220.140 white Rd 14 21,5 38 6,5 14,5 11,0 200 0,30
05.220.160 red Rd 16 25,5 46 8,5 17,0 12,0 200 0,36
05.220.180 pink Rd 18 28,5 49 8,5 19,0 14,5 200 0,62
05.220.200 light green Rd 20 31,5 52 8,5 21,0 14,5 200 0,66
05.220.240 dark grey Rd 24 35,0 60 11,0 25,5 15,5 200 0,72
05.220.300 emerald green Rd 30 44,0 73 13,0 31,5 16,5 200 1,74
05.220.360 light blue Rd 36 52,5 86 15,0 37,5 22,5 100 1,20
05.220.420 grey Rd 42 59,5 97 17,0 44,0 23,5 100 1,35
05.220.520 yellow Rd 52 73,0 119 22,0 54,0 31,0 100 2,25
Sample order:
100 PFEIFER Data Clips, size Rd 16:
100 PFEIFER Data Clips ref. no. 05.220.160
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 53
Installation Instructions
1. Installation
Figure 1
Data Clips can be used for all lifting anchors of the PFEIFER Thread System. MWL of
Installation is extremely easy – the Data Clip just has to be attached to the Lifting Anchor
lifting anchor and the lifting anchor complete with Data Clip can be fixed in the Name of
formwork (Fig. 1). manufacturer
2. Identification Nominal size Type
54 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Fixing Bolt
Item-No. 05.211
Thread System
Sample order:
50 PFEIFER Fixing Bolts, size M 16 x 2.00 for Rd 16:
50 PFEIFER Fixing Bolts ref. no. 05.211.163
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 55
PFEIFER Fixing Screw
for Fixing Bolts
Item-No. 05.206
Thread System
Steel, zinc-plated
Sample order:
50 PFEIFER Fixing Screws, for Fixing Bolt M 30, corresponding to lifting anchor Rd 30:
50 PFEIFER Fixing Screws ref. no. 05.206.103
56 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Button Head Fixing Bolt
PFEIFER Recess Discs
Item-No. 05.209
Item-No. 05.201
Thread System
PFEIFER Recess Discs are used wooden formwork through its four To fix the Recess Discs to the form-
to install PFEIFER Thread Anchors nailing holes. work as well as for recessed instal-
recessed and wherever it is intended lation of PFEIFER Thread Anchors,
to lift the precast concrete unit with a The PFEIFER Colour Code System the PFEIFER Button Head Fixing
Swivel Eye. Due to the Recess Disc guarantees easy and fast recognition Bolt is required. Having an external
a plain and clear contact with the of the system components using the metric thread, PFEIFER Button Head
pressure plate, perpendicular to the plastic Recess Discs while the zinc Fixing Bolts can be used to fix either
longitudinal axis of the Lifting Anchors plated steel type Recess Disc convin- PFEIFER Lifting Anchors or PFEIFER
is provided. Remaining recesses ces with its extraordinary life-span. Socket Dowels with metric thread.
in the unit can be plugged after
erection with the large external cap.
The recess discs can be nailed onto
Material PFEIFER Button Head Fixing
Steel, zinc plated B
Sample order for 100 PFEIFER Recess Disc (Plastic) Recess Disc (Steel) General Dimensions
Recess Discs (plastic), size Rd 36: Ref. No. Colour Packing Unit Weight approx. Ref. No. Weight approx. Dimensions mm
100 PFEIFER-Recess Discs ref. no. Pieces kg/Packing Unit kg/100 Pieces B h
05.201.120 orange 50 0,46 05.201.123 11,5 50,5 10
05.201.140 white 50 0,58 05.201.143 13,5 55,5 10
05.201.160 red 50 0,63 05.201.163 16,0 59,2 10
05.201.180 pink 25 0,34 05.201.183 16,5 62,5 10
05.201.200 light-green 25 0,43 05.201.203 25,0 73,5 10
05.201.240 dark-grey 25 0,63 05.201.243 32,0 78,2 12
05.201.300 green 25 0,80 05.201.303 47,0 94,2 12
05.201.360 blue 25 1,03 05.201.363 56,0 105,2 12
05.201.420 silver-grey 25 1,55 05.201.423 110,0 115,3 15
05.201.520 yellow 25 1,68 05.201.523 1,68 135,3 15
Sample order for 50 PFEIFER Button Button Head Fixing Bolt
Head Fixing Bolts, size M24 x 3 for Ref. No. Size Dimensions mm hexagonal Weight approx.
