Sem II (E Group) PDF
Sem II (E Group) PDF
Sem II (E Group) PDF
Objectives: The basic necessity for the foundation of Engineering & Technology being
mathematics, the main aim is, to teach mathematical methodologies & models, develop
mathematical skills & enhance thinking power of students.
Unit V: Linear Differential Equations of the second order and their applications:
Homogeneous linear equations of second order, Second order homogeneous equations with
constant coefficients, Differential operators, Euler Cauchy Equations, Non-homogeneous
Equations, Solution of non-homogeneous equations with constant coefficients using method of
undetermined coefficients and method of variation of parameters. Modeling - Mass Spring
Systems, Forced Oscillations, Resonance.
Unit VI: Higher Order Linear Differential Equations and Simultaneous Differential
Equations [5]
Higher order homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations with constant coefficients,
Application to elastic beams, Simultaneous differential equations.
Text Books
1. Thomas’ Calculus (11th Edition), Pearson Education, Delhi.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7 Student Edition) by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern
Reference Books
1. Engineering Mathematics Vol I, II, III by P.N. Wartikar, J. N. Wartikar Pune Vidyarthi
Gruha Prakashan.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by C.R. Wylie, McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (5th edition ) by Peter V. O’ Neil, Thomson.Brooks /
Cole, Singapore.
4. Differential Equations With Applications and Historical Notes by George F Simmons
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana (Tata McGraw Hill Publ.)
Course Outcome:
1. Students will be able to think logically & understand the basic concepts.
2. Demonstrate problem solving for application of multiple integrals in solving Engineering
3. Prepare themselves to understand the more advanced topics in differential equations by
learning basics of differential equations.
2. Semiconductor conductivity
Electron and hole concentrations in intrinsic semiconductors, Intrinsic density, Intrinsic
conductivity, Extrinsic conductivity, Law of mass action, Fermi level in extrinsic semiconductors,
Electrical conduction in Extrinsic semiconductors, Diffusion length and mean life time, Hall
3. Semiconductor devices
Formation of p-n junctions, position of Fermi level in equilibrium, forward and reverse bias, p-n
junction diode: I-V charateristics in forward and reverse bias, Photodiode.
4. Electromagnetics
Differential and integral calculus: Concept of gradient, operator, divergence and curl
Line, surface and volume integrals, Gauss –Divergence theorem, Stokes theorem,
Equation of continuity, Divergence of magnetic induction, Biot savarts law. Magnetic vector
potential, Amperes circuital law,
6. Electrodynamics
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, the basic equations of electromagnetism,
generalization of amperes law, Maxwell’s equations.
Text Books:
Introduction to Electrodynamics, D.J.Griffiths, Springer publication
Engineering Physics by Avdhanulu Kshirasagar S. Chand Publications
Modern Physics and Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, New Age International 4th
Reference Books:
Classical Electrodynamics, By J D Jacson, Wiley Publishers
Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser ; Tata McGraw – Hill Edition
Modern Physics – Jeremy Bernstein , Paul m. Fishbane, Stephen
Gasiorowics ; Pearson Education
Solid State Physics – A. J. Dekkar. ; Mac Millan India Limited
Solid State Physics - Niel W. Aschcroft & N. David Mermin, , Thomson Books
Fundamentals of Magnetism- B. Cullity – Addison-Weseley Publishing
Semiconductor devices, physics and technology, S. M. Sze Wiley
Introduction to solid state physics C. Kittel, Wiley
DC Circuits:
Basic electrical quantities -Electrical energy and power- Introduction to Resistance,
Inductance and capacitance. Types of sources Ohm’s Law-Fundamental circuit laws:
KCL and KVL-D.C. circuits and network simplification ( series, parallel, star/delta ) -
Mesh and Nodal Analysis. Principle of superposition-Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems.
Step response of R-L, R-C circuits.
Unit 2 (7 hrs)
AC Fundamentals:
Generation of alternating voltages-sinusoidal voltages and currents Different
terminologies associated with AC circuit. Behavior of AC circuit containing pure R, L,
and C.
Phasor representation in rectangular, polar and exponential forms Impedance and
admittance concept
Power in single phase circuit: - Concepts of Active, Reactive and apparent power, power
factor. Power in non-sinusoidal circuits.
Unit 3 (7hrs)
AC Circuit Analysis:
Series RL, RC and RLC circuits-application of complex notation- series-parallel circuits-
Thevenin’s Theorem.
Time and frequency response of AC circuits. Series / parallel resonance.
Three phase voltages, current and power-Star connected and delta connected balanced
circuits-delta/Star equivalence-analysis of balanced three phase circuits Power
measurement in Three phase circuit.
Unit 4 (8 hrs)
Magnetic Circuits:
Magnetic circuits’ concepts-BH curves-characteristics of magnetic materials-practical
magnetic circuits with d.c. excitation-magnetically induced voltages-self inductance-
magnetic circuits with ac excitation-hysterisis and eddy current losses-exciting current.
Unit 5 (10 hrs)
Single-phase transformer construction-action in an ideal transformer, inrush current
phenomenon. - departure from ideal transformer -equivalent circuit and determination of
parameters-efficiency and regulation. Behavior of Practical transformer on loaded condition.
Unit 6 (6 hrs)
Switches - Main Switches - Sockets - Switch boards - Wall socket - Fuse units - Lamp Holders -
Ceiling rose - Distribution boxes - Miniature Circuit Breaker - Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker -
Ceiling fan - Electronic fan regulator - Storage type Water Heater – Immersion Heater – Wires
and Cables (PVC, VIR, Weather Proof) - UG Cable (LT and HT) - Copper conductor sizes and
rating – Earth wires.
Lamps: Incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, Sodium vapour lamp, High Pressure Mercury
Vapour lamp, Halogen lamp - Neon tube/lamp - Electronic Choke for TL - Compact Fluorescent
Lamp, LED lights
S. Parker Smith: Problems in Electrical Engineering, Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 7th
D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath: Problems and Solutions in Basic Electrical Engineering,
TMH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 3rd edition.
Text Books:
D.P. Kothari and I.J. Nagrath: Basic Electrical Engineering, TMH Publishing Co. Ltd., New
Delhi, 3rd edition.
Reference Books:
A.E. Fitzgerald and D.E. Higginbotham: Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill Book
Co., New York, 2nd edition
A.E. Fitzgerald: Electrical Machines, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 3rd edition.
Designing Embedded System with PIC microcontroller, Tim Wilmshurst, 2nd Ed.,
Newnes Publiaction, 2009
Course Outcomes:
To learn about different Chemicals, Engineering materials with reference to Chemical bonding,
properties and applications. Give the students a glimpse of Analytical chemistry and supplement
the learning with Hands on experience in the Chemistry laboratory.
Unit 1 (8 hrs)
Chemical bonding, Phase Rule, Metals and Alloys : Review of periodic trends, need for
chemical bonding and types of bonding viz. ionic, covalent, metallic - Characteristic Properties ,
bond energy.
Phase rule : concept of Components, phases, degree of freedom, One and two component
Unit 2 (8 Hrs)
Corrosion : Introduction; electrode and electrode potential, Electrochemical and Galvanic
series, Corrosion
Dry (atmospheric) corrosion and mechanism, Pilling-Bedworth Rule .Wet(electrochemical)
Mechanism of Wet (electrochemical) corrosion – Galvanic corrosion, Concentration cell
corrosion; Types like Pitting, Crevice, Stress, Intergranular corrosion
Factors affecting corrosion; nature of metal, nature of environment, Pourbaix (E - pH) diagram
Principles of electrochemical corrosion prevention; Cathodic protection, Passivity of metal and
Anodic protection, Coatings-Types and functions
Unit 3 (8 hrs)
Water : Physical and chemical properties, Impurites and sources of water, Water quality
parameters, Boiler feed water, Calculations of Hardness, Methods of water purification-
Reactions involved in soda lime process, Ion exchange method.
Unit 4 (8 hrs)
Fuels and batteries :Introduction, classification of conventional fuels, Solid, liquid and
gaseous fuels. Characteristics of good fuels. Introduction, type fuel cell, H2 and O2 fuel cell ,
Phosphoric acid, SOFC , batteries- primary ( Lead acid) , Secondary ( Ni-Cd) , Lithium ion
Rocket fuels.
Unit 5 (6 hrs)
Analytical Chemistry : Qualitative and Quantitative ananlysis, Titrimetry , gravimetry,
instrumental methods of analysis : an overview, Absorption spectrometry UV, Vis, AAS
Electro analyticl methods: Potentiometry, pH metry, conductometry.
Unit 6 (6 hrs )
Cement and Refractories : Cement types,Chemical and constituents comoposition,Setting
and Hardening of cement.Various types of refractories.
Reference Books:
A textbook of Engineering Chemistry: Jain and Jain, Dhanpatrai Publication.
Instrumental Methods of Chemical analysis, Willard Dean, Merrittee, Tata MacGrow Hill
Fundamentals of Materials Science, L H VanVlack, Tata MacGrow Hill Limited.
Course Outcomes
1. Offered at the level of FYBTech, Engineering Chemistry course creates the basic
foundation for the students to strengthen their understanding on the related core
subjects in their respective branches
2. The significance of teaching the aforementioned course is realized in both research, and
development of innovative technologies by the student’s successful participation in
various basic level research oriented programs, and competitions, both at the national
and international levels.
3. Good knowledge of instrumental methods in chemistry.
To know the fundamental principles of geometrical drawing
To visualize the various machine components
Unit 1 (8 hrs)
Unit 2 (6 Hrs)
Unit 3 (6 hrs)
Isometric Projections: Difference between isometric view and projection. Drawing isometric
views from given orthographic views.
Unit 4 (6 hrs)
Course Outcomes
The students should able to
1. The course is designed to give students an ability to read and write the language of
Engineering Graphics: to study its basic theory and to be familiar with its accepted conventions
and abbreviations.
2. Develop the ability to visualize and communicate three dimensional shapes.
1. Comprehend general projection theory, with emphasis on orthographic projection to
represent three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional views
2. To be able to plan and prepare neat isometric drawings of regular planes and solids
3. Dimension and annotate two-dimensional engineering drawings.
4. Freehand sketching to aid in the visualization process and to efficiently communicate ideas
5. To be able to plan and prepare neat orthographic drawings of points, straight lines, and
regular planes and solids.
6. Knowledge of basics of CAD software
Laboratory work shall consist of four A2 (420mm x594 mm ) size drawing sheets as given below
Sheet No 1
Two problems based on orthographic projections
Sheet No 2
Two problems based on isometric projections
Sheet No 3
Two problems based on missing views
Sheet No 4
Computer Aided Drafting
Course Outcomes
The students should able to
1. The course is designed to give students an ability to read and write the language of
Engineering Graphics: to study its basic theory and to be familiar with its accepted
conventions and abbreviations.
2. Develop the ability to visualize and communicate three dimensional shapes.
3. Comprehend general projection theory, with emphasis on orthographic projection to
represent three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional views
4. To be able to plan and prepare neat isometric drawings of regular planes and solids
5. Dimension and annotate two-dimensional engineering drawings.
6. Freehand sketching to aid in the visualization process and to efficiently communicate ideas
7. To be able to plan and prepare neat orthographic drawings of points, straight lines, and
regular planes and solids.
8. Knowledge of basics of CAD software
To develop experimental skills and understand the principles in Chemistry and their applications
in the field of Engineering.
At the end of semester a practical exam will be conducted worth 28 marks during the
regular practical hours
Course Outcomes
1. Chemistry practical course provides the foundation for the students to strengthen their
practical understanding on the related core subjects in their respective branches
2. Students become practically competent to successfully participate in both research, and
development of innovative technology programs, both at the national and international
1. This course provides hands on training on instruments which are used in various
industrial laboratories.
List of Experiments:
1 Characteristic of GM counter
2 Measurement of e/m of an electron by Thomson’s method
3 Band gap of a semiconductor by four probe method
4 Structural study of crystalline material
5 Hall effect in Semiconductor
6 Magnetoresistance measurement of semiconductor
7 Linear or mass attenuation coefficient by GM counter
8 Measurement of magnetic susceptibility by Quinke’s method
9 Hysteresis loop trace
1 Study of Biot-Savart’s law
Course Outcomes:
Introduction to different materials in engineering practices with respect to their
workability, formability & machinability with hand tools & power tools and to develop
skills through hands on experience.
Term work shall consist of three jobs and journal consisting of six assignments one on
each of the following topics.
Fitting- (1 Job for Non Electrical Group & Demonstration for Electrical Group)
Types of Fits, concepts of interchangeability, datum selection, location layout, marking,
cutting, shearing, chipping, sizing of metals, drilling and tapping.
Term work to include one job involving fitting to size, male-female fitting with drilling
and tapping.
Sheet Metal Practice– (1 Job for Electrical Group & Demonstration for Non
Electrical Group)
Introduction to primary technology processes involving bending, punching and drawing
various sheet metal joints, development of joints.
Term work to include a utility job in sheet metal.
Assembly and Inspection. (Common for Electrical & Non electrical Group)
Assembly and Disassembly of some products, tools used. Videos of advancement in
manufacturing technology. Inspection of various components using different measuring
Safety in Workshop (Demonstration Common for Electrical & Non electrical
Fire hazards, electric short circuit –causes and remedies, Machine protection, Human
protection, Accident prevention methods, developing ability to observe safe working
habits. Introduction to measuring equipments used in Quality Control.
Electrical Board Wiring (Demonstration Common for Electrical & Non electrical
Electric power utilization, energy audit, Types of wiring - House wiring, stair case wiring,
two-way switch wiring, Types of fuses and their uses, circuit breaker, Three phase wiring
for electrical motors, earthing, minor fault finding.
PCB Making (Demonstrations Common for Electrical & Non electrical Group)
Layout drawing, positive & negative film making, PCB etching and drilling
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students should be able to understand basic Manufacturing
Processes used in the industry, importance of safety, and electrical and electronics circuit
List of Experiments:
1. Effect of temperature on resistance.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to: