Convort 2
Convort 2
Convort 2
Prepared By
3.3.2 Air environment 137 Monitoring Schedule 138 Methods of sampling and analysis 138 Selection of monitoring locations 139 Results & discussions 141
3.3.3 Noise levels 141
3.3.4 Water environment 146
3.3.5 Land environment 156
3.3.6 Biological environment 167
Chapter-4: Anticipated environmental impacts and mitigation measures
4.0 Introduction 192
4.1 Air environment 196
4.2 Noise environment 197
4.3 Water environment 199
4.4 Land environment 201
4.5 Ecological environment 203
4.6 Socio economic environment 204
4.7 Solid waste management 205
Chapter-5 : Alternative Sites
5.1 Introduction 213
5.2 Selection of sites for detailed investigation 217
5.3 Building Materials 220
5.3.1 Wall 220
5.3.2 Roof 220
5.3.3 Roads and Open Spaces 221
5.4 Energy Conservation 221
Chapter-6 : Environmental monitoring programme
6.1 Introduction 223
6.2 Areas of concern 224
6.3 Performance indicators 225
6.4 Cost estimate 227
6.5 Environmental policy 227
6.6 Formation of environmental management cell (EMC) 228
Chapter-7: Additional studies
7.1 Public consultation 230
7.2 Activities at CETP 230
7.3 Instruments & equipment handling 230
7.4 Types of hazards in CETP 231
7.5 Fire fighting system 234
7.6 Risk and hazard assessment 234
7.7 Health & safety measures 238
7.8 Disaster management plan 239
Chapter-8 : Project benefits
8.1 Benefit of CETP 250
8.2 Employment potential 252
8.3 Economic benefits 253
8.4 Environmental cost & benefit analysis 253
8.5 Corporate social responsibility 253
Chapter-9 : Cost-Benefit Analysis
9.0 General 255
Chapter-10 : Environmental Management plan
10.1 Introduction 256
10.2 Objectives & scope 256
10.3 The objectives of the environment management plan 257
10.4 Environmental management cell 258
10.5 Management & maintenance of conveyance system 259
10.6 Management of water environment at CETP 260
10.7 Monitoring of member industrial units for their responsibilities 260
10.8 Green belt development 260
10.9 Odour management plan 261
10.10 Conclusion 263
Chapter-11 : Summary & Conclusion 264-276
Chapter-12 : Disclosure of Consultants 277-279
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and
mitigating the biophysical, social and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to
major decisions being taken and commitments made. These studies integrate the developmental
activities in to the process of decision-making. EIA is formalized as a regulatory tool in more
than 100 countries for effective integration of environmental concerns in the economic
development process.
In order to minimize environmental pollution due to small and medium scale industries, cleaner
production technologies and formation of waste minimization circles are being encouraged in
India. Besides, collective treatment at a centralized facility known as CETP is considered as a
viable treatment solution, to overcome the constraints associated with effluent treatment in
small to medium enterprises.
The concept of CETP was adopted as a way to achieve end-of-the-pipe treatment of combined
wastewater to avail the benefit of scale of operation. In addition, the CETP also facilitates in
reduction of number of discharge points in an industrial estate for better enforcement and also to
make available the skilled manpower for proper treatment of effluent.
1.1 Introduction
Lassipora is a village in Panjran panchayat of Pulwama district in the Indian administered state
Jammu & Kashmir. Agriculture is the main profession of this village.
The Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora is situated in the Village Lassipora which resides in the
Panjran panchayat of Pulwama district. After the establishment of the Leather Cluster in
Lassipora, some tanneries have come up there to process raw hides and skins into wet blue
leather for sale in different parts of the country. A part of the park, 50 acres, is earmarked
exclusively for leather industry and there are 13 units registered as tanneries with SIDCO. An
association of these tanners has been created to further help their development. Of these 13
registered units with SIDCO, three are operational, one more is ready to start production, and
three more have decided to go ahead with establishing new tanneries and two old units, now
To conduct work for promotion of industry in J&K state by conducting seminars, helping
entrepreneurs in obtaining LOI., etc.
Identification of technically feasible and financially viable projects for the State of Jammu &
J&K SIDCO has established 7 industrial estates to provide infrastructure facilities at identified
locations suitable for industrial development throughout the length and breadth of the State.
Within each Estate developed land is available at a much subsidized rate.
Industrial Growth Centers and Export Promotion Industrial Parks are being set up
in both Jammu region and Kashmir valley separately, by way of acquiring land, constructing
internal roads, effluent disposal facilities, providing water and power in the industrial estate.
Amenities like fire stations, restaurant, bank, post offices, housing, schools, hospitals, shopping
centre’s, convention centre’s etc. are the main Infrastructure facilities. J & K SIDCO
is also developing product specific industrial estates to fulfill the functional needs of certain
industries like Textiles, Electronics and Software development etc.
The Corporation also offers a variety of financial assistance for setting up new units and
for expansion/ diversification/ modernization of existing projects. For medium and large
scale projects including tourism related and micro hydel power projects, the assistance can
be availed in consortium arrangement with central and state level institutions or banks.
J&K SIDCO has also promoted projects in joint and assisted sectors.
J&K SIDCO 's scale of operations cover fields as diverse as engineering, electronics,
software dev. pharmaceuticals, hotels, textiles, and power generating projects etc.
1.3 Need of the Project
Leather and allied industry is an important industrial sector in India. With an annual turnover
of over US$ 12.50 billion, the export of leather and leather products increased during the past
decades and touched US$ 6.5 billion during 2014-15, recording a cumulative annual growth
rate of about 13.10% (5 years).
The Indian Leather industry has tremendous potential as India is endowed with 21% of world
cattle & buffalo and 11% of world goat & sheep population. Added to this are the strengths of
skilled manpower, innovative technology, increasing industry compliance to international
environmental standards, and the dedicated support of the allied industries. The leather
industry is an employment intensive sector, providing job to about 2.5 million people, mostly
from the weaker sections of the society. Women employment is predominant in leather
products sector with about 30% share.
Though not one among prominent leather producing States, Jammu & Kashmir too have a
tanning industry in the State. Lassipora, in Pulwama district of Jammu & Kashmir, houses an
Industrial Growth Centre, one of the large industrial clusters of the State. The Industrial
Growth Centre (IGC), situated at about 9 km from Pulwama town and about 34 km from the
Capital city Srinagar, established by the J&K State Industrial Development Corporation
(SIDCO), houses a variety of industries. Tanneries, all currently processing raw hides/skins to
wet blue leather, form an important part of the Centre. There are 13 tanneries registered with
A common effluent treatment plant (CETP) has been established at IGC, Lassipora for
treatment of effluents, mainly from the tanneries but it also treats other effluents such
as trade wastewater from Dairy, bone crushing units etc. too. The designed capacity of
the CETP was 600 m3/d, 40-50% being the present capacity utilization. Inaugurated in 2011,
the CETP is being managed by a company formed by the beneficiary members
and Mr. Sameer Azad, a leading tanner in the Cluster, is the Managing Director of this
The J & K SIDCO is in the process of implementing a common facility center in IGC.
Simultaneous with the establishment of CFC, the need to upgrade the CETP too was felt and
inspection of the present facilities was carried out. It was observed that when all the tanneries
currently under implementation start operating, more treatment capacity in the CETP would
be needed. Further, the effluent volume from the existing units too would increase significantly
when the wet finishing operations, part of the CFC operations, are taken up. It is estimated
that an additional module of CETP of 500m 3/d may be required for this purpose, increasing the
total treatment capacity to 1100 m3/d.
Apart from the above measures, there is a need to provide a Secured Landfill (SLF) for disposal
of dewatered sludge from the cluster. This is a mandatory requirement as the sludge from
tannery waste treatment plants has been classified as hazardous and therefore it has to be
disposed off only in a properly designed safe and secured landfill. Considering the likely
generation of sludge from the CETP for the present and the future activities, a volume of about
15,000 m3 may be needed for the next 15 years and an SLF for this capacity, with provisions
for replication as and when needed, has been recommended.
The upgraded CETP, complete with landfill will ensure that no ill effects to environment shall
occur due to the industrial activity and this unit shall be a model for the entire state.
The installation of a proper effluent treatment facility, complete with sludge disposal is vital
for the growth of the industry, development of the entire region, same time preserving the
serene environment of the Lassipora region.
Source: DPR
The common effluent treatment plant (CETP) installed at IGC Lassipora, treats effluents from
tanneries and some other industries in the Cluster. This was created as a part of the IGC by J&K
State Industrial Development Corporation.
The present effluent inflow into the CETP from the tanneries is about 180 m 3/d.It has been
reported that apart from the tanneries, three dairy units and one bone crushing unit too are
discharging their effluents to the CETP. The volume of dairy effluent treated in the CETP is 110
m3/d and the bone crushing units, about 9 m3/d. The total inflow to the CETP is thus
estimated as 300 m3/d.
At present, the CETP appears to be fully operational and its components appear generally in
good working condition. Understandably, the biological treatment was not operating properly
due to the low temperature and the treated effluent was turbid. By a visual inspection it
appeared likely to be high in organics. Apart from the above, the CETP needs some more
improvement to ensure that it would treat the effluent efficiently to reach prescribed
standards for surface disposal.
Given the fact that the CETP treats effluents other tannery effluent too, when the 2-3 tanneries
currently getting ready to start its operations start working, the CETP may get effluent flow
equivalent to its designed capacity and when all the proposed tanneries are fully functional,
the capacity may not be adequate.
Further, when the CFC starts its operation, the tanneries would need to start wet finishing
operations and this would increase the water consumption and effluent generation
significantly, almost double of the current volume. The CFC too may generate a small quantity
of effluent, mostly squeezed out water from the wet leather.
Considering all the scenarios, it has been proposed to enhance the capacity of the CETP with
the addition of another module of CETP with 500 m3/d capacity.
At present, the dried and semi-dried sludge from the CETP is dumped in open land adjacent to
the CETP. Apart from creating an unsightly appearance, this is also against law as it has to be
disposed off only in a safe and secured landfill. Further, as per the requirements of MoEF & CC,
the sludge from tannery ETPs need to be considered hazardous and hence should be disposed
off only in Secured Landfills (SLF) conforming to the guidelines of CPCB/MoEF & CC.
Considering the final capacity of the CETP and the likely generation for the next 15 years, a
scientifically designed SLF needs to be set up. The layout of the unit need to be made in such a
way that as and when additional units are required, the same can be constructed adjacent to
the first SLF module.
District - Pulwama
State - Jammu & Kashmir
Site Coordinates - 330 47’ 17.59’’ N
The analysis of alternative is the process of comparing potential impacts and mitigation
options of a series of alternative location, technologies, operation to identify optimal
alternatives that meets national legislation. These alternatives can include variations in layout,
alternative engineering process, routing, linear facilities and screening of material suppliers to
select those with appropriate environmental and risk management system.
The proposed site of CETP is selected as per the guidelines of MoEF & CC. The treatment
technology and treatment Scheme for the effluents from units located in industrial area of
Village – Lassipora; District - Pulwama has been finalized on the basis of detailed data
collection on quality and quantity of the effluent produced by the industries & CETP has been
Analysis has been carried out for the selected site only.
The salient features are given below –
Site Selection –
The following guiding factors have been considered while selecting the site for the
establishment of CETP –
1. The land falls in the Industrial Zone and the proposed project site is earmarked for CETP.
2. Land -Acquisition has already been done by J&K SIDCO.
3. The transport of effluent is through the dedicated pipeline system.
4. All infrastructures are easily available.
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of
SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
2.1 Introduction
Jammu & Kashmir State Industrial Development Corporation (J&K SIDCO) is coming
up with the project for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-
Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
As per the EIA Notification dated 14 th September 2006, as amended till date, the proposed
project falls under the Project Activity: 7 (h) – Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP).
The project shall be treated as Category “B”.
Because of the favorable factors such as tax holiday for the industrial units in J&K State,
relatively very cheap power tariff as also the demand for different type of goods and
services and there being the availability of exploitable resources, the industrial activity is
expected to pick up in the state based on the above factors as also considering the past
trend an indicative list of industries expected to come up at Growth Centre Lassipora.
Major benefits from the project:
With the upgradation, the CETP can cater to the requirements of all tanneries and
the Common Facility Centre, achieving full production.
The upgradation will reduce the operation cost of the CETP ensuring its sustainability.
The upgradation will ensure proper, safe and scientific disposal of about 2000 t/year
sludge from the CETP and member units.
Generation of raw hides and skins is quite considerable in the state of J&K as the
consumption of meat is quite high and wide spread. Though no reliable data is available,
based on an estimate provided by the Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, the
current availability of hides and skins in the state of J&K is at table 1.
Table 2.1: Current availability of hides and skins in the state of J&K
Estimated Livestock Population and Production of Hides & Skins in Jammu and Kashmir
2015 (Figure in Lakhs)
Based on the livestock trends in Jammu & Kashmir, estimation made for 2015.The
slaughter and fallen (recovered) rates of previous survey conducted by CSIR-CLRI in
Jammu and Kashmir are applied to arrive the estimation of hides and skins available for
Jammu and Kashmir in 2015.
In the past two major tanneries existed in the state, one at Shalteng near Srinagar and
another at Muthi, near Jammu. However, for various reasons, both these units were closed
down and for the past many years’ raw material from the state has been exported as such
without any value addition. After establishment of the Leather Cluster in Lassipora, some
tanneries have come up there to process raw hides and skins into wet blue leather for sale
in different parts of the country. A part of the park, 50 acres, is earmarked exclusively for
leather industry and there are 13 units registered as tanneries with SIDCO. An association
of these tanners has been created to further help their development. Of these 13 registered
units with SIDCO, three are operational, one more is ready to start production, three more
have decided to go ahead with establishing new tanneries and two old units, now
inoperative, have plans for revival. Following the keenness shown by the government and
the recent developments, there is considerable optimism amongst the tanners of the state.
At present, an estimated 30,000 hides and 1,20,000 skins are reportedly processed by the
operational tanneries in Lassipora. All these produces only upto wet blue stage and sell
these at different parts of the country, including in Tamil Nadu. Rest of the available raw
material is sold as such outside the state. The intention of the tanners now is to convert all
available raw material into wet blue and later finished leather. Some tanners have been in
discussion with their buyers regarding the possibility of establishing value added product
units for shoe uppers, garments etc. A list of entrepreneurs registered with the SIDCO at
Lassipora, extent of land allotted to them, date of allotment of land, their current status and
the number of persons employed in these units, as provided by the Association of Tanners
of Lassipora, is given at page no. 48 in this Chapter.
I Pre-Treatment Units
B. CETP-Upgradation
17 New Filter Press unit -2 Nos with Sludge Conditioning, common 1,44,30,410.00
Filter Press building
D. Others
E Secured Landfill
Total 16,02,38,782.42
*The DPR has the estimate of SLF @ Rs. 3.25 Cr. as CLRI at present is willing to only
allow this much even though the actual cost would be more than Rs. 5.0 Cr.
Means of finance
Civil Works
1 1 Screen Chamber
228,450.00 228,450.00
Sub total
Mechanical Works
Total 2,190,215.00
Equalization Tank
Civil Work
Mechanical Works
1 1 Level switch and flow control -I 11525 11525
Instrumentation 136,725.00
Total 1,381,977.00
Civil Works
Mechanical Works
Total 298,720.40
Primary Clarifier
Mechanical Works
Total 961,000.00
Aeration Tank
Mechanical Works
Total 3,779,322.00
Civil Works
1 1 Tertiary Treatment Units 114550 114550
Mechanical Works
Total 5,765,550.00
1 1 Sludge pipe line from primary and 732000 732000
secondary clarifier to Sludge
collection tank
Instrumentation 148,250.00
Pipeline 1,077,500.00
Total 1,225,750.00
Module –II
Collection line for module II
Sub total
Total 2,628,000.00
Equalization Tank
Mechanical Works
Sub total
Instrumentation 136,725.00
Pipeline 182,000.00
Total 4,307,166.00
Chemical Dosing System
Civil Works
Mechanical Works
Pipeline 264,500.00
Total 4,148,181.60
Primary Clarifier
Civil Works
Mechanical Works
Pipeline 172,400.00
Total 1,931,712.20
Aeration Tank
Sub total
Mechanical Works
Civil works 10,001,226.10
Piping 5,088,000.00
Total 23,718,370.10
Secondary Clarifier
Civil Works
Mechanical Works
Piping 636,020.00
Total 5,408,038.00
Civil Works
Instrumentation 148,250.00
Piping 285,000.00
Total 4,769,123.95
Filter Press
Civil Works
Mechanical Works
Piping 3,34,620.00
Total 1,44,30,410.00
Secured Land Fill
Civil Works
Mechanical Works
Piping 904,000.00
Total 32,504,569.00
Civil Works
Total 3,057,369.00
Civil works
1. Solar building
Mechanical works
Piping works
Total 32,309,127.17
D.G Set
Mechanical Works
Electrical 306,014.00
Total 1,831,576.00
Others 705,655.00
Total 705,655.00
Mechanical works
Subtotal: Mechanical
Piping works
Total 1,979,900.00
Sub total
Mechanical Item
sub total
Mechanical 188,500.00
Total 318,500.00
Fig: 2.1 Site Photographs 600 KLD CETP Under Operation
The project is spread over an area of 6193 Kanals. However, J&K SIDCO proposes to
provide services such as water supply, waste management, sanitation etc. to the villages.
Industrial Estate will have campuses for industries, Industrial plots, rehabilitation and
resettlement facilities, commercial and institutional areas, multi-specialty hospital, etc.
The total plot area for the project 472.31 acres i.e. 19, 11,370.76 m2, Net planned area is
459.56 acres i.e.18,59,773.34 m2. Total built up area is estimated to be 1,41,6850.55
m2. The township project comprises of three different sectors i.e. Sector-27, Sector-28 and
Sector-30. The location of the sectors is marked on Google Earth image as given in the
image below-
Total land acquired for the project is 6193 kanal. The detailed area break up for
different facilities is as under:-
Table 2.2. Area Statement for Lassipora
S.No. Particulars Area (in Kanals) Percentage
1. Land under Plots 4450 71.85
2. Land under roads 710 11.47
3. Land under green belt 175 2.83
4. Land under effluent plant 20 0.32
5. Land under tubewells 86 1.39
6. Land under container depot 29 0.47
7. Land under grid station 100 1.61
8. Land under receiving stations 10 0.16
9. Land under residential flats 100 1.62
10. Land under Restaurant and shopping 26 0.42
11. Land under Hospital comm. complex 76 1.83
12. Land under LPG plant 272 4.39
13. Land under tanneries 45 0.73
14. Land under Parks 30 0.48
15. Land under Bank, Insurance, Telecom, 24 0.39
fire, police station
16. Land under hotel site, ESI, PF 40 0.64
The Growth centre facilities are to be created over 6193 Kanals of land out of which 1812
of land is to be acquired from private parties at Lassipora and remaining 4381 Kanals
government land already under possession of J&K SIDCO over which some development
work has already been commenced.
Land use of the project site: The Growth centre facilities are to be created over 6193
Kanals of land out of which 1812 of land is to be acquired from private parties at Lassipora
and remaining 4381 Kanals being government land already under possession of J&K SIDCO
over which some development work has already been commenced.
Pulwama & Srinagar the districts which are influenced by the Growth Centre project bear a
plain topography (being part of the valley surrounded by different mountain ranges). As
regards other geographical features the Srinagar district has geographical area of
2228sq.kms and its total reported area is 51007 hectares. The district is located at an
altitude of 1585m from the sea level the Jammu-Leh National Highway passes through the
district. The topography of the district is predominantly plain except for Kangan block
which falls on the Himalayan ranges. As regarded Pulwama, the district has geographical
area of 1398sq.kms. The district is divided into three zones. Zone-I falling up to 700 Mtrs
and zone-II falling between 1700 and 2000 Mtrs and zone–III falls above 2000 Mtrs. The
first zone covers the entire cultivated area of Pampore and Pulwama Tehsil and major
portion of tral and part of Shopain Tehsil fall in Zone-II. The Higher area of Shopain and
Tral Tehsil are covered with forests extending up to alpine zone.
The ground configuration represents good surface gradient for efficient drainage system.
The average annual rain fall is about 538 millimeter. However, the area is free from floods.
The sufficient quantity of good quality potable ground water is available in the area.
The Srinagar District has temperate climate. In summer the climate is pleasant with
maximum temperature ranging between 34 oC whereas in winter the minimum
temperature falls below 0o c and in some of the months the average minimum temperature
is recorded around -5o c. Similar temperature pattern/season pattern is observed in case of
Pulwama district.
As regards rainfall the Srinagar District observed rainfall ranging between 640mm in 1991,
715mm in 1993 and 583mmIn the year 1994. The Pulwama district recorded 538 mm
rainfall in 1991, 785mm in 1993 and 516 in 1994. The region experiences pleasant climate
during April to September whereas remaining period experience cold climate with peak
winter falling during the months of December to February.
The leather complex in the IGC complex was implemented by J&K SIDCO. The layout of the
IGC with the CETP marked in red colour is shown in Figure 6:
The existing CETP has been built for treatment of about 600 m3/d of tannery effluent from
processing raw hides/skins to wet blue stage. The existing scheme of the CETP is presented
in Figure2.7.
Pre Treatment Unit - Baffle chamber, Bar Screen Effluent conveyance –gravity line
Alum Lime
The CETP currently receive about 300 m3/d effluent, as against the designed capacity of
600 m3/d. While the tannery effluent quantity shall increase in future when the new units
get operational and when existing tanneries move towards making finished leather as the
CFC becomes functional, the chance of new effluents from other type of industry coming to
the CETP has been reported to be low.
2.8.2. Operational parameters of the CETP
The average characteristics of raw effluent, secondary stage (biological) treated effluent
for the last six months are provided in the following table 2.6.
Table 2.6 Characteristics of raw effluent, equalized effluent, Primary effluent and
secondary treated effluent
Stage of
pH COD TSS BOD Chlorides Sulphates
Raw effluent 7.2 1220 2245 825
2750 3145
Equalized effluent 7.3 1280 2220 880
2825 3160
Primary treated 7.1 905 2045 725
1920 135
Secondary treated 7.2 32 2140 780
385 85
It is not clear if the pre-treatment units installed in all connected tanneries are similar. The
one pre-treatment unit visited by the delegation at the Universal tannery was similar to
ones installed in tanneries connected to the CETPs in Vellore District, which needs a good
level of Operation, maintenance and monitoring. As such, no issues were indicated in the
collection & conveyance lines and it is presumed that an effective pre-treatment system is
available in all the tanneries connected to the CETP.
However, when all tanneries start their operation, it would be necessary to maintain a good
pre-treatment and recommendations in this regard need to be put in place. The pre-
treatment system suggested as a standard is as follows:
The major objective of on-site wastewater treatment at the tanneries is the removal of
coarse materials, grit and grease, in order to reduce clogging and siltation problems in the
wastewater collection network, with the related risks of accumulation of H2S gas in the
collection network.
The beamhouse liquors contain large quantities of coarse and suspended materials. The
system for preliminary treatment of beamhouse liquors is designed for removal of coarse
materials, grit, grease and easily settleable solids.
Effluent channel with 2 screens for retaining coarse materials and a baffle chamber to
retain floating materials and grease.
grit chamber for very small tanneries and a conical settling tank for others.
sludge drying and storage bed.
The effluent, after settling, may be collected in a sump, from where it could be pumped
through a flow metering system to the manhole in the effluent conveyance line.
It is desirable to install similar pre-treatment system for the non-tannery units too. The
pre-treatment system at dairy units may additionally be given a grease removal system,
basically an API oil separator.
If upgradation -
The sharing of the O & M charges at present is done based on the capacity utilization. A
more systematic and scientific method is to distribute the cost based on (a) a fixed cost,
based on allotted capacity to each member tanneries and (b) a variable cost based on actual
flow rates to the CETP. The recommendations in this regard are given elsewhere in this
report. In any case, installation of flow meters at the outlet of each member units
(tanneries and non-tannery members of the CETP) appears necessary.
Absence of water and wastewater metering also hampers water conservation and waste
minimization. Accordingly, it is proposed to carry out the following activities under this
Operating conditions
Justification 1. The MOC existing bar screen is Mild steel, since the bar is placed
in high corrosive environment the bar screen’s spacing
increases where the solids particle escapes; this leads to
frequent chocking in collection line.
2. So new SS Bar screen is proposed.
Category Upgradation of CETP -
It will be better to provide a coarse screen followed by a mechanical fine screen at the inlet
of equalization tank with about 15 mm and 6 mm bar spacing respectively to provide
protection to the CETP units. The bar spacing of coarse shall ensure removal of larger
solids and foreign materials in the effluents (e.g. a gunny bag or leather pieces) entering
the equalization tank and protect the fine screen from clogging. The 6 mm fine screen
could be of Aqua-rake type with continuously moving rakes combing the bar screen. Both
screens can be installed in an inlet channel to equalization tank.
The construction of the channel can be made in such a way that it can receive effluent from
the existing collection and conveyance system and also the effluent from the proposed new
conveyance lines from CFC and tannery wet finishing operations. The channel can have
sluice gates, openable by turning spindles, to regulate effluent flow to both the existing as
well as new CETP module.
Bar space 10 - 20 mm
Bar width 6 mm
MOC of screen SS
Quantity 1 nos.
The fine screen shall be installed in the raw effluent channel to be constructed as common
units for the two module of the CETP. The capacity of the screen shall be 100 m3/h,
equivalent to a peak flow of a total daily flow of 1000 m3. The opening of the screen bars
would be 3 mm.
If upgradation -
The effluent will be collected in receiving sump through the mechanical bar screen.
Automatic rake type screen is suggested for installation in the channels. The screen to have
a hydraulic capacity of 100m3/h as peak load considering the discharge of wastewater is
mostly during the day-time. The screens have a slot width of 6 mm.
The automatic rake is a self-cleaning filter system which can be installed directly in an open
channel. The filter surface consists of an endless belt of high quality stainless steel fingers,
which is moved by chains and a motor drive. The fingers are protruding outward by the
rotating motion around the sprocket, ejecting the solids. Automatic cleaning is achieved by
a reverse curve in the path, which causes the fingers to retract and to be wiped clean
against the neighbouring fingers.
The screenings, from each unit, drop into a container, which is emptied regularly and
transported for disposal in the sludge landfill.
If upgradation -
To have a counter check of flow from the individual member units and that received at the
CETP, it is suggested to have an ultrasonic meter at the raw effluent channel. The unit will
have measurement shown instantaneously on a display unit and can have cumulative
values in the totalizer.
If upgradation
The equalization tank may be provided with two numbers of submersible mixers of ABS,
Flygt or Grundfoss make. The installation may be supplemented with lifting arrangements
on one side of the tank. The mixers need to be installed facing each other to ensure
optimum mixing.
Power rating 1 kW
Quantity 2 Nos.
Poly Electrolyte Dosing System
Name of the item Poly Electrolytic dosing system
Justification (1) Since coagulant takes more time to form flocs, proper settling
in clarifier cannot be ensured.
(2) To enhance the coagulation process poly electrolyte is added.
Category Upgradation of CETP -
Type of New
If upgradation
The polyelectrolyte solution from the Polyelectrolyte solution preparation tanks shall be
pumped by the use of Polyelectrolyte solution dosing pumps to the flash mixer where Alum
solution and Lime solution will also be added to the raw effluent after screening.
There shall be two dosing pumps of which one shall be working and the other standby at
any time.These shall be of the electromechanical type. They shall have a mechanically
actuated diaphragm with high precision finished balls and seats for reliable sealing. These
shall permit manual override and variable flow control at both sides of the chosen median
duty point for the duty already stated herein. These shall be able to handle a flow variation
of plus or minus 25 % of the stated flow and at a head of not less than 7m at the highest
flow. The construction shall be totally enclosed corrosion proof type. The liquid end shall
be in SS 316. The body shall be of lightweight Aluminium Alloy. The drive motor shall be of
fire proof and explosion proof construction. The turndown ratio shall be 10: 1 with a
tolerance of (-) 5 % to (+) 10 %. The variable setting shall be achieved by variable speed
drive or electronic capacitance control. The pump erection shall provide for a thrust block
against alignment slippages. The repeatability shall be within 5 % on both sides of the duty
The equipment shall include drive motor, direct coupling, turbine impeller assembly,
intermediate bearings, basket, walkway with handrails and such other fittings, devices or
appurtenances necessary for a complete operating installation.
Type Turbine
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 nos.
Capacity 10 - 50 LPH
Quantity 1 Nos.
If upgradation Technology
Though it would have been better to have an additional primary clarifier unit since the size
of the existing one is smaller than the requirement, the same may be done at a later date
and for the present, installation of a scrapper mechanism in this tank is suggested to
optimize the performance.
A 4.5 meter diameter primary clarifier mechanism may be installed complete with
walkway in MS ‘I’ beam with stainless steel (SS 304) chequered plates and other standard
Technical specification is given below,
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 no.
There shall be one primary clarifier mechanism suitable for installation in concrete tank
4.5 m internal diameter x 2.5-m side water depth having inward slopping hopper floor with
1 vertical to 12 horizontal slope. The mechanism shall be of the center drive type with a
torque of not less than 2500 m-kg and shall be supported on an RCC influent column with
the flow entering the bottom of the influent column and flowing upward to the inlet
openings near the water level. The equipment shall include center assembly with drive
unit, lifting mechanism for raising sludge scraper assembly, feed well, center cage, sludge
removal rake arms with sweeper blades & squeegees, two numbers scum skimmers with
respective scum boxes, weirs, baffles, walkway with handrails, anchor bolts and such other
fittings, devices or appurtenances as are necessary for a complete operating installation. It
is quite likely that there may be instances wherein, the sludge may bet accumulated at the
floor of the clarifier to a height that would impose a torque higher than the drive rated
torque for the equipment. In such situations, it is proposed to lift the entire suspended cage
and sludge scraper assembly and the scum scraper assembly clear of the floor in
increments up to a maximum of 30 cm, such that there will be continued sludge removal
and progressively better control on getting over the accumulated sludge situation. Such
lifting is desired to be achieved by an electromechanical control provided with a manual
The influent flow rate shall be 0.5 mld spread uniformly through the day and night with an
instantaneous peaking of close to plus or minus 5 %. The inlet BOD and SS are to be taken
as 2000 mg/l and 4000 mg/l respectively. The dosage of chemicals to this primary clarifier
is from an upstream flash mixer and flocculator. The chemical dosages are computed as
Lime 200 gm/ m3; Aluminium Sulphate 200 gm/m3; Anionic polyelectrolyte 2.5 gm/m3.
The BOD reduction is 50 % and the SS reduction is 80%.
The drive assembly for each clarifier shall consist of a drive motor, helical gear box, steel
roller chain drive, turntable type worm gear assembly, visual torque indicator, overload
alarm and cut off actuating system. The drive motor shall be of the TEFC type suitable for
operation in standard commercially available 3 phase, 50 cycle, 415 volts supply with its
inherent variations in voltage and / or frequency. The power transmission between the
first reducer and the worm gear assembly shall be through a chain and sprocket drive,
which shall be enclosed in a fiberglass chain guard. The worm gear assembly shall consist
of a case hardened and ground alloy steel worm (EN353/equv hardness 50-52 Rc) and Cast
Iron worm wheel (IS: 210 grade FG260), all placed within a graded cast iron housing (IS:
210 grade FG200) complete with oil fill, level and drain fittings. The turntable base shall be
made of cast Iron (IS: 210 grade FG200. The worm gear shall be running on a built-up large
diameter precision bearing assembly consisting of high chrome alloy steel bearing balls
(AFBMA Gr 500, 62-65 RC) and four replaceable hardened alloy steel inserts (AISI
4140/equivalent 36- 38 Rc final Hardness) pressed into the annular grooves in the gear
and turntable base all running in an oil bath. The base will have provision for dust seal and
complete with oil fill, level and drain fittings. All gears and bearings shall run in an oil bath.
Readily accessible lubricant fill and drainpipes with necessary fittings shall be provided.
The drive worm shaft shall be free to move horizontally within the limits afforded by a
calibrated compression spring at the thrust end. The worm shaft movement shall be
transmitted to the drive control by a pin contacting the cam support and camshaft, thereby
actuating the pointer. The pointer shall indicate relative torque load on a 0 to 100%
graduated scale. Four cams and limit switches shall be included. Cams shall be
independently adjustable over the full torque range. The limit switches shall be shop-
adjusted to sound an alarm, and stop the drive motor at predetermined torque settings.
Switches and cams shall be mounted in a weatherproof steel box having conduit terminal
strips. The drive shall be designed for a duty rated torque of 2500 Kg-M with the main gear
and pinion set designed for a yield torque of at least four times the duty rated torque. The
drive main bearing shall be designed for a B10 bearing life of minimum 20 years with
continuous operation & full total rotating mechanism weight.
A center drive platform shall provide access to the center assembly and drive control. It
shall consist of Stainless Steel 304 grating type floor plate with necessary structural steel
stiffeners and supports, resting on the center assembly, and provided with connections to
the walkway. The platform shall be surrounded by handrails 1000 mm high.
There shall be a fixed feed well and it shall be hung from the bridge superstructure. The
inlet feed pipe which is brought from the periphery of the clarifier and supported from the
bridge superstructure will empty out in to the feed well. The diameter of the feed well shall
be between 22% to 25% of the diameter of the clarifier so as to limit the downward
velocity calculated on full plan area of the feed well not exceeding 1.5 m / sec. The
immersed depth of the feed well shall be between 55 % to 65 % of the side water depth of
the clarifier. The material of the feed well and all fixtures either partly or wholly exposed to
atmosphere or fully submerged shall all be of MS FRP/epoxy coated. The thickness of the
feed well shall not be less than 8 mm.
A steel adapter shaft will connect to the main gear of the centre drive. The lower pipe shaft
which is attached to the adapter shaft through suitable flanged connection will support and
rotate the rake arms. The lower shaft will be of adequate size to carry the applied torque
and bending loads. Steel fitments are provided in the pipe shaft to connect the rake arms
and cone scrapers. The centre shaft will be lined with ss316 liners so that 30 cm on
bothsides of the wastewater interface at all times including the fully lifted condition to
prevent corrosion from the waterline and propagate to the whole assembly.
The width of the full diameter bridge shall include provision for housing the lifting
mechanism. The effective width of the central walkway within the bridge shall be minimum
1m wide. Handrails shall be provided for the full width as also the width of the walkway
supported by the drive platform at the center and the tank walls at its outer end and shall
be designed to safely withstand all normal operating loads. It shall consist of two (2) side
wide flange beams of welded steel construction, with the walkway of MSEP grating floor
plate supported by the cross members. A toe plate of 150 mm height made of 3mm thick SS
304 sheet shall be provided on both the running edges. The height of protective hand
railing & piping shall be 1100 mm from walkway upto the top row of piping and the steel
member supporting this piping shall not project for more than 10 cm above this level and
shall be finished with levelled edges. The piping shall be in three rows of MSEP 32 NB size
thick-walled and vertically spaced at 30cm, 60cm and 90 cm from walkway elevation. The
horizontal spacing of the steel members supporting these pipes shall not exceed 1.5m
center to center. These shall be integrally welded to the steel tensile members of the bridge.
All structural steel members and fasteners used in the construction of the bridge shall be
hot dip galvanized.
The sludge raker mechanism shall be a full diameter installation of either the parabolic or
radial alignment of the scraper in plan. In either case, the assembly shall be dynamically
balanced in design and erection and the material shall be of steel truss construction with
steel raking blades and adjustable neoprene squeegees. The blades shall be spaced to
insure complete raking of the tank bottom twice per each revolution and pushing the
sludge to the sludge pit at the center. The raker arms shall be attached to the cage with
provision for adjusting their slope. The rake arm truss and blades shall be fabricated from
rolled / formed steel sections having a minimum thickness of 6 mm and all designed to
meet the full torque capacity of the central drive. The tip speed of the arms shall be not
more than 4 m per minute.
The overflow weir shall be of SS 304 plate of 150 mm depth and minimum 3 mm thickness.
The V notches shall be of 90 degrees cut and shall have a center to center distance of the
troughs at 150 cm. The depth of the notch shall be 50 mm.
All fasteners in contact with effluent shall be SS 304 and others of hot dipped galvanized
Design Capacity --
Justification 1. Presently, the aeration system has old coarse bubble type
diffusers which are not efficient. It is therefore proposed to
replace it with fine bubble diffusers.
2. The New diffuser have high oxygen transfer efficiency and its
MOC is membrane type resistant to hydrocarbons, oil and
Category Upgradation of CETP
Type of New
If upgradation
While the aeration system appears to be by and large fine, it could also do with some
modifications. Some of the diffusers apparently have got blocked and some others torn,
which may be replaced with new ones.
Further, a dosing arrangement for silicone based de-foamer to control the frothing and
foam may need to be installed. The arrangement can be a portable unit, complete with
defoamer storage tank, pressure pump and jet nozzle to spray the solution to the tank.
This comprises the air Compressors including air filters, driers, mufflers with electrical
motors, piping to diffusers and the diffusers thereof.
The aeration tank (high load activated sludge with sludge loading rate of 0.3 Kg BOD per Kg
sludge dry solids per day) BOD degradation is 93.3% (Kg/day). A Fine bubble diffused
aeration system will be applied. Such system has been selected, because of less aeration
tank space requirements, higher energy efficiency and less problems with fugitive aero-sol
emissions as may be otherwise caused by surface aerators.
The diffuser elements shall be membrane type and resistant to such ingredients as
hydrocarbons, oil and grease and afford high oxygen transfer rate besides permitting
simple erection onto the horizontal air manifold and easy retrieval above the liquid surface
by lifting the air vertical header feeding the horizontal air manifold and shall have
minimum coupling / attachments to the air manifold and shall have self-cleaning
properties while in action. Flat surfaces facing upwards as membrane surfaces shall not be
accepted. The diffuser unit shall be of corrosion resistant material. The membrane diffusers
shall permit connection to the air manifolds of circular or square cross section and the
entire lot of diffusers shall be capable of discharging air of 17000 N m3 per hour when
installed in the said aeration tanks. The wastewater dissolved solids content close to about
15000 mg/l and desired minimum residual dissolved oxygen of 2 mg/l under field
condition in the summer temperature of 42 Celsius and winter temperature of 24
Celsius shall be duly taken into consideration.
The headers onto which the diffusers are fixed shall be of standard SS304 pipe sections or
Polypropylene flexible tubes of suitable inner bore and shape with custom fixities of the
diffuser elements as directed by the membrane manufacturers. Alternative pipe materials
shall be acceptable provided the same are mandatory part of the diffuser supplier and has
been in their line of supply as original equipment. These headers shall also be procured
from the equipment manufacturers who are the suppliers of the membrane diffuser
suppliers. These headers shall have enough counterweight to surmount any buoyancy lift
from the floor during air charging. The connection between the headers and the air piping
from the compressor shall preferably permit a “quarter-turn” fitment and “quarter-turn”
dismantling. This segment shall be assembled and installed above the water surface
elevation and in the horizontal travel of the air piping. The coupling shall have a minimum
of two neoprene washers to ensure against chance leakage of air. Alternatively, flanged
fittings of the same SS 304 material shall also be permissible. Each header shall travel
downward from the air piping by aligning itself onto the sidewall of the aeration tank and
thereafter travel horizontally onto the tank floor. Suitable mechanical provision for lifting
of headers easily above water level for maintenance without the need for draining the tank
shall be provided for each header. Isolating valves of Polypropylene shall be provided
upstream of the coupling to cut off the flow through the specified header for purposes of
attending to the diffuser header and also diffusers.
The air piping from the compressor to the header shall be of UPVC material and rated for 6
kg / cm2 These shall be fixed securely to the concrete surfaces in the horizontal plane and
vertical plane so that they are not clamped horizontally onto vertical sides of the walls. The
clamping shall be so designed as to permit “in-situ” screw driven fittings. Breaking open
concrete surfaces shall not be permitted.
There shall be three numbers of air-cooled functioning air compressors each rated at 750
Nm3 / hour at a pressure adequate to command the diffuser grid under both the summer
and winter air temperatures at 35.4 degrees Celsius and 13.6 degrees Celsius and relative
humidity upto 85 % and maintain a residual D O of minimum 1 mg/l and shall furnish the
necessary calculations in the technical bid. The air compressors shall be dynamically
balanced to grade 6.3 of ISO 1940 and its latest modifications. It shall be integral with twin
lobe compressor with suction filer, silencers for suction and discharge filled with
appropriate environment friendly material [Asbestos shall not be accepted], non-return
valves, drive guards, grease and anti-oil –splash bearings, the gears shall be helical or worm
and shall be made of appropriate hardened and X ray finished material. All bearings shall
be antifriction ball bearings. The offered equipment shall be of the standard product range
from manufacturers who have a successful track record of manufacture, supply, delivery,
erection, commissioning and servicing. The rotary speed of the compressor for this rated
output shall not exceed 1800 rpm under its maximum output in the performance curve.
The rated duty shall be obtainable at the midpoint of the compressor performance curve. It
shall be possible to obtain an increase of (or) reduction of the air flow rate by plus or minus
30 % of the rated output at the best efficiency point. In all cases, the compressor shall be
able to withstand and counter a pressure of minimum 62 kPa without any failures or
freezing or stalling. The rotary speed of one of the compressor shall be adjustable without
the need to stop the running compressor and this shall be achieved by the use of a
microprocessor based AC variable frequency drive running the motors of the compressors.
The compressors shall have precision crank wheel transmission, oil mist greased bearings
with ball bearings, three-part clutch, muffler and other equipment needed for safe
operation. The compressor housing shall be cast iron grade 25 and the impeller of Dural
and suitable for a pressure proportion of 1: 3.5. The axle closure shall be by means of sole
labyrinth closure with parts of steel, bronze and nodular cast iron. The housing shall permit
the inspection of the impeller / lobes without the need to dismantle the housing. Each
compressor shall be equipped with a conus diffuser for converting 90 % of the velocity
energy into pressure ad also with an intermediate piece and a rubber compensator. The
compressor shall be tested in accordance with BS 1571 Part II or equivalent standards. The
base frame mounting shall be complete with anti-vibration pads. The air on release from
the compressor shall pass through a set of filters, driers and differential pressure.
Mechanical sludge dewatering
If upgradation -
2 Nos. of chamber filter presses of 4 t/d (20 hours’ operation) have been recommended for
this purpose. The unit can be fully automatic with feed pump generating 16 bar pressure
for good dewatering. The installation would need the presses installed at a mezzanine level
with portion below to house a trailer for collecting the dewatered sludge.
It is proposed to have another module of CETP, of 500 m3/d capacity,in the second phase.
When that unit gets operational, another filter press would be needed. In order to optimize
the utilization, it is proposed to use the standby unit recommended here for the CETP
upgradation as standby for the future filter press too. Accordingly, when the additional
module of CETP is functional, there will be a total of 3 filter press of 4 t/d capacity, one for
each of the upgraded and new CETP modules and one as a common standby.
Technical specification:
Lime tank & agitator for sludge conditioning
Type Turbine
Power 0.75 kW
Quantity 1 No.
Quantity 1 No.
Filter House
Dimensions 16 m x 9 m x 6.5 m.
Capacity 4 t/day
Type Chamber
Operating pressure 15 kg/cm2
No. of cylinder 96
No. of plates 95
Power 2.5 kW
Base plate MS
Power 2 kW
Quantity 2 nos. (1 W + 1 S)
Accordingly, the filter house may be constructed with provisions for installing three filter
presses in the same house.
Parameter Unit Value
Say t/d
The inlet sludge will be either Lime/Alum precipitated primary sludge or excess biological
sludge or both fed from the sludge storage tank. The feed concentration may be 3 % solids.
The solid concentration of the cake shall be at least 35 %. The percent recovery of
suspended solids shall be at least 90 %. The volume of inlet sludge will be 100 m3 per 24
hours and it shall be dewatered in 16 hours a day. The ratio of chemically precipitated
primary sludge and excess biological secondary sludge is about 5: 1. There shall be
adequate numbers of filter presses such that the standby capacity at any given time is 50 %
of the functioning numbers to dewater 100 m3 in 16 hours. The number of sludge feed
pumps shall match the number of filter presses.
The filter press frame shall be able to withstand the full static weight of the equipment
including the wet cake. The material of construction shall be in weldable structural steel
conforming to IS 2062. The frame shall be so designed as to permit an easy access to all the
parts mounted over it and still permit an easy access to all the controls mounted over it.
The frame shall be anchored into the floor with anti rusting fasteners as defined already in
this document. The frame shall be designed and constructed to withstand the slurry feed
pressure of minimum 15 kg / cm2.
The hydraulic closing system shall close the filter pack with a minimum pressure
[operating] of 380 kg / cm2 and shall be automatic. The system shall include a double
acting hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic power pack, hydraulic hoses, set point transducer with
digital LED display of minimum 5cm height of each character and tuned and set for control
of the hydraulic pressure. There shall also be a manually switcheable [ in case one of the
sensing systems is out of operation or taken out for maintenance] parallel installation using
a pressure gauge of the analog dial type of minimum readability of 600 kg / cm2 and of
minimum 100 mm dial diameter and the pressure sensing shall be of diaphragm type. Both
these shall be installed on the hydraulic cylinder itself.
The filtrate tray shall be mounted on one side of the filter press to suit the site erection and
shall be constructed in SS 04 minimum 3 mm thick with sufficient flanges for filtrate
pipeline connections.
The drip tray shall be made of SS 304 minimum 3-mm thickness/ FRP 5 mm thick with two
door overlap type to avoid filtrate dripping onto the floor and to guide the filter cake to the
cake discharge system with interlocking system, which shall be connected to the plate
shifting device.
The filter plates should be made of virgin all polypropylene resin and should be designed
and constructed to operate with a slurry pressure of 16 kg / cm2 and should be of recessed
chamber type. The filter plates shall have sufficient number of handles and filtrate drain
bibs for open filtrate discharge. The filter plates should have filter cloth holding pins.
The opening of the filter plates to discharge the filter cakes would be done manually. The
guide rail for the smooth movement of the plates shall be designed with suitable
All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be of such metallurgy with the use of SS fixtures in
water contact locations and hot dipped galvanized fixtures in other locations.
These pumps shall be of the progressive cavity type and draw the sludge from the sludge
storage tank and pump it to the dewatering equipment directly. They shall be directly
coupled to the suction piping and shall be provided with blank flanged after a double
flanged valve, so that if needed, this can be used as an auxiliary air hose point for releasing
any clogged conditions of the sludge pipe. The pumps shall be of progressive cavity type
and there shall be two pumps of which one will be working at a time and the other will be a
There shall be adequate number of pumps such that there are 50 % standby pumps over
and above the number of pumps needed to handle 100 m3 of thickened sludge in 16 hours.
The number of installed and functioning pumps shall match the number of filter press
installations such that each filter press is having a dedicated pump for itself at all times. A
delivery head that can yield an operating pressure of about 15 bar and a maximum
pressure of 18 bar is considered as required for feeding the filter press. The tenderer shall
however estimate the required delivery head and offer pumps of such delivery head as
needed by him.
The drive motor shall not exceed a speed of 1400 rpm and shall be close coupled with the
pump impeller It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall
be totally enclosed, oil cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service
factor of 1: 1.5. All motor frame parting surfaces shall be deep registered and properly
sealed. The voltage, speed, insulation class, amperage, and the manufacturer’s name and
address shall be steel stamped and permanently marked on the nameplate in non-
corrodible nameplate securely fitted onto the motor frame. The required speed reduction
shall be attained by the use of an on-line gearbox foot mounted on its casing and its rotating
axis being horizontal to align with the rotor on one side and the motor on the other side.
The material of the gearbox casing shall be of cast iron IS 210 Grade 30. The material of the
gears shall be C 40 with hardening. The free end of the motor shall be securely fitted onto a
rest plate to avoid counter hung pressure on the coupling between the rotor shaft and the
motor shaft. The coupling shall be of the “Lovejoy” variety and no other m types shall be
The rotor shall be of an extremely coarse pitch threaded screw with a deep thread and a
narrow core. The material shall be SS 316 and chrome coating and its cross section is
permitted to be hollow as long as the factor of safety is a minimum of 1: 1.5 over the
maximum load conditions anticipated in the design of the rotor for the given duty. It shall
be possible to rework the rotor.
The stator shall be of soft material and nitrile rubber is considered adequate under Indian
conditions. It shall be firmly securely sleeved into the barrel of the pump and shall be
securely in place with integral rubber seals on both the inlet and outlet ends. The seals
shall be able to withstand the unidirectional thrust imparted by the mass of sludge being
displaced thorough the impeller.
The stator and rotor shall be custom designed to permit the passage of at least a 50-mm
diameter soft solid and shall be freely displaced without disfigurement on testing at factory
before acceptance.
The shaft sealing shall be preferably attained by mechanical seals to ensure higher
reliability in this important location.
All fasteners in direct contact with the throughput shall be of SS 304 and all others shall be
of hot dipped galvanized steel.
Tertiary treatment
Name of the item Tertiary Treatment.
Justification (1) During winter, the biological treatment system does not
operate properly resulting in effluent not meeting the
(2) Accordingly, a chemical oxidation system has been proposed.
(3) The filters help to reduce the suspended solids and residual
organics in effluent.
Category Upgradation of CETP -
If upgradation
In order to make sure that a reasonably good treatment is ensured during the winter too, it
is proposed to install a tertiary treatment system. It could include the following stages:
Chemical oxidation of the treated effluent using hydrogen peroxide or bleach liquor. A
closed tank with arrangements for venturi distribution of the chemical and a slow
speed contact mixer could be considered. The tank can have three compartments, the
third compartment serving as the feed sump for the MGF. The oxidation system should
be complete with oxidation agent stock vessel, preparation of unit and monitoring
A multi-grade filter (MGF) to filter out the suspended solids in the treated effluent after
oxidation. The unit should have feed pumps, backwash arrangements, air scouring,
pressure gauges etc.
An activated carbon filters (ACF) to adsorb any residual organics, chlorine etc. The unit
should have feed pumps, arrangements for re-fill of activated carbon, backwash
arrangements, air scouring, pressure gauges etc.
The ACF filter system setup may have activated carbon of the following characteristics:
The filtrate from the ACF could be discharged as treated effluent. During the summer
months, when the biological system works satisfactorily, the tertiary treatment units may
be bypassed.
Tertiary treatment-Oxidation tank
Capacity 60 m3/h
Pressure 1 kg/cm2
Quantity 1 Nos.
Pressure 4 kg/cm2
Quantity 1 No.
Capacity 60 m3/h
Pressure 4 kg/cm2
Quantity 1 No.
Repair and refurbishing of sludge drying beds including media re-filling.
The refurbishing of SDBs involve removal of any sludge, removal of media, washing and
desilting of any re-usable media, flushing of filtrate lines, replacement of any mesh over the
filtrate pipes, topping up of media as needed and re-alignment of feed pipes.
Design Capacity --
If upgradation
Major Components (1) 2 No. 110 KVA Diesel Generators with fuel tank and panels
Justification (1) After the upgradation of CETP the production capacity will
be 1100 KLD from the current restricted 300 KLD and
thereby the energy requirement also will be increased
from current demand of 200 KVA to 400 KVA
(2) Outages due to weather related reasons and shortfall in
demand due to less production, Unplanned disturbances,
typically on the power lines and wires, are what cause most
(3) Accordingly,it is proposed to install additional 110
KVAGenerator of 2nos.
Category Upgradation of CETP -
If upgradation --
During the visit, it was noted that some of the electrical controls are in broken condition
and many cables were in need of replacement/re-alignment. Panel boxes too needed
repairs. These works should be taken up simultaneous with the upgradation of the CETP.
It is also required to augment capacity/to provide DG sets as emergency back up and this
can be made common for both module -1 & 2 for the CETP. As such 2 units of 110 kVA DG
sets should suffice for both the existing and new modules of the CETP.
Class of Insulation : F
Degree of Protection : IP 23
Though the CETP incharge appeared to be motivated enough, a hands on-training for
management, maintenance and monitoring aspects of the CETP would be quite beneficial
and a one-week training for the Plant Manager in any of the well operational CETPs
(Ranitec CETP, Ranipet could be a good option) may be carried out.The Plant Manager
could also be given training in data collection, log sheet maintenance and data analysis
during the training process.
Improvement of laboratory
If upgradation Technology
As such the laboratory is provided with the equipment needed for the basic effluent
analysis and has testing facilities for pH, TSS and COD. Improvement neededhere would be
some additional equipment listed below training to the lab personnel for optimum
monitoring practices and record maintenance.
# Major new lab equipment needed
2. pH Meter portable
3. Vacuum Pump
4. Muffle furnace
5. Electronic Balance
Besides the above, the laboratory needs to be upgraded with a complete range glassware,
instruments, laboratory furniture, reagents, computers and accessories.
The upgraded lab will able to carry out all routine effluent analysis and testing of treatment
The upgraded CETP is expected to meet the prescribed norms for the treated effluent
which is provided in the following Table 2.
Table 2.10 : Prescribed standards for treated effluent from IGC CETP
No tannery specific standards could be seen in the J & K PCB files. Information sought from
website ( is used here.
The treatment system recommended does not remove the Total dissolved Solids (TDS)
which could be done only though very costly technologies such as Reverse Osmosis/
Additional CETP module
At present, the existing CETP treats bout 300 m3/d effluent from only three tanneries
operational at present and some effluent from other units such as Dairy and bone crushing
industries. Two tanneries are at an advanced stage of commissioning. A total of 13
tanneries are expected to be operating in the IGC, Lassipora and when all these tanneries
start operating, the discharge of effluent would exceed the design capacity of the CETP.
Further, when the CFC gets operational, the tanneries carrying out the finishing operations
at CFC will have to establish facilities for wet finishing operations inside their tanneries and
as a general rule, when a tannery extends its production from the raw to wet blue stage to
the finishing operations, the effluent volume is nearly doubled. Some small volume of
effluent may come from the CFC too. It is estimated that an additional 500 m3/d of effluent
could be expected when these developments are completed.
Proposed system
It is proposed to have a new CETP module of similar treatment scheme as that of the
existing CETP for the additional quantity. The same could be established either on the
front side (closer to the road) or on the other side (near to sludge drying beds, which may
also necessitate demolition of some of the sludge drying beds), keeping the chemical house,
office/lab and the proposed filter house as common units.
New collection lines from CFC and tanneries where the presently installed collection
lines do not have adequate carrying capacity.
Modification in the inlet effluent channel to the equalization tank of module -1 with a
distribution chamber for distribution of effluent to modules 1 and 2.
The new CETP modulemay have the same layout as per module I.
The treated effluent from the CETP modules should conform to the tannery effluent
discharge standards set out by JKPCB, except for dissolved solids.
The new module will have capacity of 500m3/d.
If upgradation -
The gravity conveyance should be designed by using the minimum design criteria as
provided in the following Table 2.24.
# Description Details
1. Distance between manholes 25 m
2. Type of pipes used High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe
having a pressure rating (working
pressure) at 27oC is 0.4 MPa (or) 4
3. Manning’s coefficient of 0.011
roughness (n)
4. Desired actual velocity 0.65 m/s
5. Maximum depth of flow at actual 80% of the inner diameter of the HDPE
flow condition pipe
6. Level difference at each manhole 0.03
CETP module II
Effluent channel: The inlet channel and the distribution arrangement shall be done in such
a manner thatit can facilitate distribution of effluent to CETP modules I and II or channel
the effluent only to one module as per the requirement. As mentioned in the section related
to CETP upgradation, the screen to be installed in the inlet channel can be common to both
CETP modules.
The raw effluent pumps shall be self priming non-clog centrifugal pump and shall be
installed in two numbers one working and one standby.
The pump shall be capable of delivering 50 m3/hour at 10 m head at the best efficiency
point of the chosen pump curve. The pumps are supposed to operate continuously for 24
hours non stop and should be capable of handling of solids upto 40 mm.
The drive motor shall be directly coupled with the pump impeller or monobloc
construction. It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall be
totally enclosed, fan cooled. All motor frame parting surfaces shall be deep registered and
properly sealed. The voltage, speed, insulation class, amperage, and the manufacturer’s
name and address shall be steel stamped and permanently marked on the nameplate in
non-corridible nameplate securely fitted onto the motor frame.
The impeller shall be of the closed/semi open impeller type. The impeller shall be duly
dynamically balanced and finished.
The material of the casing shall be in high-grade cast iron. The material of the impeller shall
be Stainless steel 304 grade. The material of the shaft shall be stainless steel. The pumps
are needed to be installed in a small pump house with adequate room for personnel
movement. The approximate dimensions of the room would be 3 m x 3 m.
Equalization tank:
Design Capacity 14 m dia x 3.1 LD
If upgradation
The equalization tank is a circular tank, constructed in RCC, similar to the existing
equalization tank. The tank is provided with submersible mixers with lifting arrangement.
MOC of Mixer SS
Power rating 1 kW
Quantity 2 Nos.
Civil work RCC tank 14 m dia x 3.1m liquid depth, 0.5 m free board
Electrical Mixers and Panels, push button remote switches and electrical
pump and earthing cables
The wastewater is pumped into the flash mixer tank where lime and alum are dosed. By
using a culvert mixing occurs. The flash mixer is used for additional mixing. By gravity the
wastewater enters the flocculation tank, where anionic PE is dosed. The chemical
preparation and dosing units for lime, aluminum sulphate (alum) and anionic PE are
located in the chemical house.
If upgradation
Flocculation tank:
The flocculation tank is also equipped with a culvert to optimize the mixing. From here on
the wastewater enters the open feed channel (top feed) towards the primary clarifier.
Type Turbine
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 No.
Flocculator mechanism
Type Paddle
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 no.
Type Turbine
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 nos.
MOC of Body SS
MOC of Impeller SS
MOC of Shaft SS
Type Turbine
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 nos.
Capacity 50 – 80 LPH
Type Turbine
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 nos.
Capacity 5 - 15 LPH
Type Turbine
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 nos.
The equipment shall include drive motor, coupling, turbine impeller assembly,
intermediate bearings, basket, walkway with handrails and such other fittings, devices or
appurtenances necessary for a complete operating installation.
The Lime requirement has been estimated at 200 gm/ m3 for a flow of 1 mld spread
uniformly through the day and night and another 1 g/l dosage to the 0.1 mld of sludge. The
Lime solution is expected to be prepared with commercial Lime at purity of 85 % available
Lime as Calcium Hydroxide with a variation in purity of plus or minus 5 %. The strength of
Lime solution shall be taken as 10 %. The volume of the Lime solution tank is planned to
hold at any time the requirement for 8 hours of feed solution. This calculates to around
1000 liters capacity for the Lime preparation tank. Two such tanks will be provided by the
civil works contractor. The agitator equipments for both the tanks shall be provided by the
tenderer. The idea is to keep one tank in the solution preparation mode while the other
tank will be used in the feeding mode. The tip velocity of the turbine shall be minimum 3
m/s, and the minimum velocity gradient ensured at 300mps/m depth when the
appropriate specific gravity of the solution is taken into account.
The agitator drive unit shall be mounted such that the motor is mounted vertically on to a
helical gearbox, which transmits the incoming energy and outgoing energy in the same
vertical nature except that the axis of rotation of these two shall be different. These shall be
mounted at the floor level of the first floor. This will give an idea for the tenderer towards
the length of the shaft of the impeller required under the contract. The floor area at the first
floor near the agitator shall also have a basket sunk into the agitator tank to reach 50 cm
into the liquid elevation with perforations at the bottom and shall be provided by the civil
works contractor in concrete.
The drive motor shall not exceed a rpm of 1500 and shall be directly coupled with the gear
reducer. It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall be
totally enclosed, fan cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service factor
of 1: 1.5. All motor frame parting surfaces shall be deep registered and properly sealed. The
voltage, speed, insulation class, amperage, and the manufacturer’s name and address shall
be steel stamped and permanently marked on the nameplate in non-corrodible nameplate
securely fitted onto the motor frame.
The rotary speed of the impeller shall not exceed 100 rpm.
The drive motor output shaft and the impeller rotary shaft shall be connected by a direct
coupling. The coupling shall be able to withstand continuous duty with occasional upward
thrusts resulting from excess dumping of Lime powder and the torque shall provide for a
safety factor of 1 : 2 over the dynamic loading. The drive assembly for each agitator shall
consist of a suitable drive motor, directly coupled to a helical gearbox. The Gear reducer
shall be heavy duty, high efficiency type with a rugged housing and shall have a minimum
service factor of 2.0 and suitable for 24 hours continuous service. The gear reducer shall
have oil bath lubrication and dry well construction on the vertical output shaft to prevent
leakage of lubricant. The casing of the gear reducer shall be of CI and the gears shall be
hardened and ground for precision.
The circulating element of each agitator will consist of a single, axial flow design, 4 inclined
blade impeller. The inclined SS304 blades shall be bolted to the center Hub. The impeller
assembly will be securely keyed to the shaft. Each impeller shaft shall be SS304 solid shaft
of suitable diameter designed to resist the applied radial and axial thrust loads. Reinforced
flanges at both ends will be used to attach the impeller at the bottom and to the rigid drive
coupling at the top. All fasteners used in the assembly will be of SS 304. The rotating shaft is
best designed as a tubular structure for better torque resistance.
The unsupported length of the agitator rotary shaft shall not exceed 50 cm at any vertical
location. The required safety bearing housings / plummer blocks shall be provided by
extending the mechanical members from the gearbox bottom mounting and clamping the
bearings inside them. The mechanical members of such provisions shall be made of SS 304
and accordingly erected.
The minimum required mixing power shall be provided at 100 watts per cum of tank
The walkway shall be the peripheral area of 1-m width around the tanks. The flooring shall
be with grating in MSEP and be of the square mesh type with a rise of minimum 25 mm
above the floor and the clear openings of 25 mm square and all members of minimum 6
mm thickness. The entire walkway shall be provided in such number of radial assemblies of
each not exceeding 25-kg in weight to permit easy removal and re-fixing. The tenderer
shall upon award of the contract interact with the civil contractor to obtain a suitable
recess in the floor to house the above grating without slippages.
All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be of such metallurgy with the use of SS fixtures in
water contact locations and hot dipped galvanized fixtures in other locations.
The Alum and Lime solution from the Alum/Lime solution preparation tanks shall be
pumped by the use of dosing pumps to the flash mixer to be added to the raw effluent after
screening and equalisation.
These pumps shall be capable of pumping the 10 % Alum/ Lime solution calculated on the
basis of 200 mg/l and of 100 % Lime and actual available Lime of only 80 % and alum at
85% with 12% alumina content. In addition, another quantity of 1 g/l for 80 m3 /d of
sludge need to be dosed to the sludge storage tank. This requires a Lime solution pump
capable of pumping 15 liters per minute uniformly through the 24 hours. The pumps shall
be able to pump the Lime solution from the ground floor level to the flash mixer, which
shall have its operating water level at minimum of 4 m above ground level. Thus, the static
head shall be 4 m in the worst case plus a friction head of say 2m. The total head required
shall thus be taken as 8 m for design purposes. There shall be two pumps of which one shall
be working and the other standby at any time. These shall permit manual override and
variable flow control at both sides of the chosen median duty point for the duty already
stated herein. These shall be able to handle a flow variation of plus or minus 25 % of the
stated flow and at a head of not less than 7m at the highest flow. The construction shall be
totally enclosed corrosion proof type. The liquid end shall be in SS 316. The body shall be of
lightweight Aluminium Alloy. The drive motor shall be of fire proof and explosion proof
construction. The turndown ratio shall be 10 : 1 with a tolerance of (-) 5 % to (+) 10 %. The
variable setting shall be achieved by variable speed drive or electronic capacitance control.
The pump erection shall provide for a thrust block against alignment slippages. The
repeatability shall be within 5 % on both sides of the duty point.
The polyelectrolyte solution from the Polyelectrolyte solution preparation tanks shall be
pumped by the use of Polyelectrolyte solution dosing pumps to the flash mixer where Alum
solution and Lime solution will also be added to the raw effluent after screening.
These shall be of the electromechanical type. They shall have a mechanically actuated
diaphragm with high precision finished balls and seats for reliable sealing. These shall
permit manual override and variable flow control at both sides of the chosen median duty
point for the duty already stated herein. These shall be able to handle a flow variation of
plus or minus 25 % of the stated flow and at a head of not less than 7m at the highest flow.
The construction shall be totally enclosed corrosion proof type. The liquid end shall be in
SS 316. The body shall be of lightweight Aluminium Alloy. The drive motor shall be of fire
proof and explosion proof construction. The turndown ratio shall be 10: 1 with a tolerance
of (-) 5 % to (+) 10 %. The variable setting shall be achieved by variable speed drive or
electronic capacitance control. The pump erection shall provide for a thrust block against
alignment slippages. The repeatability shall be within 5 % on both sides of the duty point.
The equipment shall include drive motor, direct coupling, turbine impeller assembly,
intermediate bearings, basket, walkway with handrails and such other fittings, devices or
appurtenances necessary for a complete operating installation.
Primary clarifier:
Name Primary Clarifier
If upgradation
The wastewater enters the primary clarifier by top feed. The tank is equipped with a fixed
static bridge, equipped with a rotating bottom scraper and a floating layer removal
mechanism. The effluent leaves the tank by a circular V-notch weir.
Construction RCC, M 20
Bridge RCC
Power 0.5 kW
Quantity 1 no.
There shall be one primary clarifier mechanism suitable for installation in concrete tank
7.5 m internal diameter x 2-m side water depth having inward slopping hopper floor with 1
vertical to 12 horizontal slope. The mechanism shall be of the center drive type with a
torque of not less than 2500 m-kg and shall be supported on an RCC influent column with
the flow entering the bottom of the influent column and flowing upward to the inlet
openings near the water level. The equipment shall include center assembly with drive
unit, lifting mechanism for raising sludge scraper assembly, feed well, center cage, sludge
removal rake arms with sweeper blades & squeegees, two numbers scum skimmers with
respective scum boxes, weirs, baffles, walkway with handrails, anchor bolts and such other
fittings, devices or appurtenances as are necessary for a complete operating installation. It
is quite likely that there may be instances wherein, the sludge may bet accumulated at the
floor of the clarifier to a height that would impose a torque higher than the drive rated
torque for the equipment. In such situations, it is proposed to lift the entire suspended cage
and sludge scraper assembly and the scum scraper assembly clear of the floor in
increments up to a maximum of 30 cm, such that there will be continued sludge removal
and progressively better control on getting over the accumulated sludge situation. Such
lifting is desired to be achieved by an electromechanical control provided with a manual
The influent flow rate shall be 0.5 mld spread uniformly through the day and night with an
instantaneous peaking of close to plus or minus 5 %. The inlet BOD and SS are to be taken
as 2000 mg/l and 4000 mg/l respectively. The dosage of chemicals to this primary clarifier
is from an upstream flash mixer and flocculator. The chemical dosages are computed as
Lime 200 gm/ m3; Aluminium Sulphate 200 gm/m3; Anionic polyelectrolyte 2.5 gm/m3.
The BOD reduction is 50 % and the SS reduction is 80%.
The drive assembly for each clarifier shall consist of a drive motor, helical gear box, steel
roller chain drive, turntable type worm gear assembly, visual torque indicator, overload
alarm and cut off actuating system. The drive motor shall be of the TEFC type suitable for
operation in standard commercially available 3 phase, 50 cycle, 415 volts supply with its
inherent variations in voltage and / or frequency. The power transmission between the
first reducer and the worm gear assembly shall be through a chain and sprocket drive,
which shall be enclosed in a fiberglass chain guard. The worm gear assembly shall consist
of a case hardened and ground alloy steel worm (EN353/equv hardness 50-52 Rc) and Cast
Iron worm wheel (IS: 210 grade FG260), all placed within a graded cast iron housing (IS:
210 grade FG200) complete with oil fill, level and drain fittings. The turntable base shall be
made of cast Iron (IS: 210 grade FG200. The worm gear shall be running on a built-up large
diameter precision bearing assembly consisting of high chrome alloy steel bearing balls
(AFBMA Gr 500, 62-65 RC) and four replaceable hardened alloy steel inserts (AISI
4140/equivalent 36- 38 Rc final Hardness) pressed into the annular grooves in the gear
and turntable base all running in an oil bath. The base will have provision for dust seal and
complete with oil fill, level and drain fittings. All gears and bearings shall run in an oil bath.
Readily accessible lubricant fill and drainpipes with necessary fittings shall be provided.
The drive worm shaft shall be free to move horizontally within the limits afforded by a
calibrated compression spring at the thrust end. The worm shaft movement shall be
transmitted to the drive control by a pin contacting the cam support and camshaft, thereby
actuating the pointer. The pointer shall indicate relative torque load on a 0 to 100%
graduated scale. Four cams and limit switches shall be included. Cams shall be
independently adjustable over the full torque range. The limit switches shall be shop-
adjusted to sound an alarm, and stop the drive motor at predetermined torque settings.
Switches and cams shall be mounted in a weatherproof steel box having conduit terminal
strips. The drive shall be designed for a duty rated torque of 2500 Kg-M with the main gear
and pinion set designed for a yield torque of at least four times the duty rated torque. The
drive main bearing shall be designed for a B10 bearing life of minimum 20 years with
continuous operation & full total rotating mechanism weight.
A center drive platform shall provide access to the center assembly and drive control. It
shall consist of Stainless Steel 304 grating type floor plate with necessary structural steel
stiffeners and supports, resting on the center assembly, and provided with connections to
the walkway. The platform shall be surrounded by handrails 1000 mm high.
There shall be a fixed feed well and it shall be hung from the bridge superstructure. The
inlet feed pipe which is brought from the periphery of the clarifier and supported from the
bridge superstructure will empty out in to the feed well. The diameter of the feed well shall
be between 22% to 25% of the diameter of the clarifier so as to limit the downward
velocity calculated on full plan area of the feed well not exceeding 1.5 m / sec. The
immersed depth of the feed well shall be between 55 % to 65 % of the side water depth of
the clarifier. The material of the feed well and all fixtures either partly or wholly exposed to
atmosphere or fully submerged shall all be of MS FRP/epoxy coated. The thickness of the
feed well shall not be less than 8 mm.
A steel adapter shaft will connect to the main gear of the centre drive. The lower pipe shaft
which is attached to the adapter shaft through suitable flanged connection will support and
rotate the rake arms. The lower shaft will be of adequate size to carry the applied torque
and bending loads. Steel fitments are provided in the pipe shaft to connect the rake arms
and cone scrapers. The centre shaft will be lined with ss316 liners so that 30 cm on
bothsides of the wastewater interface at all times including the fully lifted condition to
prevent corrosion from the waterline and propagate to the whole assembly.
The width of the full diameter bridge shall include provision for housing the lifting
mechanism. The effective width of the central walkway within the bridge shall be minimum
1m wide. Handrails shall be provided for the full width as also the width of the walkway
supported by the drive platform at the center and the tank walls at its outer end and shall
be designed to safely withstand all normal operating loads. It shall consist of two (2) side
wide flange beams of welded steel construction, with the walkway of MSEP grating floor
plate supported by the cross members. A toe plate of 150 mm height made of 3mm thick SS
304 sheet shall be provided on both the running edges. The height of protective hand
railing & piping shall be 1100 mm from walkway upto the top row of piping and the steel
member supporting this piping shall not project for more than 10 cm above this level and
shall be finished with levelled edges. The piping shall be in three rows of MSEP 32 NB size
thick-walled and vertically spaced at 30cm, 60cm and 90 cm from walkway elevation. The
horizontal spacing of the steel members supporting these pipes shall not exceed 1.5m
center to center. These shall be integrally welded to the steel tensile members of the bridge.
All structural steel members and fasteners used in the construction of the bridge shall be
hot dip galvanized.
The sludge raker mechanism shall be a full diameter installation of either the parabolic or
radial alignment of the scraper in plan. In either case, the assembly shall be dynamically
balanced in design and erection and the material shall be of steel truss construction with
steel raking blades and adjustable neoprene squeegees. The blades shall be spaced to
insure complete raking of the tank bottom twice per each revolution and pushing the
sludge to the sludge pit at the center. The raker arms shall be attached to the cage with
provision for adjusting their slope. The rake arm truss and blades shall be fabricated from
rolled / formed steel sections having a minimum thickness of 6 mm and all designed to
meet the full torque capacity of the central drive. The tip speed of the arms shall be not
more than 4 m per minute.
The overflow weir shall be of SS 304 plate of 150 mm depth and minimum 3 mm thickness.
The V notches shall be of 90 degrees cut and shall have a center to center distance of the
troughs at 150 cm. The depth of the notch shall be 50 mm.
All fasteners in contact with effluent shall be SS 304 and others of hot dipped galvanized
The sludge, settled at the tank bottom, is pumped (one standby pump) to the sludge storage
tank. The effluent flows into the aeration tank. For maintenance of the rotating scraper the
top feed to the primary clarifier can be closed. The wastewater is then directed towards the
effluent outlet of the primary clarifier. The primary clarifier is equipped with a scum box
Capacity 5 m3/h
MOC of body CI
MOC of Impeller SS
MOC of Shaft SS
There shall be two pumps, one working and other standby to pump approximately 10
m3/h of chemically flocculated primary sludge. The designed operating head shall be
considered as 8 m.
The drive motor shall not exceed a speed of 1400 rpm and shall be close coupled with the
pump impeller through gearbox assembly. It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and
three-phase service and shall be totally enclosed, oil cooled, rated for severe chemical duty
with a minimum service factor of 1: 1.5. All motor frame parting surfaces shall be deep
registered and properly sealed. The voltage, speed, insulation class, amperage, and the
manufacturer’s name and address shall be steel stamped and permanently marked on the
nameplate in non-corrodible nameplate securely fitted onto the motor frame. The required
speed reduction shall be attained by the use of an on-line gearbox foot mounted on its
casing and its rotating axis being horizontal to align with the rotor on one side and the
motor on the other side. The material of the gearbox casing shall be of cast iron IS 210
Grade 30.
The rotor shall be of an extremely coarse pitch threaded screw with a deep thread and a
narrow core. The material shall be SS 316 and chrome coating and its cross section is
permitted to be hollow as long as the factor of safety is a minimum of 1: 1.5 over the
maximum load conditions anticipated in the design of the rotor for the given duty. It shall
be possible to rework the rotor.
The stator shall be of soft material and nitrile rubber is considered adequate under Indian
conditions. It shall be firmly securely sleeved into the barrel of the pump and shall be
securely in place with integral rubber seals on both the inlet and outlet ends. The seals
shall be able to withstand the unidirectional thrust imparted by the mass of sludge being
displaced thorough the impeller.
The stator and rotor shall be custom designed to permit the passage of at least a 50-mm
diameter soft solid and shall be freely displaced without disfigurement on testing at factory
before acceptance.
The bearings on the pump side of the extended drive shaft of the motor shall be of double
row ball bearings and shall be able to take the axial and radial loading on it. The bearings
on the drive side of the extended drive shaft of the motor shall be of large groove ball
Biological treatment:
Justification (1) For handling the additional effluent load, a new two
stage aeration system is required.
(2) The new tanks will ensure better aeration and
compliance with the standards.
Benefit (1) It will ensure the effluent’s BOD is less than 20mg/l
(2) It helps to comply with discharge standards.
Measurable Output (1) Aeration tank- 2nos, with all accessories, 500 m3/d.
(2) Treated effluent complying with the JK PCB
Aeration tank-1: A fine bubble diffused air aeration system is applied. The aeration tank is
laid out as a two stage system. The aeration tank-1 is of plug-flow configuration and the
aeration capacity is variable by controlling the frequency and thereby the output of the
blowers and locally adjustable by hand operated valves. The actual oxygen input can be
adapted to the actual oxygen requirements. Phosphate may be added to the influent in the
aeration tank to create the optimum BOD: P ratio. The phosphate dosing system is located
at the chemical house. From the aeration tank the treated influent overflows into the
secondary clarifier -1
Aeration Tank-1,
Construction RCC M 25
Power 11.5 kW
Quantity 3 nos. (2 W +1 S)
Type Tubular
Quantity 1 lot
This comprises the air Compressors including air filters, driers, mufflers with electrical
motors, piping to diffusers and the diffusers thereof.
The aeration tank (high load activated sludge with sludge loading rate of 0.3 Kg BOD per Kg
sludge dry solids per day) BOD degradation is 93.3% (Kg/day). A Fine bubble diffused
aeration system will be applied. Such system has been selected, because of less aeration
tank space requirements, higher energy efficiency and less problems with fugitive aero-sol
emissions as may be otherwise caused by surface aerators.
The diffuser elements shall be membrane type and resistant to such ingredients as
hydrocarbons, oil and grease and afford high oxygen transfer rate besides permitting
simple erection onto the horizontal air manifold and easy retrieval above the liquid surface
by lifting the air vertical header feeding the horizontal air manifold and shall have
minimum coupling / attachments to the air manifold and shall have self-cleaning
properties while in action. Flat surfaces facing upwards as membrane surfaces shall not be
accepted. The diffuser unit shall be of corrosion resistant material. The membrane diffusers
shall permit connection to the air manifolds of circular or square cross section and the
entire lot of diffusers shall be capable of discharging air of 17000 N m3 per hour when
installed in the said aeration tanks. The wastewater dissolved solids content close to about
15000 mg/l and desired minimum residual dissolved oxygen of 2 mg/l under field
condition in the summer temperature of 42 Celsius and winter temperature of 24
Celsius shall be duly taken into consideration.
The headers onto which the diffusers are fixed shall be of standard SS304 pipe sections or
Polypropylene flexible tubes of suitable inner bore and shape with custom fixities of the
diffuser elements as directed by the membrane manufacturers. Alternative pipe materials
shall be acceptable provided the same are mandatory part of the diffuser supplier and has
been in their line of supply as original equipment. These headers shall also be procured
from the equipment manufacturers who are the suppliers of the membrane diffuser
suppliers. These headers shall have enough counterweight to surmount any buoyancy lift
from the floor during air charging. The connection between the headers and the air piping
from the compressor shall preferably permit a “quarter-turn” fitment and “quarter-turn”
dismantling. This segment shall be assembled and installed above the water surface
elevation and in the horizontal travel of the air piping. The coupling shall have a minimum
of two neoprene washers to ensure against chance leakage of air. Alternatively, flanged
fittings of the same SS 304 material shall also be permissible. Each header shall travel
downward from the air piping by aligning itself onto the sidewall of the aeration tank and
thereafter travel horizontally onto the tank floor. Suitable mechanical provision for lifting
of headers easily above water level for maintenance without the need for draining the tank
shall be provided for each header. Isolating valves of Polypropylene shall be provided
upstream of the coupling to cut off the flow through the specified header for purposes of
attending to the diffuser header and also diffusers.
The air piping from the compressor to the header shall be of UPVC material and rated for 6
kg / cm2 These shall be fixed securely to the concrete surfaces in the horizontal plane and
vertical plane so that they are not clamped horizontally onto vertical sides of the walls. The
clamping shall be so designed as to permit “in-situ” screw driven fittings. Breaking open
concrete surfaces shall not be permitted.
There shall be three numbers of air-cooled functioning air compressors each rated at 750
Nm3 / hour at a pressure adequate to command the diffuser grid under both the summer
and winter air temperatures at 35.4 degrees Celsius and 13.6 degrees Celsius and relative
humidity upto 85 % and maintain a residual D O of minimum 1 mg/l and shall furnish the
necessary calculations in the technical bid. The air compressors shall be dynamically
balanced to grade 6.3 of ISO 1940 and its latest modifications. It shall be integral with twin
lobe compressor with suction filer, silencers for suction and discharge filled with
appropriate environment friendly material [Asbestos shall not be accepted], non-return
valves, drive guards, grease and anti-oil –splash bearings, the gears shall be helical or worm
and shall be made of appropriate hardened and X ray finished material. All bearings shall
be antifriction ball bearings. The offered equipment shall be of the standard product range
from manufacturers who have a successful track record of manufacture, supply, delivery,
erection, commissioning and servicing. The rotary speed of the compressor for this rated
output shall not exceed 1800 rpm under its maximum output in the performance curve.
The rated duty shall be obtainable at the midpoint of the compressor performance curve. It
shall be possible to obtain an increase of (or) reduction of the air flow rate by plus or minus
30 % of the rated output at the best efficiency point. In all cases, the compressor shall be
able to withstand and counter a pressure of minimum 62 kPa without any failures or
freezing or stalling. The rotary speed of one of the compressor shall be adjustable without
the need to stop the running compressor and this shall be achieved by the use of a
microprocessor based AC variable frequency drive running the motors of the compressors.
The compressors shall have precision crank wheel transmission, oil mist greased bearings
with ball bearings, three-part clutch, muffler and other equipment needed for safe
operation. The compressor housing shall be cast iron grade 25 and the impeller of Dural
and suitable for a pressure proportion of 1: 3.5. The axle closure shall be by means of sole
labyrinth closure with parts of steel, bronze and nodular cast iron. The housing shall permit
the inspection of the impeller / lobes without the need to dismantle the housing. Each
compressor shall be equipped with a conus diffuser for converting 90 % of the velocity
energy into pressure ad also with an intermediate piece and a rubber compensator. The
compressor shall be tested in accordance with BS 1571 Part II or equivalent standards. The
base frame mounting shall be complete with anti-vibration pads. The air on release from
the compressor shall pass through a set of filters, driers and differential pressure.
Secondary clarifier-1:
The tank is a circular tank equipped with rotating bottom scraper and floating layer
removal mechanism. The sludge settled down at the bottom, is pumped either to the
aeration tank by the sludge recirculation pumps or to the sludge storage tank by the
surplus sludge pumps. The effluent leaves the secondary clarifier by overflow and enters
Aeration tank-2.
Bridge RCC
Power 0.75 kW
Quantity 1 no.
There shall be two secondary clarifier mechanisms suitable for installation in concrete tank
5.5 m internal diameter x 2.5-m side water depth having inward slopping hopper floor with
1 vertical to 12 horizontal slope. The mechanism shall be of the center drive type with a
torque of not less than 2500 mkg and shall be supported on an RCC influent column with
the flow entering the bottom of the influent column and flowing upward to the inlet
openings near the water level. The equipment shall include center assembly with drive
unit, feed well, center cage, sludge removal rake arms with sweeper blades & squeegees,
scum skimmer, scum box, weirs, baffles, walkway with handrails, anchor bolts and such
other fittings, devices or appurtenances as are necessary for a complete operating
The influent flow rate shall be 0.5 mld spread uniformly through the day and night with an
instantaneous peaking of close to plus or minus 5 % plus a sludge re-circulation ratio of
equal to 100 % at the maximum. The inlet BOD of the aeration tank is to be taken as 1200
mg/l and the BOD reduction in the system is 93 %. Even though conventional secondary
clarifiers need not have the scum removal provision, still, nothing precludes their
installation. Accordingly, this secondary clarifier shall have a scum removal mechanism, as
it is considered advantageous to remove floating solids, thus producing a cleaner effluent.
The bridge shall provide access to the clarifier assembly and drive control from a specific
location on the periphery of the clarifier. The clear passage width of the bridge shall be 1
m. The structure shall be made of steel. The rise and tread of steps for accessing the bridge
shall be 20 cm and 15 cm.
The drive assembly for clarifier shall consist of a drive motor, helical gear box, steel roller
chain drive, Intermediate worm gear assembly, turntable type internal spur gear, visual
torque indicator, overload alarm and cut off actuating system. The drive motor shall be of
the TEFC type suitable for operation in standard commercially available 3 phase, 50 cycle,
415 volts supply with its inherent variations in voltage and / or frequency. The power
transmission between the first reducer and the intermediate worm gear assembly shall be
through a chain and sprocket drive, which shall be enclosed in a fiberglass chain guard. The
intermediate worm gear assembly shall consist of a case hardened and ground alloy steel
worm (EN353/equv hardness 50-52 Rc) and Cast Iron worm wheel (IS: 210 grade FG260),
all placed within a graded cast iron housing (IS: 210 grade FG200) complete with oil fill,
level and drain fittings. The main pinion and pinion shaft shall be keyed to the worm gear
and is made as an integral unit from forged alloy steel (AISI 4142/Equivalent 43-44 Rc).
The main internal spur gear assembly shall be of a turntable type construction and with
internal spur gear. The turntable base shall be made of cast Iron (IS: 210 grade FG200) and
the main spur gear shall be of cast High tensile alloy steel (IS: 2644 –Gr2 240-250 BHN final
hardness). The turntable will be mounted on top of the center column and will have
positive levelling features. The spur gear shall be running on a built-up large diameter high
chrome alloy steel bearing balls (AFBMA Gr 500, 62-65 RC) and four replaceable hardened
alloy steel inserts (AISI 4140/equivalent 36- 38 Rc final Hardness) pressed into the annular
grooves in the gear and turntable base all running in an oil bath. The base will have
provision for dust seal and complete with oil fill, level and drain fittings. All gears and
bearings shall run in an oil bath. Readily accessible lubricant fill and drainpipes with
necessary fittings shall be provided. The drive worm shaft shall be free to move
horizontally within the limits afforded by a calibrated compression spring at the thrust end.
The worm shaft movement shall be transmitted to the drive control by a pin contacting the
cam support and camshaft, thereby actuating the pointer. The pointer shall indicate
relative torque load on a 0 to 100% graduated scale. Four cams and limit switches shall be
included. Cams shall be independently adjustable over the full torque range. Two limit
switches shall be shop-adjusted to sound an alarm and stop the drive motor at
predetermined torque settings. Switches and cams shall be mounted in a weatherproof
steel box having conduit terminal strips. The drive shall be designed for a duty rated torque
of 2500 Kg-M with the main gear and pinion set designed for a yield torque of at least four
times the duty rated torque. The drive main bearing shall be designed for a B10 bearing life
of minimum 20 years with continuous operation & full total rotating mechanism weight.
A center drive platform shall provide access to the center assembly and drive control. It
shall consist of Stainless Steel 304 grating type floor plate with necessary stiffeners and
supports, resting on the center assembly, and provided with connections to the walkway.
The platform shall be surrounded by handrails 1000mm high.
There shall be a fixed feed well surrounding the inlet RCC pipe and it shall be integrally
attached to the scraper drive assembly and the scum scraper assembly for uniform
movement. The diameter of the feed well shall be between 22% to 25% of the diameter of
the clarifier so as to limit the downward velocity calculated on full plan area of the feed
well not exceeding 1.5 m / sec. The immersed depth of the feed well shall be between 55 %
to 65 % of the side water depth of the clarifier. The material of the feed well and all fixtures
either partly or wholly exposed to atmosphere or fully submerged shall all be of MS
FRP/epoxy coated. The thickness of the feed well shall not be less than 8 mm.
The center cage shall be of a steel box truss construction and shall be provided with
connections for the sludge rake arms and feed well supports. It shall be bolted to the main
gear, which shall rotate the cage with the attached rake arms, and feed well. The main gear
attachment to the cage shall have provision for adjustment to ensure levelling of the cage.
Structural members as well as non structural members shall all be spliced 30 cm on both
sides of the wastewater interface with MSEP members to prevent corrosion from the
waterline and propagate to the whole assembly.
The 1.0-mtr wide walkway with handrails shall be supported by the drive platform at the
center and the tank wall at its outer end and shall be designed to safely withstand all
normal operating loads. It shall consist of two (2) side wide flange beams of welded steel
construction, with the walkway of MSEP grating floor plate supported by the cross
members. A toe plate of 150 mm height made of 6 mm thick MSEP sheet shall be provided
on both the running edges. The height of protective hand railing & piping shall be 1000 mm
from walkway upto the top row of piping and the steel member supporting this piping shall
not project for more than 10 cm above this level and shall be finished with bevelled edges.
The piping shall be in three rows of MSEP NB size thick-walled and vertically spaced at
30cm, 60cm and 90 cm from walkway elevation. The horizontal spacing of the steel
members supporting these pipes shall not exceed 1.5m center to center. These shall be
integrally welded to the steel tensile members of the bridge. All structural steel members
and fasteners used in the construction of the bridge shall be hot dip galvanized/SS 304.
The sludge raker mechanism shall be a full diameter installation of either the parabolic or
radial alignment of the scraper in plan. In either case, the assembly shall be dynamically
balanced in design and erection and the material shall be of steel truss construction with
steel raking blades and adjustable neoprene squeegees. The blades shall be spaced to
insure complete raking of the tank bottom twice per each revolution and pushing the
sludge to the sludge pit at the center. The raker arms shall be attached to the cage with
provision for adjusting their slope. The rake arm truss and blades shall be fabricated from
rolled / formed steel sections having a minimum thickness of 6 mm and all designed to
meet the full torque capacity of the central drive. The tip speed of the arms shall be not
more than 4 m per minute.
The overflow weir shall be of SS 304 plate of 150 mm depth and minimum 3 mm thickness.
The V notches shall be of 90 degrees cut and shall have a center to center distance of the
troughs at 150 cm. The depth of the notch shall be 50 mm.
All fasteners in contact with effluent shall be SS 304 and others of hot dipped galvanized
Aeration tank-2:
This tank too is equipped with a fine bubble diffused air aeration system. The retention
time in the Aeration tank-2 is more than the first stage and the number of diffusers too are
more. From the aeration tank the treated influent overflows into the secondary clarifier -2.
Aeration Tank-2
Capacity 900 m3, 10 m x 18 m x 5.0 m LD + 0.5 m FB
Construction RCC M 25
Aeration blower-2
Power 11.5 kW
Quantity 3 nos. (2 W +1 S)
Type Tubular
This comprises the air Compressors including air filters, driers, mufflers with electrical
motors, piping to diffusers and the diffusers thereof.
The aeration tank (high load activated sludge with sludge loading rate of 0.3 Kg BOD per Kg
sludge dry solids per day) BOD degradation is 93.3% (Kg/day). A Fine bubble diffused
aeration system will be applied. Such system has been selected, because of less aeration
tank space requirements, higher energy efficiency and less problems with fugitive aero-sol
emissions as may be otherwise caused by surface aerators.
The diffuser elements shall be membrane type and resistant to such ingredients as
hydrocarbons, oil and grease and afford high oxygen transfer rate besides permitting
simple erection onto the horizontal air manifold and easy retrieval above the liquid surface
by lifting the air vertical header feeding the horizontal air manifold and shall have
minimum coupling / attachments to the air manifold and shall have self-cleaning
properties while in action. Flat surfaces facing upwards as membrane surfaces shall not be
accepted. The diffuser unit shall be of corrosion resistant material. The membrane diffusers
shall permit connection to the air manifolds of circular or square cross section and the
entire lot of diffusers shall be capable of discharging air of 17000 N m3 per hour when
installed in the said aeration tanks. The wastewater dissolved solids content close to about
15000 mg/l and desired minimum residual dissolved oxygen of 2 mg/l under field
condition in the summer temperature of 42 Celsius and winter temperature of 24
Celsius shall be duly taken into consideration.
The headers onto which the diffusers are fixed shall be of standard SS304 pipe sections or
Polypropylene flexible tubes of suitable inner bore and shape with custom fixities of the
diffuser elements as directed by the membrane manufacturers. Alternative pipe materials
shall be acceptable provided the same are mandatory part of the diffuser supplier and has
been in their line of supply as original equipment. These headers shall also be procured
from the equipment manufacturers who are the suppliers of the membrane diffuser
suppliers. These headers shall have enough counterweight to surmount any buoyancy lift
from the floor during air charging. The connection between the headers and the air piping
from the compressor shall preferably permit a “quarter-turn” fitment and “quarter-turn”
dismantling. This segment shall be assembled and installed above the water surface
elevation and in the horizontal travel of the air piping. The coupling shall have a minimum
of two neoprene washers to ensure against chance leakage of air. Alternatively, flanged
fittings of the same SS 304 material shall also be permissible. Each header shall travel
downward from the air piping by aligning itself onto the sidewall of the aeration tank and
thereafter travel horizontally onto the tank floor. Suitable mechanical provision for lifting
of headers easily above water level for maintenance without the need for draining the tank
shall be provided for each header. Isolating valves of Polypropylene shall be provided
upstream of the coupling to cut off the flow through the specified header for purposes of
attending to the diffuser header and also diffusers.
The air piping from the compressor to the header shall be of UPVC material and rated for 6
kg / cm2 These shall be fixed securely to the concrete surfaces in the horizontal plane and
vertical plane so that they are not clamped horizontally onto vertical sides of the walls. The
clamping shall be so designed as to permit “in-situ” screw driven fittings. Breaking open
concrete surfaces shall not be permitted.
There shall be three numbers of air-cooled functioning air compressors each rated at 750
Nm3 / hour at a pressure adequate to command the diffuser grid under both the summer
and winter air temperatures at 35.4 degrees Celsius and 13.6 degrees Celsius and relative
humidity upto 85 % and maintain a residual D O of minimum 1 mg/l and shall furnish the
necessary calculations in the technical bid. The air compressors shall be dynamically
balanced to grade 6.3 of ISO 1940 and its latest modifications. It shall be integral with twin
lobe compressor with suction filer, silencers for suction and discharge filled with
appropriate environment friendly material [Asbestos shall not be accepted], non-return
valves, drive guards, grease and anti-oil –splash bearings, the gears shall be helical or worm
and shall be made of appropriate hardened and X ray finished material. All bearings shall
be antifriction ball bearings. The offered equipment shall be of the standard product range
from manufacturers who have a successful track record of manufacture, supply, delivery,
erection, commissioning and servicing. The rotary speed of the compressor for this rated
output shall not exceed 1800 rpm under its maximum output in the performance curve.
The rated duty shall be obtainable at the midpoint of the compressor performance curve. It
shall be possible to obtain an increase of (or) reduction of the air flow rate by plus or minus
30 % of the rated output at the best efficiency point. In all cases, the compressor shall be
able to withstand and counter a pressure of minimum 62 kPa without any failures or
freezing or stalling. The rotary speed of one of the compressor shall be adjustable without
the need to stop the running compressor and this shall be achieved by the use of a
microprocessor based AC variable frequency drive running the motors of the compressors.
The compressors shall have precision crank wheel transmission, oil mist greased bearings
with ball bearings, three-part clutch, muffler and other equipment needed for safe
operation. The compressor housing shall be cast iron grade 25 and the impeller of Dural
and suitable for a pressure proportion of 1: 3.5. The axle closure shall be by means of sole
labyrinth closure with parts of steel, bronze and nodular cast iron. The housing shall permit
the inspection of the impeller / lobes without the need to dismantle the housing. Each
compressor shall be equipped with a conus diffuser for converting 90 % of the velocity
energy into pressure ad also with an intermediate piece and a rubber compensator. The
compressor shall be tested in accordance with BS 1571 Part II or equivalent standards. The
base frame mounting shall be complete with anti-vibration pads. The air on release from
the compressor shall pass through a set of filters, driers and differential pressure.
Secondary clarifier-2:
This tank also is a circular tank equipped with rotating bottom scraper. The sludge settled
down at the bottom, is pumped either to the aeration tank by the sludge recirculation
pumps or to the sludge storage tank by the surplus sludge pumps. The effluent leaves the
secondary clarifier by overflow and flows through a pipeline by gravity to tertiary
Bridge RCC
Power 0.75 kW
Quantity 1 no.
MOC of body CI
MOC of Impeller SS
MOC of Shaft SS
Power 1.5 kW
There shall be two secondary clarifier mechanisms suitable for installation in concrete tank
5.5 m internal diameter x 2.5-m side water depth having inward slopping hopper floor with
1 vertical to 12 horizontal slope. The mechanism shall be of the center drive type with a
torque of not less than 2500 mkg and shall be supported on an RCC influent column with
the flow entering the bottom of the influent column and flowing upward to the inlet
openings near the water level. The equipment shall include center assembly with drive
unit, feed well, center cage, sludge removal rake arms with sweeper blades & squeegees,
scum skimmer, scum box, weirs, baffles, walkway with handrails, anchor bolts and such
other fittings, devices or appurtenances as are necessary for a complete operating
The influent flow rate shall be 0.5 mld spread uniformly through the day and night with an
instantaneous peaking of close to plus or minus 5 % plus a sludge re-circulation ratio of
equal to 100 % at the maximum. The inlet BOD of the aeration tank is to be taken as 1200
mg/l and the BOD reduction in the system is 93 %. Even though conventional secondary
clarifiers need not have the scum removal provision, still, nothing precludes their
installation. Accordingly, this secondary clarifier shall have a scum removal mechanism, as
it is considered advantageous to remove floating solids, thus producing a cleaner effluent.
The bridge shall provide access to the clarifier assembly and drive control from a specific
location on the periphery of the clarifier. The clear passage width of the bridge shall be 1
m. The structure shall be made of steel. The rise and tread of steps for accessing the bridge
shall be 20 cm and 15 cm.
A center drive platform shall provide access to the center assembly and drive control. It
shall consist of Stainless Steel 304 grating type floor plate with necessary stiffeners and
supports, resting on the center assembly, and provided with connections to the walkway.
The platform shall be surrounded by handrails 1000mm high.
There shall be a fixed feed well surrounding the inlet RCC pipe and it shall be integrally
attached to the scraper drive assembly and the scum scraper assembly for uniform
movement. The diameter of the feed well shall be between 22% to 25% of the diameter of
the clarifier so as to limit the downward velocity calculated on full plan area of the feed
well not exceeding 1.5 m / sec. The immersed depth of the feed well shall be between 55 %
to 65 % of the side water depth of the clarifier. The material of the feed well and all fixtures
either partly or wholly exposed to atmosphere or fully submerged shall all be of MS
FRP/epoxy coated. The thickness of the feed well shall not be less than 8 mm.
The center cage shall be of a steel box truss construction and shall be provided with
connections for the sludge rake arms and feed well supports. It shall be bolted to the main
gear, which shall rotate the cage with the attached rake arms, and feed well. The main gear
attachment to the cage shall have provision for adjustment to ensure levelling of the cage.
Structural members as well as non structural members shall all be spliced 30 cm on both
sides of the wastewater interface with MSEP members to prevent corrosion from the
waterline and propagate to the whole assembly.
The 1.0-mtr wide walkway with handrails shall be supported by the drive platform at the
center and the tank wall at its outer end and shall be designed to safely withstand all
normal operating loads. It shall consist of two (2) side wide flange beams of welded steel
construction, with the walkway of MSEP grating floor plate supported by the cross
members. A toe plate of 150 mm height made of 6 mm thick MSEP sheet shall be provided
on both the running edges. The height of protective hand railing & piping shall be 1000 mm
from walkway upto the top row of piping and the steel member supporting this piping shall
not project for more than 10 cm above this level and shall be finished with bevelled edges.
The piping shall be in three rows of MSEP NB size thick-walled and vertically spaced at
30cm, 60cm and 90 cm from walkway elevation. The horizontal spacing of the steel
members supporting these pipes shall not exceed 1.5m center to center. These shall be
integrally welded to the steel tensile members of the bridge. All structural steel members
and fasteners used in the construction of the bridge shall be hot dip galvanized/SS 304.
The sludge raker mechanism shall be a full diameter installation of either the parabolic or
radial alignment of the scraper in plan. In either case, the assembly shall be dynamically
balanced in design and erection and the material shall be of steel truss construction with
steel raking blades and adjustable neoprene squeegees. The blades shall be spaced to
insure complete raking of the tank bottom twice per each revolution and pushing the
sludge to the sludge pit at the center. The raker arms shall be attached to the cage with
provision for adjusting their slope. The rake arm truss and blades shall be fabricated from
rolled / formed steel sections having a minimum thickness of 6 mm and all designed to
meet the full torque capacity of the central drive. The tip speed of the arms shall be not
more than 4 m per minute.
The overflow weir shall be of SS 304 plate of 150 mm depth and minimum 3 mm thickness.
The V notches shall be of 90 degrees cut and shall have a center to center distance of the
troughs at 150 cm. The depth of the notch shall be 50 mm.
All fasteners in contact with effluent shall be SS 304 and others of hot dipped galvanized
These pumps shall draw the sludge from the secondary settling tanks and pump it to the
sludge storage tank. They shall be directly coupled to the suction piping and shall be
provided with blank flanged after a double flanged valve, so that if needed, this can be used
as an auxiliary air hose point for releasing any clogged conditions of the sludge pipe. The
pumps shall be of monolithic construction with its own internal oil cooling system and shall
be of the dry submersible type. There shall be two pumps of which one will be working at a
time and the other will be a standby.
The pump shall be vertical submersible with a duty of 25 m3 / hour at a head of 8 m. The
pump shall be required to pump out biological sludge at a solids concentration of close to
12,000 mg/l.
The drive motor shall not exceed a speed of 1400 rpm and shall be close coupled with the
pump impeller It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall
be totally enclosed, oil cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service
factor of 1: 1.5. All motor frame parting surfaces shall be deep registered and properly
sealed. The voltage, speed, insulation class, amperage, and the manufacturer’s name and
address shall be steel stamped and permanently marked on the nameplate in non-
corrodible nameplate securely fitted onto the motor frame.
The impeller shall be able to pass soft solids of 75 mm size approximately spherical. The
impeller shall be of the screw centrifugal type as in the case of “Hidrostal” of UK or
equivalent. The impeller shall be duly dynamically balanced and finished.
The material of the casing shall be in high-grade cast iron. The material of the impeller shall
be nodular iron. The material of the shaft shall be stainless steel.
The pump shall have oil cooled motor construction and consequently, any leakages of oil
beyond the tandem mechanical seals shall be automatically detected by a dedicated inbuilt
probe which shall automatically trip the pump and the construction shall be explosion
proof [as this will be installed in the dry pit below ground level] and conform to Axed 11B
T3-T4 rating.
Sludge storage tank: The storage tank is equipped with 4 low speed mixers to prevent
sedimentation of sludge and clogging from pipes. From the storage tank the sludge is
pumped to the sludge dewatering plant. In case of emergency it is pumped to the sludge
drying beds.
MOC of mixer SS
Quantity 4 no.
Design Capacity Filter press – 4t/day, 2 Nos. (for both new and existing modules)
If upgradation
Benefit (1) The filter press will ensure achieving full capacity of CETP.
(2) Better dewatering of sludge leading to safer and easier transport
to SLF.
Measurable Output (2) Chamber filter press – 4t/d –2 nos.
The dewatering system consists of a mechanical sludge dewatering, namely, filter press to
achieve a dry solids concentration in the dewatered sludge of 30%. The liquid fraction from
the dewatering system is returned to the equalisation tank. Sludge storage and
conditioning system using lime has been proposed.
Base plate MS
Power 2 kW
Quantity 2 nos. (1 W + 1 S)
The filter press frame shall be able to withstand the full static weight of the equipment
including the wet cake. The material of construction shall be in weldable structural steel
conforming to IS 2062. The frame shall be so designed as to permit an easy access to all the
parts mounted over it and still permit an easy access to all the controls mounted over it.
The frame shall be anchored into the floor with anti rusting fasteners as defined already in
this document. The frame shall be designed and constructed to withstand the slurry feed
pressure of minimum 15 kg / cm2.
The hydraulic closing system shall close the filter pack with a minimum pressure
[operating] of 380 kg / cm2 and shall be automatic. The system shall include a double
acting hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic power pack, hydraulic hoses, set point transducer with
digital LED display of minimum 5cm height of each character and tuned and set for control
of the hydraulic pressure. There shall also be a manually switcheable [ in case one of the
sensing systems is out of operation or taken out for maintenance] parallel installation using
a pressure gauge of the analog dial type of minimum readability of 600 kg / cm2 and of
minimum 100 mm dial diameter and the pressure sensing shall be of diaphragm type. Both
these shall be installed on the hydraulic cylinder itself.
The filtrate tray shall be mounted on one side of the filter press to suit the site erection and
shall be constructed in SS 04 minimum 3 mm thick with sufficient flanges for filtrate
pipeline connections.
The drip tray shall be made of SS 304 minimum 3-mm thickness/ FRP 5 mm thick with two
door overlap type to avoid filtrate dripping onto the floor and to guide the filter cake to the
cake discharge system with interlocking system, which shall be connected to the plate
shifting device.
The filter plates should be made of virgin all polypropylene resin and should be designed
and constructed to operate with a slurry pressure of 16 kg / cm2 and should be of recessed
chamber type. The filter plates shall have sufficient number of handles and filtrate drain
bibs for open filtrate discharge. The filter plates should have filter cloth holding pins.
The opening of the filter plates to discharge the filter cakes would be done manually. The
guide rail for the smooth movement of the plates shall be designed with suitable
All fasteners and anchor bolts shall be of such metallurgy with the use of SS fixtures in
water contact locations and hot dipped galvanized fixtures in other locations.
These pumps shall be of the progressive cavity type and draw the sludge from the sludge
storage tank and pump it to the dewatering equipment directly. They shall be directly
coupled to the suction piping and shall be provided with blank flanged after a double
flanged valve, so that if needed, this can be used as an auxiliary air hose point for releasing
any clogged conditions of the sludge pipe. The pumps shall be of progressive cavity type
and there shall be two pumps of which one will be working at a time and the other will be a
There shall be adequate number of pumps such that there are 50 % standby pumps over
and above the number of pumps needed to handle 100 m3 of thickened sludge in 16 hours.
The number of installed and functioning pumps shall match the number of filter press
installations such that each filter press is having a dedicated pump for itself at all times. A
delivery head that can yield an operating pressure of about 15 bar and a maximum
pressure of 18 bar is considered as required for feeding the filter press. The tenderer shall
however estimate the required delivery head and offer pumps of such delivery head as
needed by him.
The drive motor shall not exceed a speed of 1400 rpm and shall be close coupled with the
pump impeller It shall be wired for 415 volts, 50 cycles, and three-phase service and shall
be totally enclosed, oil cooled, rated for severe chemical duty with a minimum service
factor of 1: 1.5. All motor frame parting surfaces shall be deep registered and properly
sealed. The voltage, speed, insulation class, amperage, and the manufacturer’s name and
address shall be steel stamped and permanently marked on the nameplate in non-
corrodible nameplate securely fitted onto the motor frame. The required speed reduction
shall be attained by the use of an on-line gearbox foot mounted on its casing and its rotating
axis being horizontal to align with the rotor on one side and the motor on the other side.
The material of the gearbox casing shall be of cast iron IS 210 Grade 30. The material of the
gears shall be C 40 with hardening. The free end of the motor shall be securely fitted onto a
rest plate to avoid counter hung pressure on the coupling between the rotor shaft and the
motor shaft. The coupling shall be of the “Lovejoy” variety and no other m types shall be
The rotor shall be of an extremely coarse pitch threaded screw with a deep thread and a
narrow core. The material shall be SS 316 and chrome coating and its cross section is
permitted to be hollow as long as the factor of safety is a minimum of 1: 1.5 over the
maximum load conditions anticipated in the design of the rotor for the given duty. It shall
be possible to rework the rotor.
The stator shall be of soft material and nitrile rubber is considered adequate under Indian
conditions. It shall be firmly securely sleeved into the barrel of the pump and shall be
securely in place with integral rubber seals on both the inlet and outlet ends. The seals
shall be able to withstand the unidirectional thrust imparted by the mass of sludge being
displaced thorough the impeller. The stator and rotor shall be custom designed to permit
the passage of at least a 50-mm diameter soft solid and shall be freely displaced without
disfigurement on testing at factory before acceptance.
The shaft sealing shall be preferably attained by mechanical seals to ensure higher
reliability in this important location.
All fasteners in direct contact with the throughput shall be of SS 304 and all others shall be
of hot dipped galvanized steel.
Sludge drying beds (to be modified and retained for emergency sludge storage and
Ancillary provisions
The new CETP modules expected to cater to (a) additional effluent expected when the
tanneries start finishing operations, (b) the effluent from new tanneries which are going to
set up their tanneries in the IGC to make the treated effluent to meet the prescribed norms
by J & K PCB.
For the sake of uniform operation and maintenance, it is envisaged that the new CETP
module could be a replica of existing CETP units.
The layout of the new units was planned in such a manner that it joins the existing
structure and the entire combined layout shall appear elegant and symmetrical.
Collection & conveyance lines DISTRIBUTION CHAMBER WITH SCREEN
Figure 2.8: The scheme of treatment proposed for the new CETP module:
Parameter Value
Duty 20 hrs operation
Capacity 500 m3/d
Type Physical-Chemical followed by biological
Coarse screening Coarse mechanical screen 15 mm
Equalization mixing Submersible mixers
Equalization time 20 hours
Chemicals used in primary treatment Lime (400 mg/l), alum (300 mg/l) and
and dosages maintained Polyelectrolyte (2 mg/l)
BOD & COD removal in primary 40% &50%
The design of new CETP module would be similar to the existing module including the
layout. The outlet of the CETP modules should have characteristics prescribed by J & K PCB
for treated tannery effluent from IGC.
If upgradation --
There are solid wastes generated in member tanneries too. The solid waste includes hair,
fleshing, leather trimmings etc. However, most of these solid wastes find use in other
industries. For instance, most of the hair removed from the sheep skin in the tanneries of
Lassipora IGC is reportedly sold as raw material for carpet manufacturers. The manner of
disposal of other solid wastes is not fully known, most likely these are disposed
haphazardly, but the same does not seem to have created an issue so far. Hence, the solid
waste disposal facility proposed here is primarily meant for disposal of the sludge from
primary clarifier and wasted sludge from the secondary clarifier. The primary clarifier
sludge can be designated as chemical sludge while the secondary clarifier sludge may be
termed as biological sludge. According to Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling)
Amended Rules, 2000, the sludge has been designated as hazardous waste.
The composition of the CETP sludge (primary and secondary mixed sludge) is assumed
based on the general characteristics of dried sludge from tannery CETPs as follows.
Parameter Values
pH 7.4 – 7.8
Moisture Content (%) 65 – 72
Volatile Solid (%) 13 – 16
Total Chromium (mg/kg) 5000-10,000 mg/kg
Lead (mg/kg) 12 – 18
Zinc (mg/kg) 30 – 50
Iron (mg/kg) 500 – 1000
Nickel (mg/kg) 12 – 16
Copper (mg/kg) 3–6
Chloride (mg/kg) 1800– 5500
a) Pre-treatment sludge, grit, screenings & sediments: 0.4 tons/day @about 60%
b) CETP primary sludge assuming only alum dosing (0.2 g/l) and 80% removal of TSS in
primary stage @600 m3/d flow: 3.46 tons/day @about 65% moisture.
c) Wasted secondary sludge assuming 0.2kg/kg BOD removed: 0.54 tons/day @65%
moisture content.
d) Additional sludge from the primary & secondary treatment when the proposed 0.5 MLD
additional module of CETP too starts operating: 2.4 t/d. The value is lower because the
additional operations would involve mostly finishing operations, having lower
suspended solids, but may need addition of both alum and lime.
Total sludge for disposal: 6.8 tons/day, say about 2000 tons/year, considering 300 days of
operation. Since the actual scale of operation could be widely varying for different seasons,
the sludge generation could be much less than this value and it is felt that a SLF of 15,000
m3 capacity should be adequate for about 10-15 years of operation.
Although the current project activities only entail the design of one module for CETP sludge
for the next 10-15 years, it is anticipated that in the future more modules may be
constructed. As such a lay-out plan for the first module is prepared, with attention for the
optimum and most economical methodology for planning and construction of more
modules and the ancillary works in stages.
Security building and weighbridge etc. will be common to all future modules.
2.11.1 Design of Landfill
The selection on the type of landfill, liner materials to be used, and other elements of
landfill are designed based on the sludge characteristics expected from IGC CETP and the
site conditions. The major elements considered for the detailed design are discussed in
subsequent sections.
Design Period
Currently only 3 tanneries are in operation and it is anticipated that all tanneries will start
their operation in a period of 2-3 years.
The salient features for landfill are as under:
1. Capacity of SLF to be adequate for 10-15 years
2. Trench type of landfill partly above and partly below ground level
3. No preliminary treatment of sludge and solid waste
4. Leachate collection and removal system (LCRS) / drainage layer
5. Provision of flexible membrane liner (FML)
6. Provision of geonet
7. Leachate collection and transportation to CETP for treatment
8. Dumping of sludge into land fill is not manual
The sludge from CETP filter presses/drying beds will be transported to the sludge landfill.
The exact soil profile or texture for the identified disposal site is not available. It is not
possible to get representative soil samples during this phase of project and this may be
taken up during the tendering of works. During the visit to the site, it is observed that the
soil in the entire IGC area is almost the same and is firm ground. The general soil profile in
the proposed SLF location is assumed as under in Table 8:
It is estimated that the soil up to 30 m depth from ground level is almost semi impervious.
The sludge will be compacted to minimize the settlement of waste layer (leading to
possible cover failure after closure of landfill operating period). This additional space
arising out of compaction will take shock load or increased sludge generation unexpectedly
occurred due to increased production of leather in IGC.
The loads imposed by a landfill on its foundation soils will not typically be modified by the
settlements because of the flexibility of landfill. Therefore, the loads on the foundation soils
at any point within a landfill footprint can be approximated to the overburden pressure at
that point. Deformation of the foundation soil, and hence their impacts on the liner and
leachate collection system, can be estimated based on the foundation soil properties and
the superimposed landfill loads at different points. Since the landfill height varies
gradually, no sudden change in superimposed loads is likely to occur. Therefore, a shear
failure of the liner or the leachate collection system will not be anticipated unless the
foundation soil conditions, especially the strength of the foundation soils, change abruptly.
Such changes may occur when unstable materials such as peat, muck, loose saturated
sands, soft clays, etc., occur below the landfill. The geotechnical investigation conducted at
the adjacent IGC site show that these unfavorable conditions do not occur at this site.
Therefore, the loads and the loading rate induced by the landfill construction are not likely
to cause or contribute to the failure of liner or leachate collection system.
It is proposed to excavate the earth to a depth equal to liner system and leakage detection
After excavation, suitable soil should be filled to designed compacted depth. The soil
meeting all technical requirements is filled in lifts. After compaction, another soil layer is
placed and rolled. This process of spreading and compacting is carried out till the thickness
of foundation layer is achieved. The water to be added should be equivalent to optimum
moisture content so the maximum dry density can be achieved. The final permeability of
this foundation layer that also acts as an impermeable layer should be at least 1 x 10 -7
Liner System
The primary function of the landfill is not to allow the leachate to leave the landfill and
enter the soil and ground water. This can be achieved by providing a liner system. The
liner system is to provide an effective hydraulic barrier beneath the waste to contain the
waste and to allow for the effective removal of leachate generated within the waste mass.
In this present case, a composite liner system has been selected because it best meets the
performance criterion and provides a high margin of safety. This liner design consists of
the following integrated components, all of which will be compatible with the leachate,
from bottom to top:
The primary criteria considered in the selection of liner material are compatibility with the
waste to be disposed and to withstand design period. The thickness of liner is based on the
Characteristics of waste and load.
The liner materials considered in this design include Reinforced Cement Concrete and
flexible membrane liner (FML).
RCC base liner: The entire tank bottom shall be constructed in M 20 grade RCC of minimum
thickness as needed by the soil bearing capacity and maximum water level during the
monsoon. As a thumb rule RCC slab of thickness 300 mm for the bottom slab and 250 mm
for the side walls may be considered as adequate for the purpose.
Geo-membrane: The material selected for the geomembrane component of the composite
liner is based on its low hydraulic conductivity and its high resistance to various chemicals,
ozone, vapors, ultraviolet rays, and soil microorganisms. The main criteria are on the
compatibility of FML with the leachate. Unfortunately, a direct evaluation of the
compatibility between leachate constituent and FML is not possible during this design
stage of a landfill. Since HDPE is extensively used in a majority of landfills in other
countries, HDPE liner is suggested.
Drainage Layer
The function of drainage layer, also called the leachate collection and removal system
(LCRS) is to collect and convey the leachate from the liner to a leachate transfer system for
removal. The leachate collection system is designed to meet the following performance
As the bottom liners have 1 in 200 slope for effective leachate collection, the drainage layer
will also have the same slope by default. The drainage layer is designed for maintaining a
laminar flow. This can be achieved by providing a minimal leachate head above the liner.
The leachate generation can be computed using water balance method or using HELP
The drainage layer consists of a blue metal media and sand. According to US EPA, the
granular material requires a minimum hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10 -3 cm/sec. This
material will typically be a medium sand.
To collect the leachate within the drainage layer, perforated PVC/HDPE pipes are required
to be laid. Due to large size of the landfill, it is suggested to have network consisting of
laterals, and main risers. The spacing of laterals are parallel to shorter side (east-west), and
sloped towards a V-shaped collection trench. The trench contains perforated collection
pipes embedded in washed stone. The pipe is designed with an open channel flow capacity
that exceeds the estimated peak flows. All the laterals will join the main risers. The stone
material within the trench provides for proper bedding of the pipe and also serves as a
secondary flow channel towards the leachate removal sump. The stone is encapsulated in a
properly sized non-woven geotextile to prevent fines from clogging the drainage trench. A
portion of the top of the collection trench is left uncovered so that leachate flow into trench
will occur in the event of geotextile clogging by microorganisms.
The main constituent in the leachate is the chromium. It is experienced in India that the
chromium in the tannery sludge is mostly in trivalent state with traces of hexavalent
chromium, if at all. The drinking water quality criteria mention only as total chromium.
Therefore, the leachate treatment is considered for total chromium irrespective of its state.
Secondly, the water-soluble portion of chromium is insignificant as the trivalent chromium
is water insoluble. Thus, the actual chromium concentration is likely to be in low level.
Although there are no specific regulations in India for leachate, the treatment and disposal
method is recommended to comply with the Water Pollution (Prevention and Control) Act
The leachate collection system has been designed to route all leachate to main riser pipes,
which then direct the leachate towards leachate removal sumps. The leachate collection
system is sloped towards the header pipes to flow by gravity. The header pipe is also
sloped towards the sump.
It is suggested to construct the sump on one side just outside the boundary. As such a sump
of 3 m x 3 m x 2.5 m constructed in RCC M 20 is considered adequate. This sumphas been
sized such that under maximum flow conditions, the collected leachate can be removed
before the level of leachate in the sump rises above the invert of the collection pipes. The
leachate will be pumped for transportation to equalization tank of the CETP for disposal.
However, on dry days, the leachate can be pumped back into the landfill for wetting the
daily clay cover.
Once the landfill becomes full (up to free board level), the landfill has to be closed with a
proper cover. The final cover is designed to minimize the surface water infiltration (thus
minimizing leachate generation), support vegetation, minimize the effects of changes in
climate and to provide an aesthetically acceptable final shape. The infiltration of water into
the waste layer has been considered as the most important criteria while designing the
cover. The leachate generation is mainly due to the entry of rain water into waste layer.
Thus, the leachate generation can be minimized by preventing the entry of water that can
be achieved by providing barrier at the top of the landfill. This barrier is termed as cover
Another aspect that was considered while designing the cover system is the end use after
closure and minimum maintenance.
The minimum requirements for landfill cover are as under:
Low hydraulic conductivity composite liner
Drainage layer:
Top vegetation/soil layer:
In addition, the cover is tested against the possible settlement and subsidence. If the landfill
is operated settlement and subsidence will not occur. If settlement occurs, the cover will
collapse. Secondly, waste is not likely to be decomposed. However as worst scenario, due to
presence of secondary sludge that may contain active organism, decomposition may take
place to an extent. This decomposition rate cannot be computed at this stage in view of
absence of input data. Also the stability of waste layers and their intermediate covers, the
soil and foundation materials beneath the landfill site, all the liner and drainage system
were considered.
The waste layer top should be compacted and leveled. After leveling, impervious clay layer
is placed and compacted. While compacting, slope of 3% should be given. It is suggested to
have higher height at the center and give gradient towards the embankment on all four
side. This clay should be free from debris, clods, rocks, etc., The surface should be smooth
so that the FML (HDPE/LDPE) to be placed over this does not get damaged.
The main objective of cover system is not to allow water to enter the waste layer.
Therefore, provision has to be made to drain out the water. A drainage layer with soil is
recommended. As the water has to pass through, it is designed for a hydraulic conductivity
of 1 x 10-2 cm/sec. This higher hydraulic conductivity requires higher size soil and high
void ratio. The bottom of drainage layer is also sloped at 3%. No perforated pipe for water
collection is recommended as it may damage the geomembrane. The water will be collected
at the sides of the embankment and drain into a ditch.
Above the drainage layer, it is preferred to lay a geonet. This will prevent the entry of the
top soil onto the drainage soil from clogging.
The top of cover may be subdivided into two sub-layers. Immediately above the geonet,
loamy type soil is placed. The cover system will have vegetation layer at the top. The
surface slope should be 3%. In case while constructing the vegetation is not feasible, other
materials can be considered. A surface layer of 25 cm deep stones or cobbles can be placed.
The infrastructure mentioned above is common to the present module of SLF and for any
modules coming up in future.
Security & Administrative cabin
It is proposed on the western side adjacent to the entry gate. This room should have
capacity to accommodate about 2 staff only. The room is attached with toilet facility.
Weigh Bridge
As per HWM Amended Rules 2016, the solid waste to be disposed should be properly
recorded. It is recommended to establish a weigh bridge. The trucks will stand on the
weigh bridge and weight is recorded.
The suggested width of road is 8 m. The approach to the SLF dumping point would have
sufficient spacing for turning and holding a truck or tractor-trailer. The proposed road is
water macadam type with bitumen on top.
Storm Water drain
The storm water drain is proposed on all sides at the foot of landfill. The rain water runoff
from the embankment is likely to be a major source of such water. It is suggested to have
two direction - gradients. The final outlet is on the north east corner. Then the drain will be
connected to the drain of IGC.
Green Belt
It is advisable to have green belt on all direction to improve the aesthetic value of the site.
The suggested width is 3 m. Tall trees can be planted at close interval. It is proposed to
extend the site to a length of about 0.2 km for constructing the landfill for future. In view of
this it is suggested to establish the green belt on the outer periphery.
The leachate collection and removal system provided in addition to barriers (liners) in the
landfills will minimize the ground water contamination. However due to varied reasons,
leachate may find its way into ground water. Hence, it is essential to monitor the
groundwater quality at regular interval. This also helps to adopt remedial measures to
prevent increasing the contaminated area. This can be achieved through installing
piezometer. A bore hole upto unconfined water table with a suitable material is to be
installed. The gap between the pipe and the natural soil is then filled with soil and with
concrete (30 cm from ground level). The water from the piezometer is collected initially
every week. The frequency of sampling can be reduced to once 15 days after three months.
The sampling frequency is once in a month after a year.
Major Components (1) New solar power supply system, PV unit (Si-Crystalline type)
Proposed with accessories.
(2) Connectivity to grid system to EB Network of the IGC.
If upgradation --
Power is currently sourced from the J&K EB through the sub-station present for the
IGC and from in-house Diesel Generating Sets during power outages. The proposed
photovoltaic power would supplement power from JKEB and DG Sets with a fuel-free
alternative the proposed facility, during sunshine hours. The advantage of the SPV
power is that it would be available during daylight hours from direct, diffused and
reflected radiation and would essentially be a fuel-free source. Sunshine hours at
Lassipora which enjoys 260-280 days per annum of sunshine, can avail of the resource
during the 5 to 7 hours each day. (Say, from 9 or 10-am up to 3 or 4-pm). With the
annual average of 4.9 kWh/m 2/day, Lassipora offers good potential for solar power
generation. The solar insolence in Lassipora region may be seen below:
8 7.2
7 6.81 6.7
6 6.18
5.68 5.71
4 3.06
2.6 2.6
It is proposed that the 0.5 MW solar power plant can be located in the backyard of the
CETP, where ample open space is available. The power produced during the day time can
be directly used in the CETP and the excess power can be given to the grid of IGC. Tis
power ca be offset for the consumption during the rest of the day in CETP.
Cable couplers : 1 No
Other requirements
The upgraded CETP would consume about 4000 kWh per day. This would go up during the
operation of oxidation units. The minimum requirement, considering the lean seasons,
would be about 3,000 kWh power.
For about 6-7 hours sunshine, power production 3500-4000 kWh (units) per MW per day
as annual average could be expected in the prevailing conditions in Lassipora. Thus, a0.5
MW unit would produce about 2000 units per day, which would be fully consumed by the
CETP, even in lean season. Accordingly, a 0.5 MW PV based solar power plant has been
3.1 Introduction
Information on the existing environmental status is essential for assessing the likely
environmental impacts of the project. In order to get an idea about the existing state of
the environment, various environmental attributes such as meteorology, air quality,
water quality, soil quality, noise level, ecology and socio-economic environment have
been studied/ monitored.