Rd24: 50 PFEIFER-Button Head Fixing M Mi b a h recess kg/100 Pieces
Bolts ref. no. 05.209.243 05.209.123 M 12 x 1,75 M6 23,7 8,5 30,0 8 3,0
05.209.143 M 14 x 2,0 M8 26,7 8,5 33,5 8 5,0
05.209.163 M 16 x 2,0 M8 30,7 8,5 36,0 10 6,0
05.209.183 M 18 x 2,5 M8 33,7 8,5 42,0 10 9,0
05.209.203 M 20 x 2,5 M8 37,2 8,5 42,5 10 11,0
05.209.243 M 24 x 3,0 M 10 41,2 10,0 52,5 14 17,0
05.209.303 M 30 x 3,5 M 10 49,2 10,0 66,0 14 31,0
05.209.363 M 36 x 4,0 M 10 59,2 10,0 77,0 14 55,0
05.209.423 M 42 x 4,5 M 16 67,7 13,0 93,0 17 84,0
05.209.523 M 52 x 5,0 M 16 79,8 13,0 98,0 17 172,0
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 57
Installation Instructions for Figure 1
PFEIFER Recess Disc – plastic/steel
PFEIFER Fixing Bolt Fixing Screw
For a recessed installation of the lifting anchor of the PFEIFER Thread System,
the PFEIFER Recess Disc can be used together with the PFEIFER Fixing Bolt. Button Head
In this way lateral additional reinforcements have a higher concrete cover. Fixing Bolt
The Recess Discs and the PFEIFER Fixing Bolts should be fixed on the form- Recess Disc
work as shown in Fig. 1. (Plastic)
Data Clip
The lifting anchor of the PFEIFER Thread System can also be fixed tightly in Lifting
the formwork with the PFEIFER Fixing Bolt. When the PFEIFER Sockets are Anchor
installed with the Fixing Bolt, the important form-fit (interlocking) connection
with the bent reinforcement bar is achieved as the screw presses the plastic
cap tightly on to the reinforcement. The Fixing Bolt can also be used to increa-
se the concrete cover (Fig. 2).
The plastic Recess Disc is a low-priced variation, which also offers high mea-
sure of safety through the PFEIFER Colour Code. Each size of lifting anchor
has a special identifying colour which simplifies the choice of lifting anchors, Figure 2 Formwork:
lifting devices and formwork components with one another. The Recess Disc Wood
can easily be nailed on the wooden form through 2 of the 4 nail holes (Fig. 3). Plastic
If it is planned to use the PFEIFER Swivel Eye for lifting the precast concrete
unit, all lifting anchors of the Thread System should be fixed in the formwork
with Recess Discs and Fixing Bolts. (Fig. 4). Only in this way is it possible to
achieve a bearing area for the pressure plate which is at right-angles to the
longitudinal axis of the lifting anchor. Button Head
If particularly rough installation takes place the PFEIFER Steel Recess Disc is Fixing Bolt
recommended as this can be used a long time because of its solid construc- Recess Disc
tion. (Plastic)
Data Clip
The recesses can be closed attractively with the PFEIFER External Caps or the Lifting
PFEIFER Screw Caps (Fig. 5). Anchor
Figure 3
Figure 4
Screw Cap
58 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Button Head Fixing Bolts
PFEIFER Cover Caps
Ref. No. 05.224
Ref. No. 05.225
Ref. No. 05.226
Ref. No. 05.227
Ref. No. 05.228 Thread system
The shallow and deep PFEIFER Button anchors, with a large or a small con-
Head Fixing Bolts are used to secure crete covering, and a relatively small
PFEIFER threaded anchors. Different diameter of the recess that can swiftly
from the Button Head Fixing Bolts and cheaply be closed. You have a
that – in conjunction with the recess flexible choice between Cover Caps
plates – ensure a recess for the made from plastic or from metal.
PFEIFER swivel eyes or special lifting The Cover Caps made from stainless
loops, only the PFEIFER lifting loops steel of V2A grade close the complete
can be used when the Button Head recess, and provide a clear and
Fixing Bolts are employed. The main attractive view.
