Use of Broms Charts For Evaluating Lateral Load
Use of Broms Charts For Evaluating Lateral Load
Use of Broms Charts For Evaluating Lateral Load
Use of Broms’ Charts for Evaluating Lateral Load Capacity of Vertical Piles in a
Two Layer Soil System
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sabrena Jahan Ohi on 09 September 2015.
Final year undergraduate student, Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
*Corresponding Author
Several analytical methods are in use to estimate the lateral load capacity of vertically installed pile
foundation in order to avoid costly pile load test. One of the most common and simplified method is
proposed by Broms (1965) that determines the lateral load capacity and pile deflection at ground
surface. Broms uses several graphical charts to obtain ultimate bearing capacity and lateral deflection.
The present paper reports a study concerning the digitization of these charts so that they can be used as
inbuilt program. Once soil and pile data are given as input, the lateral capacity for both fixed and free
headed piles in either purely cohesive or cohesionless soil can be evaluated by this procedure in a
spread sheet without consulting the charts.
Keywords: Broms’ method, Lateral capacity of pile, Pile foundation, Excel spread sheet
As a result of wind earthquake, waves, impact and lateral earth pressure most structures are subjected
to lateral loads and moments in addition to the axial downward loads due to gravity. If these structures
are supported on deep foundations, the foundations have to be designed for lateral loads so that they
are safe against geotechnical failure, structural failure, and excessive deflections. The allowable lateral
load on piles is determined from the following two criteria:
(i) Allowable lateral load is obtained by dividing the ultimate (failure) load by an adequate factor
of safety.
(ii) Allowable lateral load is corresponding to an acceptable lateral deflection.
The smaller of the two above values is the one actually adopted as the design lateral load. Methods of
calculating lateral resistance of vertical piles can be broadly divided into two categories:
Broms’ method was presented in three papers (Broms; 1964a, 1964b, 1965) for calculating lateral
resistance of vertical piles. A pile can be designed to sustain a lateral load based on Broms’ theory of
earth pressure by referring to charts and graphs.
According to the theory, piles can be divided into two groups; short rigid and long flexible. “Short”
pile is one that is rigid enough to move in the direction the load is tending by rotation or translation
whereas “long” pier is one that the top will rotate or translate without moving the bottom of the
foundation, i.e. a plastic hinge will form. In other word, a pile is considered long when the relative
stiffness of the pile with respect to the soil stiffness exceeds certain limits. Broms’ developed lateral
capacity methods for both short and long piles in cohesive and non-cohesive soil. Broms’ theorized
that a short free-headed pier rotates about a center, above the lower end of the foundation, without
substantial deformation along its axis. The resistance is the sum of the net of the earth pressures above
and the passive earth pressure below the center of rotation. The end bearing influence or effect is
neglected. Likewise, the passive earth pressure on the uppermost 1.5 diameters of shaft and the active
earth pressure on the back of the pile are neglected. The advantages of this theory are:
Basic parameters
The basic parameters for a two layer soil system, i.e. depth of each layer, type of soil, fineness of
cohesionless soil, Field SPT value (Nfield), location of GWT from GL, head condition of pile, pile
material, unit weight of soil (γ), embedded pile length (D), design parameter (deflection/load),
working load or allowable deflection, eccentricity (ec) etc. and basic parameters for pile i.e. diameter
of pile (b), bar dia, bar no., clear cover, yield stress of steel (fy), compressive strength of concrete (f’c)
etc. are typed in cells of Microsoft Excel in a manner as shown in Fig. 1. In case of a single layer of
soil, the parameters of soil for both layer 1 and layer 2 in the input sheet should be similar.
