Pfeifer Db-Anchor Ppen

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for permanent fixing
Successful construction ...
with PFEIFER systems

The PFEIFER Group is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of

cable, lifting and connecting technology, and cable construction.
The Group consists of numerous domestic & foreign companies,
with headquarters in Memmingen – Germany.
PFEIFER building technology is a market leader in lifting anchor
technology for lifting and transporting precast concrete elements,
and has been a valued and trusted partner in the industry for over
40 years.
In the early years the name PFEIFER was synonymous with
threaded anchors in the precast industry. Today PFEIFER has
gained a reputation for application-orientated fixing technology
and an extensive, reliable range of products for the support and
connection of precast concrete elements, as well as reinforce-
ment technology.
Production at the headquarters in Memmingen and comprehensi-
ve technical know-how gained through many years of experience,
form the basis of trusted and reliable supply and support for our
customers throughout Europe.
“We put technology into practise”
The European Technical Approval issued for the DB anchor
allows the product manufacturer to apply the CE mark to
the building product and thus enables unhindered
access to the entire European market or
its contracting states.

branch offices

© 2011 Copyright, PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Translation of the original operating instructions / Technical modifications and errors excepted. Status 06/2022
20 11
06 72

European r permanent fixing
r fo
DB Ancho
PFEIFER DB anchor:
Safe, economical and
permanent – throughout

Waved anchor
DB 682

European Technical Approval ETA-11/0288

• Safety and quality
• Access to the European
• Enables CE marking
• Uniform dimensioning
Foot-mounted anchor method throughout Europe
DB 682
• Product conforms to the
construction product directive
• Qualification for
the seismic per- NEW
formance categories C1 and C2

Permanent casting
• Maximum security for load application
• No noise, no dust – just cast in concrete
• Reinforcement for load application can be arranged
• Maximum installation security

© 2011 Copyright, PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Translation of the original operating instructions / Technical modifications and errors excepted. Status 06/2022
PFEIFER DB anchor:
Safe, economical and permanent –
throughout Europe!
• High load-carrying capacities
• Small edge distances
• Wide range of applications

• European Technical Approval – ETA
• No noise, no dust – just cast in concrete
• Base anchors with approval for seismic
applications – performance categories C1 and C2

• Foot-mounted anchor for the thinnest elements
• Data clip with unique load direction indicator

Cost effective
• No time-consuming drilling necessary on site;
• Anchors are ready for immediate use on site S o ft w

• Rationalised product range for simple Stair fixing with DB anchors


• Dimensioning software free
of charge

• Made in Germany
• CE marking
• E xternal monitoring

Application examples
• F ixing of balcony and bridge railings
• F ixings for power and other
supply lines
• Individual anchoring of
stadium seats

© 2011 Copyright, PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Translation of the original operating instructions / Technical modifications and errors excepted. Status 06/2022
PFEIFER DB-Anchor for
permanent fixing
Item No. 05.260

Fixing Systems
Permanent fixing

PFEIFER DB anchor DB 682 with Euro-

20 11
06 72 pean Technical Approval ETA-11/0288
for fixings in cracked or uncracked nor-
Technical mal concrete from a quality of C20/25
European r permanent fixing
ho r fo
DB A nc with a predominantly static load.
ETA-11/0 DB base anchors are also approved for
seismic applications.
The design resistances can be deter-
mined individually for each application
according to CEN/TS 1992-4:2009.

Socket: special quality high
grade precision steel tube,
zinc-plated or stainless steel
(1.4571), swaged on with D B 682 Rd 1

BSt 500 S, forged-on or

m a x. T

n st

= 30 N m

with waved bar, plain  


Data clip: Plastic




Reference no. Reference no. Rd/M** Colour of Lth ds D h i L* Weight

zinc-plated stainless steel mm data clip mm mm mm mm mm mm kg/100 pcs.
Foot-mounted anchor DB 682
238295 238320 12 x 1.75 white 22 8 15.0 10.0 6.5 80   5,00
238312 238322 16 x 2.00 white 27 12 21.0 12.0 8.5 120 20,00
238314 238324 20 x 2.50 white 35 16 27.2 15.5 11.0 150 39,00
238315 238360 24 x 3.00 white 43 16 31.0 16.5 13.0 180 47,50
238316 238361 30 x 3.50 white 56 20 39.5 16.5 13.0 220 101,00
Waved anchor DB 682
195240 195237 12 x 1.75 grey 22 8 15.0 10.0 6.5 110   6,50
206361 206364 16 x 2.00 grey 27 12 21.0 12.0 8.5 174 20,90
206368 206365 20 x 2.50 grey 35 16 27.2 15.5 11.0 194 49,00
195232 195234 24 x 3.00 grey 43 16 31.0 16.5 13.0 252 60,00
206369 206372 30 x 3.50 grey 56 20 39.5 16.5 13.0 302 100,00
* incl. data clip 500
** DB anchors can also be supplied if necessary with a metric thread for a specific order.

© 2011 Copyright, PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Translation of the original operating instructions / Technical modifications and errors excepted. Status 06/2022
Instructions for installation and use
PFEIFER DB-Anchor for permanent fixing
Scope of supply of the PFEIFER DB anchor system
– Reinforcing steel section, wave-shape curved (waved anchor, DB 682) or
plate-shaped forged-on (foot-mounted anchor, DB 682), with swaged-on
max. T ins socket made of zinc-plated steel

682 Rd
– Reinforcing steel section, wave-shaped curved (waved anchor, DB 682) or

60 Nm
plate-shaped forged-on (foot-mounted anchor, DB 682), with swaged-on
socket made of stainless steel (marking: “non-rusting”)

–P  FEIFER data clip:
Waved anchor DB 682: grey
Foot-mounted anchor DB 682: white

Fixing components (fastening bolts, washers, etc.) are not included in the
Warning: All modifications and welding work on the PFEIFER DB
scope of supply of the PFEIFER DB anchor system. These components must
anchor system is prohibited. This can lead to reduced safety or
be procured for the specific project in accordance with the responsible
even failure of the anchors. Use the anchors and the associated data clips
planner’s data and specifications.
only in the standard condition as delivered!

The PFEIFER foot-mounted anchor DB 682 and waved anchor DB 682 with European Technical Approval ETA-11/0288 for fixings in cracked or uncracked nor-
mal concrete from a quality of C20/25 with a predominantly static loading and has an approval for this for the performance categories C1 and C2. The anchor
is supplied complete with data clip.

Dimensioning and anchor selection

The dimensioning of PFEIFER DB anchors is carried out in accordance with  Exact designation of the anchors to be used
CEN/TS 1992-4:2009 “Dimensioning of the anchoring of fixings in concrete” Position of the anchors (edge distances, axis distances etc.)
under the responsibility of an engineer who is experienced in the field of  Alignment of the data clip
anchorings and concrete construction. All parameters necessary for dimensi-  If necessary, additional reinforcement and its alignment in the case of
oning are to be taken from the European Technical Approval ETA-11/0288. tranverse shear pull loads
PFEIFER provides dimensioning software with which both individual fixings  Minimum reinforcement
and groups of anchors can be calculated quickly and verifiably. The soft-  Concrete strength class on which the dimensioning of the anchor was
ware is available free of charge. based
Taking into account the loads to be anchored, verifiable calculations and
construction drawings must be prepared. With regard to the DB anchors,
these must contain the following minimum data:

PFEIFER DB anchors with data clip and, if necessary, the retention reinforcement 1 2
must be installed in accordance with the responsible planner’s specifications.
The anchors must be fastened to the formwork in such a way that they do not
move when the reinforcement is installed or during the pouring and compaction
of the concrete. According to the planning specifications, the anchors can be
installed flush with the surface or recessed.
For simple and safe attachment to the formwork, we recommend the matching
PFEIFER fixing accessories for the thread system. %XWWRQKHDG
Notice: After removing the formwork, the inside of the tapped socket UHFHVVGLVF +HDGOHVVIL[LQJ )L[LQJVFUHZ '%DQFKRU
must be sealed against the ingress of water and oil until use or until UHFHVVHG EROW IOXVK ZLWKZLQJQXW
the mounting of the attached element.

3 4 5 6 5HFHVVHG

© 2011 Copyright, PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Translation of the original operating instructions / Technical modifications and errors excepted. Status 06/2022
Align the data clip according to the responsible planner’s specifications
and the built-in reinforcement!

2. Install additional reinforcement according to the responsible planner’s PFEIFER fixing screw
specifications! Ensure that there is direct contact between­the socket and
the additional reinforcement! Reference Thread fits size
no. size M
In order to guarantee a clean bond between the component and the concrete,
make sure that the anchor is free from dirt, foreign bodies, oil, etc. 118542 M 6 Rd/M 12
118543 M 8 Rd/M 16/20
118544 M 10 Rd/M 24/30

See data sheet for weight and dimensions

Thread system p. 56

4. Pour the concrete carefully! Avoid direct contact between the vibrating PFEIFER fixing bolt
surface and the anchor, including the retention reinforcement!
Reference Thread fits size
5. Compact the concrete properly in the vicinity of the socket, the ribbed
no. size M
reinforcing steel and the waved bar or the forged-on head!
118593 M 12 Rd/M 12
6. The anchors must not be shifted or damaged by force! This impairs the
function, reduces load-carrying capacities and may lead to the premature 118595 M 16 Rd/M 16
failure of the anchors. 118597 M 20 Rd/M 20
118598 M 24 Rd/M 24
118599 M 30 Rd/M 30

See data sheet for weight and dimensions

Thread system p. 57

The condition of the PFEIFER DB anchor must be checked before fixing the The bolts specified in the responsible planner’s construction drawings are to
attached element. The interior of the socket must be dry and free of debris be used for fixing. The minimum or maximum screw-in depths of the fasten­
and contamination of all kinds. In particular in the case of anchor types made ing bolts into the tapped sockets of the anchors must be checked in each
of stainless steel, it must be ensured that the seal of the socket base has not case against the following table and adhered to.
been damaged by the penetration of oil or other influences. The maximum installation torque max. Tinst in accordance with following table
is to be adhered to.

Table 1: Assembly parameters: waved anchor DB 682, foot-mounted anchor DB 682

Rd/M 12 Rd/M 16 Rd/M 20 Rd/M 24 Rd/M 30
Bolt designation [mm] M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 30
Maximum installation torque max. Tinst [Nm] ≤ 10 ≤ 30 ≤ 60 ≤ 80 ≤ 200
minimum screw-in depth Lsd,min [mm] 15 20 25 30 35
maximum possible screw-in depth Lth [mm] 24 29 37 45 58

Important instructions for use

1. The anchor may only be placed 4. O bserve the maximum installation
under load after the requisite con- torque according to Table 1!
crete strength has been attained! Disregarding this can lead to dama-
2. Check the DB anchor before use! ge to the anchor and thus to failure
In case of doubt regarding proper of the system.
usability, the building site supervi- Mortal danger!

i T .xam

nst=30 Nm

sor or responsible planner must be R


5. Use the bolts specified by the


i T .xam

nst=30 Nm

­informed! responsible planner! Check and

3. Avoid contamination of the interior adhere to the minimum or maxi-
of the socket; clean it if necessary! mum screw-in depths according to
Table 1! Disregarding this can lead
to damage to the anchor!
© 2011 Copyright, PFEIFER, 87700 Memmingen / Translation of the original operating instructions / Technical modifications and errors excepted. Status 06/2022

+49 (0) 83 31-937-231
Technical Support
+49 (0) 83 31-937-345
06.22 | 212951
Bernstein photo: Steinmann-Institut für Paläontologie Uni Bonn | Skyscraper photo: Deutsche Kahneisen Gesellschaft mbH | Tunnel photo: Herb Allgeier

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