advantages of these two versions is in
the flexible installation method of the
Material of PFEIFER Button Head
Fixing Bolts: Mi
Steel, galvanized chromatized shallow H
shallow H
middle H
middle H
deep H
deep H
Button Head Fixing Bolts
Ref. No. Thread D H Key Size Mi Weight Order no. D H Weight Order no. D H Weight
shallow M [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] medium [mm] [mm] [kg] deep [mm] [mm] [kg]
05.224.123 12 23,0 3,0 8 M6 0,02 05.209.123 23,5 8,5 0,03 05.225.123 23,5 30,0 0,10
05.224.143 14 26,0 3,0 8 M8 0,03 05.209.143 26,5 8,5 0,05 05.225.143 26,5 30,0 0,13
05.224.163 16 30,0 3,5 10 M8 0,04 05.209.163 30,5 8,5 0,06 05.225.163 30,5 30,0 0,18
05.224.183 18 33,0 3,5 10 M8 0,06 05.209.183 33,0 8,5 0,09 05.225.183 33,5 30,0 0,23
05.224.203 20 37,0 4,0 10 M8 0,09 05.209.203 37,0 8,5 0,11 05.225.203 37,5 30,0 0,29
05.224.243 24 40,0 4,0 14 M10 0,13 05.209.243 40,5 10,0 0,17 05.225.243 41,0 30,0 0,38
05.224.303 30 48,5 4,5 14 M10 0,27 05.209.303 49,0 10,0 0,31 05.225.303 49,5 30,0 0,62
05.224.363 36 58,5 4,5 14 M10 0,48 05.209.363 59,0 10,0 0,55 05.225.363 59,0 30,0 0,99
05.224.423 42 66,5 5,0 17 M16 0,74 05.209.423 67,0 13,0 0,84 05.225.423 67,5 30,0 1,40
05.224.523 52 79,5 5,0 17 M16 1,41 05.209.523 80,0 13,0 1,72 05.225.523 80,5 30,0 2,33
Cover Caps
Ref. No. Thread D H Weight Order no. D H Weight Order no. D H Weight
shallow M [mm] [mm] [kg] medium [mm] [mm] [kg] deep [mm] [mm] [kg]
05.226.124 12 22,5 3,0 0,02 05.227.124 23,0 8,5 0,04 05.228.124 23,0 30,0 0,10
05.226.144 14 25,5 3,0 0,03 05.227.144 26,0 8,5 0,05 05.228.144 26,0 30,0 0,13
05.226.164 16 29,5 3,5 0,04 05.227.164 30,0 8,5 0,07 05.228.164 30,0 30,0 0,18
05.226.184 18 32,5 3,5 0,05 05.227.184 33,0 8,5 0,09 05.228.184 33,0 30,0 0,22
05.226.204 20 36,5 4,0 0,08 05.227.204 36,5 8,5 0,11 05.228.204 37,0 30,0 0,28
05.226.244 24 40,0 4,0 0,10 05.227.244 40,0 10,0 0,16 05.228.244 40,5 30,0 0,35
05.226.304 30 48,0 4,5 0,18 05.227.304 48,0 10,0 0,25 05.228.304 49,0 30,0 0,53
05.226.364 36 57,5 4,5 0,30 05.227.364 58,0 10,0 0,40 05.228.364 58,5 30,0 0,81
05.226.424 42 66,0 5,0 0,43 05.227.424 66,5 13,0 0,63 05.228.424 67,0 30,0 1,09
05.226.524 52 79,0 5,0 0,73 05.227.524 79,0 13,0 1,01 05.228.524 80,0 30,0 1,65
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 59
Installation instructions for
PFEIFER Button Head Fixing Bolts/
Cover Caps in stainless steel
You can use the PFEIFER Button Head Fixing Bolts to install the lifting anchors Fixing screw Fixing screw Fixing screw
of the PFEIFER thread system. Remember that the following application of the Formwork: Formwork:
anchors permits only PFEIFER lifting loops to be used. Using PFEIFER swivel wood,
eyes or special lifting loops is not possible here. steel steel
The lifting anchors are secured on the formwork with PFEIFER Button Head
Fixing Bolts and PFEIFER fixing screws. Figure 1 to the right shows this way of Button Head Fixing Bolt, Button Head Fixing Bolt Button Head
fastening. The PFEIFER Button Head Fixing Bolt now permit the lifting anchors shallow Fixing Bolt, deep
of the PFEIFER thread system to be secured on the formwork. If PFEIFER Data clip Data clip
Data clip
sockets with the Button Head Fixing Bolts are installed, the important positive Lifting anchor Lifting anchor
Lifting anchor
connection with the reinforcement loop is achieved, since the bolt presses the
internal plug firmly onto the reinforcing rod. An increased concrete covering Figure 1: Attachment on the formwork
can be achieved when the Button Head Fixing Bolts, deep, is inserted.
The recesses produced by the Button Head Fixing Bolt can be closed with SHALLOW MEDIUM DEEP
the PFEIFER external Caps, small, (Figure 2), and the PFEIFER Cover Caps
in an architectural attractive way (Figure 3). Alternatively, you can close the
recesses with a low-shrinking grout. For aesthetic reasons, however, this is
only recommended in areas that are not directly visible (Figure 4)
It must be ensured that the lifting loop can fully be screwed in.
If swivel eyes or special lifting loops are to be used for lifting Formwork: Swivel eye
Fixing screw wood,
the preassembled part, all transport anchors of the thread plastic,
system should be installed with lifting disks and Button Head Fixing steel
Bolts (Figure 5). This is the only way to achieve a level contact surface
for the compression plate that is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
of the lifting anchor.