Fig 1: Input of basic parameters
The value obtained is adjusted later according to loading condition. In the next step other parameters
like corrected SPT value (Ncorrected), unconfined compressive strength (qu), undrained cohesion (cu),
angle of internal friction (φ), Rankine passive earth pressure coefficient (Kp), average effective unit
weight (γ′), modulus of elasticity (E), moment of inertia (I), section modulus (S), shape factor (Cs),
resisting moment of pile(My) are calculated. The flexural moment capacity of concrete pile for circular
section is calculated using the formula proposed by Cosenza et. al. (2011) as in equation (1a).
M y kAs f yd r (1a)
k 0.76 0.11 (1b)
As f yd
and, (1c)
R2 0.9 fcd
In which, As = area of reinforcement
fyd = yield strength of reinforcement
fcd = concrete cylinder strength
R = half of pile diameter
r = half of diameter of reinforcement cage in pile
With the help of numerical set of values of Broms’ charts, ultimate lateral load (Qu) is obtained using
“Treandline equation” of the desired curve (Table-1) which is divided by a factor of safety of 2.5 to
obtain the maximum allowable load for a single pile (Qm). Similarly, working load (Qa) or deflection
(y) is calculated using “Treandline equation” of desired Broms’ digitalized charts (table-2). A
comparison is made between Qa and Qm and the smallest value is selected as design load (Q). If Qa
and y were not given earlier as input Qm is used as Q. In the same manner caculation for the second
type of soil is made and by taking the weighted average of two type of soil according to their
individual layer’s depth estimation for a two layer system is done. The entire calculation for analyzing
a lateral loaded pile in Microsoft Excel is shown in Fig. 2.
Digitalization of charts
The set of charts Broms’ presented for determination of ultimate lateral load and lateral deflection load
is digitalized by taking values from the original graphs and plotting the points and drawing the best fit
curve in Excel using “Trendline” function. Also the equation of the curves and regression values are
determined (Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
Fig. 3: Ultimate Lateral Load Capacity of Short Piles in Cohesive Soils
The trendline equations for ultimate lateral loads along with their regression values are provided in
Table 1. The trendline equations for lateral deflection along with their regression values are
provided in Table 2.
Table 2: Equations of Broms’ Charts for Lateral Deflection of Pile at Ground Surface
The typical output or the results obtained from Microsoft Excel, is presented in a tabular form shown
in Fig. 9.
Numerical Example
A short free headed pile in cohesive soil has diameter (b) = 305mm, moment of inertia (Ip) =
1.75x10-4 m4, load eccentricity (e) = 0.61m, embedded depth of pile (D) =2.44m. The
undrained shear strength of soil (cu) =47.8 kPa. Calculated value for ultimate load, Qu=60 kN.
And using the proposed equations the value obtained is 62.9 kN with only a 4.87% variation.
The proposed equations of Broms’ curves for ultimate lateral capacity and deflection has the potential
to be used in engineering practice for the analysis or design of laterally loaded piles in both single and
two layered soil just through spreadsheet calculation using Microsoft Excel. Trials were made with
various examples to check the accuracy of the method. The variations were found to be within 10
percent for both lateral capacity and deflections. As such, the input of the proposed regression
equations for lateral load capacity and deflection may be suggested to be used in excel sheet in order
to calculate lateral load capacity and pile head deflection, thus avoiding cumbersome method of curve
Broms, B. B. (1964a), Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesive Soils, Journal of SMFED, Proc. ASCE,
No. SM2, pp. 27-63.
Broms, B. B. (1964b), Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesionless Soils, Journal of SMFED, Proc.
ASCE, No. SM3, pp. 123-156.
Broms, B. B. (1965), Design of Laterally Loaded Piles, Journal of SMFED, ASCE, No. SM3, pp. 79-
Cosenza, E., Galasso, C. & Maddalonib, G. (2011), A Simplified Method for Flexural Capacity
Assessment of Circular RC Cross-sections, Engineering Structures Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 942–
946, Elsevier publishers.
Matlock, H. and Reese, L.C. (1960), Generalised Solution for Laterally Loaded Piles, Journal of
SMFED, ASCE, No. SM5, Part I, pp. 63-91.