TV News Program
TV News Program
TV News Program
Students may produce a TV news programme, concentrating in the kind of stories and features
which they feel are missing from existing programmes. These stories must catch the watchers
attention showing the positive face of our own city and school in addition they will contribute to
create a better society.
This project offers a scope to students with different kind of talents: in addition to investigating,
there will be opportunities for individuals to work on design, photography, illustration, music, writing
and performing. Students will be encouraged to concentrate on the quality of what they produce
rather than mere quantity.
If this first broadcast is a success, it may be worth to produce it every term.
The main objective of this project is to give students essential tools to see their city and school as
a good place and to create a culture that values social and emotional well being; in addition,
students will take investigating as an interactive and entertaining process, involving knowledge of
the world and various types of learning styles, any of which may interact with any other to
contribute to produce a TV news programme consisting of general interest features rather than
current news stories.
To critically analyze Bogotá’s conflicts and try to find out possible solutions.
To discuss, accept and respect different points of view
To cooperate and work together in a task.
To produce a program that reflected the interests, talents, and creativity of the students.
What kind of issues or problematic situations can we face when creating a TV news program?
The comprehensible input (TV news programs) and the task-based learning (Students TV news
program) will teach the learner to do something in the target language. Sts will use language
above the sentence level, with real language in real situations and pay attention to both the part
and the whole work in the context.
At the beginning of the term, an orientation session will be held at which students will be told that
they are going to be in charge of the design and production of a TV news program. They will asked
a series of questions so that they can brainstorm about this project.( What will the television show
be? What will we call it? How often will it air? What equipment will we need? What roles will we
need to fill in order to produce the show? What skills and knowledge will we need? What do we
know, if anything, about television broadcasting? Can we make it whatever we want? What are our
limits?) Tony Bencivenga's Blog
During the first part of the project students will be challenged to decide the name, tagline, content,
mission, format, set, personnel, logo, theme music, and everything else they thought necessary to
create a student-produced program.
During the second part of the project students will discuss about the sections to be included ,the
sources and think how these stories will improve and change our society in a positive way. In
addition, they will learn how to create surveys, write interviews, news stories and profiles.
Students must critically analyze Bogotá’s conflicts and will try to find out good news that may be
possible solutions for those issues.
During this stage students will interview, write down stories and reviews, create games and will
create the story board of the program.
In the third part of the project students will rehearse, perform and record , after watching their
product they will discuss, evaluate and decide what needs to be changed or re-estructured in
terms of sound effects, introductory music,presenters, games , customs.
Students will record and edit the final version of their program.
In the last part of the project students will launch the first edition of the program.During the
launching students will present the program, summarise the course development, express their
progress and feelings during the creation of it.
What happens in the classroom must involve the learners and must be judged in terms of its
effects on them.
Total Score:____________________________
Teacher(s) Comments:
1 Orientation session. Teacher will present the project.Sts Brainstorming Web Students will have a portfolio in
will brainstorm about the TV program using some order to file every single activity
questions given by the teacher. Sts will work in groups related to the project.
in order to discuss some questions and come into a
conclusion. They will have to present a web.
2. Students will be challenged to decide the name, logo A chart with the name, the logo and Students will create a format with
and tagline of the TV program the tagline the rules they must follow to
create the names, logos and
3 Students will watch a TV news program and will identify Video Guide Students will have a portfolio in
the different sections and topics included. Then they will Sections web order to file every single activity
decide which sections and topics will appear in the Topics web related to the project.
4 Students will create their TV news program (Stories, Program proposal Students will have a portfolio in
reviews, reports, profiles) then they will write a clear order to file every single activity
and succinct summary of their ideas. Sts will read a related to the project.
sample program proposal and will identify the general
characteristics. They will write down their own proposal
taking into account some recommendations given by the
5 Students will write and submit a full script. Script Students will have a portfolio in
They will find positive news about Bogotá then they will order to file every single activity
decide which ones will be included in the news program. related to the project.
Once the news are organized, students will have to
decide the roles. Each member, depending on the role
they have, will prepare the script. Then they will put all
the pieces together and hand this to the teacher.