Button Head
Fixing Bolt Recess disc
Data clip
Lifting anchor
Thread System
Permanent magnet,
recess disc, steel, zinc plated
Ref. No. Size for Lifting min. Adhesion Dimensions mm Weight approx.
M Anchor N b h kg/Piece
05.208.123 12 Rd 12 450 50,5 10,5 0,14
05.208.143 14 Rd 14 450 55,5 10,5 0,15
05.208.163 16 Rd 16 630 59,2 10,5 0,19
05.208.183 18 Rd 18 630 62,5 10,5 0,21
05.208.203 20 Rd 20 1000 73,5 10,5 0,32
05.208.243 24 Rd 24 1000 78,2 12,5 0,46
05.208.303 30 Rd 30 1000 94,2 12,5 0,61
05.208.363 36 Rd 36 1000 105,2 12,5 0,80
Sample order:
50 PFEIFER Magnetic Fixings for lifting anchor Rd 14:
50 PFEIFER Magnetic Fixings ref. no. 05.208.143
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 61
Directions for use of
PFEIFER Magnetic Fixing
The PFEIFER Magnetic Fixing is delivered complete with a magnet plate, the
appropriate Fixing Bolt without button head and a tightly fixed Allanscrew. The Figure 1
anchor must be tightly turned to prevent loosening by vibration. Magnetic Steel formwork
Fixing and anchor are pressed together on to the clean and even steel form- tie to the existing reinforce-
work and bond immediately. ment mesh
Following the demoulding, the Allanscrew must be turned with an Allan key
(see Table 1), releasing the Magnetic Fixing from the concrete. The Magnetic
Fixing can then be completely unscrewed (Fig. 3).
The end of the anchor must be tightly fixed to prevent the anchor creeping
on the steel surface through vibration (Fig. 1).
It is most important to clean the Magnetic Fixings after use to prevent it from
becoming either uneven or rugged. After the anchor bonds with the formwork
the Magnetic Fixing should be sprayed with forming oil which helps to loosen
the magnet from the concrete.
Blows from the hammer on the Magnetic Fixing lead to fragmentation of the
magnets and should therefore be avoided (Fig. 2). The Magnetic Fixing can be
oiled on the concrete side so that it is easier to remove.
The recesses in the concrete through Magnetic Fixing and Recess Disc are
identical. The use of Swivel Eyes is also possible, just the same as the reces-
ses can be closed with large External Caps or Screw Caps.
62 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER External Cap, large
Item-No. 05.218
Item-No. 05.219
Thread System
PFEIFER External Caps, large are used PFEIFER Cover Caps serve the same
to seal any PFEIFER Thread Anchors, protecting purpose, designed for a
if the anchors were cast in recessed permanent and even surfaced sealing.
using PFEIFER Recess Discs or By using an allen screw the Cover
PFEIFER Magnetic Fixing. PFEIFER Cap can be screwed into the socket
External Caps, large prevent various and can be unscrewed as well later
substances such as residual concrete, on. If there is any corrosive atmos-
dust, snow etc. from penetrating into phere, the stainless steel type should
the socket, protecting the anchor be used.
thread from clogging up, enabling it to In order to preserve the anchor
be used again in subsequent handling socket, we recommend to lubricate it
operations. in both cases.
Material PFEIFER External Cap, large:
Plastic, grey PFEIFER External Cap, large
Sample order for 100 PFEIFER External Caps, large, size Rd 16:
100 PFEIFER External Caps
Sample order for 50 PFEIFER Cover Caps, stainless steel size Rd 12:
50 PFEIFER Cover Caps,
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 63
PFEIFER External Cap, small
Item-No. 05.216
Thread System
Plastic, grey
Sample order for 100 PFEIFER External Caps, small, size Rd 42:
100 PFEIFER External Caps 05.216.420
64 © 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010
PFEIFER Thread Cleaners
Item-No. 05.212
Thread System
Tool steel, hardened,
with broaching slits
key size
key size
Sample order for 3 PFEIFER Thread Cleaners fitting PFEIFER Lifting Anchor Rd 12:
3 PFEIFER Thread Cleaners 05.212.120
© 2004 Copyright PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Technical changes and errors excepted. Status 8/2010 65
Order full packing units:
• Speeds up all logistic processes tremendously, reduces required packing
time and clearly leads to shorter delivery times.
Project Telefax
Delivery address
(only comple-
te if different
from ordering
in Ukraine
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GHL Bautechnik
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Isofer AG E-Mail
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Tel. +48-71-3968264
Fax +48-71-3968105 For all other export countries please
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