Nursing Care Plan: Rochelle Maglangit Rago

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CARE PLAN Rochelle Maglangit Rago

Short Term Goal: After Short Term Goal: After

1. Subjective Data: Educate the patient and family
1 hour of nursing 1 hour of nursing
The patient Malnutrition intervention patient members about the importance intervention the
complains of caused by will understand of proper nutrition and the patient fully
decreased insufficient his/her health consequences of malnutrition. understand patient
appetite. condition and be able Conduct a comprehensive the risk of
food intake,
Patient reports to get dietary nutritional assessment, malnutrition and was
unintentional shown as supplements offered able to get dietary
including dietary history, and
weight loss. decreased by the health center weight history. supplements from the
Patient expresses appetite, and other related health center and
Encourage the patient to eat
feelings of fatigue institutions in order to other groups.
unintended small, frequent meals
and weakness. avoid malnutritionon

weight loss,
throughout the day rather than Long Term Goal: After
2. Objective Data:
weariness, and Long Term Goal: After large meals to aid digestion and 2 Weeks of nursing
BMI below
2 Weeks of nursing optimize nutrient absorption. intervention the
normal range. weakness
intervention the Make referrals to community patient has Improve
Visible loss of
patient's nutritional resources, such as food nutritional status and
subcutaneous fat. status will improve Increase energy levels
assistance programs or support
Dry and pale skin and there will be an and overall well-
groups, to ensure access to
Brittle hair and increase energy levels being.
nutritious food and ongoing
nails. and overall well-

Poor wound being.

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