3.2 Study Area and Period
For the description of baseline environmental scenario, the project area for 1100 KLD
CETP falling within the premises of J&K SIDCO area has been considered as the core
zone. The area falling within a distance of 10 km from the boundary of the core zone has
been considered as the buffer zone.
Baseline environmental data generation for air, water, noise and soil quality monitoring
around the project site was completed from 1st March to 30th May 2018 representing
post-monsoon season.
3.3.1 Meteorology
A meteorological station was set up at the project premises. Meteorological data was
generated during the March – May 2018.
I. Wind speed
II. Wind Direction
III. Ambient Air Temperature
IV. Relative Humidity
Table-3.1 gives summarized meteorological data for the monitoring period (March to
May 2018).
Figure-3.1 gives the wind-rose diagram for the monitoring period.
Table 3.1: Summarized Meteorological Data for the Monitoring Period
MONTH Wind Speed Temperature Relative
(m/h) (0C) Humidit
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
March 4.9 3.1 16 2 50
April 2018 5.4 3.4 25 7 46
May 2018 5.6 3.4 24 14 63
Fig 3.1 Wind Rose Diagram (March – May 2018)
To quantify the impact of the project on the ambient air quality, it is necessary at first
to evaluate the existing ambient air quality of the area. The existing ambient air
quality, in terms of Particulate Matter (PM10), Sulphur-dioxide (SO 2) and Oxides of
Nitrogen (NO2), has been measured for 24 hrs.
To assess the ambient air quality level, 9 (nine) monitoring stations were set up.
Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out twice a week with period of 24 hours
for three months (12 weeks).
The Air samples were analyzed as per standard methods specified by Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and IS: 5182 series. The method used for ambient air
quality monitoring and methodology adopted are given in Table 3.3.
From the summarized monitoring results it is clear that, The PM 10 level in all the
monitoring locations of the study area was recorded are within the NAAQS level (100
µg/m³). The 24-hourly average levels of SO 2 and NO2 were observed to be within the limit
of 80 μg/m3 for residential, rural & other areas as stipulated in the National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS).
Noise is one of the most undesirable and unwanted by-products of our modern life
style. Excessive noise can cause neurological disturbances and physiological damage
to the hearing mechanism in particular. It is therefore, necessary to measure the
quantity of noise in and around the site.
Noise levels were measured using sound level Meter. Noise level monitoring was
carried out continuously for 24 hours with one hour interval starting at 6:00AM to
6:00AM of next day. The noise levels were monitored on working days only. During
each hour Leq were directly computed by the instrument based on the sound
pressure levels. Lday and Lnight Monitoring were carried out at ‘A’ response and fast
A preliminary survey was undertaken to identify the major noise generating sources
in the area. The noise survey was conducted to assess the background noise levels in
different zones. Gazettes Notification (S.O. 123(E)) of MoEFCC dated February 14,
2000 on ambient air quality standards has different noise levels for different zones
viz. industrial, residential and silence zones. 9 sampling locations were selected for
the sampling of noise levels. The sampling locations are given in the Table Below:-
MoEFCC has notified the noise standards vide gazette notification dated February 14,
2000 for different zones under the Environment Protection Act (1986). These
standards are given in Table-3.6.
1. Daytime is from 6.00am to 10.00 pm and Nighttime is from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am.
Ref.: MOEF Notification vide S.O. 123(E), dated 14.2.2000 and amendments made
The results of ambient air quality monitoring are summarized in the Table below:-
The noise data compiled on noise levels during May 2018 is given in Table - 3.6. It
can be seen that the night time Leq (Ln) varies from 38.5 to 41.6 dB (A) and the
daytime Leq (Ld) varies from 49.5 to 54.9 db (A) within the study area. Low noise
level is due to absence of any construction activity in the area.
Ambient noise level of the study area is within the prescribed National Ambient
Noise Quality Standard for respective residential, commercial and industrial category
at all the monitored locations.
3.3.4 Water Environment
Water quality assessment is one of the essential components of EIA study. Such
assessment helps in evaluating the existing health of water body and suggesting
appropriate mitigation measures to minimize the potential impact from development
projects. Water quality of ground water has been studied in order to assess proposed
water-uses in construction, drinking, cooling and horticulture purpose.
The water quality at the site and other locations within the 15 km impact zone was
monitored during March-May 2018. The location of the monitoring sites is depicted
in Fig. 3.4 and the result of the monitoring and analysis of ground water.
Table 3.8: Water Quality Criteria as per Central Pollution Control Board
Designated-Best-Use Class of Criteria
Drinking Water Source A Total Coliforms Organism
without conventional MPN/100ml shall be 50 or
treatment but after less;
disinfection pH between 6.5 and 8.5
Dissolved Oxygen 6 mg/l or
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
5 days 20°C 2mg/l or less
Outdoor bathing B Total Coliforms Organism
(Organized) MPN/100ml shall be 500 or
pH between 6.5 and 8.5;
Dissolved Oxygen 5mg/l or
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
5 days 20°C 3mg/l or less
Drinking water source C Total Coliform Organism
after MPN/100ml shall be
conventional treatment 5000 or less;
and pH
disinfection less
Propagation of Wild life D pH between 6.5 to 8.5
and Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or
Fisheries more
Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2
mg/l or less
Irrigation, Industrial E pH between 6.0 to 8.5
Cooling, Electrical Conductivity at
Controlled Waste 25°C micro mhos/cm
disposal Max.2250
Sodium absorption Ratio
Max. 26
Boron Max. 2mg/l
Below Not Meeting A, B, C, D & E
E Criteria
As per the standard practice, one sample from each station was taken each month in
the study period.
Sampling was done by standard sampling technique as per the Standard Methods.
Necessary precautions were taken for preservation of samples . Sampling Locations
To quantify the impact of the project on the water quality (both groundwater and
surface water), it is necessary at first to evaluate the existing groundwater quality of
the area.
To assess the water quality level, 9 (nine) monitoring stations were set up.
The water quality in the impact zone was assessed through physico-chemical and
bacteriological analysis of ground and surface water samples. The results have been
compared with the drinking water quality standards specified in IS: 10500. It was
observed that all the physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals from surface
and ground water samples are below stipulated drinking water standards. pH of the
monitoring sites is in neutral to slight alkaline range i.e. 7.20-7.80. Alkalinity & TDS
are under the permissible limits but still the values are considerably high as
compared desired. Heavy metals such as Cu, Hg, Cd, Pb, and Zn are below the
desirable limit. Hardness of water depends upon the presence of Ca2+ & Mg2+
contents in water, which is higher than desirable limit and below the permissible
limit. All the ground water samples analyzed can be considered fit for drinking
purpose in the absence of alternate sources
S.No. Parameters Unit GW1 GW2 GW3 GW4 GW5 GW6 GW7 GW8 GW9
1. Colour HU <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
2. Odour - Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable
3. pH Value - 7.3 7.4 7.2 7.7 7.6 7.4 7.6 7.8 7.4
4. Turbidity NTU <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
5. Conductivity µS/cm 886 924 955 985 964 933 976 869 979
8. Calcium mg/l 36 42 36 37 33 38 36 41 37
9. Magnesium mg/l 10 15 16 12 14 16 18 20 19
11. Iron mg/l 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.09
13. Sodium mg/l 2.8 3.1 2.6 3.5 3.1 2.5 2.9 3.1 3.0
15. Copper mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
16. Nitrate mg/l 1.8 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.6 1.5 2.2 2.3 2.1
17. Fluoride mg/l 0.14 0.17 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.08 0.09 0.11 0.13
18. Lead mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
19. Zinc mg/l 0.21 0.18 0.12 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.11
Hexavalent <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
Chromium mg/l
Total mg/l 173 159 155 167 171 165 181 177 158
22. Boron mg/l 0.06 0.12 0.10 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.07
23. Potassium mg/l 1.9 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.4 1.3 1.5 2.3 1.7
24. Taste - Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable
25. Mercury mg/l <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
26. Cadmium mg/l <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
27. Arsenic mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
28. Cyanide mg/l <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05
29. Selenium mg/l <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Comparing the values of pH, DO, BOD and total coliforms with ‘Use based classification of surface waters’ published by
Central Pollution Control Board; it can be seen that the analyzed surface waters can be compared with class ‘C’ and can
be used for drinking water source after conventional treatment and disinfection, Bacteriological examination of surface
water indicates the presence of total coli forms, which may be due to human activities observed during the study period.
Surface water is mainly alkaline in nature. pH ranges from 7.3 – 7.7. BOD of the surface water found to vary between 12
to 14 mg/l in all the three months. Dissolved oxygen is considerably high in the surface water which shows that water is
clear to a considerable extent.
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity
and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama,
J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Land is one of the most vital resources for sustenance of life and degradations of land
due to Industrialization, urbanization and population growth is a matter of concern.
Therefore, it is necessary to establish the existing land use pattern to optimize the
land use as well as minimize degradation due to the developmental activities. Also it
is necessary to the landform of the project site and the quality of the soil as soil
erosion further deteriorates the quality of the land. Topography
Pulwama & Srinagar the districts which are influenced by the Growth Centre project
bear a plain topography (being part of the valley surrounded by different mountain
ranges). As regards other geographical features the Srinagar district has geographical
area of 2228 sq.kms and its total reported area is 51007 hectares. The district is
located at an altitude of 1585m from the sea level the Jammu-Leh National Highway
passes through the district. The topography of the district is predominantly plain
except for Kangan block which falls on the Himalayan ranges. As regarded Pulwama,
the district has geographical area of 1398sq.kms.The district is divided into three
zones. Zone-I falling up to 700 Mtrs and zone-II falling between 1700 and 2000 Mtrs
and zone–III falls above 2000 Mtrs. The first zone covers the entire cultivated area of
Pampore and Pulwama Tehsil and major portion of tral and part of Shopain Tehsil
fall in Zone-II. The Higher area of Shopain and Tral Tehsil are covered with forests
extending up to alpine zone.
The ground configuration represents good surface gradient for efficient drainage
system. The average annual rain fall is about 538 millimeter. However, the area is
free from floods. The sufficient quantity of good quality potable ground water is
available in the area.
Table 3.12: Area under different Land Use/Land Cover Classes in the study Area
Fig. 3.5. Area under different Land Use/Land Cover Classes in the study Area
A perusal of the land use/land cover data for the area demarcated for the Industrial
growth Center also reveals a trend similar to that of the whole study area. About 80%
of the land of the IGC belongs to the Fallow category.
Orchard and mixed plantation together form about 11% of the land of the IGC. No
forest land is present in the area as shown in Table 3.19 and Fig. 4.
Table 3.13: Area under different Land Use/Land Cover Classes in the study Area
Seismicity - As per the Hazard Risk & Vulnerability Assessment Atlas, the project site
and the surrounding 10 km radius study area lies in zone-IV (High risk Zone)
Table 3.14: Frequency and Methodology for Soil Sampling & Monitoring
Particulars Details
Frequency One *grab sample from each station– once
during the Study Period
Methodology Composite grab samples of the topsoil
were collected from 3 depths, and mixed
to provide a representative sample for
*Grab sample- a single sample or measurement taken at a specific time or over as
a short period as feasible.
3. Water Holding - 27 29 32 28 27 29 31 29 30
Capacity %
4. Electrical -
Conductivity 0.241 0.249 0.253 0.253 0.254 0.242 0.251 0.257
5. Organic matter % 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.4
6. Texture mg/kg Sandy Clay Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Clay Sandy Clay
Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay
7. Porosity mg/kg 0.43 0.49 0.41 0.47 0.42 0.46 0.41 0.51 0.49
8. Nitrogen(mg/k mg/kg 159 175 159 161 169 158 175 172 167
9. Potassium mg/kg 10.9 11.3 10.2 12.6 9.9 10.5 12.0 11.9 10.8
10. Phosphorus(m mg/kg 71 76 67 71 76 75 80 76 69
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity
and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama,
J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Biological diversity comprises the variability of genus, species and ecosystems and is
very crucial for maintaining the basic processes on which the life depends. On the
basis of biological physiology biodiversity broadly can be divided into two category
i.e. the floral diversity and faunal diversity. Conservation of the biodiversity is
essential for the sustainable development as it not only provides the food, fodder and
medicine, but also contributes to improvement of essential environmental attributes
like air, water, soil, etc. Before starting any Environmental Impact Assessment study,
it is necessary to identify the baseline of relevant environmental parameters which
are likely to be affected as a result of the operation of the project. A similar approach
has been adopted for conducting the study on Biological Environment for this
Project. Both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems have been studied to understand the
biological environment nearby the project site.
The study was conducted in the project area to assess all possible consequences on
the biological environment. Flora and fauna surveys and data collection conducted
for assessing the biological diversity and its status over a period of time that forms
an integral part of Impact Assessment Techniques. The present study is highlighting
the various issues pertaining to floristic diversity and the faunal wealth in the core
area i.e. Industrial Estate Project at Lassipora, District Pulwama, Kashmir and buffer
zone i.e. area within 10 km radius.
The Srinagar District has temperate climate. In summer the climate is pleasant with
maximum temperature ranging between 34 oC whereas in winter the minimum
temperature falls below 0o c and in some of the months the average minimum
temperature is recorded around -5 o c. Similar temperature pattern/season pattern is
observed in case of Pulwama district. Soil
The study area has seven soil classes on the texture basis, i.e., silty loam, silt-loamy,
silt loam-loamy, silt loamy calcareous, silt-loam-loam, Rock out crop and loamy soils.
The Lassipora industrial area falls in Karewa uplands physiographic division and in
Gogjipather-Pulwama series. This series is a member of fine loamy, mixed, mesic
family of type Haplustalfs. In general, pH of the soil in the study area, which is mostly
fallow land, varied in the range of 4.47 and 7.43 (very strongly acid to mildly alkaline.
The soil moisture content ranged between 6.10 and 24.63%. Loss on ignition, organic
matter and organic carbon also appear to be of lower range in the soils of Industrial
Estate site as compared to the surrounding areas. A similar trend was revealed by
Total nitrogen and Total Phosphorus. Drainage
The Jhelum, which is the principal river of the Kashmir valley, flows through the
Northeastern part of the district Pulwama Two important tributaries of the Jhelum
— the Rambiara and the Romshi — drain most part of the district. To the north of the
industrial area lies Koil plateau surrounded by the vast stretches of low lying plains.
Besides, there are number of streams and nallas draining through various parts of
the district. The Industrial Growth Center is located on the left bank of the river
The ecological survey has been conducted during Pre-monsoon season for the
collection of primary data of flora-fauna, vegetation, soil and other environmental
observations. The details are given as below:
Detailed survey was conducted to evaluate floral and faunal composition of the study
area. Primary data on floral and faunal composition was recorded during site visit
and secondary data was collected from the Forest Department and published
relevant literature. Inventory of flora and fauna has been prepared on the basis of
collected data. Flora
The core zone comprises flat agricultural land where construction operation is
proposed. Some trees are present in the proposed construction area such as
Eucalyptus, Mango, Sal, Neem, Babool, Ber, Sisham, and Safeda along with seasonal
grasses etc. The project shall also not lead to any change in land use of surroundings
except proposed construction area. Fauna
Core zone of the construction project is located on flat land. During the field survey,
some domesticated mammal species reported from buffer zone of project site were
common grazing animals like cow, goat and buffaloes etc. Permanent habitat of
mammals and avifauna in the core zone were not observed. There is no any aquatic
habitat in the core zone, so aquatic fauna also does not exist in the proposed
construction area. Flora Forests
The environs of the Lassipora Industrial Growth Centre are devoid of true natural
forests. National Parks, Sanctuary or Ecologically sensitive areas within the 10 km
periphery of the proposed construction area are not present.
Oxalis corniculata, Plantago lanceolata, Poa annua, Poa bulbosa, Polygonum aviculare,
Prunella vulgare, Ranunculus arvensis, Salvia moorcroffiana, Setaria viridis,
Sisymbrium loeselii, Sium latijugum, Stellaria media, Taraxacum officinale, Thymus
linearis, Tribulus terrestris, Trifolium pratense, T. repens, Urtica dioica, Verbascurn
thapsus, Veronica persica, etc. Terrestrial Flora of the Buffer Zone
Buffer zone of the present project is mainly agricultural land. Several species of
flowering plants were recorded in the respective buffer area of present project. The
collections made during the course of the present study, together with those
recorded in literature, reveal that the study area, which included 536 in and
around the Lassipora Industrial Growth Center, harbors about 257 species of
vascular plants, belonging to 185 genera in 54 families. Amongst these, the flowering
plants dominate, with dicots sharing 219 species in 153 genera under 44 families,
and monocots 34 species in 28 genera under 6 families. The gymnosperms are
represented by a single species (Cupressus sempervirens), the pteridophytes by 3
species in 3 genera and 3 families.
Based on the number of species, the sequence of the major families is as follows:
Asteraceae > Poaceae > Brassicaceae > Fabaceae > Rosaceae >La mi aceae > Apiaceae
> Polygonaceae > Scrophulariaceae >Caryophyllaceae. Amongst the 54 families found
in the area, the 10 families just mentioned constituted about 65.00% of the total
plant species found in the area. The dicots are represented by about 85.21% species,
whereas the monocots constitute about 13.22% species. The gymnosperms and
pteridophytes are representedby only 1.55% species. Asteraceae (38 spp.) is the
largest family, followed by Poaceae (23 spp.) and Brassicaceae (20 spp). The largest
genus is the Veronica with 6 species.
Table 3.18 . The first 10 large families with their number of species found in and
around Lassipora IGC
S. No. Family No. of species
1. Asteraceae 38
2. Poaceae 23
3. Brassicaceae 20
4. Fabaceae 17
5. Rosaceae 14
6. Lamiaceae 16
7. Apiaceae 12
8. Polygonaceae 10
9. Scrophulariaceae 9
10. Caryophyllaceae 8
Table 3.19: The First Five Large Genera In The Impact Zone Of Lassipora IGC
S. No Genus No_ of species Family
1. Veronica 6 Scrophulariace
2. Artemisia 4 Asteraceae
3. Cyperus 4 Cyperaceae
4. Medicago 4 Fabaceae
Ranunculus 4- Ranunculaceae
Populus ciliata, Platanus orientalis, Salix spp., Jugfans regia, Prunus amygdalus,
Malus pumila, Ulmus villosa, Morus alba, Robinia pseudoacacia, Celtis australis, etc.
Berberis lycium, Rosa brunonii, Rubus ulmifolious, R. anatolicus, Rumex hastatus,
Indigofera heterantha, Astragalus grahamianus, and species of Cotoneaster and
Achyranthes aspera, Allium cepa, Anagalis arvensis, Anthemis cotula, Neslia sp.,
Arctum lappa, Artemisia scoparia, A. vulgare, A. absinthium, Avena futva, Batrachium
sp., Bidens cernua, Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa, Bromus japonicus, Scandix
pectin-veneris, Cannabis sativa, Capse/la bursa¬pastoris, Carex sp, Carpesium
cernuum, Centaurea iberica, Cerastium glomeratum, Chenopodium botrys, Chorispora
tenella, Cichorium intybus, Cirsium wallichii, Colchicum luteum, Crepis sancta,
Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, Daucus ca rota, Dianthus caryophyllus, D.
minima, Dolichos lablab, Echinochloa crus-gallii, Elsholtzia ciliata, Epilobium
hirsutum, Equisetum arvense, Erigeron canadensis, Erodium cicutarium, Euphorbia
helioscopia, E. prostrata, Galinsoga parviflora, Galium aparine, G. palustre, Geranium
pusillum, Geum elatum, G, urbanum, Gnaphalium affine, G. luteo-album, Heriniaria
hirsuta, Hordeum vulgare, Hypericum perforatum, Impatiens spp., Kochia scoparia,
Leonurus cardaica, Lespedeza cuneata, Lithospermum arvense, Lotus corniculatus,
Ma/va neglects, Medicago minima, M. polymorpha, Mentha longifolia, Marrubium
vulgare, Myosotis arvensis, M. sylvatica, Nasturtium officinale, Nepeta cataria,
Oenothera glazioviana, 0. rosea, Oxalis corniculata, Papaver somniferum, Pedicularis
sp., Persicaria sp., Pisum sativum, Plantago lanceolata, P_ major, Poa annua, P.
bulbosa, P. pratensis, Polygonum hydropiper, aviculare, Potentilla spp., PruneIla
vulgare, Ranunculus arvensis, Raphanus sativa, Rorippa islandica, Rubia cordifolia,
Rumex nepalensis, acetosa, Salvia moorcroftiana, Selenium candolii, Setaria viridis,
Siegesbeckia orientalis, Silene conoidea, Sisymbrium, loeselii, Slum latijugum,
Solanum tuberosum, Sonchus arvensis, S. oleraceous, Spergula arvensis, Spinacea
oleracea, SteIlaria media, Taraxacum officinale, Thymus linearis, Tragopogon
kashmeriana, Tribulus terrestris, Trifolium pratense, T repens, Urtica dioica,
Verbascum thapsus, Verbena officinale, Veronica anaga/is-aquatica, V. biloba, V.
persica, Vicia sativa and Vulpia myorus.
c. Liverworts
The species of liverworts collected from the study area include: Marchantia
polymorpha, Metzgeria conjuguta, Pellia endivaefolia, and Ricciafluitans.
d. Mosses
Some of the common moss species recorded from the catchment area include:
Brachythecium populeum, Bryum schleicheri, Funaria hygrometrica, Grimmia ovalis,
Mnium lycopodiodes, Polytrichum juniperinum, etc.
e. Lichens
Lichens are living organisms, in which the body consists of two symbiotic partners,
viz., an algal partner preparing food and the fungal partner providing protection.
Although, lichens occur on woody plants and rock outcrops throughout the valley,
their species diversity is least explored in this region. Some of the commonly known
lichen species recorded from the study area includes species of Dermatocarpa,
Lecanora, Parmelia, Rhizoplaea, Stereocaulon and Xanthoria.
Economically important plants
A large number of plants are exploited for their economic importance in the
catchments area.
Medicinal plants
The local inhabitants over the years have learnt to utilize plants for treating various
ailments. Thus, a large number of plant species growing in this area are used for
medicinal purposes. A list of common medicinal plant species in the Lassipora direct
and indirect impact zone along with their medicinal importance is given in Table 4.4.
About 36 species of medicinal plants are used for treating ailments, such as asthma,
boils, constipation, diarrhoea, dysentery, rheumatism, cardiac and respiratory
complaints, cold, cough, fever, toothache, cholera, ulcer, skin diseases, wounds and
injuries, expulsion of worms, chest infections, and hysteria, etc.
Table 3.20: List of medicinal plant species with their medicinal importance
from the Lassipora Direct and indirect impact zone
S. No Medicinal importance
Species name
Intensive field surveys undertaken during the present study and perusal of the
relevant literature revealed that no endemic species among the 152 endemic plant
species reported in the Kashmir Himalaya (Dar & Aman, 2004), occurs in the
Lassipora direct and indirect impact zone.
S.No Names
Oligochaeta (Annelida)
1 Lumbricus terrestris
Lepidoptera (Insecta)
2 Agalais urticase (small tortoise shell)
3 Pieris brassicase (Large white)
4 Venessa carduii (painted lady)
5 Lycaena phlaeas L.(small copper)
6 Plebejus argus L. (Silver-studed blue)
Orthoptera (insecta)
7 Acrida exaltata
8 Dicranophyma babaulti
9 Oxya hyla
10 Trilophidia annulata
Diptera (insecta)
11 Asilius sp
Hymenoptera (insecta)
12 Bombus sp.
Hemipotera (insecta)
13 Cicada sp.
Araneida (Arachnida)
14 Aranius sp
15 Herphyllus goansis
16 Lycosa sp.
17 Pardosa sp.
Higher Vertebrates
Twenty four species of birds, belonging to 15 families, were recorded from the study
area_ Bird diversity in the area varied seasonally. Family wise corvidae was found to
be dominant with a contribution of four species followed by muscicapidae with three
species. The contribution of various families to the avifauna of the locality is depicted
in Table 3.25, Table 3.26 . Maximum of 57 four species belonged to Corvidae followed
by three species by Muscicapidae.
Besides the common sightings of domestic animals belonging to the livestock
category (Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Domestic Fowl, Domestic Ducks, Geese, Street Dogs,
Cats etc.) infrequent visits of the area by such wild animals as Black Bear
(Selenarctos thibatanus), Jackals (Canis aureus), and Leopards (Panthera pardus)
have been reported (interviews of local elderly people). Presence of Herpestes nyula
(Common Mongoose) and Field Mouse or House Rat has also been reported from the
area_ Occurrence of Lutra lutra (Common Otter) on the banks of Rambiara was also
confirmed by the local inhabitants.
Table No. 3.26. The Contribution Of Various Families To The Avifauna Of The
S. No. Family Number of species
1. Corvidae 4
2. Muscicapidae 3
3. Satumidae 2
4. Columbidae 2
5. Falconidae 2
6. Picidae 2
7. Cuculidae 1
8. Pycnonotidae 1
9. Oriolidae 1
10. Paridae 1
11. Plocidae 1
12. Upupidae 1
13. Hirundinidae 1
14. Lanidae 1
15. Fringillidae 1
Macro-invertebrates are commonly found in all types of aquatic habitats such as
streams, rivers, wetlands, lakes and ponds. These animals generally include insects,
crustaceans, molluscs and annelids. They are significant within the food chain as
larger animals such as fish and birds rely on them as a food source. Various macro-
invertebrate species were collected and identified from different habitats present in
the buffer zone of present project is given in Table 3.27.
Macro- invertebrates constitute an important link between the micro – consumers
and the fish and determine the success of detritus based fishery in an aquatic system.
Macro invertebrates in the present study included arthropods, leach and gastropods.
Arthropods included two classes’ i.e. insecta and amphipods. Ephemeroptera,
Trichoptera, Diptera and coleopteran contributed to insecta.
Table 3.27. Various macro-invertebrate species present in the buffer zone of present
1 Gammarus spp
Insecta (Ephemeroptera)
2 Batiella spp
3 Baetis rhodoni
4 Drunella spp
5 Ephemerella spp
6 Ecdyonurus spp
7 Stenopsychae spp.
8 Nectopsychae spp.
9 Hydropsyche
10 Diamesa
11 Atherix
12 Chironomous
13 Elmidae
14 Erpobdella
15 Lymnaea
Buffer area of Present Construction project comprises several River/ Streams which
supports some fish species. List of fauna present in the different water bodies in the
buffer zone of present construction project (Lassipora) are listed in Table 3.28.
During the present survey a total of five fish species were collected from the four
study sites, which included Schizothorax plagiostomus, S. esocinuss, S. Labiatus,
Triplophysa kashmirensis and Triplophysa marmorata summer season. The fishes
collected from the present survey from the Rambiara stream and its tributary and
the adjoining spring are all typical hill stream fishes. These fishes have special
anatomical modifications in their body and mouth for adhering to the bottom in
rapids and the mouth structures specially adapted for feeding purposes.
Plagiostomus being bottom feeder mostly feeds on bottom algae while S.esocinus and
Triplohysa spp. are primarily carnivorous fish and feed on the bottom fauna.
S.labiatus is an omnivore and feeds on bottom algae and fauna.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses identification and appraisal of various environmental impacts due
to the Industrial Estates. Generally, the environmental impacts can be categorized as direct,
indirect and cumulative. Direct impact occurs through direct interaction of an activity with
an environmental, social or economic component.
Indirect impact on the environment is those which are not a direct result of the project
often produced away from the impact pathway. As a project in the same vicinity of other
project than impacts occur when the incremental impact of the project is combined with
the cumulative effect of other past, present and future projects.
The development, construction and functional phase of the project comprise various
activities, each of which may have some impact on physical, ecological and socio-economic
Various impacts during the development, construction and operation phase on the
environmental parameters have been studied to estimate the impact on environment and
minimizing the adverse impact and thereafter enhance the beneficial impacts on
environment quality both during pre and post project. Suitable approach and methodology
was adopted to ascertain likely impacts both during design and construction and operation
Prediction of impacts is the most important component of an EIA study. Many scientific
techniques and methodologies are available to predict impacts on physico-ecological and
socio-economic environment. The prediction of impacts helps to identify the gaps and
implementation of environmental management plan during and after the execution of the
developmental activity to minimize the deterioration of environmental quality.
The selection of the factors require due consideration to;
Site Clearing √ √ √ √ √ √
Quarrying √ √ √ √
Mitigation Measures
Mitigation measures for air quality impacts during construction phase are:
Periodical checking of vehicles and construction machinery to ensure compliance of
emission standards.
Attenuation of pollution /protection of receptor through greenbelt/green cover.
Ensure periodical washing of construction equipment and transport vehicles to
prevent accumulated dust.
Mitigation Measures
Mitigation Measures
Provision of Personal Protective equipment (PPE) such as muffles/plugs etc. to the
Acoustic enclosures to be provided for compressors for drills and rock cutter.
All construction equipment shall be fitted with noise control measures.
Servicing of all construction vehicles and machinery to be done regularly and during
routine servicing operation, the effectiveness of exhaust silencers will be checked
and if found defective to be replaced.
Vehicle for bringing construction material at site shall conform to the noise emission
standards and to be operated during non-peak hour.
Construction work will be carried out during day time only.
Ambient noise level monitoring shall be conducted at suitable locations at periodic
intervals during construction phase to conform to the stipulated standards during
both day and night time. Data shall be reviewed and analyzed by the project
manager for adhering to any strict measures.
During the construction phase, the modular septic tanks will be provided.
Excavation during dry season and management of excavated soils.
Clearing all debris from site as soon as construction is over.
Care will be taken to securely store the excavated material and to reuse it as early as
possible in construction or for land filling during landscaping.
Hazardous chemicals as waste Oil will be handled properly.
Storm water drainage system to collect surface runoff.
Exposed stockpiles should be covered with tarpaulin or impervious sheet before a
rainstorm occur.
Mitigation Measures –
Record of sludge disposal shall be kept as per Hazardous Waste (Management,
Handling and Trans-boundary) Rules, 2008 and amended thereof.
Precaution should be taken for all liquid and solid waste during storage and
transport so that soils around the site and within 10 Km radius are not
Primary sludge in some of the cases may contain some toxic elements such as
arsenic, cadmium, nickel etc. but the primary sludge is reduced by the way of
segregation of the major quantum of bio-sludge going to be generated. The fewer
quantum of generation of hazardous waste & application of decanters will help the
CETP operators for its direct disposal at TSDF site.
Treated effluent generated will be suitable for horticulture & agricultural purpose.
Before use the water will be analyzed for EC, pH and water having pH value between
6.5 to 7.5 and EC below 2 mhhos/cm is to be only used. if water below 6.5 or above
7.5 pH and EC > 2 mmhos is used, after sustained use salinity or alkalinity may
develop in soils.
Regular soil samples will be collected around the area from where underground
pipeline is passing and will be tested for any impact on pH, EC and physical and
chemical properties of soils.
Hazardous chemical sludge produced during the wastewater treatment will be
handled in decanter and disposed to authorized Solid Waste Management Facility
and will have no impact.
Mitigation Measures –
CETP will have beneficial effect on the environment due to reduction in pollution
Green belt/ plantation will be developed around the CETP.
No biologically sensitive area is present within 10 km radial area
Acoustic enclosure shall be provided to DG set to reduce the noise intensity There is
no ecologically important area (e.g. National Park, Sanctuary) in the study area so
impact on such areas is not expected.
e. Impact on utilities
Utilities include supply of water, electricity, gas and sewage facilities. It is likely that the
residents in the neighborhood will not face any bottleneck in accessing utility services such
as water supply, electricity, gas and sewage facilities due to the upcoming project in the
Mitigation Measures –
To ensure against any nuisance caused by improper disposal of wastes, it is proposed to
identify waste collection areas within the site that will be regularly cleared. Recyclable
wastes will be sold off to scrap dealers and recyclers, while inert wastes will be made
available for filling and leveling of low lying areas. Hazardous wastes will be disposed off as
per the provisions of the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Trans-boundary
Movement) Rules, 2008 and as amended.
Waste oil and batteries will be disposed through sale to authorized recyclers and buy back
arrangements respectively. Inert wastes will be transported to the waste dump site. CFLs
shall be stored in the premises until ‘Lamp Recycling Units’ are set up that will receive and
recycle the bulbs in an environmentally sound manner. Storage shall be in a cemented and
covered area.
All hazardous wastes will be stored and disposed as per the Hazardous Wastes (Management,
Handling and Trans-boundary Movement) Rules, 2008 and Amendments 2009. All movements
of the hazardous waste shall be in accordance to the Manifest system in the said notification.
The wastes shall be disposed at the authorized TSDF site. Care will be taken such that the
collection vehicles are well maintained and equipped with air and noise pollution control
mechanism. During transportation of waste, it will be covered to avoid littering.
Summary of potential impacts and mitigation measures during construction and
operation phase –
The potential impacts during construction and operational stage along with mitigation
measures are presented in Table 5.1 & Table 5.2 respectively.
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Table 5.1: Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures during Construction Phase
Environme Sources of Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Remarks
ntal Impacts
Land preparation Dust emission Water spraying on haul No remarkable increase in dust
and construction roads in project site emission and other air pollutants.
activity. Stacking of Regular maintenance of The construction activity will be
Air Quality Vehicular traffic
construction vehicles. completed in shortest possible
material may block Vehicles with PUC period.
HEMM, heavy Workers Construction work during Noise will be below stipulated
machineries and exposed to day time only standard of 75 dB(A) for
Noise truck movement increased noise Ear plugs for workers occupational area
near Regular maintenance of
machineries machineries and trucks
Wastewater Excavated Storm water with Secured storage and reuse of
produced material sediments from excavated material in
from labour Public health excavated material construction and land filling
Quality colony concern due Modular Septic tank
to wastewater for
wastewater treatment
Land preparation Change in Project site is open Quantum of excavated O.B. &
Land and construction construction waste will be small.
land use land allotted for CETP
activity pattern so no change in land
Table 5.2: Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures during Operation Phase
The present chapter discusses the various other alternatives considered in developing the
project. It also compares the technical, financial and environmental feasibility of the
project, where applicable.
An industrial estate at Lassipora was developed by J&K SIDCO to attract the industrial
entrepreneur in the late seventies. There after there is a consistent demand of industrial
plots. J&K State Industrial Development Corporation (J&K SIDCO) has acquired the
proposed project land for developing the industrial plots with the modern environment
friendly facilities.
The overall objective of industrial estate planning is to identify sites for IGC and plan
industrial development in compatibility with the surrounding land uses. The various steps
involved in the identification of a suitable site for Industrial Growth Centre’s which
Identification of a search area where suitable sites for developing industrial estates
for industries might be found
Detailing environmental sensitivity of the search area and its surroundings;
Avoiding areas which are attached with the sensitivity
Assessing the sitting potential of the search areas by identifying suitable sites for
Industrial Growth Centre’s (so called "candidate sites")
Identification of types of industries that can be allowed in these industrial estates
after assessing the pollution risks from those industries and the environmental
impact risks by predicting the amount and spatial extent of adverse impacts.
Page 213
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
Recommending necessary effluent treatment, waste disposal facilities and other
commonly needed abatement infrastructure used by all industries of the industrial
Providing appropriate buffer zones around the industrial estates
Recommending land use controls around the industrial estates for controlling
and minimizing adverse environmental impacts; and
Identifying the social impacts of developing an industrial estate at an identified site
and recommend methods of mitigation or compensation, if needed.
Site analysis
Identification of suitable site for industrial estate is based on various considerations.
Approach for assessment of site suitability of identified candidate sites is shown in
Figure 5.1 below.
Page 214
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
Water Supply
Land Use Sensitivities Skilled Man power
Air Pollution Sensitivities Market
Water Pollution
Discharge for ETP Sensitivities
Connectivity to Rail,
Social Acceptance
road & air network Noise Pollution
Contribution to
Land Availability Soil Pollution Industrial
Page 215
Page 216
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
Site Planning and Development
Site planning within the industrial estate demands a holistic approach for its sustainability,
which includes the effective components of spatial planning, infrastructure planning, and
risk based planning and environmental management tools, resource utilization
management and social infrastructure planning, etc. The master site plan for the industrial
estates shall include the following important aspects.
Long-term vision with focus on international competitiveness
Focus on integrated infrastructure with emphasis on environmental management
Optimal utilization of available land.
Conservation of important natural features
Optimal use of natural resources
Explore synergies of co-existence
Use of renewable energy sources
Energy conservation measures
Traffic management including public transport
Disaster management
Inclusion of social infrastructure like housing and allied requirements
Integration of operation and management aspect
Site Specifications
The ideal site for an industrial estate for light and medium industry should have:
Good access by main road to the city, port, and airport
An adequate water supply
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EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
Reliable electricity supply and telecommunications facilities
Adequate storm water drainage network
With increasing population the city boundaries are also increasing. The first step for site
selection is mapping of constraints. Constraint mapping eliminates environmentally
unsuitable sites and narrows down the number of sites for further consideration. Certain
features termed as “exclusionary factors” such as restricted areas for play ground, gardens
etc., are identified using map of appropriate scale. These factors will eliminate unsuitable
sites from further analysis.
1. Transport consideration
The site should be as near as possible from a suitable main road with
transport facilities.
2. Natural conditions
Extreme morphology (steep or over steep, liable to land slips)
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EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
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EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
Are there any features, which will significantly limit the useful area of the site for
land filling?
Does the nearby well have high water table?
Where are the nearest habitat dwelling?
From the results of the site investigation program, the estimates of cost and capacity of the
preferred site(s) may be firmed up and clearly preferred site identified.
Page 219
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
The choice of building materials plays an important role in terms of energy efficiency of the
building. The manufacture of building materials should also be assessed to ensure the use
of environment friendly and recycled/ recyclable construction materials.
5.3.1 Wall
Conventionally, clay bricks are cemented in the construction of walls. The strength of these
construction materials cannot be compromised which will otherwise pose a threat to the
life and property of the occupants. However, presently, materials with similar properties
are easily available that are made of waste products, thereby reducing the waste burden
and conserving natural resources. Thus, the project proposes the use of the following
construction material for walls:-
Fal-G products – are manufactured by use of two waste products being fly ash,
calcined Gypsum (a byproduct of phosphogypsum or natural gypsum) along with
Perforated bricks
Saw dust based doors and window frames
Ferro cement shutters, PVC doors and windows, Rice husk boards, Natural fibre
Polymer composite door panels.
5.3.2 Roof
The conventional material used for roofing is RCC, as it is suitable for longer spans. The
constituents of RCC, i.e. cement, sand, aggregate and steel are energy intensive materials
and high embodied energy content.
Alternately, it is proposed to use lightweight synthetic aggregates such as fly ash based
aggregates, which is suitable for manufacture of brick, blocks, and is good substitute for
clinker and natural aggregates. They have high rating to fire resistance and provide better
insulation and thus improved energy efficiency. These are manufactured by the aerated
cellular concrete manufacturing process.
Page 220
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
5.3.3 Roads and open spaces
Non Permeable paving- Non Permeable (porous) paving will be provided to control
surface water runoff by allowing storm water to infiltrate the soil and return to the
ground water. The traffic areas will however continue to be impermeable.
Gravel/crusher fines - Loose aggregate materials from masonry wastes will be used
to cover pedestrian surfaces.
Use of steel in fencing, grills, tree covers, and benches and even in streetlights will
be replaced by bamboo in the parks and green landscaped areas.
The concept of passive solar design emphasizes architectural design approaches that
minimize building energy consumption by integrating conventional energy-efficient
devices, such as mechanical and electrical pumps, fans, lighting fixtures, and other
equipment, with passive design elements, such as building siting, an efficient envelope,
appropriate amounts of fenestration, increased day lighting design, and thermal mass. The
basic idea of passive solar design is to allow daylight, heat, and airflow into a building only
when beneficial. The project layout has been finalized after careful siting consideration of
various Industrial Estate components to optimize availability of natural sunlight.
Glazed windows are located to face the south to receive maximum sunlight in
To reduce heat losses during the night these windows are double-glazed and
have insulating curtains.
Thermal storage wall is placed between the glazing and habitable space to prevent
solar radiation from directly entering the living space.
Page 221
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and
implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s
Further, energy efficient lighting will be achieved through:
To replace all the old tube light street light fixtures with energy efficient fixtures.
Expenditure for replacement of CFL based light with T5-28W tube lights & old tube
light street light fixtures with energy efficient fixtures will be recovered with in a
period of 5 years through savings
By providing solar provision in the following buildings:-
Industries where hot water is required for processing.
Nursing homes
Housing complexes
J&K SIDCO will put condition in the building approval about provision of installation solar
water heater systems.
After all phases become functional, there will be provision of biogas plant, gas generation
will be used for lightening of street lights in the Industrial estate, hence saves energy.
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity
and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama,
J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
6.1 Introduction
The purpose of the monitoring program is to ensure that the specified mitigation measures
defined in the Environment Management Plan (EMP) are compiled and leads to the desired
benefits for the target area and its population. To ensure the effective implementation of
the EMP and gauge the efficiency of the mitigation measures, monitoring shall be
undertaken both during the construction and operation phases of the project. This chapter
describes the outlines of the monitoring program for the different environmental
components during the construction and operation phases for evaluation of the
environmental status of the area due to the project proponent as development of an
Industrial Estate affects environment and monitoring is a tool to assess quality of
environment parameters and suggest to apply mitigation measures to recover environment
which is affected due to project activities.
Monitoring of various environmental parameters will be carried out on a regular basis to
ascertain the following:
• State of pollution within the project site and in its vicinity.
• Generate data for predictive or corrective purpose in respect of pollution.
• Examine the efficiency of pollution control system adopted at the site.
• To assess environmental impacts.
The primary aim of monitoring is to provide information that will aid impact management,
and secondarily, to achieve a better understanding of cause-effect relationships and to
improve EIA prediction and mitigation methods. Both the immediate and long-term
benefits from undertaking monitoring as part of EIA are widely recognized.
Of these, the following are selected as the Performance Indicators (PIs) and shall be
monitored, since these are well known and comparative data series exist:
Air quality
Water Quality
Noise Levels
To ensure the effective implementation of the mitigation measures and environmental
management during construction and operation phases of project, it is essential that an
effective Environmental Monitoring Plan be designed and followed –
1. 0.80 50,000
2. 0.60 25,000
3. 0.70 18,000
Total Cost 2.1 Lacs
(as required)
7.1 Public Consultation – The project area falls under notified industrial zone of J&K
SIDCO. There is no requirement of Public Hearing.
7.2 Activities at CETP – Activities to be performed :
Activities to be carried out in CETP for treatment of effluent includes the following -
Operation of treatment plant
Handling of treatment chemicals
ETP sludge handling
Control of flow and processing of wastewater
Monitoring of control panel
Adjustments of valves and gates manually or automatically
Observation of variations in operating conditions
Starting and stopping of pumps and other equipment
Maintenance work of CETP units
To carry out sampling and testing of effluent samples.
• Laboratory equipment.
• Measuring and metering devices.
• Mechanized lifting and disposal equipment.
• Portable mechanical working tools.
• Pumps and blowers.
(III )Fire Hazards - Accidental fires due to electrical short circuit represent minor hazards.
Special precautions must be taken for electrical fitting and appliances uses. Sources of
ignition for fire hazards are direct flames, Heat radiation, and Electric spark.
(V)Biological Hazards:
The workers working in the CETP are prone to following biological hazards:
• Diseases caused by infectious agents present in raw effluent.
• Diseases caused by insects or rodents proliferating in the sludge drying beds.
According to BOCW (Building & other construction workers) ACT, NBC-2005,relevant BIS
standard like BIS-14489 and other related sets out the law on Construction site general fire
The Statutory requires that a ‘responsible person’ must carry out, and keep up to date, a
risk assessment and implement appropriate measures to minimize the risk to life and
property from fire. The responsible person will usually be the main or principal contractor
in control of the site.
• You should identify sources of fuel and ignition and establish general fire precautions
including, means of escape, warning and fighting fire, based on your fire risk assessment.
• In occupied buildings such as offices, make sure the work does not interfere with existing
escape routes from the building, or any fire separation, alarms, dry risers, or sprinkler
Key issues are:
Risk assessment
Means of escape
Means of giving warning
Means of fighting fire
Construction of timber frame will require significant additional measures
Means of escape
Key aspects to providing safe means of escape on construction sites include:
Routes: your risk assessment should determine the escape routes required, which
must be kept available and unobstructed;
Alternatives: well-separated alternative ways to ground level should be
provided where possible;
Protection: routes can be protected by installing permanent fire separation and fire
doors as soon as possible;
Assembly Point: Make sure escape routes give access to a safe place where people can
assemble and be accounted for. On a small site the pavement outside may be adequate; and
Signs: will be needed if people are not familiar with the escape routes. Lighting should be
provided for enclosed escape routes and emergency lighting may be required.
Means of giving warning
Set up a system to alert people on site. This may be temporary or permanent mains
operated fire alarm (tested regularly), a klaxon, an air horn or a whistle, depending on the
size and complexity of the site.
The warning needs to be distinctive, audible above other noise and recognizable by
Means of fighting fire
Fire extinguishers should be located at identified fire points around the site. The
extinguishers should be appropriate to the nature of the potential fire:
• Wood, paper and cloth – water extinguisher;
• Flammable liquids – dry powder or foam extinguisher;
• Electrical – carbon dioxide (C02) extinguisher.
Nominated people should be trained in how to use extinguishers.
Process fire risks
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) and National Building Code sets out the law on
construction site general fire safety, including means of escape.
The CDM Regulations 2015 also impose duties including the requirement to prevent risk
from fire. The fire risk from site activities must be assessed and precautions taken to
• Combustible material – the quantity of combustible materials on site should be kept to
the minimum and all such materials safely stored and used.
• Ignition sources – action is needed to eliminate, reduce and control ignition sources on
• Construction of timber frame buildings will require significant additional measures to
outlined here. You should refer to the specific guidance listed in Resources, below.
A) Combustible material
Many solids, liquids and gases can catch fire and burn. It only takes a source of ignition,
which may be a small flame or an electrical spark, together with air. Preventive actions that
can be taken include:
Quantity: fire risk can be reduced by controlling the amount of combustible
material in the work area until it is needed;
Flammability: it may be possible to specify materials that are less combustible.
Remember that when worked on, materials may become more easily ignited e.g.
solids turned to dust or crumb;
Storage: combustible materials should ideally be stored outside buildings under
construction, especially volatile materials e.g. LPG. Internal storage must be planned
and located where it will not put workers at risk;
Rubbish: good housekeeping and site tidiness are important to prevent fire and
to ensure that emergency routes do not become obstructed;
Volatile flammable materials: extra precautions are needed for flammable liquids,
gases and oxygen cylinders especially when internally stored;
Coverings and sheeting: protective coverings and scaffold sheeting may add to fire risk.
This can be reduced by use of flame retardant materials;
Tanks and services: demolition projects can involve an increased risk of fire and
Dismantling of tank structures may cause ignition of flammable residues or disruption
and ignition of buried gas services.
Ignition sources
It is important that you take action to control ignition sources including:
Hot work: all hot work generating heat, sparks or flame can cause a fire.
Precautions include:
Clearing the area of combustible materials;
Suitable fire extinguishers; and maintaining a careful watch throughout the work.
A permit to work (PTW) system can help manage the risk on larger projects.
Plant and equipment: select electrical and engine driven plant of suitable capacity to
prevent overheating. Fasten lamps to a solid backing and, if mounted on tripods, make
sure the tripod is stable. Electrical equipment in flammable atmospheres must be
suitable for the nature and extent of the flammable atmosphere;
Smoking: bring the rules on smoking to the attention of all workers and visitors
to the site and enforce them;
Electrical installations: should be of sufficient capacity for the intended use and
designed, installed, inspected and maintained by competent people;
It could be defined as any situation which presents a threat of safety of persons or/and
property. It may require outside help also. Emergency due to operating conditions
(small fire, spill, failure of power, water, air etc.) and which can be locally handled by
plant personnel alone (without outside help) will be considered as emergency.
Objectives of the On Site Emergency Plan
1. To define & assess emergencies, including risk & environment impact assessment.
2. To control & contain incidents.
3. To safeguard employees, visitors & other people in the vicinity.
4. To minimize damage to property &/or the environment.
5. To inform employees, the general public and the authorities about the hazards/ risk
assessed safeguard provided residual risk if any and the role to be played by them in
the vent of emergency.
6. To be ready for the mutual aid if need rises to help the neighboring unit. Normal
jurisdiction of an OEP(on-site emergency plan) will the own premises only, but looking to
the time factor in the arriving the external help of off-side plan agency, the jurisdiction
must be extended outside to the extent possible in case of emergency occurring outside.
7. To inform authorities and mutual aid centers to come for help.
In order to meet the above objectives, detailed procedure for handling On Site Emergency
has been prepared, which will intended to cover all foreseeable eventualities even those
leading to the evacuation of the site.
Major Emergency
Major Emergency could be defined as any situation which may affect several departments
within and/ or may cause serious injuries, loss of life, extensive damage to property of serious
disruption outside the work. It will require the use of outside resources to handle it effectively.
Usually the result of a malfunction of the normal operating procedure, it may also be
participated by the intervention of an outside agency, such as severs electrical storm, flooding,
crashed aircraft or deliberate acts of arson or sabotage.
b) Disaster
It will a catastrophic situation in which the day to day patterns of life are, in many instances,
suddenly disrupted and people are plugged into helplessness, suffering and as a result need
protection, clothing, shelter, medical & social care and other necessities of life such as:
Disaster resulting from natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storm, surges,
cyclones, tropical storms, floods, landsides, forest fires and massive infect infestation. Also in
The likelihood of an undesired event (i.e. accident, injury or death) occurring within a
specified period or under specified circumstances. It may be either a frequency or a
probability depending on the circumstances.
d) Hazard –
Hazard is a physical situation which may cause human injury, damage to property or the
environmental or combination of these criteria.
Emergency Organization
No plan will succeed without effective emergency organization. Key personnel to combat
emergency should be nominated with specific responsibilities according to the set procedures
and making the best use of the resources available with different department and to avoid
confusion. Respective department’s key personnel are important part to combat emergency as
part of organization. Such key personnel include Incident controller, Site main controller,
Communication officer, messenger, Essential workers etc. Assembly point for non essential
workmen, occupational health center, emergency control room, firefighting arrangement, first
aid arrangement and other arrangement and persons to manage them and also important part
of emergency organization. Other key personnel will be required to provide advice to and
implement the decisions made by the Site Main Controller (SMC) in the light of information
received on the developing situation at the emergency. Such key personnel (i.e. Fire fighters,
First-Aider, Emergency rescue, Communication officer, messenger, security people, P&A officer
etc.) will included from various department. All key personnel will responded on instruction
given by Site Main Controller / Incident Controller.
Their roles and responsibilities will mention below -
Responsibility of Incident Controller
Rush to accident site, ask field person to close the required valves.
Inform control room from field to take required action.
Take charge at the scene of incident and assess the scale of emergency.
Decide for continuing the operation of the plant.
Decide the need of external help.
Ensure that outside emergency services have been called in.
Ensure that SMC and Key personnel have been called in.
Direct firefighting operations to internal as well as external agencies.
Increased urban development and requirements for strict control of the quality of effluents
discharged into streams, rivers, estuaries and coastal water has led to the need to set up
individual waste water/effluent treatment plant and common effluent treatment plants.
The wastewater treatment ranks of industrial occupations where on-the-job injuries are
frequent. The wastewater treatment plant operators are exposed to a variety of hazardous
chemical agents contained within the effluent and the reagents used in the water processing or
generated during the wastewater treatment which may cause poisoning and a number of
ailments in the operators.
The operators are also exposed to hazards related to work in confined spaces, which include
electric shocks, explosions, entanglement in moving machinery, etc
Against natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, lightening, possible accidental hazards Fire
& explosion hazards Electricity Slips, trips and falls at work , chemical hazards, biological
hazards and ergonomic, psychological and organization factors and the preventive measures
required in common effluent treatment plants.
Excavation cave-ins
Underground and overhead utilities
Materials falling into excavations
Hazardous atmosphere of work.
Vehicle movement and equipment operation
Water accumulation.
No protective system
Ladder is not angled working height (vertical)
Poor housekeeping
The excavated soil is close to the edge and not retained to prevent from falling into the
trench/excavated area.
Overnight rain can make excavated area unsafe.
Struck by vehicle
Blind spot
Toppling of the equipment
Contact with power transmission
The law says you must take precautions against the risk of death or injury from electricity.
Electrical equipment must be safe, and properly maintained. Only in exceptional circumstances
should work be carried out on live systems, and then only by a competent authorized person.
Electrical systems in buildings - Refurbishment work in buildings presents the greatest risk and
must be planned, managed and monitored to ensure that workers are not exposed to risk from
Overhead power lines - Any work near electric overhead power lines must be carefully planned
and carried out to avoid danger from accidental contact or close proximity to the lines.
Underground cables - Damage to underground electrical cables can cause fatal or severe injury
you must take precautions to avoid danger. These precautions include a safe system of work
based on planning, use of plans, cable locating devices and safe digging practices.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Always wear the proper gloves when working with acids. Neoprene and rubber gloves are
effective against most acids and bases. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is also effective for most acids.
A rubber coated apron and goggles should also be worn. If splashing is likely to occur, wear a
face shield over the goggles. Always use corrosives in a chemical fume hood.
• All workers should wear PPE to protect head, eye, hand and feet.
• Helmet, hand gloves, safety shoe and goggles Safety belt/safety harness for working
at height.
• First aid kit with medicine to be available at site.
7.9 Conclusion
Risk assessment should be carried out in order to identify the needs in handling these hazards.
Risk assessment shall include: Identifying the possible hazards The Receptors who would be
harmed because of the hazards Adequacy of the existing precautionary measures Reviewing
and revising the assessment from time to time Identifying the greater risk of damage based on
Recognize, Evaluate and Control. In evaluation we have to adopt both Qualitative and
Quantitative Analysis. After completion of risk assessment, following findings can be used for
reducing the risks.
Safe installation of electrical appliances as per standards.
• Use of safe and suitable equipments for the working environment
• Provision for safety devices for detecting faults
• Preventive maintenance by testing the equipments and visual inspection
• Safe working conditions considering underground power cables overhead power lines
These are the most common causes of non-fatal injuries at work but may cost workers heavily.
Slip and trip hazards can be reduced through good health and safety arrangements of the
There should be adequate information on appropriate use of the safety equipments provided.
A good management system for health and safety shall include: planning for minimizing or
removing risks by identifying the risk areas organization setup with responsibilities to ensure
safe working conditions control on working practices and processes by record keeping and
maintenance to ensure good health and safety monitoring and reviewing the reports regularly
based on experience and improving the existing conditions. good working practices by choosing
suitable floor surfaces, lighting levels, provision for footwear, removing obstructions, warn
signs, etc.
Chemical hazards Sources of chemical hazards can be exposure to chemicals and toxic effects of
chemicals. Exposure to chemicals .The heaviest exposure to some chemicals often occurs during
industrial activities. The four main exposure routes where chemicals enter the body are
through inhalation (breathing), absorption (skin or eye), ingestion (swallowing, eating) and
Most of the chemicals in the workplace have the potential to be dispersed into the air as
dust, droplets or as gas or vapor or inhalation. The most important routes of exposure in the
workplace leading to systemic effects are inhalation and skin absorption. Also, ingestion is a
potential source through contaminated food or drink in the workplace. Toxic effects of
chemicals. The toxicity in chemicals may poison the body of the person exposed. The toxic
chemical exposure may lead to acute, chronic, reversible, irreversible, local, systematic and
synergism effect. The toxicity of chemicals can be classified as corrosive, irritant, sensitizer,
asphyxiant, carcinogen, mutagen, teratogen and fetotoxicant. To avoid these toxic risk
assessment should be carried out which involves identification of hazard based on chemicals of
concern, adverse effects, target populations, risk characterization, assessing, exposure and
estimating the risk.
Develop material safety data sheets (MSDS) for all the chemicals used in the workplace Ensure
whether chemical products clearly indicate their harmful effects and provide guidance on how
to use the products as safely as possible Instruct workers on labels and MSDS Workers should
have the right to refuse to work with chemicals which does not have safety information about
the chemical To prevent, control or eliminate the risk – all the workers are required to
implement effective safety procedures for protection against chemical hazards agreed jointly by
employer and workers through Regular inspections with standard checklists for particular
chemicals and chemical processes.
The most effective way is to remove the chemical entirely and replace it with less hazardous
chemical, wherever possible. Similarly, dangerous processes can also be substituted to avoid
the production of toxic intermediates.
Engineering controls
In case, the chemical hazard cannot be removed from the workplace by substitution then the
best solution is to physically enclose the hazard to prevent it from coming into contact with
either workers or the environment. Dilute or local exhaust ventilation systems can be used to
remove contaminated air from the workplace.
Biological hazards: Exposure to wastewater may result in number of illnesses when entered
into the body. Some of these illnesses are: Gastroenteritis – Cramping stomach pain, diarrhea
and vomiting.
As the micro-organisms are inherent in wastewater they cannot be removed or eliminated.
However, exposure to wastewater can be minimized to avoid these biological hazards. The
following measures can be taken to reduce risk of infection and illness: Awareness on risks
through instructions, training and supervision use of personal protective equipment such as
water proof gloves, footwear, eye and respiratory protection, face visors, etc. workers should be
of 20 to 50 years age group and must not have asthma and tuberculosis provide the workers
with adequate welfare facilities such as clean water, soaps, disposable paper towels, showers,
etc. Inspection and maintenance of safety equipments provision for adequate first aid facilities
effective arrangements for monitoring health and safety. Ergonomic and psychological hazards:
These hazards can be raised due to stress during work. Some of the problems which may lead to
stress are: Boring job repetitive job too little or too much work to do too little time too little or
too much training for the job selecting right person to fit into the task poor relationship with
others bullying, racial or sexual harassment inflexible work schedules poor physical working
conditions lack of communication and consultation lack of support for individuals to develop
their skills lack of control over work activities negative work culture. These hazards can be
minimized by following measures: clarity in defined objectives and responsibilities of an
individual linked to business objectives selection of appropriate person for the assigned tasks
prioritizing the jobs, training the individuals based on interpersonal skills and increasing the
scope of work for the trained increase the variety of tasks rearrange people between the jobs in
order not to get bored with the single task working in group to improve the performance
setting up of an effective system to prevent and stop harassments working in shifts to ensure
flexible working hours provision for regular health checkups provision for adequate control
measures opportunity to contribute individual ideas in planning and organizing the jobs
introducing clear business objectives, good communications and employee involvement
particularly during period of change any individual should be honest and respect others
support the individuals to develop their skills.
Hazardous air pollution Solvents in huge quantities are used in pharmaceutical, chemical, dyes
& dye intermediate units. The recovery and reuse of these solvents in such units is very poor
because of the indigenous technology, equipment adds to pollution load in CETP. Especially in
connection with high levels of fine particulates, noxious gases like methane, CO 2, SO2 and NOx
can lead to respiratory diseases. The duration of exposure is decisive. Injurious heavy metals
(e.g., lead, mercury and cadmium) can enter the food chain and, hence, the human organism by
way of drinking water and vegetable and animal products.
Climatic changes such as warming and acidification of surface waters, forest depletion, etc., can
occur due to acid rain and/or the greenhouse effect of methane and CO 2 and other trace gases
can have long-term detrimental effects on human health. Similarly important are the effects of
climatic changes on agriculture and forestry (and thus on people’s standard of living), e.g.,
large-scale shifts of cultivation to other regions and/or deterioration of crop yields due to
climate change impacts.
In view of the above we have to have to avoid/mitigate the Risk and hazard both during
construction phase and operational phase of common Effluent treatment plant we have to
adopt 3E system which is basically Engineering Control- for sound engineering
Education and training- To improve awareness Enforcement- to follow statute and also
maintain discipline.
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity
and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama,
J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
8.1 Benefit of CETP –
The rapid growth of industries over the last two decades in IGC, Lassipora has been
beneficial for economic prosperity. This needs an imperative action on the conservation of
natural resources to protect the flora and fauna.
There was development in terms of establishment of new industries especially small scale
industries without providing any infrastructure like CETP.
J&K SIDCO (Jammu & Kashmir State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.) proposes to
upgrade and expand the existing Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) of 600 KLD
capacity to 1100 KLD capacity at Village- Lassipora, District- Pulwama, that falls in the IGC,
During construction phase, skilled and unskilled manpower will be needed. This will
temporarily increase the employment opportunity. Secondary jobs are also bound to
be generated to provide day-to-day needs and services to the work force. This will
also temporarily increase the demand for essential daily utilities in the local market.
The proposed project may provide ample trade opportunities particularly related to
supply of effluent treatment chemicals, supply of construction materials etc.
There will be increase in the local trade indirectly benefiting the local people.
The successful operation of CETP will also reduce the need of regular monitoring of
all the individual member unit by statutory authority.
The owner(s) of the member unit will be able to concentrate more on the quality
production as they will be no longer require to spend time on wastewater
Qualified and experienced person in the field of Environment Pollution Control will
be appointed as a Plant in-charge for overall responsibility for the management of all
The upcoming project will generate direct and indirect employment opportunities for the
local people. The CETP will create employment including skilled as well as semi-skilled
staff directly or indirectly. The secondary employment in the form of providing services to
the employed manpower will also be developed in the neighboring villages.
The J&K SIDCO will also provide the helping hand in the development of the nearby villages
by arranging regular medical checkup camp for the employees. The project will generate a
fair amount of direct, indirect and induced employment in the study region. The local
economy will receive a boost due to employee spending and services generated by
Cost-Benefit Analysis
9.0 General
As per EIA Notification dated 14th Sept., 2006, the Chapter on the ‘Environmental Cost
Benefit Analysis’ is applicable only if the same is recommended at the Scoping stage.
10.1 Introduction –
An EMP is a site-specific plan developed to ensure that all necessary measures are
identified and implemented in order to protect environment and comply with
environmental legislation and then being implemented with a primary objective to
minimize harm to the environment.
In Chapter 4 of this EIA report, anticipated impacts during construction and operation
phases of the proposed project have been identified, predicted and evaluated.
Conventionally most of the identified impacts can be managed through the proposed
effluent treatment and gaseous emission controls already described. However, where
potential sources of environmental impacts could not be managed through such measures,
additional mitigation measures are required.
This chapter on the Environmental Management Plan [EMP] lists and describes those
measures, they are either of an organization, procedural or technical / instrumental nature.
These measures are over and above all items already incorporated in the design of project
The details provided by the proponent about the proposed project [technical data, policy
matters, approach to environmental protection, etc. ] and the baseline environmental
status monitored through field surveys during the study period have formed the basis to
predict the impact on all individual components of environment.
The impact identification and prediction has been made keeping in view the predicted
results primarily based on design details and the baseline data gathered during the study
period. The EMP relevant to construction and operation phases is delineated in the
following sections –
In order to maintain the environmental quality within the standards, regular monitoring of
various environmental components is necessary. J&K SIDCO will have a full-fledged
Environmental Management Cell (EMC) reporting directly to Functional Head for
environmental monitoring and control. The EMC team will take care of pollution
monitoring aspects and implementation of control measures.
Effluent will be transported via pipeline system from each industry to CETP
after meeting the discharge standards to the pipeline (inlet to CETP).
Proper Inspection will be carried out of the effluents received & discharged.
Cleaning of pipeline will be carried out as per requirement.
The routine monitoring of pipeline shall be carried out.
10.6 Management of Water Environment at CETP –
Record of daily effluent received from each member unit and disposal of treated
effluent is maintained.
Magnetic flow meters are installed each on pump discharge line of equalization tank
and on final disposal line of Treated Effluent Disposal Sump.
Effective Waste water treatment in CETP is done by proper operations and controls in
order to meet the disposal norms.
Regular maintenance of the plant will be carried out & care will be taken that the
generated leachate or any other waste water does not contaminate the ground water
of the area.
The treated water will be recycled and reused for the horticulture & agricultural
purposes to have the eco-friendly system. Adequate Spares for effluent collection,
handling, treatment and transfer will be maintained.
Occupational Environment –
Provision of First Aid at Site
The proposed project may cause health problem to workers handling toxic effluent
discharged by various industrial units. To meet any emergency during, provision for First
Aid should be made available by the project proponent. Before the affected person is
removed to a doctor or health institution for necessary medical aid, the worker should be
provided with First Aid.
Tie up with the Nearest PHC for Medical Help
To meet the medical needs of the workers it is suggested that tie-ups with nearest hospital
or Primary Health Center (PHC) may be made. Few beds may be exclusively reserved for
the CETP workers in the above health institutions. This will ensure timely medical aid to
the affected persons.
Supply of Mask, Gloves and Helmets
The workers are subject to various diseases, including skin diseases. For protection from
toxic material it may be made compulsory for all workers in the plant to wear masks and
gloves while working in the CETP.
Regular Health Checkups
The plant workers may be encouraged to undergo health checkups at regular intervals in
order to protect themselves from various diseases. The Health Department of Jammu &
Kashmir Government should organize Health Camps at regular intervals to make people
health conscious. Further, free medical facilities may be made available to the workers and
their family members.
10.10 Conclusion –
The operation of CETP will result in decreasing the pollution levels in this highly pollution
prone area and thereby protection and restoration of the ecology of the region.
The proposed project of CETP for treatment of effluents generated from units located in the
Industrial zone of Samba with recovery of water & reuse is recommendable as corporate
social responsibility of industries.
Treated wastewater from CETP will be used for horticulture & agricultural purpose. It is
proposed that the surplus treated water if any will be disposed off in the adjacent storm
water drain (Nalla), for which land stands acquired connecting up to Basantar river. The
social welfare activity of the M/s J&K SIDCO will improve the infrastructural facilities in the
surrounding villages especially with respect to education and medical field.
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora,
District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Industrial Estate project is proposed to be developed over an area of 313.27 acres (6193
Kanals) at Lassipora, Kashmir. In line with the development plan of the district, Jammu &
Kashmir State Industrial Development Corporation (J&K SIDCO) has acquired land for
developing a new Industrial Growth Centre at Lassipora, Kashmir, with modern and
environment-friendly infrastructure facilities.
Industrial Estates come under the schedule 7 (c) according to EIA notification 2006 & its
amendments. There are two categories under schedule 7 (c), category “A” & category “B”.
Category “A” project required clearance from MoEFCC while category “B” projects
required clearance from their respective Authorities (SEIAA). Industrial Estate project at
Lassipora, Kashmir comes under “B” category as the project area is less than the 500 ha.
Application form for Common Effluent Treatment Plants 7 (h) projects included Form 1 &
Pre Feasibility Report on the basis of which, TOR has been granted by State Level
Environment Impact Assessment Authority, Jammu & Kashmir vide letter no-113-
18/MS/SEIAA/JK/2010 on dated 12.01.2010. Based on the TOR, this report is the EIA
Report for EC presentation.
The EIA has been carried out by Idma Laboratories Ltd., a QCI/NABET accredited EIA
Consultancy organization having a MoEFCC and NABL Accredited Laboratory. For this
study, the impact zone will confine within an angular radius of 15 km from the project
The EIA is conducted to establish the baseline environmental setting in the study area,
assessment of potential impacts on different environmental components, design of
mitigation measures so as to keep impacts within acceptable limits and strengthen the
positive impacts.
Page 264
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre,
Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
The Executive Summary summarizes the findings of the EIA study to aid in decision
making and provides project related information and environmental impacts to non-
technical sections of society. The summary highlights the baseline environmental status,
key environmental issues and their likely impacts and also lists the major recommended
mitigation measures to attenuate the impacts.
The baseline environmental status was assessed based on primary and secondary data
collected either through in-site field observation or obtained from agencies such as
Irrigation Department, India Meteorological Department (IMD), Central Ground Water
Board, Geological Survey of India, State Ground Water Department, State Pollution
Control Board, Census of India and Local Forest Department, Non -Governmental
Agencies. The baseline status established from analysis of secondary and primary data
and predicted impacts are discussed below. The proposed mitigation measures are also
provided along with.
The land use pattern of the study area (15 km) is mainly residential, agricultural and
open scrub, open land, forest, vegetation & River with dry channel. The site falls under
Industrial use as per the development plan of Lassipora. When awarded by the project
proponent, the land was fallow land. Compensation has been given to the families for
resettlement and rehabilitation. The construction phase of any construction project poses
the threat of soil contamination and soil erosion, mainly during the construction phase.
Inadequate solid waste management & waste from industries may also cause soil
contamination during operation phase. The estimated waste generation during operation
phase will be 39,470 kg/day.
Page 266
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre,
Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
During construction phase, excavation related work will be avoided during the monsoons
and site clearing will be carried out for specific areas being developed. All wastes from
site will be regularly removed and disposed/sold. An efficient solid waste management is
proposed comprising waste collection, segregation at sold waste management facility
within the site, and their disposal. Solid waste will be disposed by sale of recyclable
wastes to vendors, composting of bio-degradable wastes, land filling of inert wastes to
municipal dump sites and hazardous wastes to TSDF.
The water requirement during construction phase will be met by private water tanker. A
combination of efficient water management to reduce water consumption, reuse of
treated wastewater to reduce freshwater demand and rainwater harvesting to replenish
groundwater is proposed to have a positive bearing on the water environment of the
region. A Common Effluent Treatment Plant of total capacity 600 KLD is under operation
for the treatment of waste water which will be further expanded to 1100 KLD.
During construction phase, the major air pollutant of prime concern is PM10 as impacts
of other emissions such as SO2, NO2, and CO will not be significant because the nature of
sources is such that the emissions are distributed spatially as well as temporal. Industrial
emissions will also be taking place during operation phase. The levels of PM10 are less
than the standards prescribed by NAAQS at all stations. Thus dust emissions from
construction activities shall require comprehensive mitigation measures and best
construction practices. Adequate stack heights will be proposed for D.G. Sets & for every
individual industry above the ground to provide for sufficient dispersion of pollutants.
Water sprinklers will be used to suppress dust during construction. During the operation
phase, green belt and green area development is proposed to restrict and absorb air
pollutants. Each industry will provide mitigation measure based on the type of industry.
Page 267
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre,
Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Noise levels were observed at nine locations within the study area. Levels of background
noise monitored at project site exceeds the limits at 55 dB (A) during the daytime but is
within limit 45dB (A) at the night time respectively. The noise emitted from heavy-duty
construction equipments during construction period being high shall require
occupational preventive measures and temporary noise barriers for noise attenuation.
The construction period being about 4 to 5 year duration approx., will require significant
mitigation measures such as restricted loud noise activities to daytime, provision of PPEs
and acoustic enclosures for D.G. Set.
In the operation phase, noise pollution will be checked through acoustic enclosures of DG
Sets and green belt plantation. Noise will also be generated from different industries
which are going to be set up in industrial area. It will be the responsibility of each
industrial owner to provide suitable noise control measures (noise control
barriers/acoustic enclosures) within the industrial area.
There is no protected area, reserved forest or sanctuary in the study area. The project will
have 175 acres of green area. The proposed landscaping will include native species that
will attract local birds and insects, reduce pollution and improve aesthetics and micro-
climate of the region.
The population of the project site would include Residential, Industrial, Institutional and
floating population. The study area has access to clean drinking water and adequate
transportation facilities.
The project will add to the infrastructure facilities will also have a positive bearing on the
local economy by increased demand of daily needs items, increased business
opportunities in meeting fancy and recreational means for the population of the
Page 268
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre,
Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
residents. It is also proposed to engage local people after imparting adequate training and
local companies for maintenance of the Industrial Estate during operation phase.
For power requirement a 2x10 MVA receiving station is proposed to supply power in the
area. Various provisions are made to reduce the energy efficiency of the building such as
use of solar energy, provision of low energy fixtures, design features to maximize sunlight
and use of materials to improve energy efficiency.
11.4.8 Other
Resource Conservation: A concerted effort is made towards resource conservation by
way of using recycled building materials, fly-ash bricks, reduced water consumption and
improving energy efficiency of the building.
Indoor Air Quality: Special attention will be given to maintaining indoor air quality
through use of low VOC paints, provision of adequate ventilation, proper storage of
chemical and cleaning materials.
Safety: A network of manned security gates, security men, closed circuit TV and intercom
facilities are proposed to ensure safety of the occupant. The buildings will also be
provided with adequate fire tenders, fire alarms and water sprinklers.
Page 269
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD
capacity and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre,
Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Page 270
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Page 271
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
3. Air Quality Dust Construction Dust suppression through Not significant Use of sprinklers
Emissions Phase water sprinkling using because dust will reduce dust
water trucks, handheld generation will be particles in the
All heavy sprays and automatic temporary and will atmosphere
construction sprinkler systems. settle fast due to dust
activities. suppression
techniques used.
Vehicles transporting loose
construction material
should be covered.
Page 272
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Page 273
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Use of Personal
Protective Equipment
(PPE) like earmuffs and
earplugs during
construction activities.
4b. Operation Phase Peripheral plantations. Not significant
Not significant.
5b. Operation Phase Solid waste from site will Not Significant
be collected on a daily.
Dumping of
Page 274
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Activities Beneficial
Page 275
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity and implementation of SLF at
Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Page 276
EIA for the upgradation and expansion of CETP of 600 KLD to 1100 KLD capacity
and implementation of SLF at Industrial Growth Centre, Lassipora, District-
Pulwama, J&K by M/s J& K SIDCO.
Disclosure of Consultant
Idma Laboratories Limited the group’s Flagship Company was incorporated in 1981.
It is a multidisciplinary center for excellence in testing and analysis including capacity
Idma represents our corporate philosophy- Invest energy and ingenuity in programme
areas; develop knowledge networks for new insights through interaction of different
perspectives and approaches; manage resources in a sustainable manner and be
EIA Division has been accredited with National Accreditation Board for Education &
Training (NABET) (Quality Council of India) vide Minutes of 47th AC meeting for
Surveillance assessment dated April 12, 2013.
IDMA Laboratories Ltd. has its own Environmental Laboratory at Plot No. 391,
Industrial Area, Phase I, Panchkula (Haryana) approved by the Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi vide notification No.1150(E) dated
22.05.2012. The Environmental Laboratory is also approved by the National
Accreditation Board for Calibration and Testing Laboratories (NABL) vide
certificates no. T-0187 dated 25.05.2012 as ISO/IEC -17025: 2005 in chemical testing
and T-0188 for Mechanical testing. The laboratory also recognized by Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) vide Ref.No.CI/COAPD/OSL (9123236), dated 04 July, 2011.
6. Solid Waste & Hazardous Waste Management (SW) Mr. Ankush Aggarwal
Name and address of the Idma Laboratories Ltd, ISO 9001:2008 Certified,
391,Panchkula, Haryana OHSAS 18001:2007 Certified and
QCI-NABET Accredited.
Base line data Idma Laboratories Ltd, MoEF Recognized, PPCB & NABL
Accredited Laboratory.
391,Panchkula, Haryana