Daily Reflection

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Daily Reflection

SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul
Date: 29th JULY 2018

The first day of our practicum began smoothly as we assumed on the day before. As usual,
the assembly started at 7.20 morning. We also joined the weekly assembly and the Senior
Assistant of the school introduced to all of them. We were so nervous to sit infront of the pupils
as it was the first time experience in school. After the assembly ended, we were called to meet
the Senior Assistant of the student to get our timetable. The Senior Assistant 1, Mr Kadiravan was
more concerned with administrative issues and school policies. He gave a rather detailed about
the school’s effort to adhere to the target of the school. My partner and I were given year 4 and
year 5 for the subject English and Pendidikan Kesihatan. We were given 8 periods per week.
There are 26 teachers and 3 staffs in this school. At the same time, we spent some time with our
cooperating teacher to get some important documents like DSKP and Rancangan Pelajaran
Tahunan. I was familiarise myself with those documents to get a general idea of how to tackle the
pupils. We were preparing the lesson to carry out it on Tuesday. We got introduced with the
teachers in the school and learnt some rules and regulations about the school.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

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Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 30th JULY 2018

On our second day, I was preparing the lesson plan for the subject Pendidikan Kesihatan for the
Year 5 Vivegam. It is the first time for myself to do a lesson plan for 33 pupils, I tried to refer to
my cooperating teacher, Miss Tavamani to get some advice related to our lesson plan. Today, we
were given kelas ganti for 5 Vivegam. It was my first time to enter year 5 class in that school. I
took this opportunity get to know about the pupils in the class. I look around the situation in the
classroom. Pupils were so excited during my lesson. I gained a new experience where pupils
were very attentive to my instructions. I felt motivated to teach that class. With that inspiration, I
was preparing myself to teach Pendidikan Kesihatan on the next day. I also discussed about the
lesson plan with our cooperating teachers. She motivated us a lot by providing some ideas on
how to do a lesson plan with interesting elements. I used some of her ideas to implement in the
coming lesson.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 31 JULAI 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45-12.15 (30 minutes)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Ini merupakan hari yang pertama saya memasuki kelas 5 Vivegam bagi subjek Pendidikan
Kesihatan. Saya mengalami masalah mengajar subjek Pendidikan Kesihatan dalam Tamil. Hal
ini kerana, semua istilah dan perkataan dalam subjek ini susah untuk difahamkan bagi saya
mahupun murid. Saya juga memasuki kelas 10 minit awal untuk menyediakan LCD bagi set
induksi. Saya bersama kawan saya telah mengambil masa yang lama untuk memasang LCD.
Oleh itu, kami telah menggunakan komputer riba bagi menunjukkan video. Walaupun saya tidak
dapat menayang video secara besar, tetapi saya dapat memulakan pengajara seperti dirancang.
Kesemua aktiviti yang dirancang berjalan dengan lancar. Tetapi, bagi aktiviti 2, pula murid-murid
telah mengambil masa yang lama untuk menyiapkannya. Hal ini menyebabkan saya tidak dapat
merumuskan pengajaran dengan sepenuhnya. Di samping itu, murid-murid telah memberi
komitmen yang sepenuh sepanjang pengajaran. Saya rasa puas hati kerana ini merupakan kelas
yang pertama. Hari ini, saya telah mempelajari beberapa perkara yang perlu diperbaiki dalam
kelas yang akan datang.

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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 5th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 11.45-12.45 (60 minutes)
Focus: English
On the fourth day, I entered 4 Vivegam to teach English subject. I was quite nervous as the
number of pupils in the class were 33. I was scared that I was unable to end my lesson as I
planned before. I showed my lesson to my cooperating teachers the day before my lesson. The
teacher checked my lesson plan and gave some feedbacks. I entered the class 10 minutes earlier
so that I can prepare myself as well. My pupils were engaged to my lesson when I played the Hari
Raya song. The song played during set induction helped the pupils engaged to the lesson. Then,
the group activity that I carried out was interesting as my pupils were able to give cooperation in
answering all my oral questions. I personally think that I still can improve my lesson by including
some fun elements like pop quiz, mind map, and kahoot games. As all the activities carried out in
groups, I was unable to assess my pupil’s level or ability as individual. The one-hour experience
showed me the outmost importance of classroom management techniques to a teacher and a
successful lesson and the “teacher presence”.

I personally took note myself that I need to start remembering the pupils’ name instead of trying
to spy on their name tags. As it is the first day I entered the class, I asked my pupils to write their
names and put on their table. It might help me to remember their name faster.

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Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 2nd AUGUST 2018

Today, I was busy doing my lesson plan as I will be observe by my cooperating teacher on
Monday. I asked some advices from my cooperating teacher so that I can perform well during the
observation. I was uploading my previous lesson plan in e-poroms as it is one of our routines. I
also read the comments that given by the lecturer. I changed some elements in the lesson plan.
I also met my cooperating teacher for the subject Pendidikan Kesihatan. He checked my lesson
plan and gave some comments. I helped my practicum partner to set up things for his lesson.
Later we were discussed about our pair teaching that going to be conduct on the next week. We
divided our task equally for the pair teaching. The whole day, I spent time in preparing lesson plan
for the next week.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 1st AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 11.45-12.45 (60 minutes)
Focus: English(Unit 10: Let’s celebrate)
Actually I felt quite good about today’s lesson, but it turns out it was not to be as well. I
was unable to carry out my closure as I used more time for while listening and speaking stage. I
learned to carry out some classroom management techniques like setting to stopwatch. Other
than that, I decided to use ‘class-yes’ technique. So whenever I say ‘class’ they have to say ‘yes’
instead of “class”. I also learned on how to divide the group equally so that it won’t be gender
bias. I can use numbering technique to divide the pupils equally. As overall, pupils were so excited
during the lesson as they learnt a lot about the Malaysian festivals. Pupils were listening
attentively when I taught about dumpling festival of the Chinese.

