Urdaneta City University College of Nursing
Urdaneta City University College of Nursing
Urdaneta City University College of Nursing
Subjective Data: Risk for malnutrition Short Term Goal: Independent: Short Term Goal:
related to surgery as After 8hours of
“walang ganang kumain manifested by decrease After 8hours of Explain the benefits To gain nursing
ang anak ko” as weight nursing of eating a necessary participation in intervention, the
verbalized by the mother intervention diet current diet patients appetite
Scientific explanation patient will able promote pleasant required has improved as
Objective Data: to regain and relaxing To enhance food evidence by
Surgery → post trauma considerable environment intake weight gain
Decrease food ↓ appetite for food
and fluid intake Poor environment minimize unpleasant To prevent Long term Goal:
Intake of multi- ↓ Long Term Goal: odors negative effect After a week of
vitamins Loss of appetite on appetite nursing
Loss of weight ↓ Patient will Provide Attention to the intervention ,
Lack of interest Risk for malnutrion gradually gain companionship social the patient
in food weight after a during mealtime perspective of regain normal
week of eating is weight as
Vital signs: continued important evidence by
appetite Consider six small To lessen the weight gain
BP: 90/60mmHg nutrient-dense meals feeling of from 28kg to
PR: 89/min fullness 30kg
RR: 21/bmp
T: 36’