Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project



1.1.1 Project location 1-1
1.1.2 Site accessibility 1-3
1.1.3 Delineation of impact zones 1-5
1.2 Project Rationale 1-5
1.3 Project Alternatives 1-5
1.3.1 Siting 1-5
1.3.2 Technology selection/operation processes 1-6
1.3.3 Resources 1-9
1.3.4 No project alternative 1-10
1.4 Project Components 1-11
1.5 Process/Technology 1-16
1.6 Project Size 1-18
1.7 Development plan, description of project phases and corresponding time frame 1-18
1.7.1 Pre-construction phase 1-19
1.7.2 Construction phase 1-19
1.7.3 Operation phase 1-19
1.7.4 Decommissioning and abandonment phase 1-25
1.8 Manpower requirements 1-27
1.8.1 Manpower requirements 1-27
1.8.2 Scheme for sourcing locally from host and neighboring LGUs 1-27
1.9 Indicative project cost 1-27
2.1 Land 2-1
2.1.1 Land use and classification 2-1
2.1.2 Geology/Geomorphology 2-4
2.1.3 Terrestrial Ecology 2-45
2.2 Water 2-57
2.2.1 Hydrology 2-57
2.2.2 Oceanography 2-102
2.2.3 Water Quality 2-149
2.2.4 Freshwater Ecology 2-158
2.2.5 Marine ecology 2-158
2.3 Air 2-195
2.3.1 Meteorology 2-195
2.3.2 Air quality 2-213
2.3.3 Noise 2-219
2.4 People 2-231
2.4.1 Methodology 2-231
2.4.2 Baseline socio-economic conditions 2-233
2.4.3 Perception survey 2-255
2.4.4 Public scoping 2-262
2.4.5 Issues and concerns about the Project 2-263
2.4.6 Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation or enhancement 2-263
4.1 Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) 4-1
4.1.1 Methodology 4-1

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

4.1.2 Risk Screening Level 4-1

4.1.3 Risk Identification and Analysis 4-1
4.1.4 Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation profile of Navotas City 4-2
4.2 Emergency Response Policy and Guidelines 4-19
4.2.1 Emergency response policy 4-19
4.2.2 Generic guidelines for the prevention, alleviation or response to emergency
situations 4-20
5.1 Social development plan 5-1
5.2 Information, education and communication framework 5-4
6.1 Self-monitoring plan 6-2
6.2 Multi-sectoral monitoring framework 6-7
6.2.1 Multi-partite monitoring team 6-7
6.3 Environmental guarantee and monitoring fund commitment 6-8
6.3.1 Environmental monitoring fund 6-8
6.3.2 Environmental guarantee fund 6-8
6.3.3 EMF and EGF administration and management 6-9

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Project Information

Project Name Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project Type Reclamation Project
Project Location Barangay Tanza, Navotas City, Metro Manila
Project Size 576.7 hectares
Project Cost PhP 57.4 billion

Proponent Profile

Project Proponent City Government of Navotas

Authorized Representative Tobias Reynald M. Tiangco
Designation Mayor
Proponent Address Navotas City Hall, M. Naval St, Navotas
Proponent Contact Details T (02) 281 8602

Project Components

Table ES-1 Reclamation Equipment

On the other hand, the following facilities will be constructed during reclamation activities:
1. Temporary lodging (with sanitation facilities);
2. Material and equipment storage;
3. Field office;
4. Drainage systems;
5. Warehouse, and
6. Administration office.

Executive Summary • Page ES-1

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


The City Government of Navotas commissioned RHR Consult Services, Inc. to conduct an
Environmental Impact Assessment and prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for the proposed Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project. This EIS evaluates the existing
environmental and socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site as well as assess
the potential impacts of the project.

This EIS will guide the proponent to implement environmental management strategies for all
the stressors that will be generated in the operation of Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation
Project. These strategies would determine the kind of development that will be allowed
within the project site.

This study follows essentially the revised procedural guidelines of MC 2014-005.

The Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project EIS contains the following:

 Project Description;
 Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts;
 Impacts Management Plan;
 Social Development Plan and IEC Implementation;
 Environmental Compliance Monitoring;
 Emergency Response Policy and Generic Guidelines;
 Environmental Risk Assessment;
 Abandonment/Decommissioning/ Rehabilitation Policies and Generic Guidelines; and
 Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation.

In terms of process, a participative process was adopted thru public consultation and IEC.
Implicit in the approach was allowing the proponent and the various project stakeholders to
provide their inputs and ideas from which the Impact Management Plan (IMP) was crafted so
that appropriate measures can be developed to ensure greater acceptance, commitment
and support for the project.

ES 2.1 Limitations of the Study

The scoping process essentially determined the coverage of the study. Sensitive issues as
well as other applicable parameters were included in the scoping activity. The study was
limited to the primary and secondary data gathered on-site, other related literatures and
fieldwork conducted. The provision of precise data determines the effectiveness of the report
in supplying all the appropriate conclusion and recommendations. The study team put forth
its thoroughness in completing the entire EIS. Details on the scoping checklist were carefully
considered to generate a reliable and accurate report.

ES 2.2 The Project Team

The members of the team who professionally conducted the Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) are depicted on Table ES-2.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table ES-2 EIA Study Team

Name Field of Expertise Registration Number
Team Leader; Land Use and
Mr. Jess Addawe Classification, EIA Process, IPCO-056
GIS Mapping
Mr. Arnel Mendoza Geology and Geomorphology ---
Engr. Catherine Addawe Water Quality IPCO-055
Mr. Michael Edrial Terrestrial Flora and Fauna IPCO-101
Engr. Isabelo Abellon Hydrology ---
Hydrodynamic Modelling, Air and
Engr. Ronald Pahunang IPCO-173
Mr. Robert Pabiling Marine Ecology IPCO-107
Mr. Henry James Botengan Socio-economic/People Module IPCO-063

ES 2.3 EIA Study Schedule

The schedule of activities performed as part of the preparation of the EIS is detailed in the
table below:

Table ES-3 EIA Study Schedule

Activity Date
Site visit 22 May 2016
Public scoping 24 May 2016
Submission of Project Description for Scoping (PDS) to EMB 31 May 2016
Technical scoping 12 July 2016
Conduct of field sampling and surveys April – May 2016
Conduct of perception survey, key informant interviews and focus
17-20 May 2016
group discussions
Public consultation TBA

ES 2.3 EIA Study Area

The EIA study was undertaken within the vicinity of the proposed project footprint and its
potential impact areas, particularly in Barangay Tanza, Navotas City. The coverage of the
EIA study is based on the agreed scope of the EIA Review Committee (EIARC) during the
technical scoping activity conducted on 12 July 2016. The primary and secondary impact
zones of the project are delineated and discussed in Section 1.1.3.

ES 2.3 EIA Methodology

The approach and methodology adopted to complete this EIS is in accordance with the
prescribed methods of EMB and the procedural manual for DAO 2003-30. The table below
provides the methodology used for each module.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table ES-4 EIA Study Schedule

Data sources and

Module Methodology
Land use and  Review of secondary data  Comprehensive Land
classification  Spatial analysis of reference maps Use Plan of Navotas
City (2016-2025)
Geology and  Review of secondary data  MGB
geomorphology  Spatial analysis of reference maps through  PHIVOLCS
 Analysis of historic occurrences of geologic
Pedology  Review of secondary data  Primary data gathering
 Soil sampling and analysis  NAMRIA
Terrestrial ecology  Biological survey of existing flora and  Primary data gathering
faunal components including onsite
species identification and comparison of
identified species with published
identification guides
 Vegetation analysis through plot sampling
(20m x 20m)
 Ocular observation of fauna through
transect walk
 Interview with locals and guides
Hydrology  Review of secondary data  Primary data gathering
 Delineation of watersheds of rivers draining  PAGASA
the project site using GIS software  MGB
 Site assessment and investigation of rivers  NAMRIA
and areas frequented by flooding
Oceanography  Review of secondary data  Primary data gathering
 Oceanographic baseline monitoring (tidal,  NAMRIA
currents and sedimentation rate sampling)
 Hydrodynamic modeling using the
Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code
Water quality  Characterization of water quality by water  Primary data gathering
sample collection and analysis
Marine ecology  Manta tow technique for benthic  Primary data gathering
community assessment
 Fish visual census for reef associated fish
community assessment
 Spot dives for seagrass community
 Key informant interviews for fisheries
 Vertical net sampling and microscopic
identification of phytoplankton and
 Sediment sampling by use of grab sampler,
sieving and microscopic identification of
soft bottom community
Climate and  Review of secondary data  PAGASA (Sangley
meteorology Point and Port Area
Station data)

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Data sources and

Module Methodology
Air quality and noise  Characterization of ambient air quality and  Primary data gathering
noise levels by sampling
 Noise modeling using Sound Propagation
Model (SPM9613 Version 2 or PM9613V2)
Socio-economic  Review of secondary data  Primary data gathering
conditions and  Perception survey  Comprehensive Land
perception of  Characterization of socio-economic Use Plan of Navotas
stakeholders condition City (2016-2025)
 Key informant interviews  Socio-Economic Profile
of Navotas City (2015)
 City Ecological Profile

ES 2.4 Public Participation

Stakeholder participation for the project was ensured to determine the current situation of the
affected residents, including the issues and concerns they are experiencing in their
community. The issues and concerns based on the results of the perception survey and
public scoping are summarized below:

Table ES-5 Issues and concerns raised during Public Scoping and Perception Survey

Aspect Issues and Concerns

1. Loss of fishery resources/main source of livelihood
Livelihood/Employ 2. Opportunities for tricycle drivers
ment 3. Alternative livelihood for fishermen
4. Impacts on shipyard industry
1. Inclusion of housing projects on the reclamation area
Public/Social 2. Alternative plans on the construction of C5 and C6 road networks
Services 3. Spread of Illness/Diseases
4. Conflict to other government projects in Barangay Tanza
1. Water will be affected
2. Loss/negative impact on mangrove areas
3. Risks from chemicals found on dredged materials
Environment 4. Accumulation of silt
5. Source of borrow materials
6. Heavy siltation due to strong current on the southern part of the proposed
Disaster Risk 1. Erosion
Management 2. Increased flooding

ES 2.4 Summary of baseline characterization, key environmental impacts and mitigation plan

The summary of baseline characterization and its corresponding environmental impacts and
mitigation plan is presented below. Chapter 2 of this EIS provides a more detailed discussion
of the baseline conditions, environmental impacts and mitigation measures.

Table ES-6 Summary of the baseline environmental conditions

Module Summary of Baseline Condition / Key Findings
Land Use No CARP or CADC/CADT areas were identified within or near the area of

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Module Summary of Baseline Condition / Key Findings

the project. The proposed project, however, will be situated right beside
the mangrove areas of Barangay Tanza which is a locally declared
protected area. The proposed project site is also situated at Manila Bay
and may be vulnerable or susceptible to natural hazards.
Geology/Geomorphology In terms of ground shaking, five major earthquake generators, namely,
the West Valley Fault, the Philippine Fault Zone, the Lubang Fault, the
Casiguran Fault and Manila Trench have been identified as the most
likely sources of future earthquakes that could affect the project.

Identified liquefaction-prone areas in Metro Manila are essentially within

the zone of average to above average zone of ground shaking. Several
areas in Navotas and Malabon have high potential to liquefaction.

Surface rupturing may also occur from WVF. Damages as a result of this
hazard is expected to be substantial for structures directly straddling and
located within few meters from the rupture zone.

Tsunamis may occur but are not expected to significantly impact the
project area.

Based on the recorded hazards associated with the eruption of Taal

Volcano, the project area being 65 km away from the said volcano could
only experience ashfall.

Navotas being situated in low grounds is very much prone to flooding.

As seen during Typhoon Pedring, Manila Bay coastline is considered

highly vulnerable to storm surges and coastal floods.
Terrestrial Ecology A total of 212 individuals were recorded represented by 2 species from 2
genera of 2 families. Avicennia marina (Bungalon) has the highest
number of species encountered accounting to 96%. The species also
turned out to have the highest relative density and relative dominance.
Cutting of mangroves were also observed and used as poles and
charcoals by the locals.

A total of 23 bird species representing 14 families were counted in the

area during the 3-day observation period. All species recorded falls under
Least Concern for conservation status. Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon
nilotica)- are found to be the most abundant among the species
Hydrology The proposed project site is drained by four (4) of the major rivers of
Bulacan province, one (1) major rivers of Quezon City and small creeks
natural depressions and drainage waterways. The areas fronting the
proposed project site are fishponds that are part of the flood prone areas.
Water Quality Based on DENR Memorandum Circular No. 2010-08, Manila Bay is
classified as Class SB.
Oceanography Currents generally move north-northwest in the vicinities of the project
site and in coastal areas of Pampanga. In coastal areas in Cavite during
February 2015, currents tend to move westward due probably to the
effect of flooding and to some extent, effect of wind flows on currents at
shallow areas in Cavite area.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Module Summary of Baseline Condition / Key Findings

During persistent southwesterly winds in August 2015, currents move
eastward offshore Cavite area tends to increase at shallower areas. The
increased of river inflows in August 2015 during the wet season, tend to
produce higher currents near the mouths of said rivers, specifically in
Obando and Pampanga rivers.

On the other hand, storm surge of about 0.66 m was observed in Manila
area south of proposed project site.

Results of simulated cohesive sediment concentration at twelve (12)

horizontal locations showed abrupt increased of sediment loads from
initial concentration level of 8 mg/l to about 60 mg/l during reclamation
works in February. Higher cohesive sediment concentrations are found in
the vicinities of Obando river. Sediment concentrations also tend to
significantly increase in the vicinities of the project site from the baseline
February simulations during reclamation works.

During wet season (August), significant higher concentrations of cohesive

sediment concentrations than February simulations are noted near the
river mouths of Obando river prior to reclamation works. This is highly
attributed to the significant increase of river discharges due with
corresponding increase of cohesive sediment concentrations due to
erosion. With the reclamation works, further increases of sediment loads
are expected at almost all areas adjacent the proposed reclamation site,
especially near the Obando River. Also noted is the significant increase of
sediment loads at areas near the mouths of all rivers in Manila Bay.
Marine Ecology No live coral and other benthic organisms were recorded across the ten
(10) spot dive stations. The associated reef fishes were also absent
across the impact area. There was no seagrass species observed in any
of the six (6) spot dive stations. Alimasag (blue crabs), hipon (shrimps),
talaba (oyster) and tahong (mussel) were the dominant Invertebrates and
considered as the major fishery catch.

The dominant fish catch were aligasin/kapak (Mugilidae), kanduli

(Plotosidae), kitang (Scatophagidae), buga-ong (Terapontidae), bakoko
(Haemulidae), bangus (Chanidae) and others aside from blue crab
(Portunidae ). Trawl was also observed within the impact area. Other fish
identified were sap-sap (Slip mouth/Leiognathus sp.), Asohos, (Sillago/
Sillago sp.), Malakapas (Mojarra/Gerres sp.) and Salinas. However,
fisherfolk does not fish in the project area anymore because of the
shallow area. The fish mostly at the deeper portion of the bay which is
outside the project area.

A total of 29 phytoplankters were identified belonging to class

Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) with thirteen species, Pyrrophyceae
(dinoflagellates) with sixteen species, Cyanophyceae (blue-green algae)
with one species, silicoflagellate with two species and a single species of
marine ciliate. A total of 18 zooplankton groups were observed from
samples taken from ten stations combined.

Seventeen (17) representatives/taxa were recorded under five (5) Phyla

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Module Summary of Baseline Condition / Key Findings

and seven (7) Classes respectively. The results from this survey
demonstrate that the benthic communities within the Manila Bay Study
Area are primarily made up of polychaetes (Phylum Annelida). The most
striking feature of the results is the abundance of the representative
species Family Nereididae within nearly all of the stations sampled.
Meteorology The proposed project site belongs to an area zoned as Type 1 climate.
High rainfall is expected during the southwest monsoon season that
normally occurs in the Philippines from June to September.

At PAGASA-Port Area Station, the annual wind rose shows prevailing

southwest and east winds with relatively lower frequencies of wind flows
from the north, east, and southeast. At PAGASA-Sangley Point, dominant
winds are from the southwest, followed by east and southwest and north
directions. Wind speeds at both stations (Port Area and Sangley Point)
show average of 3 m/s with Sangley Point generally showing consistent
monthly average wind speeds through the year.
Ambient Air and Noise Ambient PM10, SO2, and NO2 were within the ambient standards of 200,
340, and 260 µg/Nm3, respectively. Measured TSP, however, were
relatively high at Stations 3 and 4 as compared to the ambient standard
of 340 µg/Nm3. The observed TSP concentrations ranged from 124.1 to
844 µg/Nm3.

Baseline noise levels in the vicinities of the proposed project site were
generally higher than noise standards prescribed for residential areas.
High noise levels were due generally due to vehicular noise traffic and
from community noise during daytime at the time of monitoring.
Socio-Demographic/ As of 2015, Navotas City has a total of 249,131 population while
Economic Conditions Barangay Tanza has 24,917. Fishery production in the city involves
mostly marginal fisherfolks where 5,497 fisherfolks are registered for the
year 2015. Of the 12 barangays involved in fishery production, Barangays
Tangos, Tanza, and San Jose are the top three barangays with the most
number of fishing boats. The average family income per year in Navotas
City is P60,000.00 and the average family size is 4.65. The labor force of
the city stands at 63,072.

Issues and concerns raised during Public Scoping are: Opportunities for
tricycle drivers, Loss of fishery resources/main source of livelihood,
Loss/negative impact on mangrove areas, Conflict to other government
projects in Barangay Tanza, Risks from chemicals found on dredged
materials, Accumulation of silt, Alternative livelihood for fishermen,
Impacts on shipyard industry, Increased flooding, Source of borrow
materials, Heavy siltation due to strong current on the southern part of the
proposed reclamation, Inclusion of housing projects on the reclamation
area, Alternative plans on the construction of C5 and C6 road networks
Awareness of the Eighty-eight (88%) of the respondents stated that they have prior
stakeholders to the knowledge about the project. Most of them knew about the project from
project the barangay.

The biggest problem faced by the community is flooding (32%). Twenty-

five percent (25%) stated that the lack of livelihood is also one of the
issues they have encountered. This is followed by Peace and Order
(16%), Cleanliness and Sanitation (14%) Health (8%) and education

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table ES-7 Impact Management Plan

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/
Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
I. Pre-construction Phase
Geotechnical Land Contamination of soil, groundwater, and  Use appropriate drilling fluid Proponent / Php200,000.00 Part of the
investigation Water surface water.  Implement proper bunding to avoid Contractor project cost
spillage into receiving environment.
(-) Drilling fluid may potentially leak into  Prepare emergency spill kits in case
receiving environment if not managed of potential leaks.
Increased Air Generation of dust  Implement dust suppression Proponent / Php50,000.00 / Part of the
movement of techniques. Contractor quarter. project cost
heavy equipment (-) Increased particulate matter due to  Cover trucks with tarpaulin loaded
on site and delivery movement of vehicles with spoils/filling materials when in
of materials transit.
(-) Health effects due to inhalation of dust  Pre-wetting of road surface to
by residents living in areas adjacent to minimise dust.
project site
People Threat to public safety  Implement speed limits and safety Proponent / Php50,000/year on Part of the
devices /signs. Contractor safety signages and project cost
(-) Possible injury or fatality as a result of  Ensure competency of drivers to Php50,000.00 on
heavy equipment and delivery trucks drive safely. trainings/seminars
movement in the project site  Engage local communities and
inform them of site activities through
IECs, posting construction “off limits”
and safety signage
Traffic congestion  Coordinate with DPWH and Proponent / Part of the
Municipal Engineering Department in Contractor regular
(-) Rapid deterioration of existing national/ road maintenance and necessary coordination of
municipal/ barangay road condition as a improvements to accommodate the Proponent
result of heavy equipment movement increased vehicle movement. with the LGU
Increased People Opportunities for local employment  Implement priority local hiring policy Proponent / No cost will be Employment
manpower for qualified local workers. Contractor incurred. generated
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits  Provide skills training for local together with
of employees and potential residents the origins of
livelihood/business opportunities workers will be

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
validated by
(-) Employing outside workers may the MMT.
antagonize local communities
II. Construction Phase
Site preparation, Land Change in geomorphology  Implement flood control measures Proponent / Php100,000.00/year Part of project
ground levelling, which such as construction of proper Contractor – maintenance of cost
and drainage (-) The Project site’s elevation will be and adequate drainage systems. the drainage facility
improvements altered. The elevation change will result in
subsequent change in the hydrology
surrounding the Project site
Site preparation, Land Inducement of subsidence or collapse  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php10M – Part of project
excavation, and practices such as suitable backfilling Contractor implementation of cost
filling (-) Minor subsidence may occur within the material, proper slope, grading and site preparation
project site when the subsurface is contouring to minimise possibility of adhering to best
disturbed during excavation activities for subsidence or differential settling. engineering
preparation of foundation practices.

(-) Minor settling may also occur as a result

of additional loads from heavy machinery
and structures
Site preparation, Land Inducement of higher flood levels  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php10M – Part of project
ground levelling People practices such as suitable backfilling Contractor implementation of cost
and drainage (-) Occurrence, frequency and magnitude of material, proper slope, grading and site preparation
improvements flooding may be affected due to the change contouring to minimise possibility of adhering to best
in drainage morphology and changes in subsidence or differential settling. engineering
ground elevation in the project site  Probable modification of drainage practices and
systems shall maintain natural maintenance
(-) Flooding may cause damage to property, outlets or consider similar transport
assets, and may pose threat to public safety regimes/streamflows as the pre-
existing natural drainage
 Maximize the capacity of two exit
river channels on both sides of the
reclamation area through regular
desilting and clearing operations

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
Site preparation, Land Soil erosion from onsite activities  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php100,000.00/year Part of project
excavation, and practices such as suitable backfilling Contractor –ground cost
filling (-) Improper storage of construction material, proper slope, grading and stabilization and
materials and indiscriminate disposal of fill contouring to minimise possibility of maintenance
materials and excavated soils may affect subsidence or differential settling.
erosion patterns.  Progressive ground preparation and
clearing to minimize total area of
land that will be disturbed at any one
time, where practical.
Contamination of soil / disposal site  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php 2,000,000.00 – Part of project
practices such as proper stockpiling Contractor Provision of proper cost
(-) Excavated soil materials may contain and handling of excavated materials. waste disposal.
contaminants that may potentially affect soil  Implement proper filling and disposal
and ground and surface water quality to avoid contamination of soil,
groundwater, and surface water
Reclamation works Water (-) Degradation of water quality due to  Install silt curtains around dredging Proponent / Php10M – Part of project
siltation brought about by reclamation areas Contractor implementation of cost.
activities  Early construction of bunds along site preparation
boundaries of the project site adhering to best
 Implement best environmental engineering
management practices such as, but practices and
shall not be limited to, removal of maintenance
debris along the waterways, proper
disposal of construction wastes,
installation of silt traps at strategic
locations, and spoils to be properly
contoured to prevent erosion
Generation of (-) Degradation of water quality due to  Removal of debris along the Proponent / Php50,000 / Year – Part of project
wastes runoff from sanitary sewage, waste water, waterways will be conducted, all Contractor provision for proper cost
solid wastes, and other construction construction wastes will be properly solid waste disposal
materials that can harm aquatic flora/fauna disposed, silt traps at strategic
locations and spoils will be properly
contoured to prevent erosion.
 Construction of sediment/ settling
ponds and related structures to

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
mitigate siltation or sedimentation of
water body
 Portalets will be provided for use of
the workers and its corresponding
wastewater will be properly
 Implementation of Solid waste
management program and
Hazardous waste management
 Use of DENR accredited
haulers/TSD companies.
Delivery of Air Generation of dust  Implement dust suppression Proponent / Php50,000/ year – Part of project
construction People measures in active construction Contractor operational cost
materials and (-) Air pollution from fugitive dust resulting areas. expenses
equipment, from ground clearing operations, site  Pre-wetting of road surface to
construction works preparation, structure erection, and vehicle minimise dust.
movement.  Provision of tarpaulin cover on trucks
loaded with construction materials
(-) Health effects due to inhalation of dust  Immediate hauling of spoils
by residents living in areas adjacent to  Impose speed restrictions/limits and
project site proper signages
Air Generation of air emissions  Regular maintenance of heavy Proponent / Php2,000,000 / year Part of the
equipment, motor vehicles and all Contractor –cost of construction
(-) Air pollution from SO2 and NO2 emission generating equipment maintenance of cost
emissions from heavy equipment used in heavy equipment
site preparation.
Construction works Air (noise) (-) Generation of noise from construction  Regular maintenance of motor Proponent / Php100,000.00 Part of project
activities vehicle mufflers Contractor cost
 Provision of noise cancelling ear
protection to workers
 Proper scheduling of noisy activities
during day time
 Reduce number of equipment to be
operated at nighttime and inform

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
barangay officials prior to conducting
nighttime works
 Establishment of buffer zones along
the perimeter of the construction site
Site preparation People Community protests or complaints  Conduct of IECs to host and Proponent Php150,000.00 / Part of project
activities neighboring communities. year cost
(-) Potential adverse community response  Properly implement programs
resulting from access restrictions in working stipulated in the SDP
Increased People Opportunities for local employment  Implement priority local hiring policy Proponent / Php20,000 / year Employment
manpower for qualified local workers. Contractor generated
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits  Provide skills training for local together with
of employees and its multiplier effect or residents the origins of
potential livelihood/business opportunities  Coordinate with barangay or/and workers will be
municipal LGU as to relevant validated by
(-) Bringing in of outside workers may ordinance on providing opportunities the MMT.
antagonise local communities for local employment.
Increased People In-migration  Livelihood opportunities will be Proponent / Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower provided to local communities Contractor SDP budget will be cost
requirements (+) Workers will be required during especially to host barangay utilized for the
construction  Provide skills training for local implementation of
residents activities such as,
(-) In-migrants may compete with locals for  Conduct consultation with barangay livelihood programs,
employment, project benefits, natural LGUs on requirements and process education
resources (i.e. water competition), local of hiring to maximize employment of assistance, medical
health, welfare services and infrastructure local residents. assistance, IEC,
In-migration may also lead to proliferation of  Regular IEC and consultations with among others.
informal settlers in the project impact stakeholders (e.g. barangay LGU,
barangay local communities) will be conducted
to ensure a sustainable community
development plan.
 Coordination meetings shall be
undertaken regularly with the LGUs
to identify threats and vulnerabilities
in the society as well as to develop

Executive Summary • Page ES-13

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
programs to prevent foreseen social
Increased People Cultural and lifestyle change  The proponent will implement a code Proponent / Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower of conduct for employees, Contractor SDP budget that will cost
requirements (-) Potential social tensions due to income contractors, and subcontractors to be utilized for the
and wealth disparity between those who will prevent potential impacts on lifestyle implementation of
be benefited economically from the project and behaviour. activities such as,
and those who will not be benefited.  IEC activities, open dialogue and cultural activities,
communication with the stakeholders IEC, among others
(-) Workers and other in-migrants may will be undertaken regularly by the
introduce different lifestyles and patterns of proponent to address concerns of
behaviour leading to social tensions. the people on the proposed project
and promote transparency
Threat to delivery of basic services and  Develop and implement SDP, which Proponent / Php1M / year – Part of project
resource competition shall involve improvement of basic Contractor SDP budget that will cost
services such as health and welfare, be utilized for the
(-) Unplanned population increase due to in- livelihood, infrastructure, education, implementation of
migration or increase in informal among others activities such as,
settlers/structures puts pressure on basic cultural activities,
services (education, health and social IEC, among others
welfare) and utilities (water, electricity and
waste management).
Increased People Traffic congestion  Implement speed limits, vehicle load Proponent / Php100,000/ year – Part of project
movement of limits, vehicle maintenance Contractor Safety and health cost
heavy equipment (-) Possible increase in traffic given the requirements, and limiting driving program will cover
on site and delivery number of workers to be employed and hours. this activities.
of materials, delivery of some construction materials.  Signs for ongoing construction
Increased activities (i.e. speed limit, safety
manpower signages) shall be installed at
requirements strategic places to notify and warn
the general public as necessary.
III. Operational Phase
Project Operations Land Potential liquefaction or ground subsidence  Use appropriate soil compaction and Proponent Php20,000 / year – Part of project
(General) People due to earthquakes more competent backfill materials to cost incurred for cost

Executive Summary • Page ES-14

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
minimize possibility of subsidence or regular inspection
(-) Liquefaction and ground subsidence may differential settling
occur due to earthquakes, which may cause
damage to property, assets, and may pose
threat to public safety
Land Vegetation removal and loss of habitat  Design and construct appropriate Proponent Part of operation Part of project
buffer area between mangrove area cost cost
and reclamation site
 Support active enforcement of
existing laws and regulation
pertaining to protection and
rehabilitation of Mangrove Park with
regular budget allocation
 Enhance vegetation cover and
diversity of mangrove forest areas by
planting a variety of mangrove and
mangrove-associated species
suitable to the condition of the area.
This will supplement biodiversity
value in the area by reintroducing
key and important species to hasten
the process of natural recovery and
improve habitat quality.
 Establish mangrove nurseries within
the Mangrove Park to provide
reliable source of mangrove
propagules for replanting and
rehabilitation of the project area and
even to adjacent areas of Manila Bay
 Conduct Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) campaign on
the importance of mangrove and its
habitat especially to local residents
of Navotas to increase awareness
and support from the locals
 Collaborate with other government

Executive Summary • Page ES-15

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
agencies such as DENR, PPA,
academe and NGOs on other
conservation programs and activities
such as ecotourism, bird watching,
coastal clean-up, research studies
and IEC.
Land Potential flooding due to extreme weather  Design and construct appropriate Proponent ~Php 5,000,000 Part of the
People events and potential threat to public safety drainage system that will support the project cost
transport regimes/streamflows of the
(-) Flooding brought about by extreme pre-existing natural drainage
weather events may cause damage to
property, assets, and may pose threat to
public safety
Increased water Water Possible water use competition  Comply with the requirements and Proponent Php150,000/ Part of project
demand for project mandates of the concerned water quarter – cost to be cost
activities (-) Water use competition / reduction in district as to the usage of water incurred during
water availability due to the project’s use of supply quarterly monitoring
water of MMT, laboratory
analysis, among
Generation of Water (-) Degradation of ground, surface, or  Proper storage and disposal of Proponent Php100,000/ year – Part of project
wastes marine water quality due to runoff from wastes and implementation of good annual maintenance cost
sanitary sewage, waste water and solid housekeeping practices budget.
wastes that can harm aquatic flora/fauna  Use of DENR accredited
haulers/TSD companies
Emission of fugitive Air Generation of air emissions  Regular maintenance of heavy Proponent / Php 50,000 / year – Part of the
particles equipment, motor vehicles and all Contractor cost of maintenance project cost
(-) Air pollution from SO2 and NO2 emission generating equipment of
emissions from genset and vehicles vehicles/equipment
Increased People Opportunities for local employment  Implement priority local hiring policy Proponent Insignificant Monitoring and
manpower for qualified local workers. validation
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits  Coordinate with barangay or/and activity of
of employees and its multiplier effect or municipal LGU as to relevant MMT, MRFC,
potential livelihood/business opportunities ordinance on providing opportunities LGU Officials,
for local employment. and other

Executive Summary • Page ES-16

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
(-) Bringing in of outside workers may concerned
antagonise local communities agencies
Increased People In-migration  Livelihood opportunities and skills Proponent Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower training will be provided to local SDP budget that will cost
requirements (+) Employment opportunities during communities specially to host be utilized for the
operation barangay implementation of
 Conduct consultation with barangay activities such as,
(-) In-migrants may compete with locals for LGUs on requirements and process livelihood programs,
employment, project benefits, natural of hiring to maximize employment of cultural activities,
resources (i.e. water competition), local local residents. IEC, among others.
health, welfare services and infrastructure  Conduct regular IEC and
In-migration may also lead to proliferation of consultations with stakeholders (e.g.
informal settlers in the project impact barangay LGU, local communities)
barangays  Undertake regular coordination
meetings with the LGUs to identify
threats and vulnerabilities in the
society as well as to develop
programs to prevent foreseen social
Increased People Cultural and lifestyle change  The proponent will implement a code Proponent Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower of conduct for employees, SDP budget that will cost
requirements (-) Potential social tensions due to income contractors, and subcontractors to be utilized for the
and wealth disparity between those who will prevent potential impacts on lifestyle implementation of
be benefited economically from the project and behaviour. activities such as,
and those who will not be benefited  IEC activities, open dialogue and cultural activities,
communication with the stakeholders IEC, among others.
(-) Workers and other in-migrants may will be undertaken regularly to
introduce different lifestyles and patterns of address concerns of the people on
behaviour leading to social tensions the proposed project and promote
Increased People Threat to delivery of basic services and  Implement SDP that shall involve Proponent Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower resource competition improvement of basic services such SDP budget that will cost
requirements as health and welfare, livelihood, be utilized for the
(-) Unplanned population increase, due to infrastructure, education, among implementation of
in-migration puts pressure on basic services others activities such as,

Executive Summary • Page ES-17

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
(education, health and social welfare) and cultural activities,
utilities (water, electricity and waste IEC, among others.

(-) Population influx may create unmet

demands for affordable housing leading to
an increase in informal settlers and illegal
Increased People Generation of local benefits from the project To further enhance the benefits from the Proponent Part of project
manpower project: cost
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits
of employees and its multiplier effect or  The proponent shall develop and
potential livelihood/business opportunities implement the SDP, which shall
(i.e. canteen, sari-sari store, boarding include improvement of basic
house, etc) are perceived as positive services such as health and welfare,
impacts of the project. livelihood, infrastructure, education,
among others
(+) Improvement of basic services (i.e.
electricity, water, health and education) and
infrastructure (i.e. road, recreation and
health facility) is expected as a result of the

(+) Increase in barangay income and IRA

will also be a positive impact that may
subsequently provide more funding for
programs and projects of the barangay.
Increased People Traffic congestion  Traffic management plan, in Proponent Php100,000 / year – Part of project
movement of coordination with concerned LGUs for the cost
heavy equipment (-) Possible increase in traffic given the and DPWH, will be prepared and implementation of
on site and delivery number of workers to be employed and implemented the Safety programs
of materials, delivery of some construction materials.  IEC will also be conducted to / policies, IEC
Increased This has the potential to add traffic communicate traffic impact and campaigns, safety
manpower congestion and affect sensitive receptors management plan to the community materials, etc.
requirements such as schools and community centers especially the host and neighboring
that may potentially cause road accidents. barangays

Executive Summary • Page ES-18

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
 Proper scheduling of delivery of
(-) Heavy loads traversing infrastructure construction materials to avoid peak
over or near load bearing limits hours/ traffic congestion and
minimize the occurrence of
 Installation of safety warnings and
IV. Decommissioning Phase
Clearing and Land Ground and water contamination  Proper implementation of the Proponent / Php2M – for the Part of project
removal of Water approved Abandonment/ Contractor handling, transport, cost
structures People (-) Clearing and removal of structures and Decommissioning Plan that details and disposal of all
facilities that may result to improper the decommissioning, rehabilitation, hazardous waste
disposal of contaminated materials or and social activities which shall and chemicals.
release of toxic and hazardous wastes / include the methodology, timing, and
compounds techniques.
 Use of DENR accredited
haulers/TSD companies for wastes
classified under RA No. 6969.

Executive Summary • Page ES-19

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table ES-8 Self-Monitoring Plan

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme
Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
Geology and Geohazards Liquefaction and Periodic 5 years or Project area Engineering No additional Noticeable Continuous Significant Increase in Check impact Temporary
Geomorpholog ground monitoring of immediately Department cost; in-house ground occurrence of ground monitoring of ground cessation of
y subsidence ground stability after a subsidence ground subsidence frequency subsidence to construction;
monitoring major and surface subsidence and surface and integrity of Retrofitting of
geologic creep and creep creep; measurement infrastructures. damaged
event has Formation of of magnitude Implement structures;
taken place cracks in of movement necessary Implement
columns, for cracks engineering necessary
beams, and surface measures. engineering
pavement; creep measures.
Misalignment Consider
of structures; abandonment
Impoundment or relocation if
of water due necessary
to liquefaction
Water Ambient  pH In-situ Monthly Baseline PCO Php 50,000  pH below  pH below  pH below  Re-conduct  Re-conduct  Re-conduct
Quality Water  Temperature measuremen sampling, water quality per 6.8 and 6.9 and 7.0 and testing to testing to testing to
Quality  Total t and Quarterly monitoring sampling above 8.3 above 8.4 above 8.5 verify verify verify
(marine Dissolved laboratory Reporting stations station  Temp:  Temp:  Temp:  Investigate  Investigate  Temporarily
water) Solids analyses through (may be 2.6°C rise 2.8°C rise 3°C rise the source the source stop
 Conductivity the SMR adjusted in the in the in the  If the  If the problem construction
 Total accordingly) receiving receiving receiving problem is is within the works:
Suspended water water water within the construction investigate
Solids body body body construction area, conduct source
 Biochemical  DO: 7  DO: 7  DO: 6 area, adjustments/  If the
Oxygen mg/L mg/L mg/L conduct appropriate problem is
Demand  TSS: 40  TSS: 45  TSS: 50 adjustments corrective within the
(BOD); mg/L mg/L mg/L / action at construction
 Chloride (Cl-); appropriate identified area,
 Color corrective pollutant conduct
(Apparent);  As:0.003  As:0.005  As:0.01 action at source. adjustments/
 Dissolve  Cd: 0.001  Cd: 0.002  Cd: 0.003 identified  If source is appropriate
Oxygen (DO);  Cr+6:  Cr+6:  Cr+6: pollutant not project corrective
 Fecal 0.03 0.04 0.05 source. construction, action at
Coliform;  Cu:0.009  Cu: 0.01  Cu:0.02 inform MMT identified
 Nitrate as  Pb:0.008  Pb:0.009  Pb:0.01 regarding pollutant
Nitrogen  Hg:0.001  Hg:0.001  Hg:0.001 possible source.

Executive Summary • Page ES-20

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
(N03--N); source for the  If source is
 Phosphate as group’s not project
Phosphorous investigation construction,
(P043--P); and inform MMT
 Ammonia as coordination regarding
Nitrogen with LGU possible
(NH3-N); source for
 Total the group’s
Suspended investigation
Solids (TSS); and
 Sulfate (S042- coordination
); with LGU
 Arsenic (As);
 Cadmium
 Hexavalent
 Lead (Pb);
 Mercury (Hg);
 Oil and
 Sulfactants
Air Quality Ambient Air TSP TSP Monthly Baseline air PCO Php 50,000 TSP: TSP: TSP:  Check  Check  Check
Quality SO2 Hi-volume/ sampling, quality per 161 ug/ncm 184 ug/ncm 230 ug/ncm weather weather weather
NO2 Gravimetric Quarterly monitoring sampling condition condition condition
1-hour Reporting stations station SO2: SO2: SO2: during during during
averaging through (may be 126 ug/ncm 144 ug/ncm 180 ug/ncm sampling sampling and sampling
period the SMR adjusted and if if location is and if
accordingly) NO2: NO2: NO2: location is downwind of location is
SO2 and 105 ug/ncm 120 ug/ncm 150 ug/ncm downwind construction downwind of
NO2 of site construction
24-hr gas Complaint Complaint construction  Conduct visit site
bubbler lodged by lodged by site at said  Conduct visit
community community  Check sampling at said
possible station and sampling
source conduct station and
 If source is retesting conduct
project using a 3rd retesting
construction party DENR using a 3rd

Executive Summary • Page ES-21

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
, inform accredited party DENR
contractor sampling firm accredited
for their to confirm sampling
corrective  If source is firm to
action (i.e. project confirm
dust construction,  If source is
suppression inform project
) contractor for construction,
 If source is their immediately
not project corrective stop all
construction action, and works
, inform conduct involving soil
MMT retesting to excavation
regarding confirm and
possible results of the movement,
source for mitigation increase the
the group’s measures frequency of
investigatio  If source is the
n and not project contractor’s
coordinatio construction, dust
n with LGU inform MMT mitigation,
regarding resume work
possible only upon
source for the visual
group’s clearing of
investigation the sampling
and station, and
coordination conduct
with LGU retesting at
the said
 If source is
not project
inform MMT
source for
the group’s

Executive Summary • Page ES-22

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
with LGU
Noise Ambient Noise levels 24hr sound Monthly Baseline PCO Php 10,000 71dB 73dB 75dB Identify  Conduct visit  Conduct visit
noise levels measurements sampling, noise level per (daytime) (daytime) (daytime) possible at said at said
using sound Quarterly monitoring sampling noise sampling sampling
meter Reporting stations (may station 66dB 68dB 70dB source station and station and
through the be adjusted (morning/ (morning/ (morning/ conduct conduct
SMR accordingly) evening) evening) evening) retesting retesting
using a 3rd using a 3rd
61dB 63dB 65dB party DENR party DENR
(night (night (night accredited accredited
time) time) time) sampling firm sampling
to confirm firm to
 If source is confirm
project  If source is
construction, project
inform construction,
contractor for reduce use
their of noisy
corrective equipment
action, and or
conduct reschedule
retesting to source of
confirm noise,
results of the conduct
mitigation retesting at
measures the said
 If source is sampling
not project station and
construction, resume work
inform MMT only upon
regarding clearance of
possible the sampling
source for the station,
group’s  If source is
investigation not project
and construction,
coordination inform MMT
with LGU regarding
source for
the group’s

Executive Summary • Page ES-23

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
with LGU
Workers Health and Review of Annual Project site PCO Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate Release official
safety of health and construction cost verbal complaint complaints investigate cause statement for
workers safety feedback lodged by lodged by the subject of of complaint, general
records of of worker worker workers negative determine and consumption
company feedback. address the root and
Coordinate cause. employees.
Incident with Coordinate Coordinate with
reports contractor with contractor contractor and
and MMT. and MMT. MMT.
Social Projects initiated Community Quarterly Host Community Part of the SDP Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate Conduct
Development and by the Proponent Coordination, barangay Relations Cost verbal complaint complaints by investigate cause consultation
Management under the social Officer feedback of lodged by the the community the subject of of complaint, with concerned
Plan approved SDP engagements community community negative determine and members of
feedback. address the the community.
Coordinate root cause. Release official
with Coordinate statement.
barangay with barangay Coordinate
LGU LGU and MMT. with barangay
and MMT. LGU and
Information, Implementation Community Quarterly Host Community Part of the SDP Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate Conduct
Education, and of Coordination, barangay Relations Cost verbal feed complaint complaints by investigate cause consultation
Communication IEC activities social Officer back to the lodged by the the community the subject of of complaint, with concerned
engagements Proponent community captured by negative determine and members of
local media feedback. address the the community.
organizations Coordinate root cause. Release official
with Coordinate statement.
barangay with barangay Coordinate
LGU LGU and MMT. with barangay
and MMT. LGU and
Geology and Geohazards Liquefaction Periodic 5 years or Project area Engineering No additional Noticeable Continuous Significant Increase in Check impact Temporary
Geomorpho- and ground monitoring of immediately Department cost; in-house ground occurrence of ground monitoring of ground cessation of
logy subsidence ground stability after a subsidence ground subsidence frequency subsidence to construction;
monitoring major and surface subsidence and surface and integrity of Retrofitting of
geologic creep and creep creep; measure- infrastructures damaged

Executive Summary • Page ES-24

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
event has Formation of ment of . Implement structures;
taken place cracks in magnitude of necessary Implement
columns, movement engineering necessary
beams, for cracks measures. engineering
pavement; and surface measures.
Misalignment creep Consider
of structures; abandon-
Impound- ment or
ment relocation if
of water due necessary
Water Ambient  pH In-situ Monthly Baseline PCO Php 50,000  pH below  pH below  pH below  Re-conduct  Re-conduct  Re-conduct
Quality Water  Temperature measurement and sampling, water quality per 6.8 and 6.9 and 7.0 and testing to testing to testing to
Quality  Total laboratory Quarterly monitoring sampling above 8.3 above 8.4 above 8.5 verify verify verify
(marine Dissolved analyses Reporting stations (may station  Temp: 2.6°C  Temp: 2.8°C  Temp: 3°C  Investigate  Investigate  Temporarily
water) Solids through the be adjusted rise in the rise in the rise in the the source the source stop
 Conductivity SMR accordingly) receiving receiving receiving  If the  If the problem construction
 Total water body water body water body problem is is within the works:
Suspended  DO: 7 mg/L  DO: 7 mg/L  DO: 6 mg/L within the construction investigate
Solids  TSS: 40  TSS: 45  TSS: 50 construction area, conduct source
 Biochemical mg/L mg/L mg/L area, adjustments/  If the
Oxygen conduct appropriate problem is
Demand adjustments corrective within the
(BOD);  As:0.003  As:0.005  As:0.01 / action at construction
 Chloride (Cl-);  Cd: 0.001  Cd: 0.002  Cd: 0.003 appropriate identified area,
 Color  Cr+6: 0.03  Cr+6: 0.04  Cr+6: 0.05 corrective pollutant conduct
(Apparent);  Cu:0.009  Cu: 0.01  Cu:0.02 action at source. adjustments/
 Dissolve  Pb:0.008  Pb:0.009  Pb:0.01 identified  If source is appropriate
Oxygen (DO);  Hg:0.001  Hg:0.001  Hg:0.001 pollutant not project corrective
 Fecal source. construction, action at
Coliform; inform MMT identified
 Nitrate as regarding pollutant
Nitrogen possible source.
(N03--N); source for the  If source is
 Phosphate as group’s not project
Phosphorous investigation construction,
(P043--P); and inform MMT
 Ammonia as coordination regarding
Nitrogen with LGU possible
(NH3-N); source for

Executive Summary • Page ES-25

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
 Total the group’s
Suspended investigation
Solids (TSS); and
 Sulfate (S042- coordination
); with LGU
 Arsenic (As);
 Cadmium
 Hexavalent
 Lead (Pb);
 Mercury (Hg);
 Oil and
 Sulfactants
Air Quality Ambient Air TSP TSP Monthly Baseline air PCO Php 50,000 per TSP: TSP: TSP:  Check  Check  Check
Quality SO2 Hi-volume/ sampling, quality sampling 161 ug/ncm 184 ug/ncm 230 ug/ncm weather weather weather
NO2 Gravimetric Quarterly monitoring station condition condition condition
1-hour averaging Reporting stations (may SO2: SO2: SO2: during during during
period through the be adjusted 126 ug/ncm 144 ug/ncm 180 ug/ncm sampling sampling and sampling
SMR accordingly) and if if location is and if
SO2 and NO2 NO2: NO2: NO2: location is downwind of location is
24-hr gas bubbler 105 ug/ncm 120 ug/ncm 150 ug/ncm downwind construction downwind of
of construc- site construction
Complaint Complaint tion site  Conduct visit site
lodged by lodged by  Check at said  Conduct visit
community community possible sampling at said
source station and sampling
 If source is conduct station and
project retesting conduct
construc- using a 3rd retesting
tion, inform party DENR using a 3rd
contractor accredited party DENR
for their sampling firm accredited
corrective to confirm sampling
action (i.e.  If source is firm to
dust project confirm
suppres- construction,  If source is
sion) inform project

Executive Summary • Page ES-26

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
 If source is contractor for construction,
not project their immediately
construc- corrective stop all
tion, inform action, and works
MMT conduct involving soil
regarding retesting to excavation
possible confirm and
source for results of the movement,
the group’s mitigation increase the
investigatio measures frequency of
n and  If source is the
coordination not project contractor’s
with LGU construction, dust
inform MMT mitigation,
regarding resume work
possible only upon
source for the visual
group’s clearing of
investigation the sampling
and station, and
coordination conduct
with LGU retesting at
the said
 If source is
not project
inform MMT
source for
the group’s
with LGU
Noise Ambient Noise levels 24hr sound Monthly Baseline noise PCO Php 10,000 71dB 73dB 75dB Identify  Conduct visit  Conduct visit
noise levels measurements sampling, level per (daytime) (daytime) (daytime) possible at said at said
using sound meter Quarterly monitoring sampling noise sampling sampling
Reporting stations (may station 66dB 68dB 70dB source station and station and
through the be adjusted (morning/ (morning/ (morning/ conduct conduct

Executive Summary • Page ES-27

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
SMR accordingly) evening) evening) evening) retesting retesting
using a 3rd using a 3rd
61dB 63dB 65dB party DENR party DENR
(night (night (night accredited accredited
time) time) time) sampling firm sampling firm
to confirm to confirm
 If source is  If source is
project, do project,
corrective reduce use
action, and of noisy
conduct equipment,
retesting to conduct
confirm retesting at
results of the the said
mitigation sampling
measures station and
 If source is resume
not project operation
inform MMT only upon
regarding clearance of
possible the sampling
source for the station,
group’s  If source is
investigation not project,
and inform MMT
coordination regarding
with LGU possible
source for
the group’s
with LGU
Workers Health and Review of Annual Project site PCO Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate Release
safety of health and constructio verbal complaint complaints investigate cause official
workers safety n cost feedback lodged by lodged by the subject of of complaint, statement for
records of of worker worker workers negative determine and general
company feedback. address the consumption
Coordinate root and
Incident with cause. employees.
reports contractor Coordinate Coordinate

Executive Summary • Page ES-28

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
and MMT. with contractor with contractor
and MMT. and MMT.
Social Projects initiated Community Quarterly Host Community Part of the SDP Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate Conduct
Developmen by the Proponent Coordination, barangay Relations Cost verbal complaint complaints by investigate cause consultation
t and under the social Officer feedback of lodged by the the the subject of of complaint, with
Management approved SDP engagements community community community negative determine and concerned
Plan feedback. address the members of
Coordinate root cause. the
with Coordinate community.
barangay with barangay Release
LGU LGU and MMT. official
and MMT. statement.
with barangay
LGU and
Information, Implementation Community Quarterly Host Community Part of the SDP Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate Conduct
Education, and of Coordination, barangay Relations Cost verbal feed complaint complaints by investigate cause consultation
Communication IEC activities social Officer back to the lodged by the the the subject of of complaint, with
engagements Proponent community community negative determine and concerned
captured by feedback. address the members of
local media Coordinate root cause. the
organizations with Coordinate community.
barangay with barangay Release
LGU LGU and MMT. official
and MMT. statement.
with barangay
LGU and

Executive Summary • Page ES-29

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Environmental management and monitoring plan

Chapter 6 of this EIS presents the environmental management and monitoring plan (EMP)
for the proposed Project. The proposed EMP includes the proposed mitigating measures,
information on environmental parameters to be monitored (i.e. EQPL values), frequency and
procedure of monitoring, and its estimated costs.

Environmental Monitoring Fund and Environmental Guarantee Fund

An Environmental Monitoring Fund (EMF) and Environmental Guarantee Fund (EGF) for the
Project will be established in accordance with the Revised Procedural Manual of DAO 2003-

An EMF amounting to Six Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 600,000) will be established to
support the compliance monitoring activities and the annual work and financial plan (AWFP)
of the MMT. The AWFP will be proposed by the MMT and concurred by the project
proponent for the approval of the EMB Regional Director.

As part of the EGF, a Trust Fund amounting to Five Million Pesos (Php 5,000,000) will be
established to compensate aggrieved parties for any damages to life or property, undertake
community-based environmental programs, conduct environmental research aimed at
strengthening measures to prevent environmental damage, and to finance restoration and
rehabilitation of environmental quality of the project-affected area. In addition, an
Environmental Guarantee Cash Fund amounting to One Million Pesos (Php 1,000,000) will
be reserved for immediate rehabilitation and compensation of affected communities in case
of damage or accidents. This may also be utilized for community-based environmental
programs and information campaign.

Executive Summary • Page ES-30

The Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) and the City of Navotas, as the proponent,
entered into a Memorandum of Agreement last November 13, 2015 for the reclamation of
approximately 650 hectares along the coast of Manila Bay fronting and within the territorial
jurisdiction of Navotas City.

Navotas, dubbed as the “Fishing Capital of Philippines” is part of the informal sub-region of
Metro Manila. Recognizing the need to diversify its economy, the City of Navotas decided to
reclaim 576.70 hectares (the Project) of land for urban and industrial development.
Considering that Navotas is the only city with water access that can provide large-scale port
and logistic developments, the Project could have significant and positive industrial impacts
on future developments in the region which could become a center and gateway for a future
industrial district of the northern region.

Understanding the site’s economic potentials on a national level, development strategies

with emphasis on building competitive advantages including technology development,
industrial clustering, sustainable designs and city branding.


1.1.1 Project location

The Project is located in the National Capital Region (NCR) of the Philippines. The 576.70 -
hectare development site will be reclaimed in the coast of Navotas City which is a coastal
city located in the northwest region of Metro Manila. The city stretches approximately 4.5 km
across the shoreline of Manila Bay. It has a large fishing community that is famous for
producing fish sauce and shrimp paste.

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1 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-1 Location of the Project Area

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 1-1 Geographic coordinates of the project area

Corner Latitude Longitude
1 14° 40' 30.3750 N 120°55'48.9837 E
2 14°40' 26.5355 N 120°55'40.5772 E
3 14°40'22.3894 N 120°55'31.4995 E
4 14°40'18.2431 N 120°55'22.4219 E
5 14°40'14.0968 N 120°55'13.3445 E
6 14°40'9.5173 N 120°55'3.3190 E
7 14°40'8.1683 N 120°54'55.3187 E
8 14°40'8.6760 N 120°54'49.9179 E
9 14°40'9.6736 N 120°54'45.9667 E
10 14°40'16.0415 N 120°54'40.0013 E
11 14°40'23.2539 N 120°54'33.2447 E
12 14°40'37.6785 N 120°54'19.7310 E
13 14°40'52.1029 N 120°54'6.2168 E
14 14°41'2.0165 N 120°53'56.9283 E
15 14°416.8108 N 120°53'55.9975 E
16 14°41'15.3569 N 120°53'56.2962 E
17 14°41'23.3730 N 120°53'59.3542 E
18 14°41'30.0016 N 120°54'4.8518 E
19 14°41'50.1757 N 120°54'27.7896 E
20 14°41'48.7029 N 120°54'28.8685 E
21 14°41'35.5581 N 120°54'42.8762 E
22 14°41'32.1201 N 120°54'48.5192 E
23 14°41'29.1348 N 120°54'53.7619 E
24 14°41'23.7610 N 120°55'3.1329 E
25 14°41'20.9210 N 120°55'8.5995 E
26 14°4119.1906 N 120°55'10.7245 E
27 14°4116.7973 N 120°55'13.2668 E
28 14°4115.0154 N 120°55'15.1228 E
29 14°41'7.8614 N 120°55'23.6825 E
30 14°41'3.9476 N 120°55'27.5051 E
31 14°40'59.5862 N 120°55'31.9421 E
32 14°40'57.5054 N 120°55'35.1517 E
33 14°40'56.6146 N 120°55'35.7050 E
34 14°40'53.8060 N 120°55'31.6703 E
35 14°40'42.2939 N 120°55'34.4376 E
36 14°40'38.0391 N 120°55'39.3410 E

1.1.2 Site accessibility

Navotas City may be accessed through six (6) identified entry and exit points in the city.
These entry and exit points serve as the city’s link to the neighboring cities and connected by
bridges considering that Navotas is surrounded by water. Barangay Tanza which is
separated by water from the rest of the barangays is connected to Malabon City through the
Tanza Bridge.

Figure 1-2 presents the location of the project area and road networks in Navotas City.

Table 1-2 Entry points and exit points in Navotas City

Street Leading to
Estrella Bridge Malabon City
Circumferential Road 4 (C-4) Malabon City
Circumferential Road 3 (C-3) Manila City / Caloocan City
North Bay Boulevard Manila City
Radial Road 10 (R-10) Manila City
Tanza Bridge Malabon City

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-2 Location of the project area and road networks

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1.1.3 Delineation of impact zones

As per DENR Administrative Order No. 30 Series of 2003 (DAO 03 -30), the direct impact
areas (in terms of the physical environment) are those areas where all project components
are proposed to be constructed/situated which is the 576.70-hectare reclamation area.

On the other hand, the whole city of Navotas is considered as the direct social impact area
for the Project.

1.2 Project Rationale

The rapid urbanization of the Philippines is marked by the emergence of Metro Manila as a
new mega-city. But this urban sprawl is restrained from expanding towards the west and
south by the Manila and Laguna de Bay. And as a result, the urbanization is now taking pace
towards the north and the City of Navotas is presented with the opportunity to support this
spread of the metropolitan area by accommodating urban services as well as to serve as the
host locality for extended logistics and other sea trade activities.

By taking advantage of this urbanization trend and carrying out reclamation, Navotas can be
transformed to a major seaport city supported by a mix of commercial and industrial
development to generate higher paying jobs and higher income generating establishments
and to become part of a larger metropolis of Manila in the near future.

1.3 Project Alternatives

1.3.1 Siting

Metro Manila is the center of country’s economic, political, social, and cultural activity. It has
an area of 638.55 square kilometers that is subdivided into 16 cities and one municipality.
Urban settlements first began in Manila, which is now the region’s historic center and
shipping gateway. Next to Manila along the Pasig River is the Makati CBD, the nation’s
financial and economic center.

Because of the private sector’s involvement in development, some areas of Metro Manila,
such as Makati, Manila and Pasig stand out from the rest of the region, shaping a distinctive
urban identity.

The Navotas Coastal Bay is located in the far north‐western corner of Metro Manila.
Navotas, together with Valenzuela and Malabon are emerging industrial cities that are
expected to grow into a major industrial district in the future.

Amongst the emerging industrial cities in the northern region, Navotas is the only city with
water access that can provide large scaled port and logistic developments. This indicates
that the development site of Navotas Coastal Bay could have significant industrial impacts
on future developments in the region.

The location the proposed reclamation project in Navotas is adjacent of existing and other
proposed reclamation and land development projects in the Manila Bay area. The Bay City,
formerly known as Boulevard 2000, is a development that has an area of 1,500 hectares and
spans the cities of Pasay and Parañaque. The development of the area consists of seven
phases which are;

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1) The Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex;

2) Financial Center Area Complex;
3) Central Business Park, Island A;
4) Central Business Park, Islands B & C (ASEANA City)
5) Central Business Park II
6) Asiaworld, and
7) Cyber Bay

The Bay City is host to a number of commercial and institutional establishments that include,
among others, the National Theatre, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Folk Arts Theatre,
Philippine International Convention Center, Sofitel, Star City, Boom na Boom, DTI-CITEM,
GSIS, World Trade Center, Metropolitan Park, and SM Bay City. Future and ongoing
developments in Boulevard 2000 include BPO Offices in SM Bay City, Aseana City,
Alphaland Bay City, Solaire Manila, PagCor City, Resorts World Bayshore, Manila Bay
Resorts, Bagong Nayong Pilipino, Marina Bayhomes, Marina Baytown East, Asia World
Development, Mandara Waterfront Residences, Palm Coast Bayside Residences and
Marina Baytown South. In general, the Boulevard 2000 will be the prime location for casinos,
shopping malls, amusement parks, theaters, hotels, business hubs, residential buildings and

Future and ongoing developments in Bay City include BPO Offices in SM Bay City, Aseana
City, Alphaland Bay City, Solaire Manila, PagCor City, Resorts World Bayshore, Manila Bay
Resorts, Bagong Nayong Pilipino, Marina Bayhomes, Marina Baytown East, Asia World
Development, Mandara Waterfront Residences, Palm Coast Bayside Residences and
Marina Baytown South. In general, the Boulevard 2000 will be the prime location for casinos,
shopping malls, amusement parks, theaters, hotels, business hubs, residential buildings and

The PRA has announced its plan to expand the Boulevard 2000 site to be referred to as the
Manila Bay Development Triangle. The expanded reclamation will include new reclamation
areas in Ternate Cavite, in the south, extending along the coast parallel to the shorelines of
Manila Bay, going up north and passing through the territorial waters of Cavite, Metro
Manila, Bulacan and Pampanga up to Balanga in Bataan. The proposed expansion will have
complementary land uses of which southern portion will be earmarked for industrial uses
given its proximity to the industrial parks in Cavite.

The site of the Navotas reclamation project will complement the existing and planned
reclamation project in Manila Bay. It is consistent and supportive of the expanded
reclamation plan of the PRA. The strategic location of the Navotas reclamation project will
facilitate the relocation of industries from Caloocan and Novaliches (which already have very
limited space and are congested) to the Navotas reclamation area. The project has the
locational advantage also of being adjacent to the Port of Manila that will provide ease of
transport of goods and services into and out of this port.

1.3.2 Technology selection/operation processes

It is relatively easy in most cases to ensure that the seawall cope level and reclamation level
are higher than the extreme still water level corresponding to a return period of 100 years, or
even 200 years where flooding would cause substantial loss of life and damage to property.
However, it is not practical to design a revetment or seawall, even with the addition of a

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

wave wall, to effectively prevent overtopping from waves during extreme events. The water
levels will be investigated based on the hydraulic modeling for the post development
situation, meteorological events and seasonal water level variation and the most appropriate
formation level will be proposed for the reclamation.

A seawall is defined as a shoreline structure whose primary purpose is either to protect

against erosion or alleviate flooding or both. The dominant design consideration is wave
action. Depending on the formation level, land use adjacent to the coastline and type of
marine facilities to be provided, the most appropriate seawall will be proposed. While it is
easy at the Inception and Pre-Feasibility stages to determine the likely seawall to be
designed, it is envisaged that a combination of various seawalls will be used to achieve the
required land use. This is illustrated (Figure 1-3 to Figure 1-5) using examples of seawalls
constructed in Singapore.

Figure 1-3 Vertical Seawall used in the Tanjong Rhu Reclamation and Southern Island
Reclamation in Singapore

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-4 Sloping Seawall used in the Southern Island Reclamation in Singapore to
provide a natural and tranquil setting

Figure 1-5 Stepped Sloping Seawall used in the Northeastern Coast Reclamation in
Source: Surbana International Consultants

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1.3.3 Resources

Fill for reclamation relies on marine sand and/or crushed rock although dredged and/or land
based excavated materials may also be used in some cases. For most reclamation works,
the choice of fill is largely dependent on the availability and cost. In order to maximize the
benefit of available fill sources, flexibility for combining different types of fill will be
considered in the reclamation planning.

The use of marine sand fill can be economically viable for a reclamation project where a
marine borrow area is within a reasonable distance from the site and where the size of the
project justifies the use of sophisticated dredgers which have high mobilization costs.

There is a need to establish the availability of a sand source and costs as these will be
factors to be considered for reclamation planning. At this stage, the reclamation fill material
has been identified to come from the Manila Bay particularly the San Nicolas Shoal located
within the Municipal waters of Naic and Tanza, Cavite (Figure 1-6), which is the primary
source of almost all the reclamation projects in the Manila Bay. Sand from the San Nicolas
Shoal is generally medium to coarse in nature and is viable because of the quality and the
quantity of sand available for extraction and its proximity to the project site. Alternative sites
within a radius of 40 nautical miles from the project site will also be studied.

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-6 Project site and source of materials

1.3.4 No project alternative

The proposed Navotas Reclamation project will offer substantive socio-economic benefits
not only for the host local government of Navotas City but also to the regional and national
levels as well. Without the project, the urban development expansion to accommodate the
urban development requirements needed by the projected increase in population of Navotas
City will be constrained primarily due to the very limited land area available for the City.
Currently, a large number of the City’s urban population lives along the coastal areas with
depressed social and environmental conditions. Without the planned reclamation project,
these communities will be deprived of opportunities for an improved access to improved and
well-planned settlement areas.

The lack of urban spaces also reduces the City’s attractiveness as an investment haven for
the private business sector. This in turn negatively affects the ability of the City government
to generate its own-source revenues thereby consequently reducing its local fiscal
performance and financial autonomy. The absence of additional space for business
opportunities also will deter the availability of potential employment and downstream
livelihood opportunities from an improved business climate resulting from the additional
urban space that can be accorded by the proposed reclamation project.

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Without the proposed reclamation project, the will not be accorded with a well master
planned landscape that will enhance the overall environmental quality of the locality. Without
the project, there will be no improvement in the aesthetic quality of the City and also will be
deprived of adequate functional open and green spaces that can improve the provision of
other urban ecosystem services in terms of air quality, carbon capture, flood mitigation, and
recreation, among other things, all of which are seen to contribute to the overall socio-
economic well-being of the local communities in Navotas City.

The additional urban space likewise will accord the City new land areas where it can expand
its social and institutional infrastructure and facilities to enhance the delivery of basic as well
as local administrative services to its constituents.

1.4 Project Components

Overall reclamation will be carried out through a combination of hydraulic dredging from
borrow site offshore of the project area and filling with borrow materials. An estimated 65
million cubic meters more or less of borrow materials will be required to reclaim the areas up
to 5.0 meters above the Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). Table 1-3 presents the list of
reclamation equipment and their production rates and Figure 1-7 shows the specifications of
each equipment.

Table 1-3. Reclamation Equipment

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-7. Specifications of Reclamation Equipment

Project Description • Page 1-12

1 E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o ta s C o a s t al B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r oje c t

Fi g u r e 1- 8 G e n e r al L a y o u t o f F a cilitie s

Pr o j e c t D e s c ri ptio n • P a g e 1- 1 3
Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

On the other hand, the following facilities will be constructed during reclamation activities:

1. Temporary lodging (with sanitation facilities);

2. Material and equipment storage;
3. Field office;
4. Drainage systems (Figure 1-9)
5. Warehouse, and
6. Administration office;

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Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-9 Temporary drainage layout plan

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1.5 Process/Technology

From the coastal geomorphology, preliminary assessment indicates that replacement

method would likely to be the most suitable for the construction of the foundation of the
seawalls or slope revetment. The soil improvement method would involve the dredging of the
soft subsoil layers underneath the seabed to form a trench. The trench is subsequently filled
with sand to form a stable sand key foundation. The primary function of this sand key is to
ensure stability of the seawall revetment against slip failure and excessive settlement.

However, it is emphasized that the actual detailed design on the method of reclamation can
only be carried out after completion of the soil investigations.

The constraint posed by this method is that the planning of the reclamation must ensure that
sand is available and that the supply is consistent and continuous during the period of
construction. The availability of sand will be evaluated as part of the reclamation planning.

The proposed dredging will also introduce dredged material that would have to be disposed
of traditionally. Although this might be seen as a constraint, a range of beneficial engineering
uses exist for the disposal of the dredged material and this includes the re-use of the
dredged material for land reclamation. The reclamation planning will evaluate the material,
taking into account of the environmental regulations or authorities’ requirements, and
propose innovative use and rehandling the dredged material as reclamation fill with the
appropriate treatment. However, the constraint in the re-use of the dredged material is the
possible existence of various wastes that are expected to be found on the surface layer of
the seabed. Such wastes will have to be removed in order to leave behind the soil that can
be re-used.

Figure 1-10 Dredging of the Trench

Source: Surbana International Consultants

Project Description • Page 1-16

1 E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o ta s C o a s t al B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r oje c t

Source: Taylor & Francis GroupNavotas

Fi g u r e 1- 1 1 D e ci si o n pr o c e s s fo r t h e e v al u ati o n o f t h e dr e d gi n g m a t e ri al

Pr o j e c t D e s c ri ptio n • P a g e 1 - 1 7
Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

In principle, the overall reclamation will be carried out through a combination of hydraulic
dredging from borrow site offshore of the project area and filling with borrow materials. An
estimated 65 million cubic meters of borrow materials will be required to reclaim the areas up
to 5.0 meters above the Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). This volume is an estimate that
does not include the allowance of the subsidence of the original ground.

Soft ground takes a very long time to undergo consolidation and gain sufficient strength. If
the reclaimed land is required within a short time, it is necessary to accelerate the
consolidation process using ground improvement technique. There are different methods to
accelerate ground improvement based upon the different soil conditions. Measures to
improve the settlement characteristics of reclamation fill include densification by static
methods (such as surcharge preloading and vacuum preloading) or dynamic methods (such
as vibratory probe techniques and dynamic compaction). The choice of a particular method
is dictated by the degree of improvement required, the depth of fill to be treated, the
proximity to existing structures or facilities, and the relative cost benefits. Some common
methods used in the industry for treating the reclaimed land are sand surcharge method,
prefabricated vertical drains with surcharge and vacuum preloading. The proposed ground
improvement methodology to be implemented for the project shall be further studied and
would subject to the following conditions:

 The type, dimension and time of construction of any structures to be built on the
reclaimed land;
 Cost-benefit and programming considerations; and
 Effect of the densified fill on future piling, excavation and other development

1.6 Project Size

The proposed reclamation project will have an area of 576.7 hectares. The total estimated
reclamation volume is 65,000,000 m3 more or less.

1.7 Development plan, description of project phases and corresponding

time frame

The overall project schedule is based on the following key considerations and assumptions:

a. The proposed reclamation of 576.7 hectares of foreshore for the Project (without any
vertical and horizontal development works) is expected to take approximately 30
months to complete excluding time required for ground improvement works;

b. At this construction duration of 30 months, the estimated monthly dredging and filling
rate is 2.41 million cubic meters, which is a challenging production rate to be

c. All detailed technical studies, investigations, and survey works are targeted to be
completed within 8 months. This will include the whole ECC application and approval

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

process, which will require joint effort from the various relevant authorities such as
DENR-EMB including major reduction of time required for the processing of the ECC

Based on the above key considerations and assumptions, the Project is expected to
complete within approximately 44 months.

1.7.1 Pre-construction phase

The City Government of Navotas has accomplished various pre-construction tasks in

support to the proposed Reclamation Project. These tasks are necessary to ensure
compliance to government regulations. The following items are included in the pre-
construction tasks:

 Sea bottom topography

 Detailed engineering designs, topographic surveys and site investigations
 Philippine Reclamation Authority Memorandum of Agreement
 Selection and awarding of qualified contractors
 Start of procurement of dredgers and equipment

1.7.2 Construction phase

After completing the pre-construction tasks, the City of Navotas will then proceed with the
construction and procurement phase of the project. The city of Navotas, through its
designated general contractor, shall implement the following construction and procurement
activities for the project:

 Establishment of a camp site for construction personnel and equipment, including

temporary lodging (with sanitation facilities), material and equipment storage, and
field office;
 Upgrading, improvement and construction of necessary access roads and temporary
drainage systems;
 Site preparation;
 Construction of the administration office, and
 Procurement and commissioning of reclamation equipment

1.7.3 Operation phase

The reclamation sequence of the NCBRP is as follows:

1. The reclamation site is similar to an irregular shape of trapezium with its longer side
adjacent to the Navotas Coast. The proposed borrow area is located within 40
nautical mile radius from the site such as the San Nicholas Shoal (SNS). A stockpile
area is proposed within the reclamation area to facilitate unloading of the dredged
materials from the borrow area and act as a holding zone to distribute the materials
in a planned manner. Due to its shallow topographic nature, this require deepening
(by dredging) of the stockpile area to facilitate the movement of barges.

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2. The dredged materials from the navigation channel and turning basin will be handled
in two ways; pump onto a transport barge for re-handling at the stockpile area before
pumping ashore, and/or pump directly onto the reclamation site for direct filling.

3. The construction of the sand bund will be carried out in a progressive manner with
the dredging process as well as the revetment construction. The revetment is
constructed in multiple stages, starting with the construction of sandkey as follows:

a. Dredge the existing seabed for sand-key at the boundary location.

b. Fill the reclamation area with the sandkey dredging material (not more than 2 m
c. Replace the existing seabed material with good material from the borrow area.

4. As the sand bund and sandkey construction continues, the revetment construction
will follow accordingly. As it progresses, the reclamation area will be filled with the
sand dredged from the borrow area up to the proposed reclamation level. Soil
improvement works will be carried out thereafter the reclamation filling.

5. All constructions, including the vertical wall, jetty and revetment will move
progressively and simultaneously, similarly as stipulated above until the entire area is
filled and all the coastal protection structures are constructed. The proposed
reclamation cycle is shown in Figure 1-12.

Figure 1-12 Proposed reclamation cycle

The Reclamation Sequence for the proposed project is presented below with illustrations:

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1.7.4 Decommissioning and abandonment phase

The following are possible options that will be considered during the abandonment phase:

 All equipment used during the reclamation activity will be pulled out of the project
 All existing facilities that are not useful will be removed
 Additional establishment of mangrove plantations
 Engage and hire on contractual basis, personnel from the affected community to
undertake the mangrove plantation program.

Project Description • Page 1-25

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1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 1-13 Reclamation Schedule

Project Description • Page 1-26
Environmental Impact Statement
1 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1.8 Manpower requirements

1.8.1 Manpower requirements

The total manpower for the raw land reclamation (construction and operation) is estimated to
be about 150 employees. The personnel will be mostly composed of operators of
reclamation equipment and construction workers for support facilities and administrative
personnel. The manpower requirements for construction will mostly entail male workers
because of the physical nature of the work.

1.8.2 Scheme for sourcing locally from host and neighboring LGUs

The proponent shall give priority hiring to locals whose skills and experience match the
project’s specific needs. A local hiring scheme will be established in close coordination with
the concerned barangay Local Government Units (LGUs). In general, the proponent will
provide a list of anticipated job requirements with corresponding qualifications to the
concerned barangay LGUs. These potential opportunities will be promoted by the barangay
LGUs in their respective jurisdictions and potential applicants will be forwarded to the
proponent, for further review and evaluation by the Human Resources office.

Consultations shall be made with the LGUs and host communities to finalize a scheme for
hiring residents from host communities. Qualified local residents will be given priority in
hiring. For technical positions not available in the host communities, the proponent reserves
the option to source its manpower requirements elsewhere. Compensation terms and the
process of hiring will comply and adhere with existing labor laws, rules, and regulations.

There is no indigenous group/people present in the project area.

1.9 Indicative project cost

The estimated project investment cost is PhP 57.4 billion. Cost is preliminary and will be
subjected to revision based on the actual final reclamation planning and design.

Project Description • Page 1-27


2.1 Land

2.1.1 Land use and classification Methodology
The study and investigation of land use and land classification of the project site employed the
review of existing documents, maps, plans and reports. Existing land use of Navotas City

Navotas City is part of Luzon, the northernmost major island of the Republic of the Philippines.
Navotas City is located on the Extreme Northwest portion of the National Capital Region. The
existing land use area of the City of Navotas is 10.69 km 2 representing 1.69% of the total land
area of the National Capital Region. Navotas is the second smallest land area in the Metro
Manila following the Municipality of Pateros with only 1.76 km2.

Navotas City is bounded on the North by the Municipality of Obando, Bulacan, on the east by
Binuangan River, Daang Cawayan River, Dampalit River, Batasan River, Navotas River,
Bangkulasi Channel, Malabon Channel, and the Estero de Maypajo, on the south by the City
of Manila, and on the west by the Manila Bay.

Navotas City is classified into various land uses namely: Built-up Area, Production and
Protected Areas. Based on the Existing Land Use Map of Navotas City (2015), 34.25% or
366.23 hectares of the land area is classified as fishponds and only 24.57% or 262.72 hectares
are classified as residential area. Table 2-1 presents the Land Use Categories in Navotas City
while Figure 2-1 shows the Existing Land Use Map of Navotas City.

Table 2-1 Land use allocation of Navotas City

Existing land use (2015) Area in hectares Percentage
Residential 262.72 24.57
Socialized Housing 8.40 0.79
Commercial 19.41 1.82
Institutional 17.04 1.59
Industrial 136.33 12.75
Parks and Open Spaces 2.45 0.23
Fishponds 366.23 34.25
Easement 30.20 2.83
Mangroves 29.47 2.76
Utilities 49.56 4.64
Cemeteries 6.50 0.61
Roads 57.96 5.42
Bodies of Water 82.73 7.74
Total 1,069 100.00

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-1 Existing land use map of Navotas City

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-2

En v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
2 N a v o t a s C o a s t a l B a y R e cl a m a t i o n P r o j e c t Encroachment in Environmental Critical Areas (ECAs)

The project area is situated in the coastal area of Barangay Tanza. As such no CARP or
CADC/CADT areas were identified within or near the area of the project. The proposed project,
however, will be situated near the mangrove areas of Barangay Tanza. The proposed project
site is also situated at Manila Bay and may be vulnerable or susceptible to natural hazards.
The proponent should then ensure that the project management plan is compatible with the
Manila Bay Management Plan by the Supreme Court Mandamus. In addition to this, proper
mitigating measures and wastes disposal plan should be strictly implemented so as not to
compromise the water quality and the current multiple use of Manila Bay. Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation and enhancement
Change/Inconsistency in the Land Use / Water Use

Land use and water use change and inconsistencies associated with project development will
commence during the construction phase and remain permanent during the operation phase.

Water use change is expected in the actual project site where the mass land will be located.

Encroachment in the Environmental Critical Area (ECA)

Under DENR DAO 2003-30, there are 12 categories for environmental critical areas (ECA).
Of the 12 categories, only one (1) is present within the project area: Areas frequently visited
and or hard-hit by natural calamities, and

Under DAO 2003-30 Environmentally Critical Projects (ECP) whether located within ECA or
not are required to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The City Government
of Navotas complies with the requirements with the submission of this EIS to the DENR Central

Impairment of Visual Aesthetics

Various stages of Project development will inject new elements into the existing landscape
and visual environment. During the pre-construction and construction phases, the following
equipment has the potential to impact on the visual aesthetics on site:

1. CSD at Dredging Site – 2 units

2. CSD at Reclamation Site - 2 units
3. Split Hopper Barge – 14 units
4. Tug Boat – 14 units
5. Backhoe dredger - 2 units
6. Excavator - 4 units
7. Bulldozer - 4 units
8. Clamshell and barge - 2 units
9. Wheel loader - 4 units
10. Vibratory Roller - 4 units

During the operation phase, the establishment of the reclaimed land will result in permanent
changes to the visual landscape of the area.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-3

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
Na votas C oastal Ba y Re cla m ation Project

2.1.2 Geology/Geomorphology Regional lithological and structural geology

The watershed area of the Manila Bay encompasses the southern half of the Central Plain of
Luzon; a 150 km long and 60 km wide north-northwest trending flat terrain bordered along the
southwest by the Zambales Range and along the northeast by the southern portion of the
Central Cordillera, Caraballo and Sierra Madre mountain ranges.

The bottom topography of Manila Bay is gently sloping from its mouth at about 1 m per km of
horizontal distance. The bay is mostly shallow with an average depth is 17 m and about 64
percent of its surface has less than a 10-m depth, mainly at the northern half. The
southwestern sector of the Bay is deeper with depths greater than 100 m. Spots of shallow
areas, with depth of less than 5 m, are found along the coastline. At its mouth, depth of the
Bay is about 50 m, except in the narrow channel north of Corregidor Island, where depth is
approximately 90 m.

The seabed bathymetry is shown in Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4, which clearly indicates that the
water along the coastline of Navotas is generally shallow with an average water depth of
approximately 5 m. The depth of water in the project area is even less than 5 m. Manila Bay
is the catchment for numerous river systems that drain the surrounding land areas. In addition
to the Pampanga River and Pasig River, other major rivers discharging directly into Manila
Bay are: Meycauayan, Navotas-Malabon-Tullahan-Tenejeros, Talisay (Bataan), Imus (Cavite)
and Maragondon (Cavite). Thus, deposition within the Bay is very active.

Depositional features found in the Bay are the sand spit of Cavite and numerous beach and
sea bar deposits. A higher level of sedimentation in the northern parts of the Bay is
characterized with the deposits of pyroclasic materials extruded by Mt. Pinatubo. Substrate of
Navotas and adjoining areas of Malabon and Bulacan is predominantly estuarine deposits and
beach/sand bar deposits of Caloocan City and Malabon.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-2 General Topography and Different Natural Drainage in Navotas City

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Source: Admiralty Chart 4491

Figure 2-3 Seabed Bathymetry along the Coastline of Navotas









Figure 2-4 Bathymetric Map Produced by EGS Asia, Inc. and MJAS Zenith, 2016

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

The project area mainly consists of sedimentary deposits of Quaternary era. This formation is
a result of erosion and re-deposition of former sediments which generally consists of unsorted
fluvial and river deposits. Both the effects of climate processes and tectonic young activities
caused a miscellaneous alluvium of different types, thickness and grain sizes to be formed.
The subsoil is generally weak (soft or loose) with thick sequence of Quaternary alluvium made
up principally of unconsolidated strata of silty and clayey sand and high plasticity clay.

Geology of Metro Manila

The Guadalupe Plateau, East of Manila is underlain by the Guadalupe Formation, composed
of interlayered pyroclastic flows, lahar deposit, airfall tephra, fluvio-deltaic sediments and
paleosols deposited under terrestrial to partly sub-aqueous conditions.

The volcanics range from agglomerate to fine ash, while the sandstone unit grades from very
fine to conglomeratic. The pyroclastic flow units are massive to moderately consolidated while
the tephra deposits range from massive to thinly laminated and are well consolidated to
porous. The presence of paleosols indicates time gaps in depositional events for formational

The flat areas near Manila Bay are underlain by unconsolidated sediments deposited during
the Quaternary Period. The lithology belongs to Manila Formation named by Purser and
Diomampo (1996) based on the result of subsurface investigation using borehole logs. The
Manila Formation is composed of unconsolidated sequence of fluvial, deltaic and marine
deposits. To the west, the Manila Formation is overlain by beach sand which blankets the
coastline of Manila Bay. Further to the east, the Manila Formation overlay the Proto-Pasig
Delta deposit that includes transitional, marine transgression sediments and the Modern
Coastal Deposits mainly recent marine sand/silt, recent stream deposits and fill materials.

Figure 2-5 presents the Geologic Map of Metro Manila.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Source: PHIVOLCS, Modified from MMA 1985

Figure 2-5 Geologic Map of Metro Manila

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts •Page 2-8

Environmental Impact Statement
2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Local geology and geomorphology

City of Navotas is generally underlain with recent (Holocene) marine sediments, consisting of
sand bars and sand-spits from tidal inundation and delta deposits to form lagoons from the
recent river flows. The area and its immediate vicinity used to be a wide estuary that was filled-
up with fill materials of varying composition. The tidal surface consists mainly of alternating
layers of sand, silt and clay (Holocene age) about 200 years ago.

The geological profile of the City of Navotas consists of reclaimed landfill, Holocene deposits
and Pleistocene deposits in order from the ground surface. The half part of this area is
reclaimed land or fishponds and the other half is natural sand bar or sandpit area with very
thin mantle of clayey sediments. Geologic hazards Seismic Hazards

Major causes of damage during earthquakes include hazards due to 1) ground shaking, 2)
liquefaction, 3) surface rupturing, and 4) tsunami. The first two hazards are directly related to
actual ground movements while the others are mainly due to the indirect effects of the
earthquake shocks.


Most of the damages incurred during earthquakes mainly result from strong ground vibrations
that are caused by the passage of seismic waves from the earthquake source to the ground
surface. The intensity of ground shaking is generally influenced by the magnitude of the
earthquake, distance of the site from the earthquake generator, and the modifying effects of
subsoil conditions. Observations of effects of large magnitude earthquakes have shown that
ground shaking on bedrock is less in intensity than on areas of soft foundation made up of
sediments as gravel, sand, silt and/or clay. Figure 2-8 shows the general relationship between
near-surface earth material and amplification of shaking during a seismic event.

The project area is prone to ground shaking hazards due to the presence of several
earthquake generators (Figure 2-6). The site is considered as high seismic area and has a
recorded and experienced intensity of VI during the July 1990 Luzon earthquake (Figure 2-7).

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-6 Distribution of Earthquake Generators in the Philippines

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project



Figure 2-7 Intensity Map of the July 1990 Earthquake

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-2 presents the different areas Metro Manila which are vulnerable to ground shaking
and within the identified zones. The zone where ground shaking is expected to be below
average is more or less defined by the outline of the tuff deposit of the Guadalupe Formation
which corresponds to the bedrock in Metro Manila. The areas underlain by soft and thick
sequence of fine sediments will most likely experience average to above average levels of
ground shaking depending on the thickness of the soft materials. Areas covered with 10 m or
less of these deposits are expected to experience average levels of ground shaking while
those underlain by soft materials in excess of 10 m may experience above average shaking.

Table 2-2 Areas Vulnerable to Strong Ground Shaking in Metro Manila

Possible Level of
Ground Shaking
Above Average Manila proper inclusive of the reclaimed areas along Manila bay, the
municipalities of western Malabon, Navotas, eastern Pateros, Marikina
(valley side) and the eastern section of Pasig
Average Pasay City, western portion of Makati, northeastern and eastern Quezon City
(within the Marikina Valley), the extreme southwestern part of Caloocan City,
eastern Malabon, western section of Valenzuela, the coastal and northern
portions Paranaque and Las Pinas, and the lakeshore areas of taguig and
Below Average Areas within Diliman Plateau

Project Area relative


Source: (Keller, E. J., 1996)

Figure 2-8 General Relationship between Near-surface Earth Material and Amplification
of Ground Shaking during a Seismic Event


Surface or ground rupturing is a result of significant movement along faults. It occurs within
zones of active fault. Damage can be severe for structures directly straddling and located
within a narrow zone of the active fault traces. For the 1990 Luzon earthquake, the deformation
zone was within 5 m from the surface rupture. The location, pattern and styleof surface faulting

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

generally appear to occur along pre-existing active fault traces, thus, a precise delineation of
these traces is very important in mitigating damages due to surface rupturing.

Figure 2-10 shows the Ground Shaking Hazard Map with the Event Scenario of Magnitude
7.2 Earthquake along the West Valley Fault.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Above Average - Manila proper inclusive of the reclaimed areas along Manila bay, the municipalities of western Malabon, Navotas, eastern Pateros, Marikina (valley side) and the eastern
section of Pasig
Average - Pasay City, western portion of Makati, northeastern and eastern Quezon City (within the Marikina Valley), the extreme southwestern part of Caloocan City, eastern Malabon,
western section of Valenzuela, the coastal and northern portions Paranaque and Las Pinas, and the lakeshore areas of Taguig and Muntinlupa
Below Average - Areas within Diliman Plateau

Source: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Department of Science and Technology, Disaster Prevention and Mit igation in Metropolitan Manila, UNCHS (Habitat) Project

Figure 2-9 Ground Shaking and Surface Rupture Hazard Map of Metro Manila

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts •Page 2-14

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-10 Ground Shaking Hazard Map with the Event Scenario of Magnitude 7.2 Earthquake along the West Valley Fault (PHIVOLCS,

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-15

Environmental Impact Statement
2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


S i n c e t h e P h ili p pi n e s i s a t e c t o ni c all y a c tiv e pl a c e w it h n o t e d a c ti v e f a ult s t h a t a r e u s u a ll y t h e

so urces of m ajor e a rt h q u a k e s, the P h i li p p i n e I n s tit ut e of Volca n olo g y and S e is m olo g y
( P H I V O L C S ) a n d t h e U nit e d St at e s G e ol o gi c al S u r v e y ( U S G S ) c o n d u ct e d gr o u n d m oti o n
hazard m a p pin g in ter m s u s ef ul to e n gi n e e ri n g d e si g n u si n g modern p r o b a b ili sti c
m e t h o d o l o g y. I n t h eir st u d y, t h e peak h o ri z o nt al gro u n d a c c el e r a ti o n t h a t have a 10 %
p r o b a b ilit y of b ei n g e x c e e d e d i n 5 0 y e a r s h a v e b e e n u n if o r m l y e sti m a t e d f o r r o c k , m e d i u m s o il
a n d s o f t s oil sit e c o n d iti o n . R e s u lt s of t h eir st u d y s h o w a n e s ti m a t e o n r o c k r a n g i n g f ro m a l o w
o f 0 . 1 1 g i n V i s a y a s t o a hi g h of 0. 3 0 g in t h e vi ci nit y of C a si g u r a n F a u lt i n E a s t e r n L u z o n
( T h e n h a u s , e t al, 1 9 9 4 ) . E s ti m a t e s f o r s of t s o il c o n d iti o n s a r e c o n s i d e r a b l y hi g h e r a n d r a n g e
b et w e e n 0. 2 7 g f or Vi s a y a s a n d 0. 8 0 g al o n g t h e C a si g u r a n F a ult z o n e.

T h e e s ti m a t e d h o ri z o n t al a n d v e rti c al p e a k a c c e l e r a ti o n s d u ri n g a n e a r t h q u a k e li k el y t o o c c u r
i n a n a r e a a r e u s e f ul i nf o r m a ti o n f o r d e s i g ni n g b u il di n g s a n d o t h e r st r u c t u r e s t o w it h st a n d
s e i s m i c s h a ki n g . M a p s of A c c e l e r a ti o n in S o f t S o il, M e d i u m S o il, H a r d S o il a n d R o c k a r e
p r e s e nt e d i n Fi g ur e 2- 1 1 t o Fi g u r e 2- 1 4.

T h o u g h u n d e rl ai n b y cl a y, silt a n d s a n d b u t b e c a u s e t h e u n d e si r a bl e s of t o r l o o s e m a t e ri a l s
a r e t o b e d r e d g e d / r e m o v e d a n d r e p l a c e d b y g o o d , c o m p a c t e d f ill m a t e r i a l s , i t i s a s s u m e d t h a t
t h e g r o u n d of a c c e l e r a ti o n 0 . 4 0 g a n d 0 . 5 0 g f o r m e d i u m a n d h a r d s o il a r e m o r e a p p li c a b l e i n
the are a.

I n o r d e r t o d e t e r m i n e t h e g r o u n d a c c e l e r a ti o n t h a t a sit e c a n e x p e ri e n c e i n c a s e o f a m a j o r
e a r t h q u a k e , t h e a tt e n u a ti o n m o d e l of F u k u s h i m a a n d T a n a k a i s a p p li e d ( T h e n h a u s e t al,
1 9 9 4 ). A d e si g n e a rt h q u a k e i s a s s u m e d to o c c u r at a p oi nt al o n g t h e c a u s ati v e f a ult th at i s
n e a r e s t t o t h e sit e . C o r r e c ti o n f a c t o r s a r e t h e n a p p li e d d e p e n d i n g o n t h e t y p e of fo u n d a ti o n
m a t e rial.

T h e a tt e n u a ti o n m o d e l of F u k u s h i m a a n d T a n a k a (I n T h e n h a u s , 1 9 9 4 ) i s w ritt e n
a s:

l o g 10 A = 0 . 4 1 M - l o g 10 ( R + 0 . 0 3 2 x 1 0 0.4 M) – 0 . 0 0 3 4 R + 1 . 3 0

w h ere:

A = m e a n p e a k a c c e l e r a ti o n ( c m / s e c 2)

R = s h o r t e st di st a n c e b e t w e e n t h e sit e a n d t h e f a ult r u p t u r e ( k m )

M = s u rf a c e - w a v e m a g nit u d e.

C o rr e ctio n f a ct or s ar e a p plie d d e p e n di n g o n t h e t yp e of f o u n d ati o n m at eri al: r o c k, 0. 6; h ar d

s o il, 0. 8 7 ; m e d i u m s o il, 1 . 0 7 ; a n d s o f t s o il, 1. 3 9 .

T h e m o s t l o gi c al c a u s a ti v e f a ult i s t h e P h ili p pi n e F a u lt. It m a y b e c o n s i d e r e d a s a n e a r - s o u r c e

e arth q u a k e g e n e r at or. The P h ili p pi n e F a ult is pro b a bly the m o st a ctiv e of e a rt h q u a k e
g e n e r a t o r s i n t h e c o u n t r y . T h o u g h p r e s e n tl y i n a c ti v e , b o t h t h e W e s t V a ll e y F a u lt, t h e L u b a n g
F a ult a n d C a si g u r a n F a ult c a n al s o b e c o n si d e r e d a s p ot e ntial e art h q u a k e g e n e r ato r s.

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 6

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Figure 2-11 Ground Acceleration in Soft Soil

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Figure 2-12 Ground Acceleration in Medium Soil

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Figure 2-13 Ground Acceleration in Hard Soil

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Figure 2-14 Ground Acceleration in Rock

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Environmental Impact Statement
2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Design Earthquake. The Philippine Fault is such a major fault that it is capable of generating
a rare magnitude 8.0 earthquake. Magnitude 7.5 or 7.8 earthquakes might be more reasonable
as design earthquake.

Peak Ground Acceleration. Assuming a distance of 75 km from the project area to the
Philippine Fault, peak ground accelerations are estimated for different design earthquakes
(magnitudes 7.6, 7.8, 8.0) and foundation conditions (rock, hard soil, medium soil, soft soil).
Ground accelerations from earthquakes that can be generated from the West Valley Fault,
Lubang Fault, Casiguran Fault and Manila Trench were also estimated. Excessively high
acceleration values can be expected particularly from those earthquake generators which are
relatively close to the project area.

Table 2-3 Peak Ground Accelerations

Hard Medium Soft
Earthquake Generator R M PGA Rock
Soil Soil Soil
West Valley Fault 20 km 8.0 0.409 0.246 0.356 0.438 0.569
West Valley Fault 20 km 7.8 0.389 0.234 0.339 0.417 0.541
West Valley Fault 20 km 7.5 0.356 0.214 0.310 0.381 0.495

Philippine Fault 75 km 8.0 0.158 0.095 0.138 0.170 0.220

Philippine Fault 75 km 7.8 0.142 0.085 0.124 0.152 0.198
Philippine Fault 75 km 7.5 0.119 0.071 0.103 0.127 0.165

Lubang Fault 100 km 8.0 0.110 0.066 0.096 0.118 0.153

Lubang Fault 100 km 7.8 0.097 0.058 0.085 0.104 0.136
Lubang Fault 100 km 7.5 0.080 0.048 0.070 0.085 0.111

Casiguran Fault 125 km 8.0 0.078 0.047 0.068 0.084 0.109

Casiguran Fault 125 km 7.8 0.069 0.041 0.060 0.074 0.096
Casiguran Fault 125 km 7.6 0.056 0.033 0.048 0.060 0.077

Manila Trench 150 km 8.0 0.057 0.034 0.049 0.061 0.079

Manila Trench 150 km 7.8 0.049 0.030 0.043 0.052 0.069
Manila Trench 150 km 7.5 0.040 0.024 0.035 0.042 0.055

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-15 Relative Position of the Project Area relative to the West Valley Fault System

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Areas underlain by loosely compacted, water-saturated fine sediments such as sand and
silt, strong ground vibrations could also cause the underlying foundation to temporarily
assume a semi-liquid behavior. Such process is called liquefaction. The July 16, 1990
earthquake has opened opportunities to better understand the liquefaction phenomenon.
The studies conducted by Torres and others in 1990 had identified and characterized at
least three sedimentary environments that are favorable to liquefaction to take place,
namely, 1) deltaic (e.g. Dagupan City and Aringay, La Union), alluvial plain (e.g. Tarlac),
and sandpit environment (e.g. Agoo, La Union). Typically, these environments are
characterized by the presence of thick accumulation of fine sediments that are water-

Metro Manila has suffered liquefaction in certain areas of the city in many of earthquakes
that have affected it. An occurrence of liquefaction within a certain area in Navotas was
recorded in 1863.

The identified liquefaction-prone areas have characteristically shallow water table (3 m or

less) with thick (10m or more) piles of water-saturated fine sediments (sand to clayey
sand). These areas are those on the shore areas of Manila including the newly-reclaimed
areas, the Pasig River delta plain, the Marikina alluvial plains and those lying on the
floodplain deposits and abandoned meanders of the Pasig and Marikina rivers. Various
points within these areas have been subjected to liquefaction in the past and are therefore
likely to be affected again in the future.

Liquefaction is generally accompanied by differential settlement as a result of withdrawal

of materials beneath the ground surface. Buildings, houses and other structures built with
no special engineering designs against this hazard tend to settle or sink as the underlying
foundation losses strength. These structures normally remain intact though some may tilt.

Sand fountaining, lateral spreading, and ground undulation which may also cause damage
to roads, bridges and other infrastructures are some of the effects associated to
liquefaction. Figure 2-16 shows the sites of historical liquefaction in Metro Manila and
Figure 2-17 presents the liquefaction Map of Metro Manila.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-16 Sites of Historical Liquefaction in Metro Manila

Source: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Department of Science and Technology, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Metropolitan Manila, UNCHS
(Habitat) Project INT/90/701, March 1993

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Environmental Impact Statement
2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-17 Liquefaction Hazard Map of Metro Manila


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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Tsunami or giant sea waves are produced as a result of faulting under submarine conditions
at shallow depths. Tsunami can also be triggered by submarine landslides, volcanic eruptions
and movements along subduction zones. Areas vulnerable to this hazard are the coastal
zones fronting an open sea. The edge of the cities fronting Manila Bay may be exposed to
potential tsunami.

Tsunami and earthquakes can happen anytime around the Pacific Ring of Fire - from California
up and around Alaska down through Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia. The
Philippines is no stranger to earthquakes - the Philippine archipelago was largely created by
the tectonic squabble between the Eurasian and Pacific plates, forming the Philippine Plate
as a distinct entity.

Tsunamis in the Philippines are extremely rare. On August 16, 1976, a devastating earthquake
on the Cotabato Trench caused destruction on the island of Mindanao. The destructive
tsunami that was generated in the Gulf of Moro and in the Celeces Sea killed about 8,000
people in the coastal communities in North and South Zamboanga, North and South Lanao,
North Cotabato, Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat and in the neighboring Sulu Islands. This
was the worst earthquake and tsunami disaster in the history of the Philippines.

The last significant tsunami in the Philippines occurred in the Verde Island Passage (between
Batangas & Mindoro Island and affecting Puerto Galera) in 1994. The 1994 Mindoro
earthquake occurred on November 15 at 03:15 local time near Mindoro, the Philippines. It
had a moment magnitude of 7.1. It is associated with a 35-kilometer-long ground rupture,
called the Aglubang River fault. Seventy-eight people were reported dead, and 7,566 houses
were damaged. The earthquake generated a tsunami and landslides on the Verde Island.The
tsunami wave only 2-3 meters when it reached land.

Because tsunami in the Philippines are so rare, those who were drowned were actually
opportunist beachcombers who were interested to extract goodies from the suddenly exposed
deep coral pools, not realizing that the tsunami wave would follow the rapidly receding water.

Remarkable historical tsunamis that have affected Manila were those generated by the 1677
and 1863 earthquakes, possibly from the Manila Trench. During the 1677 event, Repetti
(1946) reports of boats at sea almost submerged by waves. For the 1863 earthquake, a large
wave coming from Manila Bay was reported by the same writer. Other accounts of the latter
event describe a retreat of the sea and a subsequent rise in the height of incoming waves. In
both cases there were no reports of any damage along the coastal areas of Manila.

The apparent low vulnerability of Metro Manila in terms of this hazard is attributed to the
following factors.

1. The narrow configuration of the mouth of Manila Bay has an over-all abating effect
to the incoming tsunami wave thus lessening any tsunami impact on the project
area. However, coastal areas along the adjoining provinces of Cavite and Bataan
near the mouth of Manila Bay are more likely to be highly-prone to this hazard.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2. The presence of the Island of Corregidor near the mouth of Manila Bay likewise
tends to deflect and abate the effects of incoming tsunami waves.
3. For any moderate to strong tsunami to significantly affect Metro Manila, the
earthquake source or hypocenter should be within the Manila Bay itself. Even
considering a modest dip of 45o for the subducting layer of the manila trench, such
a situation is highly unlikely as the descending tectonic slab would be too deep as
an earthquake source and consequently, too weak to generate a sizable tsunami.

The hazard posed by tsunami is probably only comparable to, or less than that from storm
surges. Figure 2-18 shows the tsunami prone areas in the Philippines while Figure 2-19 shows
the tsunami prone areas in Navotas.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

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Figure 2-18 Tsunami Prone Areas in the Philippines

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-19 Tsunami-prone areas in Navotas City

Source: PHIVOLCS, 2013

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-29

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct Volcanic Hazards

M o st of t h e h a z a r d s a s s o ci at e d w it h t h e e r u pti o n s of M o u nt Pi n at u b o a n d T a al V o lc a n o w it h
t h e e x c e p ti o n of a s h f all, a r e v e r y m u c h l o c ali z e d a n d a r e g e n e r a ll y c o n fi n e d w it hi n t h e
i m m e d i a t e vi c i niti e s of t h e s e t h r e e v o l c a n o e s .

A vi ol e nt er u ptio n of M o u nt Pi n at u b o a n d/ o r T a al V ol c a n o w hi c h m a y r e s ult int o a b a s e s u r g e

o r a r a p i d e x p a n d i n g c l o u d a t t h e b a s e w ill d e f i n i t e l y h a s s e v e r e e f f e c t a t t h e a r e a s c l o s e t o
the m .

O n l y a m i n o r q u a n tit y of a s h h a s aff e c t e d M e t r o M a n il a b a s e d o n t h e r e vi e w of t h e e xt e n t of
i m p a ct e d ar e a s fr o m t h e lar g e st er u pti o n s of M o u n t Pi n at u b o . It is th u s c o n c ei v a bl e th at s h o ul d
M t . P i n a t u b o w ill e r u p t w it h t h e s a m e m a g n it u d e i n t h e f ut u r e , t h e s a m e l e v e l of a s h f a ll i m p a c t
i s e x p e c t e d t o li k el y aff e c t t h e i sl a n d .

T h e 1 9 1 1 e r u p ti o n of T a a l V o l c a n o kill e d a b o u t 1, 3 0 0 a n d w o u n d e d 8 0 0 p e o p l e . T h e s o li d
e j e c t a p r o d u c e d b y t h e 1 9 1 1 e r u p t i o n w h i c h w a s e s t i m a t e d t o b e a r o u n d 8 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 m i l li o n
c u b i c m e t e r s s p r e a d o v e r a n a r e a of 2 3 0 k m 2 w h il e a s h e s s p e w e d f r o m t h e v o l c a n o r e a c h e d
a s f ar a s M a nila a n d n e a r b y pr o vi n c e s.

T h e 1 9 6 5 e r u p ti o n kill e d 1 8 0 p e o p l e a n d d i s pl a c e d s o m e 5 5 , 0 0 0 e v a c u e e s f r o m t h e V o l c a n o
I sl a n d a n d n e a r b y s e t tl e m e n t s s u r r o u n d i n g T a a l L a k e . E r u p ti o n c l o u d s r o s e 1 5 – 2 0 k m h i g h ,
d e p o s iti n g fi n e a s h o n d o w n w i n d a r e a s u p t o 8 0 k m a w a y . T h e e r u p ti o n bl a n k e t e d a n a r e a o f
a b o u t 6 0 k m2 wit h 2 5 c m of a s h.

B a s e d o n t h e r e c o r d e d h a z a r d s a s s o ci at e d w it h t h e er u pti o n of T a al V olc a n o, t h e pr oj e ct ar e a
b e i n g 7 5 k m a w a y f r o m t h e s a i d v ol c a n o c o u l d o nl y e x p e ri e n c e m i n o r a s h f all ( Fi g u r e 2 - 2 0 ) .

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 3 0

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-20 Relative Position of the Project Area from Mount Pinatubo and Taal Volcano
Source: Published 1:1,000,000 Road Map of the Philippines, published and exclusively distributed by the National Bookstore, Inc.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-31

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct Hydrologic Hazards


Fl o o di n g is u s u ally c a u s e d b y h e a v y r a in s a c c o m p a n yi n g t y p h o o n s or t h e s o ut h w e s t
m o n s o o n s . Fl o o d i n g i s a c h r o n i c p r o b l e m , a fflic ti n g l a r g e a r e a s i n M e t r o M a n il a , e s p e c i all y
t h e l o w l yi n g a r e a s li k e t h e C it y of N a v o t a s . B e c a u s e of t h e l o c al c li m a t e c o n d iti o n , t h e c it y
i s e x p e ri e n ci n g a n a v e r a g e o f 1 8 – 2 0 fl o o d e v e n t s y e a rl y, alt h o u g h o n l y a f e w of t h e s e
c a u s e se vere d a m a g e.

I n M e t r o M a n il a, fl o o d w a t e r i s u s u a ll y d u e t o e x c e s s i v e r ai nf all p a rti c ul a rl y d u rin g t h e

m o n t h s of M a y t o N o v e m b e r w h e n t h e s o ut h w e st m o n s o o n c oi n ci d e s wit h t h e t yp h o o n

T h e flo o di n g pr o bl e m s i n M e tr o M a nila ar e a g g r a v at e d b y r a pi d ur b a ni z ati o n, in a d e q u at e

o r n o n - e xi s t e n t o f d r a i n a g e s y s t e m , i m p r o p e r w a s t e d i s p o s a l , l o w ri v e r c a p a c i t y a n d l a c k
o f m a i n t e n a n c e , ti d al tr a n s g r e s s i o n , r e c l a m a ti o n a c ti viti e s a n d s t o r m s u r g e s , s q u a t t e r
s e t tl e m e n t s , a n d c o n s t r ai n t s i n t h e i m p l e m e n t a ti o n of p r o p e r fl o o d c o n t r ol f a c iliti e s a n d
c o u n t er m e a s u re s.

T h e M i n e s a n d G e o s c i e n c e s B u r e a u ’ s p u b li s h e d F l o o d H a z a r d M a p of M e t r o M a n il a i s
p r e s e nt e d i n Fi g ur e 2- 2 3.

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 3 2

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Source: Department of Science and Technology, Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards


Figure 2-21 Metro Manila Inundation (Flooding) Map

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Figure 2-22 Track of typhoon Georgia

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-23 Flood Hazard Map of Metro Manila

(Source: Mines and Geosciences Bureau, 2009)

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct


S t o r m s u r g e r ef e r s t o t h e t e m p o r a r y i n c r e a s e a t a p a rti c ul a r l o c a lit y i n t h e h ei g h t of th e s e a
d u e t o e xt r e m e m e t e o r ol o gi c a l c o n d iti o n s : l o w a t m o s p h e ri c p r e s s u r e a n d / o r st r o n g w i n d s .
It i s c a u s e d p ri m a ril y b y s t r o n g w i n d s p u s h i n g o n t h e o c e a n ’ s s u rf a c e c a u s i n g t h e w a t e r t o
p il e u p h i g h e r t h a n t h e o r d i n a r y s e a l e v e l . T h e ri s e i n w a t e r l e v e l d u e t o t h e c o m b i n e d f o r c e
o f st o r m s u r g e a n d n o r m a l ti d e s c o u l d c a u s e s e v e r e fl o o d i n g i n c o a s t a l a r e a s .

Due to the c o m bi n ati o n of c o a s t al c o n fi g u r a ti o n and se a s o n al wind r e gi m e , waves

g e n e r a t e d d u ri n g t h e r ai n y s o u t h w e s t m o n s o o n al s o r ai s e ti d e l e v e l s b y a s m u c h a s 8 0 %
a t t h e n o r t h e r n e n d of M a n il a B a y ( S iri n g a n a n d R i n g o r , 1 9 9 8 ). W a v e s t h r e e m e t e r s h i g h
c a n b e g e n e r a t e d e v e n al o n g t h e li m it e d w e s t e r n f et c h . S o u t h e rl y w i n d s p e e d s a t M a n i l a
c a n e x c e e d 2 2 0 k p h a n d w a v e s 3 . 7 m e t e r s hi g h h a v e b e e n r e c o r d e d a t M a n il a’ s p o r t.
P A G A S A u n p u b li s h e d r e c o r d s s h o w s s t o r m s u r g e s o c c u r r e d s e v e n ti m e s b e t w e e n 1 9 6 0
a n d 1 9 7 2 ( R o d o l f o a n d S i ri n g a n , 2 0 0 3 ).

R e c e nt st or m s d e m o n strat e d wind in d u c e d w aves br e a ki n g at the s e a w all of th e

r e c l a m a ti o n a r e a a n d R o x a s B o u l e v a r d c o v e ri n g t h e s t ri p w i t h g a r b a g e . P o r ti o n s o f t h e
s e a w all al o n g R o x a s B o ul e v a r d s uff er e d d a m a g e d u e t o c o n s i st e nt p o u n di n g of t h e w a v e s.

A s s e e n d u ri n g T y p h o o n P e d ri n g , M a n il a B a y c o a s tli n e i s c o n si d e r e d hi g h l y v ul n e r a b l e t o
st o r m s u r g e s a n d c o a st al flo o d s.

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 3 6

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) with Track of Typhoon Georgia


Source: Department of Science and Technology, Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards


Figure 2-24 Metro Manila Storm Surge Hazard Map

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Environmental Impact Statement
2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


Carl Drews (of NCAR/UCAR) and Weiqing Han prepared the Modeling Storm Surge in Manila
Bay using the ROMS in 2009 for Physical Oceanography Review Symposium. Their study is
presented below:

The Philippine Archipelago includes some extreme topography in the form of volcanic peaks,
deep ocean trenches, convoluted coastlines, shallow estuaries, and high coastal cliffs. This
topography poses a modeling challenge. The areas of greatest risk for storm surge are the
long extents of shallow water in Laguna de Bay and the northern portion of Manila Bay. Manila
Bay represents both an interesting case for numerical modeling, and a humanitarian
opportunity to save lives and property.

Figure 2-25 Topography of Manila

Figure 2-25 presents the topography of Manila and the surrounding bodies of water. Laguna
de Bay is the large shallow lake to the east of Manila. This lake drains into Manila Bay through
the Pasig River, a tidal channel passing through Manila. There are low-lying coastal areas
along the north shore of Manila Bay. Cavite City is the forked peninsula extending from the
south shore of the bay.

Physical Oceanography Review Symposium, C. Drews, and W. Han, 2009: Modeling storm surge in Manila Bay using the
ROMS [poster]. Physical Oceanography Review Symposium, U.S. Office of Naval Research, Chicago, IL, US.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project


The authors model Manila Bay using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). The
Manila domain uses a 900-meter grid derived from SRTM30 topography combined with Smith
& Sandwell bathymetry.

Part 1. The authors apply a uniform wind forcing field from 8 points of the compass to evaluate
the directional aspect of storm surge. The wind is comparable to a Category 3 typhoon making

Part 2. The authors Hurricane Katrina from the Gulf of Mexico to the Western Pacific Ocean,
and pass it directly over Manila on a track similar to Typhoon Angela (Rosing) in 1995. This is
because there are no data available for Typhoon Angela.

Table 2-4 ROMS configuration for the Manila case study

Parameter Value
Time step 1.0 seconds
X domain length 215 kilometers
X grid cells 240
X grid length 897 meters
Y domain length 323 kilometers
Y grid cells 360
Y grid length 897 meters
Vertical mode Barotropic

Figure 2-26 Idealized hurricane wind and associated storm surge

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

These points (shown in Figure 2-26) are at the extreme northwest of Manila Bay and Laguna
de Bay, where the storm surge is the highest. The wind is from the south, increasing to
Category 3 strength at 12 hours.


Part 1: The forcing wind blows from 8 different directions, and we plot the resulting areas of
wetting (storm surge) and drying (wind setdown).

Figure 2-27 Surge and setdown by wind direction

Blue = water; green = land; red = wetting; yellow = drying.

The wind blows from the center of the figure outward (Figure 2-27). The axes are grid points
(900 meters). The areas subject to surge and setdown are determined by wind direction and
coastal topography.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-28 Free-surface height (meters) by wind direction.

White represents dry land surface (Figure 2-28). The wind blows from the center of the figure
outward. Note that Laguna de Bay is usually at an elevation of 2 meters above sea level. The
axes are grid points (900 meters).

Part 2: The wind and barometric forcing are taken from Weather Research and Forecasting
(WRF), a mesoscale atmospheric model. The WRF output is from a 12-kilometer simulation
of Hurricane Katrina (2005). Typhoon Katrina passes directly over Manila.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-29 Sea surface height after 10 hours of model integration

Sea surface height after 10 hours of model integration (Figure 2-29), when Hurricane Katrina
is directly over Manila, moving along the historical typhoon track of Angela in 1995 (smaller

White represents dry land surface. Colored areas represent the height of the sea surface,
given in meters above average sea level by the color scale on the right. The large circle
represents the eye of the hurricane, and the smaller circles indicate the typhoon track.

The crosses display the radius of maximum wind speed. Note that Laguna de Bay is usually
at 2 meters above sea level.


The directional analysis provides an efficient way to evaluate the potential for storm surge
without having to run all possible typhoon tracks. Since a tropical cyclone's winds blow in a
circle, wind stress can come from any direction. These directional charts may be consulted in
the absence of an accurate forecast.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

The typhoon results from Part 2 agree with the directional analysis in Part 1, although the
directional analysis gives higher surge heights due to the winds being sustained longer in a
single direction. Those coastal regions susceptible to storm surge and wind setdown are the
same in both analyses. This comparison suggests that in the lack of an accurate WRF forecast
containing wind fields, storm surge vulnerability may be estimated using the projected typhoon
track and cyclone radius alone. Note that here we did not consider tide effects when we
discuss storm surge. In the Philippine Archipelago region, tidal effects can be significant.

Figure 2-30 Vision for Storm Surge Forecasting

The authors have demonstrated the capability for WRF wind and pressure fields to force the
ROMS ocean model. It is now possible to construct a system to provide real time forecasts of
storm surge, on a 1-kilometer horizontal grid, with Internet access, for any coastal region of
the world.


If a Category 3 typhoon passes over Manila on a track similar to Typhoon Angela in 1995,
Manila city will experience about 1 meter of storm surge from Manila Bay. Other localities
close to the city will not be so lucky. The northwest lobe of Laguna de Bay will experience
rapid drying, then storm surge heights up to 2.5 meters above the normal lake level. The
northwest corner of Manila Bay will also experience rapid drying, followed quickly by storm
surge heights up to 3 meters that could reach 5 km inland. Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation and enhancement
Key Findings

 The project area may experience ground shaking of Intensity VI as felt during the July
1990 Luzon Earthquake. The seismic hazards to which the project will be exposed to
are ground shaking, liquefaction and surface rupturing. In terms of ground shaking,
five major earthquake generators, namely, the West Valley Fault, the Philippine Fault
Zone, the Lubang Fault, the Casiguran Fault and manila Trench have been identified

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-43

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

as the most likely sources of future earthquakes that could affect the project. Of these
sources, the WVF and the PFZ are most likely to generate the strongest levels of
ground shaking. The worst-case scenario is a large magnitude event on the WVF.
 Three zones of average, below and above average levels of ground shaking have been
identified in Metro Manila. Areas within the above average are those underlain by thick
piles of water-saturated sediments. These include Navotas, Malabon, eastern Pateros,
the valley side of Marikina, eastern section of Pasig and the reclaimed areas in Manila.
 Identified liquefaction-prone areas in Metro Manila are essentially within the zone of
average to above average zone of ground shaking. Several areas in Navotas and
Malabon are highly potential to liquefaction.
 In addition to ground-shaking related hazards, surface rupturing may also occur from
WVF. The surface rupture is expected to essentially follow the pre-existing fault trace
and restricted to a narrow zone. For a magnitude 7.5 earthquake, the empirical data
suggest an associated 70 km long surface rupture and maximum displacement of 2 to
3 meters along the fault trace. Damages as a result of this hazard is expected to be
substantial for structures directly straddling and located within few meters from the
rupture zone.
 On the other hand, tsunamis may occur but are not expected to significantly impact
the project area.
 The project area is 75 km away from Taal Volcano and 80 km from Mount Pinatubo
and therefore not susceptible to volcanic hazard even if violent eruption will happen.
Based on the recorded hazards associated with the eruption of Taal Volcano, the
project area being 65 km away from the said volcano could only experience ashfall.
 Only a minor quantity of ash has affected Metro Manila based on the review of the
extent of impacted areas from the largest eruptions of Mount Pinatubo, it is thus
conceivable that should Mt. Pinatubo will erupt with the same magnitude in the future,
the same level of ashfall impact is expected to likely affect the project area.
 Navotas, being situated in low grounds, is prone to flooding.
 As seen during Typhoon Pedring, Manila Bay coastline is considered highly vulnerable
to storm surges and coastal floods.

Options for prevention, mitigation and enhancement

 Review or study of likely hazard impacts on the proposed project and formulate long
term plan incorporating measures for risk reduction.
 Proper planning of dredging, filling and compaction of the fill materials have to be
carried out by the Contractor/s. Prepare master plan for disaster mitigation –
 The reclaimed area should be at least two meters above the highest recorded flood
level and/or storm surge level.
 Flood control infrastructures should be given priorities.
 Engineers have to assess the structural resistance of the different infrastructures to be
constructed within the reclaimed area.
 The structural designs of all the structures to be constructed by the proponent must
conform to the National Structural Code of the Philippines. These structures should
withstand an earthquake with magnitude of at least intensity VI on the Rossi-Forel
Intensity Scale

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.1.3 Terrestrial Ecology Flora Methodology
The proposed project is primarily located in Manila Bay along the coast of Navotas city. It is
adjacent to a mangrove forest which is both natural stand and reforestation in nature. Manila
Bay is a large, enclosed sea bay covering a wetland of 4600 hectares (BFAR 1995). It is
bordered by coastal cities and municipalities of the National Capital Region and the coastal
provinces of Bataan, Pampanga, Bulacan, and Cavite. Wetlands in Manila Bay include
mudflats, sand flats, swamps, beaches, mangroves and rocky shores. Large numbers of
migratory shorebirds, including several threatened species, use the intertidal mudflats,
fishponds and salt pans in Manila Bay in winter and during the migration seasons.

Portion of the mangrove forest adjacent to the proposed reclamation project is the Sitio Pulo
Marine Tree Park, is designated as reforestation and conservation area of Navotas City. The
mangrove stretch is one of the remaining mangroves in Metro Manila. A sanitary landfill or
dumpsite also beside the Tree Park and used as dumping grounds of solid waste or garbage
from Metro Manila via barge.


Globally, there are around 50-60 species of mangroves belonging to 16 families, of these 35
species are found in the Philippines alone (Primavera et al., 2012). The species commonly
found in this area are Rhizophora apiculata (bakauan lalaki), Rhizophora mucronata (b.
babae), Rhizophora stylosa (b. bato), Avicennia marina (bungalon), Avicennia alba (piapi),
Avicennia officinalis (miyapi), Sonneratia alba (pagatpat) and Sonneratia caseolaris (pedada)
to name a few.

The study was carried out on mangrove area of Navotas city in Isla Pulo within the boundary
of Malabon and Obando, Bulacan. Four plots measuring 20m x 20m were laid randomly
throughput the area (Table 2-5 and Figure 2-31). Plants inside the sampling plot were
measured and identified. Tree height and crown width were also noted and density,
dominance, frequency and importance value were computed.

Table 2-5 Coordinate location of mangrove sampling stations

Plot Latitude Longitude
1 14 42’ 12” 120 54’ 15”
2 14 41’ 40” 120 54’ 50”
3 14 41’ 23” 120 55’ 11”
4 14 40’ 59” 120 55’ 33”

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-31 Location of mangrove sampling stations Baseline
Species composition and richness

During the sampling, a total of 212 individuals were recorded represented by 2 species from
2 genera of 2 families. Avicennia marina (Bungalon) has the highest number of species
encountered accounting to 96% or with 203 individuals noted while Acacia farnesiana (Aroma)
is the least number of species with 9 individuals representing 4% (Figure 2-32). The mangrove
stands were heavily damaged by the garbage deposits and are slowly dying due to lack of salt
water inundation. Avicennia are generally considered pioneers of mangrove forests. They
occupy a diversity of habitats within the tidal range and across salinity extremes of tropical
and subtropical sheltered areas. Absence of regenerates was observed due the thick
compilation of garbage within the substrate throughout the mangrove island (Figure 2-33)
which possibly affects absence of other mangrove associated species in selected plots.
Cutting of mangroves were also observed and used as poles and charcoals by the locals.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-32 Composition of Species recorded inside the 20m x 20m sampling plots.

Figure 2-33 Pile of garbage found throughout the mangrove stand within Brgy. Tanza

Relative Density, Relative Dominance, Relative Frequency and Importance Value

Of the two (2) species encountered in the sampling plots, A. marina turned out to have the
highest relative density and relative dominance with 95.75 and 22.80 respectively therefore
getting the highest importance value of 198.55. This is followed by Aroma having a relative
density of 4.25, relative dominance of 77.20, relative frequency of 20 and with an importance
value of 101.45.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-6 Relative Density, Relative Dominance, Relative Frequency and Importance
Value of Encountered Species in the Sampling Sites
Species Relative Relative Relative Importance
Density Dominance Frequency Value Rank
Scientific Name Common Name (Rde) (Rdo) (RF) (IV)
Acacia farnesiana Aroma 4.25 77.20 20.00 101.45 2
Avicennia marina Bungalon 95.75 22.80 80.00 198.55 1
100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00

Other species observed within the site includes mangrove reforestation and beach forest
species among which include Cocos nucifera (Coconut), Terminalia catappa (Talisay),
Rhizophora apiculata (Bakawan lalaki), Rhizophora mucronata (Bakawan babae), Avicennia
alba (piapi) and Sonneratia alba (pagatpat). Brgy Tanza in collaboration with other concerned
stakeholders of Metro Manila regularly conducts tree planting and beach clean-up activities in
the area as part of environmental programs of Navotas city.

Figure 2-34 Stand of A. marina and aroma recorded within Brgy. Tanza Terrestrial fauna Methodology
Since the project site is primarily located on the sea of Manila Bay, the assessment of wildlife
is widely focused on water bird species in most selected sites particularly along the bay and
coastline (Table 2-7 and Figure 2-35). Other non-water bird species recorded within the
indirect area such as mangrove and fishponds were also recorded. Water birds have been
defined as “species of bird that are ecologically dependent on wetlands”, the definition used
by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Wetland includes the sea, shorelines, mangroves
and fishpond as observed in the proposed project site.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Secondary data gathering of previous and related faunal studies were conducted to determine
the extent and status of faunal species present in the area. Ocular observation through
transect walk along the mangrove and species listing using boat along the bird were primarily
used for bird survey. Interview with the locals and guides with an aid of field materials were
also conducted for non-bird species.

Table 2-7 Coordinate location of bird sampling stations

Station Latitude Longitude Station Latitude Longitude
1 14 42’ 12” 120 54’ 15” 6 14° 41’ 12.3” 120° 54’ 3.8”
2 14 41’ 40” 120 54’ 50” 7 14° 40’ 34.2” 120° 54’ 43.6”
3 14 40’ 59” 120 55’ 33” 8 14° 40’ 0.7” 120° 55’ 24.4”
4 14° 42’ 44.8” 120° 53’ 44.8” 9 14° 39’ 47.9” 120° 54’ 35.5”
5 14° 41’ 56” 120° 53’ 40.2” 10 14° 40’ 59” 120° 53’ 1.7”

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Figure2-35 Locationof bird samplingstations

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Baseline
Species composition and abundance

Characterization of associated fauna was limited to the avifaunal form. A total of 23 bird
species representing 14 families were counted in the area during the 3-day observation period
last 11, 14 and 16 May 2016. Two species consists of 300 individuals were recorded
exclusively within the sea while16 species with 78 individuals were observed in the mangrove
area adjacent to the proposed project. A pair of Oriental house rat and rat-snake was observed
near site 3. Domesticated dogs and cats were also recorded in the area.

Figure 2-36 Terns and egrets resting on abandoned fish cage near the project area

Species distribution and conservation status

Distribution range of species is dominated by migrant and non-endemic resident breeders with
13 (57%) and 9 (39%) species respectively. Migrants are migratory species that regularly
travel to temperate regions to feed during winter season of their breeding grounds or region
of origin. In the Philippines, the peak months for birds migrating to the South are usually from
September to November, while those traveling North often occur between February and April.
Although the survey was done outside the migration season, 13 species were recorded. These
species were probably just late in returning to its region of origin. Meanwhile, resident species
are native species that breed or are suspected of breeding in the Philippines and in other
countries or region and naturally live within the country throughout the year. Figure 2-37 shows
a chart representation of the range distribution of the recorded bird species in the study area
and Figure 2-38 for sample photos.

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Resident Migrant Resident with migrant population

Figure 2-37 Representation of bird species distribution recorded within the study area

All species recorded falls under Least Concern for conservation status. The 23 recoded bird
species are distributed within 14 families (Table 2-8). The most represented is Family Ardeidae
(egrets and herons) with six species, followed by Family Sternidae (Gulls and Terns),
Alcenidae (Kingfishers), Hirundinidae (Swallows) and Phylloscopidae (Warblers) with two
individuals each. The rest of the species is represented by one family.

Family Ardeidae consists of long-legged, long-necked, wading birds that have spear-like
bills/beaks and long toes. They take a variety of animal food, especially fish. They are also
dependent on mangrove for food and refuge.

Figure 2-38 Migrant species recorded within the vicinity of the project area

Table 2-8 Summary of bird species species recorded

Family Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Distribution Status
Ardeidae Great Egret Ardea alba Least concern Migrant

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Family Species Common Name Species Scientific Name Distribution Status
Ardeidae Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia Least concern Migrant
Ardeidae Little Egret Egretta garzetta Least concern Migrant
Ardeidae Little Heron/Striated Heron Butorides striata Least concern Resident with Migrant
Ardeidae Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Least concern Migrant
Ardeidae Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis Least concern Migrant
Charadriidae Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Least concern Migrant
Scolopacidae Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Least concern Migrant
Sternidae Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Least concern Migrant
Sternidae Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus Least concern Migrant
Columbidae Zebra Dove Geopelia striata Least concern Resident
Alcedinidae Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Least concern Migrant
Alcedinidae White-collared Kingfisher Todirhamphus chloris Least concern Resident
Hirundinidae Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Least concern Migrant
Hirundinidae Pacific Swallow Hirundo tahitica Least concern Resident
Campephagidae Pied Triller Lalage nigra Least concern Resident
Pycnonotidae Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier Least concern Resident
Acanthizidae Golden-bellied Flyeater Gerygone sulphurea Least concern Resident
Phylloscopidae Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis Least concern Migrant
Phylloscopidae Clamorous Reed-Warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus Least concern Resident
Rhipiduridae Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica Least concern Resident
Laniidae Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus Least concern Migrant
Passeridae Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Least concern Resident

Species diversity

Among the species observed, Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica)- are found to be the most
abundant with 515 individuals, closely followed by Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybridus) with
149 individuals. Great Egret (Ardea alba) is the least with only one individual recorded. The
computed Species Diversity Index (H’) is very low at H’=1.797. Consistent to the site condition
observed, data shows that a low to very low bird diversity exists within the project vicinity
(Table 2-9). This can be attributed to the poor habitat quality observed being located in a
severely polluted environment with pile of garbage everywhere as well as various human
activities observed (e.g. charcoal making, tree cutting, waste disposal).

Table 2-9 Abundance of bird species recorded

No. of Relative Relative
Species Frequency
Individuals Abundance Frequency
Ardea alba 1 0.002469136 10.00 1.724137931
Egretta intermedia 2 0.004938272 20.00 3.448275862
Egretta garzetta 15 0.037037037 50.00 8.620689655
Butorides striata 5 0.012345679 30.00 5.172413793
Nycticorax nycticorax 4 0.009876543 30.00 5.172413793
Ixobrychus sinensis 2 0.004938272 20.00 3.448275862
Charadrius alexandrinus 4 0.009876543 20.00 3.448275862
Actitis hypoleucos 3 0.007407407 10.00 1.724137931
Gelochelidon nilotica 151 0.372839506 70.00 12.06896552
Chlidonias hybridus 149 0.367901235 70.00 12.06896552
Geopelia striata 2 0.004938272 10.00 1.724137931
Alcedo atthis 3 0.007407407 20.00 3.448275862
Todirhamphus chloris 2 0.004938272 20.00 3.448275862
Hirundo rustica 7 0.017283951 20.00 3.448275862
Hirundo tahitica 8 0.019753086 20.00 3.448275862
Lalage nigra 3 0.007407407 20.00 3.448275862
Pycnonotus goiavier 12 0.02962963 30.00 5.172413793
Gerygone sulphurea 3 0.007407407 20.00 3.448275862

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

No. of Relative Relative

Species Frequency
Individuals Abundance Frequency
Phylloscopus borealis 2 0.004938272 20.00 3.448275862
Acrocephalus stentoreus 2 0.004938272 20.00 3.448275862
Rhipidura javanica 7 0.017283951 30.00 5.172413793
Lanius cristatus 2 0.004938272 10.00 1.724137931
Passer montanus 16 0.039506173 10.00 1.724137931
405 1 580.00 100
Species diversity Index H’= 1.797

The mangrove area near the project area provides food for many species of birds. Most of the
species found within the mangrove area are generalist or species that occur in a wide variety
of habitats that make do with whatever the habitat provides. Their adaptability in choice of
habitat enables them to survive under diverse conditions. Being highly adaptable and
successful in colonizing new habitats, they are often most abundant near human habitation. Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation and enhancement
Impact of the proposed project to the site is considered high to the mangrove forest primarily
due to removal of vegetation and dredging activity.

Vegetation Removal and Loss of Habitat

Removal of mangrove stand or forest is permanent physical loss of vegetation in the area and
may disrupt natural essential ecological functions such as natural barrier against waves and
strong waves, animal refuge and food source.

An inventory with the identity and number of all tree species should be conducted if stands of
mangrove will be removed during construction of project and associated project components
(e.g. canal, roads). Proper documentation and clearance or permit from DENR should be
accomplished for the trees that will be cut and removed in the affected mangrove areas. The
project should ensure that those mature and sources of planting stock and wildlings be
replaced or earth-balled to adjacent unaffected site or to other suitable areas. Creation and/or
maintenance of stretch of flora or corridors that will still provide habitats for dependent fauna
should be ensured. To compensate further loss of vegetation during clearing, measures such
as re-vegetation of temporarily affected areas and offset planting for permanently affected
areas are recommended. The proponent in coordination with local stakeholders should
establish a mangrove nursery to support coastal mitigation and re-greening program of the
company and community.

Based on the modeling simulations, change after reclamation will affect the health and growth
of mangrove trees in the area. A cascade of effects on the mangrove forest ecosystem
resulting from the scenario as a result of the proposed 20m buffer area between the reclaimed
and the existing mangrove forest is expected. The change in direction of prevailing currents
could possibly lead to decrease on the spread of freshwater discharges thus resulting to higher
sedimentation rate and formation of sediment beds. As a result, there could be consequences
on the ecology and physiology of mangroves and its associated communities. Specifically,
there would be changes in the height and density of plant, species dominance and spatial
patterning; nutrient absorption capacity with regard to changes in salinity; asphyxiation of
shoots and pneumatophores leading to mortality.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Proponents are encouraged to re-design and establish wider a buffer area >40m between the
structure and the mangrove forest to ensure that these impacts to mangrove health is
addressed. Deeper and wider buffer will ensure efficient water circulation thereby decreasing
sedimentation rates and formation of sediment beds. It will also prevent interference to the
littoral sediment transport which may potentially harm the mangroves. Moreover, the wider
buffer area between natural environment and man-made structure would provide ideal habitat
and pathways for birds, fishes, benthic and marine animals promoting balanced conservation
and development.

The LGU of Navotas as proponent of the project shall undertake protection and conservation
programs for the remaining mangrove in the area. Specifically:

• support active enforcement of existing laws and regulation pertaining to protection and
rehabilitation of Mangrove Park with regular budget allocation
• establish buffer zones bordering the seaward and landward margins to provide a transition
between human settlements/activities and to serve as barrier from garbage pollution and
indiscriminate cutting of mangroves by local residents
• address the solid waste management issues from the existing sanitary landfill within the
mangrove area to prevent further solid waste – related problems
• enhance vegetation cover and diversity of mangrove forest areas by planting a variety of
mangrove and mangrove-associated species suitable to the condition of the area. This will
supplement biodiversity value in the area by reintroducing key and important species to
hasten the process of natural recovery and improve habitat quality.
• establish mangrove nurseries within the Mangrove Park to provide reliable source of
mangrove propagules for replanting and rehabilitation of the project area and even to adjacent
areas of Manila Bay
• conduct Information, Education and Communication (IEC) campaign on the importance of
mangrove and its habitat especially to local residents of Navotas to increase awareness and
support from the locals
• collaborate with other government agencies such as DENR, PPA, academe and NGOs on
other conservation programs and activities such as ecotourism, bird watching, coastal clean-
up, research studies and IEC.

Threat to frequency, abundance and distribution of species

Impacts on the population of wildlife will be permanent and long-term in nature. Wildlife
species such as birds in the area are already adapted to such type of disturbance brought by
the existing activities such as the garbage disposal and other resource extracting activities
(e.g. charcoal making, fishing).

Noise generated during dredging and clearing of mangroves may also disturb wildlife. Noise
may temporarily drive away wildlife to quiet areas to take refuge and the loss of natural habitat
could cause the wildlife not to return to the area. Increase in sound levels during construction
and operation is another source of wildlife disturbance as this threatens the ability of native
birds to reproduce, hence affecting their abundance, frequency, and distribution. Construction,
if possible, should be limited during the day to minimize noise pollution to species as well as

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Hindrance to wildlife access

Species such as migratory birds feeding on the seas of Navotas might be displaced during
reclamation activities thereby limiting species’ movements and food source. Though the
affected avian species will possibly transfer to adjacent area with vegetation cover such as in
Bulacan and Bataan, sensitive shorebird species utilizing the vicinity of the mangrove site for
food and temporary shelter is the most vulnerable.

To mitigate the impacts, the proponent and its contractors must limit dredging and clearing
activities to designated area. They must establish and maintain corridor or buffer zones within
the project area. Control siltation using silt curtains, settling ponds and other appropriate and
environmentally sound techniques and engineering mechanisms must be considered. At the
same time, the proponent must support conservation of habitat and in adjacent areas through
reforestation, restoration or species monitoring and conservation as these would most
probably serve as refuge to the displaced wildlife in the proposed project site. These areas
may be located in Bulacan, Bataan or anywhere within the Manila Bay.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.2 Water

2.2.1 Hydrology

The Local government of Navotas is planning to reclaim portion of the sea fronting Navotas
City particularly in Brgy. Tanza. The area to be developed is about 650 hectares (ha). The
proposed project site is drained by four (4) of the major rivers of Bulacan province, one (1)
major rivers of Quezon City and small creeks natural depressions and drainage waterways.

The four (4) major rivers of Bulacan merge into a single channel when traversing the
municipality of Obando before it finally empties its water to Navotas Bay. The watersheds of
the four rivers were delineated reckoned from the boundary of the stretch of the channel where
water is not flowing due to level river gradient. Portion of rivers downstream of the delineated
areas have level river bed slope where flow is stagnant. The whole basin fronting the proposed
project is approximately 682 sq. km. About 30 percent (%) of the areas within the basin that
have level to nearly level topography is susceptible to flooding. Roughly, majority of the areas
susceptible to flooding are located in Malabon, Navotas and Obando while the remaining
areas are found in Marilao, Bucaue, Balagtas and Meycauayan City. The areas fronting the
proposed project site are fishponds that are part of the flood prone areas.

The flood prone areas are the recipient of all the flows originating from the five (5) river systems
in Bulacan and Quezon City which includes Guiguinto River, Balagtas River, Sta. Maria River
Marilao River, all in Bulacan Province and Tullahan River in Quezon City. The combined
watershed area of the five (5) river systems is about 472 sq. km. As mentioned earlier, areas
located in level to nearly level terrain are prone to flooding. The prolonged occurrence of heavy
rainfall in the basin inundates the identified flood prone areas for several hours depending on
the duration and intensity of rainfall. Flooding is normally aggravated during high tide
particularly during inclement weather condition.

The foregoing flood scenario is without the proposed project fronting the fishponds where the
area is open and no structures built to alter the natural behavior of sea water particularly during
inclement weather condition. With the project, there could be some positive and negative
impacts as far as flood situation is concerned. Mitigating measures have to be formulated to
address the negative environmental impacts as a result of the project.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
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Figure 2-39 Watershed Map

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Methodology
The following outline of major work elements was used for the conduct of the said undertaking.
The outline is intended to establish the general scope and content of the activities to determine
the extent of flooding and inundation of the flood areas fronting the proposed reclamation area
and the effects of the project on the flood prone areas of Navotas, Malabon, Obando and
Meycauayan, Bulacan.

Collection/collation of available secondary information

The activities may include but not limited to: collection of available rainfall data near the project
site (Quezon City, Navotas and Caloocan, etc.), geohazard maps (flood susceptibility maps
including depth of inundation, etc.), topographic maps (maps (scale 1:50.000) of Meycauayan,
Navotas, Obando, Sta. Maria, Caloocan, and Novaliches, Quezon City), historical daily,
monthly and peak flow data of gaged rivers near the proposed project.

Delineation of sub-watersheds of major rivers draining to the project area

The identified major river systems that drain to the proposed project are Guigunito River,
Balagtas River, Sta. Maria River and Marilao River of Bulacan province, and Tullahan River
of Quezon City. These river systems were delineated using GIS software as a requisite in the
flood frequency analysis and other hydrological analysis.

Actual site assessment/investigation of rivers and areas frequently flooded

This activity includes: a) assessment of type and hydrological behavioral flow of fluvial systems
and other natural drainage waterways near the project site; b) Identification of remnants of
flood level on the site left by previous flood/s; and c) Interviews with local people residing near
and within the vicinity of rivers particularly those who actually witnessed the occurrence of
large flood events like typhoon Ondoy and other major typhoons that visited the country.
Information to be obtained includes; approximate depth, extent and duration of inundation,
areas covered by flood waters, etc.

Figure 2-40 presents pictorials taken on the areas visited during the assessment.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-40 Field Assessment

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Flood analysis

The procedures adopted are the following:

a. Using the NAMRIA topographic maps with the scale of 1;50,000 and geo-hazard maps
prepared by MGB-DENR and information obtained during site investigations delineate
areas prone to flooding;
b. Determine other possible factors that contribute to flooding and inundation such
obstruction of the flood flows (natural or man-made), emergency release of flood
waters from reservoirs, rise of sea level or high tide;
c. Conduct Point/Regional flood frequency analysis to determine flood peaks with
different return periods (5, 10, 25, 50, 100,.200, 500 and 1000-year) of five (5) major
rivers draining to the project;
d. Estimate the flood value resulting from typhoon Ondoy by converting the hourly rainfall
data of Quezon City Science Garden using the empirically developed method of
approximation; and
e. Estimate the depth and possible elevation of inundation for 100 and 200-year return
period flood on areas prone to flooding and delineate this on the NAMRIA map with a
scale of 1;50,000. Hydrological analysis of flooding Climate and frequency of tropical cyclone

The project site falls within Type 1 climate (Figure 2-41) characterized by two pronounced
season, dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year, Maximum rain period
is from June to September. The frequency of tropical cyclone passing the area is relatively
high at 16 percent. Rainfall pattern

Rainfall data that are near or within the watershed of the five rivers were collected. Rainfall
data obtained in Navotas and Caloocan are Agromet stations while rainfall station located
Science Garden, Quezon City is synoptic. All stations are operated by PAGASA. The Navotas
and Caloocan rainfall stations started to operate in 1972 and 1975, respectively. Both stations
ceased to operate in 1980. On the other hand, the Science Garden rainfall station started its
operation 1961 up to the present. The mean monthly and the maximum monthly rainfall of the
three (3) stations are shown in the Table 2-10, Table 2-11 and Table 2-12. The mean and the
maximum rainfall values of each station were plotted against month to depict the pattern of
the stations. The result is shown in Figure 2-42, Figure 2-43 and
Figure 2-44.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Project Site

Figure 2-41 Climate Map of the Philippines

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-10 Mean monthly rainfall Navotas rainfall station (1972-1980)

MONTH Rainfall. mm
Mean Maximum
January 16.1 65
February 5.9 10.2
March 28.1 116.2
April 15.6 55
May 126.4 362.3
June 288.6 538.3
July 592.3 1656.9
August 594.8 831.6
September 355.3 568.9
October 265 643.3
November 142 321.9
December 17.9 28.4

Table 2-11 Mean monthly rainfall Caloocan rainfall station (1975-1980)

MONTH Rainfall. mm
Mean Maximum
January 19.4 64.8
February 6.1 13.7
March 25.6 95.3
April 37.7 120.7
May 345.5 1124.9
June 235 354.2
July 389.4 618.8
August 530.3 846.1
September 440.7 709.2
October 276.1 771
November 122.4 256
December 65.1 238

Table 2-12 Mean monthly rainfall Science Garden rainfall station (1984-2013)
Rainfall. mm
Mean Maximum
January 41.6 155.3
February 33.2 128.6
March 61.2 195.5
April 40.3 358
May 217.8 327.7
June 392.8 724.7
July 442.5 886.4
August 645.9 1387.2
September 565.2 1123.5
October 292 534.4
November 153.9 284.6
December 87.3 219.9
ANNUAL 2973.3

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Rainfall, mm

1000 max rainfall

monthly rainfall







Figure 2-42 Rainfall pattern in Navotas, Metro Manila

Rainfall, mm

600 max rainfall

400 monthly mean







Figure 2-43 Rainfall pattern in Caloocan City, Metro Manila

Rainfall, mm

max rain
monthly mean

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 2-44 Rainfall pattern in Science Garden, Quezon City, Metro Manila

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Typhoons or tropical cyclone crossed the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) on the
average of 19.8 typhoons per year. Most of the typhoons that visited the country brings heavy
rains that resulted to large floods that damaged agricultural crops, damaged to life and
properties costing several millions or billions of pesos

The most recent catastrophic flood occurred in Metro Manila is brought by Typhoon “Ondoy”
which hit the country on September 26, 2009. Based on the rainfall data obtained from the
Science Garden PAGASA rainfall station, rainfall started at around 12 midnight and intensified
on the succeeding hours and at around 4:00 am; after 4 hours of continuous heavy rains, it
accumulated a total rainfall depth of 229.50 mm. This amount of rainfall generated a flood with
a magnitude of 5,328 cms over the 499 square kilometer ( Marikina River watershed
area. This extra-ordinary flood corresponds to about 150 to 200 years return period or
recurrence interval. At around 8 am, 8 hours after, it registered a total amount of 406.50 mm.
The amount of rainfall generated a flood flow of 5,300 cms equivalent also to 150 - 200- year
flood. The extreme flood event inundated, damaged and devastated structures, properties and
claimed thousands of lives, particularly of those residing within the flood plain areas of
Marikina valley which are prone to flooding. Table 2-13 shows the rainfall depth at Science
Garden, Quezon City generated by typhoon “Ondoy” on September 26, 2009.

Table 2-13 Rainfall amount in mm during Typhoon Ondoy on September 26, 2009
Time Rainfall, millimeter (mm)
0000 – 0100 6.0
0101- 0200 49.5
0201 – 0300 82.0
0301 – 0400 92.0 (229.50)*
0401 – 0500 55.0
0501 – 0600 63.0
0601 – 0700 40.0
0701 – 0800 19.0 (406.50)**
0801 – 0900 6.5
0901 -1000 11.0
1001- 1100 12.5
1101- 1200 12.0 (448.5)***
1201- 1300 0.0
1301- 1400 2.0
1401- 1500 4.0
1501- 1600 0.0
1601- 1700 0.5
1701- 1800 0.0
1801- 1900 0.0
1901- 2000 0.0
2001- 2100 0.0
2101- 2200 0.0
2201- 2300 0.0
2301-2400 0.00
TOTAL 455.0 mm
Source: PAGASA Forecasting Center

Legend: * total rainfall after 4 hours

** total rainfall after 8 hours
*** total rainfall after 12 hours

The catastrophic effects of Typhoon “Ondoy” that generate heavy rains and large floods was
felt by the residence who are residing within the watersheds of five rivers between 12:00 –

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1:00 pm, September 26, 2009. Based on the account of the local people residing near the river
during interviews, water level rises to over 3 meters and subsided 6 hours later. Generally, the
same information we received on people residing near the river and within the flood prone
areas. The rainfall depth accumulated for a duration of 4 hours (229.50 mm) and 8 hours
(406.5 mm) were transposed to the five watersheds and estimated the rate of flow or volume
per unit time or discharge using the Empirical equation shown below.

Qi = 0.011574 (DA) (Rf) (Rc) + Bf


Where: Qi = discharge in cubic meters per second (cms)

DA = drainage area of the river of interest, sq. km.
Rf = rainfall in a given given day within or near the project area in mm
Rc = runoff coefficient (50%-70 %.)
Bf = base flow (varies from month to month)
Ndm = no. of hours/days

The rate of flow or discharge was converted into depth of water spread uniformly over the
entire watershed (Table 2-14). Further, a Regional Flood Frequency analysis for the five rivers
was performed to determine the flood flows at different return period. The resulting peak flow
calues were multiplied by 6 percent (6%) to account for climate change. The result of the
analysis is depicted in Table 2-15.

Table 2-14 Accumulated rainfall depth in mm generated by Typhoon Ondoy

Balagtas Sta. Maria Marilao
Accumulated depth Tullahan Total
Return River, River, River,
of rainfall River.DA= Depth
period, yr DA =87 DA= 212 DA=90
(mm)/duration 61 km2 (m)
Km2 km2 km2
229.5 mm (4-hour 1,689
200 961 cms 750 cms 942 cms
duration), peak Q cms
3.61 m
229.5 mm (4-hour
200 0.92 m 0.67 m 0.91 m 1.06 m
duration, depth (m)
406.5 mm (8-hour
200 920 cms 1,615 cms 952 cms 749 cms
duration, peak Q
3.57 m
406.5 mm (8-hour
200 0.94 m 0.66 m 0.91m 1.06 m
duration), depth (m)

Table 2-15 Flood peak in cms values of five rivers estimated by Regional Flood
Balagtas Marilao
Guiguinto Sta. Maria Tullahan
River, River,
River, DA=22 River, DA= River.DA=
DA =87 DA=90
km2 212 km2 61 km2
Km2 km2
Return Q peak.
period, yr cms
MAF Cv1 83 Cv2 194 336 198 156
5 1.39 115 1.39 270 467 275 217
10 2.13 177 1.91 371 642 378 298
25 3.22 267 2.8 543 941 554 437
50 3.85 320 3.22 625 1082 638 502
100 4.95 411 3.88 753 1304 768 605
200 6.4 531 4.75 922 1596 941 741
500 8.54 709 5.79 1123 1945 1146 903

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Balagtas Marilao
Guiguinto Sta. Maria Tullahan
River, River,
River, DA=22 River, DA= River.DA=
DA =87 DA=90
km2 212 km2 61 km2
Km2 km2
1000 11.00 913 6.4 1242 2150 1267 998
Runoff depth
100 1.6 m 0.75 m 0.53 m 0.7 m 0.86 m 2.82
200 2.05 m 0.9 m 0.65 m 0.90 m .90 m 3.45

The five major rivers significantly contribute to the flooding problems on low-lying areas of the
Bucaue, Guiguinto, Marilao and Meycauyan of Bulacan province,and Obando,Malabon and
Navotas of Metro Manila. The Guiguinto River and Balagtas River upon reaching the level
areas of the municipality of Guiguinto during flood events overtaps river banks due to shallow
river sections and gentle and flat river gradient. The excess water laterally spreads ad inundate
level areas for several hours. The Sta, Maria River and Marilao River floods and inundate part
of the level lands of Marilao and Meycauayan. Its contribution to flooding is significant due to
its large watershed area. The four rivers merge at Obando before discharging to Manila Bay.
Due to level to nearly level terrain intermittent stream will form creating a network of streams
that connects major rivers. If no obstruction on the mouth and its vicinity water will spread to
the sea like a fan. Simultaneously, deposition of fine sediments is also unimpeded and also
spread like a fan. Without obstruction at the mouth of the river and the sea flood waters may
recede faster length of the rivers to lower flood level On the other hand Tullahan River is the
lone river that discharges to Navotas and Malabon. The head water of the river originates at
the La Mesa dam and reservoir. The outlet of the reservoir is the Tullahan River, and whenever
the reservoir releases water during inclement weather condition, people residing on the flood
plains of the river and at the downstream flat lower portion of the watershed will be affected
by flood waters. Just like Obando River if the flow of the river is unobstructed at the mouth and
at the sea, floods waters will spread freely like a fan in the sea. The same situation of the
sediments that the flood waters carry, it will settle at the sea bed forming like a fan.

The result of the regionalized approach for the 100 and 200-year return period flood (excluding
Guiguinto River) indicates that the total depth of flood waters is over 2 and 3 meters,
respectively. These are the depth of water that will inundate the flood prone areas having a
total area of about 200 square kilometers (sq. km.)

In the Typhoon “ONDOY” scenario the accumulated rainfall depth when estimated to occur
over the four rivers using the empirical approach yielded a flood peak value of a 200-year
return period flood (Table 2-14). The rate of flow when converted to runoff depth (over 3
meters) is almost the same value obtained from the regionalized approach (Table 2-15).

The flood hazard map prepared by MGB indicates depth of flood waters for 100-year return
period over the flood prone areas (Figure 2-23). The basis for the map is the morphology of
the rivers and its environs. The result of the flood study for the proposed project is almost the
same as shown in (Figure 2-45).

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-45 Flood Prone Area Map

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-68

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation and enhancement Flood and Backwater Studies


The MIKE11 hydraulic model is used to assess the efficiency of the hydraulic design of the
drainage system. Synthetic time varying discharge (upstream) and tidal water levels
(downstream) are applied as forcing to the model based on relevant design scenarios. The
MIKE 11 hydrodynamic module (HD) uses an implicit, finite difference scheme for the
computation of unsteady flows in rivers and estuaries. The module can describe sub-critical
as well as super critical flow conditions through a numerical scheme which adapts according
to the local flow conditions (in time and space).

Advanced computational modules are included for description of flow over hydraulic
structures, including possibilities to describe structure operation. The computational scheme
is applicable for vertically homogeneous flow conditions extending from steep river flows to
tidal influenced estuaries. The system has been used in numerous engineering studies around
the world and is very much suitable for the scope implemented under the present study.

The flooding and backwater studies have for objective to quantify changes in the existing
channels that might be associated with the development. The analysis will be performed for:

• The major channels directly connected to the Kailugan River (i.e. Muzon-Dampalit
and Navotas Rivers) and within the model domain
• Comparison of water levels before and after development along the channel profile
using 1 dimensional model simulations
• A number of hypothetical scenarios where each scenario is defined as a combination
of river discharge from Navotas, operating rules of the flood gates and pumps, sea
level and project design.

River Model Setup Using MIKE 11

With the data provided, a river network is setup as shown in Figure 2-46. In this approach, the
study area is schematized in MIKE 11 based on the cross sections extracted. Upon digitizing
the network in MIKE 11, the network is calibrated before the scenario setup and execution. It
is to be noted that for calibration the full set of datasets, namely, observed water levels and
discharges, tide levels, gate operations, for each rainfall events have to be available. In
addition, the areal rainfall for the model should ideally be derived from a network of rain gauges
within the catchment or from ground-truth rainfall radar measurements. Since the data
requirements for calibration could not be met fully, an alternative approach is used to calibrate
the network to match the peak discharges based on a designed rainfall event with 10 year
return period as given in Figure 2-47.

It is this approach that is employed for the present study. The river model includes the
discharge input from South Pinagkabalian and Spine. Also, a water level boundary in Batasan
River was assigned to reflect the river draining out from the river model towards Meycauayan
River. A tidal water level will be assigned due to the point’s proximity to Manila Bay.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Figure 2-46 River network setup used in MIKE 11 Model

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-47 Peak design discharge of 10-year return period

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

In view of the objective of this study, the above approach is acceptable since the focus is on
the changes to the water level in the river when the platform of the study area has been raised
due to the intended land development.

Figure 2-48 shows the (10-year return period) rainfall input and the corresponding runoff
generated from the rainfall-runoff model. Similar shape of hydrographs is generated using 25-
year return period and 50-year + 21.3% climate change increase, of which their corresponding
peaks are summarized in Table 2-16. The peak of runoff at L2 coincides with the peak water
level (10-year surge plus tide), as shown in Figure 2-49.

Figure 2-48 10-year return period (RP) of rainfall and corresponding runoff of three
catchments from the rainfall-runoff model

Table 2-16 Summary of peak rainfall and runoff of three catchments

Peak Rainfall Peak Runoff L1 Peak Runoff, L2 Peak Runoff, L3
Design Rainfall
(mm) (cmps) (cmps) (cmps)
10-yr RP 36.97 312.48 62.60 49.84
25-yr RP 44.00 419.31 80.52 65.40
50-yr RP + 21.3% 59.70 581.24 111.02 90.42

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-49 10-year return period (RP) of tide input coinciding with peak runoff

Model Verification

Figure 2-47 was verified by DHI to ensure that the modelling work involving extreme events
were based on parameters which could be utilized with the upmost confidence.

Figure 2-50 shows the four sub-catchments, delineated from DEM data, which are draining in
the river network. However, M1 was removed from the model since it is assumed to drain at
the adjacent bigger Meycauayan River system. The runoff from the sub-catchments will be
calculated using MIKE 11 Rainfall-Runoff (RR) module. The module uses Unit-Hydrograph
Method (UHM) by SCS method, with parameters defined in Table 2-17.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-50 Delineated catchment maps draining to the river network

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-17 Rainfall-runoff model parameters

Runoff Hydraulic Curve
Baseflow Slope
Coefficient Length Number
[-] (m) [-]
L1 2.95 0.81 28 3.29 81
L2 0.27 0.9 6 0.94 90
L3 0.3 0.8 7.11 1.28 80

Baseflow is estimated to be 0.05 cmps for every km2 of catchment area, given in Manual on
Flood Control Planning [p. 45, DPWH & JICA, 2003]. Runoff coefficient is based on weighted
average between fish ponds (runoff coefficient = 1) and high urban areas values (0.8; p. 26
Manual on Flood Control Planning). The hydraulic lengths and slopes are calculated during
basin delineation, while the SCS curve numbers are 10 times the runoff coefficient.

Calibration Results and Analysis

The calibration process mainly involves the adjustment of Manning’s coefficient, n, of some
parts of the river branches. The ranges of n commonly used in hydrodynamic modelling are
given in Table 2-18. From the Table, the model area is set to n=0.05, reflective of natural
streams with some debris. The downstream end of Tullahan has high n to account for urban
debris in the estuary area; and the whole stretch of Dampalit has slightly higher n to account
for more sluggish flow in the area.

Table 2-18 Manning's n for channels (Chow, 1959)

Type of Channel and Description Minimum Normal Maximum
Natural streams – minor streams (top width at floodstage <100 ft)
Main Channels
a. Clean, straight, full stage, no rifts or deep pools 0.025 0.030 0.033
b. Same as above, but more stones and weeds 0.030 0.035 0.040
c. Clean, winding, some pools and shoals 0.033 0.040 0.045
d. Same as above, but some weeds and stones 0.035 0.045 0.050
e. Same as above, lower stages, more ineffective slopes
0.040 0.048 0.055
and sections
f. Same as “d” with more stones 0.045 0.050 0.060
g. Sluggish reaches, weedy, deep pools 0.050 0.070 0.080
h. Very weedy reaches, deep pools, or floodways with
0.075 0.100 0.150
heavy stand of timber and underbrush

The catchment run off outputs from the Rainfall-Runoff model are shown in Figure 2-51. From
the given peak values generated using 10-year rainfall event, the discharge at South
Pinagkabalian is estimated to be 14% of the runoff from L1, and Spine is estimated to
contribute 80% of L3 to Tullahan. Figure 2-52 shows the discharge hydrographs at the
remaining three calibration points (Navotas, Muzon and Dampalit) in comparison with the
target 10-year peak discharge.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-51 Runoff from 3 sub-catchments in the study area generated from MIKE11
RR module

Figure 2-52 Discharge at three points in the MIKE11 river model coinciding with
calibration points. Target peak values are indicated by red dashed lines.

The model results at the various discharge points compared to the peak discharges provided
in the DPWH study are summarized in the table below.

Table 2-19 Summary of runoff results

Discharge Values Discharge Values
S/N Calibration points from DPWH from Model Difference
(cmps) (cmps)
1 South Pinagkabalian 45.2 43.7 -3.30%
2 Spine 40.2 39.9 -0.70%
3 Navotas 154.4 157.5 2.00%
4 Muzon 33.5 33.3 -0.70%
5 Dampalit 34.5 35.2 2.10%

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Modelling Scenarios

Table 2-20 summarizes the scenarios that are conducted for evaluating the impact of the
future reclamation project on the capacity of the existing river network, including additional two
scenarios using constant mean sea level (MSL) as water level boundary. Succeeding
scenarios use mean high-high-water-spring (MHHWS) with 10-yr return period surge levels
estimated from previous models. The last scenarios are designed to simulate worse-case
scenarios that includes 21.3% increase of rainfall value reflecting climate change projections
in Metro Manila for year 2050 (PAGASA, 2011) and with gates fully, partially or not operational.

Table 2-20 Designation for twelve scenarios

Design Rainfall Design Tide Level Gate operation Baseline Development
10-yr RP 0-constant MSL All gates operational SC01 SC02
10-yr RP MHHWS + 10-yr RP Surge All gates operational SC03 SC04
25-yr RP MHHWS + 10-yr RP Surge All gates operational SC05 SC06
50-yr RP + 21.3% MHHWS + 10-yr RP Surge All gates operational SC07 SC08
50-yr RP + 21.3% MHHWS + 10-yr RP Surge All flood gates open (operation failure) SC09 SC10
Kailugan, Dampalit and Muzon gates
50-yr RP + 21.3% MHHWS + 10-yr RP Surge SC11 SC12
open (operation failure)

Results and Analysis

The backwater effects of the land development project are evaluated by water level
comparisons at the nearby Navotas urban area. Water level time series at specific result points
(Figure 2-59) are presented in the following pages. At Batasan River and the floodplain (Figure
2-53 and Figure 2-54), water levels are influenced mostly by the tides because the operating
gates prevent much of the runoff to the area. In fact, there is no water flowing to the floodplain
when there is no tide input. Only when all or some of the gates are opened does rainfall raise
the water levels in Batasan. Comparison between scenarios show that, except for the worst-
case scenarios, the raising of the floodplain does not have significant impact on the water
levels in the area.

Figure 2-53 Time series of water levels at Batasan

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-54 Time series of water levels at the development flood plain area

In Dampalit (

Figure 2-55), Kailugan and Dampalit flood gates blocks much of the tide from infiltrating
upstream, so the raising of the floodplains have minimal effect in the area. Except when all or
some of the gates are opened, the runoff from the bigger Tullahan River are also blocked.
Slightly different results are observed in Tanza (Figure 2-56), where there is a slight increase
of water levels when the floodplains are taken out and the gates are partially or non-
operational. This is also observed in Tangos/Navotas River (Figure 2-57) but to a smaller
degree. Tullahan River (Figure 2-58) is mostly unaffected by the changes in the floodplain at

Figure 2-55 Time series of water levels at Dampalit

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-56 Time series of water levels at Tanza

Figure 2-57 Time series of water levels at Tangos

Figure 2-58 Time series of water levels at Tullahan

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

A summary of the differences of peak water levels between baseline and future scenarios are
illustrated in Figure 2-59, which shows a difference of ±5 cm at the most over the range of
events simulated. From these comparisons, it is safe to assume that there is little backwater
effect when the floodplains are raised by the reclamation project, especially when the gates
are fully functional at the time of flooding event.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-59 Difference of peak water levels between baseline and future scenarios. Partially and
non-operational flood gate scenarios are highlighted in red

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

A general overview of the floodwater flow direction are shown in Figure 2-60 which plots the
flow paths of Scenarios 11 and 12, when all gates are non-operational. In the case seen in
Scenario 11 (Baseline), the current land development area helps impede the tidal waters from
coming into the river network, hence the change of flow paths in between Batasan River.
Comparison to the flow paths in Scenario 12 shows that when the proposed land development
area is raised up to 2.5 m, tidal waters flows all along Batasan River, but has little influence to
other rivers in the area.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-82

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 6 0 Fl o w p at h s d u ri n g m a xi m u m w a t e r l e v el at w o r st c a s e s c e n a ri o s: S C 1 1 ( b a s e li n e ) a n d S C 1 2 ( f ut u r e d e v el o p m e n t ).

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 8 3

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

The backwater influence of the development is relatively minor. In spite of the development
removing the existing flood plain, the resulting increase in water level during extreme events
has a maximum magnitude of 0.05m for the scenarios analyzed. Flushing Study


The City of Navotas proposed to develop the waterfront of Navotas by reclaiming

approximately 576.7 ha of land along the coastline of and within the territorial and geographical
jurisdiction of the City of Navotas, Philippines.

It is envisioned that the area would be developed primarily as an industrial complex that
includes other mixed used developments of commercial, residential, institutional, port or port
related facilities and tourism establishments

The existing shoreline behind the proposed reclamation profile encompass fringes of
mangrove, which were observed to be denser along the northern side of the profile as
compared to the southern end, and broken seawall. Hence, a channel was intended to be
maintained as part of the proposed reclamation plan to preserve and minimize any potential
impact to the existing mangrove fringe along the shoreline. Figure 2-61 on the planned

Figure 2-61 Planned channel (red line) along the footprint of the proposed reclamation

Objectives of this Study

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

The objective of this flushing study was to conduct a numerical model (based on available
existing information) to assess the potential changes, if any, (due to the proposed reclamation)
in the flushing capacity within the study area. In particular, the water exchange capacity of the
intended channel between the proposed reclamation and the shoreline, under different
configurations that were envisaged to be implemented, would also be assessed as part of this

Numerical Model Setting

 Bathymetry Data

Bathymetry data obtained from the following different sources were combined, using
common references, to produce a consistent bathymetry dataset covering the entire
study area for the flushing model:
1. Admiralty Chart from C-MAP
2. Navotas Manila Bay bathymetric and geophysical survey, dated Feb 2016,
from the Client
3. MetOcean, Flushing and Flooding Studies for Navotas Land Development from
the Client

The horizontal reference for the flushing model adopted for the Study was Longitude
and Latitude geographical coordinates (WGS-84 datum). The vertical reference of C-
MAP data was in Chart Datum (m CD) while the surveyed data provided by the Client
were in meter Mean Lower Low Water (m MLLW). These data were synchronized to
Mean Sea Level (MSL) in the hydrodynamic model used to couple with the flushing

In addition, a detailed cross-section survey of the channels surrounding the

development was extracted from the previous Study (MetOcean, Flushing and
Flooding Studies for Navotas Land Development) and incorporated in the bathymetric
dataset used in the numerical model for this Flushing Study.

The coverages of the available bathymetry data from the different sources is as
summarized in Table 2-21 and depicted in Figure 2-62. The surveyed data and the
reclamation footprint is shown in Figure 2-63.

Table 2-21 Characteristics of bathymetric data collected and adopted for the flushing
Source Type Geographical reference Coverage
C-Map Water depths LONG/LAT (WGS-84) Global
Survey data provided by Client Water depths LONG/LAT (WGS-84) Local
River cross section survey from
Water depths LONG/LAT (WGS-84) Local
previous Study

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-62 Spatial extents of CMAP data

Figure 2-63 Local bathymetry data and reclamation footprint

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

 MIKE 21 Flow Model FM

The MIKE 21 Flow Model is a modelling system for two-dimensional free-surface depth
integrated flows. The model system is based on the numerical solution of the two-
dimensional incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations subject to the
assumptions of Boussinesq and hydrostatic pressure. The model is applicable for the
simulation of hydraulic and environmental phenomena in lakes, estuaries, bays, coastal
areas, and seas wherever stratification can be neglected. The model can be used to
simulate a wide range of hydraulic and related items, including tidal exchange and currents
and storm surges.

The hydrodynamic (HD) module is the basic module in the MIKE 21 Flow Model. The HD
module simulates water level variations and flows in response to a variety of forcing
functions in lakes, estuaries, and coastal regions. The effects and facilities include:

• Bottom shear stress;

• Wind shear stress;
• Barometric pressure gradients;
• Sources and sinks (e.g. rivers, intake and outlets from power plants);
• Flooding and drying;
• Momentum dispersion;
• Tidal potential;
• Coriolis force;
• Precipitation/Evaporation;
• Ice coverage; and
• Wave radiation stresses

The model uses a flexible mesh (FM) based on unstructured triangular or quadrangular
elements and applies a finite volume numerical solution technique. The model
resolution adopted in this Flushing Study is at a grid size of 10 m by 10 m. The MIKE
21 Flow Model used for the present study was version 2016, Service Pack 3.

Local Tidal Flow Model

To provide high-resolution modelling results for the waters around the project site as
well as computational efficiency, it was decided to pursue using the MIKE 21
Hydrodynamic Flow Model as discussed above. The numerical model allows flexible
refinement (Figure 2-65) of the model bathymetry in local areas of interest in order to
optimize computational speed. The resulting model extent and mesh are illustrated in
Figure 2-64 and Figure 2-65. The resolution of the unstructured mesh applied by the
model in terms of the characteristic element length (average cell size) is given in Table

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-64 Local model domain of Manila Bay (tidal boundary indicated as red line)

Figure 2-65 Interpolated bathymetry in flexible mesh

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-22 Characteristic element length (average cell size) of the model
Region Characteristic element length (m)
Offshore project vicinity 350 – 400
Project vicinity 25 – 30
Project site (channel and rivers) 10 - 20

The currents around the project area are predominantly wind-driven and weakly
influenced by tidal components. However, at the open boundaries of the numerical
model, tidal forcing was applied through a tidal prediction at each boundary node. The
tidal constituents applied at the boundaries consisted of the major diurnal constituents
K1, O1, P1 and Q1 and diurnal tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, and K2). Each
constituent represents a periodic change or variation in the relative positions of the
Earth, Moon (Lunar) and Sun (Solar) and they are listed below for reference:

• K1: Lunar diurnal constituent;

• O1: Lunar diurnal constituent;
• P1: Solar diurnal constituent;
• Q1: Larger lunar elliptic diurnal constituent;
• M2: Principal lunar semidiurnal constituent;
• S2: Principal solar semidiurnal constituent;
• N2: Larger lunar elliptic semidiurnal constituent; and
• K2: Lunisolar semidiurnal constituent.

The above constituents were interpolated from a global tide model with a spatial
resolution of 0.125 x 0.125 degrees (Anderson, O. 1995).

The entire project site and river network were connected and tide propagates freely
from the shore to the river upstream with the integration of annual average river
discharges from MIKE 11. A summary of the local flow model set-up for this Flushing
Study is as tabulated below:

Table 2-23 Summary of the local flow model settings

Setting Value
Density Approximation Barotropic (depth-averaged model)
Eddy Viscosity Smagorinsky approximation (with Smagorinsky coefficient of
0.28 applied)
Bottom Drag Manning formulation (Manning number of 55m1/3/m)
Wind Forcing CFSR wind
Boundary Conditions KMZ Global Tide Model
Time domain Temporally varying time-stepping applied (model time-step
adjusts internally in response to the maximum estimated
Courant number estimated before each computation)

 Hydrodynamic Model Validation

The HD model was calibrated against water level predictions at Corregidor and Manila
stations from MIKE C-MAP (Figure 2-66). The validation of the variable tidal signal in
the Manila Bay is shown in Figure 2-67 and Figure 2-69. It is noted that in the absence

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-89

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

of year 2017 wind data for the model production runs, the tidal model validation and
productions were carried out based on the data available in year 2016.

