Project Information
Name of Project Proposed Increase in Production Capacity of the Steel Rolling
Mill Project
Location Ciudad Industria Bahay Pare, Meycauayan Bulacan
Background and Nature of The proposed expansion Project consists of:
A. Increase in production capacity of Rolling Mill 1 from
50mt/hr to 80mt/hr or 600,000 mty
Size and Scale This project will involve increase in rebar production capacity for
Rolling Mill 1 from 50 mt/hr allowed in its existing ECC to 80 mt/hr
or 600,000 mt/year and 100,000 mt/year for Rolling Mill 2.
Proponent Profile
Name of Proponent SteelAsia Manufacturing Corporation (SAMC)
Address Corporate Office: 2/F B5 Bonifacio High Street, Fort Bonifacio
Global City, Taguig
Plant : 90 Ciudad IndustriaBahay Pare, Meycauayan, Bulacan
The EIA Study Team members are presented in Table ES-3 and their Sworn Statement
of Accountability is provided in Annex A.
The schedule of activities performed as part of the preparation of the EIS is detailed in
the table below:
The EIA study was conducted within the vicinity of the proposed project footprint and its
potential impact areas, particularly in the Meycauayan City, Bulacan. The coverage of the
EIA study is based on the agreed scope of the EIA Review Committee (EIARC) during the
technical scoping activity conducted on February 13, 2017. The primary and secondary
impact zones of the project are delineated and discussed in Chapter 1.2.2.
The approach and methodology adopted to complete this EIS is in accordance with the
prescribed methods of EMB and the procedural manual for DAO 2003-30. The table
below provides the methodology used for each module.
Stakeholder participation for the project was ensured to determine the current situation
of the affected residents, including the issues and concerns they are experiencing in their
community. The issues and concerns based on the results of the perception survey and
public scoping are summarized below:
Stakeholder participation for the project was ensured to determine the current situation
of the affected residents, including the issues and concerns they are experiencing in their
community. The issues and concerns based on the results of the perception survey and
public scoping are summarized below:
1. Due to the expansion of warehouse of Steel Asia, it will also increase the use of
trucks / haulers and the new warehouse located near residence area. The first
concern is to improve the paging system that may affect residence nearby area,
and second, improvement of parking area inside the plant to prevent parking
along roadways that causes congestions and traffic.
2. What is the water volume capacity that the water catchment basin can absorb?
Based on experience, flood in our area can be up to waist deep.
3. Requesting to enlarge the receiving canals from baranggay going to SteelAsia’s
planned catchment – to help in preventing floods during heavy rains
Perceived Positive and Negative Impacts of the Project based on the Perception
Survey Conducted
The respondents’ perceive benefits from the proposed expansion project are:
On the other hand, the perceived negative effects of the project to the community are:
Chapters 3 and 6 of this EIS present the Environmental Management and Monitoring
Plan (EMP) for the proposed Project. The proposed EMP includes the proposed mitigating
measures, information on environmental parameters to be monitored (i.e. EQPL values),
frequency and procedure of monitoring, and its estimated costs.
• Increase in noise level • Maintain equipment deployment Project Php2,000,000 / year Project
schedule which, if possible, limits the development team, –cost ofmaintenance of Development
construction activity only during daytime PCO, Contractor heavy equipment Budget
• Regular maintenance of vehicles and Contractor’s
construction equipment
Plant closure People • Loss of livelihood of • Provide and develop sustainable Proponent Php1M / year – ECC,
local work force livelihood programs and alternative SDP budget will be utilized for Rehabilitation /
livelihood training programs the implementation of activities Abandonment
such as, livelihood programs, Plan / SDP
education assistance, medical
assistance, IEC, among
ECC/EMP Condition/Requirement
(if complying)
for implementation of environmental handle the environment-related aspects of the project. The EU shall perform and carry out the duties of EU.
management measures shall submit environmental/monitoring reports to the EMB and
DENR-EMPAS Region III on a quarterly basis.
Other sectoral requirements Qualified local residence shall be given priority in employment. Company HR and Admin prioritize the hiring
mandated by other agencies to be 10 Yes of personnel leaving near the plant or within
complied with Bulacan area.
Other sectoral requirements Safety gadgets shall be provided to all workers to prevent health Plant personnel protective equipment PPE is
mandated by other agencies to be and occupational hazards. given to the plant employee at a given task.
11 Yes
complied with And it can be seen in the pant PPE matrix for
personnel guidance.
Institutional arrangements necessary On the spot monitoring and inspection may be conducted by the Ocular inspection and meeting conducted by
for implementation of environmental 12 EMB, DENR Region III anytime in coordination with the concerned Yes the DENR region 3 and DENR Central last
management measures groups January 8, 2016. See Attached document.
Standard DENR requirements on the Transfer of ownership of this project carries the same conditions in There is No transfer of ownership was been
transfer of ownership 13 this ECC for which written notification shall made within fifteen Yes made.
(15) days from such transfer.
The Meycauayan Works of SteelAsia houses two rolling mill lines which the company calls
M1 and M2.
M1 is a Philippine steel industry pioneer and is the heart of the Meycauayan Works.
commissioned in 1996, it was the country’s first modern rolling mill.It featured many
pioneering technologies such as 12-meter billet capability, walking-hearth furnace, in-
line rolling train configuration, independent drives, Level-2 automation, quick size
change and more new advances that allowed the Philippine steel industry to leapfrog into
the modern era of efficiency, productivity, conservation and operational health and
safety.The mill was given tax incentives by the Philippine Board of Investments as a
Pioneer investment, due to these new technologies. The mill has been a multiple and
Hall of Fame Awardee of the Department of Energy for energy conservation.
M1 is also the first rebar rolling mill in the Philippines to have the following certifications;
ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management
System), OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management) and UK CARES
(British Standard).
The most significant fact about M1 is that it changed the Philippine steel industry.The
capabilities of the mill raised the benchmarks of reliable service, quality and low cost.The
mill put the consumer first and emphasized customer satisfaction and added value.The
mill allowed the business of rebar to become de-commoditized and more of a service
differentiated industry. M2 is a 100,000 tpy cross-country rolling mill commissioned in
The project is located within the 18 hectares property of SAMC in Ciudad Industria Bahay
Pare, Meycauayan, Bulacan.Figure 1-2 and Figure 1-2 shows the location of the
Meycauayan Works (2017). Retrieved June 29, 2017 from
The site can be reached from Manila through NLEX and then Malhacan Road or through
Congressional Extension Road and Manufacturers Avenue. There are land transportations
available in the area with several terminals such as one at El Camino Public Market and
EMA Town Center.Iba Road is the main road artery to the project site. The access road
to the site is within Ciudad Industria.Green lines in the Figure 1-4 map below shows the
access road going to the site.
The direct impact areas (“DIA”) are zones where all project facilities are proposed to be
located and where operations of the project are to be undertaken. To be specific, the
direct impact area of the project will be the project area lot in Barangay Bahay Pare,
Meycauayan, Bulacan where the existing and proposed expansion project will be built.
DIAs also include areas where emissions of the project may have significant
environmental impacts based on the impact assessment conducted. Results of air
dispersion modeling reveal that highest ground level concentration (GLC) of all modeled
parameters falls within the residential areas of Brgy. Bahay Pare.
The indirect impact areas are areas outside the project boundaries that may be affected
by the project. In terms of the physical and biological environment, indirect impact areas
include the downstream portions of Meycauayan River. In terms of indirect socio-
economic impacts, the municipality of Meycauayan is also identified.
The steel industry in the Philippines is one of the most significant growth industries.
Steel constitutes a basic industry prerequisite in a country’s pursuit of development and
industrialization. The central role of the industry stems from its linkages with numerous
sectors, where its products serve as an essential input to countless uses, such as
building and construction, automotive, shipbuilding and repair, electronics, packaging,
etc. and it is equally important contributions to employment generation, growth, and
promotion of industrial activity, etc. Therefore, ensuring a strong domestic steel and
steel-based industry is vital in developing the competitive edge of a country in meeting
the challenges of globalization.
With the boost in infrastructure industry in the country together with the rehabilitation
activities in some parts of the country, there will be a bigger demand for reinforcing steel
bars. The proponent is investing in the expansion of SAMC Plant to improve its
production capacity and operations process to cater to the aforementioned increase in
1.4.1 Siting
Based on the ten-year market projections from 2015 to 2025, the rebar market would
grow from 3 million tons to 7 million tons. Half of the rebar demand will be in Metro
Manila, Central Luzon & Northern Luzon. To address this market demand, SAMC plans to
operate said existing Mill 2 with production capacity of 20mt/hr or100,000 mt/year.
The existing rolling mills are located near the developing cities and municipalities in
SAMC has already considered putting up new steel mills in other areas like Compostela
in Cebu, Candelaria in Quezon and another one in Calaca Batangas. ECC applications for
these new plants are still in process. It would take at least 3 years more before any of
these new plants can be functional. Considering time, cost and opportunity of using new
technology, the management decided to pursue the expansion for Meycauayan site by
revamping Mill 1 old furnace and rehabilitating and operating Mill 2. One of the
significant factor that lead to the expansion is the increasing maintenance cost of Mill 1
furnace plus it’s decreasing fuel efficiency. Since the Mill 1 old furnace will be replaced
with a more fuel efficient one, there arise an opportunity of adding 2 more roughing mill
stands to enable the mill to use bigger billets thus increasing productivity. Also, the Mill
2 facility, upon evaluation, only needs rehabilitation and can still produce 100kmty. In
only about 6 months, these developments can be completed and can already help
augment the supply to the increasing market demand for rebars.
The technology and the processes to be used in the proposed expansion is the same with
the project’s existing technologies. The only difference between process of Mill1 and Mill
2 is that Mill2 has no quenching process.
1.4.3 Resources
In terms of water source, the Project will collect water from deepwells and rainwater
reservoir. In terms of power supply, the requirement is not as much as steel mill with a
melting facility. Meralco will provide the power requirement of the mill, they will also
provide the tapping point and the distribution line going to the mill Electrical Substation.
Table 1-2 shows the comparison of the existing and proposed project components of
the project while presents the Project Site Development Plan.
• Additional Finished Goods Warehouse with area of6,510 sq.m and capacity
of25,000 mt of finished goods
• Bigger Truck Marshalling Area (6,578 sq.m, 72 trucks capacity)
• Rainwater Catchment / Reservoir (approx. 10,000 cu.m.)
Billets shall be fed & heated in a reheating furnace then undergo size reduction in a
series of rolling mill stands.Then, the rolled steel bars shall pass through a quenching
system where it is rapidly cooled. The cooled bars shall then be cut into the desired
length, then sorted, bundled and stockpiled prior to delivery. The production capacity of
the proposed rolling mill will be 600,000 Metric Tons annually. Illustration of the process
is shown below. Technical details on the subcomponents of the rolling mill are provided
as caption for the succeeding illustrations.
The water treatment system is designed to handle both the direct and indirect cooling
water from the rolling mill operations. Direct cooling water is the water which is in direct
contact with the product, specifically the water used to cool the rolls in the bar mill line.
Indirect cooling water on the other hand is the water that does not touch the products
and stays inside the pipes and ducts. The WTP is designed to cool and recycle 2,720
m3/hr of direct cooling water and 1,020 m3/hr of indirect cooling water.The recycled
water allows the mill to significantly reduce the amount of fresh water required. The
equipment used in this WTP are five cooling towers, sedimentation basins, several filters
and pumps.
A 115 KV substation which will consist of a 20 MVA power transformer will be installed as
a requirement for the power supply of Rolling Mill and plant auxiliaries.Harmonic filters
will also be installed for the rolling mill to be compliant with the Philippine grid code on
the system power quality such voltage and frequency variations, flicker severity and
harmonic distortions. Meralco will provide the power requirement of the mill, they will
also provide the tapping point and the distribution line going to the mill Electrical
• Fuel Tank for storing Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (LSFO) for air pollution control
The furnace is equipped with state of the art combustion automation for effective and
efficient control of gas emission.The smoke stack is 50m high reducing impact on the
immediate surroundings.The furnace also has a recuperator which is a special purpose
counter-flow energy recovery heat exchanger positioned in the exhaust gas to recover
the waste heat. Air/Fuel ratio and recuperator is controlled by Programmable Logic
Control (PLC) through Human Interface Interface (HMI).
The plant has a closed loop water system. The water used in cooling the equipment and
in the quenching process flows back to the cooling system, into the water tanks for
settling particulates and recirculated back to the process. Domestic wastewater goes to
the septic tanks which are regularly maintained/ siphoned by DENR recognized service
providers. Thus, there’s no water effluent from the plant. The drainage system is for
Scale is formed on the outer surfaces of plates, sheets or profiles when they are being
produced by rolling red hot iron or steel billets in rolling mills. Mill scale is composed of
iron oxides mostly ferric and is bluish black in color. It is usually less than 1 mm thick
and initially adheres to the steel surface and protects it from atmospheric corrosion.
Scales will be collected in containers and will be for sale abroad for recycling in sinter
Used oil
Used oil will be collected and put inside sealed drums, stored in a company designated
Material Recovery Facility (MRF) inside the plant. It will be transported and treated by a
DENR accredited TSD facility.
Solid wastes
Solid Wastes will be properly segregated and to be disposed in the Material Recovery
Facility of Meycauayan.Moreover, Busted Fluorescent Bulbs will be put in a container,
stored inside the plant MRF in accumulation until there are sufficient inventory for proper
disposal through a DENR accredited TSD facility.
For the contaminated rags and gloves, the wastes will also be put in bags, stored inside
the plant MRF in accumulation until there is sufficient inventory for proper disposal
through a DENR accredited TSD facility.
In addition to the above procedure on waste management, there are other established
specific work instructions which specify operational controls to address significant
environmental aspects which were identified in the regular aspect-impact assessment
conducted by each department. Some of which are:
SA-WI-IMS-001 Proper Collection, Labeling & Storage of Waste Oil & Grease
Monitoring checklists are also being used to ensure controls are in place. Some of which
are Safety & Housekeeping Inspection Checklists (includes checking of condition of
secondary containment) & Process & equipment inspection Checklists of each
maintenance group to ensure defined parameters are within set standards to prevent
processes going out of control to avoid unnecessary loss of resources like power, water &
fuel and that generated wastes are handled properly.
Figure 1-8 shows the Process Flow Chart and Figure 1-9 show the photos.The only
difference between process of Mill1 and Mill 2 is that Mill2 has no quenching process.
Figure 1-10shows the Material Balance Diagram and Figure 1-11 to Figure
1-13shows the Water Balance Diagrams.
Steel billet
Mill 1 600,000 metric tons
Mill 2 100,000 metric tons
Process Loss
Mill 1 Mill 2
Mill scale 6.5 tons 6.9 tons
Crop shear ends 0.60 tons 5.7 tons
Cobble 0.85 tons 1.5 tons
Process Loss
Mill 1 Mill 2
Bar ends 4.75 tons 11.4 tons
Test Sample Bars 0.07 tons 0.5 tons
Maintenance of Facilities
SAMC’s maintenance departments are responsible for the equipment control and
• Building & Grounds Maintenance Group is in charge of the general upkeep and
cleanliness of buildings and grounds of the plant.A Facilities Engineer heads the
group of technicians and facilities maintenance personnel.
• Mechanical Maintenance Department is responsible for the maintenance of
mechanical equipment such as the water cooling system, spindles, drives, in-
house vehicles and heavy equipment, etc.
• Electrical Maintenance Department is responsible for the maintenance of electrical
equipment and facilities like motors, PLCs, lightings, wirings, etc.
Each group has established Preventive Maintenance Programs for equipment and
facilities under their management.
The production capacity will increase to 600,000 metric tons per year for Rolling Mill 1
(from 400,000 metric tons per year) and 100,000 metric tons per year for Rolling Mill2
(from not operational).The total annual production in metric tons per annum for the
proposed project is 700,000.
The schedule of activities for each project component is presented in Figure 1-14and Figure 1-15.
NEW FURNACE BUILDING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1 Site Inspection
2 Clearing Activities
3 Structural Reworks
4 Furnace Foundation Works
5 Structural Erection
NEW M1 WAREHOUSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1 Civil works
2 Structural Works
3 Erection works
4 Crane Erection
For Rolling Mill2, following facilities and equipment will either be replaced or repaired on the following timelines:
Permit to Operate for the Furnaces of both Mills will be secured from the Regional Office
of EMB-Region III.Commissioning will last for about 1 month to establish the new
parameters for the efficient operation of the furnace and of the mill. Standard
configurations will then be established like Furnace Temperature Control, Rolling Mill
Setup, and Delay Strategies.
Should there be case wherein the project will be abandoned, activities to be performed
shall include Environmental Site Assessment to determine contaminants left by the
operation and also dismantling and clean-up of the areas of operation.
Currently, SAMC has 415 plant employees. With the expansion, below additional
manpower is required. Table 1-7 shows that 175 workers will be hired for construction
stage and 148 workers for the operation stage. A total of 323 manpower will be required
for the construction and operation of the proposed expansion project.
1.9.2 Scheme for sourcing locally from host and neighboring LGUs
The proponent shall give priority hiring to locals of the impact barangay whose skills and
experience match theproject’s specific needs. A local hiring scheme will be established in
close coordination withthe concerned barangay Local Government Units (LGUs). In
general, the proponent willprovide a list of anticipated job requirements with
corresponding qualifications to theconcerned barangay LGUs. These potential
opportunities will be promoted by the barangayLGUs in their respective jurisdictions and
potential applicants will be forwarded to theproponent, for further review and evaluation
by the Human Resources office.
Consultations shall be made with the LGUs and host communities to finalize a scheme
forhiring residents from host communities. Qualified local residents will be given priority
inhiring. For technical positions not available in the host communities, the proponent
reservesthe option to source its manpower requirements elsewhere. Compensation
terms and theprocess of hiring will comply and adhere with existing labor laws, rules,
and regulations.
Of the current 415 employees, 275 or 66% are from Meycauayan, Bulacan. A hundred
(100) from this (or 24%)are from Bahay Pare, Meycauayan.
2.1 LAND
The Municipality of Meycauayan is bordered by the towns of Sta. Maria, San Jose del
Monte, Marilao, and Obando in the province of Bulacan and City of Valenzuela. It is
approximately 19 kilometers north of the City of Manila and 22 kilometers south of Malolos,
the provincial capital. It is bounded on the east by Kalookan City, on the west by Obando,
on the north by Marilao, and on the south by Valenzuela City.
Linking the municipality to major commercial centers of Luzon are two major
transportation arteries, namely, North Luzon Expressway and MacArthur Highway. The
municipality is easily accessible to all types of vehicle.
The existing general land use of Meycauayan consists of the following (Table 2-1).
An area of 1,253.6785 hectares or 39.06 percent account for residential uses in all
barangays situated mostly along the transport line or roadway. Other residents, however,
built individually apart from the settlement cluster and are interspersed with other land
Commercial areas occupy 216.6985 hectares or 6.75 percent of the total land area of the
municipality. Commercial activities are centered in the Poblacion and its nearby barangays.
The present institutional area of 20.76950 hectares or 0.65 percent include all schools,
churches, chapels and other government and non-government buildings/offices located
within the different barangays in the municipality.
Parks and recreational zone, which consists of memorial parks, recreational areas and
other open spaces, constitutes 25.882 hectares or 0.81 percent.
Agricultural/Fish Ponds
Land Classification of Bulacan in Figure 2-1 shows that the whole City of Meycauayan is
declared as Alienable and Disposable land. Alienable and disposable lands are those lands
exempt from forest use and can be issued with a title.
The project is located within an Industrial Zone based on the existing land use of
Meycauayan City.
The proposed project site is inside an Industrial Zone and classified as Alienable and
Disposable land. Also, it is not located in any of the 12 ECA Categories identified in the
Revised Procedural Manual of DAO 2003-30.
There are no possible land issues since the area of the project site is a property the
There are no visually significant landforms/structures near the project area nor will result
to damage to visual aesthetics of its vicinity. However, establishment of vegetation buffers
are recommended.
Fifty tons of garbage are being collected daily in Meycauayan City as of 2014 (Socio-
Economic Profile of Meycauayan City, 2015). The proponent implements its own waste
management program as discussed in Chapter 1.6.2.
The general topography of the land is relatively flat with an almost gently rolling hills.
Comfortably above sea level, this terrain is an interweaving of greenery and concrete road
network. The slope of the land dips towards a west to north westerly direction. River and
drainage waterways envelope and criss-cross the sea.
Based on Figure 2-2, the project area is located on a gently sloping to undulating (3-8%)
Regional Stratigraphy
Meycauayan City generally grouped under the Stratigraphic Grouping of Central Luzon
Basin and Southern Sierra Madre-Mainland. The stratigraphic column of both groupings is
extracted from the revised edition of the Geology and Mineral Resources of the Philippines
shown in the figure.
Figure 2-3. Stratigraphic Column showing the Stratigraphic Groupings of Central Luzon
Basin and Southern Sierra Madre (MGB, 2004)
Meycauayan City is underlain by two distinct lithologic units, the central portion is
underlain by older rock sequence (Pleistocene) consisting of well-bedded tuffaceous
clastics and welded tuff belonging to the Guadalupe Formation. This formation has an
approximate thickness of 1,500 to 2,200 meters and it is composed of two members: Alat
Conglomerate and the Diliman Tuff. The east and west of this elevated area, thick layers
of very young (late Pleistocene to Recent), poorly-consolidated alluvial sands and clays
are deposited which is now called as Manila Formation. This formation has an approximate
thickness of 800 meters that overlies the Diliman Tuff in general. It is a sequence of
unconsolidated fluvial, deltaic and marine deposits consists of clay, silt, gravelly sand and
tuffaceous silt. Both formations are cut by the Valley Fault System.
Exposed along upstream of Malolos River and Meycauayan River where outcops of
members of the Pleistocene Guadalupe formation. The Guadalupe formation has a lower
Alat Conglomerate member and upper Diliman Tuff member, named after Diliman, Quezon
City where typical examples are exposed.
The Alat Conglomerate are exposed as low, rolling hills from eastern and northern
Montalban through the northern portion of Novaliches to San Jose del Monte. The
conglomerate constituents are made up of poorly sorted to unsorted rounded boulders,
pebbles and cobbles well cemented by finer calcareous materials. It contains interbeds of
sandstone, mudstone and shale. Overall color is gray. The shale is buff to brown, silty,
tuffaceous, soft, porous, homogenous and highly fractured. Its base with the underlying
volcanics is composed of thickly set pebbles, cobbles and boulders ranging from two to
eight inches in diameter consisting of basement complex rock types and also upper
Tertiary volcanic cobbles and boulders. Beds are from flat to about 10o to the west.
Diliman Tuff is a thick series of well stratified andesitic tuff and tuffaceous sandstone,
siltstone, shale, mudstone and conglomerate. Generally they are gray, buff, and brown.
Some of the layers vary from a few centimeters to 4 meters or more and are of coarser
material, which at times are gravely and full of pumiceous fragments of 3 to 5 cm. sizes.
On the whole, both the thick and thin beds tend to lense out although an area of exposed
impermeable tuff extends from Novaliches, Quezon City to southern Bulacan.
The “pyroclastics” is the lithologic unit mentioned in the Geologic Map of Bulacan from the
the PDPFP 2011-2030 and its formation name is Guadalupe Formation as shown in the
Stratigraphic Column where the lithologic members are the Diliman Tuff and the Alat
The Alluvium would be the Quaternary period or Recent residual soil that may cover the
rock formations and thickness would vary and may be verified by the geotechnical
boreholes or from excavations done on site.
Structural Features
No geologic structures were observed in the project site. Based on the Valley Fault System
map produced by the PHIVOLCS, the project site is quite far from the West Valley Fault
(Figure 2-5). Although no surface structures were seen in the surface, subsurface
structures may be present.
The geologic hazards that were identified to have potential impacts on the project are
those related to seismicity and differential settlement.
The Philippine Islands’ location along a major plate boundary almost guarantees that the
levels of seismicity are high and earthquakes are large (moment magnitude [M] > 7).
Based on the historical record, more than 50 earthquakes of Ms 7.5 and larger have struck
the Philippines, most notable of these events have been the 1968 surface wave magnitude
(Ms) 7.7 Casigman, 1976 Ms 7.9 Mindanao, and the 1990 Ms 7.7 Luzon earthquake. The
figure shows the seismic distribution of some historical and recent earthquakes (Wong, et
al, 2006).
Figure 2-6. Historical Seismicity (1600-2006) and active faults in the Philippines (Wong,
et al., 2007)
The high level of seismicity within the archipelago, averaging about five detectable
earthquakes per day, is attributing to movements caused by the interaction of major
tectonic plate boundaries along subduction zones and those generated from active faults.
There are three major fault systems that may affect Meycauayan City, Bulacan Province
and nearby Cities or Municipalities, namely: the Lubang (Verde Passage-Sibuyan Sea)
Fault, the Valley Fault System and the Philippine Fault (Infanta Fault) that are all
potentially active. Also, there are also subduction zone sources in the region that are
potentially capable of generating earthquakes with greater than 8 magnitudes. The most
significant is the Manila Trench subduction zone and the rest with a lesser amount occurs
along the East Luzon Trough and the Philippine Trench (Wong,, 2007) (Daligdig and
Besana, 1993).
Lubang (Verde Passage-Sibuyan Sea) Fault. The Lubang Fault is an active strike-slip fault
located about 138 km southwest of Meycauayan City, had also been the site of large
earthquakes in the past, notably that of 1852 and 1972. However, the periodic stress
release along this structure as indicated by the present high level of seismicity, lessens
the potential for a major earthquake to come from this earthquake generator in the near
Philippine (Infanta Fault) Fault Zone (PFZ). About one-third of the destructive earthquakes
that have impacted Bulacan were generated from the Philippine Fault Zone, a 1,300 km
long strike-slip fault transecting the Philippine Archipelago. Although a majority of the
most devastating earthquakes in Philippine history, including the 16 July 1990 event with
a magnitude of 7.8 was produced by the PFZ, other segments along this geologic structure
have not moved for a long time, thus constituting what are referred to as seismic gaps.
These seismic gaps are potential sources of big earthquakes in the future, one such gap is
located 81 km east of Meycauayan City, Bulacan.
Manila Trench. As mentioned earlier, the most significant subduction zone that may affect
the metropolis is the Manila Trench. It is a 1,000 km-long zone between Taiwan and
Mindoro Island in the Philippines. It is characterized by an east-dipping Wadati-Benioff
zone that extends to ~200 km depth (Hamburger et al., 1983). Kinematic and geodetic
studies indicate that Eurasia-Philippine Sea Plate convergence is accommodated primarily
along the Manila Trench, and a lesser amount occurs along the East Luzon Trough and
Philippine Trench (Galgana et al., 2007). Seismicity also indicates that the Wadati-Benioff
zone varies from moderately dipping along the central part of the subduction zone to near
vertical at both ends of the Manila Trench (Hamburger et al., 1983). Historically, the Manila
Trench has had few large magnitude earthquakes. Only two Ms > 7 earthquakes have
occurred west of Luzon during the past 100 years, in 1934 and 1948, and both are poorly
located with respect to the subduction zone (Hamburger et al., 1983). Rowlett and Kelleher
(1976) suggest that the 1948 earthquake was seaward of the trench, possibly related to
intraplate faulting. Although the location of the 1934 Ms 7.6 earthquake is poorly
constrained, it is close to where the Manila Trench changes trend from being more north-
south, south of 18° N, to northwest north of this latitude. It is approximately 194km from
the project site.
Valley Fault System (VFS). The left lateral Valley Fault System forms a prominent
escarpment for about 32 kilometers along the eastern margin of the Quezon City plateau.
The Fault as it strikes nearly north-south extending from the eastern end of Tagaytay
Ridge to as far north as the boundary of Rizal and Bulacan provinces. The fault skirts along
the western shore of Laguna Lake and cuts through the Pasig-Marikina River Junction with
local vertical displacement of at least 70 meters. Studies conducted by PHIVOLCS and
USGS published in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, reports that there
were evidences of movements over the past 1300 to 1700 years thus Valley Fault System
or “Marikina Valley Fault” is active. No recent seismic activity can yet be directly related
to this fault but its proximity to the center of Metropolitan Manila (only 5 km) makes it a
very significant tectonic feature (MGB, 2004). There is a range of 200 to 400 years is
estimated as the recurrence interval of the studied part and a 6 to 7 magnitude earthquake
is expected based on the predicted rupture length (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2010). The
VFS is about 15km from the project site.
Figure 2-7. Active Faults and Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Region III
The main hazard associated with earthquakes is intense ground shaking, with ground
rupture/fissuring, liquefaction and landslides as collateral hazards. In general, intensity of
ground shaking is magnitude-dependent, gradually decreasing with distance from the
source. Difference in ground conditions, however, may cause deviations from this expected
norm, particularly in areas underlain by recent alluvium or reclaimed areas.
Estimates of recurrence interval for earthquakes of a given range of magnitude (Ms) can
be calculated from the annual rates of earthquake activity values derived by Thenhaus and
others (1994). The estimated horizontal and vertical peak accelerations during an
earthquake likely to occur in an area are useful information for designing buildings and
other structures to withstand seismic shaking.
For zone inclusive of the project area, results are summarized in the table below.
Table 2-2. Estimated recurrence interval for earthquakes of a given magnitude range
within the region (adapted from Thenhaus and others, 1994).
(Ms) (Frequency/year) (years)
5.2 to <5.8 0.32081 3
5.8 to <6.4 0.12024 8
6.4 to <7.0 0.04505 22
7.0 to <7.3 0.01689 59
7.3 to <8.2 0.00633 157
Using the classification scheme of Fukushima and Tanaka (1990), ground condition at the
project site can be classified as approximating that of medium soil. It can be noted that
peak ground acceleration (PGA) for soft soil in the vicinity of the project site is ~0.39 to
0.40g, where g is the value of acceleration due of gravity (i.e. 9.8 m/s2). Projected
magnitude and recurrence intervals have a 10 percent chance of being exceeded in 50
This is based on the thickness of Pleistocene deposit above bedrock is more than 10 m
and as shown in this map the project site is expected to experience above average levels
of ground shaking.
Ground surface rupture is the actual displacement and cracking of the ground surface
along a fault trace. Displacement beneath a building that exceeds 1 or 2 inches can have
a catastrophic effect. Surface rupture is confined to a narrow zone along an active fault.
Rupture may happen rapidly during an earthquake and associated greater amount of
displacement increases the longer the fault trace. Also the buffer zone against surface
rupturing as recommended by PHIVOLCS is at least 5 meters on both sides as reckoned
from the location of the fault line. Based on field investigation and analysis of topographic
and geologic maps shows that the site is very far from the known active faults in the region
and no known active fault structure directly passes the land property.
This usually occurs in areas that are water-saturated, low-lying areas and situated in loose
foundation such as sandy or silty deposits which are common in river banks, abandoned
rivers, flood plains, coastlines and swamps.
There are engineering interventions that could in another way mitigate earthquake related
hazards like liquefaction, which are by improving the strength, density and/or drainage
characteristics of soil. This can be done through various ground improvement techniques.
Table 2-3 summarizes the liquefaction hazard mitigation techniques. (Kuwano, etal.,
2010). Subsidence
Metro Manila experiences subsidence but particularly in the western shores of Laguna de
Bay as indicated by several data sets, including sea and lake level monitoring, etc. The
sites of serious subsidence coincide with the areas with falling groundwater level. Also
sites where a high rate of water pumping, and high rate of movement along the fissures
in this area. The hazards of subsidence are many, such as: temporary flooding, permanent
inundation, fissure formation and differential movement of the ground leading to drastic
lowering of the groundwater levels. In addition, sewerage and polluted waters can access
aquifers through fissures, and lead to groundwater pollution (Ramos, E.G. 1998).
From a recent report or statement of Dr. Mahar Lagmay (September 2011), many parts
of Metro Manila are subsiding. Leveling data from the National Mapping and Resource
Information Authority (NAMRIA) reveal areas in Metro Manila that sank 0.68 meter to 1.34
meters in 30 years (from 1979 to 2009). A big part of groundwater subsidence in
Camanava (Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas and Valenzuela) is mainly due to excessive
groundwater pumping by fishpond operators, according to a study by Rodolfo and Siringan
in 2006.
With this phenomenon, the project site is most likely affected, thus proper mitigation in
the engineering construction should be implemented. Figure 2-8 shows a processed radar
images taken from space from 2003 to 2009 showed blue areas of greater Metro Manila
that sank. The ground subsidence “hot spots” in the northern part of the metropolis are
Navotas, Malabon, Caloocan and Manila, and neighboring areas of Guiguinto, Marilao and
Meycauayan in Bulacan. Ground subsidence rates are up to 5.5 to 6 centimeters per year
and are highest in Marilao, Meycauayan and Caloocan. The satellite image of Metro Manila
shows movement of the ground. Blue areas correspond to sinking ground with the highest
rates of subsidence at 5.5 cm per year. The image was processed by Narod Eco of the
DOST project team.
Figure 2-8. Satellite image of Metro Manila shows movement of the ground
Blue areas correspond to land sinking up to 5.5 centimeters a year. Red means the ground is
moving upward or laterally toward the radar satellite. This image was processed by Narod Eco of
the project team of the DOST (contributed image from article of Dr. Lagmay from Philippine Daily
Inquirer, 2011)
Presence of expansive soil may pose ground foundation problems as a result of alternate
swelling and contraction attendant with changing moisture content. As such structures
foundered on it may in time deform or fail. In general, the distribution of expansive soils
within the project area tends to be localized. However, it is necessary to review the
geotechnical soil test to identify and map the actual areas potentially underlain by
expansive soils. Once these areas are delineated, one or a combination of the remedial
measures as mentioned in Table 2-3 and including enumerated below may be adopted.
Historical Flooding1
The coastal barangays of Obando, Bulakan, City of Malolos, Paombong, and Hagonoy
experience flooding caused by the increasing tides of Manila Bay. There is also 23 days
back-flooding from the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Pampanga through the Pampanga
River System which affects the municipalities of Pulilan, Calumpit, and Hagonoy as the
flood water drain towards Manila Bay.
Based on the Damage Assessment Report (as of November 2011) of the provincial
government on typhoons Pedring and Quiel, the said typhoons affected more than 70
percent (395 barangays) of the total barangays in Bulacan involving 824,262 individuals
equivalent to more than 27 percent of the total projected population of the province.
All municipalities/cities in Bulacan were affected by typhoon Pedring and Quiel except for
the Municipality of Dona Remedios Trinidad. Seven towns namely Balagtas, Bocaue,
Calumpit, Hagonoy, Obando, Paombong, and San Miguel reported that 100 percent of their
barangays were affected.
In terms of the damages to agriculture, more than 35,776.91 hectares of production land
for crops and 9,799.98 for fisheries in all the twenty-four towns in the province were lashed
by typhoons Pedring and Quiel. The total damage to crops, poultry and livestock, and
fishery is estimated at 2.53 billion pesos, wherein about 89 percent is for crops, almost 9
percent for fishery, and 2 percent for poultry and livestock.
2.53 billion pesos, wherein about 89 percent is for crops, almost 9 percent for fishery, and
2 percent for poultry and livestock. As to the extent of damages to infrastructures, about
60-70 kilometers of provincial roads and a total of 5 kilometers of Farm-to-Market Roads
(FMR) were affected and damaged by the flooding caused by the typhoons. Further, the
8qu Dam located in San Miguel was also destroyed which worsened the flooding in the
The estimated cost of damage amounted to about Php 40 million for the 9 provincial road
networks; Php 20 million for the FMRs; and more than Php 53 million for the irrigation
Flood Susceptibility
Based on the map from Mines and Geosciences Bureau (DENR-MGB) the areas susceptible
to flooding are all of the municipalities and cities in Bulacan in varying susceptibility levels
except for the municipality of Dona Remedios Trinidad which is not susceptible to flooding.
Lower parts of Meycauayan City are susceptible (low susceptibility) to flooding colored in
yellow. Upper parts of the city, where the project is located, is classified as ‘less likely to
be flooded’.
Landslide Susceptibility
Rain-induced map of Meycauayan City shows that Barangay Bahay Pare has low
susceptibility to rain-induced landslide.
Project Area
Project Area
Figure 2-10. Landslide and Flood Susceptibility Map (Mines and Geosciences Bureau, 2008)
Project Area
Project Area
Four distinct types of soil classification comprise the soil structure of Meycauayan. These
are the Prenza clay loam, Prenza silty loam, Obando fine sandy loam and the Bulacan
hyrosol. Prenza clay loam has a characteristic of having volcanic materials and highly
suited to rice production. This type of soil generally constitutes the northeastern part of
the municipality, representing 39.95 percent of the municipality’s total area. The Prenza
silty loam is likewise suited to rice and to production of vegetables and this type represents
21.28 percent of the total land area. On the other hand, it can be noted that the Bulacan
hydrosol type shares a great percentage of the soil types, which is 28.27 percent. This
type of soil is generally found at the northwestern portion of the municipality and usually
planted with nipa palm and can produce other aquatic resources. The Obando fine sandy
loam is the least type of soil classified in Meycauayan, covering only 10.50 percent of the
total land area. This type of soil is suitable for rice, sugar cane and vegetables (Table 2-4,
Figure 2-13).
Prenza Clay Loam Alluvial deposits of fine
loam over clay soil, deep, 1,282.40 39.95
moderately well drained
Bulacan Hydrosol Containing water 907.46 28.27
Prenza Silty Loam Weakly stratified alluvium,
subject to severe seasonal 683.09 21.28
river flooding
Obando Fine Sandy Loam Moderately fine loam, well
337.05 10.50
TOTAL 3,210.00 100.00
Source: Meycauayan CLUP (1990
Prenza Clay Loam - Pantok, Camalig, Pajo, part of Iba, Perez, Bahay-
Pare, part of Libtong, and Bagbaguin
Prenza Silty Loam - Pandayan, Malhacan, part of Iba, part of Libtong,
Langka, Lawa, Caingin, Tugatog, and part of Bancal
Obando Fine Sandy Loam - Saluysoy, Longos, Zamora, Poblacion, Gasak,
Calvario, Bayugo, Hulo, Banga, part of Bancal
Bulacan Hydrosol - Ubihan, Liputan
The project is located within an industrial area. The expansion area will utilize the existing
parking lot/driveway near the administrative building. Except for grass and ornamental
shrubs, no other terrestrial flora and fauna will be affected. As observed in Figure 2-14,
on the whole, biodiversity is a non-issue in this case. There are no rare or threatened
species of flora and fauna that will be affected by the project.
The project area is within the Meycauayan River watershed that drain in a south-westerly
direction towards the Obando River before finally emptying to the Manila Bay. Northeast
of the project is the Marilao River which also flows in a south-westerly direction, merging
with the Meycauayan River towards Obando River. Using ArcGIS 10.1 and National
Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) topographic maps, the drainage
areas of the Bulacan major river systems were delineated (Figure 2-17). It was also
noted that the project area is very near the watershed divide of the Marilao and
Meycauayan Rivers.
Groundwater Potential
Based on the groundwater availability map shown below, the project area is underlain by
local and less productive aquifers. This type of aquifer has very low to moderately high
permeability with well yields mostly < 6 L/s.
Study on Oceanography is not applicable since there is no subsea structure involved in the
SAMC has one (1) effluent monitoring station located at the plant main discharge canal.
Based on the historical data from March 2012 to June 2016, as reported in their SMR, all
are within the DENR standards. Figure 2-18 to Figure 2-22 presents the trend results
of parameters monitored (COD, BOD, pH, TSS, oil and grease)
The water quality of Steel Asia Manufacturing Corporation and are all within the DENR
Figure 2-18. Monitoring results for COD (Mar 2012 – Jun 2016)
Figure 2-19. Monitoring results for BOD (Mar 2012 – Jun 2016)
Figure 2-21. Monitoring results for TSS (Mar 2012 – Jun 2016)
Figure 2-22. Monitoring results for Oil and Grease (Mar 2012 – Jun 2016)
Water testing with the additional parameters like DO, Trace metals, coliform, etc. only
started March 2017 as required by the MMT in which sample is now being taken from the
last tank of the recirculating water system. Since there’s no water discharge from the
process, this testing may eventually be ceased and was just being done for evaluation
purpose of the MMT. Water from canals are rainwater from the plant compound and also
from Bahay Pare community. There are openings in the plant drainage system
accommodating rainwater from the barangay.
Water quality sampling was also conducted at the nearest water body (Bagbaguin Creek)
and deep well inside the plant. This will be used as baseline for water quality. Result are
summarized below.
Table 2-5. Baseline Groundwater and Surface Water Quality in the Project Site
Parameter Test Method Unit Deepwell
pH Electrometric Method - 8.6 9.9
Temperature Laboratory & Field Method °C 31.9 28.5
Color Visual Comparison TCU 20 150
BOD Azide Modification Winkler mg/L 10 333
COD Open Renwc Mllhod Mg/L 23 849
DO Winkler/Titrimetric mg/L 6.2 <2.0
TSS Gravimetry mg/L 4.0 652
Oil & Grease Gravimetry mg/L 1.7 3.6
Barium Hydride Generation mg/L <0.08 <0.08
Cadmium Flame AAS mg/L <0.003 <0.003
Lead Flame AAS mg/L <0.005 <0.05
Iron Flame AAS mg/L 0.4 8.7
Manganese Flame AAS mg/L 0.08 0.9
Nickel Flame AAS mg/L <0.01 <0.03
Mercury Manual Cold Vapor AAS mg/L <0.0002 <0.0002
Zinc Flame AAS mg/L <0.007 1.6
Cr6+ DiphenylCarbazide mg/L <0.003 <0.006
Fecal Multiple Tube Fermentation MPN/100ml 1.1 540,000
Ammonia Phenate Method mg/L 0.4 17
Nitrate Cadmium Reduction Method mg/L <0.006 0.5
Chloride Argentometric Method mg/L 448 274
Sulfate Turbidimetric Method mg/L <5.0 70
Cyanide Distillation - ISE mg/L <0.02 <0.02
Fluoride SPADNS Method mg/L <0.02 0.7
Phosphate Stannous Chloride Method mg/L 0.07 6.2
Benzene EPA 8260B µg/L ND ND
Ethyl EPA 8260B µg/L ND ND
m/p-Xylene EPA 8260B µg/L ND ND
o-Xylene EPA 8260B µg/L ND ND
Toluene EPA 8260B µg/L ND 86
The project requires water for cooling purposes only. In order to avoid depletion of
groundwater, the plant will utilize a Process Water Treatment facility. It will be a
circulating water system with filtering and cooling processes. After treatment, fresh and
clean water will again be used in the rolling mill equipment and in-line treatment system.
A rain catchment pond will be constructed for water management purposes. Since water
is being recycled and there is no discharge, this will be an assurance that water quality in
the area will not be depleted and will not deteriorate.
Drainage form the project is directly discharged to the main canal of Ciudad Industria
complex prior to Bagbaguin creek. Freshwater study is not applicable for this project.
Marine Ecology study is not applicable since the project does not involve activities,
discharges and structure in marine waters.
2.3 AIR
The climate at Meycauayan generally falls under Type I based on the Coronas Classification
of Philippine Climate which means two pronounced seasons: dry from November to April
and wet during the rest of the year. Figure 2-24 shows the Climate Map of the Philippines.
Tables in Table 2-6 and Table 2-7 show the climatological normal and extremes at
PAGASA Science Garden Synoptic Station (The nearest synoptic station from the project
site). This station is 20 km South Southeast (SSE) of the proposed expansion project site.
The eastern portions of the region are directly exposed to the open sea. The presence of
this open sea consequently promotes additional amount of sea moisture over Meycauayan.
The southwest wind (during the southwest monsoon season) from the South China Sea
moves northeastward to the western coasts of the province. The wind arrives at
Meycauayan as southwesterly winds. When the southwest monsoon season intensifies, the
southwesterly wind is more prevalent. During the transition of the NE monsoon, the NE
wind is the most prevalent wind at Meycauayan. RAINFALL
300.0 316.5
200.0 186.7
24.8 40.4
0.0 18.5 14.6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The following tables present the climatological normals and extremes from PAGASA
Science Garden Synoptic Station.
Seasonal changes of atmospheric humidity and cloudiness greatly affect temperature changes
in the region. The average monthly maximum temperature at Science Garden ranges from a
high of 35°C in the month of April to a low of 30.5°C during the month of December. The
highest and lowest mean monthly temperature is 29.7°C and 25.7°C which occurs during the
months of May and January, respectively. Being near to the in a coastal region, the annual
variation in the mean monthly is insignificant. The mean annual temperature near the project
site is 27.7°C with January being the coldest month and April and May being the warmest.
The highest temperature ever recorded at Science Garden station is 38.5°C on May 14, 1987
while the coldest is 14.9°C on March 1, 1963.
Figure 2-26. Average Monthly Maximum Temperature (1981-2010, PAGASA Science Garden)
Relative Humidity
Atmospheric moisture content in the tropics is relatively higher than that in the upper latitude
towards the continental areas. The Philippines is situated in the tropics, thus, the relative
percentage of atmospheric humidity is higher. Relative humidity is expressed in percentage
of water vapor present in air which is determined with psychrometric charts with the dry and
wet bulb temperatures as input (Perry, 1973). Data on relative humidity as recorded at
Science Garden shows the annual average of 78%. The relative humidity for the rest of the
year varies slightly from the mean.
The mean annual cloud amount at Science Garden is 5octas. Cloudy months are from January
to December (12 months period).
7 7
6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Wind vectors and stability conditions are the most important inputs to the assessment of
material or pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere by modelling calculations. Figure 2-29
show the wind vectors summary at Science Garden Synoptic Station for 2016. Table 2-8
present the summaries/percentage frequency values of the wind vectors for historical
Climatological Normal (1981-2010). Generally, there are three major air streams that
influence the wind pattern of the region. These are the NE wind, SW wind and the easterlies
(North Pacific Trades). However, for Science Garden station, the wind regimes are influenced
by several factors such as building downwash and mountain ranges among others. At Science
Garden station (based on climatological normal), the N wind prevails in the months of October
until December. The NE wind prevails in the months of February. The SE wind prevails in the
months of March until April. The SW wind prevails in the months of June until September. The
mean annual wind speed in the region is 1 mps. In the Dispersion modeling, the recent 2016
Science Garden Data was used using AERMET ver 9.4 to process Surface and Profile met data
require by AERMOD. Prevailing wind direction from the ENE and SSE recorded. Other direction
from the SSW,S,E etc. were noted. Wind speed on the other hand, recorded at 39.2 % Calms
and 31.9% ranges from 0.5 – 2.1 m/s).
Figure 2-29. Wind Rose Direction and Speed, % (2016, Science Garden)
Figure 2-30. Wind Class Frequency Distribution Counts, % (2016, Science Garden)
Table 2-8. Monthly Wind Direction and Speed, % (2016, Science Garden)
Temp RH Cloud Global Horizontal
Month Direction Speed Pressure RainFall (mm)
(degC) (%) Cover Radiation (watt/m2)
January 1.4 223.8 1,009.6 27.2 68.5 0.2 5.6 115.2
February 1.40 235.25 1009.86 26.68 67.85 0.62 5.57 150.64
March 1.34 230.46 1008.31 28.03 64.28 0.11 6.09 46.64
April 1.36 290.75 1777.80 53.41 104.42 1.28 7.24 134.86
May 1.29 242.47 1391.41 41.47 85.08 3.10 6.30 156.15
June 1.13 207.67 1004.90 28.72 75.87 5.84 5.03 149.64
July 1.13 233.87 1035.77 28.85 78.55 9.55 4.83 156.15
August 1.39 228.06 1001.64 28.20 83.06 25.17 4.61 149.64
September 1.23 239.00 973.33 28.41 80.37 16.51 5.42 137.31
October 1.19 203.20 1003.62 28.40 77.90 9.85 5.35 113.93
November 1.13 129.67 1005.65 27.83 75.50 3.34 5.54 120.40
December 1.29 213.87 1005.76 27.56 74.87 4.05 4.89 107.52
Mean sea level pressure is also an important input to the assessment of the climate in the
area of Meycauyan, Bulacan and the proposed plant site. The passage of the tropical cyclones
causes the sea level pressure to drop owing to its cyclonic and divergence of wind. A low
pressure area generally indicates the presence of a cyclonic weather disturbance in the
northern hemisphere while a high pressure value indicates a divergence of wind or a fair
weather condition. Table 2-9 presents the monthly average values of the mean sea level
pressure at Meycauyan.
Table 2-9. Monthly Mean Sea Level Pressure (1961-2010, Science Garden)
1961 1015 1012 1014 1011 1009 1009 1009 1008 1009 1010 1013 1012 1011
1962 1013 1015 1012 1012 1010 1010 1007 1009 1010 1010 1011 1014 1011
1963 1014 1015 1014 1012 1010 1009 1010 1009 1009 1012 1013 1013 1012
1964 1014 1015 1014 1011 1009 1009 1010 1008 1008 1009 1009 1012 1011
1965 1013 1013 1013 1012 1010 1010 1009 1010 1010 1012 1012 1013 1011
1966 1015 1013 1011 1010 1009 1010 1008 1008 1008 1011 1009 1010 1010
1967 1013 1013 1012 1011 1009 1008 1007 1007 1009 1009 1011 1013 1010
1968 1012 1014 1012 1012 1009 1010 1008 1007 1008 1011 1013 1013 1011
1969 1013 1013 1013 1012 1009 1009 1008 1009 1007 1010 1011 1012 1010
1970 1013 1013 1011 1011 1009 1009 1009 1007 1008 1008 1010
1971 1009 1008 1009 1007 1009 1008 1008 1011 1011 1009
1972 1012 1011 1012 1012 1009 1008 1005 1009 1009 1012 1012 1013 1010
1973 1013 1014 1013 1011 1010 1008 1008 1008 1010 1008 1009 1011 1010
1974 1011 1011 1012 1010 1009 1007 1008 1006 1009 1006 1008 1011 1009
1975 1013 1013 1011 1010 1009 1008 1009 1007 1009 1008 1011 1011 1010
1976 1012 1012 1011 1011 1012
1977 1011 1013 1014 1011 1009 1009 1007 1008 1007 1011 1011 1010
1978 1013 1015 1011 1011 1008 1008 1007 1006 1007 1007 1011 1013 1010
1979 1014 1012 1012 1010 1009 1009 1008 1008 1009 1009 1010 1013 1010
1980 1013 1013 1012 1011 1009 1009 1008 1008 1010 1010 1009 1010 1010
1981 1011 1008 1012 1011 1008 1007 1007 1006 1008 1009 1010 1013 1009
1982 1013 1012 1011 1011 1009 1008 1007 1007 1009 1010 1011 1012 1010
1983 1014 1014 1013 1010 1009 1009 1008 1008 1008 1009 1010 1012 1010
1984 1011 1011 1011 1009 1008 1007 1007 1005 1009 1008 1010 1010 1009
1985 1012 1008 1011 1007 1008 1006 1007 1006 1008 1008 1011 1011 1009
1986 1012 1012 1011 1010 1008 1007 1008 1005 1008 1010 1009 1013 1009
1987 1014 1015 1013 1011 1010 1008 1008 1009 1008 1009 1008 1011 1010
1988 1011 1011 1009 1009 1007 1007 1007 1008 1006 1005 1009 1011 1008
1989 1010 1010 1009 1008 1007 1007 1006 1006 1007 1008 1010 1012 1008
1990 1011 1013 1012 1009 1007 1006 1006 1005 1007 1009 1009 1012 1009
1991 1012 1012 1011 1009 1008 1008 1007 1006 1007 1007 1010 1012 1009
1992 1014 1012 1012 1009 1008 1006 1008 1006 1007 1007 1011 1012 1009
1993 1011 1011 1010 1008 1007 1006 1005 1005 1007 1008 1007 1007 1008
1994 1011 1011 1012 1009 1006 1009 1007 1007 1009 1010 1013 1013 1010
1995 1014 1013 1012 1011 1011 1009 1010 1009 1009 1009 1010 1012 1011
1996 1012 1013 1011 1009 1009 1010 1006 1008 1007 1009 1009 1012 1010
1997 1012 1012 1013 1012 1010 1009 1009 1010 1012 1012 1013 1013 1011
1998 1014 1014 1014 1013 1010 1011 1010 1011 1009 1008 1010 1012 1011
1999 1011 1014 1009 1010 1010 1009 1008 1009 1009 1010 1011 1011 1010
2000 1013 1011 1010 1009 1009 1010 1007 1008 1009 1008 1010 1011 1009
2001 1012 1010 1011 1010 1008 1008 1007 1007 1009 1010 1010 1013 1009
2002 1014 1015 1012 1008 1011 1010 1009 1010 1009 1007 1010 1011 1010
2003 1013 1011 1011 1007 1007 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1011 1014 1010
2004 1014 1013 1011 1011 1009 1008 1009 1007 1011 1011 1011 1012 1011
2005 1014 1014 1014 1012 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1010 1011 1011 1011
2006 1012 1013 1010 1011 1010 1009 1008 1010 1009 1010 1011 1011 1010
2007 1013 1013 1012 1011 1009 1008 1008 1008 1297 1009 1008 1011 1034
2008 1012 1012 1011 1009 1007 1009 1008 1009 1008 1010 1010 1011 1010
2009 1012 1011 1011 1009 1008 1008 1007 1007 1007 1008 1010 1012 1009
2010 1013 1013 1012 1011 1008 1009 1009 1008 1009 1007 1010 1009 1010
MEAN 1013 1012 1012 1010 1009 1008 1008 1008 1014 1009 1010 1012 1010 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND OPTIONS FOR PREVENTION, MITIGATION AND ENHANCEMENT
Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are all produced
during fuel oil combustion. Nearly all of the fuel carbon (99 percent) is converted to CO2
during the combustion process. This conversion is relatively independent of firing
configuration. Although the formation of CO acts to reduce CO2 emissions, the amount of CO
produced is insignificant compared to the amount of CO 2 produced. CO2 emissions for fuel oil
vary with carbon content, and carbon content varies between the classes of oil grades.
The estimated computed annual GHG contribution due to fuel combustion is as follows:
This air modeling report presents the objectives, technical approach, methodology conducted
for the combined operation of the 80mt/hr Rolling Mill Furnace No. 1 and 20 MT/hr Rolling
Mill Furnace No. 2 along with the fugitive dust emission from inside the building of SteelAsia
Manufacturing Corporation (SAMC) located Ciudad Industria Bahay Pare, Meycauayan
Bulacan. Two (2) scenarios was considered in this report; (1) Scenario 1: Furnace Stacks for
Mills 1 and Mill 2; (2) Scenario 2: Scenario 1 + Building Volume Source Fugitive Dust Emission.
Input data in model run will use 2 Units 70 MT/hr Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (LSFO)-fired Furnace
(Total of 140 Mt/hr) taken from the High Street Still Mill in Calaca, Batnagas to represent both
Meycauayan Mills, 80 MT/hr Rolling Mill No. 1 and 20 MT/hr Rolling Mill No. 2 (Total of 100
MT/hr) to depict worst case. This modeling report is part of the of Environmental Performance
Report and Management Plan (EPRMP) for the application of Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC) of the expansion project. The parameters subject for modeling are
Particulate Matter(PM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2),
Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) from the operation of above sources. The following are objectives of
the study:
A. Increase in production capacity of Rolling Mill 1 from 50mt/hr to 80mt/hr Rolling Mill
1, with ECC no. 9504-004-102C will have the following developments:
1. New Pusher Type furnace will replace the current walking hearth furnace
2. New smoke stack with height of 50 meters
3. Additional 2 roughing mill stands
Rolling Mill 2, formerly owned by Peninsula Steel Manufacturing was issued with ECC
No. 8902-003-107A. It was not operational since its acquisition by SteelAsia. To keep
up with market demand, SteelAsia plans. This project will involve increase in rebar
production capacity for Rolling Mill 1 from 50 mt/hr allowed in its existing ECC to 80
Mt/hr and 100,000 MT/year (approximately 20 MT/Hr for Rolling Mill 2).
The relevant guideline values with respect to discharge of pollutants from the source specific
air pollutants and their respective averaging times are presented in Table 2-11 and Table
2-12, respectively.
Table 2-11. National Ambient Air Quality Guideline for Criteria Pollutants
Short Term Long Term
Pollutants Averaging Averaging
ug/Ncm ppm ug/Ncm ppm
Time Time
Particulate Matter
TSP 230 24-hour 90 1-year
PM10 150 24-hour 60 1-year
Sulfur Dioxide
180 0.07 24-hour 80 0.03 1-year
Table 2-12. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Source Specific Air Pollutants from
Industrial Sources/Operations
Concentration Averaging
Methods of Analysis/
Pollutants Time
ug/Ncm ppm Measurements
Ammonia 200 0.28 30 Nesslerization/ Indo Phenol
Carbon Disulfide 30 0.01 30 Tischer Method
Chlorine and Chlorine
Compounds expressed 100 0.03 5 Methyl Orange
as Cl2
Chromotropic Acid Method
Formaldehyde 50 0.04 30 or MBTH Colorimetric
Volhard Titration with
Hydrogen Chloride 200 0.13 30
Iodine Solution
Hydrogen Sulfide 100 0.07 30 Methylene Blue
Lead 20 30 AAS
375 0.20 30 Greiss-Saltzman
Nitrogen Dioxide
260 0.14 60
Phenol 100 0.03 30 4-Aminoantiphyrine
470 0.18 30 Colorimetric –
Sulfur Dioxide
340 0.13 60 Pararosaniline
Suspended Particulate
TSP 300 60 Gravimetric
PM10 200 60
Billets shall undergo size reduction prior to reheating and rolling. Then the steel bars shall be
rapidly cooled then cut into the desired length, sorted, bundled and stockpiled prior to
delivery. Figure 2-32 and Figure 2-33 shows the typical rolling Mill Steel Manufacturing
Existing and Proposed Rolling Mill Plants and Related Pollution Control Devices
1. New Pusher Type LSFO Fired furnace will replace the current walking hearth
2. New smoke stack with height of 50 meters
3. Additional 2 roughing mill stands
Rolling Mill 2, formerly owned by Peninsula Steel Manufacturing was issued with
ECC No. 8902-003-107A. It was not operational since its acquisition by SteelAsia.
To keep up with market demand, SteelAsia plans. This project will involve increase
in rebar production capacity for Rolling Mill 1 from 50 mt/hr allowed in its existing
ECC to 80 Mt/hr and 100,000 MT/year (approx. 20 MT/Hr for Rolling Mill 2).
PM composition and emission levels are a complex function of furnace firing configuration,
operation, pollution control equipment, and fuel properties. The PM emitted by Low Sulfur
Fuel oil (LSFO) furnace primarily comprises carbonaceous particles resulting from incomplete
combustion. PM emissions from bunker C burning are related to the oil sulfur content.
The rate of CO emissions from combustion sources depends on the fuel oxidation efficiency
of the source. By controlling the combustion process carefully, CO emissions can be
minimized. Thus, if a unit is operated improperly or is not well-maintained, the resulting
concentrations of CO (as well as organic compounds) may increase by several orders of
magnitude. Smaller Furnace, heaters, and furnaces typically emit more CO and organics than
larger combustors. This is because smaller units usually have less high-temperature residence
time and, therefore, less time to achieve complete combustion than larger combustors.
Nitrogen Oxides NOx emissions from bunker C combustion are primarily nitric oxide (NO),
with only a few volume percent as nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Nitrous oxide (N2O) is also emitted
at a few parts per million. NOx formation results from thermal fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
in the combustion flame and from oxidation of nitrogen bound in the coal. Experimental
measurements of thermal NOx formation have shown that the NOx concentration is
exponentially dependent on temperature and is proportional to nitrogen concentration in the
flame, the square root of oxygen concentration in the flame, and the gas residence time. NOx
emissions are lower as lower temperatures are applied in low temperature NOx burners
applied in Furnace.
Sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions are generated during combustion from the oxidation of sulfur
contained in the fuel. The emissions of SOx from conventional combustion systems are
predominantly in the form of SO2. Uncontrolled SOx emissions are almost entirely dependent
on the sulfur content of the fuel. On average, more than 95 percent of the fuel sulfur is
converted to SO2, about 1 to 5 percent is further oxidized to sulfur trioxide (SO3), and 1 to
3 percent is emitted as sulfate particulate.
Emission Load
Input data in Figure below shows the operation of 2 Units 70 MT/hr Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (LSFO)-
fired (Total of 140 Mt/hr) taken from the High Street Still Mill in Calaca, Batnagas to represent
both Meycauayan Mills, 80 MT/hr Rolling Mill No. 1 and 20 MT/hr Rolling Mill No. 2 (Total of
100 MT/hr) to depict worst case scenario in the model run. Two (2) scenarios was considered
in this report; (1) Scenario 1: Furnace Stacks for Mills 1 and Mill 2; (2) Scenario 2: Scenario
1 + Building Volume Source Fugitive Dust Emission. Modeling Parameters in Particulate
Matter(PM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Lead (Pb)
and Zinc (Zn). The source parameters of the stacks, such as stack height, stack inside
diameter; flue gas exit velocity and temperature are summarized in the Table below.
Figure 2-34. Stack Test of 70 MT/day Furnace Calaca Plant (SO2, NO2, CO)
Figure 2-35. Stack Test of 70 MT/day Furnace Calaca Plant PM, Pb. Zn)
The project is located within the 18 hectares property of SAMC in Ciudad Industria Bahay
Pare, Meycauayan, Bulacan. The project boundary has coordinates of approximately 14° 46’
0.19” N latitude and 121° 5’ 18” E longitude. The site can be reached from Manila through
NLEX and then Malhacan Road or through Congressional Extension Road and Manufacturers
Avenue. There are land transportation available in the area with several terminals such as
one at El Camino Public Market and EMA Town Center. Iba Road is the main road artery to
the project site. The access road to the site is within Ciudad Industria. METEOROLOGY
Meteorological Data
Meteorological data such as stability classes and wind speeds, mixing height, cloud cover
among other are considered this model run. TIER 3 meteorological data was used. PAGASA
NAIA Science Garden Station was the basis for meteorological background of the areas.
Generally, the full meteorology was used to cover changes and seasons in the area.
Aermod meteorological data requires Surface characteristics in the form of albedo, surface
roughness and Bowen ratio, plus standard meteorological observations (wind speed, wind
direction, temperature, and cloud cover), are input to AERMET. AERMET then calculates the
PBL parameters: friction velocity (u*), Monin-Obukhov length (L), convective velocity scale
(w13*), temperature scale (2), mixing height (z), and surface heat flux (H). These parameters
are then passed to the INTERFACE (which is within AERMOD) where similarity expressions (in
conjunction with measurements) are used to calculate vertical profiles of wind speed (u),
lateral and vertical turbulent fluctuations (Fv, Fw), potential temperature gradient (d2/dz),
and potential temperature (2).
The wind speed is used to determine: a) plume dilution, and b) plume rise downwind of the
stack. These factors in turn affect the magnitude of the distance to the maximum ground level
Wind data are often recorded at existing plant sites as well as air quality monitoring stations.
It is important that an equipment be to record such data. The equipment must properly
design, sited, and maintained to record data that are representative of the direction and speed
of the plume.
Figure 2-38. Combined Aermod Surface (SFC) and Profile (PFL) Science Garden 2016
The stability category at any given time will depend upon static stability, thermal turbulence,
and mechanical turbulence. It is generally estimated by a method which requires information
on solar elevation angle, cloud cover, cloud ceiling height, and wind speed.
Mixing Height
The mixing height is the distance above the ground to which relatively unrestricted vertical
mixing occurs in the atmosphere. When the mixing height is low, ambient ground level
concentrations will be relatively high because the pollutants are prevented from dispersing
Terrain elevations have a large impact on the air dispersion and deposition modelling
results and therefore on the estimates of potential risk to human health and the
environment. Terrain elevation is the elevation relative to the facility base elevation.
Complex Terrain illustrated in Figure below are those elevations defined as anywhere
within 50 km from the stack, are above the top of the stack being evaluated in the air
modelling analysis. AERMOD executes complex terrain situations. The model utilized
elected terrain using SRTM3 terrain data processed by AERMAP terrain processor. This
option assumes terrain height exceeds stack base elevation, model receptors are also
assumed on elevated terrain. Figure below shows the terrain projections.
The AERMIC terrain pre-processor AERMAP uses gridded terrain data to calculate a
representative terrain-influence height, also referred to as the terrain height scale. The
terrain height scale, which is uniquely defined for each receptor location, is used to
calculate the dividing streamline height. The gridded data needed by AERMAP is selected
from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. AERMAP is also used to create receptor grids.
The elevation for each specified receptor is automatically assigned through AERMAP. For
each receptor, AERMAP passes the following information to AERMOD: the receptor’s
location (x), its height above mean sea level (z), and the receptor specific terrain height
Figure 2-40. 510 Digitail Terrain SRTM Elevation AERMAP ver 9.3
Fugitive dust from Building was also considered in the model scenario using estimation
based on Cold Milling and Billet cutting operation using US-EPA AP42 Emission Factors.
Figure 2-41. US EPA AP 42 Emission Factors for Area Source in Steel Minimill
Table 2-16. Emission Loads Volume Source from Building (additional for Scenario 2)
Cold Billet Cold Billet
Reversing Cutting Reversing Cutting
Mill Torches Mill Torches
EF EF PM PM g/sec-
MT/yr Mt/hr PM(g/sec) Area
(lb/ton) (lb/ton) (g/sec) (g/sec) m2
60,000.00 80.00 0.0192 0.0320 0.19 0.32 0.51 139.00 0.00370
1 (Mill1)
100,000.00 20.00 0.0192 0.0320 0.05 0.08 0.13 248.00 0.00052
2 (Mill 2)
Considerations related to air quality monitoring data that is utilized in the air quality
dispersion modeling analysis are discussed below.
Modeled ambient air concentrations only reflect the impacts from stationary industrial
emission sources. Therefore, “background” concentrations are typically added to the
modeled ground-level concentrations. These background concentrations include emissions
from other sources (e.g., area and mobile sources, distant point sources, etc.). The
background concentrations are summarized in Table 2-17 below.
Figure 2-43. Location of Background Ambient Lead at 4 Sampling Stations and Predicted
Figure 2-44. Location of Background Ambient PM-10 at 4 Sampling Stations and PM-10
Methods of Sampling and Analysis are based on CFR 40 Part 50 Method in compliance with
the methods of analysis under Air Quality Guideline Values and National Ambient Air
Quality Standards under DAO 2000-81. Gravimetic for PM-10 while Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS) for Lead.
Results are limited to PM-10 and Lead only. Results of predicted and observed are shown
above in Table 2-17.
The modeling approach will utilize Tier 4 Sophisticated modelling using site specific
Meteorological data the most refined modelling techniques sophisticated and latest
AERMOD ver 9.3 to assess the impact of contaminant emissions. AERMOD ver 9.3 will
utilize local meteorological data based on the wind fields of the area and include terrain
effects on the wind directions. Local meteorological data sets including site-specific
parameters, terrain data and meteorological characteristics should be used, as it more
accurately reflects local conditions.
AERMOD ver 9.3 is a TIER 4 complaint software complies with the Environmental
Management Bureau (EMB), Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2008-03 “Guidelines for Air
Dispersion Modeling” to meet the requirements under Republic Act(RA) 8749: the
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of
Department Administrative Order (DAO) 2000-81.
To generate 1-hr and 24-hr dispersion of the following criteria pollutants and
identify peak ground level concentration for Particulate Matter(PM), Carbon
Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Lead (Pb) and
Zinc (Zn):
To determine ground level concentration at selected area receptors; and
To determine the best location of the proposed air monitoring stations.
AERMOD is a steady-state plume model. In the stable boundary layer (SBL), it assumes
the concentration distribution to be Gaussian in both the vertical and horizontal. In the
convective boundary layer (CBL), the horizontal distribution is also assumed to be
Gaussian, but the vertical distribution is described with a bi-Gaussian probability density
function (pdf). This behavior of the concentration distributions in the CBL was
demonstrated by Willis and Deardorff (1981) and Briggs (1993). Additionally, in the CBL,
AERMOD treats “plume lofting,” whereby a portion of plume mass, released from a buoyant
source, rises to and remains near the top of the boundary layer before becoming mixed
into the CBL. AERMOD also tracks any plume mass that penetrates into the elevated stable
layer, and then allows it to re-enter the boundary layer when and if appropriate. For
sources in both the CBL and the SBL AERMOD treats the Power of lateral dispersion
resulting from plume meander. Using a relatively simple approach, AERMOD incorporates
current concepts about flow and dispersion in complex terrain. Where appropriate the
plume is modeled as either impacting and/or following the terrain. This approach has been
designed to be physically realistic and simple to implement while avoiding the need to
distinguish among simple, intermediate and complex terrain, as required by other
regulatory models. As a result, AERMOD removes the need for defining complex terrain
regimes. All terrain is handled in a consistent and continuous manner while considering
the dividing streamline concept (Snyder et al. 1985) in stably stratified conditions. Figure
2-45 shows the data flow in AERMOD system. Figure below shows the AERMOD treatment
of boundary parameters. Emissions
Emission Load
Input data in Figure below shows the operation of 2 Units 70 MT/hr (Total of 140 Mt/hr)
to represent both 80 MT/hr Rolling Mill No. 1 and 20 MT/hr Rolling Mill No. 2 (Total of 100
MT/hr) to depict worst case scenario in the model run. Two (2) scenarios was considered
in this report; (1) Scenario 1: Furnace Stacks for Mills 1 and Mill 2; (2) Scenario 2:
Scenario 1 + Building Volume Source Fugitive Dust Emission. Modeling Parameters in
Particulate Matter(PM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2), Nitrogen Dioxide
(NO2), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn). The source parameters of the stacks, such as stack height,
stack inside diameter; flue gas exit velocity and temperature are summarized in the Table
Model domain is 10,000 X 10,000meters area. Center of the domain is the location of
Stack of Mill1.
The emission sources at the facility are evaluated in terms of their proximity to nearby
structures. The purpose of the downwash evaluation is to determine if stack discharges
may become caught in the turbulent wakes generated by these structures. Wind blowing
around a structure creates zones of turbulence that are greater than if the structures were
absent. The parameterization of building downwash in AUSPLUME is appropriate for use in
the turbulent wake region.
Emission sources with a stack height less than the minimum Good Engineering Practice
(GEP) stack height may be affected by downwash caused by a nearby structure. Per USEPA
guidance, the minimum GEP stack height is determined using the following equation:2
G = H + 1.5L
US EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Guidelines for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height
(Technical Support Document for the Stack Height Regulations) (Revised), Research Triangle, North Carolina, EPA 450/4-80-
032R, June, 1985.
The purpose of the downwash evaluation is to determine if stack discharges may become
caught in the turbulent wakes generated by these structures. Wind blowing around a
structure creates zones of turbulence that are greater than if the structures were absent.
Since stack height is less than the building height, building downwash is considered in this
modeling. Building dimensions are given on the below table.
Meteorological Data
Aermod meteorological data requires Surface characteristics in the form of albedo, surface
roughness and Bowen ratio, plus standard meteorological observations (wind speed, wind
direction, temperature, and cloud cover), are input to AERMET. AERMET then calculates
the PBL parameters: friction velocity (u*), Monin-Obukhov length (L), convective velocity
scale (w13*), temperature scale (2), mixing height (z), and surface heat flux (H). These
parameters are then passed to the INTERFACE (which is within AERMOD) where similarity
expressions (in conjunction with measurements) are used to calculate vertical profiles of
wind speed (u), lateral and vertical turbulent fluctuations (Fv, Fw), potential temperature
gradient (d2/dz), and potential temperature (2).
The model scenario utilizes 10X`0km Domain using Tier 4 Sophisticated modelling
employing site specific Meteorological data particularly the most refined modelling
techniques, AERMOD ver 9.3 to assess the impact of contaminant emissions. AERMOD ver
9.3 utilized local meteorological data (Science Garden PAGASA) based on the wind fields
of the area and include terrain effects on the wind directions. Local meteorological data
sets including site-specific parameters, landuse, terrain data, and meteorological
characteristics should be used, as it more accurately reflects local conditions. Building
wake effects was also used as advance feature to depict effects of building downwash.
Two (2) scenarios was considered in this report; (1) Scenario 1: Furnace Stacks for Mills
1 and Mill 2; (2) Scenario 2: Scenario 1 + Building Volume Source Fugitive Dust Emission.
The highest concentration falls within the plants premise at 50 to 500 meters away from
the stack of Mill 1. Dispersion model results are presented in 6 km by 6 km. Figure to 5.7
to 5.27 shows the isopleths diagrams of the predicted ambient ground level concentration
values for Two (2) scenarios was considered in this report; (1) Scenario 1: Furnace Stacks
for Mills 1 and Mill 2; (2) Scenario 2: Scenario 1 + Building Volume Source Fugitive Dust
Distance CONC Standard/GV
Hours meters ug/NCm ug/NCm
TSP (Scenario 1 52.35 WSW 4.27 300
1) 24 180.94 NNW 0.689 230
TSP (Scenario 1 405.39 NNE 300.92 300
2) 24 448.49 NNW 115.39 230
PM-10 1 52.35 WSW 0.854 150
(Scenario 1) 24 180.94 NNW 0.137 200
PM-10 1 405.39 NNE 60.18 150
(Scenario 2) 24 448.49 NNW 23.07 200
CO 1 52.35 WSW 1.34 35 mg/Ncm
8 180.94 NNW 0.6334 10 mg/Ncm
NO2 1 448.49 NNW 42.57 260
24 180.94 NNW 6.9 150
SO2 1 448.49 NNW 6.41 260
24 180.94 NNW 1.04 150
Pb 1 448.49 NNW 0.1646 20 ug/Ncm *
24 180.94 NNW 0.00267 NA
Zn 1 448.49 NNW 0.00017 NA
24 180.94 NNW 0.00003 NA
Legend: * 30 min
The predicted TSP concentrations for 1-hour and 24-hour averaging times are within the
DENR NAAQGV & NAAQSSSAPI Standards. Therefore, the proposed TSP emissions will not
have significant environmental impact to the ambient air quality. Predicted short term (1
hour) for controlled Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) maximum ground level
concentrations considering terrain effects is at 4.27 ug/Ncm located 52 meters WestSouth
West (WSW) from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). Simulated concentrations for maximum
ground level concentration for 1 hour TSP is generally below the National Ambient Air
Quality Standards for Source Specific Air Pollutants of 300 ug/Ncm. On the other hand, for
24 hour averaging time, result of the Model run shows that Maximum TSP concentration
is 0.689 ug/Ncm located 52 meters WestSouth West (WSW) from the Stack of Furnace 1
(Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in compliance under the 24 hour standards
under the National Guideline Values of 230 ug/Ncm.
As presented in Table below, the maximum predicted future 1-hour and 8-hour averaging
times CO concentrations will be well within the DENR NAAQGV. Therefore, the proposed
CO emissions will not have significant environmental impact to the ambient air quality.
Predicted short term (1 hour) for Carbon Monoxide (CO) maximum ground level
concentrations considering terrain effects is 1.34 ug/Ncm located 52 meters WestSouth
West (WSW) from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in
compliance under the 1 hour standards under the National Guideline Values of 35 mg/Ncm.
On the other hand, for 8 hour averaging time, result of the Model run shows that maximum
ground level concentrations is 1.34 ug/Ncm located 375 meters North North West (NNW)
from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in compliance under
the 1 hour standards under the National Guideline Values of 10 mg/Ncm.
Based on the modeling results, the predicted 1-hour and 24-hour averaging times of SO2
concentrations are within the DENR NAAQGV & NAAQSSSAPI Standards. Predicted short
term (1 hour) for Sulfur Oxides (SOx) maximum ground level concentrations considering
terrain effects is 6.41 ug/Ncm located 448meters North North West (NNW) from the Stack
of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in compliance under the 1 hour
standards under the National Guideline Values of 260 ug/Ncm. On the other hand, for 24
hour averaging time, result of the Model run shows that maximum ground level
concentrations is 1.04 ug/Ncm located 180 meters North North West (NNW) from the
Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in compliance under the 24
hour standards under the National Guideline values of 340 ug/Ncm.
Assuming all NOx emitted are converted into NO2, the predicted NO2 concentrations for
1-hour and 24-hour averaging times are within the DENR NAAQGV & NAQSSSAPI
Standards. Predicted short term (1 hour) for Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) maximum ground
level concentrations considering terrain effects is 42.57 ug/Ncm located 448 meters North
West (NNW) from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in
compliance under the 1 hour standards under the National Guideline Values of 260
ug/Ncm. On the other hand, for 24 hour averaging time, result of the Model run shows
that maximum ground level concentrations is 6.9 ug/Ncm located 180 meters North West
(NNW) from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). All simulated concentrations were in
compliance under the 1 hour standards under the National Guideline Values of 150
As presented in Table below, the maximum predicted future 1-hour averaging times Lead
(Pb) and Zinc (Zn) concentrations will be well within the DENR NAAQGV. Therefore, the
proposed Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) emissions will not have significant environmental impact
to the ambient air quality. Predicted short term (1 hour) for Lead (Pb) maximum ground
level concentrations considering terrain effects is 0.1646 ug/ located 448 meters North
North West (NNW) from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1). Predicted short term (1 hour) for
Zinc (Zn) maximum ground level concentrations considering terrain effects is 0.00017
ug/Ncm located 180 meters North North West (NNW) from the Stack of Furnace 1 (Mill 1).
An overall evaluation of the air dispersion modeling study concluded the following key
Figure 2-52. Plot of TSP 1hr Concentration Isopleth Google Earth Overlay
Figure 2-62. Plot of TSP 24hr Concentration Isopleth Google Earth Overlay
The following table summarizes the predicted concentrations at selected area sensitive
receptors (ASRs) which are mostly residential areas. TIER 4 modeling result as presented
n table below shows the GLC at selected air sensitive receptor. Results of modeled
parameters in all air sensitive receptor are within the DENR standard for 1-hour averaging
period of 300 µg/Ncm for TSP, 340 µg/Ncm for SO2, 260 µg/Ncm for NO2, and 35,000
µg/Ncm for CO. The calculated 24-hour averaging period is also within the DENR standard
of 230 µg/Ncm for TSP, 180 µg/Ncm for SO 2, 150 µg/Ncm for NO2, and 10,000 µg/Ncm
for CO. The graphical figure of the modeling result for1 –hour,8 hout and 24-hour
averaging period in area sensitive receptors (ARS) are shown in below.
20.00 ASR 9
15.00 ASR 7
10.00 ASR 5
1HR 24 1HR 8 HR 1HR 2HR 1HR 24HR 1HR 1HR
ASR 1 ASR 2 ASR 3 ASR 4 ASR 5 ASR 6 ASR 7 ASR 8 ASR 9 ASR 10
Table 2-20. Summary of Predicted 1-hr and 24-hour GLC at Area Sensitive
The proposed expansion project site is located within the 18 hectares property of SAMC in
Ciudad Industria Bahay Pare, Meycauayan, Bulacan. The project boundary has coordinates
of approximately 14° 46’ 0.19” N latitude and 121° 5’ 18” E longitude. The site can be
reached from Manila through NLEX and then Malhacan Road or through Congressional
Extension Road and Manufacturers Avenue. There is land transportation available in the
area with several terminals such as one at El Camino Public Market and EMA Town Center.
Iba Road is the main road artery to the project site. The access road to the site is within
Ciudad Industria. Based on the actual noise monitoring, results show that the noise in the
area is in compliance with the standards. Comparative noise regulation of international
and local regulations were as follows: Philippine OSHA - 90 dB (A); US OSHA -90 dB (A);
and US NIOSH - 85 dB (A). In addition, allowable noise standards under PD 1584 are
presented in the Table below.
Results for the noise monitoring conducted are shown below. One-hour monitoring was
done for Stations 1 and 2and 24-hours monitoring for Station 2.
Table 2-23. Results for Baseline Noise Monitoring along Plaridel Bypass Road
Sampling Time North East South West Min Max Ave Remarks
1212H - 1227H 67.9 70.6 69.3 78.6 68.6 71.4 67.7 70.7 68.4 74.4 72.3 Noise came from vehicles that passed by
1227H - 1242H 68.9 76.1 68.4 74.3 67.4 75.6 64.3 71.8 67.6 74.7 72.5 Noise came from vehicles that passed by
1242H - 1257H 68.2 71.3 69.5 75.7 68.7 76.8 64.6 69.8 68.1 74.3 72.2 Noise came from vehicles that passed by
1257H - 1312H 64.3 74.5 68.7 74.8 66.9 76.2 55.8 69.2 65.8 74.3 71.9 Noise came from vehicles that passed by
AveLeq 72.2
Sampling Time North East South West Min Max Ave Remarks
Noise came from insects and vehicles that passed
2103H - 2303H 60.8 61.4 61.0 62.8 61.7 62.8 61.3 61.9 61.2 62.3 61.8
2303H - 0103H 58.6 60.1 57.3 58.4 60.5 61.3 61.9 68.5 59.9 64.0 62.5 Noise came from rain
0103H - 0303H 58.4 59.7 58.0 59.9 59.2 60.2 60.8 61.0 59.2 60.2 59.8 Noise came from insects
0303H - 0503H 57.8 58.6 56.7 57.8 60.0 61.9 61.8 62.0 59.5 60.5 60.0 Noise came from insects
0503H - 0703H 58.9 59.2 58.3 59.5 58.9 59.6 59.9 60.4 59.0 59.7 59.4 Noise came from insects
Noise came from birds around and vehicles that
0703H - 0903H 55.3 59.8 59.8 61.4 54.1 59.3 58.7 59.6 57.6 60.1 59.0
passed by
Noise came from birds around and vehicles that
0903H - 1103H 49.3 50.3 51.9 59.8 50.6 51.7 48.1 52.4 50.2 55.4 53.5
passed by
Noise came from birds around and vehicles that
1103H - 1303H 57.8 62.4 47.5 52.8 46.9 50.1 47.6 50.2 52.8 57.3 55.6
passed by
Noise came from birds around and vehicles that
1303H - 1503H 50.1 54.4 44.9 49.9 45.8 49.4 49.6 51.8 48.2 51.8 50.4
passed by
AveLeq 59.1
Model results are based on the propagation of sound through water or air is the "source,
path, receiver" model (Richardson 1995). Among basic parameters in this model related
to the receiver's perception of loudness are:
RL = SL - TL
Transmission loss can also be estimated by adding the effects of geometrical spreading,
absorption and scattering. For our purposes we'll deal only with spreading (TL g) and
absorption loss (TLa):
TL = TLg + TLa
Noise is measured in terms of Decibels unit. The equation below expresses the relationship
of pressure levels to decibel unit:
10 Log P
Decibel = Po
= is a reference value
= is a measured value
For various sources of sound pressures, the total equivalent sound level at the receptor
point can be expressed by the following equation:
L1 L2 L3 Ln
Lov 10 Log 10 10 10 10 10 10 .... 10 10
Propagation of Sound
The total acoustic energy emitted from a source, can be assumed to propagate in a
hemispherical attenuation. At the receptor, the amount of sound pressure level depends
on the amount of rated kilowatt power. The intensity can be expressed by the following
4r 2 ===> (sphere surface area)
W = power in watts
If the sound power level is given, then the sound pressure level at the receptor point can
be expressed by the following relationship:
= sound level pressure, decibel
Combining terms:
[ Lw1 10 Log 2R1 ]10 [ Lw 2 10 Log 2R2 ] [ Lw 3 10 Log 2R3 ]
2 2 2
Lx , y 10 Log 10 10 10
10 10
Based on the “Source, Path and Receiver" noise model, major noise source identified were
as follows: (1) Reheating Furnace, (2) Rolling Mill, (3) Twin Finishing Blocks, (4) QTB
Quenching Line, (4) Cooling Bed, (5) Heavy Duty Stationary Shear, (6) Hydraulic Binding
Machine , Transport and Hauling Activities. Model results are based on worst case scenarios
operating 24 hours maximum excluding noise mitigating measures such as noise barriers
among others. Noise source are based on worst case theoretical noise levels.
Table 2-25. Corresponding noise level contribution of different equipment in the Plant
Noise sources are based exclusively from plant equipment and transport activities
operating at full capacity excluding ambient noise corrections from other industrial,
agricultural and roadside sources. Result shows that noise level impacts at full operation
will emit less than 50 Decibels 200 meter away from plant sources below the Light and
Heavy Industrial Allowable noise level standards of 70 Db for Daytime (9 AM to 6 PM), 65
Db (5-9 AM) /(6-10 PM) for Morning and Evening, and 60 DB for Nighttime (10 PM to 5
AM) pursuant to the Table of Allowable Noise Level, PD 1584. On the other hand,
Residential Areas may slightly approach allowable standards of 55 Db for Daytime (9 AM
to 6 PM), 50 Db (5-9 AM) /(6-10 PM) for Morning and Evening, and 45 DB for Nighttime
(10 PM to 5 AM). Noise mitigation measures are recommended such as construction of
concrete perimeter walls as noise barriers, Enclosure of Equipment (Noise Barriers),
Maintenance schedules of equipment and transport and hauling measures among others.
Baseline and regular self-monitoring of full operation noise sampling is recommended to
validate worst case noise.
In the previous chapter, all the environmental impacts on land, water, air and people
during the construction and operational phase have been presented. All the mitigating
measures will be implemented by the company, some of which will be monitored and
supervised by the concerned government agencies. The cost of implementation for all the
mitigating measures will be integrated in the operational budget of the company to make
sure that the proper structures or systems are fully implemented.
List of Key Impacts Discussion/Mitigation Measures
The study focuses on Barangay Bahay Pare, the direct impact barangay of the proposed
project. Meycauayan City is considered the social impact area for the proposed project.
All secondary data from concerned local government units and other relevant agencies to
craft the socioeconomic condition of the impact communities were also studied. These
include the following:
All available demographic and socio-economic secondary data in print and electronic
versions were exhausted in this study.
Perception Survey
A Perception Survey was held in the direct impact Brgy. Bahay Pare in Meycuayan City on
May 17, 2017, ensuring that different sectors in their communities are well-represented.
Individual Perception Survey Questionnaires were utilized wherein the interviewers filled
up/noted the responses of the interviewee/respondents to facilitate time and discourse.
A fixed sample number of 150 respondents was assigned for the Perception Survey.
During the Spanish Colonization of the country, the town of Meycauayan was established
as a settlement by a group of Spanish priests belonging to the Franciscan Order. In 1578,
its early inhabitants came into contact with Christianity. In that same year, Father Juan
de Placencia and Diego Oropesa built the first church structure, which was believed to be
made of nipa and bamboo. Common to all Spanish settlements in that period was the
adoption of a patron saint for the newly opened town. Meycauayan has St. Francis of Assisi
as the Patron Saint. It was only in 1668, however, that a concrete church structure was
Meycauayan was then one of the largest towns in the province of Bulacan. The towns,
which fell under its political jurisdiction, were San Jose del Monte, Bocaue, Valenzuela
(formerly Polo), Obando, Marilao, Sta. Maria and Pandi. It was also regarded as the
unofficial capital of the province, being the hub of activities brought about by the
establishment of the market center and the presence of the Spanish military detachment.