Next, the activities conducted were interesting as I implemented the concept of bubble map. All
the pupils in the class were able to draw a bubble map and write the main point based on the
topic given to them since they had knowledge on i-think map. Moreover, my second activity that
is poison basket was also an interesting activity. Pupils were excited in passing the poison basket.
All the pupils got the chance to participate in that activity. The killer of my lesson is the attitude of
the pupils who like to talk with their friends in Tamil in the classroom. One of the negative side in
my lesson plan was the pupils like to communicate in Tamil. To overcome this problem, I need to
have punishment box for them. Those who speak in Tamil will be given punishment to pay 10
cent. I am sure that it will reduce the number of pupils talking in Tamil.

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Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 6th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 09.15-10.15 (60 minutes)
Focus: English(Unit 10: Let’s celebrate)

Today was the day where my cooperating teacher, Madam Tavamani came to observe my
teaching. I felt very nervous because I was scared that I cannot control the class. At 9.15 morning,
I entered 4 Vivegam for a English lesson. I was waiting for my cooperating teacher to enter the
classs. After she arrived, I started my lesson with my set induction. This time I tried a new method
which was “Hangman game”. Pupils were so excited with my set induction. They were able to
identify the topic of the day in a short period of time. Then, I moved on to my second activity which
was gallery walk. I divided the pupils into 6 groups and the pupils were given a worksheet. Then
the pupils walked around the class to find answers for the questions. It was a new method used
during my lesson. It was effective for the pupils as they were able to find answers individually.

All the pupils were able to give cooperation and answer the questions. I felt satisfied with the
pupils attitude because when compare to the previous class, the pupils showed a good attitude.
The cooperating teacher gave some comments on my downside such as from the aspect of class
control and time management. From the positive aspect, she commented that the activities were
interesting and engaging. All the activities that I planned, creative especially my last activity. I
asked my pupils to write a question in a sticky note based on the topic that they learned previously
and paste them on the board. Then, I give the sticky note of their friend to exchange with their
friends. The pupils need to answer the questions. Some of the pupils wrote sentences instead of
writing questions. So, I called those pupils and guided them on how to write questions. Overall,
my objective of my lesson was achieved as I planned earlier.
Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 06 OGOS 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45-01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan
Hari ini merupakan hari yang pertama saya memasuki kelas 4 Vivegam bagi subjek Pendidikan
Kesihatan. Walaupun saya telah memasuki kelas ini bagi subjek Bahasa Inggeris, saya
mengalami masalah dalam memberi arahan dalam Bahasa Tamil. Saya meneruskan pengajaran
seperti biasa. Murid-murid telah memberi komitemn yang sangat tinggi dimana saya dapat
melaksanakan kesemua aktivti yang dirancanag dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Bagi set induksi,
saya menunujukkan gambar yang berkaitan dengan topik. Walaupun ia merupakan keadah lama,
tetapi saya memberi peluang kepada murid untuk berfikir jawapan dari pelbagai aspen dan
dimensi. Manakala, aktiviti kedua merupakan salah satu aktiviti yang menarik bagi pengajaran
hari ini. Semua murid telah bekerjasama dalam menyempurnakan tugasan yang diberi kepada
mereka. Penggunaan i-think map merupakan kaedah yang baik digunakan dalam kelas. Aktiviti
ini dapat merangsang pengetahuan murid dengan cepat dan tepat. Secara keseluruhan
pengajaran hari ini berjalan dengan lancar dan mencapai objektifnya.

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Tarikh : Tarikh :

Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 26th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 09.15-10.15 (60 minutes)
Focus: English
Today my lesson was on listening and speaking skill. Today the lesson was interesting because
it involved star wars hero which is batman. I told the pupils imagined that they received a message
from batman. All the pupils were so excited and began to ask questions. I used ICT during
presentation. It engaged the pupils throughout the lesson. For activity 1, each group were given
an envelope. The pupils need to arrange the pictures accordingly after listening to the teacher’s
description. Then, I ask my pupils to write an invitation card to batman who want to visit Malaysia
soon. The pupils selected an interesting place in Cameron Highlands. Pupils explain their reasons
to choose that specific place. Then, they put the invitation card inside the post box. All the pupils
gave a good cooperation for all the activities. I think I need to improve from the aspect of ICT. For
instance, the pupils cannot listen clearly when the audio was played in the classroom. So, I have
to repeat the audio thrice. As overall, my lesson achieved the learning objective.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 07 OGOS 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 – 01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Hari ini saya telah menggunakan kaedah yang baharu untuk memulakan pengajaran saya iaitu
Hangman. Kesemua murid telah berasa seronok dengan set induksi. Saya telah menggunakan
slaid bagi langkah 1. Saya telah menerangkan beberapa situasi konflik dan stress yang berlaku
dalam kalangan rakan sebaya. Saya mengaitkan situasi tersebut dengan kesan konflik dan stress
dengan rakan sebaya. Saya telah menggunakan peta dakap(Brace Map) bagi langkah kedua.
Saya telah menerangkan cara menggunakan peta dakap. Murid-murid telah diberi masa untuk
membentangkan hasilan mereka. Kesemua murid dalam kelas mendapat pengalaman baru
dalam penggunaan peta dakap. Manakala aktiviti terakhir pula lakonan. Setiap kumpulan akan
melakonkan sebuah situasi dan kumpulan lain akan mencatat kesan yang berlaku daripada
situasi tersebut. Aktiviti ini telah mengambil masa yang agak lama. Secara keseluruhannya,
pengajaran dan pembelajaran berlangsung secara lancar dan mencapai objektifnya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 12th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 11.45-12.45 (60 minutes)
Focus: English (Unit 10: Let’s celebrate)

Today the class went smoothly as I planned. The pupils learnt about two articles that were ‘the’

and ‘zero article’. The pupils were excited when the hangman game was introduced during set

induction. Then, I gave the input on the use of both the articles. The pupils asked question when

they were not understand. It helped me to understand the pupils’ level or ability. I also used the

powerpoint slide because it was more effective compared to chalk and talk. Later, I gave them a

task to create 6 sentences using the two articles: ‘the’ and ‘zero article’. In groups, the pupils were

able to create sentences on time. This helped my lesson to move smoothly as I organised. To

enhance the pupils understanding I gave my pupils another worksheet. But this time I asked them

to work in pairs. Pair work help the pupils to understand the content deeper. Most of the pairs

were able to answer correctly for all the questions. I felt satisfied because the pupils were able to

achieve the learning objective. I gave reward to all the pupils who were able to answer all the

questions and asked them to rewrite all the sentences in the exercise book. Eventhough writing

in a notebook is an old techniques but it will help the pupils to remember for a long period.
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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 8th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 11.45-12.45 (60 minutes)
Focus: English(Unit 10: Let’s celebrate)

Today I carried out Language Arts for Year 4 pupils. The lesson was interesting as the pupils use
this platform to show their talent in acting. I was surprised that most of the pupils were able to
perform well. Even though my set induction was simple but the pupils still engaged towards the
lesson. During activity 2, pupils were given chance to talk about the characters involve in the
scene. As a team, the pupils able to cooperate each other to complete the given task. During
activity 3, pupils used props and dialogue to make their performance more interesting. I
encourage the pupils by giving them some ideas on how to make dialogues.

While, activity 1 is about the story telling. I used powerpoint slides instead book or videos to tell
the story. While listening to the story, pupils were asked to list all the main characters in the story.
It enables pupils not to felt boring and help them to remember the story. After the story session. I
asked some of them to list down all the characters in the story. Overall, the lesson went smoothly
and organised.

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Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 13 OGOS 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 – 01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Hari ini pengajaran dan pembelajaran berjalan dengan lancar. Murid-murid tertarik dengan set
induksi di mana saya menunjukkan sebuah tayangan video yang bertemakan keluarga. Murid-
murid memberi responden yang sangat baik. Kesemua aktiviti yang dirancang sangat menarik
dan murid-murid telah memberi komitmen yang sangat tinggi. Semua murid telah melibatkan diri
dalam semua aktiviti.. Selain itu, murid dapat menyatakan sekurang-kurangnya 4 daripada 5
kepentingan hubungan kekeluargaan. Murid-murid dapat menunjukkan semangat kerjasama
antara satu sama lain semasa aktiviti kumpulan. Murid-murid juga menanya beberapa soalan
kepada guru apabila mereka tidak faham tentang sesuatu perkara. Secara keseluruhannya,
pengajaran berjalan dengan lancar seperti dirancang.

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Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

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Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 14 OGOS 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini berjalan dengan lancar. Sebagai permulaan, saya
menggunakan aktiviti teka-teki bagi murid untuk meneka tajuk hari ini. Selepas itu, saya
menggunakan powerpoint slaid untuk menunjukkan beberapa contoh cara untuk menyelesaikan
masalah yang berlaku dalam kehidupan. Saya telah menggunakan peta i-think (peta buih) bagi
murid untuk menyeneraikan 3 cara untuk mengatasi konflik yang berlaku dalam kalangan
keluarga dan 3 cara bagi rakan sebaya. Penggunaan peta i-think membantu murid untuk berfikir
Aras Tinggi. Pada peringkat kemuncak, aktiviti lakonan diberikan kepada murid bagi menguji
kefahaman murid. Secara keseluruhan, objektif hari ini dicapai oleh murid.

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Tarikh : Tarikh :
Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 13th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 09.45-10.15 (60 minutes)
Focus: English

Today is the day I was observed by my lecturer. I felt very nervous to enter the class. As the
number of pupils are more, I was afraid that I was unable to control the class. I was well prepared
before enter the class. It was listening and speaking lesson. So, I decided to use library to conduct
my class. I planned to tell my pupils a story on Christmas. I began my lesson by showing some
pictures to my pupils. I asked my pupils to guess the name of the story by looking at the pictures.
At last, I was able to elicit responses from the pupils. The pupils were so excited when I asked
them to sit in semicircle. I sat at the center of the semicircle and began to tell the story. The pupils
listened to the story attentively. While listening to the story, I asked my pupils to write the title,
place and time involved in the story. It helped the pupils to remember and understand the story
better. One of my negative point was I forgot to ask my pupils to bring their pencils before they
sat in semi-circle. It made the pupils to have a lot of movement and waste of time. All the pupils
gave cooperation while doing the tasks given to them. During Activity 2, pupils used their own
creativity in creating their cards. Pupils decorated their cards creatively. Before I ended my class,
I asked my pupils to write the lesson that they had learnt in a piece of paper and put inside the
box. It reminded them the moral values that they learnt during pre-listening and speaking stage.
I also need to improve by asking my pupils to present their card in front of the class. It might make
the pupils be proud of their own work.