6 Students will draw the scenes with the corresponding Storyboard Students will have a portfolio in
notes and elements such as dialogues, sound effects order to file every single activity
and music. related to the project.
7 Students will rehearse before the actual shooting. This Rehearsals (videos)
includes camera and dress rehearsals.
8 Shooting. Students will record their programs. Video first draft
Inventions Technology
Terrorist Prgram Economy
Disasters Politics
In class, we learned:
The importance of making a brainstorm in order to get ideas, also that
thinking randomly instead of something specific can create better ideas
that focusing in only one subject.________
I think this is a very important step and it should always be performed for
getting good ideas._______________________
1.Find and copy the name, the logo and tagline of 5 different national and 5 different international TV news
Is the abbreviation of Columbia Is CBS written in big Its telling that is the
Broadcasting System, three black words. only thing that should
letters. be viewed.
It is the channel of the National Is a yellow square Is telling that
Geography, three words. everything should be
Is only the channel for discovery, Is the planet earth with Its promoting people to
two words.. the word discovery in discover new things,
the upper part two words
Is the abbreviation of Is the name written in Is like the final
Entertainment and Sports big red letters. sentence of every
Programming Network, four program that´s
letters. presented, six words.
Is only FOX news, two words. Is like the twenty Is like giving a
century fox logo but in sentence for justice, two
blue. words
Is the abbreviation of British Is the name written in Is telling that is the best
Broadcasting Corporation., three big black letters. for giving the news.
Is only canal caracol. Is the planet earth Is telling that it is for
3. Compare the names ,logos and mottos of the national and international TV news programs and write down
the common characteristics.
Almost all the mottos tell that that channel is the best, most of the international ones talk about that they are
the only thing, instead, the national ones talk about what they do and have more words, almost no
international channel has a logo that doesn’t has text.
In class, we learned:
About the different channel that transmit news around the world, also how
are their logos and why are they named like that, and finally what are their
This was a great idea that helps a lot to create a logo and a motto, also
gives you a perception of what TV News programs are
Name : CNN
Business It is a report of what small business can do for earning
more incomes, what to do if they are loosing money
and how some mechanisms that apparently make you
loose money, the really are protecting you.
Sport It talks about the final of the world cup
Entertainment It talks about the new Halo Reach, about the new
technologies that were used and how this change the
whole history of halo.
Tech It talks about the iPhone 4, it says that currently it is
having problems with the antenna, there is only one
way to gripping it.
Travel It talks about traveling to Mexico, it says that currently
they are not asking for visas because of the insecurity
the country is facing at the moment.
Politics It is talking about the elections of the senators, how are
their campaigns going and what are they doing in each
state, also the reports of percentage op people that will
vote for them.
Social It is a report that says that there are one billion people
in the word that suffer of Hunger, it says that there are
parts where people only eat once a day and that their
jobs only give them a little money.
The new iPhone 4 is the more intelligent The new Halo reach includes a lot of content that
than ever, it uses the new retina display people ask for it, it has new graphics and the best
made by apple and uses the A4 chip used also first person best game, it has new sound and it
in the iPad , the new iPhone has a problem will be launched the 4 of October, it has also a
with the reception, if you grip it with your new interface for better gamimg.
left hand it will not have good reception, so
many people are reporting and are going to
It says about what new business should do It says that Mexico is facing an important part of
for better performance, also it says what violence and no body wants to go there, also it
aspects should an owner take in account for says that there are no visas because this.
making his company go hig.
In class, we learned:
That for making a good TV News Program, is very important to have an
idea first of what things do TV News Programs use so you can use some
elements that are important._________
I think this part is very important because you can get an idea of what
things and topics are relevant to people and how do they present the
Fire Fighters In this part, there are two topics, one that is
talking about the firefighters, and other one
that talks about the labor they are doing with
Displaced and Recling People In this part, is going to talk about what poor
people are doing with recycling, how this
helps a lot the community and why they
should be respected.
A TV News Program
Only once.
What roles will they need to fill in order to produce the show?
The help of this guide and extra knowledge for software managing.
Six blocks
Around 15 minutes
2. After carefully reviewing the proposal guidelines, prepare your submission materials for mailing.
Please send all relevant information about each project. The following elements are expected:
Project Proposal:
Synopsis - briefly outline the subject and story of the program or the larger context out
of which the story evolved.
Treatment (Required) - clearly communicate how the television program will unfold from
beginning to end. Include details on story structure, theme, style, format, voice, and
Project timetable - provide a schedule of all phases of production.
Interactive elements - Explain how you plan to enhance your project your blog. Discuss
specific elements of the proposed site and provide information on the web production
team .
Key Personnel - provide detailed biographies or resume information of the key project
staff (i.e., producer, director, writer, cinematographer, editor) as well as experts,
consultants and talent.
It covers the basic ideas and issues of the production as well as the main
characters, locations, and story angles.
They cover the full story sequence. They typically contain some key scenes .
The basic production needs and approximate times of the segments are included.
Anyone reading a program proposal should be able to get a clear idea of the entire
What is a script?
A script is a document that outlines every aural, visual, behavioral, and lingual element required to film your
TV news program.
Get your story straight. Come up with lots of ideas of what you want to happen in the TV news program.
Create the premise and purpose of the TV show program.
Your reporters anf presenters will drive the action on the stage or screen, so make sure you
make them interesting and innovative.
Create an outline or treatment. Before you begin actually writing dialogue and script, it might help to
create a basic roadmap of what will happen in your TV news program so you dont forget. Sketch out a
general plan and envision how the news will unfold. This should be told in the third-person.
Maintain your style. Remember, scripts are all about action and dialogue. Make sure your characters
speak realistically, and try not to mix styles of speech and vocabulary too much unless you are going for a
certain effect.
Ensure that different reporters anf presenters have their own 'voice' based on their background,
which will affect their word choices and dialect. This will stop your characters from blending into one
Set the news. Don't forget to include important details such as time of day, setting, and actions of the
reporters and presenters in the scene. These are nearly as important as the news that occurs.
Format your writing. Skip lines between one character speaking and a different one speaking,
especially if you're handwriting it. This will enable those reading the script to distinguish between speakers
more easily, and also allow space for notes.
Edit yourself. Continually revise your writing, and, if possible, show the script to a friend or adviser who
has writing experience and can critique and improve the script as needed. You may also write your script in
various ways, introducing people and even in brackets telling the reader what is happening that the narrator
is not reading. I.E.) jeff walks off the stage or john closes the door behind him.
Script Language
Cuts or takes are instant transitions from one video source to another.
Camera angles, bird's eye view, high angle, eye level, and low angle on scripts.
SOT (sound-on-tape): The voice, music, or background sound is from the audio track of a videotape.
SOF (sound-on-film): This is not much used anymore. Even if a production starts out on film, it's
converted into a video recording before being "rolled into" a production
VTR: videotape, videotape recording. Video and audiotape have now been largely replaced by computer
disks and solid-state memory
VO (voice over): narration heard at higher volume than music or background sound
OSV (off-screen voice): voice from a person not visible to the audience
POV (point of view). Dramatic scripts may indicate that a shot will be seen from the point of view of a
particular actor.
OS (over-the-shoulder shot): The picture shows the back of a person's head and possibly one shoulder
with the main subject in the distance facing the camera. This is also designated as O/S and X/S.
ANNCR: announcer
KEY: electronic overlay of titles, credits or other video sources over background video
SFX or F/X (special effects/visual effects): audio special effects (audio FX) or video special effects; altering
normal audio and video, generally to achieve some dramatic effect
Studio - Bogota – Fire Officials say they are very glad with the district for
Fire Station gave them this training. They also thought this cases
were more common nowadays
Mosquera, Cundinamarca.
Server - video+ ((In cue: "Well, it's a bit too early to tell yet, but there
audio seems to be more fire fighters interested to join this new
(file: bees.07) program created by the district..”))
((Out cue: "..and so as fire fighter Kate Carry says, it's
really too early to tell about how this program will
improve the services provided by the fire stations around
Bogota. This is Marc Jacobs for BogoTv"))
José Marinez - Well dear Laura and all of you viewers on your houses,
Studio as you already listen, these proposals of sexual
education are very important for all of us, so don’t be
afraid of asking what you need, of search professional
help and be sure of what you want to do.
Studio Thank you José, some important information for all of us.
Now we are going to talk about a very important event
that happens every year here in Bogotá. It is called the
FREE CAR DAY, for more details about this event there
is Maria Ruiz in the Alcaldía Mayor
Maria Ruiz That’s right Laura here I am with the Mayor of Bogotá
who is going to tell us some details about the FREE DAY
CAR this year.
Mayor Off course dear Maria, as you all viewers know, it is kind
of a tradition of all Bogota citizens to participate of the
FREE DAY CAR since it was created. It consist just in
leave your cars at home and use some alternative
transportation methods such as bicycle, taxis or buses. It
helps with the environment because there are a lot of
cars in the city that are polluting the air and, even if you
don’t believe it, just leaving them one day per year in
your houses, helps a lot with the pollution at the city.
Maria Ruiz Well as you can notice right now, it is very important to
collaborate and participate on this activity because of its
benefits and because it helps you also to change for a
day your daily schedule, maybe to relax a little bit more
by riding your bicycle or something like that. So don’t
forget it will be this coming Friday! Continue on Studio…
Studio Thank you for that information Maria! For sure we are
going to participate. Lets go on some commercials and
we’ll be back soon
Maria camila – Thank you Laura, That's all for today here, I'll be
Studio reporting any significant event that is presented here in
the Plaza Bolivar.
Nicole Garcia The Institute for Social Economy IPES in agreement with
the Telecommunications Company of Bogota (ETB) calls
to people at levels 1, 2 and 3 are interested in acquiring
computer skills to learn Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
navigation Internet and email use. Entries are free of
charge and can register from this October 20 by calling
2976030 ext 156.
Studio This was all for today thanks for watching our channel
will be up to date with all the significant news of Bogota.
22/10/2010 Writer:
Camila Harker
P2 Yes , and also how easy is getting any kind of food you
want here.
22/10/2010 Writer:
Felipe & Camilo
Felipe: Hello, this is good news from Bogota, here at (the hour
that the show is presenting) with our presenters Camilo
Calixto and I, Felipe Londoño. We are glad you are
tuning us and you are welcome to our recently release
Camilo: For today we have three news, first, Infant mortality due
to malnutrition records a significant reduction, second,
Bogota, for eating you better, and last,
Camera: Camera now zoom outs and focuses the two presenters.
Londoño: What can you say about these free dining rooms?
Calixto: Well, there are like 310 dining rooms working around the
city that attends a quantity of 670000 of kids. Also, every
25 days, these rooms are open to offer a special meal
for the kids.
Londoño: Well we can see that the health is increasing in our kids,
we are going right back with you (make to appear
reading something).
Londoño: Well Calixto, in the program there were two vaccines the
one of the pneumococcus was applied for around 22600
kids and the other one, the vaccine of the rotavirus, was
applied to 11000 kids; the value of both vaccines was
higher than the 500000 pesos.
Londoño: Ho, food its nice, yesterday I went to the T zone and the
food was nice, had you notice that in Bogota you coud
find any kind of food?
Londoño: Ho, this is nice, but what each zone has and how many
of them are?
Calixto: Yes, but there is a little issue with this, with the time,
Bogotans have been losing their identity, the don’t eat
the cultural food, but more the one from other countries,
the consumption of fast food has increased.
Londoño: Ho, this makes me sad, but now we have to leave. It was
nice to be here with you.
Calixto: Me too.
Londoño: Have a good day and see you in other opportunity
Camera: The camera zooms out and all the scenery is in scene.
Music: Music gets higher and when the light are all turned of it
stops suddenly.
In class, we learned:
How to make a script, the way the dialogue should be write and the
elements that need to be used like the lights, sounds, camera angle and
other things that are important.__________
The vocabulary for the voices, the different types of actions that can be
made like voice over and voice in off and other interesting
I liked this part because it was like the conclusion of all the process that
was made, putting all what was made into the script so it could be
Server Fade In
Camera – Studio The camera has a view of all the scenery and once a
lapse of 3 seconds has passed it starts focusing and
zooming to the presenter’s desk and once that happens
it focuses Felipe.
Felipe – Studio Hello, this is good news from Bogota, here at (the hour
that the show is presenting) with our presenters Camilo
Calixto, Felipe Londoño, Stephanie Castañeda, Sarah
Zambrano, Camila Harker and Laura Guaqueta. We are
glad you are tuning us and you are welcome to our
recently release program.
Lights – Studio Lights suddenly turn on and off rapidly and a “Good
News From Bogota” logo appears.
Camera – Studio Camera now focuses Camilo and then Felipe when each
one talks.
Camilo – Studio For today we have nine news, First, Bogotá firefighters
will be trained in handling with bee´s.
Camera - Studio Camera now zoom outs and focuses the presenters.
Then when each one talks the camera focuses him.
Sarah - Studio - Fire Officials say they are very glad with the district for
Bogota Fire giving them this training. They also think this cases are
Station more common nowadays
V.O – Sarah – More than 50 members of the Fire Department will be
Video trained to handle emergencies caused by bees. The
activity, led by the Colombian Corporation of Agricultural
Research (Corpoica), will start on October 21st in
Mosquera, Cundinamarca.
Video – Server – ((In cue: "Well, it's a bit too early to tell yet, but there
Fire Station seems to be more fire fighters interested to join this new
program created by the district..”))
Marc Jobs – ((Out cue: "..and so as fire fighter Kate Carry says, it's
Camilo – Fire really too early to tell about how this program will
Statio improve the services provided by the fire stations around
Bogota. This is Marc Jacobs for BogoTv"))
Laura – Studio Now, we’re going to talk about something that makes us
very proud of, our sexual education and its advantages
all around the city; to tell you more about this topic we’re
going to listen to José Martinez, who is on the Profamilia
main place, in which an important celebration is taking
time on.
View - Server Now the view changes to the live emission on Profamilia.
Jose Martinez – Yes Laura you’re right! Hello everybody I’m José
Felipe Londoño – Martinez and I’m here at Profamilia asking for more
Profamilia details about this great celebration they’re having. Here
I’m with Mrs. Gutierrez, who is Profamilia Bogotá’s
director and she is going to tell us more details about
what is happening.
Mrs. Gutierrez – Well José mainly we’re celebrating just because our
Stephanie – proposals and our campaigns on sexual education and
Profamilia the benefits we’re asking for young women, poor people
and pregnant teenagers seem to be something, the
citizens are really taking account and they are really
interested on. The results of our campaigns and all the
cruel but real publicity we’re making, is really taking a
place on citizen’s mind and that’s what we want to get.
Camera – Live Camera now focuses Jose and Mr. Gutierrez gets out of
Emission 1 the camera view.
José Marinez – Well dear Laura and all of you viewers on your houses,
Felipe Londoño – as you already listen, these proposals of sexual
Profamilia education are very important for all of us, so don’t be
afraid of asking what you need, of search professional
View - Server The view is now picture in picture, when Laura finishes
the first part then the P-in-P disappears and the camera
focuses her.
Laura – Studio Thank you José, some important information for all of us.
Now we are going to talk about a very important event
that happens every year here in Bogotá. It is called the
FREE CAR DAY, for more details about this event there
is Maria Ruiz in the Alcaldía Mayor
View – Server View changes to the live emission in the Alcaldia Mayor
Maria Ruiz – That’s right Laura here I am with the Mayor of Bogotá
Camila – Studio who is going to tell us some details about the FREE DAY
CAR this year.
Alcalde Mayor – Off course dear Sarah, as you all viewers know, it is kind
Camilo – Studio of a tradition of all Bogota citizens to participate of the
FREE DAY CAR since it was created. It consist just in
leave your cars at home and use some alternative
transportation methods such as bicycle, taxis or buses. It
helps with the environment because there are a lot of
cars in the city that are polluting the air and, even if you
don’t believe it, just leaving them one day per year in
your houses, helps a lot with the pollution of the city.