Figure 2-66 CMAP tidal stations of Corregidor and Manila

Figure 2-67 Time series comparison of modelled water level and predicted water level
at Corregidor

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

The validation plots demonstrate a satisfactory comparison and Q-Q plots (Figure 2-68
and Figure 2-70) illustrates the quantitative performance of the model at both
observation and CMAP tidal stations, which implies the model provides a good spatial
and temporal representation of tidal elevation.

Figure 2-68 Q-Q plot of modelled water level and predicted water level at Corregidor

Figure 2-69 Time series comparison of modelled water level and predicted water level
at Manila station

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-70 Q-Q plot of modelled water level and predicted water level at Manila station

• MIKE 11 Hydraulic Model

MIKE 11 hydrodynamic module (HD) uses an implicit, finite difference scheme for the
computation of unsteady flows in rivers and estuaries. The module can describe sub-
critical as well as super critical flow conditions through a numerical scheme which
adapts according to the local flow conditions (in time and space).

Advanced computational modules are included for description of flow over hydraulic
structures, including possibilities to describe structure operation. The computational
scheme is applicable for vertically homogeneous flow conditions extending from steep
river flows to tidal influenced estuaries. The system has been used in numerous
engineering studies around the world and is very much suitable for the scope
implemented under this Study.

MIKE11 hydraulic model was used to produce the annual average base flows from the
rivers in the proposed development sites. These rivers include Kailugan River (i.e.
Muzon-Dampalit and Navotas Rivers) and within the model domain as shown in Figure

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-71 River network setup used in MIKE 11 model

The study area was schematized in MIKE 11 based on the cross sections extracted
from the previous Study conducted in this area. The river model includes the discharge
input from South Pinagkabalian and Spine. In addition, a water level boundary in
Batasan River was assigned to reflect the river draining out from the river model
towards Meycauayan River. A tidal water level will be assigned due to the point’s
proximity to Manila Bay. The annual average base flows were then coupled in the MIKE

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

21 flow model in order to mimic the reality where river discharges are seen to be very
relevant, especially for this proposed development site.


Approach and Modelled Scenario

The water recirculation assessment based on the application of MIKE 21 Transport model was
conducted to determine the potential changes (due to the proposed reclamation) in the
flushing capacity within the study area. The flushing capacity is a measurement of the natural
self-cleansing capacity of the system. Hence, any changes in the flushing capacity (i.e. time
needed for the system to be self-cleansed) may therefore influence the surrounding water

In order to quantify the potential recirculation changes in the post construction stage (i.e. after
the proposed reclamation is completed), the results are compared to the existing conditions
(i.e. baseline condition) by carrying out numerical simulations with conservative tracers added
within the following locations (Figure 2-72):

1. Water channel between the proposed 576.7 ha reclamation profile and existing
2. Existing marina; and
3. Rivers next to the proposed reclamation area.

The flushing models were initiated at mid-tide during a Neap period flood cycle, in which the
water circulation will be poorer compared to Spring period, to assess the worst condition. It
was noted that the coastal dike along the shore next to the proposed reclamation is currently
being constructed (during the course of this Study) and is close to completion. Based on the
dike geometry information provided by Client, it was incorporated in both the baseline and

In terms of dimension, the intended channel between the proposed reclamation and existing
shoreline was simulated based on a surface width of 50.2 m and toe-to-toe width of 30 m. The
slope adopted for both side of the intended channel was 1:3. It should also be noted that the
existing seabed fronting the shoreline, in which the intended channel is located, is currently
an inter-tidal area (based on the bathymetric information available for this Study).
Consequently, in order to ensure that the intended channel is below the lowest astronomical
tide, the intended channel and the area adjacent to the channel openings were assumed to
be deepened to -1 m MSL in order to be able to flush the water in and out the channel

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-72 Initial 100% conservative tracer added at (1) concentration 1 within
channel at proposed reclamation area (top left); (2) concentration 2 at existing marina
(top right); and concentration 3 within the rivers adjacent to the proposed reclamation
(bottom left).

The flushing capacity was modelled using the MIKE 21 Transport model, which simulates the
spreading of a suspended conservative substance in an aquatic environment under the
influence of the currents. The HD module provides background information for the transport,
(i.e. currents and water depths) in each grid point. Other data required include substance
concentrations and discharge quantities at the surrounding rivers. The system solves the
equation of conservation of mass for a dissolved or suspended substance using a two-
dimensional form. The concentration of the substance is calculated in each point of a flexible
grid covering the area of interest.

Proposed Flushing Criteria Adopted

It was recognized that the main purpose of conducting this Study was to evaluate the relative
flushing performance of channels surrounds the proposed reclamation area in terms of any
significant differences in the residence times of the concentration tracers. The outputs can be
used to infer implications for changes to water quality and eutrophication as a result of the
proposed development.

A residence time analysis is used to evaluate the water exchange that may affect the water
quality. The residence time can be conceived as a measure of water mass retention within the

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

defined boundary and provides a description of mass balance and transport dynamics in the
water body.

Based on this understanding, the following water flushing criteria in Table 2-24 was proposed
for this Study. These suggested concentrations were typically utilized in Studies where a
requirement to infer water quality is required, without the need to formulate comprehensive
ecological models for a given area.

Table 2-24 Proposed flushing criteria

Residence Time at 20% Concentration Flushing Criteria
≤ 1 Day Very Good
2 Days Good
3 Days Moderate
≥ 4 Days Poor

Modelled Results Extraction Points

In the tracer flushing approach utilized in this Study, the tracer concentration is used to infer
implications for water quality in a given area. In the present case, to examine the expected
incremental changes to the water quality as a result of the proposed development, six (6)
locations have been selected to assess the flushing capacities of the representative areas and
they are indicated in Figure 2-73 and tabulated in Table 2-25.

Table 2-25 Representative areas with its corresponding extraction locations

Representative Area Extraction Points
Channel along proposed reclamation Point 1 and 2
Channel opening to the west of the proposed reclamation Point 3
River mouths Point 4 and 5
Marina Point 6

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Figure 2-73 Extraction locations around the reclamation footprint (Points 1, 2, and 3),
inside the rivers (Points 4 and 5), and marina (Point 6)

Results and Discussion

Figure 2-74 shows the 4-hourly concentration dilution during neap tide condition within the
intended channel next to the proposed reclamation area. With the deepening of the channel
to -1.0 m MSL, the conditions promoted flushing leads to flows along the channel. It is seen
that the dilution has increased significantly to the eastern part of the channel in the post
condition (Figure 2-75). As evidenced in the figures, the initial tracer is flushed out within a
day. Separately, residence times at each representative area are further assessed and
discussed in the time-series plots shown from Figure 2-76 to Figure 2-77 below.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-74 4-hourly concentration dilution of 576.7ha case (view from top to bottom,
left to right)

Figure 2-75 shows the concentration at Point 1 and 2 within the intended channel next to the
proposed reclamation. Flushing condition to the East (Point 2) is improved whereas it is slightly
worsened to the West (Point 1) of the intended channel when compared to the baseline
condition. The artificial channel directs the water flows westward alongshore. The tracer
concentrations remain above 20% for a duration of approximately one (1) day and the
residence time corresponds to “very good” flushing condition.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-75 Concentrations at Point 1 and 2 in the channel for the proposed reclamation

As mentioned above, although water in the channel is being pushed out towards the west of
the channel, Figure 2-76 showed that the tracer at the opening of the channel (Point 3) goes
below 20% in less than one (1) day, of which it can be considered to corresponds to “very
good” flushing condition. It is noted that the residence time for baseline is not presented here
as the area is inter-tidal zone and the concentration of tracer becomes zero when the seabed
is exposed. Hence, it does not provide a good relative comparison.

Figure 2-76 Concentration at the opening of the channel for the proposed reclamation

Figure 2-77 shows the tracer concentrations at both river mouths at Points 4 and 5. The
difference in flushing capacity at Point 5 is seen to be negligible, whilst the flushing capacity
at the river mouth (Point 4) adjacent to the proposed reclamation footprint is slightly
decreased. However, the residence times in both Baseline and post-construction condition are
more than four (4) days. Hence, the flushing capacity remains unchanged. It should be noted
that this is a natural phenomenon at an estuarine system where the mixing within the river is
affected by the amount of seawater received by the river due to the periodic rise and fall of the
tide. The residence time, in general, is higher when a river is dominated (too) by seawater

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-77 Concentrations at Points 4 and 5 at the river mouths

Figure 2-78 shows the tracer concentrations at the existing marina. Regional impact is

Figure 2-78 Concentration at the existing marina


The flushing assessment carried out for the proposed 576.7 ha reclamation profile suggested
that the residence time of water in the intended channel and at the opening of the channel will
not be significantly long (i.e. less than a day). As such water quality is not expected to be poor
in the intended channel, at least not due to long residence times. The channel geometry is
such that the initial volume of water is removed quickly on one tidal cycle. The volume of water
in the channel is not in itself large relative to the surrounding water body and therefore
recirculation is not a significant issue. Hence, from the modelled results of the intended
channel at a surface width of 50.2 m (toe-to-toe width of 30 m), it can be concluded that the
proposed reclamation is unlikely to pose any potential impact on the existing mangrove next
to the intended channel, in terms of the flushing capacity (and thus water quality) within the

In addition, the proposed reclamation doesn’t create any significant regional changes (in terms
of flushing capacity) such as the rivers and the existing marina.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Environmental impacts and proposed mitigation measures

Based from the current characteristics and conditions of the project site and surrounding
areas, the following are the potential impacts of the proposed rehabilitation project.

Induce higher flood levels

The reclaimed area might impede discharge of flood waters coming from the watershed due
to restrictions of the two exit channels on both sides of the reclamation area. This could create
a higher level of floods in the currently flood prone areas.

This can be mitigated by ensuring that the capacity of two exit river channels are maximized.
Reforestation or tree planting in coordination with the LGUs in the watersheds draining to the
area can be considered as a long term solution to this problem.

Unevenly distribution of sediments in the coastal area

Because of the reclaimed area, it can be expected that distribution of sediments in the coastal
area will change. More sediment can be deposited in the area opposite side of the delta or
reclaimed area.

Rehabilitation or desilting of affected area can be adopted to address the problem. This can
also be addressed through erosion control measures like tree planting in the watersheds
draining to the project site.

Limited access to the sea by the surrounding communities

At present the privately owned fishponds are being used as a free access to the sea. This may
be affected once the project starts and operational. A clear designated exit way be identified
for the communities.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.2.2 Oceanography

This section presents the assessment of key impacts for the oceanography module, as
stipulated Section 2.2 of the Technical Scoping Checklist, as follows:

 Change/disruption in water circulation pattern, littoral current, coastal erosion, and

deposition and
 Change in bathymetry. Methodology
General description of baseline data parameters and assessment methodology

Baseline data parameters that are required in the technical scoping checklist are presented,
as follows:

 Bathymetric map;
 Analysis of available proximate tidal data; and
 Measurement of water currents.

The assessment methodology included detailed discussion on the input data used in
hydrodynamic modeling using the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC). EFDC is the
recommended model of the DENR, as indicated in the Technical Scoping Checklist. EFDC is
also the recommended model of the U.S.EPA in assessing circulation and sedimentation
patterns in coastal areas.

Oceanographic monitoring

Oceanographic baseline monitoring was conducted at the proposed project and vicinities from
May 6 to 8, 2016. This activity involved tidal, currents, and sedimentation rate sampling (Figure
2-79). A tidal gauge was installed in Brgy. Tanza in order to compare the measured tidal
heights with those of the predicted tidal heights at NAMRIA tidal stations. Current
measurements were conducted using a SD 6000 current meter and drogues, including
sampling of sedimentation rates using sediment traps on the above-mentioned dates. The
following section presents the detailed discussion of the baseline oceanographic sampling.

Plate 2-1 to Plate 2-7 show the photographs taken during the oceanographic sampling from
May 6-8, 2016.

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Figure 2-79 Oceanographic sampling stations (currents and tidal stations)

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Plate 2-1 Tidal gauge installed east of the project site

Plate 2-2 An SD 6000 current meter used by Team 1 to measure continuous currents

Plate 2-3 An SD 6000 current meter and a drogue used by Team 1

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-4 GPSMap64S and Garmin Echomap Chirp 52DV used by Team 2 for determination
of locations. Garmin Echomap for depth sounding and water temperature measurements

Plate 2-5 Deployment of drogues by Team 2

Plate 2-6 Sedimentation traps and samples of sediments taken at Stations S1

from May 7-8, 2016

Plate 2-7 Sedimentation traps traps samples of sediments taken at Stations S2 on

May 9, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 11:07 A.M.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Baseline information Bathymetry
The proposed reclamation project is located at the northeast part of Manila Bay – a semi-
enclosed estuary with its mouth facing the South China Sea. Based on the latest bathymetric
map from NAMRIA (Figure 2-80), the deepest part of Manila Bay is about 69 m located at the
North Channel of Corregidor Island. Relatively shallower parts are found near the coast of
Pampanga and Cavite City. At the proposed project site, the maximum depth is about depths
5.0 m below mean lower low water (MLLW).

Bathymetric data were processed using the orthogonal curvilinear grid generator (GEFDC) of
the EFDC. The processed bathymetric data were then used as input data to the EFDC. Section presents the detailed discussion on how the bathymetric data were processed using
GEFDC. Figure 2-81 shows the three-dimensional view of the bathymetry of Manila Bay. Tidal heights

Five (5) tidal stations of NAMRIA are found within Manila Bay (Figure 2-80). These tidal
stations are the Manila South Harbor, Manila North Harbor, Navotas Port, Limay, Bataan, and
Puerto Azul, Cavite. The closest tidal station at the project site is Navotas Port. A tide gage
was established east of the project site from May 6-8, 2016 to determine hourly tidal heights
during oceanographic survey and to compare observed tidal heights with those of the
predicted tides in NAMRIA Tide Table.

A computer program was developed by the preparer of this module in order to determine the
hourly predicted tidal heights based on the graphical method presented in NARMIA Tide
Table. This program was based on mathematical formulation using (H-PI-M) in Figure 2-82 as
series of polynomial curves. This program is able to automatically determine the hourly tidal
heights using the predicted highs and lows of water in a day, as the graphical method in the
tide table would require manual inputs of the high and low water points in a cross-section
paper (Figure 2-82).

Figure 2-83 shows the plots of hourly tidal heights from May 6-8, 2016. It appears that the
observed tidal patterns follow closely with those predicted at Navotas Port and Manila South
Harbor. Tidal heights were generally semi-diurnal from May 6-8, 2016, although at times
diurnal as tides are highly dependent on the phase of the moon.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Figure 2-80 Bathymetric Map of Manila Bay and locations of NAMRIA Tide Stations
Source: NAMRIA

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 8 1 T hr e e- di m e n si o n al vi e w of t he b at hy m etr y of M a nil a Ba y

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 0 8

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-82 Graphical representation of tidal heights between high and low waters

Figure 2-83 Observed and predicted tidal heights Current measurements

Two (2 teams were deployed from May 6-8, 2010 to measure currents, including sounding
and sedimentation rate sampling. The first team used and SD6000 current meter and a drogue
while the 2nd team utilized two (2) drogues. The second team also conducted sound and
sedimentation rate sampling using a GARMIN Echosounder Chirp 52DV and sedimentation
traps, respectively. Plate 2-1 to Plate 2-7 show the photographs taken during monitoring.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-84 shows the plot of the locations of the ocean current stations and drogue release
locations. Table 2-26 to Table 2-28 show the results of continuous sampling of currents at
Stations 1 and 2 on May 7, and 8, respectively. Results of initial drogue tracks are shown in
Figure 2-85.

The following highlights the summary of the results of the current measurements using an
SD6000 current meter and drogues:

1. Continuous monitoring at Station 3 on May 7, 2016 showed that currents tend to move
away from coast (move generally toward the south-southeast direction) during slack
water and ebb tide with increasing speeds at mid ebb to flood current tides (Figure
2. Results of continuous monitoring at Station 2 on May 8 showed that currents tend to
move towards the coast (or north-northeast directions) during flood tide, and reverses
in direction to south-southerly directions during ebb tide. As shown in Figure 2-84,
current speeds were relatively lower as its reaches the time of slack water, and
changes in direction immediately after slack water, and consequently increases in
speeds at mid ebb to flood tide
3. Random current measurements (30-minutes sampling) on May 7, 2010 (Table 2-26)
showed consistent flows those of drogue measurements (Figure 2-85). Current
directions generally move away from the coast (drains towards the mouth) during ebb
tide (Figure 2-84).
4. Measured surface water temperatures at the continuous stations (Station 2 and 3)
during daytime were relatively warmer, and ranged from 31.1 to 33.5 °C with an
average of 31.6 °C.

Table 2-26 Measured currents at Stations 1, 2 and 3 on May 6, 2016

Time Bottom,
Long Lat
Temp Date Deployed/ Time cm/sec SD Station Depth,
(Degrees) (Degrees)
Retrieved m
31.95 5/6/2016 Deployed 5/6/2016 10:29 am 120.91456 14.67014 1 38
31.85 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 10:34 am 120.91456 14.67014 1 209
31.85 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 10:39 am 120.91456 14.67014 2.2 145
31.85 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 10:44 am 120.91456 14.67014 2 213 Station 1 5
31.8 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 10:49 am 120.91456 14.67014 0.8 10
31.8 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 10:54 am 120.91456 14.67014 1 97
32 5/6/2016 Retrieved 5/6/2016 10:59 am 120.91456 14.67014 1.6 257
32.1 5/6/2016 Deployed 5/6/2016 11:34 am 120.89619 14.688 3.8 227
32.05 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 11:39 am 120.89619 14.688 4.6 245
32.05 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 11:44 am 120.89619 14.688 0.2 358
Station 2 4
32.05 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 11:49 am 120.89619 14.688 6.4 246
32.05 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 11:54 am 120.89619 14.688 7.4 208
32 5/6/2016 Retrieved 5/6/2016 11:59 am 120.89619 14.688 4.4 249
32.15 5/6/2016 Deployed 5/6/2016 2:28 pm 120.91724 14.65954 3 307
32.05 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 2:33 pm 120.91724 14.65954 4.2 316
32.1 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 2:38 pm 120.91724 14.65954 4 308
Station 3 6
32.1 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 2:43 pm 120.91724 14.65954 4.6 346
32.05 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 2:48 pm 120.91724 14.65954 4.8 319
31.05 5/6/2016 Retrieved 5/6/2016 2:53 pm 120.91724 14.65954 2.8 314
31.35 5/7/2016 Deployed 5/7/2016 9:38 am 120.91762 14.66421 0.6 108
31.5 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 9:43 am 120.91762 14.66421 2.4 117
31.5 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 9:48 am 120.91762 14.66421 3.4 181
Station 3 6
31.45 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 9:53 am 120.91762 14.66421 3.8 174
31.5 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 9:58 am 120.91762 14.66421 3.2 149
31.45 5/7/2016 Retrieved 5/7/2016 10:03 am 120.91762 14.66421 3.8 159
31.15 5/8/2016 Deployed 5/8/2016 8:29 am 120.89687 14.68792 5.4 19 Station 2 4.2

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Time Bottom,
Long Lat
Temp Date Deployed/ Time cm/sec SD Station Depth,
(Degrees) (Degrees)
Retrieved m
31.15 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 8:34 am 120.89687 14.68792 5.4 22
31.15 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 8:39 am 120.89687 14.68792 5.6 27
31.15 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 8:44 am 120.89687 14.68792 6.2 28
31.15 5/8/2016 Retrieved 5/8/2016 8:49 am 120.89687 14.68792 5.6 28

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Figure 2-84 Plot of current vectors based on current measurements from May 6-8, 2016 using SD current meter

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Figure 2-85 General directions of initial drogues tracks after released

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-27 Measured currents at Station 3 on May 7, 2016

Current Speed Current Direction
Temp (ºC) Date Local Time A.M./P.M.
(cm/s) (deg)
32.40 1.60 309 5/7/2016 9:33 am
31.35 0.60 108 5/7/2016 9:38 am
31.50 2.40 117 5/7/2016 9:43 am
31.50 3.40 181 5/7/2016 9:48 am
31.45 3.80 174 5/7/2016 9:53 am
31.50 3.20 149 5/7/2016 9:58 am
31.45 3.80 159 5/7/2016 10:03 am
31.45 3.20 191 5/7/2016 10:08 am
31.40 3.60 209 5/7/2016 10:13 am
31.40 3.40 207 5/7/2016 10:18 am
31.40 4.20 188 5/7/2016 10:23 am
31.40 2.80 194 5/7/2016 10:28 am
31.50 4.20 182 5/7/2016 10:33 am
31.50 3.80 177 5/7/2016 10:38 am
31.50 4.60 182 5/7/2016 10:43 am
31.50 4.60 174 5/7/2016 10:48 am
31.45 4.40 180 5/7/2016 10:53 am
31.50 4.60 183 5/7/2016 10:58 am
31.50 4.60 185 5/7/2016 11:03 am
31.45 5.00 187 5/7/2016 11:08 am
31.50 4.60 179 5/7/2016 11:13 am
31.55 3.80 173 5/7/2016 11:18 am
31.50 5.00 173 5/7/2016 11:23 am
31.50 5.60 175 5/7/2016 11:28 am
31.50 5.40 162 5/7/2016 11:33 am
31.50 5.60 167 5/7/2016 11:38 am
31.50 5.60 170 5/7/2016 11:43 am
31.55 5.00 178 5/7/2016 11:48 am
31.50 5.40 168 5/7/2016 11:53 am
31.55 5.60 162 5/7/2016 11:58 am
31.65 6.00 159 5/7/2016 12:03 pm
31.60 5.60 164 5/7/2016 12:08 pm
31.65 5.80 167 5/7/2016 12:13 pm
31.70 6.60 171 5/7/2016 12:18 pm
31.70 5.60 159 5/7/2016 12:23 pm
31.70 6.20 163 5/7/2016 12:28 pm
31.70 6.00 170 5/7/2016 12:33 pm
31.65 6.00 175 5/7/2016 12:38 pm
31.70 6.60 174 5/7/2016 12:43 pm
31.70 5.40 179 5/7/2016 12:48 pm
31.70 6.00 177 5/7/2016 12:53 pm
31.65 6.20 168 5/7/2016 12:58 pm
31.65 5.40 182 5/7/2016 1:03 pm
31.70 7.20 167 5/7/2016 1:08 pm
31.90 7.40 167 5/7/2016 1:13 pm
31.85 4.80 168 5/7/2016 1:18 pm
31.90 7.20 164 5/7/2016 1:23 pm
31.90 6.80 168 5/7/2016 1:28 pm
31.90 8.00 167 5/7/2016 1:33 pm
31.95 7.00 148 5/7/2016 1:38 pm
32.05 7.20 169 5/7/2016 1:43 pm
32.00 7.40 173 5/7/2016 1:48 pm
32.05 7.20 172 5/7/2016 1:53 pm
32.15 8.40 172 5/7/2016 1:58 pm
33.45 3.80 207 5/7/2016 2:03 pm

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Table 2-28 Current Vectors and Temperature at Station 2 on May 8, 2016

Temp Current Local
Speed Date A.M./P.M.
(oC) Direction (deg) Time
31.15 5.40 19 5/8/2016 8:29 AM
31.15 5.40 22 5/8/2016 8:34 am
31.15 5.60 27 5/8/2016 8:39 am
31.15 6.20 28 5/8/2016 8:44 am
31.15 5.60 28 5/8/2016 8:49 am
31.15 5.40 25 5/8/2016 8:54 am
31.20 5.80 29 5/8/2016 8:59 am
31.15 5.40 31 5/8/2016 9:04 am
31.20 6.00 32 5/8/2016 9:09 am
31.15 5.80 30 5/8/2016 9:14 am
31.15 5.60 32 5/8/2016 9:19 am
31.15 4.20 35 5/8/2016 9:24 am
31.20 3.40 31 5/8/2016 9:29 am
31.20 2.40 33 5/8/2016 9:34 am
31.20 1.80 35 5/8/2016 9:39 am
31.15 1.40 42 5/8/2016 9:44 am
31.15 3.00 37 5/8/2016 9:49 am
31.15 2.40 34 5/8/2016 9:54 am
31.15 2.80 30 5/8/2016 9:59 am
31.15 3.40 30 5/8/2016 10:04 am
31.15 3.20 31 5/8/2016 10:09 am
31.20 1.80 29 5/8/2016 10:14 am
31.15 1.20 24 5/8/2016 10:19 am
31.15 1.20 13 5/8/2016 10:24 am
31.15 1.00 14 5/8/2016 10:29 am
31.10 1.00 20 5/8/2016 10:34 am
31.10 1.20 23 5/8/2016 10:39 am
31.10 1.20 19 5/8/2016 10:44 am
31.10 1.60 18 5/8/2016 10:49 am
31.15 1.80 13 5/8/2016 10:54 am
31.10 1.80 14 5/8/2016 10:59 am
31.15 1.40 19 5/8/2016 11:04 am
31.10 1.60 21 5/8/2016 11:09 am
31.15 1.80 24 5/8/2016 11:14 am
31.20 2.00 48 5/8/2016 11:19 am
31.10 1.80 60 5/8/2016 11:24 am
31.15 2.60 70 5/8/2016 11:29 am
31.20 3.00 108 5/8/2016 11:34 am
31.20 3.00 132 5/8/2016 11:39 am
31.15 2.60 151 5/8/2016 11:44 am
31.20 3.00 160 5/8/2016 11:49 am
31.25 3.40 179 5/8/2016 11:54 am
31.30 4.20 186 5/8/2016 11:59 am
31.45 2.80 185 5/8/2016 12:04 pm
31.60 5.20 183 5/8/2016 12:09 pm
31.50 5.00 177 5/8/2016 12:14 pm
31.60 5.60 178 5/8/2016 12:19 pm
31.85 5.00 178 5/8/2016 12:24 pm
31.95 5.00 175 5/8/2016 12:29 pm
31.90 5.20 176 5/8/2016 12:34 pm
31.95 5.40 174 5/8/2016 12:39 pm
32.00 6.00 170 5/8/2016 12:44 pm
31.95 6.40 174 5/8/2016 12:49 pm
32.25 6.20 160 5/8/2016 12:54 pm

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Temp Current Local
Speed Date A.M./P.M.
(oC) Direction (deg) Time
32.35 7.40 162 5/8/2016 12:59 pm
32.25 7.40 158 5/8/2016 1:04 pm
32.20 8.80 163 5/8/2016 1:09 pm
32.20 10.80 164 5/8/2016 1:14 pm
32.15 11.00 163 5/8/2016 1:19 pm
32.15 11.60 167 5/8/2016 1:24 pm
32.10 12.40 160 5/8/2016 1:29 pm
32.25 11.00 161 5/8/2016 1:34 pm
32.40 12.80 160 5/8/2016 1:39 pm
32.35 14.00 160 5/8/2016 1:44 pm
32.20 14.80 167 5/8/2016 1:49 pm
32.40 16.00 164 5/8/2016 1:54 pm Three-hourly and hourly meteorological conditions during monsoon peaks and
transition seasons
Figure 2-86 shows the wind rose for Port Area, Manila and Sangley Point, Cavite during the
peak of northeast monsoon (February) and wet season (August). Prevailing wind flows at both
synoptic stations were generally from S-E and N-E quadrants, although PAGASA-Sangley
Point Station showed prevailing winds from the east during the northeast monsoon season.

Wind speeds generally ranged from 1 to 5 m/s (Figure 2-86). At Port Area, about 25% of the
recorded wind speeds were below 1 m/s (or at calm condition) while from 7 to 10% at Sangley
Point, Cavite.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-86 Wind roses for Port Area and Sangley Point during peaks of southwest
(August) and northeast monsoon (February)

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-87 Wind speed classes for Port Area and Sangley Point during peaks of
southwest (August) and northeast monsoon (February) Impact assessment and modeling Oceanographic modeling

EFDC model

The hydrodynamic model used in this study is the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code
(EFDC), which was originally developed by Dr. John M. Hamrick from the Virginia Institute of
Marine Science (VIMS) and School of Marine Science of the College of William and Mary. It
is a public domain, open source, surface water modeling system that has been applied to
numerous water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and estuaries (Tetratech 2007).

According to U.S.EPA website (, EFDC has

“evolved over the past two decades to become one of the most widely used and technically
defensible hydrodynamic models in the world”. It is the recommended hydrodynamic model to

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

be used for environmental impact assessment of proposed projects with possible impacts on
coastal areas, as stipulated in the Technical Scoping Checklist of the DENR-EMB.

Grid generation using EFDC

EFDC includes a preprocessor program named GEFDC that generates a Cartesian or

curvilinear-orthogonal grid files and other outputs files needed to run the EFDC. Inputs to the
GEFDC are the bathymetry, which in this case is Figure 2-80, the boundary points, and cell
definition input file (or cell.inp).

Figure 2-88(b) shows the input data file, cell.inp, containing the numerical values representing
the boundary points, water cells, and land surfaces. The following cell definitions are used in
this study following EFDC User’s Manual (Tetratech 2007).

 0 – as dry land cell (not bordering a water cell on a side or a corner land surface)
 9- as dry land cell bordering a water cell or fictitious dry land cell bordering an open
boundary water cell on a side or a corner
 5 – as quadrilateral water cell

Figure 2-88(a) shows the plot of the output data file, “GRID.DXF”, containing the generated
cells based on cell definitions, bathymetry and boundary points. Sample screenshots of the
output data files, DXDY.INP and LXLY.INP (originally DXDY.OUT and LXLY.OUT) are shown
in Figure 2-89.

Tidal forcing

The highs and lows of water in February 2016 and August 2016 were processed using the
computer program developed to compute the hourly tidal heights following NAMRIA’s
graphical method (please refer Section 3b above). Figure 2-90 shows the hourly predicted
tidal heights in February 2016 and August 2016.

Wind and atmospheric forcing

Three-hourly data from PAGASA-Sangley Point for the months of August 2015 and February
2016 consist of cloudiness (okta), mean sea level pressure (mb), relative humidity (%), dry
bulb temperature (ºC), wind direction (deg), wind speed (m/s) and rainfall (mm). These data
were used to generate the required wind and atmospheric data files in EFDC simulations.

For meteorological parameters, such as wet bulb temperature and solar radiation, these were
calculated following Stull (2011) and Kasten and Czepak (1980), respectively. Stull (2011)
demonstrated the used of the following formula to calculate the wet bulb temperature (Tw)
from dry bulb temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH),

Kasten and Czeplak (1980) indicated the following equation on total incoming solar radiation
due to presence of cloudiness as,

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

where b1 = -0.75, b2 = 3.4 and n is the opaque cloud cover.

River inflows and concentrations

River inflows also influenced currents and sedimentation patterns in bays and estuaries. In
this study, river discharges data were sourced out from the following studies.

 Pokavanich and Nadaoka (2006) on hydrodynamics simulation of Manila Bay -

discharge flow rates of Bulacan-Meycauyan (Obando) at 180 m 3/s and minor rivers at
90 m3/s, and water temperature of 29.5 ºC;
 Siringan and Ringor (1998) on changes in bathymetry and sediment rate study in
Manila Bay – discharge rates of Pasig and Pampanga river basins; and
 WB Solutions (2008) on Maragondon River Project – discharge flow of Maragondon
River with estimated main flow of 500,000 m 3/day;

During wet season when river inflows are expected higher due to frequent rainfall, discharge
flows at Pasig and Pampanga Rivers as indicated in Siringan and Ringor (1998) were utilized
in study. Increase in discharge flow of about 67% was assumed for other rivers during wet
season, as based on data for Pasig and Pampanga Rivers.

Owing to absence of water quality data at river inflows, initial time constant inflow
concentrations of 30 and 50 mg/l were used for the dry (February) and wet (August)
simulations, respectively. These values were roughly estimated from Michigan standards
( wherein it cited perception of water quality as clear when TSS
concentrations are less than 20 mg/l, appear cloudy between 40 to 80 mg/l, and appears “dirty”
at concentrations over 150 mg/l.

Figure 2-91 shows the location of rivers considered in this study.

Sediments and water quality in Manila Bay

Manila Bay is generally overlay with mud and fractions of sandy mud and sand in Cavite area.
Patches of sandy-mud are also found in Pampanga Bay and north of Pasig Delta River
(Siringan and Ringor, 1998). Based on samples collected at Bataan, Cavite-Bataan, Pasig-
River-Caloocan, and Cavite Bacoor by Siringan and Ringor (1998), the average fractions of
sediments are as follows:

 Silt-clay – 73%
 Sand –23%
 Gravel -4%

The above average sediment fractions were used as initial cohesive and non-cohesive
sediment data over the whole Manila Bay.

Average concentration of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of 8 mg/l, which was based on
water quality sampling in April 2016 by RHR Consult Services at ten (10) stations located at
and in the vicinity of the proposed reclamation site, was used as initial sediment column
concentrations for this study.

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 8 8 P l o t s o f a ) o u t p u t g ri d u si n g t h e g ri d g e n e r a t o r ( G E F D C ) o f E F D C a n d b ) c e ll.i n p (i n p u t fil e t o G E F D C )

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-89 Screenshot of output files as generated using GEFDC

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 9 0 P r e di ct e d h o u rl y ti d al h ei g ht s i n F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 ( a b o v e ) a n d A u g u st 2 0 1 6 ( b el o w )

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 2 3

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-91 Locations of river inflows in Manila Bay

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Modeling simulations/scenarios

Modeling simulations using EFDC included possible effects of tides, winds, atmospheric (e.g.,
air temperature, rainfall, solar radiation), and inflows of 26 rivers in Manila Bay. Three-
dimensional depth-averaged simulations were applied over scenarios prior, during, and after
reclamation works. Environmental Impacts of the Project

The following presents the environmental impacts related to a) change/disruption in water
circulation pattern, littoral current, and coastal erosion and deposition, and b) change in

Change/Disruption in water circulation pattern and other related impacts

Current patterns prior to reclamation. Figure 2-92 to Figure 2-94 show instantaneous current
patterns during August 2015 and February 2016. Tidal currents are notable during flood and
ebb tides with currents as seen February 2015 simulations (Figure 2-92 and Figure 2-93).
Currents generally move north-northwest in the vicinities of the project site and in coastal
areas of Pampanga. In coastal areas in Cavite during February 2015, currents tend to move
westward due probably to the effect of flooding and to some extent, effect of wind flows on
currents at shallow areas in Cavite area.

During persistent southwesterly winds in August 2015, currents move eastward offshore
Cavite area tends to increase at shallower areas. The increased of river inflows in August
2015 during the wet season, tend to produce higher currents near the mouths of said rivers,
specifically in Obando and Pampanga rivers.

Current patterns after reclamation works. Figure 2-92 to Figure 2-94 show the current patterns
after completion of the reclaimed works. Due to the size of the reclaimed area, directions of
prevailing currents parallel to the shoreline are expected to change with the completion of the
reclamation project. There is also possible decrease on the spread of the freshwater or river
discharges, especially near Obando river, thus resulting to higher sedimentation rate
increases in a limited area.

Although wind waves were not included in the simulations, its effect are highly recognized
especially on the formation of longshore currents and beach erosion. This could further
increase formation of sediment beds to the east and south of the proposed reclaimed area,
especially during wet season with the proposed site exposed to southwest wind flows.

Storm Surge Hazard. WMO defines storm surge as the “difference between the actual water
level under the influence of a meteorological disturbance (storm tide) and the level which
would have been attained in the absence of the meteorological disturbance”. Storm surge is
caused primarily by the strong winds from a tropical cyclone (e.g., typhoon) blowing onshore
that creates abnormal “piling” of water as the storm approaches land.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Based on storm surge map of PAGASA (Figure 2-105), storm surge of about 0.66 m was
observed in Manila area south of proposed project site. Storm surges of 1.65 to 2.81 were
also noted along Cavite coastline with the highest storm surge at Cavite City of 2.81 m.

Project Noah compiled storm surge events in the Philippines based on newspaper clippings
and journals. A revised table (Table 2-29) presents the storm surge events that were recorded
in Manila Bay, which includes coastal areas in Cavite fronting Manila Bay. There were twelve
(12) storm surge events that were recorded in Manila Bay from 1589 to 2013 with recorded
storm surge height ranging from 0.6 to 4 m. Storm surge height of 6 m was observed in July
2012, although the occurrence of the 6-m high storm surge was specified for areas in Cavite,
Sorsogon, and other parts of Mindanao (not specifically in Manila Bay).

A storm surge modeling study conducted by Lapidez (2014) included simulations for
selected areas in Leyte, Iloilo and Metro Manila. These areas were included in the storm surge
simulations because of being prone to storm surges and have high in low-elevation coast zone
(LECZ) population density. Results of said study using Typhoon Haiyan with track of Typhoon
Georgia that crossed Manila Bay in 1964 showed that storm surge heights greater than 4 m
could be generated in the coastal areas in Manila and Obando, Bulacan (Figure 2-96), and
that these coastal areas are susceptible to high level of flooding (Figure 2-97). Thus, it follows
that the proposed project site, which is to be located fronting said areas, are also prone to
storm surge with heights greater than 4 m and high level of flooding.

The model used was the Storm Surge Model of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). This
model was developed to simulate and predict the heights of storm surges generated by tropical
cyclones. As discussed in Lapidez, et. al (2014), the model inputs were the typhoon best track
data, domain bathymetry, central atmospheric pressure and maximum wind speed. Typhoon
Haiyan’s pressure and wind speed were inputted as the forcing parameters in the model. In
addition, the FLO-2D two-dimensional flood routing model was used to simulate the storm tide
inundation in the selected priority sites. Input parameters in the FLO-2D included the time
series results from the JMA’s Storm Surge Model and the tide levels from WXTide.

Table 2-29 Storm surges in Manila Bay

Associated Surge
Source Date of
No. Tropical Height Affected Areas Casualties Damage
no. Occurrence
Cyclone (m)
June 29, Unnamed
1 5 Manila Bay
1589 typhoon
August 29, Unnamed Bagumbayan drive
2 5 Manila
1863 typhoon due to inundation;
several houses were
17 ships were
September tossed onto Santa
3 Unnamed Manila Bay
5 20 – 26,
typhoon Lucia and Tondo
October Unnamed
4 5 0.6 Cavite
25,1873 typhoon

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Associated Surge
Source Date of
No. Tropical Height Affected Areas Casualties Damage
no. Occurrence
Cyclone (m)
Western Carolines,
N of Yap,
November Borongan, Samar,
5 5 10 – 23, NE of Romblon, E 16
1923 of Manila, Eastern
coast of Luzon,
Lingayen Gulf,
Balintang Channel
Destroyed $40M
Typhoon Manila Bay,
November property; sank 21
6 1 Yoling 4 southeast coast of
19, 1970 fishing boats near
(Patsy) Luzon
the North Harbor

June 23 – Manila Bay and Several ships
7 9, 10 Konsing 1
25, 1972 Bicol region washed ashore

Bataan and least 10

villages on Manila
8 1 July 2, 1983 Bebeng 4 182 49,000 houses
Bay’s western

Coastal areas of
Manila Bay, Brgys
San Rafael 3 and 4, Damaged the
September Typhoon
Cavite, Brgy. breakwater and
9 6, 7 26 – 28, Pedring 6 12
Pasungol, Santa, seawall along
2011 (Nesat)
Ilocos Sur, and Sta Roxas Boulevard
Rita Aplaya,
Batangas City

Zamboanga del
Norte, Ternate,
Typhoon Cavite, Bulan,
July 30 –
10 2 Gener Sorsogon, and Sitio 214 houses
31, 2012
(Saola) Tinago, Brgy.
Tibpuan, Lebak
Sultan Kudarat

Typhoon Brgy. Mabolo, Naic,

August 22,
11 3, 4 Maring Cavite and Molo 14 houses
(Trami) District, Iloilo

October 11, Typhoon

12 8 Manila Bay
2013 Santi (Nari)

Source: Project Noah website

Effect of Seal Level Rise due to Climate Change. The IPCC (2013) published projections of
sea level rise in the world that are mainly caused by the warming of the ocean (thermal
expansion) and the loss of land-based ice to increased melting. IPCC studies have shown that

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

sea levels are gradually rising in the 20th century and about 70% of the coastlines in the world
will experience sea change within 20% of the sea level. As shown in Figure 2-98, there
appears a significant increase of projected sea level rise in the 21st century relative to the
1980 to 1999 mean.

Studies of sea level rise in Manila Bay pointed out an increase of sea level in the coastal areas
of Manila Bay. Perez et al (1999) showed sea level rise vulnerability map with of 0.3 m (low
estimate) to 1 m (high estimate) increase of sea levels, which would inundate about 2090 and
5555 ha of land in the coastal areas of Manila Bay and Cavite City, respectively (Figure 2-99).

The Marine Environment and Resources Foundation, Inc. (MERF, 2013) noted that there is
an increased of sea level rise in the coasts of Manila and Legaspi between 0.2 to 0. 4 m in
more recent years to the present, which was attributed mainly by climate change effects and
other factors, such as land reclamation and ground subsidence.

Change in Bathymetry/Sedimentation Patterns

Twelve (12) horizontal locations were specified around the proposed project site in order to
determine the time series of cohesive sediment concentrations before and during reclamation
works (Figure 2-100). Simulations were also conducted to determine concentrations of
sediments in Manila Bay considering river inflows during August 2015 and February 2016
including all other input parameters discussed in Sections 0 to 0.

Results of simulated cohesive sediment concentration at twelve (12) horizontal locations

showed abrupt increased of sediment loads from initial concentration level of 8 mg/l to about
60 mg/l during reclamation works in February (Figure 2-101). Higher cohesive sediment
concentrations are found in the vicinities of Obando river. Sediment concentrations also tend
to significantly increase in the vicinities of the project site from the baseline February
simulations (Figure 2-103) during reclamation works (Figure 2-104).

During wet season (August), significant higher concentrations of cohesive sediment

concentrations than February simulations are noted near the river mouths of Obando river
(Figure 2-102) prior to reclamation works. This is highly attributed to the significant increase
of river discharges due with corresponding increase of cohesive sediment concentrations due
to erosion. With the reclamation works, further increases of sediment loads are expected at
almost all areas adjacent the proposed reclamation site, especially near the Obando River
(Figure 2-104 and Figure 2-105). Also noted is the significant increase of sediment loads at
areas near the mouths of all rivers in Manila Bay. Proposed mitigation measures, adaptation, and monitoring program

Mitigation Measures to Reduce Siltation During Reclamation

Although the proposed project site and its vicinities have existing higher siltation rates from
river inflows, reclamation works would likely contribute to further increases of cohesive
sediment concentrations at and in the vicinities of the project site. To maintain the existing
water quality (e.g., TSS) of the project site and vicinities to within its safe and satisfactory
condition, the Revised Water Usage and Classification Criteria of the DENR requires that
concentrations of TSS should not increase by more than 30 mg/l. Thus, mitigation measures

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

should be implemented to mitigate or reduce excessive siltation arising from reclamation


One of the most effective mitigation measures to reduce siltation at nearby areas during
reclamation works is to install silt curtains around the proposed project or dredging areas. Silt
curtains are geotextile materials which minimize sediment transport from a disturbed area near
or adjacent water body (USACE 1997). Silt curtains when properly designed, installed, and
maintained for the project will minimize sediment transport at nearby areas because it limits
transport of sediments within the dredging/reclamation area. The proposed project site is
relatively shallow making it suitable for silt curtains to be installed.

Other effective measure is the early construction of bunds along the boundaries of the project
site, especially along the northwest and southeast boundaries where currents generally move
parallel to the shore. These bunds when completed during the early stage of the reclamation
project would serve as siltation barriers until completion of the project (reclamation). As
compared to silt curtains, it would be an effective mitigation measure especially during wet
season where the proposed project site is exposed to high waves brought by persistent
southwest wind flows. Although silt curtains are effective during relatively calm weather, it may
likely be attached or displaced due to strong winds and waves during inclement weather (e.g.,
typhoons) and persistent southwest winds. The construction of the bunds during the early
stage of the project, however, would require use of silt curtains in order to avoid dispersion of
sediments at nearby areas.

To ensure the effectiveness of the mitigation measures, water quality monitoring should be
regularly conducted during reclamation works. This is to determine possible increases of TSS
with the existing baseline values prior to reclamation works. Water quality monitoring during
wet season should also be conducted to determine background levels prior to reclamation
works. Regular inspection and maintenance of silt curtains and bunds should be conducted to
determine any damages, and to immediately conduct repairs or maintenance, when

Dredging Works to Improve Water Passage

Regular dredging works shall be conducted adjacent the proposed project site, specifically in
the vicinities of the mouths of Obando River and Tangos River, where sediment deposition
from these highly-silted river inflows would constrict waterways and current flows. Further,
dredging works shall regularly be conducted adjacent and at immediate vicinities along the
northwest and southeast project boundaries wherein accretion of sediments is likely due to
the presence of the reclaimed project site.

Climate Change Adaptation Program

Adaptation program on the effects of frequent occurrences of intense tropical cyclones and
related effects (e.g., strong winds and storm surges) in the future could be thought of learning
to live with risks and to reduce such risk that are acceptable to within available resources (Ellis
and Sherman, 2014). Adaptive measures, therefore, are necessary in order to reduce
vulnerability to climate change impact (e.g., storm surges and sea level rise).
The following adaption measures could be considered in order to reduce vulnerability to risks
associated with climate change impacts (e.g., extreme weather events and sea level rise).

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

1) Construction of storm surge barrier is one of the options that may have to be
considered, although this will require thorough engineering analysis to determine its
cost-effectiveness as there are other adaptation measures cited below to reduce risks
from effects of extreme weather events;
2) Design and construct seawalls and levees around the reclamation area capable of
withstanding high wind and wave impacts;
3) Increase the height of the reclaimed area to elevation above the projected sea level
rise increase. Height between 3 to 5 m above highest high water level is
recommended, though this needs further evaluation during final engineering design;
4) Design and construct drainage systems considering possible occurrences of future
extreme rainfall events and frequent high rainfall;
5) Improve building designs, materials to be used, and building standards to withstand
occurrences and recurrences of extreme weather events. Examples are to increase
the height of a) ground floors above levels susceptible to flooding and b) height of
electrical conduits/outlet above ground floor levels;
6) Prepare early warning systems and effective dissemination procedures to inform
residents, workers, and people in the project site including adjacent barangays on the
imminent danger pose by future extreme weather events (e.g., typhoons);
7) Prepare emergency preparedness and evacuation plans in the event of an incoming
extreme weather events (e.g., typhoons) that would likely pass the area and its
vicinities. The proposed project site is located within a zone in which five (5) cyclones
occur within 3 years, and that the frequency of occurrences will likely increase in the
future due to effects of climate change; and
8) Contribute to reducing climate change impact by including in the overall design of the
future project utilization the following, as indicated in the sustainability framework plan
of the project (Source: Pre-feasibility Studies for Navotas Coastal Bay Manila, 2013):

 Optimize use of natural light and mitigate the solar heat gain by including in the
overall project design the results of sun path analysis;

 Use of Best Available Technologies (BAT) in order to reduce the energy use,
maximize energy and water efficiency, and reduce environmental pollution by
significant recycling;

 Examine the use of renewable energy source, such as utilization of solar,

wave/tidal, and wind energy resources to reduce use of electrical energy from
fossil-fired power plants that have high carbon emissions; and

 Recovery of wastewater for toilet flushing as this will reduce the demand of
clean potable water and related costs on the supply of potable water.

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 9 2 S i m u l a t e d i n s t a n t a n e o u s c u r r e n t p a t t e r n s d u ri n g fl o o d ti d e i n F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 6

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 3 1

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 9 3 Si m u l at e d i n st a nt a n e o u s c urr e nt p at t e rn s d u ri n g e b b ti d e i n F e b r u ar y 2 0 1 6

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 3 2

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 9 4 S i m u l a t e d i n s t a n t a n e o u s c u r r e n t p a t t e r n s d u ri n g fl o o d ti d e i n A u g u s t 2 0 1 5

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 3 3

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-95 Historical storm surges in Manila Bay (Source: PAGASA)

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

The model used for the storm surge analysis was the Storm Surge Model of Japan
Meteorological Agency (JMA). This model was developed to simulate and predict the heights
of storm surges generated by tropical cyclones. As discussed in Lapidez, et. al (2014), the
model inputs were the typhoon best track data, domain bathymetry, central atmospheric
pressure and maximum wind speed. Typhoon Haiyan’s pressure and wind speed were
inputted as the forcing parameters in the model. In addition, the FLO-2D two-dimensional flood
routing model was used to simulate the storm tide inundation in the selected priority sites.
Input parameters in the FLO-2D included the time series results from the JMA’s Storm Surge
Model and the tide levels from WXTide.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-96 Predicted storm surge heights (Source: Lapidez et al, 2014)

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-97 Hazard level map (Source: Lapidez et al, 2014)

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-98 Sea level change (Source: IPCC 2013)

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Figure 2-99 Sea level rise vulnerability map (Perez et al, 1999)

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-100 Horizontal locations where time series of cohesive sediment concentrations
are calculated (represented as green circles in the vicinities of the proposed

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-101 Time series of cohesive sediment concentrations in water column a) before
(left) and, b) during (right) reclamation works in February

Figure 2-102 Time series of cohesive sediment concentrations in water column a) before
(left) and b) during (right) reclamation works in August

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-103 Simulated sedimentation patterns prior to reclamation works (February)

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Figure 2-104 Simulated sedimentation patterns during reclamation works (February)

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Figure 2-105 Simulated sedimentation patterns prior to reclamation works (August)

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-106 Simulated sedimentation patterns during reclamation works (August)

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 1 0 7 S i m u l a t e d i n s t a n t a n e o u s c u r r e n t p a t t e r n s d u ri n g fl o o d ti d e a ft e r r e cl a m a t i o n w o r k s ( F e b r u a r y )

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 1 0 8 Si m u l at e d i n st a nt a n e o u s c urr e nt p at t e rn s d u ri n g e b b ti d e aft e r r e cl a m a ti o n w o r k s ( F e b r u a r y)

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Fi g u r e 2- 1 0 9 Si m u l at e d i n st a nt a n e o u s c urr e nt p at t e rn s d u ri n g e b b ti d e aft e r r e cl a m a ti o n w o r k s ( A u g u st )

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 4 8

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.2.3 Water Quality

This section presents the results of the marine water quality baseline study conducted on
March 22, 2016, May 11, 2016 and January 25, 2017. The NAMRIA topographic map was
used for initially identifying the possible locations of water sampling stations. The assessment
of water quality focused on the marine water within the project area. Methodology
In-situ water analysis and water sampling procedures were done following the guidelines
presented in Water Quality Monitoring Manual Volume I: Manual on Ambient Water Quality
Monitoring (EMB-DENR 2008). Ten (10) marine surface water samples were taken from
strategically located sampling stations within the the project area. Parameters tested were:
temperature, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, total
suspended solids (TSS), oil and grease (O&G), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr),
lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and biological oxygen demand (BOD). Another water quality sampling
was conducted last January 25, 2017 to include the following parameters: Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (BOD); Chloride (Cl-); Color (Apparent); Dissolve Oxygen (DO); Fecal
Coliform; Nitrate as Nitrogen (N0 3--N); * Phosphate as Phosphorous (P0 43--P); Ammonia as
Nitrogen (NH3-N); Total Suspended Solids (TSS); Sulfate (S0 42-); Arsenic (As); Cadmium (Cd);
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+); Lead (Pb); Mercury (Hg); Oil and Grease; Sulfactants (MBAS). Results
The guidelines stipulated in DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-08 – Water Quality
Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016 were used in the assessment of the
current status of surface water quality in the study area. Philippine fresh, coastal and marine
waters are classified based on their beneficial use. Based on DENR Memorandum Circular
No. 2010-08, Manila Bay is classified as Class SB.

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Ta ble 2- 3 0 M a ri n e W a t e r Q u alit y S a m pli n g St ati o n s

Date & Time of
Sample ID Coordinates Parameters Location/ Description Site Photos

0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 0' 2 6. 7 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S, W e s t of B ar a n g a y T a n g o s ,

1058 H 1 2 0° 5 5' 3 5. 4" O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr N a v o t a s C it y

S o u t h w e s t of Isl a P ul o,
0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 1' 1. 5 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S,
S2 B ar a n g a y T a n z a, N a v ot a s
1 2 0° 5 5' 1 2. 4" O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr
1431 H Cit y

T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S,
0 3- 2 2-1 6
O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr
1411 H

1 4 ° 4 1' 4 0. 4 ", N o rt h w e s t of Isl a P u l o; S o ut h

1 2 0° 5 4' 3 8. 1" o f N a v ot a s d u m p s it e

Bi oc h e m ic al O xy g e n D e m a n d
(B O D)
C h l or i d e ( Cl-)
0 1- 2 5-1 7
C ol or ( A p p ar e nt )
1354 H D i s s ol v e O x y g e n ( D O )
F e c a l C o lif or m B
N i t r at e a s N i t r o g e n ( N 0 3 - - N )

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Date & Time of

Sample ID Coordinates Parameters Location/ Description Site Photos
* P h os p h at e as P h os p h or o u s
(P 0 4 3-- P)
A m m o n i a a s N itr o g e n ( N H 3 - N )
T o t al S u s p e n d e d S o li d s ( T S S )
S u lf at e ( S 0 4 2 -)
Ar s e nic ( As)
C a d miu m ( Cd)
H e x a v al ent C hr o mi u m ( Cr 6t)
L ead (Pb)
M erc ury (H g)
O il an d Gr e as e
S u lf a c t a n t s ( M B A S )

0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 2' 4 4. 8 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S, S o u t h of T a li pti p, B u l a c a n ;

1 2 0° 5 3' 4 4. 8" O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr W e s t of S al a m b a o, B u l a c a n
1331 H

0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 0' 0. 7 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S, S o u t h w e s t of T a n g o s ,

1 2 0° 5 5' 2 4. 4" O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr N a v o t a s C it y
1128 H

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 1

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Date & Time of

Sample ID Coordinates Parameters Location/ Description Site Photos
Bi oc h e m ic al O xy g e n D e m a n d
(B O D)
C h l or i d e ( Cl-)
C ol or ( A p p ar e nt )
D i s s ol v e O x y g e n ( D O )
F e c a l C o lif or m B
N i t r at e a s N i t r o g e n ( N 0 3 - - N )
* P h os p h at e as P h os p h or o u s
(P 0 4 3-- P)
0 1- 2 5-1 7
A m m o n i a a s N itr o g e n ( N H 3 - N )
1322 H T o t al S u s p e n d e d S o li d s ( T S S )
S u lf at e ( S 0 4 2 -)
Ar s e nic ( As)
C a d miu m ( Cd)
H e x a v al ent C hr o mi u m ( Cr 6t)
L ead (Pb)
M erc ury (H g)
O il an d Gr e as e
S u lf a c t a n t s ( M B A S )

0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 0' 3 4. 2 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S, N o rt h w e s t of T a n g o s ,

1 2 0° 5 4' 4 3. 6" O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr N a v o t a s C it y
1227 H

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 2

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Date & Time of

Sample ID Coordinates Parameters Location/ Description Site Photos

0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 1' 1 2. 3 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S, W e s t of I s l a P u l o, B a r a n g a y

1 2 0 ° 5 4' 3. 8 " O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr T a n z a , N a v ot a s C it y
1238 H

T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S,
0 3- 2 2-1 6
O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr
1319 H

Bi oc h e m ic al O xy g e n D e m a n d
(B O D)
C h l or i d e ( Cl-)
1 4 ° 4 1' 5 6 ", C ol or ( A p p ar e nt ) W e s t of B ar a n g a y T a n z a ,
1 2 0° 5 3' 4 0. 2" D i s s ol v e O x y g e n ( D O ) N a v o t a s C it y

F e c a l C o lif or m B
N i t r at e a s N i t r o g e n ( N 0 3 - - N )
* P h os p h at e as P h os p h or o u s
0 1- 2 5-1 7
(P 0 4 3-- P)
1412 H A m m o n i a a s N itr o g e n ( N H 3 - N )
T o t al S u s p e n d e d S o li d s ( T S S )
S u lf at e ( S 0 4 2 -)
Ar s e nic ( As)
C a d miu m ( Cd)
H e x a v al ent C hr o mi u m ( Cr 6t)
L ead (Pb)
M erc ury (H g)

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 3

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Date & Time of

Sample ID Coordinates Parameters Location/ Description Site Photos
O il an d Gr e as e
S u lf a c t a n t s ( M B A S )

0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 3 9' 4 7. 9 ", T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S, W e s t of D a a n g h a r i, N a v ot a s

1 2 0° 5 4' 3 5. 5" O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr Cit y
1155 H

T e m p, B O D, T S S, C O D, p H, T D S,
0 3- 2 2-1 6 1 4 ° 4 0' 5 9 ", W e s t of I s l a P u l o, B a r a n g a y
S10 O il a n d gr e a s e, A s , C d, P b, H g, Cr
1 2 0° 5 3' 3 1. 7" T a n z a , N a v ot a s C it y
1256 H

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 4

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Date & Time of

Sample ID Coordinates Parameters Location/ Description Site Photos
Bi oc h e m ic al O xy g e n D e m a n d
(B O D)
C h l or i d e ( Cl-)
C ol or ( A p p ar e nt )
D i s s ol v e O x y g e n ( D O )
F e c a l C o lif or m B
N i t r at e a s N i t r o g e n ( N 0 3 - - N )
* P h os p h at e as P h os p h or o u s
(P 0 4 3-- P)
0 1- 2 5-1 7
A m m o n i a a s N itr o g e n ( N H 3 - N )
1432 H T o t al S u s p e n d e d S o li d s ( T S S )
S u lf at e ( S 0 4 2 -)
Ar s e nic ( As)
C a d miu m ( Cd)
H e x a v al ent C hr o mi u m ( Cr 6t)
L ead (Pb)
M erc ury (H g)
O il an d Gr e as e
S u lf a c t a n t s ( M B A S )

Ta ble 2- 31 R e s u l t s o f w a t e r q u ali t y a n a l y s e s f o r m a ri n e w a t e r s

Oil &
Sampling Station BOD TSS COD TDS As Cd Pb Hg Cr6+
pH Grease
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
West of Barangay
S1 583 6 1,487 7.6 35,268 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Tangos, Navotas City
Southwest of Isla Pulo,
S2 Barangay Tanza, Navotas 406 8 1,606 7.5 35,306 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Northwest of Isla Pulo;
S3 South of Navotas 456 21 1,201 7.5 34,135 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 5

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Oil &
Sampling Station BOD TSS COD TDS As Cd Pb Hg Cr6+
pH Grease
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
South of Taliptip,
S4 Bulacan; West of 479 8 1,334 7.6 33,235 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Salambao, Bulacan
Southwest of Tangos,
S5 223 6 517 8 34,103 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Navotas City
Northwest of Tangos,
S6 89 10 127 8.1 35,418 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Navotas City
West of Isla Pulo,
S7 Barangay Tanza, Navotas 99 4 180 8.2 35,111 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
West of Barangay Tanza,
S8 477 7 944 7.9 34,758 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Navotas City
West of Daanghari,
S9 262 2 577 8.2 34,559 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
Navotas City
West of Isla Pulo,
S10 Barangay Tanza, Navotas 334 6 585 8.2 35,007 <1.0 <0.001 <0.003 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01
WQG (Class SB) n/a 50 -- 7.0-8.5 -- 2 0.01 0.003 0.01 0.001 0.05

Ta ble 2- 32 R e s ult s o f a d diti o n al w a t e r q u alit y a n al y s e s f o r m a ri n e w a t e r s

Sampling Station WQG

Parameters Units Method
S3 S5 S8 S10
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 2 5 6 3 n/a mg/L Azide Modification (Dilution Technique)
Chloride (Cl-) 26,126.7 28,691.8 24,131.5 31,257 n/a mg/L Argentometric
Color (Apparent) 5 10 5 10 50 ACU Visual Comparison
Dissolve Oxygen (DO) 4 5 5 5 6 (min) mg/L Iodometric
Fecal Coliform 49 240 350 240 100 MPN/100mL Multiple Tube Fermentation

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 6

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Sampling Station WQG

Parameters Units Method
S3 S5 S8 S10
Nitrate as Nitrogen (N03--N) 0.23 0.24 0.2 0.21 10 mg/L Brucine Sulfate
Phosphate as Phosphorous (P043--P) 0.22 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.5 mg/L Stannous Chloride
Ammonia as Nitrogen (NH3-N) <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 0.05 mg/L Distillation /Titrimetric
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 27 8 6 9 50 mg/L Gravimetric (dried at 103-105 °C)
Sulfate (S042-) 2,516 2,540 2,488 2,399 250 mg/L Gravimetric
Arsenic (As) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.01 mg/L Hydride Generation AAS
Cadmium (Cd) <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 0.003 mg/L Flame AAS
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.05 mg/L Diphenylcarbazide
Lead (Pb) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.01 mg/L Flame AAS
Mercury (Hg) <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.001 mg/L Cold Vapor AAS
Oil and Grease <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 2 mg/L Gravimetric (Petroleum Ether Extraction)
Sulfactants (MBAS) 0.73 0.1 0.66 0.37 0.3 mg/L Methylene Blue

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 5 7

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.2.4 Freshwater Ecology

No freshwater areas will be affected by the project.

2.2.5 Marine ecology Methodology Benthic (corals) community assessment

Table 2-33 and Figure 2-110 show the location of spot dives for coral and reef fish survey
along the coastal waters of Navotas City, Manila Bay conducted on April 4, 2016.

Manta Tow Technique

The manta tow technique was used to provide an overview of the general reef condition of the
sites. This was done by towing an observer behind a motorized outrigger boat (banca) at a
speed of 1.5 to 2.0 knots. The tow path followed the reef edge with observation recorded every
two minutes. Percentage cover of hard coral (HC), dead coral (DC), soft coral (SC), macro-
algae (MA), others (OT) and biotic component (R, RCK, S) observed for the 2-minute tow were
noted. At each interval, the approximate position of the observer was noted by a second
observer (on board) using a global positioning system (GPS). Reef associated fish community assessment

Fish Visual Census

Fish Visual Census (FVC) technique (English, et al., 1997) was used to determine the species
diversity, abundance and biomass in different survey stations. This procedure was done on
the same transects laid for the coral survey. After the line had been laid, observers waited for
about 5-10 minutes before the actual census to allow for the disturbed fish community to return
to their normal behavior. Starting at one end of the line, all fishes within a 5m x 5m imaginary
quadrat were identified up to species level (if possible) and their numbers and estimated sizes
recorded. Observer swam to and briefly stop at every 5-m mark along the line until the transect
line was completed. The faster moving fishes were counted first before the slower ones. Each
transect covers an area of 250 m2 (50m long x 5m width). All fish sizes of major, indicator and
target species were estimated to the nearest centimeter using the total length (TL). Target
species are the commercially-important fishes, coral indicator species are coral-associated,
and major species are those that belong to neither group. Fish density and biomass were then
computed using Reef Sum (Uychiaoco, 2000). Fish biomass was based from the relationship,
W=alb, where W was the weight in grams; a and b were the growth coefficient values taken
from published length-weight data; and L is the length of the fish in cm (English, et al., 1997). Seagrass community assessment

Table 2-34 shows the location of spot dives for seagrass survey along the coastal areas of
Navotas City, Manila Bay conducted on April 4, 2016 while the map is shown in Figure 2-110.

A total of 10 stations in coastal waters of Navotas City, Manila Bay were surveyed within the
primary impact area (Figure 2-110, Table 2-34). No seagrasses were observed in any of these
stations. Freshwater input from multiple streams, high turbidity of the coastal waters, and the

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-158

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

presence of silt and muddy substrate may have prevented the recruitment and growth of
seagrasses in the area. Fisheries and associated invertebrates

The study was conducted in the coastal barangay of Navotas City. Primary data were gathered
through key informant survey. Several male fishers were interviewed as fishing in the
Philippines is normally practiced by males. These fishers were interviewed about their fishing
activities such as fishing gears, catch composition and their fishing ground. Phytoplankton and zooplankton community sampling and analysis

Replicate samples of phytoplankton were collected from the 10 stations using alpha water
bottle (2.2-liter capacity). Composite samples from three relative depths (near surface, mid-
depth and near-bottom) were collected to cover communities on the entire column. Samples
were preserved with Lugol's solution and were allowed to settle in the laboratory. After settling,
phytoplankton samples were decanted and placed in a Sedgewick-Rafter counting chamber.
Samples were identified and enumerated using an inverted microscope. Phytoplankters were
identified down to the lowest taxonomic level. Species counts were expressed as number per
liter (no./L).

Plate 2-8 shows the processing of phytoplankton samples.

Plate 2-8 Sieving, identification and counting of phytoplankton samples using a

compound microscope.

For zooplankton, two vertical tows were undertaken using a zooplankton net with 0.5-meter
(m) mouth diameter and 0.33 mm mesh to collect zooplankton from the 10 sampling stations.
Samples were preserved with 5% neutral formalin. Dye was added to facilitate sorting and
identification. The preserved samples were identified, enumerated, and counted in the
laboratory using a stereomicroscope. Identification was done down to the lowest practical
taxonomic level. Results were expressed in number per cubic meter (no./m 3).

Plate 2-9 shows the collection/sampling of zooplankton samples using a zooplankton net,
while Plate 2-10 shows the sampling and processing of zooplankton samples at the

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-159

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Diversity, species richness and evenness were computed using a Primer E software.

Plate 2-9 Collection/sampling of zooplankton samples

Plate 2-10 Sieving, identification and counting of zooplankton samples using a

compound microscope at the laboratory Benthic macroinvertebrates (soft bottom community) sampling and analysis

Replicate samples were obtained from locations consistent with the stations of marine
plankton survey stations using a grab sampler (Plate 2-11) aboard a motorized boat. Benthic
macroinvertebrates in each sample were identified down to the lowest practicable taxonomic
level and enumerated as much as possible. The motorized boat was anchored at each sample
location, and sample positions were recorded using a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit.

The benthic samples were taken with a portable gravity grab sampler deployed over the side
of the boat. The grab sampler was lowered through the water column with the jaws open and
locked. Benthic samples were then placed in a pre-labeled plastic bag. The grab samples for

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-160

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

faunal analysis were fixed immediately with 10% formalin and brought to the laboratory for
processing. In the laboratory, the samples were wet sieved using different openings. The
collected samples were further sorted and identified in the laboratory using a dissecting
microscope and readily available taxonomic keys. Plate 2-12 shows the processing of

Quantities are expressed as numbers of individuals per square meter (individuals/m 2).

Plate 2-11 Portable sampler and sieve used in the study

Plate 2-12 Sorting, counting and identification of benthic macroinvertebrates under a

stereo microscope

Figure 2-111 shows the sampling map for phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic
macroinvertebrates assessment.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-161

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-110 Map showing the marine resources in the coastal area of Navotas City, Manila Bay, April 4, 2015

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-162

2 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-111 Sampling map for phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic macroinvertebrates assessment.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-163

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Baseline information Benthic (corals) community assessment

No live coral and other benthic organisms were recorded across the ten (10) spot dive stations
(Figure 2-110, Table 2-33). The substrate was usually muddy of about 30 to 70 cm deep (Plate
2-13). This kind of environment is impossible for coral and other benthic organism to survive.
In addition, the water was turbid and the salinity was low considered as the major limiting
factors for coral growth. The 1991 Mt. Pinatubo explosion contributed to the increase in silt
plus the silt coming from the river basin. Layers of silt blanket the bottom substrate making
difficult for coral recruits to settle and propagate. Furthermore, suspended silt reduces light
penetration that is needed for coral growth. Reef associated fish community assessment

The associated reef fishes were also absent across the impact area. In the absence of coral
reefs, it is doubtful for reef fish species to thrive. However, other fish species (e.g., aligasin/
kapak/Mugilidae, kanduli/Plotosidae, kitang/Scatophagidae, buga-ong/Terapontidae), bakoko
(Haemulidae), bangus/Chanidae and others) can thrive in silted and brackish environments.
These species are among the major fish catch in the impact area and along the Manila Bay.

Table 2-33 Location of spot dives for coral and reef fish survey along the shallow
waters of Navotas City, Manila Bay, April 4, 2016
Station No Latitude Longitude Remarks
1 14.673569 120.920790 Muddy/silted
2 14.679554 120.916267 Muddy/silted
3 14.684309 120.910381 Muddy/silted
4 14.691989 120.903448 Muddy/silted
5 14.696256 120.901656 Muddy/silted
6 14.690880 120.909165 Muddy/silted
7 14.687238 120.912818 Muddy/silted
8 14.6830.84 120.917514 Muddy/silted
9 14.680670 120.920857 Muddy/silted
10 14.676450 120.923639 Muddy/silted Seagrass community assessment

A total of 6 spot dive stations were done for seagrass along the impact area (Figure 2-110,
Table 2-34). There was no seagrass species observed in any of these stations. Freshwater
input from multiple streams along the coastal areas bringing silt and turbid water. The
presence of silt and muddy substrate will prevent recruitment and growth of seagrasses

Table 2-34 Location of spot dives for seagrass survey along the impact area
Station No Latitude Longitude Remarks
1 14.678445 120.925315 Muddy/silted
2 14.683590 120.923290 Muddy/silted
3 14.688396 120.918983 Muddy/silted
4 14.691325 120.915279 Muddy/silted
5 14.695950 120.909862 Muddy/silted
6 14.700594 120.905519 Muddy/silted

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-164

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Associated invertebrates

Alimasag (blue crabs), hipon (shrimps), talaba (oyster) and tahong (mussel) were the
dominant Invertebrates and considered as the major fishery catch (Table 2-35). The talaba
and tahong were cultured along the fish corral structures. Small shell locally known as tutukaw
(Plate 2-18) were commonly found in a muddy substrate. However, this species is not
palatable for human consumption because of unwanted muddy odor. Fisheries
Fishing is a major source of livelihood as well as an important way of life to millions of people
living in many coastal areas. The small scale municipal fishery is, however, seriously
threatened and might collapse due to multiple factors such as increasing population, lack of
alternative livelihoods, unregulated and often destructive fishing practices, coastal pollution
and irresponsible coastal development and others (Muallil et al. 2013). Fisheries are generally
acknowledged as under an open access regime (Hardin 1968) where fishing areas are public
entities and hence anyone can harvest the resources without restrictions (Benjamin 2001). In
effect, the resources under this scheme may be susceptible to overharvesting if these are not
placed under any regulating measures. Given the inability of the traditional fishery
management to address collapse of some fisheries worldwide (Bruno et al. 2011), traditional
or rights-based community management framework (Pollnac 1984) is thought to be an
alternative approach.

Majority of the fishers along Navotas coastal areas are generally exploiting the shallow water
of Manila Bay (Plate 2-14, Navotas CLUP 2011). Most of them fish as far as Cavite and
Pampanga areas. Fish coral were among the visible fishing gears observed within the project
adjacent areas (Plate 2-15). These structures were used as fish trap as well as for talaba and
tahong culture structure. Fishing nets were the major fishing gear for catching crabs and fishes
(Plate 2-16). The dominant fish catch were aligasin/kapak (Mugilidae), kanduli (Plotosidae),
kitang (Scatophagidae), buga-ong (Terapontidae), bakoko (Haemulidae), bangus (Chanidae)
and others aside from blue crab (Portunidae). Trawl was also observed within the impact area.
Other fish identified were sap-sap (Slip mouth/Leiognathus sp.), Asohos, (Sillago/ Sillago sp.),
Malakapas (Mojarra/Gerres sp.) and Salinas (Navotas CLUP, 2011).

The average catch rates (± standard deviation) in Manila Bay such as Pampanga
municipalities (i.e., Sasmuan, Lubao and Macabebe) at 3.7±2.3 kg/trip/fisher based in 2014
fisheries survey. The high variability in catch rates, as shown by high standard deviation value,
is normally expected in small-scale fisheries due to its multi-species and multi-gear nature in
addition to the behavioral heterogeniety of fishers. Nearly half of the fishers reported a low
catch rate (41%) based on Mamauag et al. (2013) category of catch rates for small-scale
fisheries all over the country. About 9% reported high catch rates of greater than 8 kg/trip/fisher
while 51% with medium catch rate (3-8kg/trip/fisher). Overall higher catch rates were reported
by gill netters targeting tilapia, shrimp and crabs and other fish such as sardines and Mugilidae
(Banak), Plotosidae (catfish). During high season, normal catch rates are doubled and tripled
with some fishers saying that catches could reach more than 15 kg up to 50 of kg per trip
especially for gill netters in months from January to March. During low season, the majority of
fishers reported catches of less than 1 kg with some saying that their catches are not even
enough to cover for the day's fishing costs.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-165

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Possible displacement of local fishers from their traditional fishing ground due to coastal
development is considered as one of the potential impact of the project. To address this, it is
recommended that the fisher folk that would be affected (if any) would be given priority for any
opportunities (e.g., livelihood). Also, a 20-meter channel shall be established to serve as
access by fisher folks possibly to be affected by the project.

Table 2-35 Fish species and invertebrates caught in the impact and outside the impact
area in Navotas shallow water
English name Family names Scientific names Local names Impact area Outside impact
Mullet Mugilidae Mugil spp. Aligasin/kapak yes yes
Mullet Mugilidae Mugil cephalus Banak yes yes
Herrings Clupeidae Anodontostoma chacunda Kabasi yes yes
Catfish Plotosidae Arius manillensis Kanduli yes yes
Milk fish Chanidae Chanos chanos Bangus yes yes
Grunts Haemulidae Pomadasys argenteus Bakoko yes yes
Spotted scat Scatophagidae Scatophagus argus Kitang yes yes
Grunts Terapontidae Terapon jarbua Bugaong yes yes
Oyster Ostreidae Crassostrea iredalei Talaba yes yes
Mussel Mytilidae Perna viridis Tahong yes yes
Blue crab Portunidae Portunus pelagicus Alimasag yes yes
Shimp Penaeidae Litopenaeus vannamei Hipon yes yes

Table 2-36 Fishing gears and fisheries activities in the impact and adjacent areas
Fishing gear Impact area Outside impact area Total
Fish corral (Baklad) 10 18 28
Lift net (stationary) 0 1 1
Gill net (Lambat) 12 6 18
Trawl 1 0 1
Commercial fishing (anchorage) 0 10 10
Total 23 35 58

Plate 2-13 Muddy substrate and silted water observed in the impact area

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-14 Fishers prepare their nets along the coast

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-15 Fishing activities using (A) fish corral and large fishing boat observed
within the impact and adjacent areas

Plate 2-16 Fishing activities using (A) trawl fishing and (B) fishing nets were observed
within the impact area

Plate 2-17 Two common fish catch (a. Aligasin b. kapak) or Mugil spp. using gill net
along the impact area

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-18 Dominant invertebrate shell found in a muddy substrate

Plate 2-19 Survey team sampling along the impact area Phytoplankton community assessment

Detailed phytoplankton community assessment in the proposed project

Phytoplankton plays an important role in the marine ecology of bays, rivers and reservoirs and
certain assemblages of these organisms are also considered as good indicators of different
environment conditions (e.g. hydrodynamics and trophic state) (Padisak et al., 1999). The
structure of algae communities, determined by indicators such as specific composition, cellular
density, species richness and uniformity, can be used to evaluate the aquatic system quality,
and the specific diversity measurements could constitute an appropriate index to compare
environment conditions (Rosa et al., 1988). These microscopic, single-celled plants are found
in greatest abundance in nearshore coastal areas, typically within the upper 50 m (160 ft) of
the water column.

The name “phytoplankton” consists of two Greek words meaning “plant” (phyto) and
“wanderer” (plankton). There are two major groups of phytoplankton—(1) fast-growing
diatoms, which have no means to propel themselves through the water, and (2) flagellates
and dinoflagellates, which can migrate vertically in the water column in response to light. Each
group exhibits a tremendous variety of cell shapes, many with intricate designs and
ornamentations. All species of phytoplankton are at the mercy of oceanic currents for transport
to areas that are suitable for their survival and growth. Thus, physical processes can play a
significant role in determining the distribution of phytoplankton species. Rapid cell division and
population growth in phytoplankton can produce millions of cells per liter of seawater, resulting
in visible blooms or “red tides” (Langlois, G.W. and Smith, P.).

A total of 29 phytoplankters were identified belonging to class Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) with

thirteen species, Pyrrophyceae (dinoflagellates) with sixteen species, Cyanophyceae (blue-
green algae) with one species, silicoflagellate with two species and a single species of marine

Diatoms were the most diverse and most abundant group in all sampling stations accounting
for 94% of the phytoplankton community (Table 2-37). It was followed by dinoflagellates and
marine ciliate which only constituted about 2% while cyanophyte and silicoflagellate only
comprised 2% of the community respectively. Among the diatoms, the small centric chain

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

forming diatom, Skeletonema was the most abundant accounting for 38%, followed by another
centric diatom, followed by Chaetoceros with 26% and the pennate diatom Pseudonitzschia
with 27% (Figure 2-112, Figure 2-113, Table 2-37).

Diatoms (class Bacillariophyta) are found in marine and freshwater ecosystems as well as
brackish water (Bold, 1978). Diatoms are estimated to be responsible for 20% to 25% of all
the organic carbon fixation, are major sources of atmospheric oxygen, and are a major food
source for aquatic microorganisms and insect larva (anonymous, 1999). Another important
use of diatoms in the biological realm is in water quality testing. Research by Dixit et al (1999)
show that diatoms can be used for present water quality but also used to determine former
water quality and trends over the years. The high reproductive rates of diatoms makes them
respond quickly to environmental changes and many diatom species, as well, have specific
tolerances for water quality.

Among the dinoflagellates, the thecate dinoflagellate, Diplopsalis recorded the highest relative
density with 0.92%. Trichodesmium was the only cyanophyte observed and a marine ciliate of
the genus Litonotus was also observed (Plate 2-20D). The highest recorded mean cell density
of Skeletonema is 285,000 cells/L found in station NVPH6 which in overall has the highest
mean cell abundance with 28,819 cells/L while the lowest was found in station NVPH1 with
only 2,340 cells/L (Figure 2-112, Table 2-37).

The values of various ecological indices derived from each station using the Primer E software
is also shown in Table 2-37. Generally, the Shannon diversity index (H’), whose value is
normally used to indicate the species diversity in a particular area.

In terms of species richness, station NVPH7 has the most number of species with 17 while
station NVPH2, NVPH3 and NVPH4 had the lowest with seven. The computed diversity index
was relatively low ranging from 0.97 to 1.67 which indicates a relatively low diversity with the
highest value observed in station NVPH1 and while the lowest in station NVPH (Figure
2-113,Table 2-37).

The evenness values on the other hand ranges from 0.83 to 0.97 with the highest values found
in station 5 and lowest in station NVPH2 and NVPH3. The Shannon diversity index of all the
stations was below two (<2) which is categorized overall as low based on the Wilhm criteria
(1975) classifying the diversity index <3.0 as low diversity and community stability.

Photomicrographs of common phytoplankton genus/species is shown in Plate 2-20.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-170

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Ta ble 2- 37 P h yt o pl a n kt o n c o m p o siti o n a n d a b u n d a n c e ( c ells / L ) i n N a v o t a s ar e a M a nil a B a y d u ri n g t h e A p ril 4, 2 0 1 6 s a m pli n g


Cyanophyte 495 3,400 1,615 3,360 350 1,105 665 10,990 0.60
Trichodesmium 495 3,400 1,615 3,360 350 1,105 665 10,990 0.60
Diatoms 31,275 12,600 4,600 67,200 135,419 412,342 382,543 80,371 304,664 272,831 1,703,845 93.57
Amphora 300 510 810 0.04
Chaetoceros 5,040 2,200 83,229 11,875 68,000 1,700 122,778 174,167 468,989 25.75
Cymbella 0 0 0.00
Ditylum 380 380 0.02
Melosira 760 960 1,360 855 3,935 0.22
Nitschia 250 0 240 300 790 0.04
Odontella 90 2,430 0 150 2,670 0.15
Pleurosigma 315 1,890 500 1,800 3,570 640 1,900 340 10,955 0.60
Pseudonitzschia 6,345 3,960 2,850 18,300 20,315 113,472 147,000 22,800 78,271 71,589 484,902 26.63
Rhizosolenia 405 11,300 5,440 4,750 3,910 5,795 31,600 1.74
Skeletonema 19,080 3,690 32,400 20,400 285,000 165,143 48,571 97,750 20,425 692,459 38.03
Surirella 630 0 630 0.03
Thalassiosira 700 1,200 1,955 855 560 200 255 5,725 0.31
Dinoflagellates 3,780 360 1,700 9,010 17,480 9,040 8,925 1,045 51,340 2.82
Ceratiumfusus 1,140 1,140 0.06
Ceratiumlineatum 0 285 285 0.02
Dinophysis miles 45 0 285 320 650 0.04
Diplopsalis 630 2,550 7,410 2,480 3,230 475 16,775 0.92
Fragilidinium 340 340 0.02
Gonyaualx scrippsae 340 160 500 0.03
Gonyaulax spinifera 360 0 400 1,020 1,780 0.10
Gymnodinium 0 0 0.00
Gyrodinium 800 340 1,140 0.06
Protoperidinium conicum 540 5,100 665 80 95 6,480 0.36

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 7 1

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct


Protoperidinium pellucidum 1,275 1,275 0.07
Protoperidinium sp 360 1,700 595 1,615 320 4,590 0.25
Protoperidnium latispinum 1,350 0 2,945 3,920 2,210 190 10,615 0.58
Protoperidnium oceanicum 495 3,420 510 4,425 0.24
Prtoperidnium divergins 0 0 0.00
Scrippsiella 360 425 560 1,345 0.07
Protozoan 37,050 13,400 0 50 50,500 2.77
Litonutus 37,050 13,400 0 50 50,500 2.77
Silicolagellate 1,890 600 510 855 450 4,305 0.24
Favella 900 0 350 1,250 0.07
Tintinopsis 990 600 510 855 100 3,055 0.17
Grand Total 37,440 50,010 18,600 68,900 148,339 432,292 394,943 81,221 314,694 274,541 1,820,980 100
Mean Abundance 2,340 7,144 2,657 9,843 5,705 28,819 23,232 6,768 20,980 27,454
Richness 16 7 7 7 14 15 17 12 15 10
Evenness 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.70 0.57 0.36 0.44 0.44 0.49 0.42
Diversity 1.67 0.98 0.98 1.37 1.50 0.98 1.24 1.11 1.34 0.97

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 7 2

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-20 Photomicrographs of dominant phytoplankton species (A) Skeletonema

spp. (B) Chaetoeros spp. (C) Diplopsalis spp (D) Litonutos spp. and potentially toxic
phytoplankton species (E) Dinophysis miles (F) Pseudonitzschia spp. observed in Navotas
area of Manila Bay during the April 4, 2016 sampling

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Percent Compostion 90% Rhizolenia spp.
80% Thalassiosira spp.
60% Pleurosigma spp.
50% Odontella spp.
30% Litonutos sp.
0% Other dinoflagellates
Diplopsalis spp.
Other diatoms

STATIONS Chaetoceros spp.

Figure 2-112 Percent composition of important phytoplankton genus observed in 10

stations in Navoatas, Manila Bay, April 4, 2016

Figure 2-113 Top 5 Phytoplankton Species Observed Over the 10 (510) Stations in
Navotas City, Manila Bay, on April 4, 2016

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-174

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Historical occurrence of red tide, fish kill or any related event in Manila Bay

Redtide is a marine phenomenon that poses great risk to the health and economic livelihood
of people in coastal areas. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) develops when a person
consumes molluscs containing toxic dinoflagellates and suffers neurological and/or
gastrointestinal manifestations. Red tide is a natural coastal phenomenon in many parts of the
world. It refers to the visible red-brown discoloration in the sea brought about by sudden
population growth of minute marine organisms called dinoflagellates (Hartigan-Go, K.Y.,

From 1983 to 2001, a total of 42 toxic outbreaks have resulted in a total of 2,107 paralytic
shellfish poisoning cases with 117 deaths. Earlier, only a few coastal areas of the country were
affected in scattered locations, but today, this has grown to a total of 20 coastal areas.

During the 1991 Pyrodinium red-tide outbreak in Manila Bay, around 38,500 fisher folks were
displaced from their livelihood due to the red tide scare (Environmental Monitor 2003). A total
of 66 cases of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) and 8 deaths were reported by Department
of Health (DOH) in 1991 (Hartigan-Go, K.Y., 1991). An Inter-Agency Committees on
Environmental Health chaired by the Department of Health (DOH) created the National Red
Tide Task Force (NRTTF) composed of different government agencies and academic
institutions chaired by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Department of
Agriculture (DA) was formed in response to the red-tide phenomenon.

The National Red Tide Task Force (NRTTF) is mandated to monitor toxic red tides in our
country. This is to protect the public from the illness and death caused by the red tide toxin
and also to mitigate its negative impact to the shellfish industry. A regular issuance of the red
tide update is also being undertaken (

As early as 1988, a Red Tide Monitoring Programme was in place at the Manila Bay by DA-
BFAR. The two major components of this programme are to conduct phytoplankton
surveillance, and if there is suspicion of toxicity, to then proceed with shellfish toxicity

In the study conducted by Chang et al in 2009, Manila Bay is thought to be highly eutrophicated
with high Nitrogen concentration particularly Ammonium. Among phytoplankton, the centric
diatom, Stephanopyxis spp. were dominant, and they occupied 44% of total phytoplankton
biomass. The small Cyclopoida Oithona spp. Occupied 42% of total mesozooplankton
abundance. Consequently, the plankton community of Manila Bay showed a structure
composed of higher microbial activity and primary production but lower secondary production,
particularly with lower mesozooplankton abundances. Zooplankton community assessment

Detailed zooplankton community assessment in the proposed project

A total of 18 zooplankton groups were observed from samples taken from ten stations
combined (Table 2-38). The zooplankton community was represented by eleven major
zooplankton groups namely copepods (cyclopoid, calanoid, harpacticoid, nauplius and
copepodite), larvaceans, heterepods, cladoeceran, chaetognaths, foraminiferans,

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-175

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

polychaetes (adult and trocophore) bivalve veliger, hydromedusae larvae, turbillarian and
unidentified eggs (Figure 2-114).

In particular, the larval zooplankton forms constituted 53% of the total zooplankton density. Of
which, the copepod nauplii and copepodite forms alone accounts for nearly 40% making was
the most abundant larval form of zooplankton. They are also among the most widely
distributed group found at high density in most sampling station (8 stations in particular). Adult
form of zooplankton, on the other hand, accounted for nearly 47% of the total density of
zooplankton. Of these calanoid copepod account for 22% making it the most abundant adult
zooplankton form (Figure 2-115). This is followed by cyclopoid copepod accounting for about
13% (Figure 2-115).

Ecologically, Turner (2004) stated that these dominant groups serve as important links in
marine food webs, serving as major grazers of phytoplankton, as components of the microbial
loop, and as prey for ichthyoplankton and other larger pelagic carnivores.

Photomicrograph of the dominant zooplankton group is shown in Plate 2-21.

The other important groups of zooplankton include the larvaceans (8%), and unknown
zooplankton egg. Twelve other groups make up the rest of the zooplankton composition each
contributing at less than 10%. The highest mean individual density was recorded in Station
NVZP5 and lowest at NVZP3.

In terms of species richness, station 4 recorded the highest with 16 while station NVZP1 and
NVZP5 while station NVZP2 and NVZP3 had the lowest both with 2 respectively. The index of
species diversity (H’) for zooplankton varied little across stations (1.02-1.84) (Table 2-38). The
index of evenness is quite variable (0.58-0.91). The lowest measured index of evenness and
diversity indicated the presence of very abundant group during the survey which is the
copepod nauplii and copepodite.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-176

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Ta ble 2- 38 Z o o pl a n kt o n c o m p o siti o n a n d a b u n d a n c e i n N a v o t a s ar e a, M a nil a B a y d u ri n g t h e A p ril 4, 2 0 1 6 s a m pli n g


Adult forms 358,729 315,278 202,101 147,130 2,875,609 941,329 885,876 121,261 203,545 577,201 6,628,058 46.87
Adult polychaete 2,887 2,887 0.02
Calanoid 85,893 121,261 80,840 67,906 1,846,626 139,623 437,886 64,672 67,848 233,629 3,146,184 22.25
Chaetognaths 15,158 33,684 8,246 57,087 0.40
Cladoceran 24,252 6,737 30,989 0.22
Cyclopoid 191,996 45,271 838,431 162,143 333,467 32,336 112,599 90,703 1,806,945 12.78
Foraminiferans 194,017 121,261 315,278 2.23
Harpacticoid 5,053 38,110 108,095 10,105 8,661 8,246 178,270 1.26
Larvacean 50,525 33,953 128,190 531,468 63,999 24,252 11,549 236,377 1,080,313 7.64
Turbellarian 10,105 10,105 0.07
Larval forms 505,253 121,261 101,051 995,954 1,710,814 1,499,821 1,364,182 315,278 150,132 750,361 7,514,105 53.13
Barnacle nauplius 10,105 33,953 20,788 22,520 10,105 4,331 10,994 112,795 0.80
Bivalve veliger 155,214 6,737 16,168 2,887 68,714 249,720 1.77
Crustacean zoae 30,315 48,504 130,615 6,737 17,323 21,989 255,483 1.81
Heteropod 25,263 20,788 13,512 59,562 0.42
Hydromedaue larvae 25,263 48,504 80,840 154,607 1.09
Nauplius 338,519 72,756 20,210 169,765 1,320,009 1,301,646 1,340,604 299,110 121,261 643,166 5,627,045 39.79
Polychaete trocophore 75,788 22,635 41,575 9,008 4,331 153,337 1.08
Salp larvae 5,497 5,497 0.04
Unidentified egg 769,601 103,938 22,520 896,058 6.34
Grand Total 863,982 436,538 303,152 1,143,083 4,586,423 2,441,150 2,250,058 436,538 353,677 1,327,561 14,142,163 100
Mean Abundance 71,998 109,135 75,788 163,298 382,202 244,115 225,006 87,308 35,368 132,756
Richness 12 4 4 7 12 10 10 5 10 10
Evenness 0.74 0.91 0.90 0.58 0.62 0.63 0.51 0.63 0.69 0.65
Diversity 1.84 1.26 1.25 1.13 1.54 1.44 1.17 1.02 1.58 1.49

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 7 7

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Percentage Composition 90%
Other larval forms
Barnacle nauplus
Polychate trocophore
Hydromedusae larvae
Other adult forms
20% Unidentified egg

10% Nauplius

0% Larvacean

Figure 2-114 Percent composition of common zooplankton group observed in 10 stations

in Navotas area , Manila Bay during the April 4, 2016

Figure 2-115 Top 5 zooplankton species observed over the 10 (10) stations in Navotas
City, Manila Bay, on April 4, 2016

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-178

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-21 Photomicrographs of common zooplankton groups observed in Navotas area,

Manila Bay during the sampling period. (A) Calanoid copepod (B) Cyclopoid
copepod (C) Nauplius (D) Larvacean

Plankton observed in 10 sampling stations were species commonly found in tropical marine
environment. There were no rare or endemic zooplankton species recorded during this
sampling. Generally, phytoplankton abundance and growth depends on factors like nutrients,
light attenuation, water movement and grazers (Reynolds 2006). Manila Bay, a highly
eutrophic embayment (Chang et al 2009), incidences of hypoxia and anoxia, frequency
blooms of harmful microalgae and persistent red tides (Jacinto et al 2006; Azanza et al 2004)
are commonly occur. In this survey, high concentration of phytoplankton was generally
observed similar to previous sampling in the bay (Azanza and Miranda 2001). In particular,
Station NVPH1, located near the mouth of Navotas River harbored the high number of
phytoplankton species. However, the high number of foraminiferans that were found in station

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

NVPH2 can explain why this area serves as habitat for crabs in which serves as their foods.
A study conducted by Comoglio et al (1999) showed that foraminiferans serve as natural food
diet of crabs. The most abundant phytoplankton species particularly Skeletonema was found
at Station NVPH5 which explain why this area had high concentration of zooplankton grazers
i.e. calanoid and cyclopoid copepods which then serves as food to higher trophic level (i.e
planktivorous fishes) possibly indicates why this area serves as good fishing ground as
reflected by several motorized banca with fish nets observed during the sampling period.
Stations NVPH2 and NVPH3 had the lowest number of phytoplankton species observed and
also among that has the lowest diversity index in the site. The relatively shallow depth of the
area explains why phytoplankton community here is less diverse and almost an absence of
dinoflagellates which since they generally favors a deeper stratified water. Also, the
occurrence of a marine ciliate of the genus Litonutus abundant in these stations is indicative
of poor water conditions (Zhou et al 2006). The site is also located along the canal/tunnel
going to Navotas reclamation area. A high concentration of bivalve veliger was observed in
station NVPH5 and NVPH10 also indicate a good recruitment habitat which reflects to good
fishing ground and presence of shellfish (Perna viridis) farming in the area.

The potentially harmful phytoplankton found during this sampling period are Pseudonitzschia
spp and Dinophysis miles. Some species of Pseudonitzschia is capable of producing toxins
associated with Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) while Dinophysis miles is known to
produce okadaic acid, toxin associated with Diarhhetic Shellfish Poisoning (FAO,2000).
Although identification of Pseudoniztschia to species level is crucial, it is not possible for this
analysis since imaging need more powerful microscope. A high density of Pseudonitzschia
was observed during the sampling period with cell densities reaching up to 1.47 x 105 cells/L
particularly in station NVPH7. Similar to the reports of Bargu et al (2012) where
Pseudonitzschia bloom that can reach up to 105 cells/L. Although some species are toxic,
there are no documented reports of ASP poisoning in Manila Bay so threat due to this
organism is minimal. Pyrodinium bahamense, a toxic dinoflagellate with long history of harmful
algal bloom in Manila bay was not found during the sampling period.

Generally, there is insufficient information on the direct and indirect effects of suspended
sediment plume during reclamation on planktonic communities to judge/assess with certainty
the impacts on planktonic activities found in the site. The increased load of suspended solids
would reduce light penetration which then reduces depth of photosynthetic activity by the
phytoplankton. Also, high sediment loads would reduce the grazing success of zooplankton.
However, it is important to note that increase in turbidity can be also cause by natural process
such as storms or typhoons and turbulent waves during monsoons. Plankton communities are
resilient and population could be replenished from other parts of Manila Bay due to water
circulation and current system. Benthic macroinvertebrates (soft bottom) community assessment

The taxonomic listing, abundance and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates observed
over the five established sampling stations established at the project site is presented in Table

Figure 2-116 shows the Relative Abundance (RA) of benthic macroinvertebrates Phyla in the
ten stations located in the vicinities of the project site in Manila Bay, Navotas City. RA is the
ratio of individuals in a certain taxon to the total number of individuals of all taxa which is

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

affected by various factors. A community dominated by relatively few species could indicate
environment stress (Plafkin et al., 1989 in ESS Group, Inc. (2001)). High percent contribution
by a taxon generally indicates community imbalance (Bode, 1988).

Seventeen (17) representatives/taxa were recorded under five (5) Phyla and seven (7)
Classes respectively.

The results from this survey demonstrate that the benthic communities within the Manila Bay
Study Area are primarily made up of polychaetes (PhylumAnnelida). The most striking feature
of the results is the abundance of the representative species Family Nereididae within nearly
all of the stations sampled.

The annelids (Phylum Annelida) were the most dominant of the benthic population by Phylum
with RA of 76%, followed by mollusks (Phylum Mollusca) with RA of 13.00%. The third most
dominant benthic macroinvertebrates are the arthropods with 5% followed by Phylum
Nemertea, Annelida and Cnidaria with 2% RA, respectively.

The annelids, completely dominated by the Class Polychaeta (polychaetes), are comprised of
8 Families and Class Echiura. The most dominant annelids were representatives of Family
Nereidae with 30%, followed by Family Nereidae with 4.65%, Family Spionidae (21%) and
Family Nephtyidae (6%), Amphinomidae and Syllidae (3%). The least species with RA of
0.76% are Families of Goniadidae and Glyceridae, respectively (Table 2-39).

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-181

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct

Ta ble 2- 39 Taxonomic listing, abundance and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates sampled at Navotas City, Manila Bay, April 4, 2016
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria 91 91 1.52
Phylum Nemertea
Class Rynchocoela 45 91 136 2.27
Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta
Family Spionidae 136 545 45 91 45 182 45 182 1273 21.21
Family Capitellidae 91 91 136 318 5.30
Family Amphinomidae 45 136 182 3.03
Family Nephtyidae 227 45 45 45 364 6.06
Family Syllidae 91 91 182 3.03
Family Nereidae 182 727 273 45 545 1773 29.55
Family Goniadidae 45 45 0.76
Family Glyceridae 45 45 0.76
Class Echiura 318 182 500 8.33
Phylum Mollusca
Class Pelecypoda
Family Tellinidae 227 91 318 5.30
Family Mytilidae 364 364 6.06
Family Veneridae 45 45 0.76
Class Gastropoda
Family Cerithiidae 45 45 0.76
Phylum Arthropoda

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 8 2

E n v i r o n m e n t a l Im p a c t St a t e m e n t
N a v o t a s C o a s tal B a y R e cl a m a ti o n P r o je ct


Subclass Crustacea
Class Malacostraca
Order Amphipoda
Gammaridae 91 182 273 4.55
Order Decapoda
Family Pinnotheridae 45 45 0.76
TOTAL 1,591 409 1,500 318 136 182 136 1,273 45 409 6,000 100.00
Mean Abundance 122 102 375 159 68 61 136 318 45 82 353

Richness 13 4 4 2 2 3 1 4 1 5 17

A n a lysis of K e y E n vir o n m e n t al I m p a cts • P a g e 2- 1 8 3

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2% 2% 2%



Phylum Annelida Phylum Mollusca Phylum Arthropoda

Phylum Nemertea Phylum Annelida Phylum Cnidaria

Figure 2-116 Relative abundance of soft-bottom communities by phylum over the ten
sampling stations in Manila Bay, Navotas City on April 4, 2016

Again, from Table 2-39 and Figure 2-117, the benthic community was most abundant at
Station NVBN 1 with 1,591 individuals/m 2. Station NVBN 2 was second with a total density of
1,500 individuals/m 2 followed by Station NVBN 8 with 1,273 individuals/m 2. The lowest density
was observed at Station NVBN 9, with 45 individuals/m 2.










Figure 2-117 Total Mean Densiy of Soft-bottom Communities Over the Ten Sampling
Stations in Manila Bay, Navotas City on April 4, 2016

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Station NVBN 1 is the most abundant in terms of total number of taxa/species (richness) with
13 groups/species followed by Station NVBN 10 with 5. Stations NVBN 2, NVBN 3 and NVBN
8 recorded 4 groups/species. and 12 taxon/species. Stations NVBN 7 and NVBN 9, recorded
only one group/species.

Figure 2-118 shows the top five benthic macroinvertebrates species observed at Manila Bay
during the April 4, 2016 sampling. From the ten stations sampled, representatives from Family
Nereidae emerged as the most dominant in all stations with 29.55% RA. Representatives from
Family Spionidae ranked second with a 21.21% RA. This was followed by representatives
from Class Echiura, ranking third, with 8.33% RA. Representatives from Families Mytilidae
and Nepthyidae ranked fourth in terms of total mean density having a 6.06% RA apiece.
Family Capitelidae ranked fifth with 5.30% RA. Other benthic macroinvertebrates (11
species/groups) contributed 23.48% RA.

24% Family Nereidae


6% Family
Mytilidae Class Echiura Spionidae
6% 8% 21%

Figure 2-118 Top 5 benthic macroinvertebrates species/taxa observed over the five (5)
stations in Batangas Bay, Brgy. Simlong, Batangas City on October 29, 2015

Meiobenthic organisms, because of their contact with sediments, their relative abundance,
their ubiquity, and sedentary nature, are considered to be good bioindicators of the long-term
environmental status of sediments contaminated by hydrophobic organic micropollutants
(Louati et al 2014).

The first and second most dominant benthic macroinvertebrates are from Family Nereididae
(Class Polychaeta) (formerly spelled Nereidae) and Spionidae, are a family of polychaete
worms. They may be commonly called ragworms or clam worms. Ragworms are
predominantly marine organisms. They are commonly found in all water depths, foraging in
seaweeds, hiding under rocks or burrowing in sand or mud. Ragworms are important food

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

sources for a number of shore birds (wikipedia). The Family Nereididae is one of the most
diverse and abundant taxa among benthic families both in marine and brackish water
ecosystems. Its representatives play important roles in the energy transfer within a given
ecosystem as customers of plants and small invertebrates, or as prey of many benthic
animals. Apart from their ecological importance, they are widely used by humans as bait for
fish or as the live diet of cultured animals such as fish.

The genus Polydora (Polychaeta, Spionidae) includes many species well known for their
activity as borers. They often become harmful invaders by reducing the growth rate and meat
yield of, or inducing the mortality of commercially important mollusk species (Sato-Okoshi, et
al, 2013).

Plate 2-22 shows the photomicrographs of Family Nereididae (Class Polychaeta) and

Plate 2-22 Photomicrographs of Family Nereididae (upper photo) and Spionidae

(lower photo) observed in Navotas area, Manila Bay during the sampling period

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Polychaetes from the families Nereididae and Dorvilleidae are suitable for assessing the
toxicity of sediments. They are good monitors of the presence and bioaccumulation potential
of anthropogenic compounds such as PCBs, PAH and metal organic complexes as the
polychaetes accumulate deleterious materials within their tissues in concentrations
proportional to concentrations found in the environment. Species of Nereidae and Nephytidae
are accepted as indicators of early successional phases of environmental discovery after
pollution has been abated (Pearson & Rosenberg, 1978 in Introworms.html).

The third most abundant benthic fauna are called “spoon worms” or Echiurans (Class Echiura).
Spoon worms are worms belonging to Phylum Echiura. Some scientists place them in Phylum
Annelidae like the more familiar earthworm. Spoon worms are not segmented like other
annelids. There are only about 150 species of spoon worms, but they can be quite common
in some marine ecosystems. Echiurans may be important food for some fishes. In a study of
Leopard sharks off California, large, meaty spoon worms were found to be their favorite food.
Most are deposit feeders, collecting edible bits from the bottom of the sea. They do this by
placing the prostomium against the surface and forming a kind of gutter over the surface. Tiny
hairs on the surface of the prostomium bring edible bits to the mouth. Echiurans are exclusively
marine and they are mostly infaunal, occupying burrows in the seabed.

Plate 2-23 shows the photomicrograph of Class Echiura.

Plate 2-23 Photomicrograph of a representative species from Class Eciura observed in

Navotas area, Manila Bay during the sampling period

The fourth most dominant benthic macroinvertebrates are representatives from Family
Mytilidae. The Mytilidae are a family of small to large saltwater mussels, marine bivalve
mollusks in the Order Mytiloida. Mussel is the common name used for members of several
families of clams or bivalve molluscs, from saltwater and freshwater habitats.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Perna viridis (P. viridis), commonly known as Asian green mussel or tahong, is one of the
marine resources that is harvested in the coastal areas of Manila Bay. Green mussels
generally grow on hard surfaces, and is said to be invasive for its wide range of tolerance.
However, a recent report showed that there is a decline in the population of this aquatic
species. According to DENR (2004), the decline in mollusk production is attributed to the high
levels of heavy metals, oil and grease, and suspended solids in Manila Bay. This problem in
green mussel population tremendously affects the livelihood of people living in the coastal
areas of the bay which rely mostly on fisheries and aquaculture. As a common and affordable
food and rich source of iodine, green mussels are available in the local markets in the cities
and municipalities around Manila Bay.

Plate 2-24 shows the photomicrograph of a representative from Family Mytilidae.

Plate 2-24 Photomicrograph of a representative species from Family Mytilidae

observed in Navotas area, Manila Bay during the sampling period

The fifth most dominant benthic macroinvertebrates are representatives from Family
Nephtyidae. Nephtyidae is a taxonomic family of worms. They are commonly referred to as
catworms. Nephtyids are active predators, with a strong muscular proboscis, armed with two
well-developed jaws. They can dig relatively fast through sandy sediments. They can also
swim with sinuous movements. Nephtyids are important in the diet of demersal predatory

Plate 2-25 shows the photomicrograph of a representative from Family Nepthyidae.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Plate 2-25 Photomicrograph of a representative species from Family Nepthyidae

observed in Navotas area, Manila Bayz during the sampling period

Another dominant benthic macroinvertebrates are representatives from Family Capitellidae.

They are pollution tolerant polychaetes species. Thread-like sediment dwellers that live in
unlined, rambling burrows and are considered to be relatively non-selective particle feeders.
Capitellid worms are long, fragile, and difficult to collect intact. Locally very dense around
organic effluent discharges. The Capitellidae found in many sediment types, often in high
abundance, from the intertidal to the deep-sea. Most live in mucous-lined tubes or burrows
(Blake 2000) and they are generally regarded as non-selective deposit feeders. There is
evidence, however, that at least a few species may exhibit some selection of food material
(Fauchald & Jumars 1979). Many species (for example the Capitella capitata species
complex) are opportunistic and have been recommended in the past as indicator organisms
for environmental disturbances such as pollution (Reish 1957, 1979; Grassle & Grassle 1974,
1976). Pearson & Rosenberg (1978) as well as Warren (1991) point out, however, that rich
abundances of such opportunists as C. capitata may reflect high organic enrichment,
regardless of its cause (in Dean, H.K., 2001).

Plate 2-26 shows the photomicrograph of a representative from Family Capitellidae.

Plate 2-26 Photomicrograph of a representative species from Family Nepthyidae

observed in Navotas area, Manila Bay during the sampling period

Photomicrographs of the other benthic macroinvertebrates observed in Manila Bay, Navotas

City are shown in Plate 2-27 and Plate 2-28.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Rhynchocoela Amphinomidae

Goniadidae Glyceridae

Plate 2-27 Photomicrographs of other benthic macroinvertebrates observed in

Navotas area, Manila Bay during the sampling period

Syllidae Actiniaria

Veneridae Cerithiidae

Plate 2-28 Photomicrographs of other benthic macroinvertebrates observed in

Navotas area, Manila Bay during the sampling period Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation or enhancement

Impact assessment

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-190

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Expectedly, the key impacts of the proposed Reclamation Project in Navotas City on the
marine ecosystems (i.e., shellfish, plankton and soft-bottom communities) would be the likely
increase in sediment load of reclamation materials. Many of the organisms living in the top
substrate (benthic macrofauna) are not able to tolerate the disturbance experienced during
reclamation. These organisms would be adversely affected by the reclamation works as,
unlike mobile species (e.g. fishes), they are unable to migrate from the site when the
reclamation commences. Reclamation operations could have adverse impacts on both marine
water quality and ecology unless otherwise controlled. As reported in Environmental impacts
of land reclamation: a case study of the proposed Lantau Port Development (Chan et al, 2000),
the following are the potential impacts in relation to water quality:

 Removal of habitat
 Entrainment of organisms during dredging
 Increased suspended sediment
 Increase level of nutrients
 Increased turbidity
 Depletion of dissolved oxygen

The potential impacts to marine ecological resources may arise during the reclamation. They
may be derived from direct disturbance to the habitat and indirect disturbances through
changes to key water quality parameters.

Direct impacts mainly come from habitat loss of areas proposed to be reclaimed at Manila Bay
Navotas City area. According to the proposed reclamation works plan, potential habitat loss
will occur by reclaiming areas of intertidal habitat of low ecological value and soft-bottom
subtidal habitat of low ecological value.

If a carefully-designed silt management scheme would not be put in place, the adjacent coastal
habitats could be adversely affected. The expected deterioration of the water quality
particularly in the vicinity of the project site could impact on the composition and abundance
of marine organisms. If such deterioration in coastal water quality would approximate the
present condition then, the species composition and abundance of marine organisms might
also significantly decrease. It is therefore strongly recommended that a well-designed silt-
control scheme should be implemented to prevent silt and/or coarser sediment from being
discharged into the coastal waters. In addition, silt-control measures, the existing stretch of
should be protected and even enhanced to further mitigate the residual sediment load of the

Possible displacement of local fishermen from their traditional fishing grounds due to
establishments of the reclamation area is considered as a potential issue in the
implementation of this Project due to the consideration that Manila Bay is as a major fishing
ground by local artisanal fisher folks.

In relation to the benefits of the reclamation to the ecology of Metro Manila, there is insufficient
information on the direct and indirect effects of suspended sediment plume during reclamation
on planktonic communities to judge assess with certainty the impacts on planktonic activities
found in the site. The increased load of suspended solids would reduce light penetration which
then reduce depth of photosynthetic activity by the phytoplankton. Also, high sediment loads
would reduce the grazing success of zooplankton. However, it is important to note that

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

increase in turbidity can be also cause by natural process such as storms or typhoons and
turbulent waves during monsoons. Plankton communities are resilient and population could
be replenished from other part of Manila Bay due to water circulation and current system.

For planktonic organisms, there is no direct benefit of reclamation on their ecology but the
impacts are expected to be negligible and only for the duration of the construction. Although
planktonic communities are episodically exposed turbid waters during bad weather or waves
caused monsoon winds, they would be generally negatively affected by overflow of material
released during reclamation activities. The overflow material released during infilling and the
sediments disturbed during piling would increase the turbidity of the water column. This would
subsequently result to low light penetration affecting photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton
and thus affecting the primary production in the area. On the other hand, Zooplankton most
from larval stages of benthic species and fishes are also generally adapted to episodic high
levels of suspended sediments. In addition, they also have shorter life cycle and there are
studies that showed that their recovery to stressful environmental conditions could be relatively
quick (Clarke & Wilbur 2000).

In Manila Bay, elevated nutrient levels originate from sewage discharges, agricultural and
aquaculture runoffs. Expanding urban area increased sewage discharges into the bay. Miller
et al. (2011) studied these sources of nutrient in Manila Bay and the rivers discharging into it
by isotopic analysis of nitrogen.

Manila Bay is considered to be highly eutrophicated (Chang et al., 2009), which may cause to
hypoxia and have significant effects on the species composition.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water column is vital for most marine organisms, hence low
levels of DO is detrimental for these species. These low levels may be caused by
decomposition of organic material, nitrification, and sediment oxygen demand as well as high
levels of total organic carbon in surface sediments, and high nitrate and phosphate
concentrations which instigate phytoplankton activity (Jacinto et al., 2011). The depletion of
DO to levels below 2.8 mg/L is named as hypoxia. Studies in Manila Bay show that in general
the DO levels are low near the bottom, highest levels being close to the mouth of the bay and
lowest on the northwest (Chang et al., 2009).

Because of the present water quality condition in the Manila Bay Navotas Area, the
proposed project will not affect the instruction of the Supreme Court “Continuing
Mandamus” making the water of Manila Bay into ‘SB classification”.

Impact mitigation

The coral reefs, associated reef fishes and seagrasses in the impacted areas were absent.
The water is turbid and the salinity is very low, which are the limiting factors for coral and
seagrass growth. Layers of silt blanket the bottom substrate making it difficult for coral recruits
and seagrass to settle and propagate. Furthermore, suspended silt reduces light penetration.
This kind of environment is impossible for coral and other benthic to survive. There were no
important species and habitats in the proposed project.

The following matrix shows the significant impacts and recommended mitigation for marine
ecology (plankton and benthic macroinvertebrates (soft-bottom fauna) communities).

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Key Impacts Recommended Mitigation

Pre-construction phase
Pre-construction activities will not cause any environmental impact to the aquatic flora and fauna of
the direct, primary and regional impact zones.
Reclamation phase
Potential oil contamination of the water bodies.

Maintenance of heavy equipment/vehicles generate oil The project shall be equipped with oil-
and oily wastewater. Oil Could leak from heavy water separator to remove oil from
equipment machinery and trucks/vehicles used at the effluents prior to discharge to the water
project site. bodies.

Accidental, but substantial, oil spill from the used oil

storage facility could cause formation of thin film of oil on
water surface. This film could inhibit gaseous exchange
between lifeforms in the water and the atmosphere.

Ingestion of oil may also have short and long-term effects

on certain marine species of fishes and benthic
macrofauna. Oil can clog gills and suffocate fish. Oil
coated phytoplankton and macrophytes may not be able
to obtain energy from the sun for photosynthesis. Oil can
kill plankton/ larva. Some oil can be consumed by
plankton and larva and can be transferred through the
food chain to kill juvenile fish.

The presence of oils in the sea water could create

adverse effects on alga, microproducers and benthic
fauna, depending on the extent, frequency and duration
of contamination.

Potential increase in turbidity of water bodies.

Unmanaged spoils/earthworks can contribute to turbidity The Contractor will be required to comply
of the river system. This can affect or harm the aquatic with the Company’s TOR, which include
flora/fauna in the water bodies. among others, the Civil Works
Guidelines. This will ensure proper
management of spoils and will
prevent/minimize sedimentation and
water pollution around the construction
Construction of sediment/settling pond(s)
and related structure(s) would mitigate
massive siltation/sedimentation of the
water bodies.
Application of other appropriate BMPs to
protect the easements of the water
Post Reclamation Decommissioning phase
Potential oil contamination of the water bodies. Strict implementation of corporate good
housekeeping and safety procedures.
Potential increase in turbidity of water bodies. Strict implementation of corporate good
housekeeping and safety procedures.
Operation phase

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Key Impacts Recommended Mitigation

Potential increase in turbidity of water bodies. Strict implementation of corporate good
housekeeping and safety procedures.

Potential oil contamination of the water bodies. Strict implementation of corporate good
housekeeping and safety procedures.

Proper handling, storage and disposal of

used/waste oil will be implemented.

Possible displacement of local fishers Provision of livelihood assistance,

All fish corals “baklad” in the impacted

zone should be paid and provision of
fishers with other fishing gears (e.g.,
motorized boat, fishing nets),

Involvement of fishers in the project with


Provision of scholarship for the fishers’

Potential contamination of the water bodies by toxic
Release of toxic chemicals into the water bodies could Strict implementation of corporate good
cause fishkills and deaths of other aquatic organisms. housekeeping and safety procedures.

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.3 Air

2.3.1 Meteorology

This section presents the following requirements in the standard Technical Scoping Checklist.

 Climatological normal and extreme values of rainfall, temperature, and prevailing

winds at two (2) PAGASA’s synoptic stations in the vicinity of the project site;
 Impact of the project in terms of change in local climate (e.g., local temperature);
 Medium to long term climate change projections at the region where the proposed
project is located; and
 Projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the project and corresponding
mitigation and/or sequestration measures. Methodology Climatological normal, extremes and projected climate

Climatological normal and extreme values from two (2) synoptic stations of PAGASA, namely:
Port Area, Manila, and Sangley Point, Cavite, were used to characterize the long-term
meteorological conditions of the project site (Figure 2-119). Normal values at the two (2)
stations (Port Area and Sangley Point) were interpolated to determine the projected climate
values at the proposed project site.

In addition, three-hourly data for the months of August, 2015, February 2016, and April 2016
from the above-mentioned synoptic stations representing the southwest, northeast, and
northeast to transition seasons, respectively, were also processed to determine and compare
meteorological conditions at both stations. The three-hourly meteorological data were also
used to generate the meteorological input data files needed in the oceanographic modeling
using the Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) model.

In terms of climate change projections, projected climate data in the NCR by PAGASA (2011)
were used to discussed the projected changes of rainfall, air temperature, and extreme
weather events from 2006 to 2035 (centered in 2020) and from 2036 to 2065 (centered in
2050). Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

GHG emissions were estimated from the type of equipment to be used during project
construction. Using the estimated annual fuel consumptions of the reclamation equipment,
GHG emissions were then determined using the GHG calculation tools of the World Research
Institute (WRI).

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-119 Locations of PAGASA-Port Area and Sangley Point Stations

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-196

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Baseline information Climate
The proposed project site belongs to an area zoned as Type 1 climate (Figure 2-120). This
type of climate is characterized by two (2) pronounced seasons, which are dry from November
to April and wet during the rest of the year (PAGASA 2015). High rainfall is expected during
the southwest monsoon season that normally occurs in the Philippines from June to
September. PAGASA-Port Area and Sangley Point Stations are located in an area zoned as
Type 1 climate.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-120 Climate map of the Philippines showing the project site and PAGASA Port Area and Sangley Point stations, 1951-2010

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-198

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Rainfall
Based on the climatological normal values at PAGASA-Port Area and Sangley Point (Table
2-40 and Table 2-41), rainfall patterns in the project area follow closely with those of the two
(2) aforementioned synoptic stations (Figure 2-121). As the proposed project area belongs to
Type 1 climate, high rainfall is expected during wet season or southwest monsoon season,
which occurred from June to September. August has the highest monthly average rainfall
followed by July and September. Months with less rainfall are January, February and March.
These months are within the northeast monsoon season that is characterized by colder and
less humid air.

Figure 2-121 Monthly average rainfall and number of rainy days at PAGASA-Port Area
Station, PAGASA-Sangley Point Station, and project site

Projected rainfall in 2020 and 2050

Figure 2-122 shows the projected amount of rainfall in the National Capital Region (NCR) in
2020 and 2050. The projected decrease and increase of rainfall in the NCR during dry and
wet seasons, respectively, resembled with the projected trends in the Philippines in 2020 and
2050. Rainfall appears to decrease during the dry months (December to February and from
March to May), but tend to increase during the southwest monsoon (June to August) and with
slight increase from September to November (Figure 2-122).

Extreme recorded rainfall events

Based on the rainfall records at PAGASA-Sangley Point Station from 1974 to 2015 (Table
2-42) and PAGASA-Port Area Station from 1865 to 2015 (Table 2-43), the highest recorded
daily rainfall at both stations was 475.4 mm on August 19, 2013 at PAGASA-Sangley Point
Station (Figure 2-123). This occurred during the passage of Tropical Storm Maring
(International codename Trami), which enhanced the southwest monsoon in the Philippines.
At PAGASA-Port Area Station, the highest recorded rainfall from 1986 to 2005 was 403.1 mm
on September 1, 1970.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-122 Projected change of rainfall in the National Capital Region (NCR) in 2020
and 2050

Figure 2-123 Plot of extreme recorded daily rainfall in each month

Source: PAGASA Port Area and PAGASA-Sangley Point, Cavite

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-40 Climatological Normals of PAGASA-Port Area, Manila (1981-2010)

Rainfall Temperature (°C) Wind No. of Days
Amount No. of Dry Wet Dew Vapor Cloud
Month (mm) Rainy Max Min Mean Bulb Bulb Pt. Pressure %RH Direction Speed Amt. TST LTN
Days (mbar)
(mbar) (16pt) (m/s) (okta) M G
JAN 17.3 4 29.6 23.8 26.7 26.7 22.9 21.4 25.3 72 1012.6 N 2 7 0 0
FEB 14.2 3 30.6 24.2 27.4 27.4 22.9 21.2 24.9 69 1012.4 E 3 6 0 0
MAR 15.8 3 32.1 25.3 28.7 28.5 23.7 21.9 26 67 1011.7 SE 3 6 0 1
APR 23.7 4 33.5 26.6 30.1 30 24.9 23.1 28 66 1010.2 SE 3 6 2 2
MAY 147.2 10 33.2 26.9 30 30 25.7 24.3 30 71 1008.6 SW 3 6 9 9
JUN 253.5 17 32.2 26.4 29.3 29.3 25.8 24.6 30.8 76 1008.1 SW 3 7 11 9
JUL 420.5 21 31.2 25.9 28.5 28.5 25.6 24.6 30.8 79 1007.7 SW 3 7 12 9
AUG 432.4 21 30.8 25.8 28.3 28.2 25.6 24.7 31 81 1007.3 SW 4 7 11 7
SEP 355.1 20 31 25.7 28.4 28.3 25.5 24.6 30.7 80 1008.2 SW 3 7 12 8
OCT 234.8 17 31.1 25.7 28.4 28.3 25.2 24.1 29.9 78 1009 SW 3 7 7 6
NOV 121.7 12 30.9 25.1 28 28 24.5 23.2 28.3 75 1010.1 N 3 7 3 1
DEC 67.4 7 29.8 24.2 27 27 23.4 22 26.3 74 1011.8 N 2 7 1 0
Annual 2103.6 139 31.3 25.5 28.4 24.6 24.6 23.3 28.5 74 1009.8 SW 3 7 68 52
Source: Climate and Agrometeorology Division, PAGASA

Latitude: 14°35’13.10” N
Longitude: 120°58’43.44” E
Elevation: 15.0 m

VP – Vapor Pressure
mbs – millibar
MSLP – mean sea level pressure
Dir – direction
TSTM – thunderstorm
LTNG – lightning

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Table 2-41 Climatological Normals for PAGASA-Sangley Point, Cavite (1981 to 2010)
Wind No. of days
No of Temperature(ºC) Clouds
Rainfall VP RH MSLP (m/s) With
Month rainy
(mm) Dry Wet Dew (mbs) (%) (mbs)
days Max Min Mean Dir. Speed (Okta) TSTM LTNG
Bulb Bulb Pt.
Jan 16.9 4 30 23.3 26.6 26.8 23.9 22.8 27.7 79 1012.5 ESE 3 5 0 0
Feb 11.1 2 30.8 23.6 27.2 27.4 24.1 22.9 27.7 76 1012.7 ESE 3 5 0 0
Mar 9.4 2 32.7 24.6 28.6 28.7 25 23.7 29.1 74 1012.1 ESE 3 4 1 1
Apr 18.5 2 34.4 25.9 30.1 30.3 26 24.6 30.6 71 1010.5 ESE 3 4 2 5
May 139.1 10 34.1 26.1 30.1 30.3 26.5 25.3 32 74 1008.8 ESE 3 5 11 16
Jun 264.5 15 32.8 25.8 29.3 29.5 26.4 25.4 32.3 78 1008.4 ESE 3 6 14 18
Jul 422.4 20 31.7 25.3 28.5 28.6 26 25.1 31.8 81 1008 W 3 6 16 17
Aug 457.2 21 31.3 25.2 28.3 28.2 25.8 25 31.5 83 1007.6 SW 3 7 13 14
Sept 341.8 19 31.4 25.2 28.3 28.4 25.9 25.1 31.7 82 1008.4 W 3 6 15 16
Oct 224.3 15 31.4 25.3 28.4 28.4 25.8 24.9 31.4 81 1009.3 ESE 3 6 9 14
Nov 110.5 11 31.1 25 28.1 28.1 25.3 24.3 30.3 80 1010.4 ESE 3 6 4 5
Dec 62.7 7 30 23.9 27 27.1 24.3 23.3 28.4 79 1011.9 ESE 3 5 1 1
Annual 2078.4 127 31.8 24.9 28.4 28.5 25.4 24.4 30.4 78 1010.1 ESE 3 5 86 107

Source: Climate and Agrometeorology Division, PAGASA

VP – Vapor Pressure
mbs – millibar
MSLP – mean sea level pressure
Dir – direction
TSTM – thunderstorm
LTNG – lightning

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Table 2-42 Climatological Extremes for PAGASA-Port Area, Manila (as of 2015)
JAN 36.5 01-30-1984 14.5 01-11-1914 37.8 01-08-1955 18 E 01-15-1987 1022.4 01-09-1914 1003.3 01-05-1999
FEB 35.6 02-25-1906 15.6 02-18-1920 46.4 02-03-1986 25 SE 02-26-1962 1021.4 12-01-1962 1002.7 02-18-1998
MAR 36.8 03-23-1966 16.2 03-10-1911 47.0 03-25-2009 27 SSE 03-16-1962 1020.5 03-30-1958 997.3 03-27-1991
APR 38.0 04-30-1915 17.2 04-02-1923 143.0 04-29-1905 24 WSW 04-18-1962 1018.8 04-01-1958 998.1 04-29-1905
MAY 38.6 05-17-1915 20.0 05-01-1921 371.4 05-19-1976 35 E 05-17-1989 1015.9 05-09-1937 987.4 05-23-1964
JUN 37.6 06-04-1912 20.1 06-04-1973 252.8 06-27-1985 47 SW 06-29-1964 1021.6 06-28-1993 974.6 06-29-1964
JUL 36.5 07-02-1973 19.4 07-14-1970 293.6 07-29-1919 31 WSW 07-24-1968 1014.9 07-29-1987 990.7 07-16-2014
AUG 35.6 08-09-1964 18.0 08-14-1974 358.0 08-07-2012 34 S 08-04-1989 1015.2 08-12-1958 990.8 08-31-1920
SEP 35.3 09-18-1903 20.2 09-02-1970 403.1 09-01-1970 34 SW 09-13-1961 1015.2 09-20-1965 986.7 09-27-1906
OCT 35.8 10-01-1968 19.5 10-26-1913 194.3 10-15-1918 41 W 10-26-1978 1017.0 10-28-1960 977.9 10-14-1970
NOV 35.6 11-04-1966 16.8 11-03-1911 278.4 11-18-1923 56 WNW 11-19-1970 1019.0 11-29-1985 966.5 11-19-1970
DEC 34.6 12-14-1947 15.7 12-03-1992 146.8 12-15-2015 41 W 12-14-1964 1020.9 12-08-1960 97.1 12-26-1947
Annual 38.6 05-17-1915 14.5 01-11-1914 403.1 09-01-1970 56 WNW 11-19-1970 1022.4 01-09-1914 966.5 11-19-1970
of 1885-2015 1865-2015 1948-2015 1885-2015

Source: Climate and Agrometeorology Division, PAGASA

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Table 2-43 Climatological Extremes for PAGASA-Sangley Point, Cavite (as of 2015)
JAN 34.8 01-25-1999 19.0 01-03-1982 94.0 01-12-1977 17 ESE 01-19-2010 1023.4 01-16-1999 1001.9 01-31-2001
FEB 35.2 02-28-1998 18.0 02-01-1982 36.5 02-27-2012 15 ESE 02-27-1992 1019.9 02-03-1993 1005.4 02-21-2001
MAR 36.6 03-29-1981 19.1 03-25-1980 52.4 03-22-2013 24 ESE 03-23-1998 1020.5 03-05-2005 1003.9 03-06-1999
APR 37.8 04-07-1983 21.5 04-03-2007 53.9 04-24-1975 16 ESE 04-05-1996 1017.5 04-14-1993 1002.0 04-30-1988
MAY 38.5 05-16-1987 22.0 05-15-1980 237.1 05-26-1997 27 SW 05-22-1976 1015.5 05-25-1983 993.4 05-22-1976
JUN 38.4 06-04-1987 22.0 06-16-1981 172.4 06-27-1985 25 SE 06-08-2011 1014.3 06-08-1997 997.6 06-28-2004
JUL 36.3 07-25-2007 21.2 07-15-1982 231.4 07-20-2002 54 E 07-13-2010 1013.8 07-29-1983 986.1 07-15-2014
AUG 36.5 08-16-2009 22.0 08-02-1994 475.4 08-19-2013 30 W 08-18-1990 1014.5 08-13-2005 998.1 08-17-1990
SEP 35.6 09-02-1996 21.0 09-16-1979 275.4 09-22-2013 44 NNW 09-28-2006 1015.6 09-18-2005 984.3 09-28-2006
OCT 35.8 10-08-1996 21.0 10-24-1988 260.7 10-05-1986 45 NW 10-21-1994 1016.4 10-27-1993 990.3 10-21-1994
NOV 36.4 11-08-1978 21.5 11-26-1982 171.2 11-02-2000 49 NW 11-03-1995 1017.5 11-30-1989 977.0 11-03-1995
DEC 34.0 10-06-1998 20.0 12-24-1985 131.3 12-10-2006 22 NNW 12-05-1993 1019.1 12-31-1992 997.9 12-02-2004
Annual 38.5 05-16-1987 18.0 02-01-1982 475.4 08-19-2013 54 E 07-13-2010 1023.4 01-16-1999 997.0 11-03-1995
1974-2015 1974-2015 1974-2015 1974-2015
of Record
Source: Climate and Agrometeorology Division, PAGASA

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Projected extreme rainfall events

The projected extreme weather events in 2020 and 2050 were simulated by PAGASA
(2011) based on a) increase or decrease of the number of dry days, which is defined as
days with rainfall equal or less than 2.5 mm/day, and b) increase or decrease of days with
rainfall greater than 200 mm. The projected extreme weather events were reckoned from
the baseline years (1971 to 2000).

At the NCR where the proposed project site is located, there would be decreased of dry
days from the baseline years (1971 to 2000) of 7380 days to 6455 days (2006 to 2036) and
6382 days (2036 to 2065) (Figure 2-124) in 2020 and 2050, respectively. In terms of rainfall
greater than 200 mm, there would be slight increase in rainfall from 2036 to 2065 (centered
at 2050). From 2006 to 2035 (centered in 2020), it appears that there would be no increased
on days with rainfall greater than 200 m as compared to the baseline year (1971 to 2000).

Figure 2-124 Projected number of dry days with rainfall greater than 200 mm in the
NCR Ambient air temperature

Figure 2-125 shows the plot of the monthly average air temperatures at PAGASA-Sangley
Point and Port Area Stations. High temperatures are expected in dry season in April and
May. On the contrary, December and January are the coldest months when northeast
winds brought colder and less humid air from higher latitudes.

The differences on air temperature could be due to difference on elevations of the

aforementioned stations, with PAGASA Port Area Station at relatively higher elevation
(about 15 m) than PAGASA-Sangley Point Station (at 3 m).

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-125 Average air temperatures at PAGASA-Port Area, Manila and Sangley
Point, Cavite

Projected temperature in 2020 and 2050

Figure 2-126 shows the projected air temperatures in the NCR in 2020 and 2050. It appears
that there would be increased of ambient air temperature in all months of the year as
reckoned from the baseline years (1971 to 2000). The highest increase on ambient air
temperature would be during the dry season (about 1 to 1.1ºC) and from 0.9 to 1.0ºC in the
wet season. PAGASA (2011) noted that increases of ambient air temperature in 2020 and
2050 in the Philippines were generally due to increase of GHG emissions as modelled
using increase of GHG at medium-case scenario.

Extreme temperature events

Based on historical records of air temperature at PAGASA-Sangley Point from 1974 to

2015 and at PAGASA- Port Area from 1885 to 2015 (please refer Table 2-42 and Table
2-43 and Figure 2-127), Sangley Point, Cavite recorded extreme temperature of 38.5ºC on
May 16, 1987 followed by 38.4ºC on June 4, 1987. At PAGASA-Port Area Station, the
highest recorded air temperature was 38.6ºC on May 17, 1915 followed by 38ºC on April
30, 1915.

In terms of lowest recorded ambient air temperatures, PAGASA-Port Area Station recorded
the lowest at 14.5ºC on January 11, 1914 and PAGASA-Sangley Point at 18ºC on February
1, 1982.

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Figure 2-126 Projected change in temperatures in 2020 and 2050 in the NCR

Figure 2-127 Monthly highest and lowest recorded temperatures at PAGASA-Port

Area, Manila and PAGASA- Sangley Point, Cavite

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Projected extreme temperature events

In the NCR, days with air temperatures greater than 35ºC are expected to increase by
1,176 and 2,118 days from 2006 to 2035 (centered in 2020) and from 2036 to 2065
(centered in 2050) as compared to the baseline years (1971 to 2000) (Figure 2-128). The
projected increase of extreme temperature events could be associated with the increase of
air temperatures due to increase in GHG emissions under medium-case scenario.

Figure 2-128 Projected number of days greater than 35ºC in the NCR Wind speeds and wind directions

Figure 2-129 and Figure 2-130 show the annual and monthly wind roses for PAGASA-Port
Area and Sangley Point Stations, specifically the wind roses when monsoon winds are its
peak; that is, January and February for the northeast monsoon and August to September
for the southwest monsoon). In addition, prevailing wind speeds and directions were
extracted from the climatological normal averages from 1981 to 2010, as shown in Table

The annual wind roses at both stations (Port Area and Sangley Point) showed varying
(Figure 2-129) dominant wind flows (At PAGASA-Port Area Station, the annual wind rose
shows prevailing southwest and east winds with relatively lower frequencies of wind flows
from the north, east, and southeast. At PAGASA-Sangley Point, dominant winds are from
the southwest, followed by east and southwest and north directions. Presence of structures
in the vicinities of the above-mentioned synoptic stations and relative locations of both
stations with Manila Bay could alter the prevailing wind northeast and southwest winds in
the Philippines.

In January and February when the northeast monsoon is usually at its peak (Figure 2-129),
prevailing winds at PAGASA-Port Area Station are from the north, east and west directions
while at PAGASA-Sangle Point from east-southeast and east directions. During southwest

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

monsoon, winds coming from the southwest and west directions prevail at both stations
(Port Area and Sangley Point). During transition from southwest to northeast monsoon in
November, both stations (Port Area and Sangley Point) show prevailing winds from the
north, although east-southeast winds prevail at PAGASA-Sangley Point Station (Figure

Wind speeds at both stations (Port Area and Sangley Point) show average of 3 m/s with
Sangley Point generally showing consistent monthly average wind speeds through the year
(Table 2-44). At PAGASA-Port Area Station, however, wind speeds in August tend to
increase to 4 m/s when southwest monsoon is at its peak, and decrease to 2 m/s in
December and January during northeast monsoon.

Table 2-44 Climatological monthly average wind speed and directions at PAGASA-
Port Area, Manila, and PAGASA-Sangley Point, Cavite (1981 to 2010)
Port Area, Manila Sangley Point, Cavite
Month Wind Wind Speed Wind Wind
Direction (m/s) Direction Speed (m/s)
January N 2 ESE 3
February E 3 ESE 3
March SE 3 ESE 3
April SE 3 ESE 3
May SW 3 ESE 3
June SW 3 ESE 3
July SW 3 W 3
August SW 4 SW 3
September SW 3 W 3
October SW 3 ESE 3
November N 3 ESE 3
December N 2 ESE 3
Annual SW 3 ESE 3

Extreme recorded winds

The proposed project site is located in a zone wherein about five (5) tropical cyclones pass
over the area in 3 years (Figure 2-131). The highest monthly recorded wind speeds at
PAGASA-Port Area and Sangley Point Stations vary from 18 to 56 m/s and 15 to 56 m/s,
respectively. The greatest wind speeds were recorded at said synoptic stations on the
following dates:

 Port Area, Manila – 56 m/s (201.6 km/h) on November 19, 1970; and
 Sangley Point, Cavite – 54 m/s (195.4 km/h) on July 13, 2010

Greatest recorded wind speeds at both stations were due to passage Typhoon Yoling in
November 19, 1970 and Typhoon Basyang in July 13, 2010. Based on the new tropical
cyclone category of PAGASA, the foregoing greatest recorded wind speeds are within
category, Typhoon, with maximum wind speed of 188 to 220 km/h. Maximum wind speeds
exceeding 220 km/h are categorized under Super Typhoon.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-129 Annual January and February wind roses for Port Area, Manila and Sangley Point, Cavite
(Source: PAGASA Wind Rose Diagrams from Port Area and Sangley Point Synoptic Stations, 1981-2010)

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Figure 2-130 August, September, and November wind roses for Port Area, Manila and Sangley Point, Cavite
(Source: PAGASA Wind Rose Diagrams from Port Area and Sangley Point Synoptic Stations, 1981-2010)

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Figure 2-131 Typhoon frequency map

Source: EPRMP PGPP II (2011)

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

2.3.2 Air quality Methodology
Berkman Systems, Inc. (BSI), a third-party environmental service provider, was
commissioned by RHR Consult Services, Inc. (RHR) to conduct baseline ambient
monitoring of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP), Particulate Matter less than 10 µm
(PM10), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). Baseline monitoring was
conducted at five (5) locations shown in Figure 2-132. Table 2-45 shows the coordinates
(in WGS84 UTM) and the elevations of the air sampling stations.

Table 2-45 Coordinates and elevations of the air sampling stations

Station Easting Elevation
Location Northing (m)
ID (m) amsl (m)
1 Navotas Pier, Navotas Masipag
& Gasak Ext. at the back of 279018.34 1621423.36 6
Tanza Elementary School
2 Navotas City Hall Park 278367.70 1622182.46 3
3 Near Bagong Silang St. corner
277490.85 1623761.71 4
A. Pascual, Navotas City
4 Obando Church, Bulacan 277830.17 1627293.10 6
5 Balawas Rd., Brgy. Lawa near
276820.34 1628829.36 4
Emong Malunggay Pandesal
*amsl – above mean sea level

The methods of air sampling and analysis were in accordance with the prescribed methods
in the Philippine Clean Air Act (PCAA) of 1999 and its implementing rules and regulations
(DAO 2000-81). Table 2-46 presents the air pollutants and the corresponding methods of
sampling and analysis.

Table 2-46 Sampling and analytical procedures used on baseline ambient air sampling
Pollutant Method of Sampling and Analysis
Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) High Volume-Gravimetric Method
Suspended Particulates less than 10 µm (PM10) High Volume-Gravimetric Method
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Impinger-Pararosaniline Method
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Impinger -Griess Saltzman Reaction

Plate 2-29 to Plate 2-31 show in detail the descriptions of the air sampling stations and the
photographs taken during sampling. The results of air monitoring are presented in the next

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Figure 2-132 Locations of ambient air sampling stations (Source: BSI, 2016)

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Plate 2-29 Sampling observations and photo documentation at Stations A1 and A2 (Source: BSI, 2016)

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Plate 2-30 Sampling observations and photo documentation at Stations A3 and A4 (Source: BSI, 2016)

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Plate 2-31 Sampling observations and photo documentation at Station A5 (Source: BSI, 2016)

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Applicable Air Quality Standards and Impact Assessment Methodology

The dispersed emissions arising from the reclamation works/operation of the project shall
comply with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) set for the relevant air
pollutants, such as TSP, PM10, SO2, and NO2. Monitoring shall be done outside the project
perimeter, preferably downwind of the project site where area sensitive receptors (ASRs) are
located. Table 2-47 presents the NAAQS for TSP, PM10, SO2, and NO2.

Table 2-47 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for SO2, NO2, TSP, and PM10
Concentration Averaging
Pollutant Reference
(µg/Nm3)1 Time (min)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 340 60 Table 3 of DAO 2000-81
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) 260 60 Table 3 of DAO 2000-81
Total Suspended 300 60 Table 3 of DAO 2000-81
Particulates (TSP)
Particulate Matter less 200 60 Table 3 of DAO 2000-81
than 10 microns (PM10)
Notes: µg/Nm3 – microgram per normal cubic meter

As this proposed project will mainly involve reclamation works and that there is no significant
stationary source of emissions (e.g., such as power plants), impact assessment involved
qualitative description of the expected impacts to the air environment. To mitigate or lessen
the anticipated impacts related to air quality, proposed mitigation measures including
proposed air monitoring are presented in the succeeding section. Baseline Air Quality

Table 2-48 shows the results of baseline air sampling conducted last April 16, 2016. Ambient
PM10, SO2, and NO2 were within the ambient standards of 200, 340, and 260 µg/Nm 3,
respectively. Measured TSP, however, were relatively high at Stations 3 and 4 as compared
to the ambient standard of 340 µg/Nm 3. The observed TSP concentrations ranged from 124.1
to 844 µg/Nm3.

BSI (2016) noted that high TSP concentrations during air sampling were due to fugitive
emissions from vehicular traffic, as these stations were located beside the road. Monitoring
was done during dry season where fugitive dust emissions are expected higher. Particulate
emissions emanating from the tail pipes of vehicles also contributed to the total TSP in the

Table 2-48 Results of baseline monitoring of TSP, PM10, SO2, and NO2 (in µg/Nm3)
Station Date /Time of
Location TSP PM10 SO2 NO2
ID Sampling
Navotas Pier, Navotas
Masipag & Gasak Ext. at April 20, 2016/
1 124.1 65.5 13.2 2.4
the back of Tanza 1405H-1505H
Elementary School
2 Navotas City Hall Park 1023H-1123H 337.0 44.5 4.9 7.0
Near Bagong Silang St.
3 corner A. Pascual, Navotas 1545H-1645H 785.8 44.6 10.9 2.4
4 Obando Church, Bulacan 1840H-1940H 844.0 25.5 6.5 2.3

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Station Date /Time of

Location TSP PM10 SO2 NO2
ID Sampling
Balawas Rd., Brgy. Lawa
near Emong Malunggay 2003H-2103H 203.6 <1.7 2.5 <0.2
Pandesal Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation or enhancement

The construction/operation of the proposed project will use marine and heavy equipment that
are expected to generate air emissions. These equipment and activities include, among
others, exhaust emissions from marine vessels that will be used for reclamation works,
exhaust emissions from vehicles and other heavy equipment during reclamation/civil works,
and release of fugitive emissions arising from vehicular traffic and wind erosion at open and
dry surfaces.

The above-mentioned sources and activities, if not properly mitigated, will result to dispersion
of air pollutants to levels exceeding ambient standards, specifically for suspended particulates
during windy and dry periods. Thus, the following are the recommended mitigation measures,
including air quality monitoring to be undertaken during reclamation works.

a) Regular maintenance works of all vehicles (land and marine) to be used for the project;
b) Frequent water spraying at dry and unpaved reclaimed sites near ASRs, especially
during dry periods where fugitive dusts are potentially dispersed by winds;
c) Reduction of wind speeds by installing temporary wind barriers at the area, if
necessary. These wind barriers could be strategically located at areas close to the
ASRs (e.g., Brgy. Tanza);
d) Provide wheel washing facilities for vehicles leaving the project site. This wheel
washing facility is intended to remove muds from the tires of the heavy equipment and
other vehicles, which are potential sources of dust if detached from vehicles traveling
outside the project site (e.g., paved or unpaved roads);
e) Impose speed limits within the project site and along access roads. Reduction of
vehicular speed will significantly reduce generation of fugitive emissions;
f) If possible, re-route vehicles at considerable distances from the ASRs. This measure
(re-routing) is effective means of decreasing release of fugitive emissions to nearby
ASRs, especially during very dry conditions where wetting of dry surfaces would be
effective for short duration; and
Conduct regular visual inspection at the project site (including monthly sampling of TSP, PM10,
SO2, and NO2) to determine areas with high fugitive emissions, and to implement mitigation
measures as necessary.

2.3.3 Noise

This section presents a) applicable noise standards and methodology utilized in this study, b)
characterization of ambient noise level using DENR standard methods and procedures for
sampling and measurement; and c) identification and assessment of the expected impact of
the project to existing or background noise levels.

Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts • Page 2-219

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Methodology Ambient noise standards

Ambient noise standards have been established by then National Pollution Control
Commission (NPCC) (now DENR) since 1978 and 1980 for the purpose of prohibiting, limiting,
or regulating noise emission by any person or organization at residential, commercial, light
and heavy industrial, and other noise sensitive areas, such as schools, hospitals, and special
homes for the aged (Table 2-49). In the absence of the official classification of the area, the
primary land use of the area should be used.

The ambient noise standards are subdivided into four (4) periods, namely: morning, daytime,
evening, and nighttime, with time periods shown in Table 2-49. Correction factors of +5 dBA
and +10 dBA apply at areas directly facing two-and four-lane roads, respectively. Note that
noise standards stipulated in NPCC MC No 2, Series of 1980 have not been revised since its
issuances in 1980.

Table 2-49 Environmental quality standards for noise in general areas (NPCC 1980)
Maximum Allowable Noise (dBA) by time periods

Category Daytime Morning/Evening Nighttime

(9:00 A.M. to 6:00 (5:00 A.M. to 9:00 AM/ (10:00 P.M. to 5:00
P.M). 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. A.M).
AA 50 45 40
A 55 50 45
B 65 60 55
C 70 65 60
D 75 70 65
 Class AA- a section of contiguous area which requires quietness, such as areas within 100 meters from school
site, nursery schools, hospitals and special house for the aged
 Class A - a section of contiguous area which is primarily used for residential area
 Class B - a section of contiguous area which is primarily a commercial area
 Class C - a section of contiguous area reserved as light industrial area
 Class D-a section which is primarily reserved as heavy industrial area

The applicable noise standards for construction activities are specified in Memorandum
Circular No. 002, Series of 1980, of the National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC). These
standards specify a maximum noise level that shall be allowed from specific construction
activities at a distance of 30 m, as shown in Table 2-50.

Table 2-50 Noise standards for construction activities (Source: NPCC 1980)
Classification Particulars Noise Level at
30 meters *
Class 1 Work which requires pile drivers (excluding manual type), pile 90
extractors, reveting hammers or combination thereof. The
classification does not include work in which pile drivers are
used in combination with earth auger
Class 2 Work which requires rock drills, or similar equipment like jack 85
hammers or pavement breakers

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Classification Particulars Noise Level at
30 meters *
Class 3 Work which requires air compressor (limited to those 75
compressors which use power other than electric motors with
rated with rated output of 15 kW or more). Air compressors
power rock drills, jack hammers, pavement breakers are
Class 4 Operation involving batching plant (limited to those with a mixer 75
capacity of 0.5 or more cubic meters) and /or asphalt plants
(limited to those with mixer capacity of 200 kg or more).
Batching plants for the making of mortar are excluded Baseline noise monitoring

Berkman Systems Incorporated (BSI) was commissioned by RHR Consult Services, Inc.
(RHR) to conduct ambient air and noise monitoring in the vicinities of the proposed project
site. Noise monitoring was conducted on April 20, 2016. Figure 2-133 and Table 2-51 indicate
the location of the monitoring stations and description of the sampling stations, respectively.

Table 2-51 Location of noise sampling stations

Station Elevation
Location Easting (m) Northing (m)
ID (m)
1 Park / Open space near Police Station 279018.34 1621423.36 6
2 Near memorial Garden 278367.70 1622182.46 3
3 Beside Tanza Elementary School 277490.85 1623761.71 4
4 Near Basketball Court / Obando Church 277830.17 1627293.10 6
5 Along Paliwas Road, Obando, Bulacan 276820.34 1628829.36 4

A sound level meter (SLM) with wind screen and attached on a tripod was used to measure
noise levels at A-weighting mode at each station per monitoring period specified above.
A-weighting mode was selected as the ambient noise standards are based on A-weighting. A
total of 50 readings were recorded per station wherein the median of the seven maximum-
recorded noise levels represents the noise level comparable to the standard.

Statistical analysis of noise data involved computation of the median of the seven (7) highest
noise readings, the 90th percentile (L90), and the equivalent noise levels (L eq). Noise sources
were noted at the time of monitoring.

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2 Environmental Impact Statement

Figure 2-133 Location of noise sampling stations

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Baseline information

Figure 2-134 to Figure 2-138 show the plots of measured noise levels at each of the noise
sampling stations on April 20, 2016. The summary results of noise monitoring are presented
in Table 2-52 and Figure 2-134 to Figure 2-138.

Observed noise levels were generally higher than prescribed ambient noise standards for
residential areas even if a correction factor of +5 dBA is added to the noise standard. As high
as 73.6 dBA and 72.3 dBA (median of 7 highest) were measured at Station No. 5 (Balawas
Road) and Station 2 (Navotas City Hall Park). The other three (3) stations (Stations 1, 3, and
4) showed noise levels ranging from 55.6 to 68.9 dBA.

Background noise levels, which can be estimated based on noise exceeding 90th of the time
(or L90) (please refer to Figure 2-139), also showed relatively values. At Stations 2, 4, and 5,
background noise levels (or L 90) ranged from 52.0 to 66.3 dBA, which were still higher than
the daytime noise standard of 55 dBA (without +5 dBA correction factor). At the other two (2)
stations, background noise levels ranged from 48.6 to 52 dBA, which were also higher than
evening and morning noise standards set for residential areas.

In summary, baseline noise levels in the vicinities of the proposed project site were generally
higher than noise standards prescribed for residential areas. High noise levels were due
generally due to vehicular noise traffic and from community noise during daytime at the time
of monitoring.

Table 2-52 Measured noise levels on April 20, 2016

Sta Range L90 of 7
Location Time Rea- Sources of Noise
ID (dBA) (dBA) highest
Navotas Pier, Navotas (Daytime) Community
Masipag & Gasak Ext. 1350H to activities
47.9 to
1 at the back of 1400H 50 48.6 55.6
Tanza Elementary
Navotas City Hall Park (Daytime) Continuous
0948H to passof vehicles
64.2 to
2 0958H 50 66.3 72.3 and activities at
nearby manpower
Near Bagong Silang St. (Daytime) Continuous
corner A. Pascual, 1535H to 50.1 to passing of
3 50 52.0 63.9
Navotas City 1545H 69.2 vehicles

Obando Church, (Evening) Continuous

53.9 to
4 Bulacan 1830H to 50 56.4 68.9 passing of
1840H vehicles
Balawas Rd., Brgy. (Evening) Continuous
Lawa near Emong 1953H to 54.2 to passing of
5 50 56.2 73.6
Malunggay Pandesal 2003H 75.6 vehicles

Notes: L90 – Median of 45 and 46th readings

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Figure 2-134 Plot of measured noise levels at Station 1

Figure 2-135 Plot of measured noise levels at Station 2

Figure 2-136 Plot of measured noise levels at Station 3

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Figure 2-137 Plot of measured noise levels at Station 4

Figure 2-138 Plot of measured noise levels at Station 5

Figure 2-139 Illustration of L10, L50, and L90 noise levels


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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Impact assessment/noise modeling

A Sound Propagation Model (SPM9613 Version 2 or SPM9613V2) was used to assess the
expected noise emissions from reclamation and other heavy equipment to be used during
reclamation works. Noise input data were estimated based on the following:

a) Type and number of equipment to be utilized during reclamation works,

b) Sound power level of each of the equipment, and
c) Assumed locations of the equipment in the proposed site.

The following presents in detail the SPM9613, sound power input data, which were obtained
from the RCNM of U.S. FHA and other related EIA studies on reclamation, details on noise
modeling, and results. Sound propagation model (SPM9613 Version 2)

SPM9613V2 is a noise attenuation model developed based on ISO-9613-1 and ISO 9613-2.
ISO 9613-1 (1993E) specifically addresses atmospheric attenuation while
ISO 9613-2(1996E) specifies an engineering method for calculating environmental noise from
a variety of noise sources. SPM9613V2 was developed by Power Acoustics, Inc. in Orlando,

Although SPM9613V2 is generally used for stationary noise sources and mobile sources (e.g.,
railroad), it was utilized in this study by assuming that reclamation and other heavy equipment
are operated simultaneously over time at the proposed project site. Equipment and sound power level

Table 2-53 shows the reclamation equipment to be used during operation and the estimated
sound power level and sound level at 50 ft (or 15.24 m). Sound level data from U.S. FHWA
(2006) (shown in Table 2-53) were used to compute the sound power level using the following

𝐿𝑤 = 𝐿𝑝 + 10𝑙𝑜𝑔(4𝜋𝑟 2 )
Lw = sound power level (in re dBA re 1 PW);
Lp = sound level at distance, r, from the equipment; and
r = distance from the noise source (or 15.24 m)

As there is no available sound level data at various octave band center frequencies (e.g., 16
Hz to 8000 Hz), sound power data were assumed at frequency centered at 1000 Hz.

Plate 2-32 shows the screenshot of control panel in SPMP9613 indicating the source input

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 2-53 Reclamation equipment and estimated sound pressure and/or power levels
Spec Lmax
Equipment No of Units Source of Information
Cutter Suction Dredger EIA Tai) Sheltered Boat
(CSD) at Borrow Area (103) Anchorage (2000)
Cutter Suction Dredger
EIA Tai) Sheltered Boat
(CSD) at Reclamation 2
(103) Anchorage (2000)
Split Hopper Barge (104) EIA Tai) Sheltered Boat
(SHB) with tugboat 110 Anchorage (2000)
EIA Tai) Sheltered Boat
Tug Boat 14 (110)
Anchorage (2000)
Backhoe Dredger 2 80.0 U.S. FHWA (2006)
Excavator 4 85.0 U.S. FHWA (2006)
Bulldozer 4 85.0 U.S. FHWA (2006)
EIA Tai) Sheltered Boat
Clamshell and Barge 2 104
Anchorage (2000)
Wheel Loader (as front
4 80.0 U.S. FHWA (2006)
end loader)
Vibratory Roller (as 85.0
4 U.S. FHWA (2006)
roller) (108)
1) Sound level (in dBA) at 50 feet (or 15.24 m) unless otherwise specified.
2) Values in parenthesis under column Spec Lmax are sound power level (in dBA re 1PW)

Plate 2-32 Screenshot of control panel indicating the source input files in SPM9613V2

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Noise receptors

Noise receptors (or observers) are locations within the modeling domain where noise levels
are calculated. In this case, noise receptors are automatically generated by SPM9613V2 using
maximum of 11 by 11 grid points. Plate 2-33 shows the screenshot of the noise receptors
indicating the grid points and locations of sound sources (represented as dots).

Plate 2-33 Screenshot of noise receptors indicating the grid points and noise sources Barriers and foliage

Noise attenuation or reduction due to barriers and foliage, such as the existing mangroves
fronting the proposed project site and houses or structures, were not included as this case
assumed screening modeling. More detailed noise assessment using numerous barriers and
foliage may be including later depending on the preliminary noise screening results. Thus,
modeling results in this case are expected higher than those considering existing structures
as barriers. Modeling results

Noise modeling results showed that cumulative impacts arising from the operation of the
reclamation equipment, which were extracted from Figure 2-140 and Figure 2-141, plus the
background (L90) and median noise levels, as shown in Table 2-54, would result from none to
moderate effects when compared with the corresponding impact categories by
Wilson (1986) shown in Table 2-55. The predicted noise levels at two (2) closest receptors or
noise stations (Tanza Elementary School and Obando Church) of 55 and 48 dBA, respectively,
when added to L90 and the median noise levels, would result to the following increase of noise

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

 Tanza Elementary School = 2.7 to 7.6 dBA

 Near Obando Church = .0 to 1.5 dBA

Figure 2-140 Screenshot of predicted noise level from SPM9613V2

The higher range of values above (7.6 and 1.5 dBA) correspond to differences between
predicted plus background noise (or L90).

Thus, when compared with the corresponding impact categories (Table 2-55), it appears that
operation of reclamation equipment would have none to minor effect (or not likely perceived)
during daytime. However, at nighttime when equivalent noise levels would tend to reach its
background levels (L90), noise from reclamation operation would be noticeable (perceived as
moderate effect) at residences in Brgy. Tanza.

Table 2-54 Cumulative noise impact (predicted plus background and median noise
L90 plus Predicted
Predicted Noise Level Median plus Predicted (dBA)
Location (dBA)
Median Cumulative Median Cumulative
Tanza Elem School 55 55.6 58.3 48.6 55.9
Beside Obando Church 48 68.9 68.9 52.0 53.5

Table 2-55 Noise level increases and corresponding impact categories

Category Increase (dBA) Effect
I <5 None to Minor
II 5 to 10 Moderate
III > 10 Significant to Severe
Source: Wilson (1986)

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 2-141 Predicted noise levels (in dBA) arising from the operation of the
reclamation equipment (represented as blue-colored polygons) Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation or enhancement

As discussed in the noise modeling results, the operation of reclamation equipment would
have none to minor effect during daytime. However, at nighttime when equivalent noise levels
would tend to reach its background levels (L 90), noise from reclamation operation would be
noticeable (perceived as moderate effect) at residences in Brgy. Tanza.

Thus, it is recommended to monitor noise levels especially at nighttime periods (10:00 P.M. to
5:00 P.M) at residences closest to reclamation works. Proposed mitigation measures to lessen
noise impact at residential areas would include a) conducting reclamation works during
nighttime at the project area relatively far from the Barangay Tanza, and b) reduce the number

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

of equipment to be operated at nighttime and inform the residents and barangay officials prior
to conducting reclamation works, if equipment need to be operated near residential areas.

2.4 People

The study focuses on the impact areas of the proposed project. Navotas City is considered
the indirect impact area based on the social impacts the project may induce. On the other
hand, Barangay Tanza is deemed as direct impact areas where the project components are
to be located. The following sections present the demographic and socio-economic profile of
the impact areas as well as the issues/concerns/possible impacts regarding the project and
corresponding proposed mitigation/enhancement measures.

2.4.1 Methodology

Various methods were employed in gathering information on the socio-economic conditions

and perceptions of the impact community. The summary and details of these
activities/methods presented in the following table and sections, respectively:

Table 2-56 Date, location and participants by activities conducted for the Project
Activity Date Location/Venue Participants
Barangay Tanza and
Site Visit March 22, 2016
Navotas City
Pangisdaan Hall, 4th
Floor, Navotas City
Public Scoping May 24, 2016 75
Hall Building, Navotas
Perception Survey May 17-20, 2016 Barangay Tanza 100 Site visit/reconnaissance

During the reconnaissance survey, the general condition of the Impact areas and communities
were observed and noted. In this method, one can generalize the socio-economic and
demographic conditions of the covered areas and communities. Brief random interviews of the
residents within the area were also conducted to research on the general situation of the area
and the communities and help determine the perception of the respondents towards the

The Site Visit/Ocular Inspection/ Area reconnaissance/ Preliminary Survey was conducted on
March 22, 2016. Public scoping

The Public Scoping was held on May 24, 2016 (Tuesday) at Pangisdaan Hall, 4th Floor,
Navotas City Hall Building, Navotas City which was attended by the City of Navotas and
Barangay LGU Officials. Aside from the officials and residents of barangays of the area, also
present in the activity were the EIA Preparers, representatives of various sectors of the
community, institutions, DENR-EMB Representatives, among others. A total of 75 participants
have attended the activity

The issues and concerns during public scoping were summarized in Section 2.4.4.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Review of secondary data

Socio-demographic and economic data were procured from pertinent documents from
respective government institutions such as Municipal and Provincial LGUs, as well as online
sources for background information. All sources were exhausted in the study. These sources

 Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Navotas City (2016-2025)

 Socio-Economic Profile of Navotas City (2015)
 City Ecological Profile (2011)

Table 2-57 Checklist of available data sources/references

Document Navotas City Barangay Tanza
Comprehensive Land Use Plan of
 
Navotas City (2016-2025)
Socio-Economic Profile of Navotas City
 
City Ecological Profile (2011)  

Figure 2-142 Document covers/pages obtained from LGUs Perception survey

Table 2-58 presents the summary of Perception Survey conducted for the proposed project.
Further details and photo documentation are shown in the succeeding sections.

Table 2-58 Method used for the perception survey

No. of
Method Date Location
Random Sample
May 17-20, 2016 Barangay Tanza 100

Random Interviews were held in the direct impact barangay, Barangay Tanza, on May 17-20,
2016. A Perception Survey Questionnaire served as a guide during the discussion, and with

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

the contents not only focusing on the issues of the community and with regards to the project,
but also the demographic data of the respondents. Individual Perception Survey
Questionnaires utilized wherein the interviewers filled up/noted the responses of the
interviewee/respondents to facilitate time and discourse.

A fixed sample number of 100 respondents was assigned for the Perception Survey. The
numbers were estimated to roughly represent the population ratio distribution in the barangay
while ensuring that all sectors are well represented in the community.

Figure 2-143 Random sample interviews conducted at Barangay Tanza, Navotas City

2.4.2 Baseline socio-economic conditions

Navotas was originally a contiguous part of Malabon and was not separated from it by a body
of water. However, sometime in the past, the turbulent waters of Manila Bay gradually eroded
a weak strip of land between this town and the district of Tondo in Manila until an opening was
breached. Seawater continued to flow in through this opening particularly during high tide
eventually carving out the Navotas River in the process. The channel created eventually
developed into a regular waterway that has come to be known as the Navotas River. This
natural phenomenon seemed to be the origin of the name that today is associated with this

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

area, continually referred to as “nabutas” which over the time gradually evolved into “Navotas”,
literally meaning “pierced through” in English.

The original name bestowed to the place in its early history when it was still part of Malabon
was San Jose de Navotas, in honor of its patron saint, San Jose. In 1827, the principales of
San Jose de Navotas and Bangkulasi petitioned the Spanish government for the consolidation
and separation of their barrios from Malabon to form a new town. This action was precipitated
by the difficulty encountered by the townsfolk of these two barrios in transacting business and
attending the church due to the physical separation brought by the Navotas River. The petition
did not meet with success until three decades later when in February 16, 1859 as evidence
by existing documents, the barrios of San Jose de Navotas and Bangkulasi was separated
from Malabon.

Eventually the Royal Audiencia promulgated the “Superior Decreto” on June 11, 1859 which
provided for the establishment of a new parish with a church and parochial school for the
benefit of the town of Navotas and its barrios, at that time of which were comprised of San
Jose, Tangos, Bangkulasi and Tanza.

Navotas was incorporated into the newly created Province of Rizal on June 11, 1901 through
the enactment of Philippine Commission Act No. 137. However, pursuant to its policy of
economy and centralization, the Philippine Commission again merged Malabon and Navotas
through Act No. 942 designating the seat of government to Malabon. Demographic profile Population and household profile

In 1990, the population of Navotas was 187,479. In 1995, during the mid-decade census, the
Navotas population increased by 4.08 percent, logging a total population of 229,039. This
increased further in 2000, to 230,403, a 0.12 percent growth. This is mainly due to the removal
of structures along the riverbanks and other hazardous areas. As of August 1, 2007, the
population of Navotas is 245,344. In 2010, the estimated total population is 268,688.

As of 2010, there are 135,421 males and 133,267 females, resulting in a sex ratio of 101.61.
The general population density of the city is 251 persons per hectare. The densest barangay
is Navotas West (1,270 persons per hectare), while the least dense barangay is San Rafael
Village (96 persons/hectare).

Table 2-59 Total population and average annual growth rate in Navotas City (1903-
Year of Census Total Population Average Annual Growth Rate
1903 11,688 -
1918 13,454 0.94
1939 20,861 2.11
1948 28,889 3.68
1960 49,262 4.55
1970 83,245 5.39
1975 97,098 3.13
1980 126,146 5.37
1990 187,479 4.04
1995 229,039 4.08
2000 230,403 0.12
2007 245,344 0.9

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Year of Census Total Population Average Annual Growth Rate

2010 249,131 0.78
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

Total Population






1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

Figure 2-144 Population trend in Navotas City (1903-2010)

Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

Based on the results of the 2010 National Statistics Office (NSO) census, the City of Navotas
is ranked 15th with a population of 249,131, a population density of 233 persons per hectare,
and a growth rate of 0.78%, among the 17 cities and municipalities in Metro Manila. On the
other hand, Barangay Tanza has a population density of 50.64 persons/ha which ranked last
among the barangays of Navotas City.

Table 2-60 Population density in impact areas (2010)

Land Area Population Annual Growth
Barangay Population
(hectares) Density/(ha) Rate
Navotas City 249,131 1,069 233.05 0.78
Barangay Tanza 24,917 492 50.64 No data
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Gender and age profile

Presented in the following table and figure is the age and sex distribution in Navotas City as
of 2010.

Table 2-61 Household population by age and sex in Navotas City (2010)
Age Female Male All Ages
Under 5 13,461 14,610 28,071
5-9 13,003 14,117 27,120
10-14 12,725 13,224 25,949

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Age Female Male All Ages

15-19 12,361 12,398 24,759
20-24 11,689 11,784 23,473
25-29 10,957 10,997 21,954
30-34 9,583 10,315 19,898
35-39 8,485 8,827 17,312
40-44 7,624 7,801 15,425
45-49 6,435 6,567 13,002
50-54 5,347 5,415 10,762
55-59 4,004 3,892 7,896
60-64 3,023 2,686 5,709
65-69 1,751 1,404 3,155
70-74 1,284 878 2,162
75-79 813 419 1,232
80-84 381 204 585
85 and over 258 109 367
TOTAL 123,184 125,647 248,831
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

85 and over
45-49 All Ages
40-44 Female
35-39 Male
Under 5

0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000

Figure 2-145 Age and sex in Navotas City, 2010

Source: Navotas City CLUP (2016-2025) Literacy rate

Navotas fairs slightly better than NCR in terms of the population 7 years old and over having
enrolled in secondary education. The number of high school graduates increased from 1990
to 1995 by 2.81%. However, in terms of elementary or primary education there was a marked
decrease of 5.85%. About 15.16% reached tertiary education, a 1.67% increase from 1990’s

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13.49%, but much lower than NCR’s 27.83% in 1995. College degree holders in Navotas
amount to 6.60% in 1995, definitely lower than NCR’s 15%.

The table shows increase in the number of students reaching pre-school and high school,
showing that Navotas fairs better in terms of students reaching primary education (pre-school
and elementary levels) and secondary education (high school level). However, in terms of
post-secondary and tertiary education, Navotas still has to improve.

Table 2-62 NCR’s and Navotas’ percentage share of highest educational attainment
household population 7 years old and over (1990 vs 1995)
Highest Educational 1990 % Share 1995 % Share
Attainment NCR Navotas NCR Navotas
No Grade Completed 1.16 2.02 1.01 1.39
Pre-School 0.72 0.49 1.16 1.18
Elementary 30.42 45.94 26.62 40.11
1st – 4th Grade 13.21 18.87 11.62 15.67
5 – 7 Grade
th th
17.22 27.08 15.00 24.43
High School 35.10 34.23 37.94 38.05
Undergraduate 13.96 17.34 14.50 18.35
Graduate 21.13 16.89 23.44 19.70
Post Secondary 3.70 3.01 3.40 2.42
Undergraduate 1.36 1.48 0.53 0.38
Graduate 2.35 1.53 2.88 2.04
College Undergraduate 14.56 7.86 12.83 8.56
Academic Degree Holder 13.37 5.63 15.00 6.60
Post Baccalaureate 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.10
Not Stated 0.98 0.82 1.62 1.57
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) In-migration Household profile

Total household population of the City of Navotas reached 248,831 in 2010, posting an
increase of 8.32 percent compared to 229,717 in 2000. Household population accounted for
99.99 percent of the city total population.

In 2010, there were 59,296 households recorded in the City of Navotas. This showed an
increase of 19.91 percent from 49,950 households in 2000. The average household size in
2010 was 4.2 persons, which is lower than the average household size in 2000 and 1990

Table 2-63 Number of household population in Navotas City (2010)

Name of Barangay No. of Household Population Percent Share
Navotas City 59,296 100%
Tanza 5,034 8.49%
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

In the 1990 Census, it was revealed that 9% of the total household population 5 years old and
above are migrants, with 51% of these migrants being female and 49% male. The proximity

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

of Navotas to the nearby Tagalog provinces and the existence of the biggest fishing port in
the country may have attracted migrants into settling in the city. Housing ownership profile

Table 2-64 presents the data on informal settler families on the impact areas (2011 and 2014),
while Figure 2-146 presents the settlement map of Navotas City (2010).

Table 2-64 Informal settlers data in Navotas and Barangay Tanza (2011 and 2014)
No. of ISFs along waterways No. of ISFs along waterways
Impact Area
(June 2011) (June 2014)
Navotas 7,364 5,953
Tanza 2,054 1,996
Source: Navotas City CLUP (2016-2025) Cultural/lifestyle change Existing culture and lifestyle

A diversity of people forms the populace of Navotas. This is clearly evident from the variety of
dialects and religions of the residents. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the residents speak
Tagalog, while the remaining fifteen percent (15%) is composed of Ilokano, Cebuano, Waray,
Bikolano, and Pampangueño. English though not habitually used is understood by many.
Navotas reflects the national average in terms of the percentage of population practicing the
Roman Catholic religion. On the other hand, a considerable number of the population is Iglesia
ni Cristo. There are also a significant number of Born Again Christians and Protestants. A total
of 4 other religious affiliations are present in the city. Demographic data of indigenous peoples

Results of the secondary data gathering and actual surveys suggest that there are no
indigenous people (IPs) present within the project site.

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Figure 2-146 Settlement Map of Navotas City (population density, 2010)

Source:NavotasCityCLUP (2016-2025)

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Physical and cultural resources Manila City

North of the Pasig (12 separate individual sites or areas explored)

Site 1: A Chinese builfing at corner of Pinpin and Dasmariñas

Site 2: Cosmopolitan building site, near Sta. Cruz bridge
Site 3: Great Eastern Hotel Site, Calle Echague
Site 4: Heacock building, corner David and Escolta
Site 5: Insular Life Building, Plaza Cervantes
Site 6: Reyes (now Soriano) building site, Plaza Cervantes
Site 7: Uy Yet building (China Bank Area), Calle Dasmariñas
Site 8: Cu Unjieng building site, Escolta and Pinpin
Site 9: Ideal Theater building site, Rizal Avenue
Site 10: Trade and Commerce building, Calle Juan Luna
Site 11: (Miscellaneous street excavations)
Site 12: Santo Tomas University Campus (“Bill’s Site”), España

Excavations for building sites proved very interesting and informative regarding the history of
Manila. Accurate chronology worked out for downtown area, showing regular subsistence of
around 14 inches per century. Good series of datable Chinese and European porcelains
obtained in great quantity; also contemporary native and southeastern Asia wares. Some
whole pieces found as well as fragments and shreds.)

South of Pasig (14 individual sites or areas explored to some degree, and a few of them
excavated extensively):

Site 1: Ermita School Garden (Agriculture and Commerce Building), Wallace Field
Site 2: Laong Laan Tennis Court Area, Wallace Field
Site 3: “Luis Dato” area, east of Tennis Court, Wallace Field
Site 4: Wallace Field, in general
Site 5: Calle Isaac Peral area (Taft to M. H. del Pillar)
Site 6: University of the Philippines Campus; especially area near Florida
Site 7: Weather Bureau and Ateneo Grounds
Site 8: Bureau of Science grounds (and fishpond area)
Site 9: Manila Walls and Moat area
Site 10: Various excavations inside Walled City
Site 11: Post-office building site
Site 12: Metropolitan Theater Building site
Site 13: Colgante Bridge Area (south approach, Quezon Bridge)
Site 14: New City Hall site

Sites 12-14 were very deeply excavated, and produced enormous collections of interesting
ceramic and other material from the old Chinese Parian of the late 16 th and early 17th centuries.
Little modern material, except in upper soil layers.

The Ermita School Garden and most of the various Wallace Field areas lie on the site of old
Bagumbayan – the “New Town” built in the last third of the 16th century by the Manila natives
ejected from the pre-Spanish town by Goiti and Legaspi. Many interesting types of native

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pottery, “Manila-ware” clay-pipes, coins, beads, native jewelry, and other articles have been

The Ermita area was probably made up largely of sand dunes of various sizes, in pre-Spanish
and early Spanish times. Some excavations show the remains of such dunes, and
occasionally they contain interesting old objects, particularly on Isaac Peral, Florida, near the
Weather Bureau (Ateneo), and the Bureau of Science. Deep borings for setting up telephone
and electric-light poles have also often brought up interesting objects – along several streets
in this area.

Results of the exploration indicate that downtown Manila was inhabited only from about 1480
to 1500 onwards. Navotas
Navotas is a long, narrow, spleen-shaped island, in the then municipality of Malabon and
inhabited largely by fishermen. It is interesting ethnographically on account of the many types
among the thousands of small watercraft that line the shores.

It is interesting archaeologically because of two facts: First, it appears to have been a landing
place or trade center for Arab and Chinese merchantmen in the Late Tang and Early Sung
periods (9th to 12th century AD); and considerable numbers of ceramic fragments have been
found in certain sand dunes along the shores. Second, the grounds around certain ancient
ruins of Spanish stone buildings, near the South end of the island, have yielded many
interesting fragments of 16th and 17th century ceramic wares – chiefly Chinese.

Further study, and some excavation, of the Tang-Sung ceramic fragment area was interrupted
by the war, and should be resumed in the near future. Public and social services Water supply

The water supply system is administered by Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (MWSI), which is
a distribution concessionaire of MWSS (Metropolitan Water and Sewerage System), handling
the north side of Metro Manila. The water source is La Mesa Dam, where water is filtered and
treated before it is distributed to the entire franchise area. Distribution lines of Maynilad Water
Services, Inc. cover almost all barangays in Navotas, with barangay North Bay Boulevard
South as the largest.

Table 2-65 Water needs per cubic meter per day per 2010 population in the impact
Barangay 2010 Population Water Needs (m³/day)
Navotas City 249,131 37,425
Tanza 24,917 3,619
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

As of this date, Maynilad has already finished their project around Navotas that’s why they
experienced high pressure water connection in all barangay. Many of Navoteños satisfied with
the water coming from Maynilad, but the problem now is water consumption that they use.
This project is with the cooperation of the Mayor and Maynilad Water Services Inc. (MWSI).

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Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (Maynilad) is the water and waste water services provider for
the West Zone (Metro Manila) and Cavite. It is the only service provider for the planning area
regarding to sewerage and sanitations. Navotas city has an existing sewerage network, which
is connected to the Dagat-dagatan Sewerage System.

Under the Dagt-dagatan Sewerage System, 67 km long sewers are collecting wastewater from
Manila, Navotas, Malabon and Coocan to be treated at the Dagat-Dagatan Sewage and
Septage Treatment Plant (DDSSTP). The plant is located in Maypajo, Caloocan City.

The Dagat-dagatan sewage treatment system is composed of two modules with aerated
lagoon, facultative pond and polishing pond, where wastewater stays for more than 10 days
to undergo biological treatment. This sewage treatment plant has a capacity of 26,000 m3/day.
Table below shows the water demand forecast in Navotas for the 2015 to 2035.

Table 2-66 Water demand forecast in Navotas (2015-2035)

Navotas 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
Water Demand (MLD) 33.71 33.77 44.12 50.8 52.66
Wastewater Generated (MLD) 26.97 30.22 35.3 40.64 42.13 Power supply

The table below presents the classification of MERALCO customers within the impact area as
of December 2012.

Table 2-67 Households with electricity (2010)

Number of Households being served by
Customer Classification
Residential 28,570
Commercial 2,596
Industrial 140
Streetlights 16
Total 31,322
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Communication
Major telecommunication companies like the Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT)
Company, Globe Telecom, Smart Communications and Sun Cellular render telephone
services in Navotas. These networks are easily accessible and have good network coverage
through mobile system and landlines. Access to National and International Distance Dialing
as well as National and International Operator Assisted Long Distance services are also
available via any of the major networks. Payphones and loading stations can be found in many
sari-sari stores within the city.

There is a number of courier providers in Navotas, namely Navotas Postal Services and LBC
Express which are both located in Barangay Sipac-Almacen. Major newspapers – both
broadsheets and tabloids – are also available in the City of Navotas on a daily basis. In
addition, televisions and radios are common such that everyone gets to know the news

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worldwide. Internet communication is also available for those who can afford to have
computers. Presence of internet shops increases. Peace and order

The protective service sector provides the security and public order in the locality. It facilitates
effective operation of government operations/projects and secures the residents as they go
about in their daily lives.

Police service

At present, the Navotas Police Station is ably manned by a total of 292 personnel broken down
as follows:

Table 2-68 Number of personnel in Navotas Police Station as of 2015

Navotas Police Station Personnel Number
Police Commissioned Officers 18
Police Non-Commissioned Officers 263
Non-Uniformed Personnel 11
Total 292
Source: Navotas City CLUP (2016-2025)

Crime rate

The Average Monthly Crime Rate for 2013 is presented in the following figure:

Figure 2-147 Monthly crime profile in Navotas City (2013)

Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

The Navotas City Jail is located at M. Naval St., Sipac, Navotas City, along Navotas River.
The facility is currently situated at the back of the Navotas Sport Complex. The city jail can

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only accommodate 200 inmates. However, at present, it houses a total of 637 inmates which
makes this jail 318.5% congested. Education facilities

There are 15 public elementary schools in Navotas, 9 are located at District 1 and 6 are located
at District 2. There are 5 public schools offering secondary education. Twenty-nine (29) private
schools exist in the city offering pre-school, elementary, secondary and tertiary education.
There are also 2 colleges in the city and a manpower-training center, which offers courses
ranging from automotive to cosmetology classes.

Elementary level

The table below represents the comparison of gross enrolment of public elementary schools
in three (3) school years. It was shown that there is a decrease in the number of enrollees in
the city which may be attributed to the relocation and transfer of residence of the students.

Table 2-69 Gross enrolment in public elementary schools (2013-2016)

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
M F Total M F Total M F Total
Navotas I 10,926 9,795 20,721 10,480 9,515 19,995 9,626 8,997 18,623
Navotas II 6,141 5,672 11,813 6,188 5,687 11,875 5,851 5,424 11,275
Total 17,067 15,467 32,534 16,668 15,202 31,870 15,477 14,421 29,898

Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

In addition, the comparison of gross enrolment of private elementary schools from SY 2013-
2014 to 2015-2016 is shown in the subsequent table.

Table 2-70 Gross enrolment in private elementary schools (2013-2016)

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
M F Total M F Total M F Total
Navotas I 374 345 719 427 378 805 270 228 498
Navotas II 414 367 781 346 304 650 528 481 1,009
Total 788 712 1500 773 682 1455 798 709 1,507

Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

Secondary level

Table 2-71 shows a comparative data on the gross enrolment in public secondary school for
the last three consecutive years. Based on the data, Navotas NHS is the only school where
there is an increased enrolment, while the rest is decreasing due to transfer of residence or
relocation of the students.

For the private schools, it can be gleaned on Table 2-72 that Governor Pascual College is the
only private secondary school in the city to have an increase in enrollment for the last three
(3) years.

Table 2-71 Gross enrolment in public secondary schools (2013-2016)

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
M F Total M F Total M F Total
Navotas NHS 1759 1790 3549 1816 1746 3562 1799 1788 3587

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2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016

M F Total M F Total M F Total
Tanza NHS 541 564 1105 560 547 1107 556 585 1141
Kaunlaran NHS 1859 1905 3764 2040 1998 4038 1872 1795 3667
San Rafael NHS 682 528 1210 569 433 1002 460 389 849
San Roque NHS 1286 1294 2580 1257 1325 2582 1193 1249 2442
Tangos NHS 761 695 1456 762 705 1467 719 686 1405
Total 6888 6776 13664 7004 6754 13758 6599 6492 13091
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

Table 2-72 Gross enrolment in private secondary schools (2013-2016)

2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
M F Total M F Total M F Total
San Jose Academy 254 218 472 230 216 446 210 229 439
Governor Andres 483 439 922 592 582 1174 649 651 1300
Pascual College
La Naval Academy 83 104 187 74 92 166 73 86 159
Total 820 761 1581 896 890 1786 932 966 1898
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

There are 15 elementary schools in Navotas which have 896 teachers for 35,256 students for
school year 2013-2014. The teacher-student ratio is 39.35. There are 5.65 difference
compared to the standard ratio of DepEd.

On the other hand, six (6) high schools were present in Navotas City for 13,710 students as
of 2013-2014. The teacher-student ratio is 27.59 and its difference with the standard ratio of
DepEd is 17.91.


There are 2 tertiary education institutions in Navotas, the Navotas Polytechnic College (NPC),
a public tertiary school, and the Gov. Andres Pascual College, a private tertiary school. The
Navotas Polytechnic College gives priority to poor but deserving students aiming for a college
education. There are 9 courses being offered in NPC, 2 of which was offered last School Year
2009-2010 and these are the Computer Systems & Programming, and Computer Systems &
Network Technician. The special course in Call Center started April 2008. There were 4,123
students enrolled in the institution for the school year 2015-2016.

Vocational/Non-formal education

As part of the initiative of the local government of Navotas, programs such as non-formal,
continuing and vocational education are conducted in various institutions to educate and
provide the residents knowledge for possible livelihood projects. The Navotas Manpower
Training Center is one institution that provides skills training for out-of-school youth. The
institution offers (7) hard trade courses like Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Electrical Installation
and Maintenance, Consumer Electronics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Automotive,
Dressmaking and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. The number of enrollees and graduates for
each program are indicated in the table below.

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Table 2-73 Navotas manpower and training center accomplishment (2015)

Trade Courses Enrolees Graduated
Automotive Servicing 82 56
Building Wiring Installation 68 47
Consumer Electronics 39 24
Shielded Metal Arc Welding 125 94
Refrigeration and Air Condition 24 23
Dress Making 24 24
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 30 29
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Fire protection

The following data was taken from the Comparative Program Review and Mission
Accomplishment Report of the Navotas City Fire Station for the CY 2014 and CY 2015. The
Navotas City Fire Station has established various activities and accomplishments towards the
betterment of fire services in the locality, as stated herein during the period under review.

For the year 2014 and 2015, there were zero fatalities in Civilian and Fire Fighter. However,
the injuries acquired from the Fire Incidents decreased as of 2014 compared to 2015. Fire
incidents AOR increased to 0.58% as seen on the table below while fire incidents within AOR
increased to 0.09%.

Table 2-74 Fire incidence in Navotas City, 2014-2015

Causes of Fire 2014 2015
Electrical Connections 36 45
Electrical Appliances 1 2
Electrical Machineries 1 0
Spontaneous Combustion 1 0
Open Flame Due to Unattended Cooking / Stove 7 1
Open Flame due to Torch or Sulo 2 1
Open Flame due to Lighted Candle or Gasera 4 4
LPG Explosion Due to Lighted Candle or Gasera 1 2
LPG Explosion Due to Direct Flame Contact or Static 5 2
Lighted Cigarette Butt 0 1
Chemicals 0 0
Pyrotechnics 0 5
Lighted Matchsticks or Lighter 0 0
Incendiary Device/Mechanism or Ignite 0 0
Lightning 0 0
Bomb Explosion 0 0
Under Investigation 1 0
Others 0 2
Total 59 65
Motives 2014 2015
Intentional 0 0
Accidental 59 65
Under Investigation 0 0
Type of Occupancy 2014 2015
Residential 23 27
Industrial 0 1
Mercantile 2 1
Storage 2 0
Mixed Occupancy 1 0

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Causes of Fire 2014 2015

Business 1 1
Educational 0 0
Detention & Correction 0 0
Assembly 0 0
Health Care 0 0
Miscellaneous/Other 17 28
Grass/Rubbish & Forest Fires 5 2
Vehicular Fire
Motor Vehicle 0 1
Ship/Water Vessel 6 4
Aircraft 0 0
Locomotive 2 0
Total 59 65
Casualty 2014 2015
Firefighter 0 0
Civilian 0 0
Injured 2014 2015
Firefighter 0 1
Civilian 10 1
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Disaster risk management

In terms of institution, the Navotas City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council had
been active in terms of performing its functions pursuant to Republic Act No. 10121 otherwise
known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010. The Navotas
City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office had already been institutionalized to
take-charge of capacity building measures both on the part of the local government and the

A Joint Rescue Team was also organized in order to harness the support of the private and
non-government organizations in terms of emergency and disaster preparedness and
response. A network of volunteers is in close coordination with the rescue team, particularly
in time of urgent needs. As to information dissemination, the city utilizes its social networking
sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and Website) in order to facilitate wide information sharing as to
pre-, during, and post-disaster activities. The TxtJRT mechanism also enables the residents
to obtain and provide information regarding disaste s and emergencies.

To address flooding, the City is continuously investing in the institution of mitigating easures
like construction of additional pumping stations, river walls and coastal dikes in various
strategic locations in the city, including those highly susceptible to flooding in order to
minimize, if not completely eliminate, flood occurrence. At present, there are 40 “Bombastik”
pumping stations around Navotas and the construction of a 3.5-kilometer coastal dike along
Manila Bay has already started.

As part of the Oplan Likas Program of the national government and in coordination with the
National Housing Authority, relocation of informal settler families (in-city and off-city),
particularly in coastal areas and waterways are ongoing. Even though the fishponds in
Barangay Tanza are considered to have a moderate risk from flooding, the city government
cannot institute structural mitigating measures for the reason that these fishponds are privately
owned. The table below elaborates the state of the adaptive capacity of the citizens in terms
of insurance coverage, availability of alternative sites, capacity to relocate or retrofit, allocation

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of government resources for risk reduction, and capacity to conform to additional zoning

The following table presents the inventory of tools and equipment for disaster risk
preparedness in Navotas City.

Table 2-75 Inventory of tools and equipment for disaster

Quantity Unit Description
2 Pcs Trauma Kits
10 Pcs Rescue Knives
1 Unit Portable inflatable emergency and disaster lighting
1 Pc Rescue can (life buoy can)
5 Pcs Water rescue helmet
10 Pcs Type 3 responder's life vest
1 Unit Fiber glass rescue boat
2 Units Amphibian
1 Unit . Rubber rescue boat
50 Yards Utility rope
1 Roll Water rescue rope
10 Pcs Harness
21 Pcs Heavy duty flash lights
1 Roll Nylon rope, 12 mm
1 Roll Nylon rope, 14 mm
410 Pcs First Aid kit with accessories
140 Pcs Flashlights
1560 Pcs Headlamp
1 Pc Megaphone
11 Units generator set
2 Pcs life ring
6 Units base radio
132 Units handheld radio
Source: Navotas City CLUP (2016-2025) Public health and safety Health resources

Navotas City has 11 health centers located in 9 barangays, and an emergency and lying-in
clinic which is located in Barangay San Jose. There are five (5) health centers which are
Sentrong Sigla accredited namely Tanza Health Center, Tangos Health Center, San Roque
Health Center, NBBN Health Center and Kaunlaran Village Health Center respectively. Two
(2) additional health centers – Phase 2 Area 1 Health Center and Adolescent Friendly Health
Care Center were constructed and renovated and are located in Barangay North Bay
Boulevard South. For Philhealth accredited facilities, all except one (1), the Sipac Health
Center are PHIC accredited. For Directly Observe Treatment Short Course (DOTS) accredited
Health Center, there are three (3) - Bagumbayan Health Center, NBBN Health Center, and
Tanza Health Center are DOTS accredited while NBBN Health Center served also the city’s
Private-Mixed DOTS unit. These health facilities provide basic health care services like Family

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Planning and Counseling, Maternal and Child Care. Nutrition, Care for Elderly, Adolescent
Youth Health Care Development, Management of Infectious Disease, Risk management of
lifestyle related diseases among others.

The city had a total of 112 public health personnel in plantilla positions while 37 are employed
on a contractual basis. There are four (4) physicians functioning as consultants who are part
of the one hundred ninety informal personnel. This list includes only public providers.

There are seventeen (17) physicians. One (1) is the City Health Officer, One (1) is the
Assistant City Health Officer. Ten (10) of them assigned in the health centers and, One (1)
assigned in technical section, One (1) is assigned in the Animal Bite Center (1), and three (3)
of them are assigned at the Navotas City Hospital. There are eleven (11) dentists, one (1) of
whom functions as a supervisor. Twenty-one (21) nurses are health center based, one in
technical section and two (2) are nurse supervisors in administration section. There are six (6)
medical technologists in permanent positions; one (1) of whom is assign in Drug Testing
Center. There are three (3) nutritionists and thirty-eight (38) midwives. Among the midwives,
two (2) are in administrative functions, twenty-one (21) are health center based and eleven
(11) are based in the lying in clinic. There are also six (6) sanitary health inspectors in the city.
There are two (2) detailed staffs in the administration.

Table 2-76 Health personnel in Navotas City (2015)

Ratio Per RHU
Health Personnel Number Population Ratio
Personnel Standards
Physician 15 17,320 1:20,000
Dentist 10 25,980 1:25,000
Nurse 19 13,673 1:20,000
Medical Technicians 6 43,300 1:45,000
Nutritionist/Dieticians 3 86,601 1:125,000
Midwife 38 6,836 1:10,000
Sanitary Inspector 6 43,300 1:40,000
Barangay Nutrition Scholar 19 - -
Barangay Health Workers 190 - -
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Morbidity and mortality

Overall morbidity in the city is 90,357. Half of these are infectious in nature, with respiratory
disorders leading by a wide margin accounting to about 55.6%. Similarly, the majority of infant
morbidities in the city are infectious, again with respiratory infections leading by a wide margin.
Nutritional deficiencies such as avitaminosis also affected the infants.

Table 2-77 Leading causes of morbidity in Navotas City (2015)

Causes Total Rate
All Ages
1. Acute Respiratory Tract Infection 50,323 193.69
2. Skin Infections (all types) 5,614 21.60
3. Allergies (all types) 4,246 16.34
4. Urinary Tract Infections 3,302 12.70
5. Gastroenteritis 3,033 11.67
6. Hypertension 2,717 10.45

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Causes Total Rate

7. Conjunctivitis 1,865 7.17
8. Asthma 1,679 6.46
9. Trauma (all types) 1,328 5.11
10. Acid Peptic Disease 1,143 4.39
Under Five
1. Acute Respiratory Tract Infection 23,733 550.30
2. Allergies (all kinds) 2,375 55.07
3. Skin Infections (all types) 2.340 54.26
4. Gastroenteritis (all types) 1,794 41.60
5. Trauma (all types) 975 22.61
6. Parasitism 861 19.96
7. Asthma 760 17.62
8. Conjunctivitis 624 14.47
9. Bronchitis 495 11.48
10. Urinary Tract Infection 409 9.48
1. Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection 7,692 870.83
2. Allergies (all kinds) 954 108.00
3. Skin Infections (all types) 668 75.63
4. Gastroenteritis (all types) 481 54.45
5. Trauma (all types) 210 23.77
6. Parasitism 203 22.61
7. Asthma 182 20.60
8. Conjunctivitis 160 18.11
9. Ear Infections 83 9.40
10. Pneumonia 49 5.55
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

There were a total of 1,080 deaths with the rate of 4.15 per 1,000 populations in 2015. There
were more deaths among males compared with females. The city’s mortality pattern illustrates
a double-burden of disease, with non-communicable diseases as the main cause of mortality
along with infectious illnesses.

The leading causes of mortality are myocardial infarction, followed by Pneumonia and
Congestive Heart Failure. Tuberculosis remains as one of the leading causes of mortality
accounting for 37 deaths. Other leading non-communicable illnesses include HCVD, Diabetes
Mellitus, COPD, Status Asthmaticus. Other causes of mortality may or may not be caused by
infectious diseases.

Table 2-78 Leading causes of mortality in Navotas (2015)

Causes Male Female Total Rate*
All Ages
1. Myocardial Infarction 153 71 224 0.86
2. Pneumonia 76 79 156 0.59
3. Cancer (all kinds) 61 63 124 0.47
4. Congestive Heart Failure 55 17 72 0.27
5. Cerebrovascular Accident 40 18 58 0.22
6. HCVD 26 23 49 0.18

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Causes Male Female Total Rate*

7. PTB 28 9 37 0.14
8. Medico Legal (GSW) 30 6 36 0.13
9. Senility 8 26 34 0.13
10. Diabetes Mellitus 14 19 33 0.12
Under Five
1. Pneumonia 23 3.42
2. Respiratory Distress Syndrome 5 0.74
3. Aspiration (Meconium, Cord Coil) 4 0.59
4. Dehydration 4 0.59
5. Sepsis 3 0.45
Status Asthmaticus 3 0.45
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 3 0.45
Intrauterine Fetal Death 3 0.45
6. Biliary Atresia 2 0.30
Hydrocephalus 2 0.30
7. Meningococcemia 1 0.15
Anemia 1 0.15
Ischemic encephalopathy 1 0.15
Fetal Distress 1 0.15
Acute Gastroenteritis 1 0.15
Congestive Heart Failure 1 0.15
Cerebral Hypoxia 1 0.15
Uterine Placental Insufficiency 1 0.15
Ventricular Septal Defect 1 3.42
1. Pneumonia 17 2.53
2. Respiratory Distress Syndrome 5 0.74
3. Aspiration (Meconium, Cord Coil) 4 0.59
4. Sepsis 3 0.45
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 3 0.45
Intrauterine Fetal Death 3 0.45
5. Dehydration 2 0.30
6. Status Asthmaticus 1 0.15
Anemia 1 0.15
Fetal Distress 1 0.15
Ischemic Encepalopathy 1 0.15
Cerebral Hypoxia 1 0.15
Uterine Placental Insufficiency 1 0.15
Biliary Atresia 1 0.15
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Crude birth rate (CBR)

The city’s crude birth rate (CBR, has been on an upward trend since its lowest point in 2008.
This can be attributed to the city’s initiative to collect data regarding hospital births outside the
city. In 2015, Crude Birth Rate slightly higher from 24.03 per 1,000 population in 2014 to 25.89
in 2015. This rate is also slightly higher than the national average of 24. Having a young and
expanding population brings with it many opportunities as well as a multitude of challenges,
especially for the urban poor.

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The city’s crude death rate slightly decreased this year at 4.15 per 1,000 population. This is
considered to be below the national average of 5. The CDR has increased slightly in 2014 but
dropped slightly in 2015. Infant mortality rate (IMR)

The city’s infant mortality rate (IMR) dropped dramatically from 2011 to 2012 and slightly
increased in 2013. In 2014, it increased at 10.80 per 1,000 live births, and that is still way
below the 2016 national average of 17 per 1,000 live births. In 2015, it dropped again to as
low as 6.5 per 1,000 live births. This can be attributed to the increase in attendance of birth by
qualified health professionals both in the hospitals, and in public and private lying in clinics
and that mothers tend to deliver their babies in accredited health facilities. Environmental health and sanitation

The typical wastewater or sewage treatment facility used by the residents is the septic tank.
However, the informal settlers do not have the capacity to construct and use septic tanks and
thus significantly contribute to the pollution of the rivers and the Manila Bay with consequent
effects on health and sanitation. Desludging or siphoning of septic tanks is a free service of
the Maynilad Water Services, Inc. (MWSI). Socio-economic profile Main sources of income

Agricultural activities in the city are concentrated in the fisheries production. Crop and livestock
productions are very minimal and limited to home and backyard production activities. The lack
of available space for these activities was the primary reason given.

Fishery production in the city involves mostly marginal fisherfolks where 5,497 fisherfolks are
registered for the year 2015. Of the 12 barangays involved in fishery production, Barangays
Tangos, Tanza, and San Jose are the top three barangays with the most number of fishing
boats. More than 60% of the fishing boats in the city are in Tangos. There are 374 registered
boats for the year 2015 according to city department of agriculture.

In addition, based on the accomplishment report of the City Department of Agriculture for
2010, Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMCs) can be strengthened
by conducting regular meetings and orientations to all Bantay Dagat personnel. In addition,
Mayor John Rey Tiangco imposed all Barangay Captains to create Bantay Dagat personnel
in their respective barangay to ensure the safety of Manila Bay from illegal dynamite fishing. Average income

The average family income per year in Navotas City is P60,000.00 and the average family
size is 4.65. It is estimated, based on these figures, that the income per capita in Navotas is
P12,903.22. Employment rate/profile

The labor force of the city as described in the DSWD NHTS-PR database for poor households
is shown in the table below. The labor force of the city stands at 63,072.

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Table 2-79 Labor force (age 15 years old & above) by highest educational attainment
No. of Grade Kinder or Elementary High school College (any
Labor Force
Completed Daycare (any level) (any level) Level)
63,072 915 241 23,476 33,301 5,139
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015) Commercial establishments and financial institutions

The fishing industry comprises about 59.21% of the total number of industries established in
Navotas. Other local industries include fishpond industry (3.29%), manufacturing (30.92%)
and shipyard/shipbuilding maintenance and repair (6.58%).

Table 2-80 Business establishments in Navotas City (2015)

Type of Business Establishment No. of Business Establishment
- Fishing Industry 90
- Fishpond Industry 5
- Manufacturing Industry 47
- Shipyard 11
Commerce & Trade 948
Services 795
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

Food manufacturing industries are involved mostly in the processing of fish sauce, dried
smoked fish, fishmeal and bagoong. These are mostly small scale in nature and usually
carried out in the homes. The small scale processing activities usually employ traditional
methods of food processing that most often lack proper waste disposal systems.

Shipyards involving shipbuilding, repair and maintenance were major economic contributors
in the past. Somehow, these declined in number. Together with the decline in number is the
deterioration of the condition of a number of shipyards thereby causing not only water and air
pollution, but noise pollution as well. On the other hand, Commercial and trade establishments
comprise mostly of sari-sari stores (459), general merchandise (97), food and beverage (140)
and pharmaceutical products (38)

A total number of 19 local financial institutions are located in Navotas. These institutions
provide a number of services, which include, among others, the provision of loans and
business financing. These institutions are mostly located in barangays North Bay Boulevard
South and San Jose.

In terms of established cooperatives in the city, Navotas has a total of 8 active cooperatives,
which are mostly multi-purpose, non-agricultural in nature. Most of these cooperatives are into
savings and loan services. Traffic
The City of Navotas is served by a network of roads, mostly concrete, and provides internal
access within the city to all the barangays. Several roads serve as important linkages of the
city to the rest of Metro Manila and other nearby municipalities and cities in Bulacan. The table
below shows the list of all National Road Network by length and width.

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Table 2-81 Existing national roads in Navotas City by length and width (2014)
Name of road Length (km) Width (m) Concrete Asphalt
1. C-3 Road 0.607 30 100% -
2. Gov. A. Pascual St. 3.732 15 100% -
3. M. Naval St. 4.410 15 100% -
4. North Bay Boulevard 2.609 20 100% -
5. R-10 Road 2.150 30 100% -
6. C-4 Road 0.866 20 100% -
7. Lapu-Lapu Ave. 1.006 20 100% -
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

The above specified width information clearly show that all these roads have a 2- way capacity,
therefore these roads if used properly can accommodate at least 4 vehicles at a time. In terms
of pavement type, all of the major roads in Navotas are of concrete type.

Since all of the barangays in Navotas can be classified as urban, the lack in road can be
determined from the population. Based on the May 2010 census, the city has a total population
of 249,131, and by applying the standard of 2.4 kilometers per one thousand population, we
have computed the actual needed roads of the city. It is computed to be at 588.82 kilometers.
However due to space constraints, this may not be realized. As a result, mobility in the city
can be best achieved by traffic management.

Bridge and culvert

Having the aggregate shoreline and rivers within Navotas, it is empirical that bridges will
provide easier access within the city and continuity of traffic. There are nine bridges around

The main issue with the bridges is its capacity to service the transport links in the city. With
the progress of time and continuous use of these infrastructures, it is expected that they will
deteriorate and will require maintenance. Budgetary considerations pose part of the
constraints, which is among the problems of the city government.

Table 2-82 Bridges in Navotas City (2015)

Bridge description
Name of bridge Capacit No. Year
Lengt Widt Type of
y of constructe
h h construction
(Ton) span d
1. Spine Bridge
15 3 66.76 7.28 PCDG 1986
(Left Lane Caloocan Boundary)
2. Spine Bridge
(Right Lane Caloocan 15 3 66.76 7.28 PCDG 1986

3. Tanza Bridge 20 3 45 6 PCDG 1996

4. R-10 Bridge 15 5 106.3 15 PCDG 1993

5. Maralla Bridge 20 3 48.05 13.9 1992
6. Bangkulasi Bridge
15 3 49.6 7.3 RCDG 1952
(Cut-off Channel)
7. C-3 Bridge 15 3 73.6 8.6 PCDG 1982

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Bridge description
Name of bridge Capacit No. Year
Lengt Widt Type of
y of constructe
h h construction
(Ton) span d
(Left Lane Caloocan Boundary)
8. C-3 Bridge
(Right Lane Caloocan 15 3 73.6 8.6 PCDG 1982
9. Estrella Bridge 20 3 79 7.3 PCDG 1996
10. C-4 Bridge 1 20 5 106.5 15.1 PCDG 1992
11. C-4 Bridge 2 20 3 73.5 15.3 PCDG 1993
Source: Navotas City Socio-Economic Profile (2015)

2.4.3 Perception survey

The survey was divided into three major components, namely (1) Socio-Demographic Profile
of respondents (2) Disaster Response and (3) Perception of the proposed project. Demographic profile of respondents Gender
The respondents were composed of 26% males and 74% females.



Figure 2-148 Gender of respondents Age
More than half (53%) of the total number of respondents belong to 20-40 age group followed
by 41-60 age group (34%).

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61-70 3%
41-60 53%

Figure 2-149 Age of respondents Birth place

As observed in Figure 2-150, majority of the respondents were migrants who came from Luzon
outside Navotas (34%), Visayas (15%) and Mindanao (4%). Forty-seven percent (47%) are
born in Navotas City.


Figure 2-150 Place of birth of respondents Civil status

Given the age group the respondents belong, 47% are married while 31% are single as can
be seen in the following figure:

Separated Single
14% 31%


Figure 2-151 Civil status of respondents

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Religion
Majority of the respondents are Roman Catholic as seen on Figure 2-152.

INC Islam
1% 1%


Figure 2-152 Religion of respondents Settlement history

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of the total respondents have resided in the Barangay for 11-20
years. Moreover, approximately 25% of the total respondents have been living in the barangay
for 21-30 years.

51-60 >61 1-10

4% 2% 11%

31-40 11-20
17% 29%


Figure 2-153 Years of residence in the barangay Socio-economic profile of respondents Income, livelihood and employment

The primary source of income of 33% of the total number of respondents is salary followed by
fishing (20%) and selling (20%). Sixty percent (60%) of the respondents stated that the
husband is the primary earner in the household while 14% has the wife as the primary earner.

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Others Fishing
14% 20%


Contractual job 33%

Figure 2-154 Main sources of livelihood of respondents

Male Relative
Daughter 2% Others
11% 6%
Wife 60%

Figure 2-155 Primary earner in the household

The monthly poverty threshold for a family of five, according to NSO, is an average income of
P8,022 per month. This amount is enough to cover a single family’s basic food and non-food
needs. Poverty threshold refers to the minimum income a family or individual must earn in
order to be considered “not poor”. Secondary data suggest that the average household size
in Barangay Tanza is 4-5 persons.

In the following figure, it is observed that more than 35% of the respondents earn at least
10,000 pesos per month while the rest earn less than a thousand to 9,999 pesos monthly. It
can be estimated that those whom classified as “poor” ranges from 29 to 65%.

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>20000 <1000
15000-20000 5% 2%


Figure 2-156 Monthly income of respondents Housing condition

The largest percentage share of the respondents about their ownership status are tenants
(37%) while 35% are owners. Sixty-eight (68%) considered their property as in a good

Renting owned Owner
23% 5% 35%


Figure 2-157 Landholding status of respondents Educational attainment

In the following figure, 40% of the respondents are high school graduates and 31% are college

College Elementary
31% 19%

8% High School

Figure 2-158 Educational attainment of respondents

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Environmental Impact Statement
2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Health profile

In 2015, the 72% of the respondents stated that at least one of their household members got
sick. Fever, cough, diarrhea and highblood are the most prevalent in the Barangay. Majority
of the respondents revealed that the primary source of treatment for such illnesses in the
household was in the nearest health center of their community.

No. of respondents


High Blood Diarrhea Cough Fever


Figure 2-159 Common illnesses in the barangay


10 11 0 1
House Health Center Barangay Private Clinic Herbalist Hospital
Health worker

Figure 2-160 Sources of treatment for illness of respondents Environmental health and sanitation

Unsanitary practices and facilities may cause diseases and infections that are detrimental to
health and might even cause death.

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Based on the following figures, 63% of the total number of respondents has access to
improved sanitation facilities. Moreover, 93% of respondents have access to water supply
system whereas the rest’s sources are artesian well and deep well.

Hole on the None

1% Flush Toilet
House w/ hole 20%
on the ground


Figure 2-161 Type of toilet facility used by respondents

Poso Deep Well

6% 1%

Water system

Figure 2-162 Sources of water supply Disaster response

All respondents (100%) in the impact barangays have experienced typhoon/storm and
flooding. Such calamities have affected health, properties, environment, food supplies and

Majority of the respondents stated that the levels of responses for disasters are not adequate.
They also rated the level of community participation for disasters as not adequate.

In terms of disaster preparation, Barangay Tanza has enough/commensurate capability for

disaster response according to 88% of the respondents such as trainings and seminars.

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Eighty-five percent (85%) also stated that their community has enough/commensurate
infrastructures and equipment allotted for disaster response. Perception Perceived community problems

The biggest problem faced by the community is flooding (32%). Twenty-five percent (25%)
stated that the lack of livelihood is also one of the issues they have encountered. This is
followed by Peace and Order (16%), Cleanliness and Sanitation (14%) Health (8%) and
education (5%). Project awareness and acceptability

Eighty-eight (88%) of the respondents stated that they have prior knowledge about the project.
Most of them knew about the project from the barangay. Perceived positive and negative impacts of the project

The respondents’ perceive benefits from the proposed expansion project are:

1. Livelihood (21%)
2. Improvement of government service (15%)
3. Improvement of roads (11%)
4. Prevent destruction of properties/self-domain (7%)
5. Others (6%)

On the other hand, the perceived negative effects of the project to the community are:

1. Landslide/erosion (65%)
2. Flood (22%)
3. Loss of livelihood in fishing (20%)
4. Spread of Illness/Diseases (13%)
5. Water will be affected (4%)
6. Damage/destruction or loss of farm/agricultural lands (2%)

2.4.4 Public scoping

The issues and concerns raised during the public scoping are:

1. Opportunities for tricycle drivers

2. Loss of fishery resources/main source of livelihood
3. Loss/negative impact on mangrove areas
4. Conflict to other government projects in Barangay Tanza
5. Risks from chemicals found on dredged materials
6. Accumulation of silt
7. Alternative livelihood for fishermen
8. Impacts on shipyard industry
9. Increased flooding
10. Source of borrow materials
11. Heavy siltation due to strong current on the southern part of the proposed reclamation
12. Inclusion of housing projects on the reclamation area

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2 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

13. Alternative plans on the construction of C5 and C6 road networks

2.4.5 Issues and concerns about the Project

Aside from the secondary data gathered for the study, stakeholder participation for the project
were ensured to determine the current situation of the affected residents including the issues
and concerns they are experiencing in their community. The following issues and concerns
were summarized based on the results from the Review of secondary data, Perception Survey,
and Public Scoping:

Table 2-83 Issues and concerns about the proposed project

Aspect Issues and Concerns
1. Loss of fishery resources/main source of livelihood
2. Opportunities for tricycle drivers
3. Alternative livelihood for fishermen
4. Impacts on shipyard industry
1. Inclusion of housing projects on the reclamation area
2. Alternative plans on the construction of C5 and C6 road networks
Public/Social Services
3. Spread of Illness/Diseases
4. Conflict to other government projects in Barangay Tanza
1. Water will be affected (4%)
2. Loss/negative impact on mangrove areas
3. Risks from chemicals found on dredged materials
Environment 4. Accumulation of silt
5. Source of borrow materials
6. Heavy siltation due to strong current on the southern part of the
proposed reclamation
Disaster Risk 1. Erosion
Management 2. Increased flooding

2.4.6 Potential impacts and options for prevention, mitigation or enhancement

Impacts on physical resources

The single secondary data sourced by the EIA team regarding any archaeological study on
the area is relatively old (The Philippine Journal of Science, Outline Review of Philippine
Archaeology by Islands and Provinces, 1947). A review of the literature on the archaeological
significance of the project area shows that the general area of the project site is rich with
archaeological finds. Though the general area has already been systematically explored
extensively, still it is of potential further or greater archaeological chance finds.
Potential Destruction, mishandling of Archaeological chance finds/ Workers lack of
understanding and care to protect the environment and archaeological/ historical
sites and cultural monuments.
1. Include the following specific requirement in bid and contract documents:
a. Withholding of payment or penalty clauses, to ensure contractor’s implementation
of environmental and archaeological mitigation measures;
b. Employment of a designated Environmental Specialist and a designated
Archaeologist to oversee environmental and archaeological issues and mitigation;
c. Provision of environmental and archaeological orientation/workshop.

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2. Environment Protection, Health and Safety Orientation Plan

i. The purpose of this sub-plan is to document the approach of the general contractor
(GC), Subcontractors (SCs), and their workers in the implementation of a training
program for construction workers in relation to environmental, archaeological, and
occupational health and Safety issues.
ii. Orientation rationale. The implementation of the EMP will require the involvement
of all construction personnel. The nature of the EMP is such that personnel at all
levels have a degree of responsibility in relation to environmental, archaeological,
and occupational health and safety issues and the implementation of measures
contained in the EMP. As such, orientation for all personnel in relation to
environmental and archaeological issues and the implementation of the EMP will
be critical to ensuring the effectiveness of the EMP
iii. Orientation objective. The objective is to raise and enhance the awareness of the
construction workforce in relation relevant legislation and policy issues:
a. General environmental awareness, including rules and regulations to be
followed on archaeological, historical, cultural sites, construction site and in the
construction camps

3. Physical Cultural Resources Plan

i. The purpose of this sub-plan is to document the approach of the proponent and
contractors and their workers to protect identified archaeological, historical, and
cultural sites and monuments and to manage any physical cultural resources that
are encountered during the construction works.
ii. The plan should comply with procedures set by the NHCP.
iii. For archaeological chance, find the procedures set by NHCP shall be followed.
In the event of archaeological chance finds:
i. Inform at once the respective institutions governing such matters, specifically the
National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP).
ii. Obtain necessary approvals for construction in areas where archaeological finds
have been identified, and follow the archaeological chance-find procedures of the
iii. Fix borders of archaeological sites to be excavated for preservation and/or
iv. Incorporate archaeological excavations in construction schedule.
v. To avoid potential adverse impacts to historic and cultural resources, the
Contractor shall:
(a) Protect sites of known archaeological, historic and cultural resources by the
placement of suitable fencing and barriers.
(b) Construction camps shall be located 500 meters away from cultural
(c) Adhere to accepted NHCP practice and all applicable historic and cultural
preservation requirements of the NHCP.
(d) In the event of unanticipated discoveries of cultural or historic artifacts
(movable or immovable) in the course of the work, the Contractor shall take
all necessary measures to protect the findings and shall notify the Engineer
and the NHCP. If continuation of the work would endanger the finding, work
shall be suspended until a solution for preservation of the artifacts is agreed

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Generation of local benefits from the Project

The benefits of the project will include items from the existing SDP containing the
recommended programs and projects that the different sectors themselves identified.
Likewise, these plans and programs were reviewed in reference with the Municipal
Development Plans as well as the provisions of the Local Government Code (RA 7160) under
which both laws mandated benefits for the host communities.

The Social Development Plan prepared for this project considered the articulated wishes of
the community and Local Government of the impact areas, their concerns and issues
concerning the environment, health and vulnerable groups and the measures to address them
as recommended in the EIS. Focus will be centered on the mitigating measures to abate the
possible negative impacts of the project and enhance the positive impacts.

Traffic congestion

Vehicular Traffic

Traffic build-up is very common in the area. Vehicular traffic congestion experienced daily by
commuters and drivers is brought about by the over-loaded transport infrastructure, the
presence of incorrectly executed infrastructure, and poor traffic management.

It is inevitable that there will be an increase in vehicular traffic. Such situation will pose risks
to the residents living along the periphery of the road and school children crossing the streets.
However, this increase is expected to be minimal during construction and operation phase to
cause traffic congestion. The proponent will strictly comply with traffic rules and implement
speed limits to ensure safety of the potentially affected communities.

Access for fishermen

Possible displacement of local fishers from their traditional fishing ground due to coastal
development is considered as one of the potential impacts of the project. Increase in sea traffic
due to the use of large ships and vessels during reclamation is also unavoidable. To address
these impacts, it is recommended that the fisher folk that would be affected (if any) would be
given priority for any opportunities (e.g., livelihood). Also, a 20-meter channel shall be
established to serve as access by fisher folks possibly to be affected by the project. The
proponent will strictly comply to sea traffic rules and consider peak hours of fishing activities
during reclamation activities.

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The PRA and Navotas City are committed to operate the Project in a manner that will prioritize
the protection of the existing environment, safety and health of the people and compliance
with environmental laws, rules and regulations and other applicable legislations.

This section provides the Project’s Impact Management Plan (IMP), which serves as the action
plan for implementing the mitigating and enhancement principles, practices and measures
aimed at minimizing and/or eliminating the potential impacts of the proposed Project to the
surrounding environment.

The identified environmental impacts and corresponding proposed preventive, mitigation

and/or enhancement measures for each environmental component during the Project’s pre-
construction, construction, operation and abandonment phases are detailed in Table 3-1.

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3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 3-1 Impact management plan

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/
Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
I. Pre-construction Phase
Geotechnical Land Contamination of soil, groundwater, and  Use appropriate drilling fluid Proponent / Php200,000.00 Part of the
investigation Water surface water.  Implement proper bunding to avoid Contractor project cost
spillage into receiving environment.
(-) Drilling fluid may potentially leak into  Prepare emergency spill kits in case
receiving environment if not managed of potential leaks.
Increased Air Generation of dust  Implement dust suppression Proponent / Php50,000.00 / Part of the
movement of techniques. Contractor quarter. project cost
heavy equipment (-) Increased particulate matter due to  Cover trucks with tarpaulin loaded
on site and delivery movement of vehicles with spoils/filling materials when in
of materials transit.
(-) Health effects due to inhalation of dust  Pre-wetting of road surface to
by residents living in areas adjacent to minimise dust.
project site
People Threat to public safety  Implement speed limits and safety Proponent / Php50,000/year on Part of the
devices /signs. Contractor safety signages and project cost
(-) Possible injury or fatality as a result of  Ensure competency of drivers to Php50,000.00 on
heavy equipment and delivery trucks drive safely. trainings/seminars
movement in the project site  Engage local communities and
inform them of site activities through
IECs, posting construction “off limits”
and safety signage
Traffic congestion  Coordinate with DPWH and Proponent / Part of the
Municipal Engineering Department in Contractor regular
(-) Rapid deterioration of existing national/ road maintenance and necessary coordination of
municipal/ barangay road condition as a improvements to accommodate the Proponent
result of heavy equipment movement increased vehicle movement. with the LGU
Increased People Opportunities for local employment  Implement priority local hiring policy Proponent / No cost will be Employment
manpower for qualified local workers. Contractor incurred. generated
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits  Provide skills training for local together with
of employees and potential residents the origins of
livelihood/business opportunities workers will be

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3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
validated by
(-) Employing outside workers may the MMT.
antagonize local communities
II. Construction Phase
Site preparation, Land Change in geomorphology  Implement flood control measures Proponent / Php100,000.00/year Part of project
ground levelling, which such as construction of proper Contractor – maintenance of cost
and drainage (-) The Project site’s elevation will be and adequate drainage systems. the drainage facility
improvements altered. The elevation change will result in
subsequent change in the hydrology
surrounding the Project site
Site preparation, Land Inducement of subsidence or collapse  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php10M – Part of project
excavation, and practices such as suitable backfilling Contractor implementation of cost
filling (-) Minor subsidence may occur within the material, proper slope, grading and site preparation
project site when the subsurface is contouring to minimise possibility of adhering to best
disturbed during excavation activities for subsidence or differential settling. engineering
preparation of foundation practices.

(-) Minor settling may also occur as a result

of additional loads from heavy machinery
and structures
Site preparation, Land Inducement of higher flood levels  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php10M – Part of project
ground levelling People practices such as suitable backfilling Contractor implementation of cost
and drainage (-) Occurrence, frequency and magnitude of material, proper slope, grading and site preparation
improvements flooding may be affected due to the change contouring to minimise possibility of adhering to best
in drainage morphology and changes in subsidence or differential settling. engineering
ground elevation in the project site  Probable modification of drainage practices and
systems shall maintain natural maintenance
(-) Flooding may cause damage to property, outlets or consider similar transport
assets, and may pose threat to public safety regimes/streamflows as the pre-
existing natural drainage
 Maximize the capacity of two exit
river channels on both sides of the
reclamation area through regular
desilting and clearing operations

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3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
Site preparation, Land Soil erosion from onsite activities  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php100,000.00/year Part of project
excavation, and practices such as suitable backfilling Contractor –ground cost
filling (-) Improper storage of construction material, proper slope, grading and stabilization and
materials and indiscriminate disposal of fill contouring to minimise possibility of maintenance
materials and excavated soils may affect subsidence or differential settling.
erosion patterns.  Progressive ground preparation and
clearing to minimize total area of
land that will be disturbed at any one
time, where practical.
Contamination of soil / disposal site  Implement best engineering Proponent / Php 2,000,000.00 – Part of project
practices such as proper stockpiling Contractor Provision of proper cost
(-) Excavated soil materials may contain and handling of excavated materials. waste disposal.
contaminants that may potentially affect soil  Implement proper filling and disposal
and ground and surface water quality to avoid contamination of soil,
groundwater, and surface water
Reclamation works Water (-) Degradation of water quality due to  Install silt curtains around dredging Proponent / Php10M – Part of project
siltation brought about by reclamation areas Contractor implementation of cost.
activities  Early construction of bunds along site preparation
boundaries of the project site adhering to best
 Implement best environmental engineering
management practices such as, but practices and
shall not be limited to, removal of maintenance
debris along the waterways, proper
disposal of construction wastes,
installation of silt traps at strategic
locations, and spoils to be properly
contoured to prevent erosion
Generation of (-) Degradation of water quality due to  Removal of debris along the Proponent / Php50,000 / Year – Part of project
wastes runoff from sanitary sewage, waste water, waterways will be conducted, all Contractor provision for proper cost
solid wastes, and other construction construction wastes will be properly solid waste disposal
materials that can harm aquatic flora/fauna disposed, silt traps at strategic
locations and spoils will be properly
contoured to prevent erosion.
 Construction of sediment/ settling
ponds and related structures to

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3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
mitigate siltation or sedimentation of
water body
 Portalets will be provided for use of
the workers and its corresponding
wastewater will be properly
 Implementation of Solid waste
management program and
Hazardous waste management
 Use of DENR accredited
haulers/TSD companies.
Delivery of Air Generation of dust  Implement dust suppression Proponent / Php50,000/ year – Part of project
construction People measures in active construction Contractor operational cost
materials and (-) Air pollution from fugitive dust resulting areas. expenses
equipment, from ground clearing operations, site  Pre-wetting of road surface to
construction works preparation, structure erection, and vehicle minimise dust.
movement.  Provision of tarpaulin cover on trucks
loaded with construction materials
(-) Health effects due to inhalation of dust  Immediate hauling of spoils
by residents living in areas adjacent to  Impose speed restrictions/limits and
project site proper signages
Air Generation of air emissions  Regular maintenance of heavy Proponent / Php2,000,000 / year Part of the
equipment, motor vehicles and all Contractor –cost of construction
(-) Air pollution from SO2 and NO2 emission generating equipment maintenance of cost
emissions from heavy equipment used in heavy equipment
site preparation.
Construction works Air (noise) (-) Generation of noise from construction  Regular maintenance of motor Proponent / Php100,000.00 Part of project
activities vehicle mufflers Contractor cost
 Provision of noise cancelling ear
protection to workers
 Proper scheduling of noisy activities
during day time
 Reduce number of equipment to be
operated at nighttime and inform

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Environmental Impact Statement
3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
barangay officials prior to conducting
nighttime works
 Establishment of buffer zones along
the perimeter of the construction site
Site preparation People Community protests or complaints  Conduct of IECs to host and Proponent Php150,000.00 / Part of project
activities neighboring communities. year cost
(-) Potential adverse community response  Properly implement programs
resulting from access restrictions in working stipulated in the SDP
Increased People Opportunities for local employment  Implement priority local hiring policy Proponent / Php20,000 / year Employment
manpower for qualified local workers. Contractor generated
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits  Provide skills training for local together with
of employees and its multiplier effect or residents the origins of
potential livelihood/business opportunities  Coordinate with barangay or/and workers will be
municipal LGU as to relevant validated by
(-) Bringing in of outside workers may ordinance on providing opportunities the MMT.
antagonise local communities for local employment.
Increased People In-migration  Livelihood opportunities will be Proponent / Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower provided to local communities Contractor SDP budget will be cost
requirements (+) Workers will be required during especially to host barangay utilized for the
construction  Provide skills training for local implementation of
residents activities such as,
(-) In-migrants may compete with locals for  Conduct consultation with barangay livelihood programs,
employment, project benefits, natural LGUs on requirements and process education
resources (i.e. water competition), local of hiring to maximize employment of assistance, medical
health, welfare services and infrastructure local residents. assistance, IEC,
In-migration may also lead to proliferation of  Regular IEC and consultations with among others.
informal settlers in the project impact stakeholders (e.g. barangay LGU,
barangay local communities) will be conducted
to ensure a sustainable community
development plan.
 Coordination meetings shall be
undertaken regularly with the LGUs
to identify threats and vulnerabilities
in the society as well as to develop

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Environmental Impact Statement
3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
programs to prevent foreseen social
Increased People Cultural and lifestyle change  The proponent will implement a code Proponent / Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower of conduct for employees, Contractor SDP budget that will cost
requirements (-) Potential social tensions due to income contractors, and subcontractors to be utilized for the
and wealth disparity between those who will prevent potential impacts on lifestyle implementation of
be benefited economically from the project and behaviour. activities such as,
and those who will not be benefited.  IEC activities, open dialogue and cultural activities,
communication with the stakeholders IEC, among others
(-) Workers and other in-migrants may will be undertaken regularly by the
introduce different lifestyles and patterns of proponent to address concerns of
behaviour leading to social tensions. the people on the proposed project
and promote transparency
Threat to delivery of basic services and  Develop and implement SDP, which Proponent / Php1M / year – Part of project
resource competition shall involve improvement of basic Contractor SDP budget that will cost
services such as health and welfare, be utilized for the
(-) Unplanned population increase due to in- livelihood, infrastructure, education, implementation of
migration or increase in informal among others activities such as,
settlers/structures puts pressure on basic cultural activities,
services (education, health and social IEC, among others
welfare) and utilities (water, electricity and
waste management).
Increased People Traffic congestion  Implement speed limits, vehicle load Proponent / Php100,000/ year – Part of project
movement of limits, vehicle maintenance Contractor Safety and health cost
heavy equipment (-) Possible increase in traffic given the requirements, and limiting driving program will cover
on site and delivery number of workers to be employed and hours. this activities.
of materials, delivery of some construction materials.  Signs for ongoing construction
Increased activities (i.e. speed limit, safety
manpower signages) shall be installed at
requirements strategic places to notify and warn
the general public as necessary.
III. Operational Phase

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Environmental Impact Statement
3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
Project Operations Land Potential liquefaction or ground subsidence  Use appropriate soil compaction and Proponent Php20,000 / year – Part of project
(General) People due to earthquakes more competent backfill materials to cost incurred for cost
minimize possibility of subsidence or regular inspection
(-) Liquefaction and ground subsidence may differential settling
occur due to earthquakes, which may cause
damage to property, assets, and may pose
threat to public safety
Land Vegetation removal and loss of habitat  Design and construct appropriate Proponent Part of operation Part of project
buffer area between mangrove area cost cost
and reclamation site
 Support active enforcement of
existing laws and regulation
pertaining to protection and
rehabilitation of Mangrove Park with
regular budget allocation
 Enhance vegetation cover and
diversity of mangrove forest areas by
planting a variety of mangrove and
mangrove-associated species
suitable to the condition of the area.
This will supplement biodiversity
value in the area by reintroducing
key and important species to hasten
the process of natural recovery and
improve habitat quality.
 Establish mangrove nurseries within
the Mangrove Park to provide
reliable source of mangrove
propagules for replanting and
rehabilitation of the project area and
even to adjacent areas of Manila Bay
 Conduct Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) campaign on
the importance of mangrove and its
habitat especially to local residents

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3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
of Navotas to increase awareness
and support from the locals
 Collaborate with other government
agencies such as DENR, PPA,
academe and NGOs on other
conservation programs and activities
such as ecotourism, bird watching,
coastal clean-up, research studies
and IEC.
Land Potential flooding due to extreme weather  Design and construct appropriate Proponent ~Php 5,000,000 Part of the
People events and potential threat to public safety drainage system that will support the project cost
transport regimes/streamflows of the
(-) Flooding brought about by extreme pre-existing natural drainage
weather events may cause damage to
property, assets, and may pose threat to
public safety
Increased water Water Possible water use competition  Comply with the requirements and Proponent Php150,000/ Part of project
demand for project mandates of the concerned water quarter – cost to be cost
activities (-) Water use competition / reduction in district as to the usage of water incurred during
water availability due to the project’s use of supply quarterly monitoring
water of MMT, laboratory
analysis, among
Generation of Water (-) Degradation of ground, surface, or  Proper storage and disposal of Proponent Php100,000/ year – Part of project
wastes marine water quality due to runoff from wastes and implementation of good annual maintenance cost
sanitary sewage, waste water and solid housekeeping practices budget.
wastes that can harm aquatic flora/fauna  Use of DENR accredited
haulers/TSD companies
Emission of fugitive Air Generation of air emissions  Regular maintenance of heavy Proponent / Php 50,000 / year – Part of the
particles equipment, motor vehicles and all Contractor cost of maintenance project cost
(-) Air pollution from SO2 and NO2 emission generating equipment of
emissions from genset and vehicles vehicles/equipment
Increased People Opportunities for local employment  Implement priority local hiring policy Proponent Insignificant Monitoring and
manpower for qualified local workers. validation
requirements activity of

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Environmental Impact Statement
3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
(+) Employment opportunities and benefits  Coordinate with barangay or/and MMT, MRFC,
of employees and its multiplier effect or municipal LGU as to relevant LGU Officials,
potential livelihood/business opportunities ordinance on providing opportunities and other
for local employment. concerned
(-) Bringing in of outside workers may agencies
antagonise local communities
Increased People In-migration  Livelihood opportunities and skills Proponent Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower training will be provided to local SDP budget that will cost
requirements (+) Employment opportunities during communities specially to host be utilized for the
operation barangay implementation of
 Conduct consultation with barangay activities such as,
(-) In-migrants may compete with locals for LGUs on requirements and process livelihood programs,
employment, project benefits, natural of hiring to maximize employment of cultural activities,
resources (i.e. water competition), local local residents. IEC, among others.
health, welfare services and infrastructure  Conduct regular IEC and
In-migration may also lead to proliferation of consultations with stakeholders (e.g.
informal settlers in the project impact barangay LGU, local communities)
barangays  Undertake regular coordination
meetings with the LGUs to identify
threats and vulnerabilities in the
society as well as to develop
programs to prevent foreseen social
Increased People Cultural and lifestyle change  The proponent will implement a code Proponent Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower of conduct for employees, SDP budget that will cost
requirements (-) Potential social tensions due to income contractors, and subcontractors to be utilized for the
and wealth disparity between those who will prevent potential impacts on lifestyle implementation of
be benefited economically from the project and behaviour. activities such as,
and those who will not be benefited  IEC activities, open dialogue and cultural activities,
communication with the stakeholders IEC, among others.
(-) Workers and other in-migrants may will be undertaken regularly to
introduce different lifestyles and patterns of address concerns of the people on
behaviour leading to social tensions the proposed project and promote

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Environmental Impact Statement
3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
Increased People Threat to delivery of basic services and  Implement SDP that shall involve Proponent Php1M / year – Part of project
manpower resource competition improvement of basic services such SDP budget that will cost
requirements as health and welfare, livelihood, be utilized for the
(-) Unplanned population increase, due to infrastructure, education, among implementation of
in-migration puts pressure on basic services others activities such as,
(education, health and social welfare) and cultural activities,
utilities (water, electricity and waste IEC, among others.

(-) Population influx may create unmet

demands for affordable housing leading to
an increase in informal settlers and illegal
Increased People Generation of local benefits from the project To further enhance the benefits from the Proponent Part of project
manpower project: cost
requirements (+) Employment opportunities and benefits
of employees and its multiplier effect or  The proponent shall develop and
potential livelihood/business opportunities implement the SDP, which shall
(i.e. canteen, sari-sari store, boarding include improvement of basic
house, etc) are perceived as positive services such as health and welfare,
impacts of the project. livelihood, infrastructure, education,
among others
(+) Improvement of basic services (i.e.
electricity, water, health and education) and
infrastructure (i.e. road, recreation and
health facility) is expected as a result of the

(+) Increase in barangay income and IRA

will also be a positive impact that may
subsequently provide more funding for
programs and projects of the barangay.
Increased People Traffic congestion  Traffic management plan, in Proponent Php100,000 / year – Part of project
movement of coordination with concerned LGUs for the cost
heavy equipment (-) Possible increase in traffic given the and DPWH, will be prepared and implementation of
on site and delivery number of workers to be employed and implemented the Safety programs

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Environmental Impact Statement
3 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project phase/ Environmental Guarantee/

Options for prevention, mitigation or Responsible
Environmental component likely Potential impact (+/-) Cost financial
enhancement entity
aspect to be affected arrangement
of materials, delivery of some construction materials.  IEC will also be conducted to / policies, IEC
Increased This has the potential to add traffic communicate traffic impact and campaigns, safety
manpower congestion and affect sensitive receptors management plan to the community materials, etc.
requirements such as schools and community centers especially the host and neighboring
that may potentially cause road accidents. barangays
 Proper scheduling of delivery of
(-) Heavy loads traversing infrastructure construction materials to avoid peak
over or near load bearing limits hours/ traffic congestion and
minimize the occurrence of
 Installation of safety warnings and
IV. Decommissioning Phase
Clearing and Land Ground and water contamination  Proper implementation of the Proponent / Php2M – for the Part of project
removal of Water approved Abandonment/ Contractor handling, transport, cost
structures People (-) Clearing and removal of structures and Decommissioning Plan that details and disposal of all
facilities that may result to improper the decommissioning, rehabilitation, hazardous waste
disposal of contaminated materials or and social activities which shall and chemicals.
release of toxic and hazardous wastes / include the methodology, timing, and
compounds techniques.
 Use of DENR accredited
haulers/TSD companies for wastes
classified under RA No. 6969.


+/- Positive or negative impact

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4.1 Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)

This section discusses the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of the proposed Project.
An ERA is an evaluation tool for a project or an activity that determines the level of hazard
that it may pose to humans, properties, and to the environment.

This section will discuss whether the proposed Project poses a significant risk to its
surrounding environment. Also, this section will determine whether the surrounding
environment poses significant risks to the proposed Project.

4.1.1 Methodology

The general guidelines and outline for an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)
preparation are prescribed in Annex 2-7e of DAO 2003-03. However, the guidelines focused
more on the risks and hazards posed by activities and/or manufacturing methods that
involve chemical storage, processing, and use. Although this is applicable for the proposed
Project, this shall only form part of the overall ERA. Major environmental risks identified were
the geological hazards posed on the proposed Project.

4.1.2 Risk Screening Level

A risk screening level exercise refers to specific facilities or the use of certain processes that
has the potential to pose significant risks to people and its surrounding environment. The
Plant is covered by the risk screening level exercise, as indicated in Table 4-1.

4.1.3 Risk Identification and Analysis

The proposed Project entails risks that are natural, man-made, or a combination of both.
Natural risks are hazards caused by phenomena such as earthquakes, geological instability
and typhoons. Meanwhile, man-made risks are caused by accidents such as fires,
structural/equipment failure, chemical spillages, and human error. Man-made risks could
also be aggravated as a direct consequence of natural risks.

Table 4-1 Risk Screening Matrix

ERA Applicability to
Activities Requiring Risk Screening Exercise1
the Project
1) Facilities for the production or processing of organic/inorganic Not Applicable
chemicals using:
Alkylation Esterification Polymerization Distillation
Amination Halogenation Sulphonation Extraction
Carbonylation Hydrogenation Desulphurization Solvation
Condenstation Hydrolysis Nitration Pesticides &
Dehydrogenation Oxidation Phosphorus pharmaceutical

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

ERA Applicability to
Activities Requiring Risk Screening Exercise1
the Project
prod. prod.
2) Installations for distillation, refining, and other processing of petroleum Not Applicable
3) Installations for total or partial disposal of solid or liquid substances by Not Applicable
incineration or chemical decomposition
4) Installations for the production or processing of energy gases (e.g., Not Applicable
5) Installations for the dry distillation of coal or lignite Not Applicable
6) Installations for the production of metals and non-metals by wet Not Applicable
process or electrical energy
7) Installations for the loading and unloading of hazardous materials as Not Applicable
defined by RA 6969 (or DAO 29)
Risk screening level
CONCLUSION exercise is not
Based on Annex 2-7e of DAO 30-2003 Revised Procedural Manual

4.1.4 Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation profile of Navotas

Climate Change Projections and Impacts

The rainfall intensity in Navotas City is seen to increase particularly during the months of
June to November or the period of the Southwest monsoon while a decrease in rainfall
amount is expected from December to May (Navotas CLUP, 2016-2025). The climate data
from PAGASA also revealed an increase in mean temperature from 0.90 C in 2020 to 1.8 0
C in 2050 for the months June-August and 1.00 C to 1.90 C for the months September-
November for the year 2020 and 2050, respectively.

The change in the climatic conditions of Navotas likely will result to considerable impacts on
the city’s natural and built landscapes including its seascape. The following climate change
impacts have been identified in the City’s CLUP:

• Intensification of Rainfall, River Flow, and Flooding – The increase in the rainfall
amount from June to November or during the Southwest Monsoon may increase not
only in the frequency but also in the severity of flooding.
• Decrease of Rainfall from December to May – The decrease in the rainfall amount
from the months of December to May or Northeast Monsoon can result to abnormally
dry conditions which can intensify the effects of the El Niño phenomenon.
• Increase in Mean Temperature – The estimated increase in the mean temperature
will contribute to a number of phenomena like sea level rise, increase in sea surface
temperature, and stronger typhoons. It should be noted though that there are still no
studies conducted regarding the sea level rise in the City.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Hazard Identification

As part of the preparation of the Navotas CLUP, several hazards were identified that are
seen to affect the different components of the urban landscape that include the settlement
areas, infrastructure, critical facilities, fishery production areas, and the human communities
that are exposed to both geologic and hydro-meteorological hazards. These hazards seen to
have impacts on Navotas include ground-shaking, liquefaction, tsunami, flood, severe wind,
and storm surge. The City is most vulnerable to floods due to tidal inundations and severe
winds brought about by typhoons and heavy monsoon rains. Table 4-2 below shows the
different hazards affecting the barangays in Navotas. Note that Barangay Tanza, which will
host the proposed reclamation project, like the rest of Navotas, is susceptible to all six (6)

Table 4-2 Hazard Exposure of the 14 Barangays in Navotas City







Barangays FLOOD

1. San Rafael
 X  X   X   6
2. North Bay Blvd.
 X  X   X   6
3. North Bay Blvd.      
X X X 6
4. Bangkulasi  X  X   X   6
5. Bagumbayan      
X X X 6
6. Bagumbayan      
X X X 6
7. Navotas East  X  X   X   6
8. Navotas West  X  X   X   6
9. Sipac-Amacen  X  X   X   6
10. San Jose  X  X   X   6
11. Daanghari  X  X   X   6
12. San Roque  X  X   X   6
13. Tangos  X  X   X   6
14. Tanza  X  X   X   6
TOTAL 14 0 14 0 14 14 0 14 14 Flood Characteristics

The City of Navotas is exposed to frequent flooding during high tides, typhoons and heavy
monsoon rains, especially in areas located near Manila Bay, near the fishponds, and areas
located along the waterways. Nearly 90% of the City is at risk of flooding, reaching flood
heights of two (2) meters especially during overflows of the City’s tributaries. To address the
flooding problem, the City installed several mitigating programs that up to the present

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

continue to address the issue on flooding. The City’s flood mitigating programs have been
considered effective since the worst flood event that occurred in September 2011 brought by
Typhoon Pedring.

A study of the Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau revealed that the northern portion of
Navotas, specifically barangay Tanza, which is adjacent to the proposed reclamation project,
has very high susceptibility to flooding due to its location. Areas along the Tanza River and
the Navotas River are also observed to have a high susceptibility to flooding, as well as the
areas located along the Manila Bay. The rest of Navotas would only experience low to
moderate susceptibility to flooding.

Figure 4-1 shows the Flood Susceptibility Map of Navotas with the relative location of the
reclamation project.

A study of the flood vulnerability of Navotas City as part of the CLUP 2016-2025 showed that
around 9,161 and 9,917 individuals have the potential of being affected by very high and
high susceptibility to flooding, respectively. As shown in Table 4-3, The said individuals are
concentrated in three barangays, namely Tanza, Bangkulasi and North Bay Boulevard South
with a combined land area of covering more than 15 hectares.

Table 4-3 Number of Potentially Affected Persons

Very High Susceptibility High Susceptibility
Barangay No. of Area in No. of Area in
Individuals hectares Individuals hectares
Tanza 6,073 2.4240 3,535 7.2307
Bangkulasi 598 0.4042
North Bay Boulevard South 2,489 3.0832 6,382 7.9045
TOTAL 9,161 15.9114 9,917 15.1352

In terms of risks, the City may generally face low to moderate risks when it comes to
flooding, except for some critical areas. It can be observed that high risk areas were noted in
all barangays, particularly the area occupied by the informal settlements. High risks were
evaluated in these areas due to the high vulnerability of structures, including the make-up of
light to salvageable materials, and non-hazard resistant designs. A total of 48.02 hectares of
land area is occupied by informal settlements which are mostly located in coastal areas
facing Manila Bay. Aside from this, high risks were also observed in Barangay Tanza which
is earlier noted to be very highly susceptible to flooding, where around 390.11 hectares of
fishponds, despite the absence of structures, is very exposed to the risks of possible
overflowing that will eventually cause losses on the part of fishpond owners.

As to critical facilities, all the schools at Barangay Tanza are identified to be at moderate
risk. This is because the said schools are located at low lying areas and are adjacent to the
fishponds. Mitigating measures are being employed in the area to avoid the adverse effects
of floods such as an automatic suspension of classes upon declaration of storm signals 1
and 2 during the onslaught of a typhoon and the continuous operation of pumping stations
(Navotas CLUP, 2016-2017). Figure 4-2 presents the Critical Facilities Map overlaid with the
Flooding Susceptibility and relative location of the reclamation project.

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Flood Risk Assessment

Navotas City generally has generally low to moderate flood risks, except for some critical
areas. It can be observed that high risk areas were noted in all barangays, particularly the
area occupied by the informal settlements. High risks were evaluated in these areas due to
the high vulnerability of structures, including the make-up of light to salvageable materials,
and non-hazard resistant designs. A total of 48.02 hectares of land area is occupied by
informal settlements which are mostly located in coastal areas facing Manila Bay. Aside from
this, high risks were also observed in Barangay Tanza which is earlier noted to be very
highly susceptible to flooding, where around 390.11 hectares of fishponds, despite the
absence of structures, is very exposed to the risks of possible overflowing that will eventually
cause losses on the part of fishpond owners. Figure 4-3 provides the Flood Risk Map of
Navotas City with the relative location of the proposed reclamation project

Flood Mitigating Measures

The City has put in place a number of initiatives to mitigate the effects of the flooding in
Navotas. Foremost of these measures is to enhance the adaptive capacity of the City’s
government and its population that include, among others, the following:

• Institutionalization of the Navotas DRRMC and the DRRMO

• Creation of a Joint Rescue Team
• Information dissemination
• Construction of additional pumping stations
• Relocation of informal settlers

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-1 Flood Susceptibility Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-2 Critical Facilities Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-3 Flood Risk Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Ground Shaking Characteristics

The Metro Manila Earthquake Impact Reduction Study of 2004 revealed three earthquake
scenarios that may affect Navotas. These include the magnitude 7.2 West Valley Fault
(WVF) Earthquake, the magnitude 7.9 Manila Trench Earthquake, the 1863 Manila Bay
Earthquake model. Of the three, the WVF Earthquake is considered as the worst-case
scenario based on the potential number of casualties and damaged structures it will
generate. However, Navotas is not susceptible to ground rupture due to the fact that there
are no fault lines located within the City. Nonetheless, the City is still susceptible to ground
shaking, liquefaction, and tsunami caused by such earthquakes. Based on the 7.2
magnitude WVF earthquake scenario, Navotas would generally experience a Low VIII to
High VIII Intensity level, which is described as Very Destructive according to the PEIS. The
southern part of Navotas, specifically North Bay Boulevard South and San Rafael Village
would experience slightly higher intensity level (high VIII) compared to the rest of Navotas
but both are still considered as an Intensity VIII event. Figure 4-4 illustrates the Ground-
shaking Hazard Map of Navotas City with the relative location of the proposed reclamation
project. Ground-shaking Risk Assessment

The results of the GMMA-Risk Analysis Project (RAP) of the PHIVOLCS disclosed the risk
level of Navotas for a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The RAP results show that Navotas have a
low risk in terms of damaged structures, casualties and economic losses as compared to the
rest of the cities in Metro Manila. The damaged structures and casualties, as identified by
RAP are located in barangay North Bay Boulevard South. Other barangays that have more
than a hundred casualties include Daanghari, Tangos, and Tanza. For damaged and
collapsed structures, barangays San Rafael Village, Daanghari, Tanza, and San Jose were
identified as risk areas. Ground-shaking Mitigating Measures

The Navotas City government intends to strictly implement the building code to ensure that
the structures and buildings in the City can optimally withstand such strong earthquakes. In
addition, the City government will identify additional areas as evacuation sites to support the
implementation of its evacuation plan. The City would impose height regulations for the
stacking of industrial containers in storage facilities adjacent to residential areas to reduce
the dangers to the communities around them.

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-4 Ground-shaking Hazard Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of
the Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Tsunami Characteristics

Although there is no historical incidence of tsunami in the Navotas City, the PHIVOLCS
Tsunami Susceptibility Map as shown in Figure 4-5 still reveal that Navotas is susceptible to
inundation with Tsunami of 5.5 meters height that can be generated by earthquake from the
fault lines located west of Manila Bay. Figure 4-5 provides the Tsunami Hazard Map of
Navotas City with the relative location of the proposed reclamation project.

Tsunami Mitigating Measures

The measures to address the impacts of tsunami as reflected in the Navotas CLUP 2016-
2025 include the development of green linear parks along the coastal areas and river banks,
the construction of the 3.5 kilometer coastal dike, and the implementation of a 20-meter
easement along the coastlines of Navotas.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-5 Tsunami Hazard Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Liquefaction Characteristics

Liquefaction is often caused by severe shaking, especially those associated with
earthquakes. Based on the PHIVOLCS liquefaction susceptibility map as shown in Figure 5,
the entire city is considered to be highly susceptible to liquefaction. The susceptibility
assessment was based on the geology, earthquake source zone, historical accounts of
liquefaction, geomorphology and hydrology of the area, and preliminary microtremor survey
data utilized to validate the type of underlying materials.

Liquefaction Mitigating Measures

The City of Navotas intends to strictly implement the building code to address the effects of

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-6 Liquefaction Hazard Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Severe Wind Characteristics

As shown in the Severe Wind Hazard in Figure 7, most barangays would only experience
minimal wind speeds. The assessment was part of the GMMA-RAP.

Severe Wind Mitigating Measures

The mitigating measures for severe wind identified in the Navotas CLUP include the
incorporation of wind resistant designs for new structures, strict implementation of CLUP and
Zoning Ordinance and design standards specified in these documents and development of
green linear parks to act as wind brakes to adjacent residential areas.

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-7 Severe Wind Hazard Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project Storm Surge Characteristics

Navotas has been assessed to be easily inundated by high tides. As shown in the Storm
Surge Map in Figure 8, almost all barangays except the southern barangays (North Bay
Boulevard North, North Bay Boulevard South and San Rafael Village) are susceptible to
storm surges. Areas along the coast of Manila Bay and rivers are the most susceptible, as
well as the northern fishpond areas of barangay Tanza which hosts the proposed
reclamation project.

Storm Surge Mitigating Measures

The measures identified by the Navotas City LGU to mitigate the impacts of storm surges
include the following:

• Development of Green Linear Parks along the coastal area and riverbanks
• Construction of the 3.5 Kilometer Coastal Dike
• 20 meter easement along the coast, which is considered as No Build Zone
• Mangrove Planting along the shoreline

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Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Figure 4-8 Storm Surge Hazard Map of Navotas City with the Relative Location of the
Reclamation Project

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

4.2 Emergency Response Policy and Guidelines

4.2.1 Emergency response policy

The Project is committed to ensuring the health, safety and security of its personnel, assets
and surrounding environment through the prevention of accidents by eliminating potential
threats/hazards and anticipating other probable causes. Hence, the Project shall adhere to
the primary approach to emergency response ̶ that is the prevention of circumstances that
can create emergency conditions.

The Project shall designate a safety officer, who will regularly conduct safety briefings and
periodically conduct emergency response drills. The safety officer will supervise the daily
safety performance of operations and maintenance procedures. The safety officer will
inspect the work and crew situation to ensure maintenance of and compliance to safety

Personnel selection and hiring policy will require all personnel to be capable of swimming
and basic water survival skills.

Aside from the occupational safety accidents, the project area is also exposed to various
geologic hazards such as ground shaking, liquefaction, surface rupturing, storm surges and
coastal flooding.

The potential incidents and emergency situations that may be encountered in the future
operation of the proposed Project are detailed in the table below.

Table 4-4 Emergency scenarios for the Project

Type of emergency
Possible causes Potential effects
Occupational safety  Improper training and supervision of  Injuries and fatalities to personnel
accidents personnel  Partial or total loss of equipment
 Equipment or facility failure
 Lack of full understanding regarding the
surrounding environment
Earthquakes  Movement/rupture of nearby fault lines  Failure of structures
 Volcanic eruption  Injuries or fatalities to personnel
and communities
Tsunami  Movement/rupture of nearby fault lines  Failure of structures
 Volcanic eruption  Injuries and fatalities to personnel
 Intense earth movement and communities
Flooding  Typhoon-prone area  Collapse of structures
 Flood-prone/ topography of area  Destruction of project facilities
 Complex weather systems  Injuries and fatalities to personnel
and communities
Storm surge  Typhoon-prone area  Injuries and fatalities to personnel
 Complex weather systems and communities
 Intense rainfall, wind and high tides

In order to reduce, if not eliminate, extreme emergency situations leading to loss of life and
property, hereunder are the Project’s initial safety guidelines which will be refined during

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

4.2.2 Generic guidelines for the prevention, alleviation or response to

emergency situations Safety
1. All construction personnel, staff, and crew shall undergo proper and complete training for
them to understand the job/tasks assigned to understand and implement necessary
safety procedures.
2. All working personnel shall be required to don personnel protective equipment including
life vest and whistle.
3. No work will be allowed under typhoon or extreme weather conditions.
4. Sea walls under construction shall be adequately braced and provided with cross-drain
courses until the stability of the structure under construction is secured. The supervising
structural engineer shall have added responsibility of checking or providing the safety
officer with guidelines in checking the integrity/stability of all structures under
5. The leadman for each phase/work sector shall likewise check his crew during work to
ensure compliance with safety guidelines and to prevent progress of a critical condition
into an emergency.
6. All safety guidelines promulgated by the Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines of
the OHSC-DOLE shall be implemented. Emergency response

The proponent shall designate a leadman (incident commander) to serve as the primary
emergency respondent. The leadman shall have access to communications equipment at all
working hours.

1. Equipment

A motorized transportation vessel with first aid facilities, stretcher, breathing equipment, a
capable wireless communication equipment and trained first aid personnel will be available
at site as long as there in on-going work.

2. Communication links

The wireless communication equipment shall have stored emergency numbers for the

 Hospital emergency numbers to call for an ambulance when necessary

 Boat-mounted crane in the event the emergency response will require removal of
heavy rocks or equipment
 The supervisors and project manager in the event important decisions need to be
made, following social protocol, for them to inform the concerned family/ies regarding
any incident.

3. Emergency plan/response system

The Project shall establish an orderly and systematic approach in addressing emergency
situations to ensure safety of personnel and property. The Project will follow the schematic

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4 Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

diagram/procedure presented in Figure 4-9, while the roles and responsibilities of each
personnel involved in the emergency plan are listed in Table 4-5.

development of actual plans should
an emergency happen and
elimination or avoidance of hazards
from happening or occuring

execution of plans and retrieval of important assets and
procedures during an actual restoration of the site prior to the
emergency emergency

Figure 4-9 Emergency response procedure

Table 4-5 Key personnel in emergency response operations

response Roles and responsibilities
Leadman  Overall in-charge of operations during an emergency event
(incident  Provides direction and orders to the response team in managing the emergency
commander)  Informs supervisor/project manager about the incident
Supervisor/  Assists at site when necessary
Project Manager  Know the condition of people involved in the emergency, assess the situation, give
instructions to First Aid Team in case necessary
 Inform family/ies concerned, providing information of hospital location and other necessary
Safety officer  Supervises daily safety performance of operations and maintenance procedures, including
emergency response procedures
Liaison officer  Secures the necessary permits and training certification for the personnel
First aid team  Performs the actual response, rescue and retrieval of personnel and equipment during an
emergency event
 Calls for ambulance or needed specialists to immediately assist case when necessary, or
arrange for case forwarding to better equipped hospital, if needed equipment is not
available in nearby hospital
Logistics team  Provides the necessary supplies and equipment for the First aid team
 Provides additional support/assistance to the First aid team

Environmental Risk Assessment & Emergency Response Policy and Guidelines • Page 4-21

Social development plan

Indicative social development planning is necessary in formulating programs and strategies

that would mitigate the major impacts of the project. This would guide the proponent in
preventing/mitigating and/or enhancing a project’s adverse and positive impacts on people’s
livelihood, health and environment.

Social Development Plan (SDP) aims to assess and identify the basic needs of the
communities which will be affected by the project. SDP should be patterned in the Municipal
and Barangay Development Plans of the host communities and in accordance with the
mandated Corporate Social Responsibility. It aims to establish a strong relationship between
the Project Proponent, community institutions, and stakeholders towards the goal of achieving
an improved quality of life of the residents of the host localities.

The issues that were raised during the public scoping were considered and addressed in the
formulation of SDP. Moreover, issues obtained from perception survey and Public Scoping
were also included. These are the following:

 Opportunities for tricycle drivers

 Loss of fishery resources/main source of livelihood
 Loss/negative impact on mangrove areas
 Conflict to other government projects in Barangay Tanza
 Risks from chemicals found on dredged materials
 Accumulation of silt
 Alternative livelihood for fishermen
 Impacts on shipyard industry
 Increased flooding
 Source of borrow materials
 Heavy siltation due to strong current on the southern part of the proposed reclamation
 Inclusion of housing projects on the reclamation area
 Alternative plans on the construction of C5 and C6 road networks

The details of the indicative SDP indicating the major program and activities are presented in
Table 5-1.

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5 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 5-1 Indicative Social Development Plan for the Host Municipalities and Barangays
Government Agency/Non-Government
Responsible Community Indicative Source of
CONCERN Agency and Services (Indicative Specific Proponent
Member/Beneficiary Timeline Fund
1. Gender Responsive  Barangay Kagawad for livelihood  LGU City Planning Officer Community  Pre- LGU-IRA/
 Livelihood/Employment and Credit  Qualified identified workers within  CSWD Relations construction PROPONENT
Facilities the area who will be affected by the o Pro-poor Livelihood programs Officer  Construction
Men project.  MAO  Operation
- Skills development for project  BFARMC President and qualified o Workshop on efficient fishing
employment identified affected fisher folks. methods
- Training and workshop on Efficient  Qualified identified affected
Fishing Methods residents in the vicinity of the
Women, Youth and Elderly project area
- Livelihood trainings for skill
2. Health and Safety  Barangay Kagawad for Health  City Health Officer PROPONENT  Pre- LGU-IRA/
 Health & Safety Training for  Barangay Health Workers  Maternal Care and Child Health Care Community construction PROPONENT
employees  Barangay Nutrition scholars -Prenatal, Intranatal, Postnatal Relations  Construction
 Barangays affected by the project -Child birth in health centers or hospitals Officer  Operation
 Project employees  Malnutrition
-Supplemental feeding
 Barangay Disaster Management
3. Education and Recreation  Barangay Kagawad for Education  CPDO & ME of the City PROPONENT  Pre- LGU-IRA/
 Assistance for development of school  Barangay Elementary/Primary  DEPED of the City Community construction PROPONENT
facilities School Principal  Barangay Elementary Schools Relations  Construction
 Provision of scholarship to qualified - Sports and Recreation Program Officer  Operation
4. Environment and Sanitation  Barangay Kagawad for  CAO/CENRO of the City PROPONENT  Pre- LGU-IRA/
Environment  CHO of the City Community construction PROPONENT
 Implement the Ecological Solid Relations  Construction
Waste Management (RA 9003) Officer and  Operation
 Implement Clean & Green for Pollution
Barangay buffer zones Control
 Implementation of Health & Officer
Sanitation Program
 Mangrove Reforestation

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5 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Government Agency/Non-Government
Responsible Community Indicative Source of
CONCERN Agency and Services (Indicative Specific Proponent
Member/Beneficiary Timeline Fund
 Marine Sanctuary
5. Peace and order  Barangay Kagawad for Peace and  PNP of the City PROPONENT  Pre- LGU-IRA/
 Entry of migrant workers Order Chief Security construction PROPONENT
 Conflict of project workers  Barangay Tanods Officer  Construction
 Operation
6. Spiritual  Barangay Assigned Catholic Priest,  Parish Priest and Pastor PROPONENT  Pre- PROPONENT
Pastor of different denomination Community construction
Relations  Construction
Officer  Operation

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Environmental Impact Statement
5 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Information, education and communication framework

A comprehensive and intensive Information Education Communication (IEC) Campaign to

better inform and educate the communities and the general public as to the objective,
necessity and benefits of the project, as well as the processes involved for the construction
and operation of the project. These shall be done thru distribution and posting of written
materials such as brochures, newsletters, media statements and articles, bulletins and
posters, and online presence. Also as well as non-written types such as fora, symposia,
community discussions and hearings, audio visual presentations (such as powerpoint and
DVD), radio and TV programs and/or guestings, etc. The IEC materials and activities will also
serve as a venue for continuous dialogue, feedback and check and balance mechanism for
the parties involved.

Table 5-2 below presents the proposed IEC Plan for the Reclamation Project.

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5 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Table 5-2 Indicative Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Plan

Full Information Before project 1. Primer/ Brochure (print media) 1. Barangay Broadcast using Community Relations
about: implementation This strategy is effective in explaining in detail the subject Sound System Office
 The EIA process matter, done in a simplified manner and in the language of
the people. This strategy likewise, uses illustrations to 2. Commercial Broadcasting Corporate
 The operation of further clarify the processes that are to be done. Stations Communication
A. The EIA process illustrated and simplified in the language of 3. Municipal & Barangay
 The the affected community, Information Officers
remuneration for
identified land B. The Reclamation Project: 4. Elementary and High
areas to be used School Students
This shall contain:
by the project
- the project description, project time frame, project 5. Barangay Committee on
facilities, management of Social and Environmental Education and
impacts, potential project benefits a graphic illustration Culture
 The
about the project and mitigating measures
- the process of Environmental Impact Assessment, 6. Sangguniang Kabataan
impacts on the
roles and responsibilities of stakeholders Barangay
residents of the
- The Social Development and Management Plan
• Gender Responsive Livelihood and Credit Facilities
• Education and Recreation
 And the benefits • Health and Safety
of the Project on • Environment and Sanitation R.A.9003
their Socio- • Peace and order
cultural/economic • Spiritual
and bio-physical - On the residents who will be affected by the project
environment of activities showing their right to complain for violations
the affected of ECC conditions.
residents as they
address the 2. Consultations (These are face to face encounters where
major issues of: participants and facilitators of knowledge and skills develop
air and water strategies to respond to the needs of the communities in
Pollution using the context of what is appropriate for their capabilities and

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5 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

and Information During project resources)
process operations
 Using the interpersonal approach CRO maintain a
regular consultation with the barangays for an open
dialogue on the issues, problems and concerns related
to the implementation and sustainability of the project.
(Multi-partite Monitoring Team)

 Group discussion of the sectoral groups which will be

affected in the project activities, the legal processes with
the application of priority job placement, and other

 Workshops on Solid Waste Management and

Preparation of IEC materials

 Community-Based Solid Waste Management and

information about R.A.9003

3. Stakeholders Consultation
 Using the feed-back mechanism through information
booths in the project affected City and barangay.

4. Community Forum and phone Patch up

5. This strategy enables the Company to discuss the progress

of the project with key-persons of the company/resource
persons weekly. This also encourages multi-sectoral
interest groups to ask questions through phone patches.

Social Development Plan and EIC Framework • Page 5-6

As required under DENR Memorandum Circular 2010-14 and the Revised Procedural Manual
for DAO 2003-30, the following section presents the environmental compliance monitoring
plan for the project to monitor the identified key environmental impacts of the Project. This
monitoring plan includes “Environmental Quality Performance Level” (EQPL) values, which
are threshold/limit levels identified for each critical parameter associated with the identified
significant project impacts. The limit level shall be the regulated threshold of pollutant
(standard that must not be exceeded) while the action level is set lower than the limit level
wherein management measures must be implemented so as not to reach the regulated

The following mechanisms and monitoring schemes are discussed in the succeeding

 Self-monitoring plan;
 Multi-sectoral Monitoring Framework; and
 Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund/ Contingent Liability and Rehabilitation
Fund Commitments

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Self-monitoring plan
The proponent will undertake regular self-monitoring for parameters indicated in Table 6-1. A quarterly environmental monitoring report in the form of the Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) will be
prepared by the proponent and submited to the DENR-EMB accordingly.

Table 6-1 Self-monitoring plan

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme
Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
Geology and Geohazards Liquefaction and Periodic 5 years or Project area Engineering No Noticeable Continuous Significant Increase in Check impact of Temporary cessation
Geomorphology ground subsidence monitoring of immediately Department additional ground occurrence of ground monitoring ground subsidence of construction;
monitoring ground stability after a major cost; in- subsidence ground subsidence and frequency and to integrity of Retrofitting of
geologic house and surface subsidence surface creep; measurement of infrastructures. damaged structures;
event has creep and creep Formation of magnitude of Implement Implement necessary
taken place cracks in movement for necessary engineering
columns, cracks and surface engineering measures.
beams, creep measures. Consider
pavement; abandonment or
Misalignment of relocation if necessary
of water due to
Water Quality Ambient Water  pH In-situ Monthly Baseline PCO Php 50,000  pH below  pH below  pH below  Re-conduct  Re-conduct testing  Re-conduct testing
Quality (marine  Temperature measurement sampling, water quality per sampling 6.8 and 6.9 and 7.0 and testing to verify to verify to verify
 Total Dissolved Solids
water)  Conductivity
and laboratory Quarterly monitoring station above 8.3 above 8.4 above 8.5  Investigate the  Investigate the  Temporarily stop
 Total Suspended Solids analyses Reporting stations (may  Temp:  Temp:  Temp: 3°C source source construction works:
 Biochemical Oxygen through the be adjusted 2.6°C rise 2.8°C rise rise in the  If the problem is  If the problem is investigate source
Demand (BOD); SMR accordingly) in the in the receiving within the within the  If the problem is
 Chloride (Cl-); receiving receiving water body construction construction area, within the
 Color (Apparent);
water water body  DO: 6 mg/L area, conduct conduct construction area,
 Dissolve Oxygen (DO);
 Fecal Coliform; body  DO: 7  TSS: 50 adjustments/ adjustments/ conduct
 Nitrate as Nitrogen (N03--  DO: 7 mg/L mg/L appropriate appropriate adjustments/
N); mg/L  TSS: 45 corrective action corrective action at appropriate
 Phosphate as  TSS: 40 mg/L at identified identified pollutant corrective action at
Phosphorous (P043--P); mg/L  As:0.01 pollutant source. source. identified pollutant
 Ammonia as Nitrogen
 Cd: 0.003  If source is not source.
 Total Suspended Solids  As:0.005  Cr+6: 0.05 project  If source is not
(TSS);  As:0.003  Cd: 0.002  Cu:0.02 construction, project construction,
 Sulfate (S042-);  Cd: 0.001  Cr+6: 0.04  Pb:0.01 inform MMT inform MMT
 Arsenic (As);  Cr+6: 0.03  Cu: 0.01  Hg:0.001 regarding possible regarding possible
 Cadmium (Cd);
 Cu:0.009  Pb:0.009 source for the source for the
 Hexavalent Chromium
(Cr6+);  Pb:0.008  Hg:0.001 group’s group’s investigation
 Lead (Pb);  Hg:0.001 investigation and and coordination
 Mercury (Hg); coordination with with LGU
 Oil and Grease; LGU
 Sulfactants (MBAS)
Air Quality Ambient Air TSP TSP Monthly Baseline air PCO Php 50,000 TSP: TSP: TSP:  Check weather  Check weather  Check weather
Quality SO2 Hi-volume/ sampling, quality per sampling 161 ug/ncm 184 ug/ncm 230 ug/ncm condition during condition during condition during
NO2 Gravimetric Quarterly monitoring station sampling and if sampling and if sampling and if
1-hour Reporting stations (may SO2: SO2: SO2: location is location is location is downwind
averaging through the be adjusted 126 ug/ncm 144 ug/ncm 180 ug/ncm downwind of downwind of of construction site
period SMR accordingly) construction site construction site  Conduct visit at said
NO2: NO2: NO2: sampling station and

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
SO2 and NO2 105 ug/ncm 120 ug/ncm 150 ug/ncm  Check possible  Conduct visit at conduct retesting
24-hr gas source said sampling using a 3rd party
bubbler Complaint Complaint  If source is station and DENR accredited
lodged by lodged by project conduct retesting sampling firm to
community community construction, using a 3rd party confirm
inform contractor DENR accredited  If source is project
for their sampling firm to construction,
corrective action confirm immediately stop all
(i.e. dust  If source is project works involving soil
suppression) construction, excavation and
 If source is not inform contractor movement, increase
project for their corrective the frequency of the
construction, action, and contractor’s dust
inform MMT conduct retesting mitigation, resume
regarding to confirm results work only upon
possible source of the mitigation visual clearing of the
for the group’s measures sampling station,
investigation and  If source is not and conduct
coordination with project retesting at the said
LGU construction, sampling station
inform MMT  If source is not
regarding possible project construction,
source for the inform MMT
group’s regarding possible
investigation and source for the
coordination with group’s investigation
LGU and coordination
with LGU
Noise Ambient noise levels Noise levels 24hr sound Monthly Baseline noise PCO Php 10,000 71dB 73dB 75dB Identify possible  Conduct visit at  Conduct visit at said
measurements sampling, level monitoring per sampling (daytime) (daytime) (daytime) noise source said sampling sampling station and
using sound Quarterly stations (may station station and conduct retesting
meter Reporting be adjusted 66dB 68dB 70dB conduct retesting using a 3rd party
through the accordingly) (morning/ (morning/ (morning/ using a 3rd party DENR accredited
SMR evening) evening) evening) DENR accredited sampling firm to
sampling firm to confirm
61dB (night 63dB (night 65dB (night confirm  If source is project
time) time) time)  If source is project construction, reduce
construction, use of noisy
inform contractor equipment or
for their corrective reschedule source of
action, and noise, conduct
conduct retesting retesting at the said
to confirm results sampling station and
of the mitigation resume work only
measures upon clearance of
 If source is not the sampling station,
project  If source is not
construction, project construction,
inform MMT inform MMT
regarding possible regarding possible
source for the source for the
group’s group’s investigation
investigation and and coordination
coordination with with LGU

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
Workers Health and safety of Review of Annual Project site PCO Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate cause Release official
workers health and construction verbal complaint complaints investigate of complaint, statement for
safety records cost feedback of lodged by lodged by the subject of determine and general
of company worker worker workers negative feedback. address the root consumption and
Coordinate with cause. Coordinate employees. Coordinate
Incident reports contractor with contractor and with contractor and
and MMT. MMT. MMT.
Social Development Projects initiated by Community Quarterly Host barangay Community Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate cause Conduct consultation
and Management the Proponent under Coordination, Relations SDP Cost verbal complaint complaints by investigate of complaint, with concerned
Plan the approved SDP social Officer feedback of lodged by the the community the subject of determine and members of the
engagements community community negative feedback. address the root community. Release
Coordinate with cause. Coordinate official statement.
barangay LGU with barangay LGU Coordinate with
and MMT. and MMT. barangay LGU and
Information, Implementation of Community Quarterly Host barangay Community Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate cause Conduct consultation
Education, and IEC activities Coordination, Relations SDP Cost verbal feed complaint complaints by the investigate of complaint, with concerned
Communication social Officer back to the lodged by the community the subject of determine and members of the
engagements Proponent community captured by local negative feedback. address the root community. Release
media Coordinate with cause. Coordinate official statement.
organizations barangay LGU with barangay LGU Coordinate with
and MMT. and MMT. barangay LGU and
Geology and Geohazards Liquefaction and Periodic 5 years or Project area Engineering No Noticeable Continuous Significant Increase in Check impact of Temporary cessation
Geomorphology ground subsidence monitoring of immediately Department additional ground occurrence of ground monitoring ground subsidence of construction;
monitoring ground stability after a major cost; in- subsidence ground subsidence and frequency and to integrity of Retrofitting of
geologic house and surface subsidence surface creep; measurement of infrastructures. damaged structures;
event has creep and creep Formation of magnitude of Implement Implement necessary
taken place cracks in movement for necessary engineering
columns, cracks and surface engineering measures.
beams, creep measures. Consider
pavement; abandonment or
Misalignment of relocation if necessary
of water due to
Water Quality Ambient Water  pH In-situ Monthly Baseline PCO Php 50,000  pH below  pH below  pH below  Re-conduct testing  Re-conduct testing  Re-conduct testing to
Quality (marine  Temperature measurement sampling, water quality per sampling 6.8 and 6.9 and 7.0 and to verify to verify verify
 Total Dissolved Solids
water)  Conductivity
and laboratory Quarterly monitoring station above 8.3 above 8.4 above 8.5  Investigate the  Investigate the  Temporarily stop
 Total Suspended Solids analyses Reporting stations (may  Temp:  Temp:  Temp: 3°C source source construction works:
 Biochemical Oxygen through the be adjusted 2.6°C rise 2.8°C rise rise in the  If the problem is  If the problem is investigate source
Demand (BOD); SMR accordingly) in the in the receiving within the within the  If the problem is
 Chloride (Cl-); receiving receiving water body construction area, construction area, within the
 Color (Apparent);
water water body  DO: 6 mg/L conduct conduct construction area,
 Dissolve Oxygen (DO);
 Fecal Coliform; body  DO: 7  TSS: 50 adjustments/ adjustments/ conduct adjustments/
 Nitrate as Nitrogen (N03-  DO: 7 mg/L mg/L appropriate appropriate appropriate corrective
-N); mg/L  TSS: 45 corrective action corrective action at action at identified
 Phosphate as  TSS: 40 mg/L at identified identified pollutant pollutant source.
Phosphorous (P043--P); mg/L  As:0.01 pollutant source. source.  If source is not project
 Ammonia as Nitrogen
 Cd: 0.003  If source is not construction, inform
 Total Suspended Solids  As:0.005  Cr+6: 0.05 project MMT regarding
(TSS);  As:0.003  Cd: 0.002  Cu:0.02 construction, inform possible source for

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Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
 Sulfate (S042-);  Cd: 0.001  Cr+6: 0.04  Pb:0.01 MMT regarding the group’s
 Arsenic (As);  Cr+6: 0.03  Cu: 0.01  Hg:0.001 possible source for investigation and
 Cadmium (Cd);
 Hexavalent Chromium
 Cu:0.009  Pb:0.009 the group’s coordination with LGU
(Cr6+);  Pb:0.008  Hg:0.001 investigation and
 Lead (Pb);  Hg:0.001 coordination with
 Mercury (Hg); LGU
 Oil and Grease;
 Sulfactants (MBAS)
Air Quality Ambient Air TSP TSP Monthly Baseline air PCO Php 50,000 TSP: TSP: TSP:  Check weather  Check weather  Check weather
Quality SO2 Hi-volume/ sampling, quality per sampling 161 ug/ncm 184 ug/ncm 230 ug/ncm condition during condition during condition during
NO2 Gravimetric Quarterly monitoring station sampling and if sampling and if sampling and if
1-hour Reporting stations (may SO2: SO2: SO2: location is location is location is downwind
averaging through the be adjusted 126 ug/ncm 144 ug/ncm 180 ug/ncm downwind of downwind of of construction site
period SMR accordingly) construction site construction site  Conduct visit at said
NO2: NO2: NO2:  Check possible  Conduct visit at sampling station and
SO2 and NO2 105 ug/ncm 120 ug/ncm 150 ug/ncm source said sampling conduct retesting
24-hr gas  If source is station and using a 3rd party
bubbler Complaint Complaint project conduct retesting DENR accredited
lodged by lodged by construction, using a 3rd party sampling firm to
community community inform contractor DENR accredited confirm
for their sampling firm to  If source is project
corrective action confirm construction,
(i.e. dust  If source is project immediately stop all
suppression) construction, works involving soil
 If source is not inform contractor excavation and
project for their corrective movement, increase
construction, action, and the frequency of the
inform MMT conduct retesting contractor’s dust
regarding to confirm results mitigation, resume
possible source of the mitigation work only upon
for the group’s measures visual clearing of the
investigation and  If source is not sampling station,
coordination with project and conduct
LGU construction, retesting at the said
inform MMT sampling station
regarding possible  If source is not
source for the project construction,
group’s inform MMT
investigation and regarding possible
coordination with source for the
LGU group’s investigation
and coordination
with LGU
Noise Ambient noise levels Noise levels 24hr sound Monthly Baseline noise PCO Php 10,000 71dB 73dB 75dB Identify possible  Conduct visit at  Conduct visit at said
measurements sampling, level monitoring per sampling (daytime) (daytime) (daytime) noise source said sampling sampling station and
using sound Quarterly stations (may station station and conduct conduct retesting
meter Reporting be adjusted 66dB 68dB 70dB retesting using a using a 3rd party
through the accordingly) (morning/ (morning/ (morning/ 3rd party DENR DENR accredited
SMR evening) evening) evening) accredited sampling firm to
sampling firm to confirm
61dB (night 63dB (night 65dB (night confirm  If source is project,
time) time) time)  If source is project, reduce use of noisy
do corrective equipment, conduct
action, and conduct retesting at the said
retesting to confirm sampling station and
results of the resume operation

Environmental Compliance Monitoring • Page 6-5

Environmental Impact Statement
Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Sampling and Measurement Lead Annual EQPL Management Scheme

Environmental Parameters to be
Module Person / Estimated EQPL Range Management Measure
Sector monitored Methods Frequency Location
Office Cost Alert Action Limit Alert Action Limit
mitigation only upon clearance
measures of the sampling
 If source is not station,
project inform MMT  If source is not
regarding possible project, inform MMT
source for the regarding possible
group’s source for the group’s
investigation and investigation and
coordination with coordination with LGU
Workers Health and safety of Review of Annual Project site PCO Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate cause Release official
workers health and construction verbal complaint complaints investigate of complaint, statement for
safety records cost feedback of lodged by lodged by the subject of determine and general
of company worker worker workers negative feedback. address the root consumption and
Coordinate with cause. Coordinate employees. Coordinate
Incident reports contractor with contractor and with contractor and
and MMT. MMT. MMT.
Social Development Projects initiated by Community Quarterly Host barangay Community Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate cause Conduct consultation
and Management the Proponent under Coordination, Relations SDP Cost verbal complaint complaints by investigate of complaint, with concerned
Plan the approved SDP social Officer feedback of lodged by the the community the subject of determine and members of the
engagements community community negative feedback. address the root community. Release
Coordinate with cause. Coordinate official statement.
barangay LGU with barangay LGU Coordinate with
and MMT. and MMT. barangay LGU and
Information, Implementation of Community Quarterly Host barangay Community Part of the Negative Formal Multiple Proponent to Investigate cause Conduct consultation
Education, and IEC activities Coordination, Relations SDP Cost verbal feed complaint complaints by the investigate of complaint, with concerned
Communication social Officer back to the lodged by the community the subject of determine and members of the
engagements Proponent community captured by local negative feedback. address the root community. Release
media Coordinate with cause. Coordinate official statement.
organizations barangay LGU with barangay LGU Coordinate with
and MMT. and MMT. barangay LGU and

Environmental Compliance Monitoring • Page 6-6

Environmental Impact Statement
6 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Multi-sectoral monitoring framework

The Monitoring Framework, as stated in Annexes 3-2 and 3-4 of DAO No. 2003-30, presents
a proposed program wherein the proposed Project’s environmental compliance will be verified
and reported to concerned stakeholders. These stakeholders are composed of government
regulators and recognized non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have valid issues and
concerns on the proposed Project.

Multi-partite monitoring team

The MMT’s objective is to provide a venue to discuss the important concerns of the Project.
These concerns may involve the following items:

 Verify compliance with ECC and EMP

 Validate the Project’s conformance to government standards and submission of
necessary post-ECC requirements
 Identify the legitimate concerns of the host community in relation to the
implementation of the Project
 Determine the extent and scale of environmental impacts generated by the Project
 Provide additional information, education and communication (IEC); and
 Integration/documentation of complaints, suggestions and compromise agreements.

The proponent will regularly conduct meetings with the MMT members after the formation of
the MMT Team. These meetings shall be conducted quarterly and annually. Special meetings
may also be held if necessary, most especially during emergency situations or other important
occasions that require immediate resolution.

Table 6-2 provides the possible members of the MMT and their respective roles and

Table 6-2 Members and respective roles of the MMT

MMT Member Role Responsibilities

 Provide leadership to team and ensure
EMB Regional Office
Chairman proponent’s compliance to ECC and other
Director or representative
relevant laws and regulations
 Participate in monitoring activities
 Provide information to the MMT regarding
environmental and socio-economic
LGUs: conditions, as well as issues, problems and
 City of Navotas Member suggestions of stakeholders
 Barangay Tanza  Participate in the review and verification of
 Concur with the compliance monitoring and
verification reports
 Ensure compliance of project to
environmental laws, rules and regulations
 Provide information necessary for
compliance to environmental requirements
and commitments
 Preparation and review of MMT reports
Non-governmental  Participate n monitoring activities
organizations (NGOs)

Environmental Compliance Monitoring • Page 6-7

Environmental Impact Statement
6 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

MMT Member Role Responsibilities

Local Peoples’  Participate in the review and verification of
Organizations (POs) reports
 Concur with the compliance monitoring and
verification reports
 Provide information regarding plans and
programs of the respective organizations
that may be affected by the Project
 Advice MMT of any complaints, issues and
recommendations concerning the project
 Provide necessary budget for the
operational requirements of MMT
monitoring activities
 Prepare all information relevant to the
project’s compliance to the ECC and
relevant laws and regulations and make
PRA and Navotas City Member/Secretariat available to the MMT
 Allow MMT members to inspect and
observe operation activities of the project
 Participate in actual monitoring activities
and meetings
 Concur with the compliance monitoring and
verification reports

Environmental guarantee and monitoring fund commitment

Environmental monitoring fund

An environmental monitoring fund (EMF) amounting to Six Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php
600,000) will be established in support of the compliance monitoring activities and fund the
annual work and financial plan (AWFP) of the MMT. The AWFP will be proposed by the MMT
and concurred by the project proponent for the approval of the EMB Regional Director.

The EMF will be utilized to cover all expenditures of the MMT operations to include the
following expenses:

 Monitoring cost (equipment, laboratory service fee)

 Hiring of outside experts (technical and financial)
 Preparation and distribution of MMT reports
 Public information campaign (i.e. IEC framework)
 MMT meetings and plant visits
 Transportation
 Meals and accommodation
 Allowances/honoraria
 MMT trainings
 Others

Environmental guarantee fund

An environmental guarantee fund (EGF) will be established in accordance with the guidelines
of the DAO 2003‒30 through a MOA with EMB (NCR) Regional Office and the proponent.

Environmental Compliance Monitoring • Page 6-8

Environmental Impact Statement
6 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Generally, EGF has two major components, as follows:

 The Trust Fund amounting to Five Million Pesos (Php 5,000,000) will be established
to compensate aggrieved parties for any damages to life or property, undertake
community-based environmental programs, conduct environmental research aimed at
strengthening measures to prevent environmental damage, and to finance restoration
and rehabilitation of environmental quality of the project-affected area
 The Environmental Guarantee Cash Fund amounting to One Million Pesos (Php
1,000,000) will be used for immediate rehabilitation and compensation of affected
communities in case of damage or accidents. This can also be utilized for community-
based environmental programs and information campaign. The Environmental
Guarantee Cash Fund will also be used to cover the operational costs of the EGF
Committee, in line with the Project’s MMT Manual of Operations that will be approved
prior to project implementation

EMF and EGF administration and management

The EMF will be managed and administered by the MMT Executive Committee of the Project.
The disbursement of the EMF will be carried out according to the annual monitoring work and
financial plan submitted by the MMT, which will be reviewed and concurred with by the
Proponent and approved by EMB.

An EGF Committee will be formed to manage, control, and operate the EGF in accordance
with the agreed internal procedures established regarding the mechanisms for fund
disbursement, processing, validation, accounting and documentation. The committee will be
composed of the MMT Officers, with the EMB Regional Director as the Chairperson.

Environmental Compliance Monitoring • Page 6-9

Once the Project is completed, there are no plans to abandon the reclaimed area as it shall
be maintained to perpetuity.

The project shall be implemented by phase/section, such that each section is secured from
erosion on a compartmentalized basis. Should the completion of a phase/section under
construction be deferred for another time, the filled materials will be protected from erosion
through appropriate engineering measures such as the use of anchored fine mesh geotextile
to minimize loss of filled materials. The specific phase/area shall also be secured from illegal

In the future, should the facilities within the Project area be removed, the proponent shall
ensure that the abandonment will be in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations
of the national and local government units.

Decommissioning/Abandonment/Rehabilitation Policy • Page 7-1

The institutional organization of the proposed Project is shown in Figure 8-1. The Project will
be headed by the Project Manager and supported by the Assistant Project Manager.

The objective of this organization is to achieve the following:

 Implementation of company policies

 Economical and safe operations and maintenance of the project
 Environmental compliance and sustainability; and
 Promotion and enhancement of the social acceptability of the project.

The implementation of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) provided in this document
will be specifically handled by the Environmental, Health and Safety Department. The
proponent, through the said department, is committed to comply with the conditions that will
be stipulated in the ECC and other related environmental laws.

The proponent will also establish a partnership with relevant government agencies, various
stakeholders and local host communities in relation to the project. This partnership is
necessary to maintain a transparent and positive relationship for the project and its
stakeholders, as well as to ensure compliance with environmental protection and
enhancement measures.

Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation • Page 8-1

Environmental Impact Statement
8 Navotas Coastal Bay Reclamation Project

Project Manager

Assistant Project

Environment, Health
Operations Maintainance Engineering Administration
and Safety
Department Head Department Head Department Head Department Head
Department Head

Mechanical engineer, Pollution control

Project engineer, Electrical engineer, Civil engineer, officer, Environmental Accountant,
Operations engineer mechanics, Foreman aides, Safety and Procurement, Security
electricians health officer, Nurse

Figure 8-1 Organizational chart for Construction and Operation Phases

Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation • Page 8-2

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