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Tarikh : Tarikh :

Daily Reflection
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Date: 15th AUGUST 2018

Class: 4 Vivegam
Time: 11.45-12.45 (60 minutes)
Focus: English

Today I was not able to conduct class since the pupils had their Tamil examination. The lesson
was postponed to next week.

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Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 27th August 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15 – 10.15 (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today the lesson was quite interesting for set induction, I asked my pupils to find 8 pictures around
the class. Pupils were only able to find 4 pictures out of 8. Then, I used slide show to tell the story.
I included pictures to attract the pupils’ attention. As it is a reading lesson, I asked my pupils to
read the story as a group. For the next activity, I asked pupils to work in groups. Al the groups
were able to paste the pictures with correct description. For activity 3, I asked the pupils to write
a conclusion for the story. Pupils used their own creativity in writing the conclusion. Then, I asked
my pupils to present their conclusion or ending. I gave reward to the group that wrote an
interesting ending. Overall, the objective was achieved by the pupils.

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Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul
Tarikh: 27 OGOS 2018
Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 p.m – 01.15p.m (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini berjalan dengan lancar. Sebagai permulaan, menunjukkan
salah satu wabak dari salah satu filem tamil iaitu Vaaranam Aayiram. Murid dapat mengaitkan isi
video dengan pelajaran hari ini. Sebelum aktiviti diberikan saya telah menggunakan slaid untuk
memberi input tentang tajuk hari ini. Permainan cabutan tuah telah dijalankan untuk menguji
kefahaman murid tentang topik hari ini. Semua murid mendapat peluang untuk menjawab soalan.
Murid-murid telah menberi komitmen yang tinggi di dalam kelas. Sebagai aktiviti kemuncak, saya
memberi latihan dalam buku teks. Secara keseluruhan, murid-murid dapat mecapai objektif
pengajaran dengan berjaya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 28 OGOS 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini berjalan tidak begitu lancar. Walaupun set induksi menarik
perhatian murid iaitu teka silang kata. Kebanyakkan murid berjaya mencari semua perkataan
dalam masa yang diberikan. Saya tidak puas hati dengan aktiviti satu iaitu penerangan melalui
aktiviti “Hide and Seek”. Hal ini kerana murid tidak dapat terlibat dalam aktiviti tersebut secara
menyeluruh. Sesetengah murid berasa bosan apabila hanya 1 kumpulan terlibat dalam aktiviti
1.Oleh itu, saya perlu menyusun strategi supaya semua terlibat dalam masa yang sama.
Manakala, aktiviti kotak beracun tidak begitu efektif disebabkan kekangan masa. Murid-murid
telah mengambil masa yang terlalu lama untuk menjawab soalan dalam kotak tersebut. Selain
itu, semua murid tidak mendapat peluang untuk menjawab soalan dalam masa itu. Saya
menghadapi masalah dalam menjalankan langkah ketika iaitu permainan kahoot. Saya tidak
dapat untuk melaksanakan aktiviti tersebut. Secara keseluruhan, saya tidak dapat mencapai
kesemua hasil pembelajaran.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 29th August 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.45 (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today I taught writing skills to my pupils. Today I introduced them the star wars language which
was a new approach for them. I asked my pupils to decode the star wars language. At first, my
pupils faced some difficulties in understanding the need of the text. As they read the instruction
given, they were able to finish the task on time. It took long time for them to decode the symbols,
but it was challenging to them. I gave some guidance to the pupils during the presentation stage.
I showed two samples on how to decode star wars language. I was satisfied with my pupils’
cooperation along the lesson. At the same time, I need to improve from the aspect of level of
difficultness for my pupils. I may give 3 or 4 phrases instead of 10. Pupils took long time to
complete the two decoding tasks. The pupils were able to achieve the learning objective

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 03th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris
Today was my second observation by my lecturer. I taught my pupils on language art skills. I
introduced them a song title ‘Going around Malaysia’. I used video for my set induction. While
watching the video, I asked my pupils to list down the name of the places in the video. I chose
some of them to list the name of place. Instead of asking the name of places from the video, I
may asked the name of the places that they has visited before this. The pupils faced some
difficulties to follow the tune of the song. I asked my pupils to sing the song by group. I spend
quite long time on that song. It caused my other activities to be carried out faster. Then, I asked
my pupils to replace the bold words with other name of places like Johor, Penang and Sabah.
Some of the groups were able to sing the song according to the tune but some were not. I asked
my pupils to give mark to their friends group. Some of the groups were even used some of musical
instruments like bottle, table to make sound. As activity 3 I asked my pupils to draw an i-think
map. They chose a place their favourite place in Malaysia and write the attraction that they can
see at there.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :

Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 03 SEPTEMBER 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 p.m – 01.15p.m (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini berjalan seperti biasa. Hasil pembelajaran dicapat oleh
kesemua murid dalam kelas. Saya telah menayangkan salah satu wabak dari filem ‘Vel’. Saya tu
telah mengaitkan isi pelajaran dengan filem tersebut. Saya telah menunujukkan slaid untuk
memberi input tentang kepentingan menyayangi diri sendiri dan ahli dalam keluarga. Dalam
menggunakan Powerpoint dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran, saya perlu memastikan
slaid yang ditunjukkan kepada mereka sepatutnya sesuai daro aspek warna dan saiz
huruf. Saya boleh memasukkan elemen-elemen lain seperti gambar dan nota kecil.
Selain itu, saya telah mengadakan cabutan bertuah dimana murid dikehendaki hantar
bakul yang disediakan sehingga muzik diberhentikan oleh guru. Aktiviti ini menarik dan
dapat meguji kefahaman murid tentang tajuk hari ini. Semua murid memberi komitmen
yang baik. Aktiviti ketiga pula, saya memberi aktiviti berkumpulan dimana mereka perlu
melukis peta buih dan menyenaraikan kepentingan menyayangi diri sendiri dan dan ahli-
ahli lain dalam keluarga. Setiap kumpulan diberi peluang untuk membentang hasilan
mereka. Saya telah memilih dua murid untuk merumuskan pengajaran hari ini.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 04 SEPTEMBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 a.m – 12.15p.m (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Hari ini saya telah memulakan pengajaran dengan menunujukkan video. Semua murid
berasa seronok apabila saya menunjukkan filem Tamil. Saya telah menggunakan buku
teks semasa memberi input kepada mereka. Saya menerangkan harapan ahli keluarga
dari aspek ibu bapa dan anak. Seterusnya saya menjalankjan sebuah permainan kecil
iaitu cabutan bertuah.Hanya beberapa murid dapat peluang untuk menjawab soalan.
Aktiviti ketiga pula lebih menarik dimana mereka perlu mencipta sebuah kad. Murid telah
mencipta kad harapan dari segi ibu bapa dan anak. Wakil dari setiap kumpulan telah
membentangkan kad mereka. Mereka dapat mencapay kedua-dua hasil pembelajaran.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 10th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris
Today was listening and speaking lesson. It was my first time of using some of new methods like
kinesthetic symbol, station game and round robin story. Pupils were so excited when I used this
method. It is also effective to use for set induction. It also save my time because pupils easily can
guess the title of the story. The pupils were engaged to the lesson when I played video of the
story entitled “The boy who cried the wolf”. For while listening and speaking, I asked my pupils to
play station game. I asked the pupils to choose one pupil from each group. The station masters
did their job well. All the pupils gave a good cooperation during station game. Meanwhile for while
listening and speaking, pupils were ask to sit in a circle. The pupils were given task to tell a
sentence to continue story orally. Some pupils were not able to continue the story line. They faced
some difficulties to make a sentence about the story that they learnt. But I give some guidance
like words. It makes them to make a simple sentences. The lesson was carried without any
problem even though I tried to use some new methods during my lesson.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 12th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45am-12.45pm (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris
Today I was carried out a reading lesson. I asked my pupils to categorise the sentence strips to
good bad behavior. The pupils were so excited when they were asked to burst the ballon to get
the sentence strips inside the ballon while for bad behavior I asked them to paste outside the
dustbin. The pupils were successfully categorise the sentence correctly. For pre-reading stage, I
introduced the characters in the story. Some of them were able to memorise the characteristics
of the characters. Then I used power point slide to present the story. I asked my pupils to read
the story as a whole class. I also used moving images to make my slide more interesting. While
reading the pupils do true or false statement exercise. Most of the pupils were able to answer all
the questions correctly. For the last activity, I asked my pupils to predict the ending of the story.
Pupils were so creative in predicting the ending for the story. I asked my pupils to read their
ending. The pupils achieved the learning objectives.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 17th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris
Today was the writing lesson. As usual, I played hangman game with my pupils. I asked my pupils
to guess the letters. Even though, the class was quit noise but I was still able to control the
classroom. Then, I asked them to recall back the story that they learnt ‘Honesty is the best policy’.
I asked them some Wh-questions to recall back the story. Then, I asked them to a worksheet to
write an email to their friend. They use their own language to write the story. The pupils exchange
their worksheet with their friends that they wrote. Some pupils were not able to finish the whole
story because they faced some difficulties in writing a complete sentence. I gave them a change
to mark their friends writing. It helped the pupils to learn their own mistakes. Other than that, the
pupils were asked to write a reply letter for their friends. Pupils also learnt to write email message.
They felt so excited in writing the email messages since it is the first time they were writing email.
As overall, the pupils were able to achieve the learning objective.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 19th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45am-12.45pm (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today I carried out language arts lesson. I asked my pupils to guess the title of the story using
kinesthetic symbol. The pupils were so excited in guessing the title. Then, I projected a story
entitle ‘An honest boy’. While listening to the story, I asked the pupils to write the new words that
they learnt from the lesson. Most of the pupils asked the meaning of the same words. So, it is
easier for me to explain the meaning to them. Then based on the story the pupils were played
music box. The pupils who get opportunity to answer the question were answered all the questions
correctly. It is one of my learning objective that I had achieved in this lesson. Then, I asked my
pupils to create a bookmark that contains main details. All the pairs used their creativity in creating
their bookmarks. They were able to include characters, title of the story and also new vocabulary.
Some of the pupils were not follow the instruction. But, most of the pupils were able to achieve
my second learning objective. I was satisfied with my today’s lesson. The teacher might write the
details on the board instead of giving instruction orally. It will make the pupils to remember what
to write inside the bookmark.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 10 SEPTEMBER 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 – 01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Hari ini saya telah dipantau oleh pensyarah pembimbing saya. Saya telah memulakan pengajaran
dan pembelajaran dengan kaedah kinesthetic symbol. Murid meneka tajuk yang mereka belajar
hari ini. Bagi langkah 1, saya telah menggunakan buku teks dalam memberi input tentang tajuk.
Pensyarah pembimbing telah menasihatkan untuk menggunakan buku teks sebagai rujukan.
Sebagai alternatif, saya boleh menggaplikasikan cara lain seperti penggunaan power point slaid.
Hal ini dapat menarik minat murid dan PdP akan berjalan dengan lancar. Permainan cabutan
bertuah sangat efektif bagi PdP hari ini. Murid dapat menjawab semua soalan dengan betul dan
tepat. Murid dapat mencapai hasil pembelajaran bagi aspek kognitif. Manakala bagi langkah,
murid telah menggunakan peta i-think untuk menyeneraikan beberapa cara meluahkan
perasaaan kasih sayang dalam keluarga. Penggunaan peta i-think dapat berfikir pada aras yang
tinggi. Tetapi, saya boleh menambahbaikan dari segi persoalan. Saya boleh memberi soalan
secara terperinci. Hal ini dapat murid untuk berfikir secara mendalam. Secara keseluruhan murid
telah memberi kerjasama yang terbaik bagi pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 17 SEPTEMBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 – 01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari ini berjalan tidak begitu lancar. Murid telah menggunakan
masa 5 minit untuk mengurus kelas. Walaupun set induksi telah menarik minat murid, tetapi
langkah 1 tidak begitu efektif untuk dilaksanakan bagi topik ini. Murid telah menggunakan masa
yang lama untuk menguruskan aktiviti lakonan dalam kumpulan. Saya boleh menggunakan
aktiviti lain seperti permainan stesyen. Hal ini kerana murid berasa bosan apabila set induksi
dengan langkah satu mempunyai aktiviti yang sama. Di samping itu, saya perlu memberi situasi
yang mempunyai pelbagai watak. Sesetengah murid tidak dapat peluang untruk berlakon kerana
situasi tersebut hanya mempunyai 2 watak. Sebagai penambahbaikkan, saya perlu mengagihkan
tugasan seperti ketua kumpualan, ketua perancang, ketua disiplin dan sebagainya. Selain itu,
saya telah menggunakan salah satu aktiviti abad ke-21 iaitu ‘Traveling File’. Saya telah memberi
arahan tentang cara menggunakan kaedah ini. Murid melaksanakan langkah kedua dengan
berjaya. Secara keseluruhan, murid dapat mencapai kesemua hasil pembelajaran.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 18 SEPETEMBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari berjalan seperti biassa. Murid tidak dapat menonton video
kerana masalah teknikal dalam LCD. Oleh itu , saya telah menyuruh murid untuk menonton video
melalui komputer riba. Saya telah menanyah beberapa soalan kepada murid untuk menguji
kefahamana murid tentang video yang ditonton oleh mereka. Bagi langkah 1, saya telah aktiviti
kumpulan iaitu untuk mencari ayat yang disembunyikan di sekitar kelas. Murid telah bekerjasama
di antara satu sama lain. Murid dapat mengkategorikan kenyataan dengan betul. Saya telah
menggunakan kenyataan tersebut untuk memberi input yang lebih lanjut. Di samping itu, saya
menggunakan peta i-think(peta buih) untuk menyeneraikan keperluan dan kehendak bagi ahli
keluarga yang dibri kepada mereka. Secara keseluruhannya, PdP berjalan dengan lancar dan
murid dapat mencapai hasil pembelajaran dengan berjaya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 24 SEPETEMBER 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 – 01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Hari ini pengajaran dan pembelajaran tidak dapat dijalankan kerana Peperiksaan UPSR. Kelas
ini diberi cuti.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 25 SEPETEMBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari berjalan seperti biasa. Saya telah menayangkan sebuah video
yang berkaitan dengan tajuk. Murid dapat meneka tajuk pengajaran dengan senang. Mereka
dapat mengaitkan video tersebut dengan isi pelajaran. Bagi langkah 1, saya telah memberi
peluang bagi murid untuk memberi input tentang tajuk. Kaedah ini dapat menguji pengetahuan
yang sedia ada pada murid. Secara keseluruhan, semua murid mempunyai pengetahuan tentang
maksud dan peranan remaja. Murid telah memberi komitmen yang tinggi bagi aktiviti lakonan.
Semua murid dapat mencapai objektif pembelajaran dengan berjaya. Kelemahan dalam
pengajaran dan pembelajaran ini ialah semua murid tidak dapat terlibat dalam dalam langkah 1.
Secara keseluruhannya, objektif pembelajaran dapat dicapai seperti dirancang.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 26 SEPETEMBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari berjalan seperti biasa. Hari ini saya telah melaksanakan
‘Observation’ oleh pensyarah. Bagi set induksi, saya telah menayangkan sebuah video yang
menunjukkan remaja yang terlibat gejala sosial. Saya telah menanya beberapa soalan kepada
murid untuk menguji kefahamana murid tentang video yang ditonton oleh mereka. Murid dapat
meneka isi pelajaran dengan betul. Saya telah menggunakan kaedah ‘Jigsaw puzzle’ bagi
langakah 1. Murid dapat menyiapkan puzzle dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Mereka diberi masa
untuk membentang kefahaman tentang gambar yang dicantum oleh mereka. Murid telah
bekerjasama di antara satu sama lain. Ini merupakan kali yang pertama saya menggunakan
kaedah traveling file bagi kelas ini. Murid dapat menulis satu cara untuk mengatasi masalah yang
diberi kepada mereka. Kelemahan dalam meenggunakan traveling file ialah murid meniru
jawapan kumpulan lain. Hal ini menyebabkan murid untuk berfikir dalam skop yang tertentu.
Selain itu, murid membentang traveling file masing-masing dalam konsep “Gallery Walk”. Saya
boleh menyusun strategi dengan memilih seorang murid untuk membentang traveling file mereka.
Hal ini dapat mengelak beberapa masalah di kelas. Bagi aktiviti yang terakhir, saya memberi peta
i-think(peta buih) untuk menyeneraikan 5 cabaran yang dipelajari sepanjang PdP hari ini. Secara
keseluruhannya, PdP berjalan dengan lancar dan murid dapat mencapai hasil pembelajaran
dengan berjaya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 01 OKTOBER 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45 – 01.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Hari ini saya telah minta salah satu murid untuk membuat lakonan tentang penyakit sakit jantung.
Daripada lakonan, murid dapat meneka tajuk pengajaran. Saya menggunakan slaid untuk meberi
penerangan tentang topik hari ini iaitu “Penyakit”. Saya telah menanya beberapa soalan kepada
murid untuk menguji kefahamana murid tentang video yang ditonton oleh mereka. Bagi langkah
1, saya telah memberi gambar sampul surat bagi setiap kumpulan. Semua kumpulan dapat
mencantumkan gambar dengan berjaya. Murid dapat menerangkan gambar dengan
menggunakan input yang diberi dalam langkah 1. Murid telah bekerjasama di antara satu sama
lain. Di samping itu, murid dapat menggunakan peta i-think dengan betul untuk menulis input
tentang penyakit yang diberri kepada mereka. Secara keseluruhannya, PdP berjalan dengan
lancar dan murid dapat mencapai hasil pembelajaran dengan berjaya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 23th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today I carried out grammar lesson. My pupils were engage with the video shown for set
induction. Pupils were felt easy to learn through videos. Pupils were able to answer the questions
asked after the video session. Then, I taught them the rules of adverb. Pupils were asked to take
note. Some tend to copy all the things from the slide instead of important points. Activity 1 was
carried out interestingly where the pupils were given a pictures. In groups, pupils able to write as
much sentences about the picture using the correct adverb. But there are some of them were not
able to find adverb from the pictures. They just acts as silent partner in the group. I need to
improve from the aspect of roles in a group. Then, I gave the pupils a worksheet to test on their
understanding on adverb. Most of the pupils were able to achieve the learning objective but there
were some unable to give coopration during group work.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 24th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

The class were not carried out because they were given holiday for UPSR.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 26th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45am-12.45pm (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

The class were not carried out because they were given holiday for UPSR.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 27th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 08.15am-09.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today I had observation of my lecturer. Today the lesson were so interesting because I atught
them Unit 13, our country, our pride. I showed a video on idli. It helps the pupils to guess the topic
easily. Then, I asked my pupils to list the tradisonal food of Malay, Chinese and Indian. Pupils
were so excited till I asked them to be queit. Some of the pupils were mentioned the food that I
never heard before. From there I can guess that the pupils had a prior knowledge on traditional
in Malaysia. For activity 2, the pupils were asked to fing the pictures of traditional food around the
classroom. They were given chance to explain about the food. Pupils were able to speak
confidently about the food as they have experience in eating those foods. Later, I asked my pupils
to sell the foods in their own stall. For this activity, I may plan some strategy like ask them to sell
as a group. It makes the class more noise and I unable to observe the pupils. Eventhough I
assigned a group to be police. As overall, I was able to achieve the learning outcomes.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 30th September 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today I taught them a reading lesson. Today the lesson was quite boring because I asked them
to read a conversation. Some of the pupils were not attentive because I asked them to read as a
group. I asked my pupils to ask the words they cannot understand. Some even take note in their
exercise book. Activity 3 was an interesting activity because I played music box with them. Pupils
were so excited during the activity. The pupils who get chance were answered the question. Some
of the pupils were bored as they were witing for their chance. But still most of the pupils had a
chance to answer the questions in the box. I able to achieve my learning objective partially.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 01st October 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today was writing lesson. For set induction, I showed a video on Merdeka Parade in Malaysia. I
asked some HOTS question based on the video. Pupils wrote the activities in the video. Then, I
asked my pupils to arrange the sentence strips that were given in the group based on the notes
shown in the slide. All the groups were able to arrange correctly. Pupils were given an exposure
on hoe to write a story on National Day. For production part, I asked them to write their own story
that happened in their school. I gave them some notes to guide them. I guide them by giving
sample text about National Day. Pupils were able to write a story by their own. As overall, pupils
were able to achieve the learning outcome.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 03th October 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45am-12.45pm (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today was language arts lesson. Pupils were so excited when I showed them a video about
Malaysia. The usage of Information Communication and Tecnology (ICT) was very helpful for the
whole lesson to introduce the topic of the day. The pupils were able to get a clear picture about
Malaysia. For activity 1, I taught them a song titled ‘Malaysia, my home’. The pupils were engaged
to the lesson. I played the tune and the pupils felt easy to follow the song. Some of the pupils
even memorise some of the lines in the short time. Then, I introduced the pupils some new
vocabulary like honour, and united. The pupils learnt the meaning of the words and the
pronounciation of those words. Later for the next activity I gave the pupils a worksheet. I played
the song meanwhile the pupils were asked to fill in the blanks with the correct words. The pupils
were able to follow the song but some were unable to write the words correctly. Some of the weak
pupils tend to look their friends answer. The pupils spelled the words wrongly. For the last activity,
I asked my pupils to draw pictures that related to the song that they sang. Teacher gave some
time for the pupils so that they able to produce a creative artworks. As overall, the pupils achieved
all the learning objective successfully.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 02 OKTOBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45 – 12.15 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari berjalan seperti biasa. Murid-murid dapat mencapai objektif
pengajran dengan jaya. Murid diberi tugasan untuk membuat sebuah lakonan bagi set induksi.
PdP sangat menarik kerana saya menggunakan kaedah-kaedah baharu iaitu hot seat dan forum.
Murid-murid diberi tugasan masing-masing. Selepas input diberi kepada murid, saya telah
menggunakan kaedah ‘Hot Seat” dimana salah satu murid daripada setap kumpulan duduk di
depan kelas. Murid itu perlu menjawab kesemua soalan yang ditanya oleh kumpulan lain. Murid
berasa seronok apabila murid yang duduk di depan tidak dapat menjawab soalan. Kaedah ini -
boleh diperbaiki kerana ahli-ahli kumpulan lain akan duduk sahaja kerana hanay satu individu
yang terbat dan soal jawab. Selain itu, saya juga adakan forum antara dua kumpulan. Aktiviti ini
memberi peluang kepada semua murid untuk mengemukakan idea masing-masing. Forum
merupakan salah satu kaedah yang sangat menarik. Semua murid dapat melibatkan diri dalam
kesemua aktiviti dengan jaya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 04 OKTOBER 2018

Kelas: 5 Vivegam
Masa: 08.15 – 08.45 (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari berjalan seperti biasa. Hari ini saya telah melaksanakan
Bersama dengan pensyarah dan guru pembimbing. Kali ini saya menggunakan puzzle bagi set
induksi. Murid berassa seronok mereka menyelesaikan puzzle dengan jaya. Saya menggunakan
padlet untuk memberi input tentang topik hari ini. Disebabkan padlet pempunyai elemen-elemen
yang menarik murid memberi komitmen yang tinggi. Disamping itu, saya juga tidak dapat
menayangkan slaid dengan terang kerana tidak ada skrin yang sesuai. Ini merupakan salah satu
kelemahan saya. Seterunys, saya mengadakan ‘Gallery Walk’ bersama murid. Murid sangat
seronok apabila saya memberi tugasan untuk mencari maklumat dari setiap stesen. Kesemua
kumpulan dapat mencapai objektif pengajaran dengan berjaya. Saya juga menggunakan peta i-
think bagi langkah yang terakhir dimana murid perlu menulis maklumat mengikut penyakit.
Kesemua kumpulan dapat menulis kesemua input yang saya beri kepada mereka. Objektif
pengajaran dan pembelajaran bagi hari ini dapat dicapai oleh muid.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 03th October 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 11.45am-12.45pm (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today was language arts lesson. Pupils were so excited when I showed them a video about
Malaysia. The usage of Information Communication and Tecnology (ICT) was very helpful for the
whole lesson to introduce the topic of the day. The pupils were able to get a clear picture about
Malaysia. For activity 1, I taught them a song titled ‘Malaysia, my home’. The pupils were engaged
to the lesson. I played the tune and the pupils felt easy to follow the song. Some of the pupils
even memorise some of the lines in the short time. Then, I introduced the pupils some new
vocabulary like honour, and united. The pupils learnt the meaning of the words and the
pronounciation of those words. Later for the next activity I gave the pupils a worksheet. I played
the song meanwhile the pupils were asked to fill in the blanks with the correct words. The pupils
were able to follow the song but some were unable to write the words correctly. Some of the weak
pupils tend to look their friends answer. The pupils spelled the words wrongly. For the last activity,
I asked my pupils to draw pictures that related to the song that they sang. Teacher gave some
time for the pupils so that they able to produce a creative artworks. As overall, the pupils achieved
all the learning objective successfully.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 08th October 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 09.15am-10.15am (60 minit)
Fokus: Bahasa Inggeris

Today was grammar lesson. Today, I had my ‘Bersama’ with my lecturer and my cooperating
teacher. Eventhough, I felt nervous but I was still confidenty with my lesson. This time I used
HOTS elements in my lesson. For instance, the pupils to categorise the correct use of adverb of
time in a sentence. The pupils gave their best during the lesson. Pupils were actively answer all
my questions. This is especially during activity 1 where the pupils were asked to paste the correct
adverbs in the green jar. But I need to improve from the aspect of giving instructions to them.
Pupisl were not clear about the instruction that I gave to them. For the next class, I should give
simple and clear instructions. Other than that, I chose 8 pupils to stand infront the class as a
special guest. I paste answers behind the 8 pupils. Eventhough the pupils were so excited with
the activity, but my lecturer commented that I need to some task to those 8 pupils. There was no
involvement among the 8 pupils. As overall, the pupils were able to achieve the learning objective

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :
Refleksi Harian
SJK (T) Kalaimagal, Kampung Rendah, Padang Tenusu, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul

Tarikh: 08 OKTOBER 2018

Kelas: 4 Vivegam
Masa: 12.45pm – 01.15pm (30 minit)
Fokus: Pendidikan Kesihatan

Pengajaran dan pembelajaran hari berjalan seperti biasa. Murid melibatkan diri secara
menyeluruh. Murid-murid telah ditunjukkan sebuah video berkaitan penyakit. Murid-murid
mempunyai pengetahuan tentang penyakit berjangkit. Oleh itu, saya tidak mengambil masa yang
lama untuk memberi input yang lebih lanjut tentang tajuk hari ini. Hari ini saya telah menggunakan
kaedah yang bahari iaitu ‘Hot Seat’. Murid-murid telah memberi kerjasama yang baik. Kaedah ini
sangat efektif bagi tajuk ini. Aktiviti seterusnya ialah pembinaan peta i-think. Murid murid telah
dapat menjana idea dalam bentuk peta buih. Kelemahan dalam PdP kali ini ialah murid tidak
mencukup masa untuk membentang peta i-think mereka. Hanya 2 kumpuilan mendapat peluan
g untuk membenatngt peta i-think mereka. Secara keseluruhan, murid dapat mencapai objektif
pelajaran dengan berjaya.

Disemak oleh Guru Pembimbing Disemak oleh Pensyarah Pembimbing

Tandatangan : Tandatangan :

Nama : Nama :

Tarikh : Tarikh :

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