The Student Is Able To:: Poor 1 Needs Improve-Ment 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Out - Standing 5 Total Per Criterion
The Student Is Able To:: Poor 1 Needs Improve-Ment 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Out - Standing 5 Total Per Criterion
The Student Is Able To:: Poor 1 Needs Improve-Ment 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Out - Standing 5 Total Per Criterion
Rating scale
Poor Needs Fair Good Out- Total per
1 improve- 3 4 standing criterion
Criteria and descriptor ment 5
The student is able to: 2
Communication and content: understand and complete the task
assigned by describing and report actions and plans for the future;
communicate and send messages so the audience is left with no
Fluency: produce a cohesive discourse; use short, mainly pre-
packaged utterances and link them with basic linear connectors; and
use an appropriate organization within the sentences that are according
to the level.
Vocabulary: use vocabulary about describing and report actions and
plans for the future; use a variety of word choice to make the dialogue
Structure: produce the simple present structure when talking about
future actions or plans for the future, pose and answer information
questions; use other sentence structures.
Pronunciation: pronounce and produce intonation patterns of basic
sounds that allow the audience to understand the message.
Pronounce without interfering with the meaning or communication
purpose of the task.
Evaluator: ___________________________________
Created by Language Center Supporting Teachers, February 2019