Notice: Ref. U-11011/20/2019/20-MEC MEC Dated:01 Dated:01-07-2019
Notice: Ref. U-11011/20/2019/20-MEC MEC Dated:01 Dated:01-07-2019
Notice: Ref. U-11011/20/2019/20-MEC MEC Dated:01 Dated:01-07-2019
Ref. U-11011/20/2019/20-MEC
MEC Dated:01-07-2019
Kind Attention Candidates :
It is for the information to all candidate
candidatess participating in All India
Counselling 2019 for Under Graduate courses that the following
owing colleges
who had earlier contributed 15% seats to AIQ and were uploaded on the
seat matrix will be deleted before processi
ng of Result of Round-1
Round as
these colleges have not been permitted u/s 10(A) of the IMC AcAct for the
academic year 2019-20
20 by BOG, MCI.
The following colleges will
ill be deleted before seat processing of Round-1
a) Government Medical College & Super
Super Speciality Hospital ,