During the revolution, which was set off by the execution of Dr. Jose Rizal in 1896,
Meycauayan contributed its share in the fight against the Spanish conquistadores. Among
her sons who figured prominently in the revolution were: Andres Pacheco, Ciriaco
Contreras, Guillermo Contreras, Guillermo Bonque, and Liberato Exaltacion. There were
many others who had joined the revolution and had displayed their exceptional heroism
until 1898, when the country gained its independence.
In 1949, a big fire razed the market center and several business establishments in the
town, causing setbacks to the development of the municipality. It took several years to
recover from the destruction and property losses. However, in the 1960s and early part of
1970s, new hope for the development was ushered in. Reconstruction and rehabilitation
of infrastructure facilities were made possible through the assistance of the provincial and
national governments. A more sound economic base was established and crop production
more than doubled.
On December 10, 2006, by virtue of Republic Act 9356, voters in Meycauayan ratified the
conversion of Meycauayan into a component city of Bulacan through another plebiscite. It
became the province’s third city, joining San Jose del Monte and Malolos.
Today, the city of Meycauayan has transformed into a major economic and industrial hub
in the Province of Bulacan and the rest of Region III.
Table 2-27 presents the total population of barangays in Meycuayan, Bulacan as of 2015.
Barangay Bahay Pare, where the project is located, compose the 5.21% of the total
population of Meycauan City. On the other hand, historical data on Barangay Pare
population show that significant increase in population happened from 2004-2010.
The 1995 average household size in Meycauayan is 5.00 (rounded-off from the actual
computation of 4.715) persons. Barangays Malhacan, Pandayan, and Bancal are expected
to have the biggest increase in households in the period 1995-2004.
This is due to the significant number of squatters in Malhacan and Bancal, as well as
migrating residents in the residential subdivisions in Pandayan.
Based on the 1995 Census of population, 86.34 percent of the municipality’s total
household population spoke Tagalog. Bicol came second with 2.73 percent and Ilocano,
third with 2.72 percent (Table 2-28).
Based on the 1995 Census of population, the population of Meycauayan is generally young.
The population between the ages of under 1 – 14 account for 43,413 or 31.67 percent of
the 1995 total population. On the other hand, 86,180 or 62.87 percent belong to the 15 -
64 years old age bracket and only 3,742 or 2.73 percent are in the age bracket of 65 years
old and above.
In terms of sex distribution, the females slightly outnumbered the male population as
there are 68,924 females or 50.28 percent of the municipal household population as
against 68,157 or 49.72 percent (Table 2-29). LITERACY
The municipality of Meycauayan has a high percentage of literacy by the 95.78 percent
literacy rate based on 1995 Census of population, which could be attributed to the
existence of numerous educational institutions and facilities. The same Census revealed
that out of the 119,355 population five (5) years old and over, 105,986, are literate and
only 5,038 or 4.22 percent are illiterate.
In terms of educational attainment, the 1995 population showed that of the total school
age population, 2,871 or 2.40 percent completed the pre-school level, 45,021 or 37.72
percent completed the elementary level; 38,805 or 32.51 percent finished the secondary
level; and only 13,989 or 11.72 percent reached the tertiary level. The remaining 5,038
or 4.22 percent of the total school age population account for those who have not
completed any grade at all.
Housing needs are among the growing problems which accompanies the increasing
population in Bulacan. Although there are number of subdivisions being established in the
province that could accommodate the growing numbers of families, the problem is the
affordability and capability to avail the housing units offered in the market. In the following
table, only 0.59% of the total households were squatters in 2007.
Meycauayan (Tagalog for “where bamboos thrive”) is known not only for its bamboo
products but especially its high-end cottage industries: jewelry, especially gold filigree;
leather, from the oldest tannery in the country. (Source:
Minimal number of sources were found regarding the cultural properties and archaeological
finds in Meycauayan City. Most of the sources about 40 years ago however indicate finds
in Bulacan province.
The following discussion on archaeological finds in Bulacan are lifted from the journal
Philippine Studies: The beginning of Filipino Society and Culture 3.
“In the Philippines, the earliest surviving tools of ancient man consist of big, crudely
worked choppers. The materials used for making these implements were flint, quartz, and
chalcedony. In spite of their typological similarity to some dated tools found in. Indonesia
and neighboring countries, the Philippine tools have not been dated with certainty.
Jocano, F. L. (1967). The beginning of Filipino Society and Culture. Philippine Studies vol. 15, no. 1 (1967): 9–40
First, most of the tools were surface finds brought to Manila by ditch diggers, farmers, and
mining prospectors. Only rarely was controlled excavation of any kind made or any steps
taken to do in situ analysis of the geological-artifactual association. Second, the
archeological work carried out in the Rizal, Bulacan, and Batangas areas was almost
entirely exploration and survey work, in which different sites were examined with almost
no systematic digging.”
“Tool types. The first known type of implements during the New Stone Age includes
roughly flaked tools with ground blades or cutting edges. This type has been called the
Bacsonian, a type-classification derived from the name of the place where this Ionn was
first recognized and identified, the Bacson Massif of Indo-China. Older scholars call these
tools pmbneoliths ("before the neoliths" or polished stone tools). They are found mostly
in Bataan, Rizal, and Bulacan provinces. The body of this tool type is not polished.”
On the other hand, the following discussions are lifted from the article The Philippines:
Archaeology in the Philippines to 19504:
“Beyer further stated that in 1923-1924 he attempted a compilation of all known data on
true Philippine stone-age finds, and after a diligent search through the literature, as well
as an examination of all rumored finds, he was able finally to accumulate data on some
sixty implements that seemed to be genuine prehistoric stone-age artifacts. Of these, he
acquired or personally examined about thirty real neolithic implements, scattered over a
wide geographic range from Davao to northern Luzon. Most of these tools were obviously
middle or late neolithic in type, but they were sufficient to show that the Philippines had a
true late stone-age population here, even if the remains were scarce and widely scattered.
Such was the atmosphere, according to Walter Miles (1952: 41), when a turning point
came toward the end of 1925. Construction work had already begun on the Novaliches
Dam in Rizal Province, and the Novaliches site, that started the Rizal-Bulacan
Archaeological Survey, was discovered by accident. Early in 1926 workmen erecting a
house found a glass bracelet and a few beads. Not long afterwards, when ground was
being levelled for a garage shed, a nest of iron weapons was uncovered containing a
considerable quantity of pottery sherds and several dozen beads. It was then that W. S.
Boston, general foreman of the dam project, notified the Bureau of Science and Beyer of
the University of the Philippines. Subsequent investigation and reconnaissance of the site
confirmed the find of ancient burials and habitations.
Further excavations were carried out intermittently until the middle of 1930 to include a
narrow strip inside Bulacan Province. Actually, the collecting activities by Beyer's field
assistants continued beyond this year. Altogether, a total of 120 sites was surveyed, and
in five years of work the collection totalled nearly half a million specimens (Beyer 1947:
231). The magnitude of the survey was highlighted by the fact that it disclosed relics from
all the horizons of the prehistoric ages of man.
In addition to the extensive surveys mentioned above, Beyer carried out collecting
activities in other Philippine areas, briefly enumerated as follows (Beyer 1947: 207): (1)
Evangelista, A. E. (1960). The Philippines: Archaeology in the Philippines to 1950. Retrieved July 21, 2017 from
Visayan Islands collection, 1929-1930, 1936-1939, 1941, especially; (2) special Pugad-
Babuy (Bulacan) collection, 1933-1938; (3) special Sta. Mesa and Cubao collections, Rizal
Province, 1935-1940; (4) several other collections at intermediate intervals, particularly
Pampanga, Camarines Norte, Cavite, Zambales, Sulu, and other places.
Year 1968 when Meycauayan was considered like a first class municipality because of the
existence of many industries in the area aside from farming and fishing as ordinary source
of living in the region.
Currently, Meycauayan has only 27 big leather tanning companies, which is a drastic
reduction in number due to problems posed by scarcity of raw hide and the high cost of
leather chemicals which is mostly imported from other countries.
However, employment, being one of the major sources of income of the populace, showed
data increase from 44,396 based on 1990 Census to 53,660 based on 1998 projection,
with 4.17 percent as annual employment growth rate. EMPLOYMENT
Above 15 years old are the economically active population who are seeking for work or
who are working. Meycauayan’s working age population in 1990 and 1995 were 75,749
and 86,180, respectively.
In 1995, the town’s labor force participation rate is 60.06%, lower than the provincial rate
of 63.40%.
The 2004 expected working age population is 111,977. With the projected 60.06% labor
force participation rate, the 2004 labor is estimated at 67,256. If the employment grows
to be 94.80%, the projected employed labor force would be 63,757. AGRICULTURE
Meycauayan has a total land area of 3,210.0 hectares. Of these, only 371.3 hectares or
11.57 percent of the total land area of the municipality, are devoted to agriculture. The
seemingly dwindling agricultural land can be attributed to the rapid urbanization and
industrialization of Meycauayan, which had led to the conversion of a sizable area of
agricultural land to residential, commercial and industrial uses.
Palay being the principal crop is cultivated in unirrigated and partially irrigated field with
a total area of 336.65 hectares. Other agricultural crops having a share of 24.75 hectares
include corn, leafy vegetable/fruit, and root crops. Irrigation facilities are available in some
In 1997, palay production is placed at 91.49 cavans per hectare. On the other hand, the
production yield of fruit trees and other crops are recorded as follows: mango – 1,160.15;
atis – 93.65; corn – 5.5; banana – 62.75; guyabano – 70.80; caimito – 157.50; avocado
– 133.35; papaya – 138.40; langka – 109.90; tieza – 70.00; guava – 67.50; leafy
vegetables – 60.00; fruit vegetables – 75.00; and rootcrops – 195.00 (Table 2-32).
Palay (Rainfed and irrigated) 336.650 91.49 cavans/hectare
Fruits 29.200 1,520.70 metric tons
Mango 11.950 1,160.15 metric tons
Atis 1.121 93.65 metric tons
Banana 13.760 62.75 metric tons
Guyabano 0.965 70.80 metric tons
Avocado 1.404 133.35 metric tons
Corn 2.750 5.50 metric tons
Leafy Vegetables 4.000 60.00 metric tons
Fruit Vegetables 5.000 75.00 metric tons
Rootcrops 13.000 195.00 metric tons
TOTAL 390.600
In 1998, Meycauayan has three thousand five hundred forty-one (3,541) commercial
establishments. Of this number, sari-sari stores constitute the highest number with 435
followed by general merchandise with 280 and retailer (miscellaneous) with 264.
Most of these establishments are located within the Central Business District, which covers
the whole barangays Poblacion, Banga and Calvario and portion of barangays Bancal,
Saluysoy, and Malhacan.
The municipality has one (1) public market, two (2) private markets, eight (8)
supermarkets/convenient stores, and five (5) flea markets located at barangays Tugatog,
Pandayan (2), Malhacan, and Perez (Sto. Niño).
The area along MacArthur Highway is a favorite spot for movie houses, refreshment parlors
and department stores, among others.
The proximity of Meycauayan to Metropolitan Manila has made it an ideal place for business
sectors to invest in manufacturing endeavors within the vicinity of the municipality.
The following table presents the trade and industries present in Meycauayan City as of
2016. As observed, Apartments has the highest number followed by general merchandise.
a. Aluminum and glass supplies 7
b. Construction-contractors/developers 49
c. Construction supplies/concrete products 11
d. Drilling/excavations/septic services 1
e. Engineering services 3
f. Gravel and sand supplier 13
g. Hardware/electrical supplies 42
h. Home improvement/ Interior decorating 13
i. Lumber supplies 11
j. Paint center/retailer 5
k. Plumbing services 7
l. Real estate developer/broker 30
m. Roofing supplies and services 1
n. Tile center/ceramic shop 9
a. Bakeshop/bread products retailer 41
b. Cakes/candies/chocolates/pastries retailer 16
c. Carinderia/eatery/barbecue house 42
d. Catering services 6
e. Egg dealer/retailer 1
f. Fast food/burger stand 35
g. Food and drinks retailer 33
h. Fruits and vegetables retailer 9
i. Ice cream/frozen products retailer 6
j. Ice dealer/retailer 2
k. KTV/restobar 11
l. Lechon (manok/baka/baboy) retailer 17
m. liquor/beverage delivery services 12
n. Meat shop/dressed chicken retailer 29
o. Pizza parlor 11
p. Processed food/processed meat retailer 16
q. Restaurant 34
r. Rice dealer/retailer 15
s. Water refilling station 56
a. Dental clinic 17
b. Dermatological clinic 6
c. Diagnostic clinic 6
d. Lying-in clinic 7
e. Medical clinic 25
f. Medical laboratory 1
g. Multi-specialty clinic 3
h. Optical clinic 10
i. Private hospital 5
j. Veterinary clinic/products and services 9
a. Acetylene/Oxygen/industrial gas dealer 20
b. Appliance dealer/retailer 9
c. Buy and sell/trading 134
d. Convenience store 5
e. Drugstore/pharmacy 52
f. Dry goods 12
g. Fire extinguisher dealer 3
h. Firearms/ammunition dealer/retailer 1
i. Furniture shop 12
j. General Merchandise 166
k. Glassware retailer 1
l. Grocery store 23
m. Home decor shop/antique shop 4
n. Industrial products retailer 21
o. Junkshop/scrap materials-buy&sell 48
p. Money changer 8
q. Plastic ware retailer 22
r. Retail store/shop 1
s. Sari-sari store 63
t. School and office supplies 15
u. Soap and detergent retailer 4
v. Bags and footwear store 27
a. Beauty parlor/barber shop/facial and body care salon 35
b. Flower shop 2
c. Garments/upholstery services 29
d. Gift shop/toy retailer/bazaar 9
e. Jewelry shop/store/repair 89
f. Laundry shop 13
g. Party/wedding planning services 8
h. Perfume retailer 2
i. RTW retailer 25
j. Spa and massage parlor 11
k. Tailoring services 4
a. Printing press/printing services/publishing 38
a. Accounting firms 161
b. Consultancy services 32
c. Funeral parlor/services 5
d. Law office/Notary public 6
e. Manpower services/job placement agency 29
f. Marketing services 49
g. Pest control srevices 1
h. Refrigiration/aircon/appliance repair services 2
i. Schools/learning centers 44
j. Security services 12
k. Watch center/repair 4
l. Welding shop 13
m. Woodcrafts/iron works 15
a. Amusement/gaming facilities 14
b. Cocokpit arena 1
c. Fitness gym 7
d. Function hall/clubhouse 5
e. Lottery outlet 3
f. Music Studio/Recording 1
g. Resort 5
a. Auto supply/car and jeep parts and accessories 18
b. Auto-repair shop 23
c. Car wash services 3
d. Fabrication/machine shop 32
e. Gasoline Station 42
f. Hauling services 4
g. Motor works 7
h. Motorcycle/car dealer/sales 29
i. Motorcycle/bicycle parts and supplies 23
j. Surplus spare parts retailer 1
k. Tire/battery supply 9
l. Trucking services 49
m. Vulcanizing shop 6
a. Apartment 285
b. Cable TV service provider 3
c. Electric/power company 11
d. Express mail/mailing services 2
e. Hotel/lodging house 6
f. Market/supermarket 3
g. Memorial park services 5
h. Telecommunications company 4
i. Waste management services 1
j. Water utility company 5
Source: 2015-2016 Socio-Economic Profile of Meycauayan City
There are no firms engaged in gas generation in Bulacan while the National Power
Corporation (NAPOCOR) is the only firm engaged in power generation. It generates power
through the hydropower plant in Angat Dam for distribution by the utility companies or
cooperatives like the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO). Currently, there are thirteen
(13) MERALCO substations in the Province.
The crime statistics in the province of Bulacan based on the historical data from 1996 to
2008 has shown a decreasing trend. In 2008, the Average Monthly Crime Rate (AMCR)
recorded at 2.7 or about three occurrences of crimes per 100,000 population, was the
lowest rate for the past 12 years.
The average monthly crime rate in Bulacan at 2.7 crime incidents for every 100,000
population was below the regional and national rate of 4.89 and 6.28 respectively. This
favorable rate of the province may be attributed to the effective operations of the
Philippine National Police and with the aid of the collective vigilance of the people.
Most crimes reported in the province were Non Index Crimes. These are crimes involving
non-aggravated offenses. Based on the Crime Volume Distribution, the City of San Jose
Del Monte has the highest number of registered index crime in 2008 with 63 cases.
Index Crimes, on the other hand, are classified as serious and intense assaults. In 2008,
the Meycauayan City has the most number of reported cases with 62.
Crimes Against Women and Children - Based on the implementing rules and
regulations of RA 9262 or Anti-Violence against Women and their Children, it is the
duty and responsibility of the LGU to establish programs that would educate the
public on the nature, causes, incidence, and consequences of such violence in order
to prevent it from happening. In relation to this, the Provincial Government of
Bulacan has been implementing programs such as counselling for abused women
and children and referral to different agencies that could provide further assistance.
The province has also extended financial assistance to women and children who
were abused. For the past three years, the reported crimes against women and
children gradually decreased. Majority of the crimes committed against women and
children was in the form of sexual violence which includes rape, sexual harassment,
acts of lasciviousness, etc. Despite the decrease in the number of reported crimes,
this concern still needs to be addressed to effectively protect the welfare of women
and children in the province.
Drug-related Cases - The problem on illegal drugs still exists in the province. The
most common violation involves selling of illegal drugs, possession of illegal drugs
and drug paraphernalia, drug use, and maintenance of drug den. Based on the
report of the Bulacan Provincial Police Office (BPPO), the number of persons
arrested has declined for the past three years. However, it cannot determine
whether the decrease was due to the reduction of violators or otherwise.
On the other hand, the number of detainees in the Bulacan Provincial Jail and Tanglaw
Pag-asa Juvenile Center were 963 and five (5), respectively. The problem on illegal drugs
needs proper intervention because it has great impact on the peace and order condition
of a locality. Nevertheless the PGB is providing financial assistance to support the
rehabilitation expenses incorporated in the indigency assistance program.
Police force
The continuous growth of population corresponds to the need to increase the number of
police force as well. However, the need for additional police officers has not been satisfied
due to the scarcity of police officers available for deployment. With the standard ratio of
one police officer for every 1,000 population, the current ratio of police against the
population in 2009 is one police for every 3,012 population. Hence the police force backlog
in the province will be 1,713, if measured against the 2007 Census of population
(2,826,926) by NSO.
The literacy rate in the province exhibited a decreasing trend from 1990 to 2000 surveys.
The 97.6 percent literacy rate in 1994 has decreased by almost 2 percentage points in
2000 (95.87). Thus, one out of 10 of the population basically cannot read and write.
Although it remains to be above the average norm, the remarkable deterioration of the
literacy rate should not be disregarded.
Among the provinces in Central Luzon, Bulacan has been the highest in terms of literacy
rate in 1990. However the results of the 1994 and 2000 surveys did not maintain its
standing which exhibited the decreasing rates on all of the seven provinces in the region.
Despite the decline, Bulacan ranked second in the region with 95.87 percent, which is four
percent higher than the literacy rate of the country at 92.3 percent in 2000. TRANSPORTATION
The road condition of NLEx is still very good as it goes through rehabilitation just
last 2005.
The current level of service is almost 33 percent better than the previous level of
The Manila North Road runs from Caloocan to Bulacan to far north of Laoag and
La Union. The heavy traffic in the said area is considered a major hindrance to
increasing economic activities and fast transportation of people and commodities
in the province and the region.
The proposed widening of the McArthur Highway, which stretches from Caloocan
City to La Union, should speed up travel time from about four hours to two hours
in the whole stretch of the road. The road-widening project would increase the
road lanes to four, with each measuring 3.5 meters wide. The road will also have
shoulders of 1.5 meters wide. If the project is implemented, it would surely bring
convenience to the population of Bulacan downward to La Union. This project is
expected to bring faster travel time and to be able to buy cheaper vegetables and
other farm products from Central Luzon and Baguio.
The main bus lines of Victory Liner and Baliwag Transit that originate from their
main terminals in Manila, Pasay, and Quezon City and travel northward to cities
and towns in Pampanga, Tarlac, and Zambales, pass through Bulacan via the
Tabang exit and Pulilan Exit. Next Table shows the bus terminals in Bulacan.
Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan of Bulacan (2010-2030)
fishlandings. These fishports are located in Barangay Sto. Nino and San Nicolas.
There are also fishports in City of Malolos which is specifically located in Barangay
Panasahan; in Paombong which is specifically located in Barangay San Jose; and
in Obando which is specifically located in Barangay Paliwas. These ports have one
public fishport each. However, the ports' capacity is limited such that most of
these respond to fish landing requirements of the coastal municipalities.
Another principal roads passing through the province are the Manila North Road
which runs across the province from Meycauayan City to the town of Calumpit and
the Maharlika Highway which connects the province to other parts of Central
Luzon. These roads are commonly used for internal circulation or from town to
town travel of Bulakenos.
The Philippine jeepney pass through the major thoroughfares of Bulacan. Various
routes from different municipalities provide the province with easy access to the
other cities and municipalities. The best way to go on short distances is by
motorized tricycles or pedal-powered pedicabs.
Moving around Bulacan by land is easy with national highways connecting the
major roads and an extensive public transportation system, which includes buses,
jeepneys, and tricycles, which are the main modes of public transportation.
Intertown travel of short distances is provided within the town with jeepneys and
motorized tricycles.
Aside from the overall road network, through a motor operated banca, Bulakenos also
used the river system of the province as a means of transportation. This is present in the
coastal towns including Paombong, Hagonoy, Meycauayan City, Bocaue, Bulacan, City of
Malolos, and Calumpit. To be able to reach their desired destination, the river system is
accessible to these municipalities. The rivers provide access to the different towns in
Bulacan and are utilized by the town people.
The road network and bridges of Meycauayan City (2016) is presented in the
following tables. COMMUNICATION
Bulacan has sourced its domestic water from the underground through the twenty-two
(22) water districts, seventeen (17) Rural Waterworks and Sanitation Association (RWSA),
water refilling stations, and public/private deep and shallow wells.
Approximately, the water districts can only cover more than half of the population. The
rest of the population is supplied with potable water by the other abovementioned sources.
In terms of water tariff, the Meycauayan City and Obando water districts have higher rates
compared to the other water districts in the province and even in Central Luzon. This is
because the treated bulk water needed by the two (2) water districts is supplied by
Maynilad Water Services, Inc. compared to the other water districts, which directly sourced
their raw water from the underground.
The source of water supply of Meycauayan City is the Meycauayan Water District that
caters 19 barangays. On the other hand, Barangay Bahay Pare and other barangays are
being served by the Crystal Liquid Phils., Inc. by 2,157 households.
Based on the following table, 50 tons of garbage volume are being collected every day in
Meycauayan City. The Materials Recovery & Composting Facility of the city is located in
Pajo with 4.3 hectares total area.
The survey was divided into three major components, namely (1) Socio-Demographic
Profile of respondents (2) Disaster Response and (3) Perception on the proposed project.
Most of the respondents interviewed were in the 20-40 age group (55%); followed by the
41-60 age group (36%); with only 2% exceeding the age of 71.
7% 2%
36% 55% 61-70
Birth Place
As observed in Figure 2-89, 38% of the people interviewed were born in the barangay
they lived in today. 36% are migrants from Luzon, from Visayas (23%), and Mindanao
40 38
25 23
5 3
Here Luzon Visayas Mindanao
Civil Status
3% 2%
Ninety-three percent (93%) of the total respondents interviewed are Roman Catholic
Settlement History
Thirty-three percent (33%) of the total respondents have resided in the Barangay for 1-
10 years already. Moreover, approximately 20% of the total respondents have been living
in the barangay for 11-20 years.
14% 1 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
14% 51 to 60
< 61
The majority primary means of living is from salary work (52%), followed by business with
18%. Only 2% of the respondents answered farming as their primary source of livelihood.
Seventy-two percent (72%) of the respondents stated that the husband is the primary
earner in the household while Thirty percent (30%) has the wife as the primary earner.
Others 13
Business 18
Contractual Job 11
Salary 52
Farming 2
- 10 20 30 40 50 60
Male Relative 1
Daughter 6
Son 12
Wife 30
Husband 72
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
The monthly poverty threshold for a family of five, according to NSO, is an average income
of P8,022 per month. This amount is enough to cover a single family’s basic food and non-
food needs. Poverty threshold refers to the minimum income a family or individual must
earn in order to be considered “not poor”.
In Figure 2-95, it is observed that 57% of the respondents earn at most 1,000 to 4,999
pesos per month. Moreover, 29% indicated that their monthly income is 5,000 to 9,999
pesos while only 15% of the respondents claim that they receive higher than the poverty
threshold. Hence, more than 80% of the interviewed respondents are classified as “poor”.
> 20,000 4
15,000 to 20,000 4
10,000 to 14,999 7
5,000 to 9,999 29
1,000 to 4,999 57
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Housing Condition
Forty-six percent (46%) own their land, 6% are tenants only, and 34% renting. On the
other hand, 62% of respondents planted vegetables as well as banana, and root crops.
Landholding Status
50 46
10 6
Owner Tenant Renting Others
Vegetables Banana Camote Others
Educational Attainment
Largest percentage (52%) of the respondents are High School graduates followed by
Elementary graduates (27%).
27% None
High School
Health Profile
For the previous year, 61% of the respondents have at least one of their household
members who got ill. Fever and Upper Respiratory combined are the most prevalent in the
area, with 39% and 27% respectively. Majority (63%) of the respondents stated that the
primary source of treatment for such illnesses in the household was in the Barangay Health
30 27
5 5
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 2-99. Number of household members who got ill (for the previous year)
30 27
High Blood Diarrhea Upper Fever Others
20 15
2 2
House Health Center Barangay Health Private Clinic Others
Based on the following figures, 100% of the total number of respondents has access to
improved sanitation facilities. Unsanitary practices and facilities may cause diseases and
infections that are detrimental to health and might even cause death.
Moreover, 43% of respondents have access to water supply system while 57% use deep
Flush Toilet
Water Sealed Toilet
Deep Well
Water System
All respondents (100%) in the impact barangays have experienced typhoon/storm and
even flooding and landslides. They declared that typhoons last from 2 to 3 days. Such
calamities have affected lives, health, properties, environment, food supplies, livestock
and infrastructures.
Eighty (80%) of the respondents stated that the level of response for disasters is adequate
in which they have attributed to the quick response of the LGU DRMM, DSWD, NGO and
media. One hundred percent (100%) stated that level of community participation for
disasters is also adequate due to unity. PERCEPTION
Sixty-two percent of the total number of respondents stated that livelihood is the biggest
problem faced by their community. This is followed by peace and order in the impact areas,
cleanliness and sanitation, and health. These problems may have been induced by their
income and the situation of the environmental health and sanitation in the community.
Eighty-one percent of the total number of respondents was aware of the proposed project.
Most of them knew about the project from the barangay. However, details regarding
specific designs / plans of the project are unknown to them.
The respondents’ perceive benefits from the proposed expansion project are:
On the other hand, the perceived negative effects of the project to the community are:
Complete details of the implemented and ongoing SDP projects and programs are
presented in Table 5-1.
There will be no expansion of the project in terms of project size. The project The project
is located within the 18 hectares property of SAMC hence will not displace residents during
expansion. IN-MIGRATION
The company will priotize hiring of local residents of the impact areas. If, in the event that
there are no qualified applicants from the host barangay or municipality, the company will
encourage that migrant workers will participate in social activities and social development
programs to interact with the community.
With additional need for manpower and social development projects, there will be a change
that would improve the standard of living of the community brought about by stable jobs
and higher household incomes. Improvement in incomes, education and infrastructures
are expected. Education, Information, and Communication Programs as well as
participation to livelihood projects will be encourage and implemented by the proponent.
The project site is not part of an important feature or landscape nor a potential
archaeological site. Moreover, the site is zoned as an industrial area. Nonetheless, during
project development, if the contractor happens to discover artifacts, bones or other objects
of interests, the Archaeological/Paleontological Chance Find Procedure shall be followed
such as suspension of all digging; drilling and other earthmoving activities, securing the
site, and informing the local police, among others. This Chance Find Procedure, lifted from
Asian Development Bank study as indicated below, shall be attached for the contractor to
be made aware of:
Source: Asian Development Bank (2012). Environment Safeguards: A Good Practice Sourcebook Draft Working
The benefits of the project will include items from the existing SDP containing the
recommended programs and projects that the different sectors themselves identified.
Likewise, these plans and programs were reviewed in reference with the Municipal
Development Plans as well as the provisions of the Local Government Code (RA 7160)
under which both laws mandated benefits for the host communities.
Retrieved July 21, 2017 from
The Social Development Plan prepared for this project considered the articulated wishes
of the community and Local Government of the impact areas, their concerns and issues
concerning the environment, health and vulnerable groups and the measures to address
them as recommended in the EIS. Focus will be centered on the mitigating measures to
abate the possible negative impacts of the project and enhance the positive impacts.
The proposed Project will inevitably create various impacts, both positive and negative,
throughout the Pre-Construction, Construction, Operations, and Abandonment phases.
This IMP will aim to mitigate and enhance the negative and positive impacts of the
Project, respectively.
Increase in noise level Maintain equipment deployment Project Php2,000,000 / year Project
schedule which, if possible, limits the development team, –cost of maintenance of Development
construction activity only during daytime PCO, Contractor heavy equipment Budget
Regular maintenance of vehicles and Contractor’s
construction equipment
Plant closure People Loss of livelihood of Provide and develop sustainable Proponent Php1M / year – ECC,
local work force livelihood programs and alternative SDP budget will be utilized Rehabilitation /
livelihood training programs for the implementation of Abandonment
activities such as, livelihood Plan / SDP
programs, education
assistance, medical
assistance, IEC, among
TOTAL 5,869.39
Carbon offsetting by tree planting is also underway. SteelAsia is a partner with the
Bulacan State University (BSU) and the Gurong Nagbabalik Sa Bayan in the Angat Dam
Rainforestation Project called Punuan sa Kagubatan. The project involves planting trees
on some 25 hectares of the Angat Watershed over 5 years and training the Dumagats to
take care of these trees. Tree planting was completed for the first 5 hectares last year
with total of over 5,000 trees with potential carbon offset of 200 tons per year.
Annex 2-7e of the RPM DAO 2003-03 provides the guide in determining the level of
coverage for projects handling, storing, and using hazardous substance and mixtures.
The degree of ERA preparation is provided by the following level of coverage:
However, a Risk Screening Study is the initial step for determining whether or not the
proposed project will reach these levels. The following are steps for conducting the RSS:
The contribution of the plant to the existing environmental pollution is found on Table
The Proponent will implement mitigating measures to maintain the safe level of
emissions, by providing anti-pollution measures and strictly follow the Environmental
Management Plan through periodic monitoring of air pollutants.
4.2.1 Purpose
Safeguard human lives in the event of fire or/and explosion, or any oil/chemical
spill that may cause injuries to person/s or/and damages to plant, equipment and
To establish a systematic and proper line of communication and responsibility
towards orderly evacuation, rescue and recovery.
Safeguard the environment against contamination of any possible spillage during
storage, handling and transfer of any quantity of chemical/ oil.
It is the responsibility of the Safety Officer/Engineer and members of the Health & Safety
Committee to identify and evaluate emergencies with potential risks and come up
with a conclusion if a certain emergency will have high impact to Steel Asia, thus
a need for a preparedness and response procedures.
When identifying potential emergency situations, consideration should be given to
emergencies that may occur during both normal operations and abnormal
conditions (e.g. operation start-up or shut-down, construction or demolition
Identification process should consider emergencies that can be associated with
specific activities, equipment or workplaces.
4.2.3 Responsibilities
The emergency response team is group of people who will respond or control to all
emergency situations like fire, chemical spill and other emergency situation inside the
plant as identified to be have a significant risk to plant operations
In keeping with the internal responsibility system and best practice, all workplace parties
have an important role in emergency preparedness and response. These workplace
parties include employers, emergency response teams, OH&S committees, workers,
managers and supervisors. The development and implementation of an effective
emergency management response is a team effort that requires the participation and
consultation of all workplace parties. One way of ensuring best practice is to follow these
roles and responsibilities of workplace parties.
The ERC should always be responsible for directing the response activities and should
assume the duties of all the primary positions until the duties can be delegated to other
qualified personnel. The more knowledgeable individuals are of their roles and
a. Fire Marshal - Shall have an over-all administrative and supervisory control of the
Fire Brigade Organization, responsible for the implementation of the Fire
Prevention measures within and outside the building, for maintaining an up to
date records of the Fire Brigade Organization, shall conduct periodic evaluation of
the equipment available and its replacement of missing and correction of
inoperative equipment and call immediate attention of the establishment head,
any situation likely to reduce the effectiveness of firefighting operation.
b. Deputy Fire Marshal — Assists Fire marshal in enforcing instructions
c. Fire Hose Crews - They are members of the fire brigade whose duty is to combat
the fire using the fire hose/water from the fire hydrant. The organization and
activities of each member of the Fire Hose Team shall be:
a. Hydrant Man - He pulls out the hose from the hose Cabinet or stand. He
sees to it that sufficient lengths of hose are laid out connected. He is the
one who shall commission or decommission the line on signal or
instructions from the nozzle man.
b. Nozzle Man - Initially charge of the laying out of the fire hose. He is to
ensure the right type of nozzle is coupled or connected to the hose line. He
is the only person who can signal or give instruction to the Hydrant man to
open the hydrant valve.
c. Back Up To The Nozzle Man - Assist in laying out the required hose. He
may be required to get additional length of hoses to ensure
maneuverability of the nozzle man. He is provided all the necessary
assistance to the Nozzle Man to ensure expeditious movement in attacking
or withdrawing from the area of fire.
d. Fire Extinguisher Crews - They are members of the firefighting team whose duty
is to provide initial firefighting action using the extinguishers in the area. The first
reaction to a fire emergency is to secure the right extinguisher and combat the
fire. Tight after the exhausting the content of the extinguisher, they're to assist
and serve as back-up to Fire Hose crews.
Individuals who are properly trained in controlling and proper clean-up of minor spill.
a. Spill Response Team Leader — Evaluate the hazard (s) at the scene; advise on
clean up procedure, protective clothing and emergency response equipment
investigate the incident & suggest preventive methods and fully understand and
be well verse in any spill operations.
b. Spill Response Team Assistant Leader - Shall assist and assume all the duties and
responsibilities of Spill Response Team Leader in his absence in all emergency
c. Spill Response Team Members - Assist the Spill Response Team Leader in all
activities involving emergency spill response.
Communication Team
call fire station for assistance; wait for and direct responding units to the specific location
of the fire.
Secure and cordon (put barrier) area where incident is in progress; Prevent looters,
entry curious onlookers and other persons not involved in the operation to avoid
hampering movements of ER team and other units; Secure/salvage valuables to
minimized damages and losses, direct traffic emergency vehicles, and have control over
assembly area, or as cleared by ERC.
Medical Team
Evacuation Team
Takes charge to locate and extricate victim of endangered areas then stabilize victims
and bring them to safe place; must conduct searches for employees reported missing
and shall coordinate/assist officer to rescue trapped personnel
Material safety and data sheet (for toxic and hazardous materials)
Emergency procedures
Area maps and layout
Personal development
Emergency contact list
Emergency transportation Vehicle
Equipment data and its respective operating manuals
Upon receiving the internal notification, the ERC will activate the
Emergency Response Team.
ERC should immediately report to the Emergency Command Center
(Admin Office) ready to provide assistance.
If necessary, the Safety Officer will contact local responsible agency (Fire
dept., Police Dept., Hospital) refer to Emergency Hotline.
If deemed necessary, the ERC will announce an evacuation.
d. Media Communication
The management representative shall act as the public relations
representative during the incident.
The ERC will ensure that the public relations representative receive
accurate and updated information regarding the emergency incident.
Employees shall not engage in any dialog with any press or media
representative. Company employees should refer press and media
representative to the ERC and HRAD Manager
Evacuation plan must be posted in the workplace, and made available to emergency
responders when they arrive on the scene. The plan must include primary and secondary
routes, location of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire hose cabinets, emergency exits and
assemble areas
b. Emergency Exits
Emergency Exits must be clearly marked with signs and evacuation routes large
enough to accommodate the numbers of evacuating people. The Evacuation Team
ensure they do not expose workers to additional hazards and are clear of
obstruction at all times (e.g. not being used for additional storage areas).
Workplace inspections must check all emergency exits, equipment and signage to
ensure they are being properly maintained.
c. Emergency Lighting
An emergency lighting system should be installed to keep work areas and
evacuation routes well-lit when lights are unavailable in a power outage.
d. Assembly Area
All workers must be accounted for in each assembly area nearest to the
workplace. See evacuation plan
When you hear the evacuation alarm or are told to evacuate the building
• Remain calm
• Immediately cease all operations that may become hazardous
• Leave quickly, without running
• During normal business hours the Supervisor in each area is responsible
for ensuring that all employees evacuate the area. In addition, every
employee should check that all others in the area are leaving as
• During other than normal business hours, quickly check nearby restrooms,
copier rooms, closets, etc. for personnel as you exit.
• Accompany and assist handicapped personnel, visitors, and any coworkers
who appear to need direction or assistance.
• Shut all doors behind you as you go. Closed doors can slow the spread of
fire, smoke, and water.
• Proceed as quickly as possible, in an orderly manner. Do not push or
shove. Hold handrails when you are walking on stairs.
• Once outside, move away from the building to the designated assembly
• Contact your supervisor or Evacuation Assembly Area Leader if you are not
familiar with the assembly area locations(s) for your building.
The range of medical emergencies can be vast and can include heart attack, airway
blockage, epileptic fits or seizures, unconsciousness, absent pulse, uncontrolled bleeding,
and possibly, serious injury due to an accident. Each type of incident will present varying
conditions and behaviours.
The area Supervisor or the person discovering the injury must immediately call
the First Aider or member of medical Team in the area if an injury or illness
occurred to conduct first aid.
If the injury requires minor First Aid Treatment minor worker is to be assisted by
nominated first aid aider.
If the injured victim needs medical assistance, the ambulance service is to be
called or the injured worker can be transported to the nearest medical center,
hospital etc if the health and safety of the injured person will not be
The Nurse on duty or representative should assist the victim during transport to
the nearest hospital.
The informant should alert personnel in the vicinity by shouting and/or using
the paging system
He should, with the assistance of the personnel in the vicinity (if any) contain
the spill with appropriate chemical absorbent.
The informant should not come into direct contact with the chemicals. Use
proper PPE. If not sure, evacuate immediately and inform the Safety Officer
and/or ERT Leader.
The area where chemical spill occurred should be sealed and nobody is
allowed to go close without wearing the proper PPEs.
In case of accident where a person has been hit by chemical spill proper care
should be given and immediately brought to the nearest hospital for
Check immediately the area for any incompatible substances.
Check for any possibility of spilled chemicals/substances entering any drains,
and protect where possible.
All collected spill chemical should be contained in sealed containers.
PCO shall be involved in case of emergency.
Area in-charge during spillage is the Spill Control Leader and in coordination
with PCO and SO.
Monitoring of spillage is conducted by PCO and S.O. Earthquake
DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece
of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn't a table or desk
near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside
corner of the building.
Stay away from heavy equipment, glass and chemical storage areas. If in
chemical storage area, get out, move and take then cover.
Move to an inner wall or hallway, the inner core of the building is the strongest
and least likely to collapse.
If not under cover, place anything handy such as coat, magazine or cardboard
box over your head and face as shield.
Do not rush outside doors and stairs maybe broken. The greatest danger from
falling debris is just outside doorways and close to outer walls while the ground
is shaking
Stay there but move away from buildings, wall power pole and lamppost.
Once in the open area, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger
exists directly outside buildings, at exits and near exterior walls.
Inside the Plant the ERT shall be activated to perform the following procedures:
Note: Expect aftershocks. These secondary shockwaves are usually less violent
than the main quake but can be strong enough to do additional damage to
weakened structures and can occur in the first hours, days, weeks or even
months after the quake.
Check the injured personnel. Do not move the seriously injured unless they
are in immediate danger.
Evacuate and take headcount to determine that everyone is accounted for.
Search for missing personnel in the area they were last seen.
Remove debris piece, starting from the top of the pile.
Check cabinet and chemical storage areas. Open the doors slowly and watch
for falling objects spills, fires and leaks. Place an "X" on the areas that you
have searched already.
Notify Local Emergency Response Agencies in case of major fires, spills, leaks
and serious injuries.
Do not allow re-entry into the building until it has been declared safe for
occupancy Typhoon
General Procedure
The Safety Officer shall obtain weather forecast from PAG-ASA (Phil.
Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration). He shall
continue to monitor the incoming severe weather.
Forty-eight hours prior to the arrival of severe weather the ERT Leader shall
survey the plant to determine area that may require tie downs, shutdown of
equipment and clean o material or debris.
Maintenance Personnel shall be advised to check the building especially the
roof condition and ensure that electrical outlets and wiring would not be
soaked from rainwater.
The Area Supervisor shall ensure that emergency light in his area is functional
and flashlight is readily available
The ERT shall be assembled and stationed as observers in key areas to render
assistance where needed.
In case of severe weather where employees will be advised to evaluate the
plant, the HR Personnel shall provide means of transportation.
Before and after severe weather the Safety Officer shall continually assess the
situation and determine if shutdown in necessary particularly if power is
As soon as possible, after the weather clears, all area supervisors shall
prepare a damage report for the Plant Manager.
Maintenance Department will make repairs in order of plant priorities.
When at Work:
Do not GO outside unless notified by the Safety Officer that it is SAFE to do so.
Should work stoppage be declared, determine the NAME of the resource person
and the TIME and DATE when work will resume.
Resume work on specified DATE and TIME.
• Collect accurate information from TV, radio or other related organizations and
• Call the HRAD to confirm any information on work stoppage
• Determine the NAME of the resource person and the time when work will
• Resume work on specified DATE and TIME. Flood
Where flooding is not likely occurrence, it may still occur especially due to rupture of
water lines. The following procedures shall be followed:
• Plant Manager shall evaluate the situation and take appropriate action.
Particular precautions must take to assure that the flooded area is not
electrically energized before entering.
• Maintenance Department shall be informed for equipment repairs or de-
• Safety Officer shall provide warning sign indicating the slipping hazard on floor
Written Threat
Telephone Threat
The person receiving the call should not disconnect the caller, remain calm and
try to find out the information detailed on the checklist below. If not able to fill
out checklist during the call then complete the checklist as soon as possible after
the threat, while details are still fresh in memory
Record the time and exact words of the massages with particular emphasis on
the description and location of the device.
Elicit as much information as possible from the caller such as time of explosion,
location and bomb specification and why bomb is planted.
Note the sex of the caller, an impression about his/her age, any peculiarities of
voice or speech such as hoarseness, shrillness, speech impediment, accent,
dialects, signs of intoxication, irrationality and any pet phrases or other
Notify the Operation Manager, ERC, Safety Officer and Security Officer.
Safety Officer or Security Officer shall immediately call the Local Law
Enforcement to inform the situation.
Follow the Police Department instructions closely.
Do not hesitate to evacuate the facility if there is any reason to believe that the
threat is real.
ERC shall provide the plant lay out to the Police Respondent for their thorough
search of key and critical areas.
If an appropriate search has failed to confirm the existence of a bomb,
emergency police crew and ERT should stand by until it is reasonably certain the
limit of threat has passed.
In the event that a bomb or anything resembling a bomb is discovered follow the
following action:
d. For those who have been trained in safely operatinga fire extinguisher, remember
to read the label on the fire extinguisher prior to discharge to ensure that the
extinguishing materials is appropriate for that particular type of fire
e. Do not attempt to fight the fire alone or without having at least two other escapes
f. If the fire is uncontrollable, evacuate the area immediately.
g. Notify or call immediately the Safety Officer and/or Security Officer or the SIC
If trapped in a Room/Building:
If Caught in Smoke:
a. Do not panic.
b. Stop.
c. Drop to the ground or floor; roll around until the flames are out.
d. Make sure you cover your face and mouth. You will want to protect your face
After every drill or actual emergency, generated waste will be disposed of properly in
accordance with MSDS or any known legal requirements and risk assessments made
prior the execution of the exercises.
Safety Officer shall review the adequacy and effectiveness of the emergency and
response procedures and decide if there’s a need for revision or not, using attached
forms as maybe applicable.
Social development plan (SDP) aims to assess and identify the basic needs of the
communities which will be affected by the project. SDP should be patterned in the
Municipal and Barangay Development Plans of the host communities and in accordance
with the mandated Corporate Social Responsibility.
These shall be done thru distribution and posting of written materials such as brochures,
newsletters, media statements and articles, bulletins and posters, and online presence.
Also as well as non-written types such as fora, symposia, community discussions and
hearings, audio visual presentations (such as PowerPoint and DVD), radio and TV
programs and/or guestings, etc. The IEC materials and activities will also serve as a
venue for continuous dialogue, feedback and check and balance mechanism for the
parties involved.
The status of compliance to the ECC conditionalities and the attainment of EMP
commitments are shown on Table 6-1.
Categorization (if complying)
Institutional arrangements 7 The proponent shall monitor Yes Continues monitoring Air,
necessary for implementation of regularly the noise levels, Noise, water quality, stack
environmental management stack emissions and emission pollution is within
measures effluents, ambient air and DENR target standards. 3rd
water quality following the party testing (DENR
submitted/accepted accredited)
monitoring program and
using monitoring equipment
duly authorized by DENR.
Institutional arrangements 8 Noise levels, emissions and Yes Air, Noise and water
necessary for implementation of effluents generated shall pollution is within DENR
environmental management conform to DENR set target standards.
measures standards.
Institutional arrangements 9 An Environmental Unit (EU) Yes The company has
necessary for implementation of shall created by the designated a PCO who
environmental management management to handle the shall perform and carry out
measures environment-related aspects the duties of EU.
of the project. The EU shall
reports to the EMB and
a quarterly basis.
Other sectoral requirements 10 Qualified local residence Yes Company HR and Admin
mandated by other agencies to shall be given priority in prioritize the hiring of
be complied with employment. personnel leaving near the
plant or within Bulacan
Other sectoral requirements 11 Safety gadgets shall be Yes Plant personnel protective
mandated by other agencies to provided to all workers to equipment PPE is given to
be complied with prevent health and the plant employee at a
occupational hazards. given task. And it can be
seen in the pant PPE
matrix for personnel
Institutional arrangements 12 On the spot monitoring and Yes Ocular inspection and
necessary for implementation of inspection may be conducted meeting conducted by the
environmental management by the EMB, DENR Region III DENR region 3 and DENR
measures anytime in coordination with Central last January 8,
the concerned groups 2016. See Attached
Standard DENR requirements 13 Transfer of ownership of this Yes There is No transfer of
on the transfer of ownership project carries the same ownership was been made.
conditions in this ECC for
which written notification
shall made within fifteen (15)
days from such transfer.
The graphical trends illustrate the performance of the parameters affected by the project.
The water quality of Steel Asia Manufacturing Corporation and are all within the DENR
Sample is being taken only from the last tank of the cooling water system as the plant is
not discharging any wastewater. The results on June 14, 2016 are within the set standards
and with mean values at the following percentage levels from the maximum permissible
limit indicated in DAO 35:
Rolling Mill 1
The ambient air quality parameters of Steel Asia Manufacturing Corporation are all within
the DENR standards. Observed Ambient Air Concentrations of TSP, SO2, NO2 (2016) and
in comparison, with National Ambient Guidelines Values (NAAGV) shown below:
The ambient noise quality of Steel Asia Manufacturing Corporation in which two stations
(3 and 4) slightly exceeded the DENR standards. Some contributing factors which affect
the results that exceeded were due to Trucks passing, forklift activities, water pump motor,
production and cooling tower area.
The Stack emission result for 50 MT/Hr Centro Combustion Reheating Furnace are within
the DENR standard. The test results are compared with the National Emission Standard
identified in IRR Part VII Rule XXV Table 2.
Table 6-5. Stack Emission Result for 50 MT/Hr Centro Combustion Reheating Furnace
Run Number CAA
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3
Sampling Date AVERAGE Limit
07/15/13 07/15/13 07/15/13
Sampling Time Mg/Nm3
Particulate Emissions
29 22 23 25 150
Concentration, mg/Ncm
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
940 809 906 885 1,500
Concentration, mg/Ncm
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
88 86 85 86 500
Concentration, mg/Ncm
Fuel Cons. Lit/yer gal/yr Fuel Type tons/year
Furnace 1 (50mt/hr) Existing 14,200,000.00 3,751,651.25 LSFO 3.4 8.5 34.0 244.5
Furnace 1 (50mt/hr to 80 mt/hr) 17,400,000.00 4,597,093.79 SFO 3.4 8.5 34.0 244.5
Furnace 2 (20mt/hr) 3,900,000.00 1,030,383.09 SFO 3.4 8.5 34.0 244.5
6.8 17.0 67.9 488.9
Stack Temp Stack VFR Stack Stack Stack Ht. VEL
deg C Temp. (K) (Ncm/Min) Diam (m) Area (m2) (m) (m/s)
Mill 1 80 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 600 MT/yr 428 701 841.77 1.74 2.38 45.50 5.90
Mill 2 20 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 100 MT/yr 428 701 900.82 1.8 2.54 50.00 5.90
Concentration (mg/Ncm)
Mill 1 80 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 25 8.00 251.00 38.00 0.097 0.001
Mill 2 20 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 25 8.00 251.00 38.00 0.097 0.001
Emission Rate/Strength (g/s)
Mill 1 80 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 0.35 0.11 3.52 0.53 1.36E-03 1.40E-05
Mill 2 20 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 0.38 0.12 3.77 0.57 1.46E-03 1.50E-05
Annual Emission Load (T/Y)
Mill 1 80 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 9.5 3.0 95.1 14.4 0.037 0.000
Mill 2 20 MT/Hr (USED 70
MT/Hr) 10.1 3.2 101.7 15.4 0.039 0.000
Table 6-1 presents the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP) for the proposed Project.
The EMoP presents a set of critical environmental parameters that the Proponent will
monitor regularly to ensure environmental compliance and sustainability of project
operations. It will ensure compliance to the following existing laws and permits:
The EMoP includes specific management schemes per Environmental Quality Performance
Level (EQPL) range. The EQPL is designed to provide the Proponent management
measures for specific environmental aspects by determining the level of alertness, action/s
that need to be implemented at the occurrence of a particular emergency or event, and to
prevent exceedance in the environmental standards set by the DENR.
The information that will be obtained during the EMoP implementation will provide
significant information in examining the short and long-term effects of the proposed
Project’s various environmental aspects, from which future strategies on environmental
enhancement measures can be formulated.
Pursuant to DAO 2017-15, a new MMT will be reconstituted. Table 6-4 shows the MMT
composition to be established:
In the current MMT MOA, the Proponent already allotted an Environmental Guarantee Fund
of P500,000 intended to rehabilitate components of the environment and compensate
damage/s to properties to be adversely affected by the project. The company has also
allocated Environmental Monitoring Funding in the amount of P500,000 for activities to be
done by the MMT and replenish the same when necessary. However, the stated amounts
on the said funds are only indicative, the new MMT to be formed pursuant to DAO 2017-
15 will evaluate and recommend the final amount of EMF and EGF fund to be put up for
the proposed expansion.
The formulation of the detailed decommissioning plan will be done by the proponent
within the specified timeframe as part of the post-ECC requirement. It will be submitted
for approval to the EMB and concerned local government agencies on the activities such
as Environmental Site Assessment to determine contaminants left by the operation,
method and equipment to be used for dismantling of structures, clean-up or remediation
plan and demobilization scheme before proceeding.
The proponent in coordination with the concerned government agencies and local
government unit/s will conduct monitoring of the project. This is necessary in order to
determine if the Proponent is implementing the prescribed mitigating measures
recommended in the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) of the project.
The company has appointed 2 regular Pollution Control Officer (PCO)/Safety Officer, who
is part of the Health, Environment, and Safety Department (HES). His responsibility is
for the formulation and implementation of environmental conservation and health/safety
programs. The PCO is responsible for the monitoring not only of the entire plant area but
also of the installed machineries, equipment and utilities of both Mill 1 and Mill 2. He
makes representation with the local government units and non-government
organizations and submits the required reports on the operation and maintenance of the
building, installed machineries, equipment and utilities with the regional office of DENR-
EMB. The implementation of the company’s entire environmental management and
monitoring program shall fall under his direct supervision. He reports functionally to the
HES Department Head and administratively to the Resident Manager.
Resident Manager