Irq Domain
Irq Domain
Irq Domain
The current design of the Linux kernel uses a single large number
space where each separate IRQ source is assigned a different number.
This is simple when there is only one interrupt controller, but in
systems with multiple interrupt controllers the kernel must ensure
that each one gets assigned non-overlapping allocations of Linux
IRQ numbers.
The irq_domain library adds mapping between hwirq and IRQ numbers on
top of the irq_alloc_desc*() API. An irq_domain to manage mapping is
preferred over interrupt controller drivers open coding their own
reverse mapping scheme.
irq_domain usage
In most cases, the irq_domain will begin empty without any mappings
between hwirq and IRQ numbers. Mappings are added to the irq_domain
by calling irq_create_mapping() which accepts the irq_domain and a