Camera – Live Camera now focuses Camila and the Mayor gets out of
Emission 2 the view of the camera.
Maria Ruiz – Well as you can notice right now, it is very important to
Camila – Studio collaborate and participate on this activity because of its
benefits and because it helps you also to change for a
day your daily schedule, maybe to relax a little bit more
by riding your bicycle or something like that. So don’t
View – Server View is no P-in-P and when Laura finishes the first part it
returns to the studio view.
Laura – Studio Thank you for that information Maria! For sure we are
going to participate. Let’s go on some commercials and
we’ll be back soon.
Lights – Studio Lights turn off for 5 seconds and then they turn on again.
Music – Server Music fade with lights, and once they are turned on, it
also fade in slowly with them.
Camera – Studio Camera is zoomed out, when lights are almost turned on
it zooms in and focuses Stephanie
Camera – Live The camera focuses both Camila and Daniela Gomez
Emission 3
Camila – Plaza de Thank you Daniela, That's all for today here, I'll be
Bolivar reporting any significant event that is presented here in
the Plaza Bolivar.
Nicole Garcia – The Institute for Social Economy IPES in agreement with
Sarah – Studio the Telecommunications Company of Bogota (ETB) calls
people at levels 1, 2 and 3 who are interested in
acquiring computer skills to learn Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, navigation Internet and email use. Entries
are free of charge and can register from this October 20
by calling 2976030 ext 156.
Camila – Studio Now we will talk about more good things about Bogota.
Camila – Studio When you come as a tourist and you don’t have a car
you don’t have to worry, here in Bogota there’s an
amazing mean of transportation called “ Transmileo”, it’s
a kind of red large bus that has two cabins separated by
Felipe – Studio And now, let’s talk about children, we have to news
about them.
Camilo – Studio Yes, and they are commanded by Johanna Lazaro that
is here with us.
Camera – Studio Camera turns to Johanna.
Felipe – Studio So Johanna, tell us how this idea came to your mind or
how it was developed, give us some details.
Johanna – Sarah – Off course. This idea came to my mind when I saw a
Studio movie were some normal people came to some
hospitals to entertain the child, so there the idea came to
my mind. Two weeks ago I took the graduates that I
command and we investigate on how to be a clown and
other sort of things that relate to this.
Camilo – Studio And how did you start? Has something happened?
Johanna – Sarah – Obviously, the first day we came to entertain a baby, but
Studio when we arrived he died, this make us sad, but gave us
the forces to make this even better, each day we
entertain more than 300 kids, and according to doctors
their disease cures quicker when they are entertain, also
this changes their routine.
Camilo – Studio Wow, this is a nice social action, but what about other
Johanna – Sarah – Other three hospitals are receiving the same attention in
Studio Bogota and the effects are the same.
Camera – Studio Camera zooms out and focuses Camilo and Felipe.
Camilo – Studio Nice, let’s talk about the other news about Childs!
Camilo – Studio Hey Londoño, it is magnificent the way this death data is
going down, we can see that in this year only one case
has presented and this is all because the district free
dining rooms in benefit for the kids.
Felipe – Studio What can you say about these free dining rooms?
Camilo – Studio Well, there are like 310 dining rooms working around the
city that attend a quantity of 670000 of kids. Also, every
25 days, these rooms are open to offer a special meal
for the kids so the menu can vary, sometimes the food
will be French, other Italian and maybe other Chinese,
Felipe – Studio Last year, 19 kids died because malnutrition, this year
only one kid has died, this is an amazing number.
Camilo – Studio Nice, also there is a nutritionist that is helping with the
daily values of the snacks, currently they give 35% of the
needed calories in on day, the rest can be given in the
lunch, this is revised and also changed every month so
the variety also changes.
Felipe – Studio Well we can see that the health is increasing in our kids,
we are going right back with you, (make to appear
reading something).
Music – Server Music fades out with the lights, once they are turned off
there is no music, and when they begin to turn on the
music fades on.
Lights – Studio Lights turn off and then they turn on 10 seconds later.
Felipe – Studio That’s right, I have previously talk with the ministries of
health in Bogota and I feel very glad because this goal
there were around 119000 kids vaccinated in this
program wish indicates more than the 96% percent that
was predicted for this project. They didn’t get higher than
this since 15 years ago, here is only the happiness of
everybody for the health of our kids.
Camilo – Studio Thank you Londoño, what is the most specifically data?
Felipe – Studio Well Calixto, in the program there were two vaccines the
one of the pneumococcus was applied for around 22600
kids and the other one, the vaccine of the rotavirus, was
applied to 11000 kids; the value of both vaccines was
higher than the 500000 pesos.
Sarah - Studio Now we are going to talk about recyclers, which seek to
mend differences with Bogota District
They will meet with the Department of Government and
Public Services Unit on 21 October at nine o'clock.
Stephanie – After the march led by about 700 recyclers protesting the
Studio award of the Doña Juana landfill to a new operator and
the low participation in the political claim to have
recycling in the city, the District of Administration,
represented by the Secretary of Special Administrative
Unit and Public Service met for three hours with union
representatives to try to reach an agreement.
Camera – Studio Camera zooms out and focuses Felipe, Camila and
Camilo - Studio In other news of Bogota, started a vaccination day for all
the people of Bogota, mostly for old persons.
Felipe – Studio The vaccines that are going to be given to the people
are to avoid pneumococcus and influenza. These
vaccines will be given free to all the persons for making
sure no one gets risk of having these diseases.
Camilo – Studio The vaccine will be given mostly to people over 60 years
looking for decreasing the mortality rate and respiratory
diseases that in 2009 get 89 deaths.
Felipe – Studio Bogota’s mayor said that they are ready 170,000 shots
for pneomococcus and 132,000 for influenza, for all
persons over 60 year, without taking into account the
health regime they have.
Camilo – Studio The health secretary talk and tell that with this health
campaign the number of people who entered to hospitals
with respiratory diseases has decreased in a 30 percent
and the deaths for the same thing decreased in 87
Fade Out
In class, we learned:
How to find the mistake of an script an how to correct them, also, what
expressions should not be used to make the dialogue more
This part was very important for correcting all the mistakes that were
made in the first draft so we could make a very good
What is a storyboard?
Once your script is written , the next step is to make a storyboard. A storyboard visually tells the TV news program panel
by panel, kind of like a comic book.
Your storyboard will should convey some of the following information:
What charaters are in the frame, and how are they moving?
What are the characters saying to each other, if anything?
How much time has passed between the last frame of the storyboard and the current one?
Where the "camera" is in the scene? Close or far away? Is the camera moving?
Storyboard Language
CLOSE-UP SHOT: A close range of distance between the camera and the subject.
DISSOVLE: A transition between two shots, where one shot fades away and simultaneously another shot fades in.
FADE - A transition from a shot to black where the image gradually becomes darker is a Fade Out; or from black where
the image gradually becomes brighter is a Fade In.
HIGH CAMERA ANGLE: A camera angle which looks down on its subject making it look small, weak or unimportant.
JUMP CUT: A rapid, jerky transition from one frame to the next, either disrupting the flow of time or movement within a
scene or making an abrupt transition from one scene to another.
LEVEL CAMERA ANGLE: A camera angle which is even with the subject; it may be used as a neutral shot.
LONG SHOT: A long range of distance between the camera and the subject, often providing a broader range of the
LOW CAMERA ANGLE: A camera angle which looks up at its subject; it makes the subject seem important and
PAN: A steady, sweeping movement from one point in a scene to another.
POV (point of view shot): A shot which is understood to be seen from the point of view of a character within the scene.
REACTION SHOT- 1.: A shot of someone looking off screen. 2.: A reaction shot can also be a shot of someone in a
conversation where they are not given a line of dialogue but are just listening to the other person speak.
TILT: Using a camera on a tripod, the camera moves up or down to follow the action.
ZOOM: Use of the camera lens to move closely towards the subject.
Storyboard Examples
In class, we learned: