Cher N Yshev 2017

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3, JUNE 2018 1637

Internet of Things (IoT): Research,

Simulators, and Testbeds
Maxim Chernyshev, Zubair Baig, Oladayo Bello, and Sherali Zeadally

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) vision is increasingly the ecosystem, information will be shared among diverse
being realized to facilitate convenient and efficient human living. subsystems to make timely decisions that impact human liv-
To conduct effective IoT research using the most appropriate ing. Therefore, the long-term success of IoT will depend
tools and techniques, we discuss recent research trends in the
IoT area along with current challenges faced by the IoT research on the evolution and development of subsystems of the IoT
community. Several existing and emerging IoT research areas ecosystem.
such as lightweight energy-efficient protocol development, object Since the inception of IoT, several research works have
cognition and intelligence, as well as the critical need for robust been undertaken in many areas. These efforts can be clas-
security and privacy mechanisms will continue to be significant sified into business-related or technical-related research. In
fields of research for IoT. IoT research can be a challenging
process spanning both virtual and physical domains through this paper, we focus on some of the most recent technical
the use of simulators and testbeds to develop and validate the research activities reported for IoT. First, we classify these
initial proof-of-concepts and subsequent prototypes. To support technical research works based on the main components of the
researchers in planning IoT research activities, we present a com- IoT ecosystem. Thus, the classification is based on research
parative analysis of existing simulation tools categorized based works that have actually focused on the following IoT aspects:
on the scope of coverage of the IoT architecture layers. We com-
pare existing large-scale IoT testbeds that have been adopted by IoT devices, communication, and connectivity, i.e., networks,
researchers for examining the physical IoT prototypes. Finally, smart services, and data.
we discuss several open challenges of current IoT simulators and Technical research in the IoT area is challenging because of
testbeds that need to be addressed by the IoT research commu- the rapid pace of technological advances, the interdisciplinary
nity to conduct large-scale, robust and effective IoT simulation, collaboration required in some areas and the ever-increasing
and prototype evaluations.
demands of society [1]. To achieve an effective IoT ecosys-
Index Terms—Internet of Things (IoT), simulator, testbed, tool. tem, a right balance must be created among research activities
involving the technical components or systems and subsystems
of the IoT because an unbalanced proportion of the research
activities may affect the overall growth of the IoT in the near
HE VISION of the Internet of Things (IoT) is
T to build a smart environment by utilizing smart
things/objects/devices that have sensory and communication
Research in the IoT area should give attention to and include
all components and elements that make up the IoT ecosystem.
capability to autonomously generate data and transmit it In this paper, we review some of the trends in IoT research
via the Internet for decision making. Such decisions are used activities, and particularly on the technical subsystems of IoT
to address issues related to human living such as energy over the past five years. We consider recent publication trends
management, climate change, transportation, healthcare, busi- of three main databases of publishers of information and com-
ness logistics, building automation, and others [1]. The IoT munication technology (ICT) research namely, Springer Link,
vision encompasses several building blocks that integrate and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Elsevier and
engage multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary activities from the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
both business and technical domains [2]. This implies that Xplore. As with any research and development, we real-
there must be a symbiotic interaction among various entities of ize that IoT research works should produce tangible results
the IoT ecosystem to facilitate its growth and success. Within that can be utilized, leveraged, and exploited by IoT prod-
Manuscript received September 15, 2017; revised December 2, 2017; uct manufacturers, industries, and service providers directly
accepted December 9, 2017. Date of publication December 22, 2017; date or indirectly to accelerate the creation of a smart environment
of current version June 8, 2018. (Corresponding author: Sherali Zeadally.) for the benefit of society [1], while promoting standardized
M. Chernyshev is with the Security Research Institute, Edith Cowan
University, Joondalup, WA 6027, Australia. best practices in design, implementation, and manufacturing
Z. Baig is with the School of Science, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, of IoT products and services. For each classification of the
WA 6027, Australia. IoT technical component, we discuss various areas that have
O. Bello is with the Department Applied and Computational Mathematics,
Whitning School of Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, been receiving the most attention from the research commu-
MD 21218 USA. nity and we present the goal and achievements of these IoT
S. Zeadally is with the College of Communication and Information, research efforts. Finally, we review some of the simulators that
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 USA (e-mail: can be used for IoT research and we also present a number of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2786639 existing open IoT testbeds that have been recently deployed
2327-4662 c 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

by various research groups globally for conducting large-scale T OTAL N UMBER OF P UBLICATIONS ON IoT BY E ACH
IoT research. P UBLISHER B ETWEEN 2012 AND 2017
The aim of this paper is to provide guidance for planning
the IoT research activities—specifically, to outline the signifi-
cant IoT research trends, and provide an overview of existing
IoT research tools that support the proof-of-concept and pro-
totyping phases of the research lifecycle. We summarize the
main contributions of this paper as follows.
1) We present IoT technical research trends for the past
5 years.
2) We highlight prioritized research areas and goals of the
IoT research community and their basis.
3) We present a comparative analysis of simulation tools
and open testbeds that are currently being used by IoT
4) We discuss a few open research challenges associated
with simulators and testbeds used for IoT research.


A. Recent Trends in IoT Research
Research publications have consistently provided the means
to access information that can advance technical innovation
and the evolution of developing concepts or technologies. They
also create a platform for knowledge dissemination of research
activities being carried out in any subject area of a professional
discipline. As with any research and development, several fac-
tors influence the research activities in IoT. These include
funding, level, and amount of research expertise, industry
direction and interest, and consumer demands and needs.
These factors have a huge impact in the trend and direction
taken by researchers in carrying out their respective research
works. To better understand the trend of IoT research activities,
we present the number of publications on “Internet of Things”
over the last five years from four of the leading publishers of
research works on ICT.
Usually, conference, journal, and book publishers require
researchers to provide relevant keywords that are used for with an increase in the number of journal and Early Access
indexing and categorizing publications. These keywords assist publications during the same period.
readers to find publications related to these keywords from the IoT publications that focus on data explore how the captur-
search engines. Thus, the keyword: “Internet of Things” was ing of real world physical data, knowledge, and information
used to obtain the data given in Table I and Fig. 1. can be achieved in a reliable and secure manner. IoT research
Table I lists the number of publications on IoT that have efforts have been undertaken in the areas of data sensing
been published by ACM, Springer Link, IEEE Xplore, and and generation, data collection, data storage (cloud and fog
Elsevier for different publication types (conference proceed- technologies), data mining and management, data analytics,
ings, journals/articles and books, and so on). Fig. 1 shows the automation, and machine learning. IoT research activities
trend in the number of publications over the last five years. on big data received the most research attention for the
The total number of publications presented comprise research data category [4].
works that cover four main technical areas of IoT such as Networks and connectivity refers to the components of the
IoT devices, communication and connectivity, and smart ser- IoT ecosystem that enable seamless and continuous commu-
vices and data. Since these are the building blocks for the IoT nication among IoT devices. The IoT publications in this
ecosystem and with the 2017 top trending IoT areas [3], IoT area investigate the design of scalable wired networks, wireless
research works can be classified under these technical areas. long-range and wireless short-range networks infrastructure for
As shown in Fig. 1, the data obtained from Springer Link the IoT, how to achieve efficient and reliable data transmis-
and Elsevier reflects a consistent increase in the number of sion, routing, security, and quality of service (QoS) within
IoT publications from 2012 to 2017. However, IEEE Xplore the IoT. Other hot topics are the design of energy efficient
and ACM had a slight decline in their conference publications, resource allocation and optimization schemes for communi-
and the total number of publications from 2016 to 2017; albeit cation networks in the IoT. In addition, some IoT research

efforts have investigated how smart objects can autonomously

operate and communicate with other IoT objects to achieve
distributed decision making without the support of a cen-
tralized infrastructure. In this context, device discovery and
cognitive protocols for context-awareness in general and
content-aware communications between devices are some of
the areas that have been investigated. Moreover, significant
research literature has also been published on wireless sen-
sor and actuator networks [4] and network virtualization, most
probably because these are the primary research domains
driving the technological advances of IoT.
In the devices category, research efforts extend over
sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID) devices, con-
tactless devices, wearable devices, smart consumer appliances,
driverless vehicles, embedded systems, and energy harvest-
ing for these devices. Others areas of investigation include
enabling security and privacy, addressing and identification
of devices, and design and modeling of miniaturized smart
objects. Areas that are increasingly attracting research interest
include the development of protocols that enable cognition
and intelligence in devices for the creation of activity-aware, Fig. 1. Total number of publications on the IoT per year by each publisher.
policy-aware and process-aware devices, objects, or things [5].
Research works on activity, policy, and process-aware devices,
objects, or things generally include enabling of devices to: cap- Based on the above features, we highlight some IoT research
ture and interpret human-user actions, perceive and instruct goals that will enable the successful realization of the IoT now
their respective environments (e.g., setting off an alarm for and in the future.
a detected anomaly/perceived abnormal action), analyze device 1) Achieving Lightweight Protocols Without Compromising
observations and to communicate these results to other objects Efficiency and Reliability: Communication between devices
through the Internet. in the IoT environment involves miniature sensors and wear-
Moreover, since the smart services and applications pro- ables that are deployed in places that are out of reach for
vided by the IoT are sustained through decision making humans. Due to their miniature characteristic, these devices do
processes, these smart services are supported by leverag- not have the capability to operate with the heavyweight proto-
ing concepts in other research domains such as applica- cols designed for legacy Internet devices. Therefore, a major
tion, algorithm, and software development, mobile computing, research goal is to design efficient and reliable lightweight pro-
automation through artificial intelligence and machine learn- tocols that are not resource-intensive. IoT protocols designed
ing, and location-based services. Smart services and applica- for these purposes (routing, QoS, resource allocation, secu-
tions include smart city, smart grid, smart transportation, smart rity, and interoperability) must be lightweight and at the same
health (health monitoring, assisted living), home and build- time achieve the efficiency, scalability, and reliability of legacy
ing automation, and home area networks. Other IoT research Internet protocols (IPs) used for the same purpose.
activities that overlap with these research domains are research 2) Enabling Longer Battery Life Through the Design of
on energy efficiency, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, Energy Efficient Mechanisms for Devices: The battery life
IoT architectures, standards, and the interoperations of legacy of IoT devices raises a lot of concern for device manufac-
Internet systems with state-of-the art IoT components. These turers and the research community. Many rigorous research
areas are playing a fundamental role in the development of efforts have been devoted to this area [6]. Since most devices
the IoT environment [1]. are deployed in harsh and remote environments out of reach
for humans; frequent battery charging and re-charging may
B. IoT Research Goals for the Future not be possible. Thus, devising energy efficient protocols con-
An inherent feature of the IoT ecosystem is the integra- tinues to be of immense interest to the research community.
tion of the physical world with the Internet, which is achieved Other vital related research areas include the development of
through devices that exhibit self-X capabilities, where X refers mechanisms that enable devices to self-generate, harvest, recy-
to functionalities such as configuring, optimizing, manage- cle, and store energy [7]. These efforts include adjusting the
ment, healing, and adaptive (ability to autonomously react protocol stack of networking technologies to support energy
to changing environmental conditions) [1]. These devices efficiency [6], [8] because power consumption is generally
form networks wherein data is generated, transmitted, ana- high in legacy protocol stacks such as the traditional IEEE
lyzed, and applied to make decisions with minimal or no 802.11 family of network protocols, Bluetooth, and DECT [9].
human intervention [6]. In addition, many of the devices are 3) Facilitating Cognition and Intelligence to Enable the
resource-constrained in terms of memory, processing power, Smartness of IoT Objects/Things/Devices: IoT envisions to
and battery life. control human living and environment by autonomously

monitoring, sensing, and even directly interacting with the data provided by sensors that use low accuracy in the interest
physical world, human life activities, collecting information of power conservation can be fused with other data collected
from these activities and transmitting or communicating the to produce more accurate information. Data fusion is expected
data obtained so that appropriate decisions can be made. to be highly beneficial for autonomous vehicles, deep learning,
In most scenarios, this process may not involve humans, and smart city applications.
therefore, high-level cognition close to human intelligence is 7) Enabling End-to-End Seamless Connectivity and
required. In the IoT ecosystem, cognition occurs when an Mobility: Realizing ubiquitous, continuous, and seamless
object/thing/device is programmed with the ability to mimic end-to-end connectivity for every IoT device, whether station-
the human brain and thought processes. Such cognitive abil- ary or mobile, is crucial for the IoT ecosystem, thus making it
ity facilitates smartness [10]. As such, IoT devices will not one of the goals for IoT researchers. Mechanisms supporting
be merely intelligent devices, but will incorporate cognition seamless communication and handover to ensure that devices
to learn from related data sources (including the environment) remain connected to each other or a network infrastructure
just like humans do. Cognition is achieved with the use of cog- irrespective of their movement status and continue to be
nitive computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning explored.
solutions. Thus, another major challenge for researchers is to 8) Miniaturization of Devices: As IoT becomes pervasive,
investigate innovative techniques to enable precise cognition the design of miniature devices becomes easier and cheaper
to be achieved in the IoT environment so that the smartness of per Moore’s Law. Thus, research activities in this area focus
relevant IoT devices can be achieved. For example, cognitive on the development of practical technologies that can enable
intelligence has already been applied to applications for coop- the design of low-cost miniature devices.
erative spectrum sensing in the Internet of Vehicles to improve
primary channel availability [11]. Smartness can also be real- C. IoT Research Results
ized by combining IoT with a cognitive dynamic system to
It is worth pointing out that some of the goals discussed
further enhance current smart home applications using almost
above are yet to be accomplished and new goals are emerg-
identical sensors and actuators [12]. Conceptually, efforts in
ing due to changes in user demands and expectations with the
the area form the subfield of the cognitive IoT, with several
emergence of new smart applications. Table II presents a few
unresolved future research challenges [13].
of the common, prominent IoT research goals, and some of
4) Device/Objects/Things Identification, Addressing, and
their associated results to date. These results have yielded solu-
Discovery: Scalable addressing and identification mechanisms
tions that have addressed some of the challenges that would
are required for IoT because of the continuous increase in the
have otherwise stalled the successful operation and advance-
number of connected devices. Moreover, the design of such
ment of the IoT paradigm now and in the future. Research
scalable mechanisms is being challenged by the heterogene-
results listed in Table II are currently being adopted across
ity of devices, which are configured with the IP as well as
many industries to help deploy the IoT ecosystem into their
a non-IP addressing format. Therefore, the primary goal of
respective operational environments.
research efforts in this area is to address the challenges of
device identification and addressing by designing lightweight
protocols and schemes that support flexible address allocation, III. IoT S IMULATORS AND T ESTBEDS
address collision or duplicate address detection (for security), The design, development, and evaluation of new IoT prod-
address recycling, address translation, and auto-configuration ucts and protocols prior to their deployment in the target
of addresses by devices. Such addressing protocols are neces- environment requires appropriate testing and evaluation using
sary for scalable and seamless ubiquitous connectivity in the a wide variety of tools. For example, prototyping on a large
IoT ecosystem. scale using a large number of hardware nodes may not be
5) Achieving Robust Security and Privacy Within the practical during the initial exploratory design and evaluation
Ecosystem: The IoT is an open ecosystem in which all devices phase due to economical and operational constraints, espe-
are interconnected making these devices vulnerable to mali- cially, when the reliability and utility of the protocol under
cious attacks. Due to this risk, several research efforts have consideration are yet to be proven. Additionally, setting up
focused on mechanisms to achieve reliable, at the same time, reliable and reproducible experiments involving real hardware
lightweight IoT security and privacy. can be challenging and often requires specific expertise and
6) Addressing the Challenges Introduced by Big Data and domain knowledge [24].
Data Fusion: These challenges include capturing, storage, Thus, a typical IoT research process cycle [25], which starts
analysis, and presentation (visualization) for accurate deci- with the formulation of an idea and culminates with real-
sion making [14]. Huge amounts of data will be generated world deployment, comprises both virtual and real elements.
by heterogeneous IoT sources. Such data may have nonuni- A proof-of-concept is typically realized in the virtual domain
form schemas and structures and in many cases these diverse using simulation, and the subsequent real prototype is devised
data formats have to be intelligently integrated for accurate via experimentation on a testbed. In this section, we examine
analysis. Numerous research efforts are investigating solutions some of the prominent simulators and large scale open testbeds
to solve challenges related to big data in IoT. Furthermore, that are currently available and in use for IoT research and
efficient utilization of large volumes of highly heterogeneous discuss their characteristics with reference to the three-layer
data can be realized using data fusion [15]. For example, (perceptual, network, and application) IoT architecture [26].

IoT R ESEARCH G OALS AND R ESULTS 5) Language—It reflects the degree of portability of sim-
ulated primitives for reuse in subsequent hardware
prototyping (usually only available when using C).
6) Evaluated Scale—The scale at which documented sim-
ulator evaluations have been performed.
7) Built-In IoT Standards—It represents protocol coverage
to achieve a wide range of research goals (as shown in
Table II).
8) Mobility—It indicates the support for one of the critical
features of IoT deployments.
9) Cyberattack Simulation—It research support related to
one of the key challenges of IoT in the presence of
existential adversarial threat.
10) Target Domain—It indicates the degree of specialization.
11) Overall Practicality—A qualitative measure of utility
for simulating an end-to-end IoT service across all
architectural layers.
1) Full Stack Simulators: Specialized IoT simulators in this
category include DPWSim [28], and iFogSim [29]. DPWSim
has a specific focus on applications based on the devices
profile for Web services (DPWS) standard supported by the
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards. Using a combination of spaces, devices, operations,
and events, researchers can represent the desired IoT appli-
cation, and model the necessary DPWS interactions. Being
standard-based, this simulator is highly specialized. Although
it does provide a complete DPWS simulation stack, it has no
support for other enabling protocols and technologies.
In contrast, the iFogSim simulator provides a full stack envi-
A. Simulators ronment that also supports fog computing and it achieves this
Generally, an IoT simulator needs to offer high fidelity for by extending the CloudSim toolkit [30]. The simulator sup-
scenarios comprising heterogeneous elements, support scal- ports sensors, actuators, and application processing elements
ability, provide energy or computation efficiency, and be allowing one to construct realistic network topologies and
extensible to be able to support custom requirements such as application service representations. The simulator can be used
new protocol evaluation [27]. There are three categories of for conducting performance evaluations (control loop latency,
simulators that can be used for IoT research, based on scope network bandwidth, and energy utilization) of various ser-
and, subsequently, the level of architectural layer coverage. vice deployment approaches, such as cloud-only versus fog
The first category comprises the full stack simulators that computing.
have been developed in response to the emergence of the IoT 2) Big Data Processing Simulators: Simulators in this cat-
paradigm. These simulators aim to provide end-to-end support egory focus on cloud performance and big data processing
of all IoT elements. The second category includes simulators and they include IOTSim [31] and SimIoT [32]. The IOTSim
that focus on the big data processing aspects of IoT applica- simulator focuses on the application layer and provides an
tions. The third category comprises network simulators. It is environment for evaluating big data processing capabilities
worth pointing out that some of these simulators were not orig- of IoT applications using cloud computing based on the
inally created to support the IoT paradigm, but later evolved MapReduce programming model. This simulator reproduces
to include the implementations of the necessary IoT-specific data center mechanics (such as virtual machine configura-
components. Table III presents a summary of selected IoT sim- tions, computational requirements, and cost) rather than sensor
ulators. The justification for the selected comparison criteria is network interactions and is also based on the CloudSim
provided as follows. toolkit [30].
1) Scope—It defines the level of coverage of IoT architec- Similarly, SimIoT can be used to evaluate job processing
tural layers with IoT meaning full coverage. times in a specific cloud-based data processing system config-
2) Last Update—A representation of the level of mainte- uration, based on data submitted by the sensors or users of the
nance activity. IoT service. In its current state (at the time of writing), this
3) Citation Count—A measure of simulator popularity simulator has its primary focus on data center performance
based on published research literature. evaluation, with future plans to include support for sensor
4) Type—Type of simulation paradigm reflects the under- heterogeneity and topology management.
lying assumptions about the entities and relationships 3) Network Simulators: This category contains the major-
being modeled. ity of available simulators. Network protocol research predates


the IoT paradigm and many of the previously available tools mentioning this simulator in their title. Simulated WSN motes
used for wireless sensor network (WSN) or basic networking in Cooja theoretically have access to the majority of standards
research has been adapted to incorporate additional IoT- and protocols implemented by Contiki and, thus, researchers
specific elements. The survey conducted in [33] includes have the ability to reproduce realistic scenarios that incor-
more than 30 WSN simulators that can potentially be used porate popular application-layer protocols such as message
as part of IoT research. Some of these simulators include queue telemetry transport (MQTT) and constrained application
CupCarbon [34], Cooja [35], OMNeT++ [36], NS-3 [37], and protocol (CoAP) implemented over 802.15.4 and IPv6 over
QualNet [38]. low-power wireless personal area networks (6LoWPAN). The
CupCarbon was originally designed as a simulator with simulation firmware running on virtual nodes can subsequently
a strong emphasis on supporting geographic node mobility be deployed to real physical hardware with minor modifi-
based on real-world environments. Despite its initial lack of cations bridging the gap between the proof-of-concept and
maturity [39], it has gradually evolved into an established IoT prototyping phases. Strictly speaking, Cooja is not a sim-
simulation platform for smart city environments with support ulator, rather, it is an emulator capable of instruction-level
for mobile agents that can represent unmanned aerial vehicles emulation of node firmware execution in a simulated wireless
and detailed street-level topology based on real world maps. communications environment. It should be noted that some
Unfortunately, despite being IoT-specific, CupCarbon does not researchers question the validity of previous simulations based
support application-level IoT communication protocols. on Cooja due timing inaccuracies between virtual and real
Cooja is a companion simulator available as part of the implementations [41] that have been discovered in the past.
Contiki operating system (OS), which is one the most pop- The OMNeT++ simulator is another popular network sim-
ular OSs that is used to program the IoT sensors [40]. ulation framework that is extensively used in WSN research.
Cooja is very popular in the WSN research community with This framework is well-established and it is extensible. It can
over one hundred publications available on IEEE Xplore be used to incorporate external elements for specialized needs

such as urban mobility provisioning using the simulation of evaluation simulators may not support these features, the lack
urban mobility tool [42]. These bidirectional integration capa- of built-in support for popular IoT standards by some of
bilities of OMNeT++ have been leveraged to create a special- the more established network simulators currently limits their
ized vehicular network simulator called Veins, which has been practical applicability for IoT research. Although mobility is
used for evaluating the smart transportation scenarios [43]. generally supported, there is lack of built-in support for cyber-
Unfortunately, OMNeT++ appears to lack built-in support for attack simulations. Manual integration of additional attack
IoT-specific radio models and application-level protocols. As frameworks such as NETA [47] for OMNeT++ and RPL
such, the incorporation of missing elements remains a manual Attacks Framework [48] for Cooja can be done to address
process [44]. some of these shortcomings.
The NS-3 simulator, the successor to NS-2, can also be
used to create realistic simulations of WSNs for replicating
the perceptual layer of IoT. Similar to OMNeT++ and despite B. Open Testbeds
having native support for 6LoWPAN over 802.15.4, NS-3 also While simulators can be useful for proof-of-concept devel-
lacks support for application-level protocols. opment, a growing number of researchers are relying on
In addition to open-source tools, commercial products can experimentation-based prototyping in their research efforts.
also be used in IoT research. One example is the QualNet sim- According to [25], concepts validated by simulations were ver-
ulator by scalable networks [38]. This simulator can support ified using experimental testbeds in the majority (more than
high fidelity simulations comprising heterogeneous network two thirds) of the 596 analyzed studies. Previously, a testbed
components. IoT-specific simulations can be achieved by using would need to be implemented as part of a research project
the additional Sensor Networks Library extension for QualNet, introducing the need for additional resources and skills and
which adds support for 802.15.4 networks (specifically, the resulting in extra overheads. However, with the emergence of
ZigBee derivative). a number of open testbeds, researchers have access to readily
4) Discussion: With the large number of simulators to available and deployed hardware and networks for experimen-
choose from researchers face a challenging selection pro- tation. The key advantage of using open testbeds is akin to
cess, possibly complicated by conflicting simulator selection that of a simulator—reproducibility across multiple instances
recommendations [33], [45]. Furthermore, to the best of our of the same scenario by researchers who have not created the
knowledge, at present there is no generally available all-in-one testbed themselves. Next, we provide an overview of the some
simulator that can be used to create a detailed representation of the current large-scale open IoT testbeds and describe their
of an end-to-end IoT service comprising. characteristics.
1) A WSN simulation that fully supports IoT-specific 1) FIT IoT-LAB: The FIT IoT-LAB [49] is a large scale
infrastructure and application protocols including sup- multisite and multiuser concurrent open access testbed located
port for multiple WSNs and bidirectional edge commu- in France across six different sites. Cumulatively, the testbed
nications. provides access to 2728 heterogeneous wireless sensor nodes
2) An IoT application layer simulation that integrates with communicating over IEEE 802.15.4. In addition to providing
the WSNs to provide the necessary big data storage and a set of standard nodes, users can also incorporate custom
processing features using cloud or fog computing as an hardware into their experiments. Mobility is provided via the
integrated element of the WSN simulation. use of programmable robots that can follow a circuit-like
Consequently, in order to simulate a complete IoT archi- mobility model while other models such as random way-
tecture we need to use multiple simulators (such as the use point and user-controlled mobility are currently developed.
of a network simulator for packet tracing and data genera- Today, this facility is considered to be the largest open IoT
tion and a big data processing simulator for data processing) experimental testbed available to researchers.
with increased complexity. One approach to address this 2) SmartSantander: SmartSantander [50] is a city-scale
problem could be based in multilevel simulation architectures experimental facility that provides an environment for evaluat-
as proposed in [46]. During multilevel simulation, modeling ing IoT services targeted at the smart city domain. Originally,
takes place at varying levels of detail and possibly entirely it was deployed in the city of Santander in Spain and it
within different simulation domains (such as networking and was subsequently extended to include additional federated
urban mobility) and the resulting state information is synchro- locations across Serbia, Germany, and the U.K. The origi-
nized and exchanged using intermodel interactions at runtime. nal Santander deployment includes a highly heterogeneous set
At level zero, a high-level simulator, also acting as the simula- of sensors comprising 802.15.4 sensor nodes, parking sen-
tion controller or coordinator, triggers lower-level simulations sors, RFID, and quick response codes. The set of sensors
with finer granularity as required based on the specifications features both fixed and mobile nodes fitted into vehicles such
of the simulated scenario. This approach can also theoretically as buses and taxis. The variety of sensors allows for exper-
incorporate various specialized simulators to achieve improved imentation with a wide range of smart city services such as
accuracy at lower levels. smart parking, smart irrigation, and environmental monitor-
Finally, as Table III shows, the various simulators have vary- ing, as well as support augmented reality. City inhabitants can
ing degree of support for popular IoT standards and essential also engage in participatory sensing using their mobile devices.
IoT service features such as mobility and security. While we A key feature of this testbed is its support for over-the-air pro-
expect that the full stack and specialized big data processing gramming that allows researchers to deploy new firmware to


supported nodes remotely. Using dual radio interfaces, core 3) Node and Communication Protocol Heterogeneity—The
service provisioning remains decoupled from the experiments. ability to support a wide range of hardware sensors and
In addition to the primary deployment in Santander com- protocols so that extensive prototype evaluations can be
prising around 12 000 IoT devices, the testbed includes conducted.
approximately 8000 more nodes spread across Guildford, 4) Mobility—It indicates support for one of the critical
U.K., Lübeck, Germany, and Belgrade, Serbia. These sites rep- features of IoT deployments.
resent a smart campus (Guidlford), a small-scale indoor and 5) Concurrency—The ability to support multiple distinct
outdoor node cluster (Lübeck) and a smart public transport parallel evaluations at once.
system environment (Belgrade). In the latter case, researchers 6) Federation—The ability to offer streamlined access to
are not able to access the sensors for experimentation pur- a broad heterogeneous set of experimental capabilities
poses, but can utilize historical observations collected by the via a standardized toolchain and platform.
service as part of their scenarios. 7) Primary Use Case—It indicates the level of
3) Japan-Wide Orchestrated Smart/Sensor Environment: specialization.
The Japan-wide orchestrated smart/sensor environ- The testbeds are implemented in a variety of differ-
ment (JOSE) [51] testbed is located in Japan and is ent environments and aim to support different use cases.
based on the infrastructure as a service model for IoT service The limitations of testbed specialization can be mitigated
evaluation. The testbed provides support for the concurrent via federation—linking different scope testbeds using stan-
execution of multiple IoT services each having its own dard interfaces to be able to leverage the combined set of
physical sensor network and virtual cloud infrastructure at the capabilities centrally [53]. In addition to federation support,
application layer. The testbed application layer infrastructure testbed evaluation can be done in terms of the level of provided
is spread across five data centers in Japan. The testbed support for mobility, scalability, heterogeneity, repeatability,
provides extensive capabilities around the management and concurrency, and user involvement for impact evaluation [54].
customization of the service-specific virtual infrastructure In addition to the large-scale open testbeds, other smaller
and networking using software-defined networking (SDN), scale testbeds such as Kansei, TWIST, and WISEBED are
thereby, enabling flexible experimentation at the application also available [55]. Researchers can also access data from
layer of the architecture as well. At the perceptual layer, a number of highly heterogeneous additional experimental
the testbed provides an unspecified number of IEEE 1888- services. For example, the Federated Interoperable Semantic
compliant sensors that collect and transmit environmental IoT Testbeds and Applications (FIESTA-IoT) European Union
data using standard protocols such as IEEE 802.11, 3G, and project includes ten testbeds that can facilitate evaluation of
LTE. At present, the testbed supports 27 experimental IoT semantic interoperability of IoT service data, applications, and
services [52]. experiments across different participating testbeds [56]. The
Table IV shows a summary of the open testbeds discussed emergence of open testbeds, driven by growing demand for
above. The justification for the selected comparison criteria is reproducible experiments and facilitated by easily accessible
provided as follows. and standards-based tools have also triggered the emergence
1) Scale—It defines the maximum size of the prototype of the IoT testbed-as-a-service (TaaS) [57] and experiment-as-
supported by the testbed as a measure of additional a-service (EaaS) [58].
realism expected in multiservice deployments.
2) Environment Type—It defines practical applicability
(such as smart city prototypes ideally need to be eval- IV. O PEN C HALLENGES
uated in a realistic city-like environment as opposed to The successful execution of the IoT research process will
a laboratory). rely upon the next generation of IoT research tools, and more

specifically, simulators for proof-of-concept design and eval- and data programming models with support for elastic storage
uation and experimental testbeds for real prototyping. Having and computing. Cumulatively, this set of dynamic interwo-
access to and being able to select the most appropriate research ven elements represents a complex IoT data analytics plat-
toolkit will be paramount to the success of future IoT research form (IoTDAP) [59], which is challenging to model and
projects. Next, we highlight and discuss some of the key chal- subsequently simulate. Answering the questions pertaining
lenges associated with existing IoT simulators and testbeds to holistic modeling of highly heterogeneous IoTDAPs in
that need to be addressed in the future. a scalable and extensible fashion with realistic parameters will
require a highly interdisciplinary approach.
A. Lack Support for Common IoT Infrastructure Standards
D. Threat to Validity
Simulators have varying degrees of support for popular
IoT communication protocols. For instance, widely popular Given the high heterogeneity of simulation tools and the
network simulators such as OMNeT++ still do not pro- underlying modeling paradigms, it is not surprising to see
vide a built-in implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, significant variations between simulated results and real-life
which is prominent in WSNs that fall under the IoT percep- evaluations, as reported in [18]. Simulators need to achieve
tual layer. Other simulators, while being able to model the IoT trustworthiness by facilitating verifiable valid results. This is
protocols at the physical and media access control layer, do especially relevant because simulators are used to develop
not offer support for the necessary application-level protocols the initial proof-of-concept of the research lifecycle. The
such as CoAP and MQTT out of the box. Although these miss- long-standing foundational challenges of model verification
ing elements can be added through custom extensions, doing and validation originally discussed in [60] also apply to IoT
so represents additional overheads and will likely be undesir- simulation.
able. As simulation is only part of the overarching research
process, expending additional resources during this phase may V. C ONCLUSION
be detrimental to other phases. Subsequently, simulators striv- This paper demonstrates that the IoT paradigm has been
ing to establish their place in an IoT research toolbox should the subject of intense research focus over the last five years.
provide built-in support for scenarios involving common IoT Based on the continued growth in the number of studies pub-
infrastructure standards. lished through major venues, we foresee that this trend will
continue. IoT research trends reported in this paper reveal
B. Lack of Support for End-to-End Service Simulation that researchers are increasingly working toward improving
Simulators such as DPWSim and iFogSim aim to model the existing IoT protocols to enable cognition and intelligence
interactions across all layers of the IoT architecture. However, in devices, and the development of activity, process, and
they are either highly specialized (e.g., DPWSim focuses on policy-aware IoT ecosystems of the future.
the DPWS standard) or use abstractions for representing the Many concepts such as software development, mobile com-
elements of the perceptual layer (iFogSim). As we have dis- puting, artificial intelligence, and others from related disci-
cussed previously, to the best of our knowledge, there is no plines are increasingly being leveraged by the IoT research
simulator that can support end-to-end IoT service scenario community. Our analysis provides tangible results that can be
modeling with detailed representation of entities and their utilized, leveraged, and exploited by IoT product manufactur-
interactions across all layers of the IoT architecture. For exam- ers, industries, and service providers directly or indirectly to
ple, WSN simulators such as Cooja can be used to create accelerate the creation of a smart environment for the benefit
detailed scenarios for the perceptual layer and to an extent, of society.
the network layer using a simulated gateway. However, it is However, given the fact that the IoT paradigm itself is
not possible to model the application layer and end-user IoT the result of convergence of multiple pre-existing technologi-
services as part of the same simulator, in an integrated fash- cal paradigms, namely, wireless sensor networks, the Internet,
ion. It may be possible to combine virtualization to realize and cloud computing, the path to conducting full-cycle IoT
the application layer externally to the WSN simulator, but research is not always clear. Research in this area is especially
being a decoupled component, this approach would need to challenging due to the need to examine both virtual and phys-
address synchronization challenges and take into consideration ical realms as well as highly distinct technological constructs
timing issues. Thus, future work is required to provide ways and their interactions.
that can support end-to-end IoT service simulation possibly A virtual proof-of-concept can be realized using simulators.
by extending existing tools or introducing intelligent bridges However, existing simulators are generally specialized in the
or proxies that can combine simulators representing different sense that they focus on a particular architectural layer (such
architectural layers into a single platform. as the network layer or the perceptual layer) while exhibiting
limited capabilities for being able to holistically represent an
C. Complexity of Emerging IoT Implementations end-to-end IoT service with high fidelity. One solution to over-
From an end-to-end IoT service perspective, a holistic come this could be to combine multiple specialized simulators
model needs to include a range of highly diverse elements, at various levels of granularity in a hierarchical fashion [46].
such as sensor nodes with or without fog computing capa- Furthermore, despite there being a set of core communi-
bilities, edge, and cloud data center representations, as well cation protocols in use by the IoT services (such as 802.15.4
as data storage and processing activities such as data mining and CoAP HTTP translation via proxying), existing simulators

provide varying levels of support for these core protocols and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
some do not implement the protocols beyond the media access The authors would like to thank the anonymous review-
control layer. Finally, support for fundamental features such ers for their valuable suggestions and comments which helped
as mobility and cybersecurity attacks by many IoT services is them to improve the content and presentation of this paper.
also limited. When new specialized simulators are being intro-
duced to address specific research needs, more effort should be R EFERENCES
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