Holy Sexuality and The Gospel: 1. Shaped by God's Grand Story - Framing The Conversation With Theology

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Holy Sexuality and the Gospel

Christopher Yuan 
The Crown Publishing Group 

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5 notes/highlights
Created by LIndomar MOreira da Silva Moreira ​ ​ – Last synced July 12, 2019 

1. Shaped by God’s Grand Story | Framing the

Conversation with Theology

Many books provide advice for showing compassion to 15

those experiencing same-sex attractions

July 12, 2019 

My mother began to pray a bold prayer: “Lord, do 16

whatever it takes to bring this prodigal son to you.”
She didn’t pray primarily for me to come home to
Chicago or to stop my rebellious behavior. Her main
request was that God would draw me to himself and
that I would fall into his loving arms as his son,
adopted and purchased by the blood of the Lamb.

July 12, 2019 

My true identity is in Jesus Christ alone 17

July 12, 2019 

3. The Image of God | Where Identity Begins

It’s no wonder confusion abounds when it comes to 27

human sexuality—we don’t even know who we are.
But the truth is, we can’t properly understand human
sexuality unless we begin with theological

July 12, 2019 

As a matter of fact, an important premise of 27

theological anthropology is recognizing that “Know
thyself” isn’t possible apart from God

July 12, 